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Ms. Diane Nicoll 8th Grade History Unit 1: Lesson 4 

American Republicanism
Name: Malia Langer

Date: 9/12/2017

Class: 8th Grade - U.S. History

Slides and Notes 
Slide Student Notes

American Republicanism
Unit 1: Lesson 4

Describe the nation's blend of civic republicanism,

Goal  classical liberal principles, and English Parliamentary

● Civic Republicanism
Benjamin Franklin  ● He liked the idea of Republicanism
● Worried about the public keeping it

● Before the war, Americans were angry that they

didn't have the same rights as the English
○ They were taxed differently
Background  ● Once they declared independence, they started
Information  to work towards the goal of having their own
republic (a form of self government)
● A republic (elect people to make decisions) and
direct democracy (the people help decide on
everything) are very different

● Foundation of American government

● Originated in classical Greece (500-300 BCE)
● The ancient Greeks ruled themselves using a
direct democracy, not through representatives
● Citizens can be in government
Civic Republicanism 
● For this to work, citizens must put the good of
their community above their own individual
● Citizens must all be well informed
● Americans believe in Civic engagement

● A view that stresses in representative

Classical Liberalism 
democracy, not direct democracy
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Ms. Diane Nicoll 8th Grade History Unit 1: Lesson 4 

● Not everyone gets a vote, in order for things to

run more smoothly
● Citizens elect somebody to represent or look
after their interests
● In the classical liberalism view, the best
government is the one that protects your rights
as a minority
● Thomas Jefferson wanted to avoid big
○ Big government would ignore the
minority voice
● They wanted to limit government powers
● Giving everybody freedom
○ Speech
○ Press
○ Elections
○ Association
● By giving people these specific rights, it would
protect them from big government

● British parliament consisted of two chambers

● The House of Commons was filled with
representatives elected by citizens
● The House of Lords was made up of non-elected
judges, nobles, and church officials
English  ● Parliament provided a partial model for the
Parliamentary  colonists’ representative government
Traditions  ● Similar to the House of Lords, we have the
● Similar to the House of Commons, we have
House of Representatives
● Parliament - Legislative Branch (same word as

● Legislative Branch has two houses (House of

Representatives and Senate)
● Executive (President and Vice President)
● Judicial Branch (Supreme Court)
United States of 
● The idea of the two chambers developed into the
America: A New 
Senate (modeled on ancient Rome) and house of
Representatives (based on British Parliament)
● Legislative Branch makes laws
● Executive Branch executes laws
● Judicial Branch interprets laws

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Ms. Diane Nicoll 8th Grade History Unit 1: Lesson 4 

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