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Directions: Using the template below, describe how you would use the interactive whiteboard in your
future classroom. Consider if your ideas is teacher centered or student centered. The learning activities
should be engaging and meaningful to the students and to others who will view/use/benefit from students’
Name: Marisa Baert
Grade Level: 8th
Content Area: ELA
Standard(s) Addressed:

ELAGSE8SL4: Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner
with relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use appropriate eye contact,
adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.

Bloom’s Level of Critical Thinking:

___ Remembering __X_ Understanding __X_ Applying _X__ Analyzing __X_ Evaluating __X_
Description of how to implement in the class: For this specific ELA Standard, I will allow students
to complete a formative assessment while reading a grade level appropriate text in which students
will be assigned to a group, given time in the computer lab to create a PowerPoint, Prezi, Nearpod,
SWAY or another presentation tool in which they will present knowledge on a theme delivered to
readers from the text. Once created, students will present their work through the interactive
whiteboard in the classroom.
Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): For this specific activity, the Levels of Technology
Implementation would be a level three and four. While the learning is focused on the content rather
than real world experiences, the delivery of the content is student lead and centered.
Describe your personal learning goal for this activity. I am allowing students the ability to present from
the IWB which will be something new to both myself and the students. I am hoping that I not only gain
better knowledge on how to help ensure that my students are familiar with the use of this prevalent
technology, but that my students are more comfortable using the IWB. I am hoping that the learning is
engaging and helps students to retain the information and importance of the theme in a story.
Importance of technology: Interactive whiteboards are prevalent in school’s today. They have become an
essential part of the classroom and students should come to class with prior knowledge about IWB’s having
had teachers who previously used the technology. Technology is widespread and allowing teachers and
students the access to so easily deliver technology to the class is important. Without a technology as
advanced as this, learning would suffer as we do not have many other hands on resources so readily
Reflection: From this, I have realized how important interactive whiteboards are. They are a key piece
when it comes to ensuring student success and allowing students the ability to enjoy learning.

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