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LAVALLE, Jestin B.

BMLS Intern Microbiology

Bacteriological Analysis of Water

1. What are the 3 most important stages in water analysis?

 Presumptive Test
o Inoculate sample into DSLB and SSLB, mix the sample and incubate overnight at 37˚C. Note presence of gas formation
o Gas formation indicates lactose fermentation and is presumptive for coliforms
 Confirmed Test
o Select broth showing largest amount of gas formation. Inoculate in EMB. Incubate @ 37˚C for 18-24 hrs
o Observe growth of E. coli if presence of lactose fermenting greenish metallic sheen are seen
 Completed Test
o Select discrete, well isolated colony and fish a colony & inoculate to a slant & another SSLB (observe gas formation)
o Make smear, stain, examine
o Note if (-) for E. coli at point of report (+) for fecal contamination, coliforms should be gram (-)

2. What is the normal colony count in water?

Zero colony count

3. What is the significance of high colony count in water?

o Cholera – Vibrio cholera
o Typhoid fever – Salmonella typhi
o Diarrhea – E. coli

4. How do you identify the pollutant in water?

API (Analytical Profile Index) – Biochemical test

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