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Using Orwell Dev-C++

Starting Dev-C++
Double click the DevC++ Icon:

After a few moments, the DevC++ IDE screen will appear:

NOTE: If a Tip of the Day window shows


Just click the Close button.

If you don’t want to see the Tip window everytime you start Dev-C++, check the
“Don’t display tips at startup” box before you close the window.

Using Dev-C++ ©2013, Regis University page 1

Creating a Source Code File
1) Click on the New icon and choose Source File.
OR from the top menu, choose File, then New, then Source File

An untitled empty file will appear.

You should save the source file and give it a name, before you modify it.
(see next page)
2) To save the file, click on the Save icon on the toolbar,
OR use Ctrl-S
OR select File and then Save from the top menu.

A Save File window will appear.

3) The Save File dialog box allows you to choose what directory your source code
will be saved in.
You can just accept the default (My Documents in the example above), or choose a
different directory.
(see next page)

Using Dev-C++ ©2013, Regis University page 3

In this example, we will create a new directory.

Click on the New Folder icon.

Type "MyCppCode" as the new folder name.

(see next page)

Double click on the new MyCppCode Folder to go to the new folder.
In the File name: dialog box, you must enter a name for your source file.
(In this example we are using the name “HelloWorld.cpp”)
Confirm that “C++ source files (*.cpp …)” is selected in the Save as type: dialog box

Then press the Save button.

4) You will now be back at the Dev-C++ main IDE screen.
(The TAB of the source code should contain HelloWorld.cpp)

Using Dev-C++ ©2013, Regis University page 5

5) Type your program into the source code window
(for our example, our program will be a "Hello World" C++ program)

NOTE: Unlike Bloodshed Dev-C++, Orwell Dev-C++ does not require the
use of system("pause"); to keep the results window open. It remains open

6) Always RE-SAVE your source code BEFORE you compile it.

To re-save the file, click on the Save icon on the toolbar,

OR use Ctrl-S
OR select File and then Save from the top menu.
Compiling and Running Your Source Code
1) Compile your code by clicking the compile icon on the toolbar
OR hitting the F9 key, OR
by using the top menu choices Execute and then Compile.
2) If there are errors in your code, they will appear at the bottom of your screen, under the
Compiler tab:

3) In our example, we forgot the semi-colon after the "Hello World!" statement.
Add it now:

Using Dev-C++ ©2013, Regis University page 7

4) Re-save and then re-compile your code.
Repeat steps 1-4 until your code compiles without any errors.

5) When the compile is successful, a Compile Progress screen will appear.

The status will be Done in X seconds, and the "Errors" box will contain 0:

Press the Close button.

6) To run your code, click the Run icon on the toolbar

OR press the F10 key
OR choose Execute and then Run from the top menu.

Your program will run in a DOS window.

7) Press any key to end the program.

You can close the source file (to work on another source file) by right-clicking on
HelloWorld.cpp tab and choosing Close,
OR exit Dev-C++ completely by clicking on the program window X

Opening Previously Created Source Code Files

You can open a previously created file by

clicking on the Open File icon

OR using Ctrl-O
OR choosing File and then Open from the top menu.

Using Dev-C++ ©2013, Regis University page 9

SHORTCUT (modifying the "New Source File" template)

1) From the menu at the top of the screen, choose Tools, then Editor Options
The Editor options window should appear. Click on the Code Insertion tab.

2) The Code tab page should appear. Click on the Default Source tab.
3) Type in the default code as shown:

4) Click on the OK button.

Your default new source code template has been modified.

Anytime from this point forward, when you create a new source code file, this code will be
automatically inserted as the starting code.

Using Dev-C++ ©2013, Regis University page 11

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