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Publicis is
Inside the black box: What big falling short
brands are spending on Google IaJl!CIm!!!I What biQ brands spent inJune
on ad pact
with Msoft
From BP's boost in June toAT&T's massive iPhonc
outlay, internaldoc rev ealswhat marketersdropon search SIO Nl lllON $3.59 MILLION 1- Failingto meet spending
spent by BP ettre promises madeas partof
SJ6 m illion in the month of June alone, heighlof thespill
,,(cording to an internal Coogle ducu- crisis deal to acquire Razorfish
I\[lOK( liPcou ro S TEM the oil gu,k, mem obtai n,,, by Advertising ~"'_ Thor
m rhc bottom of th c Gulf of M"xiro, it push<.'d SP into the' upp"r echelon of • BY KUNUR PATEL kpolel'lJadage,com
unleashed $100 million in ad spending, scarch advertisers, in a league with
Im),'I'lyon network TV, to sternthe darn- ExI"-";3, which spentat h151 $5.9 million PU B LI CI S GROUPE 15 having trouble
age image, But it also stan ed
10 i15 in lun~, Am""on, which ' p'-'fll at 1m>! m,"'ting its m,'liia-,pending mm mit-
spending hcovily where it had never SS.8 million, and cftay, which spent at m''I11 to Microsoft. according 10 scvcral
spent much before; buying ads in lm,t $4.2 million, f"-~>ple familiar with Ih" ,itualion. The
('.nogle's search results. This is a signifi<:ant outlay, even for thud-largest egcncy-holdmg company
IInw much did SP spend 0" smrdl? Br, which 'p'-'fll $94 million on adv..w,- "'flt<:rt'l:l into th.., comme,cial agrt't.'TTlent
In I""" months, SP went from spcnding
vcry little on "-'an:h ad",rrising---<lbou!
ingin 2((l'!, andS7S.? million in Ih~ first
. ix months of 2010 alon~ (excl uding o<po;. ""
~.f J' ... J'
J' J' ".'"~"t-~¥ last summ", when it bought digital
ab"-'fl"Y R.'w ,fi,h f",m Microso fl, Exc'CS
557,fXXl a month----to b<.Ullning OIle of put Ih~ mmmilm~nt at a mupk hun-

Gmgle's top advcrti...,rs, dropping nm rly See &OO/iLl 00 Page 20 Juoespend~ drcd million doliars annually for ad

Publicis, JXllt'rlI 10 m..'llia ab'l'no<'S

Marketing world girds for an 'uneven' recovery Starcom M,'liiav," t Group and Zo:nith
Optim<'Ilia, could faa' a penalty if it fails
thi, yea, lO m,'Ct th,- 'f"-'nding level,
committed to Microsoft s earch and dis-
Lifts inspending.jobs,sales quell double-dip recession fcar-c-bur wobbli ng lies ahead play, Such a f"-'nalty would ostc'o.ibly
up the (ash commitment On the
• BVJACK NEFF jllef ~ com "x!c'fld..'li f"-'riod of low gmwth, high from 2,9% in luly, but it will "" lough", ALSOINSIDE Ralmfi.h ,ale, though iI's y~t uncle-Jr if
un<.'ll1ployml'lll and more conservative for Mailers to keep up growth starting Microsoft will 01'1 to levy such a hcfey
A SPATE ac r t r a-thcn -cxpcct..-d
OF 'f"-'nding p.l tlem. for years into th" this m,mth as they face tougher mmps. HowObarnais f..", on one of it, bi&,,,-,,t cu,tomeT'>, l"P'-~
reportson consumer spending. jobs and future. And big developing ma rkets such Ehmmouon of government stimulus sll1JQQling 10 ciclly when MilTOSOfl was tasked with
retail salt" b.t w..",k appea"-'li to tak~ an a, Olina and India, whichgnow robu,tly p"'gram, sent existing hom.." .all" la" ~icu late petn providing quality inv"'fl tOJ)' on its "'fld
,'Iig~ off many fears of a doubk-dip right Ihrough th~ nu'%ioo, may be on month to a 1 5-y~ar low, and u.s. aUIn- tor!!COVery of th~ deal.
That', th~ gmd n,'Wi.
Ih~ brink of ,lower b",,,.th ,
Th,- un~mploym~nt M~ ,'lit,,,-'li up a
motive salt'S fell h.,low a million, the
sl"'....,,1 month in 2ll y~ars. But th~
o See ' ,3 Publicis acquired Ra7<lrfi,h for
S2S6.!l million in cash, totali ng S~
Th~ nut-so-gmd m'Wi is thm, dl':,pi t~ ten th of a p'rim 10 9,6%, bUI job growth bright sid~ here-if there is on..' -is the Why we can't million, ind uding Stock. Acwrding to
th,- n"tum of t'-rid gross domNic prod- data for lu n~ and luly was ,~vis<'li S<.'<:Iot has a lot less pow~, to hu" th~ expectsenr to on~ ~x<xutivc do sc to n~golialions,
oct growlh late last y<'Jr, s ome mar- upward, M~anwhik K.,l1lar R,'tail bltwler <'CImomy than in the P.1St, save the economy Morgan Smnl,'y, rhc bank re'Pre-scm-
h"t~rs, ,uch a. Pro...,,,, &: Gambl" Co.and '~p"'t,'li SJm<~'lOre SJI..", ~xduding
Tmb"-'! Corp. s eem to be girding for an Walman, g rc'w 3.4% last momh, up See 00\I8Ll DIP on Page 23 o See ' ,Z3 See IlIC~FT on Page 20


• ANOREW HAMPP a~Qe,com Brandsardad Reed to Bnb Dylan and Paul Meu rtncy,
••noesae no major ani't was ab"ve Imding his
TH E IlE ...TlI OJ' TIlE II"IG I,E has been reoscoeorctre music to sell <:ats, wal(h,,,, ling~rienr col-
SlEKI NG ORIGI NALS: gr<-atly ..'X.l!:h,,-'rate'li, But for awhile. il f"", Mmnwhile, a whole crop of indie
McC<JnnloollChed was understandable if you needed to bands ,di,'ll on the likt" of Apple.
in-house label ch..xk its pul.....,
nresn G>tlv<'TS<' and Bud Light to hdp launch
Sl<lVlJ loc Holid<ly In Ih~ 2(n-ls, Ih~ tlt'nd of liCl.'I1si ng actverttsirq singlt" and create n~w ....v enue SI....-ams
Inn and loollChed P''P songs (Tom the '6/).;, 70s and'SOsin cercecns, in hcu of dwindling album ", I,'S,
ertst Kyle Andrews li~u of clt'ating an "riginal 30-;0:mnd But toda y' Ma ,h'!~rs want original
inaglobal ad push, branded mdody pick..-d up a lot of
mom~ntum . From Lcd Z:ppclin and Lou See JINGLESon PilQe'll
""' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Fron what'supwijh"ld onosleuthing out "CSJ" towhy you o Reacllhe
walchwhen you watch. Ad Age anseecs yourfallTV questions. slocyon ' ,4

2 Septembe r 6, 2010 I Adver!isinQ Age


Your guide to
ID ID 1m IIIJ 1m
CrN tivity w~h ve ry limited I)Jr reportertags ff()mNissan's Leaf DarrylOM argues Want 10 mow why
bOO)el.Popc~'s along al ooe of toBMW's t.Iel)ac ity, lhal lhe capabilities censurers ilJOQ(e
little ljilme jumps ~nda i's a look attheefforts tlec kis asovensed you? David Gfrelak
across multiple Uncensored drivil'M) tOffiilrketthelatest as ~ is useless in says ~ 's because
platforms to eventscaptairled by crop ottteeeerest reeueeess you don't consider
become testsener. Jacktdortoo. '0; pitches. their interests,

-lime gets years of neglect

Without marketinginvestment,No. 2carbonated-bcvcmgccatcgory has lost marketshare,volume
• BY NATAUE ZMUDA rtlmud 3'@~Hom
IT tv RNS O UT Tu n if you ~1J~h markt- MUG ROOI BEER
ing. you hurt "11.'S, It'sbeenyears socecooscrers haveseenmuchmarket ing lrom ire
For y,"'n: k~non -lime soda. have Iall" lemon-lime brands.Likewise, venerable brandsseen as rresce MUQ Root OWNER: rerecc
gui"h,'<l while cob line extension" and Beer and Tabhaveskirted most consumers' radarslor aWhile. LAUNCHED: Early I9SOs
emerging calegories ~uch a~ energy Realist kally.these brandswon'l be t-e feo;:ipients ofmajor marketing
drinks and enhanced waters twk pnw- fundS anyt ime soon-trcecnMello veuceod Squirtare Marketingefforts focus on loyal usersand require
d""CI', Now, Sier", Mi~!, lUI' and Sprite actually poised toreo;:er.re some alleotion-tlut that can't utnemvestmeot, for example, last veer. il sent
are all poised to bendit from an influx of stop usfromhoping. b'eroed Brew B60 kits to bloQgers meoveoce 01
marketing dot!an: a~ their owrwn: ""h I<> fathe r's Day. Thebrandranks erorcnetco 25
prop up the second-la rgest ca rbonated- catbonated so1l (!rinks, at number 2t.
sofr-dnnk Cltl'gl'ry and target mn~umers
....ho may be sU><l.'!'tible to a soda that at MELLO YELLO
1m>! ",-,,-ms lightl"- and healthier. SOUIRI
Since2005, marlu."ling inv,;,;tment has DWllEt Coca-Cora OWNER: Dr Pepper 50apple Group
dwindled for Sprite and Sieml Mist, thl' Ll.UMClIED: 1979 LAUNCHED: 1938
No 1 and No. 2 sodas in the CltC'gOry,
n.'Sp<uivdy, E.1ch brand slashed mens- The txend hasn't been advertised since treeerfv o;stritluted oationally,thisgrapefruit soda is adually
urcd m,'<lia ~p<'Ilding by about 80% . [n 199Os, bul in December, Mull.Portlandwas brOUQht preparing fora "biq marketing push," accord ing te e
'uin. Coot-Cola's Sprite Sl"'nt ju"t 58.6 on board. This summernew retropackaging tecen spokeswoman.LaullChing before the endof tre
million, while PepsiCo'~ Sierra :viiS! hilt ing ~ves, arid out -(If-home. radio arid digital ads year:, it will illClLtde radio ercoot-or-rore on the
sl"'nt $9,4 miltiun, am,rJing til K~mJr are on tap.Distribution isalsobeing expanded from West tcest.es wejl asa ccrpac kaging partnership
:vI,-.,jia. That =k,'S it • pour "'-umd theMK:fwest andSoutheast to the Northwestand with Jose Cuervo. Apackaging redesign eetso
cousin to 001.1; In 200'l, brand Cokespent notreest, planr.ed.The brandranksamong tretcczs
$2.>4 million, while P'l"i nwived $136 carbonated sott drinks, at number 25.
million in mea sured media. alUlnJing to
Ad Ag.. '~ 100 Leading National fREseA
Advcrnscrs report. lAB
And a~ ~!,,'Ilding dlui nl..t, the lemon- OWMER: cccecoe
lime category, which a'Ulunt5 for mugh-
Iy 10% uf the $74 billioncamonatl-.,j ~oft ­
FRESCA lAUNCHED: 1963 OWllER: cccecce
drink marlu."l, has grJdually lost marh"l Orig inallya die!. grapefruil'flavored soda,it now
share and voluml', Ir shed 160 milliun comes inflavors rangingfromblac kcherryto citrus ThoughTabwasthe company's first SUQar-free cola,
Cl:;CS bet.... wn 2fXXl and 2OJ9, according lime to peach.The last marketingeffort behind the its decline beganwith the mtronctoo 01 Diet Cokein
10 lk""''TJ,,'I' Di"
.....t . brand was in 2005,whenrresce receiveda 1982. Loyalists can still find Tabinselectmarkets-
"A,'"ITI» the ,"'tc'gOry, in....'Slment h.1d makeover, involving newpackaging graphics. At oneof oureditorsrecentlysnagqedoneat a Stop&
d.:dinl'<l signifiamtly, It's a function of the time,marketing from Campbell- Mithun Shop in New Jersey-thouQhthere resrrt beenany
mirroring what comp<'liton: arc doing positioned the brandas a "un>Quelysophistcater' marketing behind the brandsincefheearly199Os.
See UMON UMEOIl Page 20

Growth market as progressive schools push green agenda

Green \\hrks,Seventh Generation and others crop up on students' supply lists
• BYJACKNEFF jrlf.'f l@adaqecom S,:venth Generation. of the national curve in gn.'CIl scnsibili-
AI",,, on the lis!, 5O't1t by the ugn.'I'n tic'S, the concerns of its " gn'l.'tt cmllmit-
W il EN STUI>J: NTS ARRIVll) at PS 107 in commitlc'l''' of the Parem/Tea,h,r tw " don't appear to be isobtc'<l. Some
B",uklyn's r~rk Slupl' neighborhmd Association, Me fragrance-ftl'\.' baby othl'T N,'w Y"rk public sch,x,l", joinl'l!
thi~ year, their parent~ WI.' ...... a~h'<l to wip<'S, I"'n~ with water-based ink, "low under the banner of Grecn Sch(x~s NYC
pnwide a "tridosan -fre...' " liquid hand odor" dry-eras<' markers and Elmer glue and the national GTI.'I'tt Schools All~1 no.'
soap, citing ~u~pici,m~ the anri-ht,~erial >licks. which it >aid "dcm'( amta in hanll- Ia~t year b...,&,n On." lating a liS! of gn....'Il
~'1'nt found in many such soaps is an ful ingn.'<lients," suppli,'S,
"cnd''''rine di~ruplOr." Rather than While it'~ a rebtively new tn.'Ild for Picking up on gmwing inten.'St in
"regular disin fccmnr wip<'S" from the students to be asked to contribute clean- schools, Seventh Ccncration has market-
like'S of C1"mx or Ly",,1 with a h,,~t of ing ~upplil'S in addition to the u~ual n<>ll~ cd around back-to-school time thi~ ye"r.
what the school calls "burrnful bi",id,'S, N books aod I"'txils, it' s an even newer I\ S part of lliat, it commissioned a study
the k'lter ~ullb"''Sts !lrl'l.'Il'''- {)pti(ln~ fmm trend for di~tri<1~ to be picky about the TEENS TURNING GREEN: The Ssn Francisco-area student group is workinq OIl
Crccn Works (another ClofOx brand) or brands. While Park Slope may be ahead See GREEMSUPPl[ES 1)11 Page 22 an -ecCl"jaMoria[ coseret of eco-frieOOly producls schools can stock.

Scan: worldmags®
Ad,e rt;sir><j Age I Septemoor 6. 20tO 3

Blockbuster isrolling out The UniversityofKemucky GM s ~ Ewa n(k offe~ Judy Shapiroargues that
interesting adsinlesl The$4 billion select Burger Kinq to
hasplaoled Qiaot. wcooen detailsabout his while lhere'sa whole lot of 3G Ca~ tal Managemen last wee!<
manets, Mille palmers-liketile tabs in marketiOQ plansQOiOQ righleous indignatiOn (We(
companymav runoul of ooeso1 rreen IIip for Me Donald's
Facebook Places-oo as forward. They iocltxle thesubject. the idea ofnet cosncoes the No.1burgerchain.
money and time befOfe it campustoencwaqe more bl"and stcoes and neutrality steseo ona But it creseots aoopportunityto
has chance to work. students tocheck in. Why? fewer sales frenzies, mvt' steal back at least soreot tre ve-e
~ AdAge .cGII/adajes e AdAge.co- ~ AdAqe.a.ltilJl.1IOl!lt ceoed in tre pest coup;eof years10
the Golden arcreses well as rest-
feeders like Wendy's, SubWay and
Domino's. Provided 3Gplays its
Holding cos. clean cards right. the rrove tcteeetre
chain private Jorthe second time this
decade (and for double tre amouot a
house, consolidate trio or private equity investors paid
for BK in 20(2) could ailow BK's
agencies to gain management aodfranchisees 10
stcorrettor aboutWallStreet and
tocosco innovat ive jYodoxt
efficiency, scale ofJe.-inqs and oegver more erteceve
marke\inq, restaurantanalystssay.
Improved business outlook
createsideal time toevaluate
'nus Sl;MMrR, ag~ncy holding compa-
nics kept busy with a bit of housekeep-
IIlg. ns imagestill bruised bydrrver
Omnicom Group, wrr, lntcrpublic complaints atcot unintended
Group of C,I!' . and MDC Partners in the accelerafion Toyota DMsion has
past few months hcve ull strccmhncd de<:idedtore ,amp~smarkel inq
the numbo"r of indi,iduJI shop' and messeoe and shift thefocus fosafely
agency offi~ siUing uncl..-, the ,."me
umbrdla-sWl..,ping und,',-perf",ming
enliti,'S under their stronger siblings
and combining "!\"ncil-'; 10 create scale
Not-50-smooth talking: ina bigway,topexecutives saidlast
week. Toyola MotorSaiesU'sA's
overallsales lell34% ioAugust aod
are down 1% for the ye<J(. E~ecutives
and expand g'~Jg",phic footprint . And
it's nol OVI'T: <-'"Eo,; of these mmp.1nies
and observc-'" say there's more to rome
this y<.'ar.
Obama mangles message ildm~ thaiconsumers havedoubts
about thesaJety and QU<lI~y 01 Teyot a
vehicles. sorreautoreker isp1anninq
an ad blitzto counter that ceceotco.
Why now? #[f it's nO! dear it's a r bl- "Whaf we'redea'nq w ~ h s a
form you want to haw, " it's a gond tim" when it comes toeconomy,AdAge's Market erof thc'rear perception issue.andbrand
to decide til eliminale thO! pmperty, said lackscommunicationsprowess he hada.. candidate perceptions are not brandreeees,'
one analyst who covers the SP.lCC and did saidBobearter. ToyotaDMsion
not wish til be named. Ill' nm<'" that geneta111\ilt\ilQ!!1'.
because business is rebounding, the tim- • BYMATTHEW CRU MER th"t could hew been delivered at any
ing might lx, linhxl to holding compa- <lddgffilit~.com time in his p«'Sidency. rte oterra ~ ""'.001
nie'5 "1\............·aluating what the right num- It's a faet that Oooma inhe'rilexl the administlcltion's
ber of operating units a,,-' and the' [what BACK IN JUN t . the Oooma administra- worst l'('(lOomy since the G",al rresseces
the right amount of) scale is to serve tion declared thaI a "summer of ro.:rn:- D.:pn.'Ssion and there's no quid.. or -by CONTACT AD AGE
latb'" diems." ery" w~s at hand as someconstruction e"'sy way out, Bur it's stunning how Iengthy,all-
wpp and Inte''Public de,<;line-d to pmje'<:1s fundexl by the stimulus bill he's stnlggled to articulate a clear path erccmpassing
comment. and Omnicom could not be fXlS"xI 19 months Ixfure' fin.111y gOl toward Tl,(,()wry and a sustainable and rercorces
reache"'. But a number of scnior indus- underway. He end..xl the summer on a futul<', "'SIJ'.'cially when one considers SOO\cripliQ<1 &~"'llt cwy salts H88-288-S900
p><y","", MYertilflQ (212) 21CHlZ46,
try ex<'<"Utiv,'5 sUAA''St,x110 Ad Ag" the darker rotc. in a prime-time address the communications prowe'Ss he
timing of such mOVe'5 is linhxl at least fmm the 0.'.11 Offin.' thaI uS<.xl 50me
suchasheallh- c,"",til'O HOO-24&1299
show..'" as a candidate.
fXlnly to the' ,'COnomy. A, the industry grim rhetoric to describe the state of The admimseranon's m''SS.1g<.' on care reform and lib.- M'j """"'"' (312) 649-5329
climbs out of last years de"'p ""-"'S- Ihe e'('(",omy. the mosl importa'" issue to "lters has treeoew Nu n OfrtCES:
sion-ecnd tries to avoid slipping into a Hm-;nt-in properly sober fashion gotten lost. smothered by lengthy, all- debate, that suck I¥wYori. (212) 210-0I0O,
double dip ("'-'" rdatexl story, P. 1)-- and sa ns flight suil--<:ledaro:l the warin <'llmmpassing and ranmrous policy treccoeooctot Chic"""(312) I'>l9-52OO,
egcncics haw seen the Ix,""fits of being lraq ov..'t, Burack Obama indicated a pushes. such as health-care reform and the nation's london ~ (01794-1ZH 161

moT<.' effici<,nt. shift to the <'<unomy as his n.'ntral issue, the energy d<-rule, that suck the oxy- politics.
U l'lttNT5: ror re~ i"t> of ~ i"1 'ncl oot.,"
After ye\lrs of sagging peMonnann.' n.lcrencing a "time of great unCl'rtain- w:n out of the nation's politics, And on
.,tk It>. <OOI"t ll'rlghl'. R.... mt. at
from its ~",ncy.(\)m brand. Omnia"" in Iy," a "klOg and painful "-'C<'SSioo," l"-...'ll top of that stratl'gic choin.' to work an Hm~ or saltl~r'lhlsr.pr i"lS.com
July finally announC\.xI it was oollap,;ing sU&,"'5ting "a futureofbsting IJ'.\IOC and ag<.'1lda in the administration's first
th.. ChiGlgo offiCl' of rh.. digiml a!\"ncy klOg-rerm pm5periry m~y seem Ixymd year instmd of focus, as Pn'Sid''llt Bill .,,_f__

into E-Graphic, Worldwide, TIlWA's our n.\lCh " As for how to n.'gain thaI Clinton did ill his first year, on jobc.-.:--
glob.11 production scrvi= arm. It's prusp..'Jity, he pointlxl out w" n<...-d '" mion, rh... Oooma administration h.1S .......__R
_ _.
--,,,, ,,,,",,,,'U"_'~""'''

understood that AgeneyeTlIll OUlt"lSts

globally will fall into the TIlWA n<'twork
end d...,,,,nJ..'llo.' Oil niL ineT<.\Isc exports,
jom!",mn innovmi,m. and improve th...
found it difficult to e'xplain what it's
'_h""'.... _' ,., ,..,.""-."....
--.. . . '__u
"" _ _
" _ ".."" ........ """"
done' or where it's w,ing.

edOClt;on syste~n

.................. ',_ _-"'"

down the rnad. "When you'", the pn'Sident, 1J'."'Ple
Also this summer; the' ""rid's larh"'St
holding OOlllpany, WPP, merge'" "''' of
its health-care wntun.'S. Cormronf-lcehh
and Ogilvy Ilmlthworld. Thar create'"
what Ad Age's l\1taCcntet ronks as the
Thc Am,'ri"," public, faced ,,;th
ne'giltivc indicalors on Ihe unemploy-
mml and housing fronts. not to men -
li,m th... stock indi=, n,,""-'" a mnfi-
dC'nl'l~-impiring bluopnnr. Instead.
want to hear nbout rhe road ahead and
whe", we'", going fmm here," said
Don Ba,'r, Burson -Marsteller
Worldwide "in.' chairman and former
Whit,' HouS<.' rommunil"ations din.'<:1ot
o formoreoohow
tile ecooomv is
- ''''''''''''''
,,"' ......
_ .."

W..I.oo . OI' "",." " - ' R C
.. __
, _ .....

_ . _
,- ~

,, ~
_ _ ......-

""""', ...... _-.....,,, ."."'' ",'


o-_+ _.. .......

__ ,.... .D ...
_ _ e - _ , ", ""'IlL"""......

.......... ....- ..... -..- .......,,-'

world's third-largt.'5t hmlth-Gll<' a!\"ocy fmm P"",id<'llt Oooma. il got a grim onder P"",ident Clinton, "They w"nt affectiOQ Adland,
n..'tWOrk, giving Conunon f-lcalth, which portrait of the e'COnOinic landscal'" £01- to know: This is how we build a see AtIAQi!.COll ....., ' " "'"""" IlL _.~_.""
--o..... "'N......,..
low\.xl by a mte recitation of non-spe- ", ... """ _.,.,."","."",-
See HClLDUIGCOMPAlUES on paqe 22 cific and familiar-sounding solutions See OBAMAon PaQe 23

Scan: worldmags®
4 Septembe r 6. 2010 I AdvertisinQ Age
WorldMal!S® - Dil!ifal Mal!azines
Checkin Foxis counting on
more pitch-
perfect success
before you ltom ~sEnmy­
winning dramedy.

that show
to be awin-win for 'IV
viewers and networks
• BY KUNU~ PATEL kpat~.oom

YOU CAS NOW che'Ck in I<> TV ,hows

hk,.' vou am to vou r corner bar. But
whm;, a chl'Ck -in' worth I<> networks if
they am't send viewers buy one, h'Ct one
free happy-h"ur sp<'Cials? I
The new b.........-d of che'Ck-in al'ps aim

Drama! Intrigue! celebrity! What you

I<> rakc th... b<.'havi"r madc pupular by
Foursquarl""""':n ,hart, tapping a butlnn
to say, "I'm he'I'\'N_ to cnt,'rtainml'l1t
pmpenil'S like TV ,how,. movi", and
cvcn books, Just likc location apps, thc

should know about the fall TV season

list of chl'Ck-in start-ups for mntent is
already long; Miso, Philo, Starling and
GerClue have ' n.lgf,'lxl dc';]ls with mcelia
companies a. a means to cross-promote,
build brand, and reward loyal vil",·ers.
CerCloo. which report. 200,(0.) total Ad Age flipsthrough thenetworks' biggest issues,shake-upsand challenges
chl'Ck-in' per day, will be launching a
program with Fox where the network nontradition,,1 f".hion, it h". be...." ,ne cnccs that onec flocked to now--eancelcxl
will pmmotc new elmr t<> m.l ny in the indu,try that relying sc"';al, like ABC's "L." t" and Fox's N24.N

", .-"-~-
series to "ic'Wers of
its cxisting shows.
Vil""ers that che'Ck-
GET KEA"" IUR a barrage of promotions
for nl'W fall TV pn'b'ffims. BIIt wh~t's
going on behind the scenes might be just
on g""d old Nic!sen mtings----Tl'gUlar or
comrncmal-cdocs n·t always .how till'
full range of who's watching shows such
In an era where m'lSt foI ks sc",m to prefer
",ul 01' hou r-long pf<lCl'<lurnl dramas
that wrap their plodinc'S "ithin 4O--<Jdd
in to thc popular as worth wmching, Though it m.ly still as "Cossip GinN or NLife Uncxp<'Ct<.x1." minute'S (the' r csr of the' timc i. for com-
series NG!ce" will "'''-'1n like summer, the CV\I is s"t this Ad""rti...'T inten'St in the CVV's mm- m~'TCials~ NBC's gamble is an intrif,'Uing
1Il ~-- _ .. ge't notiU'S on its we",k to b ll",h seasons of "';fj2 lO Nand bincd pack"b'C w~s Ntl'\'me'ndously one. n you·1l.' curious: On c ''f'iSl xk for
new m medy start programs sum as "Hellcats." NBCis TlX'Ci,,--d" during the upfmnt. said Rob "The E""nt" fmtun'S a riveting im"!,'C of
n ~.~·- - - ' Nl\aising Hopc.N preparing to open what it hop...'S"ill lx a Tu(k ex..." vfvncevork sales at the OV, a Ionc pilot in a small pla",' about m make
while "iewers of Ill'W m apter " i th lnu.zeci-at-lUt programs and the net"mk has Nmntinuc-d W h"v" a bc",line for the pn'Sidc'llt of the Unitc-d
WIllI THE'foUl ILY': NB<lIlC'S" will gcr an induding "Th" Event" and the same success in the fourth-quarter Stat", a. he tries to hunk...r down in his
COO::killlJ in10 alert on the new NUmlem lV<.'T'S." CBS i, at-lUt to mil out scatter marh'TpI,.,l;. " Now the ~'Cr official caT.
"MlXlefn r~ milv" drama " Lone Star,N
When fans che'Ck in
someof thc'most-anticipated programs of
the sc';]son, including J n'vamp of
question: If edvcrtiscrs want moreof this
flllm the CV\I, willthl'" sc",k it flllmorher ~ How wil lc:l'larqes affect CBS's " CSI"
has its privileQes.
and unlock stickers NHawaii Fivc-O" and a saucily-tirll'll .it- outlets' ~ franchise?
(an inecntive e'qui,,- COm ",Ue'll " $II'! My Dad 5.1YS." Fox ha, This trio of p"'gram, "''TTlain' a reliable
aknt to Foursquare's badge) for existing it> ey e on a "Dalb sN-style oil-and-om- med., doi llQ anythillQ for TV?
Is soc .,1 perfonner for CBS, but the' Ill'tWOfk h;)s
shows, ehcy am "am an additional stick- man dram.l ",Illxl "Lonc Smr, N Wc·fl' nor .un.'. The'Tl' h.1W lx'Cn some m",,-x1 nV<:l of rh... shows-"CSl Miami"
er for watchinga traikr for a ne'W seric'S. Underneath aU the hmpb, however, intriguing experiml'1lt> in the past year, ~ and "CSI: Nc'W York"--{O nl'W night>.
The'Sl' apps arc also shaping into loy- smnd any number of imri!,>uing chal- including Fox's effort to run an on-SCTl'<.'11 ~ Smrting in the' fall "Miami" move'S to
alty programs where networks can lenb'l'S the TV networks must faCl;, some fc....-d of Twitter c~"nmentary duri ng ~ Sundays fmm Mondays while #Nl'W
n.'Ward rhcir sup<'T fans. "Chl'Cking in is lI'lo>'<.'The'T, s ome on thei r ,,,,n. What all.' e'f'iSlxl,'S of NGlcv" and "Fringt',N and York" mo",,,,, to Fridays from
a rep<'Titivc b<.'havior that demonstratl'S they' Below. Ac! A<,'C teUs you what to NBC's TlX'Cnt inC'Olplmtion of rn,-,<-'TS fRESHM AN CLJSS: Wdnesdays. Meanwhile, "CSI,N still a
continuity." said Alcx lskold, G,'TGlu c watch out for a> rhc 201~2011 TV sea son during it> broedcasr of thc Emmy award>. This seasotfscrop It'll program with cnvablc raring>. is gc'l-
founder-CEO. " I em like 'True Blood' gl'TS out of the St.llting blocks. Our take is th"t TV appmrs to b<.' ofnew prcqrams ting on in ymrs. A risk? CBS eXl'ruti\lC'S
on Feccb ook or [ ran chcx.k in to 'T ruc doing more f'lT Twittl'T. Faccb ook end includes (from have said th''Y're ",ing NCSI"'s fl'lflUlari-
Bhxl' every Sunday night, religiously. Will Fox's "American Idol" continueas orhe'T social -mc.,j ~l venUl'S than the,.. are lopjrox's"Looe ty w ,hore up ", her night>.
It demonstrates I'm a bcrrcr fan that just rvs powertlouseshow? doing fot TV programs. all hype ubout Slar: CW's
'Oml~lIle who Lih'S." Yc:>-for now. The ,how i, ,rill 'U('('CSl;- social bUl.z gme raring highc'T rarillb'S for "Helical>." NBCs Do we lik e to wat eh TV on Fridays?
HEO has usc-d C.erGlue more thao fut but it is agi ng, and lingering qws tions TV showsa,ide. People love to chat about "The Event" aod For ""my years, Friday ha. been the
Olhe'r 'ervia.'S that it's tl'Stlxl, including "ver the Iinl'Up "f judge'S for next sc';]son the'ir fa'''rite ,hows, but the,.. may not CBS'snoslalgiC night on which nern'orb positionl-d
Tunerfish and Clicker.co'n. lts chc'Ck-in an'-fl't helping the n<'(work make it> C.I"". love sc'(ing that same chat aC'TflS6the bot- "H~wai i five-{l: undc-rpt."rfonning programs or a plac'\' to
programs, for shows such as You can . riUcxpcu N I<~ ,I" w bring in the' mm of the' SCTl'Cn while' watching those ,rick sht",'S ner..",ks b<.'lil"'-'Il w<.'TI' on
"Entourage" and "Hung," are primarily ma>S<.'S, but the show has lost smne same crnne'llil'S and dram;)s. Li!<c'Wi...., their last Ie'g>. Why ? Well, everylxJdy
h.,dgc-bas,..,<l and focus on I'\'warding steam. Fox dm rly wants to h'<.'P st"king wh.lt Sllulllis funny on Twitter (If in an w~s "",,-king f<>r till' w<.'Ch'11d so the'Y
chc'Ck-in b<.'hav;or or watching at a ecr- it> fi .....'S until it C.ln dc'lennine h'Il\' suc" upd.1lC may fall flat when Ix~ng j"mmd we""''l1't at h,,,ne watching TV whm it
mintimc. ccssful dl'parrexl h",t Simon Cm"dl's NX inw a he' awards-show bnadcasr. finally carne aruund,The'Sl'<bys. m.lnyof
"Rewarding brand ambassadors is a Fae,,,r" will b<.' in the fall of 201 t---Qnd us fl",l luck" if we can afford a flu-SCTl'<-'Il
ke'y rompom'nt of our social-media fl"rh~p> lx'Yond. Do TV viewers st ili have II yen for complex TV and a rnbl,' l-Kxlk"p. And "",'re stay-
stra,,-'gy and this isone way wedo that, N
"flliqm;ll" $hawS that require them t o ing home to w"tch thr>sc things on whim
said 5.lbrina Caluori, HBO director- Will CW's exper'.,K'lot with m lxlnq online watch every epl sode with IiQorous we ,pm t so mum moncy.
markc'Ting and social mc-dia. " Rewards view s and TV ratlnqs ~ In traction? attention? With that in mind many big nc'T-
can be as . implc as holding som<'!".x1y p ossible. Th c network has
If. l'11ri tcly NBC will find out soonerthan m ost. The wo rks are lomling up Friday with highc'T-
up in an cxahl-d po' ition nr re-rn·""ting bc'gUn offeringadvertisers pack.lh'l'S of ad nenV<lTk srill in the midst of trying to quality fare, whl'T her th.lt', a "'I' drama
from the official 'Trw Blood' Twitter inventory across TV airings and online right it> ratings "",..-s, is launching a one- star ring Tom Selleck (CBS's "Blue
,tn';]ms of it> pmgram,. As me,re fa ns h",,, drama calk'll "The EVl'1lt N th.lt its
See IY CHlCl-IMS on PaQe Zl chorl\iC lO waten f"wlrite progmms in a executives believe wi ll attract those audi- See rm tv 011 Page Zl

Scan: worldmags®
Scan: worldmags®
6 September 6. 2010 I AdvertisinQ Aqe

'Plants vs. Zombies'

nm giving tm much away," Mr, Rmholtz
said. "Th<'n' hove nc"" b een over 5 mil-
lion vil,\-,{<; of 'Z<,mhie'S on my Lawn.' It
was viral out of the gate. N
The fil'S1 game bOWl'<:l in />-by 2(X)9,

menace spreads
foIl'lV>'e"j by n'1ail PC and MacVI.'l'Sions in
Au;,'U>l th.1t y..-ar, thm the iPhone app in
Fcbroary and ipad aPl' in April. But Mr.
R'>lholz said itonly nx"" 30 Ibys from thl.'
initial bunm for PopCap 1O"''C it hada hit,

through populace
and tIllx'gin planning fur mhl'T plmfonns.
Many fans havehelpt."j the cau.., with
sp<mmnl'OUS and enthusmsnc promotion
of the game. Ae"!nl'S loel McHale and
Oliver Plath 3pp<.':In'<:l se".,rmdy on "late
Night "ilh Jimmy FalionNwithin 1\lCCk.
PopCap'sviral gamecontinuesto rack up downloads of ..'Jch O1h..'T end both confes sed addic-
acrossplatforms despitea marketingbudget of$35,000 tion, to I\·Z nn the iPad. A .mall alllagc'
industry of hon1C""atlc go:"'s hassprung
up on the inteJn<.'! hum atti,t,;' paintings,
• BV BeTH SNVDER BUUK bbu l ik~Hom bee did dsdoscthat when the f\·Z il'hone ,'l;nne. I <.mIkin't fll'1 the~n to w'll pbying. ...-ulptun'S ;",d plushie., of the cberectcrs
app debut<"j in F,obruary, it ,old 3lX),{O) or coming up with all kind, of ide-a•." 11> hand-p.1int<"j T-.him and cwamic
N f.Vf~ U N ll f ~ f STI "' .\TE Til E P<'w<''T of mpie'S to roke- in 51 million in just nine But the fe'eling wasn 't echoed bwn omam<'flts, Fans have knit PVZ
znmbie'. In thi, case, pbnt,;3nd znmbi<'S. d1YS, .etting an App Store n",,,,l ar the lhroughout the company. In f3et, I\'Z ' ''''-'ilters. rn.-atd thl~r owng,,'\'ling ennis
"Plant> \IS. Zombk'S, with its unusu-
N time. Last W<.'\-k. thegame was still No. 20 was seen as a bit too diffcn:nt, a bit too and baked PvZ birthday cak..'S.
31 ((lmbiMtion of pt.'<l-~h,x>ling pl3nt,; intheiI'h<me App Ston'.Tho' iPad I\·Z 3pp ,~td e~pt.uati,m. ""0' initi3Uy low, hence C"'iltiVl.' marketing. howl'VI.'T, a mtin-
3nd n01-lrlO-SClry cntorm zombie'S, h3s W3S, and still is, f"'lun'<:l OIl iPJd demo BRAIN POWER lhe small all",;:.uio" for mark'!in!\- ue'S, Wilh things like Z<lInbie~handwrillen
qllidJy b ecom e a hug<' hit for rasual unit,; in 3113000fApple's n't.1il stun'S, said So Ix'gan the [n,<it,'l.'t markc'ling. rvz invill'S 11> 3 parry pnmi..'TI.' in spring. and
game publisher PopC.ap--<md it's about PopC.ap VP-Marketing IX'fl Rorho,ltz. PvZisheadingto launche-d with a sile lakover of PvZ 7.ombie bn-akd.1occl'S at the elllranoc
Xbox 360.Xbol Live
to go biAA,'r. UniqUl' content. positiVI.' word-of- rOpC1p.CIlm on April t 2009, which ge'll- III E3 this past luOl', (A Ix ~>lh was r oo
Arcade aoo Ninlendo
The quirky Slral<'b'Y challeng<' lhal mOUlh and l",i,h In<.'<:Iia rovcro,,'" of lhe <'T:ltl'<:l pn'S, aboul wh<'!h<'T it was a joke expt.'fl.ive for the mark<'ling budge'!. )
Ix'gan as a downloedablc PC game "ill gam.., has been behind it,; succes s. 1M so OS. or not 3nd continued with rrorc online POpC1p has also branched out illln
bunm as an Xbox .' Wl l<'1ail game and ha, "xne rn.-ative markc'ling__n>alivein amle'fll, including vide~)';, lo th of lhe traditional adverti.ing, with ads for the
Xbox Live ArruJ..' downloedablc game part out of necessity. because the initi31 game and an origin31 >r'<lOfy Zombie Xbox game" in magazine" incl uding
this momh, and will be available for marh'ling budg..'! WJ<; only 535,O:Xl. lemp offi"-"",,,,,ker ..,tie'S; a "Z<xnbatar" Wi""j and PCWorld, and will do in-store
Nintcndo OSearly next Y<."\lr. "This game was the ultimate gift a that zornbic-iz..'<:1 users' pmfi1e pictures, retail marketing with channel partners.
PopCap, whim also make'S IX,<,\",-~,'<i mark,'ling "'-l"'rtrnmt ((luld ge'!, N Mr. and the po,ting of the NZ<>mbi<'S on Your A, for that initial 535,0))1 It was mOll'
:;aid r"z is the faSl<'St -seiling game in the Rothol17. said. "It's an ultra-high quality lawn" original song3nd \'Kko that is the than <.'"I1ough for launch. Mr. Rotholt'"
mmpany's hi,tory, ""ith toml, "in the gam<' that's ina..'<:Iibly fun and ha, payoff fur winning lhe game. said he thinks his lmm Imly "pt.'fll about
millions of unit>" acro!'6 all plalfoOTIs. extn'lne kvel. of dl-,pth.. .. My markr.'1- NWe had tn amviocc C>\-wge [Fan. the 522,{(1), Nincluding the "ineNto toost its
PopCap,,~ mum on Sf'-'(j~csak'S ~gun'S, ing del"'rtrnl'fll was smittm with lhe &1mem-awr] that it wa~ 3gOldmov\.' and , um 'SS.


YoungMarcus Rivers is the faceof awinningeffortto attract 12-to-1 4-year-olds
• BV BeTH SNYDERBUliK bbul ik~ com Marcus RiveT<;, a knc,w-it-all PSI' gamer
who's paSSiONlW about the brand and
""'ARCUS oov'r PLAY T1IAr.
N That'. about why the PSI' i, bett<'T for&1ming. N
Ma rcus Rivers, Sony Pla ySteuon's "[ thought Sony rnedc a mistake in
,mack-lalking fmm man for its hand- nm mrg<'!ing that 12-to-14-year-old
held PSI' de\'ioc, n:fcrring to mobile- audience ,...rlyon," said Mr. Cole."The""
phonegaml'S, are WnSUmeT<; I'K,king for a mobile
In online videus and TV ad., the "'-"iCl', and inmany cases th..')' don't have
1<.'<'Jt.1O'I' M3tcu. or anmh..'T actor holds an mobile pho>nl'S or h3w "'-'I)' n.'Stricn\t
iI'h<me up to the camera and lhen pro- mobile phone'S. So, ~"'S, it loah'S ..,n.."
reeds to blast appgam..'S. Marcus allis rh.., (OOt) the qU<.'Stir:m is, are they I<K, l1te?"
Wa'le·ba,ket game app, for example, St, far, the adsan: working. ao;ording
" ridicu ~lU.,N adding. Nit should1 been to Mr. Kolb, who noted Ih31 the rate of
calle'<:l W;l.tin' my thn'C minUle'S cuz I'll ';'1b ,inc.." lhe campaign 1x'b'Un in mid-
ne'VI.'T ,,'l'1 thnt time beck-c-or wastin' my lum' h,1V1.' dnnbcd 20% higher each
ma0l.1" h.1rd-mme'<:l money." Inancllhl.'r, I,,-'Ck P1.1nning fur mon: Marcus ads i.
he d erides the gamo NH,~d [tN by saying. alrc... dy und er way,
"Allyou do i, h(~d this button for a, long Along "ilh thl.' nlW ,poke'Skid, Stmy
as you can b ecause that'. your punish- is also trying to appcc ] to younger
mmt for Ix~n' dumb l'fl,,,,gh to buy this t<'\'fl_nd th<ir parent,; who, .till ho,ld
game And in ancliher he' bcshcs the
,'l;Hn..'S ",!tware n'"Ve'flue', up fonn 5% in NOT PUYING AROUNO de'vio.'S, console systems etc." the purse strings-with it> lune-
phoneir>d f"ilh: "ThaIain'! builtfur big- 2{)l8--mo,t1yallhe <'»pen..,of lhe lradi- Since SonV's latest Stmyi. hoping Marcus' fo.'Sh faocand announo."j PSI' fa,,,ritl'S, a \llllu<~1ine of
boy g;lme'S, lhar's built for texting your tional hand-hI.'kls. PSI' fen from 3 20% to PSP campaign with smaTl-aIc-.:k eteeudc will alllJl-':Il to its game'S at S9.9'l ea ch. Then:are cum:ntly
gmndm3 and allling your girl." 11% ~h3n' of",!twa", o.'VI.'Ooe, while OS trash--talkinq Marcus n'\i",,-d 131b"-'! 3udieocc of 12-w-l4-y..-ar- 3lxlUt 25 title, in thr:' wlk'l"lir:m, Wilh d.1S-
The tagline for the dfort i. NSt..' p Up d",l'p,,'<:I from 75% to 70%, as cakularcd RiverslplaVed by- old., Re'SCann last year sh"",c"j Stmythat sics and p"'1<'Cn-friendly title'S such ;IS
YmlrG.1me," and that's jo~t what Sony i~ by 3pp analyst finn Flurry. "In the voung~orBobb 'eJ. its 3udimCl' h,1d gottm young quidJY' "Burnout lc'b'l'nds" and "Sims,N
hoping lhe marh'!ing will do for PSI', a mobile-phone 'pae"", the bt&,'l'St compt.'li- Thompson) began in frnn an awl1lf,'I' J.f,'I' nf 28 when the PSI' The PSI' campaign, creal,-d with
~m!,'Stand ing No. 2 in the tmdition31 tir:m i. fnr time and mon..y Everytme mid-June.sales tor bunchl'll in 2005 down w the mid-teen P1.1yS13ti<>n Jt,'l.'flcy D<.'Ursch, LA, is a
handheld gaming marh'! to its main ne'\-.:I. a mobile phone (bUl) a game the hand-held gaming age'S by 2009, said John Koller, din'l"1or- mostly TV me'<:lia dfon, bUI inclu"'-'S an
CIlrl1p<.'litnr, Nintcndo OS. Th..-re haw machine is a luxury. On II'll of tlull. the deviCe have climbed hardware mark.'ling at Sony Comput..'T online vidl'U romp<m''flt and SllIO<.' onbn..,
Ix'\'fl mon: than 17 million PSI'<; and 43 prio.'S fur mobile-phone game'S arc wry 20% each week, Entertainment America. adwrtising fmruring Marcu•. The me'<:lia
million OSunit,; sold to ,l111', alUlrding to ch"'lp; S'I.'l'l would be 3 pnmium game- "WI'Silw the [mw l primeWlb'l'1 as 12- buy includes ahcrnoon tim" slors and
NPlJGmup. lhcre i. 0l.1jor mmp..'!ition for mnsuJn<.'T 1O-I4-ymr-olds who areh'Taduating f"xn 'pon" and ha, h.'\'fl particularly sum'S>-
But ..'ven more pll.'SSing is the ((lmpt.~ time' and money JcrIlSS all platfo"ns," devices likethe OSand1'VI.'Jt th..' Leapsrcr. ful on Vi,1rom channels sumas MTV and
titinn Stmyand Nim,'fl'lo bmh fae"" fmm said David Cole, analysl DFC Intellih'l'floc, but before theyre getting inm mn",le Nick al Nile. n""" buys are a del"'mlre
the mobilc~phone mar"''1, particularly "They need to beworried about any com- gaming or ca rrying .1oartphon<'S,u he for traditional PS pTV, which had focu sc'<:1
Apple. L1st y<-ar, iPhon<' OS gaml'S pt.'ling d<'vice fur am,umer time and said, "We ,,-ally want<"j ",",<,,"e aspira- ,m 1ale~nighl TV;lnd prime time w lalb"-'!
grablx'<:l a 19% slum: of t0131 portabk mnney--phones, irad comp..'1ing mol~1e tional for them, .. . We came up with the mid-20s lTO\','d ,

Scan: worldmags®
On Au gust 11 , nearly 1,000 industry exe cutives paid
tr ibute to Adverti sin g Age' s Women to Wat ch at an
awards lunch eon in New Yo rk City.

1 Honoree Kirsten Flanik,EVI' Senior Account Director. BBDG, Hew yolt SUlanne Beau~oin, Mars:Osher HaDerman, Malt John Osborn. aBOG: Sara Beth Shrager.Mallei Entertainment 2 Lil Sarachek
Blacker and Allison Afo'en, VP/Publi,her, Advert~nQ AQe 3 HaRom Melissa RichardsPerson, Senior Diredor,Advertising and Promotions,Papa John'sand Oanya Proud. Senior Manager U.s. Media
Relations, McDonald's4 Honoree OanielleParis. Director'Praduct Innovation and Development MenuManagement. and Deborah McDaniel, McDonald's 5 taurenWiener, Vice President. Meredith
Inlerolctiveand NancyW eber.SVP. eMD, MeredithNational Media Group 6 Dana McCol'lie: Honoree Laura McCorvie.$VP ConsumerGrowth and Shopper Markeling,Kraft Foods;Jamie OePeau,nU'CRH:
AnnBillock,AU Advisors: Leslie reichgraeber,PepsiCo 7 PeteRoper. Senior Director,Digital, Adverlisil1/j Age HOIWree Janet salis,EVP MediaSales. Mariha Stewart living Omnimedil leslieDance,
Kodat:Jackie Ghedine, ManagingDirector, Sales, AdVertisil1/j Age 8 KimMartin, President and General Manager,WE Wedding Central 9 This year's honorees discuss the secrets of theirsuccess
tv ,
10 BACKROW(l TO R) KimMartin, President and General Manager,WE Wedding Central: Nancy Weber,SVP,CMO,Meretlith Nalional Media Group:Maureen S11llivan,SeniorViet Presidelll of Markeli~,""
Brand, and Partnerships, AOl Christine Mau,Brand Design Director, Kimberty-tIar1;:Sarah RobbO'Hagan,CMO,Gatorade; Beth Waxman'Arteta,Global Business Director, JWT; Jilllel Balis,EVPMediaSales,
Martha Siewari living Omnimedil KarenSauder, ManagingDirector. Chicago, DraflFCB: Joan lewis, SVPConsumer &Market Knowledge, Procter' liaaible; Melissa RictlardsPefSOfl,SeniorDirector
Advertising and Promotions, Papa John's; laura McCorvie, SVP Consumer Growth and Shopper Marketing, Kraft Foods:Allison Arden, VP/Publisher',Adrtftisil1/j ~pe: Abbey paJ~~,1d itor, AdYeffising
Age: FRONTROW (llOR) Joan Gillman, President TWC MediaSales,Time Warner Cable:Christine Fruechte,President and CEO, Colle ' McVoy: Sara Ohriall,Virectllf'of R&Il. BoIInier Corp~ KdenF1aQik,
EVP Senior Account Director,BBDD, New lOlt TaraComonte,COO!CFO, Mediabrands:liz Dolan: Danielle Paris, Director'Produc t lnno~ation and De~e klpmen l MenuManagement McDonald's USA:AmV
Curlis'Mclntyre, SVP Marketing.DId Navy 11 Sarah landsman, Pete Brace,and Honoree Sarah Robb O'Hagon,CMO, Gatorade ~ '

,,,'t--'~ ~

In Partn~r~h ip with
SpQn~Qr~d by
A O\" O Tl I . . O
Of .... YO H
WQ ~O ....... ...
Scan: worldmags®
8 Septembe r 6, 2010 I AdvertisinQ Aqe WorldMags® - Digifal Magazines

Ad Age spends aday with Hyundai-yes, Hyundai

Our reporter tagsalongon automakcr's Uncensoreddrivingevent and watches theconvertsroll in
Aleamcaplail1ed by
DLSPlTE A COOL and bn-c'zy Friday Jackt.Iortl)rl makes
morning in late Augu,t, Blake Kanickij i, the complicated
working up a sweat M' he scrubs a undertakirlQ look
porl~blc floor in the parking 1m of decep liv~yeasy .
Citizens Bank Ballpark on his hands and
knl"''S, #Gcning a b'{KJd d.'y i, the hardl'St
part.~ said the' projcce ma nager for Jack
Mon on, in between laboring to remove
SCllff marks left by past visitors end
in,trucring local union laburers laying a
rubbcrvcd floor. "M~Mging the pc'OJ'le
~ nd the proCl'SS is easy,N
Aod in f~lt, the So-person tl",m he's
chon"'Jgrnphing on behalf of Imerpublic
Group of Cos.' experiential marketing
~",ncy is making it I'K,k d''Cl'Prively
,imple to tum one of the >!adium', main
parking lots imo the fourth ,tOP On the'
lO---<:ity #Hyundai Un",n",,,-"N o~tional
lOur, This 1<1\ of thl' tour, held at the'
home of the Phibddphia Phillil'S and its
f~ns. ~ims to tum locals imo Hyundti
fan, by puning thc'I'll b.,hind the whc...,1
of a Hyundai Sonata. Toyota Camry or
HondJ A{'cord, uki ng thc'l'll through
their paces with a roUTS(' romi,t;ng of
hairpi n turns, ''\la,ive maoeuvers. high-
spc...-d straightawJys aod rondition, that ---- ~:'.'"""
mimic icy ",,,ds,
u'SS thon U hours lxfore ronsumc'l'S

sun showing up, the' SU'J1e dOl'Sn't I'K,k

like mudl of anything. The to-do li,t,
which must be romplc'llxl by the end of -'.,--
the day, indude'S: unload ing two Ulr Ulr- ¥.:::?
ril'TS and two Hyunrb i-wrnpprxlshipping
ronui ners filk.J with furniture, fl<X>ri ng :vis. Kumpis SJ id she has ",-'Co am-
and ekxtnmics; enxting tents: Sl'CUring somers. at other tour StilI'S, jump out of
electricity; an{'horing the tem, with Sonatas and d , im they were gI~ng to
wri ghts; putting up Hyund,'i ,igns and NU~B ER Of C1
11[S IHE purchase OOl" that wry dty ,
buildiog In d , bor" te driving am r", \Nhik that didn't h, ppc'll on this day,
using 14 professional drivers from !DUi ISHilliNG at least not in the first few hours of the
PnU' Km Dynamics [nternJri,mal . pm- l'\ll'lll, it wos dcm that the experil'1la.' had
duccr of automotive cxpcncnnal-rnar- sii,'lli~ellltly shifted the mindsct of some
kc'ling p">grnm" Th. t .Iooe involve'S of those in a11l'lldancc,
laying out more ornn~,'e ronl'S than it lad, :vIorton estimates that nearly
"'-.....-ns p",ible to count. 1.(X)) pc...'f'Ieanl'J1&'xl the l'\ll'llt O\fl.'T the
As :vi r. Ka nickij and his lack Morton NU~B ER Of PWll
" 'l'l"k<'lld. The Iinl'S for the test dri,,-'S
cuh.,m, D.ln Beilke. another projlxt man- WENDINGHIUNDAI weI'<.' ~Iw~ys fuJi and most uf those who
agcrand tour IronJ-f,,<:r Art Han""" ,hut- nmml~ll and in ronditionsyou '''lO 't get Cabrera n'Cllkd do what one excited UNC[NSOR[D EV[NTS 10 dm...e the..-a1'S wel'L' ea~,'er 1O g<'l on line for
tic back and forrhlx'tWl...n rhc main swg- in a n>~d test with a dl'ak'r, No one is in attendee did on the tou r Slast SlUp didand GAl( the virkx) car and 1.t lk ~h:,ut the experi-
iog an'" Clrrying boxl'S or mJneuvering SJb mode hl,l'L' forcing thl~ n to sign or make up a " lOg ~bout the driving experi- enl'l". Copil'S of the~r vide...» ~re "'-'llt to
forklifts. 0<-.: McKinney, head of the I'DI buy ~nything," cnce the'Y just had. rhcm and Hyundai also cdtrs the v:i,kx>s
team. ,lowly dri\fl.'S a Ulr thmugh the
COUTS(', Via walki....mlkie. he instrults his
team til n'ffiO~gul'L' ronc'S in order to
rrckc the turns righl<'r or the turning cir-
Of murse, the ide" iso'tjust to k~ a m-
surncrs experim<'t.' the cars but to r'\'UO-
gelize about the'01, and II j,mdai gives
them pk~lIy of ways to do that. Aftet the
Under fomler marketing mid loel
Ewanick and his No.2 Chris p,'ny. b oth
of whom h~ve de'GImpcxl to General
Motors, Hyundai gained st''am in the
for. rwl it P'»t> on its Facebmk fl'~,'e.
(Soml" of the hltJgl' the'Y ~I'<.' cornpil-
iog f,,~n thistour ,vill eventually b., u",-xl
in future ('Orlllnercials. but for nowit isall
de, whel'L' m",u mers will tc'St the ClrS l<'St dri,'<.'S, thl'Y al'L' mmu"'b"xltll Ii"b'l'r ,uto ,,,,,rid with dl'\lCr ,dvertising. a IN IHE UI lASllEAR b.,i ng p»tcxl 00 Faa.u .,k. Simibr fm taW
turning rndius, a tad smaller. I'DI ,iriwl'S in a gbming white loul\','C under a hUb'C mlxlia stnll<'llY to buy big-event pro- used in prior TV spots came fmm a wry
will . {'company mnsumers while thl'Y lI yundai-bmndlxl tent . nd li sten to gmmming like the Super Bowl ,nd " sm.11 mall Inur llyu nd, i did for 501'1.11.'
dri w the course. music. drink Smrbucks frnppulunns and groundbl'L'aking BUj'<'.1" s Assurance pro- earlier in the vcar.]
Mr, McKinney, who h" "" rlu.xl " a uscirads avaibble til th,..-n--hopefully til gmm that .1I0,,",-xl COnsumers 1<> l'L'tum a One a mple waitiog on line In ,h,.){ "
ronsultant and stunt driver in a spn'ad the gospel about Hyundai nl'W Hyundai if they I,»t their ino;ome. vide'll said: ~Hyu ndai should do this
Holl)""KJd film and in TV commerci~ls, -rs, plOCl' is winxl to k'1 ronsumers Bill Monique Morin Kumpi s.llyundti's
NLllBER{fMillS 00i
muTSl' out>ide ~n th,';r dl'Jler,hips and
has been doi ng these pmgrJIllS with tell their focnds about the \'Xperil'lll'l",N manager-experiential marketing alld thl'Y """,ldsell a Ulr l'\'ery time N

llyundai for the pasr six yt'Jrs and SJid he SJid ]aim<' Glbn'l1l. ffi'arive dinxtm at Stra tlwe ~lIianCl'S, ...t id there's no substi- Mike, a 4O-",ml~hing Toy,){a owner
h~s wilnl'S"'-xl firsthand the illlr"lt thc"" lack Monon and dl'Sii,'ller of the Spal'l" tute for g<'1'ting behind the whl'l.'L IOUi SlOP who wa, ~Iso waiting to make a vidl'll
eventsh.tve on consumers and the brand, 'The iP~ds ~re loaded wi th Twim'r and "Ad mmpaigns tella story but there's "h:ml the ,'Xpr'Til'J1CC. ""id he is in the'
"Whm I first >lanlxl v><>rking ,vith FOCI'oook, , nd you em chl'Ck in on n",hiog thel'L' for a ron,umer to touch markt fur a oew..-ar but h~tc'S de\llerships
Hyundai it was dear that consumers just Foursqmll'L' when you g<'1 here. Wr' Sl'l and h....!." she said, "The h'y is b ting and Iikr'S the "1"w-ke'Y" ~lIno"phere of
thought of Hyundai a,. thmwaway Clr this up so thc'Y will hang ,round,. lJlk til ron,u lllers draw their own l,,,,dusinn, the Un",n,,),,-xlC\ll'TIt.
and one that the)' didn't give any serious uS and other consumers about Hyundai. but to do that they need to haw the' Hl' said his 12-Yl""r-old Ctmry is in
m"sidern ti,m to, Nhe $" id while tc'St driv- have. [frnppumnol .nd listl'll to music Hyundai experience. This is beyond the shop l'\'<.'I)' orhc'T ,wek and that the
ing the course. "I have seen that ]X'Kl>p- afecr they test drive the GIl'S." tents and cones. With wl"rything the)' t,'St drive hejust finished is forcing him to
tion mange II'Ll de'gn...", over the yl'Jrs, They am also take a k'Ss priv. te GIll do hel'L' it bc'ffiml'S ' 1'1 experieo<x . nd "'<'I,"sider his longstanding alilWana.' to
And in my opiniorl, it's things like this apprr>;lm by entering a Snnata l'quippo.x1 the more we em get th..nn driving our Toyota. "l\fter this and all the issues
thaI are n"'p msible for that. Consumers with. vide..., Glmem, when' the'Y GIn dose Glrs . nd telling th,ir friends about us. Toyou has had. 1am seriou,ly amside'T-
Uln dri ve these OIl'S in a bcsslc-Ircc envi - the door and rave, romplain. or, as Mr, the better. N ing purchasing a Hyundai n<"".N

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10 September 6, 2010 1Advertising Age

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It's no secr et t hat Br~ish-born Ian Joel Ewa~ the
Investi gation Dis covery's ~son has rrostteuec-about
Who Thf! (Bleep) Did I Marry? sevec assaes personinautoad
debuted as the #1 s..ri.. s arldmarketing circles treseoavs,
headtorBMW A longtime car
pr emier e in network history! Group since 2008, ). QUY, hewas
arole retook on etter astintas brCll.>;lht inat General Motorsin
Watch mere amazing chairman-CEO 01 RollsRoyce Motor May- aftera seoer-seot stintat
stori e s 01 secre t lives and cers. H..'s also a oretsne managing Nissa" arlda lew high'profile years
marriag e shoc kers onanall new Who The (Bleep, Old I Marr y? director of LarldRover vences. a1 Hyurtdai.
th is Wedn..sday at teem on ly on rnvesueeucn Discovery.
Goodby Silverstein&Partners, San
GSO&MIdea City, Austin,T..xas Fraoosco arldoetroit
·_ re. : T~ Ni. lson C""'l'M"/, NHI Cal_Of (1{<7/Oa • 8/Z5/IO), li~ +SO dolo,
P'OIlram 60<0<1 ~pa". (w"" anSllO 10\1'10:301>. Primo OoI 'S" aP'llp)
POSITIONING BMWw<lntsits en-eectrk Beemer to "Acar first arldelectric second." in
beknown lor beingtheontyor.e the wordsof Mr,Ewanick, The VoU

A&E's critically acclaimed made using carbon (it uses what it will trytoshowconsumers thatit is
"Hoarders ," t he rest and callsa CfRP, carbon Iibe-rentcecec durable arc retebe-ece 10go 40
mcst-wetched seri es plastic),making ~ lighterthan miles exclusively onbatterybefore a
cooventcoat cars arldotherelectric qas generatorcantake over for 300

JS~:: ReaIUfe.Drama~
about people struggling
with extreme hoarding,
r etu rns lor a third s..eson
vehkles. It'salsoemphasizing
sustaioability not just inthecal; txrt
thrCll.>;lhoul itssuppiy chain aswell.
more miles until thebalt""" needs
arotrer cterce.

wit h 20 en-ne w episodes on Mondays at 9 PM ET/ PT,

Whilelormaladvertisinglor thiscar A so-secoorteaserad becen

Each ..pisod.. 01 th is qrourobr..aking series follows two
isstill downtheroad- BMWisn't runningin seect markets in July
dillerent people whose inability to let qo 01 their belonQings brinqinqits MeQ<lCity to market till that was completelysilent.showinq
is so out 01 cont rol that they are on the verge of personal 201J- thecarmaker isalready acardrivingatonq the highwily w~h
disaster, In season t hree 01 "Hoarders: ' the stakes COUldn't buildinqbuzz aroorld its thistext: "listen, That's tresocrcor
be hlqher as the people profiled are faced wit h lile-chanQing commitment to bringinga zero- the status QUOcrumblinq.
ccnsequences, " Hoarders'' not only captures tne drama as emission carinto urban markets. ~'s Breathtaking. isn't ~? ' Whena full
been testinqprototype ""l'Ctrk cars, campaign bows thislall, ~ wili likety
experts work to put each hoarder on the road to recovery but randomly choosing consumers to playupVolt'sgasqenerator,thereby
also highliQht s the individual's inr.er cneuences and triumphs. dnveall-ell'Ctric Mini Coopers arc subtly attac kingLeaf arldotherpure

soon aBMWseries l car,arldaskinq electric vehicles byportrayinq them
Mondays at 9PM ET/PT them ioreooet tlackl irldinqs, As the esceuse foranxietyarrcoq
Officialautomotive secoscc for the
London Olympics 2012. ireree
speculation that BMW will usetret
as a stece to lormally laurlCh the

SOCIIJ.IIEDIA Nodedk atedrecebooc ceceso- rececoocVOlt has nearly 40,000

Twitter feeds forthe Ml'QilC~y, arld fans; itsTwitter paqe @ChevyVolthas
:PREMIUM PARTNER; solar any social-media discussion nearly 5.000followers, GMalso
• • epoeers onUti' BMW Group created arncrosne called Chevy
••• • • recebooe PilQE', whk h has more VOltage that callsitself the"official
•• • than laooo lans. social rtl'lwor1I ofthe Volt." housinq a
•• bIoQ, videosaod photos.
••• • ••
Scan: worldmags®
Adverli.inQ AQe I Septe mbe r 6, 2010 "
without emitting fIS~(R:
emissions. AulOOlilkerwantsto
be knownas premium
plug'in hybrid.

CHMVOLT: BMWselectric
Reliable and dtlfable Beemer is made of
s toetrew test "boo
describes this car.

Thissedan is
epectedtorerqe J20
NISSANLllF: miles perctaree.
Greenmachine has

affordabililyon fts
see carmakersays.

Braro:l considers itsen
aleader in eeorc-


h4 i~ JlI(:kson, a M...-tl EuIOOi"q is Jon Bnlnr;he<!u Thecompany h4ir;hae1 locI!, the
well-koowo global vr-sees wasnamed VP-- hasn't nameda formerCEO of
marketer who's (OJ markeliogat marketingof headmarketer, but Ducali North
held posit ions at ' isker. She was Nissan inthewake rcoroer Eion America. joined as
cccecce recnstedto tbe of JoelEwanick's Musk isoneofthe CMOotThinkthis
F'epsiCoarJd Coon; post last year after abu pt oerecucn most hiQh-orofile month.He's also
Brewing, and meoe hisrna<i< in the serving as ccesceot-cto of a eseen to General Motors. BeIorethat. Mr. exe<s inthegreen autoworld, arxl held senior marketingroles at
euto world between 2000and 2fXJ7 NorthAmerica forayear, ero teioe Brancheau wasdired or-vlobal former YooTUbeexecutiveRicardo Honda Motor Europeand TriumDh
at GM NorthAmerica. lhat wasesec v p-sees eod Infinilimarkeliogcornrncncatons Reyes hand les global Motorcycles.
markeliog at .ecoer NorthAmerica, andmed ia. communicalions rone concerw

Pefeira & O'Dell, San Francisco lambesis, Carlsbad. Ca lif, TBWA!Chiaf/Oay.l osAngeles Aqency unclear as of press lime

Ease. rre seoteMCMlica, ceut-cesec luxury. Fiskerwantsto teseenes Complelely green andaffordable. Sports CarThetesta Roadster- Experience.Thinkoescntesthe
firm's marketing stretecv will eeo tre premium pll!lj-inhybrid. Its Thececeeslimaled torelail for which has sold inat least 28 brandasaleader in elect ric-vehlcIe
~Iy one-<ommerce. Pre-sales Karma mocleI was de$iQned I:1y $25.28Oaflertaxcredrts,compared cocntres-at anestimated te<hnolOQy backed I:1y nearly 20
hiliit' bequn on its weosne fOf the Henrik Fisker, whohas rercecee wrth Volt's oriciogol$33,500.11 is $100.000, issaid 10accelerate from year.; of research, andScandinavian
CODA sedan, a too r-Ooor. five- models for BMWand Aston Martin. solely eject roc arxlrunson battery. Oto60 in less thantcor seccocs but rootsthat haW!qiven rta
passenger oatterveectoc whic~ Abase model ofire Karmacosts produces noemission. owoers can "suslainabllily" rreoset, The
that isexpecled loranqe120 miles $87,900, anda tcc-e-ue-sre call upon a "servceranger" tomake carmaker says it'sthefirst01 its kirxl
percnarce, The first modelswill be version has upholstery made of ahouse call foranyreces s, 10wincenrorcoean ra;lulatory
delivered inCalifornia laterthisY\'<Ir. bamboo rstberthan leather, safety approval.

SOme eooeccoscotococ work- IlscampaiQn "Pure Driving Passion" With plansto beontheroad this testa eoeoster has sold some 1,200 Events arxl partnerships haW! been
billboards that mimic tombstones I"('(:enlly becan viaaeebsiteIhal De(:ember, tre leaf has been early cers with littleinlhe wayol astrategyin Europe,whereCEO
setupet ces-sretco pumps-howe shows hiQh~slylized irTlaQeS of the to marketing. It had apush around treoitional advertising, striking Richard Canny has held public
already been in the marketplace Karma I:1y lashion photographer theOlymQics inVaOCOUlll!r, andhas partnerships withbrands sochas speeches onEarthDay. Thinkalso
from a prioraoency. Goodness Miles Aldridge. AcampaiQn lrom chosen seve-ere rcc-oe France- TagHeuer, for whoch it creeteda partnered withtheBBC tocreatee
Maoofaclurinq.LosAngeles,and t erntesn willlikely halll!more ofa winniogcyclisl lance Armslroogas custom Tag carandappearances at documentary aboulthenrst eectre
digital executions arelikely to beg;n fashion tavout thancar-ad teerto rt itsofficial spokesman.He's been carraces arxlelll!non"The Price is drivearound Europecalled "B8C
thismoothfromPerl.'ira &O'Dell. An since lambesisworks rrosuv wrth featuredinonespottret Right" onwhichit was aprize. More Electric: Drive," TheOslo. Norway--
e-Comroerce site Os tclunchinq soon. clothingarxl;ewelry brands such as emphasizes thecar as " Innovation trad itional advertisingwill likely based company isbuildingrtsIirst
aridoutreach will be acombination seeeeoc tecort for tre plaJ1(>\; ioncenco forall." come soon, since thePalo Allo, U.s. factory in mceoeto
of d iQita~ PR and events. The Lealrecent ly broke rts Iirst calit-based company W('nt public rranotectore tre ThinkCityandwill
eutorrctilll! iAd00AQple'stocrth- thissummer andTesla's ModelS. its startcom iogoff tre assembly linein
generation iPhone.Newadvertising tour-coo- sedan, isexpected to be 20n Because rt wantstosenre rest
for Nissao across mJlliplevences is reeesecinearly2012. U.s. sIlipments 10car"Shariog firms
slated lobreak thismonth,and new andforcorporate use,eosoess-tc-
leal commercials willbeore business marketing is li~ y to bee
feature. play for Think inthecoming months.

COda has a occ called"Clearinq the irvine. calif. -teseo FisI<er has more Ul1In TheNissanLealrasrrore than Has morethan12,000 toIlowerson Hasablogcalled"Think is ThOnking"
Air" and a YouTube channei wrth 2fJ(XJ Twitter folowefs buf ccesrt 72/X1O fansonFecetooeandlM"r TWitterat @TeslaMotors, andnearly (www.thinkislhinkiog.com).a
several explanatory videos. The seem tousetteeed frequenlly. An S.ooolollowers onTwitterat 20,000 fansonrecetook forthe Facebool< pagewithnearly scorers
eccoeAutomal illl! feed onTwiller otfidal receecoe pagehas more ttan @NissanLeaf.llswebsiteoffer.;lilll! ececster andaTwitterpage,@think_l'I'. with
has etoct a tOClOfoilowers. It 1,DDD fans, and acecceted tlio:;lhas chat with experts. more than1,600 followers.
appearslostill beworkiog00an ceeoset UDtJo,Iaoenlhusiasl
official recetooc page. unaffihated with tre Cornp:rly.

Scan: worldmags®
WorldMags® - Digifal Magazines

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M September 6, 2010 I AdvertisinQ Aqe WorldMags® - Digifal Magazines
Editedby Do you have something to say?Send leiters erc cccrectons to vlewpolnt@adaqe.com
Ken Wheilt on, or to Advert ising Aqe, vewsoot 711 ThirdAve. New YorI\,NY 10017. Please limd letters
kwhe<l!on@adaQe.com t0250words.

EDITDRIAL READER RESPDRSE from a Qu~ntitative perspective (how m~ny mentions. how
many ronoee-s. how m~ny positiveor negativereactcos are

wegett ing, etc). Thisarticleisdealing wilh the q U ~l i t~t iv e
aspect of listening.It may be time1:onsuming alld costly,but
What shooldbe noted, too, isthat the tact that this is

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN unstructured data makesthe data-minioqdifferent as well.

Tr en tiooal data'minioq is more focused on quant net ive,
whilethis tailson the more quantitetfve analytic~1 area

YOU DON'T MARKET F?£' -reeascc Up f(J(RevleW After

24 Ye;matTracyLocke, ff
because of its unstructurednature.

This shouldn'tcCMTle as asurprise to ~nyone, but it seems that (AdAge.com. Sept. I)
when amarketer stopsmarketing, sales tendto drop. Many companiesforget the valueof just listeningto social
That's the lesson to qIe<on fromooserv;ng thelemorHirne-soo:la media. When we trainad eoerces on sooar-mece marketing,
category over thepast 10years. Foranymmter of reasons, the
rrwsetes De!lindthe biggest breocsinthesector pulled bock on
o THOMAS SJRINGHAIl ~T10MAU BRlTISIi COCUMBIA oneof the thiflQs lhat we alwaysercourece isto start with
marlleting-almost eon relyinsome places. Predictably, sales Wow, what a tentesnc opportunity. I'll bet irere ere hundreds Some companies ereresnent to jump into social media
dropped off. of ecerces that wouldjumpat tnecoportunltv to worll with (especially thosein hiqhiy reoutatec industries), but even just
Or, moreaccurately,sales dropped offmorethantheydid for racesco, an iconic brand anda household name. listening can bea creet start.
other' cetooetedsoft drinks.Obviously, trereareotherchallenges I will alwaysremember 'rebasco's marketinglor the Even some of the most activecompanies on social media
facing thecarbonatect-soft'(lrinksector as a whole. Inacoontry excellent ly written print campaigns utilizinqthe iconiclabel havenot yet mastered the art 01 listening-takioqcommenls
tryinqto cere to termswithanobesity epil:lemic. soft drinks larded sly le. and of coursethe exploding mosqeto spot from several sod mentions,interpreting them aodchanneliflQ them
wdhhiqh-tnxtose cornsyrup areportrayed years bac k.But,while it may tecreat to be rostajnc. throuqh the org~nization eflectiv~y.
asoneof thekeyvillains. Even \\lithout consumers thesedaysare chang ing th~r mediahabitsfaster Fantastic: post arc aqreat area to bring attention to!
With SlxiteqoiflJ heaRh issues. trends have been learing tnan Lady cece changesher ooUits.The recesccbrand
silent. Sierra Mist towardnoncarbonated beveragesand
cocoreestceo ener1lydrinks.
needs a jolt lntc t ne zut century.Forexample, their Twitter
pecehas2,049 followers. Fora braodof that stature, that's
major mar1let SO themajor players. inten! onshoring shameful.can they be out 01 thingsto say?Why are so le w SOrry, I just thinkthisisanother dumbideathat will cet some
share ifthe uptheir maincola br eocs. turnedoff the people listenioq? attention lor awhilealld then it will lade away. Really. achief
recscc traoo fTIo'101Ietingtap tor Iemon-limebrands such as Look at what an enter t~ininQ ad campalgn tied in with listeningofficer? Isn't thisaSlgn of how tar off the mark
hadlalJlChedan Spnte.Sierr~ Mist ~nd7Up.Qddly enouqn soo:ial mediadid for the OldSpice ereoo, It not only revitalized businesses are,thai we'regelting excited because
aggressive theyallseemed to reecnthesame ire brerd, it grew ire entireca tegory. companiesare listeninq? Shooldn't good companies ~I w~ys
marketiflJ conclusion at etoct the same time, oerteos With that inmind,I think tetescoccua be due tor a havebeenlisl ening? Andshouldn't everyone lisl en?
campaign. liguringd'S easier to cutbockspendOnq ~ creroeof direction. Tt-.ey need to cet with the times,and with Alld what trereu isthe marketingdepartmeot dOiflQ il
everyone etseiswitt'OrawingIromthefield rel~tively low budgets lor a nationer campa igl\ they are theYre not listening tocustorrers? NowooderCMOS havean
~,." probablybetter off to finda "'hot shop" that will eat, steep and IS-month tenure.Lastly,don't these companies have customer
Soce2005. mar1<et inginvestment has dwindled for Spriteand live their brand. servicedepartments wholistento custorers day1orli;J?
Sierra Mist the No. land No. 2in thecateqory, respectMo~. Each I'm not buyiflQ tnees a new,deeIlchanqe to how businesses
slashed measured media spendingbyabout80%. During that time, conduct irernseves,
lhecateqoryshed 16Omillioncases befweeo2000and2.lX8,
according to Beveraqe ooest, SOUNDING OFF ABOUT o WIClHLDNCHAI.)P(JlI,Nl llASll
There's no pointiI1throwing (,jOOCI money aftera bad prcd.d, but
thefact remains that the lemorHime sector eccooots for rouqhly THE CHIEF LISTENING OFFICER Kodak's BethLaPierre statesthat 'weoootcenso-ue
10% of the$74 billioncarbonaIed-soft-(lrinkmarl<et. That 'sa biQ commentsorvideos people createaboutoorcompany,"yet
baitlegroond to cede. R£: '·ChiefLi5/eners' USe Tecllnoloqylo Tradr, SOrtCompany sheoetenmres what to do with themuttito..de of data_. what's
MostmifllHloggling islheopportun~y missed byanyoflhemajor Men/ions"'(AdAge.com.AlKJ30) important.who ~ goes to, what weight it' sgiven, etc.This
play~ cetecs wdhSpriteQOingsileo1. Sierra Misl comreve inllOlves some sortof subjectivity, which eeoe tecto torm of
stceo majorrrerket share it thePepsiCo brand had kluoched an
aooressi';e marl<eting campaign.
o BRIANGILLARD,B/WNUY. censorship. Given thata "cbief lislener" would ien somewhere
underthemarketing umo-eee. thiscoold lead tosome cconcts
Pepsi, CO<:a-CoIa co.ere Dr Pepper SnappleGroup. which I've beenrecently pondering,"How many companies are 01 interest. After all, you don't have toloak lar to see two
markets 7Up. ha've CCMTle totheirsenses andaregettingback into the 'really' listeningto their COflSumerson scce media vs. sayinq different cooclusions drawnfrom thesame setof data.
marl<eting fray. But insome respects. they'reQOing to ha've to start that they do?" peteps ot more use wouldbea"chief eccreceic- whose
buildinqthese brands from scretcn Therecould be some upside to Theterm "'brand morutonnq on SM"'has become so roe is not to interpret (or even sort)thedata,but just makeit
that.but such short-sKjhled cyclical thinkinqshould be eeooeo. widespread nowad~ys that it's become a cliche. It's just eeneeeto wtlomeIIer wouldlike tosee it. Then each
Fora rrerset that promises retreshrrle!11. the thlnkinq here has somelhing thai aorerc saysto seem likeirevre tech savvy, department cooldO\Ierlay the oata tot heir srectc initiatives
beenanylhOnq but. hip,eccesutse, etc.Even ifthey do monitor, they do it more ~ndadjust accordingly.



will oetsmert hand'
Accardingto ocr reaoers.
Apple isQo<ng to takea bite oct of the Qilming cateqory. Themajordy tl1O\.l(jht the OOOD J1Il (N" WlSSAGl1tG
iPhone(and other smartpllones)will hurt devices suchassony'sPSP andtheNintenclo Os. DUR I~G THHOONOlliC

The iOSpiatform offersbetter They aredead already. lfSooy issmart it'lIh.m a The realwinnerswill be Myexperience has Astheaverage

"""'" """" """"'"

choiceand better priciflJ They just doo't know ityet! PS3~ikedeviceintoa thosethal write titles for intrcductory agefor
wittKlutsaaificinganythinq iPadand iA"1oneOOflJ a srnart~, complete thevariousplatfonns, typically don't last as rTXlbile pIlones isilCJ ing
except buttons. Thischoice newexperienceanda with all thetriQgersand and allowforanonline Iongasthehandheld doNr\ theonlyttliflJ
cCXJldn't beclearer. Apple ison fresh interface for oonlrol sticks.lf it......ere experiera!1:tlat allows games.lneedmy ~liflJdominant
theroad Iofinallyofferthefirst interactiCXl in games. me, I'dlicensethe Droid onetouseausername smartphone fora gamesonmOOi1ephlxles
handheidgarniflJ platform to -GARYDUPllNlE OStodoitwith. to retrievesaved games number ofapps,and isthepublishiflJ ofthose
beat Nintenddsdominance. -RlO; BENNm or~andcontinueon. gamesarercta p-iority. gamesb'{theircreators.

Scan: worldmags®
Adverl i.inQ AQe ISeptember 6 , 2010 15
MOSTtuII UP FOB REVIEW 2. Movie Posters We like 3. Kl'epan£yeon l he llack 4. MusH weet TV:APost- 5, GooQleMaps Gels anAd
S'ORIE~O N Iloo< £mmy Scorecard Unit Your loQoHere
... Readnat AdAlIw lI


lWICEWiN Idi1a_
bA¥lD S.IU.£I~ ~ _

.w.JSCINP.ARDEN ~ ~ ".-

We can't move forward if cautious

marketers stand in way of innovation
-- -
Ktn_"" --

---""'" -- Jlo>o;w>.) _
Ms Gt«Qloois _

Isthemarketinq rcrctcn staoding inthe

wayof inflOllation?
The marketinq mantra has always
been tccveue customerwhat he or she
best corporate managers havebecome,
ina sense,erenes of thecorpo-ation.
"Thereasonsfor thisareclear
enouqh. Corporationsare bureeucrets
business leaders areincreasirlQly down
onthe ooemeAdministration aridthe
Democ rete ecerce(increase taxes,
increase theseeof government.drive up

lAonlWentz I,..
~ ..- "''''''''.II>"ol'''V
Eomo .... fJIW.l<nl»
8r -,. JoMson t1'. d~ lm "­

""lOll " " ""'"

I'.Ml Brown _do.t.~Ol<.\;»

wants, bot that approach pretty much andmanagersarebureaucrats.Their reeence-ecosrs. tonsor beeitb-cere _~ t1'dJmniltJn ~Ol<.\;»

precludes givinq consumers thinqs they funclamental tendency istowardsell- contusion, raceto wrrte lotsof _ ... llontsoo _lhciII}IJ
don't know they want or havenlthooght perpetuation.They are, almost by regulationsthat reallyslow small ClIlSTlJJlGT

of. Aodaremarketers somet imes "held definition. resistant tocreree, They were businesses down,cere-to theunions and Je<riltr lloonoy I .

captive by theircustomers"-proclaiming designedandtasked,notwith reinforcinq demonizetopearnersandblg EOO(JIS ITlAR{l
t heyocrrt want animprovement or new
technolOQY because it woo ldbetoo
disruptiveto the<r normal behavior?
Inothef worets. marketers can read
theirbusiness correcttv-essessirq what
market forces, blJ! with supplantiOQ aod
even resrsurc the market."
Sowbatdo wehave? Two
immoveableobjects-the big corporation
andtheevenbiQQer U.s.QOVernment,
businesses).CEOs foo lt is imprudent to
hireaodlaunchbiginvestments rig hi
SO thebigcorporationsarehcHdinq
back becauseof confusion and
_ ~

All AGE mrs

.lM1Wr1e _ ~
_ <Jol'

-- m_
customers want or corrt- endstillmiss.
Ina stUdy of thedise-d rive inoustry
bothloaded with bureeocratc caution
arc inertia-tryinq to cope with the
uncertainty, andthefederal covernmeot
is intent ongellingblgger aridmore
-- ~
I</mmIr--....._ _'"-_
_Sr¥lo" IUIo .......


that appliesto all marketers, Clayton bureaucratic ,Consumers, cillJQ ht inthe

_""""" lm"-(t:b r;:"""""' ,..... ~_
blQQest recession since theGreat
Math'ti -' .nI~ Hj1 ~ '''' ''''L om m_
Christensen wrote in his book "The Depression. Not avery QOOd combination middle, arekeepingtheirwallets and ([)iqbIHjI ~ _

rorcv eto-s Dilemma"thatthe tOQett hillQSgoinq again, purses snapced shut. andthat'sprobably E«iuId L.. (ll!,Jl\I'l -"""0111 m_
established firmswere"agg ressive, IeXChaOQed emails recently withan not going to change anytimeSOOI\
~P.tkllrAt,mOrsNO ~_ m_
KInlrPrt ti ~ ~""" m_
innovativeandcustorrer-sensitivein agency exec on how therecoverywas As Isaidthe other week. export lrtnoSM skV ~ r,fti5txI ~ ~_
_ ~ I\i_ _.,~_
ta _
theirapproaches tosustammq proceedinq. He told metrettne big rrer ketserestarting to look pretty good

___ _ _ "I<"J ~_


iroovations of every sort." brands have maintained mostof the<r to U.S.corporations. Andthe nicethinq is,
But they couldn't keepit up."fiodinq
new applicationsaodmarketstor these
newproductsseem to ceeceoebevuet
each ot these tirmsexhibitedonce, upon
revenue, drivencosts down$lgnificanll y
"aodare srttiOQ ondecent profits,They
arespeodinqneeded marketingdollarsto
keepsa les upandprices strong.But inthe
the futureindeveloping countrieshas
already beeninvented. Marketerscan
Qiluge consumerreactionto productsrot
even envisioned bythird·wortd
Pori! !opno! ~

......... G«...... M_
JtnJ1iftr Olill !l«<tY.o1_


...""'"-- --
entry,andthenapparently Iost.lt was as last few months they have grownmore consumersbut used as stapies by U.s. _ P"' I_ ~ ....._
1oOd« ~

it the leadiOQ li rmswereheldcaptiveby caut ious aboutfuture investments. It is consumers.SO the us. wouldserve as
theircustomers,enabliOQ attackinq cool to be cautious again. [ very CEO sees onegigantic test market for where the Chrit llor.....ottJ_ _
entrant firms to topplethe inc umbent
industry leaders eec htimea disruptive
acloudy cou ple of yearswith at least
some ooe reoe risks.
"There areno jobs beiOQ created.
real salespotential is:in Asia andAfrica.
If corporations need to bereinvented,
thensodoes marketing.AsMr.Murray '"
Amo6osf.Wl ~''"''"'''''''''
The fundamental protMem. as Alan
Murray wrote in The Wall Street Journal.
isthat the rrooerncorpo-atcn might
haveoutlived itsusetulness. He says "the
Most of thestimulus dollarswent to
protectpublic-sector jobsor to pave or
repave roads.Consumersarestill leaninq
toward pullingI:lack wheretheycan. And
said. "chanqe, innovation,adaptabilityall
haveto become orders01 theday."

o YOlJcanredCh RoYlCeat rtr~aiuOIIl

_ _ III'Cl"«t<I>_

DMlT_ SonII"""" .....
l«fl>ol le.lZi [ _
.lm-CIJIotile tl&l' ~""'"

...-- """tat""'__
Kill the capabilities deck and
lloIIu.om.llI i'._ _
DMl 8onll...
Kot. __ --
have an honest conversation
Since ouragency wasacquired, we've rd bet thatcentserejcst as tired of daling.) Show some work-preferably
i ...,EmiIl'ChiInI
c..doc . ~..t

PoI. Roper i',_"ill6

8riItonI'Pori! ~ .........__


been meet ingwrth more1ar<:Je brand viewinqdecksasagendesare withoutslides. BriOQ upa browser, and AGED,CllAIMlYITEClINCl.OOl
teams than evertetoreoco- agency's presenting them If vorreoo treoeot show someth ingrecent and/orlive-that's ...._ _ 0:--1_ ~."""

history. Thiss ewesome.Butthere's side,do'PJ need this formality? not ontheagencywebsite-andtalkabout KInn[qoll _ _ .-.l't'!'".... ~_

somethingthat I'venoticed theyall share thechallenqesthat were overcore eod - . . It Slltwo _ _ .-.l't'!'""'" .,-.. ....._


intheeuectet ionsdepartment:the bu$lness).Aslide filled with impressive tre coas thatwere mel.Howdidyouwork
capabi litiesdeck. Iogosot com paniestheagency res core through surprises/changes/new
_ _ lIoI:I!6>I_
weused tc beve e motteat ooragency besresswith.ASlideillustratinq agency Challenges? Howisthisrelevant to the
proclaiminq, 'wecoot oooecks,' And tor services, provinqtrat t heagency cando clientin theroom?TalkaboutprotMems, Won M_ em.r-_
themostpart,we're notveryoeck-ceotoc. anythinqIrom mediastr a1eQV to pilot inq andideas for soutcos. - Sylm ""'-"""'"
We'veavoided theZOQ-sIoe smallaircraft. Aslide with Twitter, We'veused thisformatina handful of AlI\'ER1lSM> PlIOlX.CIDl
Kot. ~
presentations that you see larger Facebool< andothersoclal·media logos. new-clientmeetings andfound it
agenc;es useto present everythinq trom I'd bet thatclientsarejustastiredof refreshing,Theformal ledto moretwo- Noil'I.... c...lillo .......lO"'-
capabl ues t0 strategicinitiatives to viewirlQ themas eceoces ere presenting way conversetcos than a presentation
concepts.We'd much rathershareareal them. Ityou'reontheclient side, doyou decktypically does. arid everyone leaves JIlIrlLaMoou _ ._ __.
conversation insteed of bullet points. need thislormality? trercom with a better feeliOQ for who
- - ~.- --......
Idon'tthinkclientsIike dec ksanymore What if we just eliminated thedeck they've justmet.Ibelieve it also leads to ~"""",,, '1llIIll1ll8-5'lOOl .. tMZlXWlI\,oo.tIodOll\,;t~_
than we oo.rve seeootrer agencies complelely? Here'show ameetingmight lasterconversations about business. ..-.ol:~"""PRII1UlN II(USA
present their decks. andtheypretty much take place: Exchange not onty Want to give it a try? Leave yourdeck mTN E. CllAIH IJWmi>l RANCECllAIH _
allcontain ireexectsamethirlQ: Ashoo pleasantries, blJ! talkaboutther~ people at home for yournextnew-<:Iient rreetmq, IWl'l' K.I VCllAIH """"" GLDIK.I sctJI!'/ _ ~poiii;Iw
teaturingtheagency molto or philosophy in theroom. oevcte10 minutestosharing Wl.UlM" Ml)IlR(l'II Co«~""'" PAl'll WIIS M'f>'«l.o>l~
thai positionstremesccotaridfunto
workwith (or serious aridallabout your
a realoverview of thepeople vco're
intrOdUCirlQ andmeeting. (Think speed
o Darryl OM is the pesceotctHumongo. KATH'IIIDIIl' C<rIo. _ _
GoD. CllAIH JR f rxnti8'('f//![yW13}
PAl l OAl!'Lll ilWl_ _
MIlS. G.D. CllAIHA _ _ IWII-/996J

Scan: worldmags®
16 September 6, 2010 I Advertising Age

Editedby Do you havesarnelhirKj to say? Send lettersandcorrections to viewpoint@ddage.com

K<!f1 Wheilton, or to AdvertisirlgAge,Viewpoint.7n Third Ave. New YorI<. NY10017. Please Iim ~ letters
kwhe<l!on@iIdaQe.com tozsow ocs.


Why consumers don't Digging through piles of data-and

want to talk to you listening-can lead to new insights
a eet Jack,Hehas anabidinginterestin soy Withtheinsaneamou nt of dataout there, the real insight seoeecee todq deeper product reviews. Marketerswith relevant
protein isolate,Orcarob-wed gum,Or high- irs temptinq to sk ipthehuman element arldask why,What arethese moms products orservices shCOJldtake
oleic su nflower041. Andcan'htoptalking altogether aod relysolely onstatistics. But OOrKj? Whyare theyshariOQ? Howare advantaqe 01 field experts' expertise by
about any 01 il. perlormance rretocs ecoecan'ttell you theydifferent tromeectr other?AocI then, providinq theminformation aocl p ccocts
Jackjust met Jill, Yet Jill is edginq away wh<!t motivates your eccercetcstert a what does ~ ailmean for ourusers. our to encouraqeconversationwithintheir
from Jack at the galleryopening.Or coo. share avoeocr postabouttheir clients. erccor business? networks.
"unmendinq ' himon Fecetcck. breaklast on Fscetooe.Aridit can't tell Tcosttreseanswers, weccooocted a utecesters aremillennial moms who
And weooot blameJill. youtheexact point whennrst-umerrcms segmentationstLJdy ere Ie<Irned that are always connected arc
Yet. thisispreciselytheopeniOQ Qilmbit used by many reatizetheir newlittle buoclleol joy means momswouse sociat mediarequlafly communicat ing. They shareeverythirKj
marketerstryiOQ to erqage w~h people.This seu-eoscrtec a54% increase in iauoclry,leavirlgthem oco't alluse it in tre serre way, oor do they viasocial med ia, mixirlg play--by-play
approach isincompatible w ~ h basic human nature.AndthisshCOJld runnjOQ to theapoi iance store. These are wield thesameamoont of influence. In updates w~h usetcncseccot whereto
comeas nosurprise,as ~ tse'so incompatiblewithcommon sense. thetypes of insights that result from a fact. wetorrctnat 18% 01 social moms fiocl the best stror leror cetecrpair 01
Yet. it's a trap brands fall into tooollen, obsessinq over the consistent two-waydialogue with an account for78%of the influence.The black pants onsale,Ail hough they
minutiae01whatsepa ratesthem from other oreocs withina eodenceove- a IonQ periodoftime. 80/20 rulenever fails! crcnce tonsof seeming lyli<;lhter content,
particutar cateqory, True, actionable insights allow youto But for BabyCenter andmanyol our trenextennve networks depend onthem
When wethinkof brands as e~isting in a particular ceteqorv. 00 threethings: 1. uoclerstarld thehearts Clients. thebiQQe5t a-ha isthat mom for relevant ecvce arldproduct
we immediately limit the role of brands withint helives of arc mioclsof yourconsumers; 2,pinpoint bklQQefS. whom 'Nfl koow arepowerfut recommendations ona wide varietyof
consumers. However, when wethink of our brandwithinthe thekeyinflection points when thel"re onueocers.aren't theonlyfishinthe sea. topics. Tol'fIQ<lQe them, marketers should
context of consumer culture, weopenupa brand toen erdess talkinqabout yourtw-arJCl: and3. activate Ourstudyuncoveredtwo largersegments use socialtacticsSUCh as votinqor
sou rceof inSpOration andfodder for meaninqful,relationship- themtoamplify your rressece by of socetmoms wtoereersc veryactive creatingproduct wishiists togenerate
buildingconversations. appealingto what motivates them to and inf luen tia~ namely "fieldexperts"and bunero braocl mentions.
Spendingtime with consumers-t mean, really spend inglime share. "Iilecasters." Thisdiscoveryapens UP a Whetheryou'rereachirKj moms, dog
with consumers. in homes. instores. in the Whenyoucan gel tetras Ievei01 host 01 0PP0rl unitiesforour clients to overs or baseball I ans. the idea isstillthe
Spending lime reatwortd-is etten a qood wake-upc a!l for specificity, you'recertain toieern a few explore, same: DiQijiJll) deeper intoyourdatato
withconsumers- marketers, vou're torceoto ceetwiththe newdetails about your eoaercetret F~ d experts areyouJll) brt lioclout what really makes youraudience
Imean really realitiesof wret isandisn't interestingto
people.Unfortunately, yourealize that a
could completely change thewayyou
communicate w ~ h them.
experienced stay-at-home moms whO use
social med ta to share advice, usually
tickenables youtocommunicateina
specificand personal waythat will
lot of what we focus onasmarketers isn't Whilepullinqtogether our "21st focused onaspecificarea or challenge 01 activate themto spread thelovefor your
that interesting. Century Mom ~pcl(\"last yea<", we parenting(i.e.raising twins. breastleeding brand. UocIerstandinq these nuances will
n homes, in
Asacultural anthropoiog ist.I'vespent learned that in thepastthree veers, the or carirKj lor aspeciaj-needs child). helpyoumovelrom datato insi<;lht-arld
soes. nuereer countless hours in people's homes. number 01moms whouse social media Because of their specialized koowiedije, lnsq ht tc action,
wortI-isoftena Igo into kitchensandlookin oentrtes erc reqularly has increased bynearly6OO%. largenetworks 01 rrcms oeoeroco them

ret rc e at0fS ina relentlesssearch lor
cues andunspoken evceocect what
rreneters, You're peoplereally want. not what they say they
tret's e fantastic data point.But, tc oettc for expertise, support aoc in-depth C> Tl/\il SharkeV is the CMrman 01 BabytentEf.

with the realities
want.rt's incrediblydifficult for peopleto
artcuate why certain product benefits
ofwhalisand drove themto purchase.
isn't inlerestingto Inalmost f"Iery instance. oecoe resist
a oeecotsoaoe arounda product's
All those connections are
whalwefocuson benefits. They simply don't want to talk
isn't about the product. the ingredientsor useless without real conversation
what those ingredients didor didn't do.
However, after thousandsof hOUfS 01
research, I've learnedwhat people don't mindat allandnever I recent lytold my marketirKj director that Ilyoudidarealislic assessment you exemplary closers. Ina biqcity with a
onceresist or get tired 01 talkinq aboutis ...themselves. I'd takea rreetmq with KimJOrlg II.Well.I couldtrace backarnajorityof yr:xx huge immi<;l rant popu lation, onecan
Consumers are, after all, people. Theye-ngage with thingsand can't.He's not seelOQ people right now, success toa tew-conversations. Not witness thesheer powerof a livirlg
productsthat are interestirlgandmeaninqful to them.tnorder to aocl he seeeaee e pretty cruelbastard theones that dosed thedeal-the breathingSOCial networkIcuooed on
get beyond the uninteresting and,oil entimes, urorrterentiatinq anyway, so maybe not. But what Imeant ones based on intellectual curiosity. helpO ngeecn other for the bettermentot
tccus co product features, marketersmustpositiontheir brand wasthat Iamintellectually curiousabout the whole.Person A, in need of a service,
not withina cateqory,but withinconsumer culture. people. All people. enter into adialogue with not onlythe calls Person B, whorefershimto Person
Themostobvious example is Nike. It isn 't just anathletic shoe. This isapretty QOOd trait fora braocl director lor Company X but more Cand, boom,aconnection ismade. Arid
It connects with consumer culture around the idea of "sport," saiesperson.entrepreneuror agency head importantly yourhairdresser, snac k, thisconnection istrusted, because all
and so today it's shoes,shirts,goll clubs. basketballs, skate ljear to have. I'm positiveit has helped rreeec deliveryguyor neighbor. Why these parties involved respect thecommun ity
aridswim qear.lt's a contentproducerhelpinqrunnersmaptheir my aqeocythfOUljh QOOd urres erc bad. people, too? Because they allhave and recognize that their reme isatlached
routes andhelpinqorganize plCkupbasketball lj<lmes mcaes rrnsure if you sat bac kand dida somethingtccconccte that eithercan to thee-nt ire transaction.
across the country. Ni ke has become a brand people want to reesstc assessment olyour books,you link you to yournextaccount. or at least At the coreof this analogy s e ccocect
interact with. would beableto tracebackamajorityof provide youwith the insight and evenmore fundamental: dialogue. AocI
Toinvite thetype ot interactionthat can leadto mutually yoursuccess toa handfulof conversations. intelligence onwhat makes them tick- dialoguedoeso'ttranspire when we get
e-nrichiOQ relationships. brandsaocl marketers need to work from No.not theooesthat closed thedeal. I'm wnchcen inadvertentfy linkto your next caUljht upin thecomfort of theexcuses
theoutsidein,Because today,with the prolileration of brands in talkirig about theonesthat helped youget damnaccount. listedabove, the comfort that adigitat
the market. consumers don't just choose the best or cheapest to t hat final conversation. the onesthat n'srcteesv. world provides,aocl wejust get toodamn
when it comes toconsumption.They choose o-enos for the were based on your intellectualcuriosity, We all know tratcuv, theone who comfortablewith waitinq,hopinq.
meaning they represent . Point being: If youdidnl beveftese says "yeah, we'llhookup:' "call me:' Talk to somebody. Startthe «ccessor
Solet'stry thisagain:Jack, meetJill. She is a hea lth- convos. you would never havebeen ina " Facebook me..... yada, valla. then nada. closing. nmay not be immediate,but ~ will
consc iouseoclurance runner.She especially likes hillclimbing. positionto realize thetrueOPPOrlunities If you commit toa meeting, acall.or a payoutinthe IonQ fUn.
Youdo, too. Why don't youaskher aboutit? that came(lown theroad. follow-up, makeit happen, aocl makeit
Now that souocls like thestart 01 an interestiOQ conversat ion. Today it'seasier to connectthanit benefKialforbothparties. toft en usethe Q Anthony Del Monteisfounderand
was a yearaqo, aocl worlds beyond where example01 immigrant communit ies{l'm pi'esident 01 Sql!eaky Wheel Media,New
C> David Grzelakis executive direclor 01 behaviOral brand planninq it was 10years ago. Facebook. Linkedln, first generationon one side, second on York. AIonl1E!r versionoflhiscan be
a1EnqoJJQe, blogs, 1M, email. They areall vehicles to theother) asthe bestreference of found at &dAIle .cOll/~lIqeIq

Scan: worldmags®
Advertising Age I September 6 , 2010 11

Edited by for lhe latest news on the cominqs andgoings of l helop names in adVertising,
An"" Bilskin , marf\eting and media, don't forQel to foliow People & Playerson AdA~,com.


Scottreoehils promoted Kim Wellsto chiefmarketinq

officer. M$. Wells most recently served asScottrece's C he ck o ut Talen rworks o nline for these and m ore of (he best jobs
director-br,mdilllj af1d website market iog. She led the available in (h e b usiness. wwwadage.convralemworks
firm'srebt"and ing effort last November. which induded
the new "Get Invested" tilCl linearJd "Don't Go" TV
nus campaign. M$. Wells has more than 22yearsoftcsmess
Staples. Inc.
development endmcrketiJlllexperience,inch.xlir1lj more
Director Corporate Buying st rat egy
The Director, Corporate Buyinq Strateqy will set the oV€'rall 5trateqy and lead our annual 5uw lier ne<;lotiation
thanlOyearsof leadirog ooline market ingstrategies in process for Nort h America. While workinq closely with senior merchandisinq le.ldership, t his team will deV€'iop and
the financial"Services industry. set aggressiV€' cost savings ta rgets. and establish a process and cadence to drive the merchandising teams to a
successful and timely completion. further, thi5 team will provide tools. a"" lytics and in5ight to suPport the devel-
opment and execution of suwlier negotiation stra teqies. Stronq knowledge of merchandising, finance and supply
MonQ Rayhas been ""med exec VP-<onsumer chain is nece5sary. Thi5 position will require signiticant independent thought and action. and will interact wrth the
marlleting atccooe Nast, star nnq sept.zn Ms.Ray pm merchandisinq teams from all Nort h American business units. Major responsibilities: Lead a team of analysts to
CCMlCle from Time Inc. whereshe led thecompany's provide the tools, data, analyses. and insight which will lead to cost reductions. Work closely wit h VP. Merch Ops,
and senior merchandisil>Q leadership to deV€'iop and eseecte supplier negotiation strategies nece5sary to deliver
oac-ccoten! strateqv assenior vc-coccceate digital product C05t reduct ions. EHectiV€'ly managethe PMD for th i5complex project across all Nort h American sawS, and
development. She joinedTime Inc. in1992 and held a related functional areaS. Primary Responsibilities: Work closely with senior merchandisinq leadership to develop
numberofsenior ocsncos withintreconparw, Priorto and eseeute 5upplier negotiation strateqies necessary to deliver product cost reduction5; Lead deV€'lopment 01
her most recent role. she was VP-general manager lor annual strateqic direction; Set aggressiV€' targets: Identif y, Quantify, and priorit ize opportu nitie5; Ctlallenqe the ste-
tus QUO th rough fresh insight and analytlcs. for full postlnq, please visit http://adage.comlta lentworks/.
Enle!1ainment WeeklyarldEW,com.
AutoZone, Inc.
Heineken USA haspromoted Kherl Holland Tillman
to v p-treoe marketing and sales strategyand Colin
Manager. Retail E-Commerce
The Retail E·CommerceMaflilQer oversees the strateq y.development and all processes associated wit h AutoZone's
West cott-PItt to VP-!narkelirlCl for Dos Equl5. Retail E"'Commerce activities. The position hil5 Pf,L reSporlsibility for the Retail E"Commerce bU5i ness. The Retail
Newcastleand Amslelliqht. Ms. Tillm3njoinedfhe beer E-Commerce Manager will work cross-functional ly to deliver enhancements to and drive sales throu gh
importer in 2007 <15 YP ro-tre Amstel Lighl and oos AutoZone.com. Work Activrties: Help5 drlV€' AuloZone's Retail E-ccmrrerce strategy; Leverages k now l ed ~ of azc
e""Commen;e and current site capabilities to drive incremental sales through the e""Commerce ch anne~ Identifie5
Equis brands.Sincethen.sheadded the Newcastle new functionamy enhancements and develops business case for presentation to senior management: Oversees
Brown A ~ brand to her port fcoio m3naQe1T1efll. Inher deV€'lopment efforts and helps drive technology design decisions wit h an under5tandiI>Q 01 strategic bu5iness
, new role,she will focuson deliveringa "brand-centric" needs; Interacts with multiple departm ents duri nq dewlopment and project launch to ensure a successful impl....
mentation; Manages t he day to day activities of runninq a large-sca le mu rti-chan~ web site. Educational!Work
view 01 t he He;nekenUSAportfolio Il'lro\.I(,l hi nteqrat Experience: Experience 1\ 7 Plus Years: Retail E-cee-eeree P&L resporl5ibi lrty with demon5trated history of eeve r-
commercial streteqv andconsumer-iosight based opinq strateqy. Must also have a demonstrated history of drivil>Q sales through improvements to conwrsion and
planning. Mr.Westcott -Pitt. who isla king over Ms. other key metrics as well as through improvements to srte functionality; Experience managinq mulliple vendors,
Tiuren's previous res.ponslbilit les, joined Heirtel\en USA 3rd part y systems. proce5ses and projects is reqUired, Experience working wit h ATG, tncece and other leadinq E-
Commerce applicaHons is strongly preferred. for full POStinq, please visit http://adage.com/talentworks/.
in 2009<15 branddirectorof NewC <l5t ~ Brown A~. Ke
has spent much of recereerin theadull-beverage OMD
indusfryina ranqeo f m3rketinq positionsinthe UKand
Director, National Television Invest ment
U.S. The Director, National Television Investment is responsible for all National TV investments In Network, CaDle and
Syndication, The Director is responsible for providil>Q leadership,guidanceand strateqic direction wit hin the media
Nell Cleary hasjoined Allen & Gerritsen as YP--d irector, grouP, which will ult imately result in outstandinq results for the clientI5).In addition, the Director oversees manag'
ing the career paths of his/her staff. Management: Assist the Managinq Director with group budgets, both Internal
auderce intelligence and brand-planning group. Most (salaries, raises, etc.j and external (client budgets with 5taHiI>Q ramifications); En5ure solid client relation5hips:
recently ,Mr. oeerv reer tre ccsaon of Vp--planniflQ Assi5t the Managk.g Director with business documents and pre5entations: Dversee5the negotiation, presentation,
director et Leo Burnett Chicago, overseerq brand and and implementation of national television on net won., cable and syndication; Supervise and coordinate the eHorts
posrtioninqdevelopment for Hallmark. Prior to and workflow of the account team(5); Monrtor and guide the purchase of national TV in specific instances/5ituations:
Communicate with account leadership across the DMD Strateqy teams and the other media investment teams
Hallmark hi' spent three veers deV€'ioping brand and (Print, Dlgrtal. Local Media and ODH);Manage the quarterly/annual compilation of client spending projections, and
posrtioninqfor samsunq Electronics' global and U.s. coordinate with the Directors of Finance tor the respective hub; M ana~ staff, overseelconduct pertormance ever-
business. He alsow orked on McDonald's kids and tween uation5, provKle salary recommendations, and toster employees' development. Strateqy and Plan Development:
Oversee planning costs en5urinq the most current marketplace Intelligence Is being applied; Direct the team to ful-
initiat ives. Rayt heon's Math Moves U initiativeand
fill the Checkmate approach and participate in Chec kmate sessions. Work wrth colleagues in Strategy and/or the
ConAgra. Strateqic Business Units. or independently, in each of the phil ses: Understand 1\ provide insights into consumer5,
brand, product and media; Design n identify behaviors. barriers, drivers and apertures; develop communication
strateqies: Create n create specitic tanqible executional ideas: Capitalize n bril>Q activity schedule to lile; encom-

"' ,",
Barkley has hired Don McK inney as Chief idea office r.
Before coming to the independent agency, Mr,
pass negot iat ion st rategies
' 0' implementatio n buy.
'"' full p<Isting, please visit
McKinney worked as execunve creative erecto r and
directo r of digitaldevelopment at Grey, New York. MetLlfe
Throughout hiscareer, he has guided creative and Customer Relat ionship Management Program Manager
diqital work on brands incl<Jdi nq Adidas. PlayStation, DevelOps. executes. and manages CU510mer Relationship Management (CR M) marf\eting activities in an organiza-
Cadillac. T- M o ~le, Infiniti and Pontiac. Hewas also tion. iocludinq communication st rateqies.campaignmaflilQement, and a"" lyt ics. Resporlsible for definlnq and deliv-
responsible for work on Nissan, includiflQ writinq the ering funct ional requirements In tile CRM, and serviclnq strateqies. Consurts and manages In response handlinq,
campaign trackinq, follow'uP, and automated lead nurturinq management, De~ops. document s. and implement5
globa l tagline "Shift." Addil ionally,Mr. McKinney-led automated marketinq processeswithin CRM with emphasis on maximizing the efficiency and effect iveness of Cam-
the launch of diqital depart menl sat ChiatDay and paign operations and lead generation, nurturing and retention eHorts. Acts as a leader In art iculating business
Publicis. reqU irement5, new processes. resolvinq conflicts. prior~ie5, etc, Applie5 database marketinq 5kills toward5 deiiver-
il>Q tal1jeted customer marf\etinq campaigns.Ensure the implementation a. well as the underlyinq processChanqes
are complete and the Impacts are quantified and understood. Consults with and advisesthe Marketing team on cus-
Mars Adve.-tisinq has added Lorrie BooneandNick tomer and marketil>Q history data, campaign audiences. and best approachto achievil>Q marketil>Q goals durinq the
St oyanoff to its Soothfiekf,Mich. team. Ms. Boone, the campaign planninq process. Guides resolution of conflicts in messaqinq or ta rgetinq strateqy. Analyzes campaign
new d «ecto -strateqic planning,comesto the shopper- results and historic data to provide assessment of campaign effectiveness and ut ilizes Insight gained to Influence
future campaign 5trateqie5, Accountable for beil>Q the ultimate subject matter e. pert for CRM/Sales/Servicing
m3rf\eting firm from Powerpad, whereshl' servedasa aspects of the program. Plans and identi fies policy, process chanqes. customer impact and communication needs
strategic planneron accounts suchasIKEA,Capital One, as well as Internal trainlnq requirements to address these changes. fac ilitate development and Implementation of
The Weal her Channel,General Millsand Sony. Mr. new proce5s. procedure and POlicie510 improve customer service, wstcmer lifecyde management or seies process

effecti V€'ness. Idenmies solut ions to unusual and complex problems r"'lui rinq inqenuity, or innovatiw t hinking. f or
Stoyanoff, whohas beenappointed senior VP--
full P05tinq, please visit http://adage.com/talentworlls/ .
communications planning,waspreviously et AOL
SIOYAItOH Advertising, where heled afeamof digital strateosts
from four AOL officesand workedwit h such cneotses
Campbell's. Purina,Tarqet,GM and ford.
Tara Greqson hasjoined Mashantucket peqoot Gaming
Enterprises<15 VP'brandslrateqy for roewccos Resort
Casinoand MGM Grandat rox-oocs. Ms.Gregson
brirqsalmost 15 \'Mrsof m3rke\inqexperience to ller
new role. Most rel;enlly, shl' servedasassistant YP--
m3rketing eroconmoncetcos for M&T Bank,
CONTACT C,lNDAt ENANsoN AT ZlZ-Zl(1-(1159 O ~ C NA N SOtI ~AOJ.GE.co M
" "'~WO RKS
headquartered in Buffalo, N.Y. c........ Comm"nlty_Lite.

Scan: worldmags®
I8 September 6, 2010 I Adver tis ing Age

Edited by Want mareCMOStrateqy?sucsc riDe row for a roundup01key aoalysis,insqnt.oplniorl
JennWerRooney, and perspective 011 marketioq sirateqy 'or marketiOCj leaders OOivered to '(OUr iobo.
jrooneY@ildage.com each month. Sign upat AdAqe.comlcmost rateqy



SeniorVP-markctingspurs growth for
paper-productsbrand usinggreen roots

• BYJACK NEff jneff@oojaQ~com wasn't as much of a foaJs on marke'ling mis<:." We'", not pr~'ITli um . We're giving culling down t"-'C'S and a", "-'ally only
and branding at thecnmpany prinr 10 our you g.,xl value at a gt,xl prie'C. which still made from recycled pep cr. For most
MARCAl WAS P ER II A PS the g,,-"'ne'St mming in," she said. "The'le was very lit- "-\Illy de'livcd from s<~ne of the am- r. Developyoo-firsl pc"->ple, what batli rissue is made of is
brand noboclr had heardof for its ~rst 51). tle marketing spending. The'Tl.' was nnt sumcr insights w<: gleaned . KXl-d<ly plan<nd dearl y not top of mind. So "",'re t rying
plus yrurs 0 life. Then the Ne,", krsc-y- n\lIly a unific'li apprmch in how Ihey Consumc'T'S told us everyone should stic kto~ . 10 fais<: awa"-'lle"" thai you are rutting
bcscd maker of value-priced tissue prod- we't1t to market," the result she said nf be'doing the right thing.The'}' were push- down trees ccch and every time you
uctswe'llt bankruptand WJS purma5l.'li by prior manageme'nt being focu5l.'li On ing back and saying rhatall brands. hould Z. Ulldefsl<nd yoor (m"se I<> us<: one of ,mr a1mp<'IilOrs.
Highland Capital Manag.:ment in 2mi!. turning OUt volume for value. be' green. If green is so gm d brands that «nrenoi and This year, we put an "emi mnme'lltal
MJ Jolda, a vc'lenm of Philip Morris, Maroll now wmks with a hosr of an' doing hann to Ihe envinmml'Ot CClllSlJfTlef: clevelo;> faas" pand on the f"ekaging I<> call out
Rc'Ci<iu Ikndtis<:r and Pinnacle Foods, ag<:ncie'S incl uding DIY Pa"ners, l"ew should be' a>sting us mol'(' and gn.'C't1 insightstret Qive that we'l'(' 100% nxvclcd Some of our
ioim'li thecompany from Ne'Stle"s Gerber York; Consumer Dynamics, Ne'w York brands 1e'SS. yoo acompet itive mrnpl'litors have mme out with 40%
in 2«l'l, pa" of the te\lm brought in to which works On marlu."ling stratcllY; Every ellnSUme'T should for the hl\llth advantaQl! r~"'Yek'li produa. And ]00% is always
rum around the brand and the business. Topspin Group. Prina.'1,m, N./.. for ron- of tile' environme'Ot, be driving a Prius. berrer than 40% . We call out that we
And the s<:nior VP-marketing, who sumer prolllotion; Zunda Group, Butit's l<"expensive.The'y can't afford it. I. Alignwrth VOO' CEO don't usc any t"-'C'S. We don't use any
n:portS 10 <..'"ED Shawn L.'Ilc'fJTl.1n found Norwalk Conn.; Schupp Co.. SI. louis, <ndseoior chlorine blc'am or dyl'S.
s<~ne buric'li tn"";u,,, in the 100% "-"'Y- for me'liia; 360 Public Rdotions, Boslon, You didn't 9" after the ' 'dari<-qrH'll'' Ieadefshipleamon
dcd ~h:r Marcel usc'S to make its prod- for PR; and e>City Inte'ractivc, conSUlllel'S. Why? visionandstrategy How will t ile FTC's updated GreenGuide
ucts. "The am'pmy had go"" bankrupt Philaddphia, fm digitaL Dark-g"-,,,n ronsume'T'S [Ihose who try to Ill'a iving lhe definitionsalfect Marta! and 9rH'll
and w.lS nnw privately hdd " she' said. A year after its Ea rth Day 200'J always buy based on environmental or tosress. mariletlng ~atly?
"We we", l..,king [atl, where do "'" take ",launch, Marca l sales were up 15% and sustainability faaors] a", aboul 15% 10 Dismantle silos ltlal I'm m>ping the ne'l effeas will be stan-
the brand1 I knew they had some grwn Mail di~tribution climbed from eround 20% of the population. The majority of keep you ~ dardi,.1ti,," end t ransparency. They are
background and heri~"" but unk'Ss you 40% to a"mnd 50% of the mafk~'1, Ms. mnsume'T'S a", light g"-,,,n, alx.mt 60%. imertwine><l and vital if Ihe", is to be a
knew the brand and had looked at the Jolda said. And then the browns [those who don't t Contl1lOllly tesl healthy l1e'\t phase of environmental
packaging, you amldn'l n\llly discern In an intcmw with Ad 1\."" Ms. J,~da prioritize sustainabilily in purma5l.'S1a,,-' differeol ectcstc amsume";sm, and why we rea'lldy u"k
that" e'plaine'li why "Iight"-green 010- the "-'SI. re<!Ch voortarget the step of placing an l'Ovimnmental feces
, uITK'T5--those who «osnetcsee [Xlnd '10 l'Very pack.
How did yOlJ Imptement t he strateqv?
First was understandingthe consumer amside'r the e't1\i -
rcnmcnml im[Xlct We introdua.'li il to the marker on Earth
what I'I1O'ieS the
reese. How do you me.asure ROI?
insightsonthe business. From there we important, but give Day 2009. We've highlighted the per- With e'Verything in markc'ling, you
hadsome specific insight,whichwas as much or more forrrmncc aspl'CI with the new [Xlckaging. 5. Thinkabout how always have to gt) in and defend what
",,-'iglu to ,~her fae- We've introduced a full mark~'1ing plan yoorbr<nd affects you spend. So, ye'S, we I,,,kat our syndi-
that consumers ingeneral want tohelp tors such as price behind the' brand. We have ad",,"ising. theerll'ironrrenl am'li d1ta where w<: have ir. Because
the environment but don't know how. and perfomlJna.~
and an apprul to
mc'liia, publie-rebliom support. We had
a markc'ling pbn. We hmi retailer tie-ins.
lrom cradle to
we'l'(' also in h,~ne imp"wcment and
office, whe'n' ,,\' don't haw data. W<: have
Wilh sale'S of Ie..., than SSOO million ,",lue, akmg with emi"mmemal <lmeTITl, And we're just now gc'lting intn st,,-~al 10 us<: industry "-1 "'"s or fae'tory data
Marca] is dwarfed by such multibill ion - are trulking a ,1iffc'n'llC'C for Mercal. media which is something we think w<: that our ~uppliers give us.
dollar behemoths as Pmaer lit Gamble can levern!,,,, !,,<ring forward. We use attitudinal "-"'-'areh in s<>me
Co" Kimberly-Clerk Corp. and Koch What steps did you take to reposition the ca ses because that'. how"", can best
Indum il'S' Gmrgia-Pacifie Corp. BlIt ii'S brand? measu", ir. But we have to measu", it,
the hme)Wcight in the 100% ,,-'C)'cle'li We did a lot of n"'-\l rch, but we had to do We'", just gc'lting our toe'S in the water. bexausc at the end of the dev W<: need to
wib paper and f"per-wwd 5I.'gIllent, it wry quickly. Within my s-erco days We'", m"'''-'1ing. We're out on facclx."k, defmd Ihe money I'm askinS for and 1'1<'
where the compl"lition coml'S from hel'(' w<: aggn....,ivd y talh'li with ron- We don't "-\lllv haw a lot of results yet alsoWant to be efficient in how we' spend.
Sewnth Gl'Oemtion. privateLlabel pmd- sumers, announced J plan w rela unch 10 talk ~I",ngfy ahml. I do f eel that's
ucs fmm Tracer Joe's and Walm;,", and and the'll l<" k the plan to the national smn~'1hing "'" can get a lot of tbcsc pas- Ultimately do youthlnk t ile bkNer
other rcgi,mal players. sale.. me",ting. firsl was understanding si,mate aID~Ume'T'S to h:gin to talk to uS br ands witl take not ice and CJet Into thls
Ms. !olda disc--nve,,-'li that most (On - the' amsumef insights on Ihe business [about]. seqment?
sume'T'S would bkc '" buy gree ner tissue. From there we' had s ome wry splufic Thew are a 1<>1 of pc"->ple who h,l ]1<1S- I'm not sure all the brands are ime'Te'Src"t
but they don't wam to [Xly mo", for it, insight, whim was thai consumers in sionalely alx.,ut cutting down tn'C'S. longer tenn in jumping imo the fmy.
and the')' often had little' idea that Marcil l,,<'ne'Tal want to do gm d and hdp the Grwn[X'Jl\' and Kirnb,:rly-<..1ark finally Obviou,ly, we're not going to b e niive
was 100% n'<'ydc'li. So, 100 days into her environment but they simply don't h.,ve callc'li a truce, but theyre after the and say the'y CIluldn't.
job. she' had a plan in p1'Kl.' to relaunch know how. The brand's he'ri~,<' was consumerbrands 10 ch.lngc their ways.
Ihe brand as MalGll Small Stel", still green and had bwn since the 1950s. It's
value-priced but with new ydk,w-and- proba bly one of the oldest green brands It's anawfully tough business to be In as
o interviews
What keeps you up at night?
H'IDl'Stly. I think about the' enviwnml'11t,
g,,-,<,n [Xlckagi ng. along with $30 million olll the",. We've since lakl'O the Marcal a small player, Isn't It? senior-level and it sicke'lls me what we'", dtring in the
in annual TV, print, coupon and other Small Steps brand and relaunched the It is. One of the messages "",'ve been try- marketing execs, Gulf. But for me it's that we' as a society
marketingsupport, the likes of which the e'lllire ponfolio. Insrmd of a "alue posi- ing 10 !,'<'1 tlinmgh in Ihe me'liia is Ihat I1OtO AdAije.ca.I a", still rutting down tn'C'S fors<>me'lhing
ronl[Xlny had nl'Ver sc",n befol'('. "The'l'(' tioning. it'. now"gn.'C'11 withoutrompru- 'JS% of the ind u~try make'S its paper by tMOSlrlt~ we don't need to.

Scan: worldmags®
AdvertisinQ AQe I September G, 2010 19

(Cloc ~wise)


M~rth a
Liodicecontinues his series by lookingat ISSUE AND MEDIA VANGUARD AWARDS
the people and ideasthatchanged our lives
nation, Others arc p<.'Oplc who many ClI>es, gIobal--fo...."1;' to be WHIT E PAPE R
~h"p.'d our fn.'l'li"ms "od laws, And ....'(kon<'Ii with. (kIn", a....' 10 ~xam­
U'O K'''C.at American culture ~IllC ar.: brands t !w l aff,...ned how pks of these po.~'pk and thdr ideas Movinq the Mel al: How Automolive Dealers
throughout history, iamic im.1""-,, shop and P.1S" our time.
WI' <'J!, that have gmwn far b<>y"nd cxpo.'(- Can Take AdvantaQe 01 Social Media
come to mind. Some arc turning Each was on", an rdcc that has tallons. MOVING
.. --..,,,--
poims in history, forming our grown into a national-and in
.... _,..... A joint white paper from Ad AQe Insiqhts
and Automotive News Qives dealers a
PI BlIINUM RlYMRIIC , blueprint lor how to use socia l media and
case sludies 01 campalQns.
Theshowman crealec sore ottre mostsersational In 1954, Ray «roc had the v~ of oeenoc the
promotional stuntsof t he 19th ceolury. Barnum stole a McDonald's W€' know today. He came acrossa restaurant Social media is the lastest-QrowinQ
place in the marketinghallol famebystaginq outrageous run by brothers Dickand M.x;McDonald, and inspired by seqmenl of interactive marketlnq and the auto industr y is )umpinQ
hoaxes, t hrOlXJ h wtlK:h he droveaudiences10his the speed aoo efficiency with whir h they servedburgers, in lor the ride. The auto Industrv will speod about $1.2 billicm Ihis
American MLlSeUmandcapluredlheilTl/lQinahon ottte tries and bever ages. he sold hls idea ot takiOllthe year on some lorm 01 social media adverlisinQ. So how Can local auto
country. Barnum took acocntrysttII susoccosof restaurant retcowoetctren, McDonald's went on to dealers lap Inlo social networks? And il they do, will il lead to more
spectacles arxl had ~ shed its conservatism; scholars becomethelargest test-toed chainin the world because sales? This whit e paper provid es dealers wit h a blueprlnl lor how 10
credit him with spuninq Ameri<:d to l.'fTlDrace scecteos, of xrcc's solid suppller partnershipsaoo irercrase model. qet started. and provides case stUdies 01 social net work campaiqns.


In1858, R.H. Maev launcheda small,"tancy" orvcccos The "MTVGeneration" resulted fromthe programming
stcee.jts entsern wasa rrerro-etse red star,SOOJrCed enotsor RobertPittman,who beganshapingconlent tor ME DIA 2011: THE ISSUE
from the tattoo Mao:y go! asa yooflQ sailor. W~h this the MusicTeievisioncablenetwor1l in 1981. With hs unique IT'S TIME TO BE MORE STRATEGIC ABOU T MEDIA.
store, Macyattempted new tactics.Instead ofhaqgliflQ. blend of creative.business and researchsawy, Pillman
hepresentedcustomers with clearly markedprices and mo4ded a braoo that clickedwiththe youth of theday.MTV An abundance 01 channels and QrowinQ number 01 devices are
ao:tively advertisedthem. Thesepractices led to S36 stood cut from the traditional networks and became the makinQ conlent creation and distribution mOre complicated. At the
million in sales by 1918. Six yWrs later, M.x;y'sHerald most profitablecablenetWOl1< of thetime. tt has srce same time, technolo'ly has enabled markete~ 10 a'l'lreqate their
expandedto MTV Networks,whichoperates in more than own audiences and commun it ies and en'la'le Ihem di rectly, leavin'l
SqlJilreexpandedto become the "Wood's Largest
a'lencies and media companies to wonder how t hey play in Ihat
Store." I6Ocoontries.
qame. This issue will explore paid, owned and earned media in a
comprehensive edition dedicated to the evolution 01 media.
Watt Disneycrwted hisf;rst srortsm the 19ZQs.ln 1928, he In1945, w~ha $10,000 loanfrom histather,sam Walton
won over the publicwith MickeyMousein Steamboat bought aIranchiSl'd variety store. Heexperimented with
Willie. When he otrocuceccocr and prodllCed teetoresm practiceslike lcJnger hours. buviOll inventory in laroe
J.cklt Gl\eodlnt It 212.2 10 .0725 or )Q hedlnelhdl Qe,com
the 193Os, hisstudio skyrocketed into popula r ~y. ByWorld QlJilnt~ies aoo offerfng a broad assortmentof QOOJs at
WarIIthe federal QOVernmeo\ noticedthe positiveeffect ooccet prices. W~hthe l ive-and-dime store Walton et€'I'
~sney's lilms had 00 Ameri<:dn morale andcontracted opened, he put ctece-octcccotersree r the eut having
them tocreete cartoonslor the war eflort.ln 1954, he was consumerspay for everythinqat once.It was the TH E MEDI A VANGUA RD AWAR DS
one of thelirst to introduceIulh:oIor programming to TV. rccrceuoo forhisl irst waimart in 1962.
The Media Vanquard Awards (MVAs) seek
to recOllnlze the efforts 01 publishers and
broadcasters thai are IlndlnQ innovative,
In1976, SteveJobs andSteveWozniak set cccceetcos Cprah Winfrey had her l irst Qlimpse of lameasa talk"'Show technoloQy-driven means to extend their
Iranchises, connect with audiences in new ways
in tre.oos lami ly ga.-aqeforApple. whichsoon beganto hostin BaKimore ill 1976.She won national recogn~ionover
sell some of the first personalcomputers.In1985, Jobs left thenextdecadew~tlherrnorniOllsrow, "AM.ChicaQO."
Z010 ~ E1I IA and celeb rate the innovative ways purveyors
VANGUARD AWARDS 01 content have relhouQht their strate'lles lor
thecompanylor a decade,creatilllj tesowncornpcte- aoo her supportilllj role in "The Color PtIrple."The
reachln'l audiences as Ihe internet and mobi le
company.NeXT,and formilllj Pixar. He retwred in 1996 synclicated"Cprah Winl rey S/low"launclled in 1986and
technoloqies have rapidly Iranslormed consumer expectalions.
and soon cecerereeccr A~e ooceecen, rtecoroew tecerreeoeeosteot M. Cprahco-foondedthe Oxygen
produceda soccesstoureot s~ productsthat has chal1l1O?l and wdllaunchthe Cpran Winfrey Network in zon.
The 'loal 01 t he MVAs Is to not only hi'lhliqht Innovalion across
changedthe media, roosicand computer industlies. Cprahalsohas had success in publishing aoophilanthropy.
e wide ranqe of morphinq and conver'linQ media ~nd platforms
(includinQ websites, sotl~1 media, bloqs, mobile and iP~d apps.
web video, audio, etc.), but to produce an essential and insplrinq
MAIlIIlI SllWART HENRY fORlJ compendium of media innovation-a yearbook of stllte·of.!he"arl
Within aoeceoe. thecateriflQ business that Martha After severalyears spentwor1liflQ with iooustrial jobs, media circa 2010.
Stewart beganin herlarmhouse'sbasemeol in 1976was Henry Fordbuilt hisfirst self-prnpelled carriage in IS%.
billingceletw"ity Clients and"",kingmore than $1 million, Seven yearslater. tetcnredtre Ford Motor Co.w ~hjust PUBLISHERS, BROADCASTERS, MARKETERS AND RETAILERS WHO
and she had published a series of cestsen illlj Iifesty1e $28,000. and in 1908, thecompany producedtheModel T. ARE CREATING CONTENT, ENTER TODAY: ADAGE.COhtlmvn
guides.Inthe ete 1980sand early1990sStewart's ttecer sold 15,5OO,oooin the U.S.alooeoverthenext19
personal famecontiflUl'dto flourish w~h TV appearances, yearsbecauseof Ford'sassembly1ineapproach to mass
Krnart consuttilllj andthe MarthaStewart Livilllj brand. productionand the low cost.HerevolutionizedAmerica fOR MORE ON THE ABOVE - AND OTHER BREAKING NEWS -
Todayit's an mnic imageol femaleentrepreneurship. with the Moden. VISIT THE HOT RIGHT NOW SECTION AT: IIIEDIAKIT.ADAGE.cDM

C Bob Liodice is thepresident cto oIthe ANA (Association of National Actve!tisers~ This is theei<)'lth ina series 0110 CorumRS beifllJ
~blished ncelebrill iOO oflhe ANA's OOh anniversary.

Scan: worldmags®
ZO September G, 2010 I Advertising Age

LEMON-UME FROM ,.! GOOGLE FROM P.l by markc'1 C1p, spent just $l.3,(XXl ,m
Alook at $5740/ se<lrch spenditlQ search ads in [une.
and of <""rybody oc~ng faced with difk r - search), according to Kamar Mc..:lia. By mmJ"lri"m. uoe uf Grx'llle's t<>p
cnt priorities," said Kristina Search advertisers Only J"ly when their t;oo AO'/(RlISERS advertisers tlull munth, AT&T Mobile,
Ma"b,<'lsd",f, VP-nalU ml and fLm llro ads COnven or ge'l a click, and in lun" the spent mon' than 58 millirm cm AdWord,
sodas at PcpstCo. "But at the end of the crisis "'a, still al full-boil driving clicks 1.356 ADVERTISERS in Juoe, a biglllonth for the ",mFUny,
d1y, I~mon-lim~ is th~ s<umd-Ia'S'-'St un BP's ads. But if BP ke')ll sp<'Oding at spent between $KlK whim was supporting the bunch of
[corbonat<x1 -:;.oft -drinkl category, and this Me, search would've oc'(Otl1c'onc'of aod S100K iPhone 4. (AT&Tis lhe third-Iarg<.'St U,S.
CSDs all' the 1a'S'-'St OCWffit,'I' Gt1<'gory. irs bigger ad\'ertising 1in~ i~ms by the adwrtiscr. according to Ad Agc'
When you look at it that way, why end of thc' y<",r, up there with nc'!work,. \000 D;)taCen~r; it sp<'flt $2.8 billion on meas-
wouldn't you focus ,m Icm,m-limc'l" cable ur sput lV. unxl mc'llia---<tlmu" $1.3 billion On tv
PepsiCo, along with <;ompc'1ilOrs aesecoeo While lhe search-Sp<'Oding dOl'\lml'Ot alon,'--in 2OH. The romJ"lny c1c-.;lincxl
Coca-Cola and Dr P,w'r Snapple Gmup, 41%rncte obramcd by Ad\",rtising Age is not a 10 comml'Ot on irs search spc'flding.)
all "-,,m to have <"Ol1le to that conelusion. ~ime c",uplc'!e list of adverti"-'rs un C~x'llle, Other big June spenders includcxl Apollo
In the coming WI.'<.'ks. Ix>lh Si,'mt Mist f\aI.Q; wI1ich the accuracy of its d1t.1 was v<'rifi,x1 by Gmup. the company behind The
and Dr P<l'P"r Snapple Croup's 7Up will willbe multiple 'ou= ""ith din'<1 knowlcxlf:" University of Phoenix, online t",wl site
introduce new fonnula,. gmphics and of spending I,,,,-,Is, If s a n.'V<'aling (T(lSS- Expcxlia. el>ay and Ama7.on which all
acNertised as
adverti'ing.And both bmnd, say they are ,,-'C'1ion uf Gmgle's businc'Ss that giVl'S 'pent O'"l" 55 million apiece On <;mrch.
cramming a y<'Jr's worth of inves t ment a'rewcrsc, some daTity to ooe of the most opaque The data obeamcd by Ad A;,'C mdodcs
into the nc'X t few month,. deantaste," an",s of ad spending. and the li£.-bhxl "f hUb'C b"'nds ,um as GM, Walt Di' ney,
Spri~, m<'Jnwhile, leuncbcd its Arst and t.pjated many Amc'rican businesses. Eastman Kodlkaod BMW, ",hich appear
nC'W GtmFUign in four y""rs mrlier Ihis padlaginqfor BI'" s inrn.'Jse under"un.'Sh"w impor- to haw sp<'flt k'Ss than $5()l,(Ul in June.
year. In the first halfof 2010, Spri~ Sp<'111 the first time tant Google has become fOf nl'utation o Imr S;oo.OOO- SIOO.OOO- $10.000- Tcch rival Apple sp<'Ot JUSt under $1 mil-
$7.7 milli,m on m~a,un'<l ml'<lia. nmrly since 2ClO6. tTl.1nag,m''Ot. and in the banle for public SI millioN $I million S5OO.ooo Sloo.ooo lion on s<'Jrch during the month,. as did
matching what it 'pent for all of 20.)9. opinion. In the wake of lhe spill, C~:"gle d'ip maker Intel
"Whl'O you'll' doing lin<.' ex~nsi<ms, wasa narumlfirststop for p<~'Ple ,,-~'king \'ery hard t<> know how much anyone, I~t Am,mg GrxJgje' s bi~'<'St sp<'O"'-'TS an.'
they take a lot of a11ention, bottler fO(llS, infonnation, and BPbought up cII"'l'fls of alone rorporate AmcriCl, spends then' . bUsin<'S"", that depend un "-,,,rch lraffie,.
shelf SfXl'OC, «olcr SJ"llOC, and in must keywords associated with the disaster Th,' exccpti'>n '" thm is when Grx>gle including these that resell AdWords or
(lI""', they have not gcnc'ratcxl su'taincxl such as -en spill "bk," '"top kill" and
N ,U11' its sab pitch. "The primary tactic simply buy Coogle traffic to n':\<'l1 t<>
growth. It" s been Ixun.. splat." said lohn Nliw £.'<.'<1" as it 'i'x1 for clicks with news G<x>gle usc'S 10 inlTC"asc ad budt,'<'ls is to their own adwrtisc'T's, including Hungry
Simer, cxlitor and publi,her at Be""",I,'<' stories, image'S of oilcxl wildliteand plain- ,how thc'1Tl what others in th<~r C1t,'gI'ry Machine, whim doc'S businc"" under the
Digc'Sl. "Th,' mum to focus on roll' lcar- tiffanomeys trollingfor clients, are sp<'Oding a>nlJ"lnxl to wh"t they're name Uving 5o<;al. which spent 52.4
bOnal<x1 soft drinkl b"' nd, in North "Ctx'llie has ocullue the TCl1lme "m- 'pending." said KC'\i n Ryan, CEO of milli<m in June, and Ye1k""f"'gc'S.mrn,.
America is buth smart and overdue." rrol for the world; it's the first stop. not Motrviry Marketing, a scarch-adwrns- whichspent $1.2 million.
In addirion to focu,ing un the lemon- TV, said Will Margiluff, CEO of
N ingmnsultancy , At, a snapshot, it's al", n'1Tlarkable
lime category OC'ClUSC of its size. cxccu- lnnovarion Interactive, a unit of Dcnsru. Our review of 5574 million of that Goo'llle's biggest advertisers, big
riVl'S point to other In'nd, 'purring NM"n' than any mher mlxlia, that ml'S-- G<x>gle's U.S, billings owr the Am half m<mthly spenders like AT&T. Apollo
investment. They say lighter, dearer saging is rcqu..'Stcd; people are s<'eking of 2010 ,hows plenty of global <;orpora· Gmup and AmalOn, individually
sodas arc p<'TC\.~v<x1 by some to be hc",lth- V""JffiCI BP's ans"",rs "UI as oppo"-'<I 10 wairing ti,m, sp<'Oding mi1li'ms c'Jch month On occuuntlxl for k'Ss than 1 % of Gmgle's
ier, making it an opportune time to go Bo1Ie8<XJ" to be told." search adwrtising,. a, wocll as a gn'at U.s. n'VCllue in June. The lOP 10 adwr-
aher Cllnsuml'TS who may haw shil~t _rtv. Th~ st<"'p accc1eratioo of spc'Oding
indiCl1<'S BP optcxl for '"bmad matchN
many hu!-.'I' mrpo"'rions thaI speod very tiscrs in thc' document mlll'<1ivcly
away from soh drink, for hc",lth IUlSOnS. so-teres little, ifanything. at all On "-,,,rch account<x1 for JUSt 5% of Go,'ll!c's U.S.
And Ms. MaOf,,,-~sdorf also pninllxl mn introduced a keywords, ml'Jning many combmarons "We can't mmment On these figures n.'VCIlue during the month.
that lemon-lime sodas are popular with newtagline, of "oil" or Nspill" would lrigger a BP because we haw n't "-'en the document in Thc ",-Ulllnts listcxl an' distributed
the fast-growing IlisJ"lnic population. 'TheSpark," search ad. BP also Ix,,,ghl ,idl'" scarrh qUl'Stion or determined what these num- bmadly in terms of spc'flding levels. The
Pcl'SiCo is d iminJling SieTT:l Mist in ads, which dirood surfers to BP vidc'OS. bers nl'n':\<'nt,N said Dennis W,xxlside, document show, 47 adwnisers that
fa ...or of Sic'm1 Mist Naruml. which is out itsfIrSt BP dcclmcdro Ctlt11ment for this slOry. vr of Goc.'llie Amc'riGt, Opcrmions, spent more than $1 million in lune; 71
' w"....'1encxl with sugar instmd of high- &'Gluse it contmls 65% of U.S. w~b '"We'n' now hlking into the prlSSibility that sp<'flt OC'1\'Wn S5o:l,o:xl and $1 mil-
fructose rom syrup. Di<'! Sil'mt Mist will 0""" searches. Coogle's complex algorithms that someoneimproperly disclosed confi- lion, and 357 that spent between
amti nue to use flFCS, The move, whim padlaginq d<'1~mline more than any mher fuctor dmtial infomlJtion alx,utour dimts, and $loo,(XXl and S5o:l,(X)), Th"", an' din'<1-
has been in the works for ebooe 18 oescn what information is surfoccd On the w<,b. l-vl will take all appropriate action." billed CUStl>nl<'TS only, not the many
m<mths, is lW1J-fold. Rl'SC'Jrch shrm'-'<I GrxJgje kc'<.l'S a tight lid On irstc"hnology At the rime of the rig explosion in thousands of ,tTI.,ll sell-serve adwrti,,-'TS
that brand loyalty in the lemon-lime cat- to keel' people from !l"ming the syS1<'l11. April. BP barely registered un Goo'!llc. that make up Coogle's long tail. a key
l'gl'ry is k,w,-" than it i, in the cola Gtt<'gIJ- Similarly. "-'Jrch ad, arc a black lx,><; any- bul neither did its big-oil p<"'rs; Exx,m mmprm~nt in its $n billion global annu-
ry, And the natural food and OC""rah'<' one (lin buy an ad on Google, but it is Mobile, the wor!d's la'1.'<'St cnrporotion al rc....'cnuc .
Gttl'l,"-'ry isc'Xplnding.
"There's nOt a stmng n.",son to choose . Y'"
one Ilemon-li1Tl<'1 brnnd o\'er another....
Mi'st MICROSOFT FROU' goal, Publicis issaid to be spc'Oding signif- $100 millirm "'-",1 with the' production
And whc'fl we asked COn,umc'l'5 what
would 1l'-<'OH-1h'l' them in suda. ''''1Ima!"
was the No.1 ronc'-'P!," Ms. Mant,'<'lsdorf
"1id, "The n"rionofa mainstn.'Jm lemon-
lime soda felt likea hut,'l' territory."

---- -
ing Micmsoft in its sale of Rawrfi,h,
asked f", m<'<Iia mmmitments ''qual
or gn'ater than the Clsh <;omprmem.
iC.lOlly lOOn' with Microsoft yc",r-o\'er-
"We an' very plea,,-x1 with lhe current
stall' of our n'lationship wilh Publicis."
said Carolyn Everson, head of
<;omJ"lny IknnanBraun, which hold,
MSN ptupc'Tri<'S in itspr,rtfolio, Ikrm.1n is
f('Sprmsible for lW'o MSN propertic'S,
Won"'-'rwatl and Gin, and plans for an
MSNBC po/itiClI site are also underway.
Ms. Mangelsdurf expc'<"ts the shih will The Iubhcis-Microsoft deal isjust one Mi<.TOSOh's global advertising sales, in a While the Microsof ti,'-in likely S"'-'<.'1-
make SieTT:l Mi't "extn.'1udy a>nlp<'1i- Naturalwill example of h,m' the upfmnt model natiw ,tatc'fllC'fll. '" Our t<'ams an' w"rking wdl encxl the dm!, Mc-.cJ ~1\'-'St and 1lc'1TTl.,n are
rive" with Spri~. adding thnt the brand to TV buying has started to pr,n over to tI'b"-'1hel'. n. We arc confident that the said to have a IOOf,"Standing n'larion,hip
costthesame that prc-d,tcxlthe comminuent.
shouldmsilyex",,'<1 irspnviou, p<",k p<'r- digital. Bur it al", rai,,-'S "-....-eral ques- fruit this n'lation,hip isoc'ginning to oc'ar
formance Agun"- (According to
as cxiqinal tions: Docs the model of guarantwing today will rontinue through the end of The so-called Strategic Alliance
Be""rn,,'I' D4,'<'St, Spriteis m<,n' than four SierraMist dient dnllars in lump sum, work in digi- the yl",r and wdl into the futun'. As far AgT<'<.'TTlent OC'tWl"'n Publicis and
time'S la'l,'l'f than Sic'1"ra Mist, with a andhavethe tal media. ",hen' ad sp<'flding isstill ruled as we're <nt""m<'d. it's full st<'J1ll ahl'Jd." Mi<.TOSOh was "-'1 in play at the Cenncs
5.5% share in 2(X)9 CtHnFUn.J. to Si~= "me by qua""r-l\J-qua""r and mmJ"lratiwly '"Our partoership with MimlSoh has Ad'"l'Trising Festi\'al in 2OH, just ",-~'ks
Mist's 1.3% shan' and 7lJp', 1% ,hare). distribution. tillY budge'tsl Add in looming penaltil'S, all<>Wl.'d us to deliver such bendits 10 oc'fon' Publici, Gmupe announuxl it
Gmdby. Silverst<;n h. Partnerscreated The~ and all' diems' oc'St in~n'Sts in j<''f'llrdy? clients as advamah'<'llUS pricing and first- would acquin' Razurfish. Micro",h
SieTT:l Mist's ",'VII grapnics, as well a, the carrp3ign's Executives familiar wilh holding- mo\'er"I'P"rtunitil'S 10 FUrticiFUtc m new boughl lhe agenc)' as J"lrt of aQuantive,
GtmJ"lign. ",him breaks s..'J'!' 20. It will rreesrec- mmJ"lny-I,,,,c1 m"lia spendin!,: estimarc conrenr and invenwry," "1id a vi\'aki whith it acquin.x1 in 2007 for $5.9 billion.
include 15-and 30--,,-wnd spots, as wdl a, media spend $140 million would bec'asy for Publicis to 'pr,kc'Swoman in a statement Thc rommct<ial agn"ment was thcn
digital radio, print and ,"'t.,uf-home. willreach spc'Od on display and s<'Jrch sp<'Oding In a quick analysis. Publicis clients do intmdun'<l at thc' Ramrfish acquisirion.
Spriteand7Up rontain HFCS, though with Micmsoft. Bur sums north of$2oo nm dominate ComScnrc's li't of top In a pn.'SC'Otation to i",,-'Stors, Publici'
the fOI111<'1" also markers Spri~ Gn'<.'Tl million would be a strowe, Mi<.TOSOh display advertisers in the sec- Gmupe CEO M'luriCC levy announc...x1
which U"-'S Truvia, a '"""!Ural'" S\''-'<.'l~ner .
said Ms. In on~ anc'Coote, n'lay<x1 by ">mc'one olld quarter. Micmsoft', online advertis- that Publici, agn'--.J. to "aggn'gate ",1-
7Up, ,,>0, is increlSing its in\"'Sl1n<'01.
"""""",. fmniliar with the n'btionship, an age'Ory ing revenue increased 8% year-owr- urnc purchasc'S" in Mi<.TOSOh search and
Ju""than R,'b'l'fS, brand manager for 7lJp, $35million, buyer for Publici,' Vivaki r""'ntly ymr to51.9 bill~>n for the ycar ending in di'play in exchaOf,'l' for fa"'rable ratc'S as
"'id in tho.' lest four months of this year, accordinqto scrambled til spend last-minute dc~lars June. reflecting high.,t search and dis- pert of the Ave-y<'ar agreement.
the b"'nd will be sp<'l1ding what it ,\,ol ild Kantar Media. with Microsoft Nanywhen' that's a pl.1y-adverti'ing n'\,enue, In tum, Micmsoh agr<'---.cJ W"'nrinue
nonnally spl'fld in a full >,-"'r. According decent fil" because the teem "'as short of One recent "'-'01 that could help Pubhcis its agency n'lationship with Razorfish for
to K., ma r Mcxlia. 7lJp sp<'flt about $25 irs mmmirml'flt. n-arn its g""ls with Mim"'," is Starcnrn a minimum l,'lJa"'ntc....x1 £.'e for the du",-
mill..-m un measured mcxlia in 21 Xl'l, E,,-'O if il is struwing to mc'<.'1 that M..'Il~l''-'St Group's just-inkexl four-yc",r tion of the agreement

Scan: worldmags®
Il.dvert isinQ AQe I September 6, 2010 11

TV CHECK-IN "ON •.• marketing, "The diffe",nce i, thal we

create content and editorialize thing>,
handle.When a fan t'nm"'" in behavior It', a further way to extend our pm-
that hdps us sp",ad the word, we try to gramming rccch."
enmum!,"" that behavim." Gt'lGlue', Me. I,koldal,o 5<..." check-
Thew mnteot-sl"-u fk apps arc still in ~PI'S a, ~ window into the "ta ste
\(Xl sm~ 1t for Kristin Fmnk !",neml gmph of entertainment,NNThink ~bo:lUt
manager for MTV and VHt Digital. the aggn..'g;Jle information on how I"-Y>-
Sht' says Twiner or F~a'bo:x ,k which pIe ~'" con, uming emertJinme'J1t," he
r",,,ntly a'ljuin-d che-d:-in-to-anything said. "How many !'l-xlp1c art' ",ading a
s<'lVia' lIot Potato, would make mo", boxlk ~nd Sl'<.'ing a a'rtJin movie ? What
sense for TV check-ins bo.'Gluse they arc lhe f"'tlern, thal em emerge when
haw thl' 1.,\,..1 of users that better match you look at fans of 'Tn ll' BloodT
the mass audiences of TV. "Tk big Though, at thi, point, HBO's ~h
qm'Sti"n is who ends up being able to Caluon said she h~ sn 't s een any
ham,,,, the main't",am, N ,he ,aid. n [ GetGlue data that', new to her.
don't know if it's realistic that I"-'<.)ple a", One coming sociel media for TV apI',
going to go to 5<.t'1rate pmdutts l<> do Starling. i, Ie" amCCrIll'l! with the
that " check-in ah0ll':thcr. Cofounders Kevin
While MTV has launcht'l! a number Slavin and Kenny Miller a", betting
of che'Ck-in programs with Fou r>qua"" tluJl check-In aPI'S will be Inn", than just
which rt'P',m 3 million users. the net- marketing de"ices. Out in October,
work has not Y''1expcrimente'll with the Starling will concentrate on ext,' nding
chl'Ck-in apps sl"-uficatly for TV. TV programming int<> ,,,ci~l me'llia,
To date, MTV', program, have NTrying to treat a TV ewnt as if it we",
FAllTV r..... (Uml-dy "Mr. Sunshine~ or cop Mow f"cus<'l! on I'Xte'J1ding nmrent int" the a Starhuck> and gi,ing l:""ig.'S for w~lk­
" [);1rI ~ 1 1-ll--7" is anyonc', gucs5. M r. real world rather lhan kwping the ing lhrnugh the d,x>r i, mi'understand-
Bh ~ls). a 1<,&11 drama ft':lNring Jimmy La> willlikdy be hlking for ways 10 bol- chec k-in ~bolUt what's on scree n. A ing wh~t a TV show is about," Me,
Smits (NBC's "Ou lla,,>"') or a new legal 'tcr ABC's aging hilS, "Oesperate """ntly Iaunch,'l! program for il' Vid,,,, Miller said. That n-a s<ming will alS<l 5<.'<.'
show sporting DaM o..'lany as a mou rn- lIouS<.'w;ws" and "(;"1" , Anillnrny,» Music Awatds giws a Moonm,m badg<' networks' advertisers extend into social
,urglxm-turnl'<l-medical exammer and lO brmdcn the appm! of critical 1<> users lhat check in to mu, ic wnu es, m,'l!ia, l<Xl. "The", are interesting new
(ABCs NIl<1<ly of r".,f"). EWll the <-\.\I is favorite "Modem F~mily." ~Iong with a chana' 1<> win tickers l<> the opportuniti,,, to .'mpower networks to
getting in on the game by ending irs prac- PAUL LEI:: ,how. find n,'\v ad dollars in lhi, ,pace," Me.
tire of shov>ing n.1X>J~of Amend s
WhatchanQes will Comcast Plrt Intoplace AOC "Social medic. in general, certainly Miner a,id.'Il. though he declined to pro-
Next Top Mod,j" on Friday nights. Fox OI'IU It finalizes It$ plfthase of a majority Entertainment ha, it, marketingopportunities with lhe vide any 'I"-ufics. "Not only are we
may 1>..' bcckmg the trend: "Human stakeofNBC Universal? thiefhilils from right messaging." M. . Frank said, innovating on the user experience.
Ta'1'<.'l" and "GlXld Guys, " slat<.-d to rum Thi, deal l,mg in coming. i, ,till ,btl'l! to ABC family,wI1ere adding that MTV ha, dt'Cid,'<! 10 5<.1"'- we're aI,,, innovating ad-,upportex:l
up on that ll<'tWOrk on Frida ys, arc k'Ss..-
buny ..ffaits.
How stablels ABC's fal schedule?
By n-placing fnnncr ABC Entcltainmcnt
take pb l>:' scm1l'tin1l' around the end of
2010, Ona' cumbinl'<i the Ill"W mmf"'ny
"ill add cable ch.lnnd, such as NE!" and
"Vs." to itsstable. and beabk' to draw'ID
Comca' !'s va't ",ach and emerging

aimed al VOOI1Q
tees.Look fo..-
rate social-media outreach groups fmm models."


chid Stl·Ph..'l1 Mcrlwmm in July. jllS! rouch-pOTato t,'Chnology (vid,'O-on- appealollheM , USASCO STYLE
"",d,s ;lft.... >elling it5 1l1"W fall schedule w ocmand, f'>ssible intera,'tiw pnHnotiOllS) "Modemfamily"
advertiso.'rs. ABC is sign.11ing that
thing i, up for grabs. Mr. McPherson',
fI·pl3<l..ml'J1t, Paul u.." h~i ls Irom ABC
and uS<.' itsTV n''lWIlrks to influerKe nlW
TV-Win ching behavior. Will Comcast be
happy "ith the' pcrf.'nThlna'of hflli1<b"t-
Family, whe", he built a 'table of bUl.zy network l"BC? And will the 1ll'W ""ncrs
programs aimed at the young-teen ruche, want to rinkcr with NBC Universal's TABASCOLOOnTOSPICE THINGS DP:
i.e. "The s..Ul>( life of the American manat,"-'ffl<.'nt or op.""rion,? We'lilikdy After 24 years withTracyLocke, braoo
T<.'l'J13j.,,,,'r N and "Kyle XV," Wh~t this g<.:t the ansWI'1"S to those questions some- is invitillQ ecercesto pijchcreaee
amid m",n for new ABC fo", ,uch a, time in 2011. ideas. for more.go 10 AdAge.com.


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Contact Candace Hanson
chanson @ adage.com

Scan: worldmags®
ZZ September G, 2010 I Advertising Age

JINGlES ,.. ' .I GREEN SUPPUES FRom The addition of cleaning supplies
to oacs-tc-scnootustshas been
music fm Ihl~ r ml""'h"'" of 40:1 pan."I1IS and 30J "hml teachers on growing for years because of
That'sone nWOl1 brand; and 00 U<,'<.'fI- the subj,'eI, finding 60% of teachers
cie" arc nUi""wring. and in many Cl"'-" n'<jUl"l JX1n:nts <lemale disi nfcuing wil"-" fears about the H1N1 virus and
relaund>ing. the a" of the iinglc--from forthe da,;srocH11 and on average usedis- germs. As a result, the season has
Sm~ Fann 's num Nintl'ndo-fi,xl 8-bit infcuing produClS on high-cuntaCl an"'s become important to marketers.
I'l'll",k"of its dassc "Like a good llI.'ighbnr, sud, a, doorknobs daily, But 82 % say
StJ ~ Fann isIhen'" W Expcn.ln's qu,..t W Ihey fmr anergil", skin irrirati,m or aSlh- ianitori"! c1osc..." lisl of ea}-friendly pntd-
find a n,w band to s-ing its "Fn'C (.wil ma may l'l"Ull fnH11 useof d''aning pntd- U<1S lhal schmls mn SIOCk.
Sa,re" song 10 Mefi rnakt's uft-updoll-d ucts at sch,x~. The addition of cleaning suppli,'S to
u\u." on its NI'm Lovin' It" tagline. J\;,'l'dk'SS 10 ",y, Seventh C""I1eralion oock-to-schml lisls has be..... n growing
It's also why original !X'P so~" thaI 11.15 a solution 10 thc' problc'l1t, highlight- for ymrs as fin<lncially strapped schools
d"uble as ads a~ ()fl lhe rise, whe~her it's cd by a IxJdH'}-sch",,1 kil of irs produ<:t, "'ughl donalions from I"'renlS oc'CJuse
Coowr;c pairing hip-hop up-and-com,,, and an "",u-friendly" oorkpack. The kit of fears about the HIN1 virus and
Kid Cudi "'ith memkrs "f indic~nxk and backl"'ck arc distribuILu Ihmugh germs, and as such Clomx Co. and
bends Vampire weekend and &"t Coast hundreds of mostly mommy bl''!if,'<'1"; Rcckin Bcnckiscrs Lysol workc'li hard
fur an "riginal single:Summertime"; Ihmugh the MyBlogSl"'rk nl'l wmk and and successfully gOI their brands on
online--J,'ring site Zoosk n'lTUiting mppcrs a listing of "hl\llthy tips" available on lists, As a result the season bas become
flu Rida and T-Pain fm the fully bronek'll I'TOTooay.com-a sill' for Parent incn:asingly important to markelers,
"7...."'kGirlN;or Gatorade lapping hip-hop Teacher Organi7.alions---including M" Wolpen said.
producer Da"id R,nlll'T m pc'll lhe' rocka- Also that year, PepsiCo's Mtn Dcw lYLEANDREWS: switdting w disinfluants that have Nno One diffcn:ncc this yl"'r isa""ilability
billv tunc for its (\Im.'fIt "R,mution" fom"u Gn.'L'Il Label Snood. an imprint Singer' ind... )rair pnllura nlS." ofstrongergn......n-.."'ition'u alrcmanvcs.
ClmJX1ign, And Tommy llilfigc'T is alx>uI Ih.l t n,1<"'",-xl nl'l'>' songs ftum indie lxmds sonqwritet's S<.''''''llth Genc'Tilli,m also j,>im'li "ith Sc..-elllh GL'll''Tarion in lanuary bunch,x!
In laund> loud. its firsl majc'" frugron,'C ,ud, as Mall &. Kim and The C.o,,1 Kid,;. single isleatllfed Stonyfidd Farm to spnn,,'r oock-tn-- a linc of bUlanical di,inf'''-1ant> and wipc",
ClmJX1iWJ in Y'-",rs, " ilh an "rigin.l1song Mon: n'CL'lllly, [nterpublic Cn",p of in HoIidi1y Inn'S schml ,-duGlti,m cwnts al;out Nho'" w registeTl'li ",ith the Environmental
by Bri lish dll1Q.~~ oo nd till' Ting Tings Cos.' M,{".ann Erickson fom"-d an in- global campaign, have a healthier sch",,1 year" for I,co.) Prol''elion Agen<y lhal claim 10 kill
wrim'll sp..'lifiGtlly for the 00, houS<' record label SlayU :'-1usi(, on Pro,; around the mumry this reu- cech 99.9% of germs- jusl as Clorox and Lysol
In f"'1, musk was Ihe only produ<:tion behalf of Holiday Inn. The label's first '''''I''-u'u to n\lch 100 10 .' iXl l"'n:nlS, products do. M"h,td launch,u a similar
CltlW'ry that saw an incTl'aS<' in bU~'I't single, "You Always Make Me Smile'" a,,,,rding to M~un.'<.'ll Wolp'-''', brand lim' of disinfluing prodll<"tS and hand
lasl ymr, ac"L'Ording to a 2010 sludy fnHn by up-and-coming singer-son~;wriler educalion director for Seventh "'nitizers last m"nth,
the 4A's; the Association of Mu,ic Kyle' Andn.'ws, is fcarurcd in Holiday Gcn.'ntti,m , The movement isn't JUSt So far, with some ex(\'!'tions like PS
Pmduo.' rs (A MP) I'l'P'JnLU 78% of ils Inn's new gloool campaign and is avail- limileU to primary sch,x,l" IL""hets m 107, S<.'vcnth Generalion hasn'l had
members' income came from original able on Henes and 'roufubc. parent" either. much SUCCl'SS getting it> brand listed on
music \IS. 22% from licensed musk and AndTRWNChial/Day isnrgani7jng Meth,td, markc-t er of nalural and supply lisls fmm Imchers or 1'T0s y,-t,
arrangements in a spring 2010 survey. new-music showcases this month in botanical dcarung products, recently sup- said M" w olpcrr. "Based on wh~t we did
NIt "'-"-ms like Ihe cyde is ebbing marh-t s sum as li", An!,,,-i,,, to h"'" bU7z plied inh'TLuimt infunnation w a San lasl Y'-\lr, our focus for nc'xI YC\lr willlx.'
slightly, and it n",y be less popular 10 bends in front of CI"L'a ti\'C directors and Francisco Bay 1\ 1''-''1 stude'llt group, Tecns I" increase o<'Crall awan:n,,,, [among
align yourself with a majm supc"..,lar: clil"l1rs. It alsu (I,ml" downto l'con'>ntics, Tuming Gn"-'ll (ll'Cnsrntninggn...n.org), I"'n'llIS, IC\lchers and 1'T0s] about our
said Elizal",:1h Myers, pn",idc"l11 of AMP Ucen,ing song, fnlln k"'ser-kn""'n or whid, is working on cn:ating an "ceo- product availability," she "'id.
and co-founder uf Tri",'TS Myl'l"; Music. nlW b-lnds am ran!-,,,, fmm $IO,(X() to
She su~"",rs it could bea n-fkC1ion of the S75,O::O, depending on ",h,...her the ad
economic mo.Jd-,riginal music fccls airsonly on TV or online, ",hil,' the priCe' HOLDING COMPANIES FRON ' .3
mon: simple and n'al And, she ",id, "in tag for beller-kno",n artists com,,,, in at
America. the clients lilu.' W o"n that $200,OCO to 53OO,OCO, Thl'll there a", 11.15 a Slrong <l<,m'''tic presence- access til
ide"l1lily thaI come'" wilh original music." me'g:l-anists like Lcd Z."pf',lin, I.-Iadunna Ogilvy Healrhwmld's sprawling f<Xll-
Jock Livc""'Y, co-founder of bicoasral
music house DuOl,me, agn.....'" Ihat origi-
and the Rolling 5101'1''', who often cost
up",an:! of$1 million for one song
prim in 33 coumri,'S.
Ime'Public Group of Cos. appc'ars
nal music conwys more honesty. Of course, rrore din'el relation,hips oct-oov we incTl'Jsingly octiwin thi' area. In thespan
"\Vhe...he'T consciously or nOl, to viewers belween agencics, brands and artisls callitsellirq of rem w""ks in August, Califom~l-base'll
[licensing music] fc..... ls a krtlc manipula- rncens less "I'P',rtuniri,,,, forthe de,licarcu in."Thepitch? Dailey &. A,;so:":i<1l..,, wa,; aligned with
tiw, like you're jusl kind of n"l1ting jingle hou",,,and music-pmlu<tion a>nt- Amajorspot o-erca ina bidlo stl'L,%'!hm lhe singl,~
somethingI" wow me," he snd. panics to book traditional ad gig:;, SO many "ffjre cgcrcy by giving it 0CCl'$ to ,'US-
A h'rmving numoc'T of advcnisers an:
n:in"csling in and n"inwnting theiro"'"
jingle", for a Ill'W generation. lason
of them arediversifying th,~r n"Ume",
In add iti<m to I'Lxnn!ing scmg5 for s..us
fur mark''1ers including Palm. pacifico
play retcoe
tl>m''T-n:brionship marh1ing ""der and
large g1nb.r1 n,........nrk Draft. Around the
""me lime, Campbell- Mithun,
NILES NADAt: The CEO ofMOC says more dieols
ee lool<ing townsolidale ee number 01
P<:terson, executive cn:aliw din.'elnr for Bwr and H,,,,,,k...t-Pockan:l, Black Iris, an radiodoesn't Min n,~'pnlis, annoul1Q.U it <'><>Llld absorb partners they do business wrth.
Imerpublic's Translatiun, which has indie-music h"uS<' baso.u in theSilver Llke ervrro'e the 5O-p'-'ffi1tl kJGtl uffiCe' of digiLl1 llgl"OC}'
worked wilh ~ cDona l d 's and State ncighborh""d of Los Angeb, 1'L'Cl'lldy MRM---a d,x:ision C.ampbell-Milhun encc in ,ocial m,uia, invcsunent in l,,,h-
Fann, said brands MC stltning w n.'alizl' comp1c'lcxl the score fur a videx' gameand CEO SIl'VC Wcolt"'nlx'Tg said was drivL'll noloh'Y and pure SGIk" Mr. Nad.ll said.
Ihe in""luablc ''<juily thaI aHTI,,,, wilh a also has a fledgling s-ingl,,,, label thaI jusl by a comfort kvel wilh MRM fmm work· "Oiems a", looking to consolidate the
n.'al!,,'nil.,ble jingle. siWJ'u a distrib,tion dc'alw release 7-inch ing,m shared ilLulUnrs O\x'T the ymrs. number of partners Ihey do business
"Takingsom....hing newand inhen:m vinyl 1'l'U,rds and digilal downkods wilh Unilingat,'I'neic" underIhe", me hold· with,and you nex.-dto h.we the n.'Sour<~",
to their brand, ",hich has a deep SO" of Sony's RED Music, ingcntnp.my isgcnc'rJlIy 1.'Ss thomy than and scale."
meaning. and making il ",levant and Similarly, DUOtlHle has 1x.'L'1l adding othcr adbnd mergers, typiGllly sJX1rking ~ r. Nadal de'lliLU Ihat MDC's com-
intenMing and bringing that into popu- originl! scores for indic films no";,,w York fc...... client conflicts and many more syn- bining egcnocs was linked to a """'lltial
lar culmn:is a bigtask in ilself," he ", id, I L"ve You "land Glble TVshows (AMes ergic"', Ca"'-' in I",im: Ihl' VI'PP move, ",Ie of the holding company down the
But 10 many a).,'<'ll')' CW''S, such a, "Rubcon" History', NS"""mp r''OpIeN}to SinCe' both of those health a).,'<'ll,i,,, scrv- IUld but pointcxl cut that r<lDC this yc",r
M<Cann's Mike Boris, senim VP-exe-ru- ils die'lll list llI'Xt 10 origi",,] jingle" fur iCe' Novartis, I'fizerand GlaxoSmithKlinc, has builtwhal it calls as a "shanu servic-
ti\'C music produCe'r, it doc"n't matter R,,,1nn. Martini &. RO$~ Maxwell Hou,,-, it madefora sm,x>lh,,, process. cs group" 10 identify It"'''' of these
wh''Iher Ihe music is writll"l1 sp..-ci~Gllly InlL'Tnati"naland V,'Ti7'<Hl Winil'SS, thel,t- By far, thc' a!-,,,-'llC)' umbn:]]a h'fOUp ''P..,nuniril'" evilhin irs ..,rtfolio,
for Ihe camJX1ign or if it', an exi>ting tel' of ",hich fJnlOLl,ly n.1'U'l'IIlU t ' Big leading the streamlining Irend is Said Mr, Nadal ' Tbcrc's a lot of bril -
song th.l1 lusn't n.u"ivcu national expo- R,~l jingk' this spring W pnm"," ' its vn Tmunt,}-oo",-'Ii ~1DC Pan ners. In July, Klntly talented firms that a", h'TL'at .11
surc-ces l'mg as it's a gmd 'Tl\ltivc fit, n.xhnlol'LU ,'lG m<"'1';l!,'C, MDC's premien: agen,)' brand. Crispin ",hat lh,'Y <l<' but cuuld benefit from big-
artisls wil11L'Od their musicand oCGlsion- The line between mmmemll comcnr Pon er & Bt,gusky, absorbed sibling !,"-'T plmfomts" and. ,m the flip side, rhc
ally Iheir lik,"I1''''s to an ad campai).,'ll. and on cnnrinlll" to blur A1 eX.lndn: Sap, agency Zig, a wdl-km".'ll C.anadian· bigger finns benefil from nmo", d'1"h of
Ny,,,,rs ago it was sdhng oul-ro", a O ...fEum's The;Houn;, said thernming shop, and rebrandcd it CPB Canada. The ralcnr and more bench Sl"'I'I!,'lh."
we call il selling in," Mr. Boris "'id. The I">il'll for him ",a,; w...."11 [\'C'T Glbriei same momh, Kirshenoo um Bond "You'll "'-..... our bi&,""'t pbtfonns
pitch? A major,pOl Gin g<'1 you the kind ~SIu.-d1O ' O"..'T lou R"'u's NThl' r.",w f Scnecel &. Pa"nc'l";, ,11'1 the heels of gob- exp.:md t,'<"'8mphiGilly and in thc"ir "ffc'T-
of play nali,mal radio du,"n't anymon:. the Hmrl,." a "Hlg lhe one'time Vel ... bling up Albma-b-l"'-u sibling Flel<her- ings. The ~'s 11'10'" tOOHTIe, and Ihl' n'J-
&'ginning in 2lXlH, majclT ad ag<'Oei,,, Und''Tground frnntman WWte for Martin, absorbed multicultural shop scm why i, thar it's provcn that P'-"'Ple
and brands h.we OC'L'Il glring to h'TL\l~r Cartier's Low Colkx:tKm. Adn:nllina. can have the"ir Glke and '-"II it, 100; Ih,'y
lengths I" associate themselves wilhorig- NIt's all about quality. It's about the Askcu about the moves. MDC CEO Gin have their ''lltrcpl'L'nurial DNA but
inal musicand artiSI dc,,'dopml'llt. Ill"",' fighl oc'!wl'Cn music-producrion compa- Miles Nadal", id, flIt is definitely aro.,ler- Ihe n'S<rurces of a bi&,"-'T organi7"rion.
Euro RSCG ocquircd indic music label nics making music JUSt for adwrtisingor ating. " We'n: ",orking on thn... or four lnOre
Thdlours in a bid to c"Ll blish rn:diblc ha"ing clil'llts ClH11e illlo Ihe n'U>rd arm- NThe changing mluia landscape [dmls)lhal [ Ihink are going to be really
n:lationships be1wwn brands and a"i,15. I"'ny withIhe right conn''elion" n he ",id, means a lotof fim" arc looki ng for a"is· exciling."

Scan: worldmags®
Adverti.illQAQe I September 6, 20tO Z3


R<'Sid,-,m~11 m n'trurooo has f"lIm as a
WHY GEN XWONT SAVE US dynamic America that's built on gmwth
share of us. CDP and u.s.",,{umaker>, and opportunity and jobs:
while pmducing k'S" a", mo", profitable for the pastlewdecades, bilby boomers have 22%of total ~ pend iOQ (4% lesslhanthe Me. all']' ",id the key to ""'55uting
than during the- peak of the ,wnomic driven tte eccoonc growth in theU.S.Andthere comparable halfof boomers did in 1999). Even ~ Americans about an l'COnOlnic future is
<'X JXl nsi,m as they Tl'Strumom,1 for a are a lot 01 t hem, incase you didn·t krow.correct youioclude the coer seqrnent 01Generation Y being 'f'lufic ~bout initi.,tivl'S-\\';th"ut
sm"llcr marh'!, In.king furth,·, wynffs Censusdata prttbe numberof boomers at just (age 25-34), you still onlytotal38% ofspendiOQ. bei ng", sf'lufic tfl.,t the administrotion
Ie",likdy. uooer 80 million, or a touch overcre-tnlru of all Whyis that a problem? opens i,,"-'lf to anack
On the other hand, whik manuf,,- adults.HoW('V('f,they're nowmoviOQ o totre The problem isthatthesetwoageQroups. even Dbama ,nmmilll..J that ermr of being
turio!,: b"",dly has 1x"'J1 amooS the ooe-ccoot, and trosetousocot spendnearly as when ccrobined, have2.4 milion fewerhouseholds ""l'JS!,,-ufic whl'1l he promiS<.xl the stimu-
bi&,'<.'S1 growth dri ver> in the U S., much much.In I999 the boomers were between the than netocerersco, At a limewhentheeconomy lus bill "'lllld kc'<l' the une'lllplnymc'flt
of that has 1x'l.'11 fueled by wbuilding ages 01 35and 54. Their generation accoo ntedfor reecsuentcstec coaosceoc usoutol the k'VI.~ around 8%. Today it's ;]I 9.5% .
if"'''nl"ri,,,. That em', hst if the inWnlO" 42%of households, 53%of all prelaxincOll'le and recession. t heysimply lackthe horsepower 10do so. "nl.1l wa, a ""'tc);ic mi55tcl': said Jay
ri l'S don't ",II. Pro<:fff & Camblc Co, justover hall ofall speodlnq In theU.S.-$2t rillion. The2009 unemployment rate wililactor in as Cost who until lnsew<.'<'k wrote the Hol'Sl'
Chairma n-CEO Bob McDonald summed In 2008, the ccorees have IT'IOVed into the 45· well. The twoage groopswit hthe highest Ra"" blog for Rml Omr Politia; and is
up th" muddled nutlwk of many mar- t0"64 ecereoce. They ~ t i ll ecccoot lor 44% 01 unemploymenl rates are zs-tc- 34 at9.9%(those no", headed to thl' WCl'k1y Standard.
h'!"rs in an ""mings mnfl,,,,ncc GIll 10" totalspendiOQand 46% of IncOll'le. comiOQ out of college from25 to zsere at10.6%) On one hand, the admini",,,,tio,, has
monlh whcn he said he doesn't CXIJI.'Ct a The boomers, despite theirsuperior n um ~ and 351044 at 7.9%. SO theageg roopthat stumbled whl'll it comes to highlighting
d{)ubl,~dip n",-'S<;~m. blll add,.,j, "] think are S-hiftiOQ iolothe 65-ero-oce- agegroop,which should be comiOQ IntotheirearniOQ prime is the tangible auumplishments thaI have
the' oomnmk m.:overy in the United typically eccooots for jusl l4%ofspendi00,astheir ostesd cot ofworkat a veryhighrate. (XIOle out of stimulus sf'l-nding. Can you
States will he UI1,......'11 ,N mortgaqesgetpaid off,their chlidrell lT'lOVe out Let's Iookat ~ anotherway.In 199a the25-to- idl'lltify a 'f'l",f;c ~Jb ()[ program that it's
In an app"rcnt adjustml'1l! to mo..... andtheir expenses decrease.WMe Ihis agegroop 44(Ceo Xandlateboomers}se<:jment cctesrred m>;1ll'<i? A lccd from a June Nl'w York
Clm,.,rvati", l'Xf"-'Oatitms for the nexl generallyspends money on big-tickel 'tens like the astc-easeoreot (boomersand pre-boomers) Timl'S story "" id it ~I[' "The shovels "re
thn:.: years, P&G in recent months has second homes, with the recession Mtioo their by$426billion.lf W(' Iookat thosesameage rarqes finally "",dy. But is any<me !",yingattc'll-
(han~'I.-d its top-linc b'TIlWlh tMb"-'1S for 40tKs as trev wereetcot to retire, many are in2008-nowCeo Xers andoldermillennials vs.tte tion?"
,..nior mana~;ers and will ,ompensale forQOioo thoseexpenses andcontinuioo towork. boomers, the boornersarepullinq io5535 billion On Ihe nthe' hand,Ob-, ma has a haol
them 00S<.'<.1 on how they do vs. the com- That lurther hoses the ceo xers because so morethantheiryounger coooteperts. SO lhe timl' artiCUk'ting a vision for m:owry.
petilion ,alher Ihan vs. an absolute maovcarrt moveupintolhe highe!'payiOQjobs. boomers are stilldrMOQlhe growth. There's a f'l'S,imi'tic 'treak running
gl'llwlh U1},'I't. And while P&G edded S1 Tammy Erickson, eutrcr 01 a recent book on Is trere a silver lini ooinlhere? Anywhere? Yes. thT<lllgh Amenl."n l'COnomic thinking
billion oo,k In il5 ad spending for the fis- Ceo xe-s, "What 'Sllext cenX: ' says,"(Ceo XI W~h aillhelaikaboul howbig the boomer right"'M', with quc'Stit>o' oc~ng askcxl "'''
cal year ..ndcd lun c 3O---<l 13% really haveoctteo the ShOrt endof thestickfrom a generation is, and howthe millennials are hardto only abo"t a doubll--dip n'Cl.'SSinn. but
inC"K';l5O..' -iI's pl1nning more mode'l , in- moneta.-yslandpoinl. RiQht row at the recession, liQureoot wecnen lorget tnettre millenfilals al", a Japan-' tyl.. kl51 dc'Clde. C nlU ndle'SS
glc-digir growth for ad spending in linc the bulk01 ten Xis in bothlheirpeak incOll'leand actually oct numberthe ccorers.For thenext optimism is going to be tough to .1l''''1I1d
with ",ie'S gnMlh Ihi, ymr. peakspendiOQ years 01 I~e. Yoor peak«core is severalyears.W("II have fewer households io the of Ihe Anll'rican f'l~>pl ...
Consumer Edgc Research, in its beiOQ limrted at a limewtlen you'd want 10be peakspendiOQyear>, buteventually the lore Sullivan, vice chairman-globe]
monthly poll of 2,5(X) mn,umerS !a,t maximlzinqil. Andyour peakspendiOQ is mlliellnials- all 85 million01 them-will Howin. public affairs at PR firm Eddman, callcxl
month.. fouod improvedoutlook for bust- occurriOQ at the timewhenyou'releastlikely10 ....TT CI....OOW:, the rommu nications strategy SO for a
nl'SS conditions and hou,..hold income have a lot 01 oecretcoerv income." "pil'O..'mm l" aPr,,~h and p<,;nt<xlto two
and an """",11 n'bound in <;OIl,um c, ,..n- Generation X, meanwhile,accoonts for just o Fortile full version ofthisstory. go to AdAqt.COlI initiatives announn'<.l in the IVSt n"mth
timent afler two momhs of , h,,'P or so that don'l add up \{) mum . An ini-
dl",linc'5. Yct um,um crs said they pbn In tiative dc'5ignc'<.l to buoy the muntry's
shift In discounu'rs, buy lowe r-pria.'Ii thTllwing in the t\1wd. WPPCEO M"rrin Ml"l~, rom!"'nil'S ~ppmr likely t<> fare ''Thisisn'ta m.,nuf"cruring base, 'Xl:Js ion~lly dubbed
b",nd>, wail for sak-.,;, !"'y down debt and Sorrell who tended to be blum aboUI well at ka't thmugh year c'1ld. Edwaol rewroma "Making It in Ameri<:a, was fnllowc'<.l by

seve. p< ~,r proSp<'ClS he'ading inrorhe n'a..'Ssion. Awrino, media industry ~nal yst at rhc announcement of a smell-business
lohn Gerzema,chiefin,ightsoffi"", of
Y&R and author of rhc ,,~'n-to-be-pub­
is ",u nding no abnn, of a double dip. [n Bcnehmark c«. "'-"-'5 smmg TV dC'1l1and,
in !"'rt from p<,litical buying.. and some
ramaLltwas pu, h lhat hinge'S <m a lending bill now
sruck in a o'ngrl'SSion.,1 gridlock.
an inve'5w r call last mllOth.. he ", id diems
li,h..d "Spend Shift,N""" a perman..nt haw n-alized "the world wa,n't going lO bu,in~'Ss ,pilling into Ihe p"'1-deaion
cny ntte "looking at Ihis as a "mer, Ihe !"'ns
move toward more conservative spend- end" and are "starting to 10<Jk fnrl'.!"'n- period dUl' to "crowding out" from rrid-198O; don't add up to anyth ing." ",i,l Mr.
ing !",llc'TTl'. "Thi, i,n't a n..w normal " 5Ion." hmvy dc'cti,m sf'l'llding. Demand fmm ttetve Sullivan. " H .. ', lUll d<ring hi, equivall'llt
heseid . "It's an old norma]. It wasonly in "I hevcn'e witnessed any fourth- chcnts hos spread w.:11 beyond a rebound- stcrtedtogo of the Contract With Ame'lica-gi,';ng us
Ih.. mid-19805 Ihat ".., .rancxl lO go flOm
;;aving 10% of our income to a nega tive
qualtl'r l'lltb-leks or mid fe,<,t: said Phil
CowdelL North American CEO of
WPP's MindShare, ~but [[I , till "'-'<' ceo-
ing auto indu,try, he said,though visibil-
ity beyond 2010 remains "limited." -""'"
a six-p<,int planand saying Ihis i, what it's
going to take, and thisis what it's going to

savings ",Ie. I'd almost argue the !"'st few Globally, it's oc,<'" haol t" tell Ihet<' incanetoa deliver us."
decades were the anomaly. We're goiog pie invl'5ting in buildi ng brondsand driv- has been a n'O.'5,i<m in dl'Velopi ng mar- There's little doubt kft this will take a
bad< In a more practical way of spending. ing lc-ads." kets such ~s China, India and Brazil. But SiJ\Ii"'qs rate. rd toll ,m the o..'l!l'>:nIts in the midterm
whc''-': w.: don't have access to the ;;ame Othe' agency ,hids are al", relatively ma,kc'1ers ea!l",ly cashing in on the errcsteue e1l'<lion" with most o/>servers assuming
"p!",mmitil'S havc made m~ny markc'1s,
amoum of ere..tit."
M,. ("">C17-cma call, it a , hift to a
"debit" ,,>cil'1y from a "m ..lit" ,,>cil'1y,
bullish. "Our shorr-rerm p,,*'cti,lOS do
not show moderotinn, l~ in the fao: of
thc prl'SS mlkingabout a d,",bl.. dip," ", id
such as pad",ge goods, muc-n more rom-
p<·titiv~' and prin"foruS<...J.
the party w.;11 loS<.' the HouS<.' of
In thinkingab",n how obama, whose
and ,ome n'tailers are , hifting gears to Tom Harri",n, chairman -CEO of One ,..ni", om,umer !",ckage'-gnxl, aPrnwal raling ha, shppcxl lO a I,M' of
"ddn'SS consumers who pn'fer 1O sf'l'lld Omnicom C nll'p's Diw rsifil'<.l Agl'llCY l'XerutiW pn"lills wntin ul..J glU\\l h for 43%, might recowr from Ihis, C1in,,>o 's
more frugally or operal" on ca,h. Targc'1 SeTVio.'S gmup, who said hi, gmup i,5O..'<'- dc",'doping markc'1' over Ihe next fiw to firsl lenn OHnc'S up often.
m'xt month willlx'gin pushing its nl'W ing dn"ble-,ligit growth in 2010. 10 y<-ars, but at slow..t ro ll'5. [n,lia n'a..'llt- 1m
In o..mocl1us Inst Cnngrl'SS to a
5% n'waol, program thaI giV<.'5 , hoppers But Davc Senay, global CEO of Iy jnine..J China in ",i,ing inter""l mt<.'5 to Rel'ublican Patty Ihal wa, ,urging <m Ihe
5% off when they uS<' either a Tal},"-'1 Om niom 's F1cishman-Hillard, ",id thl' wol off glU\\th and avoid inflalion. he Contract With Amenca platfonn built on
cn.'<iit or debil Glrd, and Kohl', is adding O>05O..'ll'"S of "b'l'ncy hC'ads in the PR norexl. And risingor stabilizing mmm,x1- an ''PP'l5iti,m '" !l'w~'TTlmenl sf'l'llding.
S20 milli<m to its marketing buo:4,...'1 to industry is for a "s<''<"Clnd-half softl'nin"" ity ptio.'S l"Cluld foll:C a rebou nd in pncing Mr. Cost al},'Ul'S those mi,itl'nn losses
position itself as "th.. smartl'Sl d"ri"" fm whk h may be a haroinge']' of a k>oge']'- {)[ u~,ling "ff on pmm"tion globally in kept Clinton on his hc,<,ls until h.. dug in
a cautious <;OIlsumc'T: tenn trough: A double-dip n'a..'Ssion is the next yl'ar, he said. on a Rl1lllblican attempt to n'<.lure the
But markelers bmadly are for flOm "a tl.-al possibiliry." Wn'lt e" from 1""e,," reports. sf'l,<xl al which Mc~tiGl re Ul5ts wen' ris-
ing. In 1996, having <.'I1trendlc'<.l himself
as th.. rentn,t he Tt'ally was. Oint"n won
n---.:kCli,m handily.
"Oin",n w"s "bl.. '" lk, Ihal lx'Cluse
he wa, able 10attirulale a nc'w vi,i,m of
his pn'Sidc'llry," ",id Mr. Cost. "h ml'ant
,nmc'1hing diffen'1lt in 1995 than it did in
1993. The White HouSl' is fonun-,tl' in
thatlhe wtiting i, on the wall. [t's obvious
thl' Rl'f'Ublicans are going to do ,wll and
1 I it giVl'5 Ih.. ptl.'Sidc'llt lime to mull 'wc']'
how we're going to p'"ition oul'Sl'lves in
2011 and 2012."
And who,a few Yl'ars ago, """Id have
HARLErs ICO~IC RIDE IIlTH tAR~ ICHlE L lYNCH COMESTO AN END: thought Obama ",,,,ld be lad.ing whl'llit
Alter31 ve ~rs withtile motorCycle Cl)mpany, theagencymade anunusual move fl)"" a shop and resigned its client FI)"" more on(hiS story, QO 10AllAIje.COlI. <;oml'S lO c'><pn'SSing visum?

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