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How did we evolve and are we still evolving?

Evolution has been a theory of how we became humans for over 100
years. This theory was created by Darwin in 1836. He said how no
mockingbirds are better than other mockingbirds. All there is is variations
with one not being better than the other. This went for all organisms (Rice,
Stanley). Evolution can occur from environmental changes which the
organism then adapts to. Scientists say how if natural selection didn’t create
humans it would’ve made something almost identical to us. Teaching
evolution was banned in the 1920’s and the law was called
Fundamentalism. It only allowed the teaching of God and Jesus and that
they created us. Eventually it got repealed and evolution was allowed to be
taught again. Scientists believe that we evolved from the monkey family.
They think this because monkeys have similar bone structure to humans and
much more similarities. While not everybody believes evolution, it is getting
more and more popular as time goes on and most people are starting to
believe it.

Are we still Evolving?

When we think of evolution, our minds

usually think about thousands of years ago and
the slow process it took. Now research suggest
that we’re still evolving and faster than we
think. The article states, “In the last 10,000 wisdom teeth. Our ancestors had them to bite
years, the pace of our evolution has sped up down hard on roots and nuts and even to take
100 times, creating more mutations in our apart meat. But now today we have utensils to
genes, and more natural selections from those cut the meat for us and our diet has changed.
mutations” (hullinger). This is crazy to look at Around 35% of people now are born with their
because in the future if it keeps speeding up wisdom teeth and researchers say it will
what could that turn the possible life form after possibly be gone all together. The last clue is
humans in to? There are some clues to shows that we’re resisting diseases. Our ancestors
that we humans are still evolving. The first clue bodies weren’t as prone to diseases such as
is that we drink milk. Before, the gene that malaria and tuberculosis as we are today. But
regulated a human's ability to digest lactose now researchers say a new genetic variant has
shut down and was about the mother’s milk. made us be able to resist these deadly diseases
But as soon as we started domesticating cows, (Hullinger).

the gene started being a nutrient benefit and
now 95% of North Americans have this evolved
gene. Another clue is that we’re losing our


Scientists say that our history of evolution is written in our genome. They say we evolved from a species known as, “Homo
erectus” over 200,000 years ago. The species was said have lived between 1.9 million and 135,000 years ago. Africa is said to
have the most genetic variation. They have more genetic diversity than the rest of the world put together. Our DNA has been
tracked down to just one African Women who lives between 50,000 and 500,000 years ago. She was given the name by
scientists called, “Mitochondrial Eve.” What are genomes are are a mixture of DNA from your mother and father. But the
mitochondrial DNA is strictly from your mother. Scientists found that after studying the human skull from 53 different
populations, the variation lessened as you go further and further away from Africa. This is said to be a thing because as you
got further the populations got smaller. Tribes were said to form after a volcano erupted which created a 1,000 year long ice-
age. They were most likely forced to cooperate with each other to survive which is why we have tribes. Around 80,000 to
50,000 years ago, the next wave of humans was said to have left Africa. These humans were most likely to be “modern” in
their ways of behavior and their appearance. Because of this new behavior they were most likely to survive and they covered
the whole world in a short period of time. They crossed an ice bridge which was right on the top of Alaska and that’s how
they got to North America (your genome). Although we don’t know for sure how we evolved into what we are now, evidence
shows that this is the most accurate way 2
Although scientists have lots of information proving evolution
did happen, many people don’t believe in it. Today about 73%
of Americans adults believe in evolution. That’s about 2 out of
every 5 adults (Gross). Like I said before, evolution was banned
from being taught within the past 70 years in America. Different
religions are what most people believe. There are hundreds of
different religions telling different stories of how humans
became humans. Although many people believe these religions,
no physical evidence proves that's how we got here. With the
theory of evolution, you can look at bones structure of different
animals like monkeys and relate them to us humans


Evolution is the theory of how we became humans. Without evolution would we even be here? Like I
said before scientists have lots of proof that we evolved from monkeys. Their also is some evidence to
show that we are still evolving such as developing a more resistant immune system to diseases like
malaria. Also the fact that more and more people aren’t born with their wisdom teeth. With the question
“are we still evolving,” I would say yes. With the evidence shown is enough for me to believe we humans
are still evolving. This leaves the question of what are we going to eventually evolve into?

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