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# Python package requirements for the TensorFlow Tutorials:
# https://github.com/Hvass-Labs/TensorFlow-Tutorials
# If you are using Anaconda then you can install all required
# Python packages by running the following commands in a shell:
# conda create --name tf python=3
# pip install -r requirements.txt
# Note that you have to edit this file to select whether you
# want to install the CPU or GPU version of TensorFlow.
# Basic packages used in many of the tutorials.


# TensorFlow can be installed either as CPU or GPU versions.
# You select which one to install by (un)commenting these lines.

tensorflow # CPU Version of TensorFlow.

# tensorflow-gpu # GPU version of TensorFlow.

# Builder API for TensorFlow used in many of the tutorials.


# The tutorial on Reinforcement Learning uses OpenAI Gym.
# Uncomment this line if you want to run that tutorial.

# gym[atari]


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