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Devinder Mohan Thappa*, M Senthilkumar**, Chandrashekar Laxmisha***

ABSTRACT modality of treatment necessarily eradicates warts,

maintains clearance and eliminates the virus3.
Anogenital warts refer to the pedunculated, papular
or macular lesions of the anal and / or genital DEFINITION
mucosa and its adjoining area caused by human
papillomavirus (HPV) infection. The true prevalence Anogenital warts refer to the pedunculated, papular
of HPV anogenital infection in the community is or macular lesions of the anal and / or genital
unknown. Current evidence suggests that over 50 mucosa and its adjoining area caused by human
per cent of sexually active (15–25 years of age) have papillomavirus (HPV) infection.
been infected with one or more HPV types.
Genotypes 6 and 11 are found in more than 90 per
cent of anogenital warts cases. The diagnosis of Genital warts (Condyloma acuminata) have been
anogenital warts is mainly based on the history of known since ancient times. Greek physicians first
exposure, clinical appearance, and epidemiological described the disorder and coined the term
proof of the warts in the sexual contact. Treatment "Condyloma" (meaning : rounded tumor)4. Roman
options may be categorized into cytodestructive physicians discussed the etiology and called it as
methods (surgical excision, cryotherapy, laser "Thymus" (due to its resemblance to the plant
therapy, bichloroacetic acid/trichloroacetic acid, Thymus capitatus) and "Ficus" (due to its similairty
podophyllin and podophyllotoxin), antimetabolic to the surface of the plant Ficus sycomorus).
therapy (5 fluorouracil), antiviral therapy (cidofovir "Feigwarze" is a German word for condyloma and
and interferons [IFNS]) and immunomodulation there it is still in use4. At the end of 15th Century,
(imiquimod). Recently, recommended therapeutic after the arrival of syphilis to Europe, genital warts
modalities have been classified into home therapies, were also considered as a manifestation of syphilis.
office/hospital therapies and therapies generally not Hence, some of the specific lesions in secondary
recommended. The choice of therapy depends on syphilis are still referred to as "Condyloma lata"4. In
the morphology and extent of the warts, the 1901, Heidingsfeld described the transmission of
experience of the caregiver and the preference of this disease through sexual contact. In 1949,
the patient. Strauss et al, isloated the agent responsible for
warts, the human papillomavirus. Since then HPV
KEY WORDS has become recognized as a significant human
Anogenital Warts, Clinical Features, Diagnosis, pathogen1.
Treatment Options
INTRODUCTION The incidence and prevalence of clinical HPV genital
Although genital warts have been documented since infection have been steadily increasing since the
the time of Hippocrates, they still remain as one of mid-1960s, But the true prevalence of HPV
the most common sexually transmitted disease1. anogenital infection in the community is unknown
This is because majority are sub–clinical2 and no becuase5 :

* MD, DHA, MNAMS, Professor & Head,

** MBBS, Junior Resident,
*** MD, Senior Resident
Department of Dermatology & STD
Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER), Pondicherry - 605 006, INDIA
Address for Correspondence :
Dr. Devinder Mohan Thappa, MD, DHA, MNAMS, Professor & Head, Department of Dermatology & STD,
JIPMER, PONDICHERRY-605 006, India • e-mail : dmthappa@jipmer.edu


i. The disease is symptomless and subclinical (L1 and L2). Early genes (E1 – E7) are involved
infection is common. with replication, transcription and also with
oncogenic transformation (E6 and E7). The L1 and
ii. Many individuals do not seek medical help.
L2 genes encode the major and minor capsid
iii. Most patients consult general practitioners, proteins respectively1.
who won't notify this infection to public health
There are at present more than 100 different
genotypes. Of these forty–five have been found to
iv. Even in many STI clinics, from which accurate infect the genital epithelium 6. Genotypes 6 and 11
data are genernally avialable, the diagnosis are found in more than 90 per cent of anogenital
is made only when condyloma are seen. warts cases 3. Patients with visible warts may be
Current evidence suggests that over 50 per cent of infected simultaneously with oncogenic "High Risk"
sexually active adults (15–25 years of age) have HPVs such as types 16 and 18, which mostly give
been infected with one or more HPV types6. In rise to subclinical lesions associated with
United States, the estimated prevalence among men intraepithelial neoplasia (IN) and anogenital cancer.
and women between 15–49 years of age with genital The novel HPV types are defind as having less than
warts is 1.4 million and with subclinical infection is 90 per cent homology with known types in the L1
19 million. In Britain and Ireland every year, 80,000 open reading frame 1. Several types of HPV can
new cases of anogenital warts are reported 6. The co-exist in the same wart. These HPV types cannot
prevalence of anogenital warts in India has been be differentiated serologically and cannot be grown
reported to be 5.1 per cent to 25.25 per cent of STD in vitro 6.
partiens 6. Amongst 144 cases of viral warts PATHOGENESIS
attending Dermatology and STD OPD at JIPMER,
Pondicherry between September 2000 and June All HPV types target epithelial cells and their
2002, genital warts were observed in 15 cases, all replication depends on the presence of
of them were adults and four of them were differentiating squamous epithelium 6. Viral DNA
seropositive for HIV infection by ELISA7. The mean alone can be deteched in the lower layer of the
age among males was 26 years and among females epithelium. Capsid (structural) proteins and
24 years with male to female ratio of 2 to 1. infectious viruses are found in the superficial
Underlying HIV infection may increase incidence differentiated cell layers. The infectious virus from
and prevalence of genital warts6. the epithelial cells of infected partner gains entry
through the microabrasions caused by trauma of
The incidence of warts is reported to be between 5 sexual act and reaches the basal layer of the
and 27 per cent in HIV infected individuals. In a recipient 6. After infection, in the absence of
prospective study, out of 912 HIV-1 infected patients, transformation, HPV follows the normal cycle of
21 per cent had common/plantar warts and 19 per reproduction. Clinical and histopathologic evidence
cent condyloma acuminata 8. of HPV infection usually develops 1–8 months after
initial exposure. Untreated, these lesions may
ETIOLOGY regress spontaneously or persist as benign lesions1.
The causative agent, human papillomavirus (HPV) The persistence can be attributed to the lack of
belongs to the family papillomaviridae, which detectable local immunological response, which may
includes papillomavirus affecting other species 1. be due to the following facts 6.
But HPV has remarkable species specificity. i. The virus producing cells are away from the
HPV are non–enveloped and have icosahedral basement membrane as far as immune
sysmmetry with 72 capsomeres forming the outer response is concerned.
coat 1. This coat consists of a major capsid protein ii. Inadequate production of viral particles and
and a minor capsid protein. Within this coat, a viral antigens.
circular, supercoiled, double stranded DNA
approximately 8 Kb in length is present. The DNA iii. The infected cells may exhibit insufficient
has a number of genes or open reading frames and histocompatibility antigen display on their
also a single control region (incorporating promoter surface.
regions and regulator regions). These genes are iv. Absence of Langerhan's cells at the site of
divided as early genes (E1 – E7) and late genes warts.


TRANSMISSION OF THE VIRUS remain dormant without producing any gross or

microscopic evidence of disease and, hence,
Genital HPV infections are transmitted primarily asymptomatic subclinical infection and clinical
through sexual contact 6. The infectivity of HPV disease, both asymptomatic and symptomatic 1,6.
between sexual partners is estimated to be 60 per
cent. Digital transmission has been reported. The lesions appear after an incubation period of 1–
Perinatal transmission can also occur. 8 months with an average of three months 6. They
may be solitary but generally comprise from 5 to
15 lesions of 1–10 mm diameter. Warts may
Inability to propagate HPV in the laboratory has coalesce into large plaques which are particularly
hampered investigations on the immunology of common in immunosuppressed individuals and in
warts. 6. Both cell medicated immunity (CMI) and diabetics3. In uncircumcised men, the preputial
humoral response have been documented in cavity (frenulum, glans penis, coronal sulcus, inner
patients with genital warts. But CMI appears to be aspect of the foreskin) is most commonly affected,
important. while in circumcised, the shaft of the penis is often
involved. Warts may also occur on the scrotum,
CELL MEDIATED IMMUNITY groin, perineum and anal area 3. In females, the
Increase in the CMI has been shown to be effective common sites involved are posterior part of the
in regression, controlling reactivation, preventation introitus, labia, perineum and perianal area. Lesions
of recurrence and elimination of warts. Evidence for can also be seen intravaginally or in the cervix, but
this has come from followng observations 6. these areas are affected commonly in subclinical
infection 6. The urethral meatus is affected in 20–
i. Pateints with deficiency of CMI have an 25 per cent males and 4–8 per cent of females.
increased incidence of warts (e.g. HIV Anal warts are seldom found proximal to the dentate
patients, renal transplant receipients receiving line. Intra –anal warts are most common when
immunosuppressive drugs etc). receptive anal intercourse had been practised.
ii. Children with warts show reduced tuberculin Colour of these warts varies from pinkish raspberry
reactivity. to salmon red (non-keratinized warts), greyish white
(heavily keratinized lesion) and ashen grey to
iii. Absence of Langerhan's cells and T cells in brownish black (pigmented lesions). Condylomas
the epidermis surrounding the wart. tend to be non-pigmented but, if they are, mostly
iv. Marked dermal infiltrate of mononuclear cells seen on pigmented skin (labia majora, penile shaft,
present around spontaneously resolving pubis, groin, perineum and anal area )3.
1. Condyloma acuminata (acuminate warts)
Various studies have shown that human sera have
antibodies that react to HPV proteins 6. In patients These lesions are soft, pink, pedunculated
with regressing warts, lgM (100 per cent), lgG (97 papilliferous masses (caulifloer like) with
per cent) and lgA (80 per cent) classes of antibodies finger like peduncles and irregular surface.
to HPV antigens have been detected. In 83 per cent They are usually seen on the moist partially
of these patients, lgM class of antibodies to virus- keratinized epithelium such as preputial
infected cells were also found. The patients with cavity, urinary meatus, labia minora, introitus,
complement fixing lgG antibodies had higher cure vagina, cervix, anus andanal canal, but may
rate and shorter duration of warts (less than one affect intertriginous areas as well (groin,
year) 6. Whether this increase in antibodies is the perineum and anal area) 4,6.
result of the regression of the wart or it is responsible
2. Papular warts
for the regression of the warts, is still unknown6.
These are protuberant, non-pedunculated,
CLINICAL FEATURES dome shaped or hemispherical masses, 1–4
Infection begins with viral entry and then may follow mm in diameter and are located on fully
one of three paths, latent infection in which virus keratinized epithelium 6.


3. Verruca vulgaris type or keratotic warts condyloma intermixed with foci of atypical epithelial
cells or well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma.
These are non-pedunculated, firm, papular
Diagnosis of Buschke-Lowenstein tumor often
lesions with slightly rough, horny surface, size
requires multiple surgical biopsies, computed
ranging from few millimeters to few
tomography or magnetic resonance imaging 3.
centimeters in diameter. They are ususally
seen on dry fully keratinized areas like shaft SUB–CLINICAL INFECTION
of the penis, outer aspect of prepuce, labia
majora and perineum 6. Sub–clinical HPV infections together with latent
infection are probably the most likely outcome after
4. Sessile warts exposure to HPV 2. They are associated with
These warts resembling plane warts on the symptoms such as itching, burning, fissuring and
non-genital skin, are multiple, non-coalescent, dyspareunia. In general, the mucosal surface is
tiny lesions with no horny surface, tend to be normal looking until acetic acid is applied, after
seen on the shaft of the penis, but they are which well–demarcated, roundish white lesions may
not seen on vulva 6. appear. In men, entity called papillomavirus
associated balanoposthitis has been proposed, this
5. Flat warts condition is characterized by recurrent, painful
Although not being very protuberant, flat warts fissuring of the frenulum, the coronal sulcus or the
are also slightly raised or macular which may prepuce, causing dyspareunia. In women the lesions
exhibit undulating wavy surface, sometimes are often found on vulva, perineal and perianal area
with micro spikes. They may be located but seldom around urethral meatus. Treatment
anywhere on the genital epithelium, are should be offered to only those patients who are
probably more common than acuminate warts sypmptomatic. But, predominantly sub–clincial
and are often overlooked 4,6. On the vulvar infections are asymptomatic 2.
vestibule, velvety, granular or cobblestone like
surface has been named as "vulvar ATYPICAL LESIONS
papillomatosis"9. On colposcopic examination These are considered to be brownish red or
these lesions have been colorfully described hyperkeratotic macules clinicially identifiable by the
as "Arizona cactus-like projections", "camel naked eye without acetic acid application 2. If
hump – like projections" and "stony colonial biopsied, these lesions are generally found to contain
pavement – like projections" neoplastic lesions and HPV of the high – risk type.
6. Intraepithelial neoplaisa – Bowenoid Like sub–clinical infection, atypical lesions are also
Papulosis & Bowen's Disease found in the vicinity of clinically apparent lession 2.


disease (BD) are visible lesions associated
Physical symptoms may include inflammation,
with oncogenic HPV types, most commonly
fissuring, itching, bleeding or dyspareunia 3 .
HPV 16 that exhibits full thickness intraepithelial
Clinically apparent lesions are disfiguring and can
neoplasia (IN-III) 3. These conditions are
impact sexual lifestyle. They cause feelings of guilt,
distinguished based on clinical grounds patients
anger, anxiety and loss of self esteem and create
age being most important, BP appears at 25–
concerns about future fertility and of cancer risk 3.
35 years and BD at 40 – 50 years or over. BP
presents as multiple, small, verucous or velvety, CLINICAL EVALUATION AND INVESTIGATIONS
often pigmented papules that involve the
anogenital region of young adults3. The diagnosis of anogenital warts is mainly based
on the history of exposure, clinicial appearance, and
7. "Giant condyloma" (Buschke-Lowenstein epidemiological proof of the warts in the sexual
tumor) contact 6. In both sexes, a careful inspection of the
This is a very rare variant of HPV 6 and 11 outer geinitalia is performed with a clear and
assoicated disease, characterized by powerful light. Use of a lens is highly recommended
aggressive down growth into underlying for small lesions. In women with anogenital warts,
dermal structures3. A complex histological 25 per cent also have acuminate and / or vaginal
pattern may exist with areas of benign warts and up to 50 per cent have flat lesions or


cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) lesions, PROCTOSCOPY

majority being low grade. Hence, all women with Concurrent perineal and perianal warts exist in one
anogenital warts should have a speculum third of patients, hence, anoscopy is indicated 3.
examination to identify the presence of co-existing
vaginal and / or cervical warts. For flat lesions, SOUTHERN BLOT HYBRIDIZATION
colposcopy and / or cytology recommended. It is
essential to look for concurrent STDs and tests This technique is the "Gold standard" among HPV
for them should be offered. Before therapy, DNA detection methods with a sensitivity range
recording the distribution of solitary, multiple or between 0.1 and 0.01 viral copies per cell, but is
plaque lesions at various sites allows for too time consuming and labour intensive for routine
subsequent evaluation of clearing of original diagnosis 4.
lesions and the identification of any new lesions
that develop 3.
It helps in determining the localization of HPV DNA
THE ACETIC ACID TEST within the specimen4. Here biotinlyated probes are
Following application of 3 – 5 per cent acetic acid, used, since they are more stable than the readiactive
HPV lesions turn greyish white 2,3,4. Examination probes and do not expose the staff to radioactivity.
of the vulva and penis should be done after 2 or
3 minutes, but on cervix uteri, the reaction POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION
generally appears within one minute. This whitish This is the most sensitive method for detection of
appearance is attributed to an over expression of HPV DNA, being able to detect one viral genome in
cytokeratin 10 in the HPV infected suprabasal 100,000 cells 4. This technique is able to detect latent
cells. These cells are undifferentiated and have infection but has little benefit in routine diagnosis
high protein content and the whitening might be and management and is primarily used as a
caused by de caused by denaturation. This test research tool 6.
has poor spcificity and its false positivity is
commonly due to inflammatory conditions and HISTOPATHOLOGICAL EXAMINATION
give rise to ragged irregular acetowhite borders.
The histological characteristics of the "classical
Also low sensitivity, since this test reveals areas
protuberant growth type of condyloma acuminatum
with undifferentiated epithelium that might or
in the anogenital region are 6,9,10.
might not be HPV associated. Hence, it is not
recommended for screening purposes but can be 1. Parakeratotic hyperkeratosis of varying
used for visualizing sub – clinical genital HPV degree.
associated lesions, identifying lesions for targeted
2. Moderate granulomatosis.
biopsy and for demarcating lesions during surgical
therapy. 3. Pronounced acanthosis with thickening and
elongation of the rate ridges and
COLPOSCOPY papillomatosis.
It has a higher sensitivity espcially for low grade 4. Mitotic figures may be present in the epidermis
CIN 3 . It also helps in taking biopsies of
representative areas and delineation of the afilicted 5. The most characteristic feature important for
areas during therapy. diagnosis is the "Koilocytes", which are mature
squamous cells with a large, clear perinuclear
MEATOSCOPY zone and smudgy nuclei, scattered throughout
The meatal lips can be everted using cotton wool the outer cell layers.
swab but a fuller inspection of the fossa navicularis
The nuclei of koilocytes may be enlarged and
in men is perfomed by "meatoscopy" using a small
hyperchromatic and double nuclei are often seen6.
speculum (spreader) or an otoscope, about 5 per
Ultrastructural studies show virus in some of the
cent of cases require urological investigations for
cell nuclei. Although koilocytes are thought to
adequate delieations of the proximal border 3. As a
represent a specific cytopathic effect of HPV,
rule, the posterior urethra of male patients is not
koilocytic features are often subtle and other cellular
involved without previous or simultaneous growth
changes may mimic koilcytic change. Thus detection
of meatal warts.
of koilocytes is not a sensitive or reliable predictor


of cervical HPV infection. Viral antigen can be TREATMENT

demonstrated in the nuclei of cells in the stratum
Realistic expectations of treatment should be
granulosum by peroxidase–antiperoxidase test,
set in the context of a disease that currently
indirect immunofluorescence and indirect immuno-
has a high treatment failure and recurrence rate
alkaline phosphatase reaction 6. Genital warts are 11
. Hence, the three main therapeutic goals, are
differentiated from plane warts by the presence of
basket weave orthokeratosis, instead of (1) induction of wart – free periods to alleviate
hyperkeratosis in plane warts 6. Usually, invasive anxiety and to reduce the risk of transmission
squamous cell carcinoma can be ruled out becuase of HPV.
the epithelial cells show an orderly arrangement and (2) therapy that is no worse than the disease and
the border between the epithelial proliferations and (3) minimization of morbidity and mortality for
the dermis is sharp 10. cervical cancer.
Biopsy is unnecessary for newly occuring, multiple, Treatment options may be categorized into
acuminate warts in patients younger than 35 years cytodestructive methods (surgical excision,
but is recommended in atypical cases for differential cryotherapy, laser therapy, bichloroacetic acid /
diagnositc purpose or in any case where the benign trichloroacetic acid, podophyllin and
nature of a papular or macular lesion is unclear such podophyllotoxin), antimetabolic therapy (5
as in conspicuous Bowenoid papulosis, Bowen's fluorouracil), antiviral therapy (cidofovir and
disease and giant condlylomas. HPV typing of interferons [IFNs]) and immunomodulation
anogenital warts does not add information of clinical (imiquimod)1. Recently, recommended therapeutic
use 3. modalities have been classified as follow 3.
l Podophyllotoxin (0.5 per cent solution or 0.15
Morphologically, various conditions, which need to
per cent cream).
be differentiated from verrucous lesions of genital
warts, are condyloma lata of syphilis, non-venereal l Imiquimod
treponematosis, hypertrophic verrucous type of Office/Hospital therapy
granuloma inguinale, tuberculosis verrucosa cutis,
skin tags, and malignancy2,3,6 . For small genital l Electro surgery / laser / curettage / scissors
warts, various differential diagnoses need to be excision
considered are pearly penile papules, vestibular l Cryotherapy
papillomatosis, molluscum contagiosum, l Tricholoracetic Acid.
seborrhoeic kertosis, Fordyce's spots, urethral
caruncle, lichen planus and foreign body THERAPIES NOT GENERALLY RECOMMENDED
granuloma2,3,6 . For sub–clinical infection (seldom (Used only in speical situations) 3

appears reddish), candidial infection of the vulva

and repeated topical application of antifungals need They include Interferons, 5-Fluorouracil or
to be ruled out. Others benign tumors like podophyllin.
neurofibroma, lipoma, fibroepitheliomata, and The choice of therapy depends on the duration,
normal physiological glands like Tyson's glands also morphology and extent of the warts, the experience
need to be considered before appropriate diagnosis of the caregiver and the preference of the patient 3.
is made. Around the anus, prolapse and sentinel First line treatment will achieve clearance in most
piles, and anal tags may be confused with anogenital patients within 1–6 months, although disease
warts. In unhygienic persons, dry smegma may persists in up to one third of patients 3. In general,
appear like warts and, hence, cleaning the sub- home therapy can be proposed in most cases as
preputial region is emphasized before the first line therapy for a first attack of acuminate warts
examination of warts in male genitalia. For the (Acuminate warts respond in up to 90 per cent) but
pathological specimen of genital warts, various papular and macular lesions in only 50 per cent of
diferential diagnoses considered are seborrhoeic cases) and for patient with limited disease (1–5
keratosis, mollusucm contagisum, psoriasis, lichen, warts) may benefit from simple office therapy.
planus, condylomata lata, Bowen's disease and Lesions occuring at new sites during treatment or
squamous cell carcinoma 2.


after clearance do not necessitate a change of the IMIQUIMOD CREAM (5 PER CENT)
treatment modality. Peristence or reappearance of the Imiquimod (imidazoquinolinamine) is a nucleoside–
treated lesion is usually an indication to switch to like compound that by topical application to warts
another treatment modality 6 . Also treatment modality acts as an immune response modifier inducing local
is changed if a patient has not improved substantially production of cytokines including interferon gamma,
after three provider administered treatments or if the tumor necrosis factor alpha, etc., by peripheral
warts have not cleared after six treatments. monouclear cells and recruitment of immune cells
Recurrence rates, including new lesions at including CD4+T cells 3,6 . This process may be
previously treated or new, remote sites are often followed by an immune induced wart regression,
20-30 per cent3 . All therapies are associated with which is accompanied by a reduction in HPV DNA.
local skin reactions including itching, burning, There is no direct antiviral activity.
erosions and pain. Hence, patients should be Imiquimod cream, supplied in single use sachets,
informed that periods of coital rest throughout the is applied to the warts with fingers three times per
course of therapy might reduce therapy related week (Every other night) and the area washed with
symptoms. mild soap and water the next morning 3,6 . Treatment
continued until wart clearance, or for a maximum of 16
weeks. Local reaction at the treatment site may occur
Podophyllotoxin 0.5 per cent solution & 0.15 per and a rest period of several days may be taken if required
cent cream of Podofilox 5
. Erythema develops in the majority of indiviuduals treated
This a purified extract of the Podophyllum plant, with imiquimod, but excoriation and erosion are found in
binds to cellular microtubules, inhibits mitotic division just fewer than 50 per cent of patients.
at metaphase and induces necrosis of condylomas Although imiquimod is expensive in comparison to
that is maximal 3–5 days after admininstration 3. other wart treatments, it may be cost-effective5.
Erosion occuring as the warts necrotize following However, it is not suitable for the treatment of long
therapy are shallow and heal within a few days. standing, fibrotic warts 3. In a pivotal clinical study,
The solution or cream is applied with cotton swab it has been found that female and circumcised men
or finger respectively, over the condylomas (also had better clearance rates than uncircumcised
on normal appearing skin between the lesions) men12. One study suggests that maximum potential
twice daily for three days followed by four days of is seen only after removal of warts to prevent their
no therapy 6 . Podofilox has a stable half–life, does recurrence. Hence, it can be used in combination
not need to be washed off after application. Such with surgical excision, cryotherapy or ofter non-
treatment is given for a total of 3 cycles. The total surgical interventions 12.
area of treatment should not exceed 10 cm2 and
total volume should not exceed 0.5 ml. The initial CONTRAINDICATIONS & PROBLEMS
application is by health provider to demonstrate ASSOCIATED WITH HOME THERAPY
proper application and subsequently by patients Both imiquimod and podofilox have not approved
themselves 3. Use of 0.5 per cent podofilox soulition for treatment of perianal, rectal, urethral, vaginal or
is convenient for penile warts. However, vulvar and cervical warts 3,6 . Safety in pregnancy has not been
anal warts are more feasibly and efficiently treated established for both the agents, Hence, woman of
with 0.15 per cent podofilox cream. Efficacy is better childbearing age must use contraception or abstain
in uncircumcised males than in females and from penetrative sexual acitvity during therapy.
circumcised males. Urinary meatus warts and warts Skin reactions to podophyllotoxin generally develop
on keratinized skin are often refractor3. Its efficacy on day 3 of therapy and to imiquimod, after 3-4
has been recorded in 42–88 per cent of the cases11. weeks 3,6 . Wart resolve spontaneously within a drug
Up to 50-65 per cent of patients using free period of a few days.
podophyllotoxin, experience transient and A rare but important complication is difficulty in
acceptable burning, tenderness, erythema and / or retracting the foresin becuase of painful erosions or
erosions for a few days when the warts necrotize3. edema when treating multiple warts in the preputial
They are less likely to cause systemic toxicity. Side cavity 6 . For this, medical supervision is required.
effects are usually only associated with first course Daily symptomatic office therapy include using saline
of therapy. rinses and a topical corticosteroid cream applied
liberally under the foreskin until improvement.


OFFICE / HOSPITAL THERAPY focussed to a specific spot by a system of

mirrors and lenses, and is strongly absorbed
1. Surgical Treatment by all types of tissue. Since total absorption
It is not possible to give clear directions for of the carbondioxide enery occurs in about
the surgical method of choice, as this is a 0.1 mm of the skin, very high power densities
matter of wart distribution, local tradition and can be attained in small tissue volumes. This
the clinical skills and experience of the is recommended for bulky lesions and at
physician 3. More excessive destruction may specific sites such as the urethral meatus, in
lead to fibrosis and scarring. When performed the vagina, on the cervix and in the anal
carefully, simple surgical procedures leave canal3. Although initital clearance rates are
highly cosmetic results, with the exception of good (27–89 per cent) relapses are high,
some depigmentation, which is though this may be improved with
disadvantageous on very pigmented skin. postoperative treatment with interferons and
All lesions treated properly by surgery 5 fluorouracil. Both electrosurgery and laser
virtually disappear. However, regardless of surgery should be performed with the use of
the technique, 20–30 per cent of patients surgical masks by the treatment team, and
will develop new lesions at the borders of smoke evacuator is requred 3.
the treated tissue and or at remote sites.
a. Scissors Excision 2. Cryotherapy
Superficial scissors excision is useful, if Cryotherapy destroys warts by cytolysis,
only a few lesions are present and may be directly as the result of the formation of
assisted by diathermy to control bleeding intracelluar ice crystals and their later thawing,
and to destroy any conspicuous wart tissue and from injury to the microcirculation. As a
remaining after the excision 3,9. Hence, it result of vasoconstriction and damage to the
is best used for a limited number of warts endothelium, thrombosis develops in the
and for those with a narrow base. However, arterioles and venules of the tissue 5 .
circumcision for extensive prepucial warts Treatment is usually performed at weekly
find no place in the list of treatments for interals, a freeze-thaw–freeze technique used
genital warts in men, which was tried at each session 3. Open application of liquid
successfully in a case in India13. nitrogen can be performed either by spray
device or by direct swab application, freezing
b. Electrosurgery the lesion and a margin of healthy skin 1 to 2
Modern electrosurgical units utilize mm beyond the periphery of the lesion for
monopolar systems, where the electric about 20 seconds. Closed cryoprobe systems
current flows from the active electrode, the utilize ciruclation of carbondioxide, nitrous
ball or the loop, through the patient's body oxide, or nitrogen, the probe gently pressed
to the retun pad of the electrode 3. Heat is to the surface, moistened with saline or
produced in the tissue at the point of entry lubricating jelly and freezing performed until
of high frequency currents 5 . Several a freezing "halo" occurs a few millimeteres
methods like electrofulguration, around the lesions.
electrodessication and cutting may be
Cryotherapy has the advantage of being
useful in the treatment of genital warts.
simple, inexpensive and rarely causes
Intensive coagulation can result in slow wound
scarring or depigmentation. Clinical studies
healing, secondary haemorrhage, infection and
report an efficacy range of 63–88 per cent 11.
scarring. Wart clearance can be achieved in 94
These treatments are suitable for warts at all
per cent of the cases.
automic sites but becasue of discomfort,
c. Laser excision should not be used on large areas.
Cryotherapy is a safe treatment in pregancy5.
The carbondioxide laser is the most widely
Cryotherapy can be very successful in
used laser for the treatment of anogenital
clearing warts that failed to respond to
warts 5. Carbondioxide laser emission are in
the infrared range 3 . The energy emitted is


3. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 80–90 per cent in the treatment of HPV interferon therapy for
soultion warts. It is extremely expensive and systemic
TCA is a caustic agent that causes skin side effects (with intralesional as well as
destruction by coagulation of cellular proteins. subcutaneous or intramuscular delivery)
It is applied directly to the wart surface with a frequently occur including headaches and flu
cotton tip applicator 3,11. It is most suitable for like syndrome of fever, myalgias and malaise
small acuminate or papular warts but less as well as transient leukopenia 1,9.
efficacious for keratinizd or large lesion. Interferon therapy is contraindicated in
Reported clearance rate of lesions is similar individuals with known hypersenstivity cardiac
to that of cryotherapy and podophyllin. Multiple disease, severe renal, hepatic or myeloid
applications at 1-2 weekly intervals may be dysfunction, severe depression and poorly
required but repeated therapy is not well controlled epilepsy 5. The safety of interferons
tolerated because intense burning may be in pregnancy has not been established.
experienced for up to 10 minutes after Overall, there has been failure to show a clear
applications. TCA is extremely corrosive and advantage of interferon treatments over
overzealous use may caused excessive pain, conventional therapy with respect to efficacy.
deep ulcerations into the dermis and scarring. In HIV infected patients, interferons are not
Care should be taken to avoid contact with effecitve in eradicating the lesions 14. This
the surrounding normal skin and the solution finding suggests that some component of the
be allowed to dry before the patient sits or host immune system must be intact for
stands 5. If pain is intense, dusting with sodium successful treatment with interferon.
bicarbonate can neutralize the acid. A
5. Fluorouracil (5-FU)
neutralizing agent (for example, sodium
bicarbonate, talc, liquid soap) should be The antimetabolite (5-FU is a pyrimidine
readily available in case of excess application analog that is incorporated into RNA in
or spills 3,11. When used optimally, a shallow preference to the natural substrate uracil. It
ulcer forms that heals without scarring. TCA inhibits thymidylate synthetase, thereby
can be used safely during pregnancy. inhibiting DNA and RNA sythesis, and
Therapies not generally recommended disrupting cell division 5 . This medication may
be applied topcially (5 per cent cream) or
Becuase of several shortcomings including low injected directly into warts. The cream is
efficacy and toxicity problems, routine use of applied once or twice per day to the warts until
interferons, 5- fluorouracil cidofovir, retinoids they regress or until pain or ulceration
or podophyllin is not recommended necessitates cessation of treatment. It has
generally 1,3. In the specialist setting, 5- also been observed that the application of 5-
fluorouracil is sometimes used against urethral FU on two consecutive nights per week for 10
warts and interferons alpha and beta, as weeks is as effective as continuous therapy,
adjuvant to surgery in problem cases. but there are fewer side effects. Side effects
Interferons of topical 5-FU include local inflamation and
Interferons (IFNs) are naturally occuring irritation, but ulceration may be a troublesome
antiproliferative and antiviral compounds1. complication5. Side effects of intralesional 5-
Three IFNs have been identified. IFN alpha, FU treatment include pain, erythema, skin
IFN beta, and IFN gamma. Their therapeutic discoloration, ulcerations and erosions. 5-FU
actions in HPV infection seem to be secondary is a known mutagen and teratogen, and its
to induction of antiviral protein synthesis and use should be avoided in pregnant and
stimulation of cell mediated immunity. lactating women 1.
Interferons may be administered topically, Althought topical 5-FU is not quite as effecitve
systemically or intralesionally. Side effects of as other treament modalities, such as laser, it
topical therapy are mild. Systemic therapy may has the advantage of easy home application
be given intramuscularly or subcutaneously. by the patient 14. 5-FU is also useful in
Given systemically, IFN may be more decreasing the size of very extensive lesions,
efficacious than placebo. Intralesional IFN making them more amenable to more
injections seem to have the greatest efficacy definitive therapies.


CIDOFOVIR modalities need to be considered 6. Wart clearance

rate at the end of the treatment has been 32–79 per
Cidofovir, an antiviral nucleotide analogue initially cent11.
approved for treatment of cytomegalovirus
infections, also has shown promise in treating HPV1. Podophyllin is contraindicated in pregnancy 6. It
It has been succefully used topically in refractory leads to fetal death and abortions. Systemic
warts and in HIV infected patients with genital warts. absorption of podophyllin can rarely result in renal
Side effects of topical cidofovir include erythema, toxicity, cardiovasuclar crisis, neuropathy, coma,
local irritation, ulcerations,and post treatment hepatotoxicity, granulocytopenia, and
hyperpigmentation1. thrombocytopenia. Prolonged use of podophyllin is
not advocated for the fear of its oncogenic potential
RETINOIDS due to its two chemical mutagens (quercetin and
Retinoids are another theroritically promising
modality for the treatment of HPV disease 9. They As per a recent report, it has been pointed out that
have been demonstrated to enhance both humoral podophyllin, which has low efficacy, high toxicity, and
and cell-mediated immunity. These compounds are a serious mutagenicity profile does not comply with
also well known regulators of cellular differentation. the WHO guidelines for plant-derived treatments 15.
Several reports have documented beneficial results It has been suggested that this product should be
with systemic retinoids used for immunosuppressed reomoved from clinical treatment protocols.
patients with HPV disease.
Although podophyllin has only moderate efficacy Subclinical HPV infection is one that is not clinically
and more side effects than podophyllotoxin, this drug visible with the unaided eye, requiring colposcopy
still deserves full consideration as first line therapy with or without aceto-whitening or histopathology
in developing countries like India because of its to confirm the diagnosis 14. Latent HPV infection is
cheaper rate, widespread clinical use and an infection in which the presence of HPV can be
nonavailablity of podophyllotoxin and imiquimod, and confirmed only by the detection of the HPV DNA. It
its often–spectacular initial effects 6. seems reasonable that totally asymptomatic patients
Podophyllin was introduced in the treatment of warts probably should be left alone, because, there is no
in 1942 5. It is an ethanol extract prepared from the completely successful treatment available to
dried rhizome and roots of the plant Podophyllum eliminate HPV from infected cells and potential
spp. (Greek podos-a foot, phyllon- a leaf), so morbidity from over treatment can be significant. The
named as the leaf has a fancied resemblance to a cases where subclinical disease is identified by
webbed foot 6. It is a complex resinous material ancillary means, they can be treated by a variety of
containig podophyllotoxin, alpha peltatum and beta methods, including cryotherapy or laser.
peltatum, obtained from American plant, COURSE & PROGNOSIS
Podophyllum peltatum and P. emodi, an Indian plant,
growing in the Himalayas (May apple or Mandrake). The natural couse of genital warts spans the entire
Podophyllin inhibits mitosis at metaphase and spectrum of behaviour, from limited, easily treatable
causes swelling and necrosis of cells. It is used as disease to extensive progressive disease resulting
a dry powder or by making solutions with mineral in intraepithelial neoplasia or invasive squamous cell
oil, rectified spirit, liquid paraffin, propylene glycol; carcinoma 14. Although malignant transformation is
and tincture of benzoin, 10–25 per cent is the usual believed to be rare occurrence, genital warts can
form used worldwide. Podophyllin is applied to the be found immediately adjacent to vulvar carcinomas
warts by clinicians using cotton tipped swab once about 15 per cent of the times.
or twice a week for up to six weeks. Applications
are limited to less than 0.5 ml or 10cm 2 per ANOGENITAL WARTS & PREGNANCY
treatment session. The surrounding skin is protected Warts flourish in pregnancy and there is increase in
with vaseline/petrolatum, powder or both. One to 4 both size and number 6. This may be due to the
hours after application, it is completely washed off. influence of increased hormone level, vascularity
After 6 sittings if the warts persist, other treatment and immune deficiency, which are seen in


pregnancy. Large warts may cause dystocia. Even types 6,16. These are under trials and the aim of these
without treatment, warts may reslove after delivery. trials is to develp a vaccine against oncogenic HPV
The newborn may pick up infection during labour. types.
Cryotherapy and TCA are ideal for warts in pregnant
women. Large warts can be surgically excised. THERAPEUTIC VACCINES
Podophyllin, podofilox, imiquimod, and 5- These preparations are also under trial, and here
Fluorouracil are not advocated in pregnancy. Some DNA based vaccines and the VLP that have protein
clinicians prefer elective caesarian section to prevant other than the L1 proteins are used 3,16. Their aim is
transmission of the infection to the neonate 6. to produce a vaccine, which promote neutralizing
antibodies, and also a cellular immune response,
ANOGENITAL WARTS IN CHILDREN which may eleminate an established intracellular
Genital warts in children may result from several viral infection.
modes of transmission acquistion at birth by HPV PATIENT COUNSELING
transmission from the material genital tract,
autoinoculation from finger warts, and non–sexual Information and counseling are fundamental to
transmission from family members/carers 3 . proper management and need to be non-
However, the potential of sexual abuse must always judgmental, supportive and focus on the nature of
be borne in mind, in one large series, child abuse the disease, therapy expectations, and a balanced
was documented in 43 per cent of the cases of perspective on sexual issues 3. Patients should
genital warts. A multidisciplinary team that includes receive clear information as to the cause, treatment
a pediatrician should, therefore, manage children outcomes and possible complication of anogenital
with anogenital warts. Genital warts present at warts. Advise female patients about regular
delivery are associated with a risk of 1 in 400 of the participation in cervical cytology screening
infant developing juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis. programmes. Encourage patients to use barrier
There is no proof treatment of pregnant women protection with new sexual contacts until successful
diminishes this risk. Although reduction of viral treatment has been completed. The use of condoms
burden would seem possible. within a stable relationship may not be needed, as
the partner will already have been exposed to the
ANOGENITAL WARTS AND IMMUNOSUPPRESSION infection by the time of consultation. Current partner
and if advisable, other partners within the past 6
Immunosuppression, as consequence of HIV months, should be assessed for the presence of
infection, and iatrogenically, as a result of transplant lesions and for education and couseling about STDs
grafting, is linked to a significant increase in and their prevention.
multicentric and refractory condylomas, and of
intraepithelial neoplasia 3. Hence, annual cytological REFERENCES
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