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A Student’s Prayer (by St.

Thomas Aquinas)

Come, Holy Spirit, Divine Creator, true source of light and fountain of wisdom! Pour forth your brilliance
upon my dense intellect, dissipate the darkness which covers me, that of sin and of ignorance. Grant me
a penetrating mind to understand, a retentive memory, method and ease in learning, the lucidity to
comprehend, and abundant grace in expressing myself. Guide the beginning of my work, direct its
progress, and bring it to successful completion. This I ask through Jesus Christ, true God and true man,
living and reigning with You and the Father, forever and ever.

Prayer to St. Jude for Students

St. Jude, stay with me. Though the journey of learning is long and often difficult, your quiet presence
gives me courage. Sustain my trust in myself, my teachers, and fellow students. Help me to let go of my
fears and believe in the growth that is happening, even though I may not see it right away. As I embark
again on this mission of study, I ask for the grace to be wise in mind and word, compassionate at heart,
and full of energy and zeal as I seek to learn the ways of God’s world and come to understand how my
gifts may serve their best purpose. Amen.

Prayer to St. Joseph of Cupertino for Success in Examinations

O St. Joseph of Cupertino who by your prayer obtained from God to be asked at your examination, the
only preposition you knew. Grant that I may like you succeed in the (here mention the name of
Examination) examination.
In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked.
O St. Joseph of Cupertino pray for me
O Holy Ghost enlighten me
Our Lady of Good Studies pray for me
Sacred Head of Jesus, Seat of divine wisdom, enlighten me.

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