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Author Experience®

Class 2 – Lisa Nichols


May 21 – June 1, 2012

Hosted by: Christine Kloser
“The Transformation Catalyst”
Spiritual Guide ~ Award-Winning Author
Transformational Book Coach

CK: Hello everyone and welcome back! Its Christine Kloser here and, woohoo,
we’re off to a great start! As you know, if you heard the last call with me, I’m
your transformation catalyst, the 3-time award winning author and the host
and creator of this Transformational Author Experience and Writing Contest.
And I’m really excited to be here with you again. As you know, we just laid
the foundation. This is where you’re looking at transformation on those 4
levels that we just discussed. How to transform first yourself, which is what
we’re going to go deeper into right now in this class with the amazing Lisa
Nichols. This is also about transforming your readers, right? You want to
impact their lives. This program is also about transforming your business.
Stepping up, stepping out, stepping into your true powerful authentic
expression in the world and seeing how that transforms your business
because, believe me, it does. And then, ultimately, we know that this
program really is about helping you play your important role in helping to
transform the world as well. I believe that happens one author; one book at
a time. We’ve all had our lives changed by reading someone’s book and I
believe that your book has that same power.

So, I’m just delighted that you’re here. I want to welcome you back from the
call we just had. And those of you here for the first class right now, welcome,
I’m so glad you’re here and able to join us for this one and we are really
going to have a fantastic class right now. I am…We are at a very powerful
hour. I was blessed, not too long ago, to spend 3 days in the room with my
guest today, Lisa Nichols, at her amazing Speak and Write live seminar out in
San Diego. And I’ve got to tell you, I’ve been going to author events for
years, right? I published my first book back in 2004. Been hanging around
the industry for a while and I have to say, I don’t think I have ever seen a
more powerful, inspirational, authentic, fired up passionate, purposeful
teacher as I did when I saw Lisa hold the space in that room for 3 days and
just watched people’s lives transform. It’s an amazing number of authors
coming out of her room and this is an honor that I get to share her here with
you at the Transformational Author Experience. So, welcome, Lisa.

LN: Thank you so much, Christine. I’m so excited to be with you. We did have a
blast together, but a lot of that had to do with some of the most amazing
people on the planet, like yourself, trying to participate. So, thank you so
much for having me as your guest now.

CK: It is my pleasure, really. Just a few quick details before we get started on
today’s topic. Obviously, we’re still in Step 1 of this program: paving your
path for transformation. And Lisa’s topic, specifically, is one destined for
greatness. You are all destined for greatness. And if you don’t fully feel
aligned with that reality right now, just wait until the end of the hour
because, chances are, you will be fired up and really aligned with the
greatness that you’re here to express in the world.

Before we go there, just a quick note. I see some of you already getting
active over on Facebook. That’s fantastic. Please make sure that you share
the nuggets of wisdom that Lisa is going to give today. There are thousands
of you who are listening, but there are also thousands more who are not
going to be able to get on this class. So give them the gift of what you got by
going over to facebook.com\transformationalauthors and adding your
wisdom nuggets to the mix over there. Your own ah-ha’s, proclamations,
actions you’re going to take. We want you to really use that as a forum to go
public with what it is you say you’re going to do as a result of being in this
program. So don’t be shy. We’re nice over there. At the end of the day, I
always go in and check in and see what’s going on. So we’ll see you over

And some of you have been asking, you’re like, “Wait, wait, wait, how do I
get in to the contest?” The transformational author writing contest, the doors
open on June 11th but the only way to get in is you do need to have either a
platinum or a diamond pass for this program. There is no way that we could
just, manpower wise, run the contest if all multiple thousands of you, if the
contest were just wide open. So we do need to narrow down the field
because we give every proposal very personal attention. So you’ve got to
have either the platinum or diamond pass to be able to participate there. And
if you’re curious about that, just go to transformationalauthor.com/upgrade
and you can learn how to get your platinum or diamond pass. And if you
haven’t seen the prizes yet for the contest, you will not believe what you’ll
see over there. They’re all true. They’re all real, they’re all amazing,
including the great prize from Lisa. And you can see the prizes at

Okay. So, logistics out of the way, let’s continue now with step number 1:
Paving Your Path For Transformation. Let me first introduce Lisa Nichols.
Maybe some of you don’t know who she is. Let me introduce her and then
we’re going to get rolling here.

Now, Lisa Nichols is a bestselling author, a popular public speaker, powerful

coach, and a charismatic teacher. She’s reached millions, both nationally and
internationally, with her powerful message of empowerment, service,
excellence, and gratitude. Her participation in the self-development
phenomenon, The Secret, some of you might have heard of it, I’m sure, that
catapulted her popularity across the globe. Lisa has since appeared on the
Oprah Winfrey show, Extra, Larry King Live, and on the NBC’s Emmy award
winning show Starting Over. In addition, Lisa is the founder of Motivating the
Masses and CEO of Motivating the Teen Spirit. Her transformational
workshops have impacted the lives of over 210,000 teens and over a million
adults. Her book, No Matter What, is one of the books in my nightstand, I
love it. It hit 6 bestseller lists, including the New York Times list in the first
37 days of being released. So, I feel like standing up and clapping. Welcome,
Lisa Nichols.

LN: Thank you, thank you, thank you. I’m so excited to be with you.

CK: Oh, great! Well, as I said earlier, I had the great pleasure of spending time
with you and I know that you have an incredibly powerful story of
transformation that we could talk about for days, but I’d love for you to
share just a little bit about how you went from where you were, which was a
not such a great place, coming from a very difficult life, to where you are
now as the New York Times bestselling author and powerful transformational
leader. Can you please share with us just a snap shot of that story?

LN: Sure. Well, I was born and raised in South Central, Los Angeles. I lived
between the “Harlem Crip 30's” and “The Rollin’ 60's”. I say all the time,
those are not cheerleading squads. Those are gangs! I had, on average, 3
fights a week to get home from school. And it’s so funny, you said, Christine,
“coming from a very challenging life to a bestselling author.” Well, what’s so
insane and crazy was that I didn’t know it was challenging. It was just my
life. It was just the norm for me so I didn’t know that it was challenging until
I got out of it and then I took my first breath and I realized, “Oh my God,
I’ve been holding my breath for 18 years.”

I was a C average student. I’d literally struggled in almost every single

course. I later learned that I’m a creative learner, I’m a kinesthetic learner,
I’m a tactile learner. So the school system was very, very difficult for me to
get through. The last time I took an English course, I received a fail and my
English teacher said in front of the entire class, “Lisa, you have to be the
weakest writer I’ve ever met in my entire life.” That same year I took my
first and last speech class and my speech teacher gave me a D and said,
“Miss Nichols, I recommend you never speak in public.” So…
CK: Everyone take a deep breath. I just feel like I need to take a deep breath. I
mean, the heartbreak of a child to get that kind of 1-2 punch, “You can’t
write nor can you speak.”

LN: Right. But, you know what I realized, Christine? That some motivation will
come wrapped in sandpaper. If you think about some of the things that have
inspired you to keep going the most, they weren’t covered with glittering
gold and hearts and warm and fuzzy. Some of those things were covered in
sandpaper or had nails. Some of those things were difficult and so while it is
disheartening that my educators would say such a thing, it became a
challenge and at some point, it became my fuel. So, instead of having
inspirational motivation, I had a little bit of “I’ll show you” motivation. And
so, while I don’t wish that on anyone else, if you can place situations in your
life that are challenging or hard that may not be all they are because you
can’t determine or define every situation in your life to be the way you want
them to be. So, some things have occurred, but if you can re-purpose them
to serve as your fuel, not your fortress, between you and your goal, but yet
allow it to be your fuel, not your reason for not trying or not succeeding then
you can change any situation from being your reason why not to becoming
your reason why to. So, that’s what I did. I put a placeholder in my life and I
said, “Listen, this was the first 2 chapters, the first 6 chapters of my life, but
the next 6 chapters are blank sheets of paper and I hold the pen in my hand
and either I can copy it and paste the old story into a new chapter or I can
re-write or write for the first time a new experience.” And that’s what I chose
to do.

CK: You know what? I want everyone to put down on your piece of paper right
now is that phrase that Lisa said. I hope you caught it. “To really allow your
challenges to really actually be your fuel rather than your fortress.” Right?
Because I’m sure there are people, Lisa, who would have had those same
experiences. Maybe some of you listening had a teacher say to you, “You’re
not a writer. Find a career doing something other than writing.” Some of you
may have heard that. And what I want to encourage all of you to really
understand and get is that you have the power of choice in that moment or
in this moment, if you made that decision long ago, to turn that difficult
situation into your fuel then you have the ability to direct your life. Yup, go

LN: Well, and in more cases than a teacher, we have parents who may not see
our dreams. Our parents who may not see the greatness in us at an early
age, or siblings, or a former relationship that didn’t serve and honor and
celebrate our highest possibility. So, while Christine was saying a teacher, I
want you think of anyone in your life who may not have seen the greatness
that you know you have in you. Allow that experience to serve as your fuel.

CK: Thank you. Thank you.

Now, what do you think made this possible for you? Like I said, some other
people would have made a different decision. Was it your mindset? Was it a
strong faith? Like, what do you feel helped you choose to use your
experience to build you up instead of tear you down. Was it just the karmic
pattern that you were born with? We’re going to hear more, actually, about
karmic patterns and cycles from Joe Nunziata tomorrow, but what do you
think it was for you that actually had you stand up and become this great
leader who has been dedicated to helping millions of people? What was it in

LN: Well, Christine, my answer to you is going to be both inspiring, and it’s going
to be jolting, because I’m going to start with there’s no sprinkle of fairy dust,
there’s no magic potion lotion, there’s no wand, there’s nothing that was
waved over my life that changed and all my bad became good. There was no
moment where the heavens opened up and a bright light came down to me
and I was a new person. It wasn’t that for me, my experience. My experience
was very practical. I was so sick and tired of being only a portion of my
greatness. It became more painful for me to live in this false sense of safety,
than it was frightening for me to stand up and step into a new possibility. I’ll
say that again. It became more painful for me to live in my small world.
Now, I want you to know that in my small world, I was earning 6 figures. In
my small world, I was literally one of the most sought after people in Los
Angeles to get things done throughout the community and with legislature
and with a local government. So, in my small world, I still had a “big title”
but I knew that I held a big title only in Los Angeles when my calling, God
was telling me to serve the universe, to serve the planet, to serve humanity,
not just South Central, not just Los Angeles, not just Southern California.
And so, for me, Christine, it was a very practical experience it was my
everyday life. I knew every day when I didn’t tell my story, when I didn’t
step on my platform, when I didn’t push past my fear storms, a piece of my
own possibility was dying away. I knew that I didn’t want to get old and sit in
my rocking chair and have a story of “I could’ve, I would’ve, I should’ve but I
didn’t.” So, for me, it was very different. It wasn’t a, “I was so inspired.” It
was, “Wait a minute. I know there’s a greatness in me. I know there’s a
goodness in me and I was given a gift and I better share this gift. I better
share this gift with the world because it wasn’t given to me to hold to
myself.” And so, I had to push past my own fear storms. I was afraid of
being judged. I didn’t graduate from college, I was afraid that I wasn’t smart
enough. I’m an African-American woman, I have full lips, round hips, kinky
hair. I didn’t look like a supermodel. You know what I mean? I had all these
chatter in my head about why I shouldn’t take the leap, but I had this
burning in my belly that was bigger and greater than any conversation going
on in my head. And this burning in my belly shut me up at night, Christine,
kept me wondering what is possible in my life. Until finally, I said, “I’m going
to take the leap because I’d rather fall taking a leap than stay safe and never
have risked anything and live in this small perception of success, this
appeared victory.”
An appeared victory is when the cost of the success outweighs the success
itself and it’s a false victory. I wanted to really see what it felt like. And I got
to tell you, nothing in my physical plane, nothing around me, not family, not
finances, not I was a single mother when I started – I had a 3 year old son
when I took this leap – nothing in my physical plane was in alignment and
said, “This is what you should do.” But my GPS system, my God Placement
System, screamed so loudly to who I could become if I had faith and if I
understood that my path does not, in any shape or form, equal my future,
then I could take that leap. And I did.

CK: Oh, God. Amen, Lisa. I know that I am feeling the energetic transmission
that you’re giving to everyone right now. I can feel my being shaking, like
every cell of my body is vibrating with what you’re speaking as such truth.
And I know for some of you listening right now, you may be shaking, you
may be reaching for the Kleenex, because the tears are starting to stream
down your cheeks, as you hear Lisa speaking maybe your story. Right? This
is what paving the path for transformation is all about. We’re not here to try
to make you think that there is some magic fairy dust that’s going to
transform your life overnight. It is a daily discipline, the daily choice, like Lisa
said, that burning in the belly that says, “I am sick and tired of being only a
portion of my greatness.” I know that some of you right now, like you just
got your money’s worth. I know that a lot of you signed up in here at the
basic pass and though you upgraded, really feel that you just got your
money’s worth. But take a breath and let this settle in. Lisa’s giving a
powerful gift right now.

LN: And, Christine, when you say “pave the path to transformation,” I want each
of you to truly understand what that means. It doesn’t mean I’m going to
walk the path. It doesn’t mean I’m going to follow the path already created.
It means I’m going to pave the path. Let’s define pave the path. Pave the
path is elbows up, chin down, you got cement stuck on your elbows, on your
hands, your back is tired from doing the work. It means that when you walk
and you make that path, you’re going to have the bruises on your nose and
your chin and your forehead.

I remember at 19, I asked my professor, “Why is it so hard for me? Did God
have a plan for me?” I mean, God had his hand on my life at 19. And I
remember complaining once to this professor because I was always the only
person of color in every environment I was in. And I always have to do the
whole humanity conversation and what does it feel like to be black and to be
in my skin. And at this particular time at 19, I said, “God, why do I have to
always be the person to explain to everyone?” And very quickly, God said,
“I’m using you. You are my instrument.” So, I go to this professor and I said,
“Why is this so hard?” He said, “Because you’re paving the path.” Now, this
was at 19. He said, “You’re paving a path and you have bruises on your
forehead, your nose and your chin because you’re not walking down the road
created, you’re creating the road in the woods so the bushes are going to hit
your face first, but someone’s going to come behind you who won’t have to
have that discomfort because you took it on. That’s your role. That’s your
assignment.” So when you say pave the path of transformation, you have to
understand what pave means. Pave means that you’re the creator. You’re
the Michaelangelo. You’re creating the David. You’re putting great things
together. You’re designing and that requires something extra, something
deep in your belly that also requires you to understand that transformation is
not something that you can Google download. Transformation is not even
fast. Transformation is not even convenient. My grandmother said, “Your
convictions will never be convenient, so be worthwhile and worthy of a
lifetime of service, but your conviction will never be convenient.”
Transformation is not a Google download, nor is it convenient. It’s necessary
and it’s life-giving. And when you’re paving a path for transformation, now
you’re doing 2 incredible things simultaneously. So, if you’ve asked yourself
why is it so hard, look at your assignment. And to your assignment, your
soul has already said yes and now you just have to get your mind, your
mouth and your action congruent with your soul so that you can live in your
highest purpose.

CK: Now you all know why I was so excited when I contacted Lisa’s office and
they said that, “Yes, this is a great fit. We’d love to have Lisa participate and
be one of your experts.”

You guys, she’s giving you the gift of a lifetime here. Really. You wouldn’t
have resonated with this program, right? There’s a gazillion other programs
out there that you could be taking on how to write, publish and promote a
book, but you’re here because you know that your path is about
transformation and that you’re here to provide transformation for others and
you’re most likely not looking for that overnight quick fix, make a million
tomorrow, pop a super pill and have it all be perfect. You’re here to actually
walk the walk, to talk your walk, and walk your talk, all of it together.

And, Lisa, thank you. Thank you so much.

LN: It’s my pleasure.

CK: I know that there’s so much more and we’ve probably got one segment of
our listeners right now just breathing a sigh of relief, going, “Amen. They get
me. They understand who I am, where I’m at, what I’m up to in the world.
They’re talking about my story and I know I can do this.” And we may have
another group of people listening right now who are saying, “Well, that’s Lisa
Nichols. That’s Christine Kloser. They’ve walked that path and made it to the
other side.” We may have some people right now wondering, “That’s them.
That’s not going to work for me.” Do you have anything you can share with
those people who are still, right now in this moment, they’re feeling, they’re
tentative to take that leap of faith. They’re feeling the fear, perhaps feeling
some of the doubt. They’re wondering if they really too can pave this path
like you and I have in our worlds and in our lives. What can you share with
them to help them perhaps clear and release some of those old voices that
most likely aren’t even theirs?

LN: Well, first of all, I’m going to say, please do not wait to stop feeling the fear
and take the leap. If I waited, I would still be sitting on the edge of the cliff,
going, “Well, when my son gets out of school,” or, “When I lose a little more
weight,” or, “when I’m really sure that I don’t like run on sentences,”
because I’m a run-on sentence mom. I don’t put the period until I finish my
thought. If I waited until I can distinguish between a semi-colon and a colon,
you would not have any books from me right now. You would not hear
speaking from me right now. So, my first very practical advice to you and
you’ll notice I’m very, very practical. I’m your sister. I’m just going to sit
beside you and have a very candid real conversation with you.

Number 1 is being committed and not waiting until the fear is gone to move.
Determination is looking in the face of your fear and moving anyway. You
don’t have to be without fear to take the leap. Breathe that in. So just
breathe that in. You don’t have to wait until you’re feeling totally courageous
to take the leap. You can take the leap still a bit uncertain. That’s where faith
steps in. See, faith again is the evidence of the unseen, knowing that the
unseen will take place. So, take the leap in the face of fear because then that
proves your determination. And then, be sure that when you take that leap,
one of 3 things will happen. And this is my belief system. When you take the
leap off the ledge, one of 3 things will happen. Either the universe will give
you wings to fly, or you’ll get something soft to land on, or you’ll get a great
big Band-Aid if you fall. I’ve gotten all 3 and you’ll be okay. No worries. Take
that leap.

And then number 2 is to recognize your chatter and recognize it for what it
is. I do this exercise in my book on No Matter What called “expose the lie.”
And it is one of the most powerful exercises I have ever done, not ever
taught, though I teach it all the time. It’s one of the most powerful exercises
I’ve ever done for myself, which is why I put it in Chapter 1 of my book
because I know that this is true for so many people. We all have a
compulsive voice in our heads. Sometimes we have a committee in our
heads. And on some days, we have the entire Verizon network in our head
telling us who we can’t be or what we can’t do. So, I would say, to minimize
how important those voices are to your life. I’m not going to ever tell you
that you could silence that chatter. I’m going to tell you how you can
minimize it and how you manage the chatter because I haven’t had a day or
a month or a period of time in my life where I didn’t have the negative
chatter. I just learned how to masterfully manage my negative chatter. And
so there’s an exercise called “exposing the lie.” You want to write this down.
And in my book, I give explicit details, but I’ll give you the fast, the
microwaved version.

You want to get a stack of paper. Get at least 10 sheets of paper and get a
pencil and a red pen. And in pencil, I want you to expose every lie that you
say about yourself. Don’t limit it just to your writing or your speaking ability.
Talk about your health, talk about your relationships, talk about your
finances, talk about your spirituality. Talk about everything. Now, write down
one lie at a time and then skip 4 lines. Then write the next lie and skip 4
lines. Then write the next lie and skip 4 lines. Why do you have 10 sheets of
paper? Because the bigger you play in the world, the more lies you’ll have to
expose. If you’re playing big in the world, you’re going to have breakdowns.
And if you don’t have breakdowns, you’re not playing big enough. And
negative chatter comes with breakdowns, comes with playing big. And so you
want to write down all your lies and dump. It might take you several hours.
You may want to go back to do it over a period of a few days, but don’t get
away from it until you feel like you’ve dumped everything out.
We have all the lies dumped out in pencil, written in pencil. In between each
lie, I want you to grab the red pen and I want you to write the truth. This is
where you’re going to get sucked. You’re going to want to say, “Lisa, I don’t
know what the truth is.” And I’m going to say, “Remember I said to you in
this moment, you know that there’s a truth because you identified that as a
lie. So there has to be a truth for every lie.” Now, the key thing is you may
not be able to believe the truth right now and that’s totally fine. But Neuro-
Linguistic Programming says, “Put the truth there so that you can see it so
that when you are ready to believe it, you have access to it.” So now, in red
ink, write down the truth under each lie. So now, you’ll have the lie in pencil
and the truth in red ink. The lie in pencil, the truth in red ink. And then I
want you to read the lie and the truth for 2 days. Right now, you have this
chatter in your head and there’s nothing to counter it. What we’re creating,
in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is we’re creating a counterbalance. So, in
the future, when you think of the lie, when the lie pops up unauthorized, you
automatically get the truth in red ink. After you read the lie and the truth for
2 days, then I want you to erase everything in pencil, which happens to be
all the lies. And the only thing you’ll be left with is the truth. Now, that was
worth whatever you invested for the course.

CK: I did. I read about that exercise in your first chapter in No Matter What. And
I thought, “Man, she’s on to something here.” I call it my trash or truth list.
It’s a process I’ve been doing even before I read it in your book. I called it
trash or truth: what kind of trash do I tell myself versus what kind of truths I
tell myself. But I love it with this pencil and the red pen and slowly getting
rid of the pencil and really seeing the red pen as your truth. So, thank you.
For those of you who are still having those voices of chatter, we know those
voices are going to be there, but this is a great way, a great very practical
tool. I love it, Lisa, that you gave it to them to help.
Now, I feel like we are doing a phenomenal job of helping to really give you
what you need to pave this path for transformation. Now, I know, Lisa, you
talk a lot about people being destined for greatness. I’d love to have you dive
in and to just talk about that a little bit. What do you mean and how can our
transformational authors, listening right now, really connect and discover
what that greatness is in them that they are destined to experience?

LN: Absolutely. I believe that each and every one of us, your fingerprint, your life
print, was breathed in your body. You were given the divine ability to be
destined for greatness. That is what I love about that. I love, Christine, that
it doesn’t matter your cultural, or it doesn’t matter your geographical origin,
it doesn’t matter your gender, it doesn’t matter your economic status, it
doesn’t matter anything – your religious beliefs, the background. That is
because you have breath in your body and you were destined for greatness.
That’s what I love. Non-negotiable. No matter what, not an option, that is
your destiny. What you choose is on you, but your birthright is that you’re
destined for greatness. Now, you have to choose to go and get it. It’s not
going to come to you like UPS at your door, “Here, please sign here for
greatness.” It’s been delivered. No. You’ve been destined for greatness and
you have that birthright. And what I love about that is that regardless of any
background, your past does not equal your future. And that when you’re
going to think, you may be going through something right now in your
relationship, in your health, in your finances, in your personal development.
You may or may not, but if you are, it does not change your GPS system.
You still are routed to greatness. Now, you have to press gas, you have to
press go, you have to navigate, you have to feed your body healthy, you
have to be responsible for your thoughts, you have to set a goal. You have to
do all of that, but your destiny does not change based on what you’ve
experienced. That’s what I love. That’s the equalizer. The playing field is
equalized. There’s no one that got a better hook up than you. I don’t care
what kind of family they were raised in. Two parents, one parent, their
annual income. It doesn’t change your ability and your birth right to be
destined for greatness.

So that’s number one. That’s what I love. When I finally got that, Christine, I
was on fire. I thought, “Oh, it doesn’t matter that I was in South Central as a
child or it doesn’t matter that my mother was on government assistance or it
doesn’t matter that I had to be on government assistance. It doesn’t matter.
No. Okay, great. I’m going for it.” When I got that, all of a sudden something
shifted in me because I stopped making my future pay for my past and I let
my past be the catapult, I let my past be the catalyst, I let my past be the
launch pad for my future. So that’s number one.

And number two, when you talk about destined for greatness, how do we get
it? What are some of the techniques that you can use today to help you
really tap into that? So here’s what I would do. I would write 2 letters. I’d
write a letter to myself. If I were you, I’ll get a pen out right now and just
write down these guidelines. Don’t write the letter now, but write the letter
later. Write a letter to yourself. Write 2. Write one date, “December 31st,
2012.” Then write the other one, “December 31st, 2020.” You may decide
you want to do 2018, 5 years from now. We’re going to do 2020. We’ll walk
at it, about 5 years. And this is the thank you letter to yourself. Write one
immediately because you want to get results in short term things to be
excited about. And I want you to write a thank you letter to yourself as if it’s
already done. Don’t write a to-do list, write a thank you list, thanking
yourself for what you’ve already done. I wrote one and I did it December
31st, 2011. I wrote it about 4 years ago. And I said, “Lisa, thank you so
much. I’m so proud of you for becoming a bestselling author.” This was
before I became one, becoming a bestselling author. “Thank you for inspiring
millions with your work. Thank you for being in service. Thank you for
travelling the globe and touching people in third world countries and focusing
on women and women empowerment. Thank you for being a great mother.
Thank you for giving Gellani time during the day. Every day you spend
quality time. Thank you for not talking on the cellphone when you’re in the
car with Gellani. Thank you for letting that be your mommy fun time. Thank
you for re-shaping your body and losing the 100 pounds that you gained
through a tumultuous relationship. Thank you...” I got in detail, Christine. I
got in detail, thanking myself for the things that I have already done, not the
things that I was going to do. I thought about it as if I already done it. When
you do that, the neurological association to it already being done, girl, it
becomes your reality and your body is on fire. Do that. Write a thank you
letter for 2012, December 31st. And then walk up 5 years minimal and write
a thank you letter five years out or go out to 2020 and write a thank you
letter for what you’ve done in the next 7 years or so and just write it as if it’s
already done so you can see yourself into the future. What have you done?
“Thank you. I’m so proud of you for getting that award that acknowledged
your service to humanity.” You don’t have to name the award, unless you
know the name of the award that you plan to get or just a service award.
“Thank you so much for spending time with the people you love.” Like for
me, I’m writing another letter to myself now and I’m thanking myself for
spending quality time with my 83 year old grandmother and not teaching
her, but learning from her and making sure that, in this season of her life,
we’re making great memories together.

So first, you have to know that greatness, destined for greatness is your
birth right. You have to know that in your DNA that it is what you’re born for.
I don’t care where you’ve been or what you’ve done, greatness is what
you’ve been born for. And you have to know it like I know, like I know, like I
know, like non-negotiable and nothing can shape that knowing. See, things
will rise up for you to question who you are and those are not opportunities
for you to lose the faith, those are opportunities for you to stand in your faith
and stand in your knowing. When opposition rises, when circumstances rise,
they don’t rise to stop you. They rise to confirm and affirm your
commitment. So when people get so thrown off with hiccups, people get so
drawn off and turbulence occurs. Turbulence is not there to stop you.
Turbulence is there to affirm and confirm your conviction. Thank them. Bless
the turbulence because you just showed me how serious I am about getting
this book out to the world. You just showed me how serious I am about
serving the planet. Thank you so much. I bless you, turbulence. I bless you,
unexpected health challenge. I bless you, unexpected financial challenges. I
bless you, unexpected relationship challenge. I bless you and you don’t have
the power to stop me. You simply have the influence to make me more
convicted, to make me more determined, and then, on the other side, write a
thank you letter of what you’ve already done before you’ve done it.

CK: Oh man, you guys have a lot of juicy, wonderful, awesome, powerful work
that you get to do today after this class, between the writing down of the lie
and the truth and these amazing letters. Such powerful tools. Again, thank
you so much, Lisa, and I love what you said that turbulence is not there to
deter you. Turbulence is there to confirm and affirm your conviction.

LN: And if you use it as a fuel, every time it comes up, you go, “Oh, another
opportunity.” Then it won’t take the wind out of your sail. When we go, “Oh,
I will do so good until…” You’re using it as a fortress. It’s your fuel. You go,
”Oh, really? Oh, you want to find out how serious I am? Okay, let me show
you.” Like a whole other attitude. If you’re listening to my voice, you’ve got
to make the decision. If this goal that you have to share your work with the
world, your heart with the world, your genius with the world, your humanity
with the world, is it still optional for you? Now, Christine, you know me. I’m a
coach. I’m a take action coach, I’m a transformational coach, so I’m always
going to have you in the doing. I’m an action-based coach because I know
that your breakthrough lives in your action. The breakthrough doesn’t live in
your thoughts, your breakthrough doesn’t live in your conversations. Your
breakthrough lives in your actions, though your thoughts and your
conversations have to precede your action. Your breakthrough lives in your
action and what I know is that when you’re inside of action and you shift
from saying, “I really want it, but it still feels a little optional.” It’s non-
negotiable. When your goal becomes a non-negotiable, there’s an energetic
shift that occurs in your body. And when you move with the conviction of
non-negotiable the hurdles that rise up will still rise up. Don’t think that
they’re magically going to go away and so when they come, all of sudden,
you begin to question yourself. The hurdle is still going to rise up, but the
hurdle’s going to rise up knowing already that you’re going to overcome it.
The hurdle already knows, the issue already knows. They just want to see
how you are going to overcome it. They’re entertained by your conviction.
They’re entertained by your determination. It’s not, “will she surpass this
obstacle?” It’s, “how will she surpass this obstacle? How will he surpass this
obstacle?” And that’s the certainty that you move with. So, that issue that’s
around the corner, you stop saying, “Well, what if?” Because every time you
say, “what if,” “by the way,” you’re putting a crack inside the possibility.
You’re putting a crevice; you’re creating a cavern inside your possibility and
your growth. Don’t say “What if,” you say, “Whatever it is around the corner
-- be it finances, health, family, relationship, whatever it is, whatever the
obstacle is, I am not going to worry about it. I said no matter what. This is
non-negotiable. As a matter of fact, whatever that issue is, it had better
worry about me.” When you move to that level of conviction, Christine, all of
a sudden, your passion for serving humanity is so big and it’s not big in a
haughty way or in a boastful way, it’s big in a way of service and possibility.
And, God, I will do anything; I will be anything and everything. Tell me,
guide myself, guide my hand, guide my words, guide me daily. The very first
statement that I wrote in my very first book is about that because I pray to
God daily to get me out of my own way so that I can be of greater good to
the world and to humanity. Every day. “Get me out of my way so that I can
be what I was called here to do.” When you get there, Christine, all of a
sudden, it’s not a what if, it’s a when. You don’t ask will I do it, you ask what
date will I do it on?

CK: I love that you talked about getting curious about the how that breakthrough
happens. The curiosity of how? How is this going to serve me? How am I
going to get through this? How is this going to help me become more
anchored, more strong, more faith-filled, more committed and dedicated and
convinced and convicted of who and what I’m here to do? How is that going
to show up? I know, for me, for those of you who read my story in the free
Pebbles in the Pond e-book that you got when you signed up for this
program, if you read my story, you know this entire Transformational Author
movement came out of the time when I was on my knees for days, crying,
praying, begging for the guidance to come in and free me of all the things
that had kept me small, all of the pain, all of the fear that made me want to
climb underneath a rock and spend the rest of my life underneath there. It
was in that time where it was like, “Please.” Like you said Lisa, the prayer,
“Help me get out of my way. Show me what this is about. Guide me through
this. I know there’s something bigger for me. I don’t know how it’s going to
happen, but I know with my faith and with your being here to co-create
whatever this next thing is with me, I know I can do it. I just don’t know
what it is. So, help me and show me and guide me.” And that time of really
being down to like nothing, as nothing as I’ve ever felt in my life, that was
the place that the seed of this entire Transformational Author movement was
born. And then 10,000+ of you showed up last year, more of you this year
and you can feel the ripples going out.

So, Lisa, thank you. I’m touched and motivated and inspired by what you’re
sharing here and I loved that you also brought it down to the practical action.
That the breakthrough, for all of you listening, your breakthrough lives in
your action. I love that you say you have got to pray and move your speech.
You’ve got to do both.
LN: Absolutely. Absolutely, and you almost have to, you have to move it as if
you’re late for work. Now, you want to have a plan, but you have to move
with a sense of organized urgency. I call it organized urgency. You’ve got to
move it, you’ve got to move with speed. You don’t want to spend another
year writing that book you’ve been writing for 5 years or 3 years. You want
to get out there. You want to assume that there’s a little girl, there’s a
woman, there’s a hurting teenage boy, who’s waiting for your work and he’s
praying right now, “God, send me an answer.” And in what you write, in what
you say, in the way you lay that out, no one can bring it forth to the planet
the way you can. I don’t care how many books have been written. I don’t
care how many blogs, how many projects have been done. No one can do it
like you. No one can do it with your style, with your grace, with your
attitude, with your spice, with your humanity, with your humility, with your
energy. No one. And the world needs to get it exactly the way you’re doing
it. Your book has less to do with you than you will ever imagine and it has
more to do with serving the planet, feeding hungry souls. And so operate like
you were late for work with organized urgency. Put a timeline on it every
single week. When I was writing my book, I had a deadline for the week that
had to be done. No one had to do it. My publisher did not put the timeline on
me, I put it on myself. I treated it as if someone was waiting for it and then,
as crazy as it is, 3 weeks into writing my book, I got online and I just went in
to my e-mail and I e-mailed everyone in my database. I said, “I want to
share with you the parts of the book that I already finished. I’m writing a
book called No Matter What.” This was in 2007. Then I said, “I just want to
share with you what I’ve written so far because I feel lonely writing this book
and I want to make sure I’m on target. And so, would you get on this call
with me and would you listen to the chapters that I have written already and
would you give me feedback?” And I got online and 352 people showed up
for the call. They had 2 days notice and 352 people showed up and I read my
chapter and one young man, I’ll never forget him. Richard from Puerto Rico.
He typed back, “Lisa, I wasn’t contemplating suicide when I listened to you
reading your chapter. I already decided to commit suicide. I was just
contemplating how to.” And he goes on to write because he wrote this in an
e-mail. He said, “Just your Chapter 1 helped me to begin to breathe again.
I’m going to challenge it.” He said, “Can you please invite me back to hear
another chapter?” So, I’m like, “Oh my God!” I invited everyone back to read
another chapter. And I went on for 10 weeks straight. I read every chapter
unedited. It hadn’t even gotten to my editor yet. I was just reading raw
chapters to them. And every week, I would write a chapter for him. He was
the person that I would have. I’ve never seen him before, but I just
visualized who he could be and every week I wrote a chapter. That’s how you
have to write. That’s how you have to work, that level of organized urgency
because someone’s waiting to be fed by you.

CK: Can you guys all write that down right now, if you haven’t yet? And I trust
that someone’s going to go and share it on our Facebook community, but
write that down. Okay? It’s so important that you get it that someone’s soul
is hungry, in need of what you have to offer in only the way that you can.
Like Lisa said, no one’s walked your path. No one knows life from exactly
your perspective. Nobody on the planet can write your book but you and
there’s a soul that is hungry right now. So, for any of you who are on the
fence, “Am I really ready? Can I really do this? Who do I think I am to
become a published author?” I hear Mary Anne Williamson, “Who are you not
to be?” There’s someone hungry right now for the teaching that you have to

So, thank you, Lisa. It’s just, it’s so awesome to feel the magnitude of your
passion for the work that you do in the world.

LN: It’s one of the assignments. You know what is your assignment? See, I’m
going to be really clear with you. I didn’t wake up one day and go, “Hey, I
think I want to go down the career path of being a speaker and a
transformational coach.” God brought me to this world kicking and
screaming. I was a single mother of a 3-year old boy, I had a six figure
income, I had benefits, I had vacation, I had security, I was the big woman
in town, I had notoriety, I was cushioned, I was comfortable, I was protected
and I wasn’t living my life assignment. I have this joke I say that’s not really
a joke, it was just my best picture of it. I say, God called me to do this work
and I said, “God, look at my life. Call me back later.” And God presses redial
immediately and says, “Okay, now is later. One second later.” And God just
kept on pressing redial on my life and I kept saying, “God, call me back
later.” And He says, “Okay. Now is later. One second later.” And I finally
surrendered. See, when you surrender to your greatness and to your
assignment you can start to be the person you were always meant to be. You
have to understand that in your greatest power, in the very center of the
most powerful being, lived the highest form of humility and surrender. The
passion that you hear and feel, Christine, is my surrender and my willingness
to be obedient to my calling. See, I understand that the moment I let go of
all my ego or, ladies, all of my “she-go”, how will I look? How will I show up?
I’m not perfect yet. I haven’t lost enough weight yet. My soul is not perfect
yet. My grammar’s not perfect yet. I’m not exactly who I wanted to be. I’m
still single. I’m a single mom. I don’t have a college degree. When I let go of
all of my “she-go” based conversation, because that’s all about me. Every
single thing I just said is all about me. When I let go of my “she-go”, I let go
of the fear of other people’s perception of me. See, you may be listening to
my voice right now and you’re not moving because you’re afraid of being
judged. Well, you’re still making that about you. While you’re in full service,
when you’re obedient, you’ll say, “Listen, this is what I’m supposed to give to
the world. Now, you can say whatever you want about me, but it’s my job to
be obedient.”

When I finally got there, Christine, I didn’t care that there wasn’t another
woman of color on the big stage next to Mark Victor Hansen and Jack
Canfield and Bob Foster and Tony Robbins. I didn’t care that I had a big, old
afro. I didn’t care that I had voluptuous hips. I didn’t care that I hadn’t
graduated from college. I didn’t care that I’m a run-on sentence mom and
still don’t know what’s the difference between a semi-colon and colon. I
didn’t care about any of that because my conviction and my commitment to
be obedient to my calling was greater than any of my “she-go-based”
concerns, was greater than my fear of people’s opinion of me. All of a
sudden, my biggest insight, the biggest thing for me was to be obedient.
When you move to that level, you can’t stop the passion. You can’t stop the
energy. The biggest challenge I had when I taught you for 3 days in that
room of over 350 people, the biggest challenge I had was letting you go
home. That was the biggest challenge, was letting you go. And my son was
saying, they need rest, they need rest, then you have a break, then you eat,
then you need to drink. Okay, okay, okay. Because I’m in my obedience, I’m
like, “Okay. Got to do it right today.” I don’t want to wait until the end of my
day to hear, “Job well done, my child.” I want to hear it every night. I tell my
girlfriends I don’t go to bed at night. I pass out. I play like a little kid every
day all day. And then I’m super tired and I just pass out. Last night, I didn’t
even take the pillows off of my bed. I just passed out on my pillows. I’m not
going to live in a life like that. And, by the way, my life is so far from perfect,
but what I’ve learned how to do is to perfectly manage my imperfections. I
work well with my imperfections. I am a basket case. I have my own issues,
but I manage my issues very well and I love my imperfections because I sit
inside of obedience. Are you willing, today, are you willing at the end of this
call, right now in this moment? And if you are, declare it. I love, Christine,
you said go to Facebook because we call that in my community a
breakthrough out loud. Have a breakthrough out loud. Don’t have a personal
breakthrough, don’t have a quiet breakthrough. Break through out loud.
When you break through out loud, you become contagious to other people.
See, I get to ride on your breakthrough. Your breakthrough helps make me a
better woman. Go over to Facebook now and, any breakthrough you have,
are you willing today, in this moment, to become non-negotiable? If you are,
then blow it up. Blow up Facebook, Twitter, whatever, e-mail, blow up your
check file, what you love the most and say, “Oh, by the way, I just decided
to become non-negotiable. I just decided. I realized it was optional
yesterday. Today is non-negotiable.” That’s when you start moving out of
your way.

CK: Today I got excited by Lisa Nichols and I’m fired up.

LN: I’m sorry! I get excited! I’m super excited!

CK: I love your excitement because this is why I do what I do, you know? It
might look like you came here just because you want to write a book, okay?
Like I said earlier, you could go to a thousand other people to learn how to
write a book. What I want to do is I want to help you learn how to write your
best book, your transformational book within the container of stepping in to
your greatness, your own transformation, your highest service in the world.
You guys, honestly, I do believe, as I said in the beginning of the call, that
every book that gets out there with a positive message, I believe it’s going to
be what helps to tip the scales and literally transform the world one person,
one book, one reader at a time. And that’s what you’re here to do. That’s
why you’re not somewhere else listening to just blah, blah, blah about here’s
how you write a book. That’s why you raised your hand to come here.

LN: Christine, can I just add to what you said? You’re really not helping them to
write the book. See, your commitment is helping them become the person
they need to be to help others. I’m very clear on who you are in the world
and, Susie, my president of my company, she asked me to do this with you.
It’s not easy for me to do an interview. We get about 150 requests a week
and we do more no’s than yeses, but she was super excited about you and
what you’re up to in the world. And when I did the research on you, I was
very sure why. You don’t have the right book. You’re helping
transformational leaders transform the planet and the book that they’re
writing is just the vehicle to make that happen. See you see the bigger
picture and you talk about that bigger thing. You’re helping people to
transform the planet and tip that tipping scale that you were talking about.
So you help people transform the planet so that our children’s children can
live in the world that is unrecognizable. And the book that you’re writing is
simply the way in which you get your transformation out to the world. So the
book is not the end game, y’all. The book is the beginning. Life begins when
people get your message and, all of sudden, you realize that you have to
stand on your message, not in your message. It’s your platform, your story,
your history, what happened to you as a child, what happened to you as a
young adult. That’s not the story for you to stand in, it’s the story for you to
stand on that transforms someone else’s life. Your story that you’re
considering sharing, that you’re working to share, is not even yours. It
belongs to the universe. It belongs to humanity. So, Christine, you are not
here to help people write books, you’re here to help them transform the
planet one person at a time and the book is the vehicle for them to get to the
transformation, to get to the world. If you could hear my voice, you have
been assigned to be a change agent on the planet. Now, you can run to it or
you can run from it. And I’m going to tell you, both are going to be very
hard. I am not even going to make you believe either one is easy. Running
from it is going to be hard and it’s going to be hard and you’re going to be
miserable. Running to it is going to be difficult, but it’s going to be difficult
and life-fulfilling. The issue is which direction you’re going to run in. But if
you’re on this call, you were born to be a change agent. Period.

CK: Woohoo! I can feel some of you out there right now, like, doing the woohoo
with me. You know it’s true and it feels so good for you, in this moment, I’m
sure, to be affirmed, confirmed and feel like you found your home like I
found my tribe. They get it and, yes, that is who I am. I’m here to be a
change agent. Maybe I thought it was about the book yesterday, but today, I
know it’s about something more.
And, Lisa, I just want to thank you so much for being here, for sharing your
brilliance, your wisdom, your heart, your passion, every ounce of your
experience and your commitment to transforming humanity because I know
that that’s the game that you are playing too, which is why I just love and
adore you. I’m so grateful you said yes to being here. Thank you so much.

LN: It was awesome. I adore you as well. I love what you’re up to in the world. I
love your divine right timing. I love how you’re fulfilling it. I love your
commitment and your conviction to make it happen. So, it’s always
wonderful. Just, in closing, I get how my declaring and just affirming that
you’re a change agent and for some of you it’s a, “wooohoo!” and for others,
it’s an, “Oh my God.”

CK: Yeah, “Oh, crap.”

LN: Yeah. You get both of those because you feel like the alien in your
community, like no one gets you. No one understands you. You’re the last
unicorn. Yeah, you are. But here’s the cool thing. You can come to a
community like this with 10,000, 15,000 last unicorns gathered so that you
understand your tribe. You don’t fit in with everyone. You look to the left and
you look to the right and, yeah, no one understands you and no one gets
you. That’s because you are like the last unicorn. You’re a change agent.
Everyone doesn’t get that divine assignment on the planet Earth. And you
get to understand that when you are a change agent, you have a vision and
that vision’s no better than anyone else’s. It’s just yours and it’s unique. So
no one in your family, and I want to leave you with this, because I
understand what it feels like to walk alone at times. I understand what it
feels like to find a community and to need a community. If no one gets your
vision in your immediate circle: family, friends, colleagues if no one gets your
vision and you’ve asked the question, why don’t they get it? Why don’t they
support? I want to give you the answer today so that you don’t have to ever
have to answer that question again. You can have your answer and you can
move forward knowing that if no one around you gets your vision, and I want
you to hear me with your heart, not just with your ears, and if this is a part
of your breakthrough, then I want you to Facebook that. If no one gets your
vision around you, it’s because God didn’t give the vision to them. God gave
the vision to you and it’s your job to work. And then you can get it to them,
once you work.

Christine, you saw my mother on stage with me at Speak Your Mind. What
you don’t know is that in all the years, I’ve been doing this work since 1994,
that was my mother’s first time at my workshop. And it’s not a bad thing. My
mother job wasn’t supposed to be my editor or to be my fan. My mother’s
job was to be my mother and my son’s phenomenal grandmother. And so let
the people in your family be whoever they are in your life and you hold the
vision and there’ll come a time when you’ll birth it and the world can see it
and they’ll see it along with the world. And love them for the entire journey.
Let them be who they are in their life.

CK: Thank you so much, Lisa. I can feel the deep breath of all of you listening. So
many of you feeling really profound changes and shifts and things happening
for you just in the last hour, a little over an hour, that we’ve been able to
spend together with Lisa. Just breathe it in. Let it all settle and I want to give
you just a couple of resources so that you can get more of Lisa, if you want.
One of them is she’s put together a special place for you. You can go to
transfromationalauthor, again, its transformationalauthor.com/lisa. And what
she’s put together there is a free program, you just need to opt in to get it
there, called Setting Your Champion Free. So if you liked what you got here
today, I know some of you loved what you got here today. Some of you
might have this “come here, go away” thing happening with what you
discovered here today, but on some level, your soul knows you needed it.
And to go get more of Lisa, again, just go to
transformationalauthor.com/lisa, all lower case, to go get the free program,
Setting Your Champion Free.

LN: And, Christine, can I just explain a little bit of that? Setting Your Champion
Free was just something that I recite in the mirror to myself every day.
Because, I was at the beginning of my journey and I was hurting, I was
confused, I was inspired, but I was scared. And so it’s just 19 minutes of
what I have to say to myself every day in the mirror to get my crawl to a
walk, my walk to a run and my run to a soar. And a friend of mine heard me
on the other side of the door one day and said, “You have to share that with
the world.” And so it’s just a very personal piece of work, 19 minutes or so of
what helped me to get clean and I thought it would serve you.

CK: Thank you. Yes, you can get the transformationalauthor.com/lisa as a free
gift, Setting Your Champion Free. And I know some of you who are thinking,
well, “Why do I need to upgrade? I can listen live.” Some of you, I know, are
probably going to go and upgrade just so you can get the mp3 of this
recording so that you can hear this over again. And you can do that at
transformationalauthor.com/upgrade if you want to make sure you got the
mp3 and the downloadable transcript of this amazing class we just had with

My goodness. I can’t wait, Lisa, to go over to Facebook later today and see
the breakthroughs out loud that are going to be coming over there. I look
forward to spending time with you. Some of you might not yet even be
connected there. In order to get connected, it’s
facebook.com/transformationalauthors. You need the “s” on the end there,
but its facebook.com/transformationalauthors. I can’t wait to see your out
loud breakthroughs over there later on today and again, Lisa, you have been
such a gift. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, on behalf of myself and
everyone here listening, for the gift that you gave to everyone today.
LN: Oh, thank you for having me. I stand as your sister in the journey and I
enjoyed it. I will have to find excuses to play together again and call it work.

CK: Yeah. We definitely do. I look forward to that. And to all of you listening,
thank you for being here. Thank you for raising your hand. Some of you
might not have even known what you raised your hand for when you put
your name and e-mail in that little box. For some of you, today, in the class
that I just gave and this class right now with Lisa, thank you. Now that you
know what this transformational authorship journey is about, thank you for
being here. Thank you for listening. Thank you for writing down the
assignments that Lisa gave you, with the lie and the truth and the letters
that you’re going to be writing. I’m thrilled and excited that you’re here and
sharing this journey with me and your fellow tribe of transformational
authors as well.

So, this is Christine Kloser here, the transformation catalyst, creator of this
Transformational Author Experience and Writing Program, signing off for
today, just saying it with such an abundance of light and the joy. And I know
I’m fired up after spending this time with you. And I can’t wait to see you
next time. In the meantime, sending you abundant blessings for your
transformational journey. Thanks again for being here and NAMASTE.

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