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General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about device access in the classroom: Class iPads will be readily available and charged for use at table activities 1 & 3. Each student at both table activities will have
one iPad each.

LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Week 2 Experimentation 1. Create a brainstorm about Formative Introduction (10 minutes):

with, and use of prior knowledge of visual assessment conducted  Students will begin with a mat session and teacher will read
Lesson 1 materials, media at table activity 1 The Dot by Peter
arts using Word Salad app. the story ‘The Dot’ by Peter Reynolds to motivate and
and/or technologies (word salad) as Reynolds (children’s book)
2. Create and identify both an engage students.
when creating students’ brainstorm
AB and an ABC pattern  Ask the students prompting questions about the story to
artwork – ideas they gathered
using different shapes and begin the linking to the lesson. Ask for their input. This
ACAVAM107 from the story ‘The
paint colours at potato Dot’ and also from initiates the brainstorming aspect of the lesson.
print activity. prior knowledge to
Experimentation assess what they Body (30 minutes):

with techniques knew prior to visual  Students will rotate through activities spending 10 minutes Word Salad (free app
and art processes art lessons. Teacher at each table activity available on iPads) – used
such painting, will assess students  Table activity 1 – Word Salad brainstorm: Students are to for brainstorming ideas
printmaking, and by observing the make a brainstorm using the Word Salad app of all the into one artistic image
mixed media – language used by
things they know or like about visual art. Teacher will be sat
ACAVAM107 students and ideas
at this table to assist students and to provide prompting
they come up with.
questions about the story and about artwork they have
As word salad end
product is also being previously done in the classroom to stimulate prior knowledge
put into portfolios, and thinking in regards to the topic. Students will save the
teacher can refer Word Cloud (by screen-shotting it on the iPad) so it can be
back to it for printed and put into their art portfolio.
summative  Table activity 2 – Potato prints: Students will be asked to
create a pattern using the carved out potatoes to make
prints on white paper or different coloured card. Students

Formative can explore colours by mixing different paints together,

assessment is shapes with the different shapes carved into the potatoes
conducted by and pattern work as they create their prints. EA/parent
EA/parent helper at helper will be sat at this table activity to monitor use of
table activity 2
paints and ensure all students have art aprons on. They will
(potato prints).
also provide students with prompts to create patterns,
EA/parent helper will
explore different shapes and mix colours to see what occurs.
observe the language
and ideas that Potatoes will have been pre-cut by teachers in all different
students use as they shapes and sizes with a number of different paint colours
create their potato available. When students finish EA/parent helper must make
print patterns sure the students’ names are written on their work and put
(mixing colours,
onto the drying rack.
creating patterns,
 Table activity 3 – Drawing desk app: Students are given an
etc.) and if students Drawing Desk (free app
were able to create iPad each and will be asked to draw or create their own available on iPads) – used
AB or ABC patterns. story using the drawing desk app. This helps them to become for free drawing and
EA/parent helper will familiar with iPads and also shows them that they can draw colouring in on an iPad
tick off students pictures via other methods. Students will be asked to write
names as they on a separate sheet of paper explaining their story and what
rotate through the
is occurring in the picture they have drawn. Students will
activity and assess if
also be asked to save their stories on the app so that the
both an AB and ABC
pattern were evident images can be printed, stapled to the sheet of writing and
and if students could also added into their art portfolios to showcase their work.
identify which one is
which. Conclusion (10 minutes):
 Students will return to the mat for a concluding mat session
 Teacher will ask students questions such as: ‘What kind of
aspects of visual art did you learn about today? What did


you create/draw in your activities? How do you think our

art activities related to the story that we read at the
beginning of the lesson?’
 Conclude lesson with statement to leave students with a
lingering message for prior lessons: ‘The story ‘The Dot’ was
all about believing in yourself and giving things a try because
you never know what beautiful creations you can make unless
you give it a go!’

General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about device access in the classroom: Class iPads will be readily available and charged for use at activities 1 & 3. There will be enough iPads for each student to have
one each.

LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Week 3 Experimentation 1. Create a nature pic collage Formative Introduction (10 minutes):
with, and use of using pic collage app on the assessment is  Students will begin with a mat session. Teacher will go over
Lesson 2 materials, media conducted upon ‘The Dot’ by Peter
iPads. the book ‘The Dot’ by Peter Reynolds once again to jog
and/or technologies completion of nature Reynolds children’s book
2. Create an art collage using a students’ memories of the story. Teacher will not read the
when creating pic collage. Students
range of natural and full story again but instead ask questions about the plot and
artwork – will save and print
recycled materials. ask students to retell parts of the story in the discussion.
ACAVAM107 the pic collage and
glue it into their art  Teacher will ask students what a collage is and discuss what

journals which the makes up a collage. Teacher will continue to ask questions
Experimentation teacher will then about what interesting things they think they may find in
with techniques view and assess to nature and other questions to stimulate prior knowledge and
and art processes see if each student thinking.
such painting, was able to produce
printmaking, and a pic collage. Teacher Body (30 minutes):
mixed media – will mark off a list These activities will be completed as a whole class, spending 10
ACAVAM107 of which students minutes on each activity.
were successful and  Activity 1 – Nature walk with iPads: The whole class will be
which students may
taken by the teacher and EA/parent helper on a walk around
need to use pic iPad Camera/video
the school, particularly in bushed areas with lots of flora and
collage again for
fauna. Students can take an iPad with them on the walk
further practice.
and will be asked to take pictures and videos of the nature
Formative that surrounds them and anything they find interesting.
assessment is Students will also bring with them a zip-lock bag each and
conducted for the will be asked to pick up a few materials that they find on
collage as teacher
their walk which they can collect and put into the zip-lock
will go through
bag for another activity they will do. Nature walk will go for
student’s art
journals and assess 15 minutes around the whole school grounds. Teacher will ask

which students were prompting questions to help stimulate children’s knowledge

able to use a range and get them thinking about the nature aspect but also the
of objects to create art possibilities within nature (patterns, colours, etc.)
an art piece. If work
 Activity 2 – Make a collage: Students will use the materials
was not completed
they gathered on the nature walk along with some other
then teacher can use
natural/recycled materials that the teacher has collected and
as catching up work
as collage must be create their own collage on a piece of card. Students must
completed for then write on a piece of paper which will be stuck onto the
assessment purposes. back of the card collage which begins with “We went on a
nature walk and…” in which children must write something
they learnt or enjoyed about the nature walk or even
something relating to the materials they found and
incorporated in their collage. Teacher will walk around and ask
students questions about their collages and try to initiate


deeper learning by asking about their experience on the walk,

how they felt, what they saw, etc.
 Activity 3 – Pic Collage: Students will compile the photos Pic Collage app on iPads

they took on the nature walk and make it into a Pic collage
using the Pic collage app on the iPads. Students will save
the pic collage onto their iPads to print and stick into their

Conclusion (10 minutes):

 Students will be invited to sit onto the mat again for a
concluding mat session/discussion.
 Teacher will ask students questions about their collages and
what they created. Teacher will also ask what kind of things
the students learnt on the nature walk and what art
elements they found within nature to conclude lesson.

General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about device access in the classroom: Class iPads will be charged and available for use by students. There will be enough iPads available so students can have one

LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)
Week 4 Experimentation 1. Engage with virtual images Formative Introduction (10 minutes):
with, and use of on the screen using Quiver assessment is  Students will begin with a mat session. Teacher will go over
Lesson 3 materials, media conducted as teacher ‘The Dot’ by Peter
app. the book ‘The Dot’ once again to introduce the art topic
and/or technologies walks around the Reynolds children’s book
2. Express opinion of artwork and refresh their memories. Teacher will go over the art
when creating classroom making
by writing reflection in art completed in the previous weeks’ activities to get students
artwork – observations of the
journal. thinking about the art they have already completed and the
ACAVAM107 students as they
engage with the technology they have used to help with their artwork.

Personal opinions, iPads and the Quiver

Body (30 minutes):
feelings and ideas App. Teacher will
 Students will move through all activities as a whole class.
about artwork take notice of any
they view and students that may  Activity 1 – Colouring in Quiver pictures: Teacher will print
make – be struggling or off different pictures available on the Quiver app and will
Quiver free app on iPads
ACAVAR109 require extra help or allow students to pick which picture they would like to
also any students colour in. Students will spend 10 minutes colouring in the
that may not be
pictures however they like, making it colourful and creative.
willing to engage
 Activity 2 – Experimenting with Quiver: Students can go
with activity.
onto Quiver and using the camera on the app, scan their

Formative picture that they just coloured in. Their picture will then
assessment is come to life with virtual animals and other images appearing
conducted as teacher on the screen of their iPads. Students can interact with the
will go through each
app and the images on the screen, sharing their experiences
student’s art journal
with the other students in their group. Students have the
and assess their
opportunity to walk around the class and chat with other
reflection of the
activities completed students as this is an interactive lesson. Teacher will move
and apps used. around the class offering assistance to any students that
Teacher will formally may be struggling with the app and also to monitor students
mark and tick off and how they actually interact with the app. Students will
students on a class
take a screenshot of their screen on the Quiver app which
list to assess which
will then be printed and glued into their art visual diaries
students properly alongside their quiver coloured in picture. Students will spend
expressed their 5-7 minutes on this activity.
feelings and opinions  Activity 3 – Discussion on feelings of Quiver/art over the
throughout the
past few weeks. Students will spend time talking and
discussing with the other students in the class on what they
thought of Quiver, and the different art pieces they have
done over the past 3 weeks. Students will then spend 5
minutes writing a reflection of their opinions and feelings of
the different art elements they had experienced which will
also be put into their art visual diaries for assessment.
Teacher will question students on, how the artwork made
them feel and what they thought of the artwork to connect
students to their artwork, and respond to the work they
have done and seen of others.

Conclusion (10 minutes):

 Students will be invited to sit onto the mat again for a
concluding mat session/discussion.
 Teacher will ask students questions about how they felt and
what they did using the app Quiver. (Did they enjoy using
quiver, did they find the app difficult to use, would they use
the app again, did they see any animals on Quiver that they
may have seen on the nature walk last week?
 Teacher will also ask students what they have enjoyed about
the art aspects of the lesson – how they coloured their
images in, did they experiment with using different colours,
 Teacher will choose 3 students to talk about how they felt
about Quiver and the artwork they have done over the past
few weeks.

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