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*Frames of Learning (Highlight frames for which you are preparing)

*Conceptual Understandings: Conceptual understandings are statements of essential ideas that accompany each of the overall
expectations. Conceptual understandings include concepts, skills, attitudes, and habits of mind.

 There are many ways to communicate thinking, theories, ideas, and feelings.
 We develop our ability to communicate through our engagement in imaginative and innovative thought and

*Overall Expectations (OE): Knowledge and skills described, in general terms, in each frame. Educators focus on the overall
expectations when co-constructing learning with the children.

OE22 Communicate their thoughts and feelings, and their theories and ideas, through various art forms.

SRWB – Self Regulation and

BC − Belonging and Contributing DLMB − Demonstrating PSI − Problem Solving
Well Being
Literacy and and Innovating
Mathematics Behaviours
*Noticing and Naming Learning : Making Learning Visible
Learning Goals: Enable children to think about and to begin to Success Criteria: Enable children to know when and what they are learning.
direct their own learning. Support the knowledge and skills Accomplishments along the way.
described in the overall expectations and conceptual
understandings.  Sing along with the teacher and classmates.
 I can read or recognize the word of the day.  Notice mindfulness characteristics through use of
 I can sign along to the popcorn sight word sound.
song.  Raising hand when wanting to speak.
 I can notice and name elements of
 I can participate in group activities.
Ways in Which Children Might Demonstrate Their Learning:
Specific Expectations: describe in greater detail Children are not required to demonstrate their learning in all three ways.
the knowledge and skills related to overall expectations. SAY DO REPRESENT

Students are participating in discussion.

22.1 Communicate their ideas about something Students are respectful and attentive to the introduction of new
through music, drama, dance, and/or the visual arts. material.

Students sing along to sight word song.

Students volunteer to demonstrate their learning.

The Educators’ Intentional Interactions : Teacher Questions/Prompts

How educators engage with children’s learning- students; strategies; materials; environment – based on observations
R: Let’s follow along our popcorn sight words song together. Can you stop singing when we arrive at our word of the day?
*Using pointer I will follow along the words until we stop*
C: I want everyone to be very quiet as I ring the bell; listen to the sounds. We will all be quiet until the bell stops. Everyone
will get the chance to share what sounds they heard, things they may have seen, felt or thought during that time.
E: Let’s try to listen for the bell sound today and repeat the moment of silence and mindfulness.

Assessment Documentation
- Observation
- Student participation orally or written form on the board.
- Notes taken after the lesson for any exemplary or disruptive behaviours.

Materials required:
- Sound bells
- Flash cards
- Sight word poem

Possible learning next steps for learning :

Students will continue to work on sight word recognition through song and literacy activities.
Throughout the week, they will develop a better understanding of mindfulness and how to apply it.

Script how you plan to engage the students with this opportunity. (if required)

Jolly Phonics alphabet song projected on the white board to welcome students in the classroom.

“Good morning boys and girls, today is going to start a little differently than you’re used to. Instead of Mrs. McFadgen, I will begin the
day with you for the morning meeting.”

Take attendance
“Good morning ______” – way to identify the students present in the classroom.

Announcements from the office

Play breathing awareness video.

Explain purpose of the “mindful minute” and use created flash cards to name characteristics.

- When we hear the bell make the sound “ding”, we -> Listen
- When we sit so nicely on the carpet with our breathing buddies, we notice our -> body
- When we’re outside at recess, in the gym or at play, we notice -> all around us
- When we think of something that’s not happening right now, we notice -> our thoughts.
- When we have a happy smile or sad face, we notice -> our thoughts.

Can anyone remind me what we do when we do this *ding* (bell rings)

Anytime today when you hear this bell I want you to be quiet, stop and listen.

Literacy Mini Minds On

Letters and word of the week.
“The week, our letters are “l” and “f”, and our word of the day is ‘’can.”

Read the projected Word of the Day worksheet.

“Can anyone show me once on the board where the word _____ is written?” – Keep inviting students until all of the words are

Lead into Literacy centers.

Date: November 14, 2017 Learning Opportunity: Mindfulness and Literacy


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