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1 fcm

• Lab testing of cements and cementing materials is an essential part of the entire cementing
• Testing begins at the manufacturing sites of the cement and the additives to monitor product
quality. It continues through to the slurry design stages at Dowell and in some cases the
clients laboratories.
• Laboratory testing of field samples can sometimes be used as an aid to post job evaluations.
Funciones del Laboratorio
z Evaluación del rendimiento
– Proceso de diseño de la lechada
z Medidas de propiedades específicas de lechada bajo condiciones
de fondo de pozo
– Proceso de Ejecución
z Monitorear preparación de material mezclado
z Caracterización Química
– Análisis cualitativo o cuantitativo de componentes de la lechada
antes de la mezcla
z Cemento
z Aditivos
z Fluido de Mezcla
2 Intro to Cement Lab

• In general, there are two types of laboratory testing of cements and cementing material;

– Performance Evaluation

– Chemical Characterization

• The typical Oilfield laboratory is engaged in only the Performance Evaluation of cements through
physical measurements of specific slurry properties under simulated downhole conditions.

• This type of evaluation is mainly in the Slurry Design Stages of a cementing treatment, and in the
Execution Stages to monitor the preparation of the blended material.

• Chemical Characterization

– Chemical Characterization typically involves quantitative or qualitative analysis of the slurry

components prior to mixing, to ensure their suitability for use. Analytical techniques are used for
quality control purposes at the point of manufacture. Such techniques are also used to monitor
the quality of the mix water on location.
Evaluación del Rendimiento - Lechadas
z Gobernadas por el comité API en “Standardization of
Oilwell Cements” (Com. 10)
z La publicación consiste en:
– Especificación de pruebas para lechadas de cemento
– Procedimientos operacionales de ensayo para todas
las lechadas
z Procedimientos designados para simular condiciones
de fondo de pozo
– Presión
– Temperatura
3 Intro to Cement Lab

• Guidelines for the testing of cements and cement slurries can be found in official publications such as;
• American Petroleum Institute (API) and
• American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
• The API committee on Standardization of Oilwell cements (Committee 10) acts as a governing body
regarding the development of standardized test procedures for the performance evaluation of well
cement slurries. The procedures are published by API as API spec. 10. This publication contains
specification tests for neat cement slurries, as well as operational testing procedures designed to
encompass all conventional slurries. Currently API has no testing procedures for foamed cements.
• The procedures are designed to simulate downhole conditions for performance testing in a reasonably
equipped field laboratory, and are based on a compromise between realistic wellbore conditions and
the practical limitations of the laboratory environment.
Evaluación del Rendimiento -
z Evaluación del efecto de limpieza
z Compatibilidad con el Cemento
– Tiempo de bombeabilidad
– Pérdida de Filtrado
– Esfuerzo Compresivo
– Reología
z Efectos en el lodo
– Reología, etc.

4 Intro to Cement Lab

• Spacers and washes perform two important functions in the cementing operation:

– To clean and remove the Drilling Fluid from the well-bore

– Minimize cement contamination by the Drilling Fluid

• In order to achieve this the spacers and washes must impart some degree of cleaning effect in
the wellbore and must be compatible with the drilling fluid and the cement slurry.

• Lab testing of these materials must include procedures to evaluate the above. Operational
procedures to evaluate compatibility are contained in API spec 10, Appendix P.

• The effects of a Spacer and Chemical was on the cement slurry Thickening Time, Compressive
Strength, Fluid-Loss Control and Rheological characteristics are investigated.

• The effects on the Drilling Fluid are also tested. Volumetric ratios of mud, cement and spacer
are specified for the tests.
Prueba de Compatibilidad
(Lectura mas grande de los fluidos combinados) – (Lectura mas grande de fluido individualmente)

<0 Compatible Combinaciones de Fluidos:

0-40 Posiblemente 9100%
incompatible 995:5
40-70 Ligeramente 975:25
incompatible 950:50
70-110 Definitivamente
>110 Severamente
incompatible 9100%
5 Intro to Cement Lab
Caracterización Química
z Se examinan cuatro tipos de muestras
z Cemento en polvo
– C3A, C3S, C2S, C4AF y Yeso
z Cemento mezclado seco
– Consistencia
z Cemento fraguado
z Agua de mezcla

6 Intro to Cement Lab

• Characterization of Portland cements and cementing materials in the

laboratory involves the application of appropriate analytical techniques to
provide chemical and/or physical description of the sample as a whole or of
the chemical constituents of the sample.
• Four types of samples are typically examined in an Oilfield cementing
• 1) Neat Cement Powder:
– To ascertain the relative amounts of the four principal phases present, (C3A,
C3S, C2S & C4AF), Gypsum and certain minor oxides.
• 2) Dry Blended Cement:
– To provide more accurate indication of blend homogeneity than performance
testing. The determination of additive content can also be useful in
explaining performance variations from one blend to another.
• 3) Set Cement: for the same reasons as for Dry Blend Cement
• 4) Cement Mix Water:
– Water is tested to determine ionic content such as Sulfates. Chlorides and
Hardness. These may effect specific slurry properties or have adverse
reactions with some cementing additives.
Preparación de la Muestra

7 Intro to Cement Lab

Preparación de la Muestra
z Use muestras representativas
z Acquisición de la muestra
– Antes del embarque
z Ningún aditivo debería ser usado si no proviene de
muestras reales del campo
z Procedimientos de muestreo y manipulación
– SPEC 10 Sección 3

8 Intro to Cement Lab

• A meaningful laboratory evaluation of a material is not possible unless the testing is

performed using a representative sample of that material.

• All chemicals and /or cement blends should be sampled prior to loading out to the rig, if not,
representative samples must be sent in from the rig. Samples of the same additive from
differing batches may or may not impart the same properties at a given concentration.

• Sampling and handling procedures for sacked and bulk cement are described in section 3 of
API Spec. 10.

• The use of proper storage procedures is particularly important to avoid exposure of the
cement to moisture and/or carbon dioxide in the air.

• The best overall sampling device for blended cements is a diverted flow sampler, which
permits sampling from a complete cross section of a flowing stream of material.
Diseño de la Lechada

9 Intro to Cement Lab

Propiedades de la Lechada
z Sedimentación y agua libre de la lechada
– Separación de agua de la lechada estática
– Puede migrar hacia arriba y acumularse en bolsillos, o
encima de una columna de cemento
– Resulta en aislamiento zonal incompleto
z Densidad
– Para balancear presiones sub-superficiales
– Esfuerzo final compresivo del cemento

10 Intro to Cement Lab

• Free Water:

– When a slurry is allowed to stand for a period of time prior to the set, water may separate from
the slurry, migrate upward, and accumulate either in pockets or at the top of the column. This
separation can result in incomplete zonal isolation, particularly in highly deviated wells.

• Density Determination:

– Cement slurry density is designed in order to balance subsurface pressures. The two confining
limits are Pore pressure and Rock Fracture pressure. Density also has an effect on a cements
final strength. The higher the density, generally the higher the set strength.
Preparación de la Muestra (Cont.)
z Bombeabilidad (Consistencia de la Lechada)
– Es el período de tiempo en el cual la lechada de
cemento permanece en un estado fluido y es
bombeable (Tiempo del trabajo + 1 Hora)
z Pérdida de filtrado
– Deshidratación de la lechada durante la fase de
z Reología
– Modelo de flujo de la lechada

11 Intro to Cement Lab

• Pumpability:
– The cement slurry will have to maintain its fluidity for the duration of cement placement. Most
Thickening Times will consider job time plus a further 1 hour’s safety factor.
• Fluid Loss:
– Fluid loss control is often responsible for primary cementing failures because of excessive
increases in slurry density or annulus bridging. In addition formation invasion by cement filtrate
may be damaging and therefore detrimental to production.
• Rheology:
– A slurries flow properties are controlled in order to lower turbulent flow pumping rates and
minimize displacement pressures.
Propiedades del Cemento Fraguado
z Adherencia
– Cemento - Casing y Cemento - Formación
z Resistencia a sulfatos
– Reacción a sulfatos de sodio y magnesio
z Pérdida de esfuerzo compresivo
z Resquebrajamiento
z Retrogresión del esfuerzo compresivo
– Encogimiento del cemento ocurre a más de 230°F.
z Permeabilidad
– Lechadas de peso liviano
12 Intro to Cement Lab

• Bonding:
– This involves the proper design of slurry/spacers in order to achieve optimal mud removal in
order to improve bonding, or the choice of a special cement system like WELLBOND or
Expanded Cements.
• Sulfate Resistance:
– Cements with high C3A contents are susceptible to attack by formation fluids with high sulfate
content, the choice of cement class is made based on this phenomena and temperature
stability. e.g. MSR & HSR cements.

• Sulfate Resistance:
– Shrinkage occurs at 230 degrees F. Special additives (silica flour) are added to the cement in
order to arrest this problem. These factors are evaluated by performing compressive strength
tests which are covered in this module.
• Permeability:
– Permeability of set cements is tested basically when using light-weight systems.
Proceso de Examinación









13 Intro to Cement Lab

• This slide shows the normal sequence of tests that are carried out on a cement slurry. Lab
tests are requested with a Lab Analysis Request (LAR) and results are reported at the end of
testing on a Laboratory Report form, this form varies by location
Equipo y Procedimientos de
Laboratory Analysis Request - (LAR)
z Se entrega al laboratorio para solicitar la formulación de la
lechada de cemento
z Designar aditivos disponibles para la lechada
z Se requieren paramétros específicos:
– Densidad
– Reología (Viscosidad plástica y punto cedente)
– Pérdida de filtrado
– Tiempo de bombeabilidad
– Agua Libre
z Proveer información sobre los parámetros del pozo
– Tipo de trabajo, profundidad, BHT y tipo de agua de mezcla, etc.
15 Intro to Cement Lab

• A Laboratory Analysis Request (LAR) is submitted requesting specific information on a

particular slurry, or, to request the design of a slurry that meets defined criteria. The purpose
of this form is to give guidelines to the laboratory staff. A typical request will be for slurry
performance parameters given a specific set of additives. Concentrations may or may not be
specified. When completing a request it is important to provide the laboratory staff with all the
relevant information, such as, Temperatures, Depths etc.
Cálculo de la Muestra
z El volumen de la mezcla para test de lechada es 600 ml
z Considere que la siguiente lechada está compuesta
de: - Cemento clase G y 44% water
Material Weight Absolute Volume Volume Weight Volume
(lbs) (gal) (gal) (gram) (ml)
Class G Cement 94 0.0382 3.59 42637.7 13589.6
Water 44% 41.36 0.1202 4.97 18760.6 18813.5

TOTAL 135.36 8.56 61398.3 32403.1

z Calcular para 600 ml

– Relación igual al volument total / 600 ml
– relación = 54:1
16 Intro to Cement Lab

• This slide is used to illustrate the calculation involved for the determination of the cement and
additive concentrations for a 600 ml sample. This is the normal size sample used for cement
slurry testing.
• Get the class to calculate the amount of cement & water they need to mix for a 600 ml sample.
(Water = 44% BWOC)
• Ratio is equal to

T o tal V o lu m e (m l)
• To calculate volume/weight for sample divide total cement grams and water mls by ratio. 54:1
17 Intro to Cement Lab

Constant Speed Blender

The properties of cement slurries can be affected by the energy supplied to mixing. The API standard method is to
mix under
constant speed regardless of the load for specified time frames. The constant speed blender is automated to provide
reproducible mixing energy to a wide variety of fluids.
Preparación de la Lechada
z Mezclada con un mezclador de alta energía de corte
z Dos velocidades rotacionales
z 4000 RPM
z 12000 RPM
z Agua y aditivos líquidos se mezclan primero
z Añadir cemento y sólidos a 4000 rpm (15 segundos)
z 12,000 RPM durante 35 segundos
z Este procedimiento de mezcla no se debe aplicar para:
– Microesferas (D124)
– Nitrogeno (lechadas con espuma)
18 Intro to Cement Lab

• The equipment specification and operational procedures for the preparation of Oilwell cement
slurries in the laboratory are contained in section 5 and appendix A of API spec 10.

• The mixing device is s two speed propeller mixer (Waring blender).

• The mixer is operated at 4,000 RPM for 15 seconds, (during which all the cement solids should
be added to the water), followed by 35 seconds at 12,000 RPM. careful periodic inspection of
the propeller blades is essential due to the abrasives of the cement slurry.

• The slurry mixing procedure specified by the API is not suitable for the recently developed
ultra-low density systems containing hollow Microspheres (D124), or Nitrogen as an extender.
Hollow Microspheres can easily be broken under high shear, consequently the mixer can only
be operated at low speed. A kitchen type mixer is also appropriate.
Pruebas de Lechada
z Medida de Densidad
– Medida con balanza presurizada o atmosférica
– Las unidades son: ppg, Kg/m3, SG
z Prueba de agua libre (API spec 10 sect. 6)
– Se coloca la lechada en un tubo de vidrio graduado de
– Se mide el agua libre (ml) después de 2 hours

19 Intro to Cement Lab

• Density Measurement:

– A pressurized mud balance is preferable to the Atmospheric balance since it compresses the
air bubbles trapped in the slurry. A atmospheric mud balance may be +/- 0.2ppg lighter due to
these air bubbles.

• Free Water Test:

– The free water test is designed to to measure the separation tendency of water from a cement
slurry. The procedure uses a 250 ml graduated cylinder as a simulated well bore. The duration
of the test is two (2) hours. As interest develops in deviated wellbores, many operators are
evaluating free water development by orientating the graduated cylinder at the angle of
deviation. Typically an increase in free water is observed in these situations; however there is
no clear understanding regarding how free water depends on column height.

• Slurry Sedimentation:

– As with free water separation, when a slurry is allowed to stand for a period of time prior to
setting, the suspended solids may tend to separate from the slurry and settle toward the bottom
of the cement column. This separation is particularly evident in slurries containing weighting

– There is no published procedure for determination of the degree of slurry sedimentation. Most
labs use the Free Water test as described and make visual observations of any distinct settling
which may occur.
Pruebas de Lechada - cont.
Prueba de Pérdida de Filtrado
z Simula el monto de fluido perdido bajo presión, contra
una formación permeable
z Están disponibles dos tipos de tests
– Baja presión (100 psi)
– HPHT, Alta presión, alta temperatura (1000 psi)
z HPHT es usada para tests de laboratorio, para simular
condiciones de fondo
z La formación permeable se simula por medio de una
malla tipo 325 mesh cuyo respaldo es una malla de 60
20 Intro to Cement Lab

• Fluid Loss Test:

– Fluid loss tests are designed to measure the slurry dehydration during and immediately after
slurry placement. Operational test procedures are contained in Appendix F of API spec 10.

– After being subjected to simulated wellbore conditions in a consistometer, the test slurry is
paced in a heated filter press. The filtrate loss ate either 100 or 1000 psi differential pressure is
measured across a standard filtration medium. (325 Mesh screen supported on a 60 Mesh
screen). The duration of the test is 30 minutes.

– The prescribed test evaluates slurry fluid loss under static conditions. No provision is made for
measuring dynamic fluid loss.
Static and Stirred Fluid Loss Apparatus

21 Intro to Cement Lab

Static and Stirred Fluid Loss Apparatus

These instruments from are high temperature, high pressure and large volume filter presses that determine the fluid
properties of oil well cements. The stirred unit ramps to temperature while conditioning cement slurries under
pressure. The
static cell is capable of running a fluid loss test in reverse position for horizontal wells.
Pérdida de Filtrado
z Para lechadas que deshidratan en menos de 30
minutos, el valor de pérdida de filtrado se puede
obtener por medio de:
F 30 = 2 x Ft × 5.477
F30 = Filtrado
en 30 minu
Ft = Filtrado
at Time
t = Time in minutes

22 Intro to Cement Lab

• If all the filtrate passes through the screen in less than 30 minutes the following equation is
used to calculate a hypothetical F30.

• A rough determination of 30 minute filtrate loss in less than 30 minutes is to monitor the fluid
loss for 7 minutes and multiply this value by 2. This will allow for a estimation of 30 minute
fluid loss.

– Use the following example.

– Filtrate at 7 minutes = 24cc

• 1)  5 .4 7 7 
F 3 0 = 2 4 c c ×  
 7 
F 3 0 = 4 9 .7 c c f i lt r a te

• 2) 24 cc x 2 = 48 cc filtrate
Rotational Viscometer (FANN 35)

23 Intro to Cement Lab

Direct Indicating Viscometer

The rheological properties of cement and spacer slurries are measured according to established testing procedures
per API
RP-10B. This is a 12-speed instrument (1 to 600 rpm) utilizing a Couette type coaxial cylinder sensor system.
Capable of
complete rheological assessment covering shear rates from 1.70 to 1022 sec-1.
The unit has a heated cup attachment for maintaining fluid temperatures to 190°F. Rheological measurements are
used to
model mud removal and cement placement.
Pruebas de Laboratorio - Cont.
z Calculado por la correlación de esfuerzo de corte
sobre caudal de corte
z Analizado con viscosímetro rotacional (FANN 53)
– Velocidad Rotacional (Caudal de Corte)
z 300 RPM
z 200 RPM
z 100 RPM
z 60 RPM
z 30 RPM
z 600 RPM no usado.
24 Intro to Cement Lab

• The Rheology of a fluid is calculated by correlation of shear stress against shear rate.

• The apparatus used is the FANN 35 viscometer, it provides rheological measurements at BHCT
(provided temp. is below 95 deg C, due to water evaporation) and atmospheric pressure.

• The rotational shear speeds are

• 300, 200, 100, 60, 30,

• The 600 RPM rotational speed is omitted from the test due to the centrifuging effect, where
solids will separate from the slurry.
z Lecturas de 6 RPM y 3 RPM omitidas
z Lectura de 3 RPM es usada para determinar
el esfuerzo de gel del fluido
BOB (Stationary)
– 10 segundos y 10 minutos

Rotational Sleeve

Slurry Cup

25 Intro to Cement Lab

• The 6 RPM & 3 RPM readings are omitted due to poor repeatability of the data.

• The 3 RPM reading is used to determine fluid static gel strength at 10 seconds and 10 minutes.

• The illustration is a cut-away view of the rotor/bob assembly.

Consistometro Atmosferico

26 Intro to Cement Lab

Atmospheric Recording Consistomer

The testing of cement slurries requires the measurement of thickening time, free water content, viscosity,
properties, fluid loss and various other properties.
These units provide a simple and accurate method for conditioning the cement slurries in preparation for making
these tests.

The operation and calibration of Models 1200 and 1250 are simple and easy to learn. The cement slurry is
prepared in accordance with API Spec 10 A/B, and then quickly poured into either of the two available slurry
containers in the unit. The stirring paddle is inserted and the lid placed on the container. The container is then
placed into the temperature-controlled water bath and stirring is started. The unit is designed so the stirring
operation can begin within one minute or less, in compliance with API Spec 10 A/B.
The temperature of the water bath is indicated on the temperature controller panels of both the 1200 and 1250.
The Model 1250 has a strip chart recorder to make a permanent record of the temperature and viscosity during
the test.
27 Intro to Cement Lab

Pressurized Consistometer
Thickening time tests are designed to determine the length of time cement slurries remain in a pumpable fluid state
simulated wellbore conditions of pressure and temperature.
Model 8040 has a temperature limit of 600°F and a pressure maximum of 40,000 psi. The consistometers are
monitored by
Chandler 5270 computerized software compatible with LabDB.
Pumpability of consistency of the slurry is measured in Bearden units (Bc). The end of a thickening time test is
defined when
the cement slurry reaches a consistency unit of 100 Bc.
Pruebas de Lechada - Cont.
Tiempo de Bombeabilidad
z Determinar el tiempo en el cual la lechada permanece fluida
z El consistómetro presurizado simula ambas:
– Temperatura
– Presión
z Reportado en unidades Beardon de consistencia (BC)
z Límite superior (API) 100 BC
z Especificación API spec 10 para procedimientos (ejemplos Fig B-7 en
Cementación de Pozos)
– Casing (1g - 11g)
– Liners (22 - 32)
– Squeeze cementing (12 - 21)

28 Intro to Cement Lab

• Thickening time tests are designed to determine the length of time a given slurry remains in a
fluid state under the simulated conditions of

• Downhole pressure

• Downhole temperature

• The test slurry is evaluated in a pressurized consistometer which measures the consistency of
the test slurry contained in a rotating cup while under simulated wellbore conditions.

• The pumpability or consistency of the slurry is measured in Beardon Units (Bc), a

dimensionless qauntity with no direct conversion factor to more common units of viscosity
such as poise.

• The end of a thickening time test is defined when the cement slurry reaches a consistency of
100 Bc; however, 70 Bc is considered to be the maximum pumpable consistency.

• API spec 10 contains schedules which specify the rate at which temperature and pressure are
increased, as well as the final temperature and pressure, during the test. Such schedules have
been derivedfrom field data on wells with differing temperature and pressure gradients, and
are designed to more accurately simulate the conditions of the cement placement.
Procedimientos API
z Cambios presión y temperatura
z Efecto en tiempo de bombeabilidad
z Evaluación realística de laboratorio
z Simulación de computadora (CemCADE)
z Nueva instrumentación

29 Intro to Cement Lab

• During the job execution, a flowing cement slurry is exposed to continuously changing pressure and
temperature; consequently, measurement of the circulating temperature and pressure profile in the
wellbore is very difficult. The highest temp. and pressure may not occur at the same point in the

• Temperature and pressure can have a pronounced effect on measured thickening time. Although
simulating the dynamic wellbore in the laboratory id very difficult, refinements in procedures and
improvements in equipment are helping make possible more realistic laboratory evaluations of slurry

• Computer simulations; such as the CemCADE temperature module make possible more realistic
evaluations of BHCT’s.
Curva de la Prueba de Bombeabilidad
Temperature deg.F
0 100 200 300 400 500
120 Bc
80 Temp.
Time (min)

0 50 100

30 Intro to Cement Lab

• Typical thickening time test output.

31 Intro to Cement Lab

Pressurized Curing Chamber

Curing chambers are specifically designed to prepare cement samples for compressive strength testing.
The cement slurry is poured into brass molds and placed under pressure and temperature. The cement sets into two-
cubes which are removed and crushed to determine the compressive strength in (pounds per square inch

High Temperature Curing Chamber

These units are intended for the ranges of pressures up to 5000 psi (35 MPa), and temperatures up to 750°F (396C).
can cure eight cement cubes (2” x 2” x 2”) simultaneously.
High Temperature High Pressure Testing
Ultrasonic Cement Analizer

32 Intro to Cement Lab

Ultrasonic Cement Analyzer

This equipment measures the change in velocity of an ultrasonic signal transmitted through the cement specimen as
Empirical algorithms track the relative cement strength development of a cement sample while it is being cured
downhole temperature and pressure conditions.
Pruebas de Lechada - cont
Esfuerzo Compresivo
z Esfuerzo compresivo del cemento fraguado bajo
condiciones de fondo de pozo
z Aparato;
– Baño de Curado (ATM presión & 82oC)
– Baño de Curado (3000 psi & 193oC)
z Procedimiento
z Unidad de medida
z Otros métodos
33 Intro to Cement Lab

• Two basic pieces of equipment are required in order to test the compressive strength of set
cement slurries.
– Curing bath or Chamber
– Mechanical press
• The water bath is suitable to test atmospheric pressure and temperature up to 82 degree C.

• The curing chamber is a pressurized vessel suitable for temperatures up to 193 deg. C and
pressure up to 3000 psi.

• The test involves:

– Preparation of cubes

– Curing cubes at BHST and 3000psi (or Atmospheric pressure)

– Determination of Compressive Strength by crushing cube with a mechanical press.

• Another method available is the Ultrasonic Cement Analyzer (UCA), developed by Halliburton.
It monitors CS development by measuring transit time of an ultrasonic wave pulse (400 khz)
through a slurry sample. The device is based on the correlation between CS and sound wave
transit time. The advantage of this method is that it is non-destructive and allows continuous
measurement of CS with time.
34 Intro to Cement Lab
35 Intro to Cement Lab
Reporte de Análisis de Laboratorio
z Al final de las pruebas de lechada realizadas se genera un
reporte que contiene la siguiente información
z Parte 1
– Información requerida
– Sumario de resultados
– Conclusiones y recomendaciones
z Parte 2
– Pruebas de Laboratorio y resultados
z Parte 3
– Apéndices según sea necesario
36 Intro to Cement Lab

• Self Explanatory:
Resumen de Procedimientos de
Test Category Equipment Procedure Reference
Sampling Diverted Flow sampler ASTM C702, API SPEC 10 (3)
Slurry Preparation Two speed propellar mixer API SPEC 10 (5)
Thickening Time Atmospheric consistometer API SPEC 10 (8)
pressurized consistometer
Fluid Loss HPHP fluid loss cell API SPEC 10 (app. F)
Compressive Strength Water bath, curing chamber API SPEC 10 (7)
Hydraulic press
Free Water 250 ml graduated cylinder api spec 10 (6) app. M
Permeability Water permeameter API SPEC 10 (app. G)
Rheology Rotational viscometer API SPEC 10 (app. H)
Static gel strength Rotational viscometer API RP 13B (section 2)
Expansion Bar mould, Cylindrical sleeves ASTM C 151
Spacer/Wash/Cement Compatibility Rotational viscometer Fluid loss cell API SPEC 10 (app. P)
consistometer, hydraulic press
Particle Analysis (Portland Cement) Blaine permeameter, ASTM C 204
Chemical Analysis of Dry Blends UV absorbtion spectrophotometry ASTM C 114
Chemical Analysis of Mix Water Wet chemical method API RP 45

37 Intro to Cement Lab

• Overview of tested parameters and instrumentation, with corresponding procedure

38 Intro to Cement Lab
Foamed Cement Generator

39 Intro to Cement Lab

Foamed Cement Generator

This apparatus developed by Schlumberger generates foamed cement with nitrogen under 1000 pounds per square
pressure. The pressurized foamed slurries are then cured at temperature for compressive strength, permeability and
measurements on the set foamed cement.
Pressurized Consistometer

40 Intro to Cement Lab

Pressurized Curing Chamber

41 Intro to Cement Lab

Cement Hydration Analyzer

42 Intro to Cement Lab

Cement Hydration Analyzer

A device to measures the evolution of slurry parameters critical to gas migration during cement hydration under
temperatures. Under fixed pressure conditions the CHA measures hydration rate, shrinkage (with regard to
contraction or development of porosity as the slurry hydrates) and mechanical properties.
Fluid Migration Analyzer

43 Intro to Cement Lab

Fluid Migration Analyzer

Fluid migration through hydrating cement slurries is a major reason for well completion failures. The result is a
need for
expensive remedial well treatments.
The Chandler Engineering Model 7150 Fluid Migration Analyzer includes the latest testing concepts and state-of-
the art Data
Acquisition and Analysis. It has the ability to run the test cell at any angle to simulate well-bore deviation; from
vertical to
horizontal. The 7150 is capable of performing/measuring fluid loss through either standard screens or actual rock
samples. The capture of more than a dozen data channels, including pressures (both absolute and differential), gas
and liquid
flows, and temperature, to a computer allows greater capability for data display and analyses.
Vane Gel Strength Rheometer

44 Intro to Cement Lab

Vane Gel Strength Rheometer

The Vane Rheometer was originally designed by Schlumberger Cambridge Research as a way to measure the static
strength development of fluids under pressure and temperature. The rotational speed of the vane is fixed at 0.1 rpm
minimal disturbance to the slurry. Torque, exerted by a small DC motor fixed on the magnetic drive, is measured
recorded by a force gauge.
Twin Cell UCA

45 Intro to Cement Lab

Twin Cell Ultrasonic Cement Analyzer

The Chandler Engineering Model 4262 Ultrasonic Cement Analyzer Twin Cell provides a non-destructive
determination of
the strength development of cement samples being cured under downhole temperature and pressure conditions.
strength is determined by measuring the change in velocity of ultrasonic signals transmitted through the cement
specimens as
they harden. As the strength of the cement specimen increases, the ultrasonic signal’s transit time through the
decreases. Using proprietary empirical algorithms that have, for two decades, been proven throughout the Oil and
Industry, the relative strength can be calculated.
Static Gel Strength Analyzer

46 Intro to Cement Lab

Static Gel Strength Analyzer

Gas migration and water flows through cements are two of the biggest problems facing the petroleum industry. A
great deal
of effort has gone into the development of devices to test for gas migration and water flows. One of the critical
made to evaluate the potential for cement slurry inflow problems is the Static Gel Strength development.
Pressurized Consistometer

47 Intro to Cement Lab

• Up to 22000 psi
• 400 F
Model 7222 Pressurized Consistometer
The Chandler 7222 Consistometer has a wide pressure and temperature operating range – up to 22,000 psi. (150
Mpa) and
400°F (205° C). With high temperatures and pressures applied to the cement, it is possible to simulate virtually all
well cementing conditions. This unit will be attached to a chiller for controlled cooling.
Mechanical Properties Analyzer

48 Intro to Cement Lab

Mechanical Properties Analyzer

The 6265 Mechanical Properties Analyzer (MPRO) is an instrument that continuosly measures the elastic
properties (Poisson’s ratio, Young’s modulus), and compressive strength (optional) of API cement under high
and high pressure conditions. The instrument captures ultrasonic signals that are passed through the sample, and
then process
the data to measure the development of the mechanical properties. The data is presented graphically using the 5270
acquisition and Control System (DACS).
HT-HP Rotational Rheometer

49 Intro to Cement Lab

HTHP Rotational Rheometer

This rheometer has programmable motor speeds ranging from 0 to 600 rpm. It offers broad viscosity measurement
due to the wide range of the torque (shear stress) transducer and the extended motor speed (shear rate) range. This
allows the
measurement of the rheological properties of a variety of different fluids. Pressure and temperature limits are
20,000 psi and

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