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TRINE patch history

patch 1.09:

* adds support for iZ3D

* adds European Portuguese language support (text-only), thanks to Portugala��es
(Alice Alexandre & Jo�o Rodrigues)
* adds Romanian language support (text-only), thanks to Radu Petru Istrate

patch 1.08:

* adds support for NVIDIA 3D Vision

* tweaks the antialiasing method, works better now (enabled in the Launcher or
"/antialias_samples 8" etc in the game console)
* tweaks the last level once again, now no enemies on Very Hard

* fixes minor item description text errors

patch 1.07:

NEW CONTENT: FREE DLC level - "Path to New Dawn" (available upon completion of the
- thanks for playing Trine and supporting Frozenbyte!

* adds information about experience and secrets to the Inventory menu

* adds version number information to the main menu
* adds print screen bind for screenshots (F11 & PrtScn both save screenshots to
* adds failsafe for unlocking Very Hard difficulty

* fixes a respawn bug in Iron Forge (co-op) near the first gate
* fixes missing cursor in the game over menu when playing co-op with gamepads

* note: Re-enables high quality videos for Radeon 5x00 Series cards, works
flawlessly now

patch 1.06:

* removes copy-protection from some retail versions of Trine (Europe, North


* adds new resolutions to the Launcher (uncommon resolutions can still be forced by
editing config\options.txt and setting the resolution with lines screen_height_and
* adds support for manually configuring which input devices to use in
config\options.txt (player1_keyboard_ID, player1_mouse_ID)
* adds Turkish language support (text), thanks to 23 Studios (Semih Sancar & Devrim

* fixes "Up" control to be separate from "Jump" (configurable in the Customize

controllers screen)
* fixes Windowed mode titlebar support
* fixes mouse cursor in widescreen (aspect ratio)
* fixes a rare crash when the player touches a falling rock as it breaks
* fixes a rare crash when a water splash effect is played while the player exits to
* fixes a rare bug that occurred when the player switched characters and died
* fixes final boss animations sometimes not working properly (Tower of Sarek)
* fixes a co-op respawn bug with the last checkpoint (Tower of Sarek)
* fixes a collision issue in the Iron Forge level (caused the Thief to take damage
from lava)
* fixes several oxygen gauge bugs
* fixes autoaim bugs in Tower of Sarek
* fixes the Boots item to work properly (reduces spike/goo damage)
* fixes random failure of overwriting save slots in the New Game menu
* fixes incorrect behavior with menu select confirms when using a gamepad
* fixes menu behavior during fade outs
* fixes Credits section names again

* note: a check for Radeon 5000 Series (5400-5900) for Vista/Windows 7 has been
added to disable high quality videos that cause random crashes with these systems;
this check can be disabled with the option "force_high_quality_video = 1" in
config\options.txt (which may be useful if e.g. new graphics drivers fix the
problem eventually).

patch 1.05:

* tweaks the last level, now much easier on Easy/Medium/Hard

* adds save support for selected controller type

* adds log support for PhysX errors
* adds several small technical optimizations

* fixes audio that was not stopped when skipping the end cinematic
* fixes thin horizontal bar visible during videos on some resolutions
* fixes break effect for objects in the last level
* fixes two broken checkpoints in levels (4th in Shadowthorn Thicket and 10th in
Iron Forge)
* fixes some wall collisions in Iron Forge
* fixes camera bug when restarting level during a cutscene
* fixes bug regarding levers
* fixes bug where enemy item drops are considered secrets
* fixes Credits section names

patch 1.04:

* fixes "mystery developer keys" for non-regular keyboard buttons

patch 1.03:

* fixes alt-tab crash after 1.02 patch

* fixes developer controls that broke the game after 1.02 patch

patch 1.02:

* introduces multiple keyboard and mice support (for USB keyboards/mice, enabled in
the Launcher)
* tweak for the last level, now easier on Easy and Medium difficulties (note: you
can change difficulty from the main menu for this level)

* adds controller name support to the controller configuration screen

* adds support for (old) gamepads that use "sliders" as axes
* adds support for manually adjusting the gamepad cursor sensitivity (see
config\options.txt after the first launch)
* adds "Change difficulty" option to the game over menu on the last level
* adds input lag reduction (on by default)

* fixes a problem with videos/cutscenes (occasional lag)

* fixes some problems with gamepads and polishes gamepad functionality
* fixes reset of keybind selection upon launch of game
* fixes a bug of not detecting certain graphics cards correctly, resulting in
graphics corruption
* fixes a bug that accidentally disabled enemy AI when pressing F10 button
* fixes some refresh rate issues

patch 1.01:

* fixes some gamepad issues

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