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Hanley Castle Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday, 15th February 2018 at
Hanley Swan Village Hall, starting at 19:00.

Present: Councillors: Sue Roberts (Chairman), Bob Lamb, John Taverner, Sue Adeney,
Sarah Darwent, Wendy Roberts-Powell, Alex Walker

Apologies: Councillors: Alison Bolton. Peter Goodyear (PPW), DCllr Andrea Morgan,
Marjorie Nelson (PPW) Gigi Field (Pond Warden)

In Attendance: Mrs Rebecca Abunassar (Clerk), Sharon Taylor, David Talor & Jude
Green (Save Langdale Wood Group)

15/18 Welcome: The Chairman welcomed all present to the February meeting. She
accepted the apologies submitted to the Clerk.

16/18 Declarations of Interest & Dispensation Requests from Councillors

a) Register of Interests: Councillors were reminded that they should have updated
their register of interests and sent them to the Monitoring Officer at MHDC.

b) To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda and their
nature: None declared

c) To declare any Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda and their nature:
None declared

d) To consider and agree all requests from Councillors for the Council to Grant a
Dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011) – None received

Closure of the meeting to allow parishioners present to speak on any matters

relating to the Parish.
Sharon Taylor, David Taylor & Jude Green from the Save Langdale Wood Group asked
to speak to update the Parish Council on their efforts to save the wood following the
narrow defeat of the planning application. They were seeking advice on the possibility
of village green status. Cllr Roberts confirmed that the Council were members of the
Open Spaces Society (OSS) but the understanding was the public had to have
uninterrupted access to the location for 20 years and the Council were not sure if this
was the case. The matter was discussed.
Sharon advised that they were working with MHDC to register the wood as an asset of
community value but this would not protect it from development only offer a right to
buy if they were successful and the wood was put up for sale. They were also working
with Malvern Community Forest.
The Clerk said that she would contact OSS to seek guidance on the matter and pass the
information on to them. She also said that the Parish Path Warden had visited the site
to investigate any public rights of way. He was referring it to the WCC Countryside
ACTION: The Clerk to contact Open Spaces Society and seek clarification on
any restrictions to applications for village green status and feedback to Sharon

17/18 Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 18th January 2018 had been
previously circulated and the minutes were approved and signed.

18/18 Matters Arising & Progress Reports not Listed elsewhere on the
Min 124/16: Royal British Legion Subsidence Claim – The Clerk advised that a second
quotation for the work had been obtained and it was for £290 + VAT. Cllr Taverner
proposed that this quotation was accepted as it was £85 cheaper and the tree surgeon
had undertaken previous work at the site. All voted in favour of accepting the 2nd
quotation. The Clerk would contact Adrian Hope to request the work was done.
ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for the tree to be felled.
Min 151a/16: BT Phone Box Adoption –
Grant Matthews from HCHS had been asked about the School’s defibrillator and he felt
that there was no reason why it could not be made available for public use as it was to
be stored on the outside of the 6th Form building.
Cllr Taverner suggested that a working party be formed to clean up the phone box and
paint it. Cllr Roberts said that she would arrange for it as she had the details of the
paint and materials that should be used. The Clerk said she had not heard whether they
had been successful for the funding from Cemex so she would contact them to enquire.
No response had come back regarding the Village Hall Committee’s intention of having
a defibrillator so that too would also be followed up.
ACTION: The Clerk to follow up the Cemex application for funding. Cllr
Darwent to find out about Albion Lodge’s and the Clerk to find out about the
Village Hall.

19/18 Finance:
a) Payment of Accounts: Members approved the payments of accounts as in the
presented schedule in Appendix 1.
b) Notification of receipts received: No Receipts but the Precept request of £20800 had
been sent to MHDC.

20/8 Planning:
a) To Consider the following applications referred by MHDC for consultation:

None Received

b) To consider under the Scheme of Delegation any Planning Applications received

between the publication of the agenda and the Meeting:

8/00182/FUL Maple House Gilberts 3 bedroom detached cottage with 2 bay

End Lane Hanley Castle garage
Worcester WR8 0BX

The Parish Council raised objection to the planning application as it was impossible to tell
from the information submitted how close it would be to the new development ‘Brinkley
Drive’ and therefore they could not assess the impact of building the new dwelling to the
surrounding properties.

18/00193/RM Land At (Os 8157 4265) Reserved matters application for 5 no. new
Winnington Gardens dwellings following outline approval (
Hanley Swan, 15/00388/OUT) to include details of
appearance, layout and scale.

The Parish Council viewed the plans for the 5 dwellings and raised objection to the current
details. Due to the housing needs established from the emerging neighbourhood plan they
requested that the housing mix was altered to have 1 x 4 bedroom, 2 x 3 bedroom and 2 x 2
bedroom dwellings as it was smaller properties that were required within the parish.

ACTION: The Clerk to submit responses to MHDC Planning Dept.

c) Details of Decision Notices Received to-date: -

The Old Dairy Horton Manor Farm

17/01797/HP First floor bedroom and en-suite extension Refused
Hanley Swan Worcester WR8 0DN
Esp Ltd Blackmore Park Hanley (Retrospective) Erection of a single storey
17/01644/FUL Approved
Swan, Worcester WR8 0EF lean-to extension to existing building.
Land At Langdale Wood, Erection of 50 Holiday Lodges with
16/01771/FUL Blackmore Park Road, Malvern, associated reception building, parking and Refused
Worcestershire, landscaping. (amended)

d) Details of enforcement action: None taken

e) Details of Appeal Notices Received: None received

21/18 Highway Matters

Road Safety Working Party – The Clerk had left several messages with Hannah Davies
regarding a flashing sign for the High School and the location of the solar VAS but was
still awaiting a response. Cllr Adeney said that she had been contacted by Lindsey Cooke
about the dangerous parking at the end of the school day; the issue was discussed and
it was agreed that the best way forward would be a meeting with Lindsay, Cllr Wells &
Hannah Davies. The Clerk to contact Cllr Wells and Hannah to check their availability. It
was noted that Eldersfield Lawn had grass concrete outside their school and so it was
agreed to speak to them to find out how they had had it installed and whether it solved
the issue. The verges were being so badly damaged by vehicles it was asked to contact
Highways and request they are fenced off to protect them from further damage.
The white gates were due to be delivered to Cllr Darwent’s home and would be installed
at the end of March.
The verge opposite Brinkley Drive was severely eroded, the Clerk was asked to inform
MHDC planning department as it was due to the building work that was ongoing.
Cllr Lamb asked Cllr Taverner what the latest was on the Roberts End footpath as it
appeared to have gone quiet. Cllr Taverner said that he would find out for the next
ACTION: The Clerk to set up a meeting with the Parish Council, Lindsay Cooke,
Cllr Wells & Hannah Davies. The Clerk to raise the issue of the verge with MHDC
and fencing off the verge by the school to Highways. Cllr Taverner to enquire
about Roberts End footpath.
Works for the Lengthsman – Cllr Taverner said that the Lengthsman has started the major
work of the year clearing all the grips, drains and pathways. Picken End was now
passable. Retrieving the information from the VAS was raised and it was agreed that Cllr
Taverner would liaise with Pete to down load it.
ACTION: The Clerk to report the blocked drain. Cllr Taverner to attempt to
download the VAS data.
b) Environmental Issues: Cllr Adeney raised the problem of fly tipping within the parish
and spoke of the locations effected. All had been reported to Worcestershire CC but not
all of it was on the Highway so Severn Trent had also been contacted regarding one of
the sites.
Cllr Adeney also mentioned the protected area of Highway on the southern side of
Holloway Farm. The posts needed repainting to ensure they were noticed and the other
side also had protected species so it was requested that it also became a protected area.
The Clerk to ask for the posts to be repainted and to request that the other
side of the Holloway was also designated.

22/18 District & County Councillors Reports

a. District Cllrs Morgan: Members not present
b. County Cllr Tom Wells: Member not present.
23/18 Report of the:
a. Parish Paths & Tree Warden – Report read out – The Warden had received two
reports regarding the Lebanese Cedar at Hanley Castle. He preferred the
recommendations by PJ Denning and had asked him to liaise with the MHDC Tree
Officer to get approval for the work.
b. Playing Field Warden (Graham Holmes) – No report.
c. Local Police - The monthly report had been circulated.
d. Pond Warden – The Pond Warden was not present but an update was provided. The
Clerk had booked a ROSPA inspection of the pond to be undertaken at the same time as
the play area. A cost of £66 plus VAT had been quoted.

24/18 Neighbourhood Development Plan – Cllr Bob Lamb said the public
consultation was starting on the 16th February and that there would be a hard copy kept
in the village shop until the 6th April. He asked that the councillors reminded people to
have a look and asked if they felt additional copies were required. It was agreed that a
couple of additional copies would be beneficial and Cllr Darwent offered to have a stall
at one of the Café Market mornings to raise awareness.
Cllr Lamb then talked through the likely timescales of the consultation and examination
periods and it was anticipated that it would be passed in October/November of 2018.

25/18 Correspondence
a) A request to erect a bench in memory of a parishioner had been received by the
Clerk. Cllr Adeney thought there may also be another request made in the near future.
It was agreed to have a site meeting with Gigi to discuss whether to have them and if
possible where they would be located.
b) The mystery of the bottle tops appearing on some of the parish pathways was
discussed. No one knew any reason for it to be happening and it was agreed to keep an
eye on the matter. Cllr Darwent to inform the parishioner who raised the matter.
c) The land outside the village hall gated entrance was discussed and no one knew
who it belonged to.
ACTION: The Clerk to arrange a meeting with Gigi and to email the parishioner
to keep them updated.

26/18 Topics raised by Councillors, Committees, Clerk & Parishioners –

a) Event Tent – the request to erect an event tent on the green was made by Cllr
Lamb and it was approved.
b) Cemex Community Liaison Group - Cllr Lamb said that Cemex Community Liaison
Group had met and it looked likely that the rowing lake would be going ahead. There
were also plans for the bird watching to move to the western edge but it was all a very
long time in the future. Cllr Lamb would circulate the minutes when he received them.
ACTION: Cllr Lamb to circulate the minutes.
c) Parish Litter Pick - The 24th March was the date set for the Parish Litter Pick. Cllr
Adeney was to produce and circulate a poster and she asked that everyone printed off a
couple of copies and put them up around the parish.
ACTION: Cllr Adeney to produce and distribute posters.

27/18 Councillors reports and items for future agenda: Cllr Lamb submitted
his apologies for the March meeting.

28/08 Date of Next Scheduled Meeting: 15th March 2018

Signed ……………………………… Date: 15th March 2018


Appendix 1: Schedule of Payments & Receipts 15th February 2018

Payment of Accounts: The under mentioned accounts were approved:

No. Payee Reason £

1598 Vinyl Fencing Welcome Gates 542.40
1599 Mrs Abunassar February Duties 410.00
1600 Miss S Roberts Chairman’s Allowance 75.00
1601 Mrs Abunassar No Dog signs 25.69
1602 Mr Sauntson January Lengthsman Duties 296.00

Total 1349.09

Signed ………………………………
……… Date: 15th March 2018


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