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dan/din/dawn this/these

x'inhu? x'inhi? what is this?

raġel, irġiel man
ukoll also
mara, nisa woman
iva yes
le no
mhux/mhix is not
mela then
dak/dik/dawk that/those
tfal children
tifel, tfal subien boy
kbir/a, kbar big
jew or
żgħir/a, żgħar small
tifla, tfal bniet girl
jien/jiena I
int/inti you
hu/huwa he
hi/hija she
intom you, pl.
student/a/i student
ahna we
ktieb, kotba book
għalliem/a teacher
ġdid/a, ġodda new
qadim/a, qodma old
ħafna much, many
kemm how many, how much
hemm there
kemm hemm kotba? How many books are there?
u and
tieqa, twieqi window
bieb, bibien door
ħajt, ħitan wall
art, artijiet country, floor, ground
saqaf, soqfa ceiling
mejda, imwejjed table
siġġu, siġġijiet chair
x'aktar? what else?
xejn nothing
kif xejn?! What do you mean nothing?!
kelb, klieb dog
fejn huma l-kotba? Where are the books?
fuq on, above
min who
ħdejn near, by
min hemm ħdejn il-mejda? who's there by the table?
hawn here
kamra, kmamar room
x'hawn aktar fil-kamra? what else is in the room?
dan il-bini this building
mela well then
dar, djar house
din id-dar kbira this house is big
ta' min hi? whose is it?
ħafna very
ta' wieħed sinjur a certain rich man's
u dik il-karozza s-sewda and that black car
tas-sinjur ukoll the rich man's as well
żiemel, żwiemel horse
u dik iż-żiemel l-abjad and this white horse.
kollox everything
sabiħ/a, sbieħ beautiful
dik il-karozza s-sewda sabiħa, hux? That black car is beautiful, isn't it?
hux? isn't it?
dak x'inhu fit-triq? what's that in the street?
u dik x'inhi, xemx jew qamar? and what is this, sun or moon?
xemx sun
qattus, qtates cat
qamar moon
triq, toroq street
imma but
il-flus money (pl.)
biss only
mhux bħali not like me
bħal like
jien fqir I am poor
fqir/a, fqar poor
fqir imma mhux marid poor but not ill
marid/a, morda ill
il-flus mhux kollox money is not everything
saħħa bye
għand tal-ħanut at the shop
tabib/a, tobba physician
hu is
għandu he has
belt, bliet city
martu/il-mara tiegħu his wife
ħelu, ħelwa, ħelwin nice
qalb, qlub heart
qalbha her heart
tajjeb, tajba, tajbin good
qalbha tajba warm-hearted
uliedhom/it-tfal tagħ their children
għandhom they have
l-università at university
s-sekondarja at secondary school
bravu, brava, bravi intelligent, clever
moħħ, imħuħ mind
moħħu his mind
moħħu fuq il-kotba he's got his mind on books
dejjem l-ewwel fil-klassHe's always first in class
bħal ħuha like her brother
quddiem in front of
mera, mirja mirror
ħabib/a, ħbieb friend
m'għandux ħbieb he has no friends
xitwa, xtiewi winter
id-dar għand ommu at his mother's house
sajf, sjuf summer
fis-sajf in the summer
baħar, ibħra sea
il-baħar at the seaside
tas-Sliema in Sliema
barra out, outside
ma' ħbiebha with her friends
nanna, nanniet grandmother
għand nannitha at her grandmother's house
twil/a, twal tall
missier, missirijiet father
qasir/a, qosra short
ommha her mother
dejjem igerger he's always grumbling
illum is-sħana today it's hot
il-bard it's cold
m'għandix ġuħ I'm not hungry
m'għandix għatx I'm not thirsty
għandi l-ġuħ I'm hungry
għandi l-għatx I'm thirsty
illum ir-riħ today it's windy
illum ix-xemx today it's sunny
dejjem għandu xi ħagaHe's always got something (to say)
oħtu mhix bħalu his sister is not like him
għada tomorrow
tieġ, tiġijiet wedding
il-bieraħ yesterday
ferħan/a/in happy
kull filgħodu every morning
tmur she goes
għand tal-ħobż to the baker's shop
hobż bread
hobża, ħobziet loaf (of bread)
għand tal-laħam to the butcher's
laħam meat
għand tal-ħaxix to the grocer
ħaxix vegetables, grass
darba f'ġimgħa once a week
ġimgħa, ġimgħat week
għand il-ħajjata to the dress-maker
ħajjat/a/in tailor
kultant sometimes
ma jmur għand ħadd he doesn't go to anybody's house
dejjem l-ispiżerja he's always at the pharmacy
ara look
xiħ, xjuħ old man
ħareġ to go out
barra out, outside
libes to dress, wear, put on
hemm x'liblook at what he's wearing!
żarbun pair of shoes
żarbuna, ż shoe
żarbun aħ red shoes
miskin/a, poor thing
ħaseb to think
li that
xorob to drink
xi ftit a little
inbid wine
żejjed too much
dak dejjemthat's always the case
mela well
il-bieraħ u yesterday he also was drinking
kien fis-sa he was drunk
għaliex? why
għax because
imdejjaq, sad
tajjeb well
kuljum every day
raġel ieħoranother man
ħabat mie bumped into him
min kien? who was that?
ibnu l-kbir his eldest son
tassew? is that so?
waqa' to fall
it-traffiku all traffic stopped
ma kienx hwasn't there a policeman there?
allura well then
bagħat to send
bagħat għato send for
malajr quickly
sewwa għahe did the right thing
taf fejn ki do you know where she was?
il-knisja at the church
knisja, knechurch
għand tal-ħat the wine shop
ħanut, ħwishop
wasal to arrive
tard late
l-iskola to school
skola, skejjel school
għalhekk therefore
għalaq to close
għamel to do, make
hafna storbju a lot of noise
tifel imqareb naughty boy
m'għandux kwiet he's never quiet
x'għamel? what did he do?
qabeż to jump
mit-tieqa out/through the window
daħal fil-gnien went into the garden
u qata' tuffieħa and picked an apple
kif daħal fil-klassi as he came back into class
fejn kont where have you been?
kif ħriġt how did you get out?
hemm x'għandek? what have you got there?
xejn nothing
l-għalliem ħares lejh the teacher looked at him
qagħad bil-qiegħda he sat down
fetaħ il-ktieb he opened the book
ahnu wkoll ftaħna l-kotba we also opened our books
min ħalaq in-natura who created nature?
Alla God
kewkba, kwiekeb star
dinja, dinjiet world
annimal/i animal
x'aktar? what else?
siġar (siġra), siġriet tree
fl-aħħar last of all
bniedem, bnedmin man, human being
l-ewwel bnedmin the first people
fil-ġenna ta' l-art in the earthy paradise
kiser to break
kisru they broke
il-kmand t'Alla God's command
kiel to eat
kielu they ate
ras, irjus head
bank, bankijiet bench
jiekol he eats
li kien qata' that he had picked
mhux jien not me
kulħadd daħak everybody laughed

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