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TAdinya mau tentang ini, jadi exercising pola seperti apa yang pas untuk PPP SUN,

karena pas aku baca, key dari SUN itu partnersip dari semua sector in combating
nutrition problem. Di Indonesia ga tau skrg sejauh mana. Tapi gmn nulis nya, soalnya
ada method and result nya segala. Harus berupa study ya???

1. Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement in Indonesia : Private Sector Engagement

2. Private Sector Engagement on SUN Movement in Indonesia : A Review . Looking
Forward the Best Practice h
3. Addressing Private Sector Engagement on SUN Movement in Indonesia : What Should
be Done in the Next 2 years
4. Addressing Private Sector Engagement on SUN Movement in Indonesia : A ‘terobosan’,

Pas lagi bingung2 , lagi2 balik ke Gizi Seimbang. Karena kan, sejatinya kampanye GS
kmrn itu ‘berasal’ dari non government, mengundang media dsb. Artinya disitu ada
engagement dgn public sector, yg merupakan good example untuk SUN?? Cuman,
nanti akan sensitive lg ga? Atau ada yang marah ga SM nanti? Yang kedua, lha ini hasil
tulisan nya ecek empreng gini, wkwkw, waktu satu hari terlalu pendek untuk otak ku ini

Jadi nya ternyata begini… *malu gw*

5. PPP on SUN Movement in Indonesia : An example

Background and objectives: state the rationale or hypothesis followed by objectives.

The study is at examining how private sector can proactively present their involvement
in Scaling UP Nutrition (SUN) SUN movement program in Indonesia. The purpose of
the review is to provide an example on the participation non government sector in
support SUN movement, on which in Indonesia being translated to National Movement
of 1000 HPK (100 days of early life). This issue is becoming crucial since the main idea
of SUN movement is to improve the effectiveness of existing nutrition program by
enhancing partner collaboration among stakeholders.

Method :

In 2010, Indonesian Danone Institute Foundation facilitated the development of updated

Dietary Guideline in Indonesia. It was initially proposed as a revision of the previous
Indonesian Dietary Guideline that was released in 1993. Its development was lead by
senior expert in the country, involving media and inviting input from the government
representative. A tool, consist of a guideline book and visualization of the DG (in the
form of ‘Tumpeng’, a traditional … ) were released and launched by the government. It
was responding to the Indonesian nutrition problem whereby under nutrition is still exist
while over nutrition is also emerging.

Result :

The presence of the book and Tumpeng were appreciated widely in the community. In
the period of 3 months after being rolled out, more than 46 national media were posting
an article with Dietary Guideline related topic. Several seminars conducted by various
organizations with topic on this ‘new’ DG. A series of study in the 10 cities in the country
have been conducted to test the guideline in particularly to the school children.
Currently, the result of these studies are being communicated to the each local
government to be endorsed to be used in the school curriculum.
Conclusion :

First stage of the SUN movement is to build commitment and collaboration between
‘pemangku kepentingan / lintas sektor’ . Given understanding that private sectors have
their unique contribution through various expertise and resources, addressing the best
practice in this area of engagement now is become ‘keniscayaan’. However, the
sustainable partnership – in which beneficial to all parties – will improving effectiveness
of the nutrition program.

Keyword : SUN movement, partnership., private sector

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