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1. While writing your paper, what did you learn about the research process?

a. During the time that I wrote my paper I learned how to find reliable sources. I spent a lot of time
learning through different sources reading them and I had to determine which ones I could use
and which ones would help me in my paper. I also learned how to structure a professional like
paper, which I think will help me later on in college.
2. How was the research related to your mentor hours?
a. I did my mentor hours at Lake Norman Regional Medical Center and shadowed a nurse. My
research paper was on nursing so it was connected well with what I want to do. I focused on
pediatrics in my paper but volunteered in Women’s health and Labor & delivery since LKNMC
doesn’t have a pediatric floor. I enjoyed doing my mentor hours though because I got to explore
a different nursing field then what I originally thought about doing.
3. Summarize the mentor hours that you completed.
a. I did a 10 hour shift over the summer, I started off by doing small tasks like folding baby clothes,
getting coffee for the nurses and learning how the nurses chart both manually and in the
computer. Once the maternity floor was up I helped give a newborn a bath and checked their
blood pressure/ other vitals. After that we got lunch and went right back to work. I observed
babies in the NICU and talked to different nurses on the labor/delivery floor and in the NICU. I
learned more about not only the maternity floor but all of the Women’s health services.
4. How did working with your mentor affect your understanding of the topic area and /or the
professional world?
a. Working with my mentor helped me with emploring different fields of nursing that I probably
wouldn’t have looked into if I was not given the opportunity to work with her. I always knew I
wanted to work with children but I never considered babies or women’s health.
5. How did creating a product and completing the hours challenge you personally?
a. My mentor hours changed me in ways I did not expect. I saw a new side of nursing I never knew
I would, I got to see families with their newborn babies and all the joy that surrounded them once
they entered the world. The joy and hope in the hospital was inspiring, and made me not want to
leave. Completing the product was fun because I got to work with my friends and use the skills I
learned in multimedia to my video. I did a lot of research on the different health emergencies that
occur at schools.
6. Do you feel prepared academically and emotionally for the presentation?
a. Before the pride project I did not think I was going to be able to write it and do the whole
process but once I started the paper it was not as bad as I had imagined. The stress it put on me
along with the regular stress of Pine Lake academics was a lot to handle at some points. The
presentation really scares me and I am scared I am not going to be prepared and mess up because
of nerves not because I do not know what I am talking about or enjoy my topic.
7. How did the entire process “stretch” you as a learner and as an individual?
a. The paper helped me learn a lot about myself as a writer. As long as I kept up with the
assignments/pages that were due time was not an issue but if I fell behind on any of the deadlines
it really would have been an issue. I also learned about myself and what I want my future to look
like and how strong I am. Seeing a sick baby in the NICU really got ot me and broke my heart,
after that I realized that I want a more positive job even though nursing is extremely rewarding
I’m not sure that my heart could take sick children everyday.
8. Other than time management, describe an obstacle you encountered and how you overcame it.
a. Getting my product approved was an obstacle I had to overcome. I am thankful for the “coffee
house” sessions but do not think they made a difference in my vision for my product that did not
get approved the first round. I was frustrated because I thought my idea was good but it was too
broad therefor I had to specify and add more details. I worked with teachers and they helped me
make my product form better and I continued to work on it and eventually it got approved.
9. What “life skills” did you acquire and how will they help you in the future?
a. I acquired the skills of having to be creative, talk to people and be okay with not having a life
plan. It was very difficult for me when I realized I did not want to pursue nursing because I am a
planner and I like to have my life planned out but this project has opened my eyes to other
occupations so I do not waste time in college figuring it out.
10. If you had to go back and do parts of the project again, what would you do differently?
a. If I had to go back and do parts of my project again I would start my product earlier. I meant to
start it earlier but due to the approval process and the many breaks I got distracted and but it on
the back burner. I feel like if I started it earlier I would be less stressed in the spring season.
11. Based on the entire Pride Project experience, do you plan to pursue this field as a career or college
area of study? If so, why? If not, why? Please be specific.
a. I do not want to do nursing in college even though I looked a lot into the various nursing
programs at the colleges I was considering once I discovered elementary education I knew that is
where I belong. I decided to explore other occupations because during my mentor hours I saw a
extremely sick baby in the NICU, it broke my heart and I do not think my heart can handle that
as my job.

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