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My Nursing Philosophy

Angelica Morales

Keiser University

My Nursing Philosophy

Personal Philosophy of Nursing

I chose nursing as my profession because of I believe I hold strong ethics and values

pertinent to a nursing career. I knew that I wanted to become a nurse throughout a time in my life

when I was figuring out my identity. I knew that caring initiated a healing environment I had

ever since I was a little girl. I derived a huge satisfaction from taking care of others and doing it

well. As I met people growing up, they would emphasize that I had a natural caregiving ability

and that my presence was remedial and calm. I am not sure what brought out this natural affinity

for caregiving, but I knew that I always made it my mission to leave people’s lives and make a

good impact on them hoping that they would see themselves in the mirror the way I seen them.

Core and Focus of Nursing

The core and focus of nursing is requires the prevention of illness and the promotion of

health. The optimal way to do this is through caring. A caring nurse understands the patient’s

needs. The core and focus of nursing should be patient-centered. When a nurse understands the

patients culture, traditions, background, alternative practices, beliefs etc., the nurse can assess the

patient most appropriately about their care and post care for the best continuum of care. For

example, a nurse who is culturally competent knows that a woman of Asian descent would not

look at them while be assessed and would understand that this is a form of respect or

understanding that Muslim woman prefer a female doctor instead of a male doctor. The core of

nursing focuses on sustaining the integrity and dignity of the patient but necessitates the nurse to

have some core values to do so. The nurse is responsible to deliver a culture of caring, love, and


Personal Vision of Nursing (concept of person, health, environment, and nursing within

your paper`

Nursing is caring; to care is to be able to love. To love is to be able to nurse those who

cannot nurse for themselves regardless of age, gender, or background. My vision of nursing has

always changed. I think it is important to know this. Nursing is always changing. It will never be

set or conventional. Nursing keeps changing for the better whether it be to prevent medical errors

or to give the patient better outcomes. because of the better practices that are being discovered

every day. Nursing practice needs to go beyond the nursing hospital criteria. A therapeutic aspect

to nursing practice could benefit the entire staff and system as I would want to be cared for in an

environment such as this. Watson describes some essential bullet points for a therapeutic and

healing environment that I would be very intrigued to work if I could choose an environment in

which caring is the sole concentration of patient-centered care. She describes the caring science

through a therapeutic theory being filled with good spirits, love, affection embracing humanity

through holistic caring. Her nursing theory is based on an authentic and spirit-filled environment.

It states bullet points in,

“ using the language of the theory to express and communicate the phenomenon of

human caring—acknowledging that in the postmodern era, if a profession does not have

language to communicate its focus, its becomes invisible placing magnets on patients’

doors, with positive affirmations, reminders, quotes from the theory and other positive

message reminders; exploring documentation of caring language and integration of

Caring Theory into computerized documentation systems; practicing caring-healing

modalities—for self and patients (e.g. massage, therapeutic touch, healing touch,

reflexology, aromatherapy, calmative oil of essence, sound, music, arts and a variety of

energetic modalities; etc.” (2010).

An environment filled with rich, loving, authentic, and spirit-filled care. A nurse who values

these points will create a holistic environment promoting health and preventing illness as early as

a single therapeutic touch. When patients know that a hospital within their environment can

provide a peaceful and tranquil environment, healing is much more advanced and recovery is

faster. A spirit who is happy and content wholeheartedly, will heal others giving meaning as a

purpose to their lives as well as the ones that they serve.

Nursing Philosophy of Nursing and My Patients

Caring drives the nursing philosophy of nursing. A nurse must be caring, a great listener

and an effective communicator. Caring is creating an environment where compassion and

advocacy of the patient provides the best quality in care. Nursing revolves around a nurse who is

emotionally compassionate to reduce stress in their patients.

An effective listener is needed to evaluate concerns, get second opinions on tests results, and

care plans. Nurses who are their patients biggest advocate, understand that their responsible to

address concerns as well as the patient’s families concerns for further evaluation of what to

implement next. As nurses, communication is key that has a profound impact on the behavior of

patient and their perception.

Personal Philosophy of Nursing and My HealthCare Professional Colleagues

As a new nursing student, confidence affects patient interactions through the clinical

setting. As a nurse, it is important to show diversity especially in a country like the United States

of America. Nurses who can show care through a diversified approach can enhance the facility

reputation and enhance the quality of the environment they work under. When I work in a

facility I have expectations that the team members will work intricately to get the optimal results

for the patient. A positive and professional attitude exhibits an oriented healthcare team to

progress and enhance patient care. I think it is important to meet and talk with each

interdisciplinary team member to establish some sort of relationship so that an understanding of

what that members needs from you is met and vice versa. I noticed nurses who show

incompetence when it comes to caring for the patient and understanding their needs. The biggest

concern with nursing and my healthcare colleagues are in the prevention of medical errors. As

nurses, we have the power to treat or kill a patient as we hold the ultimate tool that forms the

bridge between the medication and the patient. I think the best way to do this is by combining

my knowledge with nurses at senior levels, new nurses, and interdisciplinary teams. When

working with interdisciplinary teams alongside other nurses, we must respect each other’s

critical concentration moments when performing tasks especially ones that are sensitive to errors,

like medication administration. Utilizing the eight rights to medication administration (right

patient, right dose, right route, right time, right documentation, right reason, right response)

lessens mistakes through preventing the nurse to skip steps of administering. Nurses should

demonstrate great listening to be effective collaborators in the prevention of medical errors to

sustain the art of nursing in preventing illness and promoting health.

Personal Philosophy of Nursing and My Own Health

I am a firm believer is presenting yourself in a way that would make sense with your own

morals and beliefs. As a nurse, I would want to be the healthiest as I can be to share the bliss of

health with everyone around me especially my patients. Newtons first law of motion states,

“any object at rest will remain at rest, but any object that stays in motion remains in

motion” (Hecht, 2017).

Be an example of what you would hope a nurse’s patients to be. Be the change to inspire. Be the

change so it can be adopted. Positive reinforcement through education is a patient need that

should be utilized more often.

Travel Nursing has always intrigued my realms of what nursing practice environment I

want to live in. A study done pertaining to nursing education in practice in the UK was

implemented to explore professional nursing identity and professional nursing values for future

nurse recruitment. They developed a selection and recruitment instrument called Nurse Match to

measure Professional Identity in Nursing critically focusing on a nurse’s values, beliefs, and

attitudes. This is to ensure that the nurses can deliver care identical to the nursing qualities

central to good practice. It was developed,

“to explore the identity of nursing student and left to categorization of learning types and

research, on the ‘Ideal Nurse’ construct, which resulted in a “Ideal” typology of

emotional labour experienced by practicing senior nurses” (Mazhindu et.al., 2016).

A travel nurse should be adept to all the cultures around the world, provide care diversely

standpoint and be open-minded sharing values and attributes of professional identity of

knowledgeable and experienced nurse practitioners, to better serve the community. Through an

instrument that measures new nurse competency for nurse recruitment, the results could clarify

the values and identity attributes with those of experienced nursing seniors. Nurses who portray

similar core value and competencies could indicate their eagerness of willingness to learn new

ways and styles of nursing. There is a demand in the nursing healthcare industry that requires

nurses to have a heart of steel. Nurses need to have uncompromising emotional integrity as the

field itself can have draining mental effects on the body. The nurse should be resilient in the

demanding working conditions. As a nurse, I am required to keep up with the emotional and

working demands with strong leadership skills. Through the respected experience from my

senior nurses in the facility I choose to work in, I will work on my leadership skills to become

the best nurse I can be.



Hecht, E. (2017). Kepler and the origins of pre-Newtonian mass. American Journal of Physics

85:2, 115-123

Mazhindu, D.M., Griffiths, L., Pook, C., Erskine, A., Ellis, R., & Smith, F. (2016). The nurse

match instrument: Exploring professional nursing identity and professional nursing

values for future nurse recruitment. Nurse Education in Practice, 18, 35-45.


Watson, J. (2010) Caring Science and the next decade of holistic healing: Transforming self and

system from the inside out. Beginnings (American Holistic Nurses’ Association), 30(2),


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