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Guidance for Controlling Potential Risks to

Workers Exposed to Class B Biosolids

This guidance is intended only for controlling health risks to workers from
Class B biosolids during handling and land application. This guidance is not
intended to address nonoccupational exposure.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

July 2002
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and may be freely copied or reprinted.

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Publication Number 2002–149


Introduction Workers may come in contact with Class B
biosolids during the course of their work. Workers
Biosolids are the organic residues resulting from and employers may be well aware of the need
the treatment of commercial, industrial, and for precautions when contacting untreated sew-
municipal wastewater (sewage). One purpose age but less aware of the need for basic precau-
of the treatment is to significantly reduce the tions when using Class B biosolids. This docu-
concentration of disease-causing organisms (also ment provides information, guidance, and rec-
known as pathogens). Treatment also reduces ommendations to employers and employees work-
the attractiveness of the residues to insects, ing with Class B biosolids to minimize occupa-
birds, and rodents. The product is a material tional risks from pathogens. It does not address
that can be recycled for uses such as adding other potential safety and health issues such as
organic material to the soil. injuries or exposures to chemicals.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
has established two categories of biosolids: How are biosolids used?
• Class A biosolids have undergone treat- Biosolids are typically treated to Class B or
ment to the point where the concentration Class A standards at the wastewater (sewage)
of pathogens is reduced to levels low enough treatment plant, where a liquid or semi-solid
that no additional restrictions or special han- material is produced. In a liquid state, biosolids
dling precautions are required by Federal can be transported by truck to a land applica-
regulations [40 CFR* Part 503]. If the Class A tion site where they are applied directly to
biosolids meet exceptional quality require- the land using tractors, tank wagons, irrigation
ments for metals content, they may be systems, or special application vehicles. Alter-
sold in bags and applied in the same way natively, biosolids may undergo mechanical
as other soil conditioners such as peat dewatering that may include the use of poly-
moss. mers. Dewatered and liquid biosolids are often
temporarily stored at the treatment plant or
• Class B biosolids have undergone treatment application site. Dewatered biosolids are trans-
that has reduced but not eliminated patho- ported and applied to land using front-end load-
gens. By definition, Class B biosolids may ers, trucks, tractors, or biosolids-spreading equip-
contain pathogens. As a result, Federal reg- ment. Most biosolids are applied with spreaders
ulations for use of Class B biosolids require in semisolid form and then incorporated into the
additional measures to restrict public access soil using a disc plow. Workers may come into
and to limit livestock grazing for specified either direct or indirect contact with biosolids
time periods after land application [40 CFR during any phase of the treatment, transport, or
Part 503]. This allows time for the natural application process, or after they are land ap-
die-off of pathogens in the soil. plied. Currently, more than 50% of the biosolids
generated in the United States is recycled as soil
Whereas EPA rules [40 CFR Part 503] restrict conditioners to improve and maintain productive
public access to lands treated with Class B soils and stimulate plant growth rather than being
biosolids in order to protect public health, these sent to landfills or incinerated. Biosolids are ap-
rules do not apply to workers involved with plied on agricultural land, forestlands, and sur-
Class B biosolids handling and land application. face mine reclamation sites. Class A biosolids
are also used in horticultural applications. EPA
estimates that 7.1 million tons of biosolids were
Code of Federal Regulations. generated for use or disposal in 2000.

What is in biosolids that means they are present in the intestinal tracts of
requires control of worker humans and animals. Enteric organisms that may
exposures? be found in biosolids include, but are not limited
to, Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Shigella,
There are four major types of human disease- Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Norwalk
causing organisms (pathogens) that can be found virus, and enteroviruses. Exposure may poten-
in sewage: (1) bacteria, (2) viruses, (3) protozoa, tially result in disease (e.g., gastroenteritis) or in a
and (4) helminths (parasitic worms). Class B carrier state in which an infection does not clini-
biosolids may contain the same types of patho- cally manifest itself in the individual but can be
gens as the source sewage, but at reduced con- spread to others. These enteric organisms are usu-
centrations. Both Class A and Class B biosolids ally associated with self-limited gastrointestinal
may also contain chemicals (including metals) illness but can develop into more serious diseases
and allergens. in sensitive populations such as immune-compro-
mised individuals, infants, young children, and
To protect public health, the EPA’s 40 CFR especially the elderly.
Part 503 rule prescribes a restricted period of
up to 1 year to limit public access to lands The disease risk is a function of the number and
where Class B biosolids have been applied. types of pathogens in the Class B biosolids rela-
These EPA restrictions do not apply to occupa- tive to the exposure levels and infective dose.
tional access. EPA does recognize that occupa- Because data are sparse on what constitutes an
tional exposure can occur and states that workers infective dose, it is prudent public health prac-
exposed to Class B biosolids might benefit from tice to minimize workers’ contact with Class B
several additional precautions such as use of biosolids and soil or dusts containing Class B
dust masks when spreading dry materials, the biosolids during production and application, and
use of gloves when touching biosolids, and rou- at land application sites during the period when
tine hand washing before eating, drinking, smok- public access is restricted. Class A biosolids
ing, or using the bathroom. may also present some health risk to workers,
since some chemicals and biologic constituents
The risk of worker exposure to infectious agents in Class A biosolids are not regulated by the
in Class B biosolids is likely greatest prior to, EPA.
during, and immediately after land application
of the biosolids. Because the concentration of
Can workers be exposed to
pathogens declines through natural processes,
the potential for pathogen exposure decreases pathogens from biosolids?
over time. Workers could be exposed to pathogens and ir-
ritants when working with Class B biosolids
Do we know these during the period when public access is re-
pathogens can cause stricted. During a NIOSH field investigation at
disease? one biosolids land application and storage site
that did not comply with EPA requirements, the
Yes, the association between poor hygiene, raw following was observed:
sewage, and infectious disease is well estab-
lished. Most of the pathogenic bacteria, viruses, • NIOSH interviewed employees who worked
and parasites in biosolids are enteric, which in all phases of the biosolids operation. Some

employees reported repeated episodes of Class B biosolids is needed. This will reduce
gastrointestinal illness after working with scientific uncertainty about these issues and al-
the biosolids, either at the treatment plant low further refinement of worker precautions.
or during land application.

• NIOSH observed among workers an in-

What should employers do
consistent awareness, provision, and use to prevent work-related
of protective equipment and hygiene prac- illness?
tices appropriate for handling Class B
biosolids (or biosolids that do not comply To protect workers who have direct contact
with EPA standards). with Class B biosolids and thus are likely to
have an exposure to pathogens, employers should
• NIOSH collected bulk samples from dif-
provide a basic level of protection, including
ferent locations within the biosolids stor-
appropriate measures from those listed below.
age site and found measurable concentra-
While the measures are worded to refer to
tions of fecal coliforms. Fecal coliforms
Class B biosolids, most also apply to tasks in-
are used as an indicator for the presence
volving contact with sewage, untreated or par-
of other enteric microorganisms. Enteric
tially treated sludge, or substandard biosolids.
bacteria were detected in air samples col-
lected at the land application site.
• The local department of environmental
services recently informed NIOSH that Provide basic hygiene
biosolids applied at this site intermittently recommendations for workers.
exceeded (by up to 4.5 times) the EPA
fecal coliform upper limit for Class B Basic hygiene precautions are important for
biosolids prior to the NIOSH survey. workers handling biosolids. The following list,
originally developed by EPA, provides a good
• The substandard biosolids were applied at set of hygiene recommendations.
the agricultural site before the monitoring
results were received from the laboratory. 1. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and
EPA reports that high-pressure spray applica- water after contact with biosolids.
tions may result in some aerosolization of
pathogens and that application or incorpora- 2. Avoid touching face, mouth, eyes, nose,
tion of dewatered biosolids may cause very genitalia, or open sores and cuts while
localized fine particulate/dusty conditions. Also, working with biosolids.
farm workers may be exposed to biosolids after
application and during the restricted period. An- 3. Wash your hands before you eat, drink,
cillary workers (for example, laborers hired to or smoke and before and after using the
clean trucks that were used to haul biosolids) bathroom.
can be exposed to biosolids. Exposures to sub-
standard biosolids can occur when these materi-
als are loaded and hauled to approved landfills 4. Eat in designated areas away from
or incinerators for disposal. biosolids-handling activities.

Additional study of worker exposures to patho- 5. Do not smoke or chew tobacco or gum
gens and other toxics possibly present in while working with biosolids.

6. Use barriers between skin and surfaces a comprehensive program would include respi-
exposed to biosolids. rator fit-testing and training or retraining.

7. Remove excess biosolids from footgear

prior to entering a vehicle or a building. Hygiene and Sanitation.—Hand-washing sta-
tions with clean water and mild soap should
8. Keep wounds covered with clean, dry be readily available whenever contact with
bandages. biosolids occurs. In the case of workers in the
field, portable sanitation equipment, including
9. Thoroughly but gently flush eyes with clean water and soap, should be provided. Cabs
water if biosolids contact eyes. should be wiped down and cleaned of residual
mud (or settled dust) frequently to reduce po-
10. Change into clean work clothing on a tential for exposure to biosolids.
daily basis and reserve footgear for use at
worksite or during biosolids transport.
Training.—Periodic training on standard hy-
11. Do not wear work clothes home or out- giene practices for biosolids workers should be
side the work environment. conducted by qualified safety and health pro-
fessionals to cover issues such as the following:
12. Use gloves to prevent skin abrasion.
• Frequent and routine hand washing (the
In addition, NIOSH recommends the follow- most valuable safeguard in preventing in-
ing steps to provide a more comprehensive set fection by agents present in biosolids), es-
of precautions for use by employers and pecially before eating or smoking
• The proper use of appropriate PPE, such
Provide appropriate protective as coveralls, boots, gloves, goggles, respi-
equipment, hygiene stations, and rators, and face shields
• The removal of contaminated PPE and the
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).— use of available on-site showers, lockers,
Appropriate PPE should be provided for all and laundry services
workers likely to have exposure to biosolids.
The choices of PPE include goggles, splash-proof • Proper storage, cleaning, or disposal of
face shields, respirators, liquid-repellent cover- contaminated PPE
alls, and gloves. Face shields should be made
available for all jobs in which there is a poten- • Instructions that work clothes and boots
tial for exposure to spray or high-pressure leaks, should not be worn home or outside the
or aerosolized biosolids during land applica- immediate work environment
tion. Management and employee representatives
should work together to determine which job
duties are likely to result in this type of expo- • Prohibition of eating, drinking, or smok-
sure, to conduct appropriate on-site monitor- ing while working in or around biosolids
ing, and to determine which type of PPE is
needed in conjunction with a qualified safety • Procedures for controlling exposures to
and health professional. If respirators are needed, chemical agents that may be in biosolids

Reporting.—Workers should be trained to resuspension into the air during periods of
report potentially work-related illnesses or symp- dryness.
toms to the appropriate supervisory or health
care staff. This may aid in the early detection of • On windy days, avoid spreading or dis-
work-relat ed health effects. turbing dry biosolids (e.g., compost) that
would create dust.
Immunizations.—Ensure that all employees
are up-to-date on tetanus-diphtheria immu-
nizations, since employees are at risk of • On windy days, avoid spreading biosolids
soil-contaminated injuries. Current CDC rec- by high-pressure spray.
ommendations do not support hepatitis A
vaccination for sewage workers. • Avoid unnecessary mechanical disturbance
and contact with land-applied Class B
biosolids during the period when public
Extend good environmental access is restricted.
practices to prevent and
minimize occupational • Equip heavy equipment used at storage
exposures. and application facilities with sealed,
positive-pressure, air-conditioned cabs that
• Where feasible, substituting Class A biosolids contain filtered air-recirculation units.
could reduce the pathogen exposure risks
during land application compared to ap- • Monitor worker exposures when adjust-
plying Class B biosolids. Feasibility may ing precautions to address site-specific
be affected by local customer prefer- issues.
ences, since the two types of biosolids
vary in the nutrient value they provide to
end-users. For More Information
Additional information about biosolids and
• Monitor the source material coming from preventive measures can be obtained from the
the wastewater treatment facility. Check following government Web sites:
monitoring results to assure they meet spec-
ified Class B or Class A standards prior to
land application operations. • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
• Monitor stored biosolids prior to applica- (This site includes links to professional
tion to assure that the biosolids are prop- associations that address biosolids.)
erly stabilized and that unacceptable
regrowth or cross-contamination from
substandard material has not occurred. • National Center for Infectious Diseases
(NCID). Viral Hepatitis Resource Center.
• Where local conditions permit, inject
biosolids below the soil or incorporate
(thoroughly mix) into tilled soil. This will • National Institute for Occupational Safety
minimize post-application worker contact and Health (NIOSH).
with applied biosolids and prevent www.cdc.gov/niosh

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