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Journal Economic, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Volume 13, No.

1, April 2010, page 77-90

Acreditation No. 110/DIKTI/Kep/2009


(Study on Internal Auditors of Public Corporation at
Manufacturing SectorListed in The Jakarta
Stock Exchange)

Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Widyagama Malang
E-mail : gun_uwg@yahoo.co.id
Jl. Borobudur 12 dan 35, Lowokwaru, Malang 65128, Jawa Timur - Indonesia.

One of the causes of economic crisis and failure experienced by a number of Indonesian com-
panies is the corporate governance. If the internal audit can be properly implemented, it will
contribute to improving the process of corporate governance, risk management, and manage-
ment control. This research attempts to obtain empirical evidence and better understanding
concerning: (1) ) the correlation between individual rank with working experience in manu-
facturing sector listed at the JSX; (2) the influence of individual rank and working experience
on the internal auditors’ professionalism of public companies in manufacturing sector listed
at the JSX either partially and simultaneously. The type of research employed in this study is
causal relationship by using the census method for 120 internal auditors of public companies
in manufacturing sector at the JSX. The data this study consist of both primary and second-
ary data. Reliability and validity tests were conducted to examine the questionnaires. SEM
(Structural Equation Modeling) is used to examine the correlation as well as the effect of the
variable. It was found that (1) there is correlation between individual rank and internal audi-
tors’ working experience and between internal auditors’ working experience (R2 =0.52); (2)
individual rank and working experience partially influence the internal auditors’ profession-
alism for with the levels of influence are 6%, and 20% respectively, whilst their simultaneous
effect is 30%.
Key words: Individual Rank, Working Experience, Internal Auditor Professionalism.
INTRODUCTION National Education Department which one
One of the criteria which can be used as the caused by intern auditor less effective func-
base of evaluating effectiveness of corpora- tion.
tion internal audit function is professionalism Corporate crime scandals above belong to
of internal audit for it functions as a support management responsibility and it indicates
for the commissioner, audit committee, man- that management is powerless to keep and
agement, and senior management in forming increase its internal control. One of the case
foundation of corporate governance. Crime emergences is that internal auditor doesn’t
scandals taking place in Indonesia, involves function effectively. Research result con-
both private corporations and the government ducted by KPMG Forensic (2004, pp. 1-31)
(Agoes 2005, p. 35) typical examples of those explained that the cause of that fraud is being
scandals are cases taking place in Kimia Far- lack of or in the absence of internal control
ma, Lippo Bank, Telcom, BNI Bank (fictive which tends to be higher from time to time,
case of L/C), Bapindo (fictive case of L/C), that is 25% in 2002 and 48% in 2004, mean-
Indofarma (unfair financial report), Pertam- ing that an increase of 23% took place. On
ina (kickback commission), Bulog (misuse the contrary, an increase caused by the less
of property fund), Religion Department, and powerful of the absence of intern control re-

ISSN 2085-7381 The Influence of Individual........... (Gunarianto)

Status of Independent Committee Establishment and Forming
of Listed Company Audit Committee per January 10, 2003

Source: BEJ Co. Ltd, 2008.

*) From the total of 331 emitent
**) From the total which have formed

Table 2
Status of Independent Committee Establishment and Forming
of Listed Company Audit Committee per July 21, 2004

Source: BEJ Co. Ltd, 2008.

*) From the total of 335 emitent
**) From the total which have formed

inforcement is 34% in 2002 and 45% in 2004, it. But, if management doesn’t know where
meaning that an increase of 11% took place. to go, internal auditor must be ready to direct
The statement is supported by Agoes Bapepam regulation, number 41, 2003, Arti-
statement (2005, p. 3), that all those cases cle 2 State that emitent or public company is
took place as a result of the weak internal con- obliged to have audit committees as required
trol, the un-optimal implementation of good in the decision enclosure at least on Decem-
corporate governance, and the many business ber 31, 2004. The regulation performed as
units which do not understand the importance Bapepam respond to BEJ Co Ltd which has
of enterprise risk management. Quoted by the issued announcement letter on January 10,
YPIA (2003, p. 2), Sawyer and Dittenhofer 2003, numbered: 74/BEJ-PEM/01-2003, as-
suggested that “Wherever management goes, signed by head of emitent watch and head of
internal auditor must be ready to keep up with trade. Anything about status of audit commit-

Journal Economic, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Volume 13, No.1, April 2010, page 77-90
Acreditation No. 110/DIKTI/Kep/2009

tee forming and independent committee es- intern auditors, and management.
tablishment from listed companies are shown Professionalism is an important element
in Table 1. in the 15 criterions used as the base of evalu-
Table 1, explains that 259 emitent (78%) ating internal auditor functions so that he can
have formed audit committee and those which be considered as effective, effective enough
have met the requirements or the regulations or ineffective. Those criterions are obtained
are 241 emitents, 315 emitents (95%) have from research result conducted by the Insti-
elected independent commissioners and those tute of Internal Auditors-Research Foundation
having met the requirement or the regulation (Hiro Tugiman 1996, p. 41). The 15 criterions
are 296 emitents. are exposed on table 4, as follows.
Table 2 explains that 310 emitent (93%) Professionalism explained by Christian in
have formed audit committee (an increase 1994 was an attitude and a behavior of a man
amounting to 15%) (93% - 78%) takes plac- performing certain profession. A professional
es, and those having met the requirements on is a man who does not only have specialty and
the regulations are 287 emitent. 331 emitent technical skill, but also has working serious-
(99%) have appointed independent commis- ness and precision, achieving other’s satisfac-
sioners (an increase of 4% (99% - 95%)) takes tion, dare to take any risk, perseverance and
place, and those having met the requirements tough, high integrity, consistent and has a
or the regulations are 331 emitents. unity in thought, word, and work (Hiro Tugi-
List of independent commissioner and listed man 2000, p. 76).
corporation audit committee is exposed on Parson mentioned several important char-
Table 3. acteristic of professional job (Hiro Tugiman
Table 3, explains that 232 emitent (70%) 2000, p. 77). Professional job has character-
having formed audit committees and having istics of: (1) skillfulness based on theory; (2)
appointed independent commissioners meet- having training and educational sites; (3) test-
ing the appointment. Task and responsibility ing of candidate member’s capabilities; (4)
of audit committees are: Audit committees having a place in the regulations; (5) obedi-
are assigned to provide opinions/ideas to the ence to the profession organization; and (6)
commissioners’ board upon report or anything service provided is based more on public con-
informed by the management (directors) to cern than on personal one.
the commissioner board, identifying infor- Sawyer, et.al (2003, pp. 10-11) stated that
mation enquiring commissioners concern, internal auditing had to meet several criteri-
area implementing other task connecting with ons to be called a highly qualified profession-
commissioner board’s task like conducting a al profession. Professional organization must
study on inspecting implementation conduct- meet requirements as follows: “(1) service to
ed by intern auditor. the public; (2) long specialized training; (3)
Picket (2005, p. 8) explained that intern subscription to a code of ethics; (4) member-
auditor activities must include evaluating and ship in association and attendance at meetings;
making perfect recommendation to increase (5) publication of journals aimed at upgrad-
governance process in achieving goals: (1) ing practice; (6) examinations to test entrants’
promoting ethics and perfect values in orga- knowledge; and (7) licensure by the state or
nization; (2) defining effective organization certification by a board.” In addition, Rob-
performance; (3) effectively communicating bins (2005, pp. 189-192) explained that inter-
risk information and control to the perfect nal auditor professional behaviors are moti-
area in the organization; (4) coordinating ac- vated by their own expectations they wanted
tivities effectively and communicating infor- both for he, himself, and for the organization.
mation among management board, extern and Expectancy theory of Vroom 1964 explained

ISSN 2085-7381 The Influence of Individual........... (Gunarianto)

Table 3
List of Independent Commissioners and Listed Corporation Audit Committees

Source: BEJ Co. Ltd, 2008.

Table 4
Criterions of Evaluating Intern Auditor Function Effectivity

Source: The IIA Research Foundation 1996.

that power of a tendency to do something de- search is needed to be conducted to discover

pended on the power of expectancy of output whether variables of individual rank and job
resulted. In other words, this theory helped experience have an influence upon variable of
us to explain why so many internal auditors internal auditor professionalism, and how big
are not motivated by their jobs, but kept on is the influence both partially and simultane-
doing them minimally did them minimally to ously.
safe themselves. Based on this theory, a re- The main problem of this research is

Journal Economic, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Volume 13, No.1, April 2010, page 77-90
Acreditation No. 110/DIKTI/Kep/2009

Table 5
Types of Industries (Consumer Products)

Resource: Processed Primery data

formulated as follows: (1) How far is the re- RESEARCH METHOD
lationship between individual rank and job Observation unit of this research is emitent at
experience of the emitent internal auditor at manufacturing sector in BEJ. Based on JSX
manufacturing sector in BEJ; (2) To what ex- fact book, 2008, it was founded that therer
tent is the influence of individual rank and job were 331 emitents in BEJ per December 31,
experience both partially and simultaneously 2008. BEJ Co. Ltd. has classified its emitents
upon emitent internal auditor professionalism into 19 types of industries. The 19 types of
industries are: (1) Agriculture, (2) Mining, (3)
at manufacturing sector in BEJ.
Basic Industry and Chemicals, (4) Miscella-
The main goals of this research are: (1)
neous Industry, (5) Consumer Goods Indus-
testing how far is the relationship between
try, (6) Property, Real Estate and Building
individual rank and job experience of emi- Construction, (7) Infrastructure, Utilities and
tent internal auditors at manufacture sector in Transportation, (8) Finance, dan (9) Trade,
BEJ; (2) testing to what extent is the influence Service and Investment.
of individual rank and job experience both Emitents working at manufacturing sec-
partially and simultaneously upon emitent in- tors consist of basic industries and chemicals,
ternal auditor professionalism at manufacture miscellaneous industry, and consumer goods
sector in BEJ. industry. While those working in non manu-
Figure 1
Demographic Data of Emitent Internal Auditor Respondent at
Manufacturing Sector in BEJ in Education

ISSN 2085-7381 The Influence of Individual........... (Gunarianto)

Figure 2
Demographic Data of Emitent Internal Auditor Respondents at
Manufacturing Sector in BEJ in Scientific Field

Figure 3
Demographic Data of Emitent Internal Auditor Respondents at manufacturing sector
in BEJ in Respondent position in Internal Auditor Team.

facturing sectors consist of agriculture, prop- non manufacturing sectors.

erty, real estate and building constructions, This research is focused at BEJ emitents
infrastructures, utilities and transportation working on manufacturing sector for it is dis-
finance and trade, service and investment. covered that emitents working on manufac-
Manufacturing is proses of changing raw ma- turing sector provide sufficient contribution
terials into goods to be used, applied, or con- to BEJ activities both from the number of
sumed by human. Quantitatively, there were emitents, listed stocks, and fund being capi-
331 emitents in BEJ per December 31, 2008, talized, And, it is intended to test consistency
which were classified into 19 types of indus- of research result conducted by Yohannes,
tries consisting of manufacturing sectors and et.al (2002) and evi and Dwi (2003). Research

Journal Economic, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Volume 13, No.1, April 2010, page 77-90
Acreditation No. 110/DIKTI/Kep/2009

respondents are internal auditors and heads of ied is exposed in Figure 2.

companies individually of emitents working Figure 1 explains that most respondent
at manufacturing sectors in BEJ as analysis taken are accounting department graduate
unit. of S1 grade or management department of
Sample coverage used in this research is the same grade which are amounting to 104
120 to 159 emitents at manufacturing sectors, persons or 86,7%. The rest are post gradu-
caused by the fact that the number of emitents ate which are amounting to 10 persons or
working in this sector is relatively small and 8,3% and university graduate coming from
the existing number has met the minimum non accounting or management department
sample requirement to be used in multivariat are amounting to 6 persons or 5%. From the
research. Research respondents are members background of respondents’ education ex-
of internal auditor team and company heads posed in figure 2, it is discovered that there
at manufacturing sector emitents in BEJ. are 100 persons or 83,3% having accounting
Method to analyse data used in this re- study background, 20 persons or 16,7 % hav-
search, which is in accordance with the goal ing non accounting study background ( Vari-
ous Scientific disciplines ).
and the hypotheses proceeded before, is LIS-
REL Program which analysis technique which Respondent position in internal Auditor
is suitable is multivariate statistic analysis Team
technique. Statistic method used is Analysis Respondent demographic data of respondent
of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). positions in internal auditor team is exposed
in Figure 3
RESULTS Figure 3 explains that most respondent
positions, 115 persons or 95,8 % ,perform as
Respondent Description Statistic
managers or leaders in the internal auditor
Respondent demographic data, taken from
selected samples and can be described as fol-
There are 4 respondents or 3,3% perform
as supervisors in the internal auditor team
Education and, only one respondents or 0,8 % performs
Demographic data of internal auditor respon- as senior in the internal auditor team, having
dents of formal education obtained is exposed the number of value mean of 4,95 and devia-
in Figure 1, together with scientific field stud- tion standard of 0,25.
Figure 4
Demographic Data of emitent Internal Auditor Respondents at Manufacturing Sector
in BEJ in the number of training ever taken.

ISSN 2085-7381 The Influence of Individual........... (Gunarianto)

Figure 5

The Number of Training ever taken of 1-5 with a median of 3 explains that the
Demographic data internal auditor respondent number of respondent training ever taken is
about the total training ever taken are exposed minimally once and maximally 21 times with
in Figure 4. the number of respondents ever taken training
Figure 4 amounting to 1-15 times is 50%.
Demographic Data of emitent Internal Audi- The first hypothesis is the existing cor-
tor Respondents at Manufacturing Sector in relation between individual rank and emitent
BEJ in the number of training ever taken. internal auditor job experience at manufac-
Figure 4 explains that the number of turing sector in BEJ. First hypothesis testing
respondent training that had been taken up to using SEM is conducted to examine relation
more than 21 times are followed by 18 per- between Individual rank ( 1) and job expe-
sons or 15 %. Respondent training that had rience ( 2) of emitent internal auditors at
been taken amounting to 16 – 20 times are manufacturing sector in BEJ. Calculation re-
followed by 13 persons or 10,8%; the num- sult conducted using LISREL program is 8,30
ber of respondent training ever taken amount- and can be seen in Figure 5.
ing to 7-15 times are 30 persons; the number Figure 5 : Test result of correlations be-
of respondent raining ever taken amount- tween variables of rank exsogent and variables
ing to 1-6 times are followed by 57 persons; of job experience of emitent internal auditors
and the rest of them, 2 respondent or 1,7 % of manufacturing sector in BEJ correlation
have never taken any internal audit training test result among exsogent variables is coef-
and management training. Mean value is 2, ficient correlations between variables of in-
90 and deviation standard is 12. It indicates dividual rank ( 1) and variables of job ex-
that average respondents have taken inter- perience ( 2) is 0,69. Correlation coefficient
nal audit training and management training among exsogent variables indicates that both
amounting to 12 times. And the variation is of them have positive relationship. The posi-
relatively low because of mean value is big- tive range at correlation coefficient indicates
ger than its deviation standard. Range value that the increase taking place at one exsogent

Journal Economic, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Volume 13, No.1, April 2010, page 77-90
Acreditation No. 110/DIKTI/Kep/2009

variables correlationally related with the in- 1. Testing the influence of individual rank
crease at another variables. It can be stated in upon emitent internal auditor profession-
detail that if individual rank ( 1) increases, alism at manufacturing sector in BEJ.
job experience of emitent internal auditor at 2. Testing the influence of job experience
manufacturing sector in BEJ also increases. upon emitent internal auditors profes-
Based on the measurement of cor- sionalism at manufacturing sector in BEJ;
relation coefficient and the criterion of the and
closeness of that relationship, the relationship 3. Testing the influence of individual rank
closeness among exsogent variables can be and job experience simultaneously upon
explained that correlations between individual emitent internal auditor professionalism
rank ( 1) and job Experience ( 2) of intern at manufacturing sector in BEJ.
auditors is moderately high correlation. Calculation result, aided by LISREL pro-
Second hypothesis of this result is individual gram can be identified in figure 6 as follows :
rank and job experience both partially and Figure 6 Test result of the influence exo-
simultaneously significantly influences pro- gent variable upon indogent variables. From
fessionalism of internal auditors. The second the calculation result, obtained by means of
hypothesis test using SEM is conducted to LISREL program a discovery is obtained like
test influence between individual rank ( 1) the one identified in figure 6. The direct influ-
and job experience ( 2), both partially and ence of individual Rank upon intern auditors
simultaneously upon emitent internal auditor professionalism is (0,25x 0,25x100%) = 6%.
professionalism emitent internal auditor ( 1) This explains that the direct influence of indi-
at manufacturing sector in BEJ. Hypothesis vidual rank consisting of age, education level,
grading testing are conducted as follows: the number of training, position in internal
Figure 6
Test Result Of The Influence Exogent Variable Upon Indogent Variables

ISSN 2085-7381 The Influence of Individual........... (Gunarianto)

audit team. Indicator and indicator of person- personality of internal auditor. Following is
ality upon internal auditor professionalism is the description of that statement:
positive (6%). But, the influences of other un- Influence of job experience upon inter-
tested variables in this research are 94 % and nal auditor professionalism is positive. This
it can be influenced by ability, values, means that, job experience consisting of
attitudes, and emotion of internal auditors. working time before in internal auditor, work-
Following is description of that statement: ing time in internal auditor, and the number
Influence of individual rank upon emitent of task taken as internal audit can push the
internal auditor professionalism at manufac- formation and development of an internal au-
turing sector in BEJ is positive, meaning that ditor professionalism in performing his task.
better quality of individual rank can deter- Influence of job experience upon en-
mine successfulness in creating intern auditor terprise internal auditor professionalism is
professionalism in their job. This can be ex- 20%. This means that, job experience factor
plained by individual rank factors consisting consisting of working time before in internal
of age educational level, the number of train- auditor, working time in internal audit, and
ing taken, and internal auditor personality. the number of internal audit accepted have a
Influence of individual rank upon pro- direct influence upon internal auditor profes-
fessionalism of enterprise internal auditor is sionalism amounting to 20%, while the rest
6 %, meaning that factors of individual rank 80% is influence by other factors excluding
consisting of age, educational level, the num- the variable researched. Among them are
ber of training, position in internal audit team, organizational commitment and personal-
and personality have a direct influence upon ity. This means that, it is in accordance with
internal auditor professionalism amounting to the statement of Kreitner and Kinicki (2001)
6 %, while the rest 94% is influenced by other which explained that all individual behaviors
factors, excluding the indicators researched; and attitudes are formed by personality and
ability, values, attitudes, and emotion. This experience.
is in accordance with statement of Kreitner DESCRIPTION
and Kinicki (2001) which explained that in- The first hypothesis stating that there is a cor-
dividual rank which was able to influence relation between individual rank and emitent
labor attitudes in perceptions, personal deci- internal auditor job experience at manufac-
sion making, learning and motivation were turing sector in BEJ has been proved empiri-
biographical characteristics, ability, values, cally. This research result meets the statement
attitudes, personality, and emotions. of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in
From the calculation result by means of Australia (ICAA 1994) and YPIA (1995-
LISREL program it is also obtained result 2003) stating that: (1) The coverage and pur-
indicated at figure 6. Direct influence of job pose of internal audit is so wide depending on
experience variable upon internal auditor the measurement and structure, together with
professionalism variable is (0,45 x 0,45 x management request, and; (2) Internal auditor
100%)= 20%. This means that the influence members taking training and education have
of job experience variable consisting of indi- individual rank, job experience are coming
cators of working time before in the internal from various scale enterprise.
auditor, working time in internal auditor, and Individual rank increase can increase
indicators of the number of internal auditor emitent internal auditor job experience at
task upon internal auditor professionalism is manufacturing factor in BEJ indicated
positive (20%). While the influence of other by correlation coefficient figure of 0,69. This
untested variables in this research is 80%, proves that: (1) The more aged the internal
consisting of organizational commitment and auditor is can add his job experience; (2) The

Journal Economic, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Volume 13, No.1, April 2010, page 77-90
Acreditation No. 110/DIKTI/Kep/2009

higher educational level the internal auditor of training taken which is amounting to 30%
has can add his job experience; (3) The more and the length of working time the internal
training the internal auditor takes can add his auditor has, that is 38%, this explains that: (1)
job experience; (4) the higher position the in- the more training participated by the internal
ternal auditor has in the team can add his job auditor, the more working experience he has;
experience; and (5) The better personality the (2) the more training the emitent internal au-
internal auditor has can add his job experi- ditor has, the more internal audit task being
ence. In other words, the length of working well competed.
time in internal auditor and before in internal The result of the second hypothesis test
auditor, together with the number of task in conducted empirically can also discover a
internal auditor have a relation with the more statement that individual rank factor has been
age the internal auditor has, the higher level of proved to be able to influence internal audi-
education the internal auditor has, the number tor professionalism in each of his job, though
of training the internal audit has, the higher is contribution is relatively small, that is 6%.
position the internal auditor has in the team This research result supports arguments pro-
and the good personality the internal auditor ceeded by Robbin (2005) stating that age,
has. marital status, and the burdens have influ-
Explanation of the biggest variables of in- ence on job satisfaction. Satisfaction tends to
dividual rank and job experience is explained increase continually for the professionals as
by indicators of the number of training taken the more aged they are. Therefore, the older
by the internal auditor amounting to 30% and the internal auditor the more it increases the
working time in internal auditor is 38%. This internal auditor’s professionalism. In other
explains that: (1) The more training partici- words, internal auditor’s professionalism is
pated by the internal auditor, the more job ex- influenced by his educational level. Further-
perience in internal audit he has; (2) The more more, this research result also supports Rat-
training participated by emitent internal audi- liff’s arguments (1996) and YPIA. Ratliff
tor, the more task of internal audit being well explained that professional service provid-
completed. ing must be results of study process, train-
Result of the second hypothesis test con- ing, experience and continued professional
ducted empirically can also discover a state- education of someone. YPIA as a professional
ment that individual rank factor has been training institute creating world leading inter-
proved to be able to influence internal audi- nal auditors, the more professional they are
tor professionalism in each of his job, though in working or in other words internal auditor
his contribution is relatively small, that is professionalism is influenced by the number
6%. This research result supports arguments of training participated.
proceeded by Robbin (2005) stating that age, Other research discoveries meet the ar-
marital status, and the many burdens one has guments of YPIA (2003) and Agoes (2004).
an influence on job satisfaction. Satisfaction Effective IAD will provide added value to
tend to increase continually for the profes- the enterprise or organization, implement
sionals as the more aged the are. Therefore, its function independently and have pushing
the older the internal auditor will increase the ability to create risk management, internal
internal auditor professionalism or in other control and good corporate governance in en-
words internal auditor professionalism is in- terprise area or in the organization. One thing
fluenced by his age. to be considered to make a corporation have
Explanation about the biggest variable of effective IAD is to have professional and ca-
the individual rank and job experience vari- pable people who can behave objectively and
ables is explained by the many (the number) have high integrity and loyalty. Therefore,

ISSN 2085-7381 The Influence of Individual........... (Gunarianto)

the higher position internal auditor has in his CONCLUSION

internal audit team, the higher working pro- Individual rank and job experience have mu-
fessionalism he has or in other words, pro- tual relationship with positive correlation co-
fessionalism is influenced by internal auditor efficient. The individual rank and internal au-
position in his internal audit. ditor job experience has positive relationship
This research also meets arguments of and moderately high correlation. Individual
Allport (1937), Buss (1989), and Soekardi rank and job experience influence both par-
Hoesodo (2002). Eternal characteristics rep- tially and simultaneously upon emitent inter-
resenting someone’s attitudes are called per- nal auditor professionalism at manufacturing
sonal characteristics. Personality is formed sector in BEJ amounting to 6%, while influ-
from factors of descendant, environment, and
ence of other untested variable is 94%. Those
situation functioning as moderating factor,
variables are variables of ability, values,
internal auditor personality can be perceived
attitudes, and internal auditor emotions. Par-
from how he communicates, and effective
tially, job experience has a positive influence
communication is needed by internal auditor
almost in all audit steps. Therefore, the better on emitent internal auditor professionalism
personality internal auditor has the more pro- at manufacturing sector in BEJ amounting to
fessionalism increase he acquires or in other 20%. While influence of other untested vari-
words, internal auditor’s professionalism is ables is 80%. Those variables are variables
influenced by his personality. of organizational commitment and internal
The result of the second hypothesis test auditor personality. Simultaneously, influ-
also supports previous argument and research ence of individual rank and job experience
in which job experience variable can influ- on emitent internal auditor professionalism at
ence internal auditor professionalism in each manufacturing sector in BEJ is positive and
of his job with 20% contribution. Result of it is amounting to 30%. While other untested
this research explains that professional audi- variables are amounting to 70%, of which it is
tor must have sufficient experience about his the organizational commitment variable. This
tasks and responsibilities. Internal auditor ex- means that simultaneously, if individual rank
perience will be a good consideration in de- and job experience increase, internal auditor
cision making in time of performing his job. professionalism also increases.
Internal auditor experience can determine All of the five indicators used to explain/
professionalism, task performance, commit- to measure individual rank variables have
ment toward organization, and internal audi-
positive coefficient. In fact, the biggest coef-
tor quality through knowledge obtained from
ficient is the indicator of the number of train-
experience in performing audit.
ing, while the smallest one is indicator of
Result of the research also supports
personality. Three indicators used to explain/
statements of Colbert (1989), Ketchen and
Strawser (1998), Libby and Frederik (1990), to measure job experience variables have
Robbin (2005), and result of the previous re- positive coefficient. And, the biggest coeffi-
search; Wood et.al (1989), Kalbers and Foga- cient is indicator of working time in internal
rty (1995), Hiro Tugiman (2000), Yohanes auditor, while the smallest one is indicator
et.al (2002), and Ida Suraida (2003) explain- of the number of internal audit task. Further,
ing that the more job experience internal au- for indicator of internal auditor professional-
ditor has, the more professionalism increase ism, indicator of continued profession educa-
he acquires in performing his job or in other tion performs the biggest positive coefficient,
word internal auditor professionalism is influ- while the smallest one is indicator of profes-
enced by his job experience. sional social obedience.

Journal Economic, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Volume 13, No.1, April 2010, page 77-90
Acreditation No. 110/DIKTI/Kep/2009

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