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Asana for Obesity - Bhujangasana

1. Cobra Posture (Bhujang asana)

This pose can strengthen the ab muscles to reduce belly fat. It will also help to strengthen the
upper body by creating a strong and flexible spine. To perform this pose:

1. Lie on your stomach with your legs stretched out and your palms positioned underneath
your shoulders.
2. Your chin and your toes should be touching the floor.
3. Inhale slowly and raise your chest upward while bending backward.
4. Depending on your strength, hold this pose for 15-30 seconds.
5. Exhale slowly and bring your body back to the original position.
6. Repeat 5 times with a rest time of 15 seconds in between each pose.

If you are pregnant, have an ulcer, hernia or back injury, do not attempt this pose.

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