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“Aliko Dangote is the President and CEO of Dangote Group Bishop Oyedepo is the General

Overseer of Winners Chapel Both men sit on billions. Dangote employs and feeds millions.
Oyedepo receives 10% of salary of every member of Church monthly, owns and manages
investments including fees paying University. While Dangote pays taxes to the Government,
Oyedepo pays nothing. Dangote has one private jet but Oyedepo has a fleet of 4 private jets
including Bombardier. Citizens are supposed to be responsible and tax compliance. Here we are
with two extremes; a community builder and a Yahoo Yahoo Scammer.

Till date, No pastor or so called daddy GOs have been able to come up with a bible verse where
Jesus Christ or His first disciples collected tithe to counter daddy freeze.


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“You have been fed so many lies and such malicious heresy from the pulpit, that you have become so
repulsed by the truth, when confronted with it, develop a severe allergic reaction.”

“Suffer a witch to live is NOT Christianity, it’s taken from the same part of the Bible that admonishes us
to kill our stubborn children.”

“I won’t lie, I have prayed for an enemy to die before, but that’s when I worshiped God in ignorance of
his grace. There is so much we were taught in error that we all need to ‘unlearn’ before we can abide in
the fullness of his grace.”
“Remember what I did to that pastor that drives a black G63 when he cursed me? I blessed him with my
forgiveness, hard as it may be. Not only did he curse me, he went ahead to try to get me fired from my
place of work. Yet not once did I curse him or wish him evil.”

Occultic practices have so permeated the Churches that the teachings of Jesus is now thrown to the
Gutters. Of course, those prayers and midnight incantations work at times. The Devil make sure they
work as long as they plant hatred in peoples' souls and burning bitterness against that 'wicked' uncle. As
long as the adherents of such prayers are recreated with a darkened soul, miracles will happen for the
I stopped praying like that years back when it dawned on me the subtle ways the Devil is reinventing
some wicked acts of Mosaism, long annulled in the fullness of time by Jesus. God has since left those
things, not even the Jews do them as prescribed. Fatal Retaliation of this form is of Judaism and Islam,
but not Christianity. If not the early Christians who were fed to Lions would have formed an army of
prayer warriors and prayer points to kill every living soul in Rome.
It is surely from the same law that prescribed an eye for eye, prescribed the stoning to death of
fornicators and adulterers, passing a spear through a man for condoning fetish, praying for enemy to die
i.e.for victory before embarking on physical termination of the perceived enemy.
Mantle, Candles, Short wooden staff, Indian oil, seed money for the spirits, curses and spell casting, die
by fire, fall and die all work at times but they are not from Jesus.

If you pray for ur enemies to die then in whose presence will God prepare a table of ISi ewu n cold stout
for u.

freeze is just brilliant. Teaching gullible Nigerians about how they've been manipulated all this years by
some theological looters/tax collectors (sorry, tithe collectors)

Daddy Freeze is an imperfect human that speaks all the truths the entire pastors in Nigeria cannot
speak. At least on the issues he has so far spoken on. So instead of killing the man, take a chill
pill, to ur personal research and prove him wrong straight outta the Bible.

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