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1) Access to information:

Information is golden and empowering. Access to information makes the society more
educated; which leads to a stable, more healthy, creative and happy society, with a better
standard of living. An informed society is more exposed to different viewpoints, ideas,
cultures, values, and hence is more aware of its own rights, and the principles of
democracy. During the recent revolution in Egypt, a protestor said, “I’m here on the
streets not just because I’m so dependent on the internet and I the government decided
to shut if off; I’m here because I want to defend my democratic right – whether one uses
the internet or not, I have the right to make the decision on whether to access the
internet or not. Internet helps inform citizens as to what is going on around the world,
exposes them to different ideas, values and discussions, and changes the mind-set of the
people just by increasing their general awareness of the world around them.
2) Gives People a Voice:
It gives people an avenue to speak their mind, be heard, to share / discuss ideas, vent
their frustrations. Using internet, anyone can be a pundit, a reporter, or a political
organizer using tools such as text messages, e-mails, wikis, blogs, video, and websites. It
fosters not just one-to-one communications, but a many-to-many communications. For
activism that is not centrally organized, for activists who don’t have the resources for
organizing events or rallies, the internet provides a great avenue for digital organization
or e-activism. For example there groups of airline passengers, church goers, and
television show fans that have come together online and changed public policy and
private decisions – groups that are too disparate to have been constituted without the
Internet. In Colombia, the Facebook group “A Million Voices Against FARC” organized
what some called the largest protest in Colombian history when an estimated 4.8 million
Colombians participated in 365 marches across the country. The Internet provides a
great platform for political discussion, debate and deliberation that leads to an increase
in political participation, which also fosters the formation of social capital, and helps
3) Helps Create Transparency and Government Accountability:
Government accountability, and have checks and balances in a constitutional system,
are crucial elements required for the functioning of a real democracy. Internet and
concepts like e-governance, help create a transparency between the government and the
citizens, helps understand each others problems a little more clearly, and builds and
closer relationship between the two. This leads to a more efficient governance, and
assists in building trust between the government and the people. The increased political
participation, and improved transparency as a result of the internet, have proven to have
resulted in rooting out corruption, better monitoring of election results, and hence
helping safeguard the democratic principles. Demonstrations, activisms, revolutions,
elections, and other processes that may be substantially influenced by digital networking
all help is vertical accountability (from the citizens to the government).

 Nope no way.

People nowadays want to be free and express themselves be different and not part of a whole. America
should be that place of freedom. Now I am certainly not saying yay let's not have a government. We do
need a government this goes all the way back to the Natural Laws and Thomas Hobbs, but people want
FREEDOM to be apart from the majority. I am not content with the way our government is headed now,
but God has a plan. Let's face it the internet is so full of information and sites with all aspects of political
opinions and polls and the latest numbers and all that jazz, but what it really comes down to is what YOU
want in YOUR government.

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 The Internet Encourages Democracy

Yes, the Internet encourages democracy as the Internet allows anyone to have a voice about any topic.
Whether it be through Facebook updates, Twitter posts, Google Plus updates, or blogging, there are a
bevy of ways that a person's view can be expressed on the Internet. This free exhange of ideas creates a
democratic environment.

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 First of all

Republics are not the opposite of democracies. A Republic is a nation which has no king. A democracy is
something that is decided majorly by the people, with elected representatives representing the masses.
The Internet actually does represent both a republic and democracy. Internet has no "Ruler" (no one
Invented the Internet), and its content is determined by the masses. Democracy is shown obviously
through the Internet by giving people a voice and the ability to vote (this site is a perfect example). The
Internet, at least as it is used in American, reflects our affinity for democracy and the ideals of our

Posted by: prouditalian2003

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 Internet encourages democracy

Yes, the internet definitely encourages democracy. The internet is a place where people can express
themselves as individuals without the threat of being judged. It is also a place where they can find like-
minded individuals. With that being said, the internet can help people find their voice as it has in other
countries that are not democratic. I believe that is why certain countries ban the internet or websites
outside their countries so that citizens do not cling on to those ideas and try to change other citizen's
ways of thinking against their current government.

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 Yes, the free flow of information is vital to democracy

I think that the internet does in fact encourage democracy, because the free flow of information helps
people communicate, organize and disseminate a wide range of information. The internet, primarily social
media websites, were instrumental in recent pushes around the world to overthrow oppressive
governments in favor of democracies, such as in Syria and Egypt.

 No the internet does not encourage democracy.......

What it encourages is a republic. A democracy means the majority can rule over the minority, a republic
is the antithesis of such a thing and exists to protect the rights of the minority. This is what the internet
encourages.....a freedom of expression, of thought and of acts that a democracy does not allow for, and
consequently why the majority wants to control it unable to rule over us in that realm as they can
everywhere else.

So no I do not believe the internet encourages democracy at all, it encourages the absolute opposite, and
what America SHOULD be.
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 Nope no way.

People nowadays want to be free and express themselves be different and not part of a whole. America
should be that place of freedom. Now I am certainly not saying yay let's not have a government. We do
need a government this goes all the way back to the Natural Laws and Thomas Hobbs, but people want
FREEDOM to be apart from the majority. I am not content with the way our government is headed now,
but God has a plan. Let's face it the internet is so full of information and sites with all aspects of political
opinions and polls and the latest numbers and all that jazz, but what it really comes down to is what YOU
want in YOUR government.

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