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Againits Toop <againitstoop@gmail.com>

4th public defender withdrawing

Againits Toop <againitstoop@gmail.com> Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 12:41 PM
To: Nancy O'Leary <noleary@publiccounsel.net>

Nancy, I only asked for a new public defender to be assigned by your office as a reasonable
accommodation for my disability.

However, are you seriously attempting to tell me you have read the emails between me & Attorney Meg
Stanley, and you're ok with a Public Defender allowing fabricated information to be disclosed by the Suffolk
County DA's Office while outright refusing to do discovery in my DEFENSE?

Do you understand what you're attempting to tell me and since I keep everything public how badly this
looks for public defenders with clients who have been imprisoned?

Are you kidding me?

On Oct 18, 2017 12:08 PM, "Nancy O'Leary" <noleary@publiccounsel.net> wrote:

Dear Ms. Toop,

I am not in a position to direct an attorney about what discovery to request, and, as I said before, when
you are represented by counsel final decisions of strategy, including what discovery requests to make,
are left to the Attorney on the case.

I have spoken to Attorney Lenfest and have no reason to believe he is not zealously representing you,
as I believe Attorney Stanley was previously. You have not raised any other issues with either of these
attorneys except that they were not willing to proceed with the strategy you wished them to use.

I spoke with Attorney Lenfest this morning and he is willing to continue to represent you. I encourage
you to continue to work with Attorney Lenfest, and to freely share your ideas on how you would like
the defense to be prepared, but with the understanding that he will make final decisions of strategy. If
you do not wish to do that and would instead like to ask the court to provide you with new counsel
before you return to court on November 28, 2017, please let Attorney Lenfest know what dates you will
be available to go to court and he will advance the case on a date on which you are both available.

I wish you the best of luck and success with your case.

Nancy O’Leary

From: Againits Toop [mailto:againitstoop@gmail.com]

Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 11:14 AM
To: Nancy O'Leary
Subject: RE: 4th public defender withdrawing

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/h/i4705e8vj1yk/?&dsqt=1&msg=15f305c7d2e1bb0f&th… 3/16/2018
Gmail - 4th public defender withdrawing Page 2 of 3

Nancy, I have emails from Meg Stanley telling me the DA's Office fabricated evidence and information.

Attorney Lenfest said he cannot comply with my request to address that fabricated evidence and

Therefore, leaving it up to him on what discovery to do is unacceptable, especially since I have emails
with my former public defender telling me the DAs Office disclosed fabricated info and evidence....
refused to do any discovery as she allowed this fabricated information to be disclosed.

If Attorney Lenfest refuses to address the fabricated information, I don't believe his representation is
going to help me, and he'll just play the same games as Meg and allow MORE fabricated information to
be introduced as he also does not discovery.

I asked for a reasonable accommodation due to my disability which Attorney Stanley did address with
the court, to have Attorney Lenfest withdraw, and have a new one assigned, as you did for me with Meg
without having me suffer from my disability.

That's all I'm asking. Since I was assigned one before thru your office without having to go through the
painful process and suffering more from my disability.

On Oct 16, 2017 2:22 PM, "Nancy O'Leary" <noleary@publiccounsel.net> wrote:

Dear Ms. Toop,

I spoke with Attorney Lenfest. Your next court date is November 28,2017. If you would like Attorney
Lenfest to withdraw you may make your request to the court on that date, unless you would like to
have the case advanced to an earlier date you and Attorney Lenfest both agree to and is a date you will
be able to be present in court.

In the meantime Attorney Lenfest will continue to represent you, and decisions of strategy, including
what discovery to request, are decisions which ultimately must be made by him. You should continue
to communicate to Attorney Lenfest what defense strategy you believe is best including what
discovery to request since he will consider your ideas, but the final decision must be made by the him
as the attorney on the case.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions on concerns about this.

Nancy O’Leary

From: Againits Toop [mailto:againitstoop@gmail.com]

Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 5:28 AM
To: Nancy O'Leary
Subject: 4th public defender withdrawing

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/h/i4705e8vj1yk/?&dsqt=1&msg=15f305c7d2e1bb0f&th… 3/16/2018
Gmail - 4th public defender withdrawing Page 3 of 3

Hi Nancy, my 4th public defender is withdrawing, but at least he was honest he's not going to do any
discovery. But it's unclear whether pre-trial was continued, although I did request Meg Stanley to do so
on 9/18/17, it's still unclear.

Now, I am legally disabled and require an escort to go into Boston, it becomes physically draining so I
am requesting a reasonable accommodation to have your office assign me a new attorney. Preferably
one who will address the Suffolk County DA's Office fabricating information and evidence, as admitted by
Meg Stanley.

Please let me know at your earliest convenience.

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/h/i4705e8vj1yk/?&dsqt=1&msg=15f305c7d2e1bb0f&th… 3/16/2018

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