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] ¥ruth vet*x$ no mart, bom# xt no human rtrinr, $ te U neither place nor applause; rte only ash* a hearing. ISINGLE C U l ' I E l U i n


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him ; I Knew he was there ; I looked wildly In fortune destroyed by the great calamity, then; I m atched op the little table before vn», deter- the -plrlt e(»un*n/:»nd It* iali.ili'/ant*. such as 1
every pari of the great expanse. I could not w a s something g< n 1 for m e I was called upon iuio<-d to aearclr for the machinery mul expose It oev-T could have obtained fr Mil -all the pulpits and
.«l>eak, but my heart asked for lalher. Then it to write and compost and enter a variety of In-fore their eye*. Whilst 1 was doing thl*. the •B tum U o f philosophy. At the «-nd or thi- lime I
was for the first time that a distinct and pal pa, scenes where my thoughts wore blended with sounds etude on ih** ll >yr Wneatii tuy feet. I threw futcrmlned lo 1>r« :.k th- *p.-U. j *h»iitd return to
ICopyright Secured J ble touch enclosed me,and a father’s hand strok those of the highest Intelligence, who were u'ide the tutilo and now passed my hands along mv own country. I was only wasting iny moth-
the lloor.t[linking to detect the mysterious -pring, er’*little mean* ; -xh*ti*tlng tny-ctr and giving
LECTU RE li Y MRS. EMMA H ARD IN G E ed my child’s bead, and the mime dear voice,*•— brought into contact with me, and, perhaps, tin* when l o ! U aound-d upon the wail. 1 passed .ray
the welI•remembered voice, pronounced these sparks o f light and genius which dished a n u n d wav to a power whi-h l hoi not fully teamed to
baud along the wall, still determined -to detect it. tru*t. T h e experiences of ««ir live*’ art* not all
w ords," My darling, I am with you still." The me from time to time, planted a great v irioty o f The sounds were everywhere,' beneath my feet, known to n*. but It l* third to ihang-them . I
D e liv e r e d B e f o r e t h e P i n t A s s o c ia tio n o r memory of that hour has characterized forever thought which the .dear spirit friends have since, over my bead and around me, a perfect chorus of could not noli U-l th- psychological e .millions of
N p lr ltu a lla ta o f F l i l l a t l e l p l i l a , a t th e ir my view of death. T hey showed me the mar matured into elements o f great use. sounds. I sat down in a chair It was moved, M my own mind, and whilst at the *|Hril circle, the
H a ll * 11« W o o d s t r e e t , o n F r i d a y E v e * ble form o f the fnighty man, the strong, the The time came at last when a change, it seem lenity ; It seemed as if the very earth wa-> opening triumph nit d-light ot entru'i—ni-iit ..ml thujov
u l u g , O ct. 1 5 , 1 8 0 0 . brave, the good man who seemed to me in my ed to me, vtyt? essential; Bring on a g iv tour in 1! t-y some oarth'i-iake. I fell the chair in we, I knew of communion under the luigm-tk lon-e*. th- bro
childish fancy, able to carry the world on his I'aris, andcom ing in contact with an American not by w tut pdlrer. I t seenn-d to ll iat on In an ker. voice wa* restored at h a** to give I*, power.
NUMBER s|\*. ocean of unfathomable mystery. Many more aueti T h e en jo y m en t* t h a t l re a l!/ -d at th e s p ir it c ir
shoulders. I looked with terror upon that form, manager, lylraost in a moment, in quick re*>tless feats a / these were performed, when at last .M.tne- c l- w e r e p laced In th e o n e scale, an t th e b itte r
so long as it was in the house. There was the ness, I agreed to spend a term of six months in thrag like composure was regained, and I aat c o n v en tio n a l p rejudices w ere p laced in th e o th e r .
[ H -portid E xpressly fur th e RllJuio-PHitOSorm cAL JOUXIUX, America. I hail no sinner m o l; this engage
specter of something terrible about that House. ulone wiib a card In my baud. I waited accord-, I w ould -open th e Old Hook an d tu rn to ,*muc o f
by Henry T. Child, M. D.J I would go out Into the dull tw ilight, my heart meat, than I repented it. I deemed myself un ing to her directions to bear tti«»c telegraphic it* te rr ib le warning*. I h -ll-v c d t h a t it wa-s th e
constantly asking for father. I wondered where der a spell o f perfect infataition to have con sounds spell out a name. The d I iu m th at ro-c to la ri d i v, aud th a t 1 w as deceived bW scduclng spire
PERSONAL EXPERIENCES OK TIIE LECTURER. he lived. I kuew he was not in the stars,*for sented to it. On returning to England, those iny memory were my husband^ffty child, my fit ti •it*. I.u d u r such feeling* u* th e n ;,J r d e te rm in e d lo
they were too lar away ; but somewhere in the friends who were my counsellors and advhers, er. iny brother, the dearest and most preuious of break th ro u g h th e chain*. I p.-ic-i&i-d th a t 1 c o u ld
For many years, during which period I have my loved on es; these were un mswered. I eagerly no* vio it sud d en ly . . I
atmosphere, somewhere near to me, somewhere attempted to hreak my engagement. The par waited, b at the sounds p»**ed to the Initials of
itc u in th e babitof addressing audiences, I have I long, d o n ce iipwe to d ro w n tb e 'iu -rnnry ol th is
that be could reach me. ticulars of this part o f my life have been s > each oue’s name. I felt at least snlll -l«-ntly in te r wild and Wlerd carver. I th o u g h t I w outd r e tu r n
been required by the intelligences who have often bef-vre the public, that l need not repeat ested to becom ; bitterly disappointed, bat follow
furnished the thought! and inspired utterances I was afraid to speak of these things, for they to th e m o th e r c o u n try , but th is d e a r A m e ric a h a d
were not understood ; they were not in the Bi them here? Very great efforts were made to in g o o t the track that these sound* presented, t*-*g«m to wind h r reelf around m y h e a rt, an d I
to speak strictly on the subject o f the principles induce the manager to forego the.engagement^ they spelt a name that. I h id not before rc«*»g- could no*, t.. a r to p tr i a ll a t on ce. ' 1 w ould stay .
«.r philosophy which grows out o f the belief ble, and were not in the church. T hey called nizril, another I could uot recognize ; another and
me weird and strange, and left me in a strange and b e astonished myself and friends with 1 would apply f.>r*nme situatl m. i ‘ advertised
called Modern Spiritualism. The beloved guides, presenting my passage tickets a1readv pur Vet another name were spelled out. A t last it lor such employment n- I could derive support
the wise counsellors, the strong friends on whom isolation in which there was no apparent re spelled oat the name of a venerable tidy who had Irom luy abilities «> a teacher of music, I would
deniption. But these spirits, Bpecter* or mystic- chased for niyself and mother. The slsrihng
1 have been so long accustomed to lean, require died a lew months before. 1 had been accustomed go into a family and pi .cv my*cH in the position
being o f mine, has never left me ; and us year rapidity with which these arrangements were only to think ot fier by her si manic. 1 had forg <t of independent, rather than cniitiane in the course
me to-night, to reverse the order of things, and made, compelled me, as i» were, against my will
instead o f these elements of philosophy which I after year rolled on, I grew to love them and ten her Christian nauie. It was the name of a I w.i* engaged. 1 dftdred no other recompense
cherish strange fancies about them. I never and that o f all my lu st friends and a lviaers, to foreigner from a lar distant lan t, whom no one than would enable m to cure for mv b.djv.d m oth
have hitherto been accustomed to present, I am yield to this arrangement. present but mysell had ever h-*ard of. er. Every answer that cam • wa* irom a$piriiual-
desired to offer you my own personal experi knew certainly that they were the spirits nt peo
ple who had pa«scd from earth—I neVer knew It was agreed that I should spend six months* i must p it* over most of the event* of that 1st. They could hot know* who the unknown ad
ences as a Spiritualist. T he theme is to me em only in this country, and all arrangements tor a seance which lasted over three hours,during w hich vertiser wa*. yet strange-to *ay, mu o u v respond
inently repulsive, the task one from which, as a that they were the guardian angels o f whom I tim e t h e e same telegraphic sounds recited one ed but a Spiritualist. I repeated the advertise
had heard. I knew they Wc re my friends; renewal o f former engagements wen* limit; at
matter o f choice, fsh o u ld have shrunk. the end o f that tinv;. 1 left with my beloved After another the name- ot many ol my lit-lovtxl m ent. From that moment, a fresh form o| perse -
But in the same trust and confidence that my they told me o f com ing events; they told me of friends, their *g -s, and a great variety of feet* cu'loii came up in ine. Every medium th it 1 saw,
the p ast; they hung on my lips the mysterious and faithful neither. When I Cain • In these connected with lUeiU/ soT kit they wore all clear
w ise and honpred guides can cater better for s a i l ; "You m ust go out arid lecture." My ex
words of pr iphccy, apd. they warned oie.back shores, a few days only brought me face to I tec ly identified—each one with the full natn;. I felt cellent friend, the I’ouglikt-epric ->oer, Andrew
those whonjvfaddress thun I can myself, I have with another experience, wltum I no v perceive th at here was a power of mind. There was wisdom
cnnscnteiKm be the mouth-piece o f thoughts from manv a danger. Jackson Davis, said;,
to have been absolfttely essential to me in out there that was not or ttv* earth. "Em m a, you m u-t go out nu.t lec'urg,"
which s/fc my own. In the utterances which I There was one time when sorrows thickened working my destiny. It was a rupture with This was itic result of my tlrs*. seances. With It seem ed ire if th e m agic ol Ids voice had pos-
may ofier in the somewhat egotistical details, around me, sorrows peculiar to the couulry and this same manager, even before f cverapjieared the notes that 1 unde of that wonderful revela *-•—ed every friend t b i d . N o n e ap p ro ach ed mo
you mify not discover the wisdom. There are conditions ar amd me and o f Btciety—very upon this stage. He hid conceived against me tion, 1 passed out into the keen winter air. but in e x c e p t wUh th e sam e s tra n g e and h ackneyed
some hearts that may be touched, some minds strauge and unnatural they seemed, when a a determined Spirit o f hos'ility. T h is w is un ti n t three hours 1 bad passed over a gulf which phrase. I t seem *d m u t t e r im p a -iu llitv to m e
that may l»e reached by the detail I am required desperate step seemed open to me as the only derstood am >ng my coinptnion>, who uni’c l so wilf ueyer, uev*y again he bridged over, t b i t gulf who J,ad ever s h ia u * b ack from all t h a i th e w orld
to give, more conclusively than I could do in remedy for desperate griefs, l i matters not o f mystery whiph leads to the vast realms of «u- ti i*v»tt.!vtUflvd si* laiv-'L liiie lu * o iu * u ,
far in my favor, that when my very hostile pcruaturalisttr^over which fur tliousinjts of year*, th e li'A-t con cep tio n I h i t ' sh e w ho placed iiersctl
uny other manner. In a word, 1 have no choice. what it was. 1 was on my road to lake i t ; my manager lotind litis was th e ct«c, he determined
feet were tre-adiug the path, when for the first the pall of myateiy Between our bdovtd and our up u> th e p u b lic stagcqp* I had , wa* d o in g very
I therefore throw myseir on your indulgence not to submit to lois, and re tier than 1 «se their s-lves has timig. -It was now rent in twain. I ui.ieh lq « sam e a* m ic w ho stan d * u pon u pu b lic
and ask you to trust that some element o f use lime since that dear father’s mortal voic-c was services, lie continued min'*, ilin g a In* drew nu* knew i he air wa* full of spirit people, that they ro riru tii for th e p u rp recol in s tru c tin g th e peo p le.
may be gathered from the narrative I am about hushed forever, that voice sounded directly in entirely fro li the I f r m any weeks l looked into my glad eye*, th at tin world was lull * ■sm ug m in d ed w om en,” wa* in c p h ra w w ith
to offer. my path, in harsh, chiding tones, that drove remained in my own ro »ra, receiving the run- of them. Tne*e were Um thought* with which I w hich 1 had been .accu sto m ed to h ear such -p o k e n
Most of you are lamiliar with the fact that I mu back with the force o f a thunder bolt. 1 p-nsittmn. I gladly availed myself ol the ktmi returned to my home and laiU mv note* before of. J co u ld stu u d upon ih e stag e, a m im ic to
am a stranger in point of material birth, al turned on my steps and lis’ened, and for some ness of my companions t o show me the novelties my u ii'lie r, boiling th at she would bu the first am u se th e p-o p le. P u l tile o th e r, never. T h is
though spiritually born into a knowledge o f my time I expected its repetition. W hen all was that 1 might lead up to a belief m spirit*, llie sa sh o w * y o u w hat a vast m o u n tain of o b sta c le s tuy
which the city of New York presented. Am ong cred spirit* of the dead yet living. She wa* shocked spirit fik-iid* had to e n c o u n te r ere th e y cou ld b ead
belief in this land o f America. silent, I concluded it was one of those phan Ihise, it was suggested that I should investigate at the thought, aud It wa* long before she droifid lue to llie h igh and holy p u rp o se th a t th ey design
A pilgrim from the mother country,m y expe toms of which they told me. Again the sound Spiritualism. consent eveu to bear those motes. The thought ed lor m e. T hey stand w ith..til (he g a te - even a t'
lienees nave been widely different to any that cam e; on “ilher side of me that chiding voice Persons residing in the house where myself seemed like a harden to her mind. She told me t h - Very m o m e n t w h e n k v are clo sin g th e m
c-iuld be furnished by others. A s the slate of was heard until I sped back upon my footsteps, nud mother b mrded, were* .Spiritualists—I did that ir It were indeed true th at I had come under a g a in st th em .
society differs very widely iu the two countries, and then the grateful voice ca ne, •* I am with not even c rniprchcnd the word. Tney told me Mich a fatal delusion, in other and child intis part Again aim again, th e * au u answ ers w ere jierpet-
1 must therefore speak o f that era of childhood you still." How many times tin t voice has tbit sounds were heard, that intelligence Was forever. No am i could cqdure *uch terrib'e u *fty re tu rn e d , un til a t lu»t o n e p re se n te d him self
which seems to me most peculiarly adapted to saved me Irom error, if not from absolute ruin ! though I«, and retain Its sanity. 1 read her my who rep e a te d th e p o p u la r cry , bu t h aving en te re d
given. I remembered then having frequently notes, I read them in the simplicity o f truth, and in to c o nv ersatio n with him , confided th e secret
prepare for those larger experiences which have We pass now to that period o f time when the assisted in Paris at table turnings, and a variety
been mine on the American continent. grim phantoms were led away. I will now when they were com pleted aud all her shrewd of m y grief am i m y desire to escape from th e p sy
o f methods by which It was said the cone-mira questions were answered, a fresh light broke in chological w eb in which I w a*u n clo sed . R e to ld
Recalling now those periods o f early child point to some of the preparations which it has tion o f the will o f a small party would cause any upon her. My dear m other perceived th at here ine hu was com .nresioned by th e c tp iriu ialista of
hood, I can well remember the strange isolation been God's providence to outwork to bring tnc piece o f furniture to move any'way they desired. was a wonderful revelation, a revelation which re Troy, N -w Y ork, to ti id s o im ov * speak er* for
which I endured from the earliest moments to the position in which I was to fulfill the But there they said it was spirits. Spirits» I quired far more explanatlonjthan either the en th em W hilst I was re je c tin g liis o ile r m th e iu j* t
that I can recollect The facl that a perj>etual work that is given me. asked. Tncn a feeling of awe and recoiling thusiasm or the lauaticisin"of the believer, had p ositive m an n er, a tra n c e m edium cam e iu to m y
form of phantom faces were always around me, When in the midst of these overwhelming past over me—tue very idea o f a spirits c in- hetra aide to give. Here were, givm through a p a r tm e n t- ^ h d p o u re d fo rth a lo n g com m u n ica
and their voices were sounding In my ears,—I sorrows that broke up the household, myself, sounds and movements of tables, details and lacLs, tio n , d e sc rib in g iu g lo w in g term * w h at i sh o u ld d o
uected with those strange and mysteriotn things which no human being but herself utftl myself and clo sin g w ith an e a rn e st re q u e s t th a t I sh o u ld
knew that these faces had a real existence brother, sisters and mother were all compelled which are recorded in the old and new test could have known. p re p a re lo r tt im m ed iately , com m en cin g a new
somewhere, for they were oft times recognized to launch our frail bark upon the hard cold ament, when spirits walked the eartlL A terri Tue medium w hom ! visited Informed tue from »votk o flih i w hich Uad lo n g been p o in te d o u t by
as the faces of those that had passed from earth. w orld ; a choice of employment must be made. ble tear seized me lest tuy soul’s salvation should the Sr*t th at 1 was a medium m yself,'fm tlned to a spirit*. O de week uloue w a* given to uu- to p re
1 believed that 1 was haunted by the ghosts I was at that time endowed with a strange aud suffer by listening to s b c U lnfidelic suggestions. great work. She told me that I had been brought pare. B u r.u g t h a t tim e I w rote m any le c tu re s, b u t
and spec'res of the dead. Tliij belief was re wonderful voice, and it w as deemed that this This drove me Irom the Spiritu tirels, but I theru by spirits. I thought th it she w « but re th e sp .rlts w ho now seem ed to hold m e u u d er th e ir
pelled, and every method that educational cul marvelous, almost preternatural voice, and pow found that all o f my companions were imbued peating her Ic-cmii, but when I reminded her or lull lienee— th e y actu a lly luforrticd uie t h a t th e y
ture could suggest, was adopted. Still it re er should be devoted to the public. I was to be with the s »tuc spirit of infidelity. After a lime, this, aud told her th at It was by *u-;n method* of should ta k e a w ay my sig h t il 1 a tte m p te d to re a d .
mained until I learned to love these strange an opera singer, and to prepare me for this pe development th a t the latent power wa* called I took with me the veuerated oh; liibk*, thinking
noticing that per<ous who made this profession, forth, and that till* would put me on iny guard j tnat when 1 failed I should recite such passages
phantoms. I isolated myself from companions culiar-mission, I was placed upon the stage, and did not appear U> be rery wicked, 1 was induced against the fanaticism rather than lead me Into it, * as I bcllevd adap.cd lor that purpose. With th at
and playmates, and even my fcuialetcoiupanions, instructed by musicians ot the highest order. I to accompany ouu of them to an exhibition, as l she smiled at n i;. In the presence of three «>r lour design l went for the first time to the cily of Troy.
and stood alone, a strange, weird child, to be was charmed by my profession, and truly loved then denominated it, o f ibis strange power. I companions and with & perpetual distrust tor so.ne W hen 1 arrived a t lbe place where I was to lecture,
dealt with by those professional blunderers, the sounds ot music—I believed that music was entered a chamber where 1 saw a table around two or three week*, I sat In a epirlt elide. I,did lotus taken upou the platform with' uiy Hihlc lu
w ho seek to queuch the spirit through the urn my life, my mission ; my heart and soul were which were a number of earnest people. At not und'-rstand what the dovoloom *ut was to bo, li Hid and the various pAosage# which 1 had deter
tcrial form, and treat all such appearances us thrown into its acquiai.Ion. It became all the the moment when I entered, a sentence was or w hit method to pursue. When 1 found the mined lo read. Soon the say cl music voiced iu my
disease, This was deemed my case, and 1 wap dearer to me because a precious mother aud spelled out which seemed to me in some manner visions of firm er limes returned, to in s I could not cars,a flesh meaning in music.a meaning of widen
others were dependent upon me. connect thl* with Spiritualism. It was thercloru il I could discourse and give yon »iuh a glorious
dealt with accordingly. to confiicl with the bible—how or iu what way determined th at I abouid visit another medium p reep:ion Ot vvn.it. imutc really we should be
It might be this isolation, or it might be that A brilliant career opened before me when I was I kn >w no‘, but I had never been siitll .icntly whom it was supposed could call forth the a-dc to realize whut U the speech of the ungcls,—
there was a relation opened between myself and scarcely fifteen years-old ; but at n b is time k accustomed to reason on some things. U was latent powers of mRliu.u*hip by what is called de the Voice of Belly. A UcW era of perception
the invisible world, certain it is that the result vast calamity fell upon me. From the time enough that the awful words immortality and velopment. I placed every-guard around this, for seem -1 to dawn upon my miud. The audience
upon my mind was almost infatuation, which when I can first remember, one of the strange scr pturcs were announced b r one. In the deep fear th at some practice m ight be exercised upon were transparent be.ore me. 1 *a-v no face*, I saw-
cave me the strongest desire to pass away from experiences ot my nature was somnambulism. est indignation, arid some terror lest I had uo- me. The m oment 1 sat Iu the preachcu of that their bpirlls, som e d a rk a id some gleaming iu
the earth to the unknown land. I was taken 1 never remember llie feats, as ll»py were called, c lusciously perilled my sou), I left the apart medium, welt known In the city of Now York, a b^fhtneo*. 1 could have read oil the secret lmto‘-
by my teachers, Babbath alter Sabbath, and performed by m yself in this condition. 1 was strapge sensation carao over i u !. T hat I -vu# my- f j ol every oue. ^Whilst I wa* engaged in this
m ent/ and determined never again to place m y self a medium for spirit* so fully possessed my ad range speculation, a voice sounded iu uiy ear*
taught the servftts o f m y church, instructed in told they were very strange, and many **ec >rds self in such a position. Some weak* clasped that seemed to come Iroiu a long distance,-som e-
mind, th at urt do.ibtnas ever passed over Itjro iu
their meaning. I learned the efficacy o f pray o f my somnambulic utterances were kept. I and still it seemed hb if the very air was filled tnat hour, th at they can and do lultueiice me. Ba tftnua 1 felt interested In its uttcisucc* and would
er, and from the first time I improvised one that could scarcely endure to have them repeated to with this. At first, I lis'ened with fear, but as I ring several hours, In the presence of a very lafge follow l&\acntcncea, and thun it would pass uw*y,
welled up from my heart, It was that I might be me. I was never conscious o f what was per became more accustomed to these, 1 remembered circle ami aeveral mediums, several of whom otter and strauge characters moved before me. T h u s
permitted to die. Inexpressible was the yearn formed in this state. About this lime the som that my old experiences might cond.-mn me. ed to me, and I in turn to them, evidence of the the hour was passed. I teemed theu to recall to
ing to pass to this land ol the unknown. A one nambulism assumed a lnghtful phase. T hey say With a de ire to make a collection o f auch fac.s presence of many deceased per-ras. Mllll 1 was tuyscll th at lor one hour 1 had beeu speaking. The
of those childish fears o f death that usually pos that I would rise in the night and utter tbc'm >st and peculiaritcs o f this country as I could gather unable to Judge of the power. Nothing but a duu words had poured from my lipa, neither like a les
wild and piercing shrieks. memory remained wllh me. * son th at had been teamed, uor as my own u tter
seas the minds o f children, were mine. up, but without the smallest conception that Again I was determined to retreat from this aw ances—aouietbfng that 1 wa* compelled to p e r
My teachers must always seek for me in the The utmost efforts were raa le by fcoo.l and they could mean anything else but Borne s n a il form th at Was exceedingly pleasant lb me ul
wise physicians, to change the current o f my ful mysterious preseuce, when sum* one asked iuo
old cathedral cloister and In the solitary grave trick; s unc huig which only required English whether I could not reeall *onie evidence to my time* hud exceedingly painful at others, for I*
yard, where I seemed to myself to bo nearer life, but they were all in vain. The only evi skill and experience to expose, I again consent self, would I not ask for ouu or luy own spIrU partook of m any s.-nsati<ins, but still the word*
that death which 1 longed to experience. This dence I ever had beyond the record of others of ed to visit die medium with a friend. As I enter friends * When Immediately a drawing of a ship were poured forth. ’ ,
made me a strange child—suffering, perhaps, these terrible performances, was the loss of the ed the apartment, I was determined to expose was banded me,by a medium, 1 perceived there a Shwrily *n*r ibis, I itojd bufar* a j'tiila i-lylo* *udl •
from some mysterious power. I believed it was highly prized voice. E ic h day after these terri this shameless impious imposture. I saw.b.-fore graphic manifestation, a gan frigate. I recog *d c «. Kruiu tbs Minutes of th* first A» >cMirea of Sptrilf
the yearning of the Spiritual within me, to hold ble exercises, I found m y voice became more me none ol those etberial beings whom my fan nized undfr ll the name Vixen,and above It a line iiallsls oi t’hitaJstpbla, sra tak* ths following extract:
communion with the Spirit World. I did not and more changed until the power was gono. A cy had pictured as the legitimate messengers of written, the *U«l words ever spoken, to me by a
d-od sailor brother, Jhruo died on hoard the ship V^Io t Sttii, 1847. Th* ln-iuro oommlttv* report tk a l
realize this unnatural condition. The conuec frighllul disease o f the throat was developed, the B pinl Wo fid. T Here were only plain mat Kmuia lUiOluge. of Xi» York, laciarnl on Subdey, tl •
lion of the invisible world was never broken, the grenf gift, the highly prized treasure, the ter of fact persons, with somewhat repulsive feat Iu parting from me he waved bis tarpauilo, and loth, to tb* lawtnlng.cn "T ru th and Spiritual gifts ;**]q
but perpetually grew with my years. T he first gem tnat was to carve out my way 11 wl-alih, ures, for I had not yet learned that great lesson called out to n u the chirge to procure for bu r lb* *(*iilng on " l i i pfration and medium.hi^ - On th*
startling era in my young life which brought was gone—the voice was lost f T he deep dig iu regard to human love and brotherhood winch m other au old *c a * mg. Tn*t charge was there, 2-*ud, to toe in -rniug. oM^ProgrvMtoa iu the evening
mo nearer to a true conception of death, was pair, grief o f mind and suffering o f b idy brought teaches that every form upon the brow of bu and with it the drawing of the ship which bad on -Magic.*' Th.jr were v*ry able aud .-loqu.-ut lectors*.)
the loss o f a most kind aud Indulgent father, a me to the verge o f the grave, and then it was, rn m iiy that lias received the impress of the !>.- boea to him his g uve, and und-rneath Ills precious 1'ioin th it ittouiml .(b» sains p ise r has coeaw ullj b**n
strong man, who seemed to me all the world; a when others mourned and sympathized, that vine, is my s^ter or my brother, (^ensuring name, unknovu u» any one present but myself. I
nek you to recall J‘our own experiences la the with ui- f>r t«« lre ytsrs. I'roui the first w a n lfatatlo n o f
dear father, of whom I could never dream as the faces grew brighter and the unknown voices m yself severely I »r being in such company, I sat same direction, and when the world sucer*>nd spirit powe to me upon th* public rostrum, I was charged
passing from me. A few hours beforqtbis great grew stronger, aud whether it w as In the hope with proud iodtfference. I found my compan
that I should soon go to the land o f shadows, scotls at these trill J , I ask if they do not spe ik tq by lb* splrlft to ylatd^np my dastiny concerning th*
mysterious metamorphose passed over iny pro ion who was a medium also enter, d luto conver you aa they did. to me with trum pet tongues, loud speaking entirely to their bands. * Walk la your Ilf* your- •
tector, he called me to his bedside and bade me and understand all the beautiful mysteries, sation with the others upon very indifferent er than ever spok* Irom pulpit or rostrum ,—pro
or whether it was that they brought the art of self." sold they, "•very act yon perform, av*ry thought yon
sing a song that I had often sang for him. He topics, while they left me'to my own feelings. claiming the presence of the ham irtals. < think, tbrao you are rasp juaib.e fur, hat la the work you
said it was very sw eet to his tars. Tnis was spiritual qrajolation to my bruised heart, I Tnen first smiuded in iny ears the low tap, tap Eighteen tujnihi% *m th at lime, ( was rrq fired
know n ot;/ Inft I was Very happy, and no wail by th o s; spirits who noi. became to me Individu do for the spirits, «re will tak* ctferg* Of every action.
the last lim e I saw him on thieearth. A s the o f the immortals. The scene iu the presence of
o f sorrow went out fr6m my ow n heart. alized Irle n d v o u -e “«*• JPeatlog th e story ot Wbeticvtr y>u walk lo the palls w itch the spirits bav*
tones died away he closed his eyes in sleep. A these uninteresting persons, was repulsive to
few hours later I heard the restless feet o f the A n oth ef profession was chosen lor me—still m e ; but there was a mysterious echo iu my own the long ago through the vatfJW of these mani directed, tltsy *lon* m tst gold* y«m, they alone with tb*
the stage,—but my physical utterances were festations, proclaiming to me th a t-th e y all still b«.p of th* Great Spl.lt csw support you." This was mv
household moving hither and thither, and low heart wideb awakened my attention. I ex lived and still loved andT that I a dweller lu
voices pronounced llie dreadful words, " H o is sadly marred, and it was scarcely possible to claimed, what is it ? Tuey told me it was spirits, work, that I should never seek for sngagsM*ots; th a t 1
the mtJbl of them. From these dear and beloved should never rusks any effort to realise for myself funds ;
dead." W hen the gray morning came, I ran hear my voice. T he writers on the Loudon spirits, that sue ed word I T hat awful word, friends, l received ft c h a « c to devote these pow
from tt e dreadful house Into the pure air. It stage to which I belonged, perhaps la kindly dread mysterious word, which seemed an echo ers freely to the woHd; and for eighteen months I that trh o a lJ nsrer pander to lbs press; th a t I sbontd
was damp and cold ; there were a few pale stars sympathy and deference to me, gave flattering from the vast profound gloom o f the sepulcher, s at as a public nudlura.frce of charge, b u t the ex never comprontlt* tbs truth to tb* pulpit; U u t I should
tw inkling in the sky, but there was a strange notices of me. I remained here for some years. fhe. spirits! perience# th at were thus brought to my door, th at stand firm ny tb* truth I bad embrac'd, and lea vs tb* rest
and mysterious dimness everywhere. I ran It seems to me, in looking back upon my associ Again the feeling of deep Indignation, alm ost were opened at ray tabic, m at were presented or my d**Uuy to my spirit golds*. They bad b**a ju st aad
from the house o f the dead where my father was ations at this time, with highly educated, refined revenge, and determination th a t this h deous im a t my circle*, wore priceleas, became mountain* Continued on fourth page. i ,-j
not; I went out into this great vacancy to find and Intellectual ptisans, to eke out th e broken position should oot prevail, atezed upon my mind- ot wealth to me, opened up to me a knowledge of
KELlGlO-PHILUtSUPHIGAL JOURNAL. D e c e m be r 4, 1869

T h e sp irit m anifestation* h iv e com e to s la y . present generation to teach, the hoary beaded For the R.-Ugfo-PbUoaophlc*! Jourosl. ment and the curse or God on which the
TU E SPIR IT S A N D ELD Eli K N A PP . T hey w ill n o t be goue in a h u n d red years.n o r In a sage* of our bigoted institutions of learning. L e tt e r f r o m D r . H . P . P a lr fle ld . doc'riabofendit-as-qtisery is p red icted. If m&n
R e p ly o r lb « o ld n o l iB W k C h l e f t a l u , lo th o u sa n d . Before th is ce n tu ry Is closed, th ey will had an existence many thousand* of year* prior
be a s Well u n d ersto o d an d recognized aa th e w o rk T he important lessons that are being givenby D e a r J o u r n a l :—Thy beautiful form ia cve^ to
K lile r K u o p i’ , t b e . G r e a t A m e rica n in g s o f th e m ag n etic te le g ra p h . T h e sp irit* have the family fireside and in the by-ways and ibe M «aic acconnt, that account must lie
hedges, are ignored and scouted, as w eic Cer betore me in all of my travels among the people. ' false, and the incident* connactcd with that
H e v I r a lU t. alw ay s tile d lo h o ld co m m u n icatio n wit-ti m o rta ls,
b u t e a rth life has u o t been fully read y lor th em tain problems in mtibematic*, developments in Thy truthful voice ol life, immortality and heav period erroneous.
From Ihc Xfealog Wuooaaln. till now. T h ey killed Je .u a . Tiiqy sto n ed th e chem lsiy, discoveiies in astronomy aud geolo enly communion, U heard io all tbe wide-spread Washington D. C., Sept. 27,1««9.
prophet*. T h e tialctn w itches, w ho w ere n o th in g gy tn past ages. Tne com blued talent o f all the
GIVEN TUBOCGI1 DU. W. BEHIND, MEDIUM, OF MIL* b u t medium*, w are believed to *be:dgeut» o f th e earth. Reform and progress is thy universal
learned mathematicians in the world could not
d e v il, an d w ere h u n g w ltlio u ljtid n e o r Ju ry . T h e
spirit* lo la te r years, h ad w ith d raw n irom ta n g i
solve a problem in a week, that the re nowned watchword in the civil, literary and religious
W e E ire below th e full s ta te m e n t o r th e s p ir it
Of th e th e old M ohaw k In d ia n , giv en th ro u g h a
ble m an ifestations. tUI th e y coukf w ork th e e a r th 's
ln h a b lls o is along by d U coveil^s s a d e n lig h te n
Salford boy and Z:ra Colburn, o f Vermont, institutions. T hy philosophical voice o f love
could splve mentally id five minutes ; and yet, and wisdom is bringing mankind to appreciate
%irw from flu Sroplc.
m edium , lu rep ly to a disco u rse o r E 'd e r R u a p p m e n t, an d e x p la in the=e m aukteslaliona to th e m when the former had got to be old enough to the manifestations o f tby spirit, so that they can
on T u esd ay eveulng la st. In w hich be d eclaq-d th e by law . leave b is mother, he was sent to a popular Col now ca ch swyel glimpses of the dawning ligbt
sp irit m a n ifestatio n s to be a reality , b u t fell th e
works o f th e D evil. T h e old M <h*wk claim s to
T h e sp irits first d iscovered to e a r th m o rta ls th e lege in Cambridge lo be educated: and never.siucc o f heaven, ana enj >y the blessed society of tbeir Mits. ill a c a o wry.
law s o f e lectricity an d th e tn&ibod of co m m u n icat he entered the vestibule,of that institution, have departed triends and relatives. Thou art har-
h a v e been in th e u p p e r h u n tin g g ro u n d m ure th a n in g In tellig en ce over teleg rap h ic wire. S p irits L s it e r fr o m S a m u e l E d d y ,
s h u n d re d years. He w a i fo rm erly , he s ay s, a
you heard of any ol the wonderful exploits of> monious, and truly brave in thy noble work o f
em p lo y th e sam e specific m odes lo com tn u u icstlu g that remarkible yociji, who astonished tha* uprooting the useless ‘ and. destructive
. . — errors o f
c h ie f a n d m ed icin e m an . H is reply, w hich U g iv in te llig e n c e . T u e people a re now so e n lig h te n e d D e a r S u e — A short time since, I had the
en lite ra lly , w lih .s few g r a m m a tic a l c o rre c t! j u s , b y science a n d te le g ra p h ic k n o w le d g e , th a t th e y world before he kiioW the muliiplioniimi table. the Church and State, which have so long bur
Is o ne o f th e m o st r e m a rk a b le c o n trib u tio n s to c an sufficiently u n d e rsta n d Hie law s o f s o lrlt co m William Denton cuuld teach the oldest aud most dened and oppressed the body and mind of pleasure o f meeting Mrs. Ira Cagwin, o f Jfeffer.
s p irit lite ra tu re . m u n icatio n s, a n d a re re a d y to rjclSve th e m . Me experienced geologist In the World before be ev . humanity—that terrible system which teaches Bonville, Ind., aa good a test medium as Wo have
REPLY OFTUE INDIAN* d iu m s m ay y e t be reviled au d d en o u n c e d aa o f th e er opened a book treating upon that subject. that U>k 1 is a J -alouu, cruel, avenging Being. for writing, and aa I have beeu one uf the read
“ G ood p re a c h e r K n a p p th in k * th e devil Is on h is d o rll, by m isguided aren, b u t they will never ag ain Hudson Tuttle can give you belter ideas in its It is no wonder to me that men, women and
be b urned, or hung, o r nailed on th u cross ol cru - ers o f our blessed J o u r n a l since Hs first publi
tra c k s , s u re . M e au d o th e r <lnfljeuee» g o t round tronomy and world making, tbau all the pro even children become selfish, j ialous and blood
him to -n ig h t, w hen hu becam e too ro u g h , au d we ciflxiou. T h e ir work o f love an d m in istra tio n to fessors combined. A. J. Davis discovered plan thirsty, alter meditating up.in their terrible God. cation, I shall stick to it as long as there is any
b o th e re d h im a ll u p , and he lo st »Uu run o f hi* e a rth m o rta ls will now go o o ; th e sg e wlH a d - ets an 1 published the fact o f their existence aud O, degraded, blinded, misguided soul*, how
Vance; a new e ra hs* opened jip u u th e w o rld ." rags left lo make the paper for it lo b e printed
d isco u rse. W e can d o It any lim e. T h e e ld e r h a s locali y several years before the same were-dis thiuk y e that tbe Angel World look upon the upon. I take tbe liberty o f giving you a dis
a band o f tw e lv e s p irits a b » u t him ; th e y w ere all c >vered by profettional astronomeis. T ilery prayers and sacrifices which are offered with cretio n of a seance with the above named la
old p re a c h e ie . w h o stick to th e ir old e a r th Ideas, are hundreds o f clairvoyants who can ace every such thoughts to such a being? Call not him dy.
a n d a re n o t y e t a ttra c te d to e u lig lite n rd e p lr lta ;
a n d th e en lig h te n ed sp irits a re n o t d e p o s e d to in
te rfere till th e y ask o r desire ir.
©riginat tEssatjS. organ of the human system as d e a r i e s if the
body was made o l glass, aud point out the d is
God whom ye thus ignorantly worship. Dear Mr and Mrs. Cagwin arc a congenial and
friends, you can not make auy prog less, enjoy happy couple, surrounded with three bright
W e sh a ll n o t h a rm th e e ld e r, o r a su re. \ \ e eased parts with unerring certainLy, and pre religion aud become uselul while tormented and intelligent children, a truly harmonious
s h a ll t r y to e n lig h te n him au d h e lp him lift his For th* Keligio Philosophical Journal scribe proper remedies for the cure til the same, with such frightful phantoms and gu id xl by family.
lo ad . F a ith Is good, b u t k n o w led g e Is b e lte r. Aud who never entered a medical college (God save such men as are Interested in perpetuating your I sought them out, and, introducing myself, I
first, le t blm tn ro w off his creed b la n k e t, and he T h e I t o y a l B lo n d (o K n o w l e d g e . tbe m art), or lound it necessary to rob a grave ignorance, and Imposing upon XoUVh'- double received a very cordial iovilatlon to witness
g u id e d by th e h ig h e st lig h t w ithin h i n t L it h im yard, or study a Latin phrase. yoke o f moral ami tcnqtoral power. You will such manifestations as the spirits could give;
k now t h a t ev erybody w ho perform s a go i i a c t , . V isv a. w. l a m’El l . Tula particular phase o f mediumship has be ever be a slave, without courage,—confused, and although I did not receive any pesooal test,
a n d h elps m en acd .w o m en w hen th ey are in tro u b
le a n d bid* th e m sin n > m o re, Is C h ri-l lik e Let I a e recent is me nf the J o u r n a l , we saw an come so general that medical men o f every fearing to reason and unable lo extricate your yet I saw that which gave me entire satufac- *
m e te ll him t h a t th e beat w ay to c o n v e rt pei school are accepting it as a revealed science, and self irom the labyrinth in which you have been tion—that tbe lady is oou o f the best mediums
article from the pen o f our good Brother J. M. making suen u->e ol H only, aa ^ co n s is te n t with so long wandering. If you will think, reason in thi* country.
In th ese lim es, l> to sp e a k to th e h ig h e r ordei
th e ir n a tm e s . A nd le t m e p riv a te ly h in t to ' ■Window, headed, UE crnal Vigilance the Price the maintenance nf their dignity and safety as aud investigate for ynursell, you will positively The stand used was an ordinary bed-room
t h a t he can c a tc h m o re flics w ith m olasses 1 o f Liberty," in which he argues that, as’Spirttu- an inslitu ion o f the land. be able to prove all things pertaining to Spirit wash-stand, with a drawer which L examined
w ith v i n e g a r ; t h a t h e c an d ra w in m o re by p o r Who educated Cora L. V. T apptn, A . J. ualism, and hold last to that which ia good. very carefully. The draweT w as filled with old
tr a y in g G o d 's lo v e , th a n by p o rtra y in g Ilia w ra th albtn b is attained its ma| irity (tw enty-m e
a n d h a tre d . F r ig h te n in g p eo p le Into th e c h u rch is Davta, N ellie J. T. Brigham, L zzie Doten^C. You will have uo reason to despair. Y'ou will letters and paper*. T oe room w h s fully lighted.
years ol age), that we .arc o'd enough and nu Faunie A llyn aud hosts o f others, who ,c >uld uot b e left alone to struggle longer in the ter A shawl was thrown over the stand a-id a slats
n o t th e w ay to m ake g-md O lu U 'ia n s, and m ak e
th e m slic k . I t was a p rim itiv e idea, an d is p a s merous enough to go into business for ourselves, successfully dis|mte with the learned.D . D*. rible web o f theological error. Behold the aud pencil held under it, when immediately the
sing aw ay w ith th e ag e o f s team and te le g ra p h s and urges the"c lllege enterprise" «s o f p tramonnl when they were mere children Y And we might deliverers arc near to bless and encourage you, pencil was heard moving upon the riate, giving
and p riu iio g p resses. 1 ,, , , importance, and ask*. " Can Splrilutliats boast .os well ask who taught and the fishermen * even yi^ir departed friends, God’s ministering unmistakable evidence that nothing but a spirit
A b o u t a w ar iu heaven o r a devil in h eaven, vi >f Gal 11let-, aud made them educators pt the pe*»- -spirits, and then there is the R e l ig io P h il o could do tbe writing. They do not receive any
w h ich you p ic tu re , we can hardly u n d e rs ta n d It. o f a college f " We a*e happy iu being able lo ' pie, ministers o f G ol for tbesalvatfii^M a proud s j i 'IMc a l J o u r n a l , B a n n e r o k L io u t , and cMupensation for their seances—will not take
I f th e re w as e v er a w ar iu b ra u -n . It m u st have answer n o —that no f »ur w allaof a building aud educated aristocrady; and anewpr, the same other means o f intellectual grace near to aid an y when offered, aud, as I learned upon inq li-
been aw a y b a c k In a low ag e o f sp irits, of w hich
we h av e u o reco rd . tVe c m lu n g l n e a p o w d er costing ,‘^•^')0,000,,, more or leas, ha* yet b-*en inspiring spirit that is prevalent totlay, whk;h you in the work o f reform, to reveal to you tbe rXi-are wealthy and very highly respected.
m ill dow n u n d e r th e w a te r» u t your o cean , b u t u o ti erected lor the purpose o f enclosing a lew choice ’has be.-n so wonderfully fuanilestod “ m these glorious heights o f wisdom and purity, which i~should not have troubled you wiih this let
a devil In h ea v e n . H eaveu Is peace. , . , Jailer days "—these twenty one yt-Vre last past. you may yet attain. They really unfold the ter hud I not seen a production from s imu Indi-
“ M other Eve rep resents a very e arly p eriod o f Spiritualists, in to w fe o s e ban Js shall bd com Even the so called Spiritual moniitabanks, who ever rising paths ol fttogress, and poiut to the annapolis savant, explaining how he supposed
e a rth lifo, w hen th e h u m a n w as closely allied to mitted many or ffi# yonng and tender thoots to are a* innocent o f a Collegiate training, as an ghiriesorih e overcom ing tumre. The J o u r n a l the manilcstations were* done, and spreading
th e b ru te . S he was naked and Ignorant like a be moulded and fashioned accordlryj l o the liouc*t man is of the mysteries ol a Fare* Bank, is the great magnet by which the Western his suppositions before tl^ public as facts which
b e a st, if sh e had n o t a le o f th e forbidden fru it o f \ r u giving lessons In chemistry and the most o c World ot mank'ini is drawn heavenward ! Tne would have some weight with those not know
th e tre e o! k n ow ledge, she would have bcch a be a st whims or capricesof any bloated aristocracy ; for*
alill. S he th e n saw h e r n a k e d n e ss, au d to o k thu cult of nature’s forcuS, that 1>.«I111 the sk illol thu B a n n e r o k L ig h t is the* sun whose fadeless ing her to he a lady above reproach.
be it known that organize 1 SpirkualiaU can be most'scifutitic lo c nnprehcml, aud il i* thus lhat light warms and strengthens the hearts of the It would be a pleasure f »r mu to give the par
f i r s t 's t e p ftr w a r d to C loths her* df. Tu-s devil
sh o u ld n o t be a b u se d fo r s la rllo g h e r o n w ard in as bigoted as any S'.-et or class o f person* coder the weak things of i i«- world are- c >alda«ding children o f men, in the Eastern Hemisphere 1 ticulars of the seance, hut I will not tresspass
th is resp ect. , , heaven. T n ’J ^Vginiitvtion of Spiritualist* has v|ha mighty and putting them u* flight by tUon-t- Tlio mediumistic souls are the fountains ol lire upon ym u patience more.
Je su s cam e. J -sus was h ea ler. J"# u » was a me- been most persistently urged [or several years whose sireums go forth in all the world, far Fraternally thine,
d lu m . L e t I hi* L e t b s re m em b ered fo reverm ore, Thcsc iuspired ones arc the Teal disturbers of away oVer and through all the wastes of human Sa m u e l E d d y .
l i e w as th u hi 'b e s t m edium th a t has y e t *pi>eared past, and the time o f }t.* acc rmplishment ia ap the peace, and as they apprnac i, the pmieisors life, way down among all the hiding piuces o f
on e a rth , an d th ro u g h him w ere sp oken ib e h ig h parently as remote as ever. cry out, “ Let u* alone; what have we lo do with the guilty, wlu-re the tear o f hu'ma'n sympathy
es t tru th * t h a t w ere ev e r given to m an. A nd vet
W e ns Spiritualists have a college “ not made f'c c , thou ignorant mm of a -----carpenter. is fetid mi Hied, where sin, ignorance and ' J fits . B lltN E Y.
J e s u s w as crucified becau se he w ai a m edium ; be
c a u se h e vva* a “ b la s p h e m e r;" b ecause he w as w illi hands, eternal iu the heavens," and on the T.if'C are the pioneer* in education ; it is these wretchedness exists,—there they fl iw to e'eause T h e C o n tr o l Il a g I n flu e n c e C h a n g e d .
“ po-ses-cd «<f a d e v il," in th e sam e rnuuuer th a t who are bringing to light the hidden things in and parity ihc c irrupt aud gr*>9s I Thiuk not
tartii; its prolessors and cdurttor* are the a n o l i v e o . r a r m , MEDIUM.
E ld e r K n a p p d«-serib«a m edium * to be to d ay. nature, and ol consequence must be made the that such principle* which are advocated by the
T h e S p itit W orld is th e real w orld. All th a t has gels, and education therein is as Iree as the air laughiug stock of the wpulJ be om serv »tors ot J o u r n a l and B a n n e u are weak, for they aro I h av e Investigated th e su b je c t co ucernlog Mr*.
b o tn k now n o r revealed of th e S p irit W orld has we breaihe, is of the highest grade that the «»ur G id-given faculties, lor wli un to olfrod, it not—they arc positive, and us high as heaven, B irney’* being c >ntrolled, aa in ju tlju e d in se v e ra l
c o m e Irom th-w e in s p irit life, influencing th e h u
DiO>t ambili*.us mortal can aspire to, is the most would be far better if a mill-stone was Listened as deep as (he earth, and us Ornad as God’s o f th e W estern p jp e r* , an d s m o u g o lb e r« ,in y o u rs ,
m an brain. M oses a n d E la* were th e g uides and to their necks and they cast .into the middle of universe,—even 1 ive, truth aud wisdom; they aro an d 1 know b er co n tro lle r, h a v in g rein in * .rated
a tte n d in g s p irits o f J e su s Irom th e tim e o f 'h is c o n
c e p tio n till bi» s p irit left th e body. T h ey ta lk e d
easily attained, aint of the most value when at the sea. nll-powerlul und ail pervading, and will extend 'cwnith bun a b o u t b o ld in g to ni* old idei* lu p re fsr-
c e to the, tru e h j u t be can c om m and if ha
th ro u g h bis o rg a n s. T h e re w as a n o th e r class o f tained. W hy would you go or send your sons Spiretualiets and others will, ere long, awake wherever the works of G *1 exist. There U a m akes th e p ro p er t f f s r t . T b e arg u m e n t be u sed
influence* w ho trie d to o p e ra te on Je su s. o b e s e and a&ugbters away to a Spiritual College lo to the important face, that the gifts or God and fullness here which can satisly (he hopes and to m e w as t h i s :
o th e rs tile d to Influence him to hold lo th e old the angel world are not1 to be organized—that desires o f humanity, a fuHues* iu which man " l i e h ad alw ay s m ad e It a ru le to b o ld fast w h a t
J e w ish o rd e r o f th iu g s. T h ey to ld him th ey w ould learn that which is freely * tiered at your doorY God is no respecter ol persons, places or inatl and woman may "live, move and nave their ho w h s sure ot, Isstu ad o f ruunkug th e risk o f
m a k e him ru le r If he w ould dliere to th e m . Moeos There i* nothing within the realms of science tpiious; ill a I all truths are immutable, O >d- progressive bring, unshackled. ad o p tin g new Id eas."
an d E 'la s w anted him to reveal the new o r d j r o r that may not be bad at home, or wherever there givcu, ami the knowledge thereof nl ke attaina O let U9,thcn, faithfully sustain th i1? heaven- T u e co n tro l ha* now been b ro k e n by a b a n d o f
th in g s —t h a t m an sh o u ld live In th e h ig h e r or-
d e r oPSl* b ra in , w here he cou ld revereuce D eity, are tw o or three g a llu r td together in it* name, ble by all, the high* aud the low, the rich and descending gospel o f Spiritualism. We have influences ifcat are determ in ed sue ab *11 uo lo n g e r
be co n tro lled by b l n . You can in v e stig a te tb e m a t
an d sac t h a t inen w ere all linked to g e th e r us the poor. money enough, p>wer enough, love, truth and te r fa rth e r, aud If you d o u o t llod m y sta te m e n t to
for its reception. We do not ignore the importance of colleges w im Io u i enough, |>erha|>3 ; but still we lack one be c o rre c t ab out b er c o n tro l b eing c h an g e J, m e n
b r o th e r s and s i-te rs, and had o n e eo m in o u fa th e r
an d d e stin y , und th .t th e ir life sh o u ld be p e rp e tu Spiritualism, though older by thousands o f or churches even, they are all .good in their or more iliiug-*—viz.- moral ciurage and decis y o n ueed uot p u b lish a h a t I aboil h e re a fte r g iv e
a te d be yond a d o u b t. , \ years than auy other form o f religion, is far from time aud place; tiul all arc being modified by ion o f character. God and His ministering l u bless h m u au liy . G jd has b last iu o by g iv in g
J e - u s was hi tu e w llJern ess forty day s. H e w as . the genius of meq, women and children of the spirits help uh with th|s development. mu ouu th ru ugh w hom 1 cau b re a th e o u t m y w hole
th e re In so litu d e , e n lra u c o d . d e v e b p iu g h is s p irit having arrive*! at its majority ; wo have hardly s o u l ; and if y o u llud room lo r us in y o u r co lu m n s,
preseut gfiieiation, who are infidel to the old My prayer wm partlalty answered in T hom p
u a l n a tu re a* a m ed iu m . H e w ent u p In to a high learned its A ,B , C, and yet what we do get from established theories and cusimns. These torm son, Ohio,- where I have just- given a course ol 6Ubj w u a h a ll seek to uOuiribuCo largely o n x eieauilo
m o u n ta in , w ith Id* d .scip les, who feat w ith him ,
au d w ere lull uenc* d by sp irits uronnd th e m . T h e lli^t source is far in advance of w h it is taught in the led wing ot the grand army of relortn ; the spiritual lectures, which Were listened to by all ing thjeets.ligut. In o rd e r to assist yo u , b ro th e r, iu sp rs ^ d -
My friend, thu w riter, m ay m ik e
devils t h a t w ere cast o u t en d sent Into sw ine the old established colleges nf the Und, in proof right wing c m>p tsed of the assumed orthodox ia thai could crowd into the church. «Spiritualism h e r ow n sig n a tu re , b u t'J will s u b ie rln c my u w u .
w ere sim ply diseases. . T h e seven deviU t b i t were science and religion, are const nitty pressing up in Thompson is all-powerful, like the R e l io io L k i a u , k lu g ot ancient A rabia?
o f which weean with confidence point to thu col on the left Hiid occupying its ground, while the P h il o -nnncAL J o u r n a l , Brother Jones,—
c u s to m o r M ary M ig d aletie, w ere seven disease*
also. J e s u s w h s a friend to M w y, th o u g h jh e w as umns o f the llKLIGIO-PlIlLOBUfUICAL Jot) IINAL, left is as constantly moving forward, occupying long may you live to bless humanity with your
a p o ly g a m ist, a d o c tre ss and a tu<diuiu. L iz u ru s iu which new ideas with relcTeuce to wUni lias A n I n q u ir e r .
new ground, exploring new tieldii of-thought, philosophical voice n f't/u lh . Tim people in
w a s n o t d e a d , h u t sim p ly e n tr a n c e d ,J .U s p irit been supposed to lie w* ll-ctlablished principles developing new ideas and principle* hillu-rto Thompxon are hound to h a ie the J o u r n a l , a* lK rr u t ruoM a. w. u t l b y
H ill h o ld in g c o n n e c ll in w ith Ills body* T h e Na*- iu tciei.c - und religion, have b.-oa suried. and unknown. Tuis i* the ntisdnn ol Spiritualism. you will see by the .names and money that I
urem- it d e k en ed th e s p tr h , d ro v e ouV th e d ise isc , I s t a an n u x lo u i In q u irer u f.e r th e t ru th , anti
are bciug lollowed out lo their ultimate £ onelu- Its field is Hie world, and Us minister*,l5u igno tend you with this letter: m o re u a rlic u U rly a s t o llic tr u th o f lum icru S p ir it
an d th e s p irit resum ed h a w onted x A n tro l G od, Sion*.
H im self, c an n o t raise a p h y sical b id y to life .a fte r rant iislurnien ofo u r time, who c*u boast of n i Mr. E. Stock well............................................ 1-5,00 ualism . 1 t a v e ju .it a w o k e lo tile m a ile r. I t 1* a
th e s p irit h*a e n tire ly M l it. N i p i w e r can u n ite There ig not a siugle known science that is high sounding tides as M. I)., D. I) , F. It. S., M r. Henry Halbert..........................................B 00 q icalion a b o u t w nleb 1 u e v e r to o k a th o u g h t un*
th e m again N o r can (i ni suspend a law of n a not being overhauled, criticised and corrected L. 1« D., He, f-lc , as appendages to llreir names, Mr*. 11 M. Fitch...............................................you Id Very recently, a u d ^ t th is tirnu 1 feci In ten sely
tu r e fo r a m o m e n t. Il Hie law 3 o f n a tu re w ere by the direct interposition o f angel eilucHtors in aud by whom these titled nobiiity are being led Mr. EJward Halbert....................................... 5,00 In terested .
su sp en d ed b u t fo r a second, >*ll cre a tio n w ould fly each department, wh » have Ub ire-*l centuries in ouward mid upwatd like the bull llrlb c sham E. T. M ellon,.................................................. 50 A b o u t tw o w eeks ag o I c iU Jd a t a m m ’s house
bu ck to a I wtiiies* void, an d E :d c r K n a p p ,liltu ic li, the.* Spirit World to unlearn w hat they bad feoqjeVigb; o r nine tu b es e a s t uf A U jioo.sud w h ilst
bles, wuile contesting the ground inch by icch, lb t i c , 1 aceiJu n iairy saw ib e J o u r n a l , w hich I
w o u ld b u rst In to u o p c iu h y . learned amis* in thi-, and who are now, and lull to li d lUniuvelveSS’aiiiling upon the ground
T h e re was n o record o f J -sus’ saving* for n early Tohtl.............................................. 1 ..................$14 50. b orrow ed, re id au d fe read aud read u ^aiu , a n d I
have been lab »ring with untiring zeal to edu ol th iso they have assailed ; and thu* old dog
fo u r h u n d re d y ears a f te r hi* ascension. T h e n in- All o f Tlionips in, Ohio. Please visit them aud am n u t batuU ed, an d hence I atu w rh iu g lo y o u .
cate'the |M-.<ple aright; but who had lo con mas and eMuhiishc I i le*s gradually puss away i t m y uelgiib <fs lose It a t w ell us I do wbuu th e y
s p ir illo n b egan to fl »w th ro u g h h u m an o rg a n -
tend with Ibe rubbifeb t»l the | m»*» ages while «n- oblige. Yours ic work and warship of all truth,
lam , an d hG o rig in a l saying* were g iv en and re and tpve place to the new. I) r I t I*. F a ir f i e l d . see it, t have no fear b u t th a t 1 can g e t a doz.-n
p e a te d by th e s p irits t o t h e in h a b ita n ts o f th e oeavoring to lay & new h-utxiation, winch fir-t Thu’. iustitutiJus **fh-araing which would ad tu b sc i lours. 1 n e v er ta w a p u b lic a tio n o f a u y k in d
m-ide its appearance iw en'y-one year* ago; and
Geneva, Ohio, Nov. 15, 1thill. w h a te v e r on m o d em a p irh u a lU u i, u n til tb e one I
e a rth . M ost o f Ids tuylng* were given c o rre c tly , mit the utmost-freedom ot opinion upon all suli- [ Will*other speakers assist in circulating the
and th o y ip;>ly lo h u m a n life a* w ell to -d ay as w e have seen a grand btrucltire steadily pro h a v e j ust slated .
j e », would be an improvement upon th-* pres J o u r n a l —E d . J o u r n a l ] 1 h av e been extracts o f what was called a refu
tb«*n. gressing from year to yi ar, till it is not w* be ent iiialitulions o f ihe day, we freely admit, but
T h e s p iri’* d o n o t wi-.li to d s lr o y o r c h a n g e wondered at that Bro W inslow beguis to fct-1 tation ol tiplrl'.uallatu, aud 1 have often heard msa
a n y th in g in th e S c rip tu re s t h a t i* lu h a rm o ny w ith that such could he established and earned on of learning, and those whom 1 lit m g tn to bo men
that lie, or Spiritualism is «>f age. T he progress bUceessUiIly we have not the slightest hope or Fur lb * K cllfto-Ptuluvophicst llo r n s t . o f g iud s t rise, prtmouuce l . to bo all n liumbug,
rea so n an d co m m o n se n se. I f th e y ure in co nflict that Sjiri'-Uiiioin has mule, and is making, is
w ith re aso n , y o u m ay know th a t so U r th e y arc ixpcctatioii, from the simple fact that the ten C ie c lo g y va, U e u e s l a . and hence 1 did fail lo give Ihc m uter au ia-
Im perfect. W e w ish to show Hint all t h i n g - a r e truly m arvelous; it seems to have nettled down dency would be to Ibssilizilioo. Suppose tor vesligsikm.
g o v e rn e d by la w , an d th a t n o th in g exist* o u ts id e Upon the whole wotld like a dense fog, and the exiiuplu, k uc Ii u u institution was already in ope IIY IN Q U IR E R . \V. W . L't l b t .
© f la w . , old orthodox pilots are ringing their bi lls vocif raii-m, having I-»r us i<r ifessors iherffmout com
\v.) try t o h arm m lzo, n o t s e p a ra te fa m ilie s ; wc erously, for fear o f a collisi <n and Uilnl annilii- min e of lUe CUvtbmd Comt. it(ion who denounc I send you li:*low what I co'nsiJer proofs of
w ish to te a c h th e m hoar to liv e , oue w iih a n o th e r, V o ic e -IVoiu .T liuueM U ta,
latioti. Mediums are multiplying rapidly all ed meoiumsl Their ipse dixit would bu herald the abuvo heading. N othing is more certain
ond bi' htippy* over the land, and spirits are making their pow ed abroad us* (he ttandaid: and their decision I-ETTUit FROM UK*. L. L 1NOALL9.
Tbt* pturm w orld, you aay, wotjiMp th e devil. I f as an erroneous dam, than the peri id o f creation
er felt in the churches, in priva'e families ( ir- would be quoted as the acccpied belief and op in Uu it u un J o n e s .— Yo u r J o u r n a l , my b ro th e r,
th e y th in k tlm lr devil la m o re hum Ole th a n y o u r thod x), in cotirisof jnsiice and in tile by ways as given Uyjtl-ises. Sir Chas. Lyell s a y s : *
p ic tu re o f a God, le t th e m w orship Idm . ion of the Spiritualist* o f America. h a s becom e a tu ig liiy th o ro u g b la ru iliro u g b w h ich
Kullgion an d m inister* have n u d e m anv l u n a and hedges. PluuchcUe Ims ex< cuted u grand Nii, Brother, U >d forbid that the hull of oar " A ll geologists have arrivid at the same tb e an g el a u-aehlugn arc Ul-beminaU-d lu so m any
tic*. tin uiaiillestatlo iia from th e lo w e r g ra d e o f flunk movumenl and captured the enemy hy 8 Ip should,he i ncumbered with such barnacles. conclusion respecting the great antiquity o f the famiiii-s. A c c e p t m y heat iy u p p re c ia iio n o f y d u r
spirit* have u p a -l a few w eak m luds. W e sh all thousands, and the m-iliif. Rtaiions are bi^-com You ask " Wuy U is that the fact ol our hav globe, aud that Jon, in opposition lo their earlier p ap er, an d aiuid y o u r a rd u o u s d u ties, m ay su g e l
c o rre c t fid* In tim e. ing more varied and powerful year by year. prepossessions and to the p ipular belief o f% e w atch er* e l c r be like a wall o f tire 'ro u n d ab ju t
ing no college is B aring us in the face?” y o u . F o r uiyselt 1 rejo ice iu Its te a c h in g s, a u d m o st
T h e m a rv e lo u s C d if im l t doing* which Ih c e ld e r There is not a single manilcfeiatioii of spirit pr. * age. Epochs o f vast duration are lully estab
describe*, w ere gwreo m erely to sh o w t h a t th e re Uur a i.sa er is, btcause Spiritualism is m ost g lad ly d o 1 w elcom e th e w eekly visitor, tn a t l can
enoe and p iwer 1ml has a la r greater sgn lfl- emphatically G Hi’s work, and we Bee Ills infi lished by the nature ni the organic remains of
w a s life e x is tin g beyond th e conliqes o f th e body ; t-lid o w n w ith m y h u sband aud refresh ourselves
ceuce thau liie great m.*j »ri-y <*f Spiriiuali*ls nite wisdom displayed in thwarting all efforts plants and animals that characterize the differ w ith th is fo u n tain o f JiVRig w ater.
th a t s p irits h ad pow er o v er th e p h y sic a l; th a t by ent formations, while the very intorvals that
are- aware of; each one in an mdi-x linger point tending to ongam zulou for sectarian purposes;
th e aid o f th e p h y sic a l -d reu g tb if e a rth jieople,
ing to some great and useful developim-nt in separate tin sc formations are evidences o f other L. L. I n g a l l s .
th e y cou id d raw Irom th e ir in i g a iib in . condense and we c-m tiieully predict that all *.ll >rls in
tiic elem en ts th a t s u rro u n d th e m , a n d m o v e p o n d science, not yet iu*^c kuowu. Take, for exam that direc ion wnl prove as abortive in the fu peii-als baldly lest aslonbhing." T he Valley
e ra b le bodies. . . . ple^ the 'Ufelautaneous separation o f a solid iron ture as they have in tbe past. More than eight o f the M i-sbsippi is made land. It is computed / * L e tte r from J . 11, W o r t m u n ,
T h e e ld er a ttrib u te * a good d ta l m ore p o w er to ri^g, aud uuitiug it again around thu neck o f a een hundred years ago, (jurist rebuked this by Sir Cnas. Lyell to e mtain 3J.00J /-qugn:m'les,
t h e devil th a n to th e Big S p irit. T he devil, he medium, or the arm ol the invcsiigalor holding aud ihedcplb of the deposits lo awrigeGOO leet, M r D b i k S i r :—Y o u rs o f 0 : L 1 5 .li.ls a t h s a d .
sav*, co n tro ls all th e ru ler* o f th e e a r th , and p re t
same spirit that is prevalent to-day among the and lu reply tu c re lo . 1 w ould say th a t y o u r p a p e r
him T hiuk you that this is doue merely to organizers, hy ask in g," Who among you by and the smallest complement o t tune required
ty n e a r alt lh-> c le rg y . for its formation, founded upon the average w«* s e n t u> m e by a Irien d lu a c c o rd an ce w ith
convince a few unwilling sceptics ol the lea'l'y taking thought can add one cubit to his stature r* y o u r n o tice t o seo d th e sam e to new sub scrib ers
H e c m g o In to th e s a n c tu a ry and tra n sfo rm bira-
6 tlf In to a w h ite an g e l o r b la c k a n g e l. H o c m of a liie beyond Ih elo in h r Do you imagTim And we are constrained to ask,how much longer, deposit in a century, is 100.000years: a t th e r a te o f tlliy c en ts lo r lliree m o n tu s. M y
c o n tro l m an y th o u sa n d m edium s lu a ll p i r t s o f lor one moment that Ihe law by which tins 1* O L-k -I, bstore u un k-nl (a a i Spintnabst* es- Agassiz computes the formation o f tbe c wai tim e, a* you w ill eee by Urn m r n tto r on th e w ra p
th e world r th e aaiuc lim e , an d y e t be 1* a " p e r done will not be made known lor liie benefit of p tcia ll)). will learn that there Is a R o y a l R o a d reels of Florida to have taken more than. 150, p er, expired 8:p*. 17iU. My a tte n tio n w as c a lle d
sonal d e v il." mankind Y And did you ever consider ihu in*-s t o K n o w l b d o b ; that inspiration, like the at-
000 years, judging from the present rate ol their to i t o n th e U l ol O c t: N o t berug a b le to pay fo r
A ll spirit*, he say*, w ho com e haefc to e a rth a n d tunable value, o f such a revelation lo tbo world? It, I to ld th e p o st m aster to r e tu rn It. 1 w ould
g iv e In tellig en ce th ro u g h m ed iu m s, a ro devil*. that juggling'trick ( y ) as il Is called by our col ago*al least, the Indian p r o file d his canob on u n i do w itu b u t t u h aoiy c o n d u c te d s h e e t ; b u t a
T h e n M isc sa u d E lla*.w ho c o m m u n ic a te d th ro u g h when the mind and body are properly developed, m an t h a t lives oy bl* u ie d iu m L ilc p ow ers, li h o n
lege Protestor*? ■ ‘ we shall dreuk it in a< n itursl y as the flowers the M isiba'ppi’s flood, the gull and above the
Je au s, were devtU. And J-f*u* hlm*«lf. w ho a p Would you send your children (o college lo Florida reef*. Till* conclusion ia a9 legitimate est, c a n 't drin k whl key , cu«w to b acco o r s te a l
p e ared to M ary, an d P a u l, and all o f th e a p o s tle s , of the field drink in the sun light o f day, and the u ew spapera. K c*pecUully y o u rs,
waa a dev il. An sng«l w restled w ith Ja c o b , a u d learn the liw by which il lid o iiu ? C mid or dews o f heaveu by night. as any deduction ol scieuce." He further says :
would the professors do more than blind the " In making an excavation at N ew Orleans, an J. H . W o r t m a n .
t h a t a ngel m u s t have been a devlll v^Io*c» aaw a
a u lrlt In th e b u rn in g bu ah , an d th a t s p irit m u st eyes to the great truih because to them un IndUn fekull was found beneath tuur cypress UEUAKK*:^xDcar b ro th e r, I am u o t p u b lish in g
h a v e b een a devil. If devil* can co m e b ack so known? Suppose a $2011,000 Spiritual College forests. The tirnu necessary lo produce each of th e J o u r n a l as a m i l t e r o f s p e c u la tio n , b u t fo r
read ily an d a p p e a r 't o m o rta ls, w hy can n o t a aln ta was in full blast to-dav, would not that proud A R P f R A T IO N S . tbes* cvpreai strata. Is estimated at, 14.000 years, th e g ood ! cau d o b u m u nity.
institution have a reput.a’ioii to roaimaiu ? and st w. r. Tonuitson. or 57,000 y(*ars Bince the skull wuft deposited.' Your poverty m ty bo the result >of your medl-
C° L * tin e te ll R id e r K n a p p , w ith all th e re a litie s are you quite sure ils prof* Bsnra would not Ig Now, allowing the lime to be over estimated,
a n d t r u th * o f s p irit U'« •u rrountting r a j, th * t umsbip—'.hat has bona thu case from ihe days of
nore any new revelation in science Lnal was not still the evidence of that tuau’s existence on the
th ro u g h o u t all G od # dom lulon*. th e r e I* no bein g earth long before tbe period of man’s creation as the gentle Naztrene, to the present day. -Thoy
c a lle d a d ev il. L e t m e te ll him t h a t we, w hom first made known through them? Suppose The U rk climb* up th* rlh ar *t*lr,
b e c -I I* th e em lasarie* o f th e de*ll, a re c-.m m l.- there was such au ins'itutmn in every State in Th* drw npoti hi* Snaky wlog, given by Moses, is overwhelming. Ttyfc fossil have not had ■ place lo e mu lay th e ir heaJs, and
aloned by the Most High G o d ; that Hu lew com- ib eQ tu p u , have you any guarantee that they And *11 th* ■ Dg* bn Memod to *lDg, records o f a man found io the c>ast lim estone wc are aorry.to say that, -Spiritualists, even, seem
Del* O* to d.) three thing*; that our mission to womd npl be so maoy stumbling block* In the Ate Io*l (a vulcel*** drplb* i f Sir. o f Florida, from data furnished by the growth to care but little about It. You shall have the -
earth Is Just aa aacre-d with u» a* wo* th at ol Je- way o f progress, or th at- a lajtter education of the laud, is estimated by Agassiz at 13-5,000 paper. \
,ng Our mission la to do you good, to hral, to would not be vouchsafed to thiree outside their Our **p1r*lloai mount ** for. year* ol L But the most indubitable proot that
Instruct to lead vou upward. to assure you or walls? O ut but you say thure are certain im Our l<>aslt«c*si*** lllll*hie*rd, tbe earth ib vw tly more than 0,000 years old is R. E. Uolb.ook, writing Irom Somerville, Mass.,
spirit existence. We wish to m ake .know n to A* th* fslut «*rl>ltag« of * bird tbe sge of a * cypress -tree, which Humboldt says: v
m ortals th a t splrlis congregate together in Hie portant branches to be taught which are india-
penatble as a fumd-tlbm *»f learning, *uch as Wlrhtu the urb.t cf * *t*r. found In Mexico, which measured 40j< feel in
finlrit VVorkd as you do In th is; th a t we don t ‘‘■vith your J o u r n a l ,the wtyfaring man. though
leave the earth sphere till *>' have learned all mathematic*, astronomy, chem 'a'ry'anil geolo- Y*t d ill tbat-lrd crbearco *lsx*i diameter. T h e rings or layers o f wo ol con a loot indue,), need out cfr. a s lu It U presented, tn
knowledge6 needful for u , to know ; th a t here I* ev. Did either or these- origin tie In college ? Tbouvb d o b * of **rtb may lift th* Itr* s : tained in 20j^ feet, or one-ba!f the diameter a simple and pbllo*bpblcal ligbt,the grand equilib
still our home, our attachment*, our earth frleuda, N-ty, v e r ily ; each bad to bu forced. uponvthe according to tue lowest number oninted in an rium ol truth." - -—
A»d iboogb ihe n*t« h* *11 is t a Iq .
end we shall *Mde with them loeg. would-be wise s«ges from age^to age down to inch (03 c iunted in other tree») number in tbe
Bu d s io tl>* *lox*r totaca briogt-
A ll life tend* upward from the lowest forma to
God. W hat a t m * evil to you o f em rih, we see
the present, and now that they^ffo generally
nccep-ed a off taught in all thu colleges of the
aggregate more than 123,000 layers of wood or
t3T Jeremy Taylor says: “ Cheerfulness an
here, to be obstruction .dLeste. undeveloped good T he whole Christian system is dependent
festival sp rit fills tbe soul with harmony; I
y o n tee men divided lu aveta, racea, order* and ^fand, they have scarcely commenced to fathom p»T A-mos B. Kendall, a. prom'nt-Dt politician
their depth or realize their importance ; and upon the trutiTof the first chapter of Genesis— produces thankfulness and serves Ihe end <
conditions; we aee yon all aa of one blood and
it Is giv es “ to the babes aud suckling* ” o f the ol General Jackson’s time, lately diied. as the fall o f u an, the necessity ot tbe atone charity." /
one family.
D e c e m be r 4, 1869. A i a \ x x n a j »i w u l v -l > x \ u . Ur

For th e R eH gtoPhllntnptffcal Jo u rn al. all her own. Attacked to the bouse was a small pulsive Jack Ringgold, “ For by ihe 'Stars L;oi»o C. hia(ilrati<ju«t •piaker, Bex Vi FtwT*'
firm rd several acres which she had worked by in d Sltljica* boys, 1 believe ibul was her who
M E D IA : OH TH E CHARMED L IF E : a couple of men, and she was enable thus to knocked me flat in the graveyard, when y<-u-all D. W. Hull, InaplralimMl and Normal Speaker,—llol.art. t e b

A Mery o f F a c t, I'lien o m e n * a n d n y iltr jr raise m o re than a living for themselves on her run and left me with her alone. Ugh, it gives lad. Durlug St-pt, KBU-UlillU-.’i iid .; Oct., Kail Saginaw' * OR
own soil, without disturbing, her little pile of me a chill to even think ot ft, still." Mick L A li I E S* C () M l» A N Ij O X
gold. ft<* at CostUll*} Mre. 51. S. Townai-ml noadley, Bridgewater, Yl.
T he bouse stood beautifully aitiutid in the Dr. William J.irdau, Speaker, Walea, MlrkigaO. I s a P eriod ical Bandage.
C H A PT E R X. centre of a mctrly cultivated garden, and there Wm, II. Joliuaun, C<-rry. Pa. Ptttcnlral N ov. 1 7 lb* 1 8 0 9 * . R«ommeudrd by
was a path leading Irmn the door, through the * \V« would inform the reader, that afe Dr. P. T. Johuaon, lecturer, YpaUantl, Mich. tu a n y ^ iu iiirn t Ph)*.vian* in Kt ai d the L'niled S tate * ,
LOVB,— METROT It MENT,— EN YY,— T RIDK. garden down to a spring o f excellent w uierntthe herc si in ply iran-crihiog incidents of I ncti as they W. F. Jamlraun, ln*plrat(utial ipeaker, B'-Irldere, 111. appro*M or and worn l.jr the Ladiraof the *e»«-r»l Courts
edge of the Creek. The path as it descended t> were U k-n down at I tie tim e of jh iir occnrrcmt:, Abraham Jamra, Pleaaautilllr, Venango Ifo^ Pa., box M of Knroj)*, and ia t-n n m it-n d i-d b y e v e r y L a d y a t
It wns a httiulifu) afternoon on which Rm - KlSbL
dolph Huri-ea, with Annie Rodgers by his axle, the water edge was fringed, so to apeak, with by an elder brother in his every day journal ol B. A. Jooea, S> camore. III. It I* alwaya ready for m». t* very r< inj ac t. being kept In
urged bis prancing bays over the broad avenue little grassy hillocks ar.d n eks. Tlie place- in p a c in g events, bearing date more tlu n tweuty- B. S. Jonra, Drawer 8023, Clilcagu. * email oru»nn-nt *1, (aifu u n l box, It at can l.e ranted In a
fact, was not without an atr of romance about seven years aeo, when such nanifistations were Dr. Wiu. R. Joicel)u, L-ctnr*r, Il««1er. Clalieoyant. Lad)** pocket If lr<|iilt>4.
leading out ut the city into the blooming coun lees common rh*n they have sin c become. ■Hence It being made without Imrklea, bntlnn*, hm.k* or *7**,
try. The weal her was tine rfnd the scenery it, and widow Hague lived here some years in the alaim aud terror exhibited by those who saw Aildrtie b in In cara of thU OBke, K. oiu i,—1V2, South and require* no pinning, Itrantivt I-run." loovrneJ In any
charming, which contributed to exert so txhif- solid com tort. Ih e ie visions and heard the sounds given by lhem Clark S reel. way while t-*mg auin.
i rating power over them, lor both appeared in Jason B'totb.lhe gardener, bad often thought who once lived in the earth form_pear the places D-,0. W. Klrbye, Ipenkrr^ A-IJrtwa tlila offlea. It betug ma>!» vt pure. *- It and inn-uth rubber, It cannot
of offeting him stli at the rich widj»w’stfee',and • f their nocturnal visits. in any way chafe »r irritate.
happy buoyant spirits. Oeorpe F. B Ittridgo Buflalo, N. Y. U inure than **»'*• Ike coal ut lu d f In material’, a* th*
“Annie, ’ spake Randolph, with some trepida begging her to take bun up in the place of ln-r 0. P. Kellogg, Kael Trumbull, AabtabulaCo , O. Bug'-nie with otdinary care, a i'l tail i i u 'u two ) m * .
tion in his voice, “ It st ems im-lt-ss lor-me lon affections once occupied by his former master. Ira 8 King, trance tpeakey, care of J<wpb Smith, P. 0 Sent anyw h-iab) mall on ri-rHpl of fl.W*.
L V D IA X A . 1 A-i.lreM, “ Kt-iCMI," ISO 8. Clack St»Cbnagu, IlL
ger to resist the impulses *»t my heart senti B at the b eau of the widow was devoted solely 0ox 1118, Indlanapolli, Ind. n-.Tvoie
ments. I have often pictured bright fancies of atd Tor ever to her first love. . ^ I n l n n a r y I,a h o r s l a I n d i a n a . K x t r a o r d l -
J, 8. Loveland, Monmonlh, III.
a happy future. YouiseU. my kind angel o f Her noble reply to her Scotch gardenei’s n n r y P r o o f o f Jip lrlt-P rco cn c c. Mre. f . A. Logan, Winona Minn. Thionly CuinjJftt aml MuV'fl/ Stitntifir Work*
light, I have dreamed beneath thy happy smile, prayer w as: " N on ecan ever fill the place left W. A Loveland, 35 Bromneld atreet, Boitou. of (fit kllllf i'n U tf f f .
vacant by the lost one at sea. ills (dace can I.K T T B It i ’ttOSL K. ORAVK*.
fond dreams o f bibs find ceaSuless love—ot a Geo. W.Lliak. Addreaa Battle Creek, Mkb.
lovely homestead scene,where ail of joy was never be filled by another.” B h o t h k u JiiNKS;—I am in ihe field and under Mr. II T. Li*on»ril, trance aju-aher. New lpewlcb, N U. THE
ours. Tull mu then, ileim st. \vill y o u bit mint ¥ She was righ t The Sen’ohmau’s moliv« s, of full sail us a vocal expounder nt the new philoa
“ Quick the bloom of color lluw to Annie’s lair course, were mercenary ; ’twas not lu-r, but her Mi*. L. W. 1,11. 1. Addu-aa II Uum-land alHItoatuu. Moo*. P H Y SIO LO G Y OP W O M AN,
nphy, atul large meetings and smiling faces Mary K. Langdon, 80 Montgomery at reel, Jurauy City N. J.
face. “ Qu-cker came the pulsations of her money he loved. His companionship refused mmire me that my lab >ra arc not in vuin. ASH
John A. Lowe. Addreaa box 17, Sullon, Meat.
throbbing heart, and a happy smile beamed thus decidedly, thwarted in bis object of grasp Every where I am ciucred by encouraging U E ll DISEASES FROM fX F A XCV 7 0
C. U. Lynu, lnipiratloual ipeaker, Sturul*, Mich
upon her hive-lit features: T he confiding girl ing her property, be soon thought of another words pnd inyifationa^fn stay longer or come Jam™ b. Morrleon. Ian 37s . ttaverbill, Mm *. O L D A O’E ;
inclined fu r bend gently, and, whispering the way to get the widow's wealth. . again. I have lectured three times ut Craw-
Manufacturing, building, anil ItuifWi&H t-nutr- Dr. Leo Miller, Appleton Vie. Including «n t l - her O r.to at P .rl -li. P n g n a n r y and
happy " I will,'' blu»-hed Ins ready acceptance. fordsvil'e, and four limes before the Fountain Dr.gob:, M O'bew, Woeblugton. D, C, P. 0- box M , C h P d b irtli, th.-tr r a « « » . h ;
“T his, dear Anuie,” continued the o ret joyed prize generally then was not whsl it is now. County Society* of the Friends of Progress, in m rtit, w ith li)genic rule* fr.r Mi- ir pr cieutiun, and fir the
Things laid dormant ami unqsed, and money Dr.U. W. Morrill, Jr. Addreaa Boaton. Mo m .
Randolph, •* is no sudden impulse, formed by both o f which places, the friends of. the cause l*ri*<T*ahon of l- in a l- l l - a l 'h ; al-o . Hu- rn.inagj ii.Vnt of
would imi command the bonus it dm 8 tod ay. Mr*. Hannah Moreo .Joliet, Will County, IU. P n gnant and P.j Mn rient W i.iurii, »ty w bl-li tlirir t a im and
convenient circum stances; no tiding prefer expressed themselves highly pW «c4 with the p- ril* may In- g ren tl) ot-v*a»o<l. To o tiirii it addnl a Treat*’
ment, but 'ns the holier part of my being th at So widow llaugc. asw as the habit o f others be Mr* Anna M. Middtebrovk, box 77s, liridg. port, Ooan.
resultant my .labors, tV liile at Crawfordavllle, J . W. Matthew*. Hep worth lUiunla, lie n n W ornauiic .1 and »l •lib * -I. * <j v r, 5j„nl*g .arid lie-
finds uttera.-iCe now---------'* fore her, buried tier-gold beneath the earth. The I was intro.meed to a photograph nrfi«l, who, r -d lln ry h -M o i.i: l.oinc tlie a .; ru n d view* of ni'.dern
A dashing iquippagt flow pa«t them gaily. Its precise sp it where she chose to hide it was sin Mr«, Sarah Helen Mttbewi, Qniij' V. Maaa. tim ™ . mlhp'ltil to th e t e , i i . . 1l l. -.f t.mi .)•« anil j r. Paalun-*
for n lew months past, find* iccasionalty on ihe Charlea 8 Mirih. Addrraa Woarwnc’. J.inran Co., W!*. j al reading. In three u. k-- cijiij.t- ix- 111 -in,- t-iiuuio,
inmates, A »uic ru: 'grazed as Media Clarendon gularly beneath a large flat stoue ut the loot of plate, though arranged f*»r one per-on only, the
the path leading down to the spring. Mr. aud 2|ra. II. M. M.ller, Elmira. N. Y .rare W R. Hatch, j ttY b .M n ittiK L L M !*.
and Dr. M.iford Stetler. A passing tveogni'ron impress ot tw o faces. He says (being a church l i n h Edition. 1 V-d. 12 IO ■pp 4V* r h tli . |:,6 o . PoeU ga,
from each waa exchanged, and cacti vehicle tiew Tue Scotchman's second plan by which to im-mtwr). the tir-»t app-araBc*.- annoyed him. Mr*. B. 5Iar>|uand, Traner and ln«|drat|ona1 epeaVbr, 12S 1
“ on. * # * secure her rushes, was to murder her. It was Ito-fdrUier says, hu». lew pi rsons who sit, obtain B< utb Tbinl Street, Wllliauwbwrw, tying titand, N. J. , - G.n ..f Hi-. fD-ttalw-phl'nw
As in the midisl o f “ Life” we arc in “DiaRt,” ut the c-vise o ft he day in e-arly Spring, and there these dual *M»euesse.s—only those, as lie now Emma M. Martin, lltrtnliiglyfni, Midi.
so called ; so, since th e opening of our story, were none about the place save the widow and supposes, wh** are mediuni^lic. As I obtained Dr.W . II C. Martin, KaWJW*. r .t . - i t . HartUrd, Coo... I
Annie has been called to follow to the grave tlie Jason. Hu was.yet iu the garden, though about tw o spirit likenesses ut two different siUfugs, Mr*. J. Munn,Campion,til.
loved form o f her devoted mother, whom, in to leave his wuyk lor the day, when he espied, tiie coni boi-m is suggi steal ibai l must possess Prof. R. M. McCord. OebtralU. III. SWEET EGGS AND BUTTER.
deed e \ c !o/e»l most ardently. And though the her, as she Cast a whilegarnu-ut aUiul her slxoul some phase o f mtHtiumship. T he likenesses all A. L. B- Noah, 1- t.iftr, R««h™ter. S. Y Kgge L p t fn-.h f .r * , - a r
gentle A n u n ’s sorrows were not as trios-e who ders, enier the path and walk slowly d ovfl tow reimaient deceased persons so far as known, and Mr*. 8. Noeli, tnaiing In idliun. Deal H<ld‘. Micin Sour and R . u . I tin t .e r ren d -te d awaet.
have no hope, y e t the util eling change lor a ard Ike running spring. He stealthily wa'cluul are generally recognized as lik en osia ol deceased C. Norwood, Ottawa. III., Wnit' albl -Hi-rtked R itt'.r i.o.-lo )vln>W
time cast over tier life a p dl id sadness and lu r through some ruse hushes and a w tvl briars friends.' Mine appears to 1«* a deceased sister.. J. Wm. Van Nattier, llrenkljn, New York.- 1 Fr. *f* U iitio rk . p l iw .- l.
gloom. Still she is once again basking in ltie which intertwined-'between them, until she The artist’s name is Alfred Willis, a man whose Mr* Puffer, trance apeaker, South llau«*er, Maaa
calm Bun-my o f hope. In Ktudolph she has reached the edge ot the creek. He saw lit-r count--nance bespeaks the biggest degree ol O. 8. -Poaton, U-l ^m tli 8lli atreet, Room 2, PUttodrlpt ta
found a tried and true friend, llis attentions stand upun the large fiat stoue, aud llieu glance hom sty. J. II. Frlral, Berlin Wiaconillr.
now are a;si hums, and his congenial sympathy hastily around her. She stooped down, and he I have lectured opcc here in Buena Vista, and Mr*. Harriett B. l*t-pe, Murrlatown, Mlun.
proves soothing balm to her afflicted mind, darted from the garden unseen, and hiking a hold forth again to-iilRit. 1 find an extremely Lydia Aim Pearaalt, Inifdralloliat ipeaker, Dlecu, Mich.
circuitous course towards the p!ac„* he co n e up Pit \C T C A L C i K 'l l r f U t W
strengiheuitig tiuhed the atlachmcnt already interested and thtelligent congregation in this Dr P. U Raudolpli, mre box 3:152, Ito-ton, Miv-i. .. 4 AIIC A-' KCGLRr*Cli!c,ig- .
formed between these souls w itl^ b u t a single on her, when her fu.ee was from him. Striking place. But two speakers have preceded inc, J. T. Kouie, normal *peakrr, Terre Haute, lid . Y.d d.N'ii I I tf.
thought, “ these hearts ihat beat as oue,” and her if deadly blow upon the temple, she fell into who preach the doctrines of our school. The
the creek, and sauk to the bottom without see Mu. Jennie 8. Hu Id, 110 5b.lmtre.-t, 1Providence, It. 1.
explains the readings with which she accepted hubjtet is comparatively new to them. A more Mr*. Plumb,Clairvoyant, 03 Knoaellft.,Charleetuwu, Mi*
his proflered hand. What of their different sia- ing her murderer. Booih hurried to the house, attentive audience I never addressed. J. II. Powell, T*-rre llnute, Ind. 0N A R G A NURSERY,
4 io c s in life : Randolph, the son of a wealthy amt ransacking the place, aud finding naught o f Now, I earnestly dearie persons situated in
what lie sough!, fired the premises and about Mi-.li Nr-ule M. Penie, trance speaker, New Albany, Ind AND d
shipping merchant—she hut the modest humble tbu various parts of Indiana, to inlorin me im- Mt«. Alina M. L. poll*. M. D.. Iraturer, Adrian. Mlrb. K X P K I I P I K M U , t: I ltD K N .
sewing girl. It is enough that they love. Hav m:duight fled ! he neighborhood. lucdlately outlie »ia»c o f things tr. their locality,
Years passed away and Casper Rogers, au en J . L. Puller, ad Jr. t- MoirLtown, Minn, rare cf Hull. laaac O n a rg s Hfin.iU, PE R K IN S A CUN JDON, P iu p rllo ra —
ing reached the city again, they had rode leis ami Ihe prdspecl o f an amtience.
urely along but a lew (quart*, when, or>e of the tire stranger in ihe place, to >k up a lot ot D u m a V U ta, H a m ilton Co., Initianti. W bideaale a n d Retail U.-eler- In all kind* of N nrarry S to ck .
ground alongsid e ot the creek, where it crossed Dr W. K. Ripley, box 85. Fi-xburo’, Maaa. Speclal a O i i l i'.n p i l l Iu th e C u ltim l on " f tin- L r ii|> c >
horses shy nig, be came almost itmnuuagehlc, and Priraiu il Clat-mr*. \
before the pair could be controlled, they ran Oxford S reek The ground being marshy, lie A. C. Roblnoou, Pal. in, Maoa. ’ AI.FO
_ against a gentleman just crossing the street, built the first story of Ins house o f stone, aud all Wm. Hole, M. t>. A-blrea* b ox'288, Springfield. O-
knocking him tn-adlnog almost to the grouud, above in is o f wood. Finishing the bouse, and S P L A K E IU S R E G IS T E R . 51r*. Frank Relil, In-plrate-lial ipeaker, Kalamaxoo, Mlcb. E Y E R C illE E X S and U < /s£S , B U L B S , A c .;
Annie uttered a loud impulsive scream, in view laying oil his yard, the latter quite large, the Mre. Sarah A. It-ger*, PrinCetun Iowa, care t>f X. S. all kfodi V egei.M e Uoideu S'rtdi and PlanU.
spring which nonr was on the inside o f his line, f i - . 1 » i » t Polwiu I'liuVi n laigt- anit».u«U (uantltlo* 10
o f the stranger’s dangtr. Chamberlain. ■nit |>qn h u m
had become nearly filled up with rubbish ; hut rekLHHlD OEiTLIIOCStT IVCRt V U (.
Just at tw ilight though it was, Randolph suc Mr*. Loander Siuilli, Mi-diuiu of Wblttemore, common! All uf the al'tiv* wilt be offered ai l .w a* ran be ••l-'alned
ceeded at length in dtuwing in the fractious lie cleaned it out and inclosing it. p laited a ]Tu tMt Iiwbil, lliti tliudli) b« r « - I t lh«rvfnr«i be- cation* MenOnkn, 111. In the muk'-lrt O ils Ul a Kelt and WV Will vU )U » p M l,
steeds, and the gcnlhm w crossed unharmed. pump in it for domestic u«e. But the water ho^ti.V vl.htf.
tiuuiM b retu rm to promptly notiljr u» of ch/vo#'* *ht-D- Auitin K. Slintnuiii, Ad-lrei* W.»dit’-rk, Vt,
As he supped on Hie sidewalk, in the full glare which before was unexcelled, now came up i-t "r lli..) occur. Thf* rotamD U Inu-iulwl for L id u r m II, U.Smrer, in Pleneittil itr-a-t, Boaton, Mnu.
o f the gas-lamp, Annie, recognizing him, ex tinged with many colors, and ruucid to the only, mol It li lopliJIj 1u**rtiulo^ in mimU-ro that wo or*
taste. " Mra- L. A. F. SwaJn, Cliion Lake*, Rice Cu., Ml no
claimed nervously------ c o iu ii IIxU to rostrlrt it to llm »hupl» .i-Mn-i biTiiixpartic- K. Sprague, M. D, AJtencclady, N. y.t Mr* SonthWorUi ■
“Uh, Randolph, it is our friend, the Un Mr. Rodgers, a master drayman, was fre ulora to bo lrorur<ll.) corrcifwii.lt ucc aflb tlu- lli.ll- b u t wi-l be ma le t e tl.r
queutly detained If iinfunne until a life hour. Mr*. Fauuie Dari* Suillb, Mlllurd, Maw.
know n---------” Vidimts.) the S piritu. Ik ."
Always when lie came home about midnight, N. II. Swain, Union Lake, like Co-. Minn.
Randolph stopped the vehicle immediately, J. Mmllxoii AIU-U « III lecture in T u n -tl tuto, inti., i ll Mr* Nellie Stullit, iMiprwadulxd apuker, Slurgla. Milt
and spr ing out to apologi/.-!; but when he look- his horses would prick their ears, start aud shy monlli* Irom May 1st. A'litre-** box M*. .»/)’ L o V E A .Y /fJ,
oil from the spring, as they entered the yard Jortt'n Pteale. State Ml*»Innary. Green Gurdeti, III.
ed up for the Unknown, he was gone. " E ccen ttorrtion Ail.lr. Clmrl-aCily. Iowa. ’
gate. And the tail hint hom e dog elk lined iu the J. W P arer, It)r-m, N. Y.
tric, indeed,” ejaculuted Annie, as Randolph in J M oJisoa Alt*- , Aiicora. S. J.
stated hiuiEelf b.side her again---------“ Knocked yard, would start troin Ins kcuinl, and gazing Dr. Wm, II. Saint ury, box 1313, Portinmutb, N. H,
Uarri*oit Angler, CaUinia, Cilntoo Uu., If**. Mra Klinira 5V Smitli, 38Salem atr»---tr Portland, M*. *
almost pros.rate, vet gone so soon. He darts steadily ut tbu moon, as it*Mood high up over re tlle t I-V .
the well, moan and howl as tl in ]>ain, while ,.n C, Futiilv All) u, Ston*-!*am. M»»". , Mr*. C. M Stowe. \d>lr> •» San Jo*e,Cal. 1**1- v30 cent* ; je .-t o.-- '2 <o ir'i,
about like uu apparition, or like one possessed Mr» N. N- K. Audnwa, trai.ee Mpetker, Dalton, W'U. Y id.fi No. 15.
indeed of a"*rchurmed ble." indescrdiiilihi oppressive urns and mental agi'a 8-Ih Ii Van Sickle, On-e'ibuih. Mich.
Uon would' st-iz - Rodgers, ilitil lie could scarcely Mr*. M. K. Aihlenun, Iranoe opeaker, Tauutuu, Mata., P. Mra M. K.It.Sawyer, Baldwin*.jlle, M uw
'•Recentr c,” replied Ibindolpb, “ but possess 0- Bus 4s.
ed ot a noble tt lf sacrificing In all." put h is horses away properly.
Mfn Orrlli AMiotl, d.-velopiit^ mrdluni, 127 umltrClark-Sl
Abri-m 8mtth, Kiq.,8fnrgi*, Mlrh. TAYLOR’S BED SPRINGS.
Vis It true, Randolph, that lie is the author of
Mils. Ray's sudden rise and happy cliunge from
It was soon rumoroo nb ml that the place
was haunted. W ithin the lim^u the doors would room 10.
Mr*. Mary LoulaaSinllli, trnuce ip inker, Tub do 0.
Mr* K. W. Sidney, trance upCnUer, Filrliburg, Man.
often open and close again, apparently of them- Unrrlimu Akaly, M. D., 10-1 Soulb Clark Stott, CUacaco, JCIIjab H. gwackhatumer' 177 Suulfi 4tb atreet, lVlllinu. A’N N O Y A N C K
aiinnst penury to so much coiuldri and business
successr " .Btlves, h i fact w ilhoul the aid of human agency ; Li-uurt-a on l,i*w« of Life, Tnupero ce, aud lleforui aud burg, Long Iilaiul, th a t aceniiip-iny idti"r It-d S|-riilv«, m ore nr l**>. AU who
and the leaves ol large heavy mahogany tallies, Pruitramlro aubjicta. tr y them are p|.wi*-.| wi ll ibi-.ii — i.t I t . . ol Irn g h t uu re-
“ Yes, it is true. Hue nlso that she is not the llentian Snow, Liberal tbinks and Netradealer, 410 Kear ci-ipLvf t'tic". Si* Ibdlaii. A S. od rtn,..:.' b.r ArfeLta lu
only star in the crown of his r<joining, who in the upper rooms, when no one was near, Qtiurloi f . Andrua, FIun Ii Iu b , Uicb. ney itreel, Bun FruncUco, Cal. t m ake lu-inev. Send SU 'up (or i:iri-ij«r.
stmll shine for ever us the loved monuments of would use and tail back again w ith force suffi ) . 0 . AUbo, SpHn^fli-ld, M ui. Mra. U. T. Stearua, Mlaiionary for the Peuuaytvaula Sta<« Addreaa J.C . fayli r, Auu Arbor. Mir U.
cient to make ihc building tremble, Oucu Mrs. Dr. A T. A noi. Addrcia box 2001, Kufbt-itur, N. Y. no20vo!0t{.
his godlike benevolence. Speaking of Mrs. Ray, AiaocUtlvli of Splrltilallata. Addreae care of Dr. U. T. Child
ehe is fast becoming the m ost tasteful milliner Rodgers, having placed some clothes fit-sh from Jlr» An u* B. Alien. 147 Wmt WmilnrfKm air out, Chltagu 834 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
tbc laundry lu a chair on the second floor, my "Bar. J. 0. Il.irrett,OitaBrnlah, Wiacoulln. A N E W BOOK
iu the city, and her store is otic ol tlic finest In Dr. J . K. Uidloy, box 3.14 U porto Ind.
Dr. Nathan Smith, Kendalvlllr, Ind.
the place." sister in the evening ran hastily up stairs with J . II. W, Toobey.Hwim 7 ,1V2 8. Clark Street Chicago, I LI.
out a lamp, as she leaned forward to take up the Dr. Barnard, LAUilut;, Mich., Lccluroo upon Splrltuaiam
“Yes, and Louisa, her charming daughter, is
and fCioDtiSc aubjecU. France* A, Tuttl*, box 3<U, Lapotte, Ind. Wilt auawei
quite an tfh-dcut auxiliary in the budinss. But clothes, ruet the cold spirit gaze o f Mrs. 11 igue, call* to lecture In tho Weal.
sitting upon them iu the chair, seemingly attired Mra. Parati A. byrura, Addreta 97 Sprinit Octet. Bait Cam.
hcie we are at home. I will let you down, drive brl igf, Mou, Mr*. E- A.Talltnodge,tnaplratlonal 8peaker,Wrat*ine,liid.
the horses round to the stables, and be with you precisely asjBbu w**3 on the night of her death, Mr*. Charlotte F. Taber, trance tpeoker, New B-idfor; As D e s c r i b e d a n d I’o r t r a j e d b y S p i r i t s .
all in white. Pufalyzed w ith terror, unused to Mra. A. P. Broarn, 8t. Johnabnry Ciuter, Vt.
again in a few momenta---------,’ Mrs. U. F. M. Brown. P. 0. Drawer 6958, Chicago,III. Maaa., P. O. box 3V2.
“Thunk you love—come and welcome.” She such sights, Sarah reeled am* fell to the base of
the stairs, almost iuseusible * Mra K F. Jay Bullenc, l i t W rit 12th atrrot, Now York Huriaon Tuttle, Berlin llvigbl*. 0. Through ^trs. Eli a iheth
ki.-vd her i-'ind to him gaily, and distppeared Mra. Nrlllo J T. Brlgbam, Kim Ororo, Cotiraln, Maaa. ‘ BetUamln T»dd,'Sal>-iu Oregon.
in the do. i way.. Rut iu an instant slut leaned “N ot long subsequent to this,” the diary con «A^2TII j i N IN riUUil'CTMlN lit'
tinues, " Mother was standing late one night at Mra. M. A. 0. Brown. Addrraa, Weal Raadulpb, Vt. Mr*. Sarah Mi ThuinpauU, luaplratlonal apeaker, lei B<
forth, and hyikcd alter the form o f her lover, j.u iic E j . w . ’k d m o n i i a
tbu door, awaitiug father’s return home, when Addio U Ballon. Addreaa Cbtcasj, caro of R iuoio-Paitu- Clair atreet, Cleielaod, O. •
.. untd the vehicle turned down the next street. Jamae Trank, Kenduakong, Me.
Annie the betrothed! She ttioueht of her sh e saw a small w hile figure startup a Tew paces aormcAL jouaxAL,
iVt-iu where she stood. A s it approached, she Win. Bryan. Addreta box 35,Camden P. 0-, Mich. Mta. Dr. Tatum, 273 MlVwaukuo Avau'iei Cliicago. HI. lO NTK NTN.
love*’d chaste kiss upon ln-r brow, his declara Dr. Samuel Underhill, No 121, 22ud at. Cblcrtgo, ill.
tion, and rtal zed >» sae» t thrill o f peculiar litp- thought it u lam b ; y e l it was not. It appronch- M C- Bant. Implrational •[*aker. Addrna, Aluiuiid, Wla. O u ip ttr / - The l*..lv* i»»
ed the spring at a suiw arid even pace, then d»s- J . jf. Bickford, Charlestown, MiuiocbuMclta. Dr. J. Volland, Ann Arbor, Mkh. CA-u-r-r I! M-
piro+s glow tbroiiglioiit her brentt. A beaut.ful rti.i/.'.-r I II Tlo S |.te »
appeartd most my.-lenously. Shu followed a m i John Corwin Five Cornen, New York. A. Warrrn, Ki-I-A, 5VU.
bimii s u i Iu h .i I her chicks, ns she hash ned to her n ,- i: tr r ( t\ I*, a -a .r
searched eagerly- lor it, hut could « <eit do m ore; Mr* Q. S. Cole* 735 Brva-Uay, N. Y. Mra S* K. 5Varn* r, Box 321, Davenport, Iowa. t V . o t’. (A-mm •
beiovetf hither, fn-ift ovi r him, m-d whispered
in Id s cur, timiuly, her happy betrothal. At tlie aud entered the house and with some •Trepida Dean UStrk. Perniaiteut addrcaa, 24 Waiuiait atreet, N. Fraak White, Providence, M. I. t ' 'O r 1/
glad sound, the ild man MjfcmVd to tlmrc Inr tion, rthtitd the incident to her family*, 'the Low ill, Man. Mn. M. Miu omln-r Wood, 11 Dewey it,, WurceaK-r, Mm * |
sacred joy, and toalid Ids phuourj! Ill h-r choice house was very large, and father concluded to Mr. Cowan, St. CharUa, 111. If. L. U. Willi*, M; D., 27 Meat Fourth .treet, Now York.
with the uoly signet i ft he fond pnrciu's warm rent a portion o f it. li e did so, ami the* u«;\v Mra Au«u ta A. Curriar. Addrcii box BIS Lowell, Maw. Dr. K. 1). WIuu -Ik c U,'apeaker, New Hartford, Jew a. e .1 I'- Hock.
tenants taw apparitions, and lieu ret unearthly II.' T. Child, 31. D., 031 Race Bu. Philadelptla, Pa. Mre. Fannie IVheeJock. clairvoyant, New Hartford Iowa. AI \> .
est kiss, _ r A O J b n C I'a lboutl.
Randolph w.is soon iu their midst, a-.d the noises to such a degree, that they could iio l stay. J. P. Co*lM, M. D. Ad>lre«a Box 1374 Ottawa, III. K. V. Wllaon; lamibard, III. rr ,xm V.«flh Al.t.a 1,
( Id man, while ihc big leur of euriiesi joy mois Aud again we were left alone in the Haunted 8. 0. Cbltd, lnipiratloual Speaker, Cumppoiut Adam* Co. Mr*. H. J. Wllllf,1 3 Tremunt Row, Room 18, Boaton, /iv j - .l /l" . A a i'-iw l 5 o il w
/j.i/.'re , | l* Ati'dlier t«A rvlew.
tened Iiik i;\ ts, gave to him the timid 01 btsduif-
ful daughter, and welcomed him to their.fireside
H oule.”
Casper Rodgers was an unbeliever in such
Mra. Dr. Win. Crane. P. 0 pox >35, EJkrurt, Ind.
Mr*. M. J . Wllroxaoii, nddrcai, care of 8. S. Jour*, 102 Son.
17 —Ui-fulllliti'ill.
.1 17/ ril" I m b "I Pr . -I. -.I. n.
as a son. The o|,l mini was truly happy, and things, and gave no heed to them. He laughed Albert K Carpenter, addteaa oar* of Banner or Light Clark Street, Chicago, 111. . ..... ,t l i t Volt. , .,r lb,-M i., tow Death.
to scorn the serious advice imparled by many * ’ “ .A M irror.
their evening meal, though humble, a m glad Boaton, Maae. Henry C. Wright. *A Idrcai care of lU iis it or Liuur, .r.r « llonk <71.11
some unt) sweet to all. As it is written : " .Man to ware h the spring, and eurth, and rocks tor Mra. A. 11. Colby, Ti once Speaker,PegnTllla, Jay Go Ind, Boaton, Maaa. .1.17 A Unaulirill Irtonm.
sbail not live by bicud uloni-------- ’ the buned wealth, most surely bidden there. Mr* K. M- Woloott. Addroaa Dauby Vp <St-r/.'rr .1.1// Ri't(ik.|«-i':p,|, 1 ,
But the water ol the spring at length proving Dr. J . R. Doty, Stockton, IU. !'".ir-'.r .1 .1 7 // - Tlo- 51.11,ante,
Mra, Haul" K. Wilmn, (coloredjtr Addrn* 70, Trcmont
unfit tor use, he look out the pump, ami planted Mlao Litxlo Do ten. Addroaa ParlUou, 67 Treznont • treat c <Uov nr .I.I 7 P ri.i-Plcaih.-r. -
atreet, Boaton, Mna*. tin ft'r .r.1‘1* U>- 'P h -u .-I Spti Iliirtll.io
a willow tice in the place, which • grew and Boaton, Maaa.
CHAPTER XI. Daniel White, M. D., Box 2SC7, St. Loula, Mo. Ch.if.ur . r . r i | T'ii*Drunkard.
flourished luxuriantly. Mra. K. B. Danfar th, M.D., tiauec apeeker, Lawrence, Ko. Chnpt.T X A M t. Ttm Org:iii lloe f
KRJab Woodwo.-th,luaplratlonal epeakar, Leellr, Mich
KKMAKKAIll.K I'll ENOM ENA,— KOCH ESTER NOT Still the hom e was haunted, and though con George Datton, M. D., Rutland, Vt. " .pr-*- .r.l'l'///. The Manor Krt-ouud Fashion. **
Oilman R. tVoabbum, Wood*lock, Vt. > *«,ihr .f.l7 .t.—The S.Tl 8*1 i*fit d.
tinuous life, rests on the truth o f my confession, Dr.U. P. Falrfleld will anaw er.cal^ to Lecture. Adraaa vt'/e'l-r-r .I I I , V.ilainl Ih i.-l.-pm -ritof the S o o l.
T1IB FIRST SCENE ON TIIE “ HAPS " K, B. Wheeler. Addrraa care of American SpIritaalUt
says the dairy, “ yi t 1 saw the Widow Hague, \A n * ora, N. J. \ ( v , . I ' . t ' . l / Voltaire and Wolm-y.
111 Superior eL, Cleveland, Ohio.
T o keep even all the mystic threads o f our or at least her uppnriiion." All had retired lor Andrew Jackaon Darla can bo odireeeod at Orange, N. J . I t l m f i r J . I . I 7 / eThi.C)alc.
truthful story, we again retrace our steps, and Dr. R. G. Walla, Rocheater, N. Y. o.oy/w .r .l .l ///. lli.i s.-r. u l lllrth.-
tho nlgbUand l with a younger broiher had Mra. C. DeLamar, trance apeaker, Quincy, Mae*. J ’ C(n,Jtr A A A i r T h o S l u V r r ^
introduce the reader to u company o f men—fire prof. B. Whipple, Clyde, 0.
been asleep. But by some cause to me un B. 0. Dunn, lecturer, can bo adiroaaod Bockford, HI, ;a ,.).v r . r . i '. r r . - t u - q u. . n .
men and others— gathered in their club room in A . A. Wbeelock, To’ -do. O. * Chapter J T .r .l* t7 - A S .n .e in S p liit-U n d .
k n o w n ,! was awoke. The moon shining di P rd . William Dontou, Wellealy Maaa.
the upper purl of Kensington, listening attent A. B, Whiling, Albion, Mich. Charter A A J tX U -T ho M t- r .
rectly and strongly m the large open window, Mlaa Illia Howa Fuller, luaplratbnal apeakor, San F iu - Warren Woolaon, trance apeaker, Bailing*, If. Y. Chaitrr J 'J '.T P ///—Spiritual lofloeme.
ively to our youthful author, Clarence Clinton, enabled me to see quite clearly iu all i«art» of the claoo. Cal, t hunter A'A’A'lif.—The New City.
relating a story for their information and amuse Mia L- T. Whittier, 403 Sycamore #t., Milwaukee, Wla CVip/rr .r / - T l .o Erring One
room. Gradually I fell the bed cloth mg leaving Mlaa Aimed fa B. Fowler. AJdreaa, Sektourtllo Wla. lerabO . Whipple. Addreaa Myitic, Conn,
ment. partially of hlB own life. lie begun ; (fsa V r , H / - I l i r I J |.r,
me, I looked up and there I saw Mrs. Hague A. T. Fo b , Manchester, If. H. C l.o fttr J 7 .7/.—Tl.o B rggar.
“ Well—I would much rather^bear a story Mra. L. A. W1UU, Lawrence, Mom., P, O. box 470.
standing at the loot o f my bed, the clear bright A. J . Ffalibeak, Sturgta, Michigan. CA-,)*-.* .Tt ./ll In ’lgulflcance of Man.
tb&n tell one to night. But you have all heard moonlight shining full in her lace and over her Mra. Mary K. WUbee, 182 Sim atreet,Newark, N. J. Ch,i,ier X I. IV —CapkbiRU** of the aoul,
Charlea D. F«llu. clolrroyant ipeaker, Doarflold, Mich. CAis/rr .17,1—Tli.'8kri.t1c
more or less o f haunted houses. I will give you whole figure. I streamed with fright, and A. C. Woodruff, Battle Creek, Mich.
N. 8. Qroonloaf, Lowell, Maaa 0hapfrr X L 17 —H.-alltiea o[ Spirit-Lift
some o f my own experience—a true late about covering my face, stlove to shut out the sight. MUe H. Mafia Worthing, Oawege, IU.
v ChnpUr X L 17/.—Th* CoavIcL
Isaac P GroonlOaf, Addrcaa for the preaont 82 Waahlag-
1 Haunted bouEc.* ft is within the memory of My cry aroused tnyjiarents and there w*s no 8. H. Wortmen, Buffalo, N. Y., box, 1454. Chapter X L 1 7 //—' Ttm Soul*. Aaidiallvn.
snmo yet living in Kensington, that near where ton aret.no Chelan, Mow^ or aa abore. WIIIU V. Wentworth, Schenectady, New Tork. Chanter X t/.f.- T ii* Dying Girl.
more sic of> for me that night. E. Orareo, outhor of “ Biography of Satan.” Ad Orem
Cohnckeink Creek is now nearly run dry, and Mr*. Mary B. Walker, Waahlogton, D .a Chapter A.—Tho Inner TelJipler’
Father at length c included to tell the ‘prop Richmond, Ind Ct.njiter L I —The FooU»h Mother.
well-nigh buried, just above Oxford street, there erty, aud we felt the haunted house with no Daniel While, M. D , Box 2507, St. Loula Mo. Ceo,7rr I.ll.~_lTin* Dliobnlii ntBon.
once Htood a low one-story th&cbcd-roof house, DaDr* Do Force Gordon,wll, lecture In the State of Nrrada
little joy. T he place hue at length fallen into Tamil* T. Young, car* ofL. Sawyor, Three Oaia Mick., CAuMer LJ” -C*rdln*l Rlchellru.
Y et thiB was not the haunted house, but Mrs. till further notice. Penuauent addrcaa, Traoanro City, during Auguat and S«pt<ta bar. Chapter LI 1'.—Practical Naturoot Spirit,Life
ruin aud decay—the runiug brook la dry, aud white Pine Diatricl, Laua*-. Co., Nerada. Chapter LV.—Glimpse ol a Higher LU*.
Jcptba Hague, o f Quaker origin, though ncfl a now w e seldom or rtever hear any more about Mr. and Mra.Wm. J. Yoong,Bo|*eOUy, Idaho Tarrttoty. ChtMler L VI.—Communication.
Quakeress o f the strictest sort lived here for Dr. L. P. Ortgg*. Audreaa Cedar Fall*, Iowa. Mra. JulleUe Yeaw, addreaa NortbbOTo', Man. C/m;>vr /-17/ —A Word from Voltalr*.
the haunted house."
many years. Ilcr husband, after many profit R. D. Goodwin; lecturer, Kirkwood, Mo. CAnnbr A I7 //.—Homo of Unhappy Spirit*.
“Bravo, I not a bad yam , Clary, my boy I" Chapter A/.T.—Expuriet.Ce of Voltalr*.
able returns from sea, kissed tier an affectionate HU* Luna llutobluaou, Owonarllla, Cal.
cried Ringgold, who though usually the gayest S0U1 READINGS; ~ Apprndix.
*good-bye,’ and returned, In the form, no more. O. B. It axel tlue, Mato Mania, Wla.
ol the guy, yet the plain straight forward recital
The kind liiartcd Captain Hague was lost at sea. of these truthful Incidents seeuud to cost over Dr. H. Henry Uougbton. Addrraa, Milan Oblo. ASSISTED B Y 8P IIIIT . IX T E L L IO E X f
After weeks, months, and years of longing for Ml** Julia J Hubbard. AddrraaS, Cumaton atroot, Boaton )2 South Clark street, Chicago,
the return o f her companion, the widow at
h is exuberant spirits, a pleasing spell o f enchant
Mra 8. A. Horton, 24Wamralt atreet,Lowell, Maaa. CES.
leDgtb gave up all hopes o f bis return, and lived, “Speaking o f haunted house*;” said Job Claw- Mlaa Nellie Hayden. Addreae No. 20 WUmot atreet, Wor. J . M. SPEAR
lor a time, in seclusion and gloom. eon, who bad also been a very attentive listener, oeater, Maasachueetta. WIU examine and preecribe for dlaeoao* of body a ad Lint o f Price#,
Captain Hague, on several occasions, brought “ reminds me o f some incidents, not to say acci Moeee Hull, Hobart, Lake Oouaty, Ind. axled, will delineate character, deacrib* capacities of per- Answering written quaettona. t>n or under, 92.00; mental
home with him quite large sums o f money, and Mra. V. 0. Hyxer, 122 K. Madlaoc atreet, Baltimore Md. tons, and often Indicate bdlt location* for baaltb, pro*par questions, ten or under, 9200 ; #**l«d letter*, 93,00 s clalr
dents In my own life, which if you have not al ity and harmony. Tbia h* doe* by mean* of a lock of hair, Tryant examluitlon U> local* dliaiaa, 92,00 ; lookli
cave them always into bis lovely Jeptba's keep ready beard enough o t " tick like," 1 would like Dr. A. Hunt will recelre ealla to lecture Sunday*, (fold handwriting, photograph or personal presence. Age and absent friends, 93.<W; looatlug minerals, from 950, t o !
ing, hence, when «he was left a widow, she was some time very well to t*li." Water, Michigan. aax balug stated whan Ui* peraou U not present, aid* the anting! for slate writing, 9200; bailors* slttlugs, fin
in quite easy circumstances, in ihe'poteession o f “A ye, aye, J o b let us have the jtory o f the Dr. B B. Holden, North Clarenden, VL dtllaeaUon. Faa 92 Addrraa J . MURRAY BPBAH.1U4
several thousand dollars, aud a snug little home Stockton at. San Frau Cisco, Cal. WPetef West, 189, Soaih Clark atrrat, room* I I and „ A
4 Screaming Woman’ again f ” chimed the im W. A. D. Uum*. Addreae Watt Mde P.O., Cleveland'0. vol 7 no 73 m. 017 no4tf

/ ■)
JRELIGIO-PHILOSOPHOAL JOURNAL,. ' D e c e m be r 11, 1869.

Concluded Crom S n t page. other*. T^e sugar cane ubc r eoch element* as
true on •*rlh, u d ih ej u td if w# or* ju tl men on eartb, Jtritflio-f hilosophifal gourual its nature demands. The blade o f grass, how
errors Its contradictions, absurd statements,
its endorsement ot polygamy, and tbe idea held
T he expense, no doubt, will be great. It is
w* a r t not lee* ja il B ow ,ud wUt be to you. They b*re
kept tbeir premia*, let thla ami*, > lug* part of m j lima ever, lets those elements alone that the sugar forth therein tbat an Infiolte God would cater tbe custom Lo make a monument never smaller,
b u b a n ptM«d. I ba*a fullllrd my ckaffe, bee* tlon» »o O F F IC E 1SU, S O U T H C L A R K 8 T .. 3rd F L O O R . cane was warring with, enslaving and eating, to the whims o f Abraham, Job or Solom on, is and generally
r much.larger,
_ . than was the mortal
lo tb a U ttar for tba Uat IblrlaaB or fourteen y aan, and and with its ow n inherent forces subdues other foolish in the extreme. It has nearly had its bero dmm°rta! deeds :it is in-
bar# baa a guided and auilalutd with strength and poser 8. S . J O K E S , elements adapted to its wants. Thus,to Nature' day. T a .....................
The son o f Us destiny iis. .about
k J , sinking t€D? ^ t.o o , ® m c ? .o.r e t e ; a 0 d * “
authenticated tradition that Ad&m was 030 feet
equal to aaary emergency, to that do engagement baa id it o x , rcsusxax sea raorxu
raorsirrk a. we find a seeming antagonism—one element into obscurity, and in its place will rise those high, his monument cannot, lo common justice,
aaar been broken, oo mattar what dOlcoiUe* or obstacle* L a ta Ib t
presented tbamaaltaa. Opportunities to address politic preying off of, and subduing to its own wants, beautiful teachings from the intelligences o f the be less tban 1,000 feet in idtitude. But it is e s
audlaocaa poured in upon me. I knew not bow, oor trom m i6 I O -P H H O S O P H I C A L P U BU S H IN Q ASSOCIATION, other elements—and they in turn,perhaps, re-ab Spirit World, none o f whom ever saw God or timated tb it a penny subscription from each one
whence. WItb each Jadidou- car# an! ktodnea*, I felt o f the surviving descendants of this truly great-
sorbing w hat they gave forth, thus maintain the Devil, and through whose instrumentality, and good tuan—and It ia impossible that one of
conrlncul that 1 lui^tu, In4*adt tro al tba dear aplrlta, O H IO A Q O . D E C E M B E R 11, 18GB.
ing through the vast fields of N ature a perfect the human family are instructed in those grand them should be unwilling to contribute this
while l a t a couaUnlly ur*ad to uaa my own Judgment In
• 9 - For TVnwj o f S*b»cripti<m aa* JVcaimwa Melt and Awe- equilibrium. This antagonism in Nature, is principles that not only relate to this, but a small sum—would amount to enough to pay for
every other act or Ufa—in tbit one direction I bare walk
pactas on *v*<* J«V*- transmitted to animals, and finally to man. T he future life. the erection o f the monument, and leave enough
«d with tba inritible boat and ever walked safely. A
over to procure a handsome testimonial for Dr.
alrangrr, they b ate conducted ma from Maine to California, Those leofllng money to this office for tbe Jouijvsi, animals, true to the forces within them, eat Hogers, who has been the flist to suggest that
and acmes the tLl^bty ocean. I bare been amid acknea of shoold be careful lo state whether It be a renewal, or a new each other'; and finally man, still true to that “ D IS O R D E R L Y C H H I S T I A N S .» * it was time to wipe away “ the stigma Tong a t
wild exclum rnt, when my frlenda b tra 1 *e aal<J It would sabecrlptlen.xad write all proper name* plainly. tached to humanity for having left the memory
same force, eats the adm als. “ Last week a party of Indians, consisting o f
be dangerous for a t to go. The power, f the aplrtt baa of the first hero in ‘ its biBtory—a man whose
uol only protected iur>,hnt seems to bared riren bark every S9* If any person receiving this paper after tho lime for W e will visit our kind parent. Ndture, our seven, made their appearance on Squaw Creek,
which It is prepaid, desires to have It diiconljuued, h ear she* in Hood county, and stole tbe horses ot Mr Eat name, fame, actions, death, and spiritual influ
kind of a itogoblem, ao that every engagement baa been should inform as of that fact by letter, without delay and II
Mother, greets us with a happy, joyous smite, ence are constantly on our lips— with outconi-
ing, thence eight miles south to Mr. Mcdon-
perform >'•!. . , any ore conitoae* to Uk* tb* paper after bis or her time of and then discloses to our enraptured vision a memorative--qimie to tell the siranetr who
jir.peid eubscrlpUoob** expired, payueoveelll be required poll’s, and took ail his horses also. A parly of
Such baa been toy career. I f I have apultrb In the 'orm of panorama of the forces at her command. First, could appreciate it “ what he had done. A great
at regular rates, until all arrearage* are paid. citizens, anticipating their route o f return, took
egotism, it le became 1 feel tliat it ia right lo hear wllutaa their stand at a point o f timber in Mule H ol many bard things have been said ot A d am ; but
to Ibia noble truth I now perceive tbal from my earliest
a pbyrical organization, a man, com plete and
4 ^ - All letter* and communication* should he addressed low ; and waited their arrival, when they attack it Bhouki not be forgotten that we owe him
days, they bad beau preparing me a* an in tram m ! fitted perfect in all bis parts was presented before us. much, and that, with all his faults, he had many
lo S. 8. Jones, 1 8 8 South Clark street, Chicago, Illinois ed the party o f Indians and killed them all (one
for their p g rp s a . In the Island of tba era, far, far away She says, “ Yon find there all the forces or ele bring a squaw). virtues. When I)r. Roger's subscription pa
in tbal distant past, when non* could predict with hnn.au ments that I possess* hence be is iny child. The Lord is in our midst blessing his people, per is sent over here, we shall be ready with our
Tne Pen le m ightier th a p tl
ll|a the r..tiling of llila great era,—did they uol prepare and graciously reviving H is work, of which I penny, and, if he will enlarge his plan so as to
Therefrom is an outgrowth that is immortal, for
me for that which they aaw a a i to t e a r ’ Bid IhrJ not will report more hereafter. Yours in Christ. " include a monument to Eve also, wc will be
drag me Iron the tilumphe of a public life, ftotu all tba T U B 8 E B A IN G ANTAGONISM IN in that outgrowth are ad the dements,and a per happy to double our subscription.— Kx.
fect equilibrium is established, hence there can The above paragraph, which we cut from a
opportunists u b i.h I mined lo have opened bvfure m*f NATUKB.
They knew beat, and one after another every tie waa Methodist paper published in Texas, gives a A s stated in a previous number o f the J o u r
There seems Jo be an irrepressible conflict go be no death to that, for there is no clement left
broken, and I stood alone ia this airanga land with my graphic picture o fa peculiar state o f society. It n a l , we are in favor o f the monument, not-
ing on in the works o f Nature. Sty sooner*do out to disturb the equilibrium ot it." H ere,
dear mother, Called to go forth at a m » vent of the apirlta. ia with no feelings o f exultation, however, that withslauding Adam’s duplicity and meanness.
By tome strange and unaccountable pnrpote. 1 lout the you commence to live, to exhibit an animate then, was a grand mystery solved, w hy man is
w e point out the many transgressions o f the It is, indeed, a lamentable fact that tbe “ first
power that was prii-d to highly. I coaid uol *l£g with the
.existence, than forces seem to be set at wotk to Immortal. All the lorces o f Nature are harmo
moral and the civil laws, by those who have at man,” wbo named the beasts of the field and the
a-gels. 1 could not poor forth those t o re oT music In destroy your very existence. The world appears niously wedded together—none are left out to
which 1 know in Ibt better laud I shall one d»y Join fn tached themselves to the various Orthodox birds o f the air, and wlio for a few days enjoyed
to be composed o f antagonistic or opposing Uisturb-tbe equilibrium that exists, hence there
the choravet of the bright and glorious hosts of hAven! Churches, end whose duly it is lo expound or the sweets of domestic happiness to that extent
forces, that arc constanlfyxw arring with each is no reason w hy he should not live throughout
This joy Is cjc.cd against me now. I t might k a tA e c n a interpret tbe various passages of tbe Bible, and* that be was not aware that he was naked, has
temptation to poet away from tbe *:one* of strife and other. Build a priatul resilience, w hether*ol all eternity. I f one element was omitted in the
endeavor to make that appear reasonable which no monument erected to perpetuate his memory.
rougb doty uhicb the aerricae of the pla‘lotm demanded. wood, brick or marble, and no sooner completed grand make up, it would endanger the existence
To retain this voice, I was cut and mangled by tbe physi bears upou its face tbe evidence of weakness aud W hile we do not admire his sagacity, we think
than its beauty will commence To fade, and, o f the whole. But the constituent parts of all
cians, until not only the power to ting but to apeak, was absurdity. W e always pity that nature, be it O r there is somelhiug commendable in his affection
eventually, it will exhibit none, if any o f the being united together, no disturbance can
gone, t u t the power of speaking hta bran-given tom e thodox or otherwise, that will degrade iteelf by for Mother Eve, for, without questioning her in
again. Those uttersncea base never failed ma a t any time beauty that distinguished it when first ushered then ever possibly exist In their outgrowth.
Thus, in investigating tie forces o f which wc are a systematic course of bad conduct. It is not regard to where she procured certain iruit, lie
even when broken down liy sickness and suffering* into the world through the ingenuity o f the m e
generally #. sudden impulse that ruins a man. did partake thereof, when—" presto change-*-"
strength suit! Heat f *r the hour has aiwayi been given me. chanic. Life, theu, as composed o f opposing composed, we learn something o f our ow n na
Kneads, uy • iperi*nc**-'*r» Jours, every one of yon- The list o f criminals, embracing those who have he knew he was naked. Mother E ve’s eyes being
or antagonistic forces, is well worthy ot careful ture ; the mystery which hung over it like a
Though you do not eee spirits beckoning Jon on, thuugh
dark cloud,becomes dissipated, and we see there assumed the clerical robe, is fearfully large, and opened first, she.no doubt felt strangely a« sbo
yna do not hear the vukes that speak to your spirits, study, lo determine why it ia that we first have
in the same manifestations o f wisdom that we no is well calculated to lead one to-isquire which looked upon Adam, little appreciating tbe cause
though yon may not rsailie th s InvUiblv world around growth, then decay, resulting finally iu the com of tHiTwonderful metamorphosis. Yes, w e fa
yon, and as u r as yon can become impressible to tbe tice in the external world. Thus (Inward, ever is at l&ult, the human heart f or the religion
plete dissipation of everything the eye can vor the construction o f the monument, and are
Influence of miLlstenug spirits, yoWwill lesruour relation* onward, we will travel, gathering from the wfiich it embraces? We would rather throw
see. Change is written on all things. T h e
to these bright angels. They have unfolded acme for ocean o f Infinity a pebble here and a pebble over these clerical dignitaries the mantle of w illing the Itev. Charles Rogers should superin
special purposes aa instruments through whom they could shrub becomes a tr e e ; the bud a beautiful blos tend the same, B y the s*Je o f it, however, we
there, each one reflecting the illi notable gran charily, and encourage them to lead a life o f pu
make manifest the telalrjus w lich everyone of ycu sus som ; the seed germinates and produces & gol
deur of those fields that still lie beyond. rity, than to exult over that which makes them would place a wax tree representing the ouc
tains to that bright ami glorious tend, and its inhabitants.den stalk ; the'works o f Nature around us seem
It Is for this purpose thst I have been permitted to oiler criminals in the' sight o f nlsn and God. W e that contained the colden jru ll that was imbued
to be occupied constantly ia producing changes
you these details. It wuu'd taka volume* lo relate all tba reiiily pity them, and would lift them up by with a “ knowledge orgood and evil,” aud by
strange maLiftrstatic>aa, Ibat have been m j experience. I
Thus it baa been, and thus it e\'er will be in na TH E L O R D ’ S “ SIN O K O .T U I M O K .” kindness and encouraging words. The mission the side o f that, we would place'a sprpent, aud
ture. But what else but Nature ! l*oint lo those
will close this by stating the fee's tbs* ] know th at I live “ Aud the LordrepeiHcti o f the evil which he of Spiritualism is to direct its attention, to a cer by tbe side of the serpent a statute of Mother
for *vcr; that I slerp not when I close mj eyes in death ; geni9 ot light that tw inkle around about us m il ‘thought to do unto bis people.”—Exodus, tain extent, to those who stand nigh in the Or E ve, W c will keep our readers posted in re-
the very lostan tit may be, I shell open them In ela -n ity ;
lions ot mikB away ; drink from the bubbling 32 : 14.
tbal I shall live in lbs exact couditlon Mat I weave tor thodox ranks, aud endeavor Lo reform-them by ’ gurj to the success o f the enterprise, from time to
spring; breathe the pure air; cat the food that Those who have been ’ guilty o f son.e high
myself, brutes, tanuents, land, atmospheie, companions giving them to understand that there is no Sa time.
all are bilug built,fuhloned and determltad by theacU, is placed before you—all o f these are fouud misdemeanor, whose life lias been characterized vior who died to euve them from a merited pun
■lecds, thoughts of mv life and not another. That w ears ( within the realm of Nature. Theo, we ask you, by wickedness, or who contemplate doing some D R . G KOSVENOR StVAN ,
ishment, but tbat they alouc will be compelled
surrounds-! by Invisible hosts, who read our thoughts, who is our Mother? W ithin us are' all the vile act, sometimes repent, or feel remoise for to answer for tbeir mis-deeds, and be punished W bo is stil! spending four days each week at
note our detds, lirten to our words take heed of our Joicts of Nature—then can not she claim us as
lightest action—that we are nevtr alone. That while we
what they have d oner«rw hat they comlcmplate therefor. There is no method b y which man tbe Adam 's Rouse in this City, for the purpose
her children? This subject is plain, and needs doing. It appears tbat God, to whose infinite o f waiting upon such as may desire his services,
are not permitted to change the great and mysterious can recape punishment when he violates a law
no elucidation. Look at Nature, then look at
decrees of that order of things, tl a t success Ion of • rents wisdom all tbe laws tbat govern the universe has just shown us a letter from C. C. Vance,
of God. Teach these Orthodox ministers that
which some call destiny, which I Call ptovldence. While man, aud you Hud ih a l within the latter are point for their origin, had contemplated some Esq., o f Rosco.- Mr. Vance says he had been a
they are cot permitted to rn trte e b opr n the purpose* of fact, impress I t deeply upon their mind, and it
concentrated all the forces o f the former, then evil toward his own people, and sensing tbe cripple from the effects o f rheumatism for Iho
Ood, they are netw ork!' g these. Tbeir powar is heyoed will have a tendency to restrain them from'com
can we not truthfully say, Nature our Mother, poignancy o f feeling that remorse of conscience past nine years, that when he first met Dr, 8.,
curt. We scarcely rveiixe the power of the spirits until m itting such offences as are daily chronicled In
w* begin to let them extend their iulluer.ee aronud us. God our Father, all humanity our brothers? always imparts, lie repeutid. This may be about seven weeks since, he had entirely lost the
tbe press o f tbe land. The idea tbat one inno
Then we res Ire that they are responsible lo the Great Such must hs the natural conclusion. E xam ine| classed as a “ sin o f omission,” o f which the pse o f biB right arm and hand, ap that he had
cent being can assume tbe sins of the guilty, and
Spirit, and to him aline, we lee the horiron of their then, the forces of Nature, learn the character o f Lord referred to in the ,Bible was guiltv It is bear the penalty thereof, is well calculated to been unable to write bis name for ten weeks,
p i war. their action and the wonderful phenomena
I have revived Ihal just so long sa I placed tajsolf is
civnr, however ,tl^at if he had contemplated com uiford a license to sin, and we do not wonder and that D r.S., by the aj>pHcat ton o f bis bands
they manifest, and then you learu that much of mitting a crime, or destroying or molesting bis relieved him of all pain and perlectly restored
approximation to Iho Divine Spirit, tail so long as I that lazy ministers o f tbe gospel, well fed and
her children.
eliidftd Hie laws and fulfill! d His purpi-ses and to the best people in a manner not dictated by justice, and the use of the arm in three minutes. He also
well clothed, petted by their parishoners, should
of my power yielded up myself, not to tplrlls io and out of It would he well to consider another question did repent, there must have been some power says that Mr. Samuel Lithrop, keeper o f the
thn form, but lo Him, and ably trust my spirits as I should
be guilty of high crifnes atjd misdemeanors.
in connection herewith. Are the forces o f N a higher than himself, to whom be could make Farmer’s Hotel in tb e-above-place, who about
my m >rul frb nds, the dear stroag father, the kind and ture governed by immutable law s? The an
loving husband, the dear brother, good frlscds, patiiuU„ known his wishes and ask forgiveness. Now, the same time called on Dr. 8., on a pair of*
swer com es echoing from millions qf hearts, yes. TRACTS. •
in arty IS, sav ora of the race—Jm t ao long as I realise their it would Hw k exceedingly foolish for a supreme crutches, und who was enabled to walk home
presence and tins! them, ao f*r no evil can h.rtn me, ao But we ebunge that question a little, for we power to repent o f any act, unless some one The Young Men's Christian Association ol with the crutches on his shoulder, desires to
temptation < tu IraJ me to do wrot g. I am as safe as 1 know that in Nature there are no abstract laws, Chicago annTOht-es the arrival, from England,
higher than him self in the scale o f existence, to o f we forget how many million copies o f tracts. , send the Doctor a certificate j>f » the marvelous
have ever been in dealing with Id ad intelligence under such as govern an empire, republic or c ity . whom be is accountable. T he child grieves as That Association imports its religion from Judea cure he had performed on him. H eals > mentions
tbe mask of clay.
Therein philosophers in the past have greatly ii its little heart would break, and* the big and gets its printing done abroad._ In each case others that are claiming to have received great
I repeat, frlenfs, thane are not my own life alone, they
b-l n j to every one of ts- I shall close by rt-laPng on* erred. They talk glibly o f law f,—of jibe law o f round tears pa>s over its cheeks indicating it obtains an inferior article and plants itself bom fit through Dr. Swan.
gravitation, ol attraction and repulaion^and con rquartly Bga-’nst American production. We
peculiar Incident In my career, the last that I shall hate Ujb inward emotions, when it acts in disobedi are personally acquainted with Esquire
lo notice one that seems to me to he highly significant i f
ought to have pride enough to believe that
sider .them abstract in their nature, when iu fact ence to its parents wishes. W e have as good America can get up at least as good a religion Vance and know him to be a man o f truth and
the present holerugeoloii* and broken condition of our there* are no abstract law*. Matter governs it reason to bel!eve that the Lord spoken o f in as Syria, and that we can find authors to write candor.
ranks. and presses to print all the tracts we may need.
seif; it ta u law unto itself, and operates on
fo r toasy years, my spirit friends had told me that at a this passage of Scripture, was sensible that
the principles, as it were, o f independent sov IIu' since the religion of the Young Men’s
certain period of the nrivnueut, when spirits had perform there was a person above him to whom he- Christian Association is a s js ttn : of anti-repub E R R O R S C H E E R F U L L Y C O R R E C T ! Dp
ed a certain work, th s t about tbe closing up or the period ereignty. The matter is the law. li it is more « as responsible, and to whom he must repent, lican despotism, it is no wonder that the R rc .
ah-g. the missluntrles who ha* b v i tbe pioneers had done convenient to apply the n&ra? o f gravitation Association should go lo a monarchical country
consequently he fetl grieved at the “ sib of Look well to the lidle ytllow monitor, and if
thvir work a o j no more was expected freta them, when for pnpulnr expositions o f ita tenets.. Still,
thereto, do s o ; but in no c*se imagine that omission," of which he was guilty. any mistakes are discovered, advise us at once,
tfauy should resign tbrlr work Into tho holds of others, American cltize-nsiahould take a note o f these
there is any such thing in nature aa an abstract If the Lord spoken o f above was really infi
lli.it ( Wss to write the history of this modem movement. things. Republican America has perhaps as that they may be corrected. It any one is
I was to gather my materials from eveiy part i f the law, for there is not. nite In wisdom, prfwer and love, there could much to fear irom the disciples of W esley as receiving dupl calc copies, advite us of thaU tct,
o u n try .a u d many l T those who took little urno Interest Iu allu Jing to N ature’s force, we shall use for from the temporal Boverign ol the city o f Bcvon unless you desire lo pay for more tban one copy.
have been no one besides him, consequently his
In the movement, should supply JUS with these. They convenience sake, the term “ law ” as an ab bills.— Liberal.
ihrtiild he hrt tight from the East and the W ilt, the North njientacce could do no possible good, only Whe** you eend money, slate whether U is fora
a id tbs S »tnb,atd I ehinlJ bring together a record such struct quallity ; yet we wish to be understood T he persistency o f tbe YouogM cn’a Christian
ns nu oTh-r In anv Co lutry should possess. 1 deemed all giving satisfactory evidence tbal be was not renewal or for a d c w subscription,—a failure lo
this as at a v-ry f*- dU‘ant day to be lealllrd 1 pictured iu all cases as believing that there is no such Association, is worthy ot great admiration, 'the
omniscient, giving room of course, for wisdom do so, has, and may again, result iu duplicate
to a y srlf th suows <f winter covering my brow, the tbiug in Nature, and tbal matter ia a law unto money which they expend in t ran sh o u ld be
dl-tiaesi of old agn palsvliig my eye. hot still I should and power outside of him. We have now. copies bring w n l to Ibe same person. •
have strength to writo and this sbm ld bs ihe last wotk itself, call it by whatever name you will. used,however,for a better purpose. Might as well
tbe Father, Son, and Holy Ghost—-three in one. Ba careful and give tbe name o f person, town
for me. In Nature, tbe same result is invariably pro feed the physical organization on the diet that
When I returned Iroru California, the word was to go N ow the question might be well urited, was and State In plain writing, so that no mistake'
1, ( ?o tie I <1 O-I-Itry an I eon i i - q c j tlie w rk . Now duced. The aesrn produces the oak; the teed w h s placed on the table during the days of
this Lord spoken of, tbe Father, So d , or Iloly shall occur in directing*papers or other packages,
It the hour to write th* history of Spiritualism I ehraik the plant that seems to have been designed lor Pharoab, as to feed tbe mind and the moral
bark. Again, tbs utterances or my sp rit gnhtes who have Ghost ? The Son was “begotten Trom the Inunda ordered. Lastly, remember tbat printers work
nev<r yet dccrivid me were beard I weat hack without it by tbe combination o f forces or elements faculties on the foolish twaddle that emanates
further questioning, and the last work t-iat baa h *n given tion o f the world,” but whether be waa at the bard, and must have tbeir pay every Saturday
in* is n i * ah iht beiug accomplished This I V at told was that it embraces. These forces work in a uni from the Old Tgjtament. T he religion o f the
lime designated in the 'passage o f the B ible night, to defray the expenses o f tbeir fam ilies
Ihe closing up of one era and tbe opening ofa other. form mauner, iu accordance with a law immu various Orthodox Churches might answer the
above alluded to, actually with the Father and This last admonition is for those wbo are in
table in Us action and certain in iu results. A d wantB o f tbe people 1800 years ago—hut now —
f o r the Bsliglo-^hH-isopbical Journal. H oly GhoBt, aa an individualized entity, we
mitting this position,we desire to ask any intelli know not. It seems, kowever.tbat the one speak honlbW I wbo would tliluk o f adopting Abra A W° ,d W'H'' " Mi<1 be 8Uf'
S h a r i H erm o n s o n N c r lp lu r e T e x t * .
gent mind, if, when these forces are transferred hum’s morality as a alaodard, whn w h s not o n ly - * __________ ^ ___________ * -
NO. TWO. ing of repenting must have been the Father,
to tbe physical organiz itioo, they are not equal a liar, but a cruel exacting tyrant, who, if ht^
BV W .IH B E S COA SF. who really is a little lower in the scale of txitt- OF IN T E R E S T .
ly as immutable iu their action aud as certain now lived in Chicago, and should tre'atT a ser
cncc tban the Holy Ghost, for sinB against the In Thjs number of the j o u r n a l we give an in
•-And Elijah w ent up by a whirlwind luto la their results ? If not, then the whole fabric vant iu tbe Barae mauner he did Ilagar, would
hetven." ('2nd Kings, 2 —I t) former are forgiven, but against the latter, terest lug chapter of the early history o f Jesus
o f Nature is governed by uncertain laws ; the n e v e r ; iht refore, we can come to this conclu be consigned to Bridewell for at least ninety
I f this was not the word o f God or in tbU In nr Nazareth,narrating come strange experiences
days. Then, again, Noah waB not much heller.
fallible Bible, I should doubt the capacity of a sun is likely to fid e away in tbe heavens, leav sion, that the L">rd, when repenting, was direct of his uoy-hood days, as well as those of John the
whirlwind to take a prophet. bo u I and body, to his ing us to grope iu darkness; there is no cer He got beastly Intoxicated. *Who would waht a
ing his attention to the Iloly Ghost, anticipating,' Baptist, as given by the Apostle Paul through
home in hearen. B ut ae we are commanded to tainty that the earth will long traw l in its pres of course, Iu b forgiveness. child to imitate the morality of many of the
take tbe Scripture Itterally and wholly as writ ent orbit, or that seed time and harvest will con Biblical characters. It is true, there are veins tbe mediumship o f Alexander Smyth, of Phila
ten, we have no alternative but to accept, or This passage demonstrates conclusively that the delphia.
ol supernal intelligence therein, that sparkle
doubt and deny, and " be damned ” for unbelief. tinue; the very heavens tbat glisten with in "Lord alluded to Was not ail wise, and tbat be T his closes The Introductory Part o f one of
It drea not matter how much our “ carnal rea numerable worlds may lade away leaving a beautifully In the sunbeams of our H&rmonlal
could not successfully govern that stubborn, sel
son “ may fail to understand or accept tbe state blank that future ages will not chance to sup Philosophy,but they are generally discarded by the most extraordinary books that has ever Issu
ments,our faith must overcome all obstacha—we fish and maliciously ignorant people that were ed from tbe press; it contains 310 closely print
p ly ; the moon that sends her gem ai rays to tbe various Orthodox Churches.
must be saved or lost by it. Since, therefore, under tbe control o f Moses, and becoming
lighten the hours o f night, may take a notion to If tbe i &IHo q of tracts wb'ch this Asarclatlnn ed pages, bound in muslin,and sold at $1,50 post
w e have no alternative but to believe that EH disgusted wi'h their corruption and determina age paid, and is by tar tbe cheapest book on our
Jab went to heaven iu a wlilflwiud fur a chart- - start on a trip to the PleiAdes, to witness the have imported, could be s< nt to the paper mill
tion to worship idolS'he, no doubt, contemplated list. _________________________
ot, notwithitanding that another of the Benten g ra n d eu /o i the central suu. W ithout law un and made into beautiful white paper for the
ces in God’s word says, “ that d o man hath a s Borne evil in connection with them. The nature
erring In its action, what confusion would pre R e l io io P h il o s o ph ic a l J o u r n a l , some good J A N S 'B . F O W L E R .
cended up to heaven, but l i e that came down ot that evil,' no one, o f course,but him self knows.
Irom heaven.even the Sjn of Man.” However, vail. B ut you will never witness anarchy in could be accomplished thereby. W e learn from a valued friend, tb£t (be above
It does seem to us, that, when the Lord, after
as we are not to reason on these subjects, nor Nature. It never has been witnessed and nevrr repealed trials, found that be could not control named sister iB a good healing, clairvoyant and
to ask questions of explanation, we h iv e no al will. N ow , knowing full well that Nature's T H E M BD1ASCO PB AND PSY C IIO M A - teat medium, and worthy o f patronage.'
ternative but to believe both passages, however to b is satisfaction those whom he bad released TBR.
much one la in conflict with the other. God forces are unerring iu potion-and reoultC w t from Eg} ptian pondage, he should have invited
This beautiful little instrument is for sale at
Address P. O. Box, 820, Binghamton, N . Y .
aeeim to have had a very ahort memory when would like to have some one present a plausible the Iloly Ghost to act as hia counsel, for he
writing the book, or else He wrote different reason lo show that when transferred to the this c flice. Sent by mail on receipt of twenty / y Ill KM. n . J . W I L C O X MON
certainly ia endowed with more witdom than
narta for diflerent ages and peoples, and did not physical organization, they ar->not equally so. centt to any ^addrers. It works finely in tbe Starts for the South this week, and will spend
intend that they should see each other. Some tbe Lord, for if not, how is it that tbe sins
In this aonSufllon, then, that Nature’s forces hands of many who never imagined they were
politicians, if not some clergymen, work on this against him are never forgiven, neither in this the winter In Texas, Mississippi and Alabama.
are immutable l a aclfon, whether..manifested iu mediums. Those who do not want to bear from
plan in our time, hut we do not generally con world nor In the world to come ? All parties wishing her services in tbat section,
sider it a very creditable character, even If it ia plants, trees, animals or men, we prepare our their di parted friends, belter not send fcjr it.
This postage of Scripture docs not refer to the will address her till further notice, in care of
in pattern or the Jew ish God. Whirlwinds, in selves to receive still grander truths. Address C&L J. C. l\uNmr;'S(.cy,
God o f the universe, He who controls every P. Bremnnd, Eiq., Houston, Texas'.
our day, do not seem to take people to heaven 180 South Clark street,
bodily, but we are told that these stories are of In Nature we find one cleraeuT absorbing or thing throughout the infinite realms o f Binice,
subduing others. T be very tree tatt the earth, * Chicago, Illinois.
miracles that pay«»o regard to laws of nature, not a sparrow falling to the ground without Ills K IISS L I Z Z I E R E I S E R
and although no such events occur now, w e are the little plant preys on the a ir ; In fact, through notice—It refers to some other being, for H e f i T We would call attention of our many retd- Has been giving BeanoeB In Cincinnati^ describ
required to accept these on very slender testi-
out the vast domain o f Nature, w e flqd one ele W e r can repent, for being all-wise, lie can ing spirits and giving tests with remarkable
■ rnony, or be left out ot heaven when God makes era to the card of|Anatln Kent. Ho la truly
up his Jewels. ment, aa it were, enslaved and made use of by make no mistakes. W e fl nd in the Bible many worthy. accuracy. She U an excellent medium.

D e c e mbe r 11, 1869# RELIQ-IO-PHTLOSOPHICA L JOURNAL.

not more of these instances, w ill Mr W alton M A IL B O B B E R Y ,
p U a d e tp fc ia flfp a r tn w ttt. lease remember that a minister is paid to keep ADVERTISEMENTS. THE CAREER
E Is eyes shut, so far as not te 9ee anything that
- t m o t in the creed of his church. T hey use
We desire oar readers to bear In mind that when
the sum of three dollars la to be pild to this office,
. . H. T. CHILD, M. D. their intellects, but few o f them are exercising the expense of the Post Office order, t e n c e n t s , P H O T O G R .V P H S -O F O N IE T A " IN D IA N "
1 Ooutrol of J. Wil l ia m Va v N*u*i,from a Drawing by G O D I D E A 'I N H IS T O R Y ,
their spiritual powers sufficiently to have any or the ^ ^ eosc of registering—r ir fia x c e n t s , m ay Wells And*r*on. Will be sent by mall on receipt of
Subscription will be received, and paper* n»y b* obtain experience through them ; and if they had, are be deducted from the amount to be remitted.
ed s t wholesale or retail, i t 834 Race street, Philadelphia. 0t9ca,o . ______ ______ \ - "T . /
they w illing to lay down material dollars, in H UDSO N TUTTLE. /
oTder to gather up spiritual coin? Probably Addrea* S. 8.donee. 18». South Clark *tre.t, Chicago. Ill
most o f them would prefer being spiritually A N E W P R O P O S IT IO N .
M evleO T bjr M r s , 8. C . W a t e r * , o f R e r . W m
poor, it its preyenture must be at the sacrifice To an; one who h as never taken the J o u r n a l , D . W H I T E , M . DTT CONTEN TS.
W a lt o n * F o u r t h D U c o u n e * a g a i n s t S p ir it o f position and pay in the church. As for we will send it tor three months on trial, on the I t trod no tlun.
u a l i s m , D e liv e r e d , O ct 17 *t» , 1 8 6 9 ,In B o r - deacons, elders, class leaders, &c.t a frowning r ecelpt offifty cents. 7 0 9 N orth F o u rth atre«t» St, L n n li. M o .d , •The Gtid Idea of the Hindoos,
4 « n ( o w o , N. J . church has terrors for most o f them, which II*a h t l qpw rd io f thirty year* experlrnce to General
•entinned from lost week. and Hospital practice. He «uro* the moil difflcult and obeli “ " “
H Egyptians, CheMeau*
quite outweigh and suh|ugate their desire to “ “ “
" Jews.'
Mr W aiton asserted tliat angels came un HOM E. nateebro lo <h*e**e of every drecription without strong
know the nature, possibilities and destiny of Qipdicine o rS u r^rat oprr»ttuD«. ” “ “
“ . Arabians,
sought—were sent of God. Said Jean# went to human souls; consequently, they are not in Spiritualists visiting Ghicago, will find a pleasant Dr. W. give* hi* Special Attention to the treatm ent of " “ **
“ Greeks aud Roiran*,
the mount to pray, not to seek Moses and E lla s; much danger of eating of the fruit o f the tree o f home at 148, 4th Avenue, on the South side. Only disease* ar M ill. Prraoiu tending him # ’ with a bl-tury AliXandrian and Early 'CUristteaMy,
of their complaint, describing all tln ir .ymptum* a* ml- * " J-al.r Ptulosophers .
and thought a very impressive evidence of their knowledge. nutely a» possible, m< diclnre will be put up rxpreatly for * “ " “ Bor l=r-RelikloHs--Cblneee, Druids,
being sent by God, was contained m the fact Mr W alton states that “ It has been said that five minutes’ walk from the PoBt-Office. Scandenavlat.* aud Ar.teci.
tbelr case and neat to them by return m-u I poet paid. Hun •
that '‘ they appeared there as men,” to entirely science disproved Moses’ account of the cre , Good mediums always in attendance.' died* have been greatly benefited, and many radically Concluilan—Ultimate <f Urn hod Idea.
in their chanicterett:cs and Be’fbood “ that they ation, but the latest revelations of science prove cured, nft*r all oflier tuean* litd failed, by hi* Uuttieo mag Price 1,50: postage H e m u »
netic Remrdiy*.
were readily known by the apostles." Perhaps Moses’ account to tie correC.” N ow , this is a For sale at KxualD-PniLumi'uicAi J ' m.-x v a l Office. /
lie hail forgotten, that, only a few minutes be tpicy bit of information, but ia it 09 delicious as Address,
fore, he'had most contemptuously scouted the some other pacts of the sermon r I remethber , ® & 4 t w a r a .
idea that an old man in a mantle should be con it is historically stated that the Greek version o f =L= S. S. JO NES,
sidered the spirit o f Samuel.
It would not seem very singular, if he should
Moses places the creation two thousands years
larlber listen than the Hebrew version ; and it
Passed la her mansion In the Summer Land, firm Hale* M A Frenrli l.dy, ha* room* at the Morton Hori«H, No.
Ilk aud IU . Franklin St„ between Wailungbm and Madi „
1SS> Su. C la rk Street,
Cuicago, 111.
burg, III., Nov. 23rd, 1869, Mra. Alclnd* Wilhelm Blade, son street*, just *'»utn of the ea't entrance t> thu tunnel, Vol. 7 No. 8 - if. s ’
have some difficulty In lielieving that the three would be particularly interesting to know where she I* prepared to give •eiuen* to all who desire clair-
angels who came to Abraham, (Gen. IS) needed whether it is the Greek or the Hejirew version wife of Dr. Henry SUJe- voyant examination <>t p.ychom-trlcal delineation'. U.-r
water to wash their feet, and fresh veal, hot that is proved true ; especially 8<>,‘sftrcc we are' I t 1* gratify tag t>> kuow tli it J iring h .r pilgrim»<> on p wei* ** a medium for gen-r.'l *p-cUI in'tructlou* In r^
told historically that the Hebrew Scriptures earth, her constant elfjrtato promote tbo c v q 'jo f our beau- g*rd to the future—recounting the past-.llagnueing aad A W O NDERFUL T E S T IM O N Y !
cakes, butter and milk to eat. before proceeding prrecribhig for dixea'e*, liayc bren tested liy lb ■u*and'
to visit Lot, where they washed their feet and were utterly destroyed during the captivity in o r7im *? °’cl'w‘k *• M * > 13 M., and from A revelation of tbe txtraordinary visitation of departed
ate in like manner. Balylon, and restored seventy years afterwards tiful HanuonUI PhlloJripiy.andInitll within tbo min In of 2 lu D I*. M. T»*rm% from $1 to $2, «ccordinif to spirits of dUtiuguished men*and women of all natious, a*
by Ezra. It would have been very interesting, the people, higher aid purer aspirations, gave her a piece No. v o l.:. it in ini lusted Ibruugli Ibe living bodies ol the •* dhaker*." The
li e said “ not a single individual had ever spirit* ol Waal)ingtou, Franklin, Fean, litepbon Girard,,Ty.
been made better by Spiritualism.” But has he could he have informed us when, where, how, to. tbe affection* of all. Site h u pa sed over the shining ruutfo w er, Rev. George OouLmsn, Geuerel llarrUon, Bt.
all k n o w le d g e jv D o e s he know the secret work and by whom, ibis wonderlul scientific testimony river, to that home made by her angel friend* for her re F-strick, Napoleon, nbakespenre, John Wesley, Robert l o r
ings o f the BOOfs-of so many millions ol Spiritual has been obtained, for there were some iutelh ception, and beautiful it ie, for it resemble* ih-»*o life-deed* LECTURE IN RHYM E, matt, Byron, Ge'jrgn Fox, and h«*i' of distinguished man
and wiiunu of tho Fast, who tske poureiiou of, and <B«-
ists. that he should speak 50 positively. Ife fur gent Methodists, and also Spiritualists, who that adorned her pathway during her earth tile. TIIE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE. . outre through, the living budies of the *■Buskers ** of New
ther declared that Spiritualism was 'deadly and surely would like to know more about ii, if it is By Mr s . F. A.. I*-nit. York, giving wouderful iiifonuatiou respecting the event* of
infectious, “ poisoning morals,” -i* contaminat not a “ will ol the wisp got up for this occa their lilo-time, aud Iheir opiuluna of present criticism con
An Exceedingly Entertaining and Instructive Lecture. cerning thoso events, as well a* their tmtuedlato condition
ion religion," and “ dripping with cbm iption.'1- sion.”. r.-p»rteit thin life-, Nov. .'iili, ISM, Mr*. M a rtb . Ulio.con- Delivered to Large and highly in torented Auditucea in differ in the World of Spirit*.
Said Spiritualists had no right to quoteYrom the Aside from the restoration of the Jew ish *orl of Mr. Do Land Bli*», of Court! and, New York ; aged ent part*of the Union. * Tin* marvelous record. In book f.rm. Is published aud (hr
JJible ; and in most defiant and vociferous lan Scriptures by*Ezra, Jew ish sacred books inform ' 31 year*. The Author, yielding to tbo urgent r<<]ne*U of her uniscr- sale by L. Q. Thom**, No. 1127 Baiiaow »l. Fhiladelphla, and
ou* frivudu, tin* contented to have it printed. tuny be obtained of liookseliere isn-1 m-ws>lealer* generally.
guage, bade them “ let it alone and not lay their us that Jeremiah deferred twenty-three years The-licensed are* scl-jrctod to a protrseted and exceed- 6t ot postage paid on receipt of 26 Ceuta. r^lce, 2o cents per copy, or at the rate of |1 i per hundred
vile i>olluted hands upon it.” I should mistrust before writing down his prophecies; and that ingly painful run of typlidd fever wbt:h h>r tr* I phv'ict copies.
that it got a little polluted in the process o f com Ezekiel’s and Daniel’s prophecies were given r on*tUulion we* unable to resist, and *0 the *plrit t »>k it* J0!iKS*1S9 8un«h Clark Bt., Chicago
ing into iia present Bhape; for, in two or three
instances, he seemed to feel obliged to skip some
during Ibe captivity in Balylon, and not written departure, n it to that ba irn wl.-nce n i trjv.oer return',,
bv them, but by men of the great Synagogue but to that apbtre or lire beyond thl* wh'-re it* affluitk-'
after the return td'Jerusalcm ; also that the same and i t' virtue* naturally assign it. with enlarged cap i',l-
H aving nmtiv arrangcuietits with
very objectionable and unfit words, in the sen . Magnetic and Clajrtoyant Physician».
tences ol scripture which he quoted in his ser body o f men wrote down the prophecies ol the tie*, and v 1th frt'di-m to become a mlnlst-ring *|>irit to “ B y t l i c l r w o r k s y c n U a ll k l i u i v ltu»tu.*>
mon. Did he think no one present knew It twelve minor prophets. those whom *be*u tenderly loved In her earth-life.
when he skipped those- words ? Of course, a -.Mr Walton refered to Franklin’s dog barking o f a l l o t th e !> c slsly le rit S e w i n g M a c h i n e s , w c
minister, relying on a Bibl.e so indelicately w rit at the moon, and said, “ Spiritualism may bark D l t . I V . 4 M R S . P . JT. C L E V E L A N D ,
ten that he had to skip part in his quotations, at cbris'ianity hut it will go right on, as did the W ill F u r n is h Hare permanently located at M'dlsoa street, k w n ,
would be very desirous t« keep all scrutinizing
eyes oir the Book, and all hp% from repeating
moon, long after Spiritualism shall be dead,
buried, and a monument raised to its memory,"
S PE CIAL NOTICES. ay one ol the sixty five Dolt ir MacbinM as well a* thJv> of
t3 aud 68, Chicago.
Prnm long rxperltttco iu treating the varlona diseases lo
t w much o f Its contents. He having proved Spiritualism to be twice as ' higher price, ji which the liuiuku litinlly is snitject, « . frrl Coiihdelit s*-t
W a r r e n C h a a c A C o ., No. 8 * 7 N o r th F i l t h we can restore to htwlth ell vfau aie afflicte 1 with any Com.
I ie said that while persons hud put forth most old as Christianity; having proved that spirit hie discus.-, having In many caeca d f r „ | n lo, e who w#f<
communion had not only existed for thousands T e n D o lla r s L e ss ahi«ndou<.-l .0. Incurable by all other syatcmsoi practice.
immoral and abominable doctrines, the Spirit * lr c e l, St. L o u t*; M o ., ^
of years, but that it is In full and vigorous e x thaaregubir ratre,nud warrant every mm-lifhe to I : i* -f«ci All ucutei ulna removed Instantly by laying on ot hands.
ualisl papers hail never repudiated or even K»<p tvituUiilly ou bam) nil tbo yubtlcalioD* cl' Wm WIk Ic ad the very l . r e l t h - ktn l mini-. •W- Bpecial aiieniiuii given to the ir.-Htmeat of all Fe-
criticised either the individuals or the doc'rines. ercise at the present time, it would appear that male UlsMUM-s.by Mrs.CLKVEl,\NI>, who i* a Clairvoyant
its continmd existence is q-ittc as probable as A Cj , J P r Sion<!«!■■, A'lnma A Co., RBUOto-PiniosoFliicu That is to ray we «iil. n.r the ..................... ... MreF-wing
At least, iu many of the cases h e spicified in Machine, m>t only .e n d the m u bin-, bu t w ill *.m l and can perfectly dugnose disease, either present or ab
that of Christianity. His illustration reminds or Publifliug AuocUtiou, *til all ollior jiipuU r I.IUml sent. • Feud uaute, »<e and reei-luuce.
his sermons, this assertion is absolutely and Consultation uud diaguoslt, f I. l’O. ■ ‘ >
emphatically erroneous. Whether it shall be one equally “pertinent, found in the story ol a L urnture, iucludiu^ Rtu<it>»-1 jfltokortiicjiL J ol -b s ^ l knd TK rV D O L L A R S no d vol 25 if
l.upultd to his ignorance, or his untruthfulness, peasant, who thought his donkey had drank up
the moon, because he drank the water in which lU kxia c f LtatlT, Maguzinr*, Pkotognt|>h<>, Parlor Colin« worth of any of-tlio t»*-ks advertm.*! in our" llook I.Mt.or
1 leave for him to choose. Doubtless, charity the ilctietO-PtflL' 'Ol lll'-AL JvCBMAL or a pan in .vich, at
which “ shall cover a multitude'’ of taulis, it was n th clcd . If Mr Walton thinks the GuMru Pen*, Stationery, etc. regular rale*, as a premium >>r luduc-iuent to buy machiniw g. It. oittUAM. j. w. XRSX. I). L. rtRKr Notary Public.
church has drank up all the fountain ol God's tbrough our agenty.
would suggest, give him the benefit of both
goodness, love and wisdom, then he U os ignnr HERMAN SNOW.3pt KKVRNEY St. S.\.\ t'KASOISCO. ' G R A H A M , P E R R Y & CO.
apologies. Does he intend to be considered a All who Waut to nei.R us ami t h e m s e l v e a
constant, and thorough reader of the entire ant o f truth as the peasant, who thought his Cvl. keep* the Kk l i a 10 PutLoiOPiix-tl JovitvtL for■>t«le, itmt HEA L ESTA TE and L O A N A GENTS.
donkey drank the moon. Beams of the eternal will buy through our Agency.
literature of Spiritualsm y and does he mean to will receive *ub*^ripti»av Or tbo <tmti. Ile*.il«i kee|i* for ROOMS, M AJOR BLOCK,
tell us that lie has been so for the last ten years? wisdom are with all God’s children ; light from u le all SpirltnalUt and Reform look* at Chfmgo and tine- Address,
3 f not then, he is But com petent to make the the eternal fountain streams mto every crevice ton price*. Spence'* Positive. and Negative Powder* S. S. JO NES. Car. La SaUe and Madison Sts, Chicago, IU.
above statement. of creation ; the church pail catches some beams, Plancbetles, etc, always on band, 192 South Clark Street, City and Country Re tl EsUte purchase^d and *uM. Invert-
When he says, “ N o matter how morally a but only a few, for those beams are as o ami pres noli v” If roeut* made and I, r iis Nepotist. «l. Attention given to aB
spiritualist livts, i r bow much purity and religi ent as iDfiniiude, and their finite vessel caunoi Chicago lllinoiSL husli.es* connected with Real Estate.
on he may profess,"and then uses language to the contain the great fouulaiu or informing lumi 1 2 0 0 L o U a n d .A c re F r o p « r |g r I n J a H T e n o D
D r. W m . I t. J o a c e ly u ,
d lec! that all that appertains to Spiritualism is nary that embraces the universal whole within IV R IllM i.v O F O M A H A .
the scope o f its power. The H»Al*r and Clairvoy ant.can boconsulteJ at tbe Morton
to be summed up as immorality, impurity and Chicago. 8. 8. J-n-s, Publisher. Religio Philosophical,
corruption, it indicates anobiuseneis of mental I am not at all surprised, that, as a clergym an, House, 114, South Praoktiu, neir Waabing.on, (formerly Publishing Asaoclation
Mr Walton was horrified at the spectral tomb ho St. Oloud Home.) Dr. Joacelyn ba* been practicing
vision mingled somewhat with the perverse. Tbe ah >ve n-uiied (umphtel, In uret cover*—should b* THE DAVENPORT BRO TH ERS.
T he same perverseness is discern able when he ol “ T ight Jacket Old Theology,” as seen on the alxtccn year* p»*t with *ucce*a. Addree* Chicago, Illlnoi*. lu'the bauds ol every leader. Spirllual philosophy 1* the
says a Spiritualist recently said, “ It a man banners iu the Children's Progressive Lyceum, Vol. 7, No. 3.—I t The World Renowned *
lid ie vl-b tlm ^spirits communicate, we call him of Boston, iu IWtiS. One by one the pet ideas
a good Mfiifitualist, no matter what he may of - Old T heology’* have been, and are being KBVY HYMABLK ENKftGBTiC MEN CAN I.KSHN
The Bret chapter treit* of-Olrlnleli of tul-tances—The SPIRITUAL MEDIUMS.
do uod then goes on to enumerate the whole
catalogue of crime and iDfamv (much of which
buried, therefore, tbo grave is very suggestive of
the fate of Theology*, uot o f Religion. The
spirit o f religion is innate in every s o u l; is a
cf an excrlleut Ctivucn to make money bv upplyiug Iu
D. L. SMITH. Pont Office Box 173, Waterbary,'Cona.
No. 10 Vol 7 - 4 w.
fieusii*—the r Number and Liiuu*—Man a Duality —Spirit
I d Ion gib’s —Tb<* World Open* a«fyu*e* ere Multiplied.
The eocoiid chapter tr-vi* of—Mao Strange lo Himself—
T b r l r B io K r a p lt y .
delicacy would forbid to repeat), adding “ He Bee* and Eyt'lea* Fi*h iu »y See in tbe Dark—Matte.-, how
may do all these things and be a good Spirit living and constant spiritual attraction, felt tor ADVENTURES IN EURO PE
Determined—Mvguuti.'u auJ E-ectrllly - their Choice ot
ualist. The well known Spiritualist to whom the good, the pure and the holy, towards which
the infinite doth lead us through the ways of TO B E E -K E E P E R S . Oharar-ter—Vorco— What It I —The M tgu-tic.Uor. AND
he refers, says the remark was that any person The third •h r.p tr treat* of TVaurora* Current* - of Mag-
w ho believed in spirit communion was a Spirit his own wisdom, purity and poWt-r. »Theology A N E W H O O K on the ml-ject ol Bet-Culture, A M E R I C A .
is a mental fabric, woven by souls in the loom- culled tbe StiCKEIS O f dKK K Kt H U got up iu a oetlstu,uid EliCtrt ity SutTonuamg tbe World—th^ir Pree-
ualist, however much thev m ight dlfiVr upon very cuudeuied au-i cheap for.u, to uiout thu want, ol lire- lun— I’res'iire -if Atmo'pAare—Matter—Thourio* o f-*
otlu r points. When Mr. Walton adds the word o f their life activities; a fabric, changeable and Keeperi Iu every department of : picullural ■douce It SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED
destructible; and likely to fall into the tomb of cuuiaiu, mum practical inf iriui'li »:i, and treat* up»u more Thef.urtli Uiaptor treats of tbo Duality of Man—The
-■ good," and the sentence ’* Whatever he may Bptrit B dy only Live*—Why It L'vee after the Material This Is the most thrilling work In tbe whole Spiritual!*-
do,” it puts a Yery different face upon the oblivion much to the dismay of its professional subject* tbau auy other book of it' kiud yet putitLhrd, an I tic Literature, and alll hu the means of adding thousand*
<natter upholders. This has been the fate of external, I* eiubvLi'hed with numerou' cut* and engraving*, and
contain* nearly a* many word' tab book tbat uvually *4-11*
Body Ub-a—Tli--Abu-irmal State—llow We Know ofSptrit- to the ranks of Spiritualism, It exceed* iu Intouso lnt*r-
formal theologies in the past, and wilt be in the uvl ruing*—Tbo M-l rti Discovery of Comm util cations, «*t any novel mid every word u fit is tru th . —
Again, Mr. Walton says the recent declaration for $2.W. Puli'ulie.1 by K. P. KiOOta. Burlington, Vu-uinut. 428 pages. Price $1 5 0 . PosUge 20 cent*.
future; but the spirit o f religion, resurrected Price In paper cover*,'inlet', Ij .u i . J, 7j t», Suut by man Rapa, Move* and Tip'—Too Fox Q lris-M tdia—Spiritual At
ol a Spiritualiai was, “ True religion is a man’s on receipt of price- A-lireti S. S. J j .u i , No. IVJ South mosphere around iho Ilsly—MagnetixtUon—Snake* Charm Address 8 .8 . JUNKS,
convictions, whatever they may b e ,' and ihen from the ashes of theology, belongs to the eter Clark S t. Chicago, III. 182 South Clark street,
nal yeaVs ol God, and communes with the Fath noli y7 tf Birds—Spiritual cir lei—Spirit* magnetize Me*alar—R*- Chicago, III.
he went on to illustrate that if a man had a UglousConversion* Through Magnetism.
conviction that by stealing ho could accumulate er o f spirits at every avenue ot life ; hearing His
voice, and reading His thoughts in the grain o f No little work ha* ever boon publi'bed which abound* IM PORTANT TRUTHS.
wealth an.l attain a higher worldly p »siiion, D ll. SHELTON'S with morelntou'oly in-ere-ting u ni U'LruOlT* matter.
then stealing was true religion ; or if a man had sand, the blade of grass, the breath ot zephyrs,
the worlds o f space—aye, in all form?, all life, ) Price 26 eta. Puatago 9 cl*. A d i.c i 8. 8. Jou**, X92 A B o o k fo r E v e r y C h i l d . ,
acoD viclion that his interests would be enhanc C E L E B R A T E D P IL E SALVEj
ed by lying, then that was true religion. material as well as spiritual. Booth Clark 8t„ Cblcsgo, 111. *HY MRS. E. P. MILLER, M. D- .
J* prepared from tbn extractor -lx <1 if T«ut plant*, and iu Thl I- v.k I* designed a* an aid lo parent* and other* la
. The real statement was made editorially in merit* are Vouched lur by Hie bo u d r-d 'o f. « '» that litre teaching children truth* for tbe pur|ios* of preventing Ibe
3 t b e N ew Yoik IiukjxniUnt, some months since, R e p o r t x>f t h e B o a r d o f M a n a g e r * or th e been cur'd by it* u*e. i t i' uu-iounlrdly a*jv» reign rem . ) Dr> W m , C l a r k 's V o g r i a b l c S y r u p .
edy In a I caw* of Pile*, n til.il.. epieu.lid Ijr Ulcer*, jSore*, Bolton J o u r s A t:-H aving by me a bottle^if Dr. Wm. frrmallon *t evil habits wbtcb destroy health, happlneee and
y * iu the following language, “ The true religion P * . S tate S ociety. Burn* and Cbapptd llurid*. Price Sl.UU per b<x ; trill lu Ilia.
consists in fidelity to one's own sacred convic any ad rose upon receipt of .price. Addrea* T. tTAATS, Clarke’s, Vegetable Syrup, prepared by Mra. Juanlo W. Dau- Parents seonld read and give It to tbelr children ot
tions, whatever they may be and this tenteuce At a meeting o f the Board of Managers of the M^Amity s tm t, New York. forth. aud bearing that the husband o t our milk-woman, Impart to them a kuowtodgoof It* content*. Price eolyM
Pennsylvania Stale Society o f Spirilualis's, held It- hud been loag c-,.glued to hU room from tbe effect* of a cent*.
k read by a Methodist to the Spiritualist in ques AddreesB. BJ o b m .189 Booth Clark street Chicago.
tion, received bis asstnt. Ii it 1b proper for Mr. at G34 Race S', Philadelphia, Nov H>li, 1809, from a building, which injured his *|->, some year and t
W alton to leave out the word “ sacred,” and the following resignation from Dean Clark was R H E U M A T IC AND N E U R A L G IC elnce. Buffering with pains from Internal tumors, J sent him aa-joNta, iso c bc nd t , o. w. rLkwim
apply the word convictions to the lowest in received : tbe bottle of the said syrup, with directions to bare bl* *M^f
clinatious and passions, instead of the highest ltim ib r . bathed with hot salt and water, by a healthy colored wom
convictions o f morality and duty, then, doubt
T iib Bo a r d o p Ma n a g er s o p t h e P a .
S t a t e S o c i e t y :— Finding that my health wilt Tbe recipe for thl* InvaluaMn preparation w m given an, and to tsho the syrup Internally. The result of wfalch J o n e s , B u n d y & C o .,
less, it Is not only proper for him to do what he through Sir*. r taeU, by a baud of eiuineut pbytician*. It wus, that in teudays, bu waj ou*. nud *7 al* work, (that of*
not warraut tbe continuance of the arduous la-
is now dmog, but it would also be proper' for b ir o f pioneer work during the inclemency o f
baa Ueeu trnd Iu a great nu'iib.ir of cue*, both of Kbuuma-
llam aud Nourtlg ia, and iu every tt*Uuco gave *t<no*t Im common laborer.] REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKERS,
him to say, “ It is my conviction that the in winter, I beg leave to offer my resignation as mediate relief, e odlbg In perfect tare. Price S3 0) per b*l- Ill* wife, a devoted Catholic,said, “ She had spent ijatta
terests ol Vhe church will be enhanced by my tle; eent to any aUilrcra upoVrtc'eiptof price. Order* mint 7100, upon htin for doctors, with no good result; but bavin* No. 19 2 .South C l * r k % i r e e t ,
State Missionary, which I do with a degree o f be dlrectej to l.S I'lk rS .n d \unly .tre ji, N j * Yorx.
misrepresenting and falsifying Splritualitm ; if regret, as it is unpleasant to close the amicable faith In good Spirits, sho would try this.**
, is my conviction that it is my religious duly to relation which h«8 exiatc l between u-», cement
Hi* name far McCarthy aud be live* lu this place, No. IIS C h ic a g o Illin o is*
bear false witness against my neiguboirwho is a ing fraternal ties that I trust may ever continue. Pro*poet St You(g Fraternally. Cify and Country Property Bought. Bold aud Improved.
Spiritualist, and that is tfue religion for me.” I f I find that there is a vast field for missionary CURE FO R G RA V EL Am t M. L irru x Fixxtx. Taxes paid, and rente clli-ct.-d
he chnoseB to take this pi silion /lh en he stands labor in your State, and I tru9t you may soon OMrgetowu, D.C., January 7th, 1888. b u m upon flrst-clais city property negotiated.
with Chrysostom, Jerome, Origen, Eusebius, A X I) W EAK
be more amply sustained in your philanthropic ^Investment* made ou joint account
and others of the Christian fathers who approv Arltlng from Irrltabl* conditloo* of the ureth* and blad
efforts than hitherto, by the co operation o f der, Iroiu the jire*euco or etouu or gravel, and lu change D r . C lark e^ a Ite m e d le n . q ^ We invlfe tbe espeend attention ol nim-rttuimts to this
ed deception when It would enhance the inter many who through force o f habit, or an idea IbncbaraUeror litlilu urine. rii'Tecipu waaglvau through
ests o f the church. Chrysostom held that false eculiar to A e friends, that speakers should not Mr*. Btaal*. It I* purely vegeubl-, an 1 b u beeu u«t.J lu B 8.S. Joitts I *co you are advertising the medlclo** i feature of our busiure*, as also to our facilities for Investing
hood might be “ m em orous if used lor the
beneftf of the church and Jerom e In speaking
E e paid, have thus far placed the main burthen
upon you.
■ome of the m >*t ouuiiinto cn-w wlib marveloul re*nlt*.
PriceS30 j pur bottle; taut iu auy.addre'* upon receipt of
of Dr. Clarke,a spirit, who controlling prescribe* for the aiek
through tbec-ganisra of Jeannio Wnterman Danforth. -Per
Managing Capital ns Attorneys.
price. Order* iixut be directed to T. STAACS, S3 Amity In addition to our extensive list ol City Property, we are
o f a pious fraud, says, “ I find no lault with an I wonld tend ray heart felt thanks to you all, ttreet, New 7 oik. mit me to toll t o u , with deep feeling, friend Janos, that I
error which springs from hatred to the Jews, It have uecd these remedies, tho Syrups, Nervines and Powdsr* offering a large number of Finely Improved Farms, located
(or tbe courtesy extended to me. May the an
and a pious zeal for the Christian faith.” Such gels continue to bless your work, and the work with the highest aatiafactlon. I know tbcp to be excellent, in ihn>TeQt,p..rta of this State, at very low Agut re and easy
influences might have worked well in that age, ers who are making so many sacrifices for truth a* hundreds ubothers will testify. Dr. Clarke I* a noble Mid terms, also 100,000 Acre* unimproved land* In the North
but it is too late in the dag o f mental growth, and humanity. Fraternally, W O N D E F U L C U R E S ! brilliant sptrlL Most truly thine, Western State* t
for any successful smothering of the spirit of NO CURE, NO PA Y. J.M PxxsLa*.
Dea n Cl a r k . BL Louis, Mo, No t , 1888.
investigation and p r o g r e s s by attempting to REFEREN CES,
falsify the true or tne good. The following preamble and resolution was DR. GOODWIN'S TREATMENT OP CHR0NI0 AND
A, pitiable degree o f ignorance was displayed unauimously adopted. Whereas Dean Clark AOOTE DISE1SES 18 TRULY REMARK ABLE! A PLEA SA N T STO RY , l.sflin, Butler ACo . Chicago, III.
in Mr Walton’s explanation that a good teat baB been laboring In our State for a brief period, Aa ■pedaltl*« be will cure tbe wont c m * of Cancer In In the streets of Chicago, I wandered along. u«-!. U Walter, £wj, Sec. Nat. Teltgrepb Oo., New Tdek
medium was almost sure to be a woman, and has been compelled to relinquish Lis labors lei* then le* day*. Scurry or (lek in from three heur* And carelessly sung a familiar old aoug, Ity
because women are more susceptible to nervous on account o f ill health, therefore, to three day*. Cutaueoui Lht»**et, of every description, While viewing the o*r»—borsos, and such,— linn. Warren Chafe 644, Broadway. N Y
R k s m . v e d , T hat we express our confidence In are rapidly cured. HeadacO*, Earache and Toothache ■ llen’l J F. Faruaworlb. >1 C , St Ckarlee, III.
ness. ; i e said " susceptibility to nervousness, m uit yield to bl* treatment In froot oue to ten minute*. The Irish—the Bcotcb—tbe French, and the Dutch,
and to be wrought up into anger." was what his ability as a lecturer ant} his fidelity to the Cholera, Dyeoutary, Diairmot, P u(, Purer aud Ague, are And the strange Advertisement* of three latter days. k t! Wnreeater, R k j . T .rea N Y C g It.
was required,” then the spirits could communi cause, aud.our hope that he may soon be restor all cured,** alto *emal« Weakn***, Ay, Ac., by bit Infal On the Bulletlu Boa ds, for concert*, and play*, 11m. W || II Riogbam. Blown, Vt.
ed to hehlth and enabled to labor iu the great lible pruecription*. ti. II Oimi. koc Hartford Fire lnauraaee Oo,Hartior<L
cate Ireely. A ny well informed person knows Da. Go o d s lx will cur* those really poor and unable to When all on a luddeo I *aw ■omc-thing new,
directly ibe contrary of tblB to be true. harvest field o f humanity in which he is well pay, free of charge; nut tbe rich and all able to give, m utt On nice printed paper In Red. White and Bin*: •
H e asked, who are Spiritualists, and commun qualified to work. pay. All who are allliotad are kindly Invited to apply for I t told of tbe virtue* of something so D*at,
i. Whit. k *' 1 . Pit^ftal.era Online, a
ing with spirits? Are ihey leading clergymen On mfition, Brother J G Fish w as appointed aid at h a office, or by letter. If ty letter, state tbe na
ture of the disease distinctly, sex end age of tbe patient. Bo bandy- so herinlr**—so perfect, complete.
ofthe Methodist, Baptist,.Presbyterian, Episco missionary, and our friends throughout the State Relief can beaent to any part of tbe country, by mall or T a l j o r ’v H id S p r in g s ,
For coloring beard, the mnstache or hair,
pal or Dutch Reformed Churches ? or are they are hereby requested to render him and Mr. express on receipt of feet, if tb^dmet'e be properly mat Without any poison, or Stopping, or care, Don’t fall to read the adverliaemcot id dnotOer
Stearns all the aid they can in t h i prosecution ed, our direcllontea-otullr followed auJ there abontl hap
elders, deacons, class-leaders, vestry men, & c ,
, in good standing with thoso churches? O f ot our noble work. pen t> be no care, wo «l i faithfully agroo to refU ultbe f«*
obtained from inch person.
And not only *o, bot tho color Ie *’ fuit,"
And likea shoemaker, R **stick* lo the last I*
V oluniti. /ftiy man who wants a good paying ugeu
coim e, if an officiating clergymen, or church T he Semi-Annual Meeting o fth e Penn. State will do well to send aud get a eel for a aample.
officer is found spiritually minded enough to Society of Spiritualists will be held at Harraon- FEES FOR CURING, In reading I pondered, and thought’of my hair,
•nd l'O to Biilieltlnc for them. They are so light,
in lllail, 11 Wood St, Later(Stockton’s Church), Now a* " grey a* a ret'*’ once so gin**?, and fair.
exercise the spiritual gifts o f which Paul speaks, . i to be easily carried under jjrt' arm, and onte
he must cut the wires of communion with spirit on W ednesdaypthe 13th of December,T8Q9, at 3 Bctisrr, It ci, Ac.............. ........ A and upwards. I hunfrd, and found It—I bought it, and tried,
IIiAPvnii Ac ■ When all my gray hair, In a “ Jiff*' stepped x'ldel . •vn by hoiiekvt-perp, a sale id-alrao>t certain. Mi
ual beings, or the Church will cut the bond o f and 7 p. u ,/
T he friegds throughout the State are cordially Corous, A3.,..,........ ...........-...... - ..........2 and upward*. My ngeiereDPWed—1 feel twenty yoare yuungor— r.iylor will lurtiUh agents ob eneh terma as tc
brotherly union. H e cannot bo expected to I will marry next week—no use to wait longer. n >>'»> it nrnfiiohln ituslnes.' for anv enrrv*'tft*''m»j
remain in good standing with those who ignore invited to attend, or send reports for their differ Cbol ioa , Ao- .................... ..... ............8 aud upwards.
ent sections, to I len rf T Child, M. D. President, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. I will have me a wife, anff the com Tolu of home.
fill the spiritual gifts mentioned In the Bible. w T o D e a le r * a n d T r a d e r * . %
Y e t there arc not only M edium s, but lecturers 034 Race St, P hiladelphia; or to Caroline A We will visit the afflicted whoa and wherever It Ie con For all will be gained by tbo N e w M a g ic C o m b .
Grimes, Secretary, 1919 Walnut St, Philadel venient, a* oar deetrei« to d’i all the g u d we can. We do Yeaebr, ! found th»t Comb at 182 South Clark 8t., where I f any of o o r readers or friends who ar* Dealers or TroA
for Spirltualism> who have been ministers in uot claim to panei* all the lutriligmce given to humani #rs-vl*b (br th e P A T E N T M A G I C C O M B to p u t IV
nearly or quite all the churches he mentlens and phia. ty, but we propose to do J u t as we *ay. they have a few more left of the same sort Don’t forget the
Signed on behalf and by directions of the to m a rk e t, we will furnish the W holesale “ Price l i s t " npo*
those I have heard lecture, w eie persons with place.—Kuclote tl,C5 and addreea M A O 1 0 C O M B
Board. . urn-. . GOODWIN, M. D. acoU catioo. T he trad* can And money In It.
whom a comparison would throw the ReT H r A G E N C Y . 102 South Clark Bt, Chicago IlUnoU, and yon
H e n r y T C h i l d m . d , P re sid e n t. Kirkwood, 8t. Louis Co., Mo. •hall receive the M A G IC C O M B by mall poet-paid, f Address, MAGIO 00MB AGENCY, "
Walton into that scale o fth e balance which Is
41 found wanting.” As a reason that there ar. C a b o l j j ie A Gr im e s , Seentarn. i i t 'l l v7 tf . J . ------- ~v U. B. W ISE , 192 South Clark Street. Chicago, DL
R E L lG lO P H I L O S R H lC A L J O U R N A L . D e c e mbk h ' 4 , ^ 186&

0 p m m u u ir a fio n $ from U u Jlnn cr 3C»fc* t h e e ar l r h ist o r y of jesus. tell me what will be my carter and the end o' Then^JAse, having received instruction from * This event placed a rufiUuint upon the friendly
life.- the recm*e fry certain counter uiaiiiputatlnns intercourse or the tw o young men bo that from
"Friend Alexander, I will ro t Insuit your
Haotsall «i»* HI ■•seal* chartr cooccrclDt <b*«. *’ Young man,” answered the recluse, with a restored John lo h is former state ot wakefulness that lime, their intercourse was much restricted
intelkct. by supposing that you believe there is and nensihihty. A s soon as he had recovered
any truth in tbo vile and ridiculous account ihat serious candor, “ you are mistaken in your John confined himself to his Btudies, and Jose
Luke and I concocted, when we wrote the his estimate of me. I candidly tell you, that I do not his consciousness "he looked around him with attended to hri father’s business. Nothing was
Tor Thn UeUglo-PhllnsopblcH] Journal. possess the powers you speak o f ; nor do I make astonishment, and said “ W ell! this Is strange !
tory o f Jesus, concerning Mary, the virgin known among the n elghbonr'w hy the tw o
m o t h e r t h e Holy Ghost in the form of a dove, pretensions thereto, ami all others who assume — I reaHy b lieve that I have slept.” young men were not a » friendly as u su a l;—but
F JtA X tT S J O U R S A L -X O . 3‘J. to be such, 1 cnmdderto be visionary enthusiasts “ You have/' responded the reel use. by som e' means, rit became known that Jose
acting aa a proxy for the God o f Heaven, In
wy n uscas h . s m it h , or u a l t i m o me —m e d i u m . or vile imposters. I consider it impossible with 11 But did I sleep from ray own nature f —or jKissessed a wonflerTM power o f curing and
begetting a son who was to be equal tn himself,
and had existed through all time before he was any person on earth, or Spirit above, lo see a from any power exercised over me by my coniv mitigating certain diseases, which soon spread
TVlritncn th e C o n q u e r o r . th ine that does not exist. Future events, w e all panion f ’ inquired John. through the village, and kround the neighbor
begotten. 1 say,—I will not Insult your reason
My grandfather m UJ : " l now introduce a spirit by supposing you to lieheve any pari o f those know, do not exist, and as such, they con “ Y'ou slept” answered the recluse, “ through hood. J.we was accordingly besought to exer
who left earth many ccnturlua a g i, who made hi* siVy lies; b u t! will give you the in ie account sequently can not be seen or foreseen. But I the influence of a power possessed by your cise his power to the benefit o f the afllictcd
m ark in the world, and m ini a prominent place of bis youthful days, as far as I received It from will Itll you what it is possible to do. A man ia. companion, which was existing in a latent state The result was, that many diseased were made
Jesus himself. capable of speaking of probabilities, according within him , and which I aroused to action. sound, and mauy others were relieved ; by
to nwiorv. to the knowledge he may Lave o f the thing in Tuts power he has exercised over you ,—causing which he gained many friends bound to him in
•'1 am King William, known a? the Conqueror. A short lime after I had passed into the Spirit
I believe you are well versed In history, and la- World—being exiled from all society, In dreary question. For instance; from the insight I have your body to become insensible to touch, and gratitude. Some persons there were, who be
mil Ur with all the |wo«nlnm» points In my Hie. I exclusion, Irectlved a visit from the Spirit of of you, I can state some things that may pro your mint? and life-pomr* to concentrate them- came jealous o f his skill and popularity, and
•hall, therefore, treat chi-lly ot those luriiknt* the much injured Jesus, whom 1 had caused to bably occur to you during ybur lifetim e/' selvrs, but to become subservient to his w ill/’ fearful of losing their Qwn influence, thought
which reached not the public eye. be sacrific'd in the hatred ol the Jew ish I’rtcsia. ** W hat may they be?” eagerly inquired John. W hen the recluse had given this explanation, proper to thwart aud misrepresent h im ; - go
The manners and custom* of the »ge in y h k h I lout while some were giving hira'al) due praise,
livid are so different from thfou 01 the present I quailed before his benign and noble pretence, “They arc to Ibis t fleet,” answered the recluse: John raised his eyes to Jose, in which was an
. —feelirg my self unworthy to meet his gaze. He “ you will live a visionary life,—meeting many expression o f reverence and a w e ; then raising others were sarcastically hinting that he was a
day that it Is dlfflcnlt to draw a comparison. We doubtful or bad character.
wvie ft barbarous people, knew but little of civiliz gently rebuked me for many evils I had done disappointments and disgusts, at what you will his hands and claspnig them together, he ex*
ation, and almost notMnu.ol rellaionjor what waa h im ; saying that he was informed of ail by consider the jierversity and wickedness ol the claim edexultin gly,“ Glory to the m ist H igh! This s’aie o f circumstanced surrounded Jose
recelTed a* enCh » » ) nielehwiK-sjlllh'n. Judas; whom 1 bad sent to the iSpirit World the world ; btciiuse it does not prove to besueli as Ilia will is made invnitesl to m el My BU3p cions until he had arrived at the age o f manhood,—
1 btfean life a s * soldier battin g , with the bonier same night that Jesus died. He told me that he you wish it or expect it to be. You will live an and anticipations are now bscome realities ! The when au event happened, which very' much
nation*. I thus Icnrnea the art of war. Being forgive me for all my wickednta* in regard to erratic and.unsocial career, for your nature will .p rophets have not spoken in vain assumptions ; changed them. Joseph th e carpenter—his re
blessed' with (treat rt runs: Hi, I .could master al him.—and then he spoke tn sympathizing tones but their words are true!” H e then rushed puted father, died, lie had been prosperous at
most every one opposed to me. This c»vo me find no pleasure in the gem rat society of men.
o f my soldering condition. He said he could not T his dispqsilion wilt lead you into many diffi from the hut. ins badness durmg his residence at N a z a r e th -
great popularity with lb,e army, and when at the
death of my latb -r 1 assumed the Dukedom, I mitigate my agonies, or he would ; but he culties,—your mind will become unhinged, and When John had left, the recluse observed one main cause ot which, was the industry and
found mysell indeed a kimr ol the nation. advised me to repent, aspire after righteousness, your end will be Bonn and unpleoanl/’ “ Ihe conduct of your companion is very general good conduct o f Jose, so that be bad
1 bad great ambition. My own dominions did and si rive to renew my nature for the better,— -I n d e e d !” exclaimed John, as he reclined strange.” accumulated some wealth, which be had the
not satisfy me. I therefore cast my longing eyes that my wretched exclusion would be terminat him selfbaok, with an air of onedtsappoinled ■* It is, to those who know not his nature as good sense to divide between his wife and
upon England, and Edward had given me all I he ed in comae o f time, and 1 ttSeflTSfiiiuld beallnw- Jose
pretext 1 desired. You know all about the Inva and mortified. '* Your estimation o f my career well as I tin,” recited Jose. “ He is naturally a
td to mingle with the blessed, l i e then spoke is not very promising or fla tt e r in g h o w e v e r , great enthusiast, which has Impelled him to boon alter the burial o f his father, Jose co n
sion and bow (.access crowned iny efforts. of many parks of his history—enlightening me
I should hove been a kind and Indulgent govern there is one comfort,—you do not give them as gather up many chimerical and fanciful notions. verted ail his means into money, and with tile
or of the English, but could not depend on their on many points 1 knew not before. fad s, hut only a s probabilities. Flat wlmt say From what he has just experienced, some new permission o f his mother, be resolved to travel
fidelity. They were continually plotting against As rvgartis^iia early days, he said that 1 Jo you of my c o m p a n i o n h e added, as he pointed fanciful notion has just started in his mind, con into distant countries, to tee the world, and gain
me until I cqiild place no reliance on any of them A seph the carpenter, and bis w ife'M ary, moved to Jose. ” Can you not say something better cerning me ; but I will reason with him to •knowledge. His arrangtmenls were soon m ad e;
and Was therefore compelled to fill the posts of" into Nazareth when be was not many days old. nr him y ‘ morrow, and check'tts fur;hcr grow th.” hut liefore taking hts departure, he had a
honor from iny own (wople. This bore heavily N»t»aiy knew Iron whence they had come. T he reciuse and Jose pas«ed some time dis Iriendly interview with his former companion
upon them, but they K it roe no other recourse. " With regard tn your companion,” said the
T’fivy settled there, and gamed the esteem o f recluse, as lie ga/ed into (tie eyes ol Jose, coursing upon the nature o f the power new ly Joba. They dneoursud long together. John
I bad had enough of war and desired pem-c. 1 thely neighbors as honest prudent, working
left Ei gland in charge oftny genc-als and itturned *' there muy be something said o f him ol a very developed in the latter. Full particulars were was sorely distressed upon this occasion, lie*
to Normandy ; but the qult-mu.-s I looked for was people. He never beard his parents speak of extraordinary nature.” given by the recluse, according to his experience ventured 10 express once more to Jose, that he
not mine : and the distw-iislona among inv children apy mysterious or miraculous event in connec “ If your ran fe n c e anything that will add to o f irs application to the benefit o f men ; thp believed him to be tbe true Messiah as Bpokeu
were ft perpetual euurve of sorrow. I boulddo tion with Ins birth ; yet as be grew «p he per my hnpptties*, nr o f that of my fellow men, I kind of diseases that would c un ; under its in o f ivy the i'rophfcta, lie lugged Jose to ac
nothing to allay it, itud linafiy gave it up in de* ceived that there wi£S same mystery or doubt pruv you let >uu hear it,” obscrviUMosc. fltience,—its inode o f operation on the mind knowledge himself to be such, und to let him
spalr. My daughters even Svemed to have no re conri-rnipg him, whispered aiming the-neigh declare u tn (he world; but Jose icrnat tied in
spect for uie ; why, 1 never could divine. J was *’ l perceive, my dear youth,” responded the and body—and many other trails of its nature ;
bors. Some doubted hi* being the son o f Joseph old man, as lie continued his gaze upon Jose— to all o f which Jose listened with intense inter flexible to all his instuidlings in tbut respect.
not a stern fatln r—rather the reverse. and Mary,—some w ent so far as to say that
As Hie d cw towards a close, 1 sent for a priest at the same Horn feeling of his band, fingers and est and Joy. Time became lar advanced into A t length they parted, with the compromised
and asked him w hat would be my future condi M ary-n ever had a child ; tor little J.*e, as wrist with pome mysterious m otive ,—'* that the nighirwhen as John did not return, they uuderatauding that alter a number o f veare,
tion. He replied th at I would go straight to heav Jtsu s was called in hi* youth, Imd been nourish within you lies IjjfecI a great power, -which, k c ined them selves to repose. when Jose should return from his travels, If
en. I asked him how tic kuew this, lie answered ed on goats"milk, mid the breast /»! Mary had when brought into action, will influence the . About the break of day, John entered the they should accord in their general views, they
the Lord had revealed It to him. I believed It. never suckled a child,—nor did she give any minds, and act upon the bodies of your fellow hut lcei%lng to he much exhausted, as though would go forth together, and preach to the world
Uod knows 1 tried to do my duty as well as I kuew other indications ot having become a mother. men,—producing the moat extraoruiuory and he had passed the night in wrestling with lt<form and Repentance."
how. We were very ignorant in these days, and There were other Instances the (oiks cited, tn intense emotions. T he two companions then, Jose then set out upon his travels. He visited
therefore you must not judge us by the light of astounding rhaulta.”
proof that Jose was not the sou of Joseph and Jose started, and a tremulous emotion passed after thanking their host, took leave o f him, E gypt, Greece and Italy, and some other coun-
the present. Some thought it a right we all en Mary. He bore no resemblance in person, dis
joyed to kill an euMiiv, rip open his bowels and through him, at this declaration o f the recluse. and departed for their homes, trtto*. Alter some years, when he was about
put him to torture. I nc^-r practiced anything, position, or character lo them. Whose son was ” I m ean/'continued the latter, “ that there As they went along, Jose imparted to John thirty ye irs o f age, he returned to Judeu ; when
ot the kind. When the enemy surrendered 1 or* be Ibeu ? Nub-riy knew, if Joseph and Mary h V ilh iu you a mine of nervous power, which, all that had taken plucg the previous evening, at Jerutajkm he met John,—tliey soon after
dcred all lighting to cease. 1 ransomed ll*1: gen wereTml his parents. However, the child grew when exercised upon your.fellow men, w ill be concerning the induced sleep of the latter, and made their appearance in public, under condi
erals and cared lor the prisoners. All gttVe me in health, strength, and great beauty of purera. capable of ameliorating many o f their miseries, some important information he had acquired tions jis wilfoie expluinet^tereafter/'
credit for my humanity. 1 gave a great deal to lie did not take pleasure in the ordinary m is by producing the eurea ol their bodily disease*, besides ; by which he endeavored to impress his
the church, bnt I had much better have given it chievous ’freaks and lollies of children ; the “ I have now, friend Alexander," resumed
to the poor. 1 cuti now* see what I did not (hen. and mitigating the sevenths of others; at the companion with the Idea,,that the power he
characteristics of his disposition being mildness, s a m f j’me, it will enable you lo command their pnts jssedw ts a natural one, though not possess tbe Spirit, Saul, "given you the early history o f
They were all seitisb, ignorant, supersl it ions, many general amiability, and susceptibility to all
of them believing not one word of wh.it they minds,—to lead them from their errors and ed by all men. John lis'ened attentively with Jesus of Nazareth, which was imparted to roe
taught. My wile was educated by a priest who grave and pious impressions. He was sent to vices, to better conditions and understand out responding a word ; but towards the con by h im self at the time he visited me in my exile
taught her ns much of learning as he knew him- school at Hie ordinary age to the synagogue of in g s." clusion of Jose s explanation, he shook his head, from the happy Spiritual societies: I shall now,
Hit, which was nut little. t4hc was u most excel the village, where, as soon us he had mastered^ “ Oh ! blessed will he the day, if that shall and looked up to his friend with Jan expression with the assistance ot Judas, give you his after
lent woman, and made me as loving a wife us umii the rudiments ol the language, he studied with prove true I" exclaimed Jose, as he sprang that seemed to doubt wlmt he had heard. history—that tragic narrative in which 1 and
wan ever blessed with, I gave her my whole beat l great avidity the subjects o f morals, meta “ You seem lb doubt wkat I have been saying/* Jjtdas were the principal actors. I shall not
and was ever faithful, lie r death creftUd a v o id forward and sei/aid the hand o f Ihe old man,
physics and rebglon, as then taught in the wririch be prc*B«ed fervently from the impulse o f observed Jose as he caught the glance o f his pretend to g i f t you the incidents in just detail
th a t was never filled. school*. HI* seemed to possess great Intellectual and cun Diction, so as tu form a unity o f the
I opened my eyes upon a vast extended plane,— his j tylui excitement, “ Make me acquainted companion.
capacity und comprehension ; for at the age o f with its nature, and convince me o f its truth ; “ I do, iu one respect/' replied John. Your whole; bu: will deliver them as thev occur to
limitless, ll seemed to me. Droves of trees eould
be seen everywhere. 1 set off, determined to Hint fifteen, he was pronounced the most intelligent then l shall be one o f Ihe happiest ol men. explanations o f this mysterious power may be alb uiy m em ory; nor snail I take up your time in
somebody, lor the place seemed decried. 1 trav youth, and greatest disputer tn the synagogue “ T here is a principle or pow er th a t pervades inu*, excepting, as l think vour inferenceftbat it description, more than is actually necessary.
eled over a long ilUiauce without rinding any one. o f the village and neighborhood.
all aiom aled nature,—by some, term ed life,-.b y u natural to man ; which I doubt.” My intent will lie to furnish you with all the
A t length 1 saw a man coming toward me, and As he approached manhood, lie became ac others, a p r it," observe! the old m in . / ‘ T his “ Then how do you view it?” inquired J we,' material facts uud scenes; but leave the rest to
►o like my rather Hint l could see no difference ; quainted with a youth about his own age, whose your own taste, skul, learning and prudence, to
and yet 1 knew it could not be liiu) because l hud pow er m not the sam e in aft twines, • specially ip with aurpristv
name was John, who Was the son of a Priest,— m i r . In s one, it is weak, in others, it is very “ 1 havi- iny ideas upon the subject,” replied make any addition, illustration or em bellish
seen him buried. Uu tam o up and grasped my bring educated f, r one o f the Fritstbuod, This
hand, saying: strong, iv u n o m en who posse** this pow er in J 1tin; ” but Id o not w ish to state them now. ment )o u may think necessary, to produce a
■‘Willi tiu, 1 am glad to s>*e you.” yru ili was o f a restless, erratic and virionary an extraordinary degree, are capable .of acting L otus cease to speak o f it, and hasten h om e.” united and com prehensive iruo history, such as
Then for the tir-t tithe ll li ished upon tne all dtsp-Btinn : not content with the ordinary rou upon th e ir w eaker fellows, producing good or T h e two com panions then continued th eir will be easy o f comprehenriou, nud agreeable to
about toy Idst sickness and death, and 1 knew Unit tine and views o f tilings, f»r Ids mind was evil %ITectA, as th eir dispositions direct th em to route in silrnce, each being absorbed in his own the people y. n five among. When you shall
tltis must be the second life, lie then told m>: alt directed to a series o f changes, innovations and act. T h e nature o f ihe t-flecis produced are thoughts. A t they cam e w ithin a short distance have accomplished this task, you will then issue
about my condition, and th a t t must wander lu reform*, wnich he w»s continually suggesting very various j liut when this pow er is exercise! pi N uziftith Ihr-y e n te re d ,an hum ble habitation* it to the world; colling upop «Ji Chritiieudiiiii
tne garden m ull at) my sin* had Wen consum 'd, nud mtvoceling with the greatqsl o f energy and to read it, that they may 110 longer live in error
lie promised to remain und instruct me trtmi d«y with benevolent dt^'gr.s, m uch -good can lie by the road-side, to Etc one c*f the neighboring
c mlHei.ee tn his allusiniia. produced to our fellow m en, in cu rin g certain lumilies. and misconception ol the truths therein stated.
to iiny.
Now I began thinking over my past life ; an 1 The tw o youths—though very d life rent In disiusca anil influencing the m ind in the right T he Christian clergy, after reading my historical
T he people were pour, and the w ile and moth revelations, will no longer have a just excuse
. mentqry brought up every uiiliug event, things di p sit ions—heenme inseparable companion's ; direct ion o f virLUl^T, er was afflicted with severe neuralgic pains. A s
th at had long since be>n forgotten, beginning for they found great plt-asuru In each other's “ o il, most worthy Sir I" exclaimed Jose,— soon ns Jose perceived the case ol the noor in maintaining a system o f baneful doctrines,
even from my childhood. Nothing had been lost, Company,—not so much that Ihtir views in h isey es beaming with cnthusbtatn and rapture*; woman, a thought struck him that this would which I, Saul, expose aud denounce.
and howdiilerent I no* viewed them ; every one general assimilated.—but they found an intense ‘ nt iku m<: sensible hotr I posoess this power, The task I have assigned to you is a laborious
tin mgWt with it a sting I low- I mourned over lie a good opportunity" to test hts mysterious one lor a umu iu your cifcuuiotutices;—but be
internal in contrasting their dissimilar ideas. for my* delight o f lire is to do good In my fellow power in the cure of d iseases; he therefore re
them ; how 1 wept—day after day brought itssor- They look long rambles together ; sometimes men.” not discouraged. U is a debt o f justice due to
ruws. solved lo make the attempt! Culling the woman
flow long 1 thus continued I have no means o f W ing so interested in Ihtir discourses, that they "The power, as I said, lies latent within you,*’ to him, he addressed her in a southing strain humanity that I owe,, and shall he enabled to
J idging. A t length worn out with suffering, I sat did not know whither they were going, or replied the r« cl use, " It requires some other touching her m alad y; and wheu he perceived pay through your labors. You wilt conlur great
down weeping, and ciiid to find for mercy. Pres where they were. Mount T abir nud its envi external power to arouse i t ; and when once that be had wrought her mind to a befitting benefits upuu your fellow men ; and thougfoynu
ently my name was called, und locking up, there rons were iK-qucotly the scenes e f llieir disputes brought into action, it will continue in force may not meet with a just reward iu your mortal
was a bright light all around me, and in the midst biue, he manipulated her from head to foot, ex life, bo assert'd tlmt you will obtain it in the
and rambles. during your life. I have the happiness, to pos- erting the full energy of hia will to scatter the
of the light, a spirit, und the spirit said : One day they were taking a ramble as usual, fess that power to a certain extentnand I think, disease, and gently touched with his fingers the world ot Spirita."
"My brother, f * in conic for you. You have been if you give yum* consent, I shall be enabled lo mnst afllictcd parts. In a few seconds, the w om ” Before X proceed to my task, I wish to ask a
long enough in thU desolate place ; come with me and they discoursed upon certain moral subjects,
which were extremely excidng. They had call forth that which lies latent within y o u /’ an declared herself relieved of her pains, and question," I said lo my commuuicating Spirit.
10 a brighter one.”
1 leaped up and followed. JIh countenance been walking for hours without heeding their Juste gave his consent, when he and the in a few minutes, she eaid she was cured. U n “ What is it ?’* demanded Saul.
fairly beamed with low . His touch im parted new course; a' length, having made a pnu*e, they recluse rose from their seats while John regard speakable was the astonishment o f the family, “ I wish to know,” I said, “ what h is become
strength to my feeble tin me. 1 to Ilowed on, and di-cnveredriliat they were completely lost. They ed them iu speechless surprise oh lie remained and great was their joy and gratitude. The of the Spirit Jesus."
(fteti step brought fue into Brighter realm* where 1 l roked around them to discover indications of in bis place. The recluse desired Jose to stand eyes o f Jose were lit up with great pleasure ; '* After hts kind vfsil to me,” replied Saul,
raw thousands of iwople, alt apparently happy. I their whereabouts ; but nothing could they see erect against the wall ul the hut, from whom while John stood w ith eyes fixed upon his com “in which he made me acquainted with many
would give you a description 01 all thi*. ImL I van that they knew. T he teenc presented a grassy he removed his garments, leaving his neck and panion. secret \R>iut* o f h)9 history that was uot known
find no words. f-*r i h id never seen anything til All w
vale;—along which meandered a small stream. breast h i r e ; then placing his hand upon the to any b'her Spirit or mortal, he took leave ot
like It—U bewildered me. My guide kept with me, ‘‘Conic John, let us depart/V atd Jose, as ho
explaining everything. A t a sin rt distance, at, the loot of a hill, they top of bis head, and taking his left hand in his took the latter by the wrist and broke the spelt me, aud Bonn after, was translated to ti e highest
p* revived n small hut, constructed of logs—the other,they remained in this position for some tlmt was upon him. T hey then passed into the sphere of beauty and bliss; since the*’, L have
j now began bi look nb rut me, and one wonder not s**eu or beard of him.”
after unuiber presented lim it. 1 percievert th at roof o f which, being covered with hraucHes, minutes. Then he placed his right hand upon road : but John, instead o f wfttKim; by the ride
rushes and sod. In Iroot lit ihe building, they the back o f hi% ntcfc, and hla left upon hia of Jose, followed a little in the rear. * * * # # *
however just, however honest,howi-rer charitable,
all will come up, end you *, ill tie judged accord perceived a human ticing sitting on a mck, lo. breast,—remaming Hu h for some minutes. Then “ Why jlo you linger behind, Joliu * " inquired According to tbe desire and commands of the
ing to th e general character of your Htu on earth. wh<>m they directed t'u ir steps, with the view of he placed both bands upon the sides o f hia Joi<e o f his coinponlon. Spirits, Saul and Judos, I had about forty com-
My Hu* were all charged a gu n at tae and my good inqutiing their way buck lu their village. When hi ad, ahd moved them down to the soles o f his “It is not becoming in mo to place m yself on m unicatiousw ith them, in which they presented
. deeds credited, and i had to tiring all to one com they arrived at the spot, they found the person feet ; this In* rej«*ated several times. Then he an equality with you any longer,” ’replied Joh n, me a series o f facts and incidents concerning
mon level, and th at Was tLc bur Lurn 1 hud to to lie an hoary headed old man, enveloped lu a placed Kith It intis upon his shoulder?, and then in a troubled voice. “ Hitherto we liave^been the history o f Jesus, during tbe latter part o f
bear. tlowly moved Ilium down his arms lo hia Iami liar companions—bound lo each other by hts career on earth, and the parts they perform--
1 had not liven long In my new abode before lung, black rube, bare headed und feel without
sandal*. They soon came U> the conclusion that fingers, which he reputed several rimes. At the bonds o f Iriendship; but now a line of dis cd therein.
Maude joined me, mid what a happy meeting. Stic,
ton, had to wander in the garden but wn« now they hud lullcti in the way o f n recluse. the commencement of this process, Jose felt a tinction must be drawn between us. Our com .These nommnnicriions were given to mo by
free; and we have been Inseparable ever since. I Having greeted the old man and stated their sudden icy chill pass through him, which was panionship must give place Jau hn U of master the Spirits taking possession ot iny inind, about
love to revibit earth, watching the progress o f case, he, with a pleasing smile upon his conn- succeeded by n glow o f heat, and a tingling und servant, and my Iriendship mksi be replaced one hour ia every four and** tw e n ty ; when,
events. How nations rise and fall—how wailings sensation nil over him externally. All his vital by love, reverence and dti’y /' usurping alt my mental powers and functions,
continue with the people, hut riot and extrava tcncnce, gave the desired intormation -tellin g
them that their case was notau uncommon one: organs seemed lo expand and acquire force;— “By the H oly o n io lie B l" exclaimed Jose, as they produced a series ol visions sim ilar to
gance among kings ana rulers. 1 have beheld his physical am) moral energy seemed to become he regarded his companion with the greatest
kings brought to the Muck, the peasant lifted up fur he bad once been a youth himselt, and hail beautiful and well connected dreams Scenery,
losupreiue power. I behold the people gradually greater. astonishment* “ Are you crazy, J o h n !—whom characters of personages, dialogues and actions,
frequently lost his way, and the sight of realties
rising from obscurity and becoming a part ol the around him, In .the pleasing contemplation o f 11 N o w !” said the recluse, ns he terminated do you take me to be? “ transpired In regular succession and order, like
government, a thing uot dreamed Of lit iny life airy visions, li e then invited them into his the last mentioned netlonk, *' let ub Reo whether “Tite liutn must no longer lie withheld," re- a perlprmance upon a theatrical stage. I was
time. I behold a change also in the condition of habitation, and set before them some food; loll ray anticipations are cirrect or not.” plied John s e r i o u s l y “ the Lord has made h u the only spectator,— though I had no other
gentle woman. She Is no longer the serf and slave, ing them to rest and refresh themselves. He He then told JosetOBtand in front o f John— will and w ays manifest to me this day, and Hie conception of myself, than that o f a c o u e c Io u s
as in a barbarous age, but is cherished aa a com to fix upon his eyes his own sleailfust gaze, and words o f the prophet are come true, wheu ne perceptive essence, with the power o f perceiving
panion, and loved ua nn equal. also invited them to tarry with him f«r the
night,—aa the day was lar spent. The young to will lu his own mind that John should sleep, said ' Behold my servant whom I uphold1;— the Lidden feelings and unspoken thoughts of
W hat wonders have I seen in art and science. and then he gave directions to perform certain mine elect, in whom I am delighted,—I h a te
How far advanced In all th at contributes lo man’s men expressed their sense ot ids kindness, and tho visionary personages before me, the Me
happlnea,und bow Infinitely beyond what we could gratefully accepted the hospitable invitation. manipulations,—s 11 or which Jnsc performed put my spirit upon h im / Yes, Jose,-iyou are dium.
have imagined in regard to a future life. And now The recluse then replenished his tire w ith sticks, accordingly. The result was as the recluse an- the bit s-cd one o f whom the prophet has been
there has dawned upon you a new dispensation, at which was burning in the centre of the but, »nd tic-yUed. John regarded bis companion with speaking. That mysterious power you have ot
which we stand Amazed. How difficult U la for an incredulous smile, as though he doebted the doing good, U^pernaiund, which is confirm p ff* T h e present age is pre-eminent in Ua
when the day was pH^ed, they all three loung
na, even to believe it. W ith w hat incredulity It la ed atound it, passing some hours in dit*course. theory o f the recluse ; but Boon Ins eyelids atory of the truth, I cau qo longer doubt € f your inVealincnts, and rich in its promises. It un-
rccleved when told that spirits cau converse with droopr-d-_thosmile vanished from his lips,— being th e— — ”
mortal*. When I first heard of U,it seemed to me The old man scenud to lie possessed o f a great f Ids the beauties of the pure and undellled
m ind; whether il came from experience; learn bm countenance became pale, and the relaxed John paused, as though he were afraid to utter
ttie wildest vugury th at waa ever Imagined. It was D ivinity In man, and whispers of the approach
(fostave Adolphe that flret told me or it, and said ing, nr supernal inspirations, they knew n o t;— state of his mb acl c s gave evidence that he was tbo next word that would have completed his
th at he had related hla history. I came and watched no longer conclousof external things. ing Joys which d uster like stars on the brow o f
but most o f his ideas were perfectly new rt> declaration. Then Jose seized him by the up
tide curious instrum ent aa It revolved, and saw them—being o f the most profound, philosophic “ Hu sleeps I” remarked the recluae. per part of his tunic, and gaz-.fi iutentlv into his tbe future. It ia the age o f the great awaken
th at it merely assisted 11a lo give the impression nature,—giving explanations and revelations o f “ Wonderful I" exclaimed Joec, us he regard eyes fo r . a few moments, and then said “ the ing o f humanity, when tbo bbams ot morning
upon your brain; and with what facility you things, winch to tbeip had hitherto been as so ed thu reault with astonishm ent,. and felt for what ? "
caught our thought* a* soon us breathed, »nd light dawn on tho dull senses of the sleeping
manyrinyateries. H e spoke o f the great mys tli0 m1* m,ftn a degree®fprofound reverence. “The Messiah 1" responded John, humbly
wrote it down. U la truly wonderfil. . “ Tills ’sleep,” added the recluse, “ ia very .and reverently. world.
1 am gratified at this opportunity of giving my terious Power firevading all nature, under the
name oMJod o f the multitude and magnitude difTerent from the ordinary one of mortals. The There was a pause iu their discourse, as the
history, and return my thanks.”
o f cheated things ;—o f the diilerent races of men mind and all the powers of life are totally two youths regarded each other for some time 1ST The use of aitro-gtyccrlnc is prohibited by
—of their past and prehen; errors ; or the grad abstracted from the corporeal aenBCB, and 1m with great iutentuess. The expression o f Joh n ’s
individual oxislence ia quiescent to all influences, countenance being humility and reverenoe; law ln Sweden, tbe conntry where if was first em
"Pure religion,and undellled before God Hie ual progress and capacity ol the human mind, ployed. A BcfWtific Swede, of a statistical torn of
Father, is this, to visit the fatherless ami and the probability tout in course ol time, man save that ol your ow'n. In feet, his body is while that o f Jose, in the commencement, seem
widows in their ullliclion, and to keep him self totally insensible, and his flpirU is subject to ed to be astonishment and displeasure, at what mind, has computed that tho explosion o f a quar
kind will arrive ut compare!vts perfection.
unspotted from the world.”—J a me s . your m il in "nil respects—as I will convince h e considered John's infatuation. But as he ter of a too bf this mlid mucilage would blow the
T he two young men listened attentively to you ” • entire territory Out ot existence.*
the old man’s ditcouree-rthey never before continued his gaze, the perception broke upon
“ B ut whoso hath this world's goods, and The recluse then tcok a small stick, with him that John was no longer of gane mind
seelh his brother have need, and sUuttolh up having heard the like. Jose saw clearly, that
the recluse bad got his ideas through experience which be beat the sleeper over the shoulders then the sternness o f htB looks relaxed, assum
his bowels o f compassion from him, how dwel- and legs, without eliciting any signs of sensibil ing one o f commiseration. tgy“„The long talked of railroad between New
lelh the love of Goo in him S'”—J o tis. and deep reflection, while John concluded, that Orleans aud Mobjlo bos been bsgnn at tbe Mobile'
no man could speak as he had done, unless he ity or motion. Thfcn he gave, Jose directions “John I ” exclaimed Joke at lergth, as he re
was atfpvrjiuturidly Inspired. He said to liiuHclf how to exercise his vnU power over him. Jose leased hold of the former,—1Myou certainly must end. If we are rightly Informed, It Is to cross the
11It is easier for a camel to go through tlie theaktood in frp n to f the sleeper, and with the be crazy, to entertain so preposterous a thought.
e ye'of a needle, than for a rich man to enter “ certainly this man is a prophet I I will ques outlet of Lake P<Jnchcrtr»la''and follow a ridge
tion him, concerning myself.” concentrated energica e f his will, commanded T he foolish bpoks you mako your studies have which lies a little bnck\ from the southern aud
Into Hip > fogdom of God/'—J e s u s . the latter to arise and follow him. Immediately unhinged your mind. I beg of you—it you
*' My worthy host,” said John to the old man, western shores of the lake, uutil It reaches tbe vi
" B u t the multitude of them that believed the sleeping John aro»e and Blood erect; then, wish to be my friend and companion for the fu
MI must confess that I have never heard a man with a leaTful step, he followed Jose around the ture— that you will never mention to me or any cinity of New Orleans. v
were of one heart and one soul; neither wild speak more startling truths than you have done,
any of them that aught of the things which he hut;—passed out o f the door way, and for a few one else, the like again.”
—you certainly must possess the power o f pre minutes walked to and Jro in front o f I t ; then
possesses was^his own, but they had all things vision and prophecy. I beg o f you, If It be so, John made no response; but with a sullen air J,I f you love not your brother, whom yon
common.”—L u s k . returning to the hut, be was restored to hia for and dissatisfied feelings, he followed his friend have seen, how can you love God, whom yon
that you will try your powers upon me, and mer position by the ride of the Are. on their return to the village. have not seen !"—B u j u .
D e c e mbe r 4, 1869. R E L IG IO -P H IL O S O P H IC A L J O U R N A L .

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O ur frim d* will M i ' Mr Watt-ra* i t n r r b a v -r* I ra t aa- Th- ll.r p 3.60 • ordeal ol a scieautfo rra ea rc h, positive pbilusophy and eo-
a o rtm sn t cf Plano. M- lo b o m and Organ* t o l a found In o r vxprees as MvT i t n rsta ao If een t by mail one tilth Coder hill on Mesmerism, P ra t paid, 1^6 No. 18, vol. 6, tf.
more then th e rrg u lk r coat of th e book will be required Ughleued reaaou. Will be treated w ith th e same, and oo filer*
lb s U nited ""a tm .—G u b im 'i Mag- (<0s. Onbappy Marriage*, by A. It ChilA............................... 80 3 consideration, iretu the ir antiquity aud general *-•. — u tmiKi*.
lo prepay p ia’ago The p ilro u a g " of • u r frlelid j ia solicited. C nw -lrom r Child, l.y H enry 0. W right. Paper, 80
Having u.>-d one o f W it, - a* P iau o a -o r ta o y .-a ra I b arn I n D akiug reiiilttan re* for book*, buy p rala l order* when th a n a U lla r) of tmolern date. Believing th a t th e U tvtueto
ceuta ; puetage, 6 ceiita. Cloth.....................................60 IS
foned It a verv eur-erior tow trum enl.—A lomo G ray, 1 'rln d
pal Brooklyn H»lchieJtmoim»r>.
Wob»»<> tw o W aters'Pm u«a In o a r Sem inary, vhjrh barn
born severely t,.it-U f--r tl i r . r yi-*r*. ntul we ran trattfy
practicable. If p intal order* c*nu>t bo bad, reg ister yo u r
is t o f b o o k s a n d e n g r a v in g s
Vol n i.y '* Ruins; or, MislUation* on tb* Re vol don*
of Koiplrra, with Biographical node* by Oouut
D am .... ' “ “
SPIRITUALISM. unfolding th e Human Mind to-day, MrouyA A ).tritual inter-
ouurt* aud geukral lutelligeuoe, to an a ppreciation of g rea ter
aud more sublime truth* th a n it wa* capable ol recuiviug or
com prehending le u tttriw ago, *o should a ll lu ll e d * ■
to th e ir g iod qua lity and d u r a b ility —W o o d ! G regory, Mt.
C arroll. III. L foi aid. si Hus ulhcu. All ordsr* by m ail, w ith tb*
1ce of teedts iraired, slid th* addittoual a tu -u u t tusnUoued
Toitalr'* Pbilowiublcal Dictionary......- ......................... 6,00 fS
K id.ler’* 8-i:reU of B»« K."<>li>g. Pries, paper
Jo e l published; th* following valuable w ork. aualyaiug cruclU e ol acieuceraud reaaou.
u eye will he kept upon sO slrs guverum eulol
( lo a a c t W arm s. E f t —D ata F in—T V r-a r-, yon se n t
n tr la allowed t - bo t f o beat Piano in thi* tow n, ai >t [b ern
a re a ereral of r b l c U r i l t ^ i and Btod d a rt's b t - —CUarlan
K tb a fallowing Hat uf pries* for postage, will m ost w ith
prom pt a tten tio n
l. i u n d ) c-ut* . Jh iin l byuiid...................................... 76
JO Vital Fores, Imw wasted and bow prrai-rv»d, l.y
Y P. M ill-r. M D. Paper, 5* cU C h u b , f l ........; 13
PLAN.CHETTE; tah lle we staud abed Irom a il p a rusaulsui, w esliall tiutheto-
bile to m ake ..ur journal pote n t iu pow er lor th e advocacy ol
tb e rig h t, w h eth .r *uch {innople* a re found in plsU orm* u
Rice. P .r tb , C W. IIow a n d M hy I i—cam - a », .n tu a ll.t............... ..........16 f l 0 B , T E E E E S F A IB 0 ? S 0 IE N 0 E . a p a rty apparently iu the m tu u ity or m ajority.
j l l o x a c t WaTULa, 4 tl Ur. ad wav la fatned for tb a aacal-
tdl.ee of 11■• Pta ".a an d Orivu*.— V.rcr.ing Pn.t
I! W hatever la, I. Right, l y A b. C hild, M D ..„.......... 1-1* 16
Wr i.ig. l Blnv-’ i and Right if Ernati ijiatlrm, sa d
D rlu g a full account o f Modern Spfritualiem , It* Phenom
e n a, a nd the various IbeoriM regarding l{. W ith a survey
A large space will he devoted lo B pintual Fhlloeophv
and cum uiuiiicauoba fr«ui th e l u h /b i ta u u ol th* biuaim
T h e W a ta r a P I.n o r i n k i w ith r h - l a r i :.a,oi factored in tb - Fnlurk .1 lit* Ah l- « a R m -lu th e L 'u U J Btatra, of French S piritualism .
A m erica. T h eN Y Independent A R evelsitou of D 'p a itid b p lrlls a by R,.|i—ri l* w l-tta -n ................. ............. .......1-60 SO T h u long a n n o u n c'd volume,fi om the pen o f a well know n CoinmuniusUu3* ar<- *ulicit d from auy and a il who fed
Mc-lcvl. Potato*.—SitHie M r W afers save n( pobpablng flm.6 1^ OsJlIras.** ft.* Cle^ji Crsl.laJ. Is • th a t they h a v e l iu l u to uuh.ld ou ,„ y t ; our rig h t
A m erican m an uf l- tl- r a who has g lsru .fo r th e i*»t th ir ty
•b e ta Inttric, h o h a e d v, ted «» li.e c ap it'.t and l t r u t l r . r o Alice Vale, a d u r y to r ttoe lim es, by Lota M ala. R . ---------- . y-ar», m uch a tte u tia n tu tb* subjects, trea te d , w ill n o t (Re alw aya being rtw riv sl hi jud g e icAat k ill or m il nut m tra ra l
tb o man Ufa: turt atul #»!•* <»l Pi inoa an I M-b>leo .a lie baa I.« 16 it Office D rawer NK0, O hlcago;III. ap p o in t public e x p o rtatio n .
or im iuuci th* pauDo.
Ju st l i v e d a ratab-uu >>.f bi-D'-w in - 'n im -n 'i t n o g a now A m srloas CrW «,by W arren Cbra*. P lan c ii-lta , 1* a volume o f 416 clraely prin te d page*, and
scale of prices, which ah * i » t i \ j k f r i r*docllo:> from for Answer* to Iv o r Recurring QuraUon*. a Beqral lo I* sold for tb e R e ry low price o f $l,0ti iu palter cover*; o r, iu
m er rale*, end bla Plan - h»ve r - o .n t lr b '- ti *> a rJ .d tbo
f i r s t l’i> uuntu a t several Fair.. Many pesj.n of th r present
•Jay w ho a re attrac ted , if n l w-ufused. with 'b e flitulng
tb * Pen e tra lia , by A . J . Dw»U....— ~ - ..................... 1-50 *>
A pocryphal Now T estam en t............................................ 1,26 I t
A Poop Into Becred Tradition by Bar. Ordn AbcmL •
Florence c lotb 91.25.m ailed post-paid ou recelp^ol the price by S. B.
Junes, 1»J South C lark stre e t, C hicago, 111.
volft uo6 n m oi subsc r ipt io n — in wm i
a d vertisem ent, or rival pianti bou.ea, prrhably ovi rliaik a
modest n-a u f a tta r e r lik e Mr. but a - h appen to
know th a t his Instrum ent* . arn-d bin, ■ g<»Hl r ep u tatio n lung
> P ap er ................................ ....... ..................... ...............
Age o f Keaton, by Thoms* Pains. 01* th .................. 60
A W om an'. Secret, by Mr*. 0 . F.O orbln...................... 1.T6 90
6C v
Sewing Onfr Yoar,. . J3.CX). | Six Months,. .$1,60,
before Exposition* and '• h o n o r ." count*, tr I tb« lew ltli w ars
e ver th o o g lito f; In d .id , we ta v * onT of Mr. M ..ter*’ Piano
fo rte * n o w lu ou r rra ia rn c r ( w b - r -it lie* stood for years),
A L ecture lu R h y m e -T b * P u t , P resen t and Future.
By Mr*. P. A. Lagan............- ........................................ 36 Machines. X Israelite#, (re-w ritten.)
By Single Copios 8 cents each.
A rcana o f N atu re, o r H istory aud Law* o f C reation, II. SHARP & CO.,
o f which any tn a u u fa ttu rtr iu tl.« wo-Id m - .b t w e irb *
proud. W* have al ways been deb b l- d w ilb ta n a sw eat
Vol. I , b y H udson T u ttl* ................— . . . ....I J 6 *“ W* G o n c r a l A ir c n ty ; A highly E nte rta ining aud In structive w ork. Price, 81;
Postage, 20 ct*.
c l u b r a t e s ;
W hen I'uat Office Order* c u t i e t f e procured, wo draire oa r
toned and pow erful In stru m en t, and th e re (e no d - u b io f 100 W u n h itu rto o S t . , C h ic a g o . •Irons lo aebd money.
fta d urability. More th a n tli« , some o f th e b- ,t a iu atco r Addrra* B. S. J0N EB,
player* lo tbo city , a* well c* several e rt.+ rn ' 4 p ian ists, This machine 1* ria-romm-udial lo any who doe ire a Brit* 103 South Cl»rk S i., Chicago, I1L gul-vt i il-ers in Canada will add to th e form* cf aubacripUua
A B C o f Life, by A .B . Child. . 3 6 c e u u per year, tor prejiaym eui oi American postage, '
have perform ed on th e said pi .co, an .1 a ll pr cUt* F.iimly B»wlug M achine; and is noted for IU q a io t,ra p
superior aud 8 r* « )e * * iu * trn ih rn i. f l r s i p e l» UUO MITIUB UUH6,VJ MsWw M 1■»*«**«Mtsirara■ id motion, regularity o f tensln*. ease of m anagem ent. Four POST OFFICII A D D R K -H S.-ltU urafrJt for .u b e rr ib e n to
/ we ooald not riv e.—Home J o n n e l A ltar Death, by B andolpb............................. .................. UX» I d lfh'rrut stitrli.-a and ryvcntjlile frad n.alinn. f-aiitrra pecu. HE BIOG RA PHY OF SA T A N ; , a w rite, uulra* they give th e ir i l n i UJw, A odrcU * n j name q f
a 17 f 6. tf p A pproaching Crisis, by A. J . D aft* .................. ..160 13
Apuatlra, by R en an ......................... ... .............................. 1-36 10
lia r t.v the Fi'tfeure rlaitnial hv*io other In th e w orld Fata'
pile* and term s to A g-ula fnrtw hed on Kf.nl.i“an*.n (f
T H istorical Fix jaw ltionuf
o h

bulwertber* w iihing the.direcu.m o f th e ir ta p er* c hanged

B elter View* of Living, Now W ork, by A. B.CL1I J — JDO 13 TUB D E V IL AND U I8 F IE R Y D O M IN IO N S ; fruui one b>w u to a uolher, m ust alw ays give the n a tu eu f th a
B iography o f Satan, by K. G rave*.................... .........— 66 Jow n. tbuidy u,of XUiU to which i t h i beeu ra n t.
Blo**oui**r Our Spring, (a Poetic W ork.) by Hudson VITAL FORCE.
DR. WJl. CLARK’S an d E m m a T u ttle .........................................................-1-35
boua ol ruvuia, 1-3 u. « U |. Va n A aiuco C lo lii..™ ---- <» *
B ow W aned and H ow P rts trrtd . J ^ r Spr-imen to jn u erne rax*. *
BOTTOMLESS PIT, K E Y S OF HELL, 8ut.vinl.ers are informed that twonty-aix uumbera o f th a
MAGNETIC REMEDIES. i C tilli/iilii.i. a d it*
ii by Cat*!- f 1
BT B . P . MHoLRIL M. D.
Tbl* 1* on* of th e m _____________________
it valnabls b o ____ _ Chain* of Darkuum, Casting o u t Devil*, e tc. By
R m . 10 l o - i 'iiil. o s o i’iu c A L j o u r n a l ev u ip tu U * voinm*.
Thu* we piibltah two volumes a y ear.
Daw I, A 'f it.! dvrrai it p n .,r - t f It contd be read sod beaded In evesy family It woold do ADVMITI8KMKNTS Umerted a l TWtxTT-m x C l . l t l a Uu*
motw to prevent sickness, prsaerv* health and prolong Ufa,
K. GRAVES, for the bi si, and TWAiiTT ex.vta per h u e for eail. ■■ibse.iueut In
t-mple. .............. . sertio n . *
than any other one ll log.
Jeannie Waterman Oanlorth,
Dcaliugv «T..'i <b. Ix a'I A tu n o r of "C h ristia n ity before Christ.
’•-alb and ’b* A ltai l.i Parents ib ould read it, and rive It tr« tbelr ebiidrra. Y oun g 3 h» space occupied for display
O —tag.. 6 . C l u b ........ married people should read It; youog men end women T b* Trod* sepp lied a t llbsral ralra. ed as ll th e adve.'Usclueiils s . f c i
u a -llllw lia l Matt, h> IL ehontd read It; and everybody ibontd practice the parity of
C l n i r v o y u n t i m d M n c n e l i c I 'l i y n l c i n n Dtaguoata, by Taylor —.. life which this book Inculcate*. Prioe, paper, 60 ceuta, taoe-
:ii:i K n .l 3 D rd u tr u tl N e w Y o r k ; STELLAR KEY
K liu Wo<td«<in, A Story ul Ao rrica o U te, by Mr* "A ddrera §. 8. J»ora.lW 8eatk Clark Street, CkJcage.
Beet by Mail or K ip r r r a t o a ll p a rts vi lb*- \fu r!d .
SfleCt o f Slavery ou th r Aill rl le t . t'puplr, by Tbso- TO TH E S IM M ER LAND, INDUCEMENTS T o CANVASSERd.
dore P ark er..................................
Crrore o f lim Uible, by H. C. W right. P*p«i. 30 ct*.,
10 A RIIIVAL AVD D E l'A R T U K E containing A stounding Discliwnrra aud S tarlliug In order to greatly InqreoM tb e su tw rip flo u Hal of th *
Tonic and Strengthening Powders; . postage 6 ct*. C lo th ........................ ............ 60
± \. OF TRA1NB. Illu stra ted with Diagram* aud Kugraviug* o f C olratial
Bceunry. By Rxidurv-l'lilLono.-uicaL J u c x x x l , We odor msgulflcwut tudusa
Catarrh and Dyspep&ia Remedy; False aud T rue Revival ol Religion, by Theodor* me n b. for procuring M lscribura. M eu|tuil weiueu, hwttwer*
P a rk er............................................................... 16 A N D R E W JA L 'K S U N D A V IS .
Foot-Falls on the Boundary ol auutber World, by •specially, w ill Olid It profitable l» canvas* for lb paper.
Vegetable Anti-Bilious Pill*. Robert Dale Owen....................... 3.00 I A rrive, Any one sending 9100 shall receive th irty -th ree copies of th e
nurr. ?T oo e a c h , m a ii .k d v r k k . Faruliiar spirits, aud b p ltitu al M aulleatatluos, by Dr. C.-ilfir K ajdila.....f ........... ---- *8;D> a. m. •0:60 p. m. Jottkivxi for uu* year, or sixty-vix cupfe* for six m onths
Ku'ucL Pond.,.,.. .............................. — ................. . 30 pacific Fast Line............ ..... *10:16 a. Ul. •J:lft p. in
f r e e ‘Lot* and Alllt.lt>, by Mia* b ir d - Dol-ii ............. 10 Pm-lllr N ight K vprrae... ..... J'J IJ p. m. t7:tKl a. iu. directed tu such new subscriber* and a t such placra os r*>
Vegetable Syrup; g jr r a TboiiKbl* Com eri.ing K .llaion. ui N ature v*. Dixon Paae»ug-r........... ...... 4;th) p. m7 l<ko& a, iu required, ur *ucL a pi upurtfon fur six uiuulh* aud ou* year
JSradkAtra H umor*; c u n . C u u c e r , N c r o f u l H , H b e u - t Theology, I.) A .J D»v|» .............................. ........... 30 _
ittg iU fo Wile, by W toteu C'kias Paper. K0 cent*. a* stiall anil, fo a* to be equivalent lu 33 Copies for oa«
m a t l N r n , aud a ll chronic diauiuo* Cloth ......... .......... ........ ................................... ............... H A H U LA ; o h . T H E DIVINE GUEST. year, aud a premium to be »-ut Where .llrecle.!, by exprura,

Female Strengthening Syrup;

Gaxalla, by N m lo aT u U te.......... - ...................... - ............ 136
G ist o f S tiirilualism , by W arrcu Cbav»....................... - 60
F reeport P a-a-nger.........— -------
Fr*- ;>or( I ' w 'igi r ......... ..
R.trkfi>rd. Elgin, Fox River and
A C*.rnt-ctii•tig a New CdlectioD uf Grapel*. By Obe of tb rae U a u llfu l y hnr.net S rw jiy H u h tn r t, which
G reat H er Ci.It;la. by A .J . Davis i vo'.v. S U ; V o l.l. ANDREW JACKSON DAVIS. veil everyw here for tirty-firr d .lia ri, aud If * higher priced
f u r J'cm als IVeaknraaa*. State L i u - ............. ................... •4:0*1 p. m. •10.: 5 a. rn
T ba Pbyalctau; Vol £ T b -.T -w Vol 3 Tb* G etievaat.d Elgin I’twaeng-r.— - •6:30 p. m. •-:46 a . in Florence machine le desired, ir v ill be lu ru u b ed Ita the sam e
Price, 11.49; p rata g -, 20 cta.
Lom bard Accutnun-laU ei...... . •6:10 p . in. *7.-G0 a. m projvatfou a* alsive. (tfoe descriptive advertivenieuC A n y
~ Nervine Syru*», R acb...
Guido of \Ti-dom and Kuawlvdg ti th e Bpint World.. H lK M iiii f tr in n r . - B y » l (>vw r 1/ C nw l and f t in n . itir tl. •oUcltur a h o *1*11 m ake an eflurt and fall to raise SlOd for
Bronchial a . d Pulmonary Cordial, lla rtd u g ra ol H -aJlb, by A. J Dart#......... ................... 1
Itarui.'Uiel end dacled M dod’sl, by A«a FlU .............
Mail P a e »-nger...„..................... « ... lcO O a. m. *7:15 p, in. r M lIE P R IN C IP L E S O F N A T U R E AS D IS- subscription* to Ib* JuCxaxL a a a lo fe , will beallow od ticwn.‘p>
N ight P -av -i.g ei.......................... . •MV..|.. is. **sJU a. :n. JL revered tu llie Deiefog.iu' n t and S tructure of !be Cul* fire p*r c ent of wlialever money they may reta il, u t Ira* th a n
Children's Cordial, f-r b i i h , t o n e , A c ., H arm -m al M au .o t Tin ogUU l«r Hie Ag,-. by A J .
Dnri*. Paper, 40 cts., P-Wlag", 6 ctv ' I' tb ...... . Ja n ra v llle Avcuiuuiudation.— .... *3:33 p. ui. •28*0 p. m. V, rs<-, *-t.e 8-dr.r lln- tkvttli, •.!-**■ an Ks|nw Ufonuf th* ten dollar*, psyat.lo tu auy book* u r eugraviug* m ilitloued in
Woodstock Accviuiiii-l'tliou.......... 6:30 p. ui. •b.-U ji.m , hpiiitua! C ulvitse. Uiveu iiispiratieually. By
Aud Worm Syrup, H taro p h an ti o r. G leanings Uuni lb* 1'asL, jy (1 0.
A tew art...... ............. .............................. ......................... ,, .Wu’a o i.i'c M ru v m —O -ynt Corner o j Qm-d and K tn n r ifr. cfi.
o ur adi'.-l to e d list*.
' '.»tRS. MARIA M. RING.
Prleu 11 JO tuv h *i n t b jrev p rra* . Uir V rj and Pbllusopl.y «l K ill,by A. J . Duvir. i’sl-sr
tQ c Is —pontage a r t ) . Clitlb..................... . . . . . . . . Day K li[preal.................................... fl: IS a. m. 10:16 a . m. Piti c, 12; pvrttay, 21 ct*.
JDM rral, r»l fgWL. I ) \ > F f t l C T I I . a* above, or M U IK PIiORKNCE SKW1SG M ACHINE IF UNM'KPAbFED
I I <1V, U A U I C K V I ' l l i s l i , iiv s a .n o r I. h - iit , o Hayw ard's K.K-k.of All Rnllgtoti*, lUL'linliug Sfilrttu- I), C alvary and Evnuatoo.. 1:311 p. rn. 4:00 p.'m . I for inise "I inaimgemi'tii, variety and q u a .u i ul work
tire, b i t Hm i . 'I vny, N .w YtuU: o r AftiTnixm K vpriav.......................... 6:' U p. nt. 8M p. in. regtllai I) Of tension, ole. lu f u te u * eticl.elid «.l I v. I J seam ,
n . N . J O M ’N , VMit ir h - u u i o -P u i l o b o iu ic . l JuCKttaL, u<41 tllb lr a.id Mutliar Goose, bv U C. W iig lit....... Rvtn.slri fcrcomnuidaUtui 4 :In p. rn. 8:60 s. in. JJA N O M I N, a vill uu', l> ft al .ro Iwlotiglug to a nd clmtii'sj by no i ihei ma-
Olitcagu, III., f . c t i t r n l A ^ c u t n Umti.ry ol U.>aa* aud lb* Isra rlilra , by M uuu,.......~l W aukegan Atcuiiimieliv’.iuu ft:4ft p, in. S:46 a. m . Clitlie. Circulars c.iulaiulUK foil luf.irniall>>u, w ith .urnple*
W aukegan \ d u ................ •6:45 |> m, ••nSA a. iu: A RyGiutitnl Ibm unr* of UiKtftaCTft of lew luF, liiriiHlied a|vin appliration tu ta'm l| Hhsrp h
PA IlT IK b AFFLICTED d t- iilb g tu ^ co tM .ll 1**. fL.ltK 'ti is th e Uible Divine? by B. J . Fiuoey. Paper, 60 eta.— M ilwaukee A ciotum iJetlui- 11:1*1 .p. ______
BriKtr i:au d.* sms «d>»rvs-lfg M k . li*i«r»KTii, a n d tft< C".. tfPi.i'.al Agei.ll, ltd ta'anblu^t'.ii stre et, a lio will Cara-
p-.stage 4 tie . (B oth................................................— Gx». L. Dl'VLAf, G eo'l Bup’l. THE GREAT ItK H E L L IO N full) select premium machine*, and 1 <r»«rd by exprra* M
pr-.per r«'ti»r<lfs * ill boe. ni,» moled ui.u si-til u l u - r r la th e ie a Devilf T he A rgum ent Pro a u J Con............ U . P . BrtNWOtiD, Geueral T i.k o t A g-ut.
th r n c t f l c l i t t 'a u t l v c r t l n c d u r c U o t u p p l l - d lrK led , W arrautiog them in every iuntativess reprw euled.
CAicape. 4fo«A Itloiui cad I ’lu iA t /fo ilro fd . And thu Ml till "OOU MwsvtLrra. By ta'ffTXR* N l» s Co., onebuL dr.v| and tw. u lj lh r .e H tateat.
r u b le .
Day K*[ r-s» and M ail.............. — •'•:1ft a m. *<1.00 p. m. Chlragu, III.,G eneral Agent* for the U nited M ale*and British
Peru A< <uiiiu.u'U lioti.......•4::p* p. in. *4 10 e. ui. MtfltON C O L O Jfff. Province*, and the American New* Company, 116 sod 121
UJ |*ermUeiun, th e follow ing parte.'* n .e S tb ri-.l to ; Hi*, for a Blow, by H C. W rig h t..^ .............. ................T6 N ig h t E xpress. .......r a - ........... ',W:lb p. m. t«:»6 a is. N assau stre e t, New York.
, ft,
Iforkeler sticv t, Cwmbrnlge. Mai* F*-l>. l ‘ r l
I n t i , M .,' p i s f m in —W ill you |. l r a - s t . i u - to U . . tit by
jlu ra u , w ith explanatory note*, by Gao. Bale, 6 VO,
(STl> pagra, b rat vdlliou y et published........... .............J 0 0 60
A. 11. 8 m tu , G -n'l I'a -.- n c - r A gent.
K: 8t. Juux, Get,'| Ticket Clerk,
Price, 9! 2.1, I'ustago, 16 M U l.
n p - l\ J J i t \ e u teftrt inter! th* aftop. Prntperrut th r tt tlOLet,
Lite Line of L oueO ue, by W arfauCbaVe-------------- .1D0 p . A. H a l l , A»*‘l Gon’l Fup-riutandeai.
. r j i r r a *'• th " . 1 leera c i'i- n b»-hiw ttirew U>ttle* o f j>.,u u * n aud Mock Luve. Cloth, p la ts, 36 Cta., postage, and .off s l'u i ia i lo U rd tlm a lly , that! be entitled U a copy 11
Y c j t t 'l u b t c N y r u p m l u u t t - n i o oi tb - l l r u t i t l i l u l Jft'-ftiyan .Vm.'A-in ICailriKd. J^Y C E U M M A N U A LS. the IlxLioio-l'iiiiofornicxi. Jucz!»*L .me year. I' w ill be far*
6 rta. G ilt............. .................... - ............................... *5 ®
b y r u p '1'“ ") •" * " b lb l. *>• tieed by a it-U it.a ot mtn« Lectors* i.u Ueulogy b j Prof. Wui. D enton..------- 1D0 V D ep o tto ro e t Van Hurau aud dlierntau e ti- c u . T icket Office wardeil lo their u.U rejt on receipt o f . the paper* wtfA th* rnitwr*
lu a t i s " o t tiruiii'iiMl ilrrau g c m eu i m.d ol Ib rralei.ed |>ul L lf.’* Unfolding* 60 6 b a a o u tb Clark stn<et. htx tb Edition now reedy. P rire OUeetita; Puctaga, b le n t* . liia w n i B w rW .
tnooary CompiHlill. w ith e l « l l v t i f e S .v t, and 1 sli«ubl Lo Life of T lio u as Palue,w ith critical and **plBnaU>r7 Acoonimudiitiun...............................«..*7:40 a. m. H:<6 p m. |6 3 per huudred.
glail lu bear th a t tile sale of tb ra u (tjcdirii.i-. ia ( atrlDli'd . oLm»rv*ttk>Lba uf Li# writtug*, t f 0 . V^l©............00 I I Fourth A hiJg'-l Rlitiou of Lycau.n M anual. Prioe, 4ft
Day E xpress .......................... *ll:3ti a. m. *4:00 p. in, cent*; PratagB ,4 rant*. $dl pet hundred, , IM P R O V E D I'L A N C 11E T T E .
liutb'lH-'au-i- *i( the li'tud Ibey have *li»wu-UiUiiM'l«i.«Ci«|Nt. Llf* of Jra n t, by R enaa, postage free.........................„..l.T 6 E reultig Kxpiiw*................ &:l& p. iu. *fVO0 a, m.
h b ' ul rib < Hug and becam e o f tb » evldunco th e) (uriij.liud Life'* U*ra aud Abutfe*, pu*l paid...................... - ......- a 60 O rdetsfor Lyceum cquiptuoul* proiuptly Oiled. .
N ight Express...............- ................ *10:00 p. m . *6-10 a. tu.
th a t pruuhvut t»tf u u y corns to u* tu r n t h - t i . i t m u id. Love a n d |i* l.Kio. u n j►lenee.nv Count Dt c t. Lt«iU, l.'-n 16 The m aterinli of w iti.h th .u a Plaie heAirw a re rns.to, a r«
Yimj i* tru ly . Mv lo v e a i. d l . il* Abt.v M ’wlHu Ferr»« .. ftA.
" " D-imU L in t. pOcuJi.iilj t t . l a p l h i th e , uisgneUv cifl-rmtv tin Imtiia*
H O D G U T H A L F O U 'b N , Mugir Btaff, au Auto-IllhgT*pbjof A. J.D av ta. „..1.T6 14 Day Exprra* t Is A dririi..:.— ...... *7:10 a. m . 6:1ft p. m. ■yvt' li . I'. ilig Uiade >*i K l«,ir.oal and" M.ipUcltcsUlmUtloes,
Addr.'iw (he m -d cluu. Mr* U. It. O w tu .caiu l'b illlp l/o rn -
b r .u k , h j< i, Evansville, Iud.
H auuudu, by M yrouC oluusy..............................
iJurrtwgr »til) P a iu c j U u o , b j Uoorjf 0 . W rlgLl...... *.*.*1^*5
|flui#U > o f Au k **!# KmUwodtbf A. tf-N #w luu......... 20
N ight ...................... .......... *10:00 p. iu. *16:Jo a. m .
F. £ . Mo a ) I,O i-u 'I Pom. AgL.ftti Clark at.,Chicago.
JYcfs&uryft, >Vr< H uynr und OStcujo— /V/ A, Vomer <;/ Modi-
rational Poem, glvou through tin Modiuuiohlp of
comp"*e.l and p r.ja i.-d e a p ..» ly lot th e lurjvw o T ha
mov.'lo. Ills tt p i i . i i i i . in ti« -h a n d , ut prupei i i.iinn.-l*. ora
wtiu lerfoi. A tt-t ii t<« oiu.w cb o rg n l w ith tiiagu-iivai aiin'w t
8 t Ieiols. M o. Nov., 1MW. M oiuiug Lectures, (Tw enty Dtaoour***,) by A. 3. ton und Ui-atl H rerti. M ltf. M. J. WILUOXSON. i any qit.wti.-n will be ativw rtvd w itl. ostol.l.hing rapidity,
It.o 8 8 Jo-VW—I *ra y on a io a d te t U.li.g Ilia ttie.itcins Davt*.— --------- -— ................ -............ ....... ...... - ........l -T6 14 Every ruver tig d ing I •1 -lli 'jld leave out: ll l«r .. .
of Dr C buk a , |4 n t. w bu, cutilrulllhg. |.re« m l..a f 1 1 , 0 sick M lJu ig b t Prayer. Price... Mull... ................ .............| •4:30 a. m . 10 0 1 p m , Price. 8 cta ; »oaL:x& 2 cto. .1 I n - g r e a t power iyiug ba-
thrutigh llio orgaul.tn o l.Jew n i- W ater mail bonfortb. P r r Day K xprra*...................... .. ................*S:0Q a. in. U 0U a, to B X Z f i l v ut ausv.criugy inucriuvwt ihv a g h l^
n u t nte to tell you, w ith d>rp fveltng, tr n n d Juuea, t b . t l Fast Line. ......— r a _____ ____ — 4:3(1 p. m. •11:20 p. m
have u-e.1 tb .a o r- m .ditw —tb o nyrujw . Nervines and PoW-
(l..re _ « l t b tb-< blg h -st e tltsfa 'ti'U i. 1 lu u w llu-m lo be ex-
M au aai for C tlld reo , (fer Lyceum*,) by A .J .
LOO 10 N tuht Kxpra**„— ..........................* | w.4ii p. m. *) J0 p. m
V alparaiso AccummodatiuD...... .........6:1c p ui. IhiO a. tn ■ \ r E MORA^ D A 0 F P E R SO N S, PL A C E S^ B IU E C T IO & 'S. •
cellent.a\hiu> died< "l I'tbci* wiU tratify . D r.C laik I* a Ho DavU. Cloth HO ct*.—postage 8 ceuta. Morocco, W. O.CLXLehb, Gen. W est’n 1’ara. Agt., 66 C lark »t, i l l XXD XVCNTS, Let one ul
ld s and L 'lllliaut sp irit, . g ilt, 31.00; postage 8 ceuta. Abridged E dillou------ 4A 6 KmbrsrJng antbentlr Fact*. Vtafon*, Itn|T e*rioiu, DUcirr- lantrutuenl
UliHoii Central—Dtyvt, foot o f t * k t ttrtet. t-n r.l, sim ply t- uiliiug th.-eoiue, taking .-are b
M other Gooee, by lleo ry C. W rig h t.............................• erii*. in Magnetivtu, Clairvoyance, b p iritu a lu ia . -Also q u stq .
N atu re's Divio* Reveletloua, liy Andrew Jack so n Day Pa** •6 40 p. m. .pulcom . II) contact w ith the la th e ; rem ain quiet lot a few
N ig h t Passenger................ ........ tlfoOO p. m. •8.00 a. tu. tiou* Hum th e opp*»#Rtau. liy ( niOrui'iils, th r u let eotueuue of the party ask a quielfou.aod
Davis..................................................... 8.78 U
NS, .T X IL I .K N O N , Now Y ork C lly .w rltra: 'W o* u u d -r New T eetam ent Miracle* and Modern M lracloi, by K -nkok *iuy Pai*unger„ ............*4;40 a . tu. -•8:10 p. m . ANDREW JACKSON DAVIS, if tllk liereoue .uiilposing the party a ie b f Irqnllod maguutto
.............. lit a t Mi*. D auforlb'e Iteidvuco tbi«o w n k e l a s t J . H . Fow ler.............................. - .............................. — « • Ke kuk N ight Poes-tiger. ........ *8:211 p. ui. •NuO ». in. pow el, or auy une »f them is, the quiwlfou will be auawerwd.
w liit-r f ir ulcerated lu tlam ato ry *oru i-yiw. lta tim .n l In me NlgUi .'.o« . 1 N atu re, by G««»w................ H o. 5M. K ankakee AccuiumucUliur ........ *4:16 p. m. •6:14 a. m. W ith A ppeudlx, contalulttg Zachokke'* O rra t Story of * poslll
A iltlve and uc-gat.ve parson operate the l'taucbulte beak
w ell; have uvai tbo rem edies iu toy family, eud am m il.tied P lao c h ette —T he despair of B ci-n re.................................1 3ft 16 Uyd* Park T rain................ ........ *6:20 a. in. •7:40 a. m. •* U orleiula." vividly iHirtraying III* wnb.iiiU-rouCe between
ol tnelr lir tu r a . 1 I’e rw iu rh iid E vents, by A. J . Davl«,...~....................A1A0 2U ____ *13:10 p. tn. th e ordiDJvry *U ta and th a t of O lairvoyaura. f ' P R I C E , 9 1.5 0 E A C H .
T . W .T A Y L O H f A t w r t . N . J . w rllra, nrderlog
Pre-Aftarul e Man. by Randolph .......... 1.36 20 ....... *8KW p. tu. Brice, 81.*0; 1‘ratag*, A) rauu. •
p ||. Oto>. - r •»• vr. m . - lf tn m ....... •6:10 p, m.
A ddrra* B. 8 J 0 N E 3 . Sent try Eipreae neeurdy packed tu neai^jOXM. j
m ure m .diciue forliie w ifotnay* *b* bus g eio id Oftran or If desired, ur by m all, wbicb i* cheaper for long distance*,
tw vuly pi.imd* aiiice sbo cctn m itic id Irra lo itu t. Ncighboie Ocean'* Wav*. By W m. B osh--------------------------------- 60 11 102 8 outa C lark S trc s t, Chicago, O L
n o th '- th - Hnprovemuut^ one o fw luim send* a lock of Lair Our Planet, Geology, by D ----- ’ “ on receipt of tw.i Dollar*. Bend by p . 0 . orders, or feg l* ter
Optlretsn Oucofio, UdAtngum and Quincy. the letter* containing m oney wbon P. 0 . orders can not b*
for diagnosis.
A R I t Y .61. l s . 4 F l . I I f P B R R K B , Oeorgetown,
P en e tra lia ; biting T1*/w j * d I*I Ana w a n U Im p o rtan t
QuraUon*, by A .J . Oarla... ,LT» 14 Day E xprra* a nd I •10HM a •7dJ6 p . a
T H R E E V O IC E S , ptocored.
Address, *
D. C . w in e s: Vrgctablu Byiup »rnt to b-r m ilk wontan'* Pfaying Buldtar o r L ittle UarryM Wtob E vening E xprara. ..................*4G0 p. tn. 7:26 p .m . Al . X J Y K B O O K O K P O E M S ,
buslaiiid, wbo wa* suOrring w ith palue and internal lumora Philosophy o f Spiritual Iutarooaree, by A. 3 . Davto, A urora........ --------- * 6J0 p. tu. •8:16 p. m. BY WARREN 8. BARLOW
8. 3. Jones,
cvnBulug biiu to hie room: in ten day* wa* cut and at hi* - paper 60 ct*., postage • cW- C lo th —. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 _____ *7:46 p. m •6-30 p. ra 1S9, South Clark Street,
work. Philosophy Of C reation, from Tbomae Paine, by _________
N ight Kxpn ___________ d.------- I ll:3 0 p .m . 16=46 a. ra. l a t s T h w V o l e * o f E n p e r a t l l t o O ) r l r w th e WbH-
HoraceWoud.MKlIum. Paper,80c-.po*tag*6c.Cloth. 60 16 llio ed sle A c o o u u n o d e t i o D . . . . 3 ; 1 0 , •3.60 p. col oontrat b*twe*n th* Goa of M rara and B aton, w ith ho- Chicago, Ulinoia.
, Cincinnati. 0 , 1858. Plain Guide lo Uplrltnallam, by V rtab C lark,.............196 36 mania* qaotaUon* from lb* Bible, pruvlog S a ta n rictorloo*,
M ai. n»i»ro*TR—T he c lairv o y an t exam ination for tb* Poem* Bum th e Ih n er Life, by [Jxxle Doteo............... 1J t 90 (turn th* Gordon of Kd*o w M ount Calvary.
lady whose h a ir I se n t yon I* perfectly satisfactory. Bb* PhllratV hy of B pedal Providences, (a Vtolou,) by A. D r. B . P . RXIIIertg B o o k * .
Inform* m e t h a t tbo diagnosis ia m ore a e c u ra lea ad com plete J . Darla........................................................ .................... *6 8 OHeaffo and AL U m » — Depot,turner M aduon and Q m a ltU . S a d * T h e V o i c e o f N a t u r e , prove* N stnrV a God
th a n *be could givo h u m Jf. I'lcrne* forward rem edies Physical Msu. by Hudson T u ttle ..........................1A0 10 rictorlon*.In over-ruling all fora great and glorlouf *ud. V ital Fore*, H o * W asted nod n o w Pre serv ed ; P aper, M
recommended. Principle* of N atur*. by Mrs M. M. K ing...................1.00 14 Bxprera and M all.........— .— . — *10:00 a. m. T:60 p. m. Ito poetry I* beautiful, while ItaPhiltmopby to moat *ub- c*nta, portae*. 4 cBnta; Cloth, 81.00, postage, 6 cent).
Frraout Age *nd In n er Life, b tlral Revised and Kn- Way Kxprra*— ...............- .......... *4-40 p. m. 0 t6 a. m. Umo, argumentative and logical. How to U sthe,paper 40 evata, po«U ge4 cent*; c loih,76cU ,
Ynnr* Ae. U fh ln lu g Fxprera .......................... —■JIAO p. m. *7:00*. m.
C H A R L E S I I . M A T E R 8, poarag* 4 ceuta
T. B. BLxcxbTOX*. Prra. A Gen'l Supw lutandsnt 3 rd , r h e V o ic e o r * P e b b l e , trachra, from Natur* T he caa ra of exhau ste d v ita lity ; M ualln, 91 po*t*gw l l
INK AIS I* H A L L , T o le d o , O. K eU don ^ 8 1 * ’^ A . NlWiUX, Gon’l Para. Agt. Office 6ft Dearborn i t th* lodivldaalUy o f matter and mind.
m en t, by Theodor* P a rk “ j : — v •i r r ' CUtrattau. Chicago d Indiana Central H ailw ay,—{laU Chieaot T b e W ork to sought for, aod road by thoomnd*. and ^ f m p o r ta n t T r u th ., Mr*. A P .M D to r ; 30 c ents, postage 3
CMAIILBNN. ItIN S E Y , C in c in n a ti)<1. R ep o rt o f no extrao rd in ary Church T rial, O and Ortal K attrm VenanneU A ir U n o and Indiana Con to oprootlog •apentltion* error, aod ecattaring troth broad*
d i m ra. Prorrvralvra. by Ftdlo H erm w ... trol H adway « /» .) cast oo It* r a le a I t to guttao op to must beautiful ityU,
F A I L H R E n O N O , H o o ilo n ,T t x. Revival o f E*Ug1on W klcb w# Need, by 1 **Ths abov* h ook sa ll tr e a t o f th e saxnat organ* a n d th e law*
Colum but *nd Cincinnati Exprra* * 6 4ft a m . *8 26 a m. of nearly 260 pogw. Price fl. 36 postage 16 cento. For of health. T h et should be placed In the hands of every m an,
“ A gia-d rla lrv e y an t m edium 1* a tilrralng to b n m a n ltv . O lunibu* andO li c lan a tl Bsprv** ?7 46 p. m *2 30 p. to. m l* ot th* oSc* of th* Exuaio-PounootncxL Joouoita woman *nd child. „ 7T*
W e Know Mrs. D «nl«r'b to be *nch M bit* prscflctag In L ansing Ac« ->mmodstu-n.. 3|46 p. m , 6.16*. fn, Addrra* B 8. Jeira, N*, 64 Dexri»ro rirrat,Chicago/ITU- For **le a t Ihto office. Ad ire** 8 . 8. Jooe*. IW B ooth
Uile city aha i*U M i»h. d a goo- rep u ta tio n , f b e Is now lo- , ______ _ . . the True R to g A u d Q w w , H. B. B u m , U su'l Fas*. Apt., Ticket Offica Oornsr B os. Clark s tr e e t, Chicago, U I. X
C a l« la l3 '3 Kael 33ril* lrs« t. N -w York 0< e of ber com *Wr%ht- Jqp * r,M ranta, postage, * ranto. ^ dolph and D rarboru • treat*. Vol. 6, N o .n .
tfulling anil ll gpid* s r D r M m C t*rk. a r i l known In Ibl*
t ’ly <« a n»wt . xci-ll-nl y-hyalrieri.l baa p rra rn h e d th ro n g h S p iritu JU ^ o r D i^ ik o M T L ^ viilopm itD t, by A- M. m itA ifan O m tral H adroad— Omum Depot, fo o t o f Lake rtrraf. IIO W T O BA TE S.
ll-r — v-ra l gaud r-m rilles fur »h we elU ictcd.’'—B A N N E R D A W N . \ ^
LIT L ID IIT . U o tfo n , M m *. Inflln Ferre*.............................. ............. ...................... " M altTraU... •6 0 0 a. m . *7:«« p. m . A F a m ily k s n lie fo r tb ^ D m o f
PeH-ContradfctioB* o f tb* Bible..—. . . - . — ------» •8KM a. m. •8.-60 p . a . P rc n e rrln fr O e e ltk ■ “ “ J& h,j ” UrUiBlB< Tm, tntarratiag lu Spirt
Tbn above valuable medlcinee a re for rale a t tbix otRoe.
A ddress,5 . 8. Jon**. N o . *9» Booth Clark BU, Chicago,
Sir Ccpp, a Poem for th* Time*. By Thra. C W k -l.OO
Sexology ee tb* Pblloeopby of Life, by Mr*. B- O. • .
W illard .... ....................... ............... ...............
Six Lecmrra on Theology and Natur* * -
Hardinge. Paper, 76 cta. Cloth...... -.1 .0 4
6 tfsr=± Accom m odation...
16:15 p.
•L64 p. m .
t*W.60a, m.
tMhOO p. m. 16:30 a . m.
•1U0O a; m
*Y M
. r. HELLER, K. B.
Prioe, 92; Postage paid.

Brail of Thin**. By William and r* --* Wotor, when properly twed. toon* o f th* ...
Health Preserving aud Remedial agent* known to man
■KT ° BMVINE TA B LE T S—A NE W REME- Spirit ManJfratatiora, bv Adln Sal This work dJjcamra th* proparti ra. twra and «flhete a t wm TE3U8 OF NAZARETH; o r , A TRUE
X N Y FOR ALL NHBVoUB D IBKA 'M Plea*a»t to Spirit Min*Wet, by Packard aud 1 g g g g g jK , 6w : dweribra m inutely all tha variouswatarapplication*] J History of th* M u railed Jran* Christ, given on
the t“ l*. aud safe aud *nra in *ff*ct 8m d 60 cento lor a -------- w -LOO 1 both la th * healthy and th* rick, aod explain* at* m *th*4 tpftritMl Authority, from Spirit* who war* Ootemporary
Mortals with Jem s w hile on ln r tb , throtgk th* M r ilu t M *
‘Msfaais?s s ^ T i ^ M k S r a » > .. of A L « X A N 0 ia 8MYFH artomFlAO : oottara 34.4*
Address 8 . A Joam ,T86. B oith OUrk * L Ohtoe

RBLIQIOPBCLLOSOFH1CAL JOURNAL.. D e c io ib b b 11, 1869.


charity, having long alace learned to lire within F O R G O T T O S IG N B I S N A M E . Low ILL, Ma m .—Tb s C hildren’* Progressive Lyceum he ld
m e e tin p every Sunday afternoon end evening, a t 2 U a n d 7
qiy own means. Yo:tr charity la therelore return A good brother writes Irom San Joee, Cal., o'c lock. Lyceum . c i o n a t 10)4 A. m . B. B. C arter, Conduc
ffO ttH tt ih jp w ln w ttl ed to yon In the same envelop yon sent It, suppos
ing from the m aterial and great care taken, it la under date o f N ov. 4ib, 1969, sending a list of
to r ; Mrs. J . F. W right G uardian; J . B. W hiting, C orrespond
your only charity repository, and the object* of subscribers, and an order for books (but lorgot
in g S e c re tary .----- r ----- —---------
L n tit. M a m .—Th e SptrU uoliits o f L ynn hold m eetings every
K. V. W IL S O If. charity In your city would be much Injured If not Sunday afternoon nnd evening, n t Cadet H all. Tbe following extract i« tak e n from a le tte r
returned to you. to sign his name), aod says: > L ipr.iT * l a s , Association o f Spiritu alists bold m eetings
With great respect and grateful feeling for your e v tr y Sunday, a t lO U a .I l^ a n d 3 r . k , a t " C oncert H all.”— w ritten b j M r s . H a r t A. S t o d d a r d , of Kenta
I find but little trouble in converting people
n o tic e to C o rre s p o n d e n ts a n d O th e rs . profered charily, 1 remain, with profound re- to Spiritualism by taking the right stand-point. D r.8. B. C ollins, ProoH ; F . A . T u ttle, B ect'y . StaUpo, Porter Co., lnd.:
Hil w a uabx , W is.—T he F irst Society o f S p iritu alists m eets *’ I have lately been called to tak e and trea t ecv-
ATI letter*, papers and m atter for oa o rtb e Fron- •l>ect’ Your mo. obt. ae rrt till death The preachers can’t preach a good sermon with a t Bowman's lln ll. Social Conference n l 2 t . it. Address
Her Deportment, moat be addressed to E. V, Will An d r ew J a ckson. out quoting Spiritualism. The circuit rider at nnd Conference a t 7)4 r . U-, every S u n d a y . U . B. Brown! e n l patients whom tb e M. D.s bad failed to care.
g m Lombard, Hopajre county, Illinois. our place tell out with me for gulling the people M Da P re sid e n t. I will here mention one, tbe caae of a yo-ing wo
\¥e apeak in Michigan every night during Oeto- Messrs. J . D------- A Co. into subscribing for the J o u r n a l because I get Mo n m o c t b , I I I .—Lyceum m eets every Sunday forenoon.
A bout one hundred pupils. J . 8. Loveland, C onductor; D. R. man who was very sick. H ir friends called one
more names tban he does for bis Christian A d Stevens, A ssistant C onductor; H elen Nye, G u ard ian o f or our Doctor* first, and then the other. They
O ne o f (b e S e a so n s W h y W e a re Not ot (b e vocate. He borrowed three or four J o u r n a l s , G roups.
and took them into hi* pulpit to preach Irom— both called her disease Lung Fever, treated her
C h r is ti a n C h u r c h , __ Mo u i u a w i a , N. T .—First Society o f Progressive Spiritual-
“ C h u r e h C o u r t e s y .»» three weeks, and left her worse .than they found
"to show up their absurdities,” as be said. Please lets—Assembly Rooms, corner W ashington avenue and Fifth
Diar reader*, the “ G entle Wllaon,” being abort W e lay before onr readers this week. Broth give him a little help as there are many readers stre e t. Services a t 3 p. m. her. Her friends then called me. I examined her
or time to write original articles to day, avalleth ers Warren Chase and a<the Gentle W ilsin ,” of the J o u r n a l 1n San Jose, among our most Ml LAB, O.—C hildren’s Progressive Lyceum m eets every c u e , and found her In th e l u t stage of QUICK CON-
Sunday, a t 10)4 o'clock a . M. C onductor, H udson T u ttle
himself of the llm i honored custom of Oiling np are, we believe, the only Spiritualists in Am eri substantial citizens; my pspir has a great run G uardian, Xmtua T uttle. 8UMPT10N* After I bad had her under my core
hla Department with extracts fro n the Journal* of ca, who openly avow that they are not Christ —It does not stay at home mg.” _
______ __ ____ _________
Mae*.—Tbe r______t ________
M arlboro BpiritualU Association for one week, her friends nfet the M. D.s who
the day ; bnt unlike leading pbu* and religions (7) iana, and we ask, "W hat Spiritualist can be, with T he good brother will accept our heartlelf^Aold meeting* In Forest U*ll. Speaker eugagi'd, Prut. Wi
, , A . a .. a *. - .. T>*nton, one# r w**k for » Mr«. LIb r U A. T a j Iu t , 8c #*ld they know th at ebe bad the consumption, aud
J o u r n a l* , h e g iv e * c r e d i t t o t h e p i p e r th e i t e m la the statement o f the iter. Towers before bi9 thanks lor h is zeal In the cause w e labor hard lo Ma b c h a s t b b , N. H. — Tbo S p iritualists hold mooting* cOold never be cured. 8omc two weeks afterw ard;
d ip t from. eyeB ?" Read it, Spiritualists, and cease forever advocate, and If the " Circuit Rider” w ill continue every Sunday, a t 10 a . U. and 2 r . a , In tho Police Court tbe learned Dr . U n d e r h il l , of Chicago, was hero
R o o m .' Seats free. K. A. Beaver, P re sid e n t: B. P ushes,
The New York Ledger la obliged every now and Irom saying the Christian Church does not to borrow tbe J o u r n a l s anil read them to his Secretory. ' ----- ^ at my house on a visit'. He examined her, and
then to lay before Its million* of readers tha stem Congregation, he will please his hearers much N*w Yoax Ci t t .—The Society o f Progressive Spiritualist* be, too, said th at she w u lo the l u t stage of
fact th a t the ChriitUn j iuroala appropriate its believe in a bell.
“The R*v. James Towers, o f the Scotch United better, for people love.to hear the truth preached, Quick Consumption, could not bu cared, and
m atter w ithout giving credlt,and the reader of the and one J o u r n a l contains.more than a cord of Conference a t 12 he would not be surprised if she did not live but
Presbyterian Church, recently made an address p. m . P. K. Farnav
Ledger know# foil well th at one column of the before the American Board of Commissioners a few days. ‘ Mrs. Stodard,’ said be to m e, ‘she
such sermons as circuit riders generally deliver. G uardian.
Ledger costa more money than any one page of for Foreign Missions, in which, seconding to the T he F irst Society o f Spiritualist* hold meeting* every Sun esn not liv e; have you any hope of curing her !*
m atter in any Christian Journal in America. Be W e would be pleased to Lave others imitate day m orning and evening in D udsw orth H all, 806 B road-
American Precbylerian, he made the following way. Conference every Sunday a t soma place a t 2 p. m. I answered, * The spirits say th at they will cure
low we give extracts from the Detroit Post of remarks: the example of our zealous brother in circulat Seal* free. her If we obey their orders.’ Iu the first th ree
Tuesday, Oct. ltUb. R'-ad them : *1 often ask m yself the question : D o I believe ing the J o u r n a l and getting subscribers for it.
weeks after I commenced treating her, she bad
♦•in the religious meetings which have been there is a hell ? Do the Ministers of the Gospel B y this means great good will be accomplished St 3 and 7)4 P. M„ in the convenient sud com fortable
generally believe in It r If people are npt saved 270 G rand stre et, north ea st corner Forsythe, 3d block so st of three largo ulcers ln her lungs break and d is c h a r^
lately held In this city,the questions most frequent in shedding the light and truth o f our glorious Bowery, for moral and sp iritual c u ltu re, Inspirational and an almost incredible am ount. But a t the expira
here, there is no salvation for them. Our own tra a c e .p e a k in g , special teat m anifestation., end th e rela tio n
ly brought up lor discussion were, how to secure brothers and sister* in America, England, China, soul elevating philosophy. o f spiritua l experiences, fact* and phenom ena. Bests free, tion of eight weeks (he calls herscli well. She
a more general attendsnee upon Sunday services, and Japan are perishing if there is no Christ. and c ontribution taken up. will work all day, g o to a party at night, dance
and " b a t to do with those heathen in our nndst I desire that we get a little more o f faith in hell T he Spiritualist* hold tne
who are dally perishing lor lack of spiritual food T H E L A T E N T S E N S A T IO N H all, co ru e r of 8th avenue w u — , ^ u i , u m . until the small hours ln thevnornlng, take a short
almost under the shadow of our churches. The in preaching to men, women and children, for a t 10)4 o’clock a. m. and 7 p. m. Conference a t 3 p. nap and then get np and be as gay as a bird all
fact that thousand* never attend church who the soul is Tost lorever if it is not saved here. Is treating disease by vacuum. T he patient, is N b w a a e , N. J .—SplritnalloU an d Friends o f Progress bold
Then comes another delightful thought.’ meeting* In Music lla ll. No. 4 Bank stre e t, a t 2 U and 7)4 dfiy. Allowing herself to be the jid g c, she- ii
might and should do so, being taken for granted, placed in a receiver with his bead stickiug out
the speakers g;nerally assigned as the causes of This agreeable gentleman is as complacent as at the top, Au air pump ih put iu operation, p. m. Tbe afternoon in devoted w holly to tlm C hildren’* Pro- w ill, has not an unp leu ap t symptom lu her sys
this con attendance the rapid growth or profane the old lady who was told that there were many which exhausts the receiver, and effectually tem , ami has taken only .dx boxes of Mrs. Speno’s
amusements upon the Sabbath, the natural antip doubts in regard to the truth o f the doctriue o f lakes the wind out of the subject within. O swsao, N. Y.—The S piritualists hold meeting* every Son- Positive Powders. I gave her no other medicine.
athy, or at least apathy, of the human heart to total depravity and eternal punishment " It We earnestly recommend this method o f treat day a t 2)4 and 7)4 p. in., in Lyceum H all, W est Second,
triritu al instruction, etc. All this m aj be very To the Positive Powder#, God and angel# we gft'e '
may be, she said, “ but I hopej a r belter mings.' " ment to all Rev. Gentlemen, as it evidently pos n e ar Bridge stre et. The Children'* Progressive Lyceum
true and yet one cause which seems to us by no m eets a t 12)4 p. m. J . L. Pool, C onductor; Mr*. 8. D oolittle, th e prluse ol saving her life aud restoring her
means an insignificant one, was entirely over sesses both the merit of cheapness and efficacy. G uardian. h ea lth .”
looked, and th at Is the reception these people —— ----- '— Om c b o , W i s ^ C hildren’s Progressive Lyceum m eets every
sometimes receive when they venture into a C a n ’ t C o m e In o n R c r o m m e n d a t lo n .
Sabbath a t 10 o'c lusk a. m. J o h n W ilcox, conductor. M nr
church. It not inlrequeully happens that a mao We copy the following from the pr jceedinga ZST It ts said that experiments were lately T hom pson, A ssistant Conductor, Mies C ynthia McCann, G uar
meets such cool treatm ent, or Imagines th at he dian o f Group*.
o f the Baptist Convention, lately held in Mich. made at the R Runic Garden, London, lo see
docs, on entering a church for the first time, that how much Weight ofle of the smaller leaves of P hiladelphia, P a.—The F irst A .soclatlon of SpIrituaU eta a t
he i» not disposed to repeat the experiment. James Marshal, you are a naughty man, and Ilarm o n la l lla ll, currier 11 and Wood st*. Lectures Sundays
Though neither rich nor religious, he Is sensitive the "Victoria Regia ” would sustain. It bore a t 10)4 *• *-• ftU,l 7)4 v. M. Lyceum No. 1 a t 2)4 t. M. W H E R E IS
to the last degree, and will not hear to be re- can't come in, aod you ought to know it, you four hundred and twenty-six pounds belore First S p iritu al C hurch of P hiladelphia, Thompoon »t. b e
proaciied either with his impletyaor bis poverty.
To leave “ tree seats for the poor," and expect
Disorderly Christian.
“ The Judicial Committee reported case No. 2,
sinking. T he leaf is exceedingly large, and the
edges 'are turned up like the sides o f a boat.—
low F ront. Meeting* Suuday a t 3 a n t 7 U t*. si. Lyceum
No. 2 a t 10 p. n . THEIR EQUAL?
poor people to come in and eit on them, betrays Independent. , Spiritual liulon, W ashington H alt, Stb and Spring Garden
an ignorance of human nature that no American an appeal from the session of Eoon Valley ste., Sundays. L ycrum N o. 3 a t 9 a . it. L ectures a t l u U K. F. IltT rn , o! Huntington, i««., sands to>
congregation ought to be guilty of, and yet such against the Presbytery o f Findlay, fir refusing a. m and 7)4 p . m . P iior. S f e n c e . the following remarkable r e p o r t ;
vacant corners are still pointed to as evidence both to entertain a complaint against the Bcssion of P r o vtt>sues, R. I . - T b* S piritualist* now bold th e ir “ I feel It my daty to rep»rt lo you what Mrs.
of the charity of ehnrch members in offering them ,
and of the perversity of outsiders in not accepting
Arcadia for receiving one JameB Marshal in
to communion without recommendation, and
NOTICE OF MEETINGS. m e ttin c s a t th e M usical I n s titu te h a ll. M u re d sq u a t.
P l t k o u t u , Ma m . - Lyceum A ssociation of B pirituaU su hold Spence’s Poslllve and N.-ga’lve Powder* h*vc
... • . ' - ■ :h m onth. Chil- done for ine. I hud stiffen'd vvlth V4 hereditary
them . while said Marshal was a suspended member of , a k e rt
Even where strangers are not thus huddled to the church at Eoon Valley. L B. S torer, Headache lor 3T yeara. 'During no w eelo'hid I
gether, acd addressed in actions, if not in words, m eetings a t th e ir church at 4 P. at Win. fl Voat P
Pending the trial the Synod adjourned." U. 8.* H am ilton, Bec’y. Lyrciim toect, a t 14 g . Mr U. b. been free from the Ifeadtchcla.all that time. Two
as “ you poor heathens," distinctions less glaring, lla m ilto u , C uoiiuctur; Mias A. lU ’Lee, G uardian. P c t b a m , Co b b — Meetings a re held a t Central H all *T#ry jea rs ago last Auguat, I aunt to you aud got a Tew
hot not less odious, are frequently practiced. It Bunday afternoon a t 1)4 o’cU<k. Progressive Lyceum » t 10)4
was only last Sunday th at two men entered, at the B ra iao riiL n D a l i .—T he B-utb Kud Lyceum Am ocistlon box»;s o i your Powders, aud commence 1 taking
Lee in re. b a te en terta in m e n ts every Thursday cvrlting du rin g tb s In th e forenoon.
same time, the door of a fashionable church in w in te r a t tb e H alt Xo.tW.&priagtii-li! stre et. C hildren'. Pro Q c t b c t . Ma s s , - M eeting* a t 2)4 and 7 o’clock t . u . P ro them according to tbe directions, and aui cured,
this city. The one with golden spectacles and sil Tne lecture and readings of Mr. E V. W il gressive Lyceum m eet, every Sunday s t 10>y A. M. A . J . gressive Lyceum m eets at 1)4 r . s .
son, the Spiritualist, at Burshop’g Hall, Monday rs I have had no II -adache since I look the first
ver headed cane was ushered into a front sea^itn- Chase Conductor; J . W. McGuire, A teiiiaui C onductor; Mrs. RlCHNoBD, I BO,—T he Friend* of Progress hold meeting*
mediately ; the other, (our reporter), not haviog evening, was of more »han orJinary interest to M. J . S tew a rt, G uardian. Ad.lrea* all Culmuuuitation* tu A . every Sunday m orning In H enry H all, a t 10U a . m. Chil Powder. 1 had u'.#o bien troubled with a dis
these metallic credentials ot orthodoxy, waited th e aud:ence in attendance. The visions of the J . Chase, 1671 W ashington stre et. dren ’s PrvgreMive Lyceum m eets In the u n i« ba ll a t 2 p. m . ease In my bowel* Iron) childhood. There w as
some minutes unobserved and was then beckoned lecturer and the horoscopes cast by him of U b io b H a l l .—Tb* South Boston Spiritual Association HocaroRD, I II .—Tho F irst Society of S piritualists d i m and scarce a day that 1 did not suffer pilu lo tuy bow
to the nearest seat. *I\»s*lbly this was accident prominent incidents in the past lile nl persons
bold m eetings every Sunday a t 10,3 and 7)4 o’clock. Mr. have speaking every Suuday evening a t 7 o'clockt a t Brow n’s
al, we hope at least it was exceptional on the part Keene, P resident; K. !i. Could, S e c re tary ; Mary L. French, H all Lyceum m eet* at 10 o'clock, a. m., Iu tlie ta m e ha ll. els,' up to the time 1 got your Powders. They have
ot the usher, and yet the unllormlty with which who were entire strangers to him, were truly T reasurer. D r.K . C. D unn.co n d u c to r; M rs. M. Rockwood, g uardian. cured ine of that, ton. 1 had employed many of
the best grades of cloth were sent to the Irani and w onderful; confirmed, as they were, in every Baltim ore, Md .—Tbo ‘‘T he SjuituuH -t Congregation of H ic u U h n Os k t i r , W it.—Lyceum m eets every Bunday a t the beat plivsicUn*ortbe O d School, aud none of
the poorest to the rear, left a very strong suspicion instance, save one, by tlie parties themselves Baltim ore " bold m eetings on Sunday and Weducaday even- half peal oue nt Chandler'* lla ll. U . A. K ostiaud, C onductor.
that the audit-nee was Intentionally and system at then and there. itigv,alSaratogo 1U11, .o u tb e a a t Coru.-r Culvert and Saratoga M rs. Della Peoae, G uardian. them could tell wh'at al ed me, and could do me
atre eU . Mrs. F. 0 . Uyxcr apeak* till fu rth e r notic e. C hil no good,’’
ically assorted on something like a ury goods basis. W hatever may be the power controlling the d ren 's Progressive Lyceum m eets every Sunday a t 10 A. M. SPUBOniLD, I I I .—Spiritualist Association hold regular
It requires a good deal of heroism under any cir m eetings every Sunday morning a t 11 o'c luck, a t C apital
lecturer, or the means to accomplish the end B roadw ay h u titu U .—The Society of " T ro g rru lv c Bpiritn- H all, S»alh Wevt corner Stb and Adams stre et. A. 11. W'or-
cumstance# to go into a well tin wed crowd, wear- reached, the result is none tlie less wonderful to ahala ol B altim ore," betvicea every bund*y m orning and then President, 11. M, Leopbeur S ecretary. C hildren’* Prog-
lug a thread-hare coat, hut '.be task is much us.—Council l i t ( f-itcii) Daily Bugle. evening a t tb e usual h ours. n a iv e Lyceum every Sunday a t 2 o'clock P.M . B. A. Rich*
harder when we know we are being used merely aide, C uoductoi, Miss L i*ue P orter, Guardian.
- ns a dark background against which the adorn- ftTCAMoai, l i t . —Tlie C hildren's Porgrtaslve Lyceum of
rocnla of our neighbors may show the brighter by
contrast. TlUfae invidious disMnclion* m»y be no C l lieuLAB. Sycamore, 111., meets every Bunday a t 2 o’clock, p. in , In
W ilkina’ New llall. H arvey A. Junes, C ouduvior; Mr*. Ho MUST ONE RISE
ticed by very few, io many churches they are nut B a l o it , W m .—T rio S piritualists of Beloit bold reg u la r ratio Jatuce, G uardian. ’
noticeable at till, still we can not help thinking
th at a little more courtesy, not t« say sympathy, A u s tin K e n t , to I l l s F r i e n d s .
Sunday tnevtlugs at th e ir church a t 10)4 a . m , *ud-7U v . u .
W ai.S Yu.1, President; U. d H am ilton, Sect c la ry . Lycuutn
T be Free C onference m eets a t the asm e place on Sunday a t
3 o'clock p. in., ono hour session. Keeay* and speeches lim
on the part of nsbers and others’ would diiniDiMh 1 was born ot poor parents, in the w ood s; m eets a t 14 M. Mr. Mm W adsw orth,C onductor; B u t U. ited to ten iuiliutime«ch. Cbafiucey llllw oud. Eau., P resident
af . if_ Ih tl I___ /V. ..... H..L - Iw Plnnebog, Mich., Aug. 4’.h, Lift).
the number of domestic heathens quite percepti B arnes, G u ard ian of G roups.
and I came into the world with one badly in Battle C reek, Mich.—T he B p lritiu lisu or the Flrel Free.
P n o r. Si’BSce—bear S ir: • 1 feel th at [ ought to
bly." acknowledge sora**of the 0 mullet of th» P atitivc
jured foot, a rather strong constituting, but car C hurch, hold m eetings every Sunday a t 11 A. M. a t Wake- Bf r iko msl o , Mass.—Tlie Fra terna l Society of SpiritualU sl
Decidedly rich. Well, you poor devil of the Lo lee's l la ll. Lyceum sesaion a t 13 M , G eorgs Chase, Conduc hold meeting* every Sunday a t Fallon’* H all. Prugrew M e and Negative Powders in this .place. Well, then,
rying the seeds o f disease in many joints. T he to r ; M r.. L. K. Bailey, G uardian of Groups, Lyceum meet* s t 2 P. m . Conductor, U. 8. W illiam s! U dar-
cal Department, why did you go there without a dian, Mr*. Mary A. Lyman. Lecture* a t 7 r . H. two year* ago one box cur :d my child, one year
result has been, a life of unusual suffering. 1 Belvldere, 111.—Tbs S p iritu a l Society bold m eetings In
new silk plug, pWld tights, blue coat, half vest, G reen's lla ll tw o Sundays iu each oiunin,forenoon and even- S a c r a n k b v o , Ca l .—Meeting* a re held In T urn V ereln H all, old, after given up to die. Half a box of the Posi
and patent boots 7 And above'all, why did you not have been five times almost in death, twice lo g lOVfcaiidTU o'c lock. Children's Progressive Lyceum on K . stre et,e very Sunday ot I I ». m. and 7 p. m. C hildren’s
tive Powder# cured II. G. K’lburn'of Erysipelas,
m eets s i two o'c lock. W. P . Jam U eon, C onduc tor: 1). C. Progressive Lyceum m eets a t 2 p. to. H en ry Bowman
borrow a pair of gold spectacles and a silver headrd supposed to be dying. Till 4 7 ,1 could get about Maywood, A o il.u u t C onductor ; Mrs. H iram Bidwell, GuAr- C onductor; Mlea G. A, B rew ster, G uardian from which he had been unable to work f ir sev
cane? When you know so well th a t these are the the house, In and out of a wagon, as spry as most dl*u. eral years. He took’ up tbe half box, went to
T ir o s U s c r t In n .—T be F irst Sp iritu al Society h o i
passports to front seats in our fashionable church SrvrALo, N. Y.—M eetings a re acid (u K rem lin lla ll, W u . meeting* In Pence'* lla ll, c orner 2nd and Uhio streets.
men. Twelve years ago Infiamntory Rheumatism E agle tre e l, every Sunday a t 10)4 a . m. and 7 U p . m Lectures a t 11 A. M.. and 8 P . M . S peakers engaged, J .
work, and Bays he Is now cure.1. Again, a young
es. But, Brother Local, It will be onr turn by so crippled me that I have not stepped on my feet' C hildren’s Lyceum m eets a t 2)4 p .m . H arvey FtU gerald, Madison A llen, for six m onths, from May le t. girl, twelve years old,>who bad becora* blind
and by when old spectacles lifts up hie eyes in Conductor M rs. Mary Lane, Guardian. C hildrens Progressive Lyceum m eets a t th e same p lace a t
since. I have not Jed myself for seven years. My 2)4 P. M. £ . Q G ranville, C onductor.
from pain In her tm d , h at used up one and one
torm ent, and we p c e p o n to f Uncle Abe’s shirt bo B u m u o s t , C o n .—C hildren's Progressive Lyceum assets
knees are fastened as one sits in his chair. M y •very Sunday a t 10)4 A. kl., a t L afayette UolL l i.t l.Q r a n - Toledo, 0 — M eetings ore held and reg u la r speaking In Old
half box of Positive Powders the Is now around
som . 4*11, C onductor; Mrs. A nus M. M iddlebrook, G uardian.
banos can not be got within tw elve inches o f
M asonic lla ll, Sum m it stre e t, a t 7)4 P. M. AI1 a re InTlled a t work, can read, write and sew. I m ight give
B i o o a l t s , N. V T he B plntnalU U hold m **i' C um free. C hildren’s Progressive Lyceum In th e same place every more such c i t e s ; bat after seeing such evidence if
B pectnsen Id o ls . my face. My thumb and fore-finger are fu9tencd berland stre e t Lecture Room, near BeKolb avenue every Sunday a t 10 A. it. A. A W heelock, C onductor; M rs. A. A.
ns"one bolds the pen. By the a il o f machinery Sunday a t 3 and 7)4 p. m. C hildren's Progressive Lyceum W beelock, G uardian. people can’t believe, they will not believe •' though'
"Those people whose eyes are lo the hack of m eets a t 10)4 *- J- A. B artlett, C onductor; Mrs. B A.
I have invented, my feeble wife— no man ever T o o l, h . Y— Progressive S piritualists bold Ineetlnge In ooe should rise from the dead.” 1 should have
their head#, whose "hopes are memories," who B radford, O usrdlan of Groups. H arm ony lla ll, corner of T h ir l and River stre et A t 10)4 a . m.
had a kinder companion—helps me on and off S piritual m eetings for In spirational and T ranca Speaking a n d T ld p . m. C hildren's Lyceum a t 2U p. n . Monroe J . stated above th it the girl w a s pronounced lac-ir-
-think the sky is not so blue, nor the grass so green, the bed, into a chair. I get my arm on the table, -a d S p irit Test m anifestation., every 8uu<lay a t 3 p .m ., a n a K eith , C onductor; Mm. Lohlsa K eith O a a r d W ' able by our skilled doctors of this place.
the fruit so luscions, men so wise, nor women so and write this Circular. W riting is all I can T hursday evening a t V A o'c lock, In G reuada H all (U pper T u o m f s o b , 0 .—Tlio B pirituaU su of this place hold reg u la r
virtuous, as in the days of their youth, before the room ) No. 112 M yrtle avenuef Brooklyn. Yours, »kc.,
d o ; and I write every line in more or less pain. meeting* a t Tliompecn C enter. T he olhcert a re £ llu lh c rt,
evil day* have come in which they have no pleas I have known few days o f entire freedom from C l it a l a b p , Oh io —T he F irst Society o f S piritu alists and X. Stuckw idl, M. H ail Jr. T ru ste e * ; sud A. T llloU on Sec W. I). KELLY.
ure, arc startled now and then by revelations of L iberalism hold reg u la r meeting* a t Lyceum H all 390 Super re ta ry and T reasurer ■ fe s
the real characters of the people over whose dis- pain since I left my mother's lap. In l-i o f the ior HI- a t 2 and 7 p .m . Lyceum a t 10 a . m. Lewis K in g . T or SKA. K ABBA*.—T he B pirituaU su of T opeka, K ansas
appearance from the earth they have lamented with 00 years o f my life, I have suffered more or less C onductor, M ts. V . A.. E •,AA-
d d y , G uardian, v, . . E ddy, «Cor.
D. A -* m e et for Social Service* a n d lnvplra llona l. apeakfog every
bliterness Inconsolable. They are horrified to from po v e r t y . It seems to me that I have Secretary. Suuday evening a t the Odd Fellow ’s H all, No. 183 K an sa s!
learn th at George Washington swore, perhaps Ini- suffered as much—in mind and body— from the Chicago, Illin o is.—T he Chicago Spiritualists m ost every A v c l ' i j . Mrs. U. T. Thom as, In spirational Speaker.
cansc Martha didn’t know how to spell correctly, Bunday in C rosby’e M u.la lla ll a t 10: 43 A.M and 7 :4 3 P.M. F. L. C h a n s , Pres’t.
last cause as from every other. Betw een the S pe a ker engaged, Dr. B ialu. Lyceum m eets im m ediately
which was the case ; that John Hancock told ob age o f 20 and 23, with a deep desire to study a fte r m orning service*,
Y ntiL sini, N. J .—Friends o f Progress mootings ore held In
scene stories, and drove women from the table; Plum stre e t H all, every Bunday, a t 10U a. iu., and evening.
and fit m yself for the ministry, poor and cripjted, P resident, 0 . B. Cam pbell; Vice-PreniileuU, Mr*. Barmh Ooon-
and th at the. political warfare of even half a cen 1 three times declined the oiler of money trotn Icy and Mrs. 0 . F. Sti-vcus; Corresponding Secretary a n d MRS. SPE N C E ’S #
tury ago, reeked with such personal defamation a t 11 a. m. 8. M T erry, C onductor; J . Dewy, O uardiun; T reasurer, B. G, S ylvester; R ecording Secretary, U. U . Ladd.
and abuse a* is seldom found now outside the col the orthodox "education societies," which was Children'* Ff..gre**|v# Lyceum a t 12)4 p. m. IXoaea A llen.
Mrs F. A. Perin, Cor. Sect. P O S IT IV E & N E G A T IV E
umns of the Alabama "Tom ahaw k," or fie Texas urged upon me for that purpose. Teu of my Conductor; Mr*. P ort* Gage, G uardian : Mrs. J u lia Brigham
C a s t a s os. Mo.—T he S pirit n a listsjcf Carthago, J a s p rr Co.,
"W arwhoop." The reminiscences of Alexander healthy and sound-limbed companions took it. Mo., hold m eetings n v e t; Bunday evening. C. C. Colby, Cor
a nd M rs. T anner. A ssistant G uardians.
Hamilton's son just published, disclose many a But I was then comparatively radical and felt & responding Secretary; A. W. P lckerltg,C lerk. WtLUAMsanan.—S piritual m eetings for Insp iratio n al a n d 4 P O W D E R S .
weak point in the character of the great men or hla prophetic assurance that in my com ing mental C sttaaiM A roar, Ma s s .—T he S piritual 1*U hold m eeting T rance Speaking and S p lh t T est m anifestations, every Ban-
T h* Magic c o n tro l of tb a P o s i t i v e n n d N e g n d v o
age a* seen through the eyes of their cotemporaries and moral maturity, I should use my talents in ery Sunday in William* H alt, a t 3 and 7 I . it. Bpeeke* day a t 3 p. u ., and T hursday evenlugat 7)4 o'c lock. In G rana
—prejudiced eyes, itmay be,but not more so prob engaged. da lla ll (upper room ) No, 112 M yrtle avenue, Brooklyn. Also P o w d e r * over diet*** o f a ll kind*, I* w ooderful b e jo o d
ably than tho*e of to-day, whose owners pluck the a moral war-fare aguinst the bigotry and secta Bunday and Friday evenings a t 7)4 o’clock, In C ontinental a ^ r o c e d o n t, T hey do no violence to f i e eyetem.OLaelnc,
rianism o f the same churches. I believed taking D ovaa a b d F o x c a o rr, M s.—T he Children's Progress!** H all, corner F o u rth and South N lu th stre ets, W illiam .burg.
motes out of the moral cornea of others, while rin- Lyceum holds It* Sunday *x**lon in H errick H all, in Dover, A lso,S unday a t 3, and Tuesday a t 7)4 o 'clock,In M cC arties Q i^urK laK . no naueeatlng, no vum ltiog, no narcotizing.
d -rg dug a like otu lar operation themsel res. Cbarg- the money would some day render me less free. a t lO U *• n»- E . B. A verill, Conductor; Mm. A . K . P . Gray, T em petaiice lla ll, Fra n k lin stre e t, opposite Poet Office. G reen Men, W omen and Children find them a clien t b n t a e ars
es of bribery, of falsehood, of corruption were I devoted all I could earn by teaching, to stu d y / G uardian, A conference Is h eld a t 1)4 p. m . P o in t. Contribution 10 cents. tncccea.
baodi-d about as they are now, but mixed with less I was licensed, then ordained, a Congregational Do QooiB I I I .—T he F irst Society or S p lritu allsst, hold WoRCMTsa M a a s — Meeting* a re held In H o rticu ltu re!-H all ▼no P o s i t i v e * c a rs N euralxla. H eadache. Rbeum a.
intelligent discussion ; and epithets stem lo have minister. After a few years o f preaching with th e ir re g u la r m eetings In Schrader* b a ll,a t 10 o’clock A. M. •v e ry Suuday afternoon a n d evening, a t 2 and 7 o'cl<£k.
been as thick as was the mud. to which they are th a first Sunday In each m onth. Children* Progressive Ly Children’s I’rugTreelve Lyceum nieeU a t 12 o'c lock every tlem. Pain* * f a ll k ln d t; D ierrh i i , D yee n ta ry . V om iting.
more than average succesa, in which 1 raised ceum a t tb * sam e place a t 3 o'c lock each Sunday e vening, Bunday a t th e tam e place. E. R. F uller, Correaponding Beo- D /e p e p rii. Flatulence. W orm*; a ll Femvle W t«kue**r*and
often compared, on tho old fashioned, unpared, the standard o f reform as high as tho church J . G . Mangold, C onductor; Mr*. Borah P ier G uardian o.
rugged roadr of tho wilderness. Amone other re ta ry and Conductor of th e L yceum ; Mr*. M. A. S tea rns d e r a n ja a e n U ; Ft*. Crampe, 8L V ita*' Dance. 8;>a*mv; *11
facts, we find th a t Washington told Hamilton could endure it, I began to feel still more deeply Groups. Social Levea for th e benefit of th a L yceum , ovary G uardian. ’
high g rad e * 67 P e f tr , fimall I’o x.M raelee, B carlalina, E ry-
my early inspirations, and withdrew from them W ednesday evening. W a i m i b o t o i , D. C— T h# F irst Society of Progressive B p ff
th a t "Jefferson was a most profound hypocrite,aod Dea Moines, Iow o^ -T b* F irst Spiritualist Association m oat e lpelaa; *11 Inltaium aUone, acuta or chronic, of the K ldnrye,
less under the influence of philosophical reveries as organised bodies. 1 lectured, more or less, R aallsU m eets e very S andey, In th e ir (New ) U a m o n ia )
regula rly for lectures, conferences and music each Sunday, H all,o p p o site M etropolitan H otel, P e n n sy lv a n ia avenue.bn- L iver, Lange.WoM b.BUddi-r.or any o th e r organ of th* body,
than Is commonly imagined." to good congregations till m y lungs failed, ajpd lo Good Tem plar’s H all (w est side) a t 1Q U o’clock A. M , tw een 6th and 7lb stre et* . Speakers e n g a g e d : O ctober, Mre
W hat is more, Jefferson gave some cause for C atarrh,O uneum ptlon, UFunchlUa, Cough*, Cold*; Bcrufal*
I became so feeble I could not stand on my feet. an d 7 P. M. C hildren's Progressive Lyceum meal* a t IK£ Bpettigne; Nov., Susie M . J fanaoti; Dec., N. Prank W hite;
this criticism by resigning hi# position as Secreta P. M. B . N. K luyuu, C orresponding Secretary. Nervoatne**, BtMplMSSM*, Ac.
This was o v e r t we a ty year 4 ago. I have been J a n , K. Y. W ilson; F o b , E m m a H ardloge (expected); M a r,
ry of S late, under pretence of retiring from public thirty years a Spiritualist. Over thirty years a T u c n s d m , Ma s s .—The S p lritaaD sti hold m eetings every n o t filled; A p tl, U o.es lla ll; M ay, A lo lS d .w :S la d e . Lec T b* N e g a l l v e a c u r * Paralytl*, or P a liy , w heth er o f tb*
affairs altogether. In a short time he rc-appearcd Sunday oflim oon and evening In B tldiug and D ickinson's tor** a t 11 a . M. And 7)4 M l. C hildren’* Progress)veL yeeum , muscle* o r of the eeuie*, a* io Bliudoee*. Doafneee, loeS 68
free-thinker and Liberal—very radical. I gate H all. Speaker e n g a g e d M r s . C. F. T ib e r during Ja n u a ry . Oeo. B. D *vlt,c o n d u cto r, a t 12)4 r . a . s r a r y Su u d a y . Jo h n
as a candidate for the Presidency, and Washington the best o f m y life to the race, without charges. M aybew , P re sid e n t.' l u t e , e m rll, feeling or m o tio n ; a ll Low Fever*, each aa th a
thereupon pronounced him a "profound hypo r o x a o to ’, Ma m .—Meeting* in Town H all. Progressive T yphoid and tha T yp h u s; extrem a mar-vatu or m ascala*
crite." An autograph letter of General Jackson, In the churches I asked no definite salary, but Lyceum m eets every Sunday a t 11 A. B. T a t i * C lT t, ILL.—T h# F lret Society o f B plritnsllets and
was well supported, p u t o f the church I never P rostra tio n or Relaxation.
written soon after bis retirement from ti c Presi G aoava, Now T ork',—T he F irs t Society o f S p iritu alists of
fa^wSCSVS!*,,Ter7 Buod*7 toreonfar*no#’•*
dency, Is now published, for the first time, In had a collection taken, but was nearly as well Geneva N . Y., bold m e etlap i every Wednesday evening 7 U Both tb* P o s i t i v e a n d N e g a t i v e or* needed la
"H o u rs a t Home " for November, and reveals a sustained—sometime* better—w hile I could o’clock a t the residence o f R . B. Beach, Sunday 3 o'c lock ? . C hilli and Favor.
rplteful pettiness, a weak susceptibility lo a small K. , a t th e residence o f Dr. N ew ell. C L A IR V O Y A N C E . Pbyelclans a re delighted w ith them . Agent* and D rag-
preach. My former able and radical friends G eorgetown,Colorado. T he SpirltaAllst* m eet th e re three
inault, a capability for abuse, and an ignorancu of Lave been many years dead. In my physical MRS. 8. W . JO R G E N SE N , fiats find r A d y s a ls for th e m . P rin ted term * to A gent*
spelling and grammar, which If displayed by evenings each week a t th e residence of U . Toft. Mrs. Toft,
helplessness J have dared to think and speak clairv o y a n t sp e ak in g m edium . Drogglata and Phy*ldana^<*nt Are*.
public mnn of to-day, would Justly calf down upon Room* 2 0 , 2 4 0 South C lark S i r r tt, Chicago.—Psycho,
Ids bead the bitterest and the liveliest ridi freely for almost forty yeara In this age, many H a b t t c u », Coinv.—Spiritual m eetings or* held every San- m etric, Buvlute* abd Developlug M e d iu m : In sp iratio n al
F u ller Lists of DUeasa* and Direction* accom pany e*oh
others may have suffered more for Free Thought iy evening, for conference o r le c tr — -* *, / Box and also se nt ft** to a n y addr«*a Bend a brief descrip
cule. Yet this petulant, uneducated, coarse man, dren ’s Progressive Lye*am m eets a In stru cto r so d O .nnse lor. T erm s rio so n a b lr.
th at thought It worth his while to resent a —If so, I do not knoV them. I do not—I can d oc tor. tion o f y o u r diseoM, If you prefer Special W ritten D lrew
No. 10. Vol. 7—1 U m e(pd). \
mean annoyance in bad English, is the Idol and not repent o f the mental freedom I have taken. UnOUOB, M e.— Meeting* are held In lib erty Hall,
the demi god of large numbers of people who be I am from the Puritan stock, aod was the first (o*rn*d by the Spiritualist Society,) Bunday afternoons nod
moan him aa the last, or among the last of our to break a link in an unbroken chain o f my 1FE 3T BEK H IV E lo th e w orld,
" g re a t men gone forever and foiever by.” The own orthodox ancestry. Were I now in the Ha h mo v t o b , If. X - __ . w _______ _____ _ grea tly Improved In 1867 and
following la hia epistle j a t S piritu alist H all, 3d street- J . B. H olt, P r e s id e n t;____ 1849. 1 alee p ublish th s be st book
churches, I would be helped as a "superannuated a A . K . P oor*, Secretary. L yceum meets a t 1 p. to. J . U. on Bee m anagem ent. Secret* of
y Hermitage, May 11th, 1307. preacher." O v Be* K eeplog. rd ition ol 1868. 1
Ransom , C onductor; Mis* Lixal* Randall, G uardian of Send m oney a t onr r iik . Sam s o f iffi o r m ore, If t e n t by
Gent l emen - Your kind letter conveying your I do not cbmplain.. Even now , though pre O ronps. Lyceum number* 100 member*. m ean every word I eey, no dl*-4
charily o'. two coper (slc)ccnta,which you forward c ount. F or p articular* eend for m ail, should be In th* form o f Money Orders, o r D rafts, o r
maturely olq, and broken in m ind-(I feel like H a v a n a , III.—Lyceum m e e ts e re ry Sunday even in g s t tw # Bee-Keeper’s Almanac s a d pros
ed on hearing th at I was broke, and a bill drew one so), from long physical sufferings— from o ’clock, s t HolygrofTs H all. oU o lb Jte g tsta red Letter.
by me fot tO.iwO bad been returned protested, had pectus of B ook,sent (Tee. K . P
H .H . P h ilb rec k ,C o n d u cto r; Miss X. R og e rs,G u a rd ian . O F F I C E } «7)4 8*. Ma k e ’. P l a o b ,N x w Tam s.
ln and poverty—my mental freedom is not K IuD E R , B urlington, V erm o n t'
been recleved, aod aa you have been Impos'd upon
by the vile falsehoods th a t are daily circulated by B r sale.
Lo t u s , I b h .—T he Friends o f P rogress” organised p e r
m a n en tly , Sept. 9,1866. T hey u* .th e H all o f th e ” Salem No. 10.Vol. 7 - 1 wk. (pd). - * A d d r e * * , P R O F . P A T T O N S P E N C E , JO* O .
the W hlfga, your charity U herewith returned to
you, th a t you may dispose of it, In charity,to such
B ut I am a L a z a r u s . H e “ desired tfee
crumbs." J ask for them. I ask such as lfa«
L ibrary Association,” h o t do no t bold re g u la r m eetings. J .
V .B a rn a rd , P re sid e n t; Mr*. C arrie 8 . Hnddieaton, T ic s P resi
B o x 6817, N e w Y o r k C ity .
I f your D ruggist hasn’t th * P o w d e r * } send your m om
o f the Wblgga th a t may bare been employed lo
trading la stocks and aw ioillng the poor. Have
more than they need, to send me something. I d e n t; F .A .O o le m a n , S e c re ta ry ; D .A .G srd a e r, T re a su re r;
Jo h n a th a n Sw ain, Collector.
$3 OOP
o f— FI.
ttt ?hr 5T-TF2?
Ad i r , t t . l ,
m ill
•y a t once to P R O F . S P E N C E } * * abov* directed. Bel
assure them it will be gratelully received. ■ala also a t th* Office of the R Juaio-PiuoaoruiO A k J
th e goodoees to Inform all your friends th at I hare A u s t i n Ke n t .,
Lo o m t il l *, Ky.—S piritualists hold m eetings every Sunday
O. S. LB* Fair B a r a Oaaa 187 a nd 189 South C lark I trea t.
n o t drawn a draft for any snm on an y o n e lh r a t 11 a. m . and 7)4 p. a . , in Tem perance H all, M arket stre e t, T,LI, So. f—a oka, tpd)
tw enty year*, nor h a re I any use for your kind Stockholm, New Yoj Jl betw een 4lb and it b . ▼ol 7 E o I I
^ S sS

S3,00 PER YEAH IN ADVANCE.] fcrutbwear*nowwfc, bom*at nohumanshrine, oecfeoneitherplacenorajtplauor; sheonlyashoahearing. IS1XGLE COPIES KK.1IT ('EX’.S

Pur Ih* Relijiio-Pbi Io*( ph iftkl Jo u rn al Folute conviction that all wc can read In the cutiMrly fits tln-ir ides*, all of which.like tin- Grt-a-k th lr'tin g wtul- who walk abmad b -n e i’.h th>* -h «ff- Invtrucl H im in »in!< ui * TV> . a i- c h a rg e !!:* purp.w r
scriptures that God has thus written w e may nc and Homan dailies, merely combined one t-~p*-ci«I i. * of the churches troin which the Spirit tilth by p ray e r > !r w s c in ill^ w ., I. Is u*. Thu* ws lu v
T O T 1IK AKOELK. attribute of Deity. The philosophic 11 (In-rli, who ff« pitted, who ar«-seeking to hear the dear name
ctpL It l* with this purpose that I com m ence’ a ll th e various dci-la’o t l.fr, sum a t of w o rth lp .
by his wl-dom and l.-srnimr, and Intl u-nced by h>* • • Cliri-t and think of him at- he walked in t1«- I n o u r great n « c tilSro, e I.»n • lira rll arr b•,•fl!r J.iati
UT IK ii L. t>*Tls. my analysis m H and delicious climate, perceived tout mani m arket plate, and prayed for the publics'’* ami by sit k u - * 'a n d adva rally, aud wr I th a t we o il. nut stand
I have tai l,thus saith the spirit to the church fested In the upper air, as Juno ; nunpest.id lu the Miiners, aud prayed l-»r hG enemies » he yielded
sweet Uowers blooming in beauty, m> Mercury ; In up hi* spirit into the hands of the All-Fatti t . N Or >| In help u • I w» nil s ta td * ry m a r
e s ,“I believe io God.” W ho aud what is this God?
A rjjtrl. of lov* so d J.ear*-. the poisoned breath ot the wind, as Apollo ; in tbe it for u* to recall wandering man from Hit dark a nil I .
llo w shall I approach him r what are iffy rela
T ell me. le th e re no nl<ot,
tions to Him? These-are the questions or the dark mystery of the grave, a* Pluto ; in every form lie's of error and lead him up to a knowledge of l»f '*rh.'.. i cunis
A re th e re no vrea rj feet, and attribute of Deity the Greek behold' Iff- God the true God. 1 think It G "given to n* to do tiff-*, h.-u th s r r I- no ou" to h< Ip lia. 'I tu it it i* lb si « r f o u r
hour. The Spiritualist says “ I believe lu G o d ,' The Hebrew recognc/od him better through the Sint 1 will recall, to your mind* one of these demon
A nd la it a lw aia light o at c u r «hpplicuti< na to our I n i l " r li< h i u 'r n , to g ive ua
anti he goes back to the darkest days o f savage- sublime anil Wonderlul—the it'orm, the tempest , stration* which' we claim when u*e prnfcsf that
In y o u r *w«*t home? • I r s e if h t~ carry u* o \ r th r Ib-o.U i f anguU h th a t a rr
ism and sres the bn ml .writing that is imprinted und In some form c>f nttu^e. and tnanilested tlff-rc i» a soul in IhtffunlverM*. It 1* a fict that
on the tablets of the human heart, anti then ■veiling up i t th ras g r.• k • |> h .u rl* . 1'h> li l» it th a t » s
la l i t r e b o •< king h e a rt. tbroiurli Inspired men, such as amt the therein a son) within ourselves—' hat all th at wc
enmiug forward to the highest conditions of civ prophets. And here let me pau«e to 'how you are, ul! tt*it we can do f< s-.ul work, soul power, oprli th e dm.rc a nd th r arigri* i” u.»-' in . (h* i: is Ih iil’tli r
N o drtaO ful piercing p a 'n ?
M uat we from lo tc d one* p a rt. ilization, ask* if we Lave outgrown this primal w here the standard to willed I list'- called your the manufacture* of our hand ; all wc create, all I. luytlenl U -cl is e re c t.d w illiin li*. and f l r l ilit tlr la n a l ia -
belief. All other theories, affirmations ol belief n itratio n becomes so aiqaeeljdly in*nlla—t in the wc work upon, come* from th - experience? of our a 'y . finch b ru iv of w orship a rr a n y picul, l i t do r>ut
A nd n e ee r m eet again
except llne-e which are written in the intuitions Hebrew Iniili. i n the Uttetanees ot the inspired ►but*. Should we p»rfeh from the earth by I he (.•me |.> z rtb rr in sr'lia h l.o la tb n, . a'.puiatiL p a-ttiaelv.s
I n yo u r b rig h t borne ? voices of the good nnd true, tip* voters ot the ham) of death, should there he rovolcm to tell of
ol tire spirit, which are an integral part a I hu Ir-rtv—11 !, id lit r . W r don’t tlb lik th .x any ■! to- a re atrotiK
A re a ll jo o r ]>affjw*)» p ta cr ’ prophets when they spoke ns they were moved hv o'tr w hereabouts; flibutd we obliterate all.our rrxuirh to live w itli.ju l 1 ut» *n syir.i M by, ni..| I «m (»,.-<
manity itself, fall off and siuk into the night of the Holy ypltff, mill wlffeh have been banded deeds, all ihnt we Imve done,'tlie-e very work*
Oh ! come and te ’l uA tru e. oblivion, or disapixur in the mkffs o f error.— a . . on ; r ,w b e tte r as w» t a i l o r w i(b v G id a tth -
down to us. we have tlie Strom* h l t m q a ' of alone will reveal our tiOsjAbillties.—will point out
W ill a ll my sorrow* tv iw . This one beliefreuiains unchanged,—this funda •lob, tile sublimity and poetry of 1-slih, the mr- woe-re the urii-l work-d,' now the sculptor carved, |••(•'•> i, ta l r<a -t, U innzh II be ou « lt o!d ».:••, it w I p |v
A nd shall I live w ith you mental question is ever the same in nil the re r.twful InmeiiUlblns of Jeremiah, each proc tiin and will tell of tl.»* order of men we wore ; will d— n v a 'r Cs’ b a d w.s »li.i!| o b lu tjfd a ila tre e d for c ’lreaUkT
In yo u r aw e tt borne ? volving changes ol time. It remains as fixed ing the voice ol iumiorl-drt v, and lending p» the elate (tie powers or m in, measure them out aem - Io III-a.- fi.V o h day p a th . r i b " , m . r . I . w rk cnci?,b
P lul .ii ij.b ii, Penney! v a u lt. and as immutable as the" principles of hate, of worship of G id, e.il.lng man away f <<in 'llie wor ratHy-.io t»uy mind that shall pillow In our foot tl a t ^
love, o f human a Meetion and human sj mpalhv. ship o| stones nnd images, to the oucGort, r nffiuT p u t *0 " n r l-ur.vns, I ul l l .i t u s ta k s up tii- * |ir :f » '.t
ing'Aln-m continually lust He la worshiped to hu- j rst If-.fii lie lj.'r tl# asf.i ,M
Go luck to the fundamental constitution o f hti ni;in s e t', hum in deeds bread. H i * , c r t- r u a l f. r-ns >.f w n l i p o r ly fail u b r u (tie
man natufbs^nd wc find it there We know Again, I ask you to ]>xu«c onwnoMu-r r*-vetiii in show wl.y it l» >t sp irit is not th e re , .whrn th iy w o r-’iip tba^liSiiis si.it n. I
t h e ^ o s tt n in . that the hand implies movement, manipulation ; through .It-siH ol N«/.vt»dh‘. tffi ! how they h\vt- j I ... r»j.Iifi w l- l’n. T h y » la f.H u t.e n iC r a , *ini. i,t» end
the eye predicts the nature ot human sight, and. mistaken thistnan ! bow they l»a\e darkened out tcavlihic*. ,fl*rir hrtpM f.wm* C o tli.* ar'.um ) n a - tlrK e P l-es n - .l Ji*hT ed Cftfrlh* I I I .J T .f lir l hi.nuu'e ta k e Ih s
the ear Hint o f sound. Every organ of the body tlic li»m of the spirt*. ! how they have perverted ! tiii'M ra|.|i. opirnloM *h<>«r wir«» n fr nit arollDil •;«, ro,.l place (if tile apiriEual u r,h ip . I i *k m i u h . t r v. c il.n lt
{C opyright Secured J demands for its exercise some adequate sphere the purposes of the Iniiuite in the worship ot the tle-y ■Ini.d th e re 'an Is.t>.,ttv l e f t of '{ -o ita f l>7ii.ai»Z <>« . w g * llp . I r ir c ^ n e t » ti.-ri> irll I f It, a l i l i . |l e I u llt t y
upon which it shall ho employed. VVe do not god iiiati ! Do you not* percelveih.it up to the | roDrluelve sr id - n c s t i n t they « ts Im m ortal hi tb s if risible
LE CTU RE B Y MRS. EMMA U A IID IXG E Hum of the tffirDlian dispensation, the rare of j w orld, ill# world o f f c m a . th e »trc>r>af*i and m eat ro d u rlu z . oian’s b ard* r '•••n-.ilh (h s u .r lr n t fane* b u s lit the
reason upon those things. We do not ask how tnudtood had only rl-en to * comprehension of depth* of e ulitndr - » If r s t a n «>r l l f . r a r - g ntbered lu
or f.*r what purpose these special Iunctions Deity as exhibited In His tlteets In n u tte r? As a th a w orld of m ind, o f r p ln l in v h k h tl.^ rr P r o d-atli. .- tb s r Jn Ilia nam e, th e re is H r in th e jnidat a f t ) m . ,
D e liv e r e d R e Tore t h e r i r a t Aa«o< l a t l o n o f
were incorporated in our constitution. We piriiu.il god. the ) I<Oir<-w prophets gave some ! W s k now fh srs it *■' pnaaKilllty of a n td ln la lio o to a n y o f • tf r r s t h - ( lin g them far *v-iy a 't . lin t the l a s s c f a ll
S p ir i t u a l is t s o f P h i la d e lp h i a * a t t h e ir
know that they are, aud the fact that they are, faint glimmerings, but it reiiiained lor Jesus to re- 1 Ihs d r p a r lo o n tf of ertw tion. W know , t h - r r i r r , th a t w reliip u tu do th e w rk tb%* <nr w .r k ’n g ( h d dor*
H a l l , I I , W o o d S tr e e t, o n F r i d a y K v c - is the proof, that they are integral parts of veal the tullm rs o lth e nature of t,.n| a>a spiri(. • I h s ia w c oinal ipply t-> I h r »«.rld o ' inlinl, aud w*> rsjw at •’ My F a th e r w crk slh liith w la . and I w ork.” 1 -p erfo rm
n lu K , O e t. \ 5 , 1 800. man's being, aud cun mv«r he uprooted t^nrist c*me teaching a spiritual religion, perpciV It, lh * l Cti# prosonrs *.f o i r inm ioil ,1 sp irit w Ph llir su. py ‘ • li.i'aoavt r tlit ab ility l« given us lu do. ie tu le in 'a r the
M M IiE lt SE V E N . . trom his nature, amt precisely in the sam - dly attem pting to prove to man, the union of ol life, w ith wisdom aud pow er th-m oa.trat«* th a t I t s
spirit aud m atter in himaclf and all around hhn, ai»ol I* lliiiir.rtal W a r s 'I t not w ritlrn io lh«- o O urs of 1.’ j?ac at cud holiest h>m»F>- lv Q, d.
integral na'ure stands the belief in the im .Sunday .’ *1. nr Sunday ! m ust our sp irita . aud • p liltu a i
mortality ot ihesouT and the beliel in God. Sr- clearly dem mi-tratlug the relations which man
the Rcuaio-Piiuovoi uiCAL j o v i o x a i
N t.pi.iu d S iprc aa ly fur holds to God He showed God as a spirit, and that mad w srs It r o t th a t we enu tin. s It in th e ronstltilllOD ol thing* are rp r .i l c.ftt b r fa fr tle y r « f<r,l >•» f - r every
by Ueory T. Child, SI. D ] c rate a said he' would not answer the question portions ol Him engrafted lu the material loriu, hum a n ity to day, and from th< lir^ 'e hlng of llm r upon o 'h - r day, taudaar » . r h 'p at a ll U rr .» r tl is the a c t, th a t
or attempt to prove the existence of a G id,— become the children of God, called in* a. I Iii* p la n s! up to tb s p ri'tso l h our, m an le u a lored, w-.r ch.il! h rln g itv s u n t atidAtear. r So f i,d .
“ T he question o f spiritual existence,” said he, f is mi-sion wna to dem-mstr >te the spirituality • lo p s - , I l! and claim ed a llU -irr w ith 0 o d the Sp itIL and O b! t | t itnst fri- in!**1; w .ll y..u n< t cla*|- hal'd* and
INVOCATION. “ is inwrought in the very constitution of o f tile, the spiritual nature ol G >d, and tbe spirit th is an- ta b lh ltln u jf sp irit life a h us w ill p r o fs it to h r I n illa 'r this religion. Let e th e rs a’o as th y m..y a c t o u t
things." You might as well take away the cor ual destiny ol m in. Eur this purp .se the sphp. ro o lie u '.u * . tVa b a r s tb s dsm nsatratioD n.-w w ithiti o i r
Father of all, we invoke Thv presence and was pound out upon him wiilioul measure. A your b wt and h ig h ia t th o u g h ts. (i<* tenth and pm claiiu
ner stone o f the universe and bid it move on in
b'essitig Here on our* council tbU hour. W e the grand harmonic order of eternal being w ith pure und sinless man, lie walked among men as a band* to ,|n sn e b ’a ll d oul.t and to llP-ht up th s t-o au 'i'n l thra* tru th v t*. n i » t k i o l . « d a* loauy a* w ill t»k. b „ t.t v l
knnw U »t men have adored Thee in every age out the fundamental principles inlaid therein. pure amt sinless man, and worked spiritual deeds tsm p lr w ith cntisord a n d p * a .s, w h .r’s a ll » e in h araio o y it, a*'d live it :u Ih.-ir Uvea, w ill t<c< ta r a* •a v io n of the
us (iotlT The Hindoo has waited for Thee in and signs, po-s Me only to him who hid more than a rd i!i«r,>rd, IVr l a t r I'S iiflil iLI* I' .JtrM ’rfxr* th e w orld, w. t P I , i n g out (he l a u tlfu l p to n d ta m ade I y O irle t
I slfall not reason upon the question o f a Grid; iiiortsl power, and who grasped the hau ls ol «pir- and a re s tilt a rskint: to laid th s m*ai a to i tT.r Ih rm th r
life-long contemplation, o f deep silence, in the nor answer you when you would compel me to its. The mission ol Christ was to {»ech nisn Hie di-mmist-atlun o f lhl>•s q urationa, w s bod llie spirit* a t*
Ih r >*piilt, •’T hr w ork th a t I .fa and k •« t*r wo h i ahull j»
ancient primeval forests,—lu the sacred Hiinyuu prove the lact o f the soul’s existence after drnth. iuitnnriul destiny of the spiritual nature, aud the e r s r rs-d y to aid n - , tVr stand b r fo tr o lir s e lv r a .r s f ra ltd to d j ." 1 h ru shall Wr prove thv a. ill of I h r ut i a o i r utltl Ib r
grove. It is a truth uithin me, and I euti uo more tx alliance ol man with G ut. They have mistaken o ursslrsa. In a nsw glory o f Im m -rtalily . W a hod th a t •"tils w itl.lu u» to be port Io*i* of I h r sam e fi.u l th a t la lu
T he Egyptian ha* studied Thee In the wonder plain this question limn I can answer how I the divine incarnation represented l<y him, uo in all a id ov rr all. I ase la f..rv Oir 1 1, f.jgh hau.l 'la u d in g
fnl wisdom of Thy creative laws. know anything, or what intelligence is. curiiwii-m which is In every o u t ol you which wag .th s tdorlous lirln i; !•!• I< n n f s ltr d . an a n g rl |.y ei- h aU -'s *lde. y n . t r are llir l a . 1|, f t g c u \
T he Persian ha* adored T hee in the radiant I repent the spirit says there* is a God, and only represented by biin as tlieehh-r brother. They tVr h a v r in lhl« first qusitluD of*C oJ, a atauiU rd. T hr bsy lol th e rlv r r. T hey cotue to guide y«.ur *t«pa; th. y
brightness of the firy g<xi o f the day,—in the have mistaken llii' pure and sinless teacher, and S p iritu alist la y s to th r C b n r r h s s ," l l r la tu t m ors Brwh corns to lead you on. T hey ,m u ( to tir s u g ih c n your,
shall now* proceed to show you some dtmnnsira set biin up to worship in pi Sec ol tin- Great Spirit.
crimson splendor ot his sunset gl »ry- T he an fainting beat I*. T n sy « q i pass w ith yt u to s .u r h .tp ,* .
cient Chaldean has mapped out Thy footprints
tions that surround this great prii elide, Bffff It t* for ua to witness the Iresh pul pouring of this m*. H u d lb a, Jsh o v a h , Ju as. Qod or L .r d , h u t B r ia C o d -
some o f the effects that grow out o f its ac plrtl, the coming of Hits great modem Messiah, man and m an llod, th s K a 'h srw b o a s a ttill.u lia a rr Iota Oh, «ray they n .a k s lln ir p r o t j i i s know n. >J .y they
tm the shining sk ie s ; the Hebrew has heard Thy knowledgement. In every ago men have be Spiritualism, which Is to correct this luiitake, aud with w lidoia a 4 pow er. We ase bia lore in all condition* p r io r In a tru m e ststu guide you unto th a t h lc h n Ufa w hir*
v o i c e in Sinai’s thunder, and m the still small restore us once more to the position’ which our We know It w hen H r ahlnsa upon u* lu ’ th s h tig h ttisra of y<>»l like them shall yroW u c a rrt.n r.siir to ( lid .
lieved in the existence o f a G<xl. The excep
voice of prophecy. The early Christian has ap- tions are so rarelUat they are abnormal growths brother In Nazareth desired to place us, iii which th s d a y . W s lr rl It In the d'arknssa of th s n lg h l W ea rs
proacheclThee as his Father. which belong to man’s intellectual progress.— we uiay realize th at all men are diviuc spirits, ail III iii auilla upon ua in theae IZuiaom*. Wt know it when
In all ages, in all dim es, amongst all peoples and each of us G id incarnate In m atter, and there iVctiidcrful Curas P e r fo m u d by N plrlt-
W e may deal with these hereafter. Setting-these fore children of God, 6on* of God, even a* he was frlanda tm ltr upon ua untl ou r heart* a re triad. W r kauw
nnd in all times, the human heart has sought a f P o w er.
abnormal growths apart, we claim that the only o d c n ith the Father, so we, too, are one wi;b him. It w h^n th a aw. s t a u n u n tr w inda fan o u r L-rowa and
U r Thee. , varieties in-the universal belief arc those m ani " pause upon this, though it seems out of place, s tir o u r a p lrtta, to il n g w ith th rra th e a u th sm of universal I.E TT K H KltftSI (' It M A T II k v . •<
We know not how much nearer to Thee we festation* in the Inrms of worship, hut not upon to show you the progressive re vela lions of this rrjo t ring. W r know It I d o u r h o o a fh o tl yroapa, Id ettr
may have advanced, but w e remember the God Spirit, this beliet in our Father, the Great •w rr t aoclal life w h rn rT ery t Ire apsaka Jo t s , and w r j dn D i:\n 1?11. :—W e L:t>e a new am1 yut tx*«fni
the public acknowledgement o f u God.
words o f Tby divine teacher of old, that Thou ttpiril, and bow age alter age has been vouchsafed li* tiler bt the fiulil, liy tbe niinit? f I Sul. iiion \ \ .
art a spirit, and by llie hands o f Tby ministering The character of this acknowledgement may In th a a poD tanrcni hym n of p ra ia r and cry nlood to all
be traced to human giow tb and states of civiliza to uiau as his necessities required It and as his con r rr a tn re a to pralae H im , and now w e a rs I <v l u t .l t p to know Jew ett, lh this city o i Nt*w l ’liiltidilphiti, Uliio.
spirits we have sought to approach nearer Thee. tion. Take, for example, the first acknowledged ditions ot lifcaud civilization were ante to receive it In th a hour o f pa io , and in all th r ftffam illra itiat ra n
11 we are right, stay us in the righ t; if wrong, the progrc*,'lve evidences thereof. 1 do notlutcnd Am ong the o*.«cs cured lit-ra*. I wiil n.cnlion
worshipers, the blaloilc&l m in, the Hindoo. We
rebuke us with Thy holy inspiration. W e know find'him In the midst of bis wild mountains and to trace up the history of Christendom. It issnlli- befall u*. We know It w h rn we b .y ln ti. tra c e c a u v r and one tff rt t eni ocrurrenre: A Jm»v of (ldrlicn
Hint Thou art God the spirit, and os such we do de«-p valleys and gorges, mid In the profound gloom cient to point to the fact that the most civilized s g r e t and ST<n WlN-O o o r ry * i arsawfim o i l hy th e cold years'of aec was Lrouglit !•> him with n 'w r y
invoke T hy presence ftiitl blessing on our cmin- ofhis ancient foroeta, under the burning sky,Illum nations of the earth bend before the pure teachings tn srb ir o f th e ta m h, and w-MIkt ws a rr yropllfg blindly
ined witk a brilliancy of which we have no con ol Jesus, and consult th*-ie ss the one model relig upon th e e a rth W r know It Ga-ansr th a rsv e 'a tl» n o r th r m rk iTorlicollis), Iris ht hd l.a*te;iv(] down to
£cli this hour. ception. We find him amid all there, listening to ion ol tho sges, nearer to truth and to tins neces loved onra e rm e hack to na. Wa know th a t li.tn g rr fall* hG ri^ht *h«uldt-r by « c >ntt.;i-;ioti o f thc.c >r*1
the voices In the storm and tem;*est. In the artil sities of man than any other. Even In the midst out th e e u rrz lra of th a M ) , th a t sorrow , pain and s|C.tny
lery of the thornier and in all th u s ) violent chang ot the clrange lanlbetic tonus ul worship that de mid uni-sties. Tin* |iroi’p**or iinmcdia'a-Iy’ laid
mand human sacrifices, In the most repulsive and develop |ta power*; th a t p overty and h -rsa rrm e n t call
N o Spiritualist can afford to take a neutral po es which occur beneath Lbe tropical skies—here his hunt's ttp in Hit b-.y, riiyiug, “ ’.Vc lieu!
he becomes metaphysical. He retires to the for loathsome expreAAous of the nature ol the Del tic forth a*nlna and ta la n ta and a b ility ; wa know it n » l only
oition on any of the q uestions of the day. lie power, we find the same recognition ot an Invisible fro m . Ih> rncVssvion of hum an e rr iita , h u t as w s now th*« child in Uw nsme o f ,U mis C’nri't. Anicti J" •
est to gaze upon the wonders in nature, lie bows
believes that he has received a new revelation Ids head ; he U uunblo to compass all these things-; Supreme Being. How are we to disport* of this read hack f.-r o v rr th*. pago o f wiidom and s r r th a t u k s Tim altwnrii.il o f liis iimHit t, Mt*. .Y'-n T.vhn,
despite the taunt of the modern Athenian,“(live lie speculates upon them. Life with him Is too testimony of the age* ? Ibw hluatouia of Ihe lily , laleiita, er> r ^ j an 1 j n jii a V| i lov wag iiis utff’.y t iHu.1 to tlie riiiihi;; .>f.his head*
us something new.” H e stands in an attitude short to think upon all these thing*. Still, he a t Take another form, and ask whether Hie dearest up from th# feut B i r r o f c o rru p tl. n, at dlsraa*.and r v rn
never before parallelled on earth,the attitude of tem pts to systematize his asplra'lous Into a con Blteclious of human life have not been Im perative Willi upralnfil band', und Uar-i.nl mcxprcihiUE
one who has received the doctrines ol religion, ception of God. A being who fills all space and ly demanded aud laid ns a sacrifice upon the altar c rln.e. Hut w a'fu lln w aw ay Into t h r a p h it c o u n try , and j.»y II •w iii' down ]ier cla ck -. !».* tlicn nnd
ol religion ? the re a'lffdvt th r InhvM tantS, th e si’e> t Inha’d lante of th a t
with the demonstrations o f science combined.— void, whom he calls brahma, to whom he aa^igus llicfc saw bt rdt af hoy,for Ihe lir't Unio, ttitvi! life
the three attributes o f Deity, so obviously m ani VVhy und tor what lu* man poured out hi* blood dim r s iu n ir la n d , we read oo sa sh onr* bro w . H i- Irsmei.,!-
Tor him there is an universal appeal, and uni an 1 given bis best cllorts, lu* highest genius, his ouv w etd , •* CoM rqteBC e." Wi r-a d In seel, o t^ 'a f«rs, ^itaul fr.un ri^bt to It ft, strcc be wa8 an ft,huff.
versal teachings. There is no longer a veil of fest In the splendor of creation, whom he calls
brahma, the Creator, be who has the four wluda ot masterly productions, for the expression ol his re * C v io p u al.il, R A i .j t r m l u i " W r trace the f i l t e r chain Tbi> Is not a solitary cu'e c l u*’c. You
mystery between his eyes and any pro|K>sitlon heaven hi bis bauds,who la all powerful, about and ligious worship? of rau a s and effect. W e a rs t h r crow n of m * rty id >m w rn
which involves even the issues of eternity.— around whom nil creation clusters. Then, Vl-buu Go hack to those old countries, overrun with the limy h iv e ‘■ten Ihu RCcount ol •• Ilaijaipyv tbd
H ow docs he stand related to the belief in a Su the preserver ; he Is ever the Incarnate deity, who experiences of Immunity, and observe th at the by e a rth 's savior* often tb e h r m t l r t a n d m •»! o W u ra . Duad,*’ pub'Ghcd In (lie N ew York .< .r.fih t-
grandest temples are ever the places or worship. W s fra th« z rsa t nnd glorlona dsatlny th a t h-o* h ssn en%|
preme Being f Our question this morning in appears again aud ngtln as a savior of the world,
and who rises ngain to the Spirit World to gather The dwelling* ol men have all |ierislied throughout w rought. W s ase th a t th e re la a f*.-d of lo re Is a ll 11 lo b o f April last, where the will o f tho pm-
volves an analysis o f Uio demonstrations whlcl^
ho has received concerning the soul of the uni- fresh strength and return as the Incarnation of the entire East. The footprint* of humanity are 'a n d w r c r y ,''T h n e y h lie alay m s, I w ill prnlvs n im ," fert’or, with the aid o f spirit power, was rutfre
God ; and lastly, Siva the destroyer, the evil one, ouly known through its temples of worship, all th e apliita echo HI T h* wj.trlts p ro to Ilia jivdotu,
thono mighty temples, those gigantic Images, all who *11*11 ip ia ffo n It ? W hen t o know th a t lh<a little forcibly dcmonstratcil in tbji case o f John Cron-
^ I ^ ia v e already ventured to broach one of tho surrounded by those emblems of death peculiar to
th e lllnduo and Chaldean. TbU element U rep those evidences ol the .splendid power of architec leaf, *o sm all th a t are can scarcely a re It, I* f.5 by Him
loifn^at No. ill I.iulloav street, N ew Y ork cUy.
means by which we realize something ol tho resented In nature by the earthquake, the storms ture, which now overlay the ruined East, are re Thiy statement is about tqual to gny niimculous
great Intelligent Being, a Being whose person and the tem pest, the heaving w are of tho ocean, mains of religious edifices, evidences or the vast w ith tk* dally bread of a tto th in e and a!rw, w hich a re prtf
ality we never may know, but whose existence the burning fire, and all th e elements which lu powers of mind and body which were devoted to aided for I t. U ltl* m onth* a ra all thrnnich th s a trn c tn rs cu re /w e find on record. Here, it teems, the
we must acknowledge and do homage U>. I nature represent the destroyer. These are all al the worship of God. Evsn the beautiful forms and o f th is tln v leaf, fashioned t y a w|«* Providence, £ n d H r professor entered tbe house o f death and found
say wc must, If w e follow out the course which legorically represented In nature, and ibcao teach creations of art are ouly to be placed In the m ag ■hall ( a lh a r np every atom o f tH v w onderful Uaaue. a t d It
ings are Intended to convey sublime truths. nificent tem ples of worship. The adornments of I* a p a rt o f th* u a rv r lo s a schem e of 111* glojrlon* oennomy, among other attendants, five r rid unit d p h ysi
w c h a v e claimed lor ourselves, which wc have
Wo find a reiteration or the same truths la the the places of amusement were Tar Inferior to these th a t th e re tb a ll com* forth In g ran d e r b e au ty In aom* cians present J who pronounced the man dead,
laid down lor others, and prescribed for our rule worship of the wise Egyptians. The gods ot active and this desirable clement found the means for Us
oflaitb . Wc will, therefore carefully analyze development In the religious belief of the people. o th e r farm of m e . Do wa d <nl>t Ul* pow er <ananifi-«t*d l i e immediately requested them to leave the
life were here presented—tho god ol tbe oeoeonst
the evidence for aud against the existence o f a the strong and the powerful teacher, the friend Even those religious dynasties which were perpet alike la th * rain-drop an d In th e m iih ln f w orld, or In th e room, saying if they would obey, tliq man
(supreme Being. . . . . and instructor of agriculture, the god who Inspired ually developed along tLu seaboard of the M other n n lv r r ra of ( te lle r world*, o r y e t In th a pow er hy w hich should be immediately restored to life. It was
You say It is the old story and one which haa the minds of men so th at they could advance In country, where the vast devouring waves of (he Uo p n lu ta * through m illion* o f mile* of lube* tn ou r own
been fought on the battle grouud' o f human science, In arts, so *the wisdom of the Egyptians wild o c u n have eaten up and consumed whole bodies? W* need n o t pan to now upo n III* a ttrib u te s, with urgent solicitation on h is-part H at all
opinion m-ancient limes, but it must be fought was obviously taught by tbe attem pt* to search villages, the ancient church and the aoternn cathe w hen w s te s Ibis w onderful *y*tem o f cre atio n ,—w hen ate were persuaded to leave him alone w ith tho
out God and G k i V way* In nataru. Sotiu-li aa-* dral anil retnsln, the mighty tow er and magnid
again H ith erto wo have brandished our woap- cent ruins are atilt anrtaiaed In the midst of decay behold io m uch b eauty sa d ord er e v ery w b srr. subject, w ho had shown no visible signs o f lile
niis in the air. W c propose now to give a dem ue calls his god Jupiter, sometimes Meninun, who,
touching the chords of the morning sunlight, u'- and death. I have seen these standing thus atone But now, w hen wa a re o u r lo te d ones *tok Into th e grave, for half an hour.
onstration before any form o f truth is to be re- tered bU voice in one sweet chord ofYuonc that wIth tilled lingers pointing to the sky, and each aud in ch m y tterlo n * power* o f m ind a ll tn d d rn ly a rretted ,
ceived W e know that all communications from wakes up llie whole earth. They bad Ualrls, the one repeating Its solemn record. God I God 1 ded w* know th a t th * d a rk n e u o f th e tom b dor* n o t ( h u t ut We have s^ep tbe above slattm cnt over tho
the Spirit World, coincide in these great gener wise, l he strong, ever dying, ever horn again. icated to the uuknown God 1 Wherever we turn ou t forever from th e w orld o f cau-e*. W* took down tbcic signntures of fourteen, persons w ho testify to
alities, and give us the assurance ol immortality, Here wc have another exhibition of tho Bubiiino lu Europe, overlaid with historical remains, we sh in in g avenue* of e ta ro ity , and wo *ea th e ur.bm ken
truths of nature, In a different form, especially find relic* and evidences of tiffs same feeling or the above;, and further, that the man yas
which may be received bb facts precisely the
same as though missionaries Jroni this planet or adapteJ to tho.Orient. worship—tills acknowledgment ol God, evidence* chain of lir# rwatdilng aw ay, away tloongha th e F|ilcl» restored and dresfed h im self and wrpte a letter
everywhere that man bu» never ceased to wp.-sliip W orld. T hen, I r r j i a t It, wa have t)u> ilrm untlra thin
earth could have been permitted to relate many In re n in , trie idea of U id was of somuthlng very within thirty minute* after. T he professor
great and wonderful, something abstract from Do yon propose to sweep God’s name out <Jt exist th e r e o f HI* wledcrn. H1» j^ w s r a rd Ills lo re. NdW, Imw
of their specialties to the inhabitants o f another pays he saw this man, Crtmbam, pursuing hi*
man. something loo wonderful for m an's compre ence? Would you obliterate vhia nticieni faith ? ( h a lt wc w arship ? In w h at tr m p eT A t wlrnt shrlm ri
world. T hese would necessarily be described hension. Wc have a rcpctl’tou or these myths With Iconoclastic hammer In hand you may bretk lu w hat farm ( h e ll w r w orship Hint ? Ifuw ib a ll w ejffva daily occupation one in>mlb after, at his own
in general terms. The conditions ot that lire gathered up Into one beautiful and sublime form the mighty linage, wld you draw ddwn God and plc atu rv to Him I II« h aa give* u* a w ork to do. W ar# house. I th.nk ih e public.should know tbcsif~
and all the details must be considered carefully by tbaU nspired man, Zoroaster. Be *howe m the tram ple blui In ibedusttouotliidgnete? You must
under precisely the same aspect as we judge of c o r r e s pomi-nc c s ot Urn mysterious principles in strike down the great heart ol tiutnauiiy; you around n* th r Ig n o ra n t; w r *►» I h r w rak and fallen. W hy things, nnd hope you will publish the foregoing
m ust build this up iulo one m ighty image and h i* I lf nut ta u g h t th e m ? W hy h a i not Ui* a ll F a ih e ily iu your t buible J o c h s a u
human communications. ■ . nature; how theJlfe-prlnclple corresponds to lire
Y’ours truly,
or heat; bow knowledge and tru th , sod the per strike tb s l out ul existence ; but you can not reach baud iiu taload them t Brcau** Un I* catv lo g angel* o u t of
But we seek for a standard of appeal,—a this—Us head will pierce tbe lica.veus, and there U *«m *of us hy glvlu g u* that w o tk to do, and as we do to C. IL M a t h e w s .
petual search for fresh revelations, corresponds to
tbe principle or light. He speaks o f Ormuzd the will worship and adore Goo. Have wc new revel:*- ib*in, w s teach th e m jto du to of her*. Th»*a are the iuc- N ew Philadelphia, Ohio, No^. 21,18(30.
unknown, Orrauzcd the great god th at fills space, tlous? Have we aught that will take Ibis aucient CfMlons o f Fatherly providences th a t If* has placed Is cur
whum the fire worshiper acknowledges In the least faith by the band and bring It up before a merci bands to perform far U lm , an d th a t a ra m aking o s Itk*
grain of dust and the grand shining bodies th a t ful and loving and strictly human tribunal* Oh H I IS I IN O O ^ tV M B .
gplritualhoo. I ask you, aive you beec entrusted unto lllm . Praia# Ul* name If yoti w ill, call Him O ld ,
thoroughly interpreted. I t must be read by the •trew with fire the beaTeu above hU head. Tbns rv-clta long prayers and supplication*, hut units* wa know Prof. J. 11. Barnes will lecture In Will Co., 11].,
illuminating light of Spiritualism. H aving that we behold him ill all the varied forma of mystery with this sublime possibility* Have you been per
light, let na turn to the pages o f nature without taught by the symbols of the different nations of mitted to stop tbe voice* ol the warring sects? It Bln uladap jU mightier than oora, nnd ara w illing t o go during December, on “Human Celtuce-” Hks id -
heathenism. E tch one takes ihaj. p a tt th a t pe- Is for you to give the answer to lb* Lougry and th*a* things, enr lu p p U catlu t* act a m orkaty. Would w s dress Is New Leuoz, 111.
any uncertain or doubtful theories, but with ab-
R E L 1 G 1 0 -P J ± L L 0 8 0 > H I0 A L J O U R N A L . D e c e mbe r 11, 1869

th at you have not yet found a lit speech to ntlcr like gods is concerned, wo can not say. I f the For tb s B stigto-PhU osophlcsl J o u r n a l
A TOAST TO THE LADIES her unutterable worth. You proudly acknowledge
th a t not In all our mother English tongue la there
Otifliwal © sn a p . narrative is any way reliable, and the Christian
theory correct, the gods aro not .only ail maleM, THE PO LITICAL PRESS, r
S P E E C H O F T H E O D O R E T IL T O N ,
a word golden enough wherewith to gild the name bat all old bachelors, and having no women in T h e D u tie s o f N p lrJ tn alU te~ fn R e fe r e n c e to
A t T n u A n n u a l D i n n e r o f TnE O f f i c e r s o f of woman. | Applause ] heaven that w e have anv account of, w e do not
INDIANA. th o e e P a p e r s C o n s t a n t ly A b a s i n g T h e m .
t u e M e r c a n t il e L ib r a r y o f N e w Y o r k , This la the view which we fancy to ourselves we see how the act which Adam and Eve committed
h e l d a t t h e G r a n d H o t e l , N o v . Ot h , 1809. hold concerning woman—this the priceless esti 9 p lr lla a lla m -T h e D a v e n p o r ts The by this advice o f the snake, could have made[ \ In » report o f the late Spiritual convention,
mate which we think we set upon her precious val C h a r g e s or T h e o lo g y . them like the gods by which they should have, I deserved a resolution in regard, to the ungener
M r . P r e s id e n t In rising at the elbow of ue. Hut we are deceiving ourselves. Nay, we are
HY L. D. WILSON. discovered their nakedness amL be ashamed. ous manner. which the editors o f most o f the
mv illustrious friend who nods in peaceful deceiving both ourselves aud her. Do yon think Some o f the mythologies have accounts of god
th at this due sentiment which our lips le t fall in For several months past thinking people in N ew York papers are in tbe habit o f noticing
slumtier at my side, [referring to Mr Greeley, our familiar toasts to woman la tue prevailing desses, but the Jewish and Christian have none,
who was apparently u k ln g a nap] but whom opinion of the stronger toward the weaker sex ? I these parts have been considerably exercised while both give accounts of the gods coming to the phenomenal demonstrations connected with
w e mean to wake up in lime to be the next answer no—a thousand limes no. Put It to the over (be subject of Spiritism. The last State earth to beget children, and as the Bible -bad Spiritualism, and suggesting a remedy which a l
govenor o f New York [cheers], I feel a partial proof. no account o f this kind till after this passionate though retaliating In Its nature, is by them richly
embarrassment from the fact that, sound as he Here Is a woman—helpless, poor, dependent. C onvention o f Indians, perhaps, more than any
freak of Eve, w e do not see how this could observed, aud ought to be carried out, if for
is in most o f his views, be is unsound on the There Is no one to support her. She must support one thing, started an agitation o f the subject, have made them like the gods unless tbe older
theme entrusted to me to niehL [Laughter.] herself. Now, how tar does this fine sentim ent of and it baa been kept alive since by the advent heathen gods were referred to, with which both nothing else than to teach them charity at their
Glad as I am to confess his general influence, 1 ours aid her to earn her dally bread? 1 will tell among us ot Dr Henry Slade, o f M ichigan, the Jehovah o f the Jew s and the Devil o f the ow n expense.
shall not permit him in this particular to bias you. It gives her j-ist a one-hundredth Dart of the Christians seem to have been acquainted, and It is time that those who have no regard for
m e ; I cannot acknowledge him to be my opportunity which it gives to a man. Yes.l ereak
wuhin bounds when 1 say t h u a man bas a hun
the Brothers Davenport aud others who oppor probably the snake, too, as he bad been an ob truth, should be m ad e'to feel that they can not
comptroller. [Laughter.] dred chances o f earning a livllibood where a wo tunely came here, or from time to time appear ject o f worship elsewhere according to other outrage the feelings o f others with impurity,
ForAcveral yedrs, at public dinners in this man bas one. Is there not, theo, a shade of mock ed before the public in communication or other blstorlc dates. and that il positive demonstrations o f Spirit
city, w has been my gentle late to neijoud for ery In our self-complacent aud wlue-qusfled flat- wise, until it. can be safely said that the ques - W hat is most remarkable in this Word ol con munioD, and a true exposition o f our princi
the gentle sex. B ut never before has the toast teriea of the ladies? tion o f spirit presence and’communication have God history is, that what Christians term the ples are not received in a spirit that la due to
•aken the shape which it assumts to night. _ On Here is a widow, left penniless—whose only In been more thoroughly discussed than ever truth, and our convictions as rational beings,
sinful act ot eating of the tree that stood in the
past occasion? the word has been “ Woman" ; on heritance from her deaj lord Is bis little children, before among the people o f Indians. And we midBt of the garden, and should he continued that we make them feel that there is a wav to
the pWsent the phase is, “ The Ladies." I know to whom she Is now to he both father and m oth
can also say without fear of successful contradic ever since, and still be a siu against God as much reach them, although they may deem therase-ives
well enough that there is a distinction between of theShe er. is one of the hundred thousand widows
war—one of th at gre»t m ultitude of a r ro w tion, that in the ranksof believers in the P h e as ever, not even eradicated by the drowning Becure,
a woman aud a lady. Dr. Leavitt says that ing women who,- with a more.ihuq.queenly cnari- nomena of Spiritism, there are more men and Hood, the circumcised Jews, or the heart- Let all bplrilual conventions pass resolutions
women are of God’s making—ladies ot man s. ily, gave their husbands to their coan try'» defense, women o f general intelligence and learning, changed Christians, and that even this sin can and recommend that every Spiritualist .shall
But 1 sup]tose the framers of the toast, not aud who stand, a# Mrs. Browning says, “ With than wc ever heard before. This is gratifying be sanctified as well as permitted by a priest, so avoid such publications, papers or journals,
intending any invidious discrimination, expect emptied arms and treasure lost.” Now, w hit does to believers, but very annoying to the woufd-be that God will forgive the sinner even though etc., as they would a pestilen ce; and do all in
me to take hothjtht ladies and the women, aud IbL line sentimeut of ours do for her ? 1 will Lett wise men of the times, who cling to the idea o f the shame and painful penalties still follow it their power to influence others not to patronize
to mingle these twain, like kindred drops, into you. It weigh# down the burden of tile, m iking humbug and delusion, which, in times past, here as set forth in the perfect Word of God, as them, and depend upon it—a “ cLange will soon
one. To this c u r s e I am prompted by the it tenfold heavier to he borne by ^ woman who
hie lost her hue hand than by a man who has lost have been the silencing arguments of the spoken by the snake devil. come over tbe spirit of their dreams."
distinguished stranger trom France, who has Uis witis. Is there not, then, a drop of bitterness npposers o f this so-ffhlled religion. And it is not In nur boyh(H>d,tvc ‘used to wonder if tbe The war againM Spiritualism is not confined
been sitting an honored guest at ibis h >ard ^ in the cup Irom which we pour ou: our uunual de a little remarkable that orthodox and infidel Eve which God made out o f Adam’s rib. was to th e C ’ity n f N ew York. There is scarcely a
[referring to Father IIvaciuthej —(Rat good , votions to the ladles ? clap bands and join shouldere in their opp si- really the first woman He ever Haw, and if she paper, a journal or a periodical published in the
man who, like the sweet dower from which he j Here is a woman—an heiress, She has half a tion to us. Why is this so ? These men, calling was really an invention started from the neces country, that does not embrace every opportuni- ,
takes his title is tilling the world with the milliob-in her own right. A crafty rniu—a bank themselves Liberals, Free Thinkers, and Re sity o f Adam, who, being made in the irahge of
fragrance o f his name. [Cheers ] In his letter i rupt—aIreKCar—making insidious approaches up ty to say something about Spiritualism that is
formers, are they honest in their pretensions? I the three gods, or one of them, was so unlike derogatory, and as false ss it is uncharitable
a day or two ago to the American translator o f { on her unsuspecting lunoceuce, deftly woo# her sometimes doubt it. They frequently tell us, them as to have necessities they did not h ave;' Editors, preachers, reporters and all who court
his sermons, in referring to a passage in the ; —toher fur fortune's sake. -He leads her to the church
the uRar—to the priest. Now how does this when we relate our experience to them, that i f but since we have lound other scriptures, we tavor with die Orthodox'-, combine in the gen
propheev of Ezekiel, be said he would take in fine sentiment of our.-- enshrine her in that hour? I- they .could sec the same, they, too, would be arc not so puzzled with the short comings of this. eral cry against all who dare to think for th em
one baud the stick whereon wits written the will tell you. It permits the bridegroom to repeat w illing lo endorse our theory o f the manifesta selves.
Fem ales had a poor chance in a Jew ish or
name ot Judah, nrd in the other the stick from the prayer book, “ With all my worldly good* tions ; but bring them face to face with them Christian heaven, or its churches on earth, until
whereon was graven the name of Ephraim, and I tlit-e endow whereas he gives her nothing, but i am sorry to say that the pulpit, from whence
and tlicv sav, Ob ! wc don’t understand all the science, infidelity and Spiritualism brought of all other places, truth, forbearance and chari
with Christian charity would press them both takes all—robbing her of a fortune in the very act tricks of i’ugglerv. Your mediums are. very
together to his breast. In like manner, 31 r. ol a ceremony which in&ks him appear to be con them forward for an equal share o f both heaven ty ought to be promulgated,—Spiritualism has
ferring one upon her. Is there not then, a dash o f clever tricksters, but we don’t profess to be able and earth. been the most persecuted, misrepresented and
President, and not with my hands only, I am to explain i t ; but we know it is not spirits ! I ' There ate curious complications ia this story
willing in loyally to my toast, to put one arm disloyalty In our voluble toasts to the ladies?
Here Is a woman whom God has endowed with have for a long time flattered m yself that I
abused ; the very facts in the B ible in recard to
around the ladies and the other around the an exquisite instinct as a teacher—for women are E ve and the serpent, Adam and the apple, spirit communion disputed and sacrificed, with
could discern wisdom in there being a wide apd the Christian interpretation by which tbe the same spirit or persecution that crucified
women, and with a more than Christian charity the anointed teachers of the race. Onr common difference in human thought, and have in my
to fold them both affectionately to my heart. school system puts her at the bead of a depart serpent, which’ was only a snake in the early Christ, and would now be carried out against
own judgment admitted the necessity f#r a Jewish history, becomes the D evil in Christian others as it was against him, if tbey.dared to
[Great laughter.] ment of a hundred scholars; and In the same build disagreement among men in order to develop
This u>a>t, sir, bids you and me and every ing it puts a man at the head of another depart sermons, a being created for especial purpose push matters to extremes which m ight recoil
the intellect, expand tbe mind and ascertain the long after the story was written, and only carried upon themselves. Fortunaiely, the daya of
man to think at ibis moment either of his m ent ot another hundred. Her duties are thu same truth through the channels God intended them
sweetheart or o fliis wife. It was a saying of as bb, her responsibilities the same as his, her back by Alilton in his history o f the war in Pontius Pilot and Cotton Marther are passed,
skill the same as his, her success the same as bis. to do it ; but 1 am at In#* to account for the heaveD, by which his earlier angelic character and Spiritualists have betfune a host In them;
Simonides that“ the best thing i man can pos Now, how does this line sentiment of ours show it conduct ot some men and their palpable incon and his fall became known to us, by which he was selves. Eleven millions <11 thinkers are not to
sess is a good woman, and the worst thing a bad self in her bchall ? I will tell you. It stand# by sistency m what they designate their reason, substituted for tbe snake lo cause the fall of Eve,
one." I supptet this is true. At all events, if on every pay day and pul# Into th at woman’s hand be intimidated, turned from their purpose, nor
professing not to believe Anything except what who was to be tbe instrumerit in the fall of *he ridiculed with impunity. I would, therefore, say
you don’t bulk ve it, try it. [Laughter.] Now just one-third as much salary -s it puls into lhat they ascertain or acquire through their tenses : perfect Adam. God made man In U i9ow n image
I have made a discovery. Tnirteeu years ago, man's. Is there not, then, a sip and taste or to Spiritualists and all others who desire to think
yet these same men aie willing, to make use o f out of the dust ot the earth, which dust H e had for themselves, let your shafts be directed to the
one October night. In a Brooklyn church, in the meanness in our epithet# of convivial compliment# all kinds ol hearsay testimony, if it_ suit their made nut of nothing and that in the darkness only vulnerable parts o f all those Who sacrifice
midst uf a solemn ceremony In which I stood to the ladies? convenience or will accomplish their purpose.
Here is the New Hampshire woman, whom Won* when there was no light. Later, and in the iight, truth for the " almighty dollar." In other words,
clad in wedding black, while at my side stood a Let some ignoramus write an expose, as many
fair maid dad in wedding white, I was foolish She dail Phillips mention*. Her estate was |*5.i>'<>. He made E ve w ithout a pattern, out o f the •lo not give your m oney to those persons or
married a m m n« poor as Job’s turkey—which have already done, of the Davenports or any improved material ot Adam's body, a.smal! p a r t, institutions, from whence abuse rnav come, acd
enough to imagine that the one supreme hour was too poor lur Tbankvgivlng day. He made a other medium, having no more actual sense or
of human life occurs when a n u n ’s sweetheart usurer'# use of her property for seven m onths, and o f which He took for that purpose, even without if*w e do not-get them to speak the truth, we
truth in them, when we come to examine the Adam'sr consent, and as the story runs, from a will at least compel them to yield us tbeir silent
becomes his wife. 1 have since learned better. theu suddenly died, leaving a will. Now, what real manifestation for ourselves, than there n r o s s iiy for companionship which he had not respect.
I have discovered, sir, that the royalty of royal did this tine sentiment of ours Inspire him to put would be in the assertion that noonday w as‘mid fell in himself, nor thought of in Adam when W u . B. F a h n e s t o c k .
ties—the crown of crowns—is when a man s into that will ? I will tell you. He bequeathed night, and these self styled Liberals will herald He made him. but found from his loneliness as
wife remains his sweetheart. [Applause.] Father back to th at woman her ♦75 IXD, on the oue and it to the end o f the earth, relying im plicilely Lancaster, Aug. 2 0 ,1SA9.
being over the beast# and birds of this world.
Ilyacinthe could tell you that there has been only conuilion—that she should never marry upon every assertion, and endorse, to the most
much discussion in the Catholic.Church—yes, sgrib. [Great laughter j Is there not, then, a Another singular feature is, that the command,
skeleton at our feast, who puts on a scoundrelly extreme conclusion, tvery idea put forth. Pray what to eat and what not to eat, was given only
and you know ’here has been much in the Prot grin at the fine phrases w it q which we butter our what is it that promp men to do this ? It cannot to Adam and not to Eve, as nhe hah not been
estant—as to when the long predicted m illen toast of homage to the ladles ? be a desire to perpetuate the tiu th , and I do not made at tbe time, and hence could not be subject T o u rs from the § w p lr.
nium is to come. I believe, Air President, that Gentlemen, perhaps, as 1 am the custodian of like to say that I believe they do it maliciously. to the command, except as she had it from
the millennium, if it will not actually have this sentiment, it ia my duly to speak well ot I t ; But 1 have come to this conclusion, and l thiuk Adam, and it is hardly probable that either of
come, will certainly be near its coming, when certainly not to speak ill of it. But 1 couless th at, it applicable to many in these parts, that them could have understood tbe nature of thel L e tt e r Crioiu B . H i d .
every man’s swi etheart is his wile and every if 1 were one of the latll*-# whom this toaBt pledg jugglery so much talked about by professing crime, since they did not know good from evil- De a k S i h :—Vour excellent J o u r n a l ha# greet
man’s wife is his sweetheart. [Laughter and compacy es, I would turn round upon you and say, “ O
ol revelers! Sllenee your noisy praises liberals, and the devil argument of orthoxy, and not even shame. Being both innocent and ed me for iliu ,la#t three m onths, bearing rich mes
applause ] Shall I open my breast aud make a of women. Give us lewer compliments and more are indentical, and I consider it a victory when ignorant, they.could not h*vc sinned. sage# of love aud good will tq our undeveloped
confessiou ? [Voice, Y es.l Well, then, permit wngi'h! Show t ik irj-a gallantry and more justice ! we drive liberalism ':o seek shelter under the race. 1 have read It and re read it,and.circulated it,
me tolfay that to me the millennium has come Offer us lewer tioe speeches aud more fair, play. cloak o f jugglery, and orthodoxy have to extri until some ol the numbers arc ucarly worn out.
already. [Laughter. A voice : So it bas to me [Great applause.] May God bless the J o u r n a l and its tuzrlcM edit
cate themselves through the agency o f the devil. ’ f o r lb# Kvll|p»>FbilMophlc«l lo o r a s l. or. Long may he live to bless and reform the
Laughter,] I will wager this golden orange Oue thm g more. W hat h a lady ? My' own no These are the arguments o f tools, and men who
[taking one from a truit basket] lhat the tion differs greatly from the Scotch gardener’s
enthusiustic gentlemen who responds over Have you ever heard the story ? Ha stood water-
use them, have mistaken their calling. Ttn-y A SYSTEM.
Permit me to be frank, for I have nothing to
lug a “ bright, partic u la r" fljwcr, which ft gayly should l>ear burdens, but never venture to give L e tte r f r o m O . H a r d c R it le . conceal, Next wee* I enter upon my 74th year,
yonder is happily married. [Laughter.] I cannot dressed womau, pa.-oing by, espied and craved. opinions. Home timcB I almost lose temper or, aud am quit# feeble aud Infirm and also poor. I
testify in the caBe of his wife. [Great laugh “ May I pluck It?” she asked.' rather,my coutrol oficm per, so to Bpcak, when B r o t h e r J o n e s .— I am a constant reader of have been m m em ber of au orthodox church over
ter! V “ No, madam,” he replied. professing intelligent men resort to this argu the J o u r n a l . Especially am I caused to think 44 year#. In 1354, the claims of fiplrltualisin were
Sir, it is written that Queen Vashti once made “ But I am the bishop’s lady ; can 1 not have ment. In the name of all truth, tell me how we presented for my consideration, aud a t the fir#t
in the perusal of its pages how well a plan of silting, I gained cvidcucc# of Im mortality which
a feast exclusively for women—in the royal H?" are »o reach such persons ? H ow are w e to
palace. We to-nigbl have spread a feast exclu ‘No, madam, not even were you the bishop’s mine with reference to the names of persons to me seemed incontrovertible. Thu phenomena
meet them ? Show them a plain simple mani clustered about me, arid 1 soon became a medium
sively for men—in the Grand Hotel. Tftere wife." [Laughter.J festation when they are in the full enjoyment of would work. A lew ytars ago I presented sub for several phares of manifestations. My services
will come a time when neither in a royal palace T hat gardener bad a very rash and nngatlant all their senses, and they test it by aH means stantially the same plan to an eastern paper, were 6 0 0 Q in requisition In the field, and i spent
nor a grand hotel will b d v banquet bo complete notion ol a lady. W hat then Is a Udy ? Horne within their power, and they cooly assert that but it probably gained no favor and was not much lime In healing the sick, giving tests, etc ,
without the commingling'society o f women and Took, who once chased a lady so lar as to hunt they believe the medium iB honest, hut " I t is tUl infirmity drove me from tbs field with empty
men. I sce’al this very board a foretoken of her tb her etymology (laughter) 1 can not s&y how
much further, (renewed laoghter)—wrote th a t by tbe devil," says our orthodox, slave to creed,
presented to the public. This effort may prove pocket#; bat 1 was Impelled to labor, and whUe
the coming time when nothing will be consider unimpeachable Angle Saxon derivation a lady is a *’ No," says the Infidel, there is no d e v il; be ia a alike fruitless. W e will see. The plan i9 what other# gained pecuniarily, 1 laid up a rich experi
ed well done unless women help in the doing woman who Is “ th e iqual of her lord." Gentle- ence, tn at 1# luvaluabm to me. I would by no
myth ; but1 it h jugglery. Wbat Is jugglery 1 Spiritualists need more than any other class, for means undo what 1 have done In th at respect. I
of i t ; I tee it in the very fact that this party of men, th a t's the definition for me. A lady the iqual Webater d etlcis it in one word, " Legerdemain," tney are scattered over the earth, equal to that expect to #oon paes the polut of waut.
men, here assemb'ed, cannot sit E nough an of her lord ! Freed not from her duty to him ,but and Legerdemain is defined to be, ” Sight of o f the Jews. “ ThereIs uo dark valley full 6f dismal shadow s,"
evening’s merrymaking without so far confess freed from her subjection to him. A lady is a hand,a deceptive performance which depends on My plan, as I call it, Is to supply the following td frighten mo away a# I approach the Jordan ;
ing their need o f a companionship o f ladies as wife, equal w.th a husband; a alster, equal with dexterity of hand ; a trick performed with such need. T o illustrate, I will u#e the following "neither it death #n everlasting sleep,” but tbe
to summon them by toast to grateful re men- a b ro th e r; a woman, equal with a man. Now sir, art and adroitness that the manner or art eludes names, etc. , waking np out or one, with nooler power# and
I want to m ake every woman In the land a lady—a
brance. But shall I tell you what is woman’s lady not by tbe obsequious verdict of fashion and observation. Is there anything in th tB so called N o. 1. . .............J. Brown, G. M. 53, gift#, th at will continue to untold and grow
brighter and still brighter, till we shall vie with
proper function at this festival ? Her function society ; a Udy not by reason of her grand house mysterious art, that men of intcligence can not .............J. Brown, L. M. 50, Gabriel In our aspirations to be and do good. O,
is not to be a regular toast, but to lie a regular and gay a ttire ; a lady not because of her dally detect when permitted to examine It ctrcfully ? ............ Jrflrow n, G. 18, le t tne have strong faith In God.
guest. [Applause.] It is not enough that you pLmtouin C entral Park ; ft lady not merely as the T he main leasurtf o f the whole thing is to pre 4. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! .............J. Brown, L. , 18, . I was sorry to hear th at you lost Lhu money. I
ask me.at a certain point in your programme, to ornam ental appendage of a rich man's estate; a. vent people from seeing, or to " elude observa " o * ............................... J. Brown, G. W. 80. expected to have an opportunity to send you thu
invoke the ladies au a troop ot beauteous but lady not merely by the nobler title ofbcautliul tion,” and tbe moment afjnggler will permit an " 0 . ....................... ........ J. Brown, G, 31. 03, money by a sale conveyance.
imaginary forms—as a cavalcade of Bweet but manners and cultivated tastes ; bat a lady in tbe honest committee to carefully exam ine “ his " 7..................................J. Brown, L. 31. 21), Fairfield, Ohio.
visional y shapes—as a cloud of attendant but acknowledged grand old Anglo-8»xon sense—a lady proven and
such because she Is an equal with traps," his occupation Is gone ; his tricks are The explanation is as follow s: Ill ma r k s Dear brother, never mind about the
unsubstantial w itn esu s. Id this our ce’ebration. her lord, (applause)—hi# equal in tbe family, his no longer mysterious, and in good faith and No. 1 (addition to signature G. M. 55) flUnds, money. We have aflixed the letter F. to your
It is my duty to ask you to bring them hither in cqnal in society, hi# equal lu the church, hi# equal honesty, 1 submit that persons who profess so for married gentlem en; age 55 years. No. 2. name, which signifies free.
their actual, vita), and precious estate o f flesh in the atatc—hla equal In evciy rank, In every much faith in this new devil, which, for con (L. M. 50) stands for name o f lady ; age 50. N o Go on, my venerable brother, preaching the g o t-,
and blood. O f course, I am ready to believe sphere, In every place. T hat, sir, Is my own Idea- venience sake is called jugglery, expose in 8 stands tor sim ply one ot the male persuasion •
that certain gentlemen might prefer lhat certain ot a lady. It may differ a little from roy friend tbemse'.ves a degree of ignorance intolerable and age 10. No. 4, a lady of 18. No. 5 is J. Brown, pel of gooc news and glad tiding# to th e bereaved
t !ad:*s should be brought h» re In imagination Mr. Greely's ; but I think time will show mine to inexcusable, in the afternoon o f tbe nineteenth a gentleman widower o f 60. No. G is J. Brown, mourners. Tell them th a t tbe loved ones who
l rather than In reality. [Lsughter.] * Some be an Improvement upon hta. (Laughter and ap century. In a word, I donbt the honesty in a married gentlemen o f Go, and No. 7 is a mar have passed from earth life, still live aud love
women are such peculiar bk-sslngs that we plause.) A few weeks ago. one m orning about the break many instances o f those who cry jugglery, ried lady of 29; but it U to be hoped not tbe wife those left behind, and will greet them with o u t
appreciate them most when they are absent. ol day, as I stood on the N srragansett rocks fish because I diem them more intelligent, and they ol No. 0. lor stretched arms of love and affection, when they,
[Laughter.] But there is a charm even in the ing for bats, I saw the eastern sky strea k ta with profess to seek the truth more eatneatly than UBirds of a feather tx i, shall pass lo tho other shore. c'"'}
absence ot those whom we wish p resen t; for, as scattering rays, heralding the unrlsen sun ; and those who attribute it ito demonology. The Should flock together."
an old song says, older than Shakespeare. then, as I stood gazing, with majestic splendor up latter are excusable to a great extent by reason The above Is my Idea crudely illustrated, of
“ By abttnce this good means I gain, rose. the blazing orb, end suddenly gathered all o f their religious training and lack of moral a need long felt. 1 leel it In tbe case of aimjjist A. Boggs, w riting from M iddlefork, Indiana
T hat I can catch her, these stray aud premouUoiy beam# into ope cen courage to break away from the ‘teachings o f every* correspondent or author. Besides, say# :
Where none can watch ter. tral, fiery locus, from which they evermore sprang
forth and to whicu they evermore returned—lucll past theology', but men who call themselves free' “bringing down " the dom inant male as far as “ There seems to be a decided eplrit o f inquiry
In some clrtfce corner of my brain; and boast ot their intelligence, should meet this signature Is concerned, the L after the signatures here iu regard to fiplrltuallsm. W’e need a good
There 1 embrace and kiM her, tbeir source.! Gentlemen, in lh a t m oral'firm a
A td so I t>otb trjn y and m bs her.” ment Into which wu look to discern the signs of question In the light of science and knowledge, umbers2 ,4 and 7, determining theTex, etc. >I il test medium and lecturer.. 1 suppose our chance
It Is a credit to our festival. It Is a credit to our the times, there are now dawning upon us a score though their long cherished theories are prov the old way, it would be number two*is Mrs. J. to g e t either Is slim, a# there are out few avowed
nature, to llnd ourrelvis so knit to the ladies that of stray end scattered questions concerning tbe ed false by it. Aud as a Spiritualist, I feel like Brown, number four, Miss J, Brown. O f course, Spiritualists, and those spoken of above will gener
ally] reply Ihat.splrlta should not charge, as they
In their ohtencc we’ can ndt help imagining their person# whom my toast applauds—questions ol
woman’s rights, woman'# duties, woman’s wages,
goading these men into a fair honest recognition it would be optional as to the age, but if crib" "have po need ot money. BtlU they will p*y the
presence, In order-tbat, though we roU-a, we may w om an'# education, woman’s destiny—question#
o f the merits of mediums, the phenomena pre has any'interest In tbe writings ot another, they orthodox preacher# for trying to do what God
btlll enjoy them . I hold it. to be a good part in which, to those who have tve# to tec, all spring sented through them or in their presence, or would certainly like to have such little fnlorma- Himself could not do tbrodgu Ills S on, Jesus
a true man to be unaabamed of the uutvereal pas have them ^assign belter reasons for unbelief tion us the age, etc., o f the person. But my Christ.
sion. When th e Arabs sit a t a feast, they are out ol one ceulrsl sod aU-comprebending question than the orthodox devil or the mordent devil, main idea Is, that women shall not be troubled
waited on by women, and there Is an Arable (hat is Just bursting wi»b great glory above tbe jugglery. W e can meet them with . argument, with the writing o f 31 ins or 31 rs., no more than
proverb : “ He th a t is intoxicated with the cup horizon—and th at is woman's enfranchisement. L e tt e r fr o m A n . L . IV. S h e r m fln .
may ncover his senses In tb s room ing; but he (Applause.) with tests, with reason, and wc ought to demand m et are with writing 31m. BesideS, 3Ir. Is in
lh at Is Intoxicated with the cup-bearer shull net rights My creed, sir, la th e equal civil and political tjie respecrthal we are justly entitled to, peac- definite as to the married or single state. The Mr . E d it o r :—As you have thought my articles
recover them HU lbs day of Judgm ent.” Perhaps ot all classes of American citizens, without ably If they will grant it upon such terms, but if advantage of this system w ill be readily seen. worthy or publication in your excellent paper, I
some of you. In emptying your flowing bowls at distinction of color and w ithout distinction of sex.
(Applause.*) One-hall of this creed has been push repulsed, then by a war ot words am ^the force Some may think that the signs following one's eeud two nmru, which-If you think worthy, are at
your disposal.
this Joaht,,may hope to recover jo u r senses In t he ed, like Mohammed's, of reason. sign|ture will conflict with those o f the many
m orning; but as for me, I sweetly banish mine award. Tbo other half Istoto awin victory by tire and
lor Itself a scrcn- Indianapolis, Nov,40H»,-1809.
Should they find tbeir way Into your colum ns, I
profe&Borsbip but they can parenthesize sdcli, ■hull write more ; otherwise, clip my literary w in g s
till the day of Judgment. [Laughter.J ' as they are but a very few comparatively. O f till I’m stronger grown.
Perm it me now a few serious words. Fidelity er conquest by an appeal-to tbe judgm ent, to tbe
to the clients Tor whom I apeak compels mo to say cofiscltocu, to the #oul. In lifting your glasses lu course, if this idea be adopted to become gener Your paper comes to our Western ehorce, bring
th a t we owe a higher public duty to woman than drink this toast to the female sex I use my proud ally understood, it will have to be published in ing us choice food for our hungry souls, and we
privilege as it# respondent, to ask you to pledge S b o r l S e rm o n s o n S c r ip tu re T e x t s . book-form, and in this case, I would suggest give it a wiruLwelcome.und pray th a t 8. 8. Jones,
to qua IT her health at a public feast. We alt here tbe switt success ot this good ca u se; lor ll is thus
a t our revel, and. lifting our cups, exclaim : 1JY W A R REN CIIA3E. that it be put in the Manual for the Children's editor of the j o u r n a l , may long live to deal with
“ Here’a to the goddtaj of the world’# Idol*- blest and thus only th at we, the lords, can pay our n o Progressive Lyceum. Herein you have the so much lavlshness, the thougut-gem s th a t from
homager to the la-lie# of the land. (Cheers.) N U M BER T H R E E . week to week greet us.
idea tmelabdrated. Individuals can think for fiacrameuto, Cal.
trTWc m eet her In her-morning walk on the Bunny " A s d lh « < a ip « u ts # iJ o nto tho w om a n ,y ea h slj not io re ly themselves of tho many advantage# Of this plan,
side of Broadway In this chill November; aud, ta d t«; for Ood doth know 10a t In th e day ye e * tth e re o f, then Re m a r k s We would be glad to receive contri
king off our hat, we make a graceful French buw L e tte r fr o m A l u o n I l o r u c n w a j . which are not mentioned,—space and time for
y our oye* a tu tl he opened end y e sha ll he m # odj know ing bidding. I should like comments from abler bution# Irom your pen wheuever you may feel In
in recognition or her ungraceful Grecian bend. J I t De * k Bi u :—I have read your J o u r n a l good aud *t J1."—G eatel* Z: 4.6. pons and more constructive genius. It wilt spired to write. They are always Interesting.
[Laughter.] We call to mtud how, not long ago, since last March, having been a. trial subscriber. I
she walked up and dowu the wards of our milita thlnk-lt an excellent, organ for.the dla-euiluatloa This holy Word of God spoken through His suit my purpose to have you give this publicity,
ry hospitals, scattering soft mercies among the of spiritual fads and philosophy ; but I am aged, medium, a snake, commonly supposed lo be the or better; give the subject a little thought and
sick and dying, till the wounded soldier turned on uuaVlu to. labor, ueirly blind, and poor In this Devil, is like all the rest, to be taken literally treat us with your own pen. * 1 S T A respectable farm er In Iowa has been a r
rested on a charge o t (murdering bis brother In Ire
hla pillow to klet her shadow is she went past. wood’s goods, hut rich in spiritual faith—therefore
We enter the art gallery; »nd, remembering how I enclose fifty cents, for which, aeud mu as many
by all who cau not understand it figuratively, G.* I I a k d o a s t i.k . land thirty year# ego, A nephew hunted him
and to bo believed without criticism, qualifica Quincy. I l l, N ov. 1889. down. '. y
Raphael once, meeting a woman with a babe In papers as you please, then discontinue them. 1
her arms, ranght hla quick pencil, and with Im Have made some effort for new subscribers and tion or dlBsent. It iTRpparent from this and
other passages that God used tbe D evil, if not a | A baptising ceremony vet Melbourne, C ana
mortal skill transferred tbo figures to canvas, we have obtained two. 1 think they will become per da, was interrupted recently by a big brother of
exclaim with all tbo adm iring world, “ Benold the manent subscribers. snake, to convey Ills word to man, which wo | 7 * Three thousand tons of coal are used each
day in tb eg ts work# of London. Tho aggregate ,b e yocnz woman about to be Immersed, who
M adonna and the Christ.” Nay, m orc-w o say to Weal Windsor, Vt. are required to take as infallible, h ow ever Im ^ hrashed the clergyman.
ooraelvea. " A t there la nothing on earth with perfect the medium through which it came, or conatimpLloa per year Is IQ, 000,&)0 cable <^et.
which to compare her, let oa send onr fancy, flying * Ki m a r e s :—Deor.brother, we will eojitlnne the even though he be the "father o f liea." But In
to the akles to borrow thence a heavenly type and J o u r n a l to you free, If yon worlds* yon have al this case, so far as dying was concerned, and o f | 9 ~ A Chicago firm recently shipped tw enty
image, and so let ns reverently proclaim th a t wo E * " A young lady, eighteen year* of age, died. car loads of b u tte r over the Pacific railroad to
m a n ‘la an’angel of God ten t down to minister to
ready done, (by the promulgation of the philoso know ing good from evil, the snake-devil seems I recently, at Baltimore, of hydrophobia, produced England merchan U in H ong Kong. Tbe order was
m an.’ ” Call her by w hat title you may, yon feel phy of life — (Spiritualism., to h ave told the truth. Bo far aa their being | by tbe bite o fa dog nearly two years previous * (ecelved over the A tlantic cable.
A . *
q k c e mii s b i i , ibey. R E L IG IO -P H 1 L O S O P H IC A L J O U R N A L .

divine views lor toe umpired rising aru m ! '

For tit* Relig1o-Philuan|ttncAl Jo u rn al. during b three Week'# tossing on i u unquiet Lyman C, R ow s, icspirmllctial ip ea k sf, D el V9 lr sd -‘«» [
"Indeed, a sacred Hceue, Elmira, and shall not waves, taking to a view of Table Mountain, cov
ered with cUiud# and gloom. Rotterdam, that
M E D I A ; O R T I1 & C H A R M E D L I V E : be marred by inexperience. I will paint ft, but German city ot the picturesque Rhine, received D. W. H ull, im p lra tio u a l and Nonna) SpskX sr,—Uotiarl,
In d . D uring Sr(U.» K sie laH Itlr. I n d . ; O ct., f c « t Saginaw ! OR
A n w j of F a c t , P h r o o m r o a a o d H j a l t r r not until 1 am wholly perfected in the divine roe, S filing oo the neautifut Rhine, I passed on
art. This shall be the glorious object of my through SwIt/etliojiT, through her viuo-clad, hilts Mich I# A IU K S (> > 4 1 1 * A X I O X
BY G E o n C B BOM KRV IL L S . Mr*. M. S. T u sM tiiil U v a U fj, P h d g r w a m , Vl
daily studies. By it my task shall be Lightened, and valley#, amid sceuefl or calm lovvlineas, th at
and we will oft eome, love, to this sweet and se spread repose aod sereolty through the soul, and Dr. Will lain dordau. S j s a t r r . Wi Im , Mk hlsac- ^ la a Periodical Bandage.
C H A PT E R X II. questered retreat." amid eceucb of terrftjc grandeur Wlfica rat-c the Wro. If. Johnaon, C tv rj. Pa. f a t e o t e d N o w . 1 7 t b , 1 8 6 8 . Recommauded b f
heart from thing* of a grorellng lower nature up Dr. P. T. Ju b o n L. le ctu re r, Y pulaafl. M o t m an) em inent P hysician, in ken<|>e a id lhe L'nti-d Btate*,
Her beautiful head, with its wealth of flow into an atmosphere higher and mure serene. approvi.l o f and worn by tb s Ladn-e - f ib e a ev-rat Conrt*
W If, Jam lrsuD , Inrpitatlubal rp sak e r, B sh idsre. Hi.
ing ringlets, sank lower on m y breast, as she Next, i-uony Italy, m e land of poetry und sang, of K urepe, a t.d f. c u i n m r i i d r d b y e v e r y L a d y a t
Seated topetber in the elegant palora ot the murmered her happy pleasure in my ear. Ob ! greeted lUc a liuppy welcome. Uu and on I aped, A braham Jam s*. Plm m ntvllle. V .t.sjiso Oo„ Pa., boa IU s ig h t.
ti. A. J u Dh , S) c atnois. III. I t I. a l« * y . ready for u a ; I. very conipanl, being k e p tli
ItaiDC mansion at Philadelphia, and in answer she wasbeftultltil to me then— pure, and lovely through the fairest cities, and In iieldi of trukr and a sm alt ornam ental, perlntued l-oa, th a t can be r e n te d In a
hb the spotless filly. 1 pressed her to my bosom flower#, walked through beautllul gardens, and S. H. Joutw, Draw #r bdiJ. Uhleave.
lady ' , pocket II required.
to a question irom Randolph,—the unknown and printed there in that holy place, my find trod the council hails ot Lhe 1 ir famed city of Ven Dr, Wut. R .Joa ostyti. le c tu r e r , H s a ls r.C lu in o jk e t.
I t W ing made a lth o n t buckles, button*, hook* or ey**,
continued the remarksbe history of his life. kiss upon her brow. Her moistened orbs spark ice ; vlaited Egypt; railed up the ILy ol Naples, Addrr** h 'a i I d ra re oi Ilila Olltic, R iom B,— IVX, South aud requlroe no pinning. It rmiinot becotne loosened In any
,t*¥es, Randolph, Mrs. Itay’s life is one of led with an inspiration pure and warm. Her passed Grecian o yrii and lire Jceletirausd city m C lark S -rre t, way w hile being worn. 7,
straDge Yicisaitudes, tinged, indeed, at limes bosom swelled with allectionateem otion, as she Alexandria, an 1 auoa was I passing througn the
waters of tue ancient Nile ; cronsing the do-ary D r.Q . W. K irbys, tp sa k e r. Ail(tr<«* On* i-Bf*.
11 belug mode of p a rs, soft aud autOulb rnbW r, It c annot
In any Way chafe or Irrita te .
with the stem iog improbabilities nlt Romance, now recounted to me the happiness and joy she and silent de*«rt—sfjeut did I »ay ? Siteui only Q « .r p T. It It lodge- Buttati., N. Y. It n o r # th a n ***** the coal of Itself In m a terial, a* tb*
„nd to give a detailed account ot her life, I shall experienced with me since the day I saved her to the dead, but to tne iapreoatole living, , alive O. p. K rilovs. Kaat T rncut-nll, A»hl»l ul» Co.,O. Xugenl* w ith ordinary c are, will la st Bee o r tea year*.-gy
he compelled to speak Boraewhat o f myself. from death. Bent a nyw he re by m ail on re<#lpt of $4.00.
- ^ with the million voices ol the heroic ancients, I r a & K U (, Irauee *|i>-akrr, c ars of J tw p b Sm ith, P. 0 Ad-lreas, " K v o a v tl." IMi 8. Clark St.. Chicago, 111
You are young yet, Rnd [ cj^ubl that a relation whose restless splflls still hover over null through Boa 1118, Iinllauaiiotla. le d . *o7 erilB
But, a ta s! " she concluded as her tears now the solitary grandeur of the descried waste. Si
uf some ot the even la of my history will prove fell sad uufl free, “ father has promised my hand J. fl. L ow land, Muiimoult). III.
of some value to you. Oh, how m ^soul at this to Captain Ray, and though I do not realty, d is lent ? No!, Grand hut out aolUaiy, lui o n ! what Tia ohli/ foinjiitfe ni<tl ^fruity Scuntirif \V-orL*
place ts liKo lire grand old desert.inrlllitjg the very MV*. P. A. ls>|C*u, W inona Mini..
moment poised, as it were,-on fancy’s wing, dies like him, yet 1 know I can never love him with ulr with the pulsations o f tue spirits ot the long, W, A L irslauri, 311 Ftronthsld • ir s r t, Soxti-n. v j th i k i n d V 'ib li - l tid .
through retrospections, vast arcana to the bliss the lasting affection that the real wife should e v lung ago, in wftn-u to cuiu.puiic with heaven and Goo. W .L u-k. A ddrem H alils C rssk, M ifi.
ful period o f a joyous happy youth, The spell er possess for him she weds. Ob, is it not cruel, your own heart. Mr li T. L o onanl.lr.iH o q r a k o r , Now tja a ic b ^ N H. 1 THE
of the past is on me, and memory like a bird let cruel indeed for parents to act so a^th their off C!ro.-*.iwg the Ue-ert, I roamed over the heaving Mr*. L. W. L itch Alhlreas I t Ku-<-land » t, bo»ton. Mac* j PHYSIOLOGY OF WOMAN,
;nose in the skies, tlits hack to the rose tinted spring in the relation upon which so much oi Itoswni ol ihe Red -Sea; pa-ved through despotic Mary K- Lai>a<l--<i. SO Motifgvint-ry * lr-ot, Je-rsoj City N . J .
heyday of life. But al»s, a cloud rising ?inldrn- weal or woe, Sorrow or happinefia depends • Russia, with her inounuia* ol ice ami -.now, Qt a .n i >
emblems ol many ol her past ru le r-; visited i?t. J o h n A. Low i . A ddre-s |.t.a IT, Sutton, Mata
ty ia sts a sombre hue over the horizon ot my "Yes, Elmira, it is cruel, and more, it is crim 21ER DISEASES FROM L \ E .\\ < Y JO
Petersburg, Turkey and the various cine* of tne Ml. U. L yuu, IMpIrwIloiml *t>sak’-r, Slutvi*. Mich
youth. A t an early age I was left an orphan. inal; yet, my dear, you would not wed it man rtrie n l; hack again to Italy, i entered the wealthy Jauitw H, Mi-rriaon. to x STt, U aa srk lll, Mo m . OLD A G E ;
My mother d ying shortly after giving birth to whom you could dot love." portals ol Rome, where once the -ar# flourlshea, Dr. Le-u Millor. ApplotuD Wi*. Ini luiiirig all th>*i- i»fh#r Critical I’erW Ia, P regnancy and
me, so fitkrted mv father, who was greatly de the Eternal tfity ot Italy’s lair clime, whose throne C h ild b irth , th r u faiiai-s, aym plm i,. and a p p fi.j.tta lr irt-nt-
“ W illiuglv 1 wtmld n o t ; no, never . but 1 love ofheauty Dr. Jo in , q o how. W aahiugtnn, D, C , l‘. 0. ta>* OLU,
voted to her, that suddenly he disappeared once ruled the world ; inimi, ITor.-m-c, nii-iit, w ith bygeiiir rule# t-ir tin ir p revention, #tol f ir the
irom the scene o f his great ’lereavement, leaving my parents,’ and, oh it grieves my soul, that I the in dutiful, the g.iy, held out h-r ia:r hand, unit Dr. (i W . M -rrlll, J r . Addrc*. Boatoii, Mai*. Preservation o f fra m l# l l - n l t h . n l - , th e managrlnt-D t of
can not, by obedience to their wishes, increase J liHsiciHil to clasp It. Mr*. Ur.au-di Morao ,Juliet, W ill Couhty, 111, FregWitlit and P a rtu rie n t W onirn. I.y » bK h tlu-ir iiatu-'and
me in the care o f a family in the country, with |>-ril« liny W greatly ol-vlati-l. T-- " h i- Ii is ail-lrel a I t cat -
whom 1 lived until the age of sixteen, nod Iwl their pleiBure, their pride in me." "Elorence, htaealb t!i>i suu.
Mi*. Anita M. M iddlrl r.sjk, L».a Tth, lindvoport, Cvov
i.t-on W omanhood and Manhood, to v e . M arriage, and H e
the n islic life of a farmer's boy. Anon mv mind “Elmira, my own sweet love, grieve no more u i cities, laircst one ’’ J . W. MaltUrwa, Hspwa.rU, lltim.W, re d itary D e-cm t to-iug the luoai.a.i|.r>-vrd view# ot m odern
roved among the mtebanie arts, and I longed for this.' . They surely will not persist in such a The great gallery and school o| beailly and uf Mr* Sarnie Ilolf-n Slat lira * . Unite! y. M o* tllti--#, Ottaptsd to th e ll>#<ruction of Ireuales *ud y.rof<-*ak>U-
nl readii.g. In l i t r e l—-k» Sunipleto in o ne tr lu ii ti,
for a trade or profession. A t leugth 1 turned course when they learn you are so averse to air', Uu- - n u ttie r n : R i p n a - i , M i v n e l . \ u g c i a , ^ u Ch.rleW S Mareb. Ad-lr.-* WoDoana. Ju n ra o C o , Wta.
my face towards the great city iu quest of some wedding the man you can not love." valor Rost, ana utner hrUHant sons uf the divine Mr and Mr*. II. M. Millor, Ktiuira, N Y . t a i s W. B. H aU b. i
((articular calling. After traversing the crowded "Would that it were already as you say. But art, oi which, Indeed, tue lurnm seito.n ju stly Sir* K. Sian|.lain), Traiu o and In*pirwllt-iial »psa krr, 10) |
m a k e s s o p r o u d a I to a s i. —
,:ity for several hours one day, I found m yself they seem so p-oud of such an alliance, and de f t u l , R a n d o lp h , y o u iu l .t-l c x c o s e lire lu r t o - d a y ,
Buulh Third S tru st, Wtl1Uiu*hair|C, lxreg 1-1 »*.*), N. J .
carried along by a throng o f pleasure seekers, termined." Illy le is u r e is e x h a u s t e d . A t a l u l u r e tim e I u u y
Kiiiinn SI M arlin. birinihicl>ai‘>. Mn h.
into the great Picture Gallery of ihe Art Union, Suffice it, Randolph, ’ti* the old, old story, g iv e y o u t h e k u c id u u ts o f tuy I lia m f e j i e i i ■c , >uil Dr VV. II C- M artin, l t d Windw-r sln-.-i, RatKcrel. Cone.
'Jhestnui Street Passing around the spacious nnd flow ijisgrucclul and soul dchasing that sin c a 1 le ft h e r g a y s c e n e s. Mr*. J . M aun, Campten, III.'
trail, l drank in with an ardent relish the beauty even rn these enlightened and pretending pious Good day, sir." • t’ror. H. M. M rC-rd, Ce i . i t . Itee, II). SWEET EGGS AND BUTTER. ’
of the tinest production of the finished painter*. days,.this same spirit o f arbitrary h-gnh/.-rd pros- to a r p i n g liiin w a r m ly by t h e h a n d ,I h e l- u k u p w n A. L. K. Nwrh. locturer. K.-eheator, N. V Kga** k> pi tr-eli tor i j m , .
In a moment my lile seemed ahsorlied in tine ti lull on still ptevails to an alarming extent p a s s i a lia h iily in t o t n e s t r e e t , » n d R a n d o lp h » ; e Mr*. 5. Naeele. healing nodc.ue, Do.e»l.* Id. Me t> s-snr at-i !U i,re .llb u le r r. i»-l- - I - . . - I
vast gleam of golden sunshine, and a new ambi throughout the circle uf what is filled tlu* 1tetter aimlonnueT. es !inI is ase n t i e r e d w i s e i r e m a in e d t o r s e v e r a l
d e e m i n g m in t o t H d i j / r m - n t . M u c h C. N.ir»*a>el, frlla w a . III. It bite m l r l I caked l i n n . . m#.i.
tion (losscased me, and inspired my whole being. society. a s H ie s t r a n g e r h a d lo td ifitu o l h is lif e , h e s u i t J . W tei. Van Nath os. tlr e - h lj n . New V« r* . f t* *!i B ille t kept .-#..1
I saw m yself Iran shinned, master of the beauti A s we entered her lathers bouse, she w h s po k n e w t in t h a l e u t h im . 'T h r o u g h o u t in s u a r r a Ml* ftifle-r, trance- spoaksr, S outh f fa tH -w , Mm And l l . » io pteM-nt m ilk Ir. ui —u r in a .
ful art, and in the upturned faces of the proud litely saluted by the captain, who evidently had liv e h e a tu d lo u - ly c o n c e a le d a ll c in e L*» tn,- ita iu c . O. H. I'e alon, IU Ae.itb 6th .Ir.-ol, Keeom 3 Ctalladolphla l y |u # niello*!..
and wealthy, read the approving smile o f ad been titrating her impatiently. By the false et I n K fi- a t le ast., h e s t i l t r e m a in e d >> It.iru io k p h irn- . II. I h Win • w -k ia c ilu e -T ia » * a * ,n lain* i. th e . | h . . .
miration, appreciation, ami heard the swelling iquette of society compelled, she returned hi* • * ( 'iik o o w II." Mr*. H arriett K l ‘v Agent# Wanted, L ite ra l Indiociiiint* cHerd
volutnnc of adulation, tailing on the ear mdis- salutation courteously, and proceeded with him Lydia Alin FiarsnH, d -pc*kt-r. Dt#- i.f Mn h. Ail-In-*. PRACTICAL C ’lKMIPTKY O il.
linct at first, but increasing and swelling louder to the parlor, while I sought (ny study in a re I 'c o p le iu .Maine a rc t r i J f i i i g a V o .i l r a i s i n g ' |>r, 1*. li Kaud»lpb, - C uttrl f t * liu s t.^ M »... X< 4 A u i'A t'K f t'C R T . Clto ago. III.
ii ml louder, and growing more near, until like mote portion of the building, my mind filled with m o n e y f o r a s t a t u e o t W iilia u i I’m T e s s e u ii c u . its J . T K..h»e. nnrm at spewher. T*■rrc lla tllr, 1Lit. v „ .v , „ ,l ^
tue onward rusning current, on the mingling contending thoughts. Elmira loved me ; she wic U l c d is U n g u L h c d H m a io r . N o s t a t u e - I a j> d iiin Mrs. Je n n ie B. Hn.h 1 U u Mail'" i r .e t , pri.ililt-nee, K. I
•due o f popular favor, 1 was borne amid the an acomplished, amiable and pretty girl. I was m a n n o e v e r b c c u c r-re ic d iu t h a t M a l t , Mr# IT um i.Clairvoy. ya rn , 83 Ru>- # ll f l ,Charltw tt-w n, M
.mulesl acclamations tn the highest niche in the ready aud anxious to lay my life at her feet J . II I1*-# i-P, T*-t riant.-, Ij.d
’■acred temple of fame. Long I dreamed thus But ah: the broad gu lf ot native station ami AND
J y , Tilt- e ld e s t s o n o f o f P r in c e N a p o l e o n a M ur Ni-lii- M I-...M-, l i a n n - . i. New A lbany. Ind
encircled in a fancy palace, the living tide of proud birth rolled gloomily between the poor, o l a u e I 'r illc e s # C l u lild e h e a r s a X tr ik m g r e s e ll I 'X P K K l . i l K X r t L ( L tltD K .N .
Ml* A u la 'I I, HmII s . M I t. #r, A drian. Micb.
gaiety and pleasure had flowed on and on, and obscure orphan, the humble recipient ot a stran la n c e t o th e to im d c r o i i h c N a p o te o iiic ly n a - i y . J . L F*iiti l . oihlftre M i-iru n — lih . ( I lie n . Iren Ouargm, Hlttii*#* FKRKlNA V C f X U b O N .'lv ,,'l t. r*.—
almost out of the ga^ery again, aud I, too, though gers bounty, and the lovely, only daughter o f the
still wrapped m a pleasing revery, stepped from proud Osbourn. Would he, notwithstanding Dl|r. Citoleatli- and ib rail li-#l« r» li. a ll kn.-D *-f N uts; i v St*u k.
ip n lt ! nil m i in ii pvid r.. the Cultivation tl..- b r n p r *
-he place, ^cftrcely bad 1 gainprt the sidewalk Ids friendship for me. sacrifice hi-* pride ol birth, ; v New h a s lliriv ie tg n ig le t- Dr W. K. HlpIr-J . b. » ^ * i-# r » .H-il I l u v r l t * .
■pan I was thoroughly aroused by a tumult iu and high station, the dazzling prospect o f so se;u.eielH leer u A. C Hnbllisun, .-*a1#ii.. >1;™ * a A l> ll
•he street Screams tor help, loud and boistcr- brilliant an alliance of his child with the wealthy W in, I W , M, D. Addre## I* -a a t*. ?-| n;ipSi-ld.O
E V E R G R E E S S aod J D » E S , m LOS.
,45 shouts. I looked up, and there dashing and popular Captain (-annul Ray. N o ! the Mr*, f ra n k Held, n u ]-Iraturn li S|a-»ki-r, KalamnlsrO, M lrb,
-own the street, came a pair of spin! ed jet horses unwelcome thought forced tears tn my eyes. a ll k in d - o l t ege’l tide-f.aiib -.K#r-lv and P U nl-.
M 'lM I tI R S K l f .I V n it Mr*. Harali A H -c- r«, lu»| -tr.iti n a l y p rak e i a n d Clair- G K o l Potato Plante in U rgt ai.d am all q u aM ilit* Id
attached to a handsome barouche. ' The carriage And not to tire you, Randolph, with a tedious vi-yanl, IL xk I stand. U U 'a re - .-f A, J . G rover. M D. ■tjit r-tiu baser*
iit uI been run into, the driver hurled from his account ol the hymenial pre’lndnaries. Suffice All o f Ib e a l-o .e will be ole re tl ]. a a . --.tr, 1#- ,1.1*1 o--d
• eat, when the alarmed and spirited animals sped it, they were married, and in her fathers house. Mi# L aaudsr Binitfc, Mrelium ot Wlnllntu. In th e m v rk et# Ore# u# a enll a-<l ao.w ill (to you gt-«l -
r t *i.i»uu> .iM t u T o t a ii n i k i m n . c ation* M.-nuoka, Hi No. U s V « l.iU
away in a fearful gallop. W ithin the carriage, It was, a brilliant, extravagant seem.-. The
there was one occupant still, and she lnid-been proud mansion tlluuriucd Irom the basement u JTo l«* ut.-l.ll, ll»l* klioilld b« ri-Il.thlo. I t llii-rslo rt l-t- Alta tin IL BtiUMUriik, Addrps* W i- i d i|ir t, Vt
thrown forcibly to the floor in a condition now the very top, the flood o f gaslight glistened upon U-jOon* LeCIlirut* h. p rom ptly nntlty ii * ol . h i - i .||.i * l ..i i . 11 It. Btirrer, 46 Diensahl alrent, Itieli.l., Mm I KKRKirB NKW P a MPULHT f flR T IIK TUflU
quite helpless. Many persons ran out into the the flowing robes of rich satin, Fpirklliur orna ovor Ihi-y .-ccur. Tlfia c Iu h i i i« inioiolit,) f..r Lvciurer* Mr .. L. A. V. B eam , I’til-B UL<-«, lin e L*
A* Mi# Ucnthwortli saye.*- Si t.i-t- u> *o pi#u| ot i - a m
street, threw up their hats before the lirey ments and massive j••wled head-dresses «1 many only, anil it 1* *<> rapi'lly tn rrM ii.).' in l.nml-rr* th a t wo are K. Bprngur. M. D , B ctieutctadr, N t . l-ht Will be !)(»-:* b e tter atm a i»#r an.I hTj-pier 1-y t.> i nsmg
steed s; but all ol no avail. On they u m e at a of the guests, gave them a phuuresqiie nuocar- roiapolli-d l«> roSIllul it lo tli# rllnpls addfra* Ij o i i i ^ p artir- Mie. baunie Davis Sniilh, M iltofd. M«*s tree P p lr.tn ill# ” f
terrible pace. In a moment I took in the peril aoceas they fluted about the u*y scene of fairies lar* lo t.- Irarurel l-y ( i* i» p .n .l* n r t a irh i Ij i nidt- N. U. P h*Ain, L’liion Lak#, I lh c L " . Mh il
of the latr one inside, and someUiitg, I scarce can in a golden palace. Elmira, inn* cent, th'iiliih i olAala. J Mre Nellie Sm ith, jntptrw it-lial »p. «kirr, Mnrgi*. M*rt. v r L O V E A M D I,
tell what, clothed me instantly with the strength deluded, after much persum-inn, and hoping to J . Madison Allon A w u ia .N . J .
J.hH" 'It 8lei-l#, rial,.. Ml—l--t,*r). tire , n liar.l. n. III.
* Py Mt* Kerrer. ‘ Reed It at «t!gl.. aVt Oilnfc of It," a*,
nod wiil-ot' a giant. W ith one l«tp I sprang leafn to love the wealthy rotpi a in, at length re- | J Vk■ h # a ie r. Byr.-n, If Y. th e II.,n. Tit--# Cor Will skl-kot, n reading Ihe m « M ,.,il|.t.
against the runaways and sci'/cd the bridle with ceived him to her bosom. Sure, though sad the j t l a n t nrt. A U tlr, U harlss Laly, lu a a - Dr Win H. 8*1 lat.itr>, t#-i; B 'bi. Furl. mt i.tb, N. II. I t f- ,0-he-w ltie n ig io n e la tb U a t t lo.ow u.l w uinau." »o-
a grasn b o powerful that checked their flight at delusion, thousands before her time had repent- j .( .Mad)ion Alio. , A u l.r * , >^. J
Mre Klimt a IV .riiiilk , ;n; dalelll a lrre I p u n land. Me. Pro rilll r e n ts ; posing# Jv e tlls
. .uce, t hrowing them back upon their haunches. ed heartily, and with bitterest burs tile vain de- 1 Harrison Aii^n-r, Calntnua, U iin k n C-i. !> Mew c, ’ll 8 l‘twt-. Athlr.-Fis f-ao ,1.-«r, I V . v.o *. No n .
The driver came tip, took possession of them, iusivc net.’ Thousands of the loveliest flowers of j 0 . Kal.I.IW Allyti, Btoio-kaiii, Ma**. 8.U I , Van SirM... O n rjtb l i«h. Mm Ii
and 1 hastened to the assistance of the girl, look the sex have been thus hopelessly Mask'd, mteri Mr*. N. N, K. Andre***, ir.ut*- * po*kir, D ilhm , Wl». Mts. »l. K. tl {Lawyer, Pi.ldw innU lc, M.*»s
tier in my arms, and conveyed her into an ad- ficed to un&uftctl alliances, and tell in the h i m : h i - Mr* Af K. A.oiio>.-u, ir.iu -s .p o a k o r, T .n n i.-h , Mm *., f , Al re-lo Bnillli. Ksij., Btniitia, MuT*.
;scent drug-store. She soon recovered, and bfcr gcniul soil of unreciprocated ttflection t*i wither u . b o * y . Ir-s, >Urjr L u n l u Mimflt. tr a in , « p --ker. T.-leJ. o .1/*;-; F R E E E D O \ f E V E R Y J ^ M i T A E l K
parents coining in, received her gladly to their fade and die. Sir*. Orrin Ald-nlt, dot rlupoig ino.lt.m ,, l^T s- u ll. n .r k - S t Mr* K. W . Kidney. tr a i n r « |.e aie rt* f llrM u r^. Mas*. A NO Y t N » h
embrace. Elmira, another’s u i p k , s o said the tmr ami ruo.n 16. KliJ.it It !<*#< kl.m idnei- ITT S*.ulL bib -Irti-L, W illlan th a t v > n #ii|.v«j.rtlite M Apri^ga, more ot l e - AH • <tc
^milling most kindly,on me, tbry insisted that the preacher, y>( Dill ilk hrc» me. O h ’ ddu iU rrl.-.n A hoiy, M. I*. P I N m tl. t V k f h r l , C l.«(.^o,
b u ig , U-Mtf I*lain1- try them a '# pn-t»- »l w rth them -enl f i s t <■' Iteig h f OO IS*
I should accompany them home. The carriage sive, dangerous painful state, at thought o f thee fH \lnro* on Law* ol l.lto, T n u p o lo 'lt, .M l Hsfnllli hb'J 11,-riiMli Sno». Lil-eiiil and Nt»s<1e..lee, bln R e t- ul ffit-t , X.* In-IU f*.' A g -#1 ......... i t Agel-1.' I*
stopping before a tine large mansion, w e were and In the solitude of m y study, I bitterly wt-pU ftv ^ ru a air* •uhyocU. m tk- ....... e j. prn-l btam p M iir n w a r .
ey atrsa-t, S»u D v lir ia u f ik l .
soon uaherd Into an appartim nt furnished in Long and sadly 1 1bought upon the cruel, Ihe Cnarlu* A .A b d ru l, flli*hibg, Sliib.
A ditieasJ C. IV re-r. At-o A 'l-> Molt
the most costly style imaginable. Such, indeed, hateful condition, and at letig h resolved so i<-
Mra. II. T. Btearna, 41i«-iui,nry Inf lit. Pennsylvania » l» - i uo3v>e>••<<;f-
J . f l. A llb s, B pilugtlolJ' AiatM-nlinU of B pirituallat*. Addre#. u r e o f Dr. H. T , Child
was the effect o f the sudden transition t‘M» my act, as to effecutally prevent all indelicacy, not Dr. A T. brio*. Adilre-u W J U O I . I b u la - s tn , N. Y. Kid Rare P.trsel, P hiladelphia, Pa.
feelings, that, m the first, I shrank buck instinct to say criminality, in the melancholy drama. I Ho t , J , U. B a rre tt, flleu boitlah, Wl*c<-n-.ht. A NEW BOOK
Dr- N athan fliuith, Keud fiv llle , Ind.
:vely from that which appeared more like an resolved, though hard the task, to leave my Dr. J . K. Bailey, bn* dlfl taperU - Ind. J . Ii. W, Ttaibey ,Ki-nlii T, 132 N. Clark Birred Chicago, III
oriental palace than the simple home o f a P h il friend and benefactor, the city, and, perhaps, the D r. Hareiard, Lwurihii, Mi* U., Lecturtw tt|v n ifpiriitiiuiDi F ra h te i A. T u ttle, t u 3>i, L apofte, Is d , W ill ah*wet
adelphia merchant.'’ country. Again 1 experienced, doubly afresh, and *ciontiSt. *ut-JecU.
"Now, young man, sit down and tell ui How all the icy coldness of a two fold orphan age. U r*. Sarah A. H y m n . Adi!rt-«a *>* Spriua atroot. H alt Cam.
rail* to le cture in 111# W iat.
Mra. K, A. Tal \m ad|[e,Iri*piralInua) l*i-saker.W s#t»ilU ,lrd
we shall reward you for perilling your life so IJerefi o f my parents, bereft of her who had brtd as, M an. | A \ Elfscribed ami I'orlpuycd by Spirits*
nobly—checking so promptly the mad flight o f grown so soon to be the life light ol existence to U r*. A . f . ttr o a u , S t Ju h n tliu ry C e n ts!, Vt. Mr#. C ha rlo tte f . Taber, tran r# speaker. New Bnlfore
our steeds,” said the gentleman, inviting me in me, my day dream of hope, my song aud source Mr*. U. V. M. U rea u. V . 0. Drawer bfS«, C h h ^ o , 111. M m , p . o bo* m . t
the kindest manner to be sealed on a large divau of joyv my angd guide. Thus deserted, lone Mm , K f . Ja y H ullrht-, LSI Wo*t tX th a trout, New York
lluiU oh T uttle, Bt-rliu Uelttiits, fl. Through Mrs. Klizalieth SwH.
near him. I stammered out some reply—what and blighted, torn from every tender tie, I rush Betijmtilii Tt ild, Baii lu Oregon,
Ur*. Nel III- J f . UriKhani, E lm Ufovn, G oloralll, Mw«*. IM K O IH (Tt*»N M
I can Ecarce remember now. Noticing m yeiu - ed half frantic form my solitude, met my ben M rs. Biirab M. T^ONiprnti, inspiotm dfnl ipeakt-r, 161 hi
Mr*. M. A. C. B reaiij, A ilJrtus, Wo*t R andolph, V t. W. E D M O N D S .
tiarrassment, he repeated his expression ol kind- efactor, informed him hastily o f my intentions, Addiu L. Hal l.-n. Addrr** Cbisago, ra re of K cU o lo -f HlUo Clair *1r«e(, Cievi-land. O.
esU l i e was, o! course, surprised a t what he thought ■o I-UICa LJt'bkKab, Ja m es T r y li, Kendnskoug, Me.
vCome, my man, you have shown yourself a sudden freak, from which 1 would soon recov W m. B ryan. Addre** l*oi it.C a u id rt. f . O., Jiirh , H i#- Dr. T atum . 373 M ilwaukee A ren re, C l-kuyu, 11- i O X T E t i 'f k .
brave and possessed o f noble impulses. Pear er. But when 1 reluctantly related to him the H C, B sP t, inapiralioua] *po*kor. Addre#*. Alm ond, Wt*. Dr. baitiuel QaderhJIl, N o U i , ] 7 id I i i . f k k a p , ! l l . o r / Tk# llo ly C ity.
not to speak whatever you may wish, and rent cause o f my departure from the senes o f my J . H . Dick ford, C t)fr|o .i.w h . Maj-.ach.is*. It*
Dr. J . Ynllaud, A nn ArU -r, Mn-b. )/»'■# tl. ^pirilu al Me#*«;#
iLseured that be your wish, whatever it may, it childhood, and even all that I had held so dear, ■ Jo h n Corwin f i r e C orusn, N sw York, A. W arren, k - K I , Wi#. ’t . t H t Tim Pf-ir.l Nt ho
tV ifC rffr, power# am t re-i-tn -il iliih e »t,Mind
shall be granted you.” be felt keenly aod with a pang expressed the ex- Mr*. Q. B. Cole* TU Broad* ay. N. Y.
Ura, 8. K. W arner, K oi 3JV, D areup..r(, Iowa r/otftt-r I'. C.-irtitmntraliuii front * ry t n t ,
"An orphan, alone in the world, may it please tremeat sorrow. J i, fra n k W blte, Providence, R. I. l/oiftfer IV. sp irit life
Dean Ulark. f.-n .ia io n l addrew*, « W a.uiait »tr*st, • I lt~ IrtUI
yon, sir, ** I stammered diffidently. "I d e s ir e s "But,” said he as he repressed the rising tear, « L , 41. Maoomlwr W wsl, I I Dewey *L, W orcraier, Mas*
Lowult, Mo m . -Itp/»r V I II —M argaret fu lle r.
trade or Borne calling by which I may earn an nnd extended to me a well fitted purse, 11 If you f . y 11. Willi*, M. D., 3T W rit f o u rth stre et. New York ' i V i / J t r f . f )(si,t#.|ij).l# W..r.|«.
Mr, Cowsu, SI. Char is*, 1II.
honeat living." vill go, take this, with my richest blessing. Dr. R, B. W lierlock, speaker, N< a ll.r tb ird , h y a >titf/gsr .17 I H im ' • W w ith P-llirt-k.
Mr*. Au k u 1* A. C urrier, Addre** boa alb Lowell, Mm *. CT-e/g-r ,17 Vt-w lo -ire e
"Bless my soul, a noble wish, young man. May a Irencficent providence ever guide and Mrs. Pantile Wbre-tock, c lniru.yatil. Niw If a rt lord low*
II. T. Child. 41 H., 64b Race BL. Phllad. Ipfcla, f a . I hup!' r .1 7 / Job ii C Calhou ft.
He who has & trade has an estate. You shall shield you.”’ * . K. Y. W ilson, Lom bard, UI. D i E - r .1 7 //. interview w ith W * te u
have it. T he roof that shelters me, shall shelter J. K C o * lt* ,M .D . Adilre** Boc 1X1* O ttaw a, III,
W ith a trembling hand, I clasped bis and, my M n . N. J . W illi*, 3 T rruioul Row, H-om 14, Doaton r i - , i |* r ,1 /r . A .rire.tul \ i.lt,
you. I am a jeweler. T his is m y store next being thrilling with emotion, bade him.fareweli. 6- C. C hild, I n* pi ratio u a l Bpea k i-r, C anipputht Adam* Co. t% ttf4tr J'f.- -A n o lh v r interview .
door. Come In." Shrouded in despondency slfil, I slowly turned III. . t ? , i t i .117 — Reformation.
Mr*. Dr. W at. Craa*. F . Q pc* 634, K lk rart, la d . Mr*. M. J . W ilto ia u n , addre**, * *rs or H. t>. J o a r* , 1V3 Boa. > L » |J » r .riV / Tito pa th t l r r- i:re*.oi.
Thus I was generously welcomed as a member from the man who, though not ioUrely faultier, Clark B treet, Cblcsgo, III. /V ji/e r .1 7 7 // Valley ol Hi* Mia.low oi Jle alh .
of Mr. Obbourn’s household, and there are possessed yet a noble heart. A lbert K, C a rpsotar, addle** car* oj B atiotr o f U Kbt fr.u/-f-r ,17.t*. -A M irr.r.
Bo*ton. Maw, H enry C. W right. A IJres* ta re or liiM vr* or L cBK r .V.V T he Book of IJf#.
many incidents that occurred in the ordinary Listlessly, I wandered toward the river, and B oston, H u i .
routine o f my every day life which I can not w hen I had partially collected my scattered Mr*. A. U. Colby, T raow B p*ak*r,P *oo»m *, Ja y Oo In d , r~ tVi.t/dre* .1 .1 7 - A Beautiful L ra - t,
M n X. M- W olcott. Addre** Datiby Vt- t ‘/uipler .r.1 7 /, * Relmepee'luit
cyen hint at now. I shall, therefore, give but the thoughts, looked up and round I was In the D r. J . A. Doty, Block too, III. Mr*. HatU* B. W iU on, (colored). A<ldrt**„70, T rtckoht rti t Vuip/er .r .1 7 //.—The M.-t haule.
most prominent changes that occurred in my midst o f the busy shipping, and on the verge o f Mi** LJ*tl# Do Led. Addre** FaviU oa, 6T T rem o n t ■tre a t < L f/Jer 4 - 1 7 1 - -The Preacher.
a fls s t, B oston, M ats. Clim n r X .n - . -R -ce |iliu n ot 8p1rltnall.ii.
file, and which seem to have exerted a much the flashing Delaware. Another moment, and I Boctou, B u i . Daniel W hite, M. D., Bos 3107, Bt. U n it, Mo. fYrlli/i r .17477.—T he D runlgirJ.
greater iidluenoe upon my varied career. E lm i fell off Into a train o f new thou ght What MU. X S . Das for lb, M.D ., D ao tc ip r a k a r , Law rence, K a. Miljab W oodwo.-flt,inspirational ip sa k sr, Ls*ll*, Mich. / / , r/.fer .r .1 7 7 / Tt<# Organ-b*-v
ra, at the lime of my Introduction into ihe fam have I now to five for,’ I mused. 4 Here am I Gaorf * Datum, M.D., RntlMd, Vt. (V,(tiger . r . r l / / / . - T h s Man of Base god fashion.
G ilm an B. W aahburn, W ooditock, V l • r h a ii fr .r . r / . r . - T h e BelrBatt.#e.•.
ily, was yet quite young, scarce twelve years o f alone in the wide world, uncharitable at best.’ D r.U . F . Fairfield Will » « » « leall* bo L ecture. Ad rare X. 8. W heeler. Addre** c a r s o f A merican Bgirttnallat / ( W » f .I ’.I'.IT—N ataral Dreelo|-m »iit of lL #S *nl.
■ge, and, of course, the deep fondness ot a cre M y hand rested against the wallet in my pocket, Ance-w, N. J . (M r,J.r .1,1.17 V oltlire and tv - le e j.
111 S uperior a t , C leveland,© hfo.
ative love, had scarcely destorbed the suscept and instantly chided roe for the ungenerous A ndrew Jackson D avit can be add reared a t O ra n je , N. J . f W e r . f . r . 17/. Th# Cynic.
Dr. R. a . Welle, R o c b i-u r, N. Y. , Chapter . l .f .l / / / .—T he Becom) B irth,
ible tendrils o f her young heart. But as slic thought.1 Yes, I have or had a friend, who H r*. K. DeLamar, tran c e I peak or, Q uincy, Mata. i d a p t t r J . r .r / i - - T h e H « r e - .
Prof. K. W hipple, C ljd e, Q.
gradually merged into womanhood, often, as I when I was a stranger, took me In ; but 1 hayp K. 0 . D a n a , le c tu re r, caa be »ddre**ed R ockford, 1)1, (voi/ifer .r.r.rr Th# q«. #n. *
chanced to raise my eyes momentarily from the now turned away from him. God blow him A. A. W beslock, T o!-do, 0 . ' C baU tr J f.Y X r r .- K Been* In Bpiri 1-Land,
f.-.-i. W illiam D enton,' Welle*)y M o m . A. 8. W hiling, A lbino, Mich. t/urx/er a C r.1 7 7 / The Mirer.
t»ook I may have been reading, did I meet her eitfi ; and for thee, at least, one wrong of his life, H it* til* * Uu j -p fnlleT, Ireplratiooal spe ak e r, Ban Fran- ( L u l r r A X X r i l i - B p lr lt.ia l InO oenT
beautiful orbs of light and love resting on ran; forgive him. ‘N oob ject now to live tor, the W arren Wool win, trance speaker, (last Inga, N . Y,
claco, Cal. lU ljt tr A S A iA ’— i h n New City.
nnd anon, when her desire was to vibit the sacred shrine of my tout’* holiest devotion de Ml* 1# T . W hittier, 403 Byratnore i t., M llwaoke*, Wls. H r iE 'r . r / T he K rring One
Mi** AI me.; la B. fo w ler. Addre**, B e lto a v lll* WI*. Xsrw^O. W hipple, Addrtw* Myallc, Conn. iy,tj>(rr A L I — Tht- Idler,
theatre, opera, concert, or fair, oft was I named stroyed, cast down, what is there before roe o f t o y / t r .I X / /.—T he Bt ggmr.
A. T. fo w , Slam. t.re ttr, N. .
as her gallant aud protector. That we might any worth. The world i yea, unsymnMhizing . B n . L. A. Willi*, Lawreuoe, Mo** , P. 0, box 4TB.
d i a ; / '# .I X / / / InslgblA rence ol Man.
android, though it be, 1 will see it. I H travel, A . J . FU hto*k, Blnrifl*, M ichigan. Mr*. Mary R-W Itkee, 183 K m .tre e !,N e w a rk , N. J .
chance to love mutually, seemed not to have C-’iitfil'f .17,/!*.—C npolnliU i. of th e aunt,
C harles D. fo rltn , c lairvoyant epaaker, D rarfield, M ick. CAtip i,r . r / . l —T heB kepllc.
once entered the mind of her fond and floating and amid the changing variety o f it» Beene, as A. 0 . W oodruff, BatU* Creek,M ich.
N. 8. G lw n lr a f , Low ell, Mow. CKufUtr .1X 17 — Realitir* n r f plrn-LIB*
parents. yet untried by me, strive to forget the post. MU* II. M arla W orthing, O sw tgs, III.
CJutpUr ,17.17/.—T he Coot k L
Thus resolved, I was soon aboard a steamer de U aoc P Qreunleaf. Addre** for th e p r rw n t S3 W aa n ln j B. H . W ortm an, Duffalo, N. Y , b o i, I4M .
But it was on a lovely eve In ihe leafy mouth parting for the South, and again to give yea in to a a tet.n o C l.tl.ta , M o s l.o r a* above. C /ia/Jer .X L r/NMTTIte b jit l'. A .plratlun.
W illie F. W entw orth, BthenecU ily, New York. d „ ip ttr .1 7 ./.! '—T he Dying U lrl.
wf June, when trees ami shrubs and flowers o f detail, lUodolnh, all the scenes tbrougu which I K. Crave*, •u lb o r o f “ Biography o f Baton.’* A ddrw a Yhu p ftr /..--Tin- In n e r Tem ple.
balmy summer, that we wandered listlessly to Mr*. Mary B. W alk e r,'W a sh in g to n , D. 0.
rapidly passed; would encroach entirely too much Richm ond, In d C/taptrr X /.—Tho foo lla h Mother.
gether in the calm moonlight of the starry even upon your valuable lime. 1 will baste. D aniel W M U. M. D., Box 2507, 8 t. t o u li MV. C/o’/4- r f.11.—T he Disobedient Bon. *
L aura Da fo rc e Oordou.wiL IvOture In U ie S U ta o f Nevada Fannie T . Y oung, c a te of L. Bnwyor, Tbrae O ak. M kb., C/t.jji/i-r L I I I - Cardinal Richelieu,
ing away from th ec lly , across the quiet Schuyl Passing through several Southern cities, 1 at a CAap/er X / r —Practical N ature ot EpIrlt-LU*
till fu rth e r notice. P#ri*»„Vnt ad-lrew, T rravur* City,
kill, and along its romantic banka Luter- length embarked at New Orleans for Ilavanna, d o tin g A n g u .t and B eplsu-ber. x
C W . r L f .—Olltnpse Of a H igher L ile.
.o c a small path that diverged from the main from whence 1 visited the national capital of orlilt* F ine DUirlt-l, L andt. Co., N evada. Mr. and M rs.W m . J . Xunug.fiuire-City, Idaho T erritory. CKpatrr 1.17—C otam nnlcatlon. ,
Spain, and the gilded scenery
..nc, w e proceeded over the velvety RT<*nUll we and corrupt court of the fam edrotten, infamous of the voluptuous D r. L. F .O risx*. Audyee* Coder Falla, Iowa. Mr#, J u lie tte f t * * , addrtw . Nurlbbors*, Mom. . G k ip e r L V lt.— k W ord from Y ultalre.
K. D. Goodwin, le cture r, K irkwood, Mo. CSti/tfcr L I'lff.—H om s o f Unhappy Spirit*.
came to the trunk of a fallen tree, w hich formed, C/.apttr L U *—K x p eri.n c . o r \ oltaire.
indeed, a comfortable, at least, an invitlngs cat. ^^frer pasflnjt- through manj^of the old halts or H it* L ana ilutchlnaoti, OwenavILIa, Cal,
O. B, IlaM lllne, M ato Mania, W ii.
r e a d in g ssoul Price $1.40; postage 30 rent*,
TbiB. Randolph, is long before art ami me Spanish chivalry and reooW&r-vlaUlog a number of
chanical skill bad matured the beautiful plan of mined nbbyt and cloisters, and deserted castles, Dr. M. U eory J lu n ih to a . Addreaa, M ilas Ohio. ASSISTED H Y S P IR IT LX TEL & 0 E A * f u r sale- a t ibis o(Iter. \
Mies J u lia J .U u h t'a rd . A ddr«*3,'C uin»loo e tre et, Boston Addreaa 8 .8 . Jones, No. 1M 3 S-South Clark f lr re t,
o u r noble Fairmount Hark, with its ^tractive gathering thus, ample material with which in re j, CE$. III.
walks and drive*, or ere, indeed the project was flection to enrich the restless mind, I sailed for M rs B. A. H orton, M W aw edt street,I*ow *ll, Mass.
* J . M. BI'Cj* R
sunny Eoglsud, aped through
thought or. B ut as w e sat there, w e drank in tracted, hampered street*! and lingered in her her nsrrew con Mia* Neill* H ayden. A ddrew No. 30 W iltaot stre e t, W or-
W ill eaatain* and pTsacrlb* tor di*sa*#< uf body and tr ia l s f F i l w * '
with m utual zest the beautiful scenery surround- halts of Parliament, pervaded of lilfo-bloM the o sste r, M asH ohuretU ,
m ind, w ill dull he a ir c harac ter, d<wcrlba capacllie* o f par- Answering verllteu ijlicatLor#.*t#n ,,r u n d e r, $3.00 ; m ental
lug our rural retreat. Elm ira, by intuition, was angel of peace,—with i aplrit ol redeeming llber- Moses H ull, U obart, Lak* C ounty, la d . sons, and o firo lu d k a t* b est location, for h e a lth , prew par qdiwttOM, ten or nnd#r. fW O ; *•*!.<! I r t i r n , $3,00 ; clalr
a warm admirer oi the picturesque and grand, M 's. F. 0 . UyJ*r> 123 E. M sdiaoa s tr s e l, B a)tim ers H d. " ity and harm ony T hl! b* do— by mean* of a lo ik o f h a ir, voyant sx a m iu rii n :.j ,* ir dl-et*#, *3,00 ; hx>kl&0 op
aud she gave language frequently to the enthu- ^ J ^ iv lo g England, and .touchlM ' th«'btanllkal D r. A. H o o t will rK riv e calls to le c to r s .Bnndays. Cold Band w riting, photograph o r p e r. t o i l prewroc*. A g* am) abSc-Ot /H enJafSO * I testing lu in -ia la . fr-sm $40, to $100;
**x b*lr.f stated wh*a tba person i* not pr***nt, a id . tba rtttfn g i for slat* w n tla g , $ 1 0 > ; i-u.irvnas-allUnga, fr om $3
tiam wlth which the happy vision inspired her Isis of France, I sailed for the favhrad -clty 1of the W alsr, M lehlfan. delln.s*U>u. F a . S3 A ddrta. J MURRAY SP B A R .lC l* to |1 u
East—the cltpnyf palaces, the fair, the rich L*l- D r, 1 B. T foldsa, N orth C larsudsn. T t, Floekooa it. Bap Frm nrliro.CaL Fsler West, ISO H .o ib C la rh s» f* si.it..in .* ia * ft4 - 4 .
^ O h bow beautiful is th is! H ow invitingly «oU*r with her varied sceucs ami burning sklet. W. A. Ii. Ilnm e. Addrr** W e*t Bids F .p .C le rsla n d ' O. vvIT At tn* T 3 in'—- nIT >04 tf
Next, after parsing the Cape of Storms, and eo-
complacent all nature smiles. W hat lovely, aye
R E L IG IO -P H IL O S O P H C A L J O U R N A L . D e c e mbbb 11,. 1889

“ Think truly, and thy thought* The C a re e r o r ( h e C o d I d e a In H is t o r y . C H O IC E L A N G U A G E .

quently invited all the elements to act upon it,
lUligio-ftottoMphUal journal when lo! it commenced to crumble to pieces;
Shall tha aorld'* ( w i n s fesd ;
- Speak truly, and sack wont of thloa
C H aring just finished tbe perusal o f tbe recent A writer In the Chrjxlian Intelligencer s a y s :
Sh ill b a a fruitful a«d ;
work o f Hudson Tuttle, under the above sugges " Boston bas of late become notorious lor the
commenced dblotegrati'g, and by and by it
8. 8. J O N E S , Li t o tr u ly , a td th y Ilfs shall bs tive title, we are impelled to offer a word ol com vfhoice language o f its minister*. A t the T em
oiToa, n u i u u x » raorauroa. U-came flee, ilch soil. There was rejoicing perance Convention, Rev.”. Messrs. M iner,
A g re a t and n>'bls de.d. aeD t. W hile scores and hundreds o f volumes Thompson, and Usher, freely u>cd ‘m e a ls ,’
OFFICE 1*0 SOUTH CLARK STREET then, for in losing its individuality, i s destiny T he B *nk ol Life will contain your life. Try are written which are but a waste o f the malcr- ’scamps,’ and etc.^ud it was hoped Unitertaliu
became transcendentally grand. It now glistens and have it brilliant with deeds of charily and isls used, and whose highest claim to notice is m inU urs monopolized such kind of ‘slang ;* but
OHIOAOO. DECEMBER II. 1869. in tbe fiowers, sparkles in the golden grain, or heroic devotion to the right, ever remembering tbe neatness o f their mechanical execution, it is Mr. Murray, ol Park s tn e t church, seems to
run a race with this delectable class, aud vie
moves around in the physical organizttiou ot that your individuality can be rendered noble indeed refreshing to find one which tbe good n lih them in dispensing this vulgar diction.
man. Glorious old Boulder! once standing on only by going forth like the Icicle and joining sense o f tbe age demand.* and which trials of Lost Sunday evening, in alluding to such as
the mountain pide, now on a mission ot mercy that grand procession which is moving on from subjects o f a religious character, without the failed in presenting lully taxable property, he
J9~TfctM»«<i>‘UDg m oney to tb li oA ce for th e JovaftAL, to all the world, doing good wherever it cau ! tbe cradle to the grave, and a* the Ic ic le join- usual partiality, prejudice and cant. T be author called them Miars and villains.’ "
•h o a lJ t»e c« r-tu l lo t u t e w h eth er It be a renew al, or a nrw
lias presented in this volum e, Ibe central idea o f W ell, why should those belonging to tbe
•a b e c rip tlo n ,an d w rtle a ll p ro p er name* p la in ) ;. Look at that Icicle, pendant ou yonder r o o f - id tbe murky-cioud, imparled its sw eetness to
cold cbeeries*, isolated, forsaken, it remains the dow drop, cooled the bosom o f the sw eet all historic religion*, and ol ail sacred books, various Orthodox Churcbe* object lo the free
If» u y prr« >n receiving thla pa p er afte r tb e litue for
there year after year. It is intensely individ flower, slaked the'thirst o f the weary traveler— showing most clrarly, that, from the first crude use o f danyjponie, or t^ose whicjt tSpresa tbe
which It Wp repaid. de«irae to b a re It dtaConliotied, be o r (be
ib A ilJ inform ua of th a t ta el by le tte r, w ithout delay and it ualized, ton, and rt fuses to act in accordance so do you go forth and iiupArl to those ies* for- conceptions ot Dejly, growing nut o f the mere .condition o f &u ttcuon, when it Is well known
aoy OLe c o n tin u e lo I tk e th e p ap er a lte r bit or ber tim e of
prepaid a u btcriptiuu b u ex p ire* . g»yui*ut » lll be req u ired w iih the dictates o f justice. “ I will not stir,’ tun tie than yuuracl*. that waic'i you c»n spire, contscl of savage man with the forces of nature, that the Bible contains words bearing gjc^at
a t reK atar r«to«, un til a ll a rrearag e* a re paid.
it sjuye, " my iuJividuUUy must be maintained, bearing iq utiud that all your acta arc recorded, tojh u highest m claphytical speculations, the resemblance to those Used in the Temperance
God Idea has kept pace with the culture and civ ConveutUn. On fexatu Ination, we llml tho
A T -A ll le tte r* and com m nnlcatioa* ehould be ail.lree.ed and here, pendant, I propose to remain." How for even the ground is all memoranda and sig
ilization ot the race. following passages:
10 0. 8. Jon**, 1 8 9 South C lark e ire et. Chicago, llllnol* Cold and dismal it look*. It freezes the warm nature”, bearing evidence of yoftr Iruthfulnets
T he u nh crtality of the God Idea is disproved “ If a man say I love God, and bateth his
genial nature to !«* k at it, and sends a cold to y«utr own higher nature.
blot her, he is a liar."
" T ne r a n la a t g n u e r m a o m e S w o re.' shudder throughout the ieuritive organism. Would that we could impress hum anity with by the testimony o f missionaries and travelers
“ li e that Salih, 1 know him, and kccfelh co t
What good can it accomplish there, so intensely, those “ Better Views of Living," and show* among races w h o have no torms' o f worship, hi* cuimnaudincuis, is a liar."
1 \1 H \ lltC A U T Y . individualized r Nothing. We find, however, them that beautiful chain that connects all hu and whose languages have no words represent “ Ve are of your lather the Devil, and the lusts
that it, lor*, resolve* to change its programme manity in <»nc common brotherhood, and con ing God ; also the popular belief in the pure of your lather ye will do. Hu was a liar front
of a«- ion. 'It had heard from the Boulder, and vince them that when one link is Weak, another monotheism of the Jew ish people, is ably con the beginning."
T h e B o u ld e r —1 lie I c U l c - T U e P g l a r o .
di sired to see if a\luri<)us mission could not lie moderately strong, another inflexible, resolute futed by the declarations o f their own most “ Men of'bigh degree arc a lie.’’
*• We are all part* of one •tu p e o d o tti wb .la,
opened bwl.*re it as well. W c noticed a d* si re and unyielding, that each is none tbe has a part prominent and authentic wrilers. T he conflict "’Theicforc hearken not y e to your piophets,
Wboee body nature i*. and God the aotl "
for & change. It seemed more cheerful and of that mighty c h a i n ^‘mt unites togetner the ing representations ol G«h1, the Trinitarian myth, for they prophesy a lie unto you."
Grand truth* A thought from the Central Had not those high dignitaries a right to use
throbbing heart o f humanity and that each one and the deifle devil o f tbe Bible, form an interest
Source o f all thoueht, bearing upon it the im- 1 transparent, as if a divine mission had cmn-
im cced V) send its beautiful rays into its soul. is peling its part, none tbe less, and none the ing chapter. In his conclusion the author has the refined language the Bible contains? If
press of D ivin ity! Man is regarded a* the
Finally it invites the sunshine to come and kiss more important, whatever its condition may l>e shown the false reasoning upon the cherished tbe Bible is the Word of God, ol course, Ho
noblest work of God. The mechanism o f that
it; entreats the zephyrs to move and throw aud whatever its ptufilton on tbe scale ot exist doctrine of “ Design-in nature,” demolishing the .Inspired H is worthy prophets to use the lan
star-lit dome, the wondrous regularity in the guage therein contained. Spiritualists, however,
arouud it their soft, affectionate arms ; prays for ence. pedestal upon which theologians hare so boast
movements o f those brilliant orbs that dtek the
the air to hrsnlhc upon it a holy genial influ fully reared their anthropomorphic deity, and rarely u»e language a* c*wr*c and vulgar a*
fair surface of the sky, those grand laws em that ascribed to thoie panicipating in tbe pro.-
braced in the formation o f worlds and sjb lun s ence, when lo ! another 'wondcrlul chauge*! ALCINDA t V I L H E L n S U D E . the realm o f the unknown, clnscd against the
ceedings of that Tt-mptrance Convention, for
of worlds,and the grandeur o f tim e scenes in the The Icicle fades uway like a pluasuitl dream ; it A multitude of our readers were startled at the profanation o f ceaseless inquiry, by the easy
they do not find it ntce.-sary to do so in order
Summer-Lim), seem to sick tulo insignificance dancca heavenward to the. clouds on a ray of obituary notice in our last week's Issue, concern postulation of u final cause, the author would
lo clearly express their ideas. T hey can battle,
before the mnjesty o f m in. His physical orgtn light, and then as it gazes on tbe grandeur of ing tbe decease of our well beloved Sister, ruthlessly expose to the researches o f unregen
with error without resorting to slang phrases,
izalinns, how wonderful ia its m tk e-ip ! Then the arched heavens, listens to the m oaniog of Alcinda Wilhelm Slade. erate reason, through the demonstrations of
or using those obscene expressions that abound
bis mind, how tow ering! how noble! In our tbe thunders, aud bolds converse with the We were indebted to Bro. Robinson, o f Gales positive science. T he volume embraces a field
in tbe writing* of tbe Scriptures, and which an
contemplation or the nature o f man, the Uni electric elements, it moves around in joyous burg, 111, at whose house she was stopping at of unusual interest hi the thoughtful reader, and
Orthodox would blush to read in his family,
verse o f God and the Wonderful machinery g le e ; and, as it travels along on the etberial the li me o th er decease, for the intelligence o f though the unavoidable conclusion ignores the
[t is easy to say “liar,’’ “ villain," “ scamp," but
thereof seems like naught, tor it is to the mind currents of the higher spheres, wc hear it ex ber sudden demise, and at that date, only bad “ divine origin," the darling theory of all the
they mean but little, if scyth in g, if not accom
alone, that Intelligent] principle that is incorpo-. claim, “ By losing my individuality, I gained lime to make tbe usual obituary notice. systems q f religion w h e b itreV iew s, y et it will
panied with tbe evidence.
rated within each one of us, that plans the o n - i t !’’ But its mission was not to remain in that Another worker in the spiritual vineyard has meet a wide demand, and doubtless excite tbe
* atruction o f planeta and stars, that assigns them dai k portentous cloud. It descends to tbe earth most bitter condemnation o f illiberal religionists,
passed on to tbal higher life, the beauties and S P IR IT U A L IS M IN C IN C IN N A T I.
a place in the regions of space, and sets in in tbe form or dew drop*, and light* ou tbe as well as elicit high encomiums'from all unbi
realitiespU which she basso often portrayed to
bosom ot some fragile flower, for a night's ased readers. The Inquirer, speaking o f Sirs. Addie L.
operation those laws that are made automatic eager listeners, who have been alike moved by
repose, dreaming of the grandeur Just disclosed Ballou's,daring lecture, says: x
* In action, and which move on throughout the her eloquence aud convinced by her logic. For
to its view. In the morning, as the golden sun “ Mrs. Addie L, Ballou delivered the closing
endless""ages of eternity, unless interfered with several months her health had been somewhat IXBASONM F O B H E J O I C I N U - A
rises, it dances heavenward agaiu to the murky lecture o f ber series at Greenwood Hall last
by that superior intelligence that brought them impaired, but an indomitable will, aided by an K E Q V fS T .
cloud,—aud, joining the pattering rain-drop* night.btfore quite a large audience. She open
into existence. Thus, it is plain to be seen that inb use devotion to tbe cause o f 'rutb, h ft her in All have reason to rejoice at the rapid pro ed with a poem by a disembodied spirit, entitled
mao stands At the bead o f all crested things. it falls into tno cup o f a weary traveler and the lecture field until about a week before ber mulgation o f the principles ot tbe philosophy the “ Streets of Baltimore.’* Then followed an
And why should he not* It was not our in slakes his thirst. B at its brilliant career d oes death,—tbe immediate ciu se o f which of life— Spiritualism, with its legitimate results “ invocation," afler which tho fair lectures*
tention, however, in this article to dlecuss those not end there. It joins that moving current in hemorrhage o f the bowels. o f loosening the bonds of sictarianism /and tho spoke for upward o f an hour on iutplraiion."
intricate relations that exist between tnan and the system, the blood, and passing into t he It may be literally Slid oflie-r, " S h e died elevation o f humau character. She concluded her lecture with tho following
the Universe of Gild—we simply; desired in our veins, it iii.ally, in it* career, reaches the lungs, with the harness on and the glory of her works We, with many others, rejoice at the rapidly remarks :
preliminary remarks to express., our opinion when it is made us red as a cherry, and is around her." She was at the American House, increasing, Cumu'altve evidence that the R e l k i - "M y lile is dear to me, because scattered
that man stands at the head o f all created things, freighted with vitality for various purls o f the Galesburg, Illinois. Thoagh far removed from to P h il o s o ph ic a l J o u r n a l is doing the great through the W est—parts o f that lile. and d e
pendent upo.t it are my children. Therefore I
and jet ’system. W hat a glorious mission for that borne and kindred, -with the exception o f her work in this sphere,designed by its projectors in shall live and labor so long as I can; I have not
Icicle—grand indeed! In its individualized, beloved husband, Bro. Henry Slade, who was spirit-lile. We further n joice in the know l y et done with /nu , but having tcalteicd the
“ He U only * p u rl o r one (tu p e n J .u * whole,
isolated condition, it was o f no benefit to itself with her through her illue-s, she received every edge o f the fact that thousands of tho readers of steda I want to com e back among you in har
V bike L. ily na tu re l«, a n d tio d tbe «oul. ‘
nr humanity, but now, in endless cycles it care aud attention from kind physicians and the J o u r n a l are being inspired t# make special vest time. I may have disappointed you ; you
As such, one man bears an intimate relation- will more on, dispensing its errand* o f mercy k aje uut disappointed me, because I felt you be
sympathizing friends of her faith. The funeral personal effort* to io,luce their neighbors to be
thip with all the rest of humanity. In Fact, no fore you came. As O ne who taught great m or
aud rejoicing that in losing its individuality, a oration was delivered hy Bro. A. B. W hiting, come Riilucrihen, whil« those in >trrcart are be als mure limn IttUO years ago, and bore all the
truer expression was ever made than thK “God glorious career opened before it. the well kuuwn trance medium, ul the Unitarian coming const ious that it is unjust to longer de great torments infiicitd upon H im , so may I
our Fatber^S'i'.ure our Mother, alt humanity buur my share o f sutl'eriug. Most all of ouy
A PalaliaH lcridcncc stands before ut*. It, too, Church in I u U i i u s h i , her residence. lu lay payment.
our brothers!” Notwithstan ling this, we riud speaker* are dibcouruged. Thank G««J, the an
accordance with her des:rr, her remains were Good friends ul the Jo u r n a l have Sent us 2BJ gels are with us. Ha l we depended on mortal*
a disposition among all classes to become is iulesely individualized. For ages it has stood
there, retusing to open its heart to the cries o f taken to Album, M:cb , and interred by the side new (lubsciibcrsduring the last week, rouging alone, wq would long since have periBlit-d by the
intensely individualized. “ I will do as I wayside, us we are n o w ‘dying, inch by incti.
sulk-ring humanity. How grand and beautiful of the-father, sister,and former wile of Dr. Slade, from one to seventeen each.
choose," says fine, '*1 propose to maintain my All o f us love our audiences the instant wc stand
lk-r bereaved husband, sh ier and other near N o person can appreciate t h « c favors more bclore them, and uuly ask one little word o f cn-
mdvidua!ily, aud will d> j is t as I please in in its outward appearance, yet them is au e x
pression ol extrem e s^deesa that seems to per- kindred, have the beait-fe-ll sympathies o f the forcibly than we do. We certainly havefeason courageuu nt. The poor medium* c ill down
all respects, rvgirdiess o f others. I w ill—live
m tale every purl ot it. T he doors hud reiused vast multitude of those wu » h ive known and to rejoice. , blessing* upon all who cast even ouu little flow
isolated fro.n the rest o f the worlJ, if i desire
to—live for m yself alone, not cariug for th e joys to turn on their hinges*; the huge holla had ob admired her lor her great ability’ a* a public In conclusion, allow us to make one request, er in their paths."
speaker, unu sterling worth h s a true hearted, Mr*. Ballou closed with an unpoil in buh&lf
or sorrows o f others, fir l a m an indinduriizcd stinately resisted all attempts to move them ; and that is, that i-vt-ry subscriber make it a spec- of lUc cause anil of the many suffering laborers
noble Wouuu io all the rea ilic* o f lit -. .»«l business to induce a* many persons as possi in it, aud then bide a touching la re well to tho
entity, and I wish to assert the prerogatives til* the curtains within had push* d back the light
We are iadepud to l}ro. Waiting for the pare ble to subscribe for the J o u r n a l , for t h r u audience.
the same." Tims wc dud Spiritualists, purlieu- and the glorious sunshine, aud told the zephyrs
iku lars ia regard to the funeral aud burial of moiith-i, na trial, betwecfi now and the first of After the close of the lecture, Miss Lizzie K ei
. larly,becoming intensely individualize.!, in many not lo come near with their offensive breath; zer citu e forward and described spirits itt the
Sister Slade. .1 anuary ut xt, at the nominal sum of f if t y c e n t s
places sectarian!/.■<!, much lo their own injury the little dew drops dare not visit the flowers be Many ot our reader* have hod the pleasure of audience in the manner previously given to tfiu
us well as the rest ot humanity. W e will teach neath Its w indow *; the paltering ruin was nev each. Sqcb a subscription would bu a nice hol readers o f the KNquiUEit.
listening to tne eloquent lecture* o f our dear
u lesson from Nature. er heard oifT'.s r o o f; the wind avoided it as it iday present, to be made by llfo^e who are able
depirted stiter during toe last tea yotrs that
to do so, to such of their friends as'would never H O W AND W H Y I U tC A .H K A 81*1 K IT -
Look at the huge B luldcr on the top of would a festering canker; tbe stars blushed and she ha* b.cubjfores lae public, au 1 we tuay he
otherwise have their attention called^o a spirit IIA LINT.
yonder cloud-capped muunlaiu. F >r ages it has held hack tlicir feeble ray*, fearing they might perm itted to aay that no one h»* ever given
touch this individualized inouster. Year alter ual paper. If such an effort is made, many Wash A. Danskins, o f Baltimore, has publish
. remained there, a proud monarch, delying winds more general s itisl tclioa. Her im p ration ha*
year this palaca remains unoccupied, for it is so thousands of new hbb.tcribers wiM-We added to td tbe fourth ediliou o f tbe above entitled w o r t.
and f torms. and while it listened to the ibuudcr- not been confined lo the Spiritual Philosophy,
intensely individualized that no one cau ap our'fist, the evidences of the truth of our pbilos- It is interesting, and finds a ready Eule. Brother
bolts scut through the firmament, or saw the except in general term*; a* occasion required,
proach if. It is no limit-lit' to itself or humanity. uphy will \ ju scattered broad cast ainoDg tbe Dunskiu stands high as a business man, and is
vivid Hash o f lightning or witnessed the fairy so she was inspired to speak. Daring the years
By and by, If, too, changes Us programme o f ac people, and a desire to commune with loved interior to none in a Boctal point o f view, and
movements i*f the clouds beneath or- hesrd the of our a v io n tl struggle, she was traveling
tion. Its exterior seem* brighter, the flower* ones who have gone before, will be awakened yet i* bold to declare his loilb in spirit com
pattering ot the little rain drops on the fields from State to State, tweaking to the assembled
under the w indows and the clambering vines in llic minds ol, and sought tor by thousands who munion, and publishes to the world the ev i
below, it th.-Ught to itself, “ .H ow noble and multitudes o f all phases of religious faith,
near its side teem lo glisten w ith additional lus have now no faith in its possibility, and be fully dence he received that convinced him o f the
exalted my position 1“ N o clouds obscure its cheering the brave and despondent to uoble
ter. B y and by the curtaius move back and the realized, experimentally, to the great Joy of tboso Immortality o f the soul and its power to com
gaze into the starry firmament—there it stands deeds in defence of the imperiled republic, as
glorious sunshine enters therein! T he huge
well as to acts of benevolence aud charity in
whose communion has been severed,eternally, as mune with loved ones in earth iifet afler pass
on its peerless heights, proudly defying the
holts move, the hinges creak, and the doors opeu,
procuring necessaries for the sick aud destitute
was supposed, by the so called relentless dls- ing to “ that b turne from whence (it has been
elements, and maintaining its individuality.
and then there was great n joiclng. There is troyer—death. falsely said) no traveler return"
Soon the anil beneath it, tired o f Ha heavy' soldiers aud their needy fam ilies.
pleasure manifested in all nature at its conver
weight, resolves to leave. So parliple after W hen Alcinda Wilhelm presented herself
sion. But that was not &IL The weary travel N O T H I N G 18 L O S T .
particle slipped out from beneath it, and slid befere promiecious audiences in those terrible AN IN Q U IR Y .
er enters its doors and is protected by it from “ N othing |« 1oa(. T h r d rop of do *
down the mountain’s- side, or was waited away •lays of our country's trials, all murmurs, at W Pierce, of Palmyra, Ohio, writes as fol-
the ravages o f a fearful storm. Grand Is its mis That (rant 1m :tk« leaf or Sow er,
on some genial gale. B y and by we noticed a other times su common in such audiences I« but ezlutled lo (all anew ^ ars;
sion now. Its walls resound with the joyous, against Spiritualism, was hushed to silence ! The
tremulous motion in that huge Boulder. It t l a ■umaec'e thunder (bower ; ' “ How and where can I find tho first chapkr
happy voices of those made glad by its change
moves I W atch it carefully, for it is determined, brave noble woman received applause aud un Perchance to thine within the bow on disorderly Christians. 1 desire to obtain it.
or program m e! feigned respect from all. Her namo will not only That fronte tbe eon at fall c f day ; i I will try and send a few cases shortly which
apparently, to change its programme o f action.
Link, it trembles—it starts! Behold it, that Dear reader, wc wish to impress you with a live in the memory .of Spiritualists,but with live
Perchance to eparkle In the Sow • I have on band, though rather fresh to send so
Of fcmntalna far away.
Individualized entity moving-down (hat mount grand lesson now. Remember that you arc on ly recollection of hundreds aud thousands of men In reply to our Brother’s inquiry, wo would
iy a speck in existence, but as such you are in So with our deed*.for good or 111,
ain side. T he oak towering sky want, tbe ma and women—patriots of all phases o f religious say that he can obtalu the first chapter w ith ret-
They bare their power ecarce uuderetood, „
jestic pine u n i the thick underbrush, yield terlinked tpllh all humanity In such a manner faith throughout the length and breadth o f our The a le t ua uie our better will erence to “ disorderly Christiana," of L. IL P e r - .
to it like the tiny form o f an infant before that you must not become too intense!/ individ country. To n u k e th e n rife w ith good ; kins, o f Kanaka city, Mo. During the last tw o
a giant stroke. What a crash ! T he giants of ualized and isolated from the world. Remem T o live such a life and pass to the higher Like circle# on a lake the? go,
years, he has clipped from tbe political and sec
the forest fell before it, and m oving with fearful ber that as a Spiritualist, you should contribute sphere thus behved, is a boon greatly to be B log within rtsg, and never etay,
Oh I that our deed# were Caahloned eo ular press overHhree. hundred cases o f seduction,
rapidity, cirrying destruction In its pathway, to assist the unfortunate, to cheer the down trod desired.
That they m ight bleee a]way." rape, murder, larceny, etc., committed by m in
it finally stopped in its weird career, in a quiet den and lift those up L»low you. B y remaining Such baa been the good fortune of one, who, ister! of tae gospel and prominent church mem-
N othing lost I H ow true the th ou ght! I d a
hamlet at the base o f the mountain. A s it away from lectures even, you strike a blow at in h ir early public career, faced adversity and
our beautiful Harmonist Philosophy, and when world o f ’ qjiauge—constant, ceaseless change, t*rs.
glanced back on its pathway, saw the devastation overcome it, inpart, by her own intrinsic^pow
you, like-the miser, close your purse airings to yet nothing annihilated! A (lower to day, glist
and ruin, it exulted over Its course and its indi ers of endurance, but more especially by her A LB C TU B E TO U R AND S P IR IT
the wants o f lecturers and suffering humanity, ening with variegated tin ts! to-morrow the
vidualized strength. The scenes around it were fidelity lo the Angel World—a band of guardian 8CK AN CK8.
mildew and damp basdriven them from its leaves,
new. It now beheld tbe works of m in , and you become like that Icicle,so Intensely individ spirits, wbo inspired ber in life and awaited and In connection witiNIiram Taylor, o f Lenawee
ual zed that you are useless. W hen you re to glow witb beauty—where * Are these beau
saw busy life on all sides, yet, U still proudly received her to tbe spirit homo in the Sum mer C o , Michigan, n test claryvoint and describer
fuse to attend lectures, to assist the unfortunate tiful lluts lost that nestled with 90 much grace
and defiantly maintains Us individuality. Ages Land the moment o f her transition. ofsplrits, Elijah-W oodworth will visit, throngh •
and contribute to thylr support, like that Pal and loveliness ou those leaves? If not. lost,
pass away, and still it retains the same condi Dec., 180!), Branch Co., M ich.,; Jan, 1870,
ter, the doors o f your heart refuse to move, and where are they? Joined the vast laboratory
tion, doing no good, for it can not, it is io in “ l i v e , m o t i o n h i t t e r .” Stuben C o\ Ind; Feb. and March, Lenawee
of nature, there to remain until conducted by
tensely individualized. B y and by, wc pass by tbe windows thereof will not admit the divine Co., Mich., and Fulton Co., Ohio.
rays of benevolen ce; and in maiiitaiuiog your Z. Iloubton, o f Jamestown, W is.,writes a* fol little tendrils and a liny su lk , to the Haves o f a
that proud Boulder, and notice a change. Its Address Elijah Woodworth, Cjddwater M ick,
lows in reftrt nee to tbe J o u r n a l : blossom again—there to sblne forth as freshly •
rugged aides seemed lit up with a happy genial individuality, you will lose it—sink to tbe lower during Dec., 1800, and Jan., 1870.
spheres. y • . . 11 Your articles on Life, Motion, Mlod and as ever. It is bnnsoHug to us to know that
smile, and its tude heart appeared to beat with Matter, were to me worth lour lin n s the cost of
That man^uaiabilpa bU individuality when nothing is lost. Dur deeds live after us; th e /
warm emotions, for it had. resolved to change the J o u u n a l tor one year."
become a part of us. M R S. D R , C. IS . H ANNING. '
lla programme o f action. There was rejoicing he visits th e h ouse o f the destitute, cheers by bis We are gratified to know that our tfforls are
then in all nature. T he dark clou la moved presence tbe unfortunate, contributes his means W hatever changes tajtes placo io the natur.il T he above named most excellent medium’s
duly appreciated by our readers. Those articles
world, we know full well that nothing is lost, address will be found in our advertising columns.
Willi mere gallant strides; the winds seemed to for the promulgation o f truth, and w ho is w il forsbaddowed grand truths, which w ill follow
sing a sweeter an th em ; the air appeared to ling lo march patiently along in tbe grand pro when the proper time arrives. H enry Ward and that nothing i^uddod to the grand volume H er powers are very remarkable as a bealer,
m ove In joyous gle&, while the tiny seed aud cession from tbe cradle, to the grave, trying to of Infinite matter. seer and psychom etric. Those peeking fyr a
Beecher takes tho same position assumed by us
tender plants apprehended a great change. It assist others, that.wcrc be placed in their condi- In^ regard to " Mind Difiused," but foolishly true delineation of character ond a prophetic
was a gala day in all nature, tor that huge yon or circumstances, he would expect fem ep n e ascribes to the eflects thereof tho name or Holy C5TSocieties desiring th o services of Mrs. unfbldment o f the future, should not fill to give
Ballou during the winter, fiiontbs, can addieas
Boulder bad changed Its programme o f a c t io n - to lend him a helping hand. T he poet h a i Ghost. We shall allude to that sermon in duo ber a call and thus oblige them selves as well as
her in care o f Ibb- RELtuio-PutLosorincAL
had resolved to lose Us individuality. It, con se truthfully;, sa id : time. J o u r n a l , Chicago ~ the ad vet riser. ^ ’ m
D bc e k bbr 11,1869. R E L IG IO -P H IL O S O P H IO A L J O U R N A L .

us a. grand opportunity to discuss questions morning, and there was no one within sight.
ghiladtlpliia gkpartmtnt. which have too often b&n prohibited,. W e shall We did not suppose it was our horse, though ADVERTISEMENTS. T1IK CAREER
avail ourselves ot this, and ask our readers to go he was an intelligent animal, as we shall show or t ur
with us into tbe investigation o f all things presently. That evening, at a small circle, we
h o t o g r a p h s o f o n i e t a ," I n d i a n -
____ H . T . C H IL D , U . D which relate to tbe welfare of our common hu had tins Sentence spelled oat by the raps. * My
dear .lenry, d d thee hear me call thee, this P O ontrol of J . W ttu a * Van M aeix, from a D raw ing by GOD IDEA IN HISTORY,
manity. W elle A oder.ua. Will l e cent by avail on receipt o f
• p a n moy b morning r" I remarked that I heard some one, ( t w e n t y f i v e r e n t e and a . l a m p , f u r ta le a t th e ’ IIT
u w t . P u i* d and the response from the spirit was, it was me, Olllre, o l tbe tU Ltuio P e iu a e o r a ta tl J o c t e a u
Aditreea S. S. J-»cuw. I l l , South C lark .tr e a t, Chicago, Ut H UDSO N T IT T L E .
A R e v ie w . end the name of the dearly loved spirit was
In t h e B a n k e r o f L i o n T , o f Nov. (lib, w c - spelled out. We were informed tbat ere long
L I P B .- ! l( ;n B E B TUN.
find a report ot ao admirable lecture on" It. min
many other spirits would be able to speak to ns, D. WHITE. M. D., CONTENTS.
a prediction which has been fulfilled. We IxtrwdwcUoa.
iecences by our gifted sister, Cora L V. Tap- recollect teeing an advertisement which tor 700 N o rth F o u r th a f r e e t , .Nt. L o u i e . O T o.,
Th« Uud Id*-* of Ihe Uind<M<e,
Tbe n e to i or IP r e u r r in c , At r u i a u l n t l n g pan. * € want ol proper pucc'ualion, .read as follows II««h«t upear-l.bif thirty yea-e eipertroce in Orneral “ " " “ Egyptian*, Chaldean* and ParwUn*,
t h e P o w e r * o f L1IV. It was one ol' the most profound discourses “ Wanted a coachman to take ca*e of a pair of. and II.Mi.ltel practice, tin cure* the moil dilBrnlt and obeli * « •• •• Jrw*.
horses of a religious turn of mind." bat-Che 11 dlMaae i.f every deecrlption without tlrong
An ancient philosopher, inspired by' the facts < we have ever read. We propose to review it, mrdlcliie or Burglcel oi rratl un. “ “ “ ••
Our excellent old horse, Don, 1ms often re Dr. W. gfvr. lit* SprcUl At'ention to the irrmtinrnt of “ “ “ “
tlreeka and Ron a n .,
alt ground him in nature, and, perhaps, by the and if we do mu accept all o f its-propositions, .!'».**•«. #T M»il. (en-llor him (If with a hi.lory M A litv u d r t.n am ).E arly C briatianU y,
minded us i f this. .We were in the hsbli of a ' " " Lab r Philowu.h'-ra,
s p li t s of the departed, declared " that the fath we r«j>ice at the suggestions which it tilers. going to Friend's meeting on First dayH vulgarly if their cunipUlht, dt-u-rihlng all lh*Ir *>iupb>ui. a. ml-
mtlrly aa puialhle, ni initu-i will be put up *xpr«e»ly f.r “ “ *• "- B«rd«r-R>-|fHiou.~ Ut ut*e, D ralda,
er s had eaten sour gripes and the childrens Herein lies the secret o f real merit in such called*Sunday*), and flic old horse knew ju -l as lti— lr i ate au* arm lo them by return mail ,.u.t paid. Uou- Bcaii-leuai l*L» and A xti-c.
teeth were set on edge.’.' In every department Well to turn into the yard and go to Ilia place rtte<|. h»v» t»—n gr-atlv h>-ii^Bted, aud many ra-ticnlly Conclu* Ion—Cliiatutu • f lh» ii „] Idea.
essays, for the soul is strengthened in gm ppling cured, aftrr all other iWu* hi I Uilo l, by hi. tloiuco niag- Prlr» 1.09: p .-ttag- M c.-n-a
o f life from the lowest plant up to m tn, iis t runs ' under a shed oh that d a y : on other days fie ua-tli- dlu*.
with great ideas, even though it may n./Vbc able would pas*-by the mayting-Unuse and make no Forv.le at itflMlb Pultovy'iil ti J jc h n a l Olth'iv
Ad-iro... ii tv 11 r>c. m. d .. n •« tsu;. st r.xtu, m *>
mission Irom one generation to another is the to carry them ut ouce. i effort to go" h i . l\rh a p s, the half rcism dng tit* vot vll If
fir s f.a n d o ie of thu most important steps tow W e are just as well satisfied tin t there has beast saw that tlu-rc were Very lew wagons on
the streets on Sundays. s . 3. JO NH S,
ards the attainment of conditions favorable tor been a past eternity, and there will bo a future b s , m z z i k i a B E r .L E .c i. v i h v o a n t ,
power. T he agriculturalist and the hortlcullur- eternity, as we are that there is a pre-tenl But about spirits ir.thi*-nc>ng dogs, w e have
• known f.everal instances-' where they h ive
M t ................. I ,. I,*u ro o m , a t |h » M orton llo iu e. No.
113 .n*l 111, F r.n k llit Bt..l>olwr *n W .uhtnglon a* d Madi •
IriU So. Clark Street,
t.'tncago. 111.
alist are so well aware of this lac^ that it forms existence. In the d ear visions of soul-life, we Vot.; N... * if
realize aii these things, ami could 'not know • Lappeared to see spirt:*. Tin* late F io fs s o r eoti e tr« r l., )>ut »-*tth of IU aea«t r a tr .n c ii t i th e tu n n e l
a prominent part of their studies and ichors to the present without tuc other,t<*». W e should ! M.ipes says-by was a* a dark circle, and they w b e h .h e l»pr»ptrw .l 1 1 give ae.^ncee to a ll w hod-*ira Clair*-
\ wore having wonderful pliysicd nvuiilestaiiocs, voyant « x .a ilu ttb * u o r p ty c h im .lr lc a l d e lin e a tio n .. U - r
3rcure the hurt and purest seeds. be in the condition o f 11.shop Berkley and U s
followers, who believed that all things were ■T heie was a little dog .present ; lie nqtteM*d p wet* *. a n ia ltm u f <r geum vl *pi-eial In .trac tio n * in re-
Tb scc rg a g td in rearing auimalsot all kinds, [ Ihe spirit mentally, to pinch his tail. He had A riT riaiiu o i.f tl»> tk lra -.rih u a ry vU iU tlon of ilvparled
merely subjective ; Ifmt there were no realities, gard t i ti n f u tu r e - re c o u n tin g th» p u t —d i.g tu u n g and
are ns fully aware o f its importune', and know - scarcely formed the Idea in Ids mind before they priac n b iu g L r *h—a**w. have be -n to a t-d by lh moand*. •|a ilM « f d l i l i ^ k l a b d . m«u an I w -nn-u o f h it nation*, ae
that thetr success depends in a great measure either in the material or spiritual , planes. m a tithedril through .h r I i «I u k U.<lli* of tb* - dba k rr* ." T ba
Mrs. Tappan says . were very much amused at tbe expense «>t the It - pU»o h o u r., from 10 o’cloek L X to 12 M-, «r.d front ■l>.riu of W aabtorfio*, K rankun, P*on, M p j .Iu u U iranl, T>-
upon a proper selection and arrangement o f the dog by hcaiing ’* Kc-i i-ac.” He informed the 2 to U )1. T iriu -. from St t * fd , a c o r d in g to tim e. f u a t P » « ”r , K fv. O ijf jo C w ti m u , U ro e rat ila rrix m , S t.
;>arents of their stock. It would be wed if “ Rennuiscences are not memories.’The re can circle what he had uquoted.and the experiment No 9.eol.7. If P e ir lik , Napoleon, 6kake*|>care, J v b a H oalpf, H ubert Km-
mankind were as careful in regard to their own he no recollection o f anything, event or scene n<-tl. b jr ju .U - * iru - K oi, an ) b<>*i* of d iriim fu o lu d maa
which the soul has not experienced. There can was tried by others, and repeated. It is a well
species, ss they are in tegard to tbe lower an and w«tuea o f tb e foal, who lake poaeeaeloo of, and dia-
be no recollection or remembrance. It is your. known fact that dogs dream, and I think it to u t t e th ro u g h , th e living U - I l* ol th e “ S bek-r* *’ of New
imals. We believe a better day is dawning, and would bo very risk to deny that they and York, g u la g w onderful Infintnatlun reapacllbK th e event* of
intend to do all we can towards hastening the *rlf. N ot that you remember an recurrence,but ^ LECTURE in RHYM E, t b . t r liifrtim r.a n d tb elr e jliu o tu of preevat c ritic Ia a con-
that you are an occurrence ; not tbat you recol many other animals are influenced by spirits.
time when this first step towards tbe attainment W e are weil aware tbat the power o f spirit* TU X PAST. PRESEN T AND FUTURE. ctrniuK tb o a . e tro l* . a« well a* tb v ir tmmi-Ulat* comBUos
. o f power in individuals shall be so much better lect an event, Uut the event is a part o f you. In tb e W orld of Bptrlto.
It is said that I'lalo remarked concerning iu to communicate, i-t mndlflcu by the .'hir cter of By M u . P. A. Looait. Tliia m arv.lun* record, iu book furm, ie pnblU hed an d Ibr
understood and practiced, that its fruits shall he the medium “The spirits o f the prophets are An K ireo tto g ly E ntertaining and Inetm ctiv* Lector*. **!•■ by L. (i.T buiuka.N o. I Iv7 t)au.«>w *t. P blladel^bla. and
manifest everywhere. favorite pupil, I do not tav.'i that child, tla-te Delivered lo Lerg** and highly Intereeted Audience* In differ may t-a vbtaiiird of bo»kavher« aud i,en*>lrulrr* ui-raJIy.
thoughts are there, the remnants o f u past ! subject to the prophets.” e nt p a rta o f tb e Union. Price, 26 cen t- pvt copy, or at tbe rat- i ) f f i q . r buudrtd
Finding ourselves herc4o*elay%tinder the d is I n * A uthor, y M d |n g to th e u rg en t reqnoata of bar a a a e r - COpire.
abilities entailed through ignorance of the laws existence ,ghc expression o f a soul's knowledge ;
. A M itV P H V P O M r iU X . o q * Irit-ndi, ha* con*eatrd lo kave It printed. Addrea* S. S. J O N ti, Suuth CUrk a t , Chicago
and carelessness in regard to their fulfillment, it and doubt nui, my friend, whence tbat know l S -u t poetagepaid ao receipt of 26 cent*. t..f d uo ddOw
'.a wise to make the best of our conditions. We edge came. ‘My mission is to awaken it, to give T o H uy o n e w lio h a * n e v e r t a k e n t h e J o u r n a l ,
are happy to say, that much as we may fall that immortal part an opportunity >o express w e w ill s e n d i t t o r t h r e e m o n th * o n t r i a l , o n th «
itsell,— to watch and receive the already r e c e i p t o l f i f t y cen t* . Magnetic awl CUirtoynnt Phyniriana.
abort o f the tonm tions which our ideas mark
out for us, we can help ourselvesfn ntsny direc- ripening fruits of another existence." SEWING MACHINES 14 B y t b e l r w o r k s y e o h a ll k n o w th e m .* *

tionsi and as we do this, life will not only be a llo w often in our experience have we heard j H aving made arrangements with
blessing and glory to ourselves, but to many truths reiterated in our hearing time* after lime, HOOTS. D R . W . d c O TKN . P . J . C L E V E L A N D , .
others. One of tbe greatest errors o f lire is the and, at length, when the germs in our souls had 8pirituaii*t* visiting Chicago, will find a pleasant Have p erm anently located a t 13<*{ MadUou e tre el, Room ,
prodigal waste o f its powera, which is so univer been* awakened so that wc could perceive and o f a lio l tho best style ol S e w i n q Ma c h i n e s , we 86 and SS, Chicago.
home a t US, 4lh Avenue, on the South side. Only
receive them, w e have been astonished that we
sal that every man, woman and cltilJ is charge
able with it. Ask yourtelves, my brothers and did not see them before. live minutes' walk from the Post-Office. Will furnish from long rxperleooe In Ireatlug the Varione illiea*** to
which Ihe buaiau lamily 1* *at>Jnjl, we tjfrl cobfldent that
weeah restore to health ell who ate ulUiCVi I with any care-
One of the secrets of the success o f Modern t37~(iood mediJins always in attendance.
„sistera, and ye blessed children, s i often full to Spiritualism, lies iu the fuel that spirits know any oon of th e tlxly-n*e Dollar M tcblnee aa well a t tboee of bte diioiui-, having in many roaea cured thoe# who war*
overflowing with life, how much have I wasted a h igher price, abandon tel a. incurable by all oilier eyitemiof practice.
how to present the truths to humanity that A ll a c n te i eln* reuuvetj Inalanlly by layiux ou ol band*.
this day of the dtvine energies which kind acd
ioving parents, our Father God and Mother na
ture, have bestowed upon me?
shall awaken the dormant perceptions of the
soul. SPECIAL NOTICES. Ten Dollars Less Special a tU n llo u (Ctren 10 th e ire a tie e n t of e ll f e
m ale Pi.n**t-i,by M re.GLEVKLt.Nli, whu I* a C ta lrv o y a a t
and can p rrfoctly diacnoee (tiarae*, eith er p r e .r u l, o r ib -
Mrs. Tappan says : th e n regular ratec.and w arrant every machine to be perfect
When you wake m the morning upon a lied ■ent. Bend uauie, a c - end reetd-nce.
•* It bonk* could make knowledge, you would and the very heel of th e kin d made C onsultation a nd di>KUo*l«, II.CO.
filled with eX'ial^ions fruTu your body through
the night, did you rise immediately aud opening long ago have b.-cnuie paw g ms o f learning, and | W h m - n C b i K Jk C o . , N o . 8 2 7 N o r t h F i l t h no S vol 24 tf
would not now be waiting to e d eh a glimpse ot k l r t t l , N t. L o l l l a , O T o.i
* wider your appartmcnlf, give access to abund
ance ol pure air, and, peiforming your ablutions, light from ihe life immortal.' Kciui niece nee is j K--j> i iniUutly -a h a u l all the puUlcoU<>n* of Win. It lilt* T E N D O L L A R S 0- *1 u«*0 AW. t . w. ta rr . p. t. r c a sr Notary PnbUo.
prepare tor the daju woik? rr did jo a turn prophetic, all tlmt-is, and all that will be."
I IC u .J. P. Uendum. Aii.au i Co, Riu iio-Pim.oa-jrmc*t worth of any of tho Look, advertised la oar Book Lut, or
over under the stuptfylng influence of the im
“ The soul in itsetcru il course o f progress may the RxLraio-Palu>aorHU-ai Jocaxai. nr a part in each, at GRAHAM, PERRY & CO.
take on one form alter another, ami c is t them I’tililuUiit: Amm ia Uod , sai all «lti«r (H-pular Litoral regular ratee, ae a premium or Inducement to buy machine*
pure air, and yield again to the influence o f through our agency. R E AL ESTATE and L O A N A O ENTS.
sleep. I f to, jo u have wintcil what hours can aHdc as you do cast-off ffarmeuls.nnly reserving L l«r ilur-, iucindlog Rk u ->iu -I Jotas.L acd
not bting back to you. We should rise at reg such experiences as are valuable to the growth ' All who want to h el p us and t h e m s e l v e Si
ikO O O T S , OTA I O U BLOt K ,
IWMKia >r Lloiir, Xl*ittzi3ev. PSolo^r ,rih«. Parlor Oarnri
ular periods, and it you retire at the proper o f the spiriit. But wc cannot quote su flli- Cor. La Sidle d /d M utton St*, Chicago, IU.
ccnly from the discourse—it should be read and CuM< o P> in , S u i io b e r ;. e tc . will boy through our Agency.
-time, you will always be ready to rise with the City and Century Rial Eatatepurrbaaedandeold. Invoet-
3UQ in summer, and before It in the winter studied by all. F.<r many year?, we have had .i Address, nicute m*de anil L<an« Nvyotlateil. A U tm lon giteu to all
dim conciousness o f the' former conditions o f IlLK'l \N 3V JW, Ul'i KKVHNK f XKANOtSCO, 3. S. JO NES. bnelnrea connected wilb-Real Katate.
month?. T he morning ablutions should be per
formed with pure water, and the beat air wo '*an soul-life, glimpses iu which we have sc< n the Cat. k*nrp« Iht: IU l i «ti) P u i u >v >ph ic *l Jocaxvr. fo ra a le , and 1 2 0 0 L o w a n d A c re P r o p e rly I ^ J e f f e n o a
light and heard the music of the agt-sas i:echoed w.ll retelvo «tttj-ript:->*ll f»r tho *131*. tl * tlUo t- B p i f /f 192 South Clark Street,
uhla n. After these gymnastic motions in which f o r S a le .
through tbe dim aisles and Corridors o f the vast ta le atl *,-lritu ali,t and R-lorcu t j j k i a t C!il»g-> and IL-a- Chicago Illin ois v o l4 o o 2 itf.
for a few momenta every muscle iu the body
w ill be called into action, by this means we eternity ol the past. ton ( l i e s , S p i - i r P o U t t v e .and X rja '.li* P-iwd-m
*uull discover whether any disease is insidiously One o f our friends iu spirit life, who has si veil P l n t b ' l t n , * t c . aiw aja oil ti m d
his experience through us, speaks o f different THE DAVENPORT BROTHERS.
dirking around, ami the first symptom nt p.tiu
•s u warning against this. If any muscle gives forms o f consciousness which are entirely dis
noil »Ttr- LIFE'S UNFOLDINGS T he W orld 'R enow ned
as pain, it tMtie divine monitor warning us to tinct. We kg<>iv these ex*3l here, and we b e .nt riiK
attend to this. In most cases, all that is needed lieve tbul-iu the coming age* we may tutu that C L A IR V O Y A N C E . SPIRITUAL MEDIUMS.
to remove these pains, is properlv regulated and which is now the tUilt lantern nt a future MBS. S. W. JO RG EX SK N, W O NDERS OF TH E T lie lr I llo g r a p liy .
.gradually increioed motion. After Ibis, we eternity backward so that its light in iv shine
upon anil reveal lliu hidden mysteries <1 the llx.M« 20. 2 IP Smith Clark A m t, Chlotjo. .r» c tu - U N IV E R S E —' s u -
■should sit u|.»uc to some quU'l place— it v.i 1 be
long ago, and we shall be able to string nil these metric, UukOirwi ui.'l li -vcloplti* M.- lium . lu«|<lr.tli<.:iai
well tor i f to be the suiue. S t Ibr a few m o
forms of consciousness upon our lifedilie. Tlu rc luOructor Au-t Cjtiiiio l-r. f«uu4niuvii«|.k U K V I A A I .K P 'H > M -V X . ADVENTURES IN EUROPE
ments Wllh the (tel aud hands closed, ho as to Is.llie title ol n new w<irk IVeshHrom prefd. AND
allow the currents to circulate freely— then sep ore llmsu who any tbe present is enough h*r K«. 10, V.jl T -t tl-m-q. l).
llicrrf. Wc know "it'is rich in experience, and By llie Guardian Spitil o f David Ct>rle:di
arate them, autk raising the arnu directly up
full o f good works, but to the unfolded s >»fl the 3. 3. JO NES.
ward, hold tinm tin re f r n ale rt time that the
currents may p t-sm ii in'thafdirertion, and you past, the present and the future are otto. Trie LUMINISTE-” i ’ublishci. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED
beetle aud butterfly do not appear to have any BS. C. M riA N N IX G <au K- cn stilli-d
may receive l‘n»m above the influence which
Coun-s in that w iy. Thi-u hr Id tin m up at an | consciousness o f the name from whence they
M. un a ll
M-nriio ntre»t, coru -r L*II«1U.
«ii<l buur,<-i. m .lii rn, u l i y
Kc l iu io PniLosoptllCAL P c i .l is u ix o As.-t*eiA-
t io n PKiXTiyt*.
Th!< l* th e m -jit tlirilllnar,W i.rk In ll-e w hole 8 | Irltcaila-
lle U tc tn ln r e . and w ill l.n lb - lui-aue of addlnir th o u ta a d a
t-> th e rank* o f S p iritsaiiam . I t* * c « d « iu iu ti-i.au In ter*
angle o f forty live degrees in Iro'nl o f you, and ; Tbu Mc'diuin, iu b b adJre.-£ to tbe j»ul*iic - i ) - :
allow the same tiling to take p’are ; tin n iu front Let us in our j »urney through life, se«*k for Oftl <• I. u n fn.m \> A. >r , t . J P. M. eat a n y novel wnd every w ord ol It I* tr u th .
wisdom, ask for knowledge,and sn calmness and The Mctllum (David Cories*, »f Huntley s (»r»»\v l i t !•»<"*. Price (tl 5 0 . Pottage 20 <rut*.
o» you at right angles with the b My, or on the j CImt k c * frjm i w j u lb f t - D . l l i r t t «iliin? A d lre.* » S Jo N E S ,
serenity,* wait lor the tinfolding light wlii* h McHenry Co., ill.,) through whom thU w..rk wtt*
horizontal plane; then hold them on the same W-T.-Vm. w - m given, luw been a careful observer o! tliCphenmn* |H9 S ooth C lark e tre e t.
shall come to us. confident that the broad and cn.i'il "M nj. rti Sjilrilualhtu" for over twenty years C hicago, III .
plane d irteily out at each side. N» illier o f t hese
beautiful hosts of khow kdge on which we u *w end during th a t time hu has been the humid? Me
posit tons should be it.m ini «d to weariness.
We should then sit qii.tcly from ten iniuutea to
stand,will be continually widened and strength SOLOMON \V. JEWETT dium lliruugto which hundrcd»t)f phllostqiliU-al-iiud IM PORTAN T TRUTHS.
ened, and wc shall go forth, clothed in Ike II.-.1. lh* Ac'* « N SW 1U IL .V D K LPU IA , OHIO, t jr >e1*-atiilc li-ctnre* have been given to allcutKv lis-
half an hour, aud yield to the iidlui lia s which radiant beauty, that wisdom which is profitable LdVvt.T.N.1 Iuk -u ii of lltiuli. U-ti'-rs. Of h)uiM-lf, he can only eay he is amute-d- Tl R o o k f o r E v e r y C h ild .
com es to qa. These quiet sittings for 'devotion IS—Jt.
to direct in-all things. Spiritualism sheds Its ue.iled larmer, far advanced in years, llga-kn for 15Y MRS E . P. M IL L E R , M. t>*
.should be held tim e times a d vj, and we shall mild and radiant light upon all truth every this puinphlet a careful and attentive {leruoaL Thl l- »-k la d--»lj:n-d a* an aid In p a rtn t* a n d n l b r n l n
liud that they firing us neater t.i «>ur Father where, aud when it fills our.souls, it gives us a 'i he jiitr*»tluctiuuentitled "The UnvaUing,"ire.rtii beaching ch ild ren trulli* for th e purpo-e of preventing lh*
"God and Mother nature, to our fellow men and freedom to ask of Nature around us, the attgils of lU tU pt. ol man as the grand objective nlllugotwof Lit:'* fennatiou e t evil h a b it, w hich duatroy h e alth , happlnaa* and
the angel.hosts. Then through the day, in a T l. U . LEE, Voir 1U t »d , Cu q b . Unfolding* . life.
above us,and our Father Himself. He alfeo-btands a t the pinnacle of all organised
spirit o f culm equanimity, we may perform our Tne consciousness Of a past and a future eter Veil. ’ ,N o . 3—9 wkfc, ( jh !) Parent* aeoutd reed and riv e It to th e ir child ren O*
allotted duties Iu ihe beautiful iconoiny o f Lite in the naUvb^mrlly of all thing*. Im part to tb tm a know ledge of i u conU ntm P ric e o n ly 30
nity, or, rather,an eternity which must be both, On pttge twenty-four, the author treats of •* the cent*.
■ nature, we find that about one third of.lhe lungs is the most consoling that can come to the l > r . W m . I I . J o a c e ly n ^ Addreaa B. HJoaae, 19W South Clark a tre e t Chicago.
is required fur ordinary respiration, thus giving w ar mediums paint liKcnssses, In the true order ql
human soul, not as removing any responsibility, Th.< ll.utli.r Aud CI»lrT->j»nt.c,iu bsooDtalu-U * t tho Morton the development of the aria und ecieuee*.
us a reserved force of nearly two thirds. but showing us that wc w u I k in the universe as H om e, t i l , South V ratA l.iu n a ir VV*4l]iog.ou. (form erly .^Jn part second, under the general head of mys
Ouu o f the most important a<tunica of power J!*-) 9 BC*DT, o. w r c iu u m
gods —children o f our Father <rod and Mother ho S t. Oluntt ilou«e.) Dr. Joocolyo li.ti hcoa p r.ctlclu jj teries Revealed,the author trt-ais of “ How Mankind
iu the vital systems of nil living being-, is res
piration, by means ol which wu obtain oxygen
irom Ihe air aud throw olfcarltouic acid gas.
Nature, allied to hath now and forever. •Ixtooii year* p w t w ith ortecou. A iU t o m Ohickgo, Illlo o U .
V ol.T .N a. I . —tC.
Manifest their presence through Physical Rudies ni
Mediums. How- the writing is done. How we in
fluence Medium* to sneak. Tho fullness of ill
jQ n e s, B u n d y C o ., &
kinds of language Investigated. The ring feat mid
We meusUro the power o( endurance of man
by the. dimensions of the chest. A U o ll c ton a D o g . FB I? RELIABLE! E NERO STIC MEN CAN LEARN the carrylngNef Musical InUtruraenL* arouud ihe REr\L ESTATE AND-LOAN BROKERS.
B y a beautiful law in relation to the diffusion
ot gases when we thus take in a small portion
"A n exchange tells us o f a wonderful dog iu A tf kti otc-lloul cbkitca to inkko money ty applying to
U, ti. SM ITH . P o .t OUicii box 17.1, W atorbury, Conk.
room explained."
This work b neatly got up and consists of seven- N o, 102 N outli C l a r k S tr e e t, •
No. 10 Vol 7 - 4 V. J^-thrce closely printed pages and we hesitate u.it
pure air, it is distributed through all The air the village ofLudlow, Ky., who exhlbiis remark
ably pious proclivities.- This canine specimen, to say th at it contain* more original thought. u {h i-j * C h ica g o Illinois*
cells aud mingles with that whichjremal.is there. Important nubjects, a few only of which wo have
answering to the name o f" Joe,” is evidently a
But wc have the power by voluntary action of
marvel in his way. He is a constant attendant,,
TO BEE-KEEPERS. enumerated, than any other work of equal size wc City awl Country Property Bought. Eul-1 ao I Improved,
Tax re paid and rent* colhv I«<>1
tilling the chest to its utmost capacity, and there have 6ecu.
is no better means at our disposal for increasing at the Christian Church, and during the service A NEW B O O K on tb e euMect ot B ek-C alture, Tho work will be sent by mail from this office to ML-u m Upon firal-rlaj* city pn.fe-rly negotiated.
our physical and intellectual powers, than fre he posts himself near thu pulpit. Duriug the exiled th e SSC R K rS OF SEE K K B ? I * J . U U g ot up la a any ope on receipt ot fifty cent*. -iL ' -etm-nta made on Joint account
hour o f worship he observes the strictest dccori- vi-rjr condcaied end eb e k p form , to u u e t tb e w ent* of Bee- Addrcse, ». 8- JONE3, 192 South Clark, Street,
quent lull inspirations o f pure air. Many times \ 'rC*. invite tbe eepeatol atteuUuo ol ntm r~ ndm /i to thie
urn, never barking or making the least n ohe to K eeper* la every dep artm e n t of .‘ p lealtu ra l ectvaec. I t Chicago, HI.
through tbe day, this should be done, especially Ldtm e u( ,-ur builn-***. aa aleo to our (arililia* lor Inviwting
disturb the most fastidious; he seems rather contain* m ire p ractical In fjrtn v ti> a. and tr e a t, upon tuor*
when we find ourselves in condition. The air eul-JecU th a n any o th e r b> .X of it. kind y e t poblU hed, a a J
favorable to spirited sermons alw ays leoding u and M tnapng Capital oa Attorney*
is pure away from tbe habitations of men, u n listening ear to what may be said. During iao.ubelU .he4 w ith aam -w ou. c a u an d eag rav in g e , and V I N E C O TTA G E STORIES.
der the beautiful trets, God's temples, in which c o n tain , nearly ae taauy w ard , a e a book th a t u e aa lly te ll, lu add Ilion to our etlvnaive lu t of City Property, are
prayer Joe rises to his feet, end w ith b it head for IZ jUO. F a b ’lebed by K . P. K io o e i, B urlington, V erm ont. L IT T L E IU R R Y ‘3 W IS H
the soul delights to worship. Let us remember, inclined to the lbxir.assumes an humble position, P rice la p aper c o f e n , 4t)ct», bon ad. 75ote. Boat by m all •■Orriori * targe number of Piorly Improvnl form*, located
then, many times iu the day, that God l as given aud seems inspired with the solemnity of tbu on re :e ip t of price, a d h e * . S. 4. J j j t t , No. I t s Booth OB , in di^t-fiir parte of U*< Slate, it very low figure* and eaey
as this power and invites us to use it, and by occasion. Though his dogship is not desired in
Clark S t . Chicago, UL
n o il v7 tf tel at*. *'*> tOO.Odi) Acrae anlinprofed land* to the Norik
an effort o f the will, fill our chest to their utmost the assembly o f tbe faithful, he treats tho UY MRS. n . N. Q U E E N
capacities. T his is especially important for frowns and rebuffs he receives from their bands
W-utrrti StabW I
children, as they are growing, for It gives tone DR. SHELTON'S ALSO * ...
with a forgiving spirit. Nothwithaanding he ts REFEREN CES. r
and vigor to them, and also enlarges the chest. often ruthlessly ejected with kicks and bruises THE L IT T L E F L O W E R * G IR L .
I t is also o f the highest importance to those who from the holy wails, h is love is so strong for
CELEBRATED PILE SALVE] AND Laf.n. Bat.er A C o, Chicago, III ,
have weak longs, and a tendency to disease in .-leu. U Waiter, L | , Sec Nat Telegraph Co , New York
D ivine service that at all.hazard s he seeks THE QR P H A N 'S S T R U G G L E ,
these organs, that care be taken not to overtask admission again. Turn out what the phenom Cjty.
or excite them. Gradually, however, almost every * By the Same Author. Ui-fa. Warren I'haee bW. Bnwdway. N Y
enon may be in the end, he is a wonderful dog.
one may increase the capacity o f their lungs, Though not lair to look upon, b e has a noble Bura* and C happed tlande. P rice S1.00 p e r b o x ; ___ . 8. S. JO N E S, Publisher, (i.-u'l J P Parn*wurlh, M O , St. Cbarlee, III.
and thus add to their powers. This is a gospel nature, aodds withal intuitively religious." . any ed re e i upon receipt o f prlco. Addreee T . STAATB, E D. W..raeeur. Ke-j. Tieae N Y C R R
S3'A m ity (tr e a t. New York. R E L I O Io P lM L O B O P a iC A L JO U R N A L O F F IC E ,
which we hope many o f our readers will take REM A RK S.
lion W Ila II. Ul Dirham, Stowe, Vt
home to themselves, and they will And It to be 102 South Clark Street.. U ... tl Coil. A.4 IUrlQri-1 fire loearance 0o»
glad tidings o f great joy evermore. W e might If tbe above be true, there is but one
Chicago 111.
speak ot many w ays in which tbe energies of explanation, and that is that spirits caa influence RHEUMATIC AND NEURALGIC The above named little works of about thirty n .i- ••Y».t»e »V „ pnt.lM l.ee. B ,sil..r Mam.
lite are squandered, but wo are writing for the dog. We have an account in an ancient page? each, are frvuh from the press and belong to
thinking, Intelligent persons, who are really REMEDY.
record o f a certain long eared animal that a Ai-rle* designed especially for children, youth Sod T ftly o r ** B e d S p rin g *. ^
seeking to know these things, and wc believe tho T h e recipe for tb l. la ra lu a M e p rep aratio n woe given Chihtren'b Progressive Lyceum Llbrarie*.
hints we have thrown out will bo uielul to on one occasion spoko and rebuked his rider. through Mr*, o u a te , by a baud o f e c u n a a t phyelcU na. i t M o. M. N. Greene b o n e ol the most popular' Don’t fall to read tbe advertisement in auoiber
h w been triw t to a grea t on u b ir of caeai, bo th of Rbeam *- column. Any man who wants a good paying agoo-
these. A s a physiologist, we have strong doubt about tUin and N a a rilg la , a nd la ovary InK aace gave aitnoet im- writer?.ol Hie present age and especially adapted
u o d ia te relief, e ndlog tn pel feet Sara. Price | 3 00 per bot to the '^riling ol popular libera) books for Chil ^cy will do well to send and get a a^t Tor a sample,
W e should all bo on oar guard as to the prod the vocal organs of this wonderluFanlmal being tle ! I —* *------------- ------- *-------- * ' — ‘ --------------- dren °
igal use o f our powers. A t tho same time have capable o f ddlbg, anything but braying, and be dir. Tbie'bpnc* ol Honks which we have entered upon and go to soliciting ft>r tbcih. They arc ao light,
no fears in regard to proper exertion, for this - It puliliahiug are designed (orthe youth everywhere,' as to be easily carried under the arm, and on ti
have always dbubted that story until wo havo
docs hot exhaust, but tends to accumulate pow but of c-uurss their tone and philosophy will con seen by houskeepera, a sale Is aunost certain. ^Mr-
er. W e have spoken o f diet, tfcc., in tormer ar heard spirit voices. N ow w e can readily under fine their sale principally to the fumiln-.- uf Spirit-
ticles. It is a great waste of power to enter up stand how this marvelous thing happened. CURE FOR GRAVEL naltetv,' LitKralbta and th^ ChUdreiVe Progreoulvff
Taylor will fun.lsb agents on such terms as t«
make it profitable business for any energetic m ac
on any kind ol mental or physical labor Immed A N D W EA K KID NEYS, ^ Lyceum*. >
A t least tw elve years ago, wo were riding They arc aptly cmbellL-hed and every way attrac
iately after taking food, and there should ftlways
be a pause from thes* before we take our meals. along the street, and heard the name “Henry" A rielng from Irritable condltio h i of th e n rc th a a n d blad tive aud will be scat by inajl ou receipt o t'iw e u iy ^ T o D e a le r * a n d T ra d e r* . • •’
d e r, from th e preeeaoe o f (to n e o r gravel, and to c hange five cents per copy.
W e have presented these as suggestions, called out, ju st as distinctly as w e were accus t b . ch arac ter of m 'llo a rlm . T a i recipe woe g ivaa th ro u g h I f s a y of oar reader* or fritode who are D ealen or TT*+
M r.. O i.it., I t i l purely v e g .u b l- , a n i hoe been u.ed In A reasonable discount to the trade.
rather than rules, because every one rauit study tomed to bear it when a^boy. For many years Address erewUh fbr the P A T E N T B A Q I C C O O T B lo pat bo*
e .u A o f th e m *.t o b itla .te oa.ee w ith m a rvelou. re e n tu .
for tbemselve», their own conditions and re the term doctor has been substituted fdr tjiat. Price S3 da per b a ttle ; m l Iu a i y a td rs ia up o n rec eip t of S. A J O N E S . to market* w* will furclth lh* Wholeeale - Price U m m i p *
quirements, and we trust that the intimations price. O .-d.r. t r n i l be d rooled to T. ST A A H , S3 AtnlfV application. Tho trade can And money In It.
given in these papers, will not he lo st T he free On hearing this namo^re stopped the horse anti e t-e it. New Yoi t . 192 South Clark3treet Addreaa, M A 0I0 COMB AQENCY,
. dom o f the press Iff this age'and country give looked a ll around us. It '’was a clear cold It X Chicago, I1L
192 South Clark Qbwct, Chicago. UL
R E L I G ^ I O -P H I L O S F H lC A X i J O U R N A L . De c bmbe b 11, 1869>
presenting the two aspects, the first with a smile,- He eked out a leelble existence for the six years F o r Abe E ’ llci >Palin* jp h i -ml J o u r n a l med with beads aud fanciful work. She also
Cowmutiifatieiw (rum tlu Innrt gift* the second with a frown. Pillowing, when the diabolical agencies seem to j lined the circle, and stood quiescent for a few
I strove to banish the thought, but in vain. have come In and got the upper hand of him MRS BjETSY BALLO U . moments. Shortly her breast began to htgve.
M* ab oil «1v« XI* aural* cborr* ooacarnl&r ibae. As the hour approached, a tremor seized upon entirely. He would now be suddenly taken ff lo d t r n fctU rlitialin m o v e r T w e n t y * m e her face and hands began to S w itc h nervously
me, becoming worse and worse every day, until with contortions, pulling round the head, Jerk- V en n of Age. and her eyes to cloee, s i that, Tn a very few
1 fairly groaned as I knew the hour approached. ings of the shoulder, sm iling of the fists, grating momenfa she had apparently, passed from a
f o r Th» R »llgio-Phtlo*ophic*l Jo u rn al. All looked In amazement, wondering what d e of the teeth, Irothlng at the mouth, and looks o f HY MRS. SUSAN C, SIMMONS, state n f\fu ll consciousness to one o f utter
mon possessed me, for a belief in such beings most malignant hatred. He would often lie D e a r S ir The account of Mra Birney, of unconsciousness, Mr, Miller o f W inchester,
F R A N K ’S JO U R N A L—NO . 39. was then immoral. I dared not speak of what thrown violently on the ground, and strike at Ohio, in your J o u r n a l of Sept, otb, reminds then struck up a familiar tune on the violin. At
Bt w r a n c is R. o r Ba l t i m o r e - w r d :u m . I saw, because that would excite suspicion. I all who approached him. He would be seized at first Mrs. P. or whoever or whatever was ani
must theretore bear my punishment in silence. the table with sbnkine bands and h is food ine of a trance speaker I once knew In Crown mation and controlling her body, did not seem
Im m u u r l L em m on. About this lime, my means o f support becom Point, N ew York, a Mrs. Betsy Ballou, then a to notice the harmonious sounds. Then she
scattered.upon the fi » r . When masfar o f him
Give me a chance to make a cjnfesMon. I am ing low, I was obliged to look about for some self be would make the sign of the cross in resident o f that place, and a member of the Bap turned slowly in the direction from whence
Immanuel Lemmon. I lived in the reign of thing, and by the aid of friends, obtained an ap God's natnc, or others would for him, and some there sounds came. Then ber leet began to
pointment in the Customs. I hoped, toe, that tist church. The first time 1 beard her speak in move, at first vi ry slowly, then more vigorously
times appease ‘ the raging demons thereby.
Charles II. and bad a situation in the Customs. an active life would bring some re lie f; but there These apetlB occurred at irregular intervals, that condition, was in the summer o f 1832 or 33, and rapid, until finally she dashed off into a sort
Born o f a pood family, I moved Sn good society was no relief for me—punctually at the hour often lasting a day. The German doctors plied one or two years after the great religious excite of vigorous combination o f the Schottische And
and had every opportunity to become a useful my wife appeared. him with strong roots and phyaictng herbs, hut ment o f 1831, on lbe*ebores of Lake Cbarop'ain. Highland F ling, her feel hands and every parr,
The clerk3 around me looked on in wonder to all to no avail. T h e re' seemed no peace for _ t . « ... ....................... ",__. house
“ .— u -In
, , Bridge^> o f her body keeping perfect time with the music.
citizen, but a faulty education swayed my n u rse It was in the Baptist meeting
see a man, at a certain hour every day, become them in the old country, and in the spring of This was kept up fora length oftim e more than
through life. paralvzed with fear; gaze on vacancy, then, ,tj7, they made across the b'g waters, and found port, V t.,a t the close o f Ihe forenoon services, sufficient to utterly exhaust a lers fragile body
Daring the lim e of Cromwell P ifiU u ism pre seized with horror, stand trembling In every their way where they are. that she made a must earnest and affecting ex than her's. Finally the music slopped and she
vailed throughout the land, making few, <on limb, unable to move, and not able to speak: But trouble pursued our bap ess fam ily across hortation-and prayer. I do not know whether eat dow n lo rest for a lew tunmente, but did not
This continued fo r a whofa year; not one the waters.' Soon after their arrival in Water- she took a text at Hint time Those near her ^ ee m at all distressed hy th e violent exercise
verts but many hypocrites. When Charles came, day's respite in all that time. Human nature town, one of their little girls, a pretty, confiding through which she had gone. The music again
thought Bhe had fainted and tr iid to restore her.
■what a change flashed over the realm ! I was could not stand this. Gradually my health gave little miss of sixteen, was put to living in the commenced, and as before, the first response of
Some were passing out o f the house, and others
then in my first class in college, and well re way— l could not attend at the office, ana an family ol the Lutheran minister in th e city, trying to get near her, so that in the bustle I her body u* the sounds were very sloW and
whose church they all belong to, and who had lost her first words There had been no unusual placid, hut grew more and more pensive ami
member the delight manifested by every one. other filled my place. Poverty set i n : I was seven children in his family. In a short time, energetic until it seemed to permeate her whole
harassed by creditors ; could not pay my board; excitement. T ois was the first time she fpoke
A wall ol separation had reared iisell between the' simple creature became the victim of her in thaftpondi'.ioD; but for teu or eleven years af system, and she again dashed off into a vigorous
church and people. T he clergy lorded it over applied to"mv wife’s father for relief, but was minister’s passions, atul in due season she bore ifancepo which we thought w e could discover
re-fused—was threatened with expulsion, and cut ter, it was a common occurrence, o ub in public
them with a high band, and all stood in fear ; a living evidence o f her misfortune to her and private. faint re productions of motions and gestures we
my throat. father's home, and lives on contentedly at home, She lost th e power o f locomotion when en have seen in the Indian exhibitions which
but now all saw that their authority was at an In committing the last act, I bad no fear of a her child being now a fine robust boy o f about traveled the country some years ago.
future state, for I believed in none. It was w ith tranced ; never rose to her feel like the trance
end, and the reaction wak wonderful. Nobody tw elve months. .T he preacher was arrested last speakers of the present day : could only gestic After the dancing was over the proposition
went to church except a few superannuated old me not a mere matter of indifference. for I had spring on the charge of seduction, was examined was made’!hat Mrs P. should exhibit her powers
studied the subject w ith much care. 1 bad seen ulate with her hands, aud turn her lace in dif
women, and the clergy were unanimously dis; and committed to the county jail. About a ferent directions. Her eyes were closed and as a healing medium, James Charman, who
so much corruption among the clergy aDd other month since he tore his bed blanket into s'rips was suffering severely from rheumatism in the
professors of religion, I could look upon it only she sccmed'whollv u neon sinus o f every thing go
pised. and huqg himself by the neck till he was dead. arm and shoulder, was sclected as the person to
as a mere farci* got up to give Pal cries to those ing on around her. She look no notice of any
A1J this had a prodigious eflect upon public After the advent ol the little stranger, the thing that was said or done to her. One time receive the benefit o f her curative powers.—
.morals. Even the semblance of purity was dis too lazy to-work for a living, and to give pow old demoniac symptoms broke forth upon the Drawing his coat nod placing himself in a chair,
at our regular Sunday meeting (in Crown Point)
er to llie government. This waa the ease with j trung man with uuded violence. W hen under she began by making motions over his head
regarded, and corruption had lree course every all n ations Then If I looked to the Bible, what the commenced before the* last prayer and bene
spells he would spring toward the child willt diction, and w e could not stop tier or roure her and round and about him. Then she rubbed the
where. proof could be brought to sustain its claims* It "teeth gnashing ami eyes expanded, threatening afflicted member, and vigorously slapped his
began and ended on human testimony. If I to consciousness until she had finished her ex
' It was ir, such a school that I was brought to break every ti me io his body, oftentim es hortation, made a prayer and sung a hymn. hark, breast and shoulders. Alter the operation
up. You can form no idea of the temptation* looked on nature, she told one unvarying story. nearly all the family would lie effected with him. Charman declared himself much benefited,
The beasts dame and live and die, and there is She made no ap|wiDimenut, only preached
anil Ic-cl a blinding, painful rush o f blood to “ when the spirit m oved/’ (or got control) wher though whether the benefit will tie permanent
that assailed me on every side. Hardly had I the end. The ferain sprouts, leaf*, blossoms, their heads, lasting lor hours. During evenings, time alone can tell.
made my mark in college, as a bright student, ever she was at home or ubrmtu. Ever alter the
ripens, dies. T he spring becomes the rivulet, the doors would slam, the windows shake, and Taking the entire exhibition together it dia
above named instance, she took a text and
lielore invitations came from all the nobility the rivulet the river, the river the ocean, the strange, hollow noises be heard in one of the closed some remarkable feaftires. Here was the
preached regular*orthodox sermons, quoting
and gentry around, to accept their hospitality, ocean passes into vaDor to return in rain and rooms, but nothing would fa: seen on entering, body o f an English woman, possessed and eon-
refresh the springs. T he liirds rear their young, texts from all parts o f the B tile, as fluently and
l.ale one evening, a .large ball of fire was seen correctly the most approved revival preacher trolfti.as it is claimed by the epirt*. of ic deceased
which meant also indulging in every specks of are Hedged, fly away, rear their young, and so on the cook stove, when the young man rushed Indian. W e have a right to suppose that the
of the day, though she had tin mien talent i d her
vice. on forever. In the floral kingdom the same forward, {quote it with his tfal, scattering the defunct S. A. could not understand a word of
law prevails. Everywhere, throughout all na normal state. She always seemed to think’she
How could a young'm an like m e ,o f prepos fragment a over the room, Siam after, the devil, was addressing a *' congregation," even when in English during his earthly career, and we know’
ture, the same. C h a n c e is that universal law. ibey thought, got into their cow in the yard. that none o f those present could understander
sessing manners and some acquirements, resist h thought all this over and over again, could a private room with only three or lour pel sons
She would suddenly rear on her legs, smite her present, and always lamented*** the necessity speak a word o f genuine Indian. Yet, many
such appeals to bis v a n ity 't At first, I acted u n see no exception throughout nature, and there tail, and shake her horns w ith savage fury. For present spoke to the Spirit iu English and lie
der some restraint, for my mother’s counsels thiit waa laid upon her to preach me gospel,
fore w hy should man lie an exception. flays uo one could approach to milk her while replied in guttural Indian, and IhejA understood
were not altogether forgotten ; but after awhile I opened my eyes upon a v a st dome above, seeming to think it a very trying, p tinlul task
the young matt would gaze at her antics with' a to preach to an audience, “ many id whom were each other ! Did the Indian learn English after
1 laid the reins aside and ntimged into every dark and dismal. In vain did I try to pierce *' w h oop ” nr joy. he reached the " II ippy Hunting Ground ?" or
kind ol dissipation, llo w I now mourn over th e distance; all was far beyond the reach o f better educated and more capable than hcraell."
Such troubles could hardly he l*nr:se. Early She did not seem to sutler physically. There were the favored spectators present so spiritually
tk is ' How memory calls up many a pour girl my vision. I tried to see some living th ing; last winter they called in Doctor Quinncy, non illuminated that they could “ palaver" Indfai:
I ruint-d : many a family’s peace I destroyed ; but no! all nature seemed to have expired, I was only the usual rigidity of ihe muscles, the
ol the gri-al Sfackbridge Indian- chief, to apply few deep inspirations and lu e closing o f the eye* 44just like a knife ?" * *
many a youth 1 led from the path of rectitude, was not altogether conscious of tny existence, his skill. He administered powerful herb Another th in g ; It Mrs. 1*. never danced in
.bringing sorrow upon father and mother. Be before she commenced speaking, a« we see in
and yet I distinctly remrmWred having cut my phy.de to the young man, slso put powerful her normal condition, who raught her the pro
lo it my marriage, I doubt if there was a m ore, magnetized persons and entranced speakers o f
throat. drawing plasters on Lis shoulders. The plasters to-day. On coming out o f these trances she fell per slims m an abnormal coiiditon ! If the truth
corrupt young man than myself. I soon became sensible there was a being were left tor a day, and when removed were is as staled-by P. and jnnny others, the dancing
I bud fallen in love with a young lady, the near, but could form no idea of what being it found to be covered with briiths*, o f various tirial and ireak, hut in a tew mi flutes could get
w e saw was remarkable an exhibition as nr*rm'
.'laughter of a nobleman. At first, the family ob could be. Presently there shone u tight in the colors, Irom a half to three inches in length. up anil walk or go about her work. eyes looked ujkin. We do not attempt to decide
ject* d because of my dissipated character; but illstance, and in its* midst appeared my wife in >She enjoyed ati average amount of health, did
Strange llftuga to come out of the young man, any o f the question* involved, though we have
i promised reform, and lor six months was a all her bridal beauty. She ami led and vanished, and nu one could account for it. her house w oik, spinning, sew ing and knitting, our opinion — We suite what we saw, and leave
pattern of propriety,-and no further objection A darkened gloom then came, and in it my wife The spiritual medium was next consulted, and took care o f herchildreo, tour in number. every fawly to draw their own conclusion■*.
was made. I truly loved that girl, and deter appeared just as before death had fixed his d u e day, alter Mrs. Ballou had gone through
mined to devote uiy life to her buppiness: and
all that could make one happy now was mine ;
mark. She frowned and vanished. H ere, then,
when a new difficulty appeared. A snake
seemed to lie pushing its bead up the young with these exercises In her strange way, In my
titivate room, I told her what sue bad been do- *' - - H i. R ilt^t o Ch bif.iphif*) J ju.tinl
was proof that life exisleyl beyond the tomb. man's throat, tiff he was black in the face. T he
Lull after a lew months this began to lad, and 1 How 1 quailed at the thought that my wife still lashings of Ins tail could be heard under bis iug. and expressed some wonder at the strange A UST1N KENT.
longed tor mv former companions. ’What tears lives!. 1 could have submitted to any kind of riiis lie low ! A goose quill was pressed down phenomena- She told me tha*, **It was in answer
Ibis caused E liza! Her nature was so refined to prayer." That she “ had a call to preach, but " D o I 'u r o o t h e r * u v y e W o u l d U ra l O ll ie r *
punishment had ant my wile appeared, but ibis his throat, and passes made over his bead, till
that even anythin it like omitting a religious du fell she bud no: the ability to instruct an audi S h o u ld d o VJulo y o u .ii
was more than I could bear. relief was obtained .and the young-man disposed
ly was painful to her ; what, then, to tie told I “ Pan it fie possible ! " I exclaimed, and fall to of in bed. T he medium seemed to have power ence nor the courage to undertake it, yet it was Bh o t o e u .loxas;—Will It U- Mltlog too much o|
had corrupted an innocent girl, w ho waited up the ground almost insensible. But she extend over the devils lor the time, hut nothing l»c- strongly impressed upon her as a duty aud you to publish another appeal in behalf of our
on her ! Never did 1 witness such poignant dis ed her hand—her touch electrified me with yond. troubled her much. aud, said s h e ,44 When I read
suffering and needy brother, Austin .Kent, ol
tress us when this came to her knowledge. All strength—1 arose and fallowed her. The Catholic priest was next applied to, but Itiche 1 B iker, (the somnambulist or sleeping
her finer faclttfgs were so shocked that she preacher) I praj ctl earnestly that 1 might be Stockholm, N Y. J received a leLler from Broth
As we proceeded, what a change had come. he declined to engage the devils, because the tr Kent a few days since, containing a number of
tainted away. Her health began to fail Imui Nature wore- another garb. Grass and flowers, young man was not a Catholic. The Bishop, enabled t<» preach in that state.’' She seemed
that m om ent; her mind gave way, and in less birds and trees, flowing brooks and rippling rills to think it was, bern-ll that dul the preaching, circulars, briefly stating his depiuruble aud unfort
who happened in the city, was afterwords
• chan a year the grave received her. were everywhere around, and 1 saw men, w o visited. T he Bishop reached forth his hand, and I then had no oilier thought. She told me unate condition ub an invalid. Please allow me
I knew that I had caused her death by my men and children with happy faces in social the young man shaking like aa aspen, unable lo she' fell the influence, or felt her strength going to quote from liotU bin fatter and circular, that
wickedness, and for a l‘ ng lime my-anguish was groups everywhere. 1 had no more fear o f m y raise his hand in return. Crescntly the young a le w moments before hand, in Iftoe lo lit-down benevolent people may understand in a clear light
interne; but remorse U ough keen cannot re murdered wife, for that sin, 1 felt assured, had man was quieted. "Hie devil, bis father said, h tloresh e lost control ot lieraell. hL absolute necewity for help. Jle s a y l a his
main long-amid the many allurements ot life ; been consumed by conscience. She esteneUed would not let tlie young m m eat for twenty- S lit used to sing and pray hefure sermon- as
and m a lew mouths 1 was the same as ever. well as after. She could not sing a lime, tpul letter to me that "It hurls me (Kent) to take mon
her hand and smiled a welcome. four hours, because o f his visit to the Bishop. ey from the poor; bal if any body can spare me
I had loaned an’attachment lor a lady living We are now o f one family, no difference l«- Some four weeks ago, a Catholic convocation never attempted it in her norma] condition.
to London, ot resjiectable family and considera tween us, love* alone the baud which unites us. 1 do not know how long she continued to one, five or ten dollars, and nujt injure themselves,
was held at W atertown, attended by seven
ble wealth. This Iasi was of importance to me You are but a link la-tween spirits and mor priests. T he yonng man was taken tr> the preach, nor whether she is still living. She wav I am most grateful for It. * * * * ,i have often
just now, for I had squandered most of my prop tals. It is astonishing with what facility 1 im Church, to test the miraculous power ol the* a native o f Belcher- Town, Muss., daughter o f thought that If the radicals knew my condltior,
erty in dissipation, Beautiful in person, lovely part my thoughts U|>on your brain, and with priestly body, and have the devils cast out en Dr. Phelps, and alter the death of her husband,
they would not see roe saffar fir temporal iiects-
n character was the one who now had won my what ease you commit them to paper. Scarce On being questioned as to the names o f .Hiram Ballou, polisher and engraver o f lomb-
ucart. I made but little progress, lor busy sioneP, she returned to that place, faking her Blliea,"
a thought have you written hut wtrai I impress the deveta, the father o f the young man said
tongues had been «t work. Hut I so combated ed. W hat an instrument for good are you in children with her. He farther says that the appeals written by
one of them gave his name as "William Bnltrer,
against every obstacle that I triumphed at fast; the hands ot others-! known to the father, as being a desperate man, She visited us once after that, in the summer Brothers Walker and Sherman in the J o u r n a l ,
her lnends gave their consent, and we were who had murdered a hog drover in the old of 43 or 44, and preached twice at our house ; “ brought him three dollars only^’* ana that he al
married. N ow comes the darkest day in my country, many years ago, for bis money. she told us that she went to sleep on the cars so received, as a reaalt o f his letter published in
life. I thought I had gained a loving compan M ODERN S P IR IT UALISM. Thursday, four weeks ago, wss set as the day twice on different trains, and when she waked, the J o u r n a l , “Thirty five dollar*, which has re-
ion, but soon 1 found there was not the slightest for the grand casting out o f the evil spirits. The and looked up, Bhe knew by the way the passen
A S t r a n g e S t o r y o f t h e n in e t e e n t h C e n t u r y . licvcd me mtffch, with what has come from other
sympathy between ua. She was a puritan of church woe titled. T he young man was laid on gers were all looking at her, that she had been source*."
jne strictest cast, and cared for nothing tike at A YQUKG MAN A T W ATERTO W N CLAIM ED TO 11E the altar, appearing as dead. The seven priests preaching. This was on the railroad between
tending church and saying her prayers, I could Belcher Town, M ass, and Troy N . Y . She We would ray to the Spiritualists, and all who
ro S S E S S K D UK E V IL S P IR IT S K O tt TW ENTY now surrounded him and began their incanta may have a good supply or the “milk of human
not tolerate this, tor I believed all religion a tions by sprinkling him with holy water, came alone, without a traveling compturton
— mere form, and its possessors either fools, fanat YEARS, A N B HOW T I I E C ATHOLIC J'R IK ST S H A V E Bach el Baker’s trance preaching was of an kindne**,” that a fine opportunity is now present
annotating him with oil, burning incense, lay
ics, bigots or hypocrites. What perpe.ual jar- 11KEN TRY ING TO CAST TH E M O U T. ing bands upon him, reading Latin prayers, earlier date still, but I cannot recall the exact ed to them tor doing an act of kindness that wi:l
rings rose between u s ! Her nature revolted at a * Jlaun (Wi*,) 8 t a t . Jo u rn a l. and giving him some lotion they had prepared. date or location! I only reccollcct that she bleu* the giver as much as the receiver, and make
mv impiety, and she implored heaven** pardon treached in the same sleeping state as Mrs. Bal
tor my sins. T his only excited ray anger, and
In our Stale items, the other day, appeared a
paragraph in regarel to some strange doings at
T hey then addressed the ev‘1 spirits, saying
they should pronounce a curse upon them if f ou, In her own room, on the lied, I think, and
always addressed a “ congregation."
light the burden a and trial* of a life of pain and
suffering, now tiring borne by a brother mortal,—
1 bounced out ol the house in a fury. they didn’t leave. T he young man was put In •Austin Kent.
With one of my irrascible nature, this could W atertown—the demoniacal behavior of a different attitudes before the' picture or the I do ttol recollect ever seeing any a'lu-ion to
young man there alleged to lie possessed of evil Spiritualists, a» a das*, ought not io be sel:i„b.
not go on long. Her mother, ol course, took , H oly Virgin, with similar cxercIseB ot sprink cither Mrs. Ifaliou or Miss Baker, iu any ol the Wc are always ready to expatiate upon ourglort-
sides with her, and the war waged more and spirits, and how there hud been priestly attempts ling, burning incense, laying on of hands, etc. Spiritual papers, although I have often ilinught OU4 belief whenever a suitable occasion preSenu
more fierce. At length I began to consider what to cast out the devils. Oao o f the editors of the T hese exercises were repeated at different times o f them in connection with similar cases of tlie itrelf, and lo paint In glowing colors the peace and
course 1 should pursue, tor stten a Jife'afl this Milwaukee IFwwnrm has been to the scene of throughout the day. Sometimes the evil spirit present u*y. I would like to see n reprint of comfort to be enJoyeU In the teachings of the rpir-
was absolutely um-nduruble. - these transactions and inquired into the case, “ The History o f Ifacbel Baker,the Somnambu ifttftl philosophy. Isay we 'can talk in the most
when spoken to would retort in his native beautiful strains nod brilliant pathos when wc
Alter long deliberation 1 determined to end and we republish most of his report o f what he German. When sprinkling him wiib Holy list or Sleeping Preacher," in brief, in the col
her life by poison ; but bow to escape detection has seen and heard, making a story which reads umns or the J o u r n a l . 1 think I have the title take iato consideration the nujestj and grandeur
water be told them he “ would like to surround of our sublime lielfaf In the doctrine and teachings
was the difficulty. I bad studied chemistry, and more Jikc a record of the “ dark ages" before their w hole church with water, and purify ■'It,” correct, though I hgve not men it since the of the Spirit World ; but are we as ready to actus.j> ,
knew all about the different poisons then used, the time o f Luther, than like a story of the When reading Latin prayers he would tell them spring of 1832. It was a bound volume as large fa* the beuelll* U> be derived from good words and
out these were all too sudden in their effects. i enlightened Nineteenth Century. they bad not got the.right one yet, when they aa the fifth read, r, containing some o f her ser chart table deeds toward the Buffering and needy ■
reared to make inquiry at home for fear o f excit The Witcoiirin writer went to Watertown, would repeat another and another, till it tufted mons. In our own ranks, u w« are to deplore and com-
ing suspicion. 1 therefore went to Paris, and Friday, and, in company with Mr, Sleeper, the him beiter. The Catholic brethren say the E denton,U . | romrato their unforluuatc and destitute condition,
navtng become acquainted with a man of con depot agent, Mr. Coe, of the liepuWican, and without putting our hand down deep in our pock-
evil spirit spoke out many times in strange b and producing the kind of “Bympathy'' which
Mr. March,.the artist and interpreter, w ent In
siderable! scientific knowledge, turned the con
versation upon the subject ot the East, and the the evening to the home o f the young man,
tongues, and especially io the “ Irish and Latin
tongues." It was believei that four devils were
T h e R e d R ia n R e t u r n * to ( h e I iu n t lu i£
8 always the most potent iu keeping th e “ wo:r
from the door)'4 *
various methods there of causing death. This whoso name is Seige, in a small wooden house cist out on Thursday, On Friday three more There arc many la our ranks who are needy and
brought up all about poison, and from him I east o f the depot, where he lives with his family, G r o u n d o f h ie F a t h e r .
were said to have been expelled and on Satur deserve to be aided by those who have the where
learned how to UBe a plant then but little known consisting of a father, mother, three boye and day morning, the last, more obdurate-Ahan alt, From the Monte* Time* with to give,knd I have no doubt that many would
called bclladohu. five girls, nearly all grown, who are o f the agreed to leave, it all the members would, leave cheerfully givaot fall world'* goods to those who
Home I went rejoicing, and well supplied poorer order ot German peasantry, and came the church with him. All bat three acquiesced, On Monday evening last Home N ew s waa- *re in
•re m poverty
P° and want, if the ease wa s fairly sfa-
trom Pqmeranla, in North Germany. The ae present by special in vital Ion, at -what is called- (ifnLtit them.
with what I wanted. A few drops of the de and the devil took bis departure to the
coction was given every day, and a month count of the visit, somewhat condensed, is us great Joy and wonder of the young man and a Spiritual Seance at the residence of Prof. J . a 1 *?*ke a proportion to tbo
follow s: H. Powell, in this city. T he occasion o f the readers of the g orient# J o u r n a l in behalf of oar
lasted without perceiving any effect, hut then a thg brethren. We were pained to bear that brolher. Aaitln Kent, which Is this ; I will be o dc *
change appeared. Her step was feeble; her W e found the young man, Seige, in h is shirt another devil made his appearance a week ago, Seance was, as Btated to us by Mr. Pow ell, the or fifty individuals to pay Into the hands or 8. 8.
. color began to lade; her appetite wus gone; sleeves, sitting by a little old pine Hide, trying and after being cast out announced that there fact that M ra Pow ell wife o f Prof. P., had Jones, the snm of W,W per year, for the support
ner eyes lost their brilliancy, and no one could to polish his face with a razor. There was a w ere still four more remaining! Tne young lately been " developed " as a ".lancing medium and maintenance of Brother Kent, during his stay'
hardly recognize the beautiful woman I had prayer-book and three o r t lour old dirty bead man goes up to Mass every morning, and- with Mrs. 1 \, ac'ing under the guidance or a deceas upon earth, provided that my health and strengtn
married T he most eminent physicians were charms on the table, and a shilling picture o f ed Indian Chief, named 41 Silver Arrow " would will permit me lo do so.
all his family, is now a devout Catholic. I presume Brother June* would have uo objec
consulted, but all their knowledge could not the Cross with a ddkth’i head at the bottom, T he Witamrin writer gravely appends to his exhibit the proflency she bad acquired under
reach her case. Graaually she faded away, and hanging in front. The young man fa a slight, the spituaUstic tutelage of aforesaid S. A ., dress tion to acting la the capacity of tr e a s u r e r , and at
account of the Watertown affair a statement as the same time publish the names of individuals
:n lees than six months after I began my attack simple, ligfct-halred, nerveless looking youth of Vo what Milwaukee 44 spirits,” say about it, ed in full Indian (I) Costume. We reached Prof.
twenty-six, w ho would be uotlcablu on ly for P .'s residence on ------------ street about seven who are willing to respond to fay proposition
upon the cttidcl of life, I saw her placed in the particularly that o f an old Mohawk Indian, who For my Dirt; I mean business. I feel that J can
colli . bis “ game leg" and withered, twisted hand. says there are six evil spirits trying to get at the V c lo o k P . M., and were m et by him at the door give Brother Kent ilxdollarB a year and re'celvo
W hat now was my condition ? Did her death We took our seal on a pine stool beside him at brain of the you ng man, and who have tried to with a kindly welcome and were soon *madc compound Interest foPTny money. At least I am ho
produce the happiness I looked for ? While my th e table, w hile the old lolks and the four grown choke him, and says kind soothing influences jierfectly a> hom e amidst a small coterie ol our strongly persuaded In that belief that I s m» try
work waa going on, not a pang of remorse visi- girls stood grouped about, with open mouths will restore the young man to quiet. T he old citizens—mole and female. A s a preface o f what the experiment, at all events. I hope t K tbS
tted my bosom. I looked on, counting every and staring eyes, ready to rehearse the wonder was to follow, Prof. P. informed us that Mrk. p . will meet with a hearty and generous resoonse on
Indian 44 spirit", also states that the “ bristles” the part of the Spiritualists, aud that'fffofaer
day as the poison stole away her life ; and how ful history of the devils and the tolraclee, which drawn out by a plaster, are long, hairy worms had never attempted to fake one step In danc
we give with literal exactness. ing in her normal condition, and w h s mterljf- Kent inay tia treattd as kindly by us as though he
I gloated over her, as day by day I witnessed that feed on the muscles of the young man, wer5 lnr ■"Hum far 'superannuated preach-
its effebts, and when the eoffla lid was closed, 1 About tw enty years ago, when the young which were developed frop anim atculae taken incapable of- performing what she was about to era." f we arc not willing to put our religious
rooked on playing the hypocrite, but inwardly man was but five years ot age, h is n ext older In w ith the water from an old spring In Ger perform In and of herself, and had not self /principles Into practical urc, we had better re-
Hejoiciug. sister foandffejluck's egg with a smalt pin-hole many, and are the cause o f bis disorders, and confidence sufficient to even undertake it. O f • bounce our heaveu-born philosophy; and return to ‘
I returned from the funeral and sought my In it, deposited under a tree near their door. Will, in lime, cause his death, the truth o f Ibis statement we, of course, cannot the bosom o f the old sectarian Uhiirch,where some
room, hut hardly bad I thrown myself upon the She brought it in to heilmothcr, who told her to speak. I f it is free, what followed waa strange* of them would almost rob heus roosts fa ord“ “ o
bed, when there stood my wife just os 1 hod Ural take it back. After putting the egg under the and remarkable, even outside of all spiritualistic raise money to send to the pook benighted heath
tree again, it was picked up and eaten by iheir 1ST A bill giving women who are tax payers theories. . . . en fa Africa, Burnish and Bfaio.
known her, resplendent In her bridal beauty. Begging your pardon for this fafigfay communi
Bhe vanished, and thee appeared as 1 had seen old house dog, who waa immediately stricken the right to vote In school district meetings*, was In a short time aften our arrival, the room
cation, I remain yours truly, \
her expire. blind and raging with madness. The dog was recently tost in the Vermont Legislature,by a vote w as comfortable Ailed up, and Mrs. P. retired
„ „ J . M . W in s l o w .
Here waa a less oh I could but understand; quickly killed, when the little girl waa seized to an adjoining room, accompanied by other Barrc, Mass., Nov, 3Qlh I8d9.
With similar blindness and spaims, and taken of 123 against 92. ladies, to dress tor the saltatory exorcises which
and daily was this lesson given. I now became
the most wretched man that lived on earth. It to bed. She lingered out a year in blindness were to follow. Those present were then
mattered not where I betook myself, at homo in and agony, till relieved by death. T he boy, H T There are now Kfl yonng American students requested to 44 form a circle,” which :was done H T Next Chrlrima* Eve Is set for the marriage
-------------*• v _ . ^ -------- ,------- Mf&
my chamber, In the parlor, in others company, Carl, waa then Immediately attacked with-biind- at German universities, and upward ofl.OOO Ameri of some five hundred cousins in New Hampshire,
n the street, at ch u rch ; no matter where—pro nese and paralysing pains, continuing for lean youths and girls attending the higher ichooli pants, aa after that date tbo intermarriage of first cque
n e ly at noon, my wife waa with me, acd alw ays rnonTb», an d lcavin g him deformed aa described. and educational Institutions. tnm- Ins will be prohibited there, y -
■) ’ ‘ *
D e c e m be r 11, 1 8 6 9 . RELIGIO-PHILUSOPHICAL JOURNAL.
w ork *IW r«L:i«h*d up.ua
ITi * m.wt valuable
lA em ny the 8sc4* P lUANCHETTE—T
J .Y P iW U H m aiY K p a p e r s , o o m p l e t s . PROSPECTUS
Ho w p r d |o EOuiiUJ phllueopb y a* dev-doped by experim ents,
D d B O B i t n i l D I th* im m ortality or th s acral u d !h* The* above-named w ork ll ona o f tb * '• r t f beat books aver i ; m r m n r e u«ie, oy airs. ; » « « » .......... OP TDK
poblli h»d. Every S p iritu a list th ro n g horn th e eo u n try | Tno Question S r il M , by Mo*** B u ll........................ -..-1.50 19 B t itim i in A U tig G ric a lly D lu m in a te d C o v e rs,
Som m oniou or spirits w ith mortal*
P ries 81-60, Sant Free of Postage. •b o n d send for it a t once.I t abounds In f*Us d e ra o tu lra t- J T he O .to* Wide Open, by George W ood....................... -1,60 20 m u l t i a P r o lt y a n d , K c a tla b le B o o k , o n &
•' * Th# Oat*# Ajar by Mr*. R. S. P helps.......... ........... ...4 6 0 16
Address S. S. JONES,
103 Booth Clark street, Chicago III. to th e th ird aditioo In a bout ae m any
For *«la a t tbi* ufflos. S a n t by m ail
T he Future Mfe. by S w eet.......... ............................. l'Jfr 30.
, The T hree Voice*.....................— ..................................... 1,25 It
rec eip t of 11.36 T he O rphan'* Sm iggl*. bv Mr*. H . N, G reen,.......... .. 26 Ov
V a r ie ty o f S u b je c ts , P r o g r e s s iv e
L ib e ra l in th e ir T e n d e n c y , T r e a te d
and 10 cant* for postage. T be P earl D tv-r bv Dr O W. etrt>v..._......... 16 in a S ty le E n te rta in in g and
Ad.ire** 3 4. J ix ss.W J S la th C lark a t., Obicag. Illltm i* The Gospel of Oood a sd B ril, by lU fa r...................... 1 J 0 18 'r p U I B W EEILY NKWBPAPFK wlU be d u e le d to th *
E asy. The B ook s h o u ld
W A TER S’ o ba c c o a n t i d o t e —a n e w a n d
Tb* U rphaa • Btraxgts,
Orphaa’a Birxjtui*, by ny Mrs.
nr* , H a -. nN.. uOr-sen,
T h . Mari lx of C brtat xad Pvina, by H O . W right,- SO
rw es,...,...... xa
X ARTS end SCIENCES, end to tb a SP IR ITU A L FB I*
LoSOPBY. I t will advocate tba aqnal rig h ts o f Mao s a d

T P leasant Cur* to r tb a h a h lt of using u banco— Da.
S a T in 's N ervine tab let# . Send 60 cent* ta r a ^achag* o r
f b a T rance,by Leroy 8 an1arl*nd,............................ - l i t Id
Th* Stellar Kay to tba Bummer Land, by A. S, D arla J . 00 I*
Tb* G reat K .ntbw aat, by W. N .ce ly ................ - .......
tie in th e hands
ev ery one.
W oman. I t will plead th* causa of tb* rising geoararioo. La
(act, wa Intend to m ake o ur Jo u rn al cosm opolitan In c t a n e .
addrea* for C ircular, *bow*ug It* w onderful pow er to c o rrec t t e r —a friend o f our common hum a n ity , a nd ■
Tb* Bplrilual H arp, by Peabl** a sd B ennett........ — 3.001 U 1b* rig h ts, d utlw and Interaato o f tba people,
W ith (M E F n u M ) O T t n t r a a c Umm u i a ll klods of ttarvoo* Diaeaac*. Tb* M unnlc Ode* and Poama of Rob. Morris, L L D . ITS CONTENTS, IN B R IE F , ARK :
Tbia Journal la published by fl. B, JO N xB : late tb*
A g r a A B rld c « . Vot. 6, No. i« tf. Paper, 11; C luth................... .........................................140 M
T he Monk o f th* M ountain*, or a Daeerlptfon of th* D trina Unfoldmant—Balf-beod, o r Ui* S to ry uf th e Prodl-
Mdodeen* and Cabinet Organ*, k t > k a m —t k a n &l a t e d al 8<>n In a new L ight—ifo u la llty ; W hat is S p irit! —The B E L IO IO -FH IL O SO P H IC A L
T ha boat ai*o afar farad. T h e
Bnglieb Unmwdkalaly tTum th e o n g tp a l Arabic, w ith
in t o Joy* o f Paradise, w itb a View o f tha Condition o f
tb* Nation* o f tb a E arth for on* hundred y e a n to
...LM »
S pirlte al R epublic—S pirit of Progress— Idi-os, th e Rise and
Progress—T ha Naxarenu— D epravity; Kegnuvratlon— Plea
( V s r r u ta A f o r S ix T e r n .
ex planatory &jt** from tb* moat approved Coauuautalor*,
and a prelim inary UWcoura* by Geo. Bale, G ent. Tin* l* tb*
beat aditioo aver iw>i*d in A merica. G reat c ars baa baaa
for tb* LtU I*Ones—Angela; W hat a re They I—W hat is Man l
— Karri-at Word* to H olb o i —Cbrorfultiva—W orld o f W oe-
Pteooa, M ekdsons an d O rg a n a t g ro a tlj reduced prioaa ta k en to prev*ot th e work from being diaGgored by typo- d*r«—U tility of Tear*—Sp iritu al Phou.-m>ua—Tbv M ystvn-
far Gath- N t* 7 octave Plano* for 8ZT5 a s ! oparard ; Daw ou* Hand, Soft as a W om an'*; Magic Violin, and O thrr Wen* CONDUCTED RY AN ABLE CORPS OF EDITORA AND
g rap b ical arrorm, and It caa be consulted w ith tb* aaenraao*
oablnat organ* for $50 an d a p ward. Bex m 4-band Inatro- th a t it t e a perfect tran alatiu n I t c o u ta in ia flu* Map of dura—A P rivate Seance— Rustic N ecklar*—The Brokeu CONTR1RUTORB
■ KDta a t grant bargain*- I lia * fr a u d Catalogue* mailed for A rabia, a nd a Tlaw of tb a T em ple o f b e t * , 1 Vo., 670 pp. Sword—H air C u ttin g by Spirit*, and Spirit P ain tin g —T.-u*
U ra e cents. W arerooma 4*1 Broad* a , . New Y ork. |3 , Postage 40 r a n u o eta. g io ta .................. ............................. . per of the. (anion* U n a w i j D U Ji'—!(..« it w o Ll.>u.^-Rnvb-
# HORACB WAT IRA. lug lo to Itstlle —V ultw from tLe S pirit Bphrre*—R em ark*. I t will na pobiulbed every Bet>ir<lay at
D ie Philosophical Dictionary nl V oltaire. Firth Amrrt-
can Edition. Hid octaro peg**, 3 atewl plata*. Lar- Ida News from A nolhvr W orld TriiiwforluatKiu o f ou r G lob.; -
(M l and m .»i eorrect edition In the KnglUb D[x>ippearaui« of Nvt] and all Diarws*.
T e a tlm o u la la . iangbagii. Contain* ptor* m etier than tb* London Bout to any oddroft*. po»ti.,;e Iron, *»Hnr«>ty w rapped, for Xo.-HM S outh Li*pk S tre et, Chica^ri, ILL
T ha W ater*' Plano* e ra known'** am m g th s e a r , beat,— Edition, which aril* for tltU O ....................... ............A.OB 66 36 c ents. PL -as.-address- W . I> . H K 1 C H 3 K H .
ft, T. Evangelist, LISP Of BOOKS FOR SALE AT The Two Ang.il*. or Lofe Led-.................. .............. .....1 4 6 1<
T he Diegwii*. By R*v. Robert Taylor, w ritten by
No- i1»7, C arter 3tr*-el.
Ib il.olelph.a The J j o x s a t i s a la rg e .juarto, printed ong-wd p aper w ith
Wa c an »p*ak o f th e tn.-rlU o f th* W ater*' Piano* foam
personal know ledge aa being of th * very te a t q u a lity ,— THIS OFFICE bin. while imprisoned for bt**pt*my. The work la
a h u b .r j of the origin, evidence*, w J early history
A dr Also for »«l« a t tlu i \ ( i c * . A'Mn'aa— if .* type. i'h ea rU I-*. uuw tl) o r w u a l, e re tr.irn (be p stiao l
th e n j.» t popular a m ong th a libe ral v n t> « i ta bctL hernia,
C hristl*!’ In trllla e n re r. K ARK A L3\>rOW IT A 8IT C IT IO V TO F U R S IS lf S. 4 JONES, pht-re*.
T he W aters’ Plan.** ar* b '.iH o f th* b*ai and mo* tbor*
aeg b ly sraeoasd m a n ria l,—Advocate ai d J m m a l.
W M iecellan-'u* tw it* .if any hind p til.lm * d a t r»g«U r
rate*, and. on rer^ip t nt th a m-mav. will. *end th em by mad
of O ir u tu n tty .
Tb* t.n tle n« w * r Girl by M ri. B- N. Graa
...3-00 M
U 13
l* i S a -th C lark S ;r-e s.
Chicago. l it . Ail sy a tia is, c reedaaud .a s'ltn ite u a tn«t Cenaot sta n d tha
T h- (forp 300 • ordeal of a ac:rntifl: rvaearcb, p oaitit* p h)t.«o|.hr and en-
O nr Blind* w ill fli d a t Mr W ater*' sto re tb* v -r* • **t aa> o r exprea* a* * * i * • M .IU H If **nt by lu til o n e iu th No. I t , vol &, If. lightened reu u l^ will be treat*d w ith th e h i l - and Au m ere
f o n m e n t c f Pianoa, M rlodrone and Organ* to be found in on Mesmerism, Po*l paid, 1,66
more th an th e reg u la r fuel of th e book will ba required Unhappy Slarrtage*, by A. B .C h ild ,...... . M S CunaldernliuO, from th - lr a n n -ju ity and g-uroat eciepianoa,
th e U nited '" a re e,—G rah am 's Magi sine. — - ■- - ' friend* 1* solicited. U nw rifum e Child, by H enry 0 . W right. P aper, 80 th a n a fallacy Cl n iodrrn data, iie iia rtn g te a t lb* Div id b la
B a rin g n*ed one o r W t l t 'i 1 Plano* to r two j e a n ( b a r* |,oatal .»r»Ier» when
ifoucd i t a very superior In stru m en t.— AJnoto G ray, P rin c i
p a l Brooklyn B rig h ts Betoloxry.
W ehvvo tw o Water**Plano* In cmr Srinlnsry, wbleb bar*
•been severely t**trd for th ree year*, and we can teatlfy T 1ST O F BOOKS A N D
j had, rvgixter your

' e m u ; piwlaga, 6 cent*. C loth.......................... .
Volnny’* Rulue; or, M rditatlns* on tba Ravolattona
o f Empire*, w ith Biographical nolle# by Oonol
M 18

- Dam...!.............................................................. 100 M
T olta ir1* Phlloaopblcal D kttocxry,............................flt
Ju s t publiahwl, th e following vnlimbb* w ork.
uululdiug tb* U nman Mind to-day, t/iruupt, r iiu jl witer*
W iw and general intelligeuce, to an app ro b a tio n of g ra a tsr
a n 1 n o te suL-lisie tru th s than It was capable ot roe-elvlng or
com prehending c enturies ago, so should a ll subjects pesa tb s
an al) sing c rucible ul science aud reason.
to th e ir good q u a lity and d u rab ility —Wood A G regory, Ml. I i for *al* a t th is office. A ll ord ers by m all, w ith tb * A w atch tu l tye will be k ept upon affairs governm ent*!
O am .ll, m . price of books desired, a s d th* additional am o u n t m ention ad K id ,IT * r.t* of H .r Kvoullig, J 'r l i r , paptr
U oK tcs W a r m . Esq —D ata S ia —T he Piano flio se ct
me t« allow ed U ba tb» best Piano in tbi* loam, and tb e ra
fa tb a following list o f price* for postage, will m eat w ith l.xooir.. emu lt->ini i.**i«.1.............................. -78
V iU t b -a wa*tr.l end h -« ;» , - . ,.,-d. I.} i PLANCH ETTE; W hile we stand aloof from alt parttsanU nt, a e sha ll not hast
u t e to m ake our Journal p o trb f tn pow er for the advocacy of
lb s rig h t, w hether such prim ipb-s a re fot.nd in platform s o
a re tr r e r a i o f C btekeriug's an d S to d d art't b n . —Cher I n _V .P M,1Ur *1 ll ,‘ ip .r. i l c l- ; HI .-'-.. | l , . . . __ 12
M-,« .u i U 1 i.c mui- t S in i-.S , 21 OB, T H E D E S PA IR OF S 0 IE N 0 E . • p a rty *i i-*reatlj in tb ” m inority o r in^j.-rity.
Bice, P trlb . C. W.
j U u l s e x W a t x x s , 481 B rradw ay 1* fsmwl for tb * sx rst-
UDCP o f hi* P iaio* an d Organs.—Eve hit: g Port
Iff W hatever Is, I* R ight, by A. B. C hild, JJ D........
W ia tg of fllavarj, and Right o f Pi!inn'i;w llon, and
A la rg e »p«<e w ill be devoted to s p ir itu a l Philosophy
B rin g * full a ccount of Modern ^ntrltllaU sill, U* Ph-ftum* | ah I colum n must font frmn th e lo b ,t .i j c i * of the Bm inet
ena, and the vari.i.is th*r>riej rogardiag It. W itb a survey Land.
T he W oti rs Piano r a tk * w ith th e beat w ano facto red In tba Future of th r African Baca In tbs United States,_ uf 6reach d p irltn riiv a i„ ' J
A R eveU tion of Dvporlvd A ptr:te am ong the Slmk- by Robert bale Owi ..........J# T his long announced volum r.froin Ih* pen o f a well-known CotnuinnicaljoD* a re so liu t. J f, ..m any tnd a ll wbo foal
A m erica. • T he N . Y In d ependent th a t ib '.y h a v e s tr u th to unfold on any su b je ct; onr right
M u sic a l l o ix o i__ Since Mr. W a tr n g a te u p pobllshlog W hat is Religion, by 1 Ao*”' lean m an <>f le u era who bna given, for the <*ei th irty { alw
• b a et m ode, he b aa d ev o ta d a ll blacapft.il sod a tten tio n to ays being rwerv.-d to Judge wkal w,U or unt: not m toraat
year*, m uch attrnU un to ilia subjects, tre a te d , will not die- | o r tiiatruct th e public.
th e m anufacture a nd sale of Pianoa and Mrlwieon* B* has apuoin I public ex pecta tin n.
ijm t lam ed a catm logoscf b b o t * Instrum ent*, giving a now l a H t o u C rlda, by W arren Cfoxaa... Plane nolle, la a volume of 416 closely p rin te d pages, and
se als o f price*, w hich show* a m arked redaction from for* A arw ass to B ear RaOwTfog C~—fc Is sold for the very low price o f 11,00 tn p aper covers; or, lu
m ar rate s, and hi* P la n '* b a t* recently been a* ard rd tb*
H i s t Prem ium a t saerral Pairs. Many peoplo of th e preaeot
day, w ho ar# a ttracted . If n it confuted, with th e flaming
th e P an e m ails, by A- J . D a ri
A * P * ap ^M U M ^ * & 5 itto i " b y B a r. O rrla Abbot, '
Florence cloth 81,25 .m ailed post-paid on receipt ot the price by 8 . A.
Jones, 11*2 Bonita Clark stre et, Chicago, III.
vo!6 nol
advertisem ent* o f rival piano booaea, probably overlook a
mode*, mac d e c la r e r Ilk* Mr. W ate rs; b e t w* happen to
knew th a t hi* I n rira m tc t# earned him a good reputation long
v p a p ar— ........ ............. — »*— a* - Sewing ! One Year,. .$3,00, | Six Monthu, *L,50.
S llaSR bny miaS-T hSa PSa st,SPtaaan
^ ^t a n=i Fulnr*.
= = ^ » 7-T H E H ISTO RY O F MOSES A N D T H E
■beiOM X xpoattlooa a n d - bo n o n " connected th erew ith war*
ever th o u g h t o f; Indeed, we have on* o f Mr. W ate rs'P ian o By M rs. W, A. Logan----------- --------------------- ------ --- 16
Machines. _L Israelites, (re-w ritfon.)
By Single Copies 8 cents each.
A rcana o f K ato ra, o r B lifo ry and L aw s of Creation, W M H. SH A R P & C O , CLUB R A T E S:
VoL 1, by Umdaoa T u ttl e - ...- .- ....... ....... ........ ...... - .1 * 1 W General Agonic A highly E otorU lnlng %od Itu tru ctlv a w o rk Pries, H ;
'A m ana o f N atu re, o r tb * Philoaopbr o r Spiritual P ostag■>, ‘68 eta. : WTiefi Post Office Order* cannot be procured, wa d*airo o w
boned and pow erful instrum ent, EAtotenee. and of tb * flp irii W orld, V o l,3 ,b y B u d ’ liW W u s h iu p to n St,., ChtCBs;o. I putrou* to aentl money,
Addrea# 8. 8. JONES,
ft* durability- More th a n thin, some o f the bust am ateu r aou T u ttl# ----- ...» -------- -------------- --------------------- l - » 193 B,.ul' C lark St., Chicago, III. j BtllHcribers m Gaunda will add to tb e term s cf subscrtptioa
This uiacblne ts rci rfimmcnded to any who desire a firat- ' rj6 c ents p er y sa r, for p repaym ent u | A uirncau P uauge.
, players In th a d t p , a* w all a* several calibrated plant*!*. A B 0 o f Life, by A. B. C h ild ,-------- ------------------ — R •
Lava perform ed on th e aal J piano, and all p m o u o rc* It a America and her Deatlny, by Em m a H arding*------- - * * clxvs Family Sewing >l.u hino; and U notivl for it* qulrit, rap
m enu A rabnla.or tb s DIv Iem Ouaet,by A . J . Davis............— 1AJ 30 id motion, rpgulanty of ivueon, « , « ol m anagem ent. Four POBT OFFICE A D D R E S S -It j f u e r t / u for tu been bora to
After D eath, by R andolph.,.—. . , — — •— ....... * dlO^r^tit elttch-w and r> venitd* fr^lB iotion. fooriire* pecu h e b io g r a ph y o f sa t a n \ or , a trite , unlHw they g tin th e tr ib s f ^ 'f o e A d d n u and o s h m of
c > A pproaching t> la u , by A. 3. D art*..................- ........... 1.60 13
Apostle*, h r Renan _____________ *___ 1-36 I t
lia r to th e Fl‘*r«tii-e claimed by no olhe* In th e world, Ham-
pU«* ahd_l«r»n to Ageobs farnwb-vl *bappllratn.w* it
T Hu.b.rnj.1 Expoririont-f
Subscriber* w ishing the difecDon of th e ir paper* changed
from one town to a nother, m ust alw ays give m e name of tb a
B atter Yl*w. Of U v lag , N .w W ork, by A. B.Child— J J » U
Biography #f Satan, by K . G ra v es..... ......................... - M Town, tbunip and SUUt to which It tou L—u aunt-
Bloescai* s f Onr Sp rin g , (a Poetio W ork.) b y Bndaoa V IT A L F O R CE .
* DR. m . CLARK’S and Em m a T n t U * . . -------- -J . l l M o w W a ite d b b 4 II o w P ra e trte d .
n ~ f^raim rn oopm |m i r s x i, ,
Subscribers a re Informed th a t tw entyw ix ontnbor* o l lb*
Book o f Poems, hv J . Wnt Van N am -r C l - o t i T 5 3 B O T T O M L K tiS P IT , K E Y S O F S E L L , RL LIO iO PIHLO BO PlH CA L JOURNAL com prise a volnma.
MAGNETIC REMEDIES. Christ xml tb* People, by A- B. C hild. M. D— ......... \ M
C h ristian ity ; Its Influence o n C iv tllia tlu n , an d Its
BY K. P . K IL L E R . K . D .
T his la on* of th* m ost valuxbl# books ever published.
Chain* of Darkness, Casting out Doribt, etc, By Thu* wo publish tw o volume* a year.
relation to N ato m 's iL dlgloo, by Caleb II. W aaks. 3A .VbVKKTISKMENTd inserted a t TwivTT-nv* c u n a Una
COMPOUNDED AND P R E P A R E D It If Dawn, A Novel o f Intense In terest o f progressiva
„ It oould be read and heeded In evtny family It w ould de A. GRAVES, foPibe flrot, aad *g e x tr c u r s per im a for each sotw eiuont tn*
mure to p revent elckueee, preserve he alth and prolong Ufo, eurUou.
people,..... .......... ................ ...............................................I b 0 11 th a n a n y o th e r ou* th in g , A ntonr of " C h ristia n ity before Christ.
Dealings w ith th e Dead, by P. A R an d o lp h........... . T» 7 he space oci.npiod for display or la r g e ty p e will h* r a w s .
Jeannie Waterman Danforth, Death and tb* A fter Life, by A. J . Davis, paper B ,
D ^ o sta g a fi; OtOtb,.— ........................................ W {6
p a re n ts should read It.an d g tv * It ta tb e lr cblldrea. Y o u n g
m arried people should r e e d it; young m en and women
should read I t; and everybody ib o a 'd practice th* p a rity of
Tba Trade lupytled a t liberal rates I a# If th " odVarUeetovDI* w ere set lu nonparfol en It rebuild*

e C l f t i r v o y b n t f i n d M a g n e t i c C * h y w ic t» n Fisam bodtad an aMan

* a by oj R andolph... *“ life w hich this book Inculcate*. Prise, paper, 80 m i U , h i >
by T aylor,
3 1 3 E a s t 3 3 r d s tre e t N e w Y o rU . tin 81.
- -- 6 .8 . Jen** ,183 B estk CUrk S treet, Chicege.
^ S T E L L A R * 1KEY
E lisa W oodson, A Story of A merican Life, by Mr*.
Bont by Malt o r Express to at) ywrl* ul ihu W if Id «- W. F arn b am .............. .......... ....................................... 1 4 « 1 TO THE SUMMER LAND, INDLUEMENT3 TU CANVASSEKB.
Effect o f Blavery on tb # A m erican People, by Theo
dor* P a rk e r............ ........................................ ............ — W A R R IV A L AND DEPARTURE containing Asbmri'llng Disclosarns end S tartlin g Amertlon l u o rd er to g reatly Increase tb * aubecriptlon lis t o f tb a
E rro rs o r th* Bible, by H. O. W rig h t. Paper, 8B ota., i l . O FT H A IN B , lU tlstralta) w ith Diagram* and i£ngraving* of Oalaxti
TToaic a n d S t r e n g t h e n in g P o w d e r s ; Bcouery. By kxbioiu-i'atLosorH tcab J o c h ma l , wo offer magnificent Indus**
i p ostage 9 ets. C lo th —.............. - .......... ............... W
Paisa and T rue Revival or Religion, by Thaadov* m eets for procuring subscriber*. Men and women. Jecfortri
C atarrh an d D y s p e p s ia R e m ed y ; ANDREW JACKSON DAVIS; atpeclally, will And it Pfoifllabla to canvaaa for tb paper
P a rk e r................... ......................... .........................« . . . 10
V e g e ta b le A n ti-B ilio u s P ill* . fo o t-fa ll* on tb* Boundary o f another W orld, by Bplriluali*ts—real It! Any one sending *106 sha ll receive Ibirty-tbro* copit* of lb*
Robert Dal* O w e*..— . ..........................»t EA ! Ittfldels—ri-a-l It ’
fam ilia r Spirit*, an d Sp iritu al M anifestations, by Dr. H n . *4;6U p. cu. JoUBJiai for on* year, or tU ty -O x coptra rot six m onth*
P R IC E f t , 0 0 EACH. M A ILE D FR K R Poctflc Fast Lin*......... ........ — *10:15 a __ . . _ Blav»a of Old Th«ol»gy—rood t t l
E noch Pond................................................... ................ *> P ric e ,# !; p>j*Uge—lb d a . directed to sech' new subscribers and a t aneb place* a* re-
Free-Lor* and Affinity, by Mias Llixl* Dot an— 18 Paeiflc N ight Exprwt*......... .......... P:1* p. m, 17:00 a. m.
^ V e g e ta b le S y r u p ; Dixon Pa**eager..... —— .........— 4<?d p. m. U k .i a . m. required, or uicb a proportion for six m onths and on* y sa r
*r*e T h o u g h ts. C oacaralag.B allgton, or N ite r* v a .i
Kradlcate* H um or*; c u r n C a n r e r , S c r o f o M , R h e a * ^ Theology, by A . J . D arts .--------- — -------------— ,.10 a* sha ll *0.11, lo a* ta be equivaleut to S3 copies for a«a
I L i j w t l« w .
‘m a t l a m , and a ll chronic dlaaaao* LUgfH " If a Wife, by W arren Chase. P ap er, R can ta.
A K A B IL A ; o r , T H E D IV IN E G CE3T. year, and a premium to be se n t w here directed, by t i p ram,
F reeport P*#**ng«c— ------------- rilrOO a. m, *2.,hl a. m. one of those beautiful rairm an S m .n y Maehxnte, which
! G aa*ll*,by Emma T u t He... Frw tport P aseeuger,.... ...... *3;44 p. ID. *3;45 p. ui X l . Conhulling a New CoDecCtnn of Gospel*. By
F e m a le S tr e n g th e n in g S y r u p ; . G ilt o f Spiritualism , by W arren Obaaa.......... .......... — H Rockford, Elgin, Fox Rlvtiv and ANDREW JACKSON DAVIS.
lull avarywhera for tiify.fi.ot dollart, and If a higher prlood
1 G reat H arm oula, by A .J . Dari*. 6 vola. Via: V o L l. B u te L ine............. ........................ N ;M p . a . •1 0:15*. m. Florehce machine Is dntirad, it w ill ba furnished In tb e eama
Fur F-m ale Waaknraao*. T ba Physician; Vol. 3. T W t a a c h e r : Vol. 8. Th# pri. a. 11.80 : postage, «0 cU
G eneveand Elgfo Passenger— .. *4:30 p. u . *11:46 a. m. proportion as alajvo. (t^o tleacrlpUva adrerHaOtoattL Any
I S e a r; Vol. 6. Tb* R eform er; YoL 6. Tb* TbfoJIar. Lom bard A cc o m m o d a tio n ,..,.... '* 6 ;U lp . tb. *7:00 a . Cu.
STeryine S y r m , : E ach,-,.................................................................................140 SO •vUcifor who shall rnaks ao effort and fall to rale* >100 to r
I G uldaof W ladomaud Knowledg# to tb * B |» ritW o f I i . » 1 fFLxcorwin Dteisicsv—D yo t tvraer t f Cbnot and K inti* rt» set. ■nbacrlpliona to tbe J v t n x a i as above, will b* allow ed tw m ty-
B r o n c h ia l a j d P u lm o n a r y Cordial, i H arbinger of H ra ltb .b v A. JTD s v U --------------------- 1 4 0 SO Matt Peas*ngar-,—--------------------- a. m. *7:16 p . m. h e pr in c ipl e s o f n a t u r e a s d is -
C h ild re n ’s C ordial, for f i u , r # i i c , A c .,
Harmonixl and Sacred M elodist, by Am F ile----------- 60
R arm ooial Man, or T h o u g h t* fo r th e Age, by A, J .
• N ig h t Pas s r cger —
■- — --------- —
. * t t*J p. nt. *i.bh a . tu.
*3:30 p. m. *-d-00 p. tu.
T C ntrrrd In Hi* Iforelopnisat aad S tructure o f th e Uni-
verse, tb s Solar By stem , th e North, also ao Exposition ot tba
f o e par c a n t of w hatever money they may rvm lt, not i*«e
t*a dollars, payable in any books or aograrlag* m shdonsd U
Daria. Paper, 40 o ts , postage, 6 eta. Clolb------- - I I U 644 p .m . *5;U) p .m . sp iritu a l Universe. Given Inspirationally. By our advertiosd liiU .
A n d W o rm S yrn p . B taro p h an t; or, G leanings from tb * F a st, by G. 0 .
fluw turt.............................. ....— — -- --------- — ....... T6 U D%virion— P*pot w v r o f cbttoi and JTOurfo t t r u k .
Ptlco f 1,50 each. a*nt by esp rrae H U to ry an d philosophy of K rll.b y A. J . D aria, Paper Prim , H i posing*, 34 ets. m U E FLORENCE SEW ING MACHINE IB UNSURPARBKD
Address, 1T IR K . D A N F O R T H . *■ above, or 40 eta—postage 6 ot*. C l o t h - , - ...................... ......... 76 10 D ay E x p rem .................. ...................S;46 a, ra. 10:46 a , ta.
Roacblll, C alvary and Evantfom. t:3fl p. m. 4:00 p. tu- JL for ease of manag*ui*ut, variety and qnaiity of work
H O N . W A R R E N U H A b S . Baxwaa o r L io u r .e »yward's Book of All Beligtocs, Lacl-JdJng Splrltu-
fioa, 644 Broadway, N rw Y o rk : or
f t. 8 . J O N EM , E ditor K iu a ie .p iiiu w m iic x i. J o o b n a l ,
I lU llI 3 ......... ... ...................
tid ly Bible sa d M other Goose, by H. C, W rig h t.,...,,. 38
. »*» wrosiM- 4 0 0 IV
A flernoo n E I press........................
■ ---------- --------
6:< 0 p. m .
4:16 p. nt.
8:00 p. m.
8:60 a. m JJA N O M IN ,
regularity of tension,eto. I t fastens e ac b rn d of iv e ry seam ,
a valuable f u tu r e belonging to and claim ed by no ith a r " u -
6:46 p. ta. 6:2a a . tn. chin*. Circulars containing full Inform ation, w ith aam pU a
Chicago, HI., d i e n r r * 1 A g e n t s H istory o f Mo*** and th* ImaeU taa, by M ann,.......-A U ____ —___ *6 1 5 p •8:36 a. m. A R ythm ical Rutuxoca o f MlXirtoovi or sew ing, furnished upon application to Wtn. U Sharp A
PA R TIE S AFFLICTED d m lrlb f to coasoll Da. C u iu s'* I n p o r ta n r lT tifna, a Iw ni l n r - m t child ................ 10 3 Co., G eneral A gents, 101 W ashington stre e t, who will o e r ^
la tb a Bible D lvisaf by S. J . F la w y . I sp a r, SO c l*— ilw auk** A ccenusodaD nc-...... ll.-OOp. m. 6:00 a. m.
S h u t can do ao by a d d ressin g Mas. D sa ro a m , so d tb* Gan. L, Db j c l s f , Gan’l S up'L THE GREAT R E B E L L IO N fo.lly select premium m achines, and forw ard by aiprM * to
proper rem edies Will be cum pounded sod sen t W h e r e b O fU ll 4 Ctf* 0U>lk«*»—->*-«eri.v^ro.*^He.*.traai VO ti directed, w arranting them fo every Instance as reprasented.
U * S S r a D * r i l l T he A r g u a .n t Pr* so d Ooa.-------- *0 1 U. P. Braaw nes, General T icket A gent.
th « m e d ic in e * a d v e r tis e d a r e iw ( a p p l l - A n I tb s Mlnemeota Mxaaacre*. By WastXAK H m Co., on#hundred and tw enty-three B u t* at.
In q u irtre ’ T » lt Book, by Robert Cooper . — , . AJ 8 18 CAtovn, Bee* ftfond m d PunJU JfaO ruad.
Jeaua o f N axaretb, by A lexander S m y th -. - — 1 48 IS Day Riprtw a ahd Molt--- ---------- *3:46 a . m. *1.00 p, » . OblragU, U L General A gents for th e U nited S tato e an d RritlaA
Fern Accommodation........ *4:30 p. m. *V;40 a. tu. MIRON COLONEI, Prufincea, and tba A merican N ew t Com pany, 116 and 111
Dy pci mission, lb* follow ing p arties ar* f t for tod to ; N assau s tr a ti, New York.
Klaa for a Blow, by H . 0 . W rig h t................. ..................TI 11 ' ig b t E xpress....................— ........ *0:16 p. m. f4:I4 a. w .
A. B. B uira, Q ru ’l l ’sa sea;ttf A gtnL Price, 81.3b; Pustnga, 16 evuts.
B erkeley alre et, Cam bridge, Mess-, Feb 5, H90 K oran, w ith ex planatory cola*, by Gao. Sal*, • V*. „ ,
8 70page*, bast edition y a tp u b liib e d .,,,— ----------4 4 0 40 K. Ht, J o n s, O en‘1 T icket Cluck.
Life l i n e of Lo d * One, by W an e n Chav*.— — 140 F. A. B a l l , Ass t O ra ’J Superintendent. am i coll afrratott to U editorially, staz1 be m ailed u « < « y i f
V e E f t a b l e N y r u p , a a d one botilo of thu B r o n v l i l a l
Love a a d Mock Love. Cloth, plain , 88 eta., p ostage, JNcAipUa A u tte r tt JLitiroad. J^Y C EU M M ANUALS. (As H iuoio-Pjiicoeopiiicct J o d x x x l m m year, h wQl 6* far-
S o ts. G ilt., warded to thnr a d d r tu en nacipt t f the papert w ith <As a U
tty r u p To-y U>ve both been ueetl by a releUve o t mln« Lecture* on Geology by p i n t W a , Dante Depot corns) Yen Bnrva a n i 3horm an straut*. T ic ket Office blx th KdKI.in now roady. Price 80 cents; Pottage, t oeota.
in a case of bronchial d e ran g em en t an d *f th reaten ed p u b U fa 1* Unfolding* H 8 66 boiitk d a r k ( trea t.
•83 per hundred.
tno na ry com plaint, w ith ex ce llen t effect, a n d I ebould be U fa o f Tbomaa Pain*, w ith orttfoal and aip tan a le v y __. ........——*7:40 a. m, 8:45 p m, F ou rth Abldged Edition of Lyoeum Manual. Price, 41
g lad to bear tb x t th e ta le o f th ree medicine* la extended
b o th because or lb# good th e y h av e abowa tbvtD**lvr* c ap a
^observation* o f bla w riting*, by G.
U fa of Jeaua, by la n an .p o a tag a fo aa . ...IT*
_____ _______ *11:30 a. m. *4.00 p. m. can is; Postag*, 4 cent*. 634 per hundred. IMPROVED PLANCHETTE;
Evening K iprc**------ ---------------- 6:16 p. m. *pJDO a m . O rd-ri for Lyceum equipment* prom ptly Ailed. . tor
ble of effecting. *od because o f th * evidence they furnished U fa's tTaaa and Abuaea, post paid N lg b i Kxpreaa.......... ........................ P- m. *640 a. m.
t b i t practical a d m ay com* to na from tb a n e x t world. Th* rnaterUlx o f winch tbaea Pjanchattaa e ra mode, as*
L ofa en d lie bid d en v o u u t b a m . Ivecn, 1.36 18 DdtreU Dw, pocultoriy adapted to lb* m agnetic CurrrnU of tb* bum s*
Y ours tru ly . M r Love a nd I . bv Abbv H. • aflln F ror*, Bfl, 3.
Day Expreva via A drian— ------... *7:40 a. tu. 6:15 p. m. lyetoin, <Ltinx mad* of Elvctrical and Magnetic HUtatanOw,
R O B E R T DALE OW EN. Magic Btaff, an A ato-Biography o f A. J . D a ria — .X T 8 84 camptwe.! and axproosly for th* purpoao. Tb*
h e m id n ig h t p r a t e r ; a n in s pi -
Address th e medicine, M rs R. D. O w en,earn P blliip B o rn ,
b rsok, Kaq , Evansville, Ind.
Manomln, by M yroa Colonay------ ---------------------------.141 18
M arrtag* and Parentage, by B eury 0. W rig h t— — .148 30
M inistry o f Angela Realised, by A. E. N ew ton— ., SO I
N ight “ “ " -------- - *10:00 p. in. *76:30 a. m.
F. Jt. M pam .G eo’l Cass, Agt-, 66 C lark st.,C hicago.
A ttA to y i, #brt Waymt and Cflie^o— Drpot, O ro r r t f Modi-
T ratio n al Poem, given tbruugb tb* Uw lim nsbip of, pi"1"Hu-i.ts it perform s la tbribam U of proper channels, aro
Wonderful. Aftor it becomes charged w ith m agnetlsiu^lm oat
MRS. M. J. WILCOSSON. any question Kill b* answ enul w ith astonishing rapidity.
M orning L ectures, (T w enty Dlsootuvoa,) by A. J . sen a n d Cheat A rttU . Every uirastigating mind should have on# if for no other
B ao. 8. S J O S M -I ••* you are_ adverUsing ------------ purpose than to satisfy blruaulfuf (ne grea t pow er Tying bw
of Dr. C lark's sp irit, who, conlrOHlag, prescribes for tb a alc k Prayer. Price... 8 S ...... *4;30 a. m . (0.00 p. m. Price. R eta ; Hostage. 3 eta. Lind, capable of answ ering jo u r innerm ost thought*
thro u g h tb o organism ot Je an lo W aterm an D anforth. P rr Motes and tb * Israel It**, by M e rritt Munxou— ........ J 4 0 SO Day tip r * * * ............... -------- --------* * 0 0 * . tn. 0,00 a. m
id It me to tell you,, w ith drop feeling, friend Jo n e s, th a t I Mrs, P a c k ard 's Prison Life......... — ------— --------------- 140 S i Fast l in e ...................................................4,30 p. on *11:30 p. m .
have need th<*« rrm ediele—th a Pyrups, b rrrin e * e t j p aw- “ . “ “ small e d itio n .-..-......- Nigh t Bxpreas............---------------- *t » 4() p . «f. # « » ) p. tu, ■ \ f E M O RAN DA O F PE R SO N S, PLACES * D IR E C T IO N S .
j pr*—w ith the highest exlU fartlon. 1 know th em to be e g . M anual for C llld r ta , (for Lyceums.) by A, J . V alparaiso A ceonim odatlol.— .....4:10 p. in. F.ltl a. pi. XTA 4X0 *v a s ts , Let one or more persons s it a bout tb* ta ll* on which tb*
c l i e n t , as.bundreds o f Oibera w ill traUfy. Dr. C lark D a a * . Davis, d o t h SO ct*.—postag* 8 cast*. Mori W . C .C uL *an. Gen. W «.t’n Pass. Agt., 66 Clark *l Instrum ent is placed, each placing a hand lightly, on tb * top
b»# and brillian t sp irit, . , g ilt* f 1.00; postage 8 cent*. Abridged E dltlou. flbnofo Ckntrol— Dtpot, foot t f Labs X rttl E m bracing a uthentic Facta, Visions, Inipreoaions, Dtsoov- board, sim ply touching th e name, taking care to have tb* arm
M est tru ly thin*. M other Goose, by ij Henry 00.. W right...............................
right. nriee tn Magnetism, C lairvoyance, B pinluritsm . Also qusto- nut come In c ontact w itb tb* ta b le ; rem ain, q uiet for a lew
J .M . P E E B L E S . N ature'* DIrinoj Revelation*,
Bevelallo by A ndrew Ja ckson Day Pasaetigvr—................ *6:40 a. m. *0:40 p. m. tlons from the Opposition. By »
N ig h t Passenger........———— 710:00 p. m. •8:tX) a. m. Diunit'UU, then let som eou* of the party ask a q u e s tio n ,u d
If tbo persons com posing tbu party a te of reqatrod m agnalto
i n . in i L L K S O N , N . - w Y ork City,W ritra: “Wea tinder Raw T estam ent Miracle# and Modern IHraotM , by K »ik u k Day P a ise o g sr................ *S;40 a , m . *8:10 p. tn. ANDREW JACK30N DAVIS, " power, or any one o f them Is, thv q u n tio n will be answered.
tre a tm e n t a t Mrs. Danforth a tesldencn th ree w n ks la st J . H . Fowler. « • K e jk u k N ight Paxsvnger............. *8:30 p. m. *8;iW a. tn.
w in te r for ulceraied luflam atory sore eye*. Returned he me R an hake* Aoconimodatioa.......... *4:16 p. Hi. *0:14 a. in. W iib A pptindfi, oonta lnlnf Ztrh vkk* '* O m t Story of A positive and org an v t parson operate tb* Plaochotto beat.
N ight olde u l N ature, by O iu« ...----- --- I2e, 3u.
w e ll; have used tb* remedlo# In my family, and atu *ell»fl«d .,..1.36 111 B f d e P ork T rain .............................. *6:30 a. tu. *7:46 a. m. H Iiort<»D*Ja,rf t It Iq Ij p o r tn y tiu Ihe wiiW Iifftrcac® botwfcin
P la n o b a tto ' Tb» diwpalr of Heir no*.------------ tb* ordinary sta te sa d t h a t o f CJalrroyesob. * P i t I C E , # 1 .5 0 E A C H ,
o f tn r ir virtues. Pereons en d E vents, b y A. J . P e r il,——...... ,..414U 3d - *13,10 p. m. *1:40 p. m .
..... 1.36 30 •8:00 p m . *6,1* p .rn . Price, # L ift; Postage, 38 oouu. AT. by Expreu ttcurtly packed, tu neaiibozee. j
T . W r T A T L O B t A urora, N. J . write#, ordering Pre-A dam l * Man, by R andolph . .... .
.....I t o 30 •6:10 p. m . *7:36 p. “ A Jdraaa
m ore medicine forh law ifa* . aaya she haa g u a r d fifiam or P h i tlo lo ev o f W fireeo....................... ............... If dealraLor by mall, which Is ebsaper for long dlstaaoos,
Xwenty pounds tin e * sbo ccm m ctired trealm eni. Neighbor* Ocean's W av*. By W a B o th ----------. — — « 88 18 ok ric*lpt of two Dollar*. Baud by F. O. orders, or r«giitar
notice th r im provem eo t, one o f whom lends a lock of h air
for diagnosis. ___ : Z Z Z Z Z T n J i Chicago, B vr& yU m a a d Quincy.
t e t r e e Vo i c e s ,
the letters containing money when P. 0. orders Caa oat b*
P e n e tra lia ; being B a r a o n ta l A n sw tts to I m p o rtan t A tld im s ,
A B B T W . L A F L I N P E R R E E , Georgetown, Questions, by A. J . D aria,..---------- —l. H 34 Day E xpress snd Mi ...... *10.00 a. m . *7:00 p. m-
18 S ..— ...«4O0 p. a . A. L I V E B O O K O F P O E M S ,
D. C., w rite*; Vegetable Byrup se n t to h e r m ilk wonaen’s F larin g Boldlar o r L ittle B arry 's W ish E lu d in g E x p ress... 7:34 p . m- S. S. Jones, (
linsbaed, who was infferlng w ith pains asd Inlarnal lumora Pblloaopby o f S p iritual In tarc o o re t. by A J . D aria, A urora... ..... *4:30 p. m. *8:15 p. m. BY W ARREN ft. BARLOW .
«o ii ll Fling bint to hi* room; in ten day* was o u t end a t bis p ap er 60 eta., postag# 6 c u . C lo th .......——- J Hondo ta Passenger.., .... *7:46 p. m. •3:30 p. m. Lti'J, South Clark Street,
Philosophy of Or cation, from Thomas Paine, by N ight E xpress........... ..... {11:30 p, tn. 76:45 a. m . 1 s t , T h * V o l e * o f S a p * r a i l t l o n , give* tbo b ib li
w ork. cal contest between tbe G >d o f S lo w and S atan, With nu Chicago, Hlinoig.
Borace W ood.M edlnm. Paper,80c; poetaga4c.C loth. « 10 B ln td a l e Aecomtu jdalton.,.. .*12;40 i *3:00 p. m.
C loctonntl.O . IMA Plain Gold* to Bplrituallsm. by C riah U lsrk------. . . - ] 4 8 » merous qnbtatfons from tb* Bible, proving B e ta n victorious,
Mad. D a x e u ir n —T b a c lairv o y an t exam ination for tba from tb s G arden o f Eden to M ount Calvary.
lady whose h e ir I e en t you D perfcctly aatlefaetory. She D r . E . P . I t l l l l e r ’a B o o k s .
Pblloaopby of Bpaotal Pruvldancaa, (a Vtalon,) by A. l u l l T h * V o l e * O f N a t u r e , prove* N ature's God
Inform s me th a t the diagnosis Is m ore n c cn rata aa d complete J . D eris— ............................... — *— — • 30 3 Cfacofic tta J 3L lew is—Dipt*, corner Madu<*i a n d Ctrwxlrir. Vtlal For:*, How Wasted end How Preserved; Paper, 60
th a n she could glee herself. Plea** forw ard Tommies v ic torious,la ovwr-rullng a ll f o ra g rea t and glorious *od.
Pbyajcal H an, b y H udson Tuflfo. Expreaa a n d M all— — —— *10:00 a. tn. 7:10 p. m. I ts poetry Is prautlftiL w hile Its Fhilnaopby la B e at snb- cion, postages 4 eselsi cloth, 61,00, postag*, 6 easts.
r o o m mended. . .J a $ p H a o f Ufatwan by” Mrs. V . M. k i n g . . . . . . S4 W ay Exprsas............. — — — *4:40 p .m . 9:45 a. Bt. Uma, argum entative and logical. How to Bribe, paper 40 ronta, postage 4 cants; cloth, 7beta,
T ours. Ac. Present Age and In n e r Life, bvttat fU v W l a r4 En poaragu I ceota
CH A R L E S II. W A T E R S . Ligblnlng F ip ra e s— —......... ....... —. JAW p. m . *7.-00a. nj.
larged Ed. b y A . 3 . Dar i a. —— — ------ --. —1 4 8 M T. 8, B u c x e w a , Pro*. A Don't B uperintendeaL 3 r d , T h * V o l e * o f * P e b b l e , loaches, from N atora .Th* cause of exhausted vitality; Maitln, 81 postage U
I S R A E L H A L L , T o le d o , O . A, NXWMiX, Gon’l Pass. A ft., Office 56 Dearborn st. tb* Individuality o f me Her and mind. evnis. *-
Relation o f Blavanr to a Republican Form o fO o iw * -
lent, by Theodor# P a rk er. ----- OJustfrws, O ticato d Indiana O n T a l H allw ay,—flafo CRfoapt T h * W o r k ta sought for, u d road by thouxands, a a d Important TTntb*, Mrs. E. P. Ml for; 30 «oU , postag* t
C H A R L E S M . K IN N E Y , C in c in n a ti,O . _____ la u p rooting su p erstldous e r r o r , u d scattering tr u th bro ad cauta.
•ort_o f _n
Reporl a extrao rd in ary C h a « h T r i a l,O o ta a r tv an d Great £astem CMk i 'r im H A ir Lina and Indiana a n
Mve* vs. Progradslvaa, by Fttllo B e n a * * ~ . 1* tral Railw ay CVr.) cast ou Its ru les, l l la g o tU s a p tn moat beautiful style, Th* nboyr books all treat of tbs sex net organs and tba lew*
P A U L B H F .n o N D , H o u s to n , T e x . o f ne arly 3fl0 pages. F rie s 81,36 poetaga 16 canto. F o r of health. They should ba placad In tba buds of avsry mas,
E ^ iv a l o f Religion W hich wa Need, by T heodor* Columbus sod Clnetnnail Expreaa *0 4 6 * . m. *3:36 a. w .
" A good c latrv ay am medium Is a blearing to h u m an ity . P irk a r. 18 I Ooluubu*' and Cincinnati E xpnea 17.45 p .m . .* 3 3 0 p .m .
sale a t th a office ok tb a R x u a io -P a tn o ao a n ea t J o u x j ia l . womu and child.
Wo Xtiuw Mrs. Dalklorih to be m ch . - R b lle n r s rllc irg fu Starling* PrograaslT# Paper A ddnoaS A J o i a a . N a , 8 4 D aarboni street,C hicago, I7U- For sale at this office. Address S. 8. Jones, 160 South
Gil* city . h r e e ta b llsh id a gona rep u tfltb n . Poe Is now lo> R rttb m b ae b a Dynamics......
Lansing Acooromodxttou........ ............ 3x13 j>. in,
N. K- Soorv, Geu'l Past. A gt., T icket Offlc* Corner Ran
0:16a, no. Clafk ■treat, Chicago, 111.
Cale*t a t d(3 East M rd a lre et. S - w York O ra Of h e r con M f.A b n eg a tio n il11 o r tb * T ru e K in * a a d Q aaaa, dolph and Daarboni sU eeta.
' Yol.«,iro. o .
trolling sp irit g u b b a tD r. W m C lark, %*11 know n In tbi* ^ B . c V w rig h L P a p e r,M aaotx, poatxg*. 4 a aa ta. f
City a* a m oat .x c elle M p h ,r ie ls n ) has prescribed tb rn u fb M icM fon O n tra l B adroad— O n m X^pot, foot t f LaSu Croat, ffO W T O B A TH E . j
bt r .e v rr a l good remediee for Ih'w r a O l c te d .'V B A N N K I I rD L ractfo n afn D evelop m e a t, b y A .M . * V u a x l l r G a ld ta f o r l b * V * * * f W a t * M J )A W N . ,
C F L IC 1 IT , B o s to n , M an*. •8710 a .m . *1:48 p. ■
Selfdli » o r th e Bible. •8.-30 a. m . *8 '0O p. m ^ A ^ b l y u to r ta ln tn g Novel, V ary U la ra rtta g to > t k f |a
Th* above v a lo atl* medicine* a r* for sale a t th is offlo*. ■ irtm p p .a P o e m f o r th e T l^ y p » 0 t a f h ~ - 4 4 8 1 J 6 d 6 p. m . ♦**<»*. m,
A ddress,S. B. Jopea, No .,ifl3 South C lark 8 t., Chicago, B a x o lo ^ e a lb e Bhlloeopby o f li f e , b y K ra . K-<k 4L 1*07)0 p .ttu 76:34 a. m . Prtos, #3 } Postage paid.
Illinois. WUlZfd raa*a*e*»*o**o»«6^«■■ .................. —WWHH■■ ■ ■ 1 p . SO* niiO O at to.
-------------------------- **
c>*4>—- .......■■■i a ;

e r v in e t a b l e t s - a n e w r e m b _______ {848 p .m . 7410 a .m . TESUS OF NAZARETH ; o b , A TRUE

N Y FOR ALL fvMtVoUfl OUUAllM* Plaaaaat
tb a ta ste , and Mfo aad e a r i la * f* * i. Seed 80 e a s ts to r a
B a n t 0. f a m o u t ,
Oewasal Pasaso gar A g e a t
d H istory of th e M u as)led J a m S i k L gfrasi m
■piritmol A uthority, frera M i l k w ho w ar* O r t m m w
I b r t a l s w lU J a m v U t o u A w t h , ttawwgk t k i S S S
•c k a g e to D a. f l i n t , B a llsp o ri, A lk a p ey Cm, K. T , “ Z £ & X i & i ,S S S r £ £ i S t t d ^ . . . • f A U OAM DKK BMYYK. ^ “ if — g t l I. ^
o r a l ita m p for C tro ' ^ A A d rm K ■- J a m , U 8 , B u t h O t a k f L a K
T L 8 ,N o .lf o t f .
R B L I G I O -P H I L O S O P H iC A l. J O U R N A L . D e c e mbe r 1869.


i " D o jfou know o f yourself where H e U ? quietest play constated in snapping cape. He grew Lo w e ii , Ma m .—Tb s C b lld n n ’i P tcg r w v Lytwwm hsM
to b« fifteen years of age. Italy bad resolved to B M t t i p « « r j Bonds* afternoon a nd avanlnz. a t 2 U and 7
ffo ttfiti ©ijmclttunl i “ Do you know positively that you have a In* govern lleelf. The Pope waa sick. If be should
die, the Church would be In peril, and tbat before
o’clock. Lyceum (Mslon a t 10J< a. w. Z. B. Carter, Condoo-
. J . t . W r ig h t--------- - ’ “ -------- "
! turehfe?" tbe little zouave was old enough to defend it 1 The t i n , Ma e *.—Tb e BjrfritaaUata of Lynn bold m eeting* sro ry
K. V. W 1 L 8 0 N . " 1 believe it." only salvation was to prevent tbe Pope from dy Sunday a fternoon a n d c ran in g , a t 0M « t B all. Tha followla^ extract Is taken from a letter
** Do you kuow It in and of yourself ing. Tbe parents went again to tbe church, burned L apoktd la n , Aa*oclaUon o f BpIritnaUaU bold m aotinga
•* I am taught it.” . another candle, and prayed God to take the life of sv o ry Sunday, a t lOtZ a . a .,a n d 8 r . M., a t " Concert
C U a U ." - written by Mas. Ma u i A. St o d d a b o , of Kouts
N e flc e lo C o r r e e p o n d e e la a n d 0 ( h « n . " That will not d o ; do you know it F’ their child and add tbe number of years he would D r.8. B. Collin#, P r a r t ; V. A .T u ttls , B eefy. Station, Porter Co.Tiod.:
" No." have lived, IbU "expectation,” as the life insurance M n .W iC irt.W ij.—T b « F irst Society o f fiplrltaallaU ibaata ** 1 hare lately been CAlled to take and treat aev-
AH letters, paper# and matter for as or the Fron men say) to the years of the Pope. Tbe Lord a t Bow man’s H all. Social Conference a t U a. >. Address
t i e r Department, must be addressed to E. V. Will "Tbeu, in fact, you do not know anything a nd Ooofersne# a t TU r. * ., sv sry S u n d a y . II. B. B r o w e n l pstlenta whom the M. D.s bad railed to core.
U t , Lombard, Dupage county, Illinois. about the future in and o f youraell, ol your own ought to have replied,says the "Rappel
“Here are some people who don’t know their M. D - P re sid e n t. 1 will here mention one, tbe c u e of a jo in g wo
knowledge ?" own minds. Not long ago they teased me for a M o a a o c ra , I I I .—Lyewnm meats sv sry Banday forenoon. man who was very sick. Her friends called one
Well no, not iu fact, -but we believe It, and child ; now they are anxious to ret ora it. Will A bout ons hundred pupils. J . 8- Lo*eland. C onductor; D. A.
teach it as divinely revealed to us." they ever cease to disturb me ?" Btevsns, A ssistant C onductor; U slsn N ys, G uardian o f or our Doctors first, and then the other. They
O a r T o u r I n I t l l e t il e a n — N o. 0.
" Was this revelation made to you, and if so, But, since God Is good, be heard their prayer both called her disease Lunjj Fever, treated her
On Tuesday, Oct. Iftth, we left Detroit, via when, where, and by whom ?” again. That evening the young zouave was taken M o a aistsw u , N. Y ^ -F irst Bociety of Progressive B plritual- three weeks, and left her worse than they fonnd
lite —Assetuhly Rooms, corner W ashington avenue and fifth
O. 8. It. R. to Ridgeway. forty-one miles by “ It was not revealed me personally, but sick and In three days he was dead. This story is stre e t. Service# a t 3 p. in. her. Her friends then called me. I examined her
private conveyance, to Altnont, Lapier County, I was taught to believe in it- as revealed wisdom not manufactured by an enemy of ptpacy but ta-
■tfTBSjrom a Catholic journal called “Mary’s Rosa M il a m , O.—Children’s P rogressive Lyceum m eet* everv case, and found her In the last stape ofQUfCK CON
twenty-seven mile* from Ridgeway. For mile* Irnm God, through bis propfieU."
Bnnday, a t 1 0 ^ o’clock a. x . C onductor, H udson T utU a
ry,” Which goes Into restack-# over this act of de G uardian, JCmma T uttle. SUMPTION- After I had had t^er under toy oure
" And you accept it as a fact ?” votion, and holds ap these parents as mod -1 Chris
w c rode over one of the l>est natural Highways " Y es, I do?" M arlboro, Mass.—The M arlboro S piritual tut A ssociation for one week, her friends met the M. D.s who
tian*. You wish a child. He gives it. Yon wbh bold m eeting* In F otee l H all. Speaker engaged, Prof. Wm.
w e ever saw, a ridge of gr-uind several fret above, " A lla delustusion, revealed humbug, cbe: It no lomrer.. He kills U. Price two candle*. D eoton, once a w eek for a year. Mr*. D e r i * a .T a y lo r, Sec said they knew that she bad the consumption, and
the level of the country, making a fi^e public and imposition, without a particle of.tvidenrfe “Such Christian* are astonished that free-think U AMCXiam, N. H . - T b * S piritualists bold meeting* could never be eurefi. Some two weeks afterward,
tow i-taiu it; ’ And for this cam g God shall er* prefer to be athei*t6 rather than believers in every Sunday, a t 10 a. m. and 2 r . x , in th e Putfco O .n rt the learned Dk . Un d k r u il l , o’f Chicago, pa* here
road. .-end tin m strong delusions, that they m ight be such a God.'" Room. Seats free. R, A. Beaver, Pm eidont; 8. Pushes,
Oar home while At-Almnr t , was with the an- lieve a lie,’’’ and we parted, the gentle Wilson, Secretary. at my bouse on a visit, lie examined'her, aud
Oh God, are Ihese Thy children, and did you do Nsw Y oaz C trr.—T be Society of I’rogrrwdve BpIrilualUt* he, too. said that she was in the la;t stage ol
gels in the house of the Bristol:; ami Andrews. umt uiii.i.-Uir; he in anger, we "In love: e a c h to thf?* hold m retlug* every Sunday, in Kverett lia ll, coner of th irty -
• air work, and tin'll dim e the in>n horse, with (Julck Consumption, could not t>3 cured, and
Aimont is the center of an earthly IvJen.madc The Devil 1» too good, and never had such wor fourth stre e t and * iu b uvruure, a l l o t s , m., and
I liis breath ol tirt. We took our Seat upon his Conference a t 12 m. Chlidreu's Prugrvaiaiv* Lyceum ho would not be surprised if she did not live but
more beautiful by the cultivation and develop shiper* as tbcau plou* French Catholic*. ---- ,< p. m- P. k. "* — .......................... ...... “
I tail, hi><! vain he whistled us into the miciiut w o rth , G uardian.
a few days. *Mrs. Stodard,’ said lie to me, ' she
ment o f the soil through the angel man. Fruits ciiy ol Detroit. Go2~gave the child—which was repeatiu g his can not live; have you any hope oCcurlng her?’
of all kinds at»ound, including the fruit o f the visit to Abram ondS.ir.ti,—and then, at the request I answered, ‘ The spirits say that they will cure
tree of know ledge of good and evil, and woman I.YFA X TICIDK. of iu parent kindly kills the child. her if we obey their orders.1 in the first three
is there also, with her hand to pluck the fruit, I n f a n t i c i d e l u E n g l a n d - D W c n s s l o n o n t h e ChrLlUn*, can you fiud such traits of ohara&cr New T o t* .—T he Friend* of H u m an ity m eet every Bnnday weeks after I commenced treating her, she had
and eat it. B lew her dear courageous soul, among tho Spiritualists? Wc have not, and yet it a t 3 aud 7}^ P. M„ In th e convenient and com forlahis ball;
three large ulcers In her lungs break and discharge
J l < -m a o f P r e v e n t i n g I t. 270 G rand stre et, no rth ea st corner Forsythe, 2d block e ast of
what would we have licen to day. If she had re is prcccdcnted In the Bible in Jcptha’s vow, and Bow ery, for m oral and spiritual c ulture, Inspirational and an almost incredible amount. But at the expira
P r o a th e New Y ork W orld.
fused to pluck the fruit and cat it ? the death of hla daughter. tranc e speaking, special tr e t m anifestations, and tb e relatio n
tion of eight weeks ahe calls berscll well. 8hc
•' N ow the serpent waa more subtle than any Head this article, my dear Christian friends,and o f spiritu a l experience*, facts aud phenom ena. Seats free,
a-k yourselves If It In not a good paper for Dr. Pot
and c o ntribution takvu up. will work all day, go to a party at night, dance
beast o f the field which the Lord God had crea I te m s . The Spiritualist* hold meeting* every Bnnday a t L omartln*
ted.’’—Gen. 3rd 1st. ter and might belong properly to his department H all, co rn e r o f 8th avenue and W est 29th street. Lecture* until the small hours in the morning, take a short
W ill some one of our Christian friends tell ns of disorderly Christians . Read the remarks of Dr. Texts lor sinners—Pretext*. a t 10J4 o'clock a. m . and 7 p. m. Conference a t 3 p . m . nap and then get up and be as gay as a bird all
through the J o c h k a l , 11 this serpent Is their Elisabeth Blackwell, and tho pious and saintly When Is a toper's nose uot a note ? When it’* a N* w a m , S . J . —S piritualists and Friends o f day. Allowing herself to be the Judge, she 1a
devil ? We wait to know. little reddish. well, b u not an unpleasant symptom in her sys
W e lectured in Aim ont four nights to full Rcv.-AIr. Sullivan, and thi-n compare the remark? "Is your master at home V tem, aud has taken only six boxes of Mrs. Spenc’e
houses, the people manifesting a deep interest ofthc chairaiau with the Rev. Sullivan, and thank “ No, air; he is out." Positive Powders. I gave her no other mcdldnc.^
In the cause of our Christ, and many came ask God that you are not Christians : "Mlatreo* at home ?"
ing, ’• What shall w e do to sbtain practical A t th e "N ational Association for the Promotion "No, sir, she is out.” To the Positive Powders, Cod and angels we give
"Then I'll step in and ait by the hre.” n e ar Bridge stre et. T he Children's Progressive Lyceum the priue ol saving her life and restoring her
knowledge of a luturc existence," and the bur- of Social Science," now in session a t Bristol, Eng m eets at V i y i p. m. J , L. Pool, C onductor; Mr*. B. D oolittle,
iben o f our discourse was to lead them up to a land, there was, th e ' other dav, a very lengthy "That’s out too." G uardian. health." *
knowledge o f Nature's God through nature's ijl.cusslou upon the question, "(Jan Infanticide be Conundrum by a clergyman at a dinner party : O xoao, W ts^—C hildren's Progrseelve Lyceum m eets every
laws, through the rugged path ol to il; teach (Jimlpishcd by legislative enactm ent and as S abbath a t 10 o'c lock a. m. J o h n W ilcox, conductor. Mrs*
several ladles, maids and matrons, participated In "Why don't they build mills on the Lower Mis- T hom pson, Aeeietant Conductor, Miss C ynthia M cC ann,G uar
ing them that heaven must exist within the the debate, it Mtt-unud, at limes, rather a spicy t-fo-lppl ?’’ Auswer, "Dam It they can’t." dia n o f G roups.
soul before it can be enjoyed by the soul. The character. Infanticide was defined lo be, for the Response by a lady ol the party : Philadelphia, P a.—The P i n t Association o f Bplrltuallst* a t
words of our elder Brother Jesus, are applica purpose* ol the discussion, "T he m urder of the "Wiry docs tbe devil never skate?" Answer— lla rn io n la l H all, corner 11 a n d Wood ete. Lector*# Banday*
ble, and w e quote tht m. “ T he Kingdom o f new ir born children o f single wom en," It being "How in L—can heP* at a . x ., and T*{ r . X. Lyceum No. 1 a t S j j r . x . W H E R E IS
God u within you," and we mu«t work out our agreed th at "(.’lilld m urder among married couples F irst S p iritu al C hurch o f Philadelphia, T boiuptou et. be
own salvation.
W e read many characters, with marvelous
was so small th at it needed no discussion." Ille
gitim ate children, it wc* further agreed, were de D ESO LA TE.
low From . M eeting* Sunday a t 3 a a d 7 j j v. x . Lyceum
No. 2 a t 10 p . x . THEIR EQUAL?
correctness, giving »utnj» Sine tests o f spirit life m o th e r;“and stroyed because of the shame brought upan the Is the sunlight leas golden 1 wonder Spiritual Union, W ashington M ill, Nth and Bpriog G arden
ate., Sunday*. Lyceum N-v - a t V a. x . L ectures a t 10U K. F. Ilvrcn , of Huntington, Mass., sends to
because u woman knowu to have giv Thun In the sweet summers gone by ?
and presence, among which the following are en birth lo a n il legit Imale child had her chances a. m. a n d T J ^ p . tn. P k o i \ Brest-e, the follotrinir remarkable report:
worthy o f a place in the Frontier DepdVlment. of marriage diminished -, and because tim fathers I»oe* the sea hi Its musical thom ier P aovinriteg, R. T .- T b e B ptritualists now hold th e ir " I feel it my duty tqjrepJrt to you what Mrs.
1st. T o Mr. B ., after reading his character, eouln not be relied upon to support them .” Nlne- In sadder toned mel-idic* sigh ? m e etiu rs a t th e M usical I n s titu te h a ll, M a ra et sq u ar.
8pence’s Positive and S rgatlve Powders have
w e said, “ we see you at nineteen standing in the tv-ninc out of every hundred ol the known"cases or Have the oak* from their green glory faltered ? PiT xocvo, Ma s *.—Lyceum A eeocistion o f S piritualists hold
done for me. I tiad sulTered with a hereditary
m eeting* iu Lyceum H all tw o Sunday* in each m onth. Chil
midst ot a group o f men—it is on the occasion of infanticide occurred among a single etas - of wo Arc roses less ruddy and white? dren ’s Progressive Lyceum meet* a t 11o'clock A.M. Speaker*
the raising ot a building. A stick o f timber fell men—domesticservauts. There were *2 ood new Headache for rfi year*. D-irlng no week had I
Ha* tue picture been shadowed and altered? •b g e g e d : —Mr*. 8. A . B y ru e e.Ja u . 6 and 12; H . B. b to rer,
brushing by you. You barely escape ; others ly born children murdered every rear in E ngland." Feb. 2 aud 8 ; I. P. G rt eultwf, March 1 and 8. been free from the Headache in all that time. Two
A paper prepared by a Mis* itrilUlb* was read, lay Or ha? It lust oul£ the light ? years ago last August, I aeut to yofi and got a few
are seriously hurt. Your twenty-third year is ing it dow n that if fuUnlicide were to he punished Pc t s a x , C o n t.—M e e tin n a re held a t C entral H all every
marked by Hn accident and event, effecting you at all, ail excuses for the commission of tta- crime Buuday afternoon a t 1 o'clock. Progreealvr Lyceum a t 10>^ boxes of your Powders, and commenced taking
In th e forenoon.
socially, locally and financially ; a period from must first be withdrawn. A jduiig woman who de ” An enterprising British house agent ie vlg- them according to the direction?, and am cured,
QtnSov, M»*s.—Meetings a t 2% end 7 o’clock p. x . Pro-
which you date the pivotal center ot your pres pended on dtmivitic Mjivice for her support, ol’tcu oioonly advertising u villa which adjoin* Mr. Ten greestve Lyceum m eets a t r. x . - - * .6? T baVeJiftd no Headache since I took the first
cot life. Tw elve years ago you are wronged by murdered her lufunt liocuiisc she could not ob'nin nyson’* house,‘.aua iaiceumuieodlng it for the.view EGc u x u HD, In n .—Tbe Friend* o r Pvogre#* hold m eeting!
two men, describing them. We saw bis parents employment while nursing it. Par) in incut should It commands ot the ground* ol I he poet. The Powder. I had also b»cn troubled with a dis
e v ery Sunday m orning in H enry H all, a t 1QU a. m. Chil
and described them so accurately that they were eBtabli-h houses in written any pregnant woman v ie w of the poet is not included in the lease, b u t is dren ’s Progressive Lyceum m eets lu th e sam e ba ll a t 2 p. m. ease in my bowels Irom childhood. There Wat
m ight be r o viv -d ; after the bitth of her child, em *.,ld by Implication. ftocavoan, 1 1 1 —T he F irst Society of Spiritualist* m eet an d ccarce a d iy tbat I did uot sufior pain in my bow
identified at once—all o f which proved correct." ployment etiould be found for the mother, and the
•2nd. We read Mrs. A*s character ; saw a child should he taken care ol by a society estab have speaking every Sunday evening a t 7 o'c lock, a t B row n’s els, up to the time I got your Powders. They have
Bal< Lyceum m eets a t 10 o’clock, a. m n in th e asm* ba ll.
friend o f h ers from the spiritual world, a sol lished for th a t purpo,-e. A Dr. McMilUq^tliouglit fcST The English Juurnals are crowded w nh rec Dr. B. C. Dunn, conductor; M rs. M. Rock wood, g u a rd ia n . cured me of that, too. I had employed many of
dier, and identified him. Accepted. that a lying-in charity should t>c established, ord* of crimes, ebiiily vrile-inorders. R ic n ia m b Co v e r , Wts.— Lyceum m eets every Bnnday a t the best physicians of tbe Old School, and none of
3rd. A remarkable reading o f the character where women could quickly get rid o f their b u r h a lf past one a t C handler’s UalL H . A . Baatiand, Conductor. them could tell what tilled me, and could do me
of Mr. P ., giving Incidents, with description of dens ; a Col. K.idcUlU-remarked th a t infanticide* M rs. D ulls Peake, G uardian.
l* ;~ In despatching the remain* of Mr. Peabodv no good "
spirits, that carried conviction to muny who m ight be clucked by punishing sedueera with penal BraiN oniLD, U to—Spiritualist A ew datlun hold reg u la r
doubted heretofore. servitude ; aud the Kcv. Charles Brittain was quite, to mis countiy lo au English tnun oi-war, Queen meeting* every Sunday m orning a t 11 o’clock, a t C apital
V ictoria pays a truly i*.jai tribute to the dead. H all, South Woat c orner 6th aud Adam* stre et. A. U. W ur
4th. Wq afeked Mr. B. to stand up. W e then sure that "no legislative enact m eet would dimtuish
infanticide. 1 At this stage ol the discnsslou, our th on President, U. M, L anpheor Secretary. C hildren’s Prog-
passed our hand over his persou, when our esteemed fellow cltizeness retive Lyceum every Sunday a l 2 o ’clook P. M. B. A. Rich
ard*, Conductor, Miss L im e P o rte r, G uardian.
left hand was attracted to a spot on the right ot Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, of New York, then
the back just above the hips, and fastened for u came forward, and w n received with applause. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. B t c a x o RS, I I I . —T h e C hildren’s Porgroeslve Lyceum of
tew seconds to the spot. Our Tight hand then She said she bad bad considerable experience iu
Byramure, llfo m*#U every Sunday a t 2 o’clock, p. m , lot
W ilkins' New HelL H arvey A. Jo n te , C ondo*tor; Mr*. Ho MUST ONE- RISE
came in contact with the left knee, inside. W e the h o s p i t a l s of New York, and wLued lo draw ratio Jam**, G uardian.
at orjee entered into a detailed account o f the .attention to two politic. The lirci thing wu*, th at
I t would be very injurious to enact any severe
ItSLoIT. V l l —T he SptritCAltite nf tteloti, bold ragwlnr
met-linas at tb i l r c h u r c n a t a I*. M. *Vm, d. Yost President : T he Free Conference m eets a t th e sam e place on Bnnday a t
8 o’clock p. 19., one h o ureem ion. K m ay. a n d .p e e c h e a Ilm-
cause, all of which was confirmed. L . H. lla u itllu lt, dec’y . Lyceum tu esls a t \ l 4 . M r U. 8.
lied to ten minute* each. Cbauocey £11 wood. E sq.,P resident
measures ou the wum m , Ik c iu s c it u-udeJ to pro U aiutU ou, C onductor; Mu* A. Harries, U uurdU n. Pinnebog, Mich., Aug. 4’h, ISM.
r»th. By a lady we saw a spirit, described him duce what was a greatly increasing crime—th a t or of S o c ie ty ; Mrs. Borah D. P. Jouee, Corresponding a nd Re-
and was asked what relationship he w h s to iho abortion, which was a tremendous evil ia Ameri B ra iau ritL S H a l l .—T bs S outh Bud Lyceum A ssociation cording Sect utary. t P r o f . Si ’b n o b —Dear Sir: I feel that I ought to
ba vs vnit-rtiiinm unis every T hursday evening d u rin g the acknowledge some or the benefit* of the Pjdtlvc
woman f Wc answered promptly, “ l i e Is her ca, aud waa causing great anxiety amongst the w in te r a t tb e Hull N o.su, Springfield stre et. C hildren’s P ro BratMOvixti), Ma s s .—T he Fra tern a l Society o f Spiritualis*l
brother-in-law.’’ Correct. population and aitL-miou ou tim part of the Legis gressiva Lyceum m eets every Sunday a t 10>j A. X. A .J . hold m eetings every Buuday a t F allo u ’e H all. Progressive and Negative Powder? In this place. Well, tt^cn,
Chose C onductor; J . W^.ilcOulro, A ssistant C ond u c to r; Mr*. Lyceum inert* a t 2 t . x . Conductor, U. 8. W illiam s; G uar
«!b. Luther W righ t This reading was in lature. No severe measures should be enforced d ian, Mr*. Mary A. Lym an. L ectures a t 7 t . x . two year* ago one box cured my child, one year
many reapers, the most marked o f any we gave against ll;c woman for killing the child,as it would M .J .B lrw s r t.O u a rd ia n . Address a ll com tnnnkaU ons to A .
i . Chase, 1671 W ashington stre e t. Ba c r a x s m t o , C a l —M eetings a re held In T urn V ereln H all, old, after given up to die. Half a Bqx of the Foil-
in Aimont, reading the events o f a remarkable tend directly to increase abortiou. Men constant on K. *tree t,rvery Banday o t 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. C hildren’s
V atoa l l s u — T be 6«ulb Boston S piritual A ssociation tlve Powders curpd 11.0. Kilburn of ErysipeYas,
life o f toil, dearibiiig vividly many incidents ot a ly brought women to abortionist* for th at crime bold m eetings every S usday a t 10,5 and 7 f t o’clock. Mr. 1’rogresAlve Lyceum meet* a t 2 p. m . H enry Bowman,
long life, remarking that this man’s life has furtherance to bv produced ; aud it was desirable to avoid the K eens, President; H- U . lioutd, Secretary ; M ary L. fre n c h , Conductor; M ist G. A. B rew ster, G uardian from which he had been unable to work for sev
of th at most deadly crime.w lth which, T reasurer. eral years. He took up the half box, went to
l»een a lonely one and especially through his iu her opinion, lufanticlde was not to be compared. T ckR l I I a c t * I m p .—The P i n t Spiritu al Society b o l .
« hildhood. Then came his mother from spirit The second point to which she directed her atten B altim ore, Mn.—T hs ‘‘ The SprituaU st C ongregation of m retlug* in P ence's H a ll, c o rn e r 2nd and Ohio street*. work, and says he is now cured. Again, a young
Baltim ore " hold meetings on Sunday and W ednesday eveu- Lecture* e t 11 A. M.. and 8 P. M . Speaker* engaged, J
life, speaking words ol comfort to him. The old tion was the great advantages ot private charities lu g s ^ t Saratoga f la il, south-east corner C alvert a u d Saratoga Madleou A lton, for six m onths, from May 1st. girl, twelve years old, who bad bccomo blind
man received nnd accepted the reading, and to meet tiit-ov cases. In New York, such cases stre ets. Mrs. F. O. U y ctr speaks till fu rth e r notic e. Chil C hildrens Progressive Lyceum most* a t th e ta m e place a t from pain in her head, has used up one and one
his reference to his lonely childhood, brought were dealt with lu the hospitals, aud in thy major d re n ’s Progressiva Lyceum m eets every Sunday a t 10 A. M. 2 j^ P. £ . M. G . G ranville, C onductor.
half box of Positive Powders ; she Is now around
tears to the eyes of many, and as he turned to ity ofibstanccs the women were sent out entirely S n a d u H ty Im iituU .—Thty Society of " Progressive Bp [ritu Toledo, O.—Meeting* a re held and reg u la r sp eaking tx Old
at work, can read, write.and sew. I might give
M asonic H all, 8nuim lt stre e t, a t
us, and in a tremulous voice said, ** I was all redeemed, aud with employment procured for al tula of liulllinore.'’ Service* every Sunday m orning and
e vening a t th e usual hours.
P. M. AU a re Invited
fro*. C hildren’s Progressive Lyceum in th e swine place every
alone as a boy, bound to a cruel master, who them .
The R c t . M. Sullivan re proved Elizabeth for the BAX0o k ,U t.—Spiritualists bold m eetings In Pioneer Chapel
Bonday a t 10 a . x . A. A W heelock, C onductor; M rs. A . A.
more such cases; hut after seeing such evidence ir
knew no mercy. 1 left him and came W est. I lenient views she took o r the subj -ct.. -‘Shame tjas W het-luck, G uardian. people can’t believe, they will not believe " though
every Sunday afternoon and evening. C hildren’* P tv g rm lv e
was all alocc—weary, naked, hungry and poor; one thing uud murder auolbcr ; the moment m ur Lyceum m eets In th e asm s place a t 8 p. m. A dolphus J . T r o t , N. Y.—Progressive S piritualists hold m eetings In one ahonld rise from the dead.” I should have
but thank God, I am comfortable cow , and hare der was dune, the womuu lost all claim upon sym Oim pmeo, C onductor; M bs U . S. Curtiss, G uardian. ___ H arm ony U aU, c orne r of T hird and River stre e t Jkt 10U a . m .
- -■ - -. ■ . ..__— .1 a l / . _ . stated above tbat the girl w a s pronounced incur
something to fail back upon in my old age." pathy," and, lo this reveread gentlem an’s opinion," B n o i r , Wt».—T b s Spiritualists o f B eloit bold reg u la r able by our skilled doctors of tbW place.
Tib. * Captain Cook,a peculiar man, was pres *lie should bu hung up by the neck. Some very Suuday tucetiugs a t the ir church a t lO Jf A. X , a nd 7 U p. a .
startling inform tiion was given by a Mrs. Mere W 'm .S Yu*t, President; U. 8. H am ilton, S ecretary. Lyceum T x o x rso w .o .—The Spiritualist* of th is place.hotd reg u la r Youra, Ac.,
ent, read him to a charm, coinmiuid^ig the ad m eets «t IU x . M r. Wi*. W adsw orth, C onductor; Mis* O. m eetings a t T houpeou C enter. The ufllcurs a re E U ulhert,
miration o fth c audience, to whom he was well dith, "who ba< recently paid many visits to the lU ru es, G uardian o f Groups. Z. Btockw ell, M. H all Jr, T ruslctC j and A. TilloU ou Beo- W. D. KELLY.
known.giving the following dates: At ten years fornulc prl.-ou ut Brlxloa —the visits, we presume, reta ry aud T rea su re r.
Untile Creek, 5IlrB.—The SpliilU ilisU o f th e F irst Free.
being ot a voluntary, aud uot o f a compulsory char C hurch, bold meutiugu every Suuday a t II A. M. a t W ake- T o Pi k a , K a m s a j .—T he S piritualist* of T opeka, K ansas,
or age this man takes upon hiuirelt the respon acter. Unless the tviualc prisoners at lirixton have m eet for feudal Services and in sp ira tio n a l, speaking every
ice's H all. Lyceum a aaiou a t Vi M - George Chaae, Conduc
sibilities ot manhood, and ever after acts the humbugged Mrs. M., there exists among the Eug- to r ; Mrs. L. L. Hailey, G uardian o f G roups. Bnnday e a rn in g a t the Odd Fellow ’s UaU, N o. 188
part o f a man. At thirteen,leaves h is surround li-h servant girls a secret society, guild, Or confra A venus. Mr*. U. T. Thom as, Iu»plraU oual Speaker.
B elvldrrs, 111.—T he S p iritu al Society hold m eetings In F. L. C r a m s Pree’L
ings, is adrift and alone in the world. A t m x * ternity, which moy be called, "T he Association G reen's H all tw o SnnAty* in each tuouin,forenoon aud even
teen you are in the water, struggling for !ire— lor tne Cultivation of Child-murder as a Fine A rt.” in g iO '^ a n d T U V ciock. C hildren's Progressive L yceum YiM iXtun, N. J .—Friends o f Progress meeting* * A h eld lo
" H u y have a kind of sisterhood about It," says e r < t i a t t.vo o’clock. W. * . Ja n .u eo n ,-C o n d u c to r; S. C. Plum stre e t H all, every Banday, a t 10U a. m., and evening.
iu a i!y dead when token out. A t eighteen Hayw ood, A svuta ol Cvmductor ; Mr*. U u a u bid well, G uar- P resident, C. U. C am pbell; V ice-Presidents, M rs. 8ara h Ooon- M B S. S P E N C E 'S
you arc nearly killed by the fall o f a stick ol tim Mrs. M. *‘Killing children is tho most difficult ley au d Mr*. O. F. Bteveni; Corrcepomllog Secretory and
thing a human being can do. N >young m other d iru .
tar or tree, you barely escaped with your life. for the find time mastered th a t wonderlul a rt of T reasurer, 3. 0 . Sylvester; Recording Secretory, II. U. Ladd.
TrvrALo, N. Y.—MvwUngs are ur id in K r t a l i n H all, W es. C hildren’* Progressive Lyceum a t V ift p. m. Hoeea A lim , P O S IT IV E & N E G A T IV E
A t tw enty four we w e a great change. Inoiilly, bringing a child into the world and killing it. F,«i,lo Crock evory Sum tiy a t IdJ^ a. iu. aud p. m C onductor; M rs. P o rta Gage, G u ard ia n ; M n . J n lla Brigham
and pecuniarily. At twenty-tour comes the T.iere was one young girl of sixteen who was con Cl.il.Iren’s Lyceum tn -eb a t p. m. H arvey F itzgerald, and Ur*. T anner, A ssistant G uardians.
Conductor M rs. M ary Lane, G uardian. P O W D E R S .
great change ol your life. Here begins Ujc pres fined iu the workhouse, and was there taught how Wmuasacu*
B an w rfO k t.C o w z.—Chlldron’i Progressive Lyceum m eets
ent man and his success. A t thirty-one we see to kill her child ; and, now lti.ri she knew tuu art, every Suuday a t l d j f A. a t L afayette H all. U . H . C ran
Trane*- 8peaking The Msgic control of the P o s it iv e a n d N e g a t i v e
sickness, sorrow and anxious pare. At forty- she would, no doubt, practice It again. I t was dall, C onductor; klro. A h aa M .M id d letro o k ,G u ard ia n . P o w d e r * over disease o f all kinds, I* v o n te rfo i beyond
two, sickness, sorrow and death, with great thought quite a mean thing bv these women if one BaoOkltw, N. Y - T he 8 |drituafisU hold m'Mt- Com- all precedent. They do no vioitn ee to the system , ctnelnx,
grief. E ight years ago, again you arc in sorrow. was found out in such a m atter. O neol the wo berlaud stre e t Lecture Loom, w ear D oKalh a re n a s every
men gave me this receipt, saying th at she had per no purging, no nauseating, no vom iting, no narcotising.
The captain stood up and testified to the facts o f sonally proved Us dlk-acy—‘you pan turn their Saiiday a t 8 and 7 ^ p. m. C hildren's Progressive Lyceum
m eets a t 1 0 ^ w . m. J . A. B a rtlett,C o n d u c to r; b u s. B A. Men, Women and Children Bed them a ellent but a enri-
these dates ami these incidents. T hese are but tongues down their throats,and then you can bring B radford, G uardian of G roups. Point. C ontribution iti cento. - suet ee*.
a few of the n u n y incidents and life histories them back before they get still'.' " 8 pi ritu a l meeting* for Inspirational an d T rance Speaking, Wo r c e s t e r Ma w .—Meetings a re held In H o rtlc n ltn ra f lls ll The P o s it iv e * cur* Neural,;)*, Headache^ Rheum#,
given in Aimont. A Dr. Green vindicated his title to that name and Sp irit Test maulieala'Jim*, every Sunday a t [J p. m., aud a w r y Sunday afternoon and evening, a t 2 an d 7 o ’clock. Him, P ain *of all kind*; D leirhtni.. D ysen tery, Yomitlnii.
W e leave the desk at 10 p. m , on Friday, O c T hursday eieiilu g a t o'c lock, lu O rauada H all (Uppur C hildren’s Progressive Lyceum m eets a t 12 o’clock Avery
by asserting that “no womxn in her sound mtud room ) No. l l ’i M yrtle avrnue, B rooklyn. Banday a t th e same place. K. R. F uller, Corresponding tBea- D yipeptle, Flatulence, Worm*; all Femal* Weak nemo* and

tober, 22nd, for Borneo, and had a night ride ol ever deliberately destroyed her olTsprlug’’—% r e ta r y a n d Conductor of th e Lyceum ; Mrs. M. A .S te a rn s, amenta; Ft*, Cramp*, 8t. Yltne* Dance, Spurn*; all
ten milts, through as tine a farming country as statement quite in conflict with those ol Mrs. C l s v il a x d , Onto.—The F irst Bocloty of BpIrUnallit* a n d
L lberalU ts bold rsg n lsr rceetingi a t Lyceum H all 290 Sapor- G uardian. radesof F«vor, B a s il I’ox.M caslea, Scarlatina, Bry-
the world affords, and well adapted to fruit Meredith. Finally, the ksroclallon agreed upon -----■- - - Lyceum a t 10 a. m . Lewis K in g , W AStitMQToa, D. C— T h e F irst Bociety o f Progreeslve Bplr- ; all Inflammation*, acute or chronic, or the Kidney*,
Saturday, October 23rd, leave Borneo for three points aud a-ccrlalncd that they could not | ________ , M l*. 1>. A. ------- “ “ ............. Ituallsta m eets e very Sunday, In th e ir (New ) H arm onist
Ridgeway, at 0 a. m .; ride seventeen miles in agree upon two others. They agreed that the pun- B screlary. 11* 11, opposite M etropolitan H otel, P en n sy lv a n ia avsnue.be- 14e*r, Lnnf*,Womb,Bladder,or any other organ of the body,
tw een 6th and 7 th ttr e e u . Speaker* e n gaged: October, Mix. C*tarvh,<V>*»umptlou, Broochlti*. Oougha, Cold*; Scrotal*
an old rickety back, an insult lo the traveling ed, that of lahKcnt infanticide by death should be abolish
still-born iofanu should be registered,and
C hicago,]______ ___ I_____ P I , _____________
B p e tilro r; Nov., Susie M . J . knaon; Dec., N . P ra n k W hite;
Sunday In Crosby’s Music H all a t 10: 68 A .M .and T: Nervouruc#*, Sleeplessness, Ae.
public. The snow lour inches deep—every that the number of newly born infanta found dead B psa k sr eogaged, Dr. B laiu. Lycoum m eets Im m ediately J a n , E. V. W ilson; P e b , E m m a H ard in g s (expected); M a r,
n o t filled; A pril, Moeee H a ll; M ay, A lclnda W . Blade. Leo- The N e g a t i v e # cure Paralyils, or Palsy, whether o f the
thing froze up. trees loaded with snow, thou should be published. They conli not agree that a fte r m orning services,
tur*e a t 11 a . x .a n d 7J^ r .x . C hildren’# Progressive Lyceum, muscle# or o f ; the *en*es, a* in Blindness, Deafness, loss ol
sands of bushels ol apples hanging on the trees. asylums for pregnant single women should be es Geo. B. D av is,conduc tor, a t l t ) f r . x . avery S u nday. Jo h n • taeta, •m ail, feeling or m otion; a ll Low Fevers, n e b aa the
The damage to fruit Is immense. W c arrived tablished, nor that seduction should be madif* May hew , P re sid e n t.
at the depot at £ 8 0 a. m„ cold and weary.— criminal offense. a t 11 a . in. 8. M. T erry,C onduc tor; J . Dewy, G uardian; YAtxi Cit y , I u . —T h e . F irst B ociety of S plritnalU te and
Typhoid asd th* Typhus; extrem e nervous or anacnlar
The chairman twitted the association, at tho end Mrs. if. A.' Pcrln, Cor. Beet. Frien d s o f Progreea m e et every B anday for 00of scene#, a t Prostration or R elaxation. ,
W hile at the depot, one oftliose peculiar, sharp O xnrxsoa, M o—The SplritnalU te or C arthage, Ja sp er Co.,
incidents occurred w ith us that makes our life so of the debate, by remarking that "They had spent L ong’s H all, a t 2% p. m . Both the P o s it iv e a n d N e g a ti v e are needed ta
Mo., bold m»«Lings every Banday evening. C. 0. Oolby, Cor
peculiar. There waa a line looking man w alk a whole day iu conflng to conclusions which all responding Secretary; A . W. F icke rlng,0lerk. Chill* and Fever.
the world had aorae to long ago. And he might GeBbva, Nsw Y ork,—Tbe F irst Bociety o f B plritnsliato o f Physicians are dc! tab ted with them . Agents and Drug
ing to and fro in the nouse seemingly in deep have added that they had left unnoticed th* two C A tta a tM tr o u , Ma s s .—T he B plrltuallato hold mec-tlag Geneva N . V , hold meeting* every W ednesday #v*nlog J U
meditation. ' Several persons came to us after most remarkable things connected with the sub sry Sunday In WLUIanu UalJ, at 8 and 7 F. X. Bpeakea o’clock a t tb e restd en c « o f R. B. Beach, Sunday 3 o’clock r . gist* find ready sal* for them . Printed terms to A farf*
engaged. x . , a t th e reeldence o f D r. New ell. Druggists acd Physicians, sent free.
light, as well as to shake hands with us. This je ct/v iz : that in Christian countries infanticide Is,
D o v it a n F o x ex o rr, M s— 7Tb# C hildren’s P rogiesslv- G eorgetown,Colorado. T be B plrltnaliets m eet th e re th ree Fuller Lists of Disease* and Directions accompany each
attracted the attention ot our meditative walk 1st, more prevalent than in pagan countries, and that Lyceum holds Its Banday ssasion la M srvtck H all, In Dover, evenings each w eek a t th e reeldroo* o f U. T oft. Mr*. T oft,
and lie inquired of one who had shaken hands ft is common among Protestant communities and a t 10U a. m. K. B. A v s rll, Conductor; Mrs. A . K . P. G ray, c lairv o y a n t spe ak in g m edium . Box and also se tff free to any addrem. Send a brief descrip
with us, who we were ? Our iriend answered rare among Roman Catholic people. G uardian, A conference Is held a t 1% p. m . «. II a r t t o r d , Co mm— Sp iritual meeting* a re held every S un tion of your disease, if yon prefer Bpecial Written Direc
just as we want all our friends to answer, "That D vQ cotx I u — The First Society o f Bptritnallast, hold day evening, for oonferenoe or lector*, a t 1% o’clock. Chil tion*.
is E. V. W ilson, a Spiritualist and medium, th e irr reg u la r m eetings in Schraders --h a--
--------------------------- l t ,a t 10 o ’clock A. *- M. dren’s Progressive Lyceum m eets a t 8 T. x . J . 8. Dow, Con l B o i i 4 4 P ox. P o w d er s. |1 .0 0
who has been lecturing and giving tests In A i
mont, during the week.’’ uSpiritual humbug less
D e lu sio n .
The Parts "Rappel ” save that a pious but child
th e B rit banday lu each m onth. Children* Progressive Ly-
-J. G . M angold, Conductor; Mrs. Sarah ___ _____________
UoOtfOM, Ms.— M eetings are held In lib e r ty H all,
( I »* 44 Neg. « * 1 .0 0
couple had tong desired an heir, aud finally, Groups. Social Levee for the benefit o f th e L yceum , e very (ow ued by lb* BplritoaU st Society,) Buoday afternoon* and
and impostor,—besides it is all a delusion, and o f j u s t as Croesus applied to the oracle at Delphi to tvonlngs.
W ednesday evening.
the D evil, a lie.” W e heard, we full, w e were know what be should do to htvo children to whom H a w w o mt o s , N. J-—Meetings held every Banday A t 10M 1 “ 2 2 P o a . dc 2 2 K e g . ] .0 0
Dse Molnoa, low s— T 8* F irst S piritu alist A ssociation m eet G B o x es, - - - - fi.oo
moved. T he nature o f the "gentle W ilson, par he could leave his wealth, they determined to pe a t S piritu alist H all, 3d s t r e e t J . B. H olt, P re a ld e n t; Mrs.
don us,” was up and ready lor the battle, which tition <pqd for an .Infant. They went to cbftrcb,
regu la rly for lecture#, conference# a n d m a d e e ach B nnday,
In Good T em plar’s H all (west ride) a t J0J< o'c lock A . M , 0 . A. K . Poor*. Secretary. L ycesm meeta a t 1 p . m . J .O . ia “ - - - - 0.00
Ransom, C onductor; Mies L la ilt R andall, G uardian of
was quick, decisive and lo the point. Turning burnqj a wax cafcdle, and promised the Lord that a n d 7 P . M. C hildren’s Progressive Lyceum m eets a t 1 U Group#. Lyceum num bers 100 m em bers.
Band money a t cor risk. 8119a o f |6 or more, If **nt by
t o oar critic, w e asked: If HerwonU giro them a cttild, It should become a P . M. B. M. K luyon, Corresponding Secretory. m all,ahonld be In th* t o m o f Money Order*,pg Drafts, or
pontifical zouave to defend the temporal power or H a t a x a , III.—Lyceum m e eta srery B anday availing a t tw a
’*Are you a minister T” the Pope. It would have been laughable If the o’c lock, a t H a ly g ro r # H alL . else In Registered Letter. W
"Yes.” I I . H. P h il brock ,QbDd uo to r ; M ias R . R ogers, G uardian. O F F I C E , 87J4 Bv, Ma n x ’s Pu.ru, N sw T o e s .
“ Were you called of God to preach the gos child had been a girl. B at the prayer seemed to
have been granted. A man child was born unto L ores, I s o ,—T he " F r ie n d s o f P ro g ree s" o rganised p e r A d d reo o , P R O F . P A Y T O N 8 P B N O S , M . D .
pel V — them. When ha waa a year old they gaye him toy Lyceum m eets every Banday a t 11 a . x . m a n en tly , Bept. B, 1868. T hey n s <th e H a ll o f th o " Belem
L ibrary Aeeoclatton,” b u t do n o t hold rw rnlar m eeting*. J . B o x 5 817, N e w Y o r k C i t y .
-Yea." * •oldlera to play with. A t tw o, ha waa dreaaed like L o t o t o x j , K j^ -B p Ir lto ^ J ta hold maa^ If your Druggist hasn’t the P o w d e r s , send your mon
m D o you believe in a God F* a zouave. B e beat several drama to pieces. Be Market itra st,
F . B arnard, P re a id a n t; M rs. Currie B. H uddleston, Ylc* P re ri-
d s n t; F .A .O o le m sn , S e c re ta ry ; D. A . G ardaar, T r e w n re r ; ey at one* to PKtOF. SPE N C E , aa abort d W e t Fca
•Yea.” wounded hti mother with bis young bayonet. BU Jo h n a th a n Bw aln. Colleetor.
aala also at tbe Office of Ike R x u a io -P E n m e o a A i
U7aadl8tleuGb Clark street
fa lT K e ll

) •

- J -
13,00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE.] Sftttk vstitt t a m* n , fcow* at ao human rtriar, $ttU orithrr plare tor applau«; rtf onlg ir tl a hrarinp. [SINGLE COPIES EIGHT CENTS.

S. a. J O H I f, P C B U B H U AMO P&OPKIMTOt. CHICAGO, DECEMBER 18- 1869. VOL. v n . —NO. 13*

upon some glorious morning. I felt an arm “ Y es; why not? Have you any you’d like to er intellectual development that the ignorant be T hese fpiritulist phenomena have alw ays
g l i t t m i j d e p a r t m e n t . around me ; I turned and met the sm iling face lose?’’ come enlightened, ami America, in throwing interested nu*. although I have never been in
of my son. I thought m yself In a dream, and I shook my head and walked on absorbed in down all barriers to political and social advance tlie least carried away by them. I recollect we
y et I w as filled with awe. thought. And are all our paraphernalia for fu ment, lias been lbe chief instrument of lilting Imd many " seances" St my hom e and others
I had a consciousness that some strange trans- nerals, nur solemn black, and our long prayers lbe great moss of humanity to a position of w hen Home was here. I certainly saw, under
A S P IH 1 T C H IL D .
fofma*ion bad taken place. My son’s voice mu r but useless ceremonies? W hy. according to this, power in the spirit world ; still there arc crowds, circumstances where fraud orcolliu .on, or pre-
mured in my car. "Father, go with mo now.” the belief* o f the Chinese, Hottentot, African of being*, ignorant and Ruperstiiious. who enter arrangement o f machinery, was im|*ns*ible, in
»t x m i u MTia.
A* be spoke, his voice sounded like the vibration and Indian are nearer the truth than our civil the spirit world, and their intellect can only my own boose, and among friends incapable of
o f distant bells. W hen he touched m e a fire ized c reeds. I k * unfolded by the labor and guidance o f some lending tlicmselvea to imposture, many very
A lil tlf child corn*# to to* her*,
seemed to thrill through my veins. I felt like a I find that there are few things in which soci master mind. I was surprised trt find that phys curious things. That hand floating in the nij,
A < * i* l facod U ttla o b c .
b oyj a wad. prankish sensation o f frecdira took ety in this world an much differs from that of ical labor here, as on earth, was oue okthe chief of which ah the world has heard, I have seen.
A nd w hU p crt i c f t l j in m j m u -
possession o f me. My body lay upon the ground. earth as In its social and political arrangements. means employed to assist iu mental growth: and There was nothing but m«n»nlight in the room,
** Tad » other, I bar* ot ma." All the great system of living for sppenranee*,
I laughed at Tt; I could have taken it and tossed 1 found swarms of English, Irish and German it is true, and there is every presumption
n«r n s r ll t | locka o f Bxi*n hair it in the air. and the habit of self deception whereby men live people happily at work, cultivating the land and against such phenomena under spelt circum
flo a t in tha braexaa w ild : "Come, let’s go.” said I ; “ don’t stay here.” outwardly what tbeir secret lives disavow, are erecting houses for themselves and others, and stances. But what vnu see, you see, and must
liar a jta ara blaa, her face la fair. My chief desire was to get out of the house. here entirely done away with. Assisting in the great machinery of life, which believe, however dilllcult to ueeounl for it. I
B u t t h e ’a a S p irit Child. L ik e a boy who must fly his kite, out l would In the first place, the marriage relations differ lime, as in the.other world, revolves its constant recollect that Mr. .dom esat ou my right hand,
go. I feared I might be caught and taken back materially from those o f earth, and no false sen round. and, berddes him. there were six other* round
A derail n ( llg lit eu w rea th e b a r - If I did not hasten, and moved toward the door. timent nor custom, nor religious belief holds to oricTinll of a circular table, the empty half
Jlrlg b t a* th e n o o n -d a, tu n . T he seams of that door, which I had always gether those who are dissimilar in their nature. leaving your world I returned on one occasion toward the window jrad the moonlight. A ll our
" I h a re a cm e to iw m j m other." thought well joined, seemed now to stand twelve Neither Uo men crucify their tastes and Iculing* to abend a tenure, as it js termed, for physical fourteen hands werft on the table, when a band,
Wblapera Ibr Huh. one. inches or more apart. Every atom of that wood from a mistaken idea of duty. manifestations, Btid had The pleasure ot seeing delicate and shadowy, yet -defined, appeared,
" 1 b a re rotor to err m j Bsotbrr— which had appeared so solid to me was now The miseries and disasters which arc a'tendant how our chemists combine from the elements dancing slowly just the otbgx side of the table, '
C om r from a i n n n , ) »'», more porous than u honey-comb. Out we.went on a life on earth they vi&sr as a parent would the semblance ol the human form. I had been and gradually creeping up higher, until, above
Come to te ll b r r • L ily * lore* her, through the crevice. A party o f men were view the whooping-cough or scarlatina which interested when on earth in Hin experiment re- what Would have been the elbow, it terminated,
A nd e t a , w ith h e r aw hile.
standing upon the doorsteps. O d o put forth bis afilicj, lb e body of bis child—as nercs*i?y steps recently made by scientific men, whereby, in a mist. This hand slowly came nearer t^
band to grasp mine. 1 laughed aloud when 1 toward his progress from youth to manhood. through a peculiar combination o f metals, a Mrs.------, at the right fide o f the tabic, ami'
The engele call m e 'L l l , ' now — recognize) the person as Jam es Harper! Aa- A remarkable instance o f this kind came un flame is caused to ntnumc the shape o f flowers, seemed to pat her face. ** Could-it tajte a fan *’\
M , e p irtt nam e,—t h e , »»j other was Richmond ; another, one o f my asso der my own observation. You remember the leaves, fisbisnnd re-utiles, apparently developed cri< a her hosliand Three rap* ' responded’
T h e , p n t a w re ath a poo my b r e e , ciates in the editorial corps. I was perfectly singular and sudden death of Abraham Lincoln from the air, and I discovered an intelligent so “ Ye*" and ’.he lady pnt a fan near it, which it
1 w ear I t « r r j day. amazed, and set up a hilarious shout, which they was a matter of surprise to u*. We could not w e lution o f lhe remarkable experiment in the freeim* 1 trying to take. (J vc it the handle,”
echoed in great glee. AVe started forth, a con the purpose o f an all-wjse Providence In this msuifestations I witnessed at this o-uhi tho husband. T he wife olieycd, and it
The Hammer L aa d ie beautiful,
vivial party. T he atmosphere hung in heavy sudden closing o f an eventful ctrecr. It was It appears that every particle in nature throws c-unnienccl slowly fanning her with much
I ’m b a p p , a ll d a , loDg, discussed in every news paper in the lanit, and oil'a gaseous emanation, partaking of its partic
mists around the bouses, like the morning mists grace. "Could it fan the rest ol the com pany ?”
Sly hom e te b rlg h l w ith ej.Irit-flew rre— about the base o f a mountain. the conclusion was that the Creator hud s<,ime ular shape. These gaseous particles are not dis some one exclaimed, when three raps signified
Ferret w ith t t r aogcle* aong. We did not walk on the ground ; tin air was special purpose in his lemoval, and tins we all ccrnible with the material eye, excepting when josent, and the hand, passing round, fanned
1 o ften c o m r to pe r yon he re , solid enough to hear us. 1 fell that we were ris believed. by chance they coalesce, and then a phosphores each o f the company, ami then slowly was lost
P ro u g b t b y an angel b r ig h t: ing above the city. My senses seemed magnified. But here the enigma is solved. cent light ensues, which renders them apparent. to view.
And w b r t yon do n o t know I'm near, The comprehension o! all I did was very acute. Manding face to fare and walking side by A similar t licet to this is seen in electricity, I (elt, on another occasion, a little hand—it
I to u ch y o n , ob I eo lig h t. • We kept along the earth's atmosphere (or quite fide, as I have done lor the last lew day* with which lies latent and viewless till by a sudden was pronounced that of a l<*st child—patting my
a dis'ance. this man. raided as some suppose lor the special coalescing o f i n parts, ft inubilcsts itself in z.ig- cheek und arm. I took hold of it. Tt was warm,
W hen tic k , I kUe y o u r face an d b a n d . ** Let us sail out,’* said 1 at Inst. purpow o f Ireging the slave—v% marts r for xig lines and lltslies o f light which iiluminnie ami evidently a child’s hand. -I did not loosen
And eoatbr away jo u r pain. " We cannot y e t ; ;we must wait till we reach principle—I find that he enjoys as a good jok e, the heavens. my hold, bat it seemed to melt out o f rov
Now, 1 m u st go, (b e a n g el band the current. I f we go outside of that, w e may this martyrdom, and 1 have also ascertained the N ow certain mare-rial bodies have the power clutch. Many oihcr Hjmilar experiences T have
W ilt b rin g m e h e re again.” t«? lost m the intense cold and the poisonous solemn fact that he was removed, not by G -d, o f drawing thos»i atoms in close aflinily, and had. It is interesting to know that the effect is
gasses, or we may tie swallowed up in the vor but by *pirit politicians, Ond’*- agents. when ihey are thus d-.-awn. the -tiapes alluded nbi to creole supernatural terrors or morbid
tex of some flaming comet,” answered my wise And tiie state of the case I* this: the South to a*!* clearly discernlole by the. human eye. jVcIiiiKr My Children, wte- knew all about It,
m :m i r j . j c i companion*. ern re lie Is, hot- blooded and V evtigt-iu l, lio 1 discovered auoUi*-^ l'*rl- '*»"* H'At is that ev and were present never showed any signs o f
H I* ro tn m n n lttllo n to th o N ew The statement looked very reasonable, so I were arriving daily by scores and hundreds, in ery human lining emit* \ light, umt in the case trepidation, such as (rirewt stories excite in
allowed myself to be guided and we soon found the spirit world, finding their ctu'c discomfited of those called " mediums," a is intense like the sensitive and young br&ina.
ourselves in a great belt of light o f a pale rose and worsted, became mutinous. They were too Drummond light, and a Rpirlt standing in its 1 nave ul ways thought mat there was some
color, in which wc sailed seemingly without any raw and new to fall into the harmony ot the rays will become visib le to mortal sight. thing yet inexplicable ah nit the nervous organ
D ic t a t e d T iiB o m i a c l a i k v o t a h t w h i l e i s effort, moving the bauds and arms at times and spirit life, and they threatened a second war iu These experimenjs interested me highly, us ization which might eventually show us to be
T H E AI1KOUMAL OH T RA N CE STA TE. at other times folding them across our breasts. h eaven; a war which those young Lucifer* they bad been heretofore inexplicable to my living much qcarer to spiritual forms than moat
As we advanced, tho channel in which we would have waged with terrific power. mind. believe, and that a not impoasiblo p|H*uing of
I have often thought that if it should ever he moved increased In depth and brilliancy o f col To quell this disturbance and produce a coun Apropo* of the topics of to day. I pmst here nur inner aensea might even here enable us to *
toy privilege to become a Ghost I would enlight- or and I-grew' more and more exhilarated. F i teraction, it was necessary that one whom they relate what I have heard ol "the “ Lord Byron i-rccive there* lorma. When we sec a man in
co the poor, h -n’vbt-fd d e n iz im o f tot earth u nally w e paused and commenced to descend. looked upon as the great leader o f the North
ern cohorts should lie withdrawn from the poat
scandal,” which is creating so marked a sensa
tion at present. I am told by Byron and others
E is fle«b and blood, we see his outward robe«. -
\o how Idi/i if, hud give a mo rc definite acoouot The air was very luminous, radiating and scin If his nervous system, alone were delicately
o f what I should t-ee, and the transformation tillating like the flashing o f diamonds, and so be occupied. that Lady Byron, recently arriving In the spirit separated out from his body, jt would have the
that would befall me, than either Benjamin electric that the concussion o f sound vibrated A man o f calm, dispassionate judgment, not world, and finding matters very different from precise form of his body ; for the nerves fill not
Franklin or George W ashington had been able like the peal o f some distant organ. vindictive, who could hold the reins w ith * firm w hat she nad expected, and that she was rc: only each tlwue o f the body, but extend even to
to do in the jargon that had been set before me Looking down through the glittering atmos hand, yet look with a lenient eye on the follies ceived nowhere as the tfife of Lord Byron (who the enamel of the teeth and the fibres o f the hair.
by Spiritualists as com ing from those worthies. phere tkatHsurrounded me, I perceived what ap which he did not share, was needed in the spirit having resided there some thirty JC&t b had There* Ib no part of the bunmu frame that is not
“ S tu ff!’ 1 have exclaimed again and again peared to be the uplifting peak o f a mountain. world, and that man was Abraham Lincoln. formed & new and happy alliance), was BluDg lull of thcBe invisible ramifications. Show uh a
after looking over Fpirit communications and A halo o f light rested upon its summit, and we When those young Southern bloods had con with jealousy and vexation and hastened to in man’s nervous system, and, filmy as it might be
wondering why a man should Income so stilted seemed drawn toward it with a gentle force. spired with tlicir co-patriot to his downfall, spire Mrs. Stowe to repeat the story which had in parts, his form would be perfectly returned,
toceause ha had lost ins avoirdupois. TbiB mountain. I was informed, was one of a had instigated and accomplished bis assassina become a matter o f faith with her, hoping even to his eyes. N ow this is one great 6tep
Tho opportunity which I boasted I would not magnetic chain which belts the spirit world. In tion, and when he had appeared in their midst, thereby to inflict a punishment on Byron, who toward his spiritual body. A little lurther
let slip has arrived. The public must judge of color and material it was like an opal. the simple, unaffected,un<*re»//yman thnt he was ignored his relation to her. refinement might bring us to what is lieueailx
how I avail m yself or this ghostly power. I was told that a peculiar sympathy existed a revulsion o f icelmg immediately took pi a ce . I f she had waited until she had resided a lit tho nervous system, the spiritual body, and it
N ow and then I was troubled with strange between it and the human spirit. When indi ’“ * * friends tle longer in spirit life she would Slot have pur might still have the precise form of the man. 1
misgivings about the lulurc life. I had a hope viduals on earth were iu juxtaposition with this to humanity and progress, cnul J have prevented sued so foolish a course. But I must bring this believe it possible for this body to appear *ml,
that man m ight live liereaficr, hut death was a mountain they lecl a strange yearning for the his removal,bud they wished ; but not desiring long letter to a d ose, assuring ui^ f riends that I under certain stati*9,to be seen." I d o not often
solemn fact to me, into whose mystery I did not spirit home. to do so, they prepared l»is mind by dreams and have the prospect of as active u life before me mention an awaking vision 1 enjoyed more than
wish too closely to pry. N ow then, the mysterious riddle is solved, visions for wliat about to take place. as the one 1 have just closed on earth. twenty years ago, but I will tell it to y«u. It
**Presentiments," as the great English n ove thought I, and this must be the spiritual.north For a short time in the spirit world be held happem d five and twenty years ago.
R e m a r k 's : t h k a b o v e m e s s a g e w a s t a k e n
list remarks, '• arc strange things*” That connec pole! position o f Pacificator And chief ruler over that 1 had retired at tb^gyua! hour, and, as 1 blow
tion with some coming event which one feels portion of the American spirit world represent f r o m A w o r k e n t i t l e d > STR ANG E V ISIT nut the candle und got into bed, I looked upon
W e soon stood upon terra-firmv, if these trans
tike a shadowy hand sollly touching him, Is in lucent rocks could be calleu terra fir mu, which ed by the North and South. ORS, BY A CLAIRVOYANT. IT IS A WOIlly OK our infant child, sleeping calmly on the other
explicable to most men. rose in glittering anti polished peaks all around But ufler averting this peril, which would THRILLING INTEREST, CONTAINING 351) l'ACKA side o f its mother, who also was Hound asleep.
1 remember to have felt several times us. T hey were wonderfully iridescent, so that have involved the Slates in anarchy and was As I lay broad awake, thinking on muny things,
such as they had not yet experienced, he retired AND IS FOR SALE AT TUI8 OFFICE. FltlCE $1 50 ;
in my life undefined foreshadowingB of some no bed o f gorgeously-colored flowers could have 1 became suddenly conscious of a strong light iu
future which was to befall m e ; and Just previ 'to private life. P o s t a g e 10 c e n t s . W b s h a l l a l i a h e n y tlie.room, and I thought I must have forgotten
filled the eye with a greater variety of tints.
ous to my departure from earth, as has been A few steps around a projecting bluff brought Another instanc?, proving that the Inhabit TU1H BOOK AGAIN SOON. to blow out the candle. 1 looked- at the stand,J
generally stated in the journals of the day, I ex us within sight o f what appeared to me a mag ants o f the eplrit work], like their great proto but the caudle wa9 out. Still the light incresa
perienced a similar sensation. An awful blank nificent palace of alabaster. T his palace I soon type, the Creator,do. not look at immediate dis POWKItU TJIJi SCULPTOR. id, and I began to fear something was on fire ia
seemed before me—a great chasm into which 1 learned was a hotel, or place o f resort for trav tress, but-at the advantages that may accrue the room, and I looked over toward my w ile’s
therefrom, presents itself in my removal from l i t * W o n d e r fu l E x p e r ie n c e -H i* C l a t r v o y aide to see If It were so. There was no sign o f
would soon be burled. This undefined terror elers. * a n t V ie w * ,
took no positive shape. In ascending its polished steps I was met by the sphere in which I had probably Worked out fire, but; as I cast my eye upward, and as it
all that would be useful to humanity. FroB AppUloo*' Journal. were to the bock of the bed, I saw a green .hill- -
After the death of my b o d I fell like one who some b&lf dozen persons whom I had known.
rtood upon a round ball which rolled from un You may be sure a wonderful handshaking e n _ Like a charged' affaire* called back to W ash W hen Dr. Wainwright wa» in Florence, I side, on which two bright figures, a young man
ington because h e can fill a better post, ao I, a n il A f f t l l n p W n m fin th o tT f l r m j fio rL ie ' u uoli
der him and left him nowhere. sued. W e remained here but a few moments, asked him to go with me and see some curious* * a°^ a i"i2man! tbV r jt1™* f l 0*1
The sudden death of James Harper added an partook o f refrcBhments, and then proceeded to through Lhe solicitations o f relative* and fellow* and.
and, to me.
me, luexnlicuble
inexplicable phenomena in biolog/^
biologW 9lbcr 8 ^.oolders, were standing and __ looking
other shock to that which I had already felt. I the court yard, where I was told a car awaited to citizens who have preceded me to IhiB new which a Frenchman was exhibiting at a private down, w ith countenances full o f love and grwfc,
did not understand 'then, though 1 have since carry us to our destination. world, was called here for the purpose o f edit house. He had tw o models, whom 1 very welV upon our sleeping infant. A glorious brigbt-
comprehended it, that I was like come great tree, T he car seemed to be a frame-work, apparent ing a journal, and assisting in ameliorating the knew, for his subjects, and after putting them ness seemed to clothe them Ohd to shine in upon
rooted In the ground,which could not be dragged ly o f silver wire. Wo now comfortably seated condition o f the Southern States, and also to uae to sleep by tils manipulations, would Btick the foom. Thinking ic It possible ” * “that- *I was
from the earth iD which it was buried until it ourselves, when two large w ings struck out from my intluence in the Congress and Senate at needles under their nails to the quick, make ilreaming, aud merely elv fancying myaeli awake
had received some sudden blow to loosen its Washington toward producing a better com pre pincushions of their lorebeads, and run a heavy (for the vision vanish* Ubed in about the lime 1
! t like those o f some great condor. W e moved hension o f their needs.
hold and make its grip less teuadous. rapidly over tho acclivity. This is a new way of needle directly through their hands. W e hgndl- 'have been m telling you the stqry and kflt me
B ut in the very midst of these feelings [ I have one thing to say to my brother Jour- wondering), I felt my palse to see whether I
crossing mountains, thought I ; I will have to
sought the society of friends, and endeavored introduce it in the Biorra Nevada and Coleradns had any fever. My pulse was as calm us a clock,
around the social board to exhilarate my senses pi m ideas which have for so many years formed seem to suffer the least, or to be conscious of I never was broader awake in my life, and I
I Inquired bow the machine w as propelled, the principal.tonic o f his radical sheet are here
and drown these undesirable fancies. and was informed, “ Sim ply by a chemical ex what was bappoolng to them. said to myself, ” Tbavk God, what I have been
Life seemed m ere secure among friends, but put in operation. A t the sound o f Weber's lost waltz, one o f longing for yeara.to enjoy has at length been
periment similar to yonr galvanic battery.” Escn one seems desirous o f co-opcrating with
death was not to be dodged. It caught me un them went through a series of such highly granted me, a direct look into the spiritual
You may conceive my astonishment when wc his neglbbor, and people o f like tastes and feel
armed and alone at m idnight in the very door descended Into the park of a vast city. dramatic and graceful postures, accompanied by world I” I was so moved* by the reflections
w ay o f my house. ings associate together and live io vast commu such expressive change of lealure varying from excited by this experience, that I cduld not
“ M y God,” cxclalnlcd I, “ it cannot be that Inities or cities. Toey do not Bettlo down to one
1 had crossed the threshold, and remember 3 uttfiost sadness to the utmost ecstasy o f restrain m yself from waking my wife and tell
am In the spirit world I W hy look at the houses routine, as they do with you. T he cost o f trav
trying to find the stairs and being seized with and churches and temples I W hat magnificent expression, that we were both carried away ing her what had happened. She instantlv
eling depending chiefly on tbo will and aoergy with the spectacle, and when at one moment folded her child to her bosom,weeping, and said,
a dizziness. The place seemed to spin around buildings t Rut I must say the material a'.one -of tbo individual, the inhabitants are ever in she foil on her knees, and raised her eyes in and iB B our darling, then so soqo to bo taken
and I felt that I w&9 falling. N ext, a great struck me a6 something sublime and Unearthly. motion, ever ready for a change, if wisdom or
w eight seemed to press uio down like some hor Bo transparent and rich in color, reflecting light prayer.it was almost overpow ering.. Spite of from’us?’ is?” I pacified her by telling her that
pleasure should dictate it. The condition o f the all the undeniable reality ol this portion o f the there was vos no n c^ fom en in the vision 1 had seen ;
rid nightmare. After this I seemed to be fall as through a veil or mist 1 "This caps all,” said I,
common people is vastly improved, and Am eri
ing backward through a blackness—an Inky as doctors and lawyers, artlsje and authors, exhibition, It terminated with trickery too patent that the countenances of the heavenly visitants
ca has been the chief agent in placing the low to escape the detection o f any fair observer. As. expressed only peace and joy, and that there
blackness. It came close to me, and pressed whom I bad known, siepocd up to greet me, er classes io a condition which adapts them .to we left, I asked the doctor, who had ridiculed was nothing to drrad o f harm to our child.
close upon my lips and m y eyes. It smothered smiling and full o f life. "W hy how is this?" “Isa higher spiritualized life. I say lower glasses, the deception betore he went in, what he And so wo found it. I have longed much since
m e ; 1 could not breathe. this you T” "Where did yod come from?” Ques because under the system o f monarebial g o v thought now. Agreeing with me In the trick t j bav& any tiniijiar experience, but I never had
Then .ensued a struggle within me such as tions like these came from all sides. Francis and ernments, the peasants and laborers o f Europe
Lazants m ight baTe felt when he endeavored Brady, Willis, Morris, and a host o f N ew York ery o f the last part o f the exhibition, where the It.
have been kept in a qtate o f besotted Ignorance, Frenchman's wife had attempted to add^by
to break through his grave cerements. It was ers who had slipped oat o f sight and almost oat developing chiefly in the animal propensities,
frightful, that effort for mastery I ■ * L ircd around me as if by mir-and not fitting themselves for the higher enjoy
Imposture to the interest of the performance, he
tS T The last step toward the full recognition
1 understand it now. I t was the soul lighting said . " It was undeniably genuine up to that
ments o f the spirit life. point, and moet inexplicable ; but 1 could ^leasl o f woman’s rights is theyappearance In the N ew
its way into birth as a spiritual being, like a
child fighting its w ay oat of its m other’s Finding that the spirit world was likely to be of all understand how a waltz could incline the York City Hall Park or a female boot-black.
womb. y sucb things here ? Houses, stores, and works of overrun by this class of ignorant and supersti young woman to fall on her knees in prayer.” She is sixteen, pretty, and is kept constantly
I remember feclFqg faint and confused after art on every side ?’’ tions people, its wise rulers have Instigated the *" Call it a hymn doctor," 1 raid, “ and remember bury. v
that, like one whataas long been deprived of “ Y e s ; people must live,” said he, "wherever .United States to provldemeans forthe education that no tenderer or more jroading strains were
food. A n uqponsciooaneBs stole over me for a they be.” -£ and development of these lower classes o f socie- ever w ritten, and your difficulty w ill disappear.”
moment, from which I was awakened by a sud “Ana are men here tlic same, with all their “ Y ou are right, Mr. P c were,” said the doctor, I f Gratitude Is the music ot the heart w hen
den burst of light. I seemed to opdn my eyes faculties f” I asked. ^It is only by a&lnilating with those o fa h iy h " that w as just what I needed to hear." its chords are swept by the breezes o f kindness.
K E L 1 G 1 0 - P H 1 L U 6 0 P H 1 C A L J O U J E iN A L . Oe c k mk br H t 1 8 ^

machinal nuts -of mankind. Its nature, so soft with the conditions ct-cessary to procure such A fid, by tbe way, good mechanics, artizw s "sword of the Spirit," lo remove rottennera, then
1 r igi na l (Essays.
ted plastic, adapts Itself to anything—becomes likenesses. The invisibles provide the Cimera,.
m aking. God weeps ill bs bosom alw ays; lor they do use t»ne The prornss is very simple
and the like, are sharce. too, and w r y much pour on the oil of sym pathy to allay Irritation and
needed, and must ere long be in great demand. assist nature to purify and heal.
then wtiy add a tear or a pane to the already and plain, and a little child can learn the whole But now. there are no strong inducements for doMy bealtli I* not good, but I hope to be able to
considerable worg In-tbi* Bethlehem of S piritu
< verebarged soul? Who dots not look back art in a few minules. good journeymen mechanics to come I his way, alism,— Western New,York,—during tbo winter,and
|T»r tb* lt»litfo-Pb»Io«OFW »i J ')u rc * : I have tested this again and again, and differ
through the dim vista of care darkeued time, to as their competitors are too generally Indiffer 1 have arranged so a s tb labor according to my
w h a t i t s o itr a ix r the bright halo of childhood, with a feeling o f ent persons here and tisewbere have recognized ent workmen— white and black, and working ^strength
love lor its brief unclouded-existence, its warm, their friends in those images, procured In this at low wages and old fashioned time, or from Yours for truth, parity and progress.
T l i c A a r o f th e A lo n e G ia n t A W o n d e r fu l natural, unsophisticated, gushing sympathies; manner sun to sun, except on R. 1U., and there, too, tbe D e a .v C l a r k .
c u r io s ity . its smiles and tears reminding us of beautiful Leroy, ST, Y., Nov. iflh . ISM
same fact exists to a certain extent. Until a man
tty A ItCt.K R O O N . landscapes all laden with flowers, sunshine and PJRK AXrSTEjSCK. fiads an opening and works himself into a posi
shadows, that beautify and relieve each other in I t * t ta ln r e C o n s id e r 'd fro m a P h l l w v p h l e tion where *km and ability are necessary, he THE RE VIVALIST.
There has been much speculation as to the nee rapid succession ? v*— must submit to this lower grade ol wages,
of the Sinnc Giant (<m r ten feet in height) S ta n d p o i n t. T h e h 0»rrt*» t h r o w s • S p itto o n a t E ld e r
Tears afechildho4>d't(j-wel8—a y e l aud m ac- though be be ever so competent. However, l
recently lound by Mr. Newell, tw elve miles hoou's alro. In children, they come from the b » r. a. ransM TOca. K n app.
must say in justice to Southerners, that they are
(tonth i»f Syracuse, N . Y. At least one of our surface, f»r the soul is on the surface; but in It U notorious th at spirits aa well as m ortals are as sbrewed and generous as other people, and LETTER FROM H, 6. BROWN*.
savans, l»r. J C. Boynton, has thought it to be manhood,they come from the greit deeps ot the imperfect, sod th a t they convey Into the Spirit it does not take tbem long to discover tbe dif
a statue : others, equally lea n ed , scout thin soul—from the fissures and caverns of Its rocky World the ides* they entertained here, whether ference between a botch and a good workman, theDedolugs a r Si r I like to see tho short, accounts of
of spirits, 8plrita«li-ts, and thelrjnatu-
theory. Hut supposing It to be a petrifaction, crust,—they issue like the sweat o f stone : they they were rielit or wrooc, and frequently npoa and they much prefer tbe latter, and will pat
as very likely the w e , what is the pr .bible sge ral enemies, the clergy, in your valuable J o u r n a l
heave and break up the mountain ot granite ronize him at fair wages. But, of c iurse. be and so will give you a few iremi.frorn tn Is city.
ot this newly found wonder, riceruly visited by that sits like the demon r f nightmare upon the returning, give through mediums the ssmo doc- must prove himself, and tbat takes time. So if Tbe revivalist preacher: Elder K aapp, has been
thousands of the curious ? T he fossil has the souls of hum anity; they soften like the qews o f .trines they held here. I was forcibly reminded of such men aesire to come here to nettle down, spending a few weeks In thU v-|-.y, and is atlll hope,
Cauettsan features and is of the grayish lime heaven. Show roe a heart that wccp3 and I ihia fact, upon ruadlnu the report of a lecture become citizens and help build up the country, trying to persuade Its good people lo join some
stone of that locaUly. W a s the giant petrified will show you a grrat one. Let us have more given by Mrs. Cora L. V. Tappsu in Music Hall, let politics and all exciting suhjecis alone.— Protestant church, not Unitarian or Univcrwllst,
without being imbedded in the substance com tears, and we will have less crime* T he hard Boston,--especially, upon Sunday, Oct. !?tb, and energetically minding their own business, they to make their election to huaven sure. He pictures
posing the rock ? Human bixlles have been ened heart seldom weeps : its tears have become published in the Ba x x b u o k L i o u t , Nov.Gtb, will soon find friends and all needed assistance. bell as vividly as ever, and the tortured sinners
there in tbe mast painful grim despair th at ever
petrified in their graves—were ttrncd to stone. acid and have dried up the whole being, bke I860. But, on the other hand, il they are indolent, was depicted to tbe human mind, alm ost equaling
1 have no knowledge of the sb>fle thus formed the dry, hot, winds o f the desert, the dew?, the banging around the whiskey tap, politic*! Ihc tortures of Catholics and Protestant* on their
having been idetirintl with the rocks r f li.e Memory in our normal condition, U recollection
leers of heaven. All hushed and silent, we stand brawlera, with strong proclivities for the N e victims lti th is’world. He has met with little suc
locality. I shall proceed, llten.on lire supp* aitioii in the presence ot wet ping old age. We seem or remembrance ol t.-n t* , or, material occnrrenc groes’ volr-a to help them or their trienda to cess in frightening or Inducing our MII w k u k c o sin
that originally the h oly of thi-t giant wns instinctively to know that a greater than we, js e« that ure reini-mberi-d or have been noted by the
tunciion of memory, In one or more of the facul- some (at ofllce, euspicious, j«al »us, and generally ners to fly to the bonds of tbe church for safety ;
imbedded in the substance composing the gray there. The grey hairs, the furrowed cheek, Uie tie? o r’ sein-es. and us memory is a quality o r an ^inclined to get into a mu-re—they can do it here but he bas told one good story to prove th a t spir
litntstone of the locality where th«- fossil was bowed form, and more than all, the great subs attribute o f every orgau or faculty «f the brain, without any difficulty,-and for the sake o f Ibeir its commuulvate. He was *t the cliy of- Stockton,
exhumed. I f so, how came it '■> he where tt speak a language beyond the power of words uud from neecS-Uy being peculiar in each organ. It Cal., cariyiug ou a revival (he says the devil »[.
friends and the country, I would advise them lo ways follow* close on his tracks), when the fob
was found. to express, which tells us m->re o f the great lotiows, ib at in order lo have a distinct recollec keep away.
Unmistakable traces o* greit rev flutrons on lowing manifestations occurred, and he added that
mystery beynndt than we have ever known tion ol any person, tttog, or event, th at ait the I run much more interested in the mountain no common sense person could deny that spirits
our planet are sufficiently abundant. Our c in 1k tore. Tear* ate emblems of purity : they are memories acting. « hose capacity enables them to lands than in the valleys, |or here they are cheap, did eammune with the people now.
tinent waa-once the lw-d o f an mvan, :is pr.vcd the source ot the baptism with waier. which is note, m ust re-nu mber the peculiar appearance or and much nearer their natural dtiue. True, In tbe family of a Mr. Hooker ([ think), la the
bv the remains of sh ill ti>h imbedded in the condition, etc., of the object or event presented,
considered a holy and sacred rite, Tnrough or no perfect re collection can be bad in any case. the^e is not much Foil, but a loose, sandy loam room where his little adopted daughter slept, wa
reeks. Our hills are but so untny huge b alits of icars alone comes the softening and pundcaii >n IndU linct memory or recollection is reminiscence, makes them easy for cultivation afu r once ter was sprinkled on the bed, on the face of tbe
rock, covered with earth. The subriuucc o f whichy.iod precede tlTe baptism with tire. Tears and occurs when the function of memory in one o r being cleared, and this Is not near as difficult as there wami child, finally on tbe window glass. Then
j * lire thrown on her and on the bed, and
these rocks was s ift at the jier:od when the telfjof worthless jo y s; of unsatisfied lon gin gs; o f gan recollects while that tunciion In another does the richer ami more densely wooded bottom she would brush it oil'. The little girl often talked
valleys were scooped out by the water, is sulli withered hopes whose realizations are not worth not. Thus, wc may know the name of an Individ lands, for the trees arc not as largo and plenty. with the spirit, and he said be wMs.ttie former hus
cicntlv obvious, from the fact that we nowhere the struggle. They point to the many rnile- ual or thing, but can not u tter it. in this case, Chestnut and choHnut oak are tbo most com
find a'quantity of debris to fiil up these chasms, band of Mr*. Hooker, and niierwards he went t»
s'.onea al «ug our j nuuey o f life, which memory the Innctiuu of memory in the organ of Individual m on, but gum, hickory, piicb, pine and poplar, making ijoi*r«, and breaking eru.-kery, and prophe
even supposing it possible for the water to have has reared, which stand in the u m shadows o f ity remembers the |>ertbn or thing—the memory
»t eventuality, that the name was known, but the are found in many places. Cedar abounds on sying (hat Mr. and Mre, H. would be convene I
formed Mich vallyys in the rock; valleys that flitting years like ghosts in (he night o f him, same function in thu orgau of language has for some mountains aud mountain sides ton certain and join the church, and irally be threw a spit-
spread out to & considerable width, instead of pointing only **> follies. 1 have asked the grey- altitude, but I have seen none or very little on toou at Elder Knapp, and it fell at bis feet and
biin g narrow channels with jagged »i At. gotten tt, consequently, wc have In such cases a
nairefi, the Heebie, these just tottering upon the reminiscence insit-ad ot a distinct remembrance. the tops o f th e ’ highest mountains. Between abroke into twenty pieces, fie saw this start from
First, then, by the upheave! of this ocean bed, verge of the grave,—if they would like to live Having these tacts before me, I can not conceive Huntsville and Stevenson, Alabama, within todistant part ol the room, uud there was no one
throw it, and a spirit did it, as the Spiritualists
or the depression of parts now occupied bv the over again the life which was just about to th at there is ‘‘no meraojy—no rem em brance," nor Irom two to five miles o f tbe railroad, I went say. Mr. aud lira. H.’were converted thereby, as
oceans, «he water was suddenly thrown off this close, and I have never yet received an eflirma- th at *‘it is ail yourself.” or tbat "you are an ocenr- over Urge t> tdies ot what I was told was goat prophesied, sud then the spirit left and did not
part of our planet, scooping out valleys in the tive answer. A ll unhesitatingly say ** N o !'* rence,” or tb a t ” an event is part ot youraclf," etc . or CoDgress land. True, it was mostly on the trouble them more.
subi'ance then as aoft as that now at the bottom If this is all, then, we want no more ot It. Tears pure I can conceive that everything witnin a child is He said il was the spirit of the devll.and always
like a white-sheet o| paper ; and capable of sides ot mountains—some on the tops, but in
o f the ocean, and at the outlets of g n a t estuar are a .fitting shroud for the dead. It is well receiving impressions, tic., and that uine-teutbs of many places I saw the tallest and finest of is, or one ol his imps, no evil spirit. Has God no
ies, forming vast areas of what are now called that the future life is hid from us ; that the all th a t is coioldt-rcd instruction, im parls false limber or trees, chestnut, o ik and poplar. Some care far-the good f He bad for Job after the devil
prairies. Gradually the mass of matter hard great sweat o f agony must be wrung fiom knowledge to th at child's soul, which, tn time or single trees laid down, in moat parts of Illinois, had done hia utm ost to make a wicked man of
ened, during which proressWbe action of the souls,—woo otherWise would never weep at eternity, must be supplanted bv th at which Is true. would, I have no doubt^iring fifty dollars ot him. And the dplruaalista here think if God is now
rains and Trust pulverized the surface, producing Genius consists in the natural ability ot tbe Indi- sending the d ea l to tem pt us. he has given us
the grave o f buried loves. more, aud alUthis limber is valuable here, and In power to reriit him, and God jp d IBs angels will
a covering olaoil. Tears are the waters of an ocean not far viduat to sec and grasp existing tacts w ithout bh- good demand at railroad stations. But the soon be with us and grant u* l A u gtorv and pow.
Before the rocks had acquired any thing like away, where angels love and bask on its pearly ing taught, and that genius enu do so, does not mountain roads are "rough customers, ’ and er which Is the inheritance ol IBs children.
their present degree ot hardness, the continent strard. W e glimpse its golden shorea when its prove th at the thing oeeu and grasped, is A p a r t of
that person (outside ol his natural connccO or steep at that. Shingles, ceda^ posts, telegraph
became submerged, as proved by the boulders tides till our hearts and flood our eves. Child posts, railroad ties and cord wood, pay well for
reU tlnfitoall m atu re nr, that it was in him, as the
on our bills, floated thither on the icelx-rgs of hood aud tears are icseperable. T hey do not Iruit of a prior existence ; and although you may getting out. A few streams afford water-power. A UAl.VASIZKD RKVIVAUAT 1‘KEAl UEH —CR RtSTt-
the North. We find in the coarser bodies o f indicate weakness-, but gentleness. 1 f it is weak cotne to plates It* re, as well as In the Spirit World, Steam mills and other machineries are needed. A N ITT NOW AXO TWENTT TEARS ATJO [fl MII.W AE-
debris, generally somewhat d eviled along the ness, then let u» have weakness rather than that vou know you never-visited In your normal Fruit, this year, is quite wrerce, except black
outer skirls of llie valleys, the proofs of this k z r — l a t e r h e k o r t !*.
strength, lor ‘lls the weakness of heaven—o f .condition, or see lam itur laces th a t you can not berries, and hundreds, if not thousands of bush
first great flood after the formation o f the con power. There is more power for good in a Inc ite, it does not loliuw that sucu scenes or per D e a r J o u r n a l :—I wish to put before your read
els, went to wiu-te this season. 1 did not see a ers, the liuule of Elder Knapp's revival efforts
tin en t; ma-Bt-s of gravel and sand, sometimes of mother's ami wife's tears,than in all the tongues sons ence.
were sccu while in a prior state ol exist
bow l‘o f them fresh on any table that I sat down tierck It wns a signal failure—no addition to the
rocks and slot e jumbled promistu usly togetlu r, that ever desolated the hearts and homes of to. Fere ms coming to ’these mountains, not churches, of consequence, and Moudav, Nov !3;b
rounded and smoothed by attrition and dtsinlu It i t quite a oMitnion thing for persons who are
the children o f this sorry world. Tears seldom in a foranambuliv condi:iou, to visit .-ctnes in the desirous o f loo great seclu-top, should bring be left the cltv in disgust, shaking the du-a from
eraMon, while as yet hut imperfectly hardened. lie—the tongue often. Spirit World as welt *s here, and in alter litnes.to a-i-o-ciHles with them. Neighbors are scarce. his gospel feet against Milwaukeeans But his
"That this event occurred prior to the growth of Tfao ti g h t w io d i sub o’er Lilt » n J >l*io recognize Hunt, although they have never been Colonies, associations and communities could ficvll bring close on hU track, as he says, scraped
vegetation on the newly formed continent, is S h -«u i « I tie d » j t4 droit, there physically. The >mnc is the case or.lb some find ample room here, and fine h Cililies, espe It up uud look it along with him ; Tor the Elder,
obvious enough'from the fact that this class of And (b e (k it* a re w re|itu g nod CTickele wait who pass Into spirit life—they see ImnilUtr sceurs cially for horticuliureaud manufacturing articles he knew, would want It to blind the eves of the
deposits contain none of the remains of trees or aud luces, although they had uo knowledge ot them ' o f wood, etc. I am now speaking o f the mount people In hl» next attem pt at a revival. 8 0
A , Ultra o d lbi* grjiySare * btd, we ifiink tbe whole revival machinery, his heaven
other vegetation It was during the action ot while In a normal stale, simply because the m em
AM bouhrd an ! attll th» * ong»le» are ory in the various faculties wbile in a somnambu ains in Alabama, East ot Huntsville, along the and hell Included, are gone, to be set np in some
this flood that I may suppose the 'stone giant, M C. R. K., and I presume this ileFcnption will otbyr h e (illy, to Iry and grind down to their
was left In a condition to boerady lorn frotn its
W hich w arble a ll.d ay Ion*. lic condition did not note,or carry the fact into the
A ad th e oabl* n U b t a ra d t o u t th e atai* normal slate. apply to parts o f Tennessee, Georgia, and some knees some simpletons, and lead them lo say they
rocky bed. To aibtc tbe (n ae ra l *«n*. 1 can not sec the necessity for eunpoting th at other states. love God, bate the devil and tell how wicked they
A vast period of time must then have elapsid the soul of any spirit shall pase through various I hope yet to lie able to visit and carefully have been, and then jolq the church th at Insures
before the occurence o f* flood, which, although T he m u rm u rin g brook gore b a h t ling by. .. organisms, or, that an individual Piato or Conltt- examine the most southern and highest mount them sal valid) from punishment, i t Is possible
It did not submerge our hills, or even deposit its A nd catcbe* ih e a itv e r ; •traJaWe- cius or a Socrates, shull In tbe circle ol time be ain ranges, with a view to & vegetarian com ib at be lias implanted In some sensitive persons
debris to any considerable height along our Ae (hey pour'A ntn o a t tb# deep Mae >ky. tiansfeired to another material t/ixty, or into a munity. 1 would tike to find all or moat of bU dogmas, lo fester In their bosoms and render
Aod aCboiDg aaawere —ba.3* a aala . IIutntioldLan Et»i-n>un or* Parker, it this be *u, them Insane at some future time. •
streams, was, nevertheless, a f io r d wide s p r e a d 1 should like to know wkut Ih -c h u ic s of the *[bill's the advantages I have named, and some more—
over the continent, leavi -g frequently huee d e K*ch pearly drop aa II leap* aj-oog, individuality 7 it th es|» rit ot Plato entered a new greater variety in scenery, higher mountain*, Because hi* devil and heaven and hell,
posits o f alluvial, in which trunks o f trees may Mirror* a > n r o n h ig h . body that was after wards individualized as a Hum more water, and further South. With persons Are to the people a swindle aud sell
o le n b e founn imlmddcl. It was during this iath r And ffiadlr »fns* » joyone aoiig boldt, and both having long since passed to the o f similar views as lo localiiy, vegetarians, But hum feathered his nest pretty well.
flood, very likely, that the stone giant was lorn Of t i e rent (b at draw r ib i igb Spirit World, uru we to suppose th at, one spirit naturalists .—alt produce!? o f the necessities for And If bis borne is u hcdUnt on earth.
from hia resting place, Hnd washed into the there represents both Plato and Humboldt, or, human existence—l .would like to correspond, Freely he welcomes these pets to his hearth
T hey «p«ak u pla in a» w orda can O-ll have they merged luto LKlty, or lost ail tortu to
valley, and lift as found by Mr. Newall. and it they c-tn help me in any way, in means or 'W tb their .fanatic prayers, songs and m irth.
W ho, then, shall dicUr*.- the ace 'A this stone Ot th e ir borne w ith Uie ,u r < above. perpetuate a principle? • *
W hat Ihiittich tb e t*»/« n o r lri» o a« »V«II * 1 think not, tor both have returned through liv information, I will use il to my best judgment, I heard b in a number of times while he was
giant, or how or when he in c lin e imlredded in ing organisms, and proved their idcutity'is well as ami rejK.rt accordingly. Byt ‘bereaher, nil Imre, and think him the most im-chntilc.il and soul
the mire, while as yet what is now our continent, Th< day retu rn * m lo v e ! #
their iiidiYkIutility. others, to get an individual answer to th e ir ., lure revivalist preacher I over Imurd. |l:s spirit
slept beneath the watery a byre t Very'" likely - Anil cnrrlev fbe te ars In atrearn* of tig h t
The idea ot pre-existence has iirl-.cn from tlio inquiries, must cqni|Hii*stc m oa little lor tluic, -cem- to have lelt him. H<* looks uud sets morei
he existed in an age of the* world when that Tfi lu srto r th e vjlilt* iif «pac<>. fact Hist some, perrons are naturally clairvoyant, etc., x trifle at least. like a.galvanized corp-o dban a live m m , when rc-
brass kettle found solidly imbedded in a coal t s e b tsa r U a t t a r of tb e m u rk y n ig h t, Claimudieht, or pcrhelly clear initiucd in ui]'thi-tr As to tlic health *»f the South, I see but one vlricg tns old svruione.' His ja<y comes up like a
vein in Pennsylvania, was manufactured. A j*W«l on man’s -ltrk face. (aciiltle--, unit siiL-ii persons, white lit a m tu rat, lon-il ciUK- forAickneSB, aud this ta n n lytii the steel trap as b ; relates his scn.-alional p artie s und
souinuttiboiic condition, do uol rein ember* whs: la’e w arp ath ; and here in many'places, the ci*[>-lrup wi.rd?-, and makes his-Cijii.nun llireal-
WI L I. t i t MAN KI.KSII fK T ItlK V ? . trail spins iu th it stale, when they awake, or gel eiiii.g. lie due* not comp tie any butter uilli the
" I< is ►ni l tint a large m .j »rity ot the people For tb* Rallitio Philosophical A ’t r a * !. } Into me uut’itil coodllioti, they JrequeUlly d*i hot country is ao crown uji" to hm-m, weed, etc., live revivalist preachers 1 h.-aru thirty and forty
who h ive visited the U irdifl giant believe it to SP IR IT P w r ir itK S . Utiuw what set lies they uny have visiU-d, or what that it mud ret d impede Hit* tree eiiculaljon ot y cars ago, than do the wooden images Hi oar streets
be a petrifaction, though ".he wientith? men who persons they may have tiu i soul lo soul, wtlik Iu ntr, ami, where this is the case— S *11111 nr \V\st, wild the liking, moving men iu them , ami seemed
have examined it unit*- in the opinion that u is x‘r w m id w - u d r r fiil H rtcli>pini til*. ihtt stun-, auJ as lliey may have visited the Spirit there-will l*e moru nr less ol tew-re, ague?, eic. :ra much out ui mm* aud place, here in this a*
a statue cut from sUmc Instances of p ;trifac
World A* Well us |-l ti-*v Upon the eart-.i-sphi.-rc, 1 have seen hilt liiltu severe siekiuvs,—nut bo would one of tiro monster* of the Silurian period.
ftv W . a. WANUKLt.. when ihtycnute to ibc-~e wititts, or meet i«*rn>iia much as in the WVst ge-n»-ru ly ; still, there are Elder Knapp wy* spirits efitututiniested, but th c r
tion br.Yc been chronicled in e u i i i c m u s new s iu tnwrlul or spirit Ute, they rvalue that tli.y hare a great many unwelj^ dyspeptic, and, whul 1 were tiro Fpiiiis of :o t djm l.
papers, and the number is grow lire larger. “ A You doubtless fur. recollect try last call at
seen Hum brio re-. did noi txpi-ct to see, apparently (Muxumpiivc; Tiie Ueg Mr. Falinitft'ol (be Spring Street Mclb-
gentleman < f this city, whose word is ns goo I as your t'lUjre, in company with Father Rogers, a lleUi'v many bcll-’ve th at tli-.y have had a previ otliM cirtirCh, raid Sunday (.Veiling, -Nov 1-J h, th at
the wheat,*’ say4 the Oswego .W orriV r, pioneer in tbe gorai work, from MinDcnotu, and ous t-xistcLcv, wtu-ii ili-y have only seen those bin 1 presume Hie seat of il is h i the stomach, “ No one could coniine.* him th at III* m other's
“ informs ug tli t tbe b sJv o f Iiis grandmother, thing; and persons, etc., while In a aotutiainbulic where not only consumption, hut Shims: every sp'rit wa> not about him ."
how heU-id you about the new spirit art he hud or cu-ar initidtd euiufiiioo. other disease germinatt-*, «nd will continue to
exhumed lifer fifteen years- burial, w.> found Nov. ’J U t, he ppaku of the bunting of a little
to he pc-trititd. T he collio was d'dlicult t<> ra!se, discovered, o f taking photographs o f persons on The soul ol man luting iiitiu- ria l, it docs not fol do so as loug us our dietetic hajiilM nr practice, theatre here, and toe untlim-iy elid of two precious
the other side, on MiialS pitots o f bright tin, low that u ca u se it 're n>> s-» rt girela the tiu u ic ,th a t are so u 11natural. live*: but ihste-sd of speaking of the wicUeduetts
and on opening it the braly presented the it must extend backwards an well as forwards. Yours iruly, ot aUcualtig a th e a trt, m* said lie wished we had a
appeararee o f stone. A t«st was made, and it free from scratch or blemish, and such as you ,Tni> may be so wjth Ih-ity ; but man being an good u ie , lor lid had Shak-pearc Hi hU library,
was louiul to he indeed petrifiid. We consider may readily procure at any tin shop, for n trifle. ouigrow th, is merely progressive, 'or, la here to IfnMKit B r o w n . and was fond ol rending it. Same s .y Ills expres
this the most reliable statement regarding the become conscious of existence, and b e in g sur Chattanooga. Tenn , N ov. 17, Ibiltl. riou tu-niii th at he preferred blukrprurc to any
pefritaollon of the human li »dy wi- have yet had The method o f doing this is so simple acd easy, rounded by tiled moral and physical laws, tie gains book except tue Bride. TliU is a great change
knowledge of.’’ And the Albany Knittyrborktr, without nny expense, tlinl a n y o n e w ho is kuna ledge by experience, a;.d i*y the aid of Inspir Ir.nn the iU-nuucUlton of epiriu and theatres ot a
ation, tit his conduct docs not prevent it) he Is a&- L e tte r fr o m D e a n C lark. ^ few years ago.
taking pains to deny l*rof. Ward's statement mciliymisticaliy inclined, so far as I can judge, sis led in bis tlTons lo shape his o n happiness, at M k . E d it o r :—I dolre to congratulate you on Tbe ilev. Mr. Dudley, of the Plymouth Congre
that “ there i« no single instance on record of may readily procure, with »t little practice, good the same time that in a bo c Ic iv capacity, lie is iu
fossil or petrified flesh," saya that in removing a m easure rci-pousitile tor his li rot tier's tan its, so tbe steadily Improving appearance of the J o u r n a l . gational Church, tut id : "W hy nut sav Thy king-
aytu turewell, imduud of Thy kingdom coma. Ami
the remains in the old burying ground to the likenesses o f their friends in the Spirit-World. tar a t least, as he, in the pertbr in tnco of hia duly, A«j Individuals; and ns public exponent* ot onr di again, why no we not say we than go liy um broad *
Rural cenu try, near that city, among them were W ell, in the first place, h.ive. if you can, a may have tbe power to prevent them . vine Phil*wop by, we all have constant need of itu- road, instead ttl the narrow ««y ?" These ire the
found'* ’hose o f a man noted years ago for hia liltle.family circle—the medium holding at arms proTcmthtl, tor progress is the genius of our move reported sayings or the Hcvcrends.
obesity. In life he weighed 400 pounds. His ment, end onr altu thonid ever be to grow wiser, The UrUariuii preacher hero reads the Bible as
length Uie slip o f tin between the thumb and bolter and more spiritual minded. he does auy other book. W hat Is good he accepts,
remains were found turned to stone—petrified.
The fact was duly chronicled in the papers, and fore finger of the right band, closing the eyes, You, as well aj,myself, have had occasion to re a i d what is not be rejects, the same aa he does of
thousands viewed the remains. The bodily form and waiting padeblly until a vision o f some buke error and point out tbe mistakes aud short other writings. He never goes back on his aay-
was pcrtcct anJ solid. Other instances of a like person passes before the inner sight. Then comings of some ot our brethren, who do uol al J a g s , as the others 5ometiniv-s seem to do. This
breathe foltly up; n the slip several times, r q r th e BellKto-Pblloaepblcal Journal. ways torget sell In the work ol philanthropy. But b the Christianity of now. Lei ua com pare U with
nature have been known, and bow many’ there while 1 believe It Is our sacred duty to expore the .twenty years ago.
arc in the ground in that condition it is impos w aitn gcaeh time until the vapor has vanished, L e tt e r fr o m tt ie S o m b . duplicity of hypocrites, that we uuy shield the un>. Dr. Grieves was at our Conference Sunday night,
sible to say.” There is probably no doubt o f and the plate looks clear acd bright again. The suspecting Irom their wiles and rellUli scheme* • Nov. tilst. He was ibu pioneer Spiritualist of M i l
F r i e n d J o n e s :— In staling to you eotnc
the ttu'h o f the latter part of the lust assertion. breath chemicalizes the plate, and brings out ! t e while .I regard It as ludtspensnble to fidelity ta waukee, suou after the Fox family wont to Rocb-
But whul do the prole!sore say to these state picture. Hold the plate near the lamp and months ago, that I would answer letters o f in our cause, that we bo Jn»t betoro heiug gen erous- .i‘6 lurt N. Y., unci the subject of spirit communion
ments ? change its position until you get the right shade quiry about this pnrt of the country, I did not pure before peaeobie—Unit wo openiy protest wiraagitated, lie hegrd oi tt aud consulted a tnag-
of light upon it, when a face will begin to form against every perversion of Our cause to individ nerized-,person aboal U. She told him. In a mag
Sheds Corner.11, N . Y. think 1 should have so many, and tbat I was ual aggrandizement, yet are need to discriminate netized tolate, th at it was spirits, aud th at ih ty
rapidly, and sometimes part o f the bust or
the whole form, until you esn see a distinct so slow a writer and thinker. B ut this being belweeu tbe act and actor, aud while coudemuing would soon make mauifes’.aUons here. And they
"F .r tb* R*Hjrf->*PhUo»opiih-*l Jo u rn a l the case, permit me to Iry and give your readers aud tbe wrong, let us do It In pity lor the wrung dpei, did commence tn the family designated, the little
brdy, faint at first, hut getting clearer and clear be ready upon the tlrst yuaulfestutlon oftual spirit children rsppcd, aud Iu vcstlgalipn proved it
H o a lc r u r la n H e a r t* Leaves. er every minute. If you bold the plate longer inch view s, opinions, thoughts, etc., that I may penitence, to forgive and forget the Injury, know clearly. Gyown spirits made palpaolo deiubnstra-
NUMI1BK ONE. by the light, very often at her faces will have picked up thus far. ing that every soul must atoue lor every wrong at Ilona ; they pounded so darn us to displace tho
be charly seen rapidly succeeding each other. the bar of God, within Itself, and there is no uced boards of sa e ttte . Tbeu the Chrislians commioc-
nv v. b . Down. As one fades out, another appears,until,porhaps, T o a Western man, this can not be regarde d to ndd our curse to the psugs of eooscicijce that ed their slanders on tbo spirits and the people
Childhood! magic stage o f exA tehce! pe a dozen different ones are seen in a short time. as an agricultural country, for the largest part’ will ’‘Bite like a serpent and silug like an adder," where they roaulfasied, but especially upoa Lir.
Somel’mcs when under strong influences, I hold when the legitimate consequence 01 sin comes, as Grieves. The ltev. Air. Mileu made a very ungon-
riod o f mutual nothingness! soft aa^he plastic of it is too mouDlainout and hilly, sterile and come It surely will. tlemanly attack upon them-; but was m et and sig
the plate a second time, and repeat the first rocky ; and the lowest level counlry.subject to TUe position of an editor and Journalist, Is In nally defeated by tho fiplrilualUts. Thun c o m
yielding waters of Infinitude from whence ye procea-*, getting very distinct pictures. My inundations, .aud yet, Ifitre is a margin to both, deed a most unenviable one, and the greatest sa menced the Christian war on spirits and Spiritual-
have scarcely emerged 1 My heart beats with uged father’s photograph came out in this way, between tbe streams and mountains, Unit is gacity cdh not fflways prevent dre-atndaetlou on- Bis lu Milwaukey. Now tile bigots are fc wer and
a strange awe as I look into eyes Just opened and was recognized by all present. . T he picture generally quite good, producing lair crops of the part of coLtribuiors and readers, who kuow weaker, and spiritualism stronger and* more re
to a world o f wonders, that still retain the Im o f my nkece a little boy os he lay shrouded for cotton, corn ami wheat, without manure for not me peculiar Interests at stake, nor understand spected than ever biforc In this city.
the cofllu .on the bed, t veu to the shado o f the several years. T h « e better lauds, improved tbe great diversity of tastes and wauls tbat must
press o f tbe fashioning fingers of mystery and stray ringlet on hia toreheud, c im e vividly forth and unimproved, iT b iu k nro Felling at their
be catered to.
darkness, or gaze at coral lips yet fragrant with on a slip ot common tin, and did much to com Thu true Interests of our reformatory movement B * r A bell-boy^at a Cincinnati hotel fc
full value as a general thing. I might give you demand (earless criticisms of all wrongs without
the dews of God's own breath, or li.-ten to a fort that mourning mother’s heart, and assure various reasons for so thinking, but you muni aud wtthlu our ranks, and moral courage that Wanet in mo nail coutainlug Ki.UOO. Ho c
little wail which seem s strangely like the voice her that her little lamp was not dead In reality, observe they are only my reasons. O lhira m ay dare* expose error wherever round, H on Indis to the.clerk, who returned 11 to tho owner,
hut his sw eet prcsc-nceNyaa even then shed over man eooly put it la bis pocket without sa
o f God adm onishing us o f our holy charge— differ from them and be ju st as honest, uud pensable perquisite of all true leaders aud teach word, or even kicking the boy.
little, and just springing out ot the bosom her. Again, two faces one- young and the nearer right, so I prefer not lo give them at this ers, and though but few will apprt-eute the' integ
of mystery, opening its tinder petals to the other old, cume iu succession on ihe «auic spot, time. „ rity of purpose that prompts them to rebukedue
hardening influences of a realm all new and changingHH fast as one could count from one to I do not intend to Bay in uch about farms and evils around them, yet the syll-coiuclousness ol
fidelity to duty is bciler than the plaudits of vu/i S T A little girl walking ellentjy by her fall
unknow n to you, o f position, knowledge, of the other, and to show it was no illusion, the farming lande, as It i3 bt business or profession egotlsu who torm “mutual Ofimiration socielteiv' slue one starry night, when asked of what she
struggles and woes, at which your little smd young (Hcejx-came fixed for a few' minutes and as now practiced, that I have no taste for, and and cover up all moral leprosy with the ougueot thinking, replied?
shrinks instinctively, and protests! a little then chunked-as before ; b u ll cannot in this but little knowledge of practically. Its d irt, of flattery. « "I was thinking If the wrong side of heav
mucleus around which cluster all tbe forces of brief urncie, iclL thu one half o f the wonders of bard work, cruelty and ceaslesa combat with 1 have often noticed that tbe greatest knaves so glorious, what must th e\ig u t side be?"
the universe, to wound and lacerate, to harden this newt and beautiful spirit artrT ou must, try loHiinctive nature, [ do not admire. have the most to say about the vlrtUu ot cbarltv,
and entom b! Tears are yonr appropriate lan T he beat and most highly cultivated farm ing and I conclude in lhiA.coae It moat be ‘'making's
gu age; they soften the otherwise adamantine In my own brief experience within tbe last country tbat I have seen thus tar, is about virtue of necessity," aud their especial love for It seven HT" An unmarried woman at Vlrdon, III
hundred seres ol excellent laud, wbl
crust rstbey are the nearest aproximate to the few weeks, moat o f tbe Images or pictures were Hunieville, Alabama, and Rome, G eorgia; but arises from tbo belief tbat "Charity coverclh a
those o f strangers, although near a n d -d ear multitude of ■loa.',’ The true pbyalcliu first probes paid for, teaching school.
great soul o f Nature, whose heart is continually very little o f this will you find offered for sale. tbe wound, panclares tbe ulcer, aud amputates
w eeping. But tekra 8ometimta.*oor and embit friends do occasionally give me their likeness in Still there are occasionally large old plantations, tbe putrefied limb, then applies soothing balms
ter the otherwise sw eet and fragrant flower. this new and cheap form for the million. in a state o f dilapidation, that may be bad at a and aoft plasters to promote tbo healing process, JST1 Fannie Fern having said that "The’i
Childhood’s tears are never bitter unless they Yon do not need any other instrument than 'bargain. Good Improvements and good bouses, and Nature herself ofu-n sloughs ofi gangrened ex- the present day are fast," Prenllce says that <
are wrung from out the soul by tbe d ev ilisi the organization of the medium ancr’th ap late, o'Chard?, etc., are scarce. crescencee. 80 let ns uae the literary scalpel, have to be to catch tbo womeo,"
’r V
1)ECKMHEU 11, R E L I G I O - P H I L O S O P H I C A L J O X J R X .A L . 3
F -r th e Religio-Pinl<«H;.blc*l J.m ru s!. scented br* c-.*n. T hey broke also, anti m n like tie n-pr.iot against t i e M. !>’« wlfM i, nnvym pa. l ) U a « C. t b s r, iis |iir k lis < a t q iV tlu r , be* Im f r e .v * s .
51E D IA ; o r : T H E C llM l M ED L I F E : \ ttgh'.cittnii dow n th e street,
f >u r t « <•?' t h e t iu iiit iiix nv i itk i »i . h » t
th»z ng out ore, as fie looked u p and -aw they
w eie in front o f th e C ourt T he i-atriage halt i. D. W. H u ll. In -n ti i»i «> an d N orm al S p re k tr - I I . hart
T3SE “ B U S E N IE ”
A M o cjr u t F a c t , P b r u u n i c u a a n d M y n t c r y T hey iit-ppi-tl out u im im rn c l tn /rth c r up th e lu d . D uring Bept., n d a frllU . I n i! .; 0 . 1 , K*. Saginaw OR
in h a b it a n t ;
t;v (iK O H liC SOMKUVIM.K . dirty. i’.-;;i«-etwi alleyw ay, the d -e o r applying M idi. L A I» I K S ’ ( ’H J I ^ A X I O X
O ld J>.ah!y C n st says, continued the m onitor, lustily tn.s inieii cam title to. his leistri's as the Mrs. VI. S. T. w r s. ud U oadley, Brid|(t>w aw. Vt
th a t th is wmiMu when young, being very beau
tiful and kindly dispose*!, wa-> loved by h sailor,
[tent up a ir ^aluteu his olfactories with some Ur. W iillsm Jo rd an , Speak' r. Wale*. Michigan; N I b a Periodical Bandage.
C H A P T E R X III. tniplea-alU odor. W in. H . Jo h n so n , O r ry , I'a . P « t o n tret N o v . 1 T i b * 1 8 0 8 . lUeotniuri, I'd by
w ho ins>ihte«i th a t site should wed him , hut she 1 Arrived ut the las’ hou«e i«- ’h. c»mrr. the l n- Dr. P. T. Juhueuu. Ire tu t. r, Y psiU uti, Alich nut.y . uuurul Phy* clsn s in kiri-p e aud lh» L'nitod States
TRADITION i»K THK SCRffVMlSo M i n — L(T loved another, an d , ol course, s-he refused the kiiown led the d'R-'or tip tin- steps int*. il.e W y . Jam ieson, Inspirational -p ra k * r, «. 2 *,drr. , IU. apprnred of and worn by tbe L ad tisof the * n -r * l Courts
sailor’s hand. O ne evening shortly after he re | h.iUH.-, and up the st.trs again t.» tin* r.M.in ot Alhaliatii Ja tu ts, I'lnuMUtvIlir, Vrnaiigo C o , Pa., box 3 t
of R un pe, snd Is c o n i m r n d r c l b y e v e r y l .u d y a t
a tg llt.
turned from sea. he persuaded her to walk out the sick bin*. They heard her Weak uunns »-ie H. A. June*, B icatnors, til.
T b e render. w e hope, will *not bee mie itnfui- w ith him , and as they approached the place they reached her couch. It 1* a lw ays n s d y for u*.-. Is v.-ry r, tnj*, t, n*‘.ip k e p il,
N. 0. J o u rs, D raw er t t t t l , Chicago. s final I o tt « n n u t* l. p e tfu u n d bo*, lh a tr a u l„ c a n te d in a
tien t w ith o u r effort to conduct through th e va- where the cem etery now is —a large field il was “Oh ! why don't he con.e. Will he come aud b t . Win. It Jiw erlyu, la-ctH fir, llra ler.C laiiv o y aiiL lady’* p ic k e t II te ju lr . d.
ritd scenes of nur life rom ance, tw o sets ot char th e n —th eir p ath passed near a tree, ail apple- sec me die! O n! this long ncgl.i-i, delay.’’ A>Ulrr*S h’m Iu care ol thi* H i t, K. • In fc,—7VZ, South
I t Wink- maile w ill,o.it b u rk lis. b utton*, lo ok* or ryes,
ai d r.-«ie|res no jiltt.m p . It ra n u e t t a c t i l e lta».*ne.! iu any
acters, but ra th e r rest assured as he proceed, tre e ; it stood fo r a num ber of years iu one corn She iungnislied, and the r.ext lftonient Maned tin C lalk g f r e t. w ay while being w.-rt .
w ith us, th at he is perusing, not idle fiction er ot the graveyard. Stopping beneath the tree, with the woids, “ 'fh ey em ne! i (tear his s’e p s ! U -.O . W . K lrbye. * |*a k.T . A ddr-as th is oK r. Il be ug mad* t l p ure,*. 11 and sm ooth rubln-t. It c annot
m erely, but the actual lile experience ol m en’ th e sailor renew ed his suit tor the lovely m aid A voice ! ’ Tis his v o ice! I see, O tbui: I see tiro rp e F. h lttriijg f Utiflalo, N. Y.
iti any way chaOi or I r r l l a i ..
I t m ere Chau saie* the cost of itaclf In innlerial. as ths
and a omen yet living, and moving am ong us. ens h a n d ; hut putting back his p ray er, she then him one- more. O. P . Kellogg. Last T ruw L ull, A s h u tu U C o ., a XuKeuls w ith vttin.ary .a te , will la st f lr e o r t r i . vssrs.
It is readily rnnceeded by the general public, and there told him plainly, though w ith h eav The ri.kno.vn was hy her side. The docter I ra 8 K ing, tranc e speaker, r a te ol Jo*-ph Sm ith, P. tk
8 e n l any a h" ia by J. .11 un rec. u ,1 of * ; PC.
tlist the class o f men know n am ong us as fire ing h *soni and down cast eyes, ihut she really Hq>d in l lie doorway, one foot advance I I*»cross * ‘ “ Ec- ....................
1*8 8. '*■ t l 8i.,C liiis
loved another. H e drew a kiiiie, a n d withm n Box U 1S,luiU anapolla, lu d .
m an, though rough in exterior, m any ol them , tly.i lhrc*hol<), us the terrilil.. shriek struck upon
fu rth e r hesitancy, ta b b e d her on the spot. J . 8. Loveland, AI. n>u<.uth, lit.
uncouth in m anners, at least, no ways (’hester- , his ear,nod he .stood.petrified, ga/.iug with di The v - l y ( ■ ’
fieldian, but sometimes boisterous, yet possessed j H ence the wound in l u r breast. lating eyes,on tliediseai-eand L'lie1 .stli- keli leu Mr*._F. A .U 'g au , Wpuoim Mir.o.
of noble natures, generous im pulses ami a 'and- Wlu-n she starts on h er .pcnodical walks, viys lures nn.l emaciated lorm ol his wile. Sue fell W A Lo v c In ii U, HA liroiuOidd s ir e rt, b o ito n . C>
table disposition to do good V> th eir fcllowmen, . D addy C rist, she seems to come from heaea'h bath on the pillow dead.- A thin stivam ot Geo. VV.Lusk, A d d rix b a ttlr C reek, Mich.
to relieve distress at all times. It is from .the bps j th a t tree, the sad place ol h er holy m urder. blood oozed Irom her inoiiili, telling all too Mr. II T. L rensrd, trailer speaker, New Ipawtch, N Q. THE
of the straightforw ard, unsophisticated fireman X o t k .— W e transcribe the sim ple narration ol plainly tfie sad tale-—alttsa bioke-n luati. Mrs. L. W. L in k Address l l K u r.|a iiil at . Horton. Mas*. PHYSIOLOGY OF WOMAN,
th at we propose to give the truthful tradition of these lucis an d phenom ena, w ithout especial Mary K. Laug.luii, do Alunikouirry s tr m t, J rr» ry City N. J .
the apparition o f the Scream ing W oman, well reference to the p articular belief o r opinions ot Jo h n A Lew s. Add I n * hoc IT, Button. Mass.
"Hoe-tor, she is dea-J !” C 1: L ynn, inspirational sp e ak e r,S tu rg is, M idi. U E li D fS E A S E S E D O M /.Y / . , .V- ]' 70
know n of, and h ( credited by m any ol the pres the n arrato r in the spiritual*' philosophy. Till- seemed to break the noum-utary *|a-U of in-
en t denizens o f K ensington, for five and th irty T hough th eir language seems to expose the lac , Janie* It. M orrison, box 37b, H averhill, Maa*. OU) ACE:
acti.m iv Ui .-U bad held t^tetller euchdiued .>n the
years past. J o b Clawson is one of the earliest they, as most ol people during those days look thr.-^Uoid of the death eh amber, and as I he L’u- Dr. L*-o M illrr, A ppleton WU. luctu.lii,< all th.^ eo th e r C ritical Perbal*. Pregnancy aud
members o f one of the oldest fire ccuip ioies o r cd on these m anifestations simply as glins- known looked up, he v\a> tremblingly, approach D r Jo h n Msy hew. W ashington, D, C , P. 0- box M , childbirth, i l e lr cauf'-s, ayniplolus and appt.,,,riat< treat*
Uier.t, Witl byg. nh lu lr* f ,r lb* ir preventh.o. *10! for the
K ensington, uow an bonaniry member. H aving * stories,’ and as very m ysterious, aud superii it- ing the conch. 1 Dr. O W. Al.-rrill. J r . A ddr.-o Host. u, Ms*#. Preservation of Pi « a b ll- u lth .- a lio , II.. luaitvgeineot of
ju st had th eir hall renovated, refitted generally u r d ’q u ’ie u n icc m utable mi s n y r a ion tl hypoth ” (ireul Heaven! Jet.,” *i«ivere-d in reply ou his Mr*. I h t i u h Morse ,Jo liet, W 111 C ounty, 111. P te c e u p t and P art-irl-u l Welio u. w lif:hth>-ir i-aius aud
and refurnished, C lawson with a num ber o f his esis. purple lips. Mt*. Anna M. Middled.took, bo* Tib, B ridgeport, Conn. P r il. im.y he gr -.vfy nbvla'e .t To will. I4 it a.ide-l a l r « » t -
‘ O li! papa, pvpa.T ara->. hungry sobt»*d his teevb W cturtitiom land M «u!o-d. Love. M arriage, and 11. .
fellow-members w ere co/.dy seated, nay, luxur eUitd, n lilUe girl, as »tie sprang to* ard-> hiiu, e '\- J . IV. Matthew*, Hepw orth lltiuola, red.-tary l . - c n t : ll.e uioai approved vu « - , I modern
iating in the late n e w l/u p h o lste re d chairs? di tetidlng her e-otd henumh.U bauds tn-sveebiiigly, Mrs. Sarah H elen M athew s, Q uincy, > W .u a .s . a .U p.ed to U . rn. r .cUon of |e,o .|e , .1
vans and sofas. A fine new curp.-t covered the \ C H A P T E R XIV. "VVuu’t you give me- aoim-thlng? Plc*;e, papa. C harles B M ar.h. Addre*. Won. w .c, Jc u e a u Co., Wi*.
floor, and the old pictures,—relici 8 of the com MKlH.l’s F’KAMS— DKCKIT—rPC VIll OKTIIK IIKAIIT Mother is sleeping." Mr aud Mr*. U* m I Miller, Kluiiro. N. Y .,car* W . U. U a i.b ,
pany, as they h u n g around the room, d izzeled At the sound ol the innocent'* unless appeal, Mr*. K. M aruuaud,-T rance, and Inspirational •(■raker, Vde
N- \ l; It! ik I S . coupled with her untohsciou-iic*.- of her ui^uier’s
again in the blight gaslight and in their guilt Svulli T hird M iet l, W illialnsl.urg, to ns Isla nd, X. J .
fram es.. A t one end ol the room a hands*ime | actual death, u leur oi -vuipathy tncklvjl .town
* Oh, Milford, should 1 be deceived by you r the Utikuowu'* Ue*e. H’JtX eliU r slitied- lh «-1 ising •hatna M M arlin, ttirm ihghain, Mfrh.
pair ol A m erican Hags, borne by a large brouzs j p rotestations, and by you in whom 1 have so ol his better nature*, and exhibited no inoie leeling Dr. VV. It C. M arlin, 173 W indsor i l m t. Mart ford. Con.
eagle, droop beautifully above them . A t the fully con fid. d m y hte, aye,* and that which is in the sail scene tlu n was i - .erHiry to thi.-id hnu Mm J . Mu 1.0. Cam;.ton. III.
opposite cud ol the room, a n d inclosed in a | better th in life so n ply, cast ‘..tl, I should—o h ! loan severe rebuke. Prof. K. M. M c C o rd ,O u lialla. Ml. SWEET EGGS AND BUTTER.
heavy’ rosewood frame, the portrait ol A m erica’s I know n o t wftat 1 should do,” spake Media in Tnc fluid provided for, ilie undertaker was m m . A L. K Nasli. l-C’ itrer, li.a hi .I e r .X V i:*.--;,,.! tre i. f.r
glory, W ashington (the noble Lincoln by his toues som ew hat m ournful, unit tinctured w ith moiicd; aud oelore the light ot ll.c second day bad Air*. K X ash. lii atlli^ nit illuni, ■•earlleld, Alich.
side;, smiled on the surrounding scene. <»n one som ething ol regret, as stie sat on the soft in closed upuu the pale, wan teatures ot tk udeid.the
remains of T.iiimu M. iie llie r reposed e iliniy bc- C. JiarwiK'd, O ttaw a, 111. u Ii,,u tter i.yeU,
side a large picture of an old Indian, u noble her hom e, leaning h er head against th e d orters J . W ui. Vau XaiJk <•. Brooklyn, S* » Y ork. h"
licatU the cold e-tods ot the Valley, eilveioped with kept
representative ol the poor red m an, looked from breast one evening, thus breathing into his cars a heavy shroud of »uow, aWevt emblem ol her in- Mi* I'u lter, Irauoe sposker, b in ili U anorer, Mas*. . ** And l|.,w 11
the puiuled wall in grim seriousness, while im h er saddest fears for his m otives in so long de uate lile, so pure. -Though 0. B. IA.*lou, IU South «>»h stre et; lioem 2. P hiladelphia by new nrlbm l*.
mediately opposite, W illiam Penn, the peace laying vhfcir bridal. As she concluded th e above, “ Alfc't’lion iram plc.l oil and hope dear roved J . M. P riest, H erllti Wlm onaiu. Ciry ila t- sent VafF, relative n the nt , .
loving (Junker, spread his hands In tranquil its effect was increased hy a suffusion of in vol Turns many from very bitterness uud sighs Mr*. lU r rle tiK . I’upe, M orristow n, Mltm. A^> n*f w anted. Lil-ernl mdio • niv'Ms olterisi
treaty beueatti the noble elm, at Shackainoxon, u n tary tears. Tual were the breath ot file—these ail were
Lydia Ann Pearsall, Inspirational speaker. Disco, Bbch. Address ,!’K VCl'tCA L Clt RM181’b Y CO.,
lor tnc lands of* Pen nay Ivan iu . * “ M edia, you wrong me. speaking thus," the Dr P. b Maitdi.lph, V.* C ourt Ft , M Ntou, Alas*. Nt , 4 A lU .V D tlC O C R l, t o- an, . IN.
“Come, Jo b , you m ust give us the tradition* docler replied. ** Itelrain from these unpleasent, J . r . k o ftsv jjo rin a l speaker, T«-rre M aule, lu d . Vc.l h.N r. I t, tf.
and its solution Uv night ot the Scream ing Worn- unjust reflections. Deceive y o u ; w hat for ? Mr*. Je n n ie 8. Hicld, ltn M alnalreet, Providence, R. I.
r an ,” said Jac k Ringgold, having s «mu ^ for their F o rg et you, n ev e r! I love you, Media, a n d Mr*. P lniul-.C Iairtoyaiit, (Ft Kii.*elt M , CLurteetuwn, M»w
delectation, one ot his p rettiest songs. never shall I prove so ignoble and base, as to J . II Pow ell. T erre Iftinli'-, Ind.
cast you off." Milford forgive me. I do not Met, _slip . mi water when it is frozen am fon 'A N D
" T h a t story is old, Jac k , and som ewhat ghost ishey When ii i-ii 'l. Mia* N ettle M. pease, trance 'j a a k e r , New A lbany, lu d
ly. It is good though, and none the less true." wish to w rong you. B ut—o h ! no, no, 1 hchve. Mr*. A nna M L. Pott*. M, b,, U viurer, Adrian, Mich I I A I 'C I I I 'I K M A L G tltn F X .
" It was late th a t nig h t when we left the I tru s t you im plicity. M iltord, my hope, my J . L. Pol h r , sild ris- M oirhlow n, M inn., cat* of llou. Isaac O uarga, lllit...l*. I’KIIKINB X OriNdlHi.N * I'. i ^ tto c s .—
sm ouldering ruins o f a large fire, well to th e all—o th er refuge have I none." H er head w ith P» f’e. Wliwlti*!*1Pkiifl Ut'iJi lit «tl luitl* nf .\tff#Frjr lu-vi*.
w est of m , lor ou r h o m e .* T he w ry w itching its w ealth ot black h a ir dropped back upon lib f t l ’ K A K C K ’S K B G I S T E K . b i W. K. Ripley . l-o* PA, I V t W , Mh m .
;i«t! utit-nlU u jsi»! fts tin CfTli&tAiii y oi i u a ri« pc*9
lime o f nig h 1 as the Bard o f A von ha* it, when circling arm , and she tw ined h er arm s about n i ( ‘b rrrtfB i
graveyards yaw n, Ac. I was at the head ol the his Deck, and w ith h er full love speaking eye* A C. Rol fi son. Salem, Mam. • - , Al,8f*
gazed-Into his w ith all the inicusily ul a dea th W w. Ruse, M. D. Address ho* S p rin g held, O
rope, and looking up, 1 saw through the dark m u i i u i i a u n n w i u i w » w ere. E V E l l C K E E S S ,i. >1 h o s e s , u n ic
ness, a short distance to the leli o f m i, a figure less all’rClion. A kindred flow o f (bought, a nixg Mr*. Frank Keid, Inspirational *|«-aker, L alataasco, Mich.
a ll kind* f Veget tMs d P U i.r.
w hite as snow, coining on tow ards me, on the nelism ot kiudred leehng circle lliem a m oment I jTi> W iHM-bll, till, (tiuuld W i r l u t i l r . I t tlu -rrlo re bv- Mi*. Sarah A.. Kuii*r*, in s p ira tio n a l S pe a ker am i Clair- An* 8 weel I , Plant* In l*i itr
very edge of the w ater^gutter. a t a m easured, in silence, and th eir sou is m elted into one-, as lie liugvn |.rcturi-r> tu jiruic|ttly i.vtity u> of rki.in^i * »{,> ■>- Voyaut. l i n k M a u d , III., c are of A. J . G u r u . M b. su it p u n lw*e»
steady pace. I peered through the dense d a rk printed ~m h er ruby lips a glow ing kiss, gently »» m tin y occur. Tiu« colctm . s lutriulr-I fur l i c l i i r m AH o f th e a 1 • III Iw offered *'
Mr*. Li'tiider 8mill>, Medium of VVhiitutiiore. commnui
ness a m om ent, to discern, il ixm ihle, the nature rnuru u l a g , “ T hine— loteve-r Uniie ! "
- tl«- m vtkrli •five
only, an<l ill * w lajibliy is c r « » n „ ' it, u u m l- r t th a t w> arc ta lio n * M e jito k a. III. No. k b.V .d.i.lf.
D je tc r Aulford S etilur was a m m p •s^.-svj.l
o ftb e m oving for so ft Pcemed to he. ciuu| r!l>,l Iu ri-BtiKI it |.I I l s - ,i t ,/ l t w l 4 ( « a jiatuc- A usllli K. Suuinol.*, A djie -s W '-od*l'K'k, Vt.
1 can not nam e th e innum erable pictures o!
o f a pleasing exterior, and I hough u.it oVcrbur n lu a t u l * ti-iuu.'l l>} . i rr.- |io io b m r w ith |ltu n.4l- It. H. Store r. Ah Plra*..ul stre e t, Huston. M a a. LKKKK8 NKH IM.VII’HLFrr FU h T ilK TUOU
th ings, I thought i saw . A t last, havine heard, deued w ith any depth u^m im l, seemed strangely tldual*.] Mr*. L. A. 1. Sw am, Union Lake*, Rice C o, Minn MA* R
^Mrs Booth w orth
o f course, of her before I thought o f the very capable o t m aking tuiusclf re-uurkably
J . Madison Alb-i, A n u x a X .J . K. Spr.icne, >1. U , Bclo-tieclady, X. Y.J
*Scream ing W om an.’ I looked again, and she agreeauie iu c.mver-saiiuu, full of pK’.*s-tul f l u b u t wtH la-m ade b ill,'
te ry and ot me ias-’inaiioii to c >urt and win. li*rrl,i>u A u ,ir. C h trb * C.iv, Iowa Mr*. Fannie bavt* 8until, M lllord, Mass. ' tb e Bjdrltlieile.”
was quite near. W e were, in f i d , rapidly ap W nb lu*i m anner, Ac., us to bow lie first con N. M. B aalu, Union Lake, Klee Co- Mum
J Miolisuu A lb*., A ncora, X. J .
proaching each other. S he attired, as I have
trived to com e oui Uoc.oi-, we have nothing to I l . r i w i i A uzivr. Ca I.iu ii m , C .iui-t, Co., l„w ». Mr*. Nellie Siuilti, lmpiew.iou.il sjM-akej, Muriels. Mich M Y J .O Y E A N D /,
said, in clear w hite, so transparent, indeed, and do. He commenced lile as un itftiz til lit learner,
C. Fannie A llju , a io n ih am , M u ,. Jason Steele, Stall- Miwlonary, G reen G arden. 111.
beautiful, that it glistened in the dark nets. On aud out to d e u a c t ul all from the ical uiuiils of J . W S e a ler, Byron,' N. U.
8j*M ts f errvr * Read II at n igh, a u I
her breast there appealed a deep wound, Irmu ttie m an, Milford ^leiU er could tu rn out a p u r M ra,N . N. K. A n .lro M rttii.e e speaker,'U ellon, Wi«. t b r II I. Tim s. C
Mr*. M. K. Ah'l. ison, lrai.ee ,|.e * k e i. T su u tu n , Mn**., F . b r. W in. II. Salisbury, l*>x 1313. P v rh m o n lh , N. H. lies III
which th e vjRTm blood o f a deep purple hue o f very n eat boots. Uul h i uni h I labor not rays thi Hr--ton IffeSfT!..*r-,S
seemed yet to flow. H er eyes open, lull, were agreeing w ith him , proving ra th e r uncongenial O. tin* IS. • Mr*. Kimira W. Siiillh, Ml 8uleln slri-el, Po rtlan d , M*.
l'r l i ,-'l(* cen ts : p - .la g e - . e i.ts.
fixed and glassy. On she cam e until she stood Willi lib love ol ease, he uoe day effected the Mr*. O rm , AU<ult,,bvrli>j.inti anslluni, 127 ieaitli C lm k-St Mis, C. M. Slower Aiiilre** tAm Juse.Cwl.
on the very corner ol th e graveyard. A s she loan o f a medical work, and began to lead * m ed room la . Bel nil Van Bl.-kle. G roenhii.b, Mod..
Mr*, tl. K. U .Sawyer, lluliM navtlle, Mas*.
Mopped, a chill fan sudden, and quick through icin e,'acco rd in g to what ' npniliy ’ n 't ueed not
tlarri*»u A liely, M. lb, ltd ScntU Clark S tee l,
my viciis, and my flesh began to creep as if s a y ; nor wi 1! we nam e the Heart sickening suf- b’-cUm-a ou la w * ul Idle, i M u p r e ce, ninl K ifuriu null Ahrom Sm ith, Ksip, Sturzl*. Mich.
gravewonnH were already preying on my body. -feriugof his wile aud child, w neu the little P ru jiriM W e nbjevu. M z s, M try Loui*.t Siuilli, lr.ii.ee «j in k e r. Toledo 0. .•t H E EJC E E E D O M E Y E D Y E A I f T A N D
I hiid hoped she would puss on w ithout; seeing w otk which he perlorm cd proved'insiMUcieiit to C tm iles A. Ainlrn*. Fni-liiutr. Xlieb. Mr* K. W. Sidney, trance speaker, FltcM .org, M art. A N N O Y A N C Iv
.is, if, indeed s lit could see ut all. But pausing, keep them from s ta rv a tio n —the eoituoemUdile J. tl. Alltio, Stirlh^B-W , Maa*. Kfijnh K. gw ackhatiirner' ITT 8oulh 4ih s lte e t, W illiam th a t m colnpeuy otle r B- d J*|srI•isiw.’ mot
and just us I reached a parallel line w ith her, patience with w hich his cunp.m i.m endured, Or. A T. Ai !<■«. AiMri u t« * y*Ot, K o rh e -ter, N. V. burg. Long Island. Iry lli-ui a re pb-a-.-d w ith il v,i, "eiif Ii relgbl o
rpipt of p rlie , Bi* Itollai* v fin
site opened her m outh and uttered a scream , m w ithout u m urm ur, until unable i«> bear longer X »(. J.O . U .itre(t, G l-n lit iilan, WUcoiiMu. H erm an Snow, Liberal Ih-uks aud Ne-wedenler, 41li R e ar m ake ui.>iii-v. ^eiol Btainp for Circular,
sharp, piercing and decisive, terrific and soul his abuse, and finally neglected, heart crushed b r . J . K . Il u le y , Lt.* ■'*» Lupotte lioL Uey* stre e t, Sau Francisco, AVI. A ddrt»- J . C. f h i t n Aon Arbor Mi. u
chilling, th at though I sprang aw ay and aided and sick, sne applied for a divorce, i'nis.w asjiw t b r . lta tu ,I'll, bm -iuic, Mich., Lectnto*. u |- u Sthiitublkni Mrs. U . T. 8 t. an>*, Missionary fur Ihr Penuay ivania<8tate co'jnrolM f.
quickly off far as I could, in passing 1 fell fiat w hat he wanted, lo r he now gave up hoot n u k a n d sc leuljS t • u h p v t.. Assoc It, lion of Spiritualist*. A<hlr*» c are o f Dr. H . T. Child
dow n in the road. .Some crazy folks were then ing aud turned his attention entirely to m ed Mr*. S aiart A. U jrue*. AU.Ireae S e rin e stre e t. K*.«t Cam. IU4 Race S tre e t, P hiladelphia, P a.
getting up considerable of a bUlabdhvi nlioiit the' icine. F u ry o n ic tim e he lived in sere nee seclu lirl.ige, Dr. N ath an S m ith , K n i L h l U t , luil.
supposed approaching 'end of the world,' the sion, until suddenly .m l popped nto ’ s h in g le ,' Mr*. A. ?. Hroarn,St. JolinatinrjrCenter, Vt. J . tl. VV. Toohuy, k,,ou» 7, ll*2 S. Clark S treet A’hirago, III.
instant dashing into sm ithereens of this beauti when d ropping b*s real flum e, ' M micgan S later, Mr*. U. r . M. Mrown. f-1*. b rew er Chi, a^c, ttl. Frances A. T u ttle, bo* ;i*i, L apurte, lu d . W .ll attswt-i
ful little m undane sphere—l thought it had, in M iltord M tU ler, M. D, received his license to
deed, surely come, and sent w hirling through m urder th e hum an race attet the rules oi a sci
N n . f i F. J a y U u lle ln , tfit W ert Utl» r tr e e t, X- w York
M ra. N ellie J t . X ii^ luiu, Lila U rove, C u l-raln , Mu m .
call* to le cture In Ilm tt'ea t. FUTURE LIFE:
Mr* K. A .T »llniadge,ln*piratloual Speaker,W eafville.thd.
unknow n regions. I thought I must be last a p ence. Mr*. M. A. C. brow u. A il.lrcu, Meet lU n.tuq.la, Vt. •M r- C h arlotte F. Taber, tiohce speaker, New b e d fjr - ,
proaching the q ueer place lur beyoud the bounds O f his real character, Media was not aw are, Ail.be L. H alloa. A J-lr.-« Ctucago, care ol ltv U o lo -P atlo - Mas* P O. ho* ;iVL
of time and illim itable space, never to touch but ati too suscjpttbic to his Boptiistry, she w M I K tt JUCkSct, U udsuu T u ttle, B erlin H eights, O. • Through Mrs. Elizal'cth S v .
terra firm s again. T h e n s t o l the com pany luit smiled oq bis advances, os also did fortune, and VVm. Hr}**. AT-Irrw l.«* C. U.. Mich. B c ija m in Toitd, Sal. m O rvporu
• the rope, and flow-over the em bankm ent at the he was n o w m oving s uc.essfully and sm oothly M rs. Sarah M. Tliotnp*ou, Iti.p iratu fi Jgfftli ker, lCl 8
I t C. b e n t, inapt.- alo*h*l A ddr.-n, 4 linoi.il, Wl».
road side across the vacant lot, as 11 th e very into a rajudiy iuercus. n g practice, so easy is it, J . U . Ur k u r>l, U i i s a t . ^ , ) 1 « . Clair s in ut, C leveland. 0 .
d — 1 lending on a w hole legion was a lter them il a m an possessing a fa ir.ex terio r, and by dim
' red hot.* T h eir Iriglit subsided, and the ap p a ri J o h n 0*uwin t'l.D li * Yura, Jat'iea T rask, K etohiskony, Sl».
ot a b a te 'application, succeed-, iu m astering a Mt*. 0. s.cop-»;jo a-1a n y , N. V. M is. Dr. TalUin,47.1 M ilwaukee Avett ie, C hiuigu, H i. 4 4 » N T liN T N .
tion disappeared. Some o f them returned to hatch of h iga sounding lechm ed pliras.s, be Dr. Samuel Und-'rldH, No 1 2 .,3 Jn d *1. Chicago, tl!.
Mr. Cow .'it, hi.X nai
th e deserted carriage, as I, Iheir fallen director, hind w hich :>» c indeal his real l ick o f mtcllt- Dr. J . Vidlanil, Ann A rl.or, Mo n.
Mr*. -Vn^ii t'. A. C-it A>l-trea* In* M i L..well. M u
was getting up nut ol the mud. guncu to dcceiyfrreiiM gull m ankind. A. W arren. llebdl.W l*. j
i i , 1’. Uni Id, M. b „ ' .. Ptnludelptn*, pa.
•‘lia s she gone Y w here is s h e ? " several of I t was t o ^ w t l t c close o f a very cold day In J . I \ u « l u , M. b . A I .V m b i U 74 b u t Mrs. S. K. W arner, Bo* 328, 1/Aienporl, Iowa.
them enquired in a breath, as again they look uiid w inter, th at, SteU ler’s servant, utisw eriog S. C. C albl, tnap ifallo u al npeaker, Cam ppoiut Ailalu* Co. N . F rank W hite, Providence, R. 1.
trem bling hold ol the carriage rope. " Ye (Sod’s, the door bell, ushered in to his presence a Well Mr*. M. Miitotuher VVm«l, t l Dewey *L, W orcester, Mass.
111. . 1 aiyhr
m uch as I've heard o f her, I can never stand clad mun, us he sat in m ugiiilijicnt c o in firt F. L. 11. W illis, M. D., 27 (Vest Fottrlh street, New York.
her scream, It is perfectly aw ful, unearthly.’’ Air*. Dr. Win. Ora P . O p o t »U6, L lk r a r t, lu d . rlilo \\ rd«.
near a glowing tire, lie looked up ou the All>crt It. Corpei -, aodiMi car.' of Uauuer of bight Dr. K. B. W heel.a-k, speaker, N'.-w llsrlfo rd , lew a. ’• r .1 liit. r v if l, p. 11, k.
We left th a t vicinity hastily, you tuny depend, stranger au insuiut, then, as lb b ro u g h t to a !/«.’• r . 1/.
Horton. Ala**. Mr*. Fannie Wheel.o-k, clairvoyant, New H artford Iowa. thiiygrr A l l . 1 C Call.oi
boys, and soon housed the carriage. Some bur-' keener sense ot respect by the slraugei 's g.HHlly Alra. .A.'U. Colby, TranceSiientfe^Peauvitle, Jay Co lull. K. V. W ilson, Lom bard, HI. C7m/,.' r .1 7 // I ’firrview w ith Webst
ried to th eir homes, others lingered^ talked aod appearcuce, lazily arose, and w ith a siigln inch- Mrs. N. J . W illis, 3 T rn n u n t Row, Room 16, Boston Cfuipftr .VIV. A 8oC oinlV f.lt.
speculated-about the ‘ Scream ing Woman ’ and nation, s p o k e : Ur. J. K. Uvly, b.ockloU, III. \ h tfpfrr J T . Another Interview .
her apparition. She has been seen by m any. Alla* H u l l bulen. Address Psvillou, b7 T r e u iu n ta tr s e t t'An/i/fW .117 —Reformation.
“ A hera— w hat do you w ish, s i r ? " UostuU, Mass. Mrs. M. J . W lkoxson, a,l ress, c a r t o f 8. S. J o u rs, 182 Sou. 1 Xiiiih r . 177/ Thu | nth ul P r o - n —i. n
T be,m en w ho used to work at H yatt's glass “ This is Docter M iltord Stettler, l believe ? ’’ pjn. K U. bank)I lb, 01. D., Uansc speaker, Lawrence, Ka. Clark 8 tre»t, Chicago, 111. ( 'o»/rfcr .1* III. Valley of the 81,„.\.W . 1 tV ntlt.
w orks—the glass blowers, for a long time, there tbe stranger inquired. ’ 1 .'m /Urr .17.1*.- -A M irror.
H enry C. W rig h t. A Id ss c ars of Ba k m x i o r Lig b t , ka I X . i f i . r A A T he Book of Life. * *
was n o t one of them w bo had not met h e r as Usorgs baltuo, M. b., Kutland, Vt. Boston, Mass.
“Yes sir, correct. /N './Jvr .1.17 A B.WII :..l l-ra-eu
they were leaving hem e or returning from th eir Prank bwigble, lusplratlonal Speaker, Uouusboro, town, Mr* K. M- W oleott. Address Dauby V f n.nf.rer ,I'.I7/. —Reir«*|H- :h>n
work. N one of them spoke o f her scream w ith “A woman, sir, is now lying very low, p ro b beau Clark, General Missionary Agentuf tbe New York U .a ^ .r .r .l 7 //,- T l.e ,V|. Iu ii,r.
Mrs. lla tb e K. W ilson, (colored). Address 70, T rvm obt
out a shudder. O ne o f them , B row n, I believe ably dying. Sue has s ea t rue a long distance Stats bplrltnal Anaoclailou. Permanent address, batarla, / Ulliter . r . r / l ’ Tl.e p» -avh-r.
sU sst, Boston, Mass. _ j-.ri Reception of 8pl ritual Am.
by nam e, and I th in k still living, was so alarm ed for you, and sue desires y our services im m ed N.. Y. All person* In sreitern K. V. desiring lectures, or Daniel W hile, M. D., Bo* 2U 7, 8 t. U u is , Mo. • C h u f i ^ r . r v i T he Drunkard,
very early one m orning us he was iu the act of iately.’’ tu organ t societies, will please sddreat him at ones, Ktt)ab Woodwo. lh,Inspirational speaker, LVslir, Mich t U .fU r A X V l t Ttie Orw»n Ih.v
speaking to her, th a t he became paralyzed and T h e Doctor acknow ledging his cosy assent, i'h u fA T J '.l 'i '/ / / . -Tlie Man of FUse and F.fliton.
the stranger continued, “ the hotuc is num Or.U. P. PalrU.'ld will answer .calls to Lecture. Adr< G ilm an It. vVashbiirn, Wovalstock, Vt. * oitfjd sr .1‘J 7 .I ‘ -Tlu» B- If BaiUibfi.
fell helpless to the ground. O thers have a t ADcora, « .J . B. B. W heeler. * A ddress' c are of A m erican BpirUt-.allsi iV a a V r .1.1.C N alntol Ih -v rlo p m 'n lo l th e Bout.
tem pted th e sam e thing w ith a like frightful ber—b u t it you prefer, sir, I will uccom pauy Andrew Jackson bsvts can La addressed at Orange, N. J 111 Bnperiur sL .C Isv rla b d , Ohio. ,
, ^ I v„v<o» J*.I*.I7 V o ltd r. and VV d -. y.
though rediculous result. Ou new y ea r’s eve, you th a t th ere be no tim e lost." Mrs. K. OeLaiusr, traucs speoktr, Quincy, Mass. Dr. R. U. W ells, Roche*i. r, N. V.
( u tfd .r A A'A M . Tliu Cynic. .
several m em bers of the E b —r church near the “ T is , better you do so—thank yo u —shall bo Y-’- r c c r .I'.l .1 7 // T he 8*vond B l„ b .
K, 0 . D unn, le c tu re r, c an trs addressed Hock ford. 111, d,»Otrr J* .l'.1 7 r T h « 8 t» \i ,
cem etery, having, of course, heard a great deal happy to have y o u r com pany, S tettler blandly Prof. K. W hipple,-Clyde, U.
1 i ’r t .r . t . r . r i '. -The q u. m . ,
PlW . W 11IU 111 b o uton, WoUvsly Musa,
about b tr, w ith a great deal o f doubt determ ined answ ered as he drew ou his overcoat. In A. A. W beelock, T o1-do, 0 . « C hafirr .r .r.t* !'/ A 8..00 ill B piriM am l.
to w atch, w ait and convince them selves of the a n o th e r m om ent, haviug hurried on his w a rm Bias *Uu Uoae Fuller, Inspirational speaker, dan Fran- A. B. W hiling, A lbion, Mich. ih a U ir J ' . l . n * / / T in Mi- -
cisco, Cal^ ...... A 'A W H I I B pirltual Itir.uem e.
tru th of the m utter. W ith th eir pastor in their est gloves, he led the way to the w aiting c a rri W arren W oolsou, trance speaker, H astings, N . Y.
0..if<rT AW.VIA: ■The New City.
m idst, o f course, nothing from the outer, ra th e r age, and was soon speeding in the direction in Miss Alinodla U. Fowler. Addrss*, Sexton*lile Wis. Mis L. T. W hittier, 402 Bycaniore s b , Milwaukeo, W su l?mp trr .1 7 - T be L rring G in?
the other world, could potsibly harm them . dicated by th e U n k n o w n .-—1— C ourt was sit- A. T. Foss, Alanchcater,N. U. ZeruhC. Y\*hipplo. Address M ystic,Conn. (Art/dcr .17./ Tin- Idh r.
I Anf'l.r J7.//.—The lb ggur.
Such a sacred force o f holy cues must be prool oated in the very heart o f th e city, composed of A. J . F isbU uk, iffUrlju, Jlichigsn. Mrs. L. A. W illis, Lawrt-uco, Maas., P. 0, box 473.
CAii/Jcr .1 7 ./// liisiguiliva
ag a in st Beelzebub liiinscll. H aving attended some dozen old brick ten e m e n ts, o f rude stru c t - 1 C harles D. Farliu, clairv o y a n t speaker, b o arfleld, Mlcb. Mrs. Mary B .W Ithre, Ib JK Im slre et,N e w ark , N. J.
' watch ’ m eeting, they w ent o u t a t its close, ■tire, and inhabited,m ostly by Irish families, aud N. B. Oroenlval, Lowell, Aloas. A. 0 , Woodruff, B attle Creek, Mich. loBkupUc.
and w aited for the ‘ Scream ing W om an.’ porters iu the su rrounding stores. Isaac P Q rcenlcaf. Address for th e pro*eat 82 W ashing' Miss II. M arla W orthing, Oswego, III.
C u ifib r .17.17 —Realities of Ppirlt Ltfo
CluipUr .1 7 .1 //.—The Cont If L *
A bout one o’clock, she came slowly and evenly T he dying w om en h ad taken a room iu onu to n a venue CheUra, Ma*e., or as shove. 8. u , W ortm an, Buffalo, N. Y., box, 14M. JAii/Zcr .VI. V III —Thv Jiuul's A sf it alien.
along on the very edge, as usual, of the sidewalk. of those, an d endeavored to gain u subsiaiuuce K. Qravea, au th o r o f “ Ulogrsphy of Botan." A ddress W illis F. W entw orth, Sth.-nectady, New T ork. Chaytrr .T /./.f .- TIioTJylng G irl.
’ T he fair brig h t moon shone dow n o’er tho scene and prolong life by m aking vests. R ichm ond, lu d . Mrs. M ary R. W alker, W ashington, D. 0. Oftijp/rr A.--The In n er Tem ple.
(fha/tlrr L I .--T hu F'osU-li Mother
resplendent as the Bun a t m idday. The glisten “ It is very cold this m orning,” rem arked tho Laura De Force Oonl rn.wlt. lecture In tlioSUtoof Nevada D uolsl W hile, M. D„ llo* 2607, Bt: Louis Mo. C/tiiphv U t .—Tin* A)i*ol«-ilieiitBon.
ing appearance of the apparition, so gleamed on doctor as they railed over the Btrcels, uud he Dll furlhur nutks. Perumueul address, Trcavurs City, FtiDtil* T. Young, care of L. Bawyor, T hrs* O aks'M ich., C/'Ujif.r H U Cardinal ItUbclieu.
their lading vision, they could scarce look stead drew his large coat closur about Jilin, aud th en whits Plus Diitrict, Lauder Co.,Nevada. during A ugust and B opum ber. C Kufirr L I F.—P ractical N ature of Spirit Lift.
v CA si
ily on her. T h ey had determ ined to m ake up seemed to fall off into a ploaaeut reverie at Dr. L. P.Orlgg*. Audreae Cedar Falls, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Win. J . Young, Botes C ity, Idaho T errito ry .''
a clear report, and b o despite th eir trem bling, thought of his increasing practice. U. D. Goodwin, lecturer, Kirkwood, Mo. Mrs. J u lie tte Yaaw, address N orth boro’. Mass. DAiipfcr / . I ' l l — A W ord from V ollalrs
they continued to w ait. On she cam e, as though “ God pity th e p o o r! ’’ said th e Unknown^ in
Mi** Luna UulchlnaoB, Owsndttlla, Cal. Chapter L I A'.— K iperlri.c.. o f Voltair*.'
quite unconscious o f th eir presence. As she
neared the tristrin g corner o f the place of graves,
im I
"Y es we Urite a g re a t m any poor am ong us,
t often think the larger num ber o f tliem d e
O. fl. IlaxelUne, Maxo Maala,.WIe.
D r. M. U nary U oughtoa. Addreee, Milan Ohio.
S0U 1 R E A D IN G S ' ■Appendix. /
Price 1150; posUge 20 c ents.
and as they w era-in th e act ot stopping up to A S S r tiT lC l) BV SPIRITniTKI.UOKN-
For sale a t this office. \
serve their p o v erfr.’* MI.S Anita J . H ubbard. A ildresiS, Cum*ton str e e t, Boston Address 8. 8. Jo n ts, Nu. 122 Buufti CU rk stre st.
address her, she uttered her peculiar shudder Mr* B. A. H orton,M W am ealt K reet,L ow ell, N u t . . VKi*. III.
ing and fearful shriek, and they stood rooted to “Many-are unfortunate, sir—bavo been re Miss N eills H ayden. Addreea .No. 30 W iliaot itr s s t , Wor- J . U .jSPK A R ’ *
the spot, w ithout tho pow er of speech. * N ot duced to want and B u f f e r in g — n o t by their own L1M o f P r i c e * .
a dog of them could m ove h is tongue.’ T heir negligence, but by the villainous actions ot Moses H u ll, Hobart, Lake G o u ty , le d ,
language since is, that they felt the hair of th eir other*.” Mra. F. 0 . H y isr, 122 B. Madison itr a a t, B alttm ors Md. sons, an d often ludlcaU ’b sst locations for k r a lt h . pi
heails rise up anfl stiffen like quills, and the “T hey should imitate the ant, and provide in I ts and harm ony. T his b s doss by m eans o f a lo sk in u * u . rsyant sxam tusttoa to lo c a ls d ltsm s, *2,00 ; ldoklnx up
D r. A . H u n t trill receive call* to le c tu re Sundays. Ool
vary blood in their velus grow chilly and cold. prosperity against the time of need,” a reply ____ Itisg , photograph o r personal press oca. A gs and absent friends,63.00 ; locating tuioerals. Bran 860, twRlOOj
F o r some minutes, they remained thus transfix wedged In by the doctor with but little or no W atar, M ichigan. sex b rin g stated w hen th s person is h o t p rese n t, aids th s slttlugs for stats wrlilug, 8 2 8 0 ; hu iln sss sittin gs, from *>
D r. ■ D. Holden. North Otarendea, F l rtoU— worn F ss 82. Address J . MURRAY BFRA R, 1Q14
ed, statue like, unable to movo* but asshe p a » c d reflection upon h is -companions last rexn^rka.” Stockuoo st. Baa Francises, 0*1. * * ^ i s r West, 188, Booth Clark • trsot,room s I t and
The U nknown waj, about to adminlster'agcn- W . A. D. Hums. Addreee Wset Bide P .0 ., C levelan d 'a •T ollht nc* 3 m. e \1 no Hf 18.
on, the ‘ rpelV or as we say now, the influence,

B E IJ G IO -P H IL O S O P H C A L J O U R N A L . D e c e mbe r 18, 1869.

to ld , whom be call* Brahma, to w hom h t at*U oa th * th re e f l O T H B B B V K ’ S M O ^ J IK K T A N D U B S . R e m a r k a b le (S piritu a l D e m o n s t r a t io n In P. RATH BURN.

IWigio-fbUoMphical fonrnal a ttrib u te* o f Delfy^eo c b rio u ilj m anlfaat In tba ip la n d o r
or creaUon, whom b* co lli B rahm a th* C reato r, b* wbo
L i v B s n o K B - i h A a i ^ n o K r .tfB .K T .
W hen w e annouoced'tirtbe public that we
A u ro ra . The above named subscriber has been receiving
Dhows Beat , G u it a r Pl a t e d , M e d iu m this paper since April 15tb, 1869.
h>* the fo o t wind* o r b a a ta o In bi- h an d a.w b o l* oil pow er
a . 9 . JO K E S ) ful, a b o u t an d around whum a ll creatio n c lu aU r.—S n w t were in favor of b&riDg a monument erected to AMD O THER S C A R R IE D ABOUT T U B ROOM, ETC. We are In receipt of number eleven, volume sev
■DiTom, i o i u u u *a» rwrunDt. U tn iM a perpetuate the memory o f Adam, and that we *r o n th* Aurora (III) HrrxIU en, bearing date December l i t b , ISC9, returned
- H en la tba c en tra o r all tb * in flu e n c e <f tb a a plritoal were willing that the Rev. Charles Rogers, o f with an endorsement on the wrapper, " N o t taken
OFFICE 181* SOUTH CLARK STREET “ L iving in retirement, in a certain portion o f
and n a t n l a l . ? —B w in ts a o io . England, should act as ngent for the reception o f 'from the office."
this city, is a family who came to Aurora but a
OHIOAGO. DECEMBER 18. 1809. - Y o u w ill S id r a a tu r l* b u t a n o th er foin* o f Ood, and .funds for the purpose designated, little did we Tho law requires pAst m atters to write and give
few m onths since, consisting o f mother, two
th a t by IU m.*u*<Jod'« tho u g h t* or* t i w i off." ffH ..s»a anticipate that Mrs. Livermore of the Agitator all neceassry Information for tbu bencllt of publish
G atoa P o u r a s,
sons and three daughters, the youngest a girl of ers, lu casts where the papers are not taken from
W r or Trrm* o f Snhoeriplum tee f tv w iim it.ii and lY e t- would announce herself in favor a f erecting a som e tw elve years o f age.
f i e t u t on eighth page. ‘"All m a tte r ta G td'a tongue, the post office. Where a Rost m aster falls to do
beautiful monument tb represent toe part which A few weeks since au acquaintance of the so, but In lieu thereof, sends back a paper w ith
And from IU m otion God'* tho u g h t* a re io n * .
w y- T h aw . . a lin e n>on«T to thl* o B c for tb * J o r * S 4L, Mother Eve acted in the first dawn o f creation. family was spending an evening at the bouse, out endorsing the post office from which he sends
T he realm * o f apace a re th * a c u t e b are.
•h o a ld b* o irrfo l to *U t* «hr>ttior It b* » r e u e w u l.u r » now And Ihn m n .lt n o ire a ie th* ansa and a la r * " We do not wonder that Mrs. Livermore, who is when the conversation incidenlly turned upon it, leaves ut In as profound ignorance of the resi
»nb**rlptlo*,**<l w rit* all pro p er o . c u m p la in ly .
" H i re U lb* * te r *1 talent, IK* infinite aaaenc* w h l'b b a t devoted lo the cause ot woman, and who is an spiritualism and it was suggested by the visitor dence or the subscriber as we can well be. Tho
a ^ - I U c y p *r«jo rJe*»rlux ih U p ap ar a fte r tb « t i i a f o r no gen eratio n , no c h a o f -a , b u t m i l * acc o id ls* to **ma- earnest and eloquent advocate for such a change tbat she and the little girl, whom w e shall call simple name of a subscriber does n o t enable us to
which It i« p repaid, d e tlr* . to h a e a it duconUoni-tl, be o r aba
ahoald Inform i . .f th a t fact by le tte r, w ith o u t delay and It
u .-* * "- P u r o . In our civil laws and literary insti .ulions, that Mary, ait at the table and discover if possible, look and determine his post office address w ithout
any ona e o atio n . . to ta k e th e p a p er after m* o r her tim e of “ Voa a re i<od. I am God. W* a re a ll part* o f tb* aa roe will place iter on an equality In all respects with if any manifestations could be obtained. A cting a labor of, perhaps, a whole day. Will post mas
prepaid auhacrlpu.id baa e ip lr a d , pay m en t >*ill be req u ired Infinite God U iad. T here 1a Du plnco w h ale Ood ta n o t upon thin a u g g e s t f o n they to o k their seats at the te r* t a k e n o tic e aud l a such coses, give such in
a t reg u la r rate a, u u til a ll a rrearag e* are paid. man, should not want Mother E ve alighted.
T here la an piece th a t he* not lb s eral of iliT iqltJ u p D table, when in a very brief time raps cauie id formation as Lbe law requires? Every one is fu r
A a an advocate of those principles of justice,
IL " —Mi ■ J IL C u Na Ht . abundance and the table commenced moving. nished by Government with printed blanks and e n
9 9 " All le tte r* and com m unication* ahonld ba ad.lreaaed which,' if endorsed, would place women where
We find the position assumed hy Mr. Beecher T he physical demons (rations in tbat household velop* for th at purpose.
to S. a. Jon**, 1 SO S n ath C lerk ftra e t, Cblcego. Illlnot*
she belongs, she manifests in her speeches more were such that night aa to surprise all the
somewhat antagonistic to these quoted above,for Hut the worst feature of Ibis ease does not ap
real logic, greater breadth of thought, and a inm ates; and more especially the family, who
“ r n # P a n ta n ig h t* *r th a n tna a w o rd ." he assumes that there Lb a God iu the abstract. were oppo&era to spiritualism. The fact was pear to rest with the p^st master alone. This aub-
truer appreciation of the present statue of wo criber is Indebted to u* id the sum of two dollars,
If man is not a pari of God, we would like to revealed that Mary was a remarkable medium
GOD A X D H IM ) man, tb.-m Anna Dickenson, while her force of whose presence at the table was the signal for a {las he connlv ed with an orthodox post m aster to
have him explain where G.nd terminates and character and systematic action iu the agitation grand gathering o f spirits, or whatever it may aid him in cheating us out of so much moue y * A
V ie w s o f B r e r lio r , t b t H in d o o * , T h o n ia * man commences, and show how it is that God
C a i n F o r a t o r ,; H r * . J . U . C o u a u l , P l a t o . o f reform'questions, places her at the bead o f be, which creates a great racket about the table report upon the s u b ject from both him and the
can be ali powerful, and yet the power o f man to the astonishment o f all beholders. post master, will be gladly received ; but this we
- H era, th e n , It are o u to me, I* tb a aim?!* d o ctrin e of th e
American Women. On the rostrum, she exhib Since then many persons have visited the
is not bis power. He speaks of the divine Spirit
H oly tob«*t, ita te d In b rief—a l t : th a t it ia th e lbfln<nr* its common *cn*e, rarely manifested by those who family to behold these demonstrations, which hardly expect. We regret to know th a t auy.oae
as the ” diffusive mind " of God, as follows : everybody admits are truly wonderful, and «xbo has bod the reading o f the J o o k n a l so ' long,
o f th* d ltin e m in d , of th * whole b*l0( o f Ood, a t i t were, have risen to that position by the study o f the
“ Tbla d talue S p irit; or, If I m ty ao any, tb* dtffiulr*
te n t down In thn realm of ratio n al tre a t area, h overing “ rights and wrongs” ot woman, and who deem which the skeptics are entirely unable to account should stlll.be so base as to desire to do so mean
m iod of God which peremde* a ll th * rralm * of I n tr lllf e a t for.
above them aa a alim o latio g atmoapbara, an d aa food for a thing as to cheat the printer. We hope there is
beluga, an d w hich 1* th e a lin u ep h ere th a t tb* aoul ta to themselves capable of electrifying the masses Complying with the n quest o f a friend, we some mistake about it. Will some oue who knows
th a 'b o n l ; and th a t w hen man rive lulo tbla afm oaphera
w hich la the na ture o f Ood dlffuttd iu U * w o rld /tb e y coma
b re a th e —th e m edium o f it* lig h t, th e a llttiuliu o f lla life— by their forensic eloquence, well rounded peri visited this house a few nights since, to witness P. K ith burn's post office address advise us ? We
act* I n ib e flrat p lace a* a g a n aial ex cltrm o o t. 11 d r 'e l op* for ou nelves the manifestations o f which we
»u a hig h e r condition of lacultlM .”— B r a a r W aiD -B uC K U . ods, brilliant metaphors and terse logic, but know tn a t there are o ther su becribere at the same
lb * v h o l* . n a tu re o f a m ao by ro u tin g It to Uf*. W* or had beard to much.
That is &glorious thought,an idea that banishes who “ dress to k ill/’ and who really do kill
fam iliar w ith th e f r a d a t l - c a of excitement.** In company with a number of others who bad post office, os the returned paper bore the m arks
the commonly received opinion that there is a themselves in the estimation of the thinking been attracted by reports, wc sat down at a of going In a package with other pspors from this
In assuming that position, be separates nian
personal God. "The nature o f God diffused” in clasees. Mrs, Livermore, on the contrary, dress large dining table where in the course o f three office.
from God, aud at the, B&rue time, m a ils liiixua minutes, the raps came so distinctly as to be
the world, embraces within itself all things. It es plainly, yet neatly, evincing a Judgment in This l* a tew case, hence wc have taken up.so
part of God. It (the diffusive mind), be effys, heard a distance of thirty fe et Every person iu much space in m aking an example ot It, th a t the
is gratifying to us to know that the ideas that respect that the intelligent masses admire.
“ DeJvel'ipSjthe whole nature of man by rousing the company was so investigator anxious to like may not be repeated. The world should learn
advanced in the J o u r n a l , Irom lime to time, in Standing foremost, then, as,an advocate of the learn the cause ot the phenomenon. T he ha' ds
it iuto Hie.” How can, wc would ask, this “ dif th a t "Honesty Is the best policy." All answers to '
regard to the nature of God, life, miud.matter and rights of woman, it is not strange ib&tHra. L iv o f the sitters rested lightly on the table as did
fusive mind” develop a person, without it affords also those « f Mary, and the raps scattered them this Inquiry will be kept strictly cohfldentlal, If
motion, are receiving the attention of the think ermore should revert back lo that historic peri
nourishment to him, in which case the body de od at the first dawn of creation, when Mother selves about the table and answered questions ; destrea.
ing minds o f the age. “ God diffused ” is an one distinct, loud rap being lor no, and three for
veloped must be a part of that nourishment—the Eve was ushered into existence in a sort o f ho-
idea grand in l u nature. God is everywhere. y ei. After a time it was suggested by one of
“ diffusive mind" oi God, and o f course, he must cun-pocid-pratb change way, God using for the __ P R O G R E S S I V E L Y C E I i n .
N ot a Liny leaf moves in the forest, not a zephyr the visitors present, who had witnessed the
be a part o f Him. N ow ir this divine spirit per- purpose a rib which He had taken from m an,— demonstrations before, tbat a guitar be placid Sunday Evening, Dec. 3lh, the Chicago P ro
that travels over mountains ami valleys, not a under the table, which was done, where upon gressive Lyceum gave an exhibition at Crosby’s
dueaies all the realms o f Intelligent being, every and desire a monument erected to perpetuate
dew drop that kisies the fragile ihw er, not any tho guitar commenced dfbvlng about beneath
nook and corner ol the whole universe, what her memory. H aving taken a decided stand in Music Hall, and a gnmd afljiir It was, the exer
thing in aUGod’s vast Universe, but is a part of the table, the strings being tuned and struck as
right have you to ,c»ll that a part of God, and favor o f a Monument to Adam, It certainly by a human hand while the medium aud others cises receiving the applause of all present.
that “ God diffused,” in regard to which Beecher
ignore that which it is intimately interblended would be discourteous for us to oppose the erec sang. W hat struck those strings as the guitar T he following constituted the order of exer,
speaks. W hile w e admire those brilliant strides moved about beuiath the table, we have no ciaear
with* This “ diffusive mind" permeates every tion of pne to E re. Mrs. Livermore having ta
that distinguish him when advancing on means o f knowing ; the attention of the medium
thing, ia indissolubly interblemled with all mat ken the initial steps in this matter in favor o f P a r t FutHT.—I. Chorus. “ Sing altogether,”
disputed domain,to cull grand truths therefrom being taken up with her singing at the tim e the
ter, and why not call that God with which its Mother E ve, we presume, »f solicited to do so, guitar was being played. Farlics'have told U9 — Lyceum. 2.. Recitation. “T heChild's Dream,”
if be can find them, we really deplore his ad
destiny seems to bo irrevocably cast, as well as .wouid act as agent for the reception o f funds for who have seen these demonstrations since, that —Marietta Stewart. 3. Sung. "-Bloom upon
herence to Old Orthodoxy to that l atent that they have.distinctly Been a haze of light above the Cherry,”—-Mollle Mariam. 4. Useless Max-
to ascribe this “ diflusive m in d ” to Him. A s the purpose designated alove. lit regard to the
iicm uM .ia all liis;ibeologicul dissertations, have the guitar, aud the outline ot a hum an.hand as
well worship a tree, a mountain, a golden calf height uf.the monument,and its proportions gen roup of Children. 5. Gymnastics. “R ing
the Holy Ghost connected therewith, and a t it is being played.
nr a bronze statue, us this “ diffusive mind” o f
tempt to explain the nature of tin* same, assert erally, w e p.esum e there would be a grcatdiver- Afterw'ard* tho guitar was removed and a Exercises,”—Annie and Mullie Grace. 0. R eci
God, independent of that which it is intimately sity o f opinion. An ab’c exchange gives l)ie strip o f cloth w s h thrown beneuh the table, tation. “ Flag nf America,"—E liz i N iles. 7.
ing that it is ft |wrt ot the “ God diffused in the blended wilh. It Mr. Beecher in his clucida- height of Adam as 91G fcet. Admitting his state winch was im uediuiely removed lrom-the place Song. “ 11;collections o f C hildhood/’—N ellie
world.” We think thut If Mr. Beecher would tiitns of this question, would go forth fearlessly, w here IV was firsithrow n aud tied into knots.
ment to be correct, we snouti judge that E ve BushcclL 3. Gymnastics. Class. 0. Duett.
divest himself of his theological mantle, expand aud not btop iu the reaching forth o f that mas But the most singular teat performed wus
his lungs and 1‘realhc the pm c air nl religious must have b»en at least 4 0 rods long (742 feet in’ that o f writing upon a slate with a minute pen •“ See how the Pale Moon Shineth,"—lon e and
ter mind ol h is, to cater to o ld Orthodoxy, lie height), rendering il necessary for her when sbo cil, so small as to make it impossible lor any Lillah Williams.
freedom, lie wuuld really appear like a pliiloso. would rarely fail to c >uie to correct conclusions. desired to kiss her lord, io extend her observa human hand to write with the same. W ith P a r t S e c o n d .—1. Solo and Chorus. “ Gath
pher instead of a caterer to the religions aristo l i e speaks as folloAViu reguDfl to the develop this pencil placed upon a slate, aud the hlato held ering H om e,’—Williams Fam ily. ,3. Recitation.
crats o f Brooklyn. tions about 293 feel. But that seeming im possi beneath the table w i.h one hand by the medium,
ment o f man : bility could be easily accomplished when the “ Pharisee John,—Louie Fuller. 3. Song. “The •
H e takes the position assumed by us. that a message was written on the slate several Linu s,
' Pur e ttlio ig b wa find mao It -at lo lb la w orld, and he
length of her feet is token Into consideration iu halt a minute from the time the slate was o f Refugee/’—Phebe Dtnscnore, 4. Dumb Bell
mind is diffused through all space, but adds in receive* LU A n t lood b t r« b ecau te h r 1><g n u a t a low p o in t,
fered for the communication. After some other Exercises. Class. 5. Song. “ Autumn L eaves/’
connection (herewith, that this “diffusive mind” >«-t ■ » li* d r t t l o p i . at.d got* up * ttp by *t*p, h ig h er l*cul- and as Adam was very polite in all I1I9 actions,
demonstrations, later in the evening, the aud -*-Ll/.zie Avery. 6. Recitation. “Barbary Frllcb-
constitutes G>xl, aud that the influence thereof tlra , T rrjo lricg a h igher k iu d o f attnuilua o r food, a re (bat didn’t care whether lie dressed or not), we ience dispersed, wondering what power could
is the Holy Ghost. This is certainly a peculiar
U-prd. »t,'i h r rracltt-s u a tik u o d a t th a t po in t la which have a right to suppose that he could, tempora produce these wondettul demonstrations, unless ie,"—Ida Haines. 7. Song. “The Old Sexton,"
Im brglo* to a . t T ota tb a iudoancee t b a t a r r d iria a o iid it was frpui a source outside o f any person — S. P. Green. 8. Duett. Gussie aud Lillie
method of-reasoning^ in order to sustain a Bible a p im o tl, aud tb a t Bow d irrc tly i n a O o f. O p to lh » t
rily at least, assume the “ Grecian Bend,” which
known to be in;tlieroom.” Kopp. 9. Tableau. “Shakespear’s Seven A ges,”
text. He ascribes a certain name to the influ p o iu t be live* a* *u auim al, *&d beyond th a t p o ia t a i a would reduce h a height at least a hundred leel.
T nc child medium above refure-d to (only ten W hile all those who participated In tba-tacsrr-
ence o f this “ diffused mind,” when the word itnn.,f t Iu regard to the character o f the monument,
years o f age), is uow kloppingat Dr. Cleveland’s cisc acquitted them selves nobiy, wc were more
iffect would answer the same purpose. If
Upjjw uriturily, “ in ui lives ha an anim al.” 1here would b - a diversity of opinions. W«
In all o f bi? sermodj, we never witnessed a weak in this city. We have been present at one o f Iban pleased with little L sui FulKr’a Recitation >
through the influence o f this '‘diffusive mind,” would buse the respective h eights o f the two
er point, one that hus not the shad iw o f a foun her seances, where wc witnessed the same phe —" Pharisee John."
which lie calls God, utan should bu formed, or, monuments on the extent o f the bile that each
dation on which to rest to receive tlic attention took respectively of the Fruit o f the Tree o f nomena as above referred to. Only about three T he exercises reflecte J great credit on the o f
if through the instrumentality o f its creative weeks have elapsed since she was first developed fleers o f the.Lycju m, >
o f tlm thinking miud. According to Ibieuposi- Knowledge of good and evil.” E ve having had
energies, the tall tree, the beautiful flower, the as a medium. That she is a prodigy o fa medium
lion, mmt tm ly becomes receptive to spiritual a kte a-Uie with the bkrpcutpio doubt felt som e
loathsome snake, and the poisonous reptile, cau not be denied. All wbo have an anxily to
influences when he arrives at manhood. Then, what intimidated when sh e took the first,bite, L I F E 'S C \ F O L D I N G S ,
were brought into existence, they would consti know o f the truth of spirit communion will do
of course, he must bVchanged instantaneously, and our opinion is that she did not bite deep, See in another column the above entitled adver
tute the 1L.1J- Ghost,—being- the result of the well to avail themselves of this opportunity.
lor prior to that time he was living “ aa an ani* w hile Adam, supposing that, in her travels aud tisement of a most valuable pamphlet, which phil
influence of this “ diffusive mind " of God.
mal."t He eays this “ diflusive 1011^ ” pervades meditations among the delightful scenery of osophically treats of the wonderful lusntieststions
There arc many fine thoughts connected with A G O O D M B D I I h R . - W U Y H & ff lA I N IN I f . .
all the realms of intelligent beings, aud then their Garden, sh e. had culled rare fruit, look a of spirits. *
the discourse! o f Mr. Beecher, that can not fail N O R A R CJB U F M P I H 1 T C O .U M U N IO N T
makes auolher element, which ia “ divine and bite reaching to the “ ether sidu ’ uf the core, It la wilh pleasure th at wa again m ake a note of Mint.le Ream is said to he engaged to a
to attract attention, still there is an adherence
spiritual” ana w hich does not act upon man uu hence man has been endowed since that period the fact tb at Peter Went la a very excellent teat Roman nobleman.
to Old Orthodoxy manifested in connection
til he arrives at maturity. But think o f the utter with more knowledge of good and evil, and, of medium.
with the same, that is far from being commenda
absurdity o f this position. IK* w ho dies before course.is entilh-d to Hie largest monument. There is ao reason why people aliotth! bu Ignor
ble. W c admire that man who fearlessly leaves
old established landmarks, and receives new reaching manhood, dies as “ an auimal,” for he Wc write this article, not with any intention ant of the fact th at eplrila can and do communi i f r s a o a t and s£ocai.
hud lived as one. T h e influences of God ate o f exciting a controversy with Mrs. Livermore cate with friend* of-earth. All th%Li« necessary L
truths from whatever source they im y originate, to make the same effort th at they would to ac-
constantly acting, are showered down on ai! IU regard to the character o f the monument
and who will not mar the bfauty or his thoughts compllBh any other object. There la a large cla-* Mrs. Addie Billon lectured lo Cleveland on San-
alike. T he boy of-fifteen may have a more com which shall he constructed to perpetuate Mother
by catering to the whims o f an aristocratic who make use of the very weak argument, th at if day last, tie r delineations of character and lusts
prehensive knowledge o f things In general than E ve’s memory, hut to make such suggestions aa
congregation. W hile w e regard Mr. Beecher lliclr friend* wno have paased from this life still of spirit presence are truly remarkable.
the old man ot sixty, yet he has never received will enable the woman of the world to act cau
as one o f the most brilliant minds o f the age, live In a conscious statu of existence, they couJd E. S. Wheeler spoke in Charleston, M£s *., N o v .
tliooe higher influences o f which 3*echer speaks tiously and wisely ip what they propose to do. communicate with them as well w ithout the aid 15th.
he occasionally loses his self-possession in bis
from the fact ha has not arrived at manhood- I W e shall be happy to ccoperatu w ith Mrs. L iv of a medium as with it. Aa well m ight one expect
attempts to harmonize texts o f Scripture, and I’rof. Wm, Denton lately lectured lu UostOD to a
becomes a caterer for public sentiment. wonder if he would be w illing lo admit that Je- ermore in promoting the grandest project of her to get letters from Europe without tho aid of uten
life, and w e have no doubt that each reader of large audience on "The Aatlq illy of Man aad his
W hen preaching at one tim e on this text, us Christ lived as “ an auirnd” until lie arrived sil* for writing, or m eins tor tran sp jrta tlo a tcros*
early C ondition/' % *
'A n d when Paul bad laid bit baud* upon (bam. tba at manhood 1 the J o u r n a l would respond to the call for as the water*; as well m ight the farm er expect to
H oly Gboet cam eoo Item , aad tbayapak* w ith H C |M Aa w e said before, ha defines the Holy Ghost sistance, at least lo the amount of five cent*. harvest w ithout having sown snd planted; as well Dean Clark, an able exponent of tho H arm oulal
and projiboaitd ” (Act* 19: •). b e a a y i: aa being the effect o f the “ diffusive mind,” of Mark Twain is a versatile genius— his oddi m ight a cotton crop be expected 10 grow upon Philosophy, ta engaged In general Missionary Work
“ Our text brings to view a memorable truth ties adding lustre to all he aaya and does. Speak the top of the highest mountains, ss t b i t spirits foathe New York State Spiritualist Association.
the whole being of God, and at the same time
o f transcendent value—one o f the Higher truths, ing o f Adam, he says j esn com m onicatiAo us w ithout a listening ear and HU address U Batavia, N. Y.
namely: the existence of a Universal divine slates that man is developed lrom this “ diffu *’ The tomu o f Adam I H ow touching it was, favorable medlumlsllc conditions.
[Spirit, in its special relation to the human sive mind,” or the influence thereof, consequent MiuCL'xile Doten Is in the field again. tyiu not
here in the laud of s:rangura, tar away trum B at the question naturally arises, why Is U th a t
understanding and the human Boul.” ly man Is the itotY o h m t . Mr. Beecher knows home and friends, aud all wno cared lor me, thus » u » 0, p » p l . -H o t . d « p l , g , |0« d . t U » , * 7 , 01 oar H'“ UOT " c l,u “
W e And a disposition on the part ot Mr. very well that a position of this kind has all the to discover the tomb of a blood relation. True, death ofloved onea, treat the subject of spirit com- T R v ______ ____ - . .
Beccbcr in all his sermons to take this positien, elements o f weakness, and is assumed merely to a distant one, but still a relation. Tue unerring rnuDlop. with .DCP ull«r c o .l.m p U s i m p l , b . ' k ? • P ^ .r .la U ,.
that there (s a God independent o f certain con
instinct of nature thrilled its recogmzaiion. The t w are
cause they *rA slaves to
m nM
old theological creeds. Splritusllsm, has been1 spending a■ few
cater to that lingering vestige o f orthodoxy that fountain of my tilhal afle:>.ion was stirred to its weeks to Tennessee.
ditions and forms o f matter, or that H e exists still continues to bang like a dark pall over the prolouudest depths, auu 1 gave way to tumult They are afraid that^ some ignorant pretender to
in the abstract. W hile he regards God as all- minds of mauy people, resulting, ot couise, in uous emotion. 1 leaned up>u a pillar and buret theologies] wisdom, will rldiculo them , If they Mr*. Orrln Abbott Is regarded os one of the best
powerful, he appears to entertain the idea that many erroneous ideas in luqard to the tiue na into tears. I deem it no samnu lo have wept seek fo ra communication from a deceased person. developing medium* In the West. Her eucetsa U
ture o f ljeity . W e believe that »he time ia uot over the grave ol my poor dead relative. Let Their preacher will ejaculate “Ijee lovers 1" and all truly'rem arkable. U nder her m anipulations,'the
certain manifestations can take place independ him who would *ncer at my emotion clubs this
fur distant whuu Mr. Beecher will fully admit th e Ignorant devotee* will echo, "free lovers." The spirits are enabled to use the arm of auy person
ent o f Him, or antagonistic to the divine Spirit. the truth o f the Harraonhd Pm losophy—then volume here, lor he n ill find little to hia taste in to write names, et£., the flretsitUDg.
pool bereaved m other ta slavish fear sm others her
N ow , il any fact is self-evident, it is this, that with aspirations uncrippled, energies unbiased, my journey mg Uirougn the Holy Laud. Noble
old man, he did n o ltc e me—he did not live to grief and foregousTbe pleasure of sweet com m un Mrs. Emma H rrdlnge lectured at M ask Hall,
there can be nothing in existence that stands in and mind tree, he will go forth givlug utterance ion with the beloved decesied daughter, but with Boston, Dec. 131 b. .
to th-iso hubluno truths winch are rm tiug to the k e hia cudd. Aud 1,1—1—alas, 1 did not live
antagonistic relations to God. W hy? Is not lu see him. Wctgucu down by sol row aud d is this reservation in her Inmost soul, “ O God, why
minds of angels, waiting for an opportune mo A little girl In O^donsbargh’, N. Y., saw her
God all powerful? I f so, how can power exist ment to m*ke their advent on earth,' hrough appointment, be died beloru i was born. But am 1 such a slave to thuae people t Oh, th at I had
outside of Him ? I f the power which moves some receptive mind, h t us try to bear it with fortitude. Let as trust •tre n g th to declare my freedom I” grandfather st lading by her b«d-*lda, ja a ta a ho
that he u belter <U wtiirc he is.” God grant th at the day may soon dawn upon the -died a violent death on a distant lake.
your band is not a part of the all-power o f God,
Warren Chase gives i i s views aa follows in world when such slavery shall he only knoivn as Thomas Gules F orster Is lecturing la Philadel
then there is a power outside of Him, conse A R T I F K I lE i S U n N A J t l U l ’ L l S n .
reltrence to this insgniflcBut enterprise : a relic nl the past. God grant thut the prayers phia.
quently, H e can not be all-powerful. I f any B y W illiam B. Fobenstock. M. D. Barkley & “ I most heartily stcond your proposition lo from tho Inmost soul* of millions of religious serfs E . 8 . Wheeler wtit lecture In New England dnr-
thing in existence is antagonistic to God, it C.r, Publishers.
aid our cbiiaiiun brethereu in getting up a pen may be answered. ing,-Decern her and January,
must possess power, destroying at once one o f W e have published many articles from the ny monument lor their fatber Adatn, and their Mrs. 11. J. W flconoal* a t Houston, Texas. She*
th e attributes claimed fur him. pen of the author of the almve intirled bonk,
nbby mother E ve and their snaky sjn bearing I (fX nA H A R D I N G * * L E € 1 I R K S .
W e append the following" v iew s: wfcich has elicited* much thought, and aroused cao be addressed there In the care of P. Bremond.
g r e a t expectations in the mm<H of the readers D- v.I, in a grand group of statues, propor> n .ned Will our old suotcribtTB Impress It npbn the K?q. v
"Th* dltlna Bel o f I* not so r e ly i peno a , ■aperiaUra, of this paper in regard to Ids theory for produc iulr.di ol tbulr friends and m lghbors th a t Emma
to their raspi Clive sizis, aud although I do not Mrs J rn n e tte J . Clark is lecturing ns Missionary’
lo fliite , wbo alt* enahrioed, and, m It w eie.h kld ea In tba ing artkfical somuambulihni, thereby forming lixtdiuge'a lectures are being reported verbatim,
centra of hi* aori domain. W* ora la o fb t that there I* aa claim parentage in that sbtck.and am quite cer In New England.
conditions lor spirit control. by 11. f. Child, M. D , Pbonpgrapber, expressly
efflatoce o f aplrit-power, and that tba Holy Bpirit yervadee T his new work, now upon our shelves, and lain I am n *t a denceudadt 01 tnal God-made and Dr. Persons, the healer, Is la Texas,
fo rtb U p jp e r, and th a t they whl be found la the
tba fp ilta n o . I t U to tba paraonallly of Ood * h a the ready for sGftflying orders, Is a neat volume of dirty parentage, and if I could have my choice, JouHNALfor many months to come. Now Is the
Ilf ht and beat o f the b ud are i o tba in n lta*lf. fo e, thou (fa Dr. SI. M . Tousey, ol 908 Galena street, MUwan.
338 closely printed .pages, aud is oflored at would prefer to have a monkey parentage in lime fur tilaraubicrtber* to get one of the best kee, WIs., will answer colls U> lecture within re s-
tba ran U in a d«flat|* apbare and paoJUaa, aad bai It* own $1.50 per ynlum£ When Bent by-mall, ceats^
flab alar d m m , y e t it la f i l l through myriad* and myriad*
stead of a heap o f dost or muck, >yl I am ready newspapers lu the world, tbrep.m onths, for the sen able distances ot th a t city.
extra for postage must be rammed. 5 to pay in the five cents, being one for eacu o f
of league* ot ipace, and ta tberafora praeanl by ItotffecU F r o m the hasty reading we have given the • cost of the blank oxper and the expense of mxIT- Dr. j . Star bid, of Milan. Ohio, h is entered th e
and power. And Ifaoafb God ta not p m e a l.a n d beaten 1. woilc, we nan assure our reader* that an invest my family, and as that is cousiuered sufficient If log—flftv cents. lecturing field.
the place arbor* h* dwell*, yet tba dltln a Infloaaoo partedea ment in this book tail! not be regretted. That from*the descendants alone,this and others like Wh hope *11 will make an effort to give sneb en
tb a s a l ta n a . The m ental power, tba tbon sbt power, the spirit communion is to be an -every d ay txxntr- The dedication ot the New H all a t Richmond,
it, can'he added for extra em bellishments for the couragement aa the enterprise we ate engaged In
sp irit paaror, o f tba ditto* m ind Maputo* tba r a tio n s ance with the great mass o f mankind, we doubt la d ., will take place December 8 6 tb . Th* society
•erpeut. Please keep us Dusted, and let us know dem*nde fur Us permanent sncceas. No pains
n a lro n o .”— B a a o u t. n o t Those w ho peruse {tils book, and follow there Is (a a flourishing condition,
when the work begins and when the money U •hall be spared on oar part to make the paper ell
BUD, tba H inds* at tempi* to tyaU m ttlae Ms s*p im tien* the directions given In she aame, vrill hasten 0. A Skinner, of Valporalson, la d ., trance speak
that the moat hopeful can desire.
ta io a o— oip tl on M Rod. A b r ie f wh* Stta a ll apace and that greatly V be desired period e r, will answer calls to lector^. „
{ ' r v

D e c e mbe r 18,1869. R E L I G I O - P H I L O S O P m O A l i J O U R N A L ..

from the- Infinite. A t tb e tithe when thi* youth «« D e a t h a n d t b e A fte r L it e .” A W O N D E R F U L N E W BOOK.

§&iJait!pltia gtpartmtat. is thus impressed, I perceive th«t he is in har T he aboVe entitled w oik , published by Wm.
monic sympathy with a circle o f angels who in W hite A Co., ItoBton, consists ofjy^ b t lectures
habit (hat peculiar condition or empire of the J l'S T F i m i S H E D .
. H. T . C H IL D , M. D F r e e h G a r d e n , F lo w e r , F r u it, H e r b , T r ee ,
spiritual universe, wherein art gloriously reveals by that remarkable seer and medium, Andrew
itself, and thiayoutb, as I gaze upon him, be Jackson D avis; also “ A Voice from James S hrub u u d Everjcraen Need* w ith dlree-vj tr T n s r n n n r ..
holds tbe objective form of that divine idea pro
Vieter Wilson.
“ o n * fo r c u ltu r e , p re p a id bp m a ll. T h e I\ S l l l A N G I i V IS IT O R S !
jected beioce the mental vision. Ilia whole m o a t c o m p lr te a n d J u d lc lo u a a a a o rtm e iil p
N o one can peruse this volume o f lectures In llto c o u n try . A g ru t* w a n te d . . , ilaiolng thirty-*!* original
being is permeated at once by the harmonic i« spirits « f auch famous author* as
lw p ro v U a llo n . idea descending from above, a.id by an intlu- without feeliug that he haa been amply repaid 3.i Sort* of u ltlu r f-.r IL.UO• prepaid by m ail. A lso Sm all .la tin o , Tufc k r s i t , 'C bsrlotl* llronte. Byron, liaw lboroa
ence harmonizing there with, proceeding toward for his trouble. The various subjects on which Print*. H ao U . B otbe, a ll tb e cats Potato**, * tc , p rrp a ld U lllls. Iluirii-Udl. k in . Browning a nd other* now dwelling
him trom that heaven o f art with which he was In tin- epirit-wiirld. These Wonderful artlclns Wsra diclatad
*T ll» . 1 L. U tU l l . by m ail. 4 I U . E arly K>*a Potato, prepaid, fo r 1 1 CU ihro u g h a CLir* ij unt w hit.' in n tr a n n i *iate, and ar* o f lb*
in sympathy, and while the divine idea is a he lectured, are aa follow s: C u u .jt.r'i Colossal Asparagu*, ftl per 100: i i t per UUU. un-st ititiinstiy Iriteri-.liitg uud enth ra llin g natnr--.
source o f inspiration, ih e harmonic influences of Death and the After L ile ; Sceuea in tbe Sum prepaid New b a ld s fra y ra at istrb lu o n iin g J a p iu U uney 4»ai~ Kleguutly bound io cloth. I’riiofl oQ. Postage 20cI*.
Ai> r u n tu rn I d tim e to m ould, •uckl*. SCcta ta e b . prepaid. Tro* Capa C«J C ranberry, fur
tu- o utw ard form* th a t m en behold.
that artistic sphere attune his organization to mer L and ; Society in the Summer Land; S o a utand u r low land e o lta ra , f l 10 per 100. pi-enai■» w ith
reproduce it iu inrm and color. cial Centers in tbe Summer L tn d ; W inter Land direction*.
u. Priced CaUlugm any addre**. g ratt* : also r .I III. K OF roXTE.VT»
E xpire end end in b e au ty ’* flight. tra d * list. Seeds ou rom m isaluu.
A nd vanish from ib e ir o u tv a rd eljjbt,
Again, I see a young maiden ciotbed in a robe
and Summer Land : Language and Life in the WATSON. Old Colony N ursarlra and S*«J ftaru - A illh 8ul-j.lL
of peculiar white ness, silting In a chair of ivory, ----------- ” b sla b lla b td io H41
A* roiee th a t in rp rlo g tim e t.Uom, polished gem s inlaid in the in irble beneath her Summer L ih d ; Ultimate* in the Summer Laud, ri-n ry J . Harm ind. ■To the New York IHildl.*.
If nfolding dtaihl*** o'er th e U m h, * feet, tihe liateus—she bears music, and that M argaret f uller, lulvratare in N|>irit-Litn.
and Voice trom Jam ts Victor Wilson ’ laird Byron. To his ,y. niM-rt.
The heart* we love un fo ld more b r ig h t, same immortal shaft of mental influence begin
M ote beeuteone lu tb e heavenly lig h t. ning in the inaccessible- depths of the divine In For sale at this offlie. Price 7.1 cents DOCTOR IRA S. KING’S HEALTH Ni.ttu.no I 1Inwllo.ru-.
WitehltigU.u U sing. Vlate to Henry Clay. J
finite, tails upon her, and her whole nature v i W. M. Thui k .r.iy . Ills Post Morh-rn Espi'nani:
TL .ce ia s o d e ath ; 'tla 'b u t a shade, IN S T IT U T E . Archldshop llu g li-r, Two btltit.il K.'Iic k . ub .
Be not of o u tw a ld loa* afraid. . brates in song. The air see inn lull M melody, as A N E W PBO POSITION. K .lg.r A. Poe. T h - l e . t ». Ill
if its very atoms vibrated. With inconceivable tk-eiog tb* grow ing no esa ty of an InslU nt* of lh ls kind
1 he re ia no d e a th ; tt te a b lu b - In th* w eat.lh* Doctor bar ta k a i th e Commodious residence J . in Paul lU rh ttr, lovisiMt Intlu-tKea.
A ru in g b ee van w ard fro m e arth . rapidity she writes, and the same idea, which to To any one who h u aev ar taken the J o o e n a l , No. 1 3 , South M isstsslv(i ilr e e t, w here patten** lusy t'o.ir lotto 1trout-, Agues beef. A Tale,
we will send It lor three months ou trial, on Urn Uti/alu tl, B. Ur.-o niug. To H er llu-1.si.it
the artist was a vision, utters itself through her secorv u »aluirt4.aod cc mfurts cl bum* a t reasouahle u r m - , Art.-mua IV.ml, III iirx! out of Pnrgatnry
The calm**t life th a t m o rtala know , TU* Doctor pt-aswst-s great hraluig pue.-rs is s ls o a g u u h
most exquisite organization in lyrical strains, receipt o t f i f t y cent*. I . sdy Blrsaington,
> fierce ea tem pest* w bos tb«y blow C lalreu )e u t b is had e ig b lssu yrbra eapsrletice » • 1‘rofowesr Olwst. i-I,
sweet as the south wind when it sings itself to physician. f ih
O . r itu r r n j eea*. com pered w ith o ura, {.lumber, amid the blossom .of roses, for she, E special a tte n tio n g iren to C hronic Disraa-s ; N.-oralgla. A d.I. l a v l Xeuk. il, Hold M» N ot
N P. W illis. Off Hand Sln trliw
W ho dream 'm il beeven’e Im w ortal bower*. when this heavenly ray descends upon hef, is in 110X1K. U heum atiatu. D ysprpsla. L ung Difli ulL ea, hu u urs a t all M argaret Yull-r, Iu S pirit Lile. •
kinds; U itraits ul Kys aud Ksr. etc. f u r C lairvoyant
T he w ildcat woe th a t m o rtala find sympathy with oue of those heavens where d i Spiritualist* visiting Chicago, will find a pleasant i-itiiiiu tin ns anduae a lock i f H air, full name, eg* and
C iill-rl Stew nrt, Convt-fkatious ou Art.
ie like a shadow , 'tie eonllned vine inspirations reveal themselves in song. flOU E-lwnrd Everett. CoVerriU.enl.
home at 148,4th Avenue, on the South aide. Only I’rv-l.-rika Br>mrr. M ight Io My S tarry Hut*-
W ithin a little rin g o f tim e— P . S. Tb* Due to r U lic e tte d by th a F irst C ircle of H er, l.yman E -o lo-r, The S a b b a lh -T u t;- » .
five minute*’ walk from tbe Posl-OlUce. BpirttualtaU cl th is ■u y t<> i s l a u u n M arrlaget. Prof, (leorga Itusb,
tm r js y s u tfu ld in life divine. Marriage ill Spirit-Life *
ECLIPSE. E^*Uood mediums always In attendance. AddrsH, 1. N. KIN G, n . U-, Nu. I 3 South Missis Ju n iu s liru tu i Ihe.lh, Acting !>y Spirit Influence.
Shaping t h a t life* unbounded span, sippi HI . lodisuapuit*, Ind. lte». John W ialry, Church idCH tirl.
S ia n 1* n o t a t o n e /£ff«i<led t h e r e b y . Vi.l : , Nu. 13—ti- N. V. W illis,
r.tcrnity la th in e ,0 man. A, Spirit U uviaillb; E arth .
T hink o f tb y fu tu re aa a ip h e re , » Anutiynibus, Alone.
As a proof that man is not Slone effected by Uar»n Von Ilim L .ld t, K artbiynsk'-t.
(P fc itu a r g .
W here roaee b it ato m a ll tb e je e r . an eclipse, we insert the billowing eloquent d es SOLOMON W. JEWETT S ir Dei id Bratrau-r,
II. T. Buckle,
1Natftraluns* of Spirit-laf*.
cription by that great American writer, Feni- Heal* tb* 8lck a t NEW P H IL A D E L P H IA , OHIO, by W. B. Burton, Drama in Spirit-Life.
Poem t> r L i z z i e D o t o u . Layleg-on uf Hands. Charles tt. Elliott, Painting in Hpirit-lafu.
move Cooper: T n a j p U a ta d to th* U*«allfiil la n U a * a t th>- Samtuor- Vol. T. N o-1 3 -4 1 . ’ Comedian'* Poetry, B ullkk.ng N u ; .
I was recalled by a familiar and insignificant L to d .u a tb*«T*nli>< or X j*«m b*r 3oJ. t< u j; ia * sp irit uf L i ly llc * t-r Stanhope, “roplevy.
TLe fair s prin g flowers droop end die. Prof«(wor,M.:r|,.t. Tl.t- P ia-.
before th e e em m er rose* bloom , incident, the dull tramp o f hoofs on the Village Leak VraDcUT r.ix^ll. d*a j h u r of B. t . *n4 L . u i u T r a ta ll , Dr. J. U. Fruixn., Causes o n ty .
0 \J\J
0 0 WaaLil—
CoodocntislNEW ART. A**ut
Circular* FEWonAOKNTS Allgli)Ul-nlr, Thu t'pii t Bud'.
A nd a u ra look m eekly fro m th e eky bridge. A few cows, behoving that night bad eight r«*r« 4u J u ia s n a a tb * . on rtcoipl
LtttUFreakle **• *m*«-f th* bright**! sad mix! prumU- of lump*. Addri • r - T h a s a t1o f this e xtraor liuary stork will be uf the most
A told the e vening's g ath erin g gloom. overtaken them, were com ing homeward from U . U. LKK, F air U av a a, Coni unpreoedonted n ature. Price, $1,-0, psystsg'- JOcla.
iog fl .«*r* in Ui* Prugrttaliu Ljcaatn of Cbicag-, po* VoLf, No. 8—8 wfc*, (pd)
T hus h opes, so b eau tifu l a t h tith . the wild open pastures about the village. And For sale ni T h e lUtunio-i'uiLosQpiiicAi.
xi tatelllgsac* r*r L-s jjo J h»r jisr*; b*f sparkling
W ill w ith e r in th e h u m a n h e art, no wonder the kindly creatures were deceived ; JontNAL Office, 1 8 7 vt 18'J, South Clark street,
For tre e kappineaa ia n o t o f e a rth ,
•>n and *we*t diapoiltloa iaUresIwl and sou th* tihcltau C i iic a y o , H L
And n earest friends a re called to p a rt.
the darkness was now much deeper than the of nil with whom *b* btcan* aeqQstnUd. J TO BEE-KEEPERS.
twilight which usually turns their faces home H er IIIq m i , w hich l a i u i o o lj th ir ty htmr*, w u j c a r h l
Hut s ta r , th a t set, a rise a g ain . ward ; the dew was falling perceptibly (as much A NEW H O O K on th* snbject o t Baa-C ultura,
f»T*r«f th* m oit m aU gnsal typ*.
A nd flowers shall bud an d bloom once more ; called th e 9ECHK Cd UF BE E -K SK PIN d. I t is gut np in a • .U O D E U X
bo - s at any hour o f the previous night), and T hli*o4d»b d tp ir lo r * tc lb* Sum m er L sad be* b ru ag b t
And w eary hour* or woe and pain the coolness was so great that tbe thermometer very condeOMd and c heap form , tu m eat thu w ants o f Boa-
*d*#p *h*low Dt wda**« user th* family eirel*. and M(o-
I n heaven’* eweet peace will soon be o’er. .must have fallen many degrees from the great olally oT*r th* he arts of lb* p o r n a U ; b a t th*y m ourn not
K eepers lu every d*p*rtm *nt uf ip ic u ltu ra ) ic ieoc*. I t
contains mor* p ractical Infurm tapin. and treats upon m ore
W ithin th e bower* of bliss a bove heal of tbe morning Tbe lake, the hills, and a* tho** w ithout bop*, knsw ing tb s t k * long they Shalt subject* th a n aoy o th e r book of Us kind yet published, and
Tour friend ship lik e a flower shall bloom. the buildings o f the little town were swallowed m eat th d r darlin g on tb* brig h t shore* u f tb* happy Sp irit 1* rnibrl:U hm l w ith n n in rfu u s cut* and e u g rsv in g s, and S P I R I T U A L I S M ,” .
For sacred tr u th an d Loly love up in the darkness. Tbe absence of the UBual L and. A. co u taliu uearly as mauy wards *** b x ik th s t usually sell*
O utlive de struction aud tb e tomb. lights in the dwellings rendered the obscurity for f-MXJ. Pub'ishm l b r K P. K lO bta. B urlingt»n, V erm uut. A TWENTY TEAM’ RECORD
price In paper cuver*. odet*. buund. 7uct*. :V a i by m ' l
still more Impressive. All labor had ceased, on r rr e lp t of price. AUiiees 8. fl. Ju .ssi, Nu. lS j SoOtn O f T1IE
and the hushed voices o f the people only broke d a r k S t . Chicago, 111.
C o m m u n ic a t io n * Trom T . L . H a r r is . the absolu'e s UIId c w by subdued whispering
tones. “ W hisk! The w h ipp ow ill!" whispered
During Ihe last twenty years, we have been HKT'Vr.KX
a friend near me, and at the same moment, as DU. S llE L T o y 'S
gathering gems o f spirits and mortals, and from
we listtned iu profound silence, we distinctly P R IC K OP H O O K *.
our journal, we shall at times transfer some o f heard Imm the eastern bank o f the river the CELEBRATED PILE SALVE: KAUTII AN!) TIIK WOULD OF SPilUT?.
W * * N ! i» j ho»h*, wilt l i t ) to* .<m »s of tho b .o k t to
*hese. Hiding iu Laurel llill Cemetery with wild, plaintive note of that solitary bird o f night “ H o o k L i n t ** f>BbU,hod'**ury w*>.-k. T b u u ur.hijr- Ts prepared front the e x tra - to t si* d!(f-r*nt pla n ts, a u d ll*
our Brother Thomas L. Harris, in May 1854, we slowly repented at intervals. The song o f the fug boob* t j Ud is flt by m ill ni l*: lu cjr.if.il and ru n .a m erits are .vm -hw l lor by tb s biludrodt « r ia te s t h s t l n v » O X /: VOLUM E, L A llu U I t e r . I VO, O F S I X
summer birds, so full in June, hu-i entirely hero c u n d ’by its use. I t is iniU uli.leUly a *<»« reign reui- itr s iw u i* J'.i o f s , K x ts u s u y r s u x .
passed the grave where General Mercer was th * u l t r a hiu u n a t rt-p tfrc l f ir p u ta g o . tsly in a ‘l c-ssra o f Pilea. a n ia ta i a p tn , lid I >r Ulcere, th in s ,
ceB9td for the last half hour. A bat came flit Wa supply a ny book iu th stu irau t, li u in ; a rra u tf-m f'e u . b u rn s slid Cbapp. <1 lls b d s. Price S l 'IO per I. >g ; eeut i» . i ik ’t i ; / .S D d i m e s , s r r E t u u , r a x d p u o -
interred. On seeing the implements ol war ting an.>ut our heads. Many stars were now any *d Tea* up' ll r tc n p t u f price. Address J . T. fcTAATs,
w ith p jo lM isr* and li t ib •*IUr« ih .o u g h o n t lb* c o u n try 4 bd Amity lU e et, N«w York. F V S E l.Y l /. L l/S TJIA T E D W IT H F I X E
chiseled upon his monument, we remarked that visible,though not in sufli-lent number to les T h o .a who d«*ira olh »r h jn lt, tllatl ill n t found tu n ur
sen th*. darkness. At one point only, ia the far- It r O /lT U M T S , /-.Tf.’., O X ST E E L . W OOD
they did not sAra like fit emblems for such a H o o k L U t ” wilUnnJ lu aJditloa to th* te g u lar prlt-a* /. r /x r , u n i o n : : M ' n r , e t c ., e t c .
distant Northern horizon, something ot the o f tb* books d o in > ], o u t s i x It* w j : t to a tta r y u i q * .
Brothcr Harris was entranced and add :
brightness o f dawn appeared to linger.
A t tw elve niimUes pa*l eleven the moon
RHEUMATIC AND NEURALGIC r iu c t: f r e e ,
“ I tltso k » » » j On* body/* d u st, stood revctiied in u s greatest distinctness—a O.N T IIK I S l ’I l OX T i l U J ti N T I l W IL L IIII UKMEDY.
vast black orb, so nearly obfcuring the sun T he rts-lpr U>r this lnv*'u*SI- p r s p ir ttio n was given 1IV !•: M M ,V 1 l A I i 1 )-I NT< i !•;.
A-.J rotu su blim ely tv tils suit, P trS L IS U K D
Y y broken sword has tu rn e d Co ru st, that the face ol the great luminary was entirely through Mr*, - ta a ts. t>, s i a u l e f e m inent physician*. I t r |l h M w .rU h a s ta '-u pr<-(uA*l by tli« a u th o r
and absolutely darkened, though a corona of EVJIA U A UD IN U& S 'GREAT WOU K Use Is-.-n tri.d iu a g rea t tm-uti-r of esses, b ith uf Ktivums-
T hrough heaven m y u pw ard c o a r,s I m o . ttriu and N -eiriU is. an I iu e .e r y tnstsu.-e gave a 'n iu st Im
I w b t # m y b a n n er ’m id lb s s k its light appeared beyond. The gloom o f night pird la te relief, nu ling it. puifiett ra r e . Price f » 0 ) p sr but- U n der th e D ir e c t S u p er v isio n an d G oid-
H um s upw ard th ro u g h Ihe hmirru* I rise. was upon us. A breathless intensity of interest " H IS T O IIV O F 110DEUX f price Order* m a st
* re e l. New York. an ce o f th e S p irits,
Within thkd'j c JMitrtUJ iilikdct. was Felt by all. • • In looking back to
that impressive hour, such now seem to uie the A M E R I C A N S P I R I T U A L I S M ,’’ k I .i ir-m^ural'-'l tbem uvnneuL
My up w ar J f ir m is tu rn s 1 to mold, Jt Uln* i-'u-.'-pts friitn p iiuphlnls, Jirirat''j'rtrrnata
A M f . : « 4 l t i , u r i n i r i th t l r h c c i e ble-foe feelings of the youth making one of that family
A T W E N T V YBAUS'-RECO UD p - 11jdir.iU m ie . u t >>f p n u l, nu>l vurbuis o th e r su-ir- .w a t
Ou e a rth , .ire fiirn d s In y u n d u rfu h l.' group, all apparently impressed with a sensa CURE FOR GRAVEL tu itu h 1,' ua!y V» th*i a uthor.
tion o f tbe deepest awe. 1 speak with certaintly. OK T IIK
On expressing our feeling that it w is wonder- A clearer view than I had ever yet had of «he A y If W BAK KIDNEYS, f t.e . liivtiun o f Cj *-w > n v ie U has cost many y wra ot in-
Ail that spirits should be found everywhere C o m m u D lo ti H e l w e e n K i t r t U a n il th e
majesty ot the Almighty, accompanied with hu Arising fr-iin irritab le nonditiuns or th* a rn ih s «n>l bis 1 I '- S 'is t r«-Sftir«-li, ^nd .ilt'i^.'tb' r it f -rms cunt p i tb*
ready and w illing to communicate whenever W o r ld o f h p lr lb : J . r , Jiuui th» p r-s-u c s uf *tunn or ir tv p l, ai.d tu cbtU{«
miliating, and. I trust, a profitable sense o f my
Vhey*io«::d auiint.le conditions, Brother Harris own utter insignificance. T in t movement o f On* ru lu u e U rju o uta ss, a lt tiuu-irai p a g e s,* a p « r:il/ th -ic h a rsrte ru f llllilc ntlon. T ns i.-olji- was g u r u tb r. iigU MOST COMPLETE, ASTO UN DING -AND ’
Mrs P l s e u I t I* purely vegetable, su I bs* i.*eu u s-J in
continued: ** Were the spiritual scenes which tbe moon, that sublime voyage ot* the world*, lllu strsta d w an st.vii au^raslags, -pirtra i!* of d U tin j-d s h sure* uf in* u i i r t- j’w tiuata c o t s w ,n m ar*ejut4 re su lt TllIilLLINO HISTORIES.
transpire iu all earth's so iu r y jdnees. com mu often recurs to my imagination, and. even h i od BptrLuaUsto, Spirit Au'.*.gtip:)i, l x , ate, I'n e e *3 u • p -r k i l l s ; se at to any address upon r<-:*ipl <-f Ci.il h i- - r ( f l.ta'lcd ffum tLu pr-'-a,1
nicated to t!o- dwellers o f o m it. men would, ptic* U rdeis m a st be direct. J tu J X. dT.t A T i, cJ Auu,o
Ibis distant dav, as distinctly, as majestically, tn * » h - t j uu4*rt*k»a. «rr:*.'.** t u>uSUih*4 ' b r th* «trust. New l o t* . Th* ffrit f-».t u fll.s w o rt 1*1:1 - 'ii-i.bitahiy i-x.-aeil tb* salts
could they believe, ho -overwhelmed with as- and neatly as tearfully, n s n was then beheld. outh u r nadur this <Kra:t UuHa-i sa and «upe:*l*luii uf t h t I t _________ __________ ___ .________________ price w hich La- l«i.-u fixed !>> t h iu i iilf 'f , vrnli * si. o of reu-
l o n is h m e n t . M ilion s of ministering spirit* A group of silent, dusky formsstood m*«r rm-.- S pirits, wli > h a ro tu tu ;u ra tm l tho rucreiu.'B t. • , Je rln g i t atlaiii iblo M s ll el i - . ’ S u f icndels,
!l<» ro G ll.Y l’US U F O N IE T A , “IN D IA N "
walk the earth, aud in the airy cliatnh riot tbe
sea, in the artistic bowers, and in tbe air are
Onc- emotion appeared to govern all. My fath
er s Pv k I | mm jvabli! some til teen feet from roe,
T ho c j IIs u U s q o f I h t
th o a u th o r yta r* o f ruasarob and lr>*uW*.
this work h i* cc*t
Tho t i n t cost w ill o iu s u Ij - . tily o l read Ihe a ils p ri:o —
P Control of J . W il u s m Va* N a w n .fr» tu a Draw ing b j
W rit* Anderson. Will ba e en t b r mail uu r-c eip t u f
temples richly wrought with gl .rhus images. hut I could not discern his feature*. Three ana th* who I* will form out* uf n»o m .tt 0 i -b | i | o *.b , i h r u l I w r u t f U vw r r i i i s aud a s l u m p . For h !« i l thu a*. Um O ffioc ri{ tin ; K K ! .l< ; !n * F n iL n s o P U lc X
N o earthly art such images can fashion. T nefe minutes of darkness, all but absolute, elapsed. 0SlCe,UI the ItSUUIO PHIUtSUPUICIL JuUS.-ltL.
ing aud A itouudlug tliaturioa lu s t has b e ta issued f n a ,
Addrara S. S .Jo n ra , 184, South C lark .street, Chicago, 11! JontNAL.
they dwell, aud thence, numerous as t Kc leaves Tlaey appeared strangely lengthened hy the in- tho pr**s. AdJrcss, S 8. June.-*, 1*7 & 189, South Clark
and numerous more than all earth's multitudes, K cblishcdby th« Autb-ir, fro n *1. «tn it can b x -b te ta a d
tenatty o f feeling and the fl'»>d o f overpowering a t h e r rasi Ions* t t I rU .t S)th Si., S u * York, or from th* s t r e e t , C U lt a * o , H L
they journey through all pathways. With all thought which filled the mind. Thus lar the Offlja uf tbe RtLIoi-ofillloaoriUUM. JoU S.taL- a t wholeaalo D. WHITE, M. D.,
men they silently travel; thev write their sensation created hy this majestic spectacle had o r r a U il. PrleeSS.TS.
709 N o r th F o u rth a tr e e t, fit. L o n la . -Ho,,
thoughts on every human mind. W hile man
Tcsides in the dull house o f his mortality, they
been one o f humiliation and awe. It seemed as
if the great Father o f the Universe had visibly lisa h vi upw ards of th ir ty year* experjrb ca In O enaral
are his constant visitants; and when the clay- S O U L -R E A D IN G , 1 tluapital pracltC*. Ha .ore* the m ust Jilflc u lt and obati-
and almost palpably veiled His face In wrath. t ta ts e b r . tc disease d f^ v n ry deecriptluu w ith o u t .strung
ballt fabric crumbles to decay, man need not But appalling as the withdrawal of the light had cu m rd iu n e o r Surgical operations.
leave the carth'to find a h om e; earth is a spirit- been, most nlorious, most subiimp, was its res P ty c h o ir u tr ic >
’ I M i n e a t i o /u . Dr. W. give* in* Special A tte n tio n M rtf a tr e a tm e n t of
disease* * r M att. Psrsuos sending him ££ w ith a histo ry
land, and angels dwell o’er its broad continents toration. The corona o f light above the moon o f lh s lr cum pU Int, describing all th e ir sym ptom * a s mi ItT
and shining seas. became suddenly .brighter, the heavens beyond A . H .S E V E R A N C E , nutely as p o sted*, medicine* will ba p u t up expressly fur
Wind* of th* lo iu w r ttm*, whaVdo ye H I ? were illuminated, the sfars retired, aud light be tha lr case an I sent lo them by re tu rn m ail post paid. H u n H UDSO N T U TTLE.
8 oog* of th* filry d im * , v h o r* an g els dw ell, gan to play along the ridges o f the distant moun T h * W e l l -K n o w n P s y c h o m k t h is t , dreds has* been g rea tly beusHuiJ, an d oisny ra tlc a lly
cored, a fe tr all o th e r mean* h ad failed, by LU U omao-mag-
Leave* o f th * n m u n tlrn*. » b » t do j b «*y t tains. And then a flood ot gratctul cheering, W ill giro t t thu** who s lu t him U p tr to u . o r from a u to natlc lUmedia*. .
grap h , vr looc of h u ib r s a llo g i of c b tra o ta r: utarcad C O N TEN TS.
Language from h a n n ' i ow n otlrn*. where angel • stay." consoling brightness fell into the valley with a ohangaa, p a il aod f u lu r - ; a lsK a In regard to b i u i M t ;
AJlrse s, D. W H t r s , M. D., Box 2607, 3 t. Luul», U C
sweetness and a power inconceivable to the ooT ?ol *11 if Ixtreductinu.
On another occasion, Brother Harris said : d iu n o a U of di*«a*a, w ith p r a c r i p t u n ; adaptation o f t b n *
Th* Ood Idea o f tha Ulndocw,
" T rue religion cometh not to enslave the mind uulcss the eye bos actually beheld it. I Intending m arriage: direction* for tb* in ttiegem enl of
oblld '* o ; bint* to tb* lo b v a o n io u ily m a rrie d , *to.
M r s , l iz z ie l a b e l l e . c l a Ir v o a n t ,
can liken this sudden, Joyous return o f light, " . “" ” Egyptians, Chal loans aad ParahM,
mind, but to emancipate I t ; her garments are T a m a —I t O j for f u ll D cllnsatiuns; B rief D elineation*
woven charity;—her crown is lig h t;—her after tho eclipse, to nothing of the kind that is A Fraacb lady, ha* room* at th* Morton Hom e, No, * ..............1 Jewa.
familiarly known. It was certainly uearest to
|1 00. A. B. SkVKKASOK.
112and 114,Franklin dL,b*tw**a Washington and Madi
- « - Arabises. *
priests and ministers are open hearts and open 3 U florid* St., M ilw aukaa, Wt*. * • • * * * “ Greek* and Row***,
the change produced by the swift passage of the V o L 7 , X o .lS —if. son • treat*, J u t saain o f th* earl antranc* to th* tnnnet, * * * ' “ “ Alexaodrtaa and Early ChrtsMaaJtfi
h a n d s- 'ntellecU, that, free in themselves, en
deavor to free all natures,— purify men and Wo shadow of a very dark clou d ; but it was the ef W arren C h u e A C o ., N o . 82T N o r th F i f t h
w btroib* 1* preptrai to glv* **ancM Io all w hodailr* clair " " “ " L ater Fhiloaopb«re,
feet of this instantaneous transition, multiplied voyant au m laatlon or paychometrlcal dslin satlons. Her " "• M Bordar-BallgUBs—Cklaeaa, Dralda,
men everywhere. Art thou seeking to become a u - e e t , S t . L o u l a , M o .,1 Bcftadenavlab* aad Astaoa.
a member o f a church ? Behold the temple o f more than a thousand fold. It seemed to apeak ptw aiaaaam adiuatX or gaatral aprctal Instructions In re
CoDClustoo—V llhaat* cl th* God Idea.
the expanded universe. A rt thou seeking su- directly to our spirits, with fun assurance of K eep o o a stan tly on b a u d a ll lb* p abllcatioaa of W o . W bito gard to th* futar#—r#oountlng th* past— 11 agaoalng and
Price 1,40; postage 1 3 cauit-
rotection, gracious mercy, alfcfof^hat divine
perior priestly natures, from whom tbe parched
spirit shall dnnk in blessing as tho violet drinks K >ve which has produced all the glorious combi
A Co., J . P. Mead urn, Adam* 4 Co., B suotO -pB fU O oriaou.
PubU fhiag Am o o U II o h , an I a lt o ih ir p o p u la r L ite ra l
prtacriblug for J . i s m s s , have b e ta tested by thousands.
ltecepuon hour*, from 10 o’clock A. M. to 12 M .,and from
Por «al* at BAuaio-Paitoedruioai. J o c a e ic Oflo*.
the summer dew ? Seek thou, for they are ever nations of matter for our enj.iytncoL It was 3 to 9 P. U. Terms, from f 1 to |2 , according to tin.*.
not in the least like the gradual d i n i n g o f day, L '.tw a tura, lnoludlog R audiu -P a iL M o ru o ax ; Jo n a ra t. and » No. 9,v o l. T. tf S. S. JO K ES.
near th e e -th o se guardian angels who ever
minister In that temple, whose office is to guide or the actual rising o f tbe sun. Thrro was no BaWWta o t L19BT, M afaaiaet. Photograph*, P a rlo r Oatno* J So. Clark Street,
graduation in the change. It was sudden, amaz - Ctticdgu, III.
tho struggling sp irit in its aspirations after Golden Pan*, d u liu n s r y , etc.
ing, like w hat tho imagination would teach us Magnetic and Ciatrceyant Phyticiana! l.>\N?. t
immortal virtue." to expect o f the advent of a heavenly vision. I
Ou another occasion, Brother .Harris spoko “ B p t h e i r w o r k s p e a h o l l k n o w t h e m .* *
know that philosophically I am w ron g; but to HKBMAN SN dV r.ailM C b'lkN K Y d L SA N F& AN01S0O,
as fo llo w s: me it seemed that thq rays might actually be Cal. k o ^ a th * R l tl OIO Pdiui turd te a t Jo e * t a t fur s a le , aod A WONDERFUL TESTIMONY I
“ T hat there are societies o f spirits correspond seen flowing through thtf darkness in torrents, w ill raeaiv* tu b a ^ ip tlo n s fur th* «tm e. U* also keeps tor B R , V F. 4 R I B S . V . J . C L E V E L A N D ]
ing to each and every organ of tho human Hava perm anently Incited a t 1 3 / t f Madlsou s lr a a t, Kao**, A r e tp lstio n of tha e xtraordinary v b lta tlo a o f 4*p arted
till they had again illuminated the forest, the ■ala all S piritualist and Beform book* a t C b lu g u and Boa-
cerebral system, is a truth. That heaven itself 54 and IS, Chicago. Spirit* of dw iingulihed men and w om to of a ll nations, aa
mountains, the valley, and the lake with their to n price*. Spence’* P ositiv a ja o d N rgiU e a Pow der*— m anifested Ib ru sg h lh e Its log W dleaof th* “ ttaaksra." I k s
w ith all its multitudinous spheres, corresponds glowing, genial touch. Planch sites, e t c , alw ays on hand, From long experience In trea tin g th* varion* ______ „ spirit* of WasbicgMO, F ra n k lla , P ane, Stephen O irard /T v -
to man himself, and to his variou* organs, is a There was another grand movement as the n o li v7 I f which tha hum an lam lly ia aabject, we feat confldenl th a t r»ne Pow er, K -r lieurge 0<>ukman, G eneral llarrw on, St.
proposition which legitimately unfolds from tbe w e c a i r**tor* to liaaltb all whu a t* afflict* I w ith aoy enra- P a tric k , Napult<m,otiak**p«ar,i, Jo h n W atlny, H ubert Km'
crescent ot the sun reappeared, and the moon bl* dlioasa, having In mouy ca>*a cured those who w art melt, Byron, ita .rge Fox, a u d hott* of distin g u ish e d 'm a w
former, but it is also true that man passes was ac'uallv seen steering her course through abandoned as incu r* b li by all o th e r system *of practice. and w imen uf the Post, wbu ta k e posses,loo of, a addlo-
through many states, during tbe successive C L A IR V O Y A N C E . 411 a c u ta , alti* removed instantly by laying on of hand*, ro u t* ath ro u g h , lb™ living bodies o f th* “ tlhaker* " o f Maw
the void. Venn* was still shinljjg brilliantly.
stages o f bis development and is powerfully w #-S pecial a te n lio u g l * - u to tb o tre a tm e n t of a U F a-
* * Men who witness any extraordinary spec MRS. 8. W. JO ilG E K SE N , m ale Di k o m , oy Mr* OLKVltL AN l), w ho l* a C lairv o y an t
wrought upon by circles o f intellectual beings, t a c l e together arc apt, in after times, to find a and can p iTactly dtagnoaa dlsra at, a it bur p raa en t u r ah' cerulug those m u te , aa well *J th e ir tiu iu u lla U
corresponding to all the organs of tbe human Boom* 3 0 , 3 4 0 Booth O ltrk 8-.r*et. Chicago.—Psycho
leasure in conversing on l ts impressions. But ■ant. Send nam e, age aud realdM ca. la the W orld of S pirits.
system. Hence whole societies o f spirits com
bine to operate, at suitable intervals, upon man,
P d o n o t remember to have ever heard a single
m etric, Jim lues* and Dovetoplog M td lu m ; In sp iratio n al
In stru cto r and OunaMlior. Tatsns na so ca ld * .
O-mmiUatlon and diagonals, fl.V O .i
no fl vol 31 tf
T his marvelous record. In book form , 1* published aod f a r
sal* by L. U. fboaisa, Nu. I UT d*b»uia i t . Pblladalphla. a a d
being freely communicative on h it Individual may b* O btained *f bookeelier* and new sdealers genaraU y.
according to harmonic law. Alan has, there- feelings at the most solemn moment o f the No. 10, VoL 7—1 Um* (pd). Price, 3b c en t.p e ro g ip y , o r a t th e r a ta or g U p s r huadrad
tore, not alone guardian individual*,, but also gciipsi*. It would seem as If sensations were copies.
guardian a.icietieA W hen in the councils of the aroused too closely connected with the constitu “ LUMINISTE-” THE DAVENPORT BROTHERS. kddreo* B. R. JONES, IM S outh C lark BL, Chlcag#
vol • no 2d flw . .
divine mind a harmonic idea is conceived, that tion o * h c spirit Co be irreverently and famili The W orld lU nuw aed i
idea proceeding from the depths of infinitude, arly disrui-ed. I shall only say that I have R3. C. M. H A N N IN G can be consulted
and expanding as it descend*, becomes a volume
o f melody, which, vibrating upon the interiors E assed a varied and eveutful life, and it has M on a ll Disrass* and duaiues* m atter*, a t - 1 6 6 SPIRITUAL MEDIUMS, i a .M .a a + ssa . j! « . u u . ». u f i a » * N otary Puhtt*.

o f countless societies o f angels, flows forth

een my- fortune to see earth, heavens, ocean
a n d man in most ol their aspects; but never
Munrua str* e t, c orner La Sails.
Offlt* boor* from 9 A. M-, to I P . M.
T h a lr H lu s r n p b r . GRAHAM, PERRY & CG
through their organs into appropriate utterance, have I beheld any spectacle which so plainly Chart** from tw o to th re e Bcllar* a aittf og. ______ — , t R E A L ESTA TE and L O A N AGEN TS.
and tbe same idea may be expressed in myriads
o f apparently varied forms o f manifestations.
manifested tho m*J«ty o f the Creator or so
forcibly tonight the lesson o f humility to man as
T ol. 7, N o. U —U. ________ !________V ADVENTURES IN EUROPE B o o n e , 51A JO B B L O C K ,
T hat divine idea which clothes itself in the mind a total eclipse qf tha sun. __ AND * Car. La Satie and Madtipn Sts, Chicago, IU
o f the poet in harmonic tones aud numbers, IM P 0 R 1 A N T TBUTW i.
flashes before the inner vision o f the arils t, and A B o o k f o r B v w rr C h ild . AMERICA. City a nd O enutry Baal f a ta l* p orckased and to ld . Zavwd-
m ants made amd Lwwa NegeUalad. A tta a tlo a give* lo a >
ImpriDts upon tho mind’s eye a vision of divine Q y in the Alabama House o f Representa bnsLoee* co na ac tad w ith Kaal X sU ta. s
ly ordered and exquisitely graceful groupings tives, a colored man was. elected Eogrovaing
B T MBB. B. F . MILL KB, M. D* SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED iH O L td a a a d A ara F r a p a rty t a J a B W a if t
Thl tyv'kU daalgnad aa aa aid to paraoto a n d a th sr sta TU* ts U o m ost thrilling w ork In tb* w hole Bplritwaih to r f t a l a .
expressive o f the Interior ideal. I see a vision Clerk. T he Democrats voled for him against a teaching ohlidr** srwlhJ h r th* pwpoaa o f prtrraaNag th* Ua Utarmturs, aad w ill b* th* maaa* of addiag ihaaaaoft
w hich w ill s er v ers an Illustration ot this truth. v o N a o M tf.
• t aril haMU wkinh daMrwy h w itk , ka »ptam* to th* ranks o t tclr ita slu m It axoo<4* (a lalooM (aoar
I see standing, apparently wrapped in Intense white man. a ataay aoval aad vvery word o f it i* trath ,
thought, a youth attired m a garment tn color A MW 4 ELI IB LB I I I N R I O HBV 04M U U V
likee “vvivid
iv id ’emerald.
emerald- I see a ray o f lightllg jj .. | # Good temper i i like a lu n ftj dA j; It
“ — 1H SoatkOlark strev t,
A c f a a e x aabaot ohoooa to m ake m ia a y hy a p p ly ta g t q
D L BMITB, PoaKMBo* Box ITS, Watsrhory, Cook.
rather a shaft oC intense, nnattered I. ■ /• * * • , 1M lo a th C lark *tr**« OhlaaftU. “ ta a g a .IlL X*. I f ToL T —4 w .
aence, lor there Is a mlnd-eaaeaoe proceeding 1 ih ed t iu brlgktaen o h every thing.

E E L I G I O - P H 1L O S F H X C A L J O U R N A L . D e c e mh i :/: IS, 1869 A

^oratmmi rations from the ^fnnrr ! I ro w suffered tbe pangs, rff renioroi*. more she walked before*; 1c b:-d she lay it my side. to ll-- hung' il, T lie man annai-reff he *n*a wAUny fur ihr Krilj(ii'l*ltlIo(ji|itik*l Journal,
terrib le than nnrfal tan conceive nl'. My'pait Life could not i*n-Inre this long. t<>lufTcr trh U puninfimrnt he ole.imJ, >it ing he hid A W o rd to H c v , J , K . « r a v e s
mi (for ings w ere as nothing com pared w ith >his, T his brought U|*>e m e general observation ; jterjormal hit eoutmi*"ioh'‘ HVhcn further ques
B « »I»»U c i r c H u a n g el* e a » r g t c o E C trsiB g th e * . for those sufferings were, in a m easure, physical, all wondered what h nl befallen me, that 1 untied by Mvlvil, he repheJ, the Spirit of BY A net; KIIOOM.
w hile remor-e tenu res the very soul. W rithing should wear a countenance so haggard. At O'oil (jur, him uo.'text till he hiul discharged his In your lectures iu Memphis, you say that all
in agony is but a pour word to express it. In length it began to be whispered that my wife iiiind iff tlud commi**um girtu him by Uod. T he spirit com m uuicatous are oKtoe devil, no m at
Fi r Ttir Kt-ti^io-l’htli-w.-i-bn *1 Journal. the intensity of anguish, I critSd *' G ik I be merci had uot been fairly dealt with, and I could hear Constable was delta ted, w< untied, made prison ter how excellent the rentiinclJli, because the
ful, be DH-rciful." it often, Oue duy it was mentioned when I was er, und the King o f France was reduced to so ib-vi] transforms himself into an augel o f light.
F it A S K S J 0 V i : .\ A f .- .\ 0 . ffb. A light broke upon my astonished vision—a among a number o f persons. T his roused me great sr rails, that lie was e impel ltd to accept of II iw, ifyn , do you know that the- spirit maui-
rKA<:>- t. -»*i a. o r H iu n w > * £ m e * . __________
voice is heard,_______
it said,^“ Charles;
_ ___ _my son, mother to lury. 1 picked up a knife near byr plunged a very hurtful pi ace at <’ambray. lestations and communications recorded iu the
Your Grandfather has excited my curiosity. } it here.” Amt there she stood sm iling, so re i t into the speaker's ln-art m il he fell dead. I ^ Sir J units Melt il, in one o f hh journeys from Bible were not of the devil ? True, they are
H e tells me that I may give any thought I i splendantlv bright, 1 could not look up. w a s of course, arrested and lodged in jail. Scollntfo to France, It'll iu company with an
N o sympathy could be got up i d my favor. recorded iu the Buffe ; but uiay not toe Uevi:,
please, which you can receive and publish. T h is! "C om e Charles,'you have been here long Etiglishuiau who was one o f the Gentlemen of as aa Angel ol Light, have inspired meu to
is a strange thing, my friend, and may he pro- ' enough; the tires o f conscience have consumed Feeling seemed to be against me, and when the the Queen's Chamber; a man well skilled la record them there ?
ductive ot great staid. Many spirits will avail j your sins ; you are now a free n w i." I could trial came on not one appeared as myTriend. 1 mathematic*, necromancy and astrology. - ** lie You aver that God has wisely concealed from
themselves ot Hus, for tew’ o f us but have been not rise,—she touched me, and new lite mu was sent to Australia. This was no punishment shewed mu,” says Sir James, “ sundry secrets o f us coming events ; yet toe Bible is full of
maligned, and ever *vould huve the truth appear. f through my veins. She gave me her lytnd,—I to me, for nothing could add lo the horror o f my the Country and the Court. Among other reveiatiousbt events then in' the future.
1 am i followed—and whnt a change was here; no existence. things he told me that Kiug Jfcnrt/ the Eighth, Uas God indeed spokeu to us mysteriously
t'BAULKS ll. sterile recks, no gloomy caverns, no hideous I made no profession of religion,lor I consid had in his lifetime been bo curious as to “enquire and darkly iu relation to tlie future stale ol
creatures steeped In eu ilt; but benealh my feet ered it all trickery of the priesthood. I had ol men cull-d lUriutr*, Necromancers, what existence, that nur‘* faith” may find exercis- ?
My life has been an eventful one, tt-w more so, was verdure and (lowers, and around were seen so much dishonesty among prolcssors—so should become of hia Son Kinc Fdtetrd ihe Then il He bail net spoken of the future ut all,
and were I to telate all the exciting scenes, the* happy fsces and children which were never tmi'h striving after gain—so much inferior in Sixth, and of his two daughters, Mary and Rlizn- it would have afforded ground (lira still grander
startling incidents o f ray cwxicd fortune—now a seen in my former abode ; and trees with sing-, many * respite's to those I knew to be Infidels, bfth. The answer was made unto him again, exercise o f faith ! There most have been some
fugitive in the depths of dgymir, then ending ing birds among the branches ; and in the fur that I could fuel no respect for what I believed that Ihhcant should,dye, having few days .and mistake, or else it was llie devil in some poor
a refuge among devoted foTlo-venf—again an ex distance, towering mountains, and ail around to be imposture- Nor.had I any belief in a fu no succession; and that his Two Daughters imitation of an angel o f light. But, then, I
ile, but soon elevated to the pinnacle of splendor, rippling streams, glittering , in the glorious ture state of existence* We lived—we died, should ifie one succeed the other. That Mary doubt if faitli could [i b v o found any grander
it would require a large volume, light. Soon I was met by father aud friends, and there was the end, his eldest Daughter should marry u Spaniard, exercise than in your belief that God sends us
I delight iu going buck to my youthful days. who seemed to have been expecting me, and 1 lived in Australia two years, more miserable and that way bring In many strangers to Bug- strong delusions that we may be damned lor
H ow a fond father ami loving mother spared wlmt a hearty welcome I received. than you van imagine, and h a s found dead in tuy land, which would occasion great strife und al
nothing that could contribute to my happiness; bed. being deluded.
King though I be, I am but a child in wisdom teration. That Kliiatxth would reign after her,
all that doctors could teach became mine, and I and know ledge; I feel my ignorance, and my but know i uot bow long I remained unconscious,
when I woke up, Iga/.ed'ou vacancy—could
That “ all Spiritualists" deny the divinity o i
who should niHrry either a Scottish man or a Christ, and scoff at the Bible, is grossly false.
grew up a manly, accomplished fellow, the fa whole soul is bent on progression, I await &co nothing—al! was clack and dark around me. I Frenchman. Whereupon the King caused lo I f you mean by the divinity of Christ that he is
vorite o f all. glad tidings from my mother, she is my guiding rose up aud groped about, but it made no differ give poisou to both his Daughters*, hut because the very and eternal God, you will find yjiur
But a dark cloud was now hovering ovor the star, and to her I look for'every thing. ence, for everywhere was midnight. Still I lo i this bad not the effoct he desired t* * *) own churches full o f heretics to this sentiment.
land , a spurious religion had taken possession o f I am but a follower in the path o f nations, a tered on, for I was very weak, uud 1 began to won he earned to proclaim them both bastards.”
the musses. King and court Io bi muctf o f ih e mere looker on, but I .gather from wise heads der, loo, bow I catuc there, for Xremembered b r I believe Christ is divine, aDd so do multitudes
W hen the Queen of Scots lied to England, o f Spiritualists ; also we appreciate the Bible
divinity which hedgeth about a king. The the desUnies o f nations: You will live to pee the ing In my bed. Presently 1 heard som ething. It seeking that protection and friendly aid which for the truths, etc., which it contains.
storm broke, rebellion went through me land, beginning of the end. N ot a crowned head was like water falling a long way olf—then it grew
louder—then a roar—then i hexrd people scream laid often been promised hee, and she was, in You aver that prostitution and all kimlB o f
overwhelming all in ruin, bringing my father to wiil fill a throne in fi fly years, and In less than ing—then somebody eiezed me by th e hair and stead, made prisnntr there, it put Sir James in
the block. History tells the story, which I wijl ten, the crash will commence. Have no fears dragged Me kill 1 was dead. Hal 1 was not dead ; sensualism at tbe North derives their animus
mind o f a Jale told him by his brother, Sir Rob from Spiritualism ; as though these things did
not repeat. for your country. Y’ou will become a power on(> fainted, aud w hen I came to, horror of hor ert : “ Tbe lime when he was busiest dealing be- not exist just as they do before Spiritualism
England d o w offered me no home, and 1 fled on the earth, and all nations will look to your ror?—there aloud my wile, she looked Just as In tw lxt th e lw o Queens to entertain their friend
to France. There I mingled among the gay and example, and wish to found their government Initial army the stood before tbe a ltar. She gave was beard of. Your averment is in truth a
ship, and draw on their meeting at a place near significant comment on the corruption of the
licentious, of Q>at licentious court, causing me ujion you ^principles. Trouble is abo brewtug me a sweet smite and vanbued. Then she ap p e ar York, one Rnatintaan, .a Scotsman who had churches and their int ffirieucy lo improve the
to become as corrupt as the worst o f them. I with you, am! you will not escape without ed 'Mth liaggvrd lace und sunken eyes as betore been a Traveler, and wjis learned in high Sci
Xmd uot only the prestige of royalty but a pleas- commotion. Your statesmen here think the her last inom tpls ; all my work. How I quailed at condition o f society. You ought to know that
ences, came lo him anti said, Good Gentlemen, the characters you describe a re generally uverae
mg ycterior and captivating manners to urge quarrel is not yet ended between the different .the sight, aud lellto th e ground, walling bitterly.
Xcould not look up, fur X knew she was still there. I near so good a report o f you, that I love you
my juif, and therefore reveled among the beau sections, and that another element will he Then she came and fay d o ' ii alongside ol me, and to Spiritualism, while iu the churches you wiE
heartily, and therefore cannot forbear lo shew find more corruption Umu a niong Spiritualists.
ties of France. brought in that will make all right. T he West lidded me In her arms. 1 would have shrunk away, you how that all your upright dealing and hon
But more unfortunate eventa now claimed my will come in aud «iemand to bfc' heard. Then but It was lu vain—X was but uu m iaul compared You even admit tin t “ tnousinds o f the m em
est travel will be in vu:n: For whereas you be bers of your churches openly or secretly believe
attention. The King was dead, but royally was you will become a great nation. to ber. Then she wuuld turn me over and look lieve fo ob'uin advantage for your Queen at the
not dead. I had many wurm friends and devo You Itave afforded me much pleasure, my one wmd. right intu my eyes; all this time w ithout saying in Spiritualism,” Why do ,you not prompt! v
but her look was uguny. Thus it con Queen of England's hands, you do but lose your expel them ? Simply because you would ex p el
ted followers scattered through the kingdom, friend, for w hich I thank you. It is astonish lime and your travel: For lirat they w ill never the better class of tuem here,
ami a plan was set on toot to restore me lo the ing to me with what fidelity you have caught 1tinued (or a long, long time, wtuju she left me, and
saw her no more. meet together, aud next there will never be any
throne. I landed at Dover, and my progress my thoughts and committed them to paper, I You say it was the devil personating Sumac,
Now voroes another horror—how can X tell it. X thing else-but dissembling, and secret hatred for that appeared to the womuu of E n d o r; thus
was one continued triumph. I enured Loudon ciiuld not have believed this possible, but true hud lulu down alter my wife left me, hoping for awhile, and at length Captivity and utter wrack
amid the acclamations o f the people. The nation it is, a solemn fact rest, when I perceived something coming,aud wlmt making th ejlib lc stullffy itself, for H aays noth
to our Queen from England. My brother ans ing about the devi! in litis connection. A very
bad been drunk, it was now sobqj. What a was my te n o r to we wn enormous serpent gliding wered, be liked not to hear oi such devilish inspired book, indeed, to say one thing aud
contrast between tbe fugitive clinging to the along, his mouth wide open, tilled with lung teeth,
, DAVID FlNKCASTLfc. hfa eyes were ll railing tire, und his breath was like news, nor y d wuuld he iu uny smtrt credit them, mean another !
boughs oi a tree, and the king on Lis throne. ak, being false, ungodly and unlawful for Christ
1 have but little to relate except what history a furnace. 1 knew it was In vain to lly. lie came Again you say that Saul is renresented as
Iam David Finecasile, and lived in England and laid down alongside ol me and began licking, ians to meddle w ith.” IfaSDimoun (left nded him- worshipping Samuel. Very well,Suppose the
rtenrds. It has been said I never spoke a fool about forty years ago. My friend-Gregory has and every lick took the skin with It. Then tie Gelt aguinst the implied slur and saffi, ” Gi*d Bible said so, would you deny il? But you
ish word and never did a wise deed. This Is told me of this extraordinary method ot com coiled himself orouud me, uml crushed every bone gives to some less and to others clearer knowl
true. I was too well educated for the first, and municating thought to mortals. It is strange in tuy body, misrepresent. Ttic text says he “ bowed” him
edge, by the which knowledge t have attained self—simply an act of reverence.
too much engulfed in pleasure for the latter. I indeed, who could have thought such a thing 1 woke up finding m yself» helpless mass, and to understand, that at length the kingdom o f
cared but little fir tbe State ; left its manage possible. I gladly avail myself o f it to give my lay there a long lime without attem pting-to move, There is no averment in the text that Samuel
when 1 fall sumt-lhlug Ming and Ion ml it wu;-. a England shah of right fall lo the Crown u f Scot submitted compulsorily to the disquiet tA a
ment to the ministers, and employed my whole history. land. * ’ But, alas, il will cost many converse w ith Saul.
time in attending routs and balls, and other wasp. .1 brushed It off, hut m ere came a hundred
I was born tu Sussex, England i lived to be mm c, uud then swarms ot them. X remember no their lives, and many bloody battles will be
entertainment*. Wliat if tlie woman b represented as having a
Judge of the Court Common Pleas, und was tu<ire. fought, * ■’ * and by my knowledge, the familiar spirit, there still stands out in bold
1 had all the beau lies o f the land at my dis offered a place on the King’s Beach ; hut I for
posal,—not one ever resisted my suit; aud feited all by committing a crime which sent me 'trie next torm ent was to be la a ’ll It by pool, try SiMiumrds will be helpers. ‘ ' relief Che -scriptural declaration that Samuc.
what s wide spread corruption fl iwed from the to the colonies. I forfeited my high position by ing lo get out, but trying iu vain. Then f was While tlie Kprl ol Atruu was chancellor of there conversed with Saul. Deny that he die,
loru to pieces by wiid Was is—then covered by lice, Scotland—holding the castles o f Edinburg and and you are at loggerheads with the book you
example I set. Purity was the exception; the follies of a womuti. But I defer all this until and so, one torm ent alter another, until I became
iraitiy, the rule. Not a lady at my court, mar Sterling—very few felu h al their estates or lives call infallible and divine, the word o f God, etc.
I give some little account o f m yself us w retch"! a man as God ever mode. were sale. “ li e shot directl.v,” aays Sir James,
ried or single, but lielonged lo the the latter, My [wren's belonged to one o f the most One day 1 had crept into a cave, hoping to get You adroit that through mediums spirits com
and all this my doings, and for which I am respectable families : were in easy circumstance**, uway from the Wretches 1 had lived with so lung, at the lilc and lauds of the Farl ot Gaury. For municate with monels. But you must have it
* responsible. the H ighland Oracles had shewn unto Xm wife, that (hey are evil spirits, the very thing for you
ami spared no expense on my education. At beings more like iit-ud» m an mro aud women. 1 that G »ury would la* ruined, as she told to some lo prove.
1 came to the throne with religion, such as it the age o f fifteen 1 was sent to Cambridge, ami sal down and began' to think over inv whole file Your whole effort is made up o f
was, spread broad-cast through the land. How* there soon distinguished. JUJ self, and soon Irom child luma up. Atony sins stood tortb, to my ol her familiars. But ih e helped the prophecy hogging the question, Illogical and llimsy
diflerem the result, had I given countenance to completed the usual coarse of study,and obtained vuiuletiination, but when there eutnc the one great forward ns well as she could. * * * lies throughout.
a pure religion, and required at least morality the first honors. crime, how 1 quailed as uVnmry brought up every Majesty also dreamed a dream, that he saw toe B y a parity of reasoning, let us see what you
in those around me. Rut alas, ulu s! 1 now little incident attending it, Irom the first cuucep- B a llo t Gaury taken and brought In prisoner be would prove. People have been possessed o!
Having received the congratulations of my lion of the thought, throughout every drop of the lt ire him.” T he Earl was taken prisoner, lost evil spirits, therefore all mncefti spirit manifest
mourn, and continue to mourn when ail this friend, 1 began to think to what shall 1 turn my poison. How l w tiu n d m agony while remorse
comes up before me. I eared nothing for relig his lands and died l i(k ui the scaffold. ations arc ol the devil. Devils can change into
attention fora profession. My father preferred did i u fearful w ork.' 1 rum the depths ol a broken When the King of Scotland was negotiating angels ot light, therefore the multitudes clothed
ion. 1 saw nothing attractive in it. Even many medicine, my mother the church, but I chose heart Xcried, “ God, ba m ercilul, be merciful.”
o f the Bishop* and clergy were as corrupt au the law. ■Iiret t h e n , my uuuiu is culled, und lookiug up, a marriage with the daugh er ot the K ing o f in whit#, as seen by John, w«.-ru devils irons
DMmtunt and scut embassadors therefor, 1cm- formed.
any at my cou ru and yet, with long faces, they Hardly had I engaged in study before my w ho should I set Inii my mother, dressed In such pcfltuoua winds d raw them upon the 'coast o f
would mount the pulpit and preach doctrines,— heart was won by a young lady belonging to a glittering -tpparol, 1 could hereby look upon her. Sneds Corners, N. Y.
"My stm,'* said -tie, ' ‘you wil! no longer suffer— Norway. * * * Which storm o f wind was
not one word o f which did they believe. How, neighboring family, remarkable for her beauty
then, could I have faith. No, it .was all a stu- and personal attractions. 1, became madly m God paruoiis me penitent—cutuu wttli ole,” and
>hc lifted me up, for t had fallen to the groflnd.
alleged lo bj raised by’the W itches o f Denmark,
'penOouB fraud to cheat the [ample, and draw as by sundry of them was acknowledged, when Ite m a rk a tile C uune o f T r a n c e an d S l i i s u l s r
love with her, and could not give a single ite r touch gave me new tile, und 1 followed. What they were for that cause burnt. t That winch C ause o f D em i*.
from them their earnings to' support a la/.y, moment to study. But all my attentions were u change turn was seen w ith every step i took.
idle priesthood. ' I would have brushed drones in vain; her heart had been already won by No lunger gloom, but a brilliant sky ; uo longer move*! them thereto, was, as they Baid, a bl-ov A beautiful young’ lady of-sevenlecn or eigh
from the hive if I could, but this was uu effort another, and I was almost crazed by J t. A rocks, 11ul verdure ami Ifowera, uud trees aud which the Admiral of Denmark bad gave to one teen years returned to her home- in South Nash
tor* much for my indolent nature*. Rejecting so whole year was thus lost before 1 could* settle singing bird?, aud children playing about, and men o f the Bayhffa of Copenbaven, whose w ife con ville from «n academy in Kentucky about five
much, I rejected all—a future lite Wiisu myth, down to study, and even then it was far differ und women with happy luces, oh, so different sulting with ber associates iu that Art, raised weeks ago. She had beuu uuumially sueceesfu*
death an eternal sleep. And, was 1 altogether ent Irom tlie energy displayed at College. But Irom what f had known torso long* time. [ have the storm to be revenged on the said Adr. iral." in hut studies the previous term, und came
certain of this ? By no mums. The teuchlugs alter awhile, my charmer being married and seen my wile but we are slrungere to cueb other, Soon alter Ihe marriage ot James VI. wjth away covered with academic 'honors. She wiis'
1 am not its happy as X am capable of being, but toe K ing of Denmark's daughter,** many witch
o f my dear mother would often come up with hope Wing dead, l devoted all to my profession. stiff -pressing on to a higher condition ; ana to , 1 remarked by tbe principal ol the academy lor
great !<>£cc. Her pure trad spotless life gave es were taken in lotothioi,, who deposed con her great piety, exemplary conduct and ttudi-
Having passed the n ecessary examination, I am tuld ll is with all spirits, always aspiring lor cerning some design of the Karl of Both welt’s mis, ■- and even wrapt habit of thought, li e
weight to all she tau gh t; and when death tatne became a lawyer, and soon, so far ijistiugu blind more knowledge and a higher condition.
I almost believed I should live again. Xmust now close. You have afforded me much against hU Majestic's person ” Alter some ac wrote to her parents about four numlhs ago, iu
myself as to gain considerable practice. count given of meetings at which the devil pre
W hat terror overwhelmed me when, on open After a few years, learning that a vacanc y pleasure, lor which X thank you. Farewell, answer to some inquiries they made abouL her,
sided, the historian* goes on to say that, “Am ong that she appeared to him a marvel o f perfec
ing my eyes, I beheld a vast, extended plane, would soon occur, I offered myself us a candi
limitless in whatever direction Least a y look. date for the Judgeship and was accepted. This other ibiugn some of them did shew that there tion in every thing which goes to make up u
A thick mist prevailed, and to add to my horror, [wist I filled for many years, and should have
n i j ) RF C Oil US. was a WeMlaud man called Richanl Uminim, charming and lovable young* lady. On her
not a sound broke upon the ear. S p lrltiiu llaiu o l‘ O lden T im e s . woo had a familiar spirit, the which Richard, arrival home utter a , long und severe term of
continued to lead a quiet life, but for the they said, could both do and tell many things,
At length, a wailing ot the air seemed to be, machinations of woman. Fr-i-u the HAKNKK 0? LiOllr. over tw enty week’s hard study, she did not, us
nothing distinct, but a mere sighing. This in chiilly against the G u l o f Bolliwcl. W here was expected *ut her, abandon* herself to gayc ty
creased and becaipt a kind o f roar; then shrieks I was then about thirty five years of age, of In the “ Memoirs o f 5<ir James Mclvil, ” writ upon the said Richard was apprehended and aud pleasure. Ou the contrary, ahu applied
a;e heard coining 1‘rqm an immense number of pleasing address, and relined manners. Both ten under the reigns o f i£*ieen Elizabeth, tjiieoii being brought to Edinburgh aud examined be more assiduously than ever to the stud y ol
men aud women, tossing their anus about and my parents hud passed to another world. Maty ol .Scots aud King Jurats, there are some fore his Majesty, he grafted that he had a fa psychology and the theology o f the fathers
uttering the^ most horrid M tsplicinies. t stood One day subsequently it so happened I met a curious items worth recalling. About the time miliar spirit which shewed him HundryMliings; A s time wore on, her study und ubslructioa
paralyzed with leir,k n ow ing 1 could not escape. lady at church who appeared to lie about tw en wlien the Duke ol Alva not! the D uke Maurice but he deuyed that he wus a witch?' Upon fur Increased to an alarming extent. A t length u
They rushed upon me, and dragged me by the ty , of great beauty, and evidently o f good lam- were exercising much lulldcuce in European ut- ther examination jt teemed that lie had had little brother of hers died, of whom she was
hair until dead. Dead, diyl I say, a la s! I wished ily. Upon enquiring I learned that she was the fairs, and the lx mg o f France was involved lit somethlug lo do with a medium named Am y exceedingly loud , uud so much affected was she
.1 were u uv ; but there is no death. I hid only daughter ol a clergyman living iu au adjoining trouble with the l>uteU, “the iJishupoi Valence Simpson in eonnectiou with the Bothwei affair, by toe event tout she swooned several limes; in
swooued, and came to finding myself .sore iu county. I soon maiie her acquaintance, und be was at Faria. l i e was desirous to have some Eh “ he was burnt with the said Simpson, and the last fit she remained four hours, and very *t--
every Itmb, and unable to work. Here 1 lay, gan paying her the most assiduous attention. It knowledge in the MaUiehauties; and for that ef many other witches. This Richard alledged, rfous apprehensions were entertained that she
wondering what all this coulikpieau. This must was not long before I perceived that 1 wus not fect he found out a great scholar in divers high that it was certain what is reported o f the Fai 'would not recover. There wus uot the luiideal
be the outer file, and what the clergy taught indifferent to her, and after a week's courtship sciences, called CUvutiu*. This Ctitutiu* look ries, and that spirits may take a form and be symptom of life in her during these four lioure ;
is true. This is h ell: aud if hell, it is forever, we were engaged, and then married. otaiaum frequently In conference, to tell him of seen though uot felt. her eyes were closed, her breulhing inqiorcepti-
for so the-y taught. Ob, horrible the thought! But tbe month was not over before I became two familiar spirits that were iu 1‘aris waiting Thus it is seen that in the age of Elizabeth ble, and a mere fluttering about the bt^irt.
Here I lay, reeked with pain, unable to move. convinced that I had made a sad mistake. She upon au old blicpherd, wfip in his youth had the angels were manifesting them selves to mor This occurred just five days before her own
Gazing into the distance I saw something stir. was made up for show and nothing else, with served a Driest, and who at his death had left tals; that the latter, not lully corn prebending death.
W hat is it ? No, it stirred not. Yes, it la com scarcely any redeeming quality, Bhe had no them to him. The B ish op ,qq on the K ing’s re the naturalness, the beauty, the Import o f these When thoroughly aroused from her swoon,
ing here, and then, agony of agonies, I beheld a heart, no tender feelings, nothing to attract one's turn from Germany, introduced the suid CViret- revelations, mixed them often with so much she wast w iib difficulty prevailed upon to tell
giant serpent, with mouth ,wide open ready to lo v e ; add to this : no regard lor truth, love of (iiis to the Kmc. Who, to verify what he lwd that was absurd and unnatural, with so much her sensations. She said that she felt acute
swallow me. He came gliding on, bis mouth display and Intense selfishness. I was the reverse said,- offered to lose h is head, in ease he should of their own imaginings, with so much of an pain long after she became apparently uncon
filled with teeth ; his eyes on tire; he laid down of all Ibis in every particular—what sympathy not shew the two spirits to his Majesty, or to any cient superstition, and w ilh suah phenomena as scious. She lost all control o f her body, but
by my side and began licking me all over, and could there be,then, between us? In a few he should send, in the form o f men, dogs, or cats. doubtless tim e oft times from evil or undevel retained perfect consciousness & long time, and
1 felt the Bkin taken off' wherever he licked. months w e were completely estranged. Can you B ut the King would not see them, and caused oped spirits, that they were In part to blame for, heani the talk and lamentation o f her friends.
Then he locked roc in his embrace, and every imagine a more wretched umu than myself? 1 Ihe Shepherd to be burnt, and imprisoned the or rather they were partially tbe cause o f the Gradually a sharp, painful sensation began to
bone cracked, leaving me'Sifain dead. could enjoy nothing, and life itself was any said CiicitiUu.'’ persecutions that ensued. I, for one, recognize be experienced in each o f the flogera and to e s ,
I w oke up in a cave so dark I could uot see thing but a pleasure* ” T he Bishop had another learned man to his the constant effort of tbe immortals to w in g which she dec ribed as il a sharp, Small lance
my band before me. I heard wild beasts A t length I began to think, was there no rc- Master, called Taggot, who bad been curious in their way to our midst, to permeate society with were inserted Into the end- of each member and
screaming all around, but could see none. I hel—must I wear out a m iserable existence in sundry o f the said ticieoces, and knew by the celestial waves of thought, to win us w ilh lov slowly drawn )up the feet until it came to th e
hoped to escape, but one ran against me and this way ? This thought was forever uppermost. Art of Fulmesiry, as he said to me himself, that ing and genial influences to their glad spheres, ancle, and tbon, they moved together up the
then all turned and tore me limb front limb. One day she was taken sick, and immediately he should die before be attained the age of and make the frontiers of tbe placid land of un Jegs. Aad-^o with the arms when they had
My habits of life were excessive neatness. the thought arose that death would bring relief. yeurs. Therefore, said be, 1 know the true Re shackled souls like flowery archways alonguri- passed the second joints they seemed to get hot
W hat was my disgust and horror, to find my But death came not; she recovered. T he thought ligion to be exercised at Oeneca, there will I go umphnl and festive processions. and to increase iu heat until they reached th e
self overwhelmed with lice, in such quantities, however had already found lodgment in my and end my life in God’s service. Whither, ac- ‘trunk, when there appeared a regular series o f
tnat they filled my mouth aud choked me. brain, and there it remained. For several weeks corduy'ly he went, und died there, as I was aft E x t r a c t irom 'u L e tt e r Ufa D r. J . K . U u l- , white flames.
W hy should 1 continue, it would only be to this continued, until I become quite familiar erwards informed." ley . The sensations which, followed, for u time
recount one borror after another, each one with the thought. A t length 1 determined to Captain Ninean Cockburn staled before the
Bu u t u k u J o n r b :—Allow me to congratulate yon she could not very accurately describcd.untll all '
different, but all bringing agony to me. try a stow p oison; but being altogether ignorant Constable of France, in presence of Sir James tlie flames concentrated in her head; anil assum
upon tbe substantially improved and Improving
My last suffering was being compelled to o f the subject, I began rending to gain iufbrmu- M elvll, “ the Bishop John Hamilton had been apjienrauce oi'toe J o c u x a l . It la to me the must ed the shape of un intense spark ot fire, more
associate with tbe very lowest order ot humani tlon.but could learn nothing satisfactory. Afrtiiil dangerously sick, sot hut his speech was lost with welcome visitor suiting the excellent Journals ad brilliant than the uud. She gazed upon this
ty ; corrupt to the last degree ; friends in every to speak about it at home, I w ent to London all hope of recovery. T hat the Queen Dowager vocating our faith. Thlf la no complimentary,lan spark, knowing it to be the spark o f life, with
sente. You caunol imagine the indignities that and there began to make inquiry at the different of Scotiuud had taken occasion hereof, to prevail guage, but the real sentiment of tny eoneciouaneea. considerable apprehension. It fluttered lor a
w ere heaped upon me, and what ribaldry when apothecaries, rfml at length (ell in with one who with thu-Governour so effectually, that be bad 1 do not base,my Judgment of these thing* u*on time and then shot out at the top o f her Xieud
any one calleo me king. I had often tried to seemed to have made it a study. H e told me o f resigue 1 ihe Government lo her. * * fluctuating ctnotfona, nor upon any real oijran- T he mometit this happened, Bhe lost all Con
belladona, and how to prepare it. O f course I Then he proceeded to shew that when the (said) cled Idea of fuvorltlatn or neglect, but upon What
leave them, but could not, for there seemed to the paper brings to my poor underaiandiifc, or nection of the world-Mlorgut it altogether—
be alw ey some one on the watch, and then my did not procure it of him, but of anothur in h Bishop ot 8. Andrews hud recovered his speech merit—roul food for intud and soul. No matter and found herself in another world. Her anxi
persecutions were ten fold. One duy I managed distant p an ol the city, und went home with a uud health, by the help o f ’JZanlanus, an Italian if every philosophical statement be not exactly ety was not yet gont. She tried lo investigate
to conceal m yself amid some rocks. They pass supply. Magician, he cursed, and cried out that the Gov- adjusted to the dicta of so-called scientific rules herself and her condition. Bhe found hers,elf
ed on without seeing me. i t was the first A few drops were given every day in iicr cof ernour w*as a very Beust, for quilting the Gov uud standards—uo matter Lf every logical deduc now divested o f tlie llesh, and a pure spirit; hut
peaceful moment I had known. There I lay for fee, and several weeks passed on before any ef ern incut to her, seeing there was but a Skittering tion does not fit iu the grooves of accepted truth, yet the spirit o l her composition was compara
some time, thinking of nothing but my escape; fect wus perceived, but th in I noticed a more Lass between him and tbe Crown.” uor If each prooositlon la not In accordance with tively gross.
feeble step, a loss o f appetite, a languid look, a When the Constable o f France was on hiB my own umiorsttndlng ortho principles involved,
but when all fear o f recapture was gone, mem yet the bold and manly nUeranceaaqd arguments, She finally resnvered her consciousness, but
ory brought up every act of my life, beginning lack oflustre eyean d general debility. N ot the way with sixteen thousand men to oppose the give cfldeaco of progressive, Independent thought, lived only five days.—A’x.
with childhood,— proceeding year by year slightest suspicipiL-iell on me. The physicians the King o f Spain, then entering the frontiers of and a noble determination to move onward in the
through many eventful scenes, my guilt becom were completely at lauiL- -Thus it continued for France, or perhaps the day before his departure, search or higher attainments or perception and on-
ing blacker and blacker as memory traveled on, several m on th s until gradually death came on ” there came a man in grave apparel following deratuudlog ol truth. Thia line of action, free tiT* A Joint stock com pany bus been organized
and there each deed stood before me in letters and the grave received her. him on foot, crying for audience for God's sake. from dogmatlam, will ever commend itself to the In Kalamazoo for tbe manufacture of all klnda of
o f fire, and bow 1 shrunk within myself while N o t a pong o f remorse touched me during all Whereupon the Constable staid, w illing him to favor ofall really unfettered ^oula, Gd on In thy railroad c a rs ; capital $ 100 ,000 .
Who said. The Lord tay», teeing that noble werk—“conquering and to conquer.”
CWnpdlnd to read this terrible record. Over this time, bat hardly w as she gone before hell speak. La Forte, lud., Nov. :3rd, i m
and over again was I compelled to read, and took possession o f me. N o t a moment's peace . thou wSt nut know me, J ahull liketem not know O T Libby Prison, at Klcbmondt .V*., la now oc
each time my guilt seemed blacker than ever. was mine. My wife's haggard face was ever thee, thy glory afmU be laid in the du*t, ThJa cupied by a company engaged U grladlog punuce
N o t only did m y crimes stand In array against before me. X at meals, she too wag th ere; if strange language put the Constable in such a EW Why Is U easier to be a clergyman than a and bo d m .
me, t a t also the wasted opportunities, the good at court, she entered the witness b o x ; if in the rage, th at he suook the poor man Into th e face physician * bee*use It l»-easier to pre«ch than to — Daniel Boone's mrad*OB died recently In
I aright h a te done, but did not. parlor, she took a scat beside met if in the str^e^ with bis horse rod and threatened to cause blot practice; t-tova r. Mlaaonrl at tb e age at ctglrty-tbree.
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V ital Force, how wasted and bow prwervwl. l.y
* .P . Mill*>r. M D. Paper. W e t* .; C loth. *1........ 12
PLANCHETTE; talu tu make uur jo u rn a l p utw it in pow er lor tbe advocacy o»
lh - rig h t, wh vlb-r such p n u u p le s « re fuuud iu piatlurm n o
a p a ri) apparently in th e Hiiiudity ur m ajority.
Rice. P« rtb . C W.
-Hr-nace W a v i m . *«I Bread way la famed f-r lb* «*ce|.
toner I.fbi* Pla loa a n d O rgana—Kvvuing Pott
The W atir* Piano rank* w ith llir brut m iu u fa ctu r-d in
iI flow aud Wby 1 becam - a 8 r irltua1iat..........................T5 21
fttm leverl*, la Right. «•>' A. K. Child. M. D.............. 1-26 10
Wrong of Slavery, and Right of Emancipation, and
the Future »f th e African Race In tb e United State#,
...1 1 0 1
0 8 , T H E D E S P A 1 E O E S O IE N O E .
B ring a full a ccount of Mo-fem Soirltnallsm . Its Phenom-
al.d th e T orbnu th.*!rt « r -g iirlm g It. W illi a -urv-y
of Fr< tu b 8plrlluali*'ii. ,
A large apace w ill he d-volvd to Spiritu al Philoaonh*
'L aud.
cum m uuicatiuns fror
ud commumeatioiia
from th e lu h a b ila u ts of the ..minor
a re solicit, d from any and a ll w io feel
America. T b e N . Y lodrqw ndent A R evelation of 0 -p u rte d Spirit* among th a Shsk- m bv Robert Dale Owen..................- T his long aiiim uiickl voliiuiv.fr.’fn th e pen of a w ell-know n , th a t th-y
WhAt I* Keligiuti, by 0 -.1. Snyder... tru u . ti-----------------------------d j i - . i , uui right
MctiCAL l'OWO*.—Since Mr W ati r* gav* op p a b l'ih in g A merican w a d » f leti»r* «lm ha# given,f..r tin- 1**t th irty I alwti)* " urvwl to ju d g e intar tvn'i or a
a b etl muelc, ho has d.-voted a t' bia capital and a tten tio n to Address J011N C. BUNDY, iBUrset
Post OIBce D rawer 6023. Chicago, 1U. years, m uch a tu .n tio n to the. subjects, tre a te d , w ill n o t dis iua truct the punhe.
th e m a rufa r ta re s iid s s l- of P ltn o a a u d Mrif-h-ons tie ha* appoint public ex|H>cUtlun.
ju st li n e d a catalogue «.f hi* n-.w ln*truruicvi*. giving a n ew ImsrlrSTi Crisis, by f i m t Cbs**... PU ncU etto, Is a volume u f 4\« closely printed page*, and
x a le of price*, wntcb show* a m arked reduction from for Answers to *v sr Rseurrln* Qnsrftons, a Bs^ssl to I* wild tor th e w r y low price o f 61,09 m paper cover*; or, In
m er rate *.and bia Plan * have rcc*inly b»-ii ae ard rd the
P i n t Prem ium a t several Fair*. Many peoplunr th e prevent
day. w ho a re attrac ted , if n d ei’ufuaed. wttb th e 11 >m)ng
tb s Penetralia, by A. J . Davis------ --------------- — 1-60 *
A pocryphal Nsw T sstam eot------------------------ ---- — 1 ^6 M
Florence c loth 21.28 .m ailed post-paid on rt-enipt of the prlcoT y 8. 8.
Julies, I'JJ South C lark stre et, Chicago, H i. tm or SUBSCRIPTION IN ADVAACKs

* *ul6 n o t ,
adTertU ementa o t rival piano bouses, probably overtook a
mode*) m a tu f a i nrer like Mr. ta u te n s l o t we b*pp*u to
A P tsp Into 8aor*d Tradition by Rev, Orris Abbot,
’ P*par
Aga of Reason, by Thom as Pain*. O letl U th .— .......... 60
Sewing O u e Y e a r ,. .$ 3 .0 0 . | S i x M o n t h s ,. .8 1 ,5 0 .
know th a t hi* ina trnuieut*nam ed H m a pond r-p u lu tiu n long - ■ M - rs. 0« - F. Cor bin u* rp H E HISTO RY O P MOSEd A N D T H E
before Expositions a n d ' b»tu>ni " p . b p h ted therew ith wet*
ever th o u g h t o f; Indeed, we have one -»r Mr. W ater*’ Plano
A W oman’s B*er*t,by
Machines. JL lerselitoa,- (ri^W ritten.) By S in g l e C o p ie s 8 c e n t s e a c h .
Porte* now In o u r residence (w h-rc It has «:ood for y e a n ), M . H . S H A R P A C O ., M E R R IT T M U N S O N . ------ C L U B R A T KS:
o f which any m a nn fu ctu rrr la the «-.r!d m ight well be
proud. Wo nave alw ays been deticlS. d with it a s * sweet
A rcana o rN a tn ra , o r H U tory aad Lswi
♦Vol. 1. b y H udson T n ttle ..- W G e n e r a l A iic n t* , A highly R aterbdulng and Instructive w ork. Price, XI;
Poe ta g -, 20 eta. Any o n r sending the j>ay fer a c ln b of .v in e new nubacrib-
toned and pow erful In stru m en t, and th ere I* no doobteff 1-J0 IVafthmston St.. (Jhicai»o. Addr-m S. 9 JONHS,
tt* durability. More th an this, e o m -c f the b--»t am ateu r ...1.26 M Tbi* mai-hinn i* r - ’-rommondml to gny w !k > d”*irA* flr*V •ra, fur siv m»«tna u r over, arill be e n titled to reeei
son T u ttle... 192 ?onlli C lark S t., Chicago, IU. te n th Copy ra m . I t IS Hot rr-io
r<|’i ir-d
t r c ^jiu
n uil all -h aall h
piayer* In th* c ity , aa w ell a* a r r ir s l celebrated p ian ists, A B 0 o f Life, by A. B. C h ild ,------------ ...----------------26 2
b a re perform ed on th e laid pi mo, and a ll prononnoe It * cbi.* Faintly Sewing M a-hina. and i* nut.-I tor Its qniel, rap to tlie e a m - r .O . aiJ-lr
I America and h e r Destiny, by Knuna H arding*........... 6 2 velit a t uue tiinu.
superior sod flr*’-<t**»1U*trun»*D'. Strung-*- iu d a ra cu e n U | A rab ala,o r th a Divine 0n « st,b y A. J . D arla ................1.60 20 id mothm. regularity „r t-ual.in. «a*e of m anagem ent F ont
we oonld not give.—Rome Jo u rn al, AI U r Duath, by Randolph................. 1-00 • difler-n: - tit’ ll’-* and r*-veraib|>> f-«*l ni>ttiou feiituro* pecu
liar t-i th - Fb’renev claim .-1 la nrt oth«( in tb - world* 8am-
'THUS lilO U K A l'JlY OF 6 AT A N : o h , A W hen Pout Office Ordure conuut b - procured, we dsaire o a t v
p 17 v *. tf w A pproaching Crisis, by A. J - D a rla ............................... 1-60 12 JL Uub>rr’-al K xp.iem ouof pair, me to send niuuey.
I Apostles, by R enan......................... 1-26 16 '■ Au-itla fu-oi*hed t»ltapr>ilrittlon l( flubscriburs tn Canada will add to th - term* - f subscription
. B etter View* of Living, New W ork, by A. B Ohlld.... JUOO U T il K D K V I L A N D U 19 FIERY D O M IN IO N S ; 26 Cents pur year, lor pr,.jM) ro-ut u | A m-rKoii Pi-togo.
Biography of BaUn, by K. G rave*,
DR. WM. CLARKS F<ink of Poem*, bv •• Wm Van S*m ««.‘1l.irti.......... 7i» 2
H o w W ilte d a n d R o w F row rrod .
P0HT OF’FICB ADDRKS8- I tia w r f e s t for subscribe** to
w m e , unless tony give th e ir l U t O j^ e A d d r u aud name p f

MAGNETIC REMEDIES. Christ and th e People, b y A. B. Child, M. D ....... ........ 1-26

O h rieliauity; It* influence on C ivilisation, a n d Its
B T R. P . 1G LLRR. 1L D.
T his Is on* o f tb e m ost valuable books ever published.
Chains’of Darku-u*, Coating uiit Devils, etc. By -
dubacrib-rs wishing the direction uf th e ir papont changed
IVotu «nu tow n to a n o th er, rnuat alw ays g iv - t n - nam e of th #
Town, tbunry aiwi Rtdte to which tt has beau WU|.
rslalio n to N a tn ri's Kellgtuo, by Oalsb 8. Week*. 26 I f It could be read a nd heeded in *veay family It w ould d* K. GRAVES,
CO M rO U N D F.n AND IMtK l’ARKD IlY Dawn. A Novel o f intense Intereet o f progTeeeiv* ■ « re to prevent (lekneaa, pre*«rv* h e a lth and prolong Ilfs, 4 » - ^ w x ss m coput tn it to n e .
people.................................... ............................ - ............ 2.00 M than any other one th in g . A atuor uf ••C hristianity before C hrist.

Jeannie Waterman Danforth, j Dealings w ith th e Dead, by P. B. R a ndolph......... .. 16 parent* should read It. and give It to tb a lr children. T o o n g SulMcnbura are iu fo m e d th a t tw onty-slx num bers o f th e
0 - a lb and tb e A fter Life, by A. J . Davis, paper 86, m arried people ehoald read I t; young men and w omen T h -T ra d e iitpy tied a t liberal ratae. R gLlO U F-I'lilLO flU t'U lCA L JOURNAL o r m p m e a volume,
A p o * ta tre 6 , c lo th ........................................................ .... M 10 abfifl We pubILati Iwe v u Iu iu in i « y tu i,
■hould read I t; aud everybody ehoald practice th e p a rity o f
C711\ l r \ - o y a n t ' a n d > l n . c n e t i c r » h y « i c i a « Disembodied M an, by Randolph................................... -1 -0 0 • life which th is book Inculcate*. Price, paper, 60 M ate, a u > , ADVKUTI8RMKNT8 inserted a t t w i X T r - r t ^ n u r n a uJta
Diagnosis, b f T a y lo r...... ........... .............................— 2 A* 96
:* I 3 E h h I 3 3 r d (str e e t IS e w Y o r k . F » - . . r lint I ... ... .16. 8 STELLAR KEY i" r iro n f lm ‘ * l,,lTW“ T* 0*"T« I"* liue fur o a jj s u W ju u n t in-^
llDlVdr*** 8 .8 . Jon** ,162 Boath C lark S treet, Chleag*.
I lls * W oodson, A Story o r American Life, by Mr*. I be apace occupied for display or larg e type w ill be reodfrj
Sent by Mail or Kxprra* to all juirl* til th e W orld. R, W. F a n h a m ................................................................U * » TO T H E SU M M ER LAND, v* «a U th e a uvsrtuuiuento w ere set tn nuapariel euUre^soUd*
Kfleet o f Slavery on th * A m erican People, by Tbeo- .
cuntandng AatoundlriR Dlacloani m and Stortling Asaortiona.
Tonic and Strengthening Powders:
dor# P a r k e r .........^ ..- ............................................. ..
Jhrora o f tb e Bible, by H. 0 . W right. Paper, SO Ol*.,
10 A R RIVAL AND D EPA R TU R E Illu stra ted w ith Diagrams and Kngravings of C elestial
■poetag* 6 CU. O lotb.................. ......................... 00 I t ftc-u -ry . By
Catarrh and Dyspepsia Remedy; Pal** and T rue Revival of Religion, by Theodor* ^ Chicago and JVortAuvifcns /fartr«dd—Oumcil B lu ft and
A N D R E W J A C K S O N D A V IS .
Omaha U n t - D ^ A .VorfA ITrU* itreef IN D U C E M E N T S TO U A N V A S8E R 8.
Vegetable Anti-Bilious Pills. Boot-Falls on th e Buuodary o f an o th er W orld, by
f !-•>»*. Arrive. , fipfriluallela—rea l i t 7
Robert Dale Owen...........................................................2.00 M Intot-i*—r-a d it! , Iu order to grantly increase th e subscription list of th e
r n i c n * 1 ,0 0 e a c h , m a i t .k d f r e r . Tajnlllar Ppirtts, and Hplritnal Manifestations, by Dr. Ord.tr R apid*........................ •4t0t> in •Ai&O p. tn hbiviw ot Old Ih -otogy - r- a d 111
Koocfa Pond.............................. ...................- ...... 20 6 •10:16 «- m • * 1 5 p. m Jkxu<iio-P*uosorHicit. JoU Rxat, w* o ff.r m agnifleeut lo d n * ^
Pacific Fast Line.................. P-icu, f l ; poslago--lii eta.
Free-Love and Affinity, by Miss LI axle Dota n .........- ...1 0 t Pociflc N ight Bxprass......... J-.hl5 p. m n :« 0 a . m. ^ p -n ts for proOunrig eubecri'lier*. Men and women, leatvrw t
^ V e g e ta b le S y r u p ; ^ r e e T houghts Concerning Religion, or N atnr# v*. ■ 4:0) p ni
Dixon Psojougvr................t. e sp - ially, will find It profitable to canvass for th pappr.
K n lic a tc a H um ors: c n n a C n u c o r , S c r o f o l a , H l t c o - i Theology, by A. J . Davie.............................................. ,2 0 I.
Any one a-uding 8109 abwll receive th irty -th ree copies of th e
B > a t l n l l l ( aud a ll cbrunic diseu*-* L'<jft th* ” l<*' bJ Wllrr#n cbM #- P*P*r > 80 c en ts. ^

F e m a le S tr e n g th e n in g S y ru p ;
i G aselle, by iemma T u ttle ...........—...................................1-35
G ist of Spiritualism , by W arrott Chase.............
IS Fr*wi>ort Pa*arnger............- ........ .
Fr->-port Poosi-ng-r........................
•901 a Ri.
efl-45 p w.
•2:71' a, to.
*3:15 p .u t.
A HA l i l.L A ; <m, T H E D IV IN E GUEST.
C ontaining a Now t}db*ction of Govp.-U. By
J e v a x a t for Utw year, or sixty-six copies for six m onths
directed to such .nsw a nlw eriben and a t such places u r e
G reat U arm onla, by A. J . Davis. 6 vols, v is : Vol. 1 Rockford, Klgiu. Fox k i r t sud A N D R E W JA C K S O N D A V IS . rv.|uir*d, or su c h * proportion lor six. m onths and one year
Pur Female W eakn"**«*. S ta te Line...................... « ...------ • 4 :b d p .m . • t r i i b a . t o .
Tbe Physician; Vol. U.The. T h e-T ea ch e r:- «Vol. - • *8. Tb* | —»< fl.i-1; f ”a|i»gv, 20 as stroll suit, *e as to h - equivalent to 33' copies for one *
. fli-er; Vol. I. The R afornor rn*»r; V -1.6. The T hinker. G -ni’Vunnd Elgin Piua-I g> r ....... •i:!i) m •'"45 a. ru.
N e r v in e S y ru ’i, lo m b a rd A ccoinnioda'i-n..... .... *6:10 t». m. *7:99 a. ui, y -a r, and a premium to be sent w-jiere (Uroct<sl,1iy expreae,
B ach....................... .................................. ..........*.............. 1.60 *0
Guide uf Window and Know ledg- to th e Spirit W orld.. 20 2 Wixcnnrfn p iettioit-—ZV/uif corner q/VChndl .md A'inric rb tti. » one of th.w - - a u tilu l N-i/tlny Machine*, w hich
B ro n ch ia l a j d P u lm o n a r y Cordial,
C h ild ren ’s C ordial, for f io ., < oii»-, a -c .
H arbinger of H ealth, by A. J . Davta....,........................1-60
H arm onist and fm-red Melodist, by A*a FltX ....—. . . - 40
H arm mini Mali, ur T houghts (or th e Age. by A. J .
Davis. Paper, 19 eta., ptw lage. 6 Cts. C loth........... 16
Mril passenger-..-............................
J u n —vllle A’ Cuiumodatfiir........ •? 19
a. tu.
Nt jl i t p .i* -.n g -r.............................. *6 9b p ia
»7 16 |>. nj.
• - :;u «. m.
m. •::;( •) p. m,
v. r -- , n .r
ri d ir. tho Di v-loptit-nfMiid S lrijrtiifer.f :h# Unfe
8 y,r-ro, tin- liu r l , i |. ” nn Fxp.oiUiun of th*
dptriluad C tiiv--..., Olv-Li l-ivpilariunally. liy
a- I everywhere fur tixty-jiv> dollar*, and If s higher priced
Florence III.u Inn- U desiirof.'It will be ftirulilied In th e some
proportion as above. (8-ti iltMcriptive’ sdvert!«em ent Any
A n d W orm S yru p . H iero p h an t; ur. G leanings from tb e Past, by 0 . 0 . W-Kotatock Ari ontiuodtttion— .... 6,".o p. m . fv:«o p .a i.
.HR.-!- MARIA M. RING. '• ’I h 't .r wbc shall m ake a n -9 .,rt and fell to rnia.- $100 for
Afi.'icanker /H euioii—Dsyat C'it u t if an-J K,> '/to. | aubvcripltuns to th e JoCKfAL a* a t-jre , will beattuw -,1 :icndy.
price e ii'h , sent btr esprea*. H istory a nd Philosophy o f K ill,by A.*j. Doris. Paper , Pri< O. ld ; 'H tor.
Ad’lr-iS, 1 I I I M . n k . N F O H Y I I . o a a b o v * or 40 cts—pontage 6 cts. C lo th ...... ......... ................. . 76 20 Day E x p r -« ..,............’..............—— 10.16 a . m. I i-y per c en t ofaU atev.-r money they may rem it, nut b w sth a a
H O N , W A K I t E . V U I I A M E , l l t y s w u r Li c i t , o flay ward’s H »>k of All Religious, Icrludlng Spiritu- K.nehlll. Calvary and Uvan-tolL. l=W ?• » *■'■9 P- “ >• toil -loljaia, pay.ii.ie In any Iwok* ,r engravlnx* m -iitlnned la
fl-o. M l B m vlw ay, N< w York : <r J «bam.................................* .............................. ........ —.2.00 26 Afternoon K x p rw a ......................... Vo.i i. ni.
M .8 . J O M K M . Kdltor K 'L tu io .P in t' s in tic a t J o c k g a t, --------- --------- ~ . ^ ^ ^ a K- no-iia Ari-'dilliliaUltor.. .........
JJA N O M I N . ■jnr advertised beta.
Cblcng” . HI., U e n r r n l A u c u l a W aUkrga ‘ .......... A R) thmti-al R,'tm-r.c- o f M i.vsij,'* *'
PA R TIK 3 AFFI.ICTED d.-iiiing to e- Un f u s t ' s WaU -gall ' •IS 1.1 |i <
b f iiti n uti d o a o b y a itU n -in g Mas DAWokTit. mot in * ■ Bilwwukee Ac-omiuodi.tiou— ,... _l r- * 6:u0 a rn n x FLpithNCK a k w i n o m a c i u n f ; i p u n pl r pa ps b d
rcmi'dic* v jlJ tm compi nudi-d and e -n t w h e r e ' THE GREAT It R E E L L I O N ■-ru.v*« of m auageiu-nt. vnn«t> and .jirodty oi w ork
H i- l u c t l i e l t i e N m l v i r U s r t l l i r e u«>t u p p l t - IB lllt’rc B WBTIH lilO ftiHUWUHt I buui H. t ’. 9r*sw>i in, G-n - .etc. It r>i.leiia * aebond Of i Vel
1 In q u irers’ T «kt Book, by R obert 0i>op«r... And the Mlnn-a-ita V .ti-.irt-a. By lunging* to end claini-.| by no t . . .
e u b le . ChitMgv, Socle It!an>l i i d flu-;,-is K n l r m d .
j Jvsua o f N axarelh, by Alexandor flm jth ... lU ium g full Inforuiailuli, w ith ounple*
Day Sxprva* vtid M ail.................. •9:48 a ru. p. tn. MYRON UJLUNEV.* - - —a ......... — — Upon application to Win. 11. Bh..rp At
By permission, lh% following part!-* a re referred t o : Torn AccunittiUdaU-m----- ---------- • »:-'M ;>- m. •'*:4u a. ni. v-o.. G eneral Agents, Dr1 ttaaliliigton stre e t, who wfll c are,
| K iss tor-* Blow, hy n . C. W right. NUUt R xpr.”w............. ........... ........ 19:16 tv. ro. 14:16*. tn. D r!--. |1 J 6 ; T o ,la --, Ifl cvnje.
K oran, w ith explanatory notes, by Geo.-Sale, I v o , •nily -ele ct p retu u m n.arliiuve. and forw ard by express SJ
B»rk(<lf-y slreol, Cnmbrldgo, Mae* , Feb A. 11. SXITH, 0 - u ‘l TaseeugiT A g-nt. Jlre rti d, w arranting them iu every Instance sx re; r,vented.
De a r 5I r *. tU S F 'irrn —W ill yon p lesaeeanao to be strut I y E. g j.J o s H , <»-a’l T icket C l-rk.
P. A. f U u , Asa’t G -n ’l 'B ufr-rUitemtont. IV iriiK s N tts O o ., nne liundrod and I wen ty - th r ir S ta le s t.
o xpr—* t" th«-wd iri-*a given btdtiw th te - Itotll-s o f ) o i,r Chicago, 111.,Gilocal Agent* tor tbe U ni'ed flu te * a n d B ritish
V <tai’6 itb l e S y r u p nud one b o ttle w t tin- B r o u r l i l i t l JficAtj,’a n S n tlh m t Railroad, Y C E JJ M M A N U A L S .
S y r u p - Tu-y bmt) tMith b n n iin*l by a r-U tivo oi u iln - iToVinre*. and the American New* Com pany, 119 and 121
Lectures on G-ology by Prut Wm, D e n t o n . A AO 20 Depot corum V an B ur-n and Sherman atre-to. T icket Office f i l t h FMUinn now ready. Price SOcento; Postage, 9 cents. N assau Street, Sew Y ork.
in a c a s e o f bronchial d e ran g em en t null o t ( h re u tm td pup- Life’* DnfokUog* 60 4 66 South Clark stre e t.
ninnary com plaint, w ith ex ce llen t effect, i" J I should b - |1 3 p -r hnuilr-d.
Life or Thcuuu Pslne.w lth critical and explanatory A ccom m odation............. .6 ......- ......... *7:49 a. m . *1:15 p m. F’u u rth A blJg-d Edition o f Lyceum M anual. Prion. 44
gloi] to bear th a t tb e aa le o f th -so luedicines La extended ^obeervatione of hi* writings, by O. Yale...... .>...1-04 14 f t - PVituh.-r* vo8c leurrt the atxme Proopectut th r u N *ua
both h-onuso of th a go«*l th e y .h iv e show n ttiem sulvescapa Dav Kxprtwa................. .>............. . •11:39 a. tn. •4:90 p .m . C-nla; PwtJVg”. 4 coiili. 134 per hmidred. a nd cull (Uleniionto it editorially, shall be entitled to a copy it
Life o f Jesus, by Renan, postage free.,.............. — ,~.LT6 Ordure fur Ly ’curu equipm -uto prom ptly filled.
ble of effecting end brcatise of th e evidence th ey fhrnisliiAl Life’s Uses and Abase*, post paid............... ....... . 40 Evening Kxpreee...................... .. 6:18 P- n». •fv.DO a. m. •he R iuiiio-PinwB O fm cA t J o c s v u . one year. It w ill be fo r
tb .it practical »V may cuius to us from tbe n e x t world. N ight R x p rv u .............. - ............ *I»:09 p- in. *«:30 a. m. warded to their addreu on receipt o f the paper* w ith the adaer-
Love aud Its Inddvu u .jeieuvs.bv Count De tit. Leon, 1.25 18
Yours tru ly . Mr Love and I .b y Ah*.v M f *fito Fevr— 6«. 2. Itaro ii L in/. tieem m tm aried.
S O B E R T DALE OW EN. Magic Staff, an Auto-Blography o f A. J. Da via.—.........1.76 24 Day B x p rtse via A drian....^...... . *7:10 a. m. 8:15 p .m . HE M IDNIGH T PRsVYER: A N IN 9P I-
Address tb e m edicine, Mrs R. D. O w eu.caro Ph illip U orn-
braok, Beq.. B vam ville, lu d .
Manouiln, by Myron C olonsy......................... ............... ,1.36
Marriage aad Parentage, by Henry 0 . W right-------..1-26
Ministry o f Angels Reallaed.by A. 1 . Newton............ 90
N ight ’• ” “ .................*79:90 p. m.
F. £- M oasx.G en’l Pate, Agt., 66 Clark sk,C hicago.
*16:30 a. tu.
T rational Poem, givou through th e U ediutiuhip of,
IM P R O V E D - P L A N O liE T T E
El Louis, Mo., Nov., 18dR F itt ib m h , Fhrf Wayne and Chicago— Depot, Comer q f Modi- MRS. M. J. WILCOXSON.
Morning U o tores, (Twenty Discourses,) by A. J- ton and .Cknal U retli,
Bxo. 8. S J o s e s —x I on *fo advertising th a medicine Davis.................................................... — ...,............— 1.76 24 The material* o f which th —- Platich-ttes an- mudo, a re
of Dr. C lark ’s sp irit, who, c ontrolling, p resc rlh /sfo r th o eick Midnight Prayer. Price........................ .......................... » J M all....................- ................*4:30 a. m. f9K)3 p. m. Price. 8 eta.: noetage. 2 cto. ptx'lllarly adapt-d tu :h4 magnetic c u rren t- ol tile huinaB
thrm igh th e organism of J u m ln W sierm a n Danfurlb. P e r Moees and the Israelite*, by Merritt Munson.------ ...J .0 0 20 4yvl”in —being made o f Kieclrlcal and M.,gii-tli-aubatanoea,
P u t E xpress..........................................•8.-00 a. m. . t):00 a. m cunipiwod ami pr-'-artsl -x p n w -lj (or (lie pnrp>««>: The
m it me to tell you, w ith deep feeling, friend Jones, th a t I Mrs. Packard’* Prison U f*...............................................1-M 24 f a s t Line........................... 4:39 p. tn. ■ll:9U p. m.
have used thveo rvm edlt*—th o Syrups, Nervines and Pow- " , " “ small e d itio n -................—.1.00 14 N ight e x p re ss.........................................«:4(1 p. m. «d:20 p. m. e m o r a n d a o f pe r s o n s , pl a c e s
a i m —w ith tho highest satlsto ctlu n . 1 know them to bo e x
cellent, as hundreds or other* w ill testify. Dr. Clark U a no
Manual tor C ifldren, (tor Lyceum*,) by A .J . Y aloarniao A ccom m odation............... A:l0,p. tn.
W .C -C u L stin , Gen. W eat'n Pm *. Agt., 46 Clark *t.
9:40 a . m. M atnr x v Ks t b , any <julwtli»n will be *n*wered w ith a stoiu.biug rapidity.
Kvi-ry lliv-atignting mind should b a re one If foF oh othe r
ble and LrHliunt sp irit, g ilt, 11.00; posktge 8 cento. Ahrid E m bracing a n th en tte Facto, Visions, Im prastiuns, DWcov-
Most tru ly thin*. M other Goose, by Henry 0 . W right.., IUinoit Central— D tp s, fact o f la k e tired. ecle. In Mognetfetn, Clairroyauce, Spirit j a I h i d . Also quef— purpose than t» satisfy h in i.e lln f tne great power lying ba*
J . 01. P E E B L E S . N atu re’s Divine Revelations, by A A ndrew Ja ck so n Day Pas*eoger..~.......................... •& :« a. m. *6:40 p. m. tfi.ns from the opposition. By bind. Capable of answ eriug y our inn-ruiuat tnuugbU.
N ig h t Paeaungvr............ - ............... tt0 :W P- tn. *d:Cl0 a. m .
H I. N II liL I S S O M * Now Y ork C ity,w rite*: •‘W as u n d er
tre a tm e n t a t Mrs. D in fo rth ’a residence three w r-k a la st
w in te r for ulcerated Inflsm iitory so re eye*. Retnrnvd hi mo
New Testament Miracles and Modem Miracle*, by
J . H. Fowler------------------- ---------- ---- - ..................... 44 4
K eoknk i»ay T a w n g e r ..............*8;40 a . tn. ••CIO p. m.
K eokuk N ight p a ssen g er.............. *9:29 p. m . •P.'X) a. m.
A N D R E W JA C K S O N D A V IS , -
W ith A ppendix, containing Zeebnkke's G reat Story of
Nlgm -. • ,.i N atu re, by C ro w ..... .................... . 126, 2d. K ankakee Accommodation.......... *4:16 p. m. *9:14 a. m. X*Tson»<*r more persons sit ahuul tbo table on which tb #
w ell; have used tho remedies tn my family, a nd atu satUBed H yde Park T rain .............................. * 6 :2 0 ^ 0 1 . *7-46 a. tn. « H urtontiu," vividly portraying tho widoulEOsrence between instru m e n t Is placed, each p la c in g - hand lightly on the top
Pb in eh e tte —Tha d e sp air o f Rciancn,........ ..................... 126 Ifl th e ordinary state and th a t of C lairvuyanA . board,sim ply tmn-hing thea.une, taking care tu have th e a n *
of (heir virtue*. •* •• “ ............ ................. *12:10 p .m . *1:40 p. m.
" .......................*8:00 p. m. •6:14 p. tn. Price, 21.eti; Postage, 9) c eu u . Out cutno in cuut.-ict w ith the ta b le ; remain quiet for * tow
T . W « T A Y L O R ) Ancons, N . J . write*, ordering mu tn nibi, th e n let eom -ona of the p arty ask a question, a a d
m ore Uitdicine for hut w ito iw y s she ha* gained driven or • " ............................. •fclO p. in. *7:36 p. m. Address f 8. S. JONES.
M. JI c o b i i t . G eu’l Supt. 102 Sunt* Clark S tre e t. ChicagO/DL i f tho persons rotnposing the party a ie of required m agnetic
tw enty pound* siuco sbo ccm inencrd tr r a ttr e o t. Neighbor a Ocean's Wav*. » y W * . B n sh ..,_ .........~ -.. pow er, o r any one o f them to, tb e qum tion will be answ ered.
u o lic - tho im provem ent, one of whom seeds a lock o f h air Our Planet, Geology, by D eaton............... ................... - J W . P . Jom teox, G en'l Paxseoger Agent.
A poeltiv /sL d negative pvrsou operate th e P lauchelte best.
fur diagnosis.
A B l l Y Iff . L A F L 1 N P E R R E E , Georgetown,
O ptim ism ........................................ ....................—
Peuetrails; being Harmonlal Answer* to Important
Questions, hy A. J . Davis.
1 •T6 24
Chicago, B urtinften and Quincy.
Day Bxprcse and M all.-------------- •10:00 a *7U)0 p. m<
T H R E E V O IC E S ,
A . r-rV E B O O K O K P O K M ft
P R I C E , 4 1 .5 0 E A C H .
D. C., w rites: V egetable S y ru p »*ut to her m ilk w oman's Ptaying Soldier o r U tile n a rr y ’s W ish
liunhand, who woe suffering w ith pstn* and In tern al m inors Philosophy o f Spiritual Intercourse, hy A. J . Davis,
E vening B x p r e M ....o .............---------- *4W p. T ^6 p .m .
•8:16 p. m. BY W ARREN 8. BARLOW
Bent by ErpreM, securely packed iu ruat\boxM. j
confining him to his room: in ton days was o u t an d a t bia A orora........................ ...................... P- » . If deeired, or by m all, which la c h ta p e r for long distoooto.
paper 00 eto., postage 6 cts. Cloth............................ - lJo o 14 M endoU Passenger......................... *7:46p. m. •9:30 p. m.
w ork. Philosophy o f Creation, from Thom as P a in t, by l i t , T i t * V o le ® o f f l o p e r a t l t l o n , r ite * th e blbH-
N ight E xpress. • , , -“ft “ - f6:45 a. x . eal cont-et between tb a Grot ul Jiosee nnd S atan, w ith on*
Horace Wood, Med Iurn. Taper,30c; postage to . Cloth. flO 10 lilu td a le A ccom m odation................ *l£< *3:00 p.
C ln rlB o sti.0 , 1868. Plain Guide to Bpirilnnllsm; by U riah (Jlark...............1.26 90 KobXHT il vKxts, Superintendiint. m erous quotation* from tb e Bil l . . proving S a ta n victorious, procunxt.
^ Mr*. D u f r o a tn —Th* clairv o y an t exam ination for th a Poems from th e [nnnr Lifts, by Lfxr-I* D oteo..............1-36 26 from th e (harden nf Eden to M ount C alvary. Addnfe-s
lady whom h a ir I se n t y on ia perfectly salfefaclory. Bha BAVttXL P o w il l , Gea'L Ticket Agt. Odicu in G t. C e n t Dopot
Phllosoi'hy o f Special Providences, (a Vision,) by A. E n d , T h ® V o le ® o f N a t n r ® , prove* N sM re’s God
Inform* me th a t th* diagonal* 1* m ore accurate am i complete Chicago and 9 . J a u it— Depot, corner Maditon and ( h n a ltii , S. S. Jones,
th a n *he could give hersi-lt 1‘leato forward remedies J . Davis............ ....................................................... ........ 20 > victor iocs, ia ote r-rtiilo g a ll fo ra gtoul mid glorious end.
PhTalral Ainu, by H udson T a ttle .................... ...............1-60 20 Ito poetry U h rau tlfu l, w hile (to Philosophy U most n >
recommended. Principles o f N atu re, by Mr*. M. M. K ing.......... - .* ..1 0 0 64 Express and H al!............ — ....... *10^0 a. tn. T:60 p. m. 189, South Clark Street,
Ynurs. Ac. W ay exp re ss..... ........................... "dMO p. « . 9:46 a . m. Ums, a rg um entative and logical.
P resen t Age and lo n e r Life, la test llnvleed and Rtv-
C H A R L E S K I. W A T E R S . L ightning Fxpre**............................. “ • 3 r d , T h ® V o te ® o f * P e b b l e , teach**, b o m N ature
^ Chicago, Illinois.
Ja rg e d B d .h r A. J-D arix ------------------------ ....------- L 64 T . U. HLtt'ChTONX, ? r-s. A G cu 'lS uperintendent.
IS R A E L H A L L , T o le d o , O . A . NxWMAS,Gen’l Pua*. .tg t„ Office 56 DtsirlKituaL th* individuality of m a tte r aud m ind
C H A R L E S N . K IN S E Y , C in c in n a ti,© . Obhrcvimr, Chicago <C Indiana (in tra l R a itw jy ,—(laU Chicagt T h e W o r k I* so u g h t to r, and read b y thooeande, aad D r. K . P . .H ille r ’ s B oo k ® .
Report of’sn extraorBfnary Chnrch Trial, Oocserra- Is u p rooting tu p s r itltio u i e r r o r ,aad sc atterin g tru th b road
and Great Katlent Cincinnati -Air L ine and Indiana Ven cast on Its ruins. I t to gotten op to m ost beautiful sty le, V ital Force, How W asted sn d How Preserved; Pa p e r, 10
P A I 'L IH IE M O S D , H o n d o n )T e x . ^ * S T . . P r o ^ v ^ h y P nilo U « tre! R ailw ay Cb’r.) cents, postage, 4 cento; c lo th , 81.90, postage, fl’WOt*.
Revival or Religion Which wo Meed, by Theodors of nearly 260 page*. Trie* f l ,2 5 postage lflcd^to. For
Cnlumbne aod Cincinnati Rt?Te*a * « 4 5 * ,m . * 8 ^ 6 p . m . sal* a t th # office of lh * R xu«to-rgaa*orB K *i J o c M tt. U cw .ta Bathe; paper 40 ornto, pus tag* 4 c ento; c lo th ,, Fcto,
Parker..... ..........- ............. — --------------------- -------« S Columbus a nd C incinnati K ipr-ss J7:45 p. ni. *249 p .m . A ddressE A f o i l s , K a , 4 4 D earborn xtrset,Chicago; m i-
Starlings Progreeriv# Peperx.— ...................... , » * la n s iu g A ccommodation.................... 3 jlS p. ra, 9:15 a . tn. P'ThoKc A u ^ ', Cf e xhauste d v ita lity ; M aslla, f l poetage.12
Ibis city -h« retaillfelifd a gnn«i rep u ta tio n . Pbc i* now lo- Reich enbacb ■ D y n a x n i m . . ------— V n'"!r. "
c s I»h |a t :il3 Fast :i3rd stre e t. N 'w V o ik . Oi o of h e r con- Self-Ahnegattottlat; or the Tree King and Qnsen, N . B. B oon, G en'l Pass. Agt., T icket Office C orner R an.
doiph and D earborn street*.
trn lllu g sp irit gnid'S (Dr. TVm C lark, well know n In th is
c ity ** a nii-it • x n lic n t physician.I ha* prescribed tb m u x h
h - r u uie rsl c - ’d r-n .fd i.-. f ..r ‘h ”M. sfUictcd.’’—B A N N E R
C F L l b l l T ’ R o * t o n , IT la a a .
■ " 5 “ right. P*p*r,60cento,postage,Ooanta. ^

gerr-e_____ _
n i t o D evelopinent, by A. IL
M ichigan CbUral RaQroad— O ne* Depot, /opt, o f la k e etrm t,
M all T rain ................ —....... *6:00 a. m . * T :« p. tn.
A V a m fly G n l i e fo r th ® Vmot W a t e r J
F N M f T liii H e a lth e a d T r e a t h f
C,frop o rta n t T ro th s, Mrs. 9 . P.M JIM r; 90 cento, postage 9 ^
WTha above hock* a ll tre a t o f th e «e*u*Io rg * r* * n d t h e l a w a ^
or h**lth- They should be pla**d in th * ha nds o f every m a n ,
Tho ahov* valuable medicine* a re fur is l e a t th is office. D ay Bxpreee_______________ ___ *8:00 a. m . *8:00 p. m. wom an end child. \ _ _ . _ ..
K f^pTiTpoiTOnto^th^Wmlto. By Tho*. OTarL^-LOO f l F venlngB xpreae........ ................. ... 76:16,p .m . 1*9:00a. m. For sa le a t this office. Address B. 8. Jone*. 199 South
Addr#**,S. 8. Jones, N o . i92 Bouth C lark 8 L , Chicago, Bexolocr *» the Philosophy o f Life, by Mr*. X O. • . N ight Itxpre**................................ 1*9:00p .m . ffl:30 a. m. Clark s tre e t, Chicago, D l. ^ # ^ ^
W illard......... ..................—. Kaiam axoo A c c o t n t n o d a U o 3 ; 5 5 p. m . * ll;0 9 B T A t . M ILLK R , M. D.
S ix Lectors* on Tb so logy aad N store, hy Trdtm
Harding*. P*p«r, TA e t o Oh
s a ^ f f l a a a g g a S __
N ^ E R V IN E W E T ^ A ^ W
Y FOR ALL NKHV0U8 D1BKA9E6 Pleasaat to
r a H E

n t h . to st., and safe and sure in effect. Sand 60 cento for a

■ p tr it" -----
H i n t 0. W u m ro u x ,
•4:48 p. m .
P- “ • f4-40 a. Bk.
General Paaeengsr A g e s t
H . B. 8 a m xirr, G en'l 8nperinteodent,0htoagn. . a• w Sr aKe s SB fc fs il&S t st sSa P *1
ELI#lory of th* M as galled J e w
o b, A THUS
C hrist, gtre® m

package to Dto Bk i w i , Ballsport, Allegany Ota, N . Y , Of •Bnaday* exoeptod. tM oaday* excepted. JS atnrdayx t i - . — • « £ £ 2 r R S & £ * * S ! 'X ! & a m
•p irit Hysteria*, Dwrto,— ----------------------- L i4 ■ oeptod^pbondayn e soepted.
« coat itam p for Clrmtor.
Y l. f l , N ^ M . t t

KK UG IO -PHILOSO Pm CAL JO URN AX,. D k o b ms s e 18. 1869'

f f j u t t l it u H i p u f m u t t
the God of Jacob.”
In the 3Stb verse Jesus tells us, "F o r he Is n ot a
God of the dead, b a t of the living, for all live in
TH E |O th
T he pictorial Phrenological Journal, a first
Him.” class Fam ily Magazine, ia Specially devoted to
6 th. All the attributes of man are equally a t the " Science of Man," his improvement, by all Lowm. Mss*—Th* Children's Program*** Ljemw ta*U
meeting* tvery h ad * ; aftomoon sad m alax. »t 2U aod T
tributes of the Image in which he was created, and the means indicated by Sdmee. o'c lock. Lj-fWirs IMIlDB *t A. K- m. B.Ou-UC. < W » o - Tbc following extract U taken from a le tte r
the divine idea of God, In creating man, was for I* h h k n o l o g y . The Brain and its Functions; tor; Mr*. J . 9 . Wright a n a n S u ; J . B. Whiling. Oormpood-
the sole purpose of reproduction, "tjo God crest w ritten by M b s . Ma r t A. S t o o o a b o , of K eute
till Location and Natural Language o f the Or la g Secretory.
n o t ic e t o C o r r e o p o n 4 e n u a n l O th e r * , ed man, in the image of God crested be him, male gans, with directions for cultivating and re Station, Porter Co., Iud.:
and female created he them. And God blessed t m , Mu*.—Th. Spiritualist* of Lynn bold meeting* *v*ry
Ail letter*, paper* and m atter for os or the F ron straining them ; and the relations subsisting be Sands; afternoon and *i*slng, *t Cadet Hall. **I have lately been called to tak e and trea t m t -
them , and God saidT onto them , be fruitful and,
tie r D epartm ent, m utt he addressed to E. V. ■Will multiply and replenish the earth.” Genesis, 1st ‘ tw een Mind and Body described. L*penes 1 » , Association o f ffplrltonllata hold n u t tin g . er*l patients whom, the M . D.a had failed to cure.
M il, Lom bard, Dupage co u n t;, Illinois. •T*ry Bund.;, *t I0Ua.*.,*»d I r .B ,n t “ Oonc*rt Hall”—
2 7 th , 2 S th . P h t s i o g n o m t . with all the '* S igns o f Charac Dr.B. B. C olliM , 1 W « ; 9 . A .T otU t, BtcFy. I wll) here mention one. the case of a young wo
“th. The sexes continue through all eternity, ter and How to Read them," ia a special feature.
beget children, because It la N ature’s law, and Na Kt h n o l o c t ; or, T h e N a t c r a l B mj t o r t o r Mi l w i c i u . Wi*.—Tb. first Bo«J*ty of BplritanU*!* ***ts man who waa very rick. H er friends called one
O tr T a n r ln n t e h lg iu -N o , 7 . at Bowman'* Hall. Boel*l Oonfarw* .1 1 T. w. Addrw* of o ar Doctor* first, and then the other. They
ture Is God. Ma n .—Customs, Religion and Modes of Life in u d Confetwno. at Tft T. M., * t.r; Sunday. H. 8 , Brown! both called her disease Lang Fever, trea ted her
Saturday, O c t 2Vd, we arrived safely In Detroit different Tribes and Nations; will be given. M. D. Fro*Id*ul.
a t 1 . 40. r . m ., and held a seance a t night. Seven MBonat>Dga a n d D e la t io n s ” P h y s i o l o g y a n d A n a t o m y —T ha Organiza M o a ao c rn , I u _ —L ;e*um . m ( i r r . r y B u n d .; R m a o o a .
th ree weeks, aud left her woree than they ftmod
ty-eight present. We gave many testa, of which tion, Structure and Functions of the Human A bout on* hue died pu p il.. 3 . B. Loveland, O oodnctor; D. H . her. Her friends then called me. I exantlsed her
Prow th* Ohio Democrat B1***0*, A n d iU a t Conductor; B rian K ;* t G uardian of
he following are m arked, and evidence the truths B o d y ; the L aw s of Life and H ealth—W hat w e Group*.
case, and found her In the last stage of QUICK CON
Kk m a h e s —We commend the foregoing ar should Eat and Drink, H ow w e should be SUMPTION- After I bad bad her under my ease
of SpirteaJVsm : M oasis*urta, N. T .—F irst BocUty of Frogrw riv* B pM taal-
ticle from a prominent journal, to Rev. Stephen Clothed, and H ow to Exercise, Sleep and L ive,
I I H U I I I ONX. . H . Smith, who is a Moravian, and u k him to presented iu a popular manner, in accordance lat*—Aj**tnb); R o o ts., oorn«r W ashington a**na* and Fifth for one week, her friend* met the M. D.e who
•tr a c t. Barrio*, . t 3 p. ja,
By Dr. H. we aaw a woman, fa ll; describing her. note the analogy between the cases recorded aa with H ygienic Principles. said they knew th a t she had tbe consumptloot re d
occuring a hundred years ago, and those o f the Portraits, Sketches, and Biographies o f the H t u x , 0 .—Children’* Frograarive Lyxwtuw b m Ii m r y could never be cured. Some two weeks afterword,
She died eleven years ago. In child bed. She re- B an d.*, a t 1 0 ^ o'clock a. a . C oad u tor , H i Am s Tati)*
present day. T he reader wll! remember, that at leading M^n and Women o f the Wurld in all de G uardian, Bnsma Tntll*. the learned Dm. U m d r b b l l l , of ChicaROv waa hero
t erred to her case, a peculiar one, commending the the close o f some spirit manifestation, given by partments of life are special features. at my bouse on a visit. He examined tier, and
Doctor’* attention. Approved by the Doctor. M arlboro, M u * .—Th* M arlboro S piritu alist Amociatfan
Mrs, T a c k a b e r r t , in Cana) Dover, on the 14th P a r e n t s a n d T e a c h e r s .— A s a guide i n ed h old m a ttin g s In V o r.it H all. B p u h n r .n a m e d . Prof. W m.
alt., a vote was taken pronouncing the mani be, too, eald t h i t she was In tb s last stage of
g o 'M tism TWO. ucating and training Children, this Magazine D outon, one* a w c h for a y*ar. Mr*. J U u i. A .T ay lo r, Ban.
festations made in her presence as " a humbug.’ has no superior, as it points out all the peculiar M axes S a n a , N. H — Th* Spiritualist* hold m a.tings
Quick Consumption, could not be cured, aud
By a stranger we saw a voting woman, describ In this astounding method of combating stub •v e ry Sunday, a t 10 a . x . and 3 ». a , in th* P otto. Court he wonld n ot be surprised if she did not live b u t
ities o f Character and Disposition, a n d renders
ing her. She passed away at sixteen years of age. born facia, tw o enlightened Chrfstain ministers government and classification not only possible Boom. Scat* ft**. R. A. B aasw , FnaU M at; B. Posh**, a few days. ‘ Mr*. Btodard,’ said he to me, *abe
Wonld now be twenty-six yearn old, If in the form. Sec re tary .
were the bell-wethers, and led off. The negative but easy. Nxw Y o u CrrT.—Tb* Society of Fro b n B t * Spiritualist. can n ot live; have you any hope of caring herf*
She hold* o a t to yon a beautiful little dog, a pet, o f the proposition was not taken a t all by these Much general and uselul information on the ,-ta *---------- - - — ■M ttlUl.r — I answered, * The spirits say th a t they will euro
and favorite o f her*. She then told the .principal fair dealing Christian ministers, who were so leading topics of the day is given, and no efforts her If we obey their orders.’ Ia the first three
events In his life, with accurate data. The strang very zealous to have a matter voted *■a hum are spared to m ake this the most interesting
bug, ” just because, forsooth, they are Ignorant weeks after I commenced treating her, she had
er responded ; and instructive as well as the best Pictorial tri£. G uardian.
o f certain natural laws and forces," to which Fam ily Magazine ever published. T h* f ir s t Society o f Spiritual three large ulcers In her lungs break and dlschariw
" I knew her g et), and remember her p e t ; it Is these spiritual manifestations are clearly "trace day m orn in g and • te nin ia ge In
in Dodewortit H a ^ 80e*lroad- an almost Incredible am onnt. B ut a t the expira-
E s t a h u b h e d .—The Journal has reached its w ay. Oon"
wonderful. The Incidents In my life referred to, able. ” 50th VOLUM E, and with the Jan. Number, 18 I B anda; a t tarn* plac* a t S p , m . ' tlon of eight weeks she calls herself well. 8 bc
B e at. f r* a
are correct—her knowledge of my life from the If the lady is a ventriloquist, that does not ac 70, a N E W SER IES is commenced. T he form will work all day, go to a party a t night, danoe
N sw T o n . —T b . Friend* of H um anity m e et every Sunday
tim e abe left the form, to the present,—it is all count for the strange manner In w hich ponder has been changed from a Quarto to the more a* 3 a n d T JJ P . M „ In tb* o ouv.nle nt and com fortable hall; until the small boors In the morning, take a short
tru e ." able objects were moved about in her presence convenient Octavo, and many Improvements *10 G rand • trea t, no rth ea st c orne r Porsyth*, Ad block e ast o f
and while she is securely tied hand and foot Bow ery, for morel and ip lritn a l c ulture, inspirational and nap abd then get u p and be as gay as a bird all *
This was spoken in a subdued and respectful have been made. It has steadily increased in tran c e speaking, ip e d a l test tnandfeatationa, and th e rela tion
This, let it now be understood, ia a matter we favor during the many years it has been publish day. Allowing herself to be the judge, the Is
m anner, evidencing deep feeling* on the subject. o f sp iritual m periencM , b c U and phenom ena. Bret* free,
w ant these skeptics and infidels to explain. ed, and was never more popular than at pres and cottlribnliun tak en up. well, has not an nnpleasant symptom In her sys
RCMSEX TURK*. Let these spiritual -teachers H) explain to the The S plritnalliU hold meeting* every Sunday a t L am artln* tem , and has taken only tlx boxes of Mra. Spenc’s
ent. H all, co ru e r of 8lb avenue and W est Z9tb e trect. Lecture*
To Mra. M. came so old lady, and repeated an In doubting Thomases in their congregations, T e r m s —Monthly’, at |3 a year, in advance. a t 10H o'clock a m . and T p. to. Conference a t 3 p. m . Positive Powders. I gave her no o ther m edldnc.
cident In the lire of the woman when a girl. Fully whether they really believe that a lady could Single numbers, 30 cents. Clubs o f ten or N iw a i l, N. J .—Spiritual!.** and P r i.n d . o f PrOgrere hold To the Positive Powders, God and angels we give
accepted. whistle and sing and talk in a clear man’s voice, more, $2 each, and «n extra copy to agents. m eeting* In U u io H all, No. 4 Bank stre et, a t 2 U and TU th e priaec ol saving her life and restoring * her-
HtmuBti ro tR . for-a full hour, with four, thicknesses of sticking W e are offering the most liberal Premiums. p. m. The afternoon I" devoted w holly to th e C hildren's Pro-
plaster over her mouth ? If they believe such grtwelve Lyceum. "O. T. Leach C onductor; Mr*. H arrie t B ar health.”
To a gentleman came a spirit and stood by him Inclose 15 cents lor a sample number, w ith new ton*, G uardian or Group*.
some time, and then told of his death, and said ; impossibilities it only exhibits their ignorance ot Pictorial Poster and Prospectus, and a complete O aw u o , N. Y .—T he S p iritu alist, h old m eetings every Bun-
“ This man is my brother.” natural laws, the operations o f which are List o f Premiums. dey a t a k and 7J* p. m „ I d Lyceum H all, W eat Second,
This proved to be Captain Howard, and was ful- plain as A. B. C. Address S. R. W e l l s , Publisher, h e ar Brfdjfc s ir eel. T he Children's P ro g rm lv * Lyceum
ly identified. Many other tests of and from spirit m eets a t Yi% p. m. J . L. Foul, C onductor; H rs. S. D oolittle,
N ow it seems to me, that these professor* of 38U Broadway, N ew Vork; G niudiao.
life, were given and identified, which, ir repeated
in fall, would form a volume of Interesting reading religion violate all the decencies and amenities Oxono, W u«-d3hlldreD’i Progressive Lyceum m eets e very W H E R E IS
m atter. o f life, and manifest much ” zeal without know PHENOM ENAL, S abbath a t 10 o'c lock a . m . J o h n W ilcox, conductor. Mr**
Detroit, Oct. 24tli.—We lectured In the morning.
After the formulas of the morning were over, a
ledge,” whilst pursuing their investigations.
How, and by what course o f reasoning they S tra n g ? a n d B e w i ld e r in g m a n ife s ta tio n .
Thom pson, A m lataut Conductor, H im C ynthia MoCanu, G uar
d ian o f Group*. ' THEIR EQUAL?
P hiladelphia, P a.—Tbs Piryh AesoclatloD o f S p iritu alist, a t
gentleman came forward, and handed us the fol arrive at their sage conclusion, the public are T he negroes about Lexington, K y., are quite T i.rm o n lsl H all, c orner 11 a u d Wood it*. L ec tu re. Sunday* ,K. F. H aT cs, of Huntington, Mass., sends tc-
lowing note, remarking th at It was expected we not informed. One of them took his jick-knlfe a t 1 0 k A. X., and '] 4 P. M. Lyceum No. I a t 2*4 t . n . P r o f . Bf i n c b , the follow ]* remarkable rep o rt:
would answer its queries. Here It is ; out ol his pocket for the purpose or cuttjng a disturbed in regard to a miracle said to bare
F irst Spiritu al C hurch o f Philadelphia, Thompson ,t . b e “ I (cel ft my duty to report to yon what Mrs.
E. V. Wil s o n Spiritualism, If your questioner hole in the clotb covering of the cabinet, in been worked recently. N o priest was near to low F ront. M eatlngl Sunday a t 3 a u d 1% r . x . Lyceum
understands It right, teacbea that a person enters which the medium was silting asleep, in order conjure this even t; but, if, true, 'tia a-g e n u in e Nu. 2 a t 10 p. M. Spence’s Positive and Negative Powders baye
spirit lire with the same reelings and disposition Spiritual Union, W ashington II.vH, 8th a nd S p rin g G arden done for me. I had suffered w ith a hereditary .
they have In this life. Now wo know that the to acertain where this strange man’s voice pro Interposition o f Almighty Power. A negro ■Is,, B u n d sji. L jren m N o. 3 a t 9 i . x . L e tt a re* a t 10}<
happiness of the best of men Is enhanced by b ar ceeded from, and thereby detect " the hum a. in. a n d 7)4 p. n». Headache for -TS T e a r s . During no week had I
ing • partner with whom they love to have sexual bug ."Why didn’t he wait patiently, instead o f child apparently died. . The funeral was preach been free from the Headache In all that lime. Two
PXo t ib s x c s , R . 1 , - T b * S p lritu a liits now b old th o ir
Intercourse. betraying an eager meddlesomeness to secure a. ed, and the body, duly o fliu e d , was' carried to m eet Id c . a t tb * M usical lB atU n to b a ll, Mur s e t sq n a r. years ago last August, I sent to yon and got a few
Will that a morons desire exist in spirit life, and footing for his own opposing prejudices? These the burying-ground, and deposited by the ride PtTMOirrs, Ma m — Lyceum Aw*ocUtloo of S p iritu alist, hold
ran It be enjoyed or satisfied as here f And If so, meeting* In Lyceum lla ll tw o S u nda y. In each m outh. Chil
boxes o f your Powders, and commenced taking
men were determined to break the taws by, and of the open grave. After a few sympathizing til cm accord log to the directions, and am cured,
w bat Is the fruit of such cohabitation * fours through which alone, these mamtcstalfojjs are d ren 's 1'rogre.eive Lyceum mec-Ls a t 11 O'clock A. a . Speak.-rf
truly, made ; ami then endeavor to substitute for na remarks bv the attending minister, a strong eng ag e d ;—Mrs. 6, A, B yrnes, J a s- 6 and 13; U . B. Btorcr, as I have had 'no Headache since I took the first
INVESTIGATOR. Feb. a a n d 8 i 1. P. G re en lea t M arch 1 aud 8.
ture’s indexible la w s; and thus try, if by any man took hold o f the coffin to litl it into the Powder. I bad also been troubled with a dis
Here was a tiilfm m t. What should we do 1 We PCiXJkB, Coxx.—Meeting* a re h e ld a t O rutrel H all *vw y
kind of hocus poru*, they could substantiate grave, and, behold, lie could not move Ran inch. Sunday aRernoon a t 1)4 o'clock- Ptogroarive Lyceum a t 10^4 ease In my bowels irom childhood. T here w as
were teaching. One of our hearers ha i asked for T he c ffia seemed glued-to the ground. A in th e fur*b»on. '
light. Should we play minister, look solemn, and a prejudice rather than arrive at truth by an scarce a day th at I did not suffer pain In my bow
open road to a living pelf supporting theory. second-man took hold ot it, hut still It would Qc t t c t . MiSS.—M t+llngs a t 7% au d T o’clock p. a . Pro-
wisely shake rftir head and declare It “ The m yste grreslve Lyceum meets a t l j i ?. x . els, up to the time I g ot yoor Powders. They ha-va
ry of godliness,'’ and tell the daring soul th a t be Such wife-acres would, by the same parity not move. A third and a fourth added their
strength, aud si ill the coffin refused to move. R tcnxoxu, lnt>.—Th* F rie n d , o f Proggeas hold cured me of th at, too. I bad emptoYcd m any o f
need not reason on these things, or Should we meet o f reasoning, walk into a telegraph office and de *v«ry Bunday m urolug in Henry Hall, at U Chll-
the question rquarely t Then ciroe the Spirit to Astonished at this, it w b s determined to open thelbe&t physicians o f the Old School, aud none of
mand that a message he rent, after having first d tc li'. tT ogrreaive Lyceum
nor help, and we trusted our Aiabnla and leaned severed the wires and destroyed the battery. the coffin. T he coffin lid was raised, and the R o c ifo ao , Iu ..—T b . P i n t Bocleiy of B piritnaltot* m eet a nd
Ahem conld tell w hat ailed me, and could do m e
fully on onr stall, saying, this letter shall be onr The oppbfers of the spiritual theory do not child found t o ’tie a liv e ; and, very strange to taste speaking every Bunday e vening atT o'c lock, a t Brow n’* no good," ‘
tex t this morning, reading It to our audience. The say, there w a s found imprinted upon the bottom H*M Lyceum m eets a t 10 o'c lock, a . i n , in th e re in * b a ll.
following positions were assumed and sustained seem to be aide to realize anything as a fact, Dr. JJ. C. D unn.co n d n c to r; Mr*. M. Rock wood, gu ardian.
that they cannot see with their natural eyes o f one o f its feet the words, *' There has been no
with argument and Bible authority : preacher in heaven for eleven hundred years.” R tc u u x x C k x t s b , W is .—Lyceum m e et, every Sunday a t
. 1st. Are the sexual attributes. Infinite and di Let us see how this will work: "The wind h a lf pa st one a t Chandler'* H all. U . A . Kant land, Conductor.
hloweth where it listelh, but thou can’at not tell Such is the story that is disturbing the minds of M r .. D rill 1'eaae, G uardian.
vine, or finite and wundauc 1 11 Infinite, then they th e.n lo red folks in Central Kentucky,— f'tit*
are spiritual and eternal ; hence tin mortals are whence it mmolh or whither it goetb,fln is every B r s i n s r u t s , I u . —Bplritnaltot A m odatlon hold r e g n la r '
Itorn. Man being the highest organized develop- one that ia born of tbc spirit.” It would be very Sem i Wtiklu (la;, j - m M iings every Sunday m orning a t i l o’clock, a t Capital
H all, bout 11 W r e t co rn e r b th a n d A dam , stre e t. A. H. W or
tuent in’nature, becomes the connecting link be silly iu me to deny the well Battled principle of th on p resid en t, U. M, L anphear S e cretary. C hildren’* Prog-
tween the material and spiritual worlds. W) e c
the physical nature leaves oil, the spiritual begins*:
atmospheric pressure, because I cannot tte the
atmosphere with my physical organs, and yet we
L I Z Z IE D O TK N ’S N E W B O O k. t*riv*L yoeum *very Sunday a t %o'c lock P. M. B- A . Biota-
a rd i, Conductor, Miss L lssln Po rte r, G uardian.
hero the finite connects with the infinite. The are surrounded by an atmosphere almost as n il Miss Lizzie Daten'snew prose work, "My Affin B ro sx o si, I I I . —T he C hildren’* Forgr**atv* L yceum of Plnnebog, Mich., Ang. 4th, 1809.
last material link In nature brings forth the first ity, *ud other Stories," Published by Wm. W bl le Bycam ore, III., m**ta e very Sunday a t 3 o’clock, p. m _ In Poor.Si-BNca—Dear Sir: I feel th a t I ought to
link In the infinite or spiritual nature. pable aa water. IVe mbst content ourselves WllklD*' New HalL H arvey A. J u n e ., C onductor; M rs, Ho
2ad. To suppose th at God has a Son is to sup with witnessing its effect upon the foliage and A Go., Boston. The book Is elegantly printed and ratio J o h n , G uardlan. acknowledge some of the benefit* of the P triU rc
pose that the sou has a m other. When “God gave the water. To deny its existence, because we bound, and will make a beautiful gift for the holi . T h . Free Conference m eets a t thy sam e place o n Bunday a t and Negative Powders In this place. Well, th en ,
Ilia only begotten Son to save the world,” the can’t see it, is too silly to lie thoflght of, on J yet days. Hundreds of our eut liriliers, to whom we B o’clock p. nr., o ne hour seerion. In e e y t u d speeches lim
tw o years ago one box .cured my child, one year
testimony Is complete. Man was created after it ia the position that some men, claiming intel ite d to 1*0 m inutes each. Channcey K llw o o d jIa g ^ P re rid in t
the Image or God, hence male. The Son of God licence, occupy to day, iu regard to these truth have supplied Jliss'Diten’s beautiful "Poems from old, after given np to die. H a ifa box of the Posi
was begotten by consociation—not by creation. ful manifestations of disembodied spirits. the Inner Life,” Till be anxious to see her In tive Powders cored H. O. Kllburn or Erysipelas,
The word begotten mem* to generate or produce, BmlxOrriLD, M as..—The Fra terna l Society o f BplrltuaU H l
The opposers of the Spiritual Philosophy not prose. bold meeting* every Bunday a t Fallon'* H alL f r o g i ^ a l v* from which he had been udable to work for sev
hence the Son of God was begotten through con Lyceum m e e t, a t 3 r . I . Conductor, H . ft. W illia m .; G uar
ception and consociation of two beings, father and only assail the proofs «f spirit intercourse with "My Affinity and Other Btories,” are; all well eral years. He took up th e half box, w ent to
dian, Mrs. M ary A . L ym an. L ecture* s t 7 r. m .
m other, God and God ess. mortals, but also a ssa il11the character of the m e told, and replete with strong points. We shall work, and says he la now cored. Again, a young
B icnax s n o , C ar.—Meetings sr* held I s T u rn V ereln B a il,
3rd. T hat rexoal Intercourse was a fact, under- diums” thro* whom the proofs are given. If hereafter give a review of the work, and in the o s K. stre et, evsryflnnday o l 11 e. m. and I p a , Children's girl, twelve year* old, who had become blind
stood and participated in by God Himself, and these learned objectors understood the spiritual mean time adviie all our friends to *end for It. P ro g n o sis* Lyceum meet* a t 3 p . m . H en ry Bow m an, from pain In her head, baa used tip one to d one
th a t there could be no generation of a semi m ort theory, they would know that in many cases, C onductor; M U. G. A. B rew*tor, G uardlaa
al Immortal being w ithout the female ; hence, the where the best tests are given, the mediums are For sale at this office. Price, »l,50, postage 2f h a lf box of Positive P ow ders; she Is now aroand
overshadowing of Mary, and her conception perfectly unconscious. Some or the careful’ In cts. a t work, can read, write and sew. I m ight give-
through and of God, and the Idea of an angel e x vestigators, have gone so far aa to stick pins Into Lector** s t 11 A. M., a n d 8 P , M . fip e a h e n e ngiged, J* more such esse s; b at after seeing such evidence IT
istence In the Spirit World ante-dating the exist- M adison A llen, for t l s m onths. Rum M ay l . L
people can’t believe, they will not believe ” though
rnce of man, of the male gender only, Is (Imply ab- and otherwise torture .the Innocent and uncon X sN O W IS T U E T 1H B C hildren* Progressive Lyceum m**t* a t th * asm * place a t
surd. Angels, whether of onr race, or ante-dating scious mediums, so eager were they to disprove To renew (subscriptions. Now Is the time for 2)4 P . M. K, O . G renville,C onductor. one should rise from the dead.” I should have
onr race^are the result* or male and reroute conse Ibe fact that spirits can and do communicate. l*do,p.—Meeting* nr* held aud reffklsr speak! e g in Old stated abOTe th a t tha girl was pronounced incur
cution. After these strange doings had been voted liaise who non't w ant to take this paper longer, to _ _ ule B a ll, Sum m it stre et, a t 1)4 P. M. A ll a re Invited
pay up arrearages, It toy arc due, and order It dis free. C hildren's Frogrearive Lyceum in th * ta r n * p la n every able by onr skilled doetore of tb it place.
4*.b. T h at belngi, neither God or man, but the a “ humbug ’’ by the audience, at Dover, one of B a n d s; a t 10 a . x , A. A. W ta**l«ek#flsU xotor; M rs. A . A.
sons of God.undcrstood the law of generation, and the preachers approached the lady and said r continued. Yonrs, dtc.,
Wh relock, G uardian,
the generative principles from a Bible standpoint, "Madam, I do not pronounce you a humbug. 1 Now is the timeVor all who h a re never taken T s o i, N. T .—PTtigrrerive B plritusU it* bold meeting* In W. D. KELLY.
is true, or the Bible Is a fable. In Gen., G:h : l it, believe you are honest. I believe you arc u n H arm ony Mali, corner of Third and River s tre e t ,v! 10)4 a .m .
2nd, 3rd and 4th venwa, we find : this paper, to get'H three m onths, on trial, for fifty a nd " U p . m. C hildren’s Lyceum a t 2)4 p. m , M onroe J ,
"And It etime to pars, when men bcg.in to mul conscious when in the trance condition, and not cents. Now Is the commencement of the good E f 1th iC o n d u cto r; M m . Loutoa K eith G uardian,
tiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were responsible for what is d one.” This admission
is inconsistent with the idea of " humbug," on time coming for all who take the R x l ig io -Pu io - T uoxroox, O.—T he B pIritnaUsU o f th is p lace hold reg u la r
born unto them, s a r n ic a u J o u r n a l .
n estings a t ThO m pw r -------- - ------------------ *
the part or the Judy, and shifts it on to oilier
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men. j , Stuckw ril, M. 11ai
th a t they were fair, and they took them wives of shoulder?, both able and wilting to bear it Now It the time we tlu n k old subscribers for re ta ry and T rea su re r.
all which they chose. The writer of this assumes the responsibility,, sending ui one hundred and ninety-three new sub T o m s , K t i M i . - 1T he Spiritual Irt* o f T opeka,
And th e Lord said, my spirit shall not always and courts a thorough exposition o f thseo called scribers during Ilia p u t week I
m eet ror Slide! Bervlce* and In sp iratio n al, sneaking every M BS. SPE N C E 'S
strive with man for th at he also Is flesh , yet liU " ' -------------------- ----------N o. 188 K ao sa i
“ humbug ” o f spiritualism, whether it relates to Speaker.
davs shill be an hundred and twenty years. this particular case of mediumsblp, or the ac F . L. C u m , PreriL P O S IT IV E A N E G A T IV E
There were giants In the earth In those daw , and E* M . G R E A V E S*
also after that, when th o so n so f God came In unto credited " man i festal ions ” generally. Tne VIXD.SX0, N . J .—Friend* o f Progresa m c a tin fi a re h eld ta
th e daughters of men, and they 1;ire children to writer o f this article may ba deluded and may The above named els’.er, o f Sparta, W ll., la said P lum s tr e e t lla ll, every Sunday, a t 10U a ,jn ., and evening. P O W O E R 8 . :
P re rid eu l, C. B. C am pbell; V lce-PreridenU, M rs. Sa rah Ooon-
them . The same became m ighty men, which were be hum bugged; but It Is that species o f humbug to be a good test medium, i t seems th a t we have' le y a u d Mr*. O. F . S te r e o .; Corresponding Secretary a nd! Th* M a d e c o n tro l o f th* P o a l U v s a n d R e f t U v e
o f old men of renown.” gcry and delusion which has Its votaries among made some mistake ln*notldng her before. If T reasurer, B .O T B yltester; Recording Secretary, H . H . Ladd.
C hildren's P ro g reiilf* Lyccnm a t 12% p. m. H caea Alton, P o w d e r s o r e r dl**oa* o f a ll kinds, U woudwrfal beyond
This remarkable passage settles the question. the wisest and the best, In all ages of the world a some correspondents would be careful In writing,
These sons ol God were not the sons of men. These O oudnclor; Mr*. P o rta G ags, G u a rd ia n ; Mr*. J u lia Brixfaam n il precedent, T hey do BO violence to th e sy ito tn , c an riag ,
hist iry, and from the days of Jesus the Christ to make themlelves nnderatood, and tell w hat they a n d M rs.T an n e r. A m istant Guardian*
daughters of men wore not the daughters of God. no purging, no n .r e e a tto g , n o vom iting, no n ereotixing.
down to the present time. T he numbers o f the .. i ■tdrfl______
These son* of God were not the brothers of these have to say wl bunt circumlocution, they would M«n, W ocuin and C hildren fled them * sile n t b x t * t o r e
daughters of men, or of their fathers, but a distinct deluded are increasing with every revolution of Trane. Bpeaklng aud Spirit Test taaaifMUUcna, *Ta7-4lan-
earth, and the proof of immortality, heretofore have teas cause to complain of os. We mean to day at 8 p. m., and Thursday *v*elagat 7Wo'clock, U Grana
rgee, superior to tbqthen race or men and women, da Hall (upper room) No. 113 Myrtle arena*, Brooklyn; Atoo Tta* P o s itiv e * cere NtarelgU, Haadaota*. Rbretsa,
and th a t the offspring or fruit of this crossing of wHheld from mortals, is now becoming perfect deal jnstly with every body.
the eons of G>d with the daughters of men, lm. ly overwhelming. The lucreaae in our num Usa, Palo* of all klads; Dlarxhaa, Dysentory, Tonritiag,
proved the race, producing giants, mentally and bers to-day is due to the advancement in human Dyvpiprii, Ftotuleac*, Worms; all Fewri* Wukutre** and
physically. Read the fourth verse. E x t r a c t fr o m a L e tt e r b y J o h n W . S le - T . m p a re n t. H all, F ra u k iln ■tre a t, opposite Poet O fica, Q r e n d*raa**«*ato; Ft*, Cramp*, Bt. Vitas* Deuce, Bpums ; sll
Intelligence—spirit working out through matter D o n a ld . p r in t- O ontribntion 10 eeata.
T hat this system of miscegenation had been In its ultimate and "maulfeat destiny." Ere long hlfli freds* of Ftvsr, ffmril Pox,M*ari*o, SoarUUaa, Wry-
existence for a long tim e la patent from the fact by * 1 would say • whole volume or lov e for V o u x n i Mas*—Meatings are tarid la HorticxHxnl HaU ■LF*1m ; *J1 InflemmeUoDt, ant* or chronic, of th* Kidneys,
the language used to the last line of the fourth science wilt be ready to accept as a t r u t h that •very Bum ■ Av.nlag, at S and,-? o’clock,
which it can no longer deny, and harmonize a yon, yoor Inestimable paper, ana l be great cause * B * — n __ _ ____________________
Lyceum metis at U o’clock every Liver, ban*s,Woreb^Udd«r,or any other ortaa of tta* M y ,
verse, "W hich were of old men of renown.” For which yon advocate with so much ability— were •n a d a y a t.th e m s * pl*re. B. B. F uller, Oorrewpceding" I t o i Getarrh,Consumption,Bronchitis, Coughs,Gulls; JhexfUa
we m nsl not forget th a t the world was only 874 system of religion baaed upon God giving r e a
s o n and the glorious proofs htrt, of man’s im
It necessary to cheer e r aid yon In the “ angel reta rj ’. p d Conductor o f the Lyceum ; M ra M. A. S tearns, Bsrroasssre, BlMpIsssaess, Ac.
a rs old, or 50 years before the death of Adam.
B ence these men of renown, of olden times, ante
dated Adam.
mortality in the great b b u s after.
Bhakspear beautifully says, In posthumous
work.” Bot evidently,. It I* not necessary. Ton
are aided aud sustained by o nr angel brothers and
slaters, and they are amply strong to Insure a con
w u i m r o s , D. O.—T b* F irst S o rt* ty o f Progreoriv* Splr-
lln a tU ts m eets every Bnodsy, In t h r ir (New )
Tta* N e g e t l v e a eu w Paralyris, ot Fafty, wtaadbor ofttas
m reclss or Of Ik* **ns*s, as lx Blladatre, Daaftatre, l a w s i
6 U>. In Second Cor. Gib : 18th, the apostle makea verse, that; tinued Increase of good qualities In the future, as H a ll,o n ports* M etropol lU n Dot*), P e n n sy lv a n ia evsw na,be toots, S»*U,f»rilBt or a c t i o s ; a ll Low Freer*, saota as tta*
God say, "And will be a F ather onto yon, and " Dsatta Is but sooth** name foe chant* they have In the past, as it is re qulred. tw een itta a n d Ttb *tre*to. Bpw kw o sn g a g » d : O ctober, M ra Typhoid sad tta* Typ hu s; s x t n
ye shall be my sons and daughters, salth the Lord Bpatltgxm N o v , Brel* M . J .b a s o n ; D *o^ N . 9 n * k ffh ltm
Th* weary ahnffl* off tUslr mortal coil, I am entirely Incompetent to tell - you how our J a m , B. V. W ilson; F«b., E m m * H arding* (expected); H e r ,
God Almighty.” Hero la a clear recognition of And think to clumber In atonal nlahi. glorious philosophy progresses In tbI* state, b u t a o t i i i c d j A pril, M o***Hull; M ay, A io im u W .Bind*. L i e Both tta* P o s itiv e a n d N e g a tiv e are read*8 ts
the sexes In the family of God, and on the author Bat, to t th* fe u , though dead, fa living still; the little public dem onstration made hers last I n i'* a t 11 *. Hi end 1% r .x C h ild ren ’s P ro g rw rtv * L y e* u m ,
ity ol Panl. Daelottasd, I* clot bod a jw a, and hi* M orta lity Chill* and fever.
May by our dear sister, Fanny Allyn, was well Oeo. B. D avis, conductor, a t 12)4 y, x . every S u n d a y . J o h n
Jesus says, Lake, 20th : 34th and S5tb. "The received and pecuniarily sustained, and I think May b* w, P retld * n L. Pbjriclane are drilstatod wltta them. A t* n ti aad C n f »
children of this world marry and are given In m ar In’concluding these remarks, w h ich ’ have al th a t the field is good for medlnms, and th a t they- T a t h C t r l, I I I .—T h* F irst Society o f S piritu alists and *Ut* Bad ready sale for Um s s . Priatod term* to A g o *
riage. But they which shall be accounted worthy ready extended beyond w hat w e Intended, we wIII be as hospitably received and treated as in F rie nds Of Progreso m eat every g n u day fo r conference, a t Druggist* red Physicians, rent free.
to obtain th a t world and the resurrection from have only to say, th a t: I f the return o f a disem L ong’s H all, a t 2% p. m .
any part of the great West. Fullre L litoV f DIaeases and Directions accompany sack
the dead, neither marry nor are given In m ar bodied spirit, alter n in e ‘years residence In "that 1 mall your paper when I have read l t r to people
riage." G eneva, K*w Y ork,—Tb* F irs t Boclsty o f S p iritu alist* o f Box and also seat fro* to any ad dree*. Bend * brl*f descrip
bourn from whence no traveler returns " (who all over this state.” tion o f yo«r d lH u e , U you prefer Special W ritten Dirt*-
Does this atatem ent Imply th a t the sexes cease f Geneva N , Ys bold in to tinge every W«ln&»d*y evening 7J4
nr th a t sexual rotation ceases! By no means. identifies him self so minutely and circumstanti o’clock a t th* residence o f R. U. Beach, Sunday 3 o’clock r .
W hat then f T h at the laws or Moses ceasa, th a t
the marriage contract la a t an end, and th at the
parties are tree from all earthly obligations, and
ally), is calculated to interfere with Borne o f the
w ell settled religious theories in regard to the
future existence, so much the worse for theories
E n co u r a g e m e n t.
Dr. Atkinson, writing from Kingsville, Missou
ri, s a y s :
? n . , a t th * reel deuce o f D r. N ew ell. \
Georgetown,G oto redo. Th* B pLdtsallst* m eet th e re th ree
•v isin g * each week a t th e residence o f H . ToO. Mrs. T oft,
c lairv o y a n t sp e ak in g m edium .
IL, I * u * i s r * i;S
v « ”*,*:S
th a t the woman who had been wile to a family of which rest upon no firmer foundation, for they
seven brothers, h id h id enough of the law of Mo " 1 h a ll t h e a r r i v a l o f t h e J o u r n a l w i t h J o y . E v H s x tr o io , Oosx.—S piritu al meeting* are tarid *Wry S tn - P rte e e } U» “ - - 9 .0 0
must eventually fall to the ground when sub e r y n n m ta o r u n f o ld s a n d p r e s e n t s n e w t r o t h s t h a t day *v«Dlog, f o r ooufereoo* o r la otnre, a t T jj o’clock. Chil
ses, and after the resurrection wonld be at liberty jected toH h e scrutinizing test o f human reason, dren's Progressive Lycsom m**t* a t l l . k . J . B. Dow, 0oa> Bead money a t our risk. Bums of 14 or more, If rent by
to choose for herself from among the angelic host, I c o n s id e r I n v a lu a b le t o e v e r y t o o a n d d a u g h t e r o r
and confronted' by stubborn facts, at they are doc to r. * m all,sh ould be In th* form or Money Ordres,or Drafts, or
th at immortal m itehood, not severed by death.for t h e e g r t h life . I begso a b o u t n in e m o n t h s a g o to
re a d jth e J o u r n a l th r o u g h c u rio s ity , a n d n o w I H o n .ro * , Ma. — Meeting* nr* tarid In L iberty H all, rise In Registered Letter. \
Jeans says In the 8 6 th verse: by thfe strange and /truthful'" manifestations” in
re a d f t lo r th e g ra n d a u d I m p e r is h a b le t r u t h s f t (ow ned by a * Bf irltr e lis t f lo d r ty j Sunday sfU rnoon* and O F FIC E ,ST ^fiv, MUX’s Pucx,Ms* toM .
“ Neither can they die euy more, for they are question. •ren ln g o . y >•
cqnal onto the angels.and are the children of God, I am glad to know that many of our ministers p r e s e n ts , a s I t h i n k . "
IL sxxorroX , If, X —Meeting* tarid every Bunday a t 10)4 A d d ress, P R O P . P A T T O N B P K N O N , B . D ,,
being the children of the resurrection.” o f the Gospel are becom ing aroused and preach a t S piritualist H all, 8d stre et. J . B, H o lt, P re sid e n t; M rs. B o x B81T, N e w Y o r k C lt r .
In the 87th verse, be settles the question of the ing against spiritualism. T hat la right; when 0 , A , K . Poor*. Secretary. L r » « m n w t a i l l p .m . J . O. If your Druggitt hasn't th* P o w d e r s , *red yore m o*
resurrection, -Sand makes It a fact preceding bis t a r Aim to do some permanent good, that B a r e o a , O oadnclor; Mia* L lssl* R e n d .ii G uardian ef
extcoUoD * ever they do bo ,let everybody go an J hear them. your existence m aybe crowned with usefulness. Group*. Lyceum c um ber* 100 member*. • y *t o d m t o P R O P . ■ P K N C B ,u sta o v * d lr * o c * 4 . F a
•W ow th a t the dead are raised even Moses My mottiTli t ** Let their be light, *’ and let B a t a x a , D U L yceum m re ts r r e r y S unday even In* a t tw o sa !* a lse a itta s(M S o * o ftta * B a u eio .p x n r o t* su u ""-W re
•hewed a t the hash, w h e n he calleth th e Lord,— those w ho are paid for so d oing dispense It frao- W~ Patent medidnes derive their name from o 'c lo c k ,* t H aly g ro fT f H alL UT asd 1M Boatta Clark i h M i
the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and jjto .T n » ,E s o r x .s . P a ^:r<—to
rc- lie openly. H . H . P h llb r* c k , C o n d u c to r; Mis* B . B o g a rt,G u a rd ia n . Y o n K o l)
13,00 PER YEAR IS ADVANCE] Sruth w t m u a**k, kon* at no human shrine, nek* nrithn pint* ant npplnnpe; [SINGLY COPIES PI«UTCENTS.
j of tbo hc^rr, and little dreamed that it was pa-sed to nnkonored graves, lull ot psyc dogicil j quiver*-with a single chord of music, i f w e re* bo* given iiiifividu-t) 'sovereignly to i very per
| significant o f one o f tne mnnt astonishing feat pt»wt-r, whilst other* who have coinrntfid the ! cognize this ns the action o f sound ; if we r»*r- soil Hu,! i .n fifcd; it h*« mnd« l ,c human race
S h e R o s tr u m .
ures of the Jiumnn w uL There are three m< dts witfM anil led it thus on, have written them j o*ive that thin little blossom Hint wt* throw, fiom ST.-IIC a id 1.1 ,ed ti gel In? Hit a t. s h e a tie
; by whfbh the p ow er is exhibited of rqiial im- j selves immortal by the strength nt this powi r our hand at tlds in<*m«-iu, mak'-is a w-ive in the which <-|t, nevi t tie bd hell
IC u p jrlg iii Secored j I portance. O nepriKveds f(nm magnetism, and which has enabled th em 'to compel nlH-diemu i nir, that must change the condition ot the atuibs- »h j i v i a i di.li. ” T, .;T7T|.
and resptet. p'»ere in tbi* ciixm'MT, and from thr* »t must
L E O T U tlH B Y MHZ. HMM.X [ f .\U D f X G K
ih very simple and well known. Magnetism pro
jected by an rqierntor upon bis subject,mi urn l A I.i-t me apply this in detail to nttr daily lives, | circling onward and upward, until at l.i.t it nu- «l*
| pimres upon the distant stars.
h i, «}B,, »ud l i
nim. intoxicates tbe brain, and temporarily tii*. ( ’an it Ik .*possible that we nil go forth from >>ur th e u » ,tf i. it* {,
D e liv e r e d llr fu r e Ih e I'I rat A ** u « l« U o n o f j places Ihe action nf the-wtil iu Ilie subject, and several ceutrea o f life to psycologizeeach o th erv We know that a single beam ol Hirtit in tin* -r» .1 II. lilt.tr tl l|.tb« _______
N p lr ltu a lla la o f I’ l i t U d r l p l i l a , a t t h r lr I substitutes the wilt of the operator. I need not It ia u truth, and evqry fact'that we ate perpetu I long process o f ages, trawls, for lidUi -ns and Ihf il*rXlira>. W«* h»»r Ol, tkviw«|i<l lit Itr »t*r«
H a l l , 1 l,W o o d R lrr e ) , u n T iiM i n y E v e - pause iurtbtr upon ilie risolt obtained. This ally uttering, either means that wv are treading millions of years, utmost beyond our inallmiuti-
Hint d.rkbrw , -«!1 i t , i , r„^,r « t I tr j-tw
u l u s , O ct. 1 7 , KS69. j¥*wer produces it ns well at it distance as near in other men’s steps, that other nun have Ik cal powers ol calculation id know tlie period of
« . h> »hlth U t , it|>i.lO)d ihn,. ,jiun'« .IhCuVti|*».
In v o c a t io n . at hand. This is the second form o f 3**»yc**Jogy. rent res of power in us, or that we are by our time till it reaches our earth.
uUlil.rUu (mu..... h**r ttnwi. , m ',i o.r„ lnMji
I shall give you an example tut presented by one , determined will proving that there* htapsyiM - So of these pisses ot life which arc throbbing
OhlTlton, who sUtmticrelli nnt, n«tr n>*te»h, out from every one o f ns—they arc ever going amt almfte h^lni,1nK .. J.„ i,„l me »(,. h J
who hud been a successlul opt-rotor upon a cer i iogicftt power in ourselves, thus proving the two
wc* thank Thee that Thou givett Thy beloved tain subject, lie desired to rereive a purl loular | o m ilt powers ot magneti»m and psyepjogy. T lot lb lull ot our inagncUun, writing Hit1impress iu fm ibr kIoiuik rins KjaiX. i.f iuiud, »)it„ Iituvrjrn
sleep. Wc thank Thee Hint when the wearied hook from this subject, who was many hundred | will now atkiupt lo show how the former aids. of our characters upon this world ; nor js.it i on- '■ue-MHipto )iulnl.(.r hhoiaii i-I<h, m Iw u|,nu ,r,,, »i,
frame sinks into slumber, and the burden* of
miles away. He concentrated his nu-ntal re Let us question briefly whence it proceeds in fined there, but tn we gnz; down through tin* to, ahm t-*W you the lirtl hiirntiis •l.-nr t y aliiih ttir
the duy are past, Thnu dost gI rife Thy beloved rridornnt eternity, we find impressions from inummaiiiiai«i»ur pf ui»nii«ii.n> t< ih« award*;*
quest—the hook was sent, the operator being j 'his him.an irante tit*our*. We observe that nil
sleep. We* thank Thee that thou dost wait for our Jives. If tins lie so, I a-lt^yoii to rtCull the *“'1 •ahtlm* tmth*. wUu l
conscious o f Ihe set of projecting his will upon the various Iunctions which tnuke up the organ
ever, nor stay Thy guardian care, nor close the subject. T he sub j u t wabuucnnseiuus o f the j tun, are milt wholly inoperative-until they are influence which each oue ot you exorcises, not ihwili»iwin»n»«|uwrrii n].-iKh.«k«t i>»,. i, un ib«
Thine omniscient eye, nor stay the chariot lorn- exercised, but felt »u irr^wbtable detire to, I put into exercise by the turvoua apparatus, the alone U|M»n yourselves, but upon the air w e S *»“*“»» t»r»lu -th<»« an* lai ih. f....iprj f u t | ih» miRhiy
wheels of creation, to wait for us who taint by Inrev* oi wliich proceed unseen tiom the great brrhtlie, Hie world we dwell iu.uiid whether you : within ,»■. vt> ki.. » n.,i ihr.V i i
settd that book, and did so.
the way side. The dowers drnoo their hinds to I could match this by many other instances. I ganglionic centre, the human brum, and pasripg omy not ta* producing a similar influence upmi ‘ ><«- »»,.n i.„ i„,.rr Kmnkii; xi.o « ij. w«
sleep, and then Thou dost provide lor them the the world around th is ; do you not know that you ; *r* hU ai d ti.ai<a*iimi, «u i- , , . uUr
I will relate another. A royal personate o f Eu ; through the spinal column, ate distributed
wholesome dew, and when the day cometli,Thou rope, also a clofe observer of these occult pow j through all the various nerves which ramify are iiiagnelisiiig the ntuiosphere and afl who i n»do«.ner ,.,rr mind*. l *i u. i«i<-iuii; iun .n tUiv tt.«
•lflBl'manufacture the shining beams which gi vu ers of the mind, and a successful operator there like Hie branches o f a tree,—through these the couie within it are influenced tiy y«m? II tliiT, . r«nl»««f tlirir orcuit hor** th*i* m aMihii § iu ihr out
them life, and call tbeir fragrance forth to live in, determined to experiment upon one whom nerve aura power moves and control* tbe whole lie ho , I ask you to bear in mind that every tic* • •o<t h*t, nrith*r cm ih*r« hr •■,) ihii * u,.
another little hour. T he wild beast seeks his he bad not magnetised, tie wilted lut-ntally aysferu. T wo set* ot nerves, one tor set oat inn lion, good or evil, is but the «tllorescei.ee o! a Kmrjr thought, *»*rj- arthu i«-it lu trmid. a n u u t i . i
lair. Bnd the bird on wing, beneath T hine all- that a fellow studeut, who |k« believed, might and the other for tbe power o f motion—sever thought, and that that tlmught is making its * r t Uml Im r* 1.b , d ilit.l s k r t i I b rl* « ,» |p w w p
protecting arm doth sleep. All things need sleep prove a good magnetic subject, should write a either of these and you find the power gone from mark forever upm your fellow men—rn't-ltus ijj , ■k ,. u Iz 1i f b > a r|.lrr« k * f l a t » i* r < |,cn
but Thee. poem on a certain theme. Without delay, al the part whlcli that nerve supplies. Through than noting upon you’t.v.-lvia. ll is tbe o m i H of llier* •»■*•■ It- •;ir i| a tl.lr c —a ll I t r . r I , . , . Ro te
The fun Is down, and the deep pall of dark though the subject was unconscious o f the act this nervous apparatus the invisible forces o f the those circuit powers o f your minds, and iu this la tu tb a clriD a t • lir th o c a a o f ( rr a llu n a t j mad* th U r
ness clothes the earth. The pale stars pierce it ion ot tbe-operator, the pram came. human mind, which we sometime* vaguely call result we find some of the uses of .Spiritu dism. m a rk , a t >1 Cu«t<d our (I,i|> ol Ufa tow ard th a t IraullT ul
not. neither do the moon beams break it, as the The third form ps exhibited around you In i-ltcirtcijjr, sometimes od force, someliuied nerve Here we find the growth that must be promoted »bor* b * jo » d tb r M in a b r r . a a t b a l l r u a tt lb . lo T rdoof*.
pattering rain fa)la,around us. But T bice om tbe world—the moving world, where every hu aura, otleulimcs act. There may be degrees, we when we realize our individual responsibility. aud In a V a u p c r U f j-jr, r u l r r u pou th a t lir*.
niscient eye, Thy fountains bright with ever man being exercises a psycological power upon believe there are, and the whole combined are Isith to mtrselvt s autl to every living creature All thia I* |>ro*. d aud J t D>oo*tial*t| lu a ta o liit. e, r l a l n 'j
shining light, pour down IhronRti every spirit with whom wc are a«aoci«ted. There w one* otii
some other human being. Illustrations of this lib-, aud this life principle is invisible as eledrici- tb ro u Kh tb a JK ja rr. W p * jc l,o tu .|rjr. W htb l itCW th a t
ual eye thus awakened, in this and ether worlds method are too tam iliapio need recapitulation, . ty, and alltbe imponderable forces are invisible er lorrn of occult peiwer to which I akaU call cw«UctUm, tr-lR l.ln l w ill. Io ta a u J *;ir|> a lby, itia ll
we know not of. Wc thank Thee that the night but I now ask you to consider the uses and ap aod become more powerlul as they are refined.— your attention— it is clairvoyance. We observe afeed .c ro * . lit . w a r n . I Iba A lla o ll, t« . k>u*|; ruuther
of superstition now wanes fast. We thank plications of these forms of mysterious power. so this invisible lite force bus tbe moat strength, that there ia latent in every human being a a t burn* in tb a • lilla ta , of bar d aartad c b am ber, n aball
Thee that as children, we have slept in ancient is the most potential of all tbe lorces. It is per prophecy o f this interior vision. The outward a u lrr Ilka a tr a m , r
times, In strange, forgetful ness of what we are T he psycologisf, who nj reran* thrnngh*the for aud lunc litb s U n T b ra iq and
eye ha* taken cogaizttufce o f Ihe form* ofob W ta w a h iu f a awaat chord i t Uiutld, a nd w ilt, it, *c«J|n( a
ces of magnetism, either upon a present or dis petually being created, and perpetually being
and what we must be. W e thank Thee, also, tant subject, wields one of the mightiest powers giveu t tl' in the action n f life—it passes out of but we perceive w hen we gather up the thoughts tlii>n*bt, a ’T»«b u u .f . k ru lu c a u f r of lo t* , a faint abock
that the awaking time has come in the dawning tor good that ever w h s eiiirustCii to mankind. every form, it exists iu inanimate os well as the that are surging through the biaiu, that images
light, th egrev mist, though It be ol llte’s fresh He c«n pass into a lunatic sayhitn, mid restore animate objects. AH tiling* are sustained by ll, are continually floating before It, forming the ■bad a ta ri la th a t dim a ;* , a ball arakan np a na nttlm a J o ;,
- morn, iu the Spiritual day when souls are awak
many of those unbalanced minds who are on and when u has ebbed a Way, and flouted out un mysierbiua resources of the mlrnl—oimetimes and awtbla Paaara na*> Im r.aba ahull fM| a lu a « ,b . caa aa»t
ening to discover their high des'iny. W e thank the verge of mild insanity. Thousands have til the lust current is spent—that is death. Up dim n.collections of past scenes, fcooieUmea apeak iu " u n it. Such «r* tuuM u i tba raaillta, tuUi* of (fa.
Thee, oh I our Father for the great and mighty been supposed to be insane, when there was no to tLia point thl* ebbing life i* continually going strange premoniUonsot the untried future. Such p u ^ tr* **«i> uuw dlacuvarat l« In th,< , n - c t ul ih u .o o c cu lt
light called Spiritualism, in which wc feel a new actual disease, and where the tmwor of a judl- out trout every organism. That which flows out expurtencea as thefee are cominon to a lt; but . fore** Ul tba lautnitn noiif. lim a a W l wu c u lU ta lv ib e tn t
song bursting forth lu the darkness We thunk
cious operator, was entirely sufficient h r the from uh is charged with our characters—it car w'beu we see them exhibited iu the strong form Tbi-r* ar« iriaiif lllrlbuda - ju n t aurti auuth>ta at tbonu |. j
Thee that Thou dost give to Thy beloved sleep.
restoration ot that balance. In those eases of ries the psycological influence ot the individual, of clairvoyance or spiritual sight, we marvel and whUli vau Imva <u|du««d lliu linbtuiujta. s(.,| n d u c a d lo
W e th v ik Thee, also, for our awaking in this
^obsessioD, when a weak, frail organism, uncon it is tub ot the sha ow of every thought, it is deem it an exceptional attribute ot a tew human ut<*dlr ut ■uljaciloii I h a v l n f i uud Ilia « a t an to c o tu & rrc t
misty hour b e t w e e n the nigh* anti day o f a new belogs alone, it is not so— it is simply an evi - alratai to « u id a I b t Iron a ltlf . -jual «u<*> a ^ lh u d a a i wo
eru. W e only pray that Thou wilt give us sciously to itself, becomes subject to influences writing every idea, it is t living witness o f the deuce that one person has exiermdized a power capture, tba IUOIm m h * arm courfal tl.aui t , ,m |nt
wbicli we may call demoniac—here the payco mo u ) within. When we attempt to magnetize
strength to bear the com ing light—wisdom to which belong* to alt men. Consider Hie nature plrluran f,.r ua, and ac-ry atila«Klbla iiiSuant* U mt la Ibun
d . n * ___ a and
understand, ___i __ . .. j..isii
power . t. 1.1.
to fulfil the. L high
_________ __...
purpos logical power isol the highest importance. The by manipulation, we charge the object or sub
firm resolution which can be projected from the ject with our psycology,-—thus if is that foul mis of human «ighL We gaze upon such obj- cis as c n ltlv a lrd . W num-J nut ta ll year ill., m anui by w hich wn
es o f life. are presented toour physical vision. We require reduce thane ria l I-an e lure m U to order, and buw <ra have
mind of another, can diaposcss the organism of lakes and impressions are made, nfteu through
We dedicate this hour of council to Tby holy ignorance ol the influence o f magnetism. time and apace and no objjcts between that y a l» « l a aam arelpaty c **r t l i e e . n l , by p j t l . 1,1 labor,
name. W e invoke Thy sacred pretence in our the obsessing spirit and restore it to proper bal which is seen and ourselves. T he clairvoyant don* practice lira! uf a ll, th e n . rn-o*Dli.tf>|r th a t tb r furcea
ance. Many do not realize Hie laws id adaptation jn
inidvt, and ask for spiritual light to guide us in takes no note of lime or space, perceives with
• The candid observer now knows, that many temperaments, and may inflict a grievous wrong,
d ‘d exlat, th e re ar« m an) a rry wia* aailnda, m any j , i ,M |0
our great moral darkness. out any dilticuity from the intervening obstacle*, ta a c b e r a - m a n y W ho'are rrp r n r n 'w d a - I I,. c e n ir r b l all
cases reported as lunacy- or unhalaoecd mind, tbe one upon the other, ty projecting impure
LE C T IR K . psycological th o u g h t s ,.d e n e , upon their sub may *>e at the distance o f thousands i f miles,— th a wladniD which tb - w orld baa a rtp b t In a tk fur, wl.o ,U-
arc conditions o f obession, and are subjects that
Our subject this night will lie a h r e f consider pajCological power can relieve. jeets, with their magnetism, however healthful it sometimes even futflre event*. not kDdW th a t tb e ar tbfnga ■! . axial.
i ’sycology, psycomctry and clairvoyance, then,
ation of The Occult Forces o f the Human Splr* In the prison, the jail, the penctentiary, the may tie. T ba cvidriacra s r a op»D t« all if lb«-> a re ni l a fra id In
present lo us a grand picture ot what our spirits aaeb. T hey a,rial S'> to th e demon*! rn‘io n . of paychum clry
n. W e spoke this morning, o f the Soul o f the reform school, in every condition o f crime when hi the second Category of involuntary m agnet
btull be,—something In th e te d e o f creation larg
U n iverse; to-night we speak of this niicroeosmic Hie criminal is not strong enough to stand alone, ism, we are continually influencing each other. b u d c ta tr f o y u in *, and they w ill Ht„| *po«.-ra t-tar w ill open
er than we liuve dreamed of. Then shall we up before yini f*r urauder r c a u lu Iban tbla b rief fra^m anly
Universe o f 3Inn. Amongst the many revela when the moral vision is sooblique that it does Wc carry with us u power which is writing all
behold with uuveiltd eyes, ail the mysteries ot a ry diectnirae
tions of import that Spiritualism has brought, not pcrciuve the right, or la unable to carry it over the temple of the universe, that which is in creation displayed. Then shall we trace the
frirm t,
none ore so suggestive o f now revtulments of out, it requires tbc strong force o f another will our minds. We know this because of the occult road of the suiuing a'arf, aud perceive Hie mag
T bo m e lh id a o f cultu re tb ru u ^h the»a a re aczaaelM e to
power and wisdom and possibilities, opening np to aid them. Thus the good psveologist becomes lorccsof tbe mind in psycomctry, or the power a ll of ua. Tbi-aa a ra lb*- mrll,u,la which wc h a te t i t ployed,
netic lincfc that everywhere intersect and bind ou r lira* train b a m denot'd tu H u r t tM u e a.a n d we r ijo lc o
to man, as the contemplation of the occult" for the saviour of the crim inal Them is scarcely a of reading character. We must leave the im up in ouu barmonious chain ten tbyustnd mil
tes, which no longer icpreeent us as exception position in which man, through weakness and press of our psycology wheresoever we go. Every th a t we b,i»e
lion w orlds! Then shall we realize the sontce p r ra t u iji ta t iia o f tlm «X*-.
riia k lid lu tr a m auiiiFtlUng c f lbe*e
al beings, incomprehensible and mysterious— lack of moral powet,cannot receive at the baud fUhsimice that we comedo contuct with, is writ ot being, trace out the fearful majesty of mind
when w . In«d bp'o rn Iheiu,
perhaps unbalanced—reason dethroned, intel ol* his fellow man the benilleent strengthening ten yver with the history of man. It is said by that bus overruled all world*and all forms of be
w hen w« pour n u t our lov« au-l our a ipirat.hm a fu.- ti,eau
lect, and all those forces that we call judgment, power ol healthful psycology. I do not refur to one ot the iu c h I turned teientists of Hie day, who ing, and trace out Hie infinite future in which the by faillifuln-«e Iu uut b '^ lu -tl a li i tmnl ib tu 'tlo u a , we a b all
made subserviunt to some si range and mikuown those experiments that the mountebank displays ha* studied the footprints of the Creator in the name majestic aud beautiful wisdom is exhibit be a b u n d an tly 'v w M d id .
power. Such was the verdict pronounced on for mere idle curiosity and ainuaemt ol. They mysterious volume ot the rocks, that everything ing ltselt in la w , order and design. .Does not Paycb'ituntry p rim e th a t wc a m w riting n r e r tb «
ihosc we now call Spirit M ediums; those; may be representations of a power that In the Uml ha* ever moved upon, the face of this earth this ex plain the oue mighty question o fw h a t we 'u n l E r a o ,» , d tb a ttb .'iw l*jar.l aa clinch need ur a a p It ltUMl
strange and mysterious beings, who were per hands of good men becotuca sublime. It Li the Ins left its impress behind it. Tneae ure indeli callover changing destinyY D i we not per unleerau, a* fur a Iihj-ab tl a m v r i w . T l„. .u r lli d raw i „*
mitted to meet their spirit friend* upon the action ot tbe infinite mind—the great Father bly written upon every rock, upon every irng- ceive that our spirits are above tbe material laws, duw nW nrd—tlru aunl-oaji and lb - tl^lrt and tli* nir and
boundaries of the two worlds. W e see in them that calls homo the prodigal son—that bids all 1incut ot ancient granite until we can disintegrate iu a* far uh they are higher, grander and have a (rriV fl) tin ,c u n r a l p l w i r u f uur . a r i l , . a re (lrn w |* K ¥
those index lingers, that point the way lor the thoic children who have this nuwet to ex* rcisc and read the history of earth's creation tbereiu. much bru.ider scope o f power than matter. Do I t.f 'u t ou r •(» ir« (tprplrail»ri‘a c oM inually draw ua upw ard,
human soultoaavance’ln the path of a new found it in the form in which li e bus entrusted it to I speak of no myth. 1 do not present you with we not peiceivu that matter is bound forever to and tbun w ea U h ll b .u e a lb tw o fiWCe*. yrailtaU iiR belwi-eu
progrisi—a progress into Spiritual science, ' them; and thus give the influence ol mind upon any exuiterated statement. We kuow no limi matter, but that spirit Is above it, and this *ujc - tw o wuild*. O ur aoula a r»*»i r Ailed w ith ilia w uiidrrlill nnd
The Spiritualist, enamored with tbeglorious mind ever on the side o f right. Theae are some tation ol this power. We have every evideuce gist* the contradistinction. Wi h my body I l lie p r in J - A t tlw e a w a /u e llb iit tbla la (jut a ll, th a t Ib il
revcalmcuts, which spirits from the World be o f the uses of psychology. They prevail, al»o, in our midst ot its posribi.ity. That whteh iu realize that I uni bound by an immutable desti w orld I ji.o t a ll. T h irn la m en-,—a ^ ra n d betu tp b a ia a, t
yond the grave have brought, are too apt to re whether magnetism be the-m ethod-or not, of the single grain o f aund we call attraction, Is the ny to earth. With in y spirit I feel the aspira a ll over w ith e pirllual U zbla, a niiiit-ra* f u l l e r aplrllu al
resolve all unknown and unconcieved phenom controlling the-.u subjects. In fact, when there same as those mysterious power? of the human tion* ol' a grand aud ihiutiUblc liberty, and by w orld*, a p « r k li a g « U h beauty m apped o u t l«-f.<ra lb * r je ,
ena c f past ages, the eolnlion ol which, from is strong psyodogical power existing, to control spirit, which we have scarcely* considered. It clairvoyance I compiohuud something of these o f tb a i p ir U , tlra l la p a r|n rtn a il) d a w la s na Upward Tbla
litnc to time, gleams out lrom their own na a human being, be sure that magnetism is the exhibits itself in those nameless antipathies by aspirations, these strange Impulses which we la I f e tlu u a lly ex p re ra lu x Uaeif iu <nir lu m -m / a lt,r * tb b
tures into the action o f a foreign intellectual currier o f mind or will power. When we speak which we are repelled from one, and attracted
cam yt defiue when our spirits arc enclosed in u n k n o w n ,lo 'lh a toea we fuel lor lb» land la-yr-ad «l„- u raep.
power. It is time that we learned to compare to yon of magnetism, we shall tell you that it is to another. It explains the sentiments ot dislike m atter! But when our powers are unfolded, and S e e e r c a u th e aoul d i- a e u l to lot k down upon l b '( e t n a .
hend something more rff the spirit within onr an attendant o f the physical system. Through or hatred, and Joy or love, with which we enter we realize more fully tuat knowledge is power, Jcrjnl tblona aud be aalitiU -d; ll ta |.rrpel*ially a»atlaic
self; for here, surely, is to be found the germ of the relations ot magnetism, these who have been or shrink away from the presence o f BiraDgeni. as we behold the mysteries o f creation display
strong psycologists, percieve conclusively that It explains those premonitions which press in on
all that ever can lib. Here we must look, to read away- TStO t t n lA a la tp a n a o aud b>utl<ip Jur a td fd liw it,];
cd, as we grow iu knowledge aud comprehend U ie eiu l* t l u r i ' C r puna l*>*(ole na. ll «xpraaahe it- r lf In
tbe page of Spiritual possibilities, just an real they are thus exercising these influence* upon our uiinds like reminiscences, vestiges o f past the forces of nature around us and wilhiu us, till* my*t,-ri'.uy r e n r n n te lor tb a G re at S p irit, whir.!, a u -r
now iu* ever. W e shall shoot, when onr Psy each other. A ll the great reformers o f the earth feelings. when we realize more truly what clairvoyance ccm pela u* y> woralilp tb a m knuw n 0<>d. I t expraanea
che bursts its shell, and lrom the bunds o f mor —the teachers, the master minds, that have pre prycoftetry proves to us that magnetism is a
is, that it is a power, we shall no longer ace os in_ tb a if iii t b t l r w l l d a a m lb d can n e fo r fUap-n llaelf d aw n
tality a risen butterfly goes forth, where beau- sented their ideas to the world—have compelled substance, still another step backward, and we a gloss darkly, hut face to face. <1 have not sni<r tu the tU iuj* o f e a ftb , bu* ia e re r lo-.kiuy fur aoraethlug
tilul and guttering proportions seem»t» bear no it to accept them,and to bow down and worship, find that magnetism is the anchor that hinds anything o f the action or control of embodied beyoud, ever gr*apinif af;yr t h j b i s t e r —e ru n In th r m '.d a t
connection with the shell from which she bus through their psycologicti power. This tug miud to rniod. H ow shall w e define the possi Bpirits—they are herein our midst, troops o f our o f All tb e a rutu*l sr**<®f»Uou< Ih *• c*o t o hraped npon >
escaped—but which, in reality, was lb ;germ in made our Luthers and Calvin*, our great Gen bilities which are bere disclosed to u st Where
own spirits, and they prove to us their exist
ating power in which all the Spiritual possibili erals and Statesmen—the master minds of all fibkll wc say that our influence is individualized! ua. T u tu la s ftoui Ibtm a t laat, w orn a nd w ea ry Icngini;
ence, and they should teach us not to overtook fur aoiuetblDS b « |0».'. a i n u s t t o n tb la , c u lile a t* tlrlr^
ties were horn. I ask you to pause with niu up ages. It in not our intellectual power a lo n e; it Obscure though we m ayb e by nature, yet
the fact that we are spirits w hile yet in the form, b n ltd H o p w ait aplrlhial a eptrM lunt, ip tr ttM l food. E ie n
on four of those grest elements o f snul-power, is a Spiritual power ol the strong over the weak. each has an Influence. I passed a little child In that in our spiritual natures are wrapped up all
which are able to exercise control without the It b the Spiritual power that goes forth ab-uc the street not long ago—it was soiled and rag the possibilities o f powers which we have neg
w hen wa d a ru U o u n u lre a lu tUu t i l i n g vf AAttli, lid a t
aid o f those ministering spirits, wliom wc be from man, and buDcath which, all power crea ged, a pitiful object. It stopped in the street to utf ihoi aa a meaua Lu pnCUcalHe uur (tally Urea a
grtcl another child still more distressed, with lected simply* because wc knew not bow to clas
licvo to bo ever present to assist, to guide and to ted must bend. sify them. Spiritualism la bringing us this tunch u p om tb le. Tim* aball wu be enabled to ropfll tiro
influence, but never to conduct nor to perform W c hiivu not lwgun lo measure tile fields of tears coursing, down U v pule, neglected face. kuowledgc; it hae proved to us beside the attri Idea that thin wurld la n r*lo uf tcara; Ibat Wa are le n t
any of life's duties assigned to mnn himself. newer u i»n which this mighty principle,may This little ube had lost its way, itnd as I saw the bute o f soul, the true communion o f spirits that -h ire for puuUhoietit aud autfvilng, w h ilil wo look Into
— The first o f these occult forces, I call Pay oolo be exercised; w e oDly perceive its fragmentary one child stop to console tbe other, aruktfoe little have gone before us, the atulUns -face o f n«r fath er Uod, »bd (ax« q itr tho
gy—although the word but Illy dcCncs tbo rtal exhibition here and there. Indeed, we gaze bands of one beggar was wrapping* tUe rags You may ask how w c may bc&t cultivate these I tautlful ptatfurm uf ous^uulbar aaitb, we reel lin t wu
action implied by the word Electro-biology, the with astonishment when wc perceive the entire around Hie shivering form of another, and try p ow ers! llo w wc c?n reduce them intosuch caa cry o u tto llu d tu bulp ua, and It la slu tk u a lo labor;
experiments o f iwhich nro familiar to m ost per pay cologic tl action of one uiiud upon a nation. ing to shelter it from the cold, and endeavoring older a& to make them utilitarian. I answer, by I t l i mighty to be atping and potfutut groat aarrlut* brru
sons. They are tbc result of the action of, or W hen we behold the millions bowing down be to comfort it with these rude expressions of sym
pointing to the rudimental steps o f every tchioce. for t h e n make our aaplratluna atilt atrosger to follow in
control o f one mind over another. The nr ml fore one man, when we see the mind of a single pathy, no eyo .but mine iuw that act, hut ray I ask it you should despise the mngnificentXre- th o fuotptlota of tbo Creator, nod taking np the march of
operated upon, becomes for a time, subservient individual ruling the masses, ruling those more spiritual eye was opened at the aamo moment,
sulie now brought us by the printing prcs», bs-, m ind catch th d r lilo w uf benren from height* aud deptne
to the operator, and absolutely relies on the over, who, in intellectual strength, may be hia —I saw the tfllorcsenco of those tender words, cause the time was when a poor man walking prefound. Tbo oildance that we bare rectired tbaae, w ill
force of his will-power rather than Its own. v l t compeers or above blm, nevertheless the psyco- that gentle spirit, that loving purpose, written by the river aide, and thinking upon a sick and ybe glran by onr ktndneaa, and lora lu our fellow create rea.
is a strange and fearful posiliou. We who ac logical nature o f one uian fascinates, enchains on thu air in Urn form ofldvely blossoms. I saw autlcring child ut home,procured a piece of bsrk ^Tbrn ib a ll wa taallxo th at w e aro all p$afU on tbo atiln g
knowledge individual responsibility, and expect and holds ii(iF«pell a nation. It is through this tbo fragrance o f that little, gentle act, make its and carved her name upon it. H e took it home o f creation, w hich Ood the rather boUa lit 1IU band, and
to be called to ugcjunt for .the action of the will influence that fushUma prevail, and thus it ia wny in pulsations o! air throughout the world, and gave it to the eufluiing one; ahe laid it un-* m t one o f Uttae peerla can t o lort,or the chain bickan
wilhiu a s ; wc who place our trust in tbe infi that everygiution moves forward in a mass, one aud plant Itself in the garden o f human destiny der her pillow aud they were surprised the next w ithout damage and wrung to tba w oote. I f onr hernia are
nite good, ar.d our reliance in the guidance o f slnglo mind leaps beyond ita age and carries to bloom there forever. I w ill noL exaggerate morning to find the letters printed there. It wtwk^aad c u r m ta n t cramped, we caa g ive of o n r a i tnpa-
spirit friends, have no dictatorship but will, and along with it the muss of the race. Thus we find my statement. Scientists tell us that for every was but a toy, but thatftoy wa9 a laron lighted tblaa, pur klod word* and ctor itab le .deed* that w ill olcaa
here will is trampled beneath our feet, put aside every ago marked with some peculiar develop tone o f music, there are Bomany vibratloiisiijku
which bos u^rer been exUogulshtd, it is a lamp the w orld; a td If we are great end it r c » g .- * a r * ly enr
by an external power, and we can be compelled ment, and we trace It mostly to the action o fp h e place In the atmosphere. Our Instruments are that now illuminates tbe world,—it has become Urey should t o writing thema*lt«« la the lsrgaat deads o f
to peform actions m which w e have s o volition. man, and that always, provided that he can ex not floe enough, our ears are not attuned to anf-
tbe emancipator of tbe human mind from the charity, tb s grandtalactt of k la d o e u and good w ilU , I d
Electro-biology has proved this, and we have hibit that in the form of p3ycological control. flclent nicety, to hear with exact precision,—to letteta of ignorance; It hsa made the poor n n n
looked on w ith unregretfal eyes. We hare T hose noble intelligences have too often sunk detect where these wavee of air end. W e know Onatlaned on f ootth page.
looked upon the experiments as f,the amusement
iu the street equal to tbc king on hlB throne ; H
beneath life’s burdens, too many o l these have they imping otie upon another till the universe

Fioin ih* S*. Lo b '* (ffo .I D em ocrat. cal deeds committed every day la our midst, deny this truth] he is twofold one part antseo- the world calls grand—because U eases them of re
simply s a y in g ; **AH right,we care n<il what the sponsibility. ing outside. The noise n f one m in w a s Hkc
T IIE H E 'JI aw a w k k l in t u b f o k b s t . nisiic to the other. The great motion iu mati that ot a man hammering wiih a pickaxe on the
firm o f us inanifafllatitiua may be, ’ the hand o f to act, is his love of pleasure; hence be recog Brother F, needs to learn one thing, and that is,
God is In It! Why need we call anything dgy that absolute truth is the oppoalte of relative door step. He Jumped up, and taking his gun.
itb * m l joiofrd L«-a»nJ i* farsto b td o* by Hr* Kut* nizes that as good which gives him moat pleas ran out, but there wm no one there. His wife
O o o rn *• f t* offepno* of • epUUoat maaK aeU tioo or tilth* or “ who dare pronounce fiend or devd of ure. These two grand principles—ennsutueut tiuth ; and that It til folly to leach that which
I ttp lr a tta n . I t t# * « rj b r a a llf a l, l i d pUi o U filj U u c h fa f. any ct million or manifestation?* N o matter man is not, uor ever can be allied to. It la well went into a trance, and t tere wvts evidence that
elements of all beings are insept-table, and cornet- enough to talk these things to such as are a law the noises were tm de by four Spiriis in cons«
Wa a re «uii* k .trtd « l« u » a* la lb * •>s p iritu a l1 o riKia o f which way you go, down into the slime ot vice
lb* lyric, b u t n o t tb* L as t »• to lb * Isspiraiioo ih * t pro- tute tbe self-bond o f man, for man can not exist to them selves; but the great mass of mankind queaoo bf the bones o fth o murdered child hav-
d a te d U. W ilo o u lc a« ll a* U I h a s o tu c a a* Iti tie e p u o a , and depravity, or up into the radiant light anti without this union. When he by his good or sleze upon them oulv as ah excuse for every ex- Ing been , disturbed. A s hia wife went on
b « « * re r, » . t r a i t to recriT* oilier fs v o n f ro o tb a lam a joy ot vittuv, it c m make n o diflVretce, for you evil acts creates within himself—within his own travag*ot thought or act, aid shirk the respanit- towards death, the spirits took possession o f her,
gifted q u a rte r — ** f are still “ tbe recipient ot deltic inspirations," and universe— a preponderance of tither, be that blltiy of their own acts under the plea of raltu an t
the infinity of.God. ll God la Infinite, we are uot. and in a manner iiDsexed her. He might men
1 brre ’i an angel In th e fureel, - “ wc can separate Him (God>, from no condition, moment leaves the human behind (as Adam tion that her Dowers were tested at Staffird
All th e p iee an re toll n»*o,— idtecy, wisdom, lunacy, vice, virtue, crime or Ufa th i Garden),and becomes more Oouscluua of B God Is free and uncon:loed. we are the opposite
ri* tbe sp irit a f a baby of ibis. We steresponsible to oarrelver, and the House by the Duke o f A rgyK S ir David Brews
T hai waa leal tb*r* long ago : *anc!ty.” What is i t to os it we cannot separate jood, or more conscious o f evil w the case may vast universe outside or ourselves—not mefely for ter and others. The Duke he»d her eyes and
'T a u tb a w o o d a s s ’s c b erU h .d d a rltn g .— God from his creations or “ annihilate him from be i. e , loves and chugs to evil, or loves and onr acts, but for our thoughts and secret long Sir David Brewster placed over her head a
f la could n e ea r Irom ber p a rt,— no circumstance,” so long as we ate possessed of cltpgs to good. Love Is oonscioasness; for love ings, We taint the atmosphere unawares. With paper which she read correctly. That look
And tb* m olber’a preclude trea su re, the power to separate otirreftw* from conditions
D- are i t Idol ut b< r hear I is Dot single, bat dual: external hud Internal. out a defi nition of God tn our minds, we are with place in 18r»2. H e had hlm#elf seen cases- of
r» a « ibelr only bop* and com fort, We do not like? What is ll to ns if we cannot External love (a. e„ love o f external objects), out devotion; and no Ism la worthy ot tbe confi
dence ol mankind which does not Inspire that di utter Imposture tn Paris. He always tested
> r lg b tn t rotirn and e a o tn g a lar ; control God so long as w e have control over our tf-ads cve-ry where—to agitation, disease, loss ot such phenomena with severity and scepticism,
lin t ib a IIUI* fia t w in 'd " e n t e r , , . own acts, if not over our thoughts. It is a bare iwer and consequent dt-ercaae of God within. vine Love and devotion which prompta to sell
A nd tbay w anderaa off too far..
faced assumption, unsupported by facts or rea ? lure is stamped upon tbe face o f all human Immolation upon lta altars. The great Idea of God
la mao, and the individualization of mao, Is only
but the cases he mentioned were ?uch as quite
convinced him of their reality. Mr. Holyoakc,
S to m a t f ra ta a n d n o t* w ere fa ille g , son, to ray that all ** must tend to the same bt- nature- the divine com m it J, be something or 1 food far the '‘ego." (egoiUro), and leads to the In remarking upon 31r. Massey's statement,
O n tb e & lg b l tb a baby a d a y *d. , ut Scent e n d f o r do w e not sve that fn nature nothi »ff. Ths way to something is internal, for
T bunder paalln g , Irgblnlttg d a ib h .g , moat sublime love of self and Indifference to tbe end that the story was really ton painful to
T ill •b *bra*>*t grew afraid. dkease tends as well to destruction a s to health T Una leads to God, the All. This way h small. misfortunes ot others. The great excuse (unspok dwell upon. For hfa own part, he would
Vain waa a lt ttaetr felib fa l e e e rtb lu g Is it tending to a beneficent end for the iholh • Tbe way that leads to nothing is external, and en perhaps, but nut unthought), Is, God has given sooner forego all (Shakspsa r’a sonnets than
1 brnogh tb e n la b t, HU lo o m , er to murd er her unborn btbe t If so, why does leads anywhere—broad *as the universe. Wa me rleuty, or rather, 1 have got It by means of
Tbet) they fon til tb e lr b a b r d a rlin g , God within, hut you, poor devil, are slHIcird by have such thumpings at bis kitchen door and in
Hurled w ith a m ilk w hite f e a n ,—
nature and God revolt at tne unnatural deed ? tX ’Sl by reason nf consciousness, Which is io- his garden. He sincerely regretted that Mr.
Why write or preach against crime f W hy docs creased and diminished by our acts, and may bo the same Divine govt-romeat—“It's all right." Go
Heap b a e ta tli e new m ade eoow dr.fr, ask your broken up Lyceums If their failure fao’t Madsy did not make good iHe of his cun by
Heating on a rial* t bed. Bro. F . object to mv misrepresenting him ? I’ts totally destroyed ro tar as we are cm cerm d . due to the selll-h em of their members. Go ask shooting those that broke his night’s rest.
i l u t e tcndi r, to tin g v lttele . all God’s linings! I am not responsible! What God’s purposef—if he has any—( which I deny),
Paw n and baby, ail were dead ; ybor neglected medium*—who, In brldgiog the
raaUera it to us If each thought, word and ac*. dq not apply to individual things, but to the awful gull between the dead and tbe livtog—have
Tbera** an a n g rl In th e fo rral — has its tvggedice cause in one uncontmcd anu seg n g a t* ; which is not, Individual, but all. outUted themselves far the rough contact with a M L S tO U R I. \J '
A lt lb* h n n trre know It wait,—
T hey have frit her ita r llgbt planer* exhaust Its* source, so long as ice are the imme W hy ne«l Got! care f«>r me or you? Can Ue haul lie ‘world—how ranch care they receive at the L e tte r fr o m ItV. H e n d r ic k s ,
l-t*pt b tn r a lh th e ir tnagtc e p e ll: diate cause and are confined and held respond- gain anything by ua ? hands of proftaaod Spiritualists.
Ai get child, w ith gold <o I n u r e , Oh I you- must first get a man for eometblog Dx a r S i r Tho progrow which Splrltualfam ha*
t-Ufor the u k - by every law of and man ? God has no purpose, hut man has. The made in thfa out of the Wav portion of nur atalo
\» lib tho little enow w h ite fan ,
l't ” man’s conceplbms of Ood are his liberty grand, so you cun draw a crowd o,* outsiders wbu
He nr t bar ruing boldest hunter* existence of law urns not prove a ‘ divine gov will pay, and then we will extend our gloved band within the last two years, fs burprfalng, eonrifier-
Through tbe n ig h t and tb r tn g b th e m o rn ; in God," how much liberty is there? Even Bro. em in en t” for a “ beneficent purpose” to all to you, wc will endorse you then, uot before. You log the limited McilHtea the people have had for
T hru tbay leaee t a r h a u n ted e v .c J I .n l, F. h»oka “ on, forever on, la more sublime, be alike. If we take facts for our guide we shall are devoted, to principles, sre you? T est the prin Investigation. But a few year* ago there could
tU undrog d r tr an d (luw ir* w ltJ, , scarcely be found sn out spoken Spiri tual fat ia
t n r more to ere, when d ream lt g. cause more true, realizations." find that violated law consigns untold myriads ciples nf selfishness, nf lodtvidoaHty, aud you can
buuw w hite faw n and an g el Child, This talk whom Liberty, 1tarmony, e t c , is at of Utile children to untimely graves, which we find this as much to being mess and niggardly as southwestern Mismari. Toe few who dared en
the rout ot this sophistry. There ia no such you c#u In being whole soulcd and gtn**rous. far tertain opinion* contrary to the doctrine# of the
g t. Louie, Dec l i t . 1869 ran not civil beneficent it life is desirable. Evil church, were so ostracised aud persecuted that
thing as abtMuie freedom for ftian, but there is is not hidden, neither is the cause thereof. It God Is in all conditions alike. Ab 1 BptrUasIHy I
thou first bora of Heaven! My soul weeps over uuny were deterred from lu realign tlnn, and thore
relative freedom. I d o not otject to Bro. F .’s is a m u lt o f ignorance; and every man is re who were disposed to think far thrmsclec#, were
philosophy when applit-d to Deity, but it ia folly thy polluted nimr. It Is no excuse to say that
sponsible for his ignorance as long as light afraid to niter their tenihncnts above a whisper.
O riginal (E m us. to apply the ru’a a o f absolute existence to rela shines. “ An abstraction H nothing. God us
such fa the nature of man. The Catholic church
will put yon to the blnsh, and learn you your first But since the removal of the curse of slavery that
tive things. “ Gid'a way a are not our w a y s.’ »n abstraction :s nothing, but as an Intuition, lessson Id devotion. Yoir religion or inn has su so long Impeded the pragma* of our noble state,
N o w it lu s s c e . God is alt in all. li e is erirything and inercry soul beenurtj your God bai none. You have no the country ii rapidly settling up with an enter
For the Pe',lg1o>Pbtloacpblcal Journal prfaing aud Hheret minded people, who Lave the
Tbcinfinlte, tbe ahs-iluti’, Is qtprnally the same. thing j' these are his words, tie admits. Nuw centre, either physical or Ideal, around which to
THE IIOSICIIUOIAN'S REPLY. revolve. “ What is everybody's business is no- independence to do their own thinking. Many
God cannot be changeable., llow ts it with let u» see if ibis is not virtually what I said. who formerly kepi their opinions to «hemaelvu*.do
man? Is he not the oppimte ot this ! Accord A thing Is that which has limits, and of wlrch body’s,” and your societies stand fn the same rela
U c d lc a t c d t o th e t h i n k i n g w o r ld a n d ea- tionship to the orthodox churches, that a little pig not how heelute to acknowledge their belief in
p c c la lt ) to J , U . F c r g n r a o n a n ti th e le a d ing to Bro. F.’s definition all things are tending we can say it is gond or b>d, having quality, does to a bog. True, when grown, tt may be a the HarraonUl Philosophy, and there arc quite a
ers o f t h e “ U a t n t o u i a l F lilla « o p b f » * ' to a beneficent end, but he does not tell us w hat A thing has form and personality and hence very large hog, buhlt will be a hog, notwithstand number who would take a deep Interest and be
that end Is. Is it to absolute existence—to eter may be defined. A thing can not be abstracted ing, “ By their works shall ye know them." Noth come active workers in tho can#u ir they bad any
HT F. It. DOWD. nal unchangeable ness—beyond the realm o f emo from the realm ol things, far one thing sustains ing sulfa jou so well as to go on a tirade against assurance that thoy could havesullleleni co-opera
a relftiKinship in all other things. N ow he says an Individual God and a future hell. Having tion to enable them to withstand the tide of op-
la th e “UKMtiic*PHiix»aaPKicAt JocBNAt." of tion and love? or la it to be eternally nearing petition tti*t would necessarily arfaa, and to en
N or. SOtb, la an article from the pea of .J. B, the end, but to never resell it ? One end proves that God viewed fn an abstract light f r o m things, robbed God of His personality, you are content to
call Him a eplrlt and enthrone Him In the hearts courage them in the hnpo of accomplishing somo
Ferguson,on the *• Nature of G oar ia which he ancitfier. God is Harmony; but is this true o f “ ia nothing.” lie admits that there is buc u a good. There are also many who have outgrown-
thing as absiraclion which ho calls nothing; or all, even the most vicious How can you iXj.ect
deaiea pointedly and emphatically certain words man? N o ! We catch d mi, unfit fin ed strains charily, |, e, sn active sympathy, to result f>om the dogmas of the chui ch and sre ready to free
and ideas which I alleged he was the uttercr of of harmony at times—a mere taste—Just enough hut the idea 1 \ that God resides in thin gs but such teachings ? You will find Jim as much char tbemralveafrora tho shackle* of euprndUlon and
in a speech which he delivered in Si. Louie, in to set our souls on tire while we are compelled ia an yth in g , aside Irom things. Now the word ity (and-fhat Isn’t ea}ltig much), among the ortho- error with which old theology bound them,
ISrtS; ami acrusce me <1 nvisreprwenting hit to drink our fill o f discord from the cradle to absolute, means unchangeable;’ and that all dux churches as among SpIrttualLti—yes, more, su’d who would gladly embrace SpIMtualidui had
Ideas. I should have apologized, for how easy the grave. N or la it any use u» say this is only things are changeable and resolve themselves In for they tak ocareof tbelr own preachers. Look Ihey «o opportunity to become aeflUaluled with
at poor A. G. Farker, a medium and speaker, dy our beautiiul phlionophy, and tor such, it fa the
it i» for one hi mistake another’s meaning—and in the fiveminv, for it Una is seeming, then is our to nothing (jgere it not for the power o f nothing duly of every dplriiualfai to lab >r. Wv should not
especially upon the subject in question ; tmt up whole life, bodies, nyhds^tud alt things, nothing io throw them back and ree igntzA them aguiu), ing neglecti d and forsaken at Watertown, tV is., a
town lull ol djdrftualtals, followed to hi# grave by depend on our speakers and medium* to do all tho
on reading his art tie which follows the denial but seeming, fur gtr that appears to sens* ia ef who lor a moment will deny ? 4Ie admits that the noble Dr.------ who lu charity smoothed hit work, Alt should do their part. Our p tpera and
—tit bough chanced with its poetry and fast- face which come and go Itae bubbles on t ccan nothing exists, and alt nature, and the very dying pillow, and one other min, hts landlord, f pubJlrallons should be trcely circulated, circle#
. nated with i’s glit'ering generalities and the waves. Ilarmouy is a dnam wtien applied to cxLlenee nf things proves their antagonist no- think. The doctor, whose name I forget, wroio should be farmed far communication with the'An-
beauty of t xpreshion,—l must frillrm the wfe.i, m tn, tor we only know ot tt but by the contrast tfn n q jH exist. Can we call the atmosphire a raw afterward* that the Splritusllst* of Watertown gel World, aud far the development of medium*.
although I m a y have mistaken the exict word*, of tlbcord, Wb’live, grow, aud die, by antagon thing? Can w e call the pthor .of space things, did nut like A, G, Parker. Ha J A. G. Parker that We have the ulaments or as good medluuiahlp
yet think l was not, from reasons which will ap isms. . - or avn we call intelligerce a thing? Is elec- was repeatedly mobbed and driven from school aiming our-eivea a* can bo found any where. All
Absolute harmony would be an nihil at inn tor bbtt‘ea and chqrcbra, and obliged to eowak in tbu we tack iavo bo united a n l work bajiunuioualr
pear: 1st, W hile he admits having used the irici'y and magnetism things, or are these not and coergeitcAlty. Tno time has pitMcd far ua u
word “ abstract" (w b!ch be thinks I mistook for man; tor n u n exists ny motion, and mo-ion is made things by tmpriFonm.',nl ? I d the common public afreets, while friends kept the Infuriated
.mob at bjy—far preaching this same God-lu uiau be afraid, and l think a good move on the part of
the w\>rd “ alts'‘lute ’), he says nothing ol the always nccompatded by trie ion, and friction l« scceptadon of the word Gud, man clothes him Idea, which i# the V.
crowning glory of the “Um” to the Spiritualist* of south aval Missouri, would bo
word “ relative" at*all. 2J, Immediately after clashing o f efa-nien’s, wh ch when plearanl to ns wiih tbe attributes o f things—i. a. personal, day—w*s ----------
only -obliged to fagjifa way to hi* to Call a couventUra to meet as early at practica
the lecture, I had a conv« rBit ton with several we call harmony. E eu u t pleasure without pain individual, having l friction .love, bate, t lc., ami grave—but tbe Spiritualists didn't R eb him !I Such ble at aome convenient place, far the purpose of
gent’emen who understood the speaker (lie same is not In accord with what we know. U is an in his own definition of God ns being in the la The fruit. And If Brother F , with all lua elo adopting Korne fonn of a-wrjctanon to en#b.e m to
as I did ; and 3.1. I go to listen ami ram . -1th. idle dream, not supported by facts. From the lowest as well as the highest ofih in gs. Is there quence, ever gets beyond the crowd he leads far operate together more tffcctually fur the advance
roongh far tfam to bring their guns to hear upon oi our cause. J am satisfied that w« can got up a
The absence o f any motive to misrepresent— knoien we reach the unknown. We must be any d fterenee ? According to him, Ood. being meeting, respectable In numbers, where we may
having never spoken with Dro. F. in my life. bastd in facts or our thtnrico will be as false and in the vile, hales, and Jf we n crept his definition him, they will bring him down the same way. It
fa tire tame old story of antagonisms. Harmony 1> have an opportonlty to get acquainted wttbeaca
Ti h. T he utter folly of mifrepresenting a genre- unreliable an the winds—they waft us any where. o f God, our God will he more evil that) goix1; Indeed 11 I write this lu view ot lbs monster evil* other, and have an Interchange or -sentiment tud
man who is known by thousands where l nm Bro. F, defines Go d thu*: ** Go d is Spirit. If for who can shut iheir ty«-H in the fact that of this age. iu view of the warm eaten, crumbling good feeling, aud do ranch good, not only for tne
known by one. Would ii, I «Bk, be desirable for Go d ia spirit, att spirit is of G o d , whether w<> In there is more of evil than good in life. G.>a*k temple* of the religion# nf past age*, io view of cause of Splrltualfam, but also lor woman suffrage,
me to gain notoriety by being heralded to the our ignorance call it man, angel or devd.” “ We the ugtd, the grey-hairrd wAders tor cue rtst the glorious temple* i hat arc wall Ing to be reared far I believe nearly ail Spiritualist* and liberal
world n* n Uat ? Yet such seems to he the po can pronounce nothing evil so long as we see it o f th« grave,—if they would live their lives over upon thdr rulus ; In view or s religion whose light persons are In favor ol that »* well as all other re
sition Bro. R would place me in : for he s« \s I IS hoi hurt'. Its c iumj is in the hidden, the un Is Just breaking (n upon the darkness of Ignorance ! form# .
again t No. Ercn if the crave we-ru anniht
have done tfTfa “ without temptation or prnv* ca set it, Ihe umlefintd,” tic. Now what is spirit? laiHl, they will tell you, “ I kin tired,” iu which soul ehall take the place of bead ; where
tion.” I dislike controversy, but t love thought J answer ■our thoughts, w* rds, and deeds. These in love, faith and \vlll, ehall be the foundation of
and interchange of idtas; and 1 should not re are ourselves. Is theie any difference among
Now , it nbstraciioii is nettling, and the abso
lute Is nothing, and things are nil, and “God as
a talvatlou, physical, mental and solritual, which
■alvition shall he from tell—irom dl-essc. and
ply to Itrn. F. but I am fotced t o ; for no man or men in physical and men la I m akeup? If so, an intuition tu ail things “ is all in all,” and as shall be lor to-day. bummer Land ahl mistak
woman who knows me, caninitblully accuse me then there is a correspond tug difference in fp ir an abs'rac’inn nolhing, [ a*k you, is B ore any en Idea! We.make our summer and our winter
of a willfbl falsehood, eaptclally in regard to a it, for phys-cal cattire is the positive fails ot ex* God separate a id dmtir ct fr*un things? l e a n ourself c*. To day 1# all rfe evey know. We sre W a t n s , P a ,—Wm. Partoa writes I im pleased
stranger. jitence, white mentul nature is the negative tacts, as much In the etpfrlt Land here, to-day, as we will with Mrs. Harding*’* lecture#. I think ihc I# one
uni s* c for the Mb of me where the misrtpre- of nature** nohlcvotnen, working to brush away
It la not far me to rise ujym the ruins iff .any. which tire antagonistic to each other, and w hoft sen'atlon “ comr s in," ever be. Man hm too long looked to outride na
ture lor pleasure and htaveu. Give mo powtr to the cobwebs of prejudice and lgnorance,an-t place
I coupled Br*». R's name wiih my rernaik*—-not pnaluct is splriC All m ainr isgradtsf Irom the Now, in regard to (leti nil ior s or G>»d. Let us before tbe butnau brotherhood an Inrettlve to a
became ihe idea in his atone, nor to wound his grossest to the h igh est; the aatne ia true of rotud, be, to do and enjoy, to day, aud 1 will take my higher life and a more intim ate acquaintance with
start from fads and see what th e'ru e d o c ntie chances for thu future. 1
feelings in the least—but because ot the wide and const qucntly of spirit. There is only one or philosophy ifl. Man ia progressive by reason Leet. pome may iLink that 1 am no Spiritualist, the life to com*.
spread Influence of such teachers as he aud IH- .condition ol absolute tq u ditv, and that is tbe of Ideas. A shadow nf an idea cobles to him, from the loregolug, aud that I am hualllu to them, Take courage, then, ye workers for truth and ‘
vist and hosts o f leaser lights, who lake their cue substratum of all thing*—no t ing—nothing. ? vague aud todi finable at first. lie cun not con let me ray here Mat rny religion 1* the religion of purity, for they that arc far u aare more than tin y
from such great leaders. I hold you responsi There IB,'however, a relative or compandIve- manhood, that It embraces all the religion* of lbc th at are against us.
ceive it. It is the shallow of ihc unknown,
ble, *nd the world will hold you responsible; t quality, la th e spirit, o f a mule the same as which flils away R e Me shadow ol a cloud. past, a* well a# thuse of the pieecnt,—far there Is FttiNKUN.lND —W. B Garr write* I don’t see
not only for what you teach, hut for what your tiial ot man ? or tout ot offtl the snme as a rope ? But the vrfgue unde fined glimpse bus aroused a Utile good In all the rubb'sh ; that thu cardinal ho* l can do without the JoDKNai,. I think It o b c
followers Ieach and no. It is a big load to car It makes M> d fi'i ret ce to us if G o d is in the' his attention, and by torgetfutuess of the ex principle of this religion fatna Increase of man of the beat paper* published, and l hopu von will
ry, and must begin to weigh down heavily Soon; cessfMKiie o f nature, we w tlljm t go there ii we hood, physical, mental aud spiritual; that this can n.»t get ditcourageJ. I shall do all 1 can far jo u r
ternal wnrid, he calls the shadow bsck. It Only he done hut by lncres*u of knowledge j that patter here.
and hence, i v u y anlagomslic thought Inn led at can help i t ; au d'w u o dare hfliroi that we con* cnirri iu R e a mist and e n d cnees in the womb' thu ordinary knowledge of mankiud lead* to dis
you, must And a follower tomcuhae, who, per not; ior Uie very moment you s i assert you of the rail'd; lor hire it hath met the human, ease ; far who fa there Mat Increases in physical SvHtHtmsLD, I I I —V, Hasting* writes •—I hava
haps, would hav*. proved a burden for yoiju stump cxialciice us a lie utid a delusion, and the and fr'm that human is it clothed m thoughts. and mental power a* they grow old? If this is been a trial subscriber far y o u n n u st excellent pa
Need I say that 1 write in kindness—that I ffed idea, ul' prttgrtssion and retrogression all imagi Our thoughts are the limbs, members and Audi Spiritu*|bra, then 1 atn a Spiritualist. Brother per, the J o u r n a l , far nine mimihs. Hy time ex
rolher weep tjian say what fallows ? imKin— iy t I the very consciousness ol selthood- of idea*; they arc its mau-rial body. As this F’a way Is broad—the uulverae, Uhrfatfa way was pired, Oct. 5:Il la m so much pleased with lha
N ow let us see if his whole argument does not nnd indiViduaH'y, the vain boastings ot a dream narrow and lull of thorus. Which Is the true paper th a t P tbick I could n«u afford to do without
dtvine infant grows, it lakta farm ami Jwcomcs wny ? a it. Please find enclosed f 1,50 far six moniha.
corri.hoiale my slatemeni of his words and Jus ing, sleeping Go d , confined tn a lump of d ay. d< lined and tangible, which, when it has become Many blessings be u>'on you for your dauntless
tify the chafHch r zing o f his Ideas as nontu- tile A y e ! you make man 1he vti lest automaton, dmic so, it has become a part of us, and we use it as efforts to rxpnei- error and spread the truth
*—for that which is beyond the re ch of sense, Dig to the whim or fancy o f a demon Gied who wc our limbs and bodies. It is only by de W h a t T h e S p ir it* R e v e a i t d T o f l f r G e r a ld through the tied.
aud unfounded In f ic ;a, and unsupported by mt, stuuds behind the curtain and pulls the wires fining ideas that wc cku use them; and this ‘Planner, E x b t is r , ritB,—Ju lia k. Eastman writes tVs
son, ia nothing more nor less than nonw-nse, that makeu us jiugfa— what for?—to please him definition is naught but the l»c.>rpnration o f send you a threu dollar and fifty cent po*t ofltce
Everything that is uncorroborated by tacts, stlt'. tot tuiud ; thtre are no spectators to this Frouth* K*1i> ((rttsn<l) Mdt,
God into nrnti, ai d by vtitne ot which he is order, (excepting the expenses of sending ll), for
(w hich appeal to aonst), is im p ra rtictil tom an, phantom dance, if )ou leave out the things that immortal, far he becomes another being from At ft recent meeting of the Dialectical S ociety, which we would renew our subscription to the
nod nothing but evil caD-risiilt irom the teach dan every new idea he is able tn define. Mr. Oerahl M issy mafle an SulercBLlttg state- JqiiRNAL far another year, sod a trial subscrip
ings of thelmprsctica). 1fe says further: Here, indrett, Is (hohidden taruming o ftb e Im raent. li e said that he did not look upon him tion l o my good old aunt, 1 know she will be
It is a efrange peculiarity o f men that when *• It there is a Gon, there is a divine order maculate conception, the overatiadoa lug of the self as a spiritualtsi, and he had In fact always delighted with It, for *he say* of the few numbers
once in love with no ld<a, they clothe It in garbs ing ; if a.divine ordering, a divine om niscience; Iloly Gho*t, the conception without lust In the kept rather aloof from spirit uni ism. Nt-vrrthe* sent her, "They are the beat or her reading.”
T hat It true or rorself, and my soul goes o.ut In
angelic, nud thus arranged, they, can discover if a divine omniscience, a divine presence—con virgin womb of the buin tn mind or thu drat horn less, he would ^‘ve the meeting a leaf trom the
of UoJ, v’» : Ideal bore. For m»uV fln-t conception cratltudq to yon, ever as I lake the paper up to
no blemi'h nr defect in it, but when some one st quently a divine governm ent; and each man of 1he divine Is hi* first bora ot the God wubio, b-»nk of bis Me that had yet to be written. riead,
else unrobes their idol and shows it up to anoth and woman are equal recipients of its ends and end Ibis conception can not take pLc« Iu a mind When he was twenty-two ho married the
er light, they arc ready to disown their owu purposes, no matter what the divinity o f thonght, corrupt* with lust. Its birth rills the aou) with daughter ot the Kev. Jahez Burns, and he first F r b d ih io k t o w n , Mo—Daotel H artkopf writes .
chdcL - <■ actioD, or attainment may be,” and then atldp, pleasure and Is death to, disea**, beuco the blood threw her into a magnetic sleep. H is ideas —I Inclose filiy eeuL far another trial’subscriber
It is my belief that If wo could have a few acaucea
N ow let us look beneath the glowitig sentences if this is false; “ then there Is no (Jod, no Infi of Christ L o u r savior. CoEceptlon nf Ideas Is tbe about spiritualism st the time were sim.lnr tn and lectures here, we m ight g -t up a good sub-
and dowry surface o f Bro. F .‘s article, and see nite, no tntul'ion, no perception, no boon of overshadowing ot the luUEgiulc; their growth Is those held by Mr Uolyouke, yet various strange criptlbn list. There are a gond many thinking
if wc cannot flsli up from Its depths the mon gotrd or ill, etc." N ow here is a hire-faced as tbe condensation or the aroma of the unknown, things occurred. With a view to test tbe ab minds, but they have never seen anything of th e
ster, of which be says I misrepresent, and ace if sumption, unsupported by facts or reuson. To and the moulding ot the ssrue Into farm ; their normal vision which she p.wsesscd, Mr. True- great wonders of onr new revelation, if acy should
birth la the Incorporation of the unknown into the
I am not justly provoked to (mil them nonsense suppose that God baa a government and that rt-a'ui of the known. Hence a man Is as be be love viailed her, and placing a paper specially come here, 1 want them to call ou my llufu count-
—nuf to be pereonat, but because they belong to “ each man and woman are equal recipient* of its lieve*. Now conception It death to thetblng con prepared over her head, asked what was w rit rjs^om e, a lull quarter of a mile from town. -
the world, aud they who teach them as truth are ends and purpose?,'’ makes Go d the moat unfeel ceived. One thing fa conceived, another Is born. ten on It. She read it correctly ** Inigo JoneB, ” '■‘MtonLEVOiut, Ix n .—A Boggs writes We are
responsible. ing monster possible for us to to conceive of. We grasp at the iutangthfa, aud murder ll in our yet Mr. 3faa«y himself, hardly believing in the holding circles and have a good prospect of devel
The great idea, which lies at the bottom—a Ask the starving millions if this ia s o ! Ask ellorts to give it tangibility; and well docs Broth-, possibility o f such phenomena, thought sho-was oping several good mediums. Thing# are begin-
child of hell a3 It Is—is: that there is no e v i l ; the suffering poor of every land I Ask the rag e r F. t*y th at “ Whoever detloes his Ot d, lutes deceived, and tested her,but one always vindica m eg iu work here to the glory of God and satis
that what we call evil is not real bet only in the ged, poor, shivering children of our marts of Him,” hut he forgets io add th at in this toes we ted her good faith and the reality of her power. faction o f th e angels.
seeming. N ow do you not see that this will ap civilization, who have never harmed Go d uor are the gainers; for m in expands, progresses,
grows, fly the concepiluu, growth, ana defintttou Such powers were, however, be believed, more WiSNtSAOO, Mi n k .—Geo. E. Otlib* w rites:—I
ply to good as well' as evil f T o you and me, any one t Go a-k the myrinds upon unlo!d my of Ideas ; although tbe defioHlon Is death to the r-r less connected with aberration o f mind. am a subscriber to both the J o u r n a l and the
evil is as.poaitive and as absolute as good, and I riads o f chirping insects, whose book of life is Idea, It Is lits to a*, for we staud one atep higher Eighteen months before her death a dissenting B a n n e r <j v L io u t . Can -not well do without
am hout«e enough to admit with my pen and ray sealed up every autumn by G o d ’s augel of win upon tie decat tog body. Hera Is beautifully ipy I- minister having seen things Written out by a either. You can count me a s one of yonr regular
teaching*, that which my tears and groans,—and ter, If each individual, or eien clast, are equal re le d the death of Corlnt on the cross, for only ai stool, said he thought Mrs. M-tusey could work subscribers. 1 wish I could Induce some of ray
tje crnciry Ideas upon tbe Calvary of the human neighbors to subscribe with me. Bat Spiritualism
tbe tears and groans o f all livin g things tell the cipient* of his “ end and purpose,” and they will with It very well, and the trial was made. A has not many devotees to this n e w country, yet I
world is the truth. It Is/tief* we w e n t; and tba say to you, Ip the gasps ol dissolution, in the heart, cm we enter luto the beaveo within. Why? pencil was tied to the leg of a stool, sod* tho think ths way Is nearly prepared far the percep
fopt is patent In all nature that they are both re shivering frame, in the emaciated check, craving* Brcsaae there ta no within without expansion. name ” Shakspeare ” was written. A few tion of the heavenly philosophy. We know th e
stomach, and tattered mgs, In the jails and pest What greater Idea can we crucify than God’s first
lative one to the other—both, not float, but tran and only begotten sou, Ideal love? B rotherF . raoDtha before Jit*{Mr. Mussev ) had written in world moves, although to our finite gsx# U seems
sient and fleeting aa a shadow. Hence I say, the bouses, In the aching limbs, and from the beds cries out against definitions ot God and yet be de tbe Quarterly Resiea (It was in tho year 1804) all loo stow. But I must stop, a* I aid not intend
Idea h an assumption unsupported by facts. A l Of pain, o f the monster Utaeaae, that i f this 1* fines Him Iu thV abstract as nothlug, a u d In thing* on the Shakspenau sonnets, Thera was a to write a long tetter.
though Bro, F , Is loud in bis denunciations G o d ’s doings, he is an unfeeling demon , and the as all. Thus be clothes him with all the attributes mystery ednnected with a portion o f them KtOXOK, I o w a .—D. F. Milter w r it e s M e d ia -
•gainst all definitions o f Deity, y et ho points to sooner kys lets out his government to man “ on of fasti human nature,—vice, crime, sanity and In which he could not fathom. He did not think scope caoie duly to band. The tissue paper re
an undefined God, and thus bids the world of tbe shares,” the belter il will be for all parties. sanity ; bate and tear ; hope auil despair, as well Mr?. Mousey had read one o f them, tie had volves fast enough far me, and as soon as my hand
men to (unlike the physical universe) wander T o suppose that God has a purpose, is to say as virtue and aanctity ; and atsfbe same time, eays* propounded a theory relative to them which* come* near I t ; bat I find no Intelligence in Its
pointing , Have vou, Tounelf, ever knoiyn or i n
th a t.
anywhere and everywhere without a center— that be has an object to attain—i. e„ he fe incom “ As an abstraction,” (1. e, a p a rt from conditions bad never been answered, but still there was a kustAtic# of its spelling out a name, or a word, or a
to be free. All this because, “to define is to limit.** plete ; for If complete, this creation can not add trad things/, “ God is nothing," widen of course, point on which he wauted inform ation/ Tine sentence? i t Is q u lrea mechanical curiosity; but
Is It possible for us tb limit G o d , tbe Infinite, to our diminish from him. Then, why the seems to say to me, and all ordinary minds, stool spelt out " age In love, ” which wan a Hue the mutton (uncunuected with spelling or answer-
by onr 'definitions t And Is It not is much a ne purpose ? The fact is, this la an old dodge, and th a t God U nothing more nor leai thru tne aggre constituiiug a d fUculty, lor according to his tug question*), L easily enough accounted tor on
cessity for limited Untie man to define bis com as false as m infa heart, to throw the responsi gation ot thing#—*s if he would rob in iu o fa ll the ry, the author must have been young, and scientific principle*. . I f It would answer lutelU- *
c e p llo n sa a lt Is for him to think at a lff Defi bility o f his own act* upon God’s shoulders. the beautiful conceptions of the great and good of could not have been “ age fn l o v e . W e l t ) , ho gently, H would be better proof or spirituality than
nition is tbe very bats and foundationof all men "The inconceivable purposes o f God ” have been att age-a, before which tbe world has worshiped was directed to an edition which ho had not I have yetveen ; to ri hi# precludes deception. As
aud grow s fa tte r—ami tell us to accept r bo defini lawyer* would sty, M i would bo tbe exuturion o f
tal and spiritual growth. Without this there preached and croaked at the world since earth tions. (which are no detlaition* a t ail), or th at cta-s
before examined, and he found tbst.the tw o son a con cl union os It would establish the fact beyond •
would be no Ideal p o u t -for mau’s attainment, w as youiuyv 11 Ye meant it for evil, but God who nave never made any strides Iu progress, viz: nets which constituted thu difficulty did n o t a p j a doubt,
for It la a law ot nature that man grows towards, meant it J o r 'g °'* V is as false to-day as when naturaliat*. BplrltualUm owes Its rapid strides to pear In it. Thus he was a literary man helped
in his work by the aimmaaicatlona. Again H b ma t i k s .—There are tfapse w ith whom it
and to be like that which he loves, and It is a Jiiseph was told Into Egypt. The fact is, God tb tlr definitions ol the uukuown home of tbe .dead;
necessity o f bU being that he love some thing, sets us inf motion aud then lets us alone to work which, though very poetical and beautiful, will yet his housekeeper could not. sleep f ir noises M does not work. Like plancheUe, It oaly works
for w e know nothing whatever of Pow er (or out our own salvation the best we can. Hath be proved to be only murdered Itleas-p-murtlarcd In the kitchen, the door was slammed so violently when mediumiitic conditions are tavorable.
Principle*), only as It Is embodied In matter. he not placed before us two things,—good and bring m ade; ho man abortions of matt’s mind. that the key flew out, k Well, a, cammunication
T o love all, Is love of no object, and consequent evil, and Incorporated in us the necessity o f What better idea docs he give us really than th at was made that a child mad been murdered nine An English journal o f a recent date considers
ly Is no love at 4>, as w e understand love, but chooalng ? The very existence of taste makes ot tbe Jew s or a God? They pictured Jehovah » years before, aud buried in the garden. He that there were only tw o p*Tsnss In the United
an angry, warlike God, Brother F, says He la ta went Into the garden, and at the spot described firates who hod not communicated tilt ir views
sim ply indifference to objects, vice and crime, that evil, which, without taste, would simply all, even the lowest ; which we know ia autago-
good and evil, pleasure and pain. Is not ladlf be liidificTcnt nature. There is no good nor ntitle to the bight st ; aud then cooly aaka us if he dug down and found the bones. H e was on tbe Byron question to the newspapers, aod
Terence destruction to all the nobler Instincts o f evil la Inanimate n ature; but they both exist in <iod cm be a t variance with Himself? The trouble not at the moment sure w h eller they were hu they are citizen* of Cape Cod who bad gone oft
the human bean f W hat else can w e call tb it animate nature by reason of •en»aiibn;l whence, Is, he mixes absolute with relative, and dishes out man, and he hid them In the lawn. That macki-rel fishing ten weeks before, and had not
love which looks with toleration upon dlaboU- J if God is In maq^and who for a moment .will to us a strange medley ol tru th and error, which night there were the sounds o f four men work yet. returned.
f V
December 25, 1869. RELIGI0-PHIL0S0PH1CAL JOURNAL.
For-the RriljCle-Pbi’.osojiblcal Jo u rn a l passed on. She kicked for bi-o bu'. he was enne ; and wooing, and uni to wnuno my pi He, asium- tb s sltige uf th e fstal t barge he bad comm t u d the tntilc


A Mury o f F act) Ftoeitum cwa au d Wyaterjr
aud trembling yet with the hue triebt, she h is
tened away toward her borne.
Milford Stettler gained at length hie destina
ttd h i vlk ciually the guise ami-air of t he humble,
Lbmigti beali'lful peasant girl, that in warning
the sweet Amy llarr te , I ready gained Ibe kind
crim e u f suicide I
Aloe! th e sad end u f my early and be lt friend, wUu proved
to th e hnnclee* orphan a g u std ien and pa re nt. 1 can nut
’EM®“ B876SMIE”
tion and gAve to the walling Media an ample buiui and )ov<* o f A Jelaiie Devere. 1 need describe th e pain w ith w hich th is fraym entry r e d ia l fell
BY ti l£OK(J !£ HOMKHVILLK- scarcely hint ia passing that palming there, L A D I K S' c O.M P A M O N
apology tor hie lack ol punctuality. It could from (be Apt of the h eart-broken b u t heroic Elm ra. 8br.
a *>*m uei ou the beautiful Arno, is dimply a po.»r
no; rmlly be avoided according to his version.
Ife was detained on the way, iu lact, was o r a inspiration of love’s early dream, mv liv ed ex
b+d Jis tc o D c lu d d o e you entered, Randolph, the d reary Is a Periodical Bandage.
abode,” and you, sir, us well as Mrs. R s j ’o lir s has u d e td
CH A PT E R XV. pelted to stop to allow a lady tim e to cross the perience of the real scene. It was from life I P a t e u t o d f f o T . I T IM * 1 8 6 8 . Recommended by
bseu nu d e up of •trango, nut to aay ren ta lk a b le vlcieal* m any sm iu est 1'byslclaas iu E u r tp u a n d His U nited State*,
A N N IE A T liu M E — A B R ID E — H A IT Y W E N K — T U B street safely. They laughed heartily together at |>ainted it. as also that ol the lovely * M alonua,’ lu lee,” approved of e nd worn-by th e L .dles of (he eererel C unrte
this, and were soon dashing away in the direc inspired by an Pliar’s ejes, the sweet soul i g it r i l s r i p s . u i l Is t o m m t a d e d b y t v r r y L a d y a t
UNKNOWN. ''T e e .s ir , and Lb.-ougb them all tbeang-1 u f hvr p re se n c e
tion of Frau k ford, of my augel Adel iide. Rut, a h ! It i u J dpb, my
has safely bruu g h t me. T here is a c e u te rllu g tendency in
“Lo the wiDter is past, the raiu in over and The high nettled steeds pushed to their in life ot clinrin In Fi irenee, was not all uf sun I t I* alway* ready forum ; (a very com pact, being ke n tl i
all uur experiences, Hvt.d .-lph.to m ake ue w iser a nd b e tttr . a em ail ornam ental, pvrlmnvd box, th a t can be ta rrie d In a
gone, the tim e rs appear on the eim h, ibe time most speed, swept over the * pike * in tegular shine. Tnere wt-re (ittul p -nmls when clouds lady'* pocket if lettuirvd.
an I darkness drear rested o h iu T he ignoble •There is a divinity w ithin us th a t th a p es a il our ends
ol the singing nf birds is come,ami ihc voice of and beautiful motion. As they passed the toll- rough haw them as we w ill.' “ I t being made w lthont burkiiw^ button*, book* o r sre*
ilic turiie is heard in uur land.” gate, the * man ' extended bis band, hut Stettler plot of my cousin, Francisco, lo supplant me in aud ri quire* no pinning, It cannot become luoem ed in a n t
the all ctiotfH and d stage o f iiiy ageil and al Oi-otie Aunle, as she still u i a t the pU ao, h id b.-en an way w hile being w orn. -
A year baa rolled away, ae luivtUhts usually uot wishing to slop called out, pay as we return, I t being mads of pure, eoft and im ooth rubber, It cab u o t
moat siebtlets lather, by sen iiug nu abroad, eager sod tote .t listen e r, inc h* * 1| *i •* M ilm H lriv ely
pbraac it. and tbc roeeate dawn ol, tbc new year and flit by like the lightning. T he toll gatherer o u tb e keys, r /u b iu g off iuto a beatHlfnl a!r, her h a a r i
in soy way rkafu ur irrlla le
aalulta the world with an • (Ttilgcnce bright walked out into the road, looked aftcr them an then cirrul-iting tffecffvely the r e p m o . my de I t m ore than eavre the c<«l of i u r i f in m aterial oe the
cease, intl-iebce the old man ia big own behalf grew llg b ier, hei lo o t ouce m ure free, a a l U in the a p tr t - E ugeni# w ith ordinary care,evil! last Lvc oi Uu v r e r t ■<
and clear. Fronting one of our public city Ins'anr, then grumbled “ that fellow travels fast. fcent Srtiya Het* by mail on receipt o f f t .00.
as the only rctudiiiuglicit to the v is’ estates — m ent was t «:«| w ith a chaerfbt e d u m - of th e sw eetest
i q u a r t s , a n d p l e u ^ n t i y a iiu a l e d , is t h e r e s i d e n c e I should have shut the gate. He was through lu e jo d y .
Addreaa. “ Ie o M .lt,” lhtt 8 C lark HuChir»*.._ III
and huine of Annie and Randolph Uniats. almost before i see him. W ell ifh e comes back w«sdeeply laid—and even attempteil c.af.l y to UoTvol* /
The dwelling, though not so ipiposing as to this way) its all right, but tl he don't, tie won’t be liastyned by an i (f irt almost euccesiful, to - To be cnnllnnnl.
present the appearance of a nahobs palace, is pass this gale so easy ii second tfiu* that's ad. pMsofi the oi l h i W h win *, lu t cvdii this was The only C o m f t and Strictly Scunit'fic Work*
>tt sufficiently cinitniKliouh lo combine comfort Saying which he lazily walked in the house. 'frustrated i« the very act by my angel guide, ■ o/t/u kind PvUlAnd.
and beauty within. Furnished uot with ex- Why doctor, do you intend returning this Adelaide, aud the wo fld bi- mardeicr confmcdly S P E A K E R ’S R E G I S T E R .
travagaut coBtumes, but wi«h every antekv of way? Media enquired, I thiuk uot my dear, drank his own ptison. When he looked to bc o TIIK
luiuse" keeping necessary to harmony nl effect, would'nt spoil the even gait ot iny matchless iny d eir old fither g-isp his last in the sleep of
r i ’SUBMSB OaSTVITOHStl t v s a i w its ,
and exhibiting a luce cultiva'ed taste in the oc bays, for all tbc tolls on the .toad, they a te , a death, hi» own vision suddenly grew tuiaty, his
surrounding* a^snmieg gr.>te-qot) a id indetilia ANu
cupants, ami, then, without, the air is made vo nuisance, at best, beaides, when 1 reek pleasure, t JTu be aw fu l, Oils should be re lia b le . I t the re fore be-
cal with the constant w arbling of merry birds as 1 love variety. To return by the same doll ble Icrins. The troth a* lahl ftnahul on liismind, HE it DISEASES FROM JXFArW Y 7 0
they flit in bArmless glee trom branch to braucb monotonous road, would deprive ih o f ihe and he mge»i and <ntn -1 h rrd/ y under the sub h rovee t.ectan>re to p rom ptly notify ns a f ch n n g 'a w hen
of the numerous shade trees, in summer, and changing varie»v o f scenery which another tle influence of the .insidious drug, [t wits a ever they occur. This colnm ii is intended for Leclurcrs
lu rtu d lijg ill those ol her Critical Periods, Pregnancy and
dart amid the silvery cooling spray of the ever may afford. “S 'ou are quite correct, doctor strange tatality, which, at this moment, brought airily, and it Is so rapidly imireosin;: in nuiubere th a t we are C blld '.irili, ,llivlr (KtHre. symptom* und u pproptia to In-ol-
gushing fountain in the center <j i the park, and hut I think you told the old man you would re upon the scene the proud presence ol Ins great- compelled to restric t it to th« riln.lieaddress having parlic- tue nt, w d h h jg v u k lulv* f i r d o ir prevention, end for th e
w>t palro.i, amt once llis mosi extravagant ad nU ry** be learned by spi-cirl carrcipondenco w ith lb s indi- Preservation of IV m ale l l - td i b ; also, th e men* pern r u t uf
wash and glisten their gsy plumage in Hie clear turn,’’ "True, but if I recollect correctly, I Prvtcuunt and F a r lu r i-m Won.ee, by w b u h th e ir pohi* end
sparkling uectar, asit bills around them, tortn- Tailed to give him the precise jairiod of our re mirer, the elegant,.proud and. noble Cordelia v idual*. p n i l ui«) b rg ire tly obviated. To w hicb ia u d d r d a T r e a t-
ing in ihc son's rays ten thousand lutle rainbows, turn." " lt a ! well, 1 did not think, doctor, you' de Fazio, o f the wealthy of Florence, the most iseou WuimttfiiMNlaud M aiileaul, Love. M a riiag-, and He-
C. X. S s tu a e r, T rance S p -a k er, V » lp v r)isr, [r,d. rid lta ry |i . « r o t ; toost a jp ro v id ne w s o f m odern
circling them within a bury sea. Were ftp ready a diplomatist. I led strongly bril'iant »tar. " What hellish id-U is this ? Tt tim es, sdapb-d In I lie haltuctb-U of feinalta and prob)tsluti-
What a change of condition lor the gen t’e lempttdjoe*ueraLUT3le*you upon your adm it- sbritk id ibe great Francisco in frenzy as sbe Ib J . BtarbiTd, M ilan, Ohio.' al ■i-udltig. Ii, th re e bo ka—ooiupl.t.- Iu ./b t volum e,
Annie, or:ce the bumble drudging sewing girl— proficiency." You coquettish vixen —them now iiow c mnfrontal him impi-ri <u-lv, wi n >at taunt flr. M. M -Topsev. w ill, answ er c»ll» t.-le -to re ts>$ (ialena V C. MORRELL. .M I*.
now the happy wile ol a merchant prince; nr.ee take that lor your litte r y , he returned good ingly. J'tiiloiisv, a-voitv near him, very like a S lew auaee,tW lj, 20Fr e u '« :Jl,’ U"' 1 VU,‘ '" U 1'i ’ ‘^V vR 'th ,T: SO. i'oeU gc,
th e subject ol daily dependence, uow the favor natures!ly imparting to her ruby pouting lips, a serp-nt hissed tit bis ear.
F..r sale vt t ie o u t." of 'lit-. io-l b r.x o td d c a l Jo ilr-
ed ol opulence and plenty, and yet w bb w bat a lupid khe. T he hoi see still swept rapid 1/ o j , ‘ (H i! cursed plot; and most foul," he con tin aui. Aiidtess 8 .8 June*, IW , S, Clark 8t e el. Ulrirago, 111.
E m a il M. M artin, Uiruilngtinm, Mich.
becoming, aye, lovely grace she wears her new aud the scenery through-which they were now ued lo rave, ** ruined, all my pride, ambiti-m in ti*4b voI b tf
»i moment brouglu tonaugh'. ttuim-d ! ruined!'' Dr. V . U C. M artin, 173 W indsor svn-el.'d larnerd, Uonn.
position, as she sits by her hu-dlauds tide, aUired passing wan beautiful indeed. A ll nature cloth Mrs. J . Muon, Catupiou, Hi.
Toe elegant C »rjje!ia parlially relenting at Higlit
in an azure robe of velvet. On her lovely brow ed iff her variegated hues ol lovely summer and
oj'go much suffering, hastily mingling a small tr o f . K. M, M cCord/Centratia, 111. SWEET EGGS AND HOTTER "
decked with sunny smiles, rest-, a coronet of blooming everywhere. The jxerfiuued air, re A. L. E. Nash, le cture r, Rurln-xier, N. V.
powder with some wine, aud offering it to tne Kjreii kept fri'di Ttr a y rer.
pear's, on her neck a chuste..necklace, and clasp dolent with the dewy _ sweetness o f the new-
poor dupe, b ale him drink or die. A la s ! the . Mrs. S. Na*l|. healing nieijiuiq, O rarOeld, Mich. boiiT and ILincIvf B utter tru d riw ) swyet.
ing h er beautiful aim s a pair of tine bruclets mown hay, aud many a !rag rant flower, played C. N'urwoodj® Ottawa, III,
around them in delicious zaohyrs, aud ibe antedoie Uiled of its lull purpo-e—the subtle W hile a nd ■treaked B u tter ur.ide
highly wrought in gold* on her band a single J . W m. Van N smee, Brooklyn, New Y ore,
diamond ring, tit ornament lor an empress, and bright silver momi, night's beautiful queen, cast drug had reached the Beat of reason, and though Freah B u tter k ept awtu-l.
at ihem encouraging smiles, as on Hie gallant the body lived, Francisco was id ways known Mrs Puffer, tr a u w speaker, South U anorer, Mww Aud Uow tu prevent m ilk from ».mr i ‘n—
right well does she become them. Early that
morning the Unknown bad called, and wishing animals swept, on through Frankfort!, past the from tin* fatal day as the ‘ mad pitnler.’ 0 . S. Poston, 114 South flth stre et, Koom’^ .'P h ilad e lp h ia by new melhods.
, 'taffy post' and out the Oxford road sped Rut, Randolph,* I must bus ten with my story. J . 11. Prlusi, B erlin SVisculnin. * * r W . ■uUr* sent r a te , red .stive In tie* n'm v-.
them “ much joy,” and a happy new year, pass-
ed on Just in season to etude the brisk saluta through the villages of Fox Chase, Cooperaville, It wits a temp sti-it-, rainy evening in mid Mrs. H arrie tt E. Ptijte, M orristow n, Minn. A uent* w anted. Llbt ral Induruiueots offerwl.
tions and merry clangor o f half dozen voices. only towards the city again as fresh seemingly summer;-whim uiy sWeet Adelaide, wit by my . l-ydiu Ann Pearsall, luaplralloroii speaker, tHsco, Mich. Addrewe PR AOTtCA LC.IK M ISTRY Ou.,
“ Joy joy, happy new year! '* rapidly pasted anu as ll.-et as they had departed. On they side iu our home once more happy tu . Florence. Cl. P. B R andolph, HP O tturl » I , Boston, Mass. No. 1 ARCAWEAX>L*RlyCflkago,J||1—
Irora ltp to lip upon Ibe blushing bride, as she 8|w*ii till gaining the hose of a large hill, where It hail been a brig hi aud lovely day, and we had J . T. Rouse, norm al speaker, T erre llt u to , le d . T o '. ft,Mol i t . If. A
gaily ytjeom ed her early associates to her new the thick woods shroud the itu>ky hollow in enjoyed that morning a pleasant tx.'Ursiou Mrs. J e n n ie 8. Rudd, Ul» M aluetreeq Providence, R. L
ami happy home. darkness almost perpetual, a frightful cry lor through the beautilul scenery of the country.
Returnfiig fresh and buoyant tu spirits, we en
Mrs. P lum b,C lairvoyant, 03 Russell St-, C harlestown, Maa- O N AR G A NURSERY,
help now sounded out upon the air, echoing J . It. Pow ell, T erre llaiiie, Ind.
Oh that our life was made up of rucli happy
through the Ifaaly forest, p.nd falling on the ear tered our drawing room. A lelagde seated bur- M itt N otiie M. Pease, trance sje a k e r, New A lbany, Ind
recces »8 these. U ow pliasniit to iccall them. ed l at once at her harp, o f which she indeed E X I 'E I I P I K > ;r A L R k R D ^ .N .
Ere the dey passed, our company llowed in, again with paralyzing effect, starting the Mi s, Ai.ua M. U. P u tts. M. D., U ttu r e r, Adrian, Mich,
horses into a nervous plunge aud tne next in- . was a charming ruUtfc-^. She had p iy w l sev J . L. P o tter, address M u rritte a n , M inn,, Care u f lie u I>soc O otuna, llliuoi*; PK K K IN 8 A CONilDO.V, P ropritor*.—
w ith the stream of pleasure, gaiety aud fashion eral pleasing airs and anon fell gradiiiiHy off-into
as it entered the picture gallery ol arl. The s'aut leaving them on a dead halt, and tretnb- Pol-e, W ho!.dale and R etail D ea l.re in kfl kind* o f N ursery flto c k .
Hng like k-iives o f the a<pcn Ircu when shaken thi* pathetic stm iu Annie yon have just played. HpecUl Btluuiion paid br .thu Collreatiun of the l i r a it o*
great painting on exhibition now was, "Faith The rati thi g tb tinder ineruti-i.-U in emitiU and ter Br TV, K. Ripley, luix «f., Peil-uro’, Mu m . ■ - i ' r s r s s n l C ltC rrU a .
. Hope and Charity," description of their mission by a mighty .wind. Media screamed, and Su-tt- A. 0 . BoLdliaon. Boleni, Ma.». , ' a r. tf»
ler turned pale, shivering with very weakness, ror without., white this aoeom|iaii)lug lightning
* nt love in the world. Misery, ’ a gaunt and grew painfully vivid, and by tm-esinuit rt i-tie-*, b. Wui. Kimo , M. D. Address box IMS, Bprlagflt Id. tl E YEII O il PEA'S h W J' 0 SESt Ul'/.JiS, dc. /
terrible looking nondescript, occupied a large a loud report from a ruin-kct billowed by a imnlned thesouirroacmu aim an tilmoal meet.-ant Mia, f ra n k Held, Inapliational speaker, K alutuareo, Mich.
ponton of the canvass, contrasting vividly and shriek in doleiul echo ; and as the affrighted an glare. a ll kludr Of V rget *W*- *'* tde Senl* a o d f U llt a .
imats reared and plunged amt bn kt* again into Adelaide hail ceased pDjTig, and was aii ml ri-- Mrs, Parch A. Rogers, In ij.i ratio n al Speaker and C lair tfu ee t Potato I'la u h in U r^ e unit am ill i^oantitieS tU
strikingly in d^rk grun tsuiiue-likc desolate as v oyant, H/ck Inland, UL, care or A. J . U rover, M. D,
su it p u i . h u n n
pect, with the angel like serenity and mutual lightning like spi ed, tiie ball w hirled through ing from thn iustnmi • it oi r>>ng, wUeii we were All of th e ul ove will Iki ullrred aa low a* ra n In- obtained
Hit* carnage, gmzitig the doctor’s head, uud bur paratxzvd with ai.irtu oy lii-- stiddeu »pj-e*riirw<f Mrs, Launder a u iilh , Medium of W bUleinore, cumiuuui ,lu the dial k ola, Hive u* a ra lj d wo « ,ild o o>u cuod
trust.wbicb beaniid forth Iroiu the benign coun of a wildly gt-ailcilnibig ui.mm:, who burst In up- Nu.ynV uIeS.tf. *■ ™
tenances o fib e three eclesLud sisters, and as Ihey ied used harmless into the enbankmcitt of the c atio n s MvbUoka, III^
roadside beyond. Jlyavenn doctor, w e arc at ou ii*. iu foaming flight. Hi-i tu'J und |xivrerlul
stood circled with a glorious halo of brilliant tr. iue wan drenched with ihe heavy oon. 1L- A ustin K. Siiiiinuna, A ddress Woodstock, V I
tacked by robbers, and shall he nmrib-red! Me U'*. PERUEK‘»N E W PA M PH LET TDR T H E THOU
light, gazing with Jnuks o f pity towards the
darkness, the abode ol neglected poverty dia cried and clung closer to So uh-l’s side, who
tlire v hi-lurgc l>*awuy aom ahoveand about him
with mad t*>iec, while his large glowing cjt-a tlllnt*
Ii. II, M o te l,.‘.U Pteaeant Slreel, Boston, Moot.
Mrs. L. A. P. Bwalu, Union Lakre, Rice ( V , Minn
M rend. " *
A* M r, Hoot ll Worth rey r, “ No «i>e ia ae gou-d u r so wle#
now applied ins whip vigorously on his iVtvor- ed :oid r o tte d about and slen b*ri»h tler>'glvama
l'was a beuulilul oonceptiou and beam dully
}M>rtruycd. A scene •»uce Ubeld, forever le(lits be Uijb, ilu-y now gave the lull sircngih »>fuvery it Imot)t aa limeu a> uie electric sparki ol ibe roar
K, Sprague, SI. D , Schenectady, N. V.;
i. 'U jlord, yu
bill w ill In load, botlet a,nl Wl*e| tnid b»pteel*bv u,-l u .a r
h, 8i i.-iiu* ;i..- r ■ v B
indelible impress on the soul. The gibed artiat nim ele uum -ir Ibgnt, .and soon c mVi-ygd lhem ing ■■hmot—. N. U. 8 » * iu , l'uk*u i^cke, jfo o C o, Mmu.
f'ortutmlely beyond immediate Hunger, Wbb " H i ! h-i. !'* lie y e lle d Ito iilly - 'a v e n g e d * t la st !
uf the happy w oik , so deservedly eulogized, h u ! h u ! e o tu e , A d e i n ile . iiv a u iitn l o b j e c t o f m v Mrs. Nellie Sm ith, (iiiprrwdotuU speaker, Btnrgta. Mloh. M Y LOVE a n d It
was the L'nkuowu. Nor Is this all. It we te- joy Med'ji wiw one** m-irt iliy ten tltmimiml Jaeuo Slorte. Mol.' M1ariou>uy, Q rw o H arden, lit .
flickering lights o f the city as it now speedily htije*, 11a ! ha ' 1 ImVv thee ! in me, mine,** By Mr*. F e m e . i,. ,,t it' at nigh avd *blnkf uf It," ae,
visit tbjidioruc* o f Randolph and Annie, We shall I s p r a n g lo r w a r d ! o |* r o l e e t ln*r w n o in 11 iv-‘d J . W Beaver, Ryn.u, N, Y. th e Hon. Tin .a. (Torwm a rid vp u n lolihfrH.e luitiinm-ript,
lind the walls adorned w db many a gem o f q t loomed nearer and nearer to Uieir eager view . a s tn e a p p le << Muu, O ( to il ! t i e 1 •■■ould " I t Ivacln-V th« hlfib .i teintbih* ol ui tud wusuab,” *u-
Dr. VVb i . It. lU.Iisl.nry-, bo* J313, Portsm onth, N, U,
sketched by him in the happy iaiid of poetry (lU Vi-ilt iilili, th e u ta d m a n Ij id e b ie tte d h e r VieiciUa- reya llu- Uu-l .iri l.w laT ii. vTt h
Mrs. E lm ira W. ^ niitb, 30 S apm street, P o rtlan d , Me. 1'rii-t3« l o ntt ; p u tlo g - iv t-jlv .
and dream, beneath an Italian sky, A sun feel ly in b is u in ia , m id b y t h e l-w ee wl.Ui w ld e h h e
Mrs. C, M. Stowe, \ddross Pan J«we,Cal. Voi. d. No, lb,
scene in romantic Rally, who may breathe ibe CHARTER X V I. ale z ed h e t , lei) b r e v it y Lo Lite 11 in r. h i » u h o i a u t
1 w tia o n h im «i d w i.h * v ig o r o u s a tf .i r l h u r le d B*-1wh Van Sickle, titverftiush, Mich.
spirit aud beauty ol ith conception l1 A company Mrs. .vl. K .R .Saw yer, Bnldwllisvlitb, Mass.
ot gay idlers, BLunding mi the beautiful bridge T h e U n k n o w n s s t o r y * c o n t in u e d . h im l o Lite o l b e r s id e ol Ih-j r .-o iir I, to o , w a s
m a d 'n o w , M a d d e n e d a t th e s i g h t o f m y lo v e d Ahrem Sm ith, K s q H i nr gis, Mjcb. TAYLOR’S BED SPRINGS,
spaufng the lovely Arno, U ikeichvd w ith .a ** I know th o u a rt gunt, to ilie liorns of ih y r a l ;
A d e l a id e ’s ilm r « ? s , a s aim la y t h e r e p r o - i r a t e , M c s . Mary L u itisaS inflk, trnnea speaker, Toledo 0. A R E FREE FROM E V E R Y F A U L T A^fD '
tree ami graceful ease, while rm the tide beyond, TI l wi » liy aljualil m y «uul bn »o nn<i ;* ( a im in g a n d h u r t . I f f r e c o v e r e d in a iit o m v u t Mrs. K. W. Sidney, Ire n es speaker, Pljciii.urg, Mass. A N.N U V \ K C h
a boat eoulaining a young girl, ami ht-r gallant 1 liuow Uiou mrt k o b » whtire ilia H enry nra 1-lu/t, f r o m t h e f o rc e w ith w h ic h h e fell t o th u flo u r , a u d
KUJah R. Bwaukhaimuer* ITT ELmlh 4lL si reel, W illiam thnl are,iln|nu>y Ulfai-I ll.-l .ripriugw, Uhire o r leaa. All who
cavillier who plies th aoar bumly, but to pro- Aa*l lti« u ju n riifr k»ikn up nudf a k UU.— f lu s h e d n o w w ith iu > n iac r a g e , b e g h ir e d » t m e
burg, Long Island.
w ith w ild e y e s , lik e l> II.- oi ti e i h a t s e e m e d b e r a t try them are pltwarel wtlh.iKNu, venl Ire t u f fr-l,;lit ou rk*
long Uieir visit in seclusion ol the quiet lake. W here lo re lm t p u t oil in th e l»pil o f Ita Lirlh, Cefpt Ilf price, Si* Ihdlnra, A cmitl alm tire -t«r A genU tu
in g I r o m h is b e a d . W iLh s tq h - r llu iu «H tdri-U g tli 1 H erm an Snow, Liberal Books and Newedeuler, 110 R o a r
The sun just setting ha* hes with his lingering T h e a ta la i It Imtti ta llu rt-il la Ibis, m ake m oney. Semi bimtip Tor C ircular.
n r e p i r e d i d o u c e l o m e e t u a u . 'V illi' a t e n ilk* ney stre et, Ban F. a n d sou, Cal, A d d r-re J.ri. Taylor, Aon A rbor. Mlt h
streakings, mountain, bill and heather, and the And hope, ib n eitigi'r th a t gludittui-d H it e n rlh,
b o w l be c r i e d : Mrs. U- T. B tearm , iU salonary for the Penney ire n ia lJta ie Oo2Utol0lf.
mirror like bosom ol the lovely lake in a golden M »J sleep on th e bow m o l bile*. “ H a l I i* ! T h e p u n y D u d le y r iv a l t o th e g r e a t
sheen ol beauty and enchantm ent The melody A isoctstluu ul S piritualists. A d d re ssta re of D r. U . T. Child
“ I kpuw Ihou l i t jeoaa v. lu r e th y f x -lu m l | i * U rtfJ Francbc" !** AW Race S treet, Philadelphia, Pa.
attuned lingers o f the gentle Annie Tea s on the
with th j beau ty th a t d w elt ip th e soul, WiUa » m-rco tlger-likr Kfiring, he darted at me. D r. N athan fliu ltlq K e n d a lv illr, Ind.
pianos ivory key®, and as with smiles o f en nourishing bl« long arms with ierrlhle velocity. I
dearment, she in the evening welcomes her hus W here Ibo lig h t of th y iSVellriex* cau n o t b e m arred, kept my rye tlXed a'eidlly fila llrry orb», and J . E . W . T oobey, Room 7 . 1M 8. Clark B trretC hicago,U l.
N or th y h u r l ha flan a hack from Its goal. ahudden-d tur the cdlialou. Iu an instant he was Frances A. T a ttle , box 3ti£ L apvrte, r*d. W ill answ er
band to her side. ' Music s o li! music sweet ’
linger round the place, and the vexations o f 1 know th o u h a st sipped o f th e lith e th a t flows ou uie, Ai_d llgbteulng his vke liko gra-p around
my body, jl -»a Hidden Hash of llshluhig blinded uiy
calls tu le cture in th e W est. FUTURE LIFE:
daily business, the care and anxiety o f money Til ran c h th e land w here they do n o t fur^et,
getting schemes, all driven trom the place. T h a t sheds o r« r m em ory’s a b ly repose, vision, aud stunned by ibo shock 1 reeled nud lei I
Mrs. E. A -Talltuaijg«,lii*plreU uua) Speaker,W cwtvIfle.IuA
Mrs. C harlotte ¥. T aber, trunce speaker, New Bed lore
As Described and fortrajed by Spirits.
to thu floor, J stih Bri-atcd In hear the wild yells Maos., P .O .b o x 3BA «
Better std), the congenial aud happy spirit of And taka* from It o n ly r a g m ,
Annie prevent* them at all entering their fair
of Francisco like ten thousand demon* ov er mu Iu
exultation. Then thu panorama revealed my H udson T uttle, B erllu Heights, 0. Through Mrs. Elizaboth Sweet
eden bower. ‘‘His eye m ust be d a rk th a t sotouir h .u b ees dimm ed. saiuU-d wifeTri hcaveuand us a holy though pen B*H)*pain Todd, Salem O regou. ^ W ITn AX IN T W U trtT K JK itV
During the same evening, and near the se E ra a g ain It m ay itu e Upon IblU e; sive smile lit up her lovely fac*-, her right baud M rs. Sarah M. T hompson, liisplrelionst ip e sk o r, 161 St
questered retreat, on th e, Schuylkill's quiet B lit my h e a rt llas.ravealingo o f Uiov a nd th y home, pointed to the lulu) *hurt on her breast.' Uli 1 the Clotr stre et, Cleveland. 0. J U D G E J. W. E D M O N D S .
banks, another scene progresses. The old fall - I d m any a to k en and s Ik d . keen torture and palu the horrible Vision gave me. Jam oi TreslP, Kuoduskong, Me.
1 n e v er look o p w ith a w ish to th e ik y , For a long tltu-j 1 lay there, and at length, slowly
en tree, Liuda Ray, and Sylvan Shermtr have revived. Adelidte, though weak aud mint, was Mrs, Dr. T atum , ltd M ilwaukee A vdune, Chicago, III. CONTKNTX.
selected u as their resting place, Strange the Rnt a H ^ht lik e th y b eau ty l« tlm re . Dr. Baiun el U udarhlll, No 121, Jdnd st, C hkago, 111, C hditrr l The Roly «'Hy.
kneeling ’over me, and laving my face and limbs
conincidence! This the self same spot which A nd I h e ar a low m u rm u r lik e th in e in rep ly , with rectors lives, / I recovered, but Fraiid-co, the D r.J .V o lla n d , Anu Arbor,M lcL. | O xtyU r 11. Spiritual Mrerepe.
witnessed the love vow s and betrothal of the W hen I p o u r o u t m y sp irit in p ra y e r. uud painter lay dbud ul uiy feet, frightfully loru t'Aupfcr- U l - T h e S p ir.t Erie.
A. W arren, Beloit, Wis. ChafCtrlI'.—Power* a nd rewrouriMlitb-v -I,M ind
Uuknown, and Elmira Osbourn years ago. But **I» th y b e au tifu l dw ellin g , W herever It he, by the lightning. Mr*, fl. E. W arner, Box 32k, D avenport, Iowa. fflupto* r .- ComniUnlreUun ftoru h S pirit.
all unooncioua o f tbia hallowing influence, the i htllovo th o u b oat Visions o f mine,
Hut A d e l a id e , th o u g h s h e lin g e r e d o u ( h e b h o rc N._Freak W hile, Providence, R. 1. ' . tV,mder 17. Spirit-1 lie.
daughter plights her troth to her lover there. o f tu o r u d i t y w ith tu c , atie h a d r e c e iv e d h e r d e a t h fY ipfcr 17/. -A p icture ..f the Fiitur,-.
Au<! th y love th a t m a le a ll th in g s aa.nm itn to me, w o u n d , und fro m t b a l f a t a l n i g h t w e n t s a d ly iu to M rt, M. H n cu lp W Wood, 11 Dewey «W, W orcester, Mass, ( \n f4 tr I7 /f,—M vrcarrt Fulter
A na though within hi ariug still o f the busy I hnvu n o t y e t leornt-d to rrelyn f . L. ff. W illis, M .D ., 27 W est Fourth stre et, Now T urk. L C -R e re u .iw l.lt Word*.
a ’deeU m *, g r a d u a l l y v o n s m n e d b y d e a t h 's d e c e it-
hum < f the city’s incessant turmoil, reminding n il (ev e r, U o tib u iu p lio u , t h e fell d e s t r o y e r , m a rk e d Dr. E. B. W het lock, speaker. Now H artford, low *. C h n f tr J '. - Iid irv lu w riitu l‘i flock,
I n th e h u sh o T lho n ljth t, c n th e w s s te o f th e *t>*, fh n p frr -17. Sew D r-it.-,
them always ot life’s rugged Warfare, they seem h e r f o r b is o w n , a n d Iu th r e e m o u t h s I f o llo w e d Mrs. Fan ui c W hotlock, c lairvoyant, N u a Q a rtf o id Iowa.
Or a lone w ith th e hr<e/ft on th e hill, (2mpt>T ,1 7 / - Jo h n 0 Orihoim .
to share in the shady nook, an Eden o f love, Lhu r u m a in a o f m y sw b 'iit'w ife, lo v e ly ,e v e n In d e a t h , E. V. W ilson, Lom bard, III. Oo>bnr S f ! t , -In terv iew w ith W cbr.rr.
1 havo e v er a presence th a t w hispers of th in ,
devoid of care, and looking together from the In b i t t e r e s t s o r r o w t o th e g r a v e . g Cbuytftr ,17 r. A F-euml l i d t .
Aud my t p lr it IU* dowu u u d is s l lll. Mrs. N. J . WIHfa, 3 T rrm u u t Row, Room 19, Btetun
loye gilded spot,.adown the long vista o f the fu KcUmilng from the marblu bouse of the d e a d , I Lhtiitftr j r , • A nother !nt*T«it-w,
retired to our room and sal dbwu, shrouded In the Mass. Cf,/if*rr - I'l”/ —R tiotinulioli.
ture life, appears to them a happy pathway “ And lh t.t i|h tik e a m o u rn er, th a t sits by th e tom b, (riip V r A ' f i t - T h e ifttb r f Preicreweillti.
strewn all round with dowers. So also appeared 1 amw-mpimd Iu a m a n tle uf ta re ,
deei-est urlefaq d -gloom. Oh ! I was lonely then. Mrs, M. J . W ilcoxsuu, address, rare o f 8. 8. Jone s, 1S2 Son.
My worldly it ossi pilous were large, i l l s true, but tVmn/er .I T ///. - Valley o f tie- Rhwh.W c l IV.ith.
the early life of Linda's mother. She, loo, wove Clark S tre et, Chicago, III. • ^ f'repfrr .17,f .—A M irror,
V et th e grief ufniy s p irit, oh I call I t n o t gloom — 1 felt that all would be a gilt tar too small for the
gay wreaths lor a life ol pleasures in the flood Henry C. W ru liL A U reas c are uf B ig h t* o r L k ia te t twpfcr a f .r T he Ibaik of J.ifr
I s n o t th e b ltu k g rie f o f d e sp air. prompt return of my loved Adelaide. i# h ! to be Horton, Mass. 0< 7 h r .1.17 A Beautilul L. »—t.
udo ot fancy’s dreams. B u t the sun of her pros By sorrow rev e ale d «• th e sta rs a r t by n ig h t, blest with her celestial companionship, I felt per -( h o ftfr A '.Y ll.—Retroejierrioti
Mrs E . 3d- W oloott. Address Dauby Vi-
perity net suddenly, and left her in darkness to E v er n ear a b rig h t vision up pears ; fectly witling to lead checruilly a life of labor aud Ch<t}4 ,r A'A’t t l .—The Mechanic.
Mrs. H attie U. W ilson, (colored). Address *0^ T r u s u u l^ — •- t U ttffir - r.r /V - T lm jI'rc a c h rr.
grope her untried way through misery and A nd hope, Ilk* th e rain b o w , a cre atu re ol lig h t, of poverty.
While i yet rat there, ul most desponding, a voice stre e t, Boetuii, Mata. Ch-tfftr J . f l ” Reception u f di irii'iali.u i.
woe. Is bo rn , Ilka th e rainbow - in tfare.” (VmpVr . r . t r / . - Tho D runkard;
whispered', almost audibly, “Arise, sell all thou D aniel W hile, M. It., Box 29C7, St. Uud*, Mo.
As Sylvan Sbermer breathed again into the a , M r r A .T V I! The Ore-an-lhiv
ear ot Linda the oft told tail, a rustling near, A h ! it is a long lime, Annie, eirfee I heard hast, and give lo the poor, and thou shall Had Elijah Woodwo. th, Inspirational speaker, L esiir, Mich. VniiffO-r .I '.l'l ///.- The SJnn of Ear* and Foehloii.
caused them to start up in alarm. Suddenly a that plaintive strain, b o sweetly B a n g , and a c hailbinesH, pleasure, in doing good." Oilman R. W ashburn, W oodstock. VL / t 'L tptrr , r .l7 .U -T ! ie ft lf SalirlU 1.
blow irom an unseen band levelled Sylvan to companied w ith tt c piano's full rich melody, Its eaid,’Tis she, my Adelaide’s voice,” 1 mentally
“and I will follow and obey,”
E . 8 . W heeler, Addreaa c a re of A m erican SplrifuaU st tV«v<«r - l . r . r Niil am i Defelopin* lit of th o Soul,
, t W e r ATA-.n - V oitalro e nd W olyry..
ibe earth, and the next moment, Linda was sympathy ami beauty sweeps my being with Hope, joy, now blooming In my soul afresh, I 111 Superior s l , O leveland,O hio. i fu iU tr A A 'A 'Il: -Tlie C> uic.
struggling in the arms of the intruder. B ut -a the thrilling recollection ul incidents in mv life, arose, converted the rast (Jiarendoij estate Into Dr. H. Q. W elts, Rochester, N. Y. tVa/juVr '.r .r .1 7 //.—The B.-onnd Ilhvb.
Ltiiiuter . r .r .» 7 r . T h«Pi»ve.
moment more, and another character appears which though not without their silver lining, are - available funds, aud with my tw orilnlc darlings Prof. R. W hippla, Clyde, O. v Chiij.tft . l ”. r .1 T —T he queen,
upon the scene, who by a well d iu cled blow, yet sad in some respects, and pathetic. Flor left, not without a pang, the beautiful city of Flor A . A. Wheel ock. To! *do, O. Olripfc/- J T . r . n r *A Scene ill 8pi I it-Lund.
freed Linda effectually from the grasp o f hitu ence, Jovely, Florence 1 ence. A h ! bow-changed In lolml and feelings from A. B. W hiting, Albion, Mich. UtarJer x r .1 '1 7 1 -The M l»cr.
the youth who entered her fair clime but a few Charier JV I'-H / / / -B p lriin a l lu flu m re .
w ho held her, and sent him reeling into tho Rooud breathe* a n atra o ip b o re o f life ; years bclore, fllk-d with ambition and -hi#h hopes
W arre n Woo Ison, trance speak* r, HasHnga, H. Y. X U p ttr J . r . i V . r —T he New C ity.
road, where, having recovered sufficient equilib T b s v e ry a ir n-oms b r lf h to r from h e r eyts, of fame. Ml* L T. W hittier, 402 Bycamore *L, Ml] we tikes, W it. ITijpUr .17.—T he Erriinc One.
rium. he started up hastily and made with all Zerab C.AVblpplo. Address M ystic,C onn. Ompter A 'I ,l - Tho Id trr.
So soft, to b u n ttr o f l »o rife, With n last lingering look, 1 bid farewell to all C L p fre .1 7 .//.- T h e B cg p ir.
speed directly for the near woods. Fred W el W ith a lt we can Im agine o f tho ik lu i. I now held to mo moat dear, and recrossed the Mr*. L. A. W illis, Law rence, Mo m ., P.O - b u r 478, ChatCer A‘L l t! -lurigniticatica ol Man.
don, assisted the alarmed Linda to her feet, and “ ocean loam.” 1 came to America, and landing Mr*. M ary E -W Ithee, 182 E lm stre et, N ew ark, If. J . Chatfr-r J r /. 1 r .—CapaWliUe* hf iheooul,
Sylvan recovering anon from the effects o f the . I h^ve already given you briefly, Ruddolph, a after a pleataut voyage, a t Philadelphia, commenc A. 0 . W oodruff, B attle C reek,M ich. d u n / r r ACLV—TnuR keptlc.
sketch o f the vicissitudes o f my career as an ed my heaven allolcd mission of doing good . C ka p ttr J L 1 7 —R calftlrs of S pirit. Life
stunning blow, opened lffs eyes just In season to Mlos H . M oris W orthing, Osw*g», IlL few Cfumtrr .T f. 17/.—T he C o u ik t,
E .m lra's falbsr lured mis tplrlurd son aud a t tb a news
see the rapid flight o f Doctor Milford Stettler. artist in Italy down to the decease of m y par 8. H. W ortm an, Buffalo, N. Y., box, I4M . Chouirr J 7, V I!t - f h r Foitl'e Aspiration.
On their w ay to the city, their assailant, in a ents in Rome, hinting at the severe privations, uf bis d e a th , m adly flew to u re o g s him. lo a lre u s ls il S i W illie F. W entw orth, B theneeU dy, New T urk. Chapter J?r.lA~™‘T he Dying OlrJ,
and dry ordeal patience and trial, which f of lu to x lea tla u , he rushed upon lb s dualise aud slew kiln . Chapter A -; Tho Inim r Temp] in
close carriage crossed their path, unrecognized Mm. M ery E. W alker, W M biiigton, D. 0, Cbaptrr /./.—T he Foellah M other
.on his w ay to Media, whom he had promised to had to pass, occasioned by the ignoble jealousy oa the spot. D aniel W tiie , M. D., Box 2307, 8 1. Louis Mo. Q tafitfr /,// ,—T ba DNubviIlriitBoii. ,
favor with an evening trip into the near coun on the p a n ot an elder cousin, a master artist P e r aoreial-w eeks tl*s populace was ta rrie d i r t j c b j the C.'ia/ter L i l t .—Cardinal K lektlictb
Fannie T. Y onng, c ars o tU Bawyor, T hrse O aks Mtoh.,
try. W hat though he was driving at a rapid of Florence, and long my tutor In the divine e xcitem ent o f the deed. Oeliout a now ootid lik e one Losane. v CAopUr L l V,—P ractical N ature of Spirit-Life.
during A ugust and 8i-ptembsiT CJtni,/r> L F.—(lllcupae of a U lg h tr Lilc.
rate, even an unlawful speed, he w as rather be art, until the spirit oi rivalry betwixt us ran b o A rrested, a n d brotrghl to tria l fur m u rd er, y e t o u th la -
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 3. Young, Boise City, Idaho T errito ry . Cftputcr L f t . —Cdnunanlcallon.
hind the time o f his appointment But be was high, that to brook his severity and ill will no plea, 'In sa n ity ,* hoJA of his w ealth eaeiJj purchased bis Mrs. J u lie tte Ih a w , address N oetbbors', Mass. / C'lirpfw £1 7 /.— A W ord from Y oltaire.
'brought to a sudden atop In his reckless course longer, M id escape, perhaps, his deadly hate. I a c iju itu l. CAacto- £ 17/7,—1lotus of U n h e n p y S p lri la.
Chapter L I A '.—E xparieuco a t y o ltaire.
by a man grasping the bead o f one of the horses left Ms studio, and set up lor m yself at Rome. b u t «a Lady Osbourn, J i t H ow a t th e ir social sta tu s, fell
barely in season to allow a lad y crossing has H ow , that, from the purchase at a large price o f heavily fevers, and she h u d sank Into the grave over S0U1 READINGS
tily at the moment, to escape being trampled on m y first picture, the beautilul 1 Madonna,' at tho w helm ed w ith grief. T his p u n g e n t loss added a n Ingrsdi- ASSISTED B Y S P IR IT IN TE LIIQ E H -
‘by the qweat foaming animals. The lady reach/ public gallery through all the encouraging and anl s till m ore b itte r lo tho ovitflow lng' cup o f bis sorrow s, Address 8. 8. Jont*, Nu. IBS Booth CUrk vlrecl, CMcaga,
ing the .opposite aide o f the street in safety, the varied intricacies of even love, romantically a n d h a sou g h t to drow n them still deeper Into th e oblivion t CE8 . ’
Unknown, her prompt protector, stepped aside, brought about by the success of m y first pict e f d issip atio n . A nd so g radually, aye surely, a ll his prop J . U . BPEAR
but as he done^o be was recognized by Stettler, ure, introducing the artist as it did iu tath e fam e rty and w ealth slipped from his gi asp, and tb s once proud L is t o r p ilc c *
.Will exam ine usd presc rib e'fo r disease* of body and
who not wishing then to be Been or known by ilies o f the wealthiest, aud the noblest of the E l wood O sbourn sa n k to the hu m iliatin g position o f a m ind, wil l delineate c harac ter, describe capacities of per- Ansvtsrf ug w ritten qu e stio n s, te n o r u nder, 12,00 { m e n tal
him, gave the horses a rapid cntlaeh with his land, of my many art-inspiring sails ontbe beau dependent upon the bounty o f bis d a u g h ter. L ong thus, iocs, an d often Indicate beet locations for h e alth , p rosper questions, ten or u n d e r, |2D 0; sealed le tte r*, 13,00 j oialr
ity an d h arm ony. This h e doe* by m eans o f a look of h air, voyant exam ination to .locate dleerie,- 82,10 ; Ito k in g u p
whip, and dashed away ere a word could be tlful Arno, with tho noble acconjpliahed aud' he c ould uot ta rr y ou »h* shores of m o rta lity . J ta r ly one handw riting, photograph
handwyiUng, pho to g rap h or personal presence.
p resence. AgeAg* and
and a b sen tfrien d a ,f8,00 ; loc atin g m ine rals, f ra m 48 8 , to f l o o t
ipoken. Ella Russel thanked her deliverer, lovely Adelaide Devere, by m y side, w ho m orning th e fam ily waa aroused by th e rep o rt of a pistol eax being elated w bsn lb s person Is n o t u re se o t, aids the ilt U n p for s la te w ritin g , 1X00 f buelutM a lttls g * , f ro m |f f
but the inatanthe saw her free from danger, though so nobl^and wealthy, gave more of the lit bis rcom , and on e n terin g , he w as round a corpse, hie d e lineation, I s a *2. Address J , MURRAY a rB A R .ljH f
without pausing to receive her gratitude he epic? and pathos o f romance ‘ to our courtship > C o f .srfu ily b u r iu J , and hi* b e e J te rrib le »b*t»tred by Btockuoa st. Ben Fnrqtl*cc,G .I. ** Pstre West, 18J,(oulh Clark itreet.rorms 15and
volTht no7 3 ns. olfnoltf
> •
K E L IG 1 0 -F H T L O B O P H C A L J O U R N A L . D e c e mbe r 25, iS09.

Iteligio-f kilosspUiral io u rn a i
C o at l«<!*d (roto f tr it p*fo. before he sent bis kite up to it to,hold carniva- much, waereas beautiful thought* would be so loumcut tbat is givcu to many passigi-s of scrip
tfcli r * ’ p « ti « n r « ( i » « l D | na*r*r to G « l—g lo iifj Inp D im wtlh the forked lightning ■ Fulton knew his much, to them, worthless chat!'. ‘ Add re-s them ture, can be only truly exhibited by a bcautitul
w jrk*. II* bM t>‘d 01 w rit* tb » Scriplurr* a* wa go little craft would move, lung before he launched in their own language, vuch a* tbe li-v . Tom prervenutioc o f ibe rjUiculous. Our aim i* lo
• Wroagb lb* r o r l d o b Iho g to a o d Wo* Mb o a r fool; la th* S. * . JO N E S, it on the romantic H udson! GsDileo knew the King has al hi*' command, and we have no educate, and w e occasionally, in spite ot oureeir,
Mr a b o u t c l— upon o ttr y j * r n * n t wo woof, an d #*orj ■ u n i , r v a u H i s ow» ra o ra tB ta a earth revolved on its axis, though h e could not doubt th e “aoxiouiseal" wjuld brer m ded with branch off in a vein o f humor that ia well calcu
th in g wo touc h. Tb*o* or* to n # cf tb* ts# » B * b j which
OFFICE 1S9 SOUTH CLARK STREET flee i l ! The young English mathematician knew those striving for a change o f hetrt. j. lated to illustrate some conditions o f society, or
w * can celtre at* o a r ip irlta a nil! » • oboll b* oohoaiod k>
b* m o ll oad o ir o a ; D o tn 'w * ob It b* oobomod to t u l a there was a planet for beyond Jupiter, though he Old Mrs. Farllngfoo once said that the most im pirt a lesson that will cause men to think
tha w w ith c rim inal o c u . W b iu w* r e a ls * bow g ran d ood OHIOAQO. DECEMBEB, 2&. 1866. could -out detect it t profound minister of the Gospel she ever listen
p ow arfal o a r spirit* m o j b*. «h*U » • not b* oobointd to There are m inds that know things without X y s te r f r o m A r e . L . a. H t l l i h c r
ed to, commenced by serving the Lord, “ first
g r o ie l lo lb* d o it, or |l* lil | j to ]r I f t . n M n , d rg ro d io f *-f#r rwm* im ft iB w i ttM* mU /Vwe- seeing them. Beyond mau, invisible to the
poM loai tb * t b ind no down to co rtfa; w* oboll u»* them oil as a circus rider, then as a locust preacher, aud
oo moou* for oU *oU og o u r c c q d u i a . X r* rj o rgan of our naked eye, are intelligences far superior to him. last ss an exhauster." We presume the Rev. Mrs. L. 8. Hilltkcr, writing to us, save;
bodlM or* gl**» for a re ; m r j fnnotiac a m t b* ealtad T k o e a e a a d la i tnaa*F to Ihl* offlo* J u t Ik e J o v o j u a , Well, this ia grand ! We ask no spirits to teach Tom',King’s life has been equally as marked iu M r . 8 .8 . Jo.Hsa—D b a r 8 m : It h as la t e l y
la to tx*rcl*a. Krarjr faculty of III* m in i and lii d jo h o u ld thuuU bo carefu l to i u t * w bellw r It b* a ran a w o l.o r a now come to my knowledge that some of our Spirit
fB kaorlptioa.aad w rite a ll p rap o r n an o * p ta ln lj. us that immortality exist*: we know it from our events, aud tbat be, too, is fully prepared to ualists believe that the departed spirit of some
b* properly nood oo lb * Ira * moon* by which w* o r a to inmost Brul.' The more man investigates,—
w ork o a l th* w ill o f lb * O re*tor and to ro o i* oor »I*tli* U cuter the Orthodox vineyard, and after slickin g friend, at tbs time of a new birth, enters Into
W - I f o a r p e r e s a receiving tki* p a p er o f ta r tlie Um* the grander becomes the scenes of the universe
grow lo ta ll m oabood oad w omanhood, Jiro n If w* do not w hich It t l prepal-l, de*ire* U k a v e ll dtecoi.MDBed. b* o r* “ * Hie slakes, adjusting the ropes, and choosing llit t form and dwells again iD the-presence ot
now real It* ovary pu m i l tty ; If w* or* n *ncloa*d m tli# a h ju ld iafo rm u* of th a t ta ct b j la tte r. wtlkoDt d e lo j and It
ci-e cuutttiue* to U k* th e p ap er *ft#r hie o r her tim e o l
or.0<>d, Those little planets, those twinkling seconds, would be ready to contest with that those who love it. ,
veil of w itto r th a t w* con n o t; If th* lavU bl* w o rld U tiers and eccentric comets, are wonders to the N ow this, to ine, seems absurd, and I do wish
prepaid eai.erH ptli.a ha« e xpired p * t« i* n t w ill b* raq a lreu cloven-footed gent, whose wtonrity has mm you would pub Imb bouiutUlug regarding lire
d ork to no—If w* ro o n o t d U cerm llir pr»*rnc# of th * In f 1*1 a t ref!) lot rate* , u a til at] a rrearag e* a re p*Jd. natural eye—but just grasp the telescope, ar
blM , wo c o b and d* o o r rt o powor o**r o tb * r mlnil*; and reeded in thwarting the actions o f God Almighty, subject in your paper. It would do good.
If a nr ip irlta o r . p u r . a n t t t r o o f o a d or* ooplrin* o fter
range i(» focus, arid then witness the sublimity, and who was instrumental in getting Him angry; Youn, with respect;
All le tte r , and commanicatloD* *1ioald b**ddrw**ed
th * food, or# i b r ln k la f owoy (rota Im m oral a p p rtltca, to B. «. J o b .* , 1 8 8 Sontb O lork * tra* t, Chleoito, llllaol*
the majesty ol the heavens. As there is more w hen, with a Isnarl on H is countenance, Mrs. L. L. Hilllker.
w hich wool d ro w n * dow a, w hen tb* veil of m y a tery la grandeur unseen connected with the heavens Dry den, Mich.
something akin to that manifested by a malig
r o a t la tw o ia o a d w * * t o a d io lb * g-aai n n iv .rao l U tupl* than is now exhibited lo the eye, so there is ItE n .T : Spiritualism, as wc understand it, i*
u n c lo th e d ; w hen th * dw vllar* upon th* Ihreobnld *h*U
nant bull dog, whose ‘neck is swollen and cart
n iM O U T A I .I T Y .
ni**i u*, an d w# vholl * » trr In m ru n ip titely developtd
more real beauty and majesty connected with bitten by an adversary in fight. He drove Father the philosophy of life. That philosophy bus re
ip lr lla , w* ib o ll t a d , llio t h o v ia r eoU lvotrd o ur pow ers to T h e W o n d e r* o f th e V a iN B W th l U r a n d r a r the existence of intelligent beings, than can be ^d am and Mother E ve out o f the home He bad ceived the »obriq<utt—Spiritualism, at the
lb * fall**! * * t* it. Ib o t wo hove cbo*rB lb* arnaL bov* o f t a e t i i l t e r M - C h e w U i r r l o 8 |» lr lt- llf e . observed by natural eyes. h fu d s o f its opposera Under that name it in
generously prepared for them. Under the cir
ATby are we im m ortal! Is it true that man cumstances, w e rejoice tbat the D evil has an cludes mill inns or intelligent men and women,
follow ed o f ltr kao w lo d f* , OBd th e re fo r? w* or* id tb* full W e have a material telescope here lo unfold to
e el ocj ijo ie o t of boo v tn . has a conscious existence hereafter, that there is us the existence of new fields in the realm*
T oo B piritaolU l, w bllel b* rejoice* !a tb o pr**« oc* of adversary at last, who, w e believe. wBLaucceed a large majority o f whom are yet suhicribira—
within his physical organixition a spiritual above— but ia the Spirit World are telescopes In “ knocking him 00 bis pins " and “ nominally-Mo the various religious creeds, and
tb * m u te r Bind* th a t b»v* g o aa U b .re tu rn . * b ilet be pro-
c l a i m th a t th e re I* BO d e a th - w h ile ! ho H onda in Iho slm c'urc that is a counterpart or the same, that that bring near lo the observation spiritual him to the grass " within ten minute* after l i e n o # , as in the past, entertain a great variety o f
p ra a en c o o f lb* la if h ly B in d s of p u t age*, Ih e^ fro u d ea l will live throughout the endless ages of eternity! things. O ! the magnificent fields that it unfolds, fight, commences. We always entertained^a views in regard to the condition ol the spirit o f
ralada th a t b a r* ever lived—w h ilst ho feola th ese guides
ore aro u n d him , know* th a t Ilia road* b a v a b a ta tro d d en
W ell may the question be asked, are w e Immor* the ** new heavens ” that it brings home to the dislike forthe Devil. Hi* cloven-foot, we always man prior and subsequent to its existence upon
ttl f W e are all interested in that grand prob* enraptured visions 1 Desire is the motive power this material plane ol life.
by Lb***, a n d they or* read y to help bis* o nw ard, le t us feared U, not knowing tbe effects it would pro
not to rg et tk«a* o ccult pow ers o f the hum an sp irit, a n t lem ^wbi^i, to u?, the m auifertaiionsof the nine in the Spirit World. Those who do not possess duce should w e come in contact with i t Be- The phihjpophy o f life, now known as Spirit-
t b a t we or* a ll auna o fin d —a ll cbl.OMD of tb * O r i e l teenth century have solved. In all ages o f the It, and, therefore, do not travel on those ctbcrial •u riistn.bas engage d the nlU niton of the thought
B pirll. an d u such, b a r* Infinite p o w lb illlle o ; th a t we s'des, he set him self up aa a real estate agent,
h e v a a ll th e a ttrib u te # of O . h I eo*hrin«-.l in n*. c o n rtl u tln g world this epustion has been a>ked by the wise currents that tiohe different portion* of God's and established hie office on the top o f a high Lit in all &g^» of tbe world. Highly educated
lb* divine men th e in c arn atio n o f tiod th e tip irlt, lu r---- vast Universe, u<tr those spiritual telescopes to
C ultlvat# these o ccu lt power* of Itj* S pirit to 111* uti sage and profound scholar, as well as hy the il mountain, and endeavored to sell the whole men <>f past Ages have taught-the d >ctrine of
c l i e n t , th a t y o u r h n o a lad g # allow* of, an d you tuoy u* litrn ie, and still, in the minds of some, it rc- determine the nature of tho*e lliiugB which earth, regardless of Jew s or Gentile*, to one transmigration of 6ouls. Doubtlesi many of
eure th a t wredum w ill ever b* given to jo n
M s) th e lig h t of th e ITnilum Urrlnjc eve bo upon u* and
puld* u* thro u g h ih* d . r k n e u , tta y lilt bleatin g h r un
malnli unariswerid. Thie ls not a privilege of they do not care-to visit. Jesus, If be bad effected a sale, we can not them, os spirits, entertain similar viev » yet, and
nor a cts and prom p t o a r wora*. and tu*y th e guar>lian*hip
choice. “To be or not to be,is not the question" T he unseen is grand, Iransccodentally beauti calculate the result of the change. Fortunately, if they communicate trom the spiritual sphere
«,( if fa m lnl*r»ritig tp lrll* uphold o u r sin k in g etep* when here. The mariner in mid ocean, with compass ful. W e know we are immortal. We know Jesus asked him lor bis Power of Attorney,aud to Ibis, will teach lire same doctrine, now, and.
w* f ilte r, and d ir a r t u* in p*lh* o f lig h t w hen w# M ray,
iiutll aach nlgnt uisy b* fd lo w ed by a f **h m orn red o len t and chart, defies the moaning thunder, the lltsh that this earth is uot the last of man. There on bis refusing to show it, w isely concluded find believtiB. It /nay lie puppoted by many,
w .tk lig h t, t l e t r e u g t h and liu t h n il'll w* all w alk In ing lightning, the spray-capped waves, the vio- are those in tlie^plrit World that are far above
tue memory of tl>« b rig h t day tb a t ib a ll kuuw u o s a ttU g that he w auled to perpetrate a fraud. Under who have not given the theory of tbe Brah
lent winds, for he knows quite well that though him. T he wisest sage has his tujwrior until
• in- ^ these circumstances, il is not strange that we mins aud ethers w h o teach the doctrine of the
F u r th e &*llglo P hilosophical J o u rn a l,
his compass varies, there are rule* in mathemat you reach God. should entertain a dislike for bts cloven tooted traiifitri*!ration o f soul* t a thorough examination,
i c s by which he may allow for these variations Man is wise tven on this earth. B y uniting majesty, and desire h im , punished. But the a careful Hudy, that on entering upon the spir
HE A YEN. and finally resch the destined port! We are certain elements or gases, he cun_ make the itual plane o f life, one would know whether
crowning climax of his meanness was bis perse
W b rrc In lle o v r u a n d Iiotv s lia ll w e fiu ln here on the tumultuous ocean of life, Tide on its tissues of the human body,’ nearly perfect In curious of Job, Poor soul, in bis rural home, the dretrine were true or ng|. N ot so—Buffi -
a n B atran reT mountain waves, contend with tornadoes, hatlle every particular. And it has been told to us with the fear of God in his bean, and with a cient lee way, so to speak, Is glvcD by that doc
with its strifes, and with the darkness which the that there are chemists in the Spirit World that desire to serve him, he was sorely tempted. N ow , trine for one to remain hundreds o f years u p-i
ItV m b s . M. L , v n x i t M i S ,
clouds o f passion and ignorance tLrow around can make each part of it, and put them together God knew that Job bad a pure heart, aud was on an intermediate plane or condition.beforc be
Eariirincd within everv form, is the heaven us ; y e t wg have no compass, no chart to guide juql as easily as the mechanic could put together
o f the individutl, ami aH the heaven that the in every way worthy, but being actuated with a ing born again into the material, in human or
c iparity can receive nr comprehend; It is ^us to immortality, and we need Done. W ithin the steam engine. Is this tr u e ! Why, the desire to try the power o f this skillful and Borne other form. Hence we, ray &theory pu,
adorned aud made beautiful according to (he the little germ, the first Stirling point of our ex cbemiet can make milk, just as sweet, and resetn sagacious adversary, the Devil, he allowed him forth by a spirit should l>e trhd by the to u r /
table ami desire* of each ; it is local nr portable istence, Is no spark of conscious tile, s o reason, bling in erery particvbir, that taken from the
uccniding ,lo cireumfetantxb; it is ample and lo trouble ibis patient mau. Soon after, be was .ston e of riBRin, as tin u d all other tbt cries •
spacious, or narrow anil circumscribed, accord no inteliigenct—ill is dark as one elcrnal n ig h t; cow. There are are wonders in the Univerec. •fll cted .with boils ; whether this was caused Our readenftmvc learned long ere th is, i
ing to the growth and unfoldment ot the in- W e are foretd into the world through the action The pyrotechnist can unite the elements in such by Impure blood or the direct agency of ihe w c protest agsU m all rreeds and s y s te m ^ /
dividual. of automatic law, forced through it, and hntlly a manner, that he caa form a luminous snake Devil biraVelf, ihe Bible does not state. W e laith which purport tb come from the “Am eri
Heaven has many portal*, each possessing pe landed on the tlysian sphere* or the Spirit or flower iu the air. The chemiBts here can have often thought that a few dotes o f" Ayer’s can Association o f Spiritualists/’ or any other
culiar beauties*; hut who shall open them and World, riquiriDg no ship*, no compass, and oth form certain ]»rta of the human body—the body o f ratD or women in convention assembled.
gar,-; therein! Let each n un and woman be Purgative P ills" taken by Job, wouhj have
tbtiroii-n janitor, allowing no portal to remain er parapben&lia to enable us to accomplish the chemists in the Spirit World make all p * m of restored him to health and enabled him to bid We will Hslen to no theories and arguments to
closed through ignorance of the laws govern result it, if they desire, and fit it for the abode of an defiance to the machinations o f the Devil, but support them, nor be ;tw>uDd by anything that
ing. W ho hath comprehended the my a: erics We)), this is pleasing to c-votemplate. Immor
of the spirit of Mao nr the Heaven insepara
immortal soul. Rut we will pursue this subject unfortunately, tbe druggist had none ou hand, does not obtain the unqualified approbation ot
tality is not gained, it u be+toiced ! W e achieve no lurther now—it is leading us loo Tar In the and the constqueuce w as,Job bad to sutler. our higbeBt conceptions of truth. W e grunt the
ble connected with h im ?
'Talk o f communion wi<b God! wilh infinity ! fame, honor, wealth, but Immortality is confer realms of the “ unknown," where w e are not at This Devil,then, is In every way worthy of the same inalienable right to all others.
when the finite is beyond conception. Talk o f red—is forced upon us. R eason says s o ; com this moment prepared to go, as many will cry s'cel o f the Rev. Tom King, aud it Is not im At this present writing, wc believe tbat the
the Heaven beyond the d ied stars, and not mon sense echoes its a ssen t; the whole world “ absurd," unless we lead them to that point
able to discern ami compmht nd the treiiven possible that he may succeed in getting the germa o f every being in existence has eternally
wish it true. There are many, huwevur, who step by step. better o f bis reverend ship, aud, perhaps, suc fcxtBled, and that each bring w llf eternally con
We reniem’w , when in Lowell, M ass, o f hear do not believe the Modern Spiritual manifesta But Is m m im m ortal! Kearoiiing from ceed in selling him some real estate. tin ue to exist and unfold upon ilB-irtoi vidua I
ing Elder Allies Grant describe Heaven ns a sort tions. T o them, the future is one dark eternal analogy he is. T he Delphic oracles said so- plane, nr tine ol existence, each lending Jls su p
ol B c v e u - b y - u iiu ! affair, coming down from Gi d night—no sunshine Ihcre ; no life there, nothing The reply to Croesus was to the polfll in every The mission o f the Rev. Torn King^then, Is port to the grant w hole; and that man te Iho
upon this earth, and the chomm few were i«> that will lniusc into .them new” hope ami energies. particular, when he desired to know what he nn important one, foj bis principal adversary is highest, rot*! comprehensive,crowning organ
dwell In it, talking with God face to face. Pity tbe Devil. In his sermons, he, no doubt, abuses ism in the economy ol nature— God and nature,
that in this cnligh eucd day a m m could be T hK really, is a curious univerae. The rpi rit should do on a certain day :
found with nature so cramped as lo believe and ual belongs to llic unseen. T he grandest features " 1 cull a t ttie u a d i, [ a n itu r a o i l th* l e t ;
him and challenges him lo enter tbe Orthodox matter aud mind, are one. That is to s jy , there *>
preach such an absurd dogma from a public o f existence belong to the invisible. That which T h ea U to to n lU ia d iiin a mr« heard b j me. vineyard aud with or wilhoOt gloves, try his is one eierual, omnipotent subotaiice, which is
oit rum ia roost potent with us is unobserved. Those K i-u ujw tin. udura m id j «*ai*t rite - endurance. One thin tr,however, is cerfaiu, Tom
Again, A. .T. l).ivls Uts in his “,S*cl!ar Key " love—this has a real existence. Its minimum is -
A UrU.i*e b jilibg vuh a lamb mptHe*. would never s'cal one of'C'banning's sermons
dcscrihid hi* heaven in the milky way, aud hr. foices which make worlds and systems of worlds matter, its mediate oi'interm ediate H mind—
Wh* r* tr* r* aUyie acid Lr**a tu lo * ti lie*."
Utndoiph beyond the “ tixed slurs. H .usdis* are closed to mortal eyes. and palm it off as hi* own (the same as an its maximum ii G*.d. Tim* bight r compre
OrlgeD, Pdny and other writers eny lha1
tuncc loed ciichMitmcnt! and do they intend Glance for a moment around you. Look at Episcopalian minister did in Philadelphia),from hends thefow er and infiltrates sireU into i very
to pisscss by right of difc.ivcrj * 1'erchancc E u p id u tlis laiu-d a woman from the ‘dead * the simple fact that he bos not yet learned to mo’eeulitr atom and monad Inexistence, f.'onpe-
that huge elephant, at that lioree, cow, man, dog
these localities Di*y belong to olbt-rs who have We believe it possible. I f putrefaction lias not
earned them—then what? Why not inhabit rabbit, rat, fly, mniquito—Soon your eye fails read. *, queully;
commenced, we believe there is power in tla-
Urn earth ? bureiy none can be lovelier, and at to iletcct animal life. Go and get the micro Spirit World to give it new life, and make B The practical lessons nf life must be taugbLin **At) »r* t.ot jjtrl* oran* *tup*n'!iu« irbelt
w e are a microcosm of the universe, aft is with WtiOt* WmIj eoiare n, oed Qtd tb*taul*
scope. Look'at that pound ol raw sugar, count a practical way. T he Devil carumi be met suc
in nn finite, yet poswiKiug infinity. N ted w t ttirporaiily Ibe heme of the spirit again. Bu*
Lbcn go from ourselves to Hod God or Jleaven * the animals that are living there as proudly and we do live hereafter. The Ddphie'tfracles, the cessfully with choice rhetoric. Muscle, and not
llo w thali V e gain H eaven! B y slow de contentedly as the monarch In bis palace, and raising o f a woman from the dead by Empedo brains, is what is wanted. I f the Itev. Tom KiQg. S p e a k e r * * H « e l a t e r a n d N o t i c e o f n c e i l o c a .
grees; learning by experience m e ground W* a ra • «k of trjrln* to k**p * « i* « Jlr* R e r ir t tr of M a rt
you will fiud there at least 100,000. Glance at Ihe ex-p rze fighter, bad been in tbe place o f
upon which we stand; by living our own cles, tbe animal life invisible to the naked eye, ia l* and IUt Ol (Saakor*, w ithout a b r a r l j « O P * » U mO o s
that drop of water which Is pendaut on yonder the innate j earnings of the soul, the raising of Adam in the Garden ol Eden, and w ith Eve at ti>* part o f tbo** snort 1ot* r« U il.
thoughts 'that we have dug from our soul-
quarry, and polished by constant friction until plant,-and see those little animalcultu that live tbe time tbe Devil came, be would have under « B ,H i > k a r i i t w o tk a ll r a g lrte r n e b m a rtlse* ami *pe*k-
Samuel by the witch of Eodor, the appearance
they shine with gem-like brilliancy—then can and move in R. Examine vinegar, and notice of Christ to bis disciples, common sense, Hie stood tbe deception. I d one of fetf late sermons, *r* a t ora la r e ltb a i lo a* a t l i t r a a ttz s i i t u u u , v iib
we adorn our heavin with the pearl, jasper, the myriads o f moving beings there. Look at w e can imagine him saying : MBrethren, Eve *pl*<u# OD tb r tr past tb a t ih e j w ill k « p a* r o a r io l a m -
sardonyx and crysoliie, and the portals leading organic structure, amt Modern Spiritual Mani ! * rd to e tn a )* * , and Id addition to tb a t,f x ra ia * L T la d k a t#
the human system andyou find anim alcule with was badly taken in. She w as sent to grass w ith a w IIUo k o u * t» old I d tb* flrc u la U o i ol tb* Jo c av a L , b jtb
from mansion to mansion shall he of the order fest ations—al 1 attest lo the fact that man lives
w e most desire. in i t A s far ae your powers extend, you can horeafier,—and all within themselves, contain out u blow. Had 1 been her 'secon d / she’d nev bj WuSD *KD DtlV.
It is impossible lot another to think or work see animal life. The amoebic has life, though er went to grass—no, never. I understand Ihe U t a i b a a r p rom ptly front a ll w bo a o e rp : tbl* propoal-
evidence of tbe fao». ^ tloo and we will do o u r p a rt wall.
for us, for the price ol labru^roust be paid by H has no eyes, no ears, no nervous system, no secret how she was traduced. I ’stand the scrip
ourselves, both mental and physical. T o be blood,—it is nothing but a gelatinous substance. ture. There was no serpent there—it was all a
U K V . TOM K IN O ,
sure we may accept tbo hard earned thoughts Animal life is manifested everywhere. Life w ith A a - J l ’ S T H O OJd S b U U U H L E F T T O
I lls I n t e r p r e t a t io n o r S c r ip t u r e —T h e Ser mistake. The Devil there, standing behind a
and physical lab>r o | another for a season, T 1IA N K
in life; motion w ithin motion. The rainbow- p e n t In t h e G a r d e n o f F d r n , rose bush, stuck his Jong tail through, and being
bat somewhere, and at some time wo m int re
trace o-ir steps and earn our right to possess. tinted flower iB the home ol myriads o f unseen The New York Tribune to y s : “ It gives us the a ventriloquist, sent his voice to the end on i t , Our new subscrilMrs for tliete continued t fforts
‘ \ m'ataken notion it is, for mortals to livfc in grt alert Joy to Inform the American world that
livin g creatures. The air is rendered musical to and talked with mother E ve. Had 1 been there, lo procure new ones for the J o u i i n a l , and to
*■ *red iuxory, hardly exerting themselves Torn King, late of th e Loudon prize ring, Is now
pomp to keep the health forces balanced in
the sensitive ear by tbo millions of unseen larva; the ItcT . Thomas King, of Wales ; tb at Instead of my dear brethren, I would have taken hold on ask all who see this notice to put a band In tbe
enough ^ f i l i n g upon others to do their bid* •bat exist therein. Yes, far beyond the reach of pounding he now preaches, and th at he only wrest tbat tail, tied a Snot in it and prevented him from ^bod work now so successfully being prosecuted.
les In prayer. Notice Is tnsde In one or the Welch
the systeu v in slsving a brother or sister, be- the microscope is'knimal lilc. Look at the blood. rew spapersof T hom u’s exhortations, a m iss wu leaving that rose bush forever. (Great cheer- Oar last week's receipts went a little above -
ding, tlieree. lances have given them money, should presuppose, his style is stated to hd^'very
cause circuniL nostlion. What will the lnxur -
Each little blood-ct-11 is an animal, for it has tug, aud cries ' hurrah for the tail.’) Yes, Eve. the week before.
more o f the elements o f life than the amoeba*. forcible, bold sod earnest.' Bo will engage here
and, perchance,. ,tn the .Bo »k is opened, and after only In knocking down sin, getting the head was bid ly fooled. Tbe D evil couldn’t find a eerj
ous iiveis do w t ^ every jiagc! w hen-the
debtor is found o. * l , what h a v e you earned
Just think o f il, at every beat of Hie pulse, at
every throb o f the heart, 20,000,000 of these cells
of the devil In chancery, letting nh ri gbt fly at
Iniquity and bU left a t hardness of h ea rt; thus
(lent mean enough lo do the dirty work, so he
used his tail for one, white he stood behind a> .
gmonal and goral.
question shall be aikv title cle*r! Then will keeping the ring agsinst all evil doers and eeudiog
or discs or animals, are destroyed, and at the sinners generally to g r a * ,’’ bush and sent his voice to the end on it. B reth
by right, and is your . uua ignorance is
they liod that the price ol k re tMund through same lime 20,000,000 are brought into existence. Tom K ing is certaixly a desirable acquisition ren, mighty works arc for me to do. My mission I.. ur1 do Force Gordon b u retorood to Boo
sorrow, and so far as they * by justice, for Yes, life everywhere. The amoetm moves, yet to t^e clerical ring, and will be in&irunu nlttl In is to sever that tail that traduced Eve,—il has Francisco,
selfishuess, will they be bound bn, £rloa , iem4. exhibits no el'm en Is ol Hie only In its action. causing many a sinner to feel tbe benign influ never been done yet. Tbe frightened Luther E v^ Wheeler has returned from bis Eastern
“ T he B ill* of Ood or* grlB dlo* ■!/*•,
It moves and changes Us shape. Well, these are ences o f tbe Holy Ghost, and become a meek threw an inkstand at him. ‘But be has never at tour to Ctavelfcnd, Oblo.
log email; locat^rlod*
Wrlb patieac* tlasd* He wailing, tW,' >>v strange conditions, but nevertheless lyue. Life and lowly follower of the “ Lamb.*’ Alen change tacked me, boys, no never. ( ‘N o, and b ed is n ’t / Dr. S, K. Coqnley who has been lecturing In
II tall." ■ who everywhere! Life in the unseen—it is more in character, ami it is well that sucb'ls tbe case. says a voice in the corner.) Fellow boys and Massachusetts, would like to make arrangements
Shall we whose souls sre lighted,. ^ re- grand and beautiful than in the seen. The w on But how would U s u m for Henry Ward Beech girls, and dear brethren and sLters, l 'terpret to leclureTnConneC'Jcat the last two weeks in
have passed Inin the griea field* of Libei?!*, t ders o f all the universe are not observed by us. the scripture rightly—it was the uftl of the D ev Jaausry. *
er, Chapin, Tying aud a many other clerical
/(use lo invito cur lriends who are yef Elder Miles Grant and J. G Ffsh hare bcrn hold-
in theological bondage to enter and enjoy’tC“r . Commence with the lawert condition o f animal dlgnliarice to nrsociale with IU v. Jubn Alorria- il aud not the serpent that done the dirty work.
^ re, the discs of the blood and the amoebic. We ey, Rev. John lice nan and a host ol other p ire- I can wl»lp him by degrees. 1 do things by de - Ing a d lf r u iM o n • lo Vineland, N. J., on tbls^ques-
•«he Inspiring beauties with ue! I^et us ase
— ••wrjj3ffei*«uprra fife's highway, and ring fighters, fcuppofcsug they should see fit to grtes if I can’t ilo It at a jerk. The Irishman Uun; “ That the phenomena of SplrUnallsm pro
a r t cxU:Dd our, observations step by step, each
hat w e *»~ . 'tA noble deeds and heart j| ceeds not from departed human spirits.''
fill the passing y e a ^ ' v , h(j way of( )i08 one ^ Increasing In Interest ym il we doll the rowdy and don ihe diviuc. For our didn’t have money enough to pay the divine for
part, we think it would apptar dccldtdly rich getting married—the fee was a dollar, and he The.eoclety at Music Hall In this cUy, for some
fitmuy rA. * * ni*n >bat wl,t y ° u BloP thcre * K*y, reueon, hare no^jegutar lecture*. We have no
YOU* stop n<F.wUef61 ia E n d i n g your observa- amt racy. We have no dispneltion to throw cold had only twenty-five cents—what should he do,
doubt arraDc^rucnts will soon be made to employ
tions barieware *« y ° u couW not delect tbo w on water on the process o f the reformation of,the —he slapped the twenty-five cents on Ihe table,
h*“°K ,Wir,y ders there w ith natural e y e -n o r a m you low characters thai gather round the teetering told his reverehee to marry him as f^r as the
some of our lust speaker*.
e r n e J lo Ihe <=™'“ t, <,l 1,‘‘C
w u ,ry ch u ffb sl« er! Prof. Denton lectures In Boston tbe first Bondsj
lic e v e o 6 “ JJ, . “ Jnnl-noar pMlin extend yonTobservation beyond man with the pools or civil life for enjoyment. I f a scorching money went. Like him, 1 would do things by of January.
natural eye—you mufct ttop there. But, dear read hell, a Bavior.or vicarious atonement cun induce degrees that I can't do in a jerk."
ill r «nnd
L rSL,“ ySp»»V>W'“p ay
h'r[,s' Wiu
engage an
er, as back o f him, w ithin tho Inmost recesses or them to live a better life,let them have the ad Headers, there Is a lesson In thiacolumn, which
Mrs. F. A. Logao’s address Is In care of thU
you low your Identity, je0V? Tiltllk o f oflfoe. '. L.
nature, y»U find animals in existence Infinitely vantage of such a belief. The refined , lan is worthy ot perusal. Ignorance finds a resting
eternity in »uc^ ft° r vou comprehend it r We sre Informed by Ell^F/Brown that the floe
tho word O f f l i n e afe so limited Inferior to blta In aB thoae attributes that make guage of our clerical dignitaries .would meet place In the orthodox churches, and ia there pet
TTsll at Richmond, I ml., Is to he dedicated tod ay.
Metbinke not ** > 3 itjn S cco n sta o tn c cesslo n o f up the rA l m a t i- ir you extend you rob icrvatiois with but little favor with tbe low prize ring ted, often a^sumiog the responsibility of be&ro. Prof. Denton and a hort of other prominent
B ert to us ^ .^ iJ rtK r a n d tr truths through all beyond you would find living intelligence* as characters. They m ult bo addressed in prize- tng teacher's, I would as Boon endorse, how ev speakers will b« present. This will ha the finest
higher knowledge anrt g f woridE, of
5 t« avenues of worlds and sy»ie ftnd ft much superior to him as those anlmalcula; arc ring slang If anything is accomplished. Brill er, the above Ibeofy in reghrd to the cause o f Hall la the West
S I n e U y systems, • ^ “^ o f t h e S p irit; reach- inferior to his heaven born energies. T his w e Sant metaphors, well rounded periods, system- the transgression of Eve, as the idea set forth by Jet* frojlbe, B tJlivort.N . Y., will answer call
a u n t working into t h e l d ci*im ing by ized logic and eloquent appeals, would not af promlncnt p rtb o d o i D ivines I There is, to Bay to lecture.
i S t out for dl •^veriest *n tru'h, knowT o be true. Man should not stop reason
ing because he cannot extend bU observations fect in the least such characters. Language that the least, something original in the suggestion, The Spiritualists at Wilmington, Del., meet each
further. Columbus knew that there was a n v "•trikes straight out from the shoulder/’ that and it Is, indeed, quite as reasonable as to eup- Friday evening, also oo the lost Sunday of each
America before he discovered itY .f r a n k lin touches the " bread basket,’1or stirs up emotion pose that a serpent did actually communicate to month. Stephen N, Fogg Preoldent^; Jos. A. N,
““ hS™ “ « c me4* wU“ ",W’ knew there w aw *leeU k R j in the murky cloud Within the "gale-way,^beart)woul(l accomplish her the withes o f 8*tan, The extreme redicu- Fraser, Becretsry.

“ « S . To5.tor'
S '
D bc x v bbb 25,1869, R E U G -l0 -P F T IL 0 S 0 1 j H .1 0 A l j o u r n a l .

spirits live—live ever in the consequences o f O nr N ew B o o k s. A W O N D E R F U L x iL W isOGik.

f h iia f ljlp liia g r p a r ir a fn t. their former acts, and we know that we shall do T he reader* o f thl* p aper w ilt do well to look M W o a r %J-
A D V E R T IS E M E N T # .
like wise. v e rtleid book*, Several new book* w ill b-t ( b u n t adverlt*
J U S T P I * U L.XHII L D .
. . . . H. T . CniLD, M. D to This basis Of knowledge in c intrauistlnciiou eu —*11 of w hich a re f -r *»1* nt >blt offl
F r e t li U a r d r u , F l« w » r , F r u i t , H e r b , T r e e ,
blind faith, Is the reason why Spiritualism
ha* spread with such unheard ot rapidity. It is M hrub a n d E v t r g r c n i S eed* w i t h d lr e r -
I n fo r m a tio n W a u le d .
Ba M e n p trim w ill be r*o*|vi»d, Sad paper* may b . o b u l o
• d * t w Iw Ia a a U o r r*UU . At GW E a o « ■trAct. V tiiU dH rbl*
the key note which has touched the heart
strings, and vibrated upon the chords o f human Any p s r .o a «#*lQg o f bearieg ol ihl* notice w ill coale r *
l lo u * for c iil t i ir c , |>re|>ald b y m a l l . T h *
m o a t vom tviete a u d j tid lc lu u a a * * o r lm e n t
g re a t f*»pr upoo th e uuderngD etl, by ndvufbg Ibvni of the Iu t il e i-ou uirjr. d g r u i * w a u t r d . REM ARK ABLE volnm*. m n ta lo ln g tb irty-elc original
U rm lllu d f * .
ity in this land and all lands. Mankind have
been asking for the bread ot knowledge and the w hereabout* o f O r. 0 . A- M» d d»-*l-r u 1 wife. T b e j b a r*
25 Sort* of » h h ir f <r 11.00- prepaid by m ail. A lio Siuail
A i.intribiitiou* by tb* *plrit* u f *uch f*in->n* author* a*
la v in ti, 'I iia c k c h a T, C harliiile llro n tr, Byron. Ilaw ilw riiv
waters o f truth, and when these come to them In th e ir custody a licit* girl, four ya*r« aod <1 x mouth* old, U till*, nutnbxbil. iir«. ItruwmnK aud o ther* now dw elling
One of Ihe highest, the hottest and purest at Fruit*, H aul*. B olt*, a ll lb* n*w Potato**, etc., prepaid
in the pure, purling streams o f spiritual revel*- called (d a f lo r a . Ah* I* a c b irm in g Huger for a child of In th e cpirlt-worbi. Thr*o woodi-rful article* w*ro dictated
by aiall, 4 lb*. B trly R i m P .tato, prepaid, fo r SI <0 th iu u g h a C luirvoyant while In a' tr*r»co *rate, and a re o f Ihe
tributes of God Id man, is gratitude, the twin tiop, they sink deep iuto the hearts of humanity, th a t age, aud 1* lb * oa ly child of th* uad«- ilgaod, and «*a C onover* Colo*,III A .p ara^ u t, I I per 100; l b par K40. tu - t in b-n.-iy lnt> re.ilng a ud e h th ra llln e h .tn r e .
sister of Justice, sweet companion of compensa and warming their souls, sends them forth to left In eha-ga o f Or. M*ache*t*r* wife, a t W a*hlugljo C ity, prepaid N ew ba idy f r a jr a u t >v*rt,| >u-mug Ja p a u Uwoej JCf Llcj(*nily bound In cloth. Price 81,50. podagoSO oU
for a taw day* oa ly , d a rin g w hich tlm * they rem oved t* • u c ila , 50cla ta rh , prepaid. T ro* Cap*- Cod O rauberry, (or
tion, the blessed tie that links humanity and labor in the great Adda of relorra, with an earn uoland or low land c u ltu re. <1 19} per 100. prepel i w ub
part* ankaw w o. Any ooe w ho will e o m m u tk e ia a a y ia teltl-
strengthens the bonds of fraternal love through^ estness that faith alone can never inspire. g e sc e to th e * # atmcMt d e tra c te d p arent* to regard to th e ir
direction*. Priced Catalugui to any addrrae, g r a in ; a l,o
tra d e li*c. Seed* on Comuilavluu.
r.i 11 u : oy c o nt est s
Noth withstanding all the folly acd fanat*
out the boundless universe ! seism there is among Spiritualists, while we l e t c h ill, w ill confer a »*ry grew! favor. 8. M. WAT8UN. Old Coiooy ffor*erlr* aod 8e«d W ara-
hooaa, P I )m o n th . M an katabllabrd lb 1941.
A n th e r.
W e do not believe that gratitude or the feel have this basia of knowledge, there la no doubt Ad-lrei* K * V K I.L m l ABBV N. B C B K U 4M , No. IS, Vel.7 - 7 w. Il-nry J lUvinoud, To lb* New y..rk Pulitln.
M*rg»ret fu lle r, l-itevatnr- in ?uirit-L ilr.
ing of thankfulness is couflued along to man, of the success of that m ovem ent There has W eaton, M **.acbu*etu.
lr .n l Byron. Tu In* A irituM
although its chief expression must be looked been, and will continue to lie much suffering in DO CTO R I R A S. K IN G S H E A L T H N»tb*ui»l lUwtli-iniM,
Wu*hlugtwn li.lng
the transition frvn the old regime of faith to r l) l ) I O H a K icteller,—»>iur* w ith S3 50 an<-1..,«l w* re V tail Ui ll< tr y CUy. J
for In him. Brother A J. Davis ssys he thinks the new foundation o f knowledge, Iwl to every ceived. W bat u y o a r F . 0 . a d lre a * ' IN S T IT U T E . W . M. T li.irher*). ItU l‘<*l Mortem Kx|v-rinooe.
Arrlilii.ltup llugb.*, Two natur.il lu-ligiuim.
the glorious old k in g 'o f day', must experience honest, earnest inquirer after truth, there comes kilsar .A. Por. . Th* le a l D--ul.
A w icg tb e gruw ttig u - -e*« ty of an InaU ta U or Ibia kin d
great throbs of joy and thankfulness when be sooner or later a calm reliance that lifts us above Je an Paul Richter,
IU th e W ealth* boclor h a t take i the coin modi o u . re.idi-uc* Iuvi-.il 1- ludu-m-ee.
all these trials and places us in conditions which P H 1 C B -O F HOOKS. No. 1 3 , Auutb M l.viM ipti a lr-e t, w here paU eu'a m*y rii.irlolti- lti.in t-, Agniw Re-f. A T .la .
beholds the vast amouni of Sappiness which r e will enable us to understand the grand springs Kllxatu-th tl. Browning.
•rea r* it**tw *,.t and autnfotU of h jtu e a t rtwauuabio le rtu * . To H er Uu-><*i>d.
sults from bis beniticcnt light end warmth. of action in our lives. It i« not alone in the rev Th >m w u ilitig b o jk i, will O il la * c o lt of th* b u k t t n l'he |Joc,or |x<*.u II* gloat healing poawra I* *U» a go o d A rt-m ud \V.,rd, I u and uut uf I'urgatory.
L»<ly lil»-**u.ct-in, D i*tiiigni,lfi| w lu-Mi.
W e sec evidences in the lower forms of creation elation of the future or the present, important the »• B o o k t r i a l * ' published *»ary week. Tho«* order U lairvi.yaut baa ban r ig b tra u Jta r* ezjw rleac* a* a
P r - 'f - w r GluuilivU, Local tv otthoSjdiffl-W ortA .
o f som ething akin to gratitude. Hut it is as they are, that Spiritualism comes like the ing book* t j b* te a t by to «<l tu m i b* c r - f o l and rem it Pbyvtciao.
Adult l»tur* H-iik'-n,
h .p e cia l < n t.a t.u a given to C hroaic Diteaae* ; N euralgia, Hold Me Nut
am ong mankind that these arejiresrnud in the th e e x tra *w > u at re-j.lirml for p x ta g * . N. P. M 'illK
KbeuuiaUatu. O ja p ep .ta , L.iug lht!l 'u lue*. h b u o ra ul all ; 017 lliutd .-kvlrluw.
most beautiful and impressive forma These, leaves of the Tree of Life, which a»c for the heal W * .ap p ly way to o * la to* m >ra*t, u a v in g a rta o g e lu to t* k iu l* ; di«r««e* of £ •> aud K ii, etc. ) v r C la irv o y a n t'
M. tg-\r«t fu ll-* , Inspirit Life.
ing o f the nations, but it is also in the solution G ilbert Sic-*>irt,
i^ .m io a tlu t.* , en tlu tu V hick uf lla ir , fu ll oame, ah. and C o n v c a l iu n . iu Art. '
loo, are an index- to man’s development. The of thone wonderful experiences o f the past, w ith p a o n .ia r * a a l b / ik **u.r* tb .u u g U ia i th* c o u n try E lw ard K v-tetl, Gov ern In-nt.
little Infant in its mothers arms, gives thanks which have burdened our lives, l**caufe they T bo a w ho J wire o th . r b o o k t I b .u t a x * fo-jnJ In o u r Frc-l-rik* tir-m- r, P lig h t f» My Slarrv Hum*.
P. A. Th# Doctor i* Uc«caed by tbo P i n t Circle of Kuv, Lynuio It-ue-her, T he Sabbath—ll% U . a
moat sweetly for the warmth and love nt V r wi-rc incomprehensible to us. The church has “ H o o k L t a t »> will*end to *-idiUno to th* regular price s p ir itu a lis e Ol ibi*< il» t-. Ajlru e u ir , Y tatriagei. Prof. b M g r Itioh, Marriage tu S|>irit-IJrk.
embrace, and lor that which nourishes and sus o f lb * book* d**treJ, o u t t i l t h more to cor«r po*t*g«. Addre*., | . ia. K I M i . J I . !> ., N o . 1 3 Sooth Ml.vle- JunltuBnuu. Ibe.th,
talked of the greAl mystery o f G<td)tne*s, but alppl St., lu o ia n ai.u iii, lud. R .v. J.Itm Wcal.-y,
tains its life, and in its sweet smile the mother, there is a far greater mystery—it is life itself. Vol 7. No. 13—u-
the true mother sees the expression of pure This c m only be comprehended when we come N. P. Willi*. • A Spirit ito .w l.u g E a rth .
(f lA U r C I I L Y .’1 K K T 1 .NO. A nuiiyinuli., Alutio, .
gratitude, that makes it a perpetual thanksgiv to realize the knowledge which Spiritualism llir-.u Vutt llitn il.ild t, E urth-i'isk---.
ing to her. A little later in life the child fciveB spreads opt before us In'the clear and beautiful l b * q la rta tly M .* tiu g o f th* A in th o ra W iaconaia dp.rit- Sir David llrow aur. N atiqalu-M o f Pfunt-l-ife.
thanks for its toys, ils candy, its beautiful new revelations of facts and induyucea which were uaU*M AMOCMtioia will b* b r id a l (be Hapti*t Church iu th* II. T . Bock!*, Mormon*.
U etU tb» Sick nt NaiiV P it I LA DALP H i A, UUlU. by W. K.BurtjO, Dram a in ?plrit-Uf<-
clothes, and these are the rich return* to the hitherto unknown to us. village or U orltugtob, K i.-iu^C uouty. ou aaturiU y aud bun- Laytug-Ou ol 11 tilde. Cb.vil.-e U. E lii..It. l'«ltitil(K in A) irll-l.lfe
lend parent. Manhood and womanhood gjve day, J a n . U t and Ad 19.0. V o:.7 . h o U —It. ' Cnm cdlun'. l'--lr> . Rulllt-kiug Sung.
This know ledge gives to us a broader charity, Lvly ll-»t* r S t-u ’u.pe. Pryphecy.
their thanks, too insnv o f them fur mere sd a nobler love for humanity* and a truer devo U H L V. J . rt0UK1UA, Pr*eid>ai
fi.nh gratification, for the fulfillment of selfish tion to its interest everywhere. J. U- TUjWicaiDJK, Secret ir>
I'tv ln w ir M:tcUr|, .. Plat
lir.J.YY freiiuL, rid fnwtnity.
aims. Let us, then, us Spiritualists show llu world TO B E E -K E E P E R S . II Uri 1<
Tnere are m a n y , however, who yjve the pure tin t we have something more substantial than HU.QK, C i ' The »n!e o f ih i - . .iir.i<'r.ll-nrj w irk wd' I- of tbo meat
A NEW B O O K on III* w it/u c t -if BewOuMuro,
ou t gushing thanks for the blessings which 1*11 faith, more enduring 'ban Creeds and confession, ur.,•/«*•• -leu 'r.| iw.-'arc. I’rv-e, rl.-O. 'JV-t*.
upon them—and are made happy Hereby. The more effectual tor the redemption o f the race fiplrituitlisl* v U U iu g Chicago, w ill find a pleasant c a il^ ltb r e b JK iffA <>i> *KB KH H.'I i t . I t ..g u t u,. in a
For Ktle at 'I IIK K K l.lt • - I 'll II/M O P H IO A L
h o m e a l 1-W, 4 th A v e n u e , u u th e d o u l h aid e- O n ly very M u d e u id i u I oh*i|> fi.-ji, to .« - « th e a ante ol Uee-
mechanic and tradesman, and the artist, give than anything which has ever dawned upon the •TrtnnxAl, Ofli.r, 1 '7 A: Nm i!t Clark street.
Koepf-r. iu wvery d v .- a r e n u t of j p j;u lia r* i ecieac*. ^ I t
thanks for success in their various departments world before. Knowledge or the appreciation of liv e m lu u l e a ' w a l k I r u m Uic F o s U O tlle e . Ciiica^o, I1L
cJHiVnv m ire iiraeffc*! ta fo ru u tlo a , and t r u t * upon m ore
ofltte. T he politician is thankfbl lor the suc truth, then, is the Ssvior, and not Cbnfuciou* G7~Good m e d iu m s a lw a y s In attendance, x ta •u b je cu lo a n a iy o t o .r o i .a of it. am d y*t p ui.il.u.-l,
cess of his parly and especially of himself. The or Jesus, Paul or I’lato, or qny other man, or le cuibat,i.i.-.d w ith u n - u -r ju , cut* n a i engraving*, and
dUtesman, with broad and philanthropise woman—each and all are only mediums through cout»iU*jii-a-.ly a . .nauy, ward* a .a b iu k th a t u iu iliy e d i.
view*, is thankful for the establiihment and whom some rays of divine truth aud love may Ibi I'dtw. Fuh u h - l b r K K .K lbot*. B urlington. V a.-eiuat. "M O D K U N
Price to p ip e r cover*, odete, D iueJ, ‘ Act*. a .u l by mail
maintenance ot justice and liberty in the gov-
- ernmenlB o f the world. The churchman Is es
be transmitted, and carry blessings the world as SPECIAL NOTICES. on receipt 01 price, .v i t a** A. d.
Clark Al. Chicago, III.
No. Isa ju u tu
they shine upon i t n o l le ? ti .
pecially thankful for the succesa*ol his peculiar We have no condemnation for those who still
sect, and pours forth the expressions of bis grat W A N TB O , F fIV S K U N , IIL ' l L E K , ,
r t P I R I T U iU M S M ,” -
dwell In the shadowy realms of faith, or under
itude in long prayer,ofien mingled with a sel th e dark pall of erclerinsllcal authority. A ll Ai,00G, Jfcc. DR. S11EL T o y s A T W E N T Y T E A K S ’ TIECORD
fish feeling of thanks that he is not SB other men. that we desire to do is to hold tip the light that A n • \pvil*nr«!.t a n d ru c***f«t phyaldiib, w ith a re tu a o t
S oevcry where we find a criterion of man’s con rativv pi*. ti<«< birii«dy r*t*b.i- bvtl, »i»uw iu t*ko * j,* ri- CELEBRATED P IL E SALVER OK T H E
all may see It, and thus be made w i m t , bettei
dition in these expressions of gratitude. N o and happier. u*r, auiJ I* ttitrv lu ra d r.iru u a u t ctiir**puiiii«iiK w iib a.iu v I . prepared froai m e * a tr a i t of nt^d.il -rent p laotv, a n d it*
class in the community, however, la v e greater uu* pu*AM*liij( til t fxllva lua <1 MltdL*llua. ; m e rit, ar* vou-ued f -iru , tu* nua lro d . of vk,*. th a t tu v * C O M M U N I O N
(A) a h*iuijui*lni on tu. lumbar puuv—one wbu b*. heeu cur«d by i u u*e. 11 (■ uu luUbtedl* a a < r. reign rem-
ause for thankfulness than Bpirilu&lDts. They K-aruvd. »U(i JiiaLtKv*, tli* law ul .<•!( tuutrul.- w iiu u.r* HETiVEES *
<dy io ail cat-.a of Kim*, a o la l.o ep;*oyid for U l.* r., Sore.
-cltbanktul, first, that they live, and especially St u d d in g t u d e r b a r e F u l n . 0 > tva rcO w , opiuui, * * i l «'* Own, alcohol ur lobeect*. Hura* aud U iapjicd U*u>la. Filcu. <1 <*> per bag ;
at they live in th's wonderful transition pe- vtij Au eJucaivu p iiy .lc i.u —if po.«ioi«—out w nboui a o y ad n w s u p .u r -c e ip to f p n * -. o -M d e, J fcTAATS,
Tbcrewrc times in the experience o f all, when prijudlcv* In lavwr ul any a p m ld stbuol or .y*tt-m ul prac- 93 Auitty iU »i t,'X . a V„r ^ .
k a u t ii a n d t h e w o u l d o f s pir it s .
*1 in which this thick veil, which hna hereto- l k , ; ob* wbo u tlitp o .-U tu u* * t ili.eaaei uu lb* »aiu* brcn-l
e obscured, like a dark and brooding cloud, the storms without and the ^clouds within, arc plallurui that tliv II uu u*riuuulail*l -(ro.l, a I o ih rr *<> vail
the future, is not only rent in twain, hut so thick aud fearlul that we fed that it is indeed «d evllr. tty s r o f .r jin l a r v e o c t a v o , o f s ix
w 2 ^ 3red to atoms : so that it may be, and ofu-n necessary that we take in alt our sail?, and (C) A p.r*-vo p o u**.itR gvfd h-a.iiiR pow .r*, e jttb ln -
ml a ilb a tu-almy li->Jy u .d guuj i i t u i u m uapacity, which R H E U M A T IC AND N E U R A L G IC U C S D K E h 1 OKS, E N G L I S H M U S L IN .
3C*oWn sw ay by the breath of a little child. stand as still as we possibly can, while the fierce w uald qualify ibt-ni tu tik e ch*rgu of a a iD *iitatiuu w hrr* ' R E V E L E D L . OE.% S U P E 11111. Y A N D P R O -
0*T ne true Spiritualist does not need that the gov a large u o a iu .r ol pa tb a ii, *u1u, iug buu, ebrunic di.ra***, R if MED Y. F U SE L r IL L U S T R A T E D W IT H F IS B
ernments should appoint a apecisl day of wave* roll around us. How blessed it is on o c would bn iu cub*taut a tttlilh M ) , would bu preluraolr to a
T he r«vi|>* lor lo ll io v a la i’-le pr*par*U oa w m given P O R T R A IT S , E T C ., O N S T E E L , WOOD
thanksgiving—h isjtic is a perpetual ib&nkpgiv casions like this, when we hear the voices of the •cicutO cblly educated p h y alciaj, h u t a c^u .iu u aiiu u uf (h* IhroagU *lr, - l u l l , b , * baud uf p a y .ic ia n v It
angel* saying, •• Peaoe, hv still." Tlieseuare the ijr.lifl.-.u y u i would ul uuurao u , m ire dv m a b te. IN T IN T , L IT H O G R A P H Y . E TC .. ETC.
ing, l i e leels continually thankful that the an tu* been l n rd :a a grea t mi nt) ir of c u u , both or B oeaint-
(D) A capital ul not la*, uau two thuuauid dollar*, turn aud N --ir Ugi*. au I in every l o . l t ac* g*v* a l a u . t lui
gels have come and proved to him that they hours o f discipline in which the soul experien would b* cmj luita, aod u.ci* ■ pu*.i. It, iu* piutil* h<uug m ediate fell if, . a il ug m p .if.K i oar*. Price | j 01 p e : bub
'ive, that thev love, that they have lost’ none of ce* a 8 rowlht ^ a t Is really valuable (o it. la a ratio co. r**|,otidliig to th* capi-.ul iovrait J. tie ; Beut t)«*v«<
>r adl IIr * r • - . r ^. <. _ ------
Though these experiences seem to be very With a capital ul un Ibuu.atul duliai* (Ut* bualne** could
the strong affections which hound them to iis b* mad* pruUub * to fun* ytruM, 4to.ee * j nut acock com
w hile they were there; thankful for the sequ undesirable, it is wt II lor us to learn to bear pany might be turmeJ, but uu luur* Ibau two ol tbe partiv* 1 5 Y 1 -iN tM A 1 l A U i n y i i x K .
ence o f this great revelation, which is that we, them. Sitting with a medium who was under the iuUr«*t>d could b* tmpluyi-d I* t . , bu«iu**a to advaniog*.
A* a pay lug ibVMtniFtil t? Lvlb labor aud capital-uu a
r |9 h i« w.<rk b<t* In w d p repanri by th e u illlw f
loo, who are children o f one common Father, Influence ot wise controlling spirits, they said to
us through him, “ Do not eudeavor to remove ■oall *u*l«—and to capital « , a laif- oao—lb, re li o o d* CURE FO R G R A V E L
*shaH live also after (ho dissolution of the mater whi'b uH.r* betlai luilu.atuvul* iu*u this tor MIbei, a U n d er tb o D ire ct S u p er v isio n a n d G uid-
ial body; thankful for jhe light which bascom e the feelings which now seem to depress thy wid,i or uiur* aortby Qi-IJ iu «uicu lb* no* rtfjtun-r cuu
labor with tli* cerlwiuly t>( duiu< grral*r gooil tliwu Iu ebi*.
* ance o f t h e S p irits, *
from the bright Summer Land, not onty reveal brother, for it is a discipline ot life that will be A rliing from ir r iu b le coudilloa* of tb* u r e tb t an d Mad
oficreat value to him.* U mmuuiCatliL* from tbo,* ayv,-^lbrticai:y luapircd with wliu I n to ni.ing'irutiHl th e m ovem ent
mg many ot its facts and phenomena, hat illum > M t . to bamfi. lb* »luk aud .ttlicied, will b. gladly r.- der, from ihe pr«i*nT-. -f .to n * o r *r*vel, »7id to cb«ag*
We did not tell hint what the spirit had said, it-ltrd and proiuptijr »u»**i*d, giviug pariitu ar* ol loc* th e c h ar v c lero t litlik urine. Tb* r-c ip - w a. giv*u th ro u g h ltW JiiUiti* exearpl* fr un far., pam phlet*. pri«*U. Journal*
inating our own pint lives, giving m the key to Mr* OU*t*. I t I* purely vegetable, » u i b«i been u ,n l m
many o f those m ys'erits w hich have fallen np but waited patiently for the unfolding o f events, tioa, pro.prctir* p.ograuiu.*, Ac |H»n->d:c*:i now • 'll of p riu t, »ud variuu* utb e t *ourr,w a l
a u opoiiuuiiy alii bu givi-u to any oun q'Mliflc-d fur tin- •oiuo of IU* ro i . t .. ..(i,i*<* c u e w ho m arrelouv ro*ull..
on us from time to time, and bewildered our and in a few days the revelation was received 1' lttl-.u tu *f t fir tbeui.rlrp., n i l ul r*j>vu*ir, provided Ibe Pilcc . per b u tiU ; **ut ro any a-Mrei* upon r«c*lbt of t u na ble only to tb* a uthor.
■senses because they were among the strange by liiui fr >m ihe sijirii*, and with it acou sci jus- fiC l. d i but Currr«p*w4 » itu tli, *UI*mt.iiU. price. Order* s u i t be dirieftrd to J T. PTA AtN, '3 Au.ljo
•iri-el New York
Thnc.-II'Vliun nf fly*** r-v-ird* hiw e n t many y e a n o f In-
and unexplained phenomena of life. He is nets that there had been a soul growth. tor particular*, addrv.* i*U VSiCiAN, «.»r* uf A. S. Jour.,
Chicago, 111. • No I t , vol 7 - .f V i til as 13 13 w . w a n t m e n re h . * » l a ltnf:-tber ft'f.trm* uu* of tb«
Ihanklul for the siorm and the sunshine, tor the A g o n Hud again, have we experienced these
P IIU 1’lhiH .V f t l s O t' o s i t i r.Y,’IN DlAN ’’
volcano and the earthquake in the physical, and baptisms in which it becomes necessary, that - TIIKTLLING HISTORIES.
in the moral universe, la-cause he knows that we tread the wine pret-s klone. On t u k 1-Sni o k t i : is m-in Vii w il i *. iik U o n u o lv i J. WiiLUM Van N a u a t, from • Diawfug by
Ibefct; are steps in the progress of the worlds nt Hut we have realized alter n season that these W olla A nd«nuu. Will l e *ent by mail ou r . r - lp t o | !h it l i u over Utued from tli) p n u v .
mind and m atter; thankful fur the clouds of were really good for us, und th it it was well for f w * u l y l i v e r e n u ami a • . t u m p , t o r *w'i a t tbo
•ytUri-, ut llin H lU ulo FHIl0*0l*at0\i. JucnXAL.
Tii* fifrl ro»t of the w ork w ill c>m*ide*ab1y eac-<*l 'b o eale
sorrow that ut lime* overwhelms Inn, and still us thus toHuft-r, to go down into the ilei p bap EMM.I 1 U 111)1SUE'S U R EA T WORK Addree* A. A.Jvuo*, I s j , o o u iu C iara . i i u . t , C lil-ajo , Ul pric# w hiib h^* I1— »’n ft le d !•;. th e au tb n v , # u h a vtjw of n o -
more so when the sunshine lalln in beauty tism iff suffering iu order that we might m e duriog it tlU itn lilv to nil cln-» « o f rondere,
around hl» path w ay; fharkful for all the trials again. It U true, Spiritualism, like an anchor, S e a S C K illR U S A S H t u k t r .I o k SU P P L IE D
and disciplines ol life, because he knows they sustains us in the hours ot darkness aud sorrow ,
prepare him fur higher con d ition s; lienee under and eUfblea us to triumph over all these obitu-
“ 11IS T 0U V O F M O D E llN
Iv Ji. A r r- ’Bcb lady, has ro .ioj a t lb* M urtou U uu*^ .Xu,
fit tile Office of ihe R k l m io l'ltiu m o r n ic A ii
A M E R I C A N S P I R I T U A L I S M ,” - I t.a - i d I lL P r a u k lin A t..b e t« e* u W u.liibgtnn and
:aUcircumstances, he gives thanks, and his clea, aud ever mount to Higher aud holier- •on (trael*, Jd ft M i l . of th * -Ji.t n a lr .n r e to |) j0 j s n a »| J o l'H N A L .
iheart oveitl »ws with grslitu le, and bo recog Addrcst, S. S. Jours, 1ST d; IS:*, Souil» Clark
A T W EN TY YEARS’ RECORD ZZL w here sh» 1* p rsp iro J |o „-v* *e*oc*» io a ii wh^ •W l« clklN
nizes too, how beautifully this sweet and
heavenly feeling hinds mankind together, and voyant * i* m iu .llo n o r p*ych>nt*tric*l d*ui**si.io*. Ui-r street, Chicago, 1H.
L e tte r S ire . F . A . L o g a n . of Tias pi w* * «« • invdidm for g * « -ra l * p .c U | lu*truclioM In r#-
enables the angel bouts to minister to us and give
us those things which shall fill our souls with B h o t h r h J o n s a :—I left illnncHota’s beaulliui g w d lo t h t f d iq r a - rv s u u n lio a th* p « t —d ia fc-nonng aud
jo v unspeakable. scenery, p l e u m homes, genial hearts and It* m is C o i u tu u a l a n lle ltv e e u E a r iU la n ti tite prvacrlbliig far dlkeaiM , llav* b j*o t* ip 4 by t h ^ u u .J g . M Y* A F F I N I T Y ,
Gratitude while It thus ennobles the soul, is sionary labor*, to aeek a aunnler clime for the ben- W o r l d o f S p lrltn ;! llecrpUun nutltw, from' to o'clock 4. M. to 12 M., aod from
0 I '.- A u - t ? : * -t.u .irri ^
raccessible to tfl, and is often found among the efll of the phjraleal, and .in accordance with the 2 to 7 p. M. Tehiu, &om t l to 83, accs-dlog to liui*.
‘ :»io©r and lowly of earth, shining like a diamond, splrlt’a prompting*. I gm lectnrlng on “ Equal ONE VOLUME LARGE OCT A F O .J ja No. 9, vol. 7. i f *
AUD * ^ - 1 ^ _
and (giving last re to life. R ights," In poetry, interspersed with prose, aa oc- 81X QCNDKK3 PAGES,
How easy is It for us to make our lives bright caaion demands. Churches and halls are well
and beatuiful with this pure and'attractive v ir SU PER B LY IU U S T H 1 T E D W IT H Mtujnetic and Cl>nrtoyant P ’lyricuin*. OTHER STORIES.
tue. Let u 9 all piuse on our journey, and ask filled. A lecture wa* called for on the atesiubsat, STEEL E N G B tV IN Q S , t h e i r w o r k s y e e t a n li k n o w ( h r m . K
•whether we have realiz-d all that we might on my wa j from L i Oroaae to Bt. Louis. It Is tbs A N E W B O O K
(from the exercise o f this lovely Christian virtue, question of the day, "T o be or not to be," and the P0RTRMT3 OF DISTjNGUlSUED SPIRITUAL-
B R . W . 4c m ill. F . J . C L E V E L A N D ,
and m the gratitude of our heart, remember that groans and agonies of worn in as the result ol un Wrd, SPIRIT AUTOGRAPHS, ETC., ETC. Unve permanently lacaud at 13ty{ Mediaun *traet, Boom,
vutblcsring others, we are even more bleisid oor- just laws and lojarlous customs, have reverberat 89 and 90, Chicago. I 1 S T P R O S E .
Tb* wh>l* a a l* rta k * a , w m t u aod p a b ll« h a d |b y lb*
' selves. ed throughout tbe realm of Infinitude, oreu unto au th o r n a d tr Ib a direct Prom loo* experience la treating th* varioo* 31__ u
the Inner life of sympathetic souls, until the great which the hnmao family l* .object, w# f « | eooAdent that B Y M IS S L IZ Z IE D O T E N ,
The R m io b W hy. pulsating heart of the Uolverae is throb blag wfth Oui'Uinct and Euptroision of tin Spirit *, w ecaa re.tor* to haalth alt who nr* afflict# I with aay cura
ble J1lea**, having In maby c*a«* cured Uio*e who w en
It Is very evident that the ckurcbea are fail-' interest to llborate, to set free, to break all galling who have ioaugaratpd the morem-it. abac do aod a* incurable by all other *y*(em* of practice. AUTHOR OP THE POPULAR BOOK OF
All acute j alu* removed IniU ntly by layiog on o f band*
i n g In their efforts to redeem mankind. Even chains which have hitherto bound the souls and AT- Aj^ c IU a-.teatfoo given W the t r it m e n t o f a U l ^ “ P o e m * F r o m T h e I n n e r L i f e . ’’
<the moat firm adherents bemoan their' lo u o f bodies of mea, and more especially of women. I m ale Dueam-e, by M n.O W iV K L \N 0, who U a Oialrvoyanl
aod oan p -rfectly diagno*#-dUea*«, either pr**ent or U .
lectured to an appreciative audience last Sabbath Tb* e>1lectl>a o f lh« a a t a r l i 'i f i r th ii w jrk h a t *oat
•e a t. S eal name, age and remdeoc*.
power, and are so sensible that the vitality has th« a u th o r year* o f r**«*roh and trouble.
In St. Louis. I found Brother Warren Chase with Th* A m c j *i will ooq^Kl.rahly . ( >*«l ih * ‘*ti« p rlc*,— OoniultatloD aud dlaguoll*, 81.00. *
gone out o f them*, that they are seeking to find ^ fA lt L E : O F C O N T E N T S .
a well ANtagedwtore of liberal books. ana tb* whole w ill form oae of to* ino*t ^ no A vol 29 tf
the cause in various directions. Ooe of the We found genial souls In some of oar slaters COMP-iKTB, T I I l t L L I N J AMO A S F JO N D IN Q f D liT O - MY A F F IN IT Y .
most common assertions is, that'Go J has given thor-% who aided us with sym pathy and lore. The
oyer the world to the devtl and bis angets, and dear lady who improvised and performed beauti 3 E tD .U I BONN*IFLEUII AND 'IIEP. HOSES.
that they have succeeded in enlisting the masses ful music on tbe piano at our meeting, baa been PablU hedby th* Anth>r, f ro n v h 't n It caa b »oblala*d The World Beooword •
a t h .r real lea-;# i i t S a il #H h A u N ow Vor*, or from in#
•of mankind In their army. biiud f^om childhood, yet her music U seldom. If TV’OMF.X A N D WISDOM.
Bo successful are they in this drafting process, ever excoued by the m ost skillful practitioners.
Offl)* of tb-i R i u a io - r u a n r o ra to ib Jo o * .v * t_ » t w boleiaie
or reta il. Frioe 83.79- SPIRITUAL ;|MEDIUMS.3
that they declare that not more than n»e in a _______ m__________________________________ T la e lr B i o g r a p h y , T ifE FAIT H O F H ASUUH A.
thousand can be a ited. W e are certain th it the Thus the angels are aiding In her spiritual nufold-
churches have titled, and will continue to do so ment, while her mortal vUlou la cl>eed to all ex- SOUL-READING, T niJ ILVCIIELOR’S D EFEAT.
in all that is essential, if they continue to put ternal aurrbuodlffgs. OR ADVENTURES IN EURO PE
out the light and deny the living inspiration of Arrangements have been mado for two Or three
lectures her*, aod then 1 expect to lecture In the Pij/chometric iDdiruatiom . AND THE GREAT CAR BU NCLE.
th e hour. T he idea that man i* to be saved by southern f a r t of Illinois. I should be pleased to
faltb, does not satisfy any thinking mind, and correspond with parlies wbo are favorable to A M E R IjC A . M ARRYING. FO R M O NEY.
the secret of success in modern Spiritualism and "equal rights," who would like lectures In tlitlr A . B . S E V S U iN U B ,
it* unparralelled spread, is to be found in the localities on th at subject. T u b W e l l -K n o w n ParcHOMBfr i s t , ■; S P L E N D ID L Y IL L U S T R A T E D T11E PR O PH E T A N D T H E PILGRIM.
fa c t that, discarding blind faith, It plants it- Address me In care of tbe R iL ioio -PnrosopnicaL W ill give t ) tho** wt») will! him Iu b u m , , or fro*, enl-J-
-self on the firm and Immuntable basis of k now l JnriHVii, 188 S)uch Clark street, Chicago, IU. graph, o r leag o f h tir , r .a ii d g i o r o h ira o le r; m in te d
change*, pa i t and f o u r * ; advic. la regard to t i i i a u i ; lo th * rmoaeuf SpIrllm Uwa. Itrgcm -d. In laleu*e Inter-
edge. T he foundation o f the spiritual religion, dugaoil* o f di*et«*, w iin pr«*cripU oa; id ip t a ti o j eflfa)*# t e ta n y novel and every vkorddrit U truth.
Is a knowledge that spirits exist after they have ! G OO D N IG H T , lutvadlog m im a g e ; diraiU ia* far th e m ia ig im tn t of 428 yaga*. Price $ 1 5 0 Po*t*ge 40 cent*. G ERALDINE.
left their material form s; that they retain the c b ild 'e h ; rilat* lo th * lab»rin*al<vi*ly m trrie-1, # m . Addre** S. B. JON’ 1)9
same faculties and powers, and are identically
the same beings. As Brother A. J. Pavia well
ar n t a u cram . T eaita—|1U > for Full D iU n ia llro i; B rief D eliueatlona
317 Florida BL. Mii*raak*«, Wl*.
199 Sooth Olark .treat,
Ohioago.iM .
rays, ** The sapcruaturallsm of all ages and peo Good n ig h t I Good n ig h t I V ol.T , N o. 18—tf. '
p le, is nothing but this thing which is caffed,Spir May *ug*t« b rig h t. IM PO R TAN T TRUTHS.
itualism.” "Tt i* the foundation o f all absolute W atch o '* r th y baby alu m tte r; W a r r e n O h u e A C o ., No. 8 3 7 N o r th F i f t h
knowledge concerning the world beyond the On* more iw .* t kl*a, I lr e e ii Ml. L o u i e , H o .,*
A B o o k fo r E v e r y c k l l d . aTHE E L F IN SPRING .
T b*o dream* o f bll**.
tom b. Deprive the religious world of it* so-call Com* flocking w ith o u t n n u b e r . K oep o o u U a t ly o n b a o d a llt h e publical lou* of W a . W h .(» BT MRS. E. r. MILLER, M. D.
ed miracles—put out the clairvoyant eyes o f the T hl b v .k l* duMgaed aa a n aid to parent# and other* (a
Sleep, d arlin g *t*ep, * 0 o ., J . P . M in iu m , A dtoetA C q, A cuuio-F niL O sornioti.
•world’s seers of* spiritual existence, and instant teaching c hildren troth* for th e porpoed o f preventing the J THIRTEEN CHOICE STORIES.
N or w ake to w e e p ; PublUM ug A u w la tlo a , a a l a ll o lh ir p o p u la r L ib eral
ly —in the twinkling ot an eye, “ the glory o f Im fo rm a tio n e te v il habit* whtoh deetroy h e alth , happlnae* and
m ortality |U exUnguieed, and God's beaulilul L 't e ra tn re , lo c lu lin g R*uoio P n i u io r ir i o ti; J o u a n a t aod
. m4of P All whs have rssd the besulifui nni charming Po
uoiveroc bvc^nicB an cnip*y circle o f nrntiTittlliiu • h e ll th e * , aw ay B t s e a a j r Lin a r , M u n i a t , t* * iio g o > !n , P a rlo rG a m e a 11 u children M
T h y y e a r n s , w ith m o rn lrg g lade** la p tw t to th * a a know ledge P rte e o n ly
ems Prom the Inner Life, will desire to read the asm*
and everlasting death." We know that just as Gulden Kent, S u ilo n * ry , etc.
far a s men or spirits have been able to go In Ojodnlxhll Goodnight! >•**,149 Booth^tark etraaf Ohicage. anther in prose. s
Jb elr Investigations of natural phenomena, either T hon elfln ip r ite ; *
spiritual or material, they find that *11 things Ood k««p th ee In th y d m a ra ln g ,
Gal. keep* th e R lb l oto Paito K ira io tb J o c a i a t f b rta le , nod C L A IR V O Y A N C E . P R I N T E D A N D P U T U P 1ST
Tf solve themselves back to Bplrit, hence the Idea A nd *w *etly w ake,
f o r Jten** ta k e , w ill receive *ab*:tip|ioa* Lir th* i u n s . U e a lio k**p« for
o f a great spirit, ovlr-'nillng, controlling^ and Whoa* love la o -er th e e b eam ing. MRS. 8. W . JO R G E N SE N , B Z i H i a A X T B T Y L P
governing mil things, becomes a natural fact,and u l e n i l S pirituali«t a a l B a fo ra book* a tO b i* * g o > n d fio « -
koom* 3 0 , 3 1 0 Snath Clark Street. C b le ig o .-P .y o h o -
n ot a mere matter o f faith. We are spirit, wll to n price*. Bpraca’s Poiltlv* la n l^ N a g atlv * , Pow der*—
W d . L . B w k h y , Jrra tw a hi* inbacH ptkm . b i t f a l l ^ to m etric, B orin a* and Ddvrioptag M edian; Inspirational P r i c e , 4 l , a O r o s U ( c , 30etSa
things are spirit,, hence God Is spirit, knowledge PlaochettM , * U , alway* oa hand,
In*tractor and Oynnsellor. T erns rcaenab le.
then, as a basis Is entirely safe. W e know that g iv e hi* F. 0 . ald rsa* . F l a y adftoe ■*. n o il vT if
Eo.10, ToL 7—1 tin* (pd).- f o r ml* at Ihe Offlc*o f th* Bat
1ST 4 1S9, Beuth Clark etreet, Chicago, I
RELIG W^FHILOBJeHiCAL JOURNAL* D ec em b eb 25> 1869

upon which «m written tida inscription ; All do to alleviate Kiche'A digress. I saw that she Did., (*u the Sfith of this n oml. The lintsi we listened trembling and doubtful, yet, so lar,
fcttuauciratftm j from lk t gim er £ ifc . wept continually and hid to consent to her re our hopes sre more than realized, and ol those
men ore free and equal. While beholding tins SMriluri il-dl in the West is to be dedicated.
splendid monuim nt to the great and noble deeds turn home, .llow I unturned her loss—it was Bro. Wm. Denton, and many other i“Spiredsoul* who scoffed, many come trooping in, ready to4
t *1 tU ( i n III* > 3 { ili o titrg * c o n o a r n ln c tfa*». nf our btloyrei Washington, it sent a tbrilt of the only time I ei j-'yed such conversation, for will be there. May the gods c »operate. Jjih in the great workpf redemption and sing
joy to our hearts,seldom experienced education whs not thee almost universal as it is with us the songs of gladness, until the refrain
f u f Tin- Kalitfti»-PlilUi*>pktcal J u u r u l . 'Still pursuing this beaotioui avenue fora con now, especially among women ; Rachel was a Kokomo, Ind. la.ciugbt'np by waiting thousands; and thus
siderable distance further, we discovered a gen rare exception. ktius go on our way, working and rejoicing to
THE AF TE U LIFE. tle rise, and upon the summit was seen the 1 had but few companions, and livod almost gether.
statue of our dearly behmd Lincoln. It was a in my library. I felt Inst away Imm it Every Fur lb * ft'II k io - F b llo aa p b la alJo o rtial A. C. S.
In o n In t h e H u m m er L a n d -----T e r r a c e d day found me either there or Wbijag for some
viouniatn*. splendid statue, and had the appearance of ala Lb. TV ER F R O M A . C. S. ---------------
baster, hut recently erected. It stood erect .with thing new in the literary world. Ifa new book NEBR ASKA
a firm, but pleasant countenance, lu the act of was out I had plenty of friends to bring or send The P r e s e n t C o n d i t i o n o f S o ciety *
breaking a chain tbit bound an African slave, a it to me. 1 was cotemporary with George 1 or R D k a h J o u r n a l : I felt In my heart this morn
Letter fr o m D, H e lllg ,
M. D., Me dium number of the links lying brotu-u upon the England, and as 1 spoke English well, bad a fine
From the delight tnl v#Bv of “Beauty," filled ing a wish to send you greeting and a word of In this region of the far west there are some
ground near by. The slave was in ihe act of chance of being reryid from that literary field.
with Angelic intelligences, that LIasi attempted rising upright. lie was looking up into Lin I well remember the interest felt in Shakespeare. cheer, and as I icnght to gather in some ideas families and Ifidividuals whose noble minds are
coln's fucc, with a joylul smile <»u his counte How I devoured every page and read it over and that might be appropriate and welcomed by you, capable of receiving the light from the interior
to describe, we c.int inu«•! our journey of explo over again. Bui what wns my astonishment on
nance, It was a most appropriate and beauti this saying, “ Fool, look in thine own heart ami regions, (Summer Land). They can read the
rations. Our companions wi re a glorious band ful design, and fill# the soul with ) >y to behold entering spirit life to learn from Hamlet that write,” came to mv miDd Word of God (nature), and appreciate the truth.
of lovely and congenial spirits, tilled with love It Ikbmd the statue of fjoeoln was standing every word said of him was false. All about tiir Philip Sydney, I think itwv, who uttered The inhabitants came here from different points
for each other ami omflowlog with Joy and a lovdy female figure, placing a wreath ot flow the ghost was the mark nf priests, got up to it, but however that may be, the heart u the of the Union, and of recent date, and settled on
pure heneyoleno. On every side were new era upon bis head. inflame him aeainst his uncle, and to cause him garner hsuse, alike of all, or the truths ever homesteads. A.little town numbering a ball
ncenes presented, to our view, landrcnpesfo Thousand# of statues wc beheld here and to take *hi* hie. Nn truth, either, was there pressing themselves upon us for recognition,and dozen houses and a saw-mill, is in our midst.
beautiful that they caused a thrill of delight, there scattered over this vast country, and etch about the King, lie was a good man and would of the sweet mysteries nature iu her varied op Old Orthodoxv baa found his wsv here, and Is
that would vibrate through our whole natures, had some symbolic meaning attached to it, have been #n. honor to his country ; but like me, erations whispers in our ears from the first busilv engaged in piling up atom s and other ma
streams <>f sparkling water that would flash up showing conclusively that their deeds and works he had no love for the church, and »he church dre im of ennsemns life. terials, fur a templo In which-in worship bia
on our vision like brilliant diamonds, here and of eartu life do follow them, Diar friends of determined to get rid of him. This ia the stud Borne ears, it is true, are too much deafened three headed God, or rather ni* three gods—the
there c*>u'd be ssen^crove# of perpetual green, earth, beat this constantly in remembrance, and history la made of. by the worldly din around them to listen to her same that were banded down by tradition “ from
occasionally a heantilul lake smooth ssa mir let It stimulate you to deeds of virtue and true There were no political convulsions in my sweet accords, and many tonguea are palsied to the prtmative fathers'' to Zoma«ter. and after
ror, dotted with emerald isles covered-with a benevolence. Here and there could be seen de time. I had no trouble with the people. I be 4bdr ulti*riDg#,but this beautiful mot her,unheed wards bound Into one hiindle.br Jewish Nations,
splendid growth ot trees and shrubbery, princi lightful bower* constructed ot rare flowers, vine# lieved in the divine right of kings, and gave but ing the want ol apnrecistion in her children, and still later modified by the Trinity of igrio-
pally of the tropics, with arbors of lliwering ladened with flowers filling the atmosphere ail little thought to any popular movement, know- continues ou in her untiring course, and pours rance, folly, and low, cunning Christian priest
vines. Here and there were seen upon these arouud with tliglr rich fragrance. In those bow ing-thsTtbe army wm mine ami could in a mo out her bounties alike upon all. craft, by r*moving Siva (tbo former son of Bra-
iBles, temples, residences, villas, Iwuutiful ave ers were rustic teats, soft as down, that the vis ment nut down any rebeltioua thought Thus Would it not become us, as grateful children, mo, the father), and sohslftuting a Jewish Illus
nues, walks, flower-gardens etc, all injhe high itor can sit or recline upon at pleasure. You I lived, and at an advancid age passed to a bet to better heed her teachings, to slacken our pace trious Reformer (Jesus). Having raised hint up
est state of cultivation. On the wnterwcrc oft can behold at almost evqry curve or turn of ter country. after fashion arul foil)*, to cease our wrangling to the same plane wtih Drama, the primitive
en seen lieautiful little gilded sailings vrfsels, ' those avecu-.-s and walks, fountains spouting I opernd my astonished eyes upon a vast dis-putaliona and like good brothers and staters christi&n fathers and disciples made him equal
decorated with all kind* of lovely flowers. These nigh upwards their pure, silvery liquid, spark plane, not a spear n1 grass, not a waving shrub impart to the oiher r.f the variety they have re to him (the Father), In every resppof, and bap
little boats were principally tilled with ehddran ling like diamonds h* it falls into the marble or living thing—all was barren. I fell that this ceived. Thus we may compare notes, and learn tised him “ the only begotten of the Father from
with wreaths of flowers upou their beads, sing basin# beneath, and from which you can drink was a type of my life. I had lived for myrelf our abrading on the highway leading out of ig e'ernlty f and bourd the three. Father, Son and
ing their gleeful songs, and often could be heard at pleasure*. Kvery fountain is furnished with and the eratification nf my apjwtitee. Wlwt norance into light and knowledge. Casting a Holy Ghont, together in one bundle, making
peels of‘ merry laughter, as they boubded one or more goblets, of some rare, polished ma good had I done, what helpless ehild or widow glance backward on this highway, it reaches a truly the Ifolv Trinity ! MyMerv or all myste
through the crystal waters. The fragrance and terial, lor use. In tine, everything is berg that had I relived- VVhatbad 1 done to extern! sound point of almost alter rlarknes", when man, im* ries! To ibis mysterious Trinliy (imaginary
beauty of those lovely isles surpassed a thousand can contribute to the pleasure or comfort of the principles among the people. What opportuni mortal as ire in, seemed but little to appreciate God), the temple of our little town is to be ded
timet the fabled scenes of '*Araby the blest," visitor; everything to delight the‘-ye and sen ties my posiiion afforded, ami how sadly neglect his high destiny ; when the moat cruel warfare ucted by OKUOrthodoxy. The great hull dog
The inhabits^* everywhere appeared to un ses—there appears nntiiiug’wanting. Music ed. 1 knew this while ou earth, but the Jove of and disgusting taroiisals were hit pastimes; and (devil), who dropped from 'he brains nf Ziroas
derstand our missions, and gave us a moat cor vocal and instrumental, of the moat heavenly caic kept me still. 1 re fleeted deeply oh all this toon and on through succeeding ages, until by ter has accompanied Orlh'doxy, and hois to
dial welcome. Sometimes they would recog order; indeed, you find music in everything, and felt that my punishment was just slowly progressive steps, he attained unto high show his teeth whenever the devotees do not fall
nize ue oy a friendly nod of the head, or a gushing forth m rich atrains that fill the heart How long I remained iu this condition I have art in the external#, and then again hi# ever ad down and worship him (Orthodoxy), as well ns
gnscolei wave of the hand, in as plain language to over flowing with gratitude and adoration to no means of judging. Gaining strength at last vancing uifvetneut# led him more and more in the mysterious Trinity. “ Now it came to pass”
as could be spoken : “God bless you—welcome the great First Cause. The light shone soft like I began my onward carreer, hoping to find a to tire moral #nd spiritual regions, until to day, that not many davs ago an appointment was
to our lovely isles." Never was a journey per tfaeslautbg rays of the sun on a rich, mellow more cheerful country. Ou I wondered, but with much still of fin and ignorance and inglo mode for me to hold forth in the neighborhood
formed with more ecstatic pleasure and perfect mid-Mimmet’# eve., that makes the iccne de mill all was barren. At length, after strolling a rious revelry in tilth and abominations, there of Orthodoxy, upon which he became extreme!
delight than was ours. Altera lime we could lightful beyond de&cripticn.and such only' as can long distance, 1 thought 1 could perceive a see(us springing up a ne w order ot things, like nervous and bid defiance, so that we found itdif;-
behold at a great distance (he outlines ol a beau be teen and enjoyed in ibe Summer Laud. Change, For the ilLmal gloom that had attend to the breadth and ircndstem force of a spring flculETb get an entrance in the public-schno
tiful and grand Tange of mountains, which, we Here and there, as you pass through this land ed me so long. I perceived an opening dawn. time vegetation, bursting through all obstacles, house; but thanks to angels, one enlighten
were informed by our lovely guides, were the ol wondrous beauties, you can me those gor For the rugged rocks and wasted plane, I per it "hows itself here and ffiera and everywhere; family opened the doors wide, bid us ent
great “Terraced Mountains.” On we sped, with geous temples, tilled with the great and wise, ceived signs of reolure, and then even flowers We will have no quarrel with the past, lor the There on thu Kith, Sunday afternoon and tv
i he velocity ol light, and as we neared the beau listening to lectures and instructions, from still began tu ap|»ear. Ifi esi utiy I found myself in a rough, the external, the physical, must in the ing, we proclaimed the gladlidings of great j
tiful mountains, we were more anil more struck higher and wiser intelligences, U|xin every sub grove of trees, the branches filled with song order *»r tbings.prccede and prepare the way lor (new dispensation—“ open intercourse nl thou
with admiration and astonishment. Tin ir mag ject of science and general intelligence; Coun sters. J rejoiced too in a blaze of light, and it mental and moral condition";and all gentle and and sflections between the inhabitants of th
nificent grandeur far surpassed any thing of the cils for the improvement and amelioration of was hot long before l found myself surrounded beautiful things. So in our farther wrestlings ferior and superior world,") to a crowded 1
kind-fee had, as yet, ever beheld. Here again the- inhabitants of earth. Here, too, you see- by troops of friends. with the remains nf this primitive order, let us of anxious listeners, '•Curiosity brought
earth's language entirely fails to impart to the groups of bright spirits promenading through A great change was now wrought in my war work in strong faith and hope. One after anoth some devotees ol Orthodoxy, who were a'
inlnd of mortals the grandeur and sublimity of this world of tl iwers and roses, delighted with ring nature. 1 now looked unnn air#round me er the crude, unwrought condjlione will present lighted with tome of the unfolding!*,
those lofty mountains and their scenery. Dear every object they behold and tilled i<» overflow as the work of a beneficent Deity; I could but tlremielvea to the surface, ttfai judgement may purpose of presenting (he wonders of art,
friends jt£ earth, could you only behold for your ing witb love to our' Heavenly Father, and admire the beauties spread everywhere around. he passed upon them and means devised fur their more forcibly we exhibited the Orera a
selves tbeec splendid scenes fora few moments, pleased with each other. Hero 1 reclined up , W hat lovely arbors, tilled with happy b e llie s; improvement. philosophical instruments. This had
it would relieve me from ft la k I fear I nliall on one of Uuum moss covered seats, and looked what a glorious sk y; what splendid temples; From the agitation of the whole structure of ot drawing the minds of the auiliencr
fail to accomplish, But, oh! no, you cannot see out u;ion this glorious scene with ecstatic de what a lovely 1 mdsmpc— mountains In the dis society at present, we nuiy conclude there are imaginary God, worshipped by Orllu ^
and understand those glorious umnumenta of light ; and had it not laeii for my Very strong tance— fields of flowers everyw here; groups of .mighty upheavals impending la that direction, votees, and placing them upon the grea
our gloriouavummcr Land; not until you are re attachment and sympathy tor some uf earth's in- happy people ; birds o| brilliant plumage flutter and although, to the short sighted aitd unthink live Mind, the grand Principle of Light (Ii
lieved from your crude, material bodies can you habitants that still huger tin re, or could they ing around, coming when you extend your band; ing, only con fusion ami disorder may seem to gence), pervading inimitable space, manifesting
be blessed with angelic vision ; then-lore, I will have been by iny side, to enjoy fhusfc heavenly singing as they corac. Sparkling rivulets run result, yet that Divinity which shapes on! ends Love, Wisdom, Justice, Mercy, Congeniality,
try to impress some of• its lovely features upon beauties with me, I thought niy joy would have here* and thete;'and placid lakes enlivened by will, through those who give themselves as in Liarinouy, and crowniug these attribuies wit
your minds. At the base of those mountains, been enhanced a timirtu.il fold. As it was, my crowds o f people strolling along the shore. I struments tor Its u#o, work steadily up out of beauty through the elements out of which tt
and for ft great distance in every direction, ibis wholu being thrilled with gratitude to our great could thus go on and m il not exhaust the sub this racmirig chaos,a higher tone of thought and innumerable worlds («nlar system#), are com
country wears a gently undulating appearance, Father, for*those lovely tceiies in the spirit ject. truer inode of life. Hut the agitation of thought posed. Being a musician *myself my meJodeon
with every variety of beauty to make up a land home. And here I am, enjoying as much happiness trad consequent actum hading to all reforma can, also found a place in the midst of the audience,
scape of ibn Summer Land, rich, grand, and On awaking, it were-, from this d. heious as my Soul Is capable ol,*and still grasping at perhaps, best be induced by conferring one with and Mrs. Viuey, consort of Mr. Herbert .Vinty,
mellow. The base of the, mountains was, or reverie, 1 nene’d u most lovely and exceedingly more light, more knowledge. Every book o f another, each giving <11 his views of tire life with superior musical talent, and with purity of
appeared to tie, formed of some Kind nf rock, to mtelltmaul female standing by my side, and note that comes nut on earth, I get immediately, "round him—of his own and his neighbor's vocal melody far above the ordinary, accoinpa-
appearance like granite; ils seams were titled, pointing a v iy in the great distance, t*> a i*’HI und rend it with as much interest us though liv need*. ' i nied the instrument by singlr g b o r o * o f those
wittrimany kind* of rickon* that sparkled in higher p'ane, f*r above, on this mounltin. Sue ing still iu the lorni.’ Wc have long since found that coercive ureas lieautiful tolos fnupd in the Spiritual Ilarji. Ali
rhe tight like bright g* iu« in the sun's rays, Tliis exclaim ed: •* Tuat plane lhai you l* bold, U sliil 1 bad beard o f (bis new dispensation, but gave tires are* of liulc avsil to pmaluce lasting rc- the lovers of Truth and Harmony enjoyed u feast
stratum of rock extended upward for an mi- mere rolined and beautiful than this one Hint it little attention, hccuim I could mu believe a torms; so we need to reiterate the fcutimeni of happiness. A few ot Orthodoxy’s devotees,
menec distance. In the lock was cut a flight t«f ha# delighted y »u so exceedingly, and that you w ordol it, and when G usu ve Adolphe h Id of that t<> approach each other in alt love and kind- however, writhed in Agony when they beheld
steps of ca*y ascent, After arriving at the sum- iud supposed e :u!d not tie surju&sed. Thia de hi* la v in g given (in account ol hlmfeli through lie*#, hk» retd members, a# we are, of one fami their three headed God fall from ills throne, and
rnit, we beheld a comparatively level country of lightful Faim ine you shall tie permitted lo be- you, 1 was greatly astonished and delerminH io ly, is the only imjpreralye mode of conviction, his-heads severed from his body in the fall, and
vast extent, filled with every beauty and mag h-dd upon your next visit to the “ Tetraced M-»k an early oppoilutdiy ot trying my hand, tio, too, wben some sudden liereavenrem comes Dagon-likc, prostrated, with heads and hnnda
nificence that the mind could pntiihly conceive Mountains.'' anil here 1 find it nil true, home to us in our unguarded-moments, then scaitcred over the flobr.
nl—such as beautiful parks, lawns of holiest Alter taking a lung and lingering look nl nil .Vml now let me ray a word about my wretch do we realize In earnest that o»r days on earth Blue Springs, Neb. *
green, residence#, temples cf every kind and this loveliness, and those heavenly being#, we ed country, llo w 1 btivq moaned and lamented are uncertain trad but few at besi, and that no
model, statues, avenues, walks, trees, shrubbery, left lor my spirit home—my lovely uul j i ion of over her, I low I have tried to give energy to thing hot soul culture and good dectls will avail For th* ttall|Cia-Fhllo«0(ibic«l Jo n ru i).
vines, flowers and roses of every conceivable rest—and from llieLOu to earth, to luriush my her people and rouse them to resist her ciuel us for happiness in that life which succeeds this,
X IliR to n a ry L a b o r s I n I n d i a n a .
kind, and whose fragrance filled (his dorp.us labors of love there. aggressors; but ulus, al’ her noble ho ii * arc gone and then only, parbups, shall wc have reference
land. Vines and trees were seen laden with (be mid her name is blottfcd mil. But* vengeance in all our acts to the laws of justice and human Bh o t u e r J o n e s 1 wrote you a few weeks
most delicious fruit; fountains that spouted against her riHhUsft enemy, though stayed, is ity. Some few persons seem brern with but little
F R A N K 'S JO V IIX A L not dead. In fifty years not a crowned bead will since from Buna Vista, relative to my labors in
their crystal waters high toward the heavens, propensity to evil; others with noble, generous this state. I gave three more lectures m that
h o to speak; miniature lakes filled with beauti
hoorrt, Klnif of Polmnt. be in Europe, The people will govern, au*i then natures, but mixed with glaring faults, tkime
mu e c i s n. w a r n , or HA LTiM Oka— me dium. Poland will Ikj fret. - place, atter the date of my last letter, to a large
fully plumagcd aquatic birds and golden fishes, will heed and improve upon good instruction and deeply Interested audience, and Brother
with thousands of beautiful objects that could Dear friend. I am ncre to examine this curi Keep your country free from all entangling and example ; others, under the same dicipUne, Butler, of that place, one of the standard bear
not be explained by earl he language, so (hat ous thing. My friend, Gustave Adolphus, has alliances, as your great Washington admonished, seem obtut-c to ail good teaching,and run riot in er* of our cause, informed me at the close of my
mortals ooutd receive a correct idea. Here and you will stand foremost among the nation#; many evils. Our philosophy teaches os that lectures, that 1 made several converts, and I
the beholder could, l think, spend an age, and excited my curiosity, and I wish to he assured all will have to acknowledge your superiority, these conditions are inherited or, in a great meas judge fiiore will follow soon, irom the interest
not be weary In viewing these heavenly won that spirits can commune with mortals. I have and ail take counsel from your experience. ures, induced by sonra law in the marriage rela manifested, as a considerable portion of the au
ders and delights, Thousands of pure, bright been here very many years and no such thing Perhaps you do not know that you #&< the tions, therefore it would be well/or us to »tudy dience rame milea, through mod and snow, and
BpiriU congregate here, to behold and feast their was ever thought ot But here is proof positive centre of an immense throng of spirits, all look more into the caucus of there conditions, some of them on foot. And a still more intense
eyes and secst-Bon these scenes, prepared for the ing on with the deepest interest, tor this meth and work for a remedy Instead of using that interest was manifested, if possible, at Middle-
eat Father's dear children. Hera we behold that my thoughts are writlea upon your brain, od ot commuuicatlug thought has drawn around short tpace of lime given UB4trb)ame ana cen
S ousanda ot the great aid gopd who have long and you can lomndl the same to paper. you many who with to give their history. You sure. I often think of a ‘precept a good preach
fork, in Clinton county, toward which paint I
proceeded after dosing my labors at Buna Vieu
since kfi the earth plane—very many who have I am George, KtDg of Poland, and while I are also attended by a vast number of undevel er once endeavored very forcibly, to inculcate Here I found the soil entirely unbroken, theft
earned a reputulion in earths history for great lived Poland knew no other King. Fur many oped spiriis who have been told that you can upon his audience, that every person had a good being but one male Spiritualist in the place, and
and nohle deeds—and thousands, too, who have give insu’ucliim kow to escape their wretched and a bad aide, and we should always endeavor bis Spiritualism was only two or three months
left no record b- bird them of having ever exist* years 1 lived in quiet; not a murmur rose against condition. , to find the good side and see only that. I be old. II® answers to the name of Alfred Boggs
e& Among the great numbers that We met here my government. But ns time rolhd nn, a feel H»w greatly you b've been favored and what lieve there are few,if any, who, when the (letter and is a Spiritualist or the right stamp, one that
I shall mention only a few, *qcb as Pythagoras, ing of disquiet was exhibited among the clergy. good you may tin. You have been annoyed by nature was in the ascendency, but would listen can stand fire in the thickest of the fight, and
Plato, Homer, Darius, tone* King of Persia), Tney lusted lorimore power. They would take an undJvelriKjd sp.nt. but you will be troubled to true, sincere appeals in their behalf, and Mr*. Campbell ia also now fully enlisted In the
etc., with many others ot ancient fame, togeth from my hands the appointment of the Bishops.' no more by hiui. lie bus agreed to let yon through that become better men und women. ctpise, and will make her mark in the circle in
er with others nf more modi nr limes. Among They began circula’ing falsetto mD among the shore. Let us all, then, learn more gentleness, and have which she moves. In a word, they are bulb mtn
the latter were the Fat hers of our Count rv, the people, and it was not long before I hud to are a more extended charity for onr neighbor's of the right timber. I had tefwork on the rate
great and good Washington, Adam*, Henry, rest several of the malcontents. This only made I.e tl« r f r o m B y r o n H e rd , faults. material in this place, there never having been a
Handcook, ale. Here, too, we met cur loved and matters worse. You can have no idea of the Heart, wlmt other record is found In thy lecture given on the subject here before, hence
murdured Lincoln. I noticed particularly Wash-, ferment thia excited. All Poland was ia an up Dr. ui Uk o y iik h : Having returned from the hoards? Thtre is one ofddcpand lusting regret; I was to!d that three-fourths of my audience
ington and Lincoln, who were closely linked to- roar, and only waited an opportunity to rebel West, where I start* d last August; I am again one which alt the philosophy of compensation were members of orthodox churches. But my
gulber in bond# of true love and sympathy— againit my aulhoniy. snugly boused in Kokotaao, but fiud one thing cannot quite overcome. It is that of lack of cul lecture had the effect, I am informed, lo open the
their benevolence, and intense intm-t for the I h;nl an able nitmater, Count Gehraski, a nmn needlul for our subjective nourishment, and that ture in its mil, deep sense; that which has iuih- eyoi oi mauy, so that they could see the cfarfe-
enlightening and benefit of the inhabitants of of fine education and indomimble courage. He . erto been denied lo woman, but which in thelh- tian churches are not on the true road loading
cann, particularly t*»r the true intere st* of the c.tuiisclled me to liberate the bibhops, but upon is Th e J o c h k a l . I sent, as you, perhaps, re-' tura will surely be hew in an equal meavfffe to the temple of truth. The town is small and
people of the United State#. Our glorious W.ith- thuir sokonn pledge to move no more in this member, my Jo o k x a L to S. It, Kec*t, of Maine,* with her broliters. yet our meetings were large, some coming iqaoy
ington drew all eyes on him wherever he moved. matter, Fdtd so and peace was restored. Ind., my father, while I was absent. I don't wish The most rtudioua and penetrating minds miles to attend, though the roads were atil
He was rather tall, and very graceful, his face I had a wife, as bcauiiful as a woman could be, to deDrive him of it, as be enjoy# reading it huge among men have not entered into very closeve^ encumbered wiiu mud aqd snow. On my way
radiant with purity and love. He wlis c.othed but she did not harmonize with my habit#. I ly. it m*m# to prepare his mind for an event, laitoiiB with nature*, and why should they so ex back to Hamilton county, I called and gave i
in a robe ol pure and spullers white, with a pe had formed a taste tor reading, anu had every that must sooner or later take place, and, Instead clusively have debarred women from research lecture in the Court Rouse, at Tiptou, the coun
culiar tinge of celestial blue about the b udt r ; resting place tilled wilb all the hnika then ex of being “a leap ia the dark,” it will be simply and companionship* True, they have allowed ty real of Tipton county, where the toil has beer
a golden girdle around the waist; a large star tant, But .my wife cared Fr nothing of the laying off his old, soiled garments for those im her to Jubi enter the portalB and cast a longing hut little stirred, but one or two speaker# had
like a brilliant diamond oil bis left breast; pants kind. She delighted iu looking at soldiers on maculate. ' lance into the far chambers where were stored
of a shade of lake green. He wore upon his parade, In festive scenes, at being the leader of The Davenports were here recently, and caus S idden treasures, but uaH .* “ You can enter no
preceded me in presenting our cause. The re
sult of my tour, and acareiul survey of the field
. bead a chaplet, rich' and beautiful, dotted here a busy company of rural villagers, and occasion ed a great fluttering among ihe email fry, so we further. . Your small round of duties need but convinces me that many thousands could be
and there with small, brilliant stars that seemed ally gave public reception to the principal qfti- know they were hit, Bro. K. Graves has Just little intellectual culture, and your dependence made to receive the great and grand troths o
to be constantly twinkling. Oh! be was certain- zeua. I could itt-1 no Interest in all this, although paid u« a visit. He has improved very much In upon us, your masters, would not be to fully be the new philosophy In Indiana, if those wh
ly one of the most lovely spirits I ever beheld; occasionally 1 gave it my countenance. I tried speaking. lieved in, were you more self- sustaining." So have already embraced the cause would adop
bis whole nature beamed with true benevolence. to win her to accord with my tastes, but all my Thera seems to be a universal desire in this the woman Is considered highly finished In edn- an efficien t system of labor and work at' It wit
Be was standing, when I first beheld him, erect, effort# were in vrih. At limes I would read to vicinity, for more information concerning our cMfon if she is as far advanced as her brother, a will. But alas, the feWpionecra in^lhe slat
with £ lovely smile on hw countenance—his her some favorite book, but she soon would fall beaUt lful pnlloeopby, l cannot answer half the when he Is about to commence, by entering up are generally surrounded with moral ittbtrn,
left hand lightly lasting on Lincoln’s shoulder- asleep. At. length 1 gave it up iu despair, bbe calls I have to lecture through the country. The on a regular college course of four years, then, which has the effect to chill their feelings am
in earnest conversation with Darius, King of w/u a good wife but not a companion, interest in spiritual things seems to ebb and perhaps, three or more at a university, and from slacken their energies, and bonce do nut fee
Persia, or who was once King, for, vou must We must have a friend with whom we can flow like the mighty ocean, but with this differ three to five years after that for some particular that interest in the cause commensurate with it
remember, we have no Kings here. But I have assimilate. Feeling a void, I naturally looked ence—the ebb never recedes quite so far as. the profession. Man must indeed be preeminently importance. I found, however, one app&sento
not the time now to give a general description about fur one more congenial and perceived a flow advances. The watchers on the "old ship below woman in brain power if, with all this live standar^earer, a man who says he la will
of the spirits we saw there, lor all appeared very lady of my court who was ever with a book in Zion," are noting the steady advances of our advantage, he bo not immeasurably above her ing to pay one hundred dollars a year tosunnor
beautiful and tilled with holy toy. I stood, and her hand. iThis, of course, attracted my atten progressive army, and are struggling to mans m comprefiennfon and knowledge. But wom lecturers, although his*'means are not very arr
looked with wonder and dslight. Such a bright tion, and I found her engaged iu studying as their forces for mere successful resistance. Tire an with all her Atlas load of never ending “lie. Whb win “ go ana do likewise r ’
galaxy of pure, and lovely inhabitants of tbo tronomy, On ftirihcr Inquiry I learned thit she recent union nf the New and Old Bcfiool Pres cares, extending into innumerable departments have not found so great Jakfa, no, not in Im
Summer Land, Xbad never seen together before. was the daughter ol a professor iu o uj college, byterians at Pittsburg, and the Union Sabbath of household labor, enough to make the strong A few acch living men would enable ua to
We were now permitted to stroll at pleasure and bad thus acquired a finished education. I Schools are the spasmodic efforts of the dying est brain real In planning and executing Its man the whole state o f Indiana in a lew year
through this lovely elyslum of delight But it soon began to enjoy her society, and we con- dogmas. They qught to know that if the ele ifold items—or the fashionable woman exempt shall It be done, brethren and Bisters ? w hs
would be quite impossible to describe all of its verpid on every branch of knowledge, in which ments of union were in their fundamental doc Dom those cares, frittering away her bidin In you ? Will you respond ponu T
lovely features; therefore, I shall be compelled I fount! her quite proficient. Her views of reli trines. they never would have become disinte tbo many devices for adornment—all have nev
to confine myself to some of the principal objects gion Were like mine, that la, we looked on all grated to such an <»xtenl They never can unite ertheless preserved intact, somewhere within Richmond/Ind.
that struck mo the most forcibly during our pooling- from the church as priestcraft, but all and bo consistent until they return to the old' their being, a sort of recognition that (hey too
stay. After passing along for a great distance, nature was divine. Everything around bore mother church, and he born again from super- were born with divine aDd immortal power*
on those broad avenues, bordered with rosea evidence of Deity, and I gave to God nay hom naturalism into naturalism. The Catholic church which hav* an Inalienable right to unfoldment On and after January 1,1870, the'gxcbu
and flowers of almost every tint, taking in, at a age without caring for blaiiop or priest. : ia consistent with its supernatural hypothesis- and use. So the strong voice now goes up from malls between the United States and Fran,
glance, aIKlb ore delightful scenes, we came to a Fain would I pass over the mouths that fol oil things being poesible/rom tu th a bait. But many a wounded heart, and many a good broth cease in consequence of lira abrogation 6,
beheld a beautiful lowed. Malice soon spread her wings and the
curve, when, on our right, we beheld________ the Orthodox have so for departed from their er is her champion; so the cry will not Jong be
statue ot our beloved Washington, This statue Queen became alarmed. I felt no other regard original stand point, as not to have a plank to In vain. -- present postal convention between the two
was of tiie purest Parian marble, of spotless lor Rachel but as one who admired her tal«oU, stand upon, save the old worm eaten one of vi- In the gladness of our hearts for the glories trie*. ■• _ •
white, almost bidden In a cluster of evergreen but all 1 could say was'as Idle Voids, and noth carlobs attonemenL I must close.- This letter we ren approaching, letua not forget that our Vincent Gollyer says the islands of St £
■ and flowering vines. One hand was raised, _D ing _____
could w___9
iptiefy ^my wife but her dismissal.
___I _____ _' Is getting too long. One thing I will say: We angel mpn<#a were ifio first to,forest!adow to,pa
pointing upwards; In the other he held a scroll .could have borne her anger, hut what could I are going to have A-glorious time at Richmond, what our earth might yet become, and although A lik llQe0rfie ®lone worUl price p*J
ij.AN'C'LIETrJi—T U d D E S P A IR <j¥ SGI-
i N U lH IIlU Ob ME.1MER18M. Th* Oial valuable
| J work »v« pub'.Uhiwl irpuD thr-rim cr shotting the theta
la regard lu mental philosophy aa developed by experiments.
P EN C JE. Tal* of A Physician, by A. J. Daris,........
The Future Life, by Mrs. Hweete.............
N PRounEbnivjt ‘ 3. . pa i eh c o m pl e t e PR O SPEC T US
D e m o m t r a l l n t the Immortality of the soul aad tha The5 a»»»*e’oameJ work Is one of the very best books vrev
oemmonion of spirits with mortals. pubHi h-J. Krery dpLrituaiut th*ough.>ut the country Too Question Sottxi. by Muawi Hull...... Bound in Allegorically Jlluminaktl Covers,
shun d a-.-ii'l fur it at on:e. It ab<>un<hi in facta demonstrat Th* Gates Wide Open, by Ueurg* Wuml...
Price 8L50, dent free of Postage.
ing dpintuslUin beyuad caaii. rue aeoolar praas erery- The Gates Ajar, by Mrs. K. 8. Phelps,- ----------- 150 10 making a Pretty and Readable Book, on a
A d d r e s s S. S . J O N E S , when- in the higheat txrins of it. Tba work has pasted The Future Ltfa, by fiweet...................... -------- nay 20 Variety of Subjects, Progressive and
192 South Clark street, Chicago 111. to the third edition in sbout as many wee ks.
For sale at this jflloe. deni by mad on receipt of f 1.26
and 10 cento f-ir postag*.
Tbs Three Voices
The Orphan’s Btrnggle, by Mrs. H .1 Green,........
The Pearl Diver by Dr.G. W. Rlrby.......................— 10
1,26 It
Liberal in tbeir Tendency, Treated
in a Stylo Entertaining and
Address d. 8. Juxss.U t 3 suit. Clark at., Chicago, Illinois I:.f uuspei or ttw c aad Bvtl, u> diver............ ......... l-e© 64
Tb* Orphan's dtrnggle, by Mrs. H. N. Green,....— 36 Easy. The Book sbould rp iH IS WKliKLY NEW8PAPFR will ha devoted to tha
W A T E R S ’ rpOBAOOO ANTI DOTH—A NEW AND Th* Rent* *f Christ aad Paine, by H. 0. Wright,- 80 4 A ARTS and SCIENCES, aod to tho SPIRITUAL PHX-
A Pleaaant Core lor the habit of nslng kbaeco—Dfa
Hi* Trairce.by Leroy Sunderland,......................i.—.180 14 be in tbo hands of LOSOl’UY. It will advocate tha.equal righto of Men and
Th* ffteilar Key to the Summer Land,by A. J.Daria. J.M 10
NEW S C A L E P IA N O S S m it h ' s N’nrrinc Tablets. 8-ud 60 cents far a package or Th- Great 9..ulh*«rt, by W. Nicely........................ — LOO* IB eveiyone. Women. It will plead the Cauee of the rieing generation, l a
fact, w# intoad to make our Journal cosmopolitan in nhi ra*
address fur Circular, shnwhlg ii* wouderful power to cornet Th« Siilrlnial Harp, by Peebles and Bennett........ — 6.00 64
W ith I r e n P r a s e , O r e r s tr n n j all kinds of Nervous Disf«»ue. The Moeublc Od«* aad Poems of Rob. Morris, LLD. ter—a friend of our common humanity, and an advocate ol
ITS CONTENTS, IN DItIKF, AUK 7 the righto, dntles and interests of th* people.
A g r a m B rid g e . Voi. 0. No. Id. tf. <t Paper. 61; d o th ........................... ..........- ...... ........184 38
I be Monk ot th* Moon tains, «r a Description cf the . This journal is published by d. 8. JuN a b : late the
M A o d tm * and Cabinet Organ*, HE K O R A N—TRANSLATED INTO Joys of Paradise, with a View of the Condition of Divine Unfoldment—Self-hood, or tha Story of the Prodi
T English immediately from the original Arabic, with the Nations of the Earth for one hundred year* to gal Son In a Dew Light—Soulnlity; What is Spirit?—The
Spiritual Republio—Spirit of Prop re**—I.lews, th . Rise and
ssplaofttory notes from the most approved commentators, reme................................................. .....................LM 34
v i v t a n t e d f o r S ix T a i n . The Mi-rite of Jiwns Christ aad th* Merits of Thomas Progrees—The Noxarene—Depravity; Regeneration— Plea
and a preliminary dincourtr by Geo. Bale, Gent. This Is the
nano*, Mclodeone aod Orgai * st greatly reduced price* best edition ever leaned In America. Great car* he* been Paint* ns a substitute for ra-rite la othera. What Is
the difference hut» two them f—— — .................... 84 |
for Hie Little Ones—Angela; What are They I—Wbat Is Man ?
—Earnest Words to Mother.—Chnarfalnes—World of Won PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION
for Cash. New 7 octave Pianos for 62T5 and upward ; new taken to prevent the work from being disfigured by typo- ders—Utility of Team—Spiritual Pirn Humana—The Mysteri
cabinet organa for $60 and npward. Se»nd-haod lostra* grnpoical errors, am) it ran be consulted arHb the assurance Thoodur* Parker la fipIril-Llfe, by Fred. L. H. WHIG
ous Hand, Soft u > K union's; Magic Violin, nod Other Won CONDUCTED BY AN ABLE CORPS OF EDITORS AND
n>nU et groat bargains. IDastm ti d Catalogues mqiled for thiit It Isa perfect translation. It contains* One Map ol ders—A Private fiemtee—Rustic Necklace—The Broken
Chrea cauls. Wererooms 481 Broad* ay. Nrw York. Arabia, and a view of the Tempi* of Mecca. • Vo, 070 pp. Th* Empire of theM ethar. Paper, 60 cts” posing* 0GNTK1BUTUR8.
6 cts. Cloth.............'..... — ............... — 74 1* Sword—Hair Cutting by Spirits, and Spirit Painting—Tem
HORACE WATKM. 63, Postage 40 cento. per of the famous Damascus Blade—Uow It was Done--Rush
TTir PMhwVphlcal Dictionary of Voltalr*. Fifth Ameri I t will be puUishedysvcry Saturday ut
can Edition <170 octavo page*. 2 steel plates. Lar- ing Into Hattie—Voictw from the Spirit Sphere*—Remarka
<«•! and onwt correct edition In the English ble New* from Another tt orld—Transformation of ourUlobr;
*; T e a ltm o a la la . language. Coutalns more mattec.than th* Loudon Disappearance of Evil and all Dtiease.
The Wetcrs’ Piano* i re knuwo ue emoug the very beat__ Edition, which 'VolI* for llO jO................... 6.00 04 Svnt to-any aildreos, p««ugi No. r n Soutti Clark Street, Chicago, III.
Skcvnta. Pleaseaddre**—W . _____________ _____
N. Y. Srangelist.
We can speak of the merit, of the Waters* Pianos from LIST OF B03KS FOR SALE AT TV Two Atigi'U. or Love Led............ .........................1.26 16
rhx lilrgntis By Rev. Robert Taylor, written by No. ‘AJ7, Carter Street,
personal koowledgu as being of tne very best quality.— THIS OFFICE *dm while imprisoned far blaapkstny. The work Is
a hl>t.<ry of th* origin,evidence*, and early history
Philadelphia' The JooaKAL Is a Urge quarto, printed ou good paper with
Christian luttlllcenrer. H r Also for sole at thla office. Address— new type. The aril. ia . ino.tly original, ore from therpenaOl
E \RK ALSONGW IV A BlTUVTtOV TO FUBVT81I <.f Cliriatlatrily........................................... 2.00 84
The Waters’ Planoa are h'-tit of the beat ati<l mo* thor
oughly »easor:<d n;atrri*l —Advocate aid J ureal.
Our frttnda wtil fl ds'. Mr Waters' store the Terr te st as
sortment cf Pianos M< 'o lenne end Organa to be found la
W Mi-collaneous Hooks of say kind pubtioh'd at regular
rates, arid, on receipt of the money, will send thsm by mallTh* llsrp
or n o r m s ' X tl sc d s -I s x p If sent by insil one filch
more tbs n the regular cost of the book will'be required
The Utile Flower Girl by Mr*. H. N. Groea*.
L’ntb tlnll un Mmmerisni, Post bald,
26 31
LM No. 18, vol. 6, tf.
8.8. JONES,
192 South Clark Street,
Chicago, Hi.
the moat popular ameng the libvral writers tn both boutia*
Alt system*, cruiolsead .onlilulion* that cannot stand the
ordual of a sclentii): r.a. arcli, poaiuve philuaopby and en-
Che United “>si».—Gmb tin’s Blag line. Unhappy Msxringr*. bj^A. B. Cbtid-......... ............. SO 1 Ughlvued rvomb, will be treated wtib the aaiue, and no more
Having used oa« 01 IV-le*’ Piano* 'or two years T h a re - to prepay pwlage Thep.troosgv of uor friends is solicited. •ousidt-raiiuu, from Hair autiquity and general acteptono*,-
round ii a ver> eapertor instrument.—Aloneo Gray, Princi In n hking reinltlau :e# far hooks, buy postal orders when cenu ; poetaga, 6 onU. than a lallaor ol modvrn date. Believing that tha Divlu* 1*

pal Brooklyn il< iehtsbetnittary. practicable. If po-tal orders cannot be had, r-gtstor your Tolu**'* Rolus: or. Meditations os the Revolution* unfolding the Uuniat Mind to-day, through Spiritual tutor*
Wehsvn twoWatiTs'i’im •# In oar 8«mlnary, nblsh hare letters. of Bmplrea, with Biographical aotio* by OounS omine and geuoral iatriligence, lo an appreciation ol greater
been severely tea Ini f>r rlir. e years, and we .-a>i testify Dam...................... ...................................................LOO 14 and mere sublime truth* thau it was capable of receiving or
to th rirp ro d quality and durability—Wood* Gregory, Mta is t o f b o o k s ’' a n d e n g r a v in g s vnti*i->« PMW<veh!r*l Wrtfanarv.. .......................... 8.00 48 comprubvndiny ccuturia* ago, so ahuuld all suLJecla paoe the
Carroll, HI.
Homifi Ws t k m . Es q —Data flia—Th* Piano you aent
me is allowed t be tl-e b*et Plano m this town, and tb - y
L far sale at this oibce. At) orders by mail, with tbs
prUv ol books <le*lred, end ihe additional amount mentioned
■o the foliowius list ol prices for postage, will tneat with
prompt attaotloa
Kidder's Rrcrets of B*e K«eplog. Price, paper
bound 5J cants. Board binnd,...................«.......... 76
Vital Force, hiw wasted end to w .preserved, by
Jnst published, th* following valuable work.

___ P J j A N C H E T T E ;
analysing Crucible ot vctence and reason.
A watchful eye will .be kept npou affairs governmental
While we stand aloof fruiu all peruaamsin.wrshaii not heta-
are several cf nilcksriug’e and Stoddart’s fa r * —Charles <.P. Miller. M. D. Pep-r, 60 cts ; Cloth, 61,....... 12 tute to ntakv our Journal potent in power lor the advocacy Ol
the right, whether such principle* are found m platforms o
Rica, P*rtli. C W.
jH o a s c t Wv-EM. 481 Hr- aitway. 1* famed f-r the excel- ■ II How and Why I bream* a 8,intuaUit........................76 22
.. 1 ■ . .. a. tf.'....... ..... 1.S* il)
‘ 10E , THE DE3PAIB OF 8 0IE S 0E .
Being a foil account of Modern SuirltimlUrat its Phenom
s party apparently In the inin.nity or'mojoniy.
fa.uce of hit Put <>* nod Organa.—Evening Po l “i £ A'r.>a'i?'..f •JUver;. and KL;M ••! tUnaudpation, and
ena, anil the various theories rLK*rJiog It. With a survey
A iargo apace will be devoted to spiritual Philosophy
Tltr Wai-rs Piano ranks wjili the best niannfarfur. d In |?.» Vr.inrr • f th* .%'iwar. ID* . In the Ubltwl Flat*#, and communications from the inhabitants of (Lo cuimer
America. TheN . Y Indcpemienb A Revelation of Departed Spirit* among tho 3hak- by S<.l.rrt lialeXiwen.... ....................... ............. 180 33 of French Spiritualism'. L and. .
UCblCAL ! —diner- Mr Waters gave op prhKal tag tfh.it i» lUligroc. to O*, Snyder—..... ..... ............. . 6 3 Tbl* long announced volume,from the ;.cn of a well-known Communications are solicit d from any and *11 who fowl
sheet am-k', he has devoted all hla capital and attention to Alice Vale, a Story for the time*, by Lots Wats- Aildre** JOHN 0. bUNHV, American man of letter* who has given,for the lust tidily that they have a truti. lo out,Id on any aotgect; our right
the marufai lure and sale of Pix iio r and hfrlod.oc- He-hea brooker,.. .1,26 16 pp.at OfMr» nrawer 80JS. Chleaxa, (11. years, much attention to the subjects, treated, will not die- always being t e - d u J to Judge terfati wui or unit rut IVtoras*
|n it Issued a rataloguji f bis new in-iruui.n's yrvftigantw appoint public expectation. or instruct the public.
scale of prices wuich show, a marked i,d>tctiob fr. ta far a Crisis, by W arn s Chas Plancbetta, 1s a volume of 410 closely printed page*, ar.d
Anewsrs to Bvsr Rscurrlsg Qssgtiosa,* I ss i i l to It sold (or the very low price of H.OOtta paper covers; or, In
mer rate*, and his Plan s have rrc. nMy t*v n »v ardid, the
First Pnnuoru at several Fairs. Many people of the present
day. who are attracted, ( f a t confii-'-i’., with the fl.n.mg
the PsnstraUc, by A. J. Daris______ ___________1-60 »
Apocryphal New Testament— ........... ..... ................ 1,2* 10 Florence cloth 81.26.mailed post-paid on receipt of the price by 8. 8.
Jones, 192 South Clark street, Chicago, 111.
A Peep Into fiacred Tradition by So*. Orrin Abbot. r
advertisrmenta of rival piano hTAnoe, prit‘ ably overlook e
modes' tea- nfo; nrer like Mr. " a 'e m ; hot v , happen to
knowthAt his tn.trumcnte earned i ini a fond reputation long
« Paper------------------------------- — ----------------- --- 60 V
A|* of E***c>a, by Thoms* Pain*. Ols th .......... 60 Sewing voi6 nob \ m OY SUBSCIilFTION— Ui ADVANCE:
A Woman’s Beerst, by Mr*. 0. f.C orbin„— ........... 1.76 SI
•beioreExpoallioosand ’ honors” cnouecied Cur-with were
aver thought of; Indeed, we hxv- one of Mi. Wat-rf’ Piano
Forte* sow in our residence (where It l» r sb-xi for yean),
A Lectors tn Rhyme—Th* Past, Present and Tatars,
By Mr*. F. A. Logan................................................. gg
Machines. T ^ H E H IS T O R V O F M O S E S A N D T H E
JL Israelites, {re-written,) By
O n e Y e a r , . .$ 3 .0 0 . | S i x M o n t h s , . . 8 1 , 6 a
S in g le C o p ie s 8 c e n ts e a c h .
of which a n r manofaetnrer lu the world might well be Arcana of Nature, or History aad Laws of Creation, M. H. SHARP A CO.. M E R R IT T M U N S O S .
proud. We nave always been delight.J will, u w a i s a l VoL L by Hudson Tuttl*.........................................1.66 M W O rn e ra l AicontN ^A^Wghly KoWUining and Instructive work. Price, f l ; C LU E R A T E S ;
Arcana of Nature, or th* Philosophy or Spiritual .
; tooed and powerful Instruu. ent, and tb-re Is no docbied Existence, and of th# Bpiril World, Vol. 2, by Had- k 100 W tu h lu alo n 8 t.. Chicago.
L <ts durability. More th*b this, some cf tine br.t an.ateuj Addrnet 8. 3. JONES, 'Any one sending Ihe pay fer a club of MXt new subscrib
son Tattle........ ..................... ...................... ........... 1.11 M I* in*, til: •• 14 rrp'rnmmendnd to any who desire a first* 192 South Clark St,, Chicago, IlL
V players In tha city, aa. well as * vrrai ceUVrat-d piasters. A B 0 of Life, by A. B. Child,-------.....— „ — ____ 66 ers, for alX montns‘or over, will be entiiled to receive a
nave performed on the said cl mo, an A all nrouc-ui ce It a Family Sruilig Machine, and U noted fnr Ita quiet,rap* tenth Copy rass. I t is n^t r.quirwj that all shall be *eut
America and her Destiny, by Rmma Hardi
k superior and flrst-clas* instrument. P tn r g. - tr l vesoisnU Arahnla,or th* Divine Gneet,hy A. J . Dnri*. ■*i'*ii r./jul .nt* t.f '.in«lnu. ea»e of management Four to the aaiue O. a..Jives, nor toal the t<8. c.uo shall be
Ewe oonid not *1*#.—Horn* Journal. ••ol «rti. h“* «u.l r>-v«niili|t hati niotlan. fraturee peco* ■ent a t ona tiUja. A
. th- Florrocr clalini'd hv no rth n in thr world Bam* 'P H b B lu iiitA F tiY OF SA TA N ; ok , A
We JL UUtorlral Kxpt>»it*uii of When Poet Office Orders cannot be procured, we dseire OU
Apestles, by R patrons to #>iutl money.
T ilK D E V IL AND 1113 F IE R Y D O M IN IO N S; SuWillH-rs in Cenwu will add to the term* cf subacrlptio*
.llsrl.vdng the oriental origin of thn belief in a Dovll and 2d centa per year, lor pr<payment ol Auivrican postage.
DR. WM. CLARK’S B lo w W a n t e d a a d I I » w P n s t r v c L
Future Kudless Punldimeni. All about tbo
TOST OFFICE ADDRESS.—i t 1* iu-b.it for suUcribdfo to
Book ol I’oenu by J. Wm. Van Nan ee.Cloth... B O T T O M L E SS P IT , K E Y S O K H E L L , write, unless tiny glie their l\>et UjJict Addict* and s s a i of
Chains of Darkness, .Casting out Devils, oto. By 8ub*crit>erc wishing the direction of tbolr p*(<r» changed
tli*b to Natnru'e Ridigion, by Caleb 8. Week This is *n* of tbs most valuable books «r«r pnbllihsL bom u at tow n lo another, must always give tne name of th*
COMPOUNDKl^ AM* PREl’AHKn IIV A Novel of intense (merest a tprogr«*alv If U could be read aod berdod In cvrkj family It would d* K. G RA V ES, I'l/um, UDunigjwd S o u to which it ha* been sou fa
•or* to prevent sickness, preserve health and prolong Ufa,

Jeannie WatermanDanforth, Dealings with the Dead, by P. B. Raudolph.......-----

'Jeatb and the After Life, by A .J. Davis, paper 86.
9pOStage6, cloth...—............... ........................— M U
tbah any other one thing.
Parents shoo Id read it, and give It te their children. Toon §
ms tried people shonld read I t; young men tod women
should reed I t; and everybody shonld practice the purity of
Ant nor of "Christianity before Christ.
, The Trade snpplled at liberal rate*.
Md~ .'T'cim-6 copi-t tent »RU.
8ul«crib«ra are luluuned that twentywix uuubor* of tfe*
RtLltilOPlIILOsOPUiCAL JOURNAL comprixea relnma.
C lta lrv o y a n t n n d M n c n r tic P h y a ic in n life which this book Inculcates. Price, paper; 60 easts, a w Thus we publish two volume* a year.
3 1 3 PCiiMt 3 3 r d o t r c c t N e w Y o r k . tin f l. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at TWiKrr-nvx oxav* a Itaa
Addrsac 8.8. Jan** .133 Boath d ark fltiwri, Cklcag*. ^ s t e l l a r k e v for the first, and TWKATt Ckhrspet Una lor sack ruUseqnent th<
Beat by Mall or Express to ail parts oi the World. sertion.
TO ri!K SU M M ER LAND, The apace occupied fnr display or large type will be reoom-
10 ed as it th* advoriisunnnis were set in nonporiel entirejfoUd*
A RRW AL AND D EPA RTU RE containing Axloun liug Diecloauriw and Startling Assertions.
^T onic and Strengthening Powders; Irrura of the Blki*. by U. 0. WrighC Paper, 80 etfaj
OF TRAINS, Iltii-rr with Diagram* and Engravings of Celestial
postage 0 cu. Cloth---- Scenery. By All letters must be iiddressed 8. S. JONES, No. 189 South
Catarrh and Dyspepsia Remedy; False and True Revival of Religion, by Theodor* Clark. Street, Chicago, 111.
Parker____ - ......................................................... . 10 AN D REW JA C K SO N DAVIS.
Vegetable Anti-Bilious Pills. Foot-Fa!Is on the Hounlarr of another World, by
Robert Dale Owen................... - ...... ........ .............. .2.00 ! | Loavo. Arrive. Spiritualists—read ttt INDUCEMENTS TO CANVASSERS.
PRICE f 1,00 EACH. MAILED FREE. •8:00 a. tn. *&60 p. m.
Infidela—r»a.l it I
Bi-.v-a-.1 Old ihietlogy—read ill Iu order to greatly increase the anbacriptlon list of the
•10:16 fa m. 16 p. nt. Pric-.j 41; .postage—lo ct*. Rauaio-^aiLosoruirabJobaxU, we offer tuagnlfloent iodaee-
Vegetable S y ru p : tnenta for procuring sahaertbere. Men and women, l e d u m
Eradicate* Humors;^cur< s C a n c e r , S c r o f u l a , R h r u > Dixon PasseDger...
; Theology, by A. J.
( m u t i s m , and all'chronic diseases

Female Strengthening Syrup;

tucltiv* Wire, by Warnm 1
Gazelle, by Kiutna Tattle ....
Chase. Paper, 30 esuts.
•‘LSO fain.
•3:46 g>. m. A HABI
C MI .
L A;
, . T H E P IV rN E GUEST,
a New Collection of Gospels. Dy
i ium
especially, will find it profitable to canvass for lb pa par.
Any one sending 6UW shall receive ttali ty-thrre c«|dc* of the
J..inurat. for one yi*r, or sixty-iix copie* for six mouths
Gist of Spiritualism, by Warren Chai
Tor Ki’inalo Weaknesses. Rockford, Elgin, Fox Riv< A N D R EW JA C lvS pN DAVIS. dLlrwrtodtoeiiih new auW rti vrw and at such places as re-
State Line................................- •A-DOp.m. •HhlOa. nt. requlred, or such a proportion for six mouths aad one year
Bear; Voi. 4. Th* Reformer; Vui. 6. The Thinker. Geneva and Elgin Possvuger.— .. *5:30 p. m. *8:46 a. m. Price, 61.60; poeta^e, 20 eta. ‘
N ervine S y n n , Lorn Lord Accotunurlatfan......... *6:10 p .m . *7:00 a. oi. as ahail r ilt, so a* to be equlvulout to 33 copies for oma
Each..........................................................................-1.60 10
Guide of Wisdom and Kuowledg* to the Spirit World- 60 6 year, and a premium t i be sent whore directed, by express,
Bronchial a i d Pulmonary Cordial, Harbinger of Health, by A-J. Davis............... .*1.60 80 HTrewfuin JNcstfan—Drpal eornrr o f Gtnoi and Kin*U iti tel.
one of thue-j bvautiful • Florence Seising Machines, which
Harmonial and Sacred .SUUhIIs I, by Asa Fitz....... 40 6 51*11 Passenger...... ........................ 1®:00 a. m. *7:16 p. m. rT , UE PHINCTPLE3 O F N A T U R E AS DIS-
Children's Cordial, for p u * , C o lic , A c ., Hojrmoulal Man, or Thoughts for the Age, by A. wt Ntght Passenger-............. ...........*t ItJ p. im. *i:30 a. m. _L c..v.'ted in tli* Development and filructur* of tbs Uul- eel! everywhere for tixly-five dAlari, sod U a higher priced .
Daria. Paper, 40 et*., postage, 0 cts. Cloth..,...... 76 U Janmville AccoUiuitMialion.......... *3:30 p. m. *2:00 p. m. ver>u, fhe .''••lor System, th* U.rlh, alw- on Expoaition of th* Florence mark in-? is desired, it will lie furnished lu the tame
And Worm Syrup, Hierophant; or, Giuaoing* from the Pail, by G. 0. Woodstock Accommodation.......... 6:30 p. tn. *8:60 p.m. Spirituiti Uni reran. Uit»u ltH|iirati..ii.d|y, By proportion os above, (dee descriptive advertisement.; Any
Stewart.................... 76 10 Milteaulu Divuion—Depot comer qf Chnal and Kimie ttreeU. MRS. M A R IA M. K IN G . solicitor who shall make an effort and fall to raise $100 for
Price SI M> each, s-nt by -xprnw. History and Philosophy of Evil,by A- J. Davis. Paper
Addrei*. M i l s . D A N F O I 4 T I I , as above, or 40 cts—|u. stage Beta. C lo th ......................... ...... 76 30 Prii o, 62; postage, 24 cts. * subscription* b> the Juffanxl os above, will be allowed fwMftijr*
IIIM I. W A I t U l i V C H A S E . Ba wmx * or Ltoiti, o Day F.xpre*s...... ........ P.46 a. m. 10:16 fa m.
Raywaid's Book of AU Religions, including apirltn- Rosrhill, Calvary and Kvausb-o.. 1:30 p. tn. 4j 00 p. m. five per cent of whatever money they may remit, not lews than
fl.-t*. 544 lb,i»<!•»•*>, Niw York} or J alism.............................................. —2.00 16 Afternoon Express............... 6:' 0 p. in. 8:00 p. m.
B . N .i U S II a . Editor K, uoio-Pnu/MornicaL JorssuL, . .uiy Bible aad Mother Gooes, by H. a Wright........ 26 2 Kenosha A c c o m m o d a t i o n . 4:15 p. m. 8:50 a. m. J J A N O M IN , ten dollars, payable in any book* or engraviugs mantloutd la
Chicago, 114., <avn«>*ml A g c t i t a History of Mpaes and the Uraohtos, by 51turn,......_1 U Waukegan Accommodation.......... 6:46 p. in. 8:26 a. tn. onr advertised lists.
PARTIES. AFFLICTED di-lrlng to ronsult Ufa Cia b x ' a ImpnrtantTrullia. a t>o»ik far every child,_______... 30 2 WauXxgan do —--- — ■ .*6:46 p tn. *8:26 a. at. A Rythmical Rumauco of MlxymoiA
PrtaiT can <l<i so by wliircsaing Mxi luttroitTii, end the Is the Bible Divine? by 8. J. Finney. Paper, 80 ctfa— Milwaukee Accommodation-....... 11:00 p. tn. 6:00 a. m.
proper r nn-rMi'* will be compruuilisl ami si-nt t v b r r e postage 4 eta. Cloth......................................... 80 10 Glo. L Box LAP, Gea’l Bup’l. TUE GREAT REBELLION IIE FLORKNCK SKWINO MACHINE 18 UNEURFASSn
t h - m c d lriiiM a d v e r tis e d a r c u u t a p p li
c a b le .
Is there a Derilt Tbs Argument JTo and Con— ... 30
Inquirers'Text'look, by Robert Cooper....................124
Jests* of Naxamb, by Alexander Smyth..— ..— JIAO
II. P. STAirwyon, General Ticket Agent.
Cnicat/o, Rr<k ItUmd aad facyft* Baitroad.
D*y Express and Mail...— ......... *9:46 a. m, *0:00 p, m.
And the Minnasota Massacre*. By T for ease of man<ig> ment, variety and quality of work
regularity of tension,etc. It r«st»n* estchend of tvery seam,
a Valuable feature belonging lo and claimed by no itb cr ma
chine. Circulars ooutaimug foil Information, with sample*
.By permission, the following parties are referred to : Pern Accommodation................... *4:30 p. m. *0:40 a. m. M YRON CO LO N EY . fi
....... _ ^ ri it of sewing, furnished npou application to Wm. U. Sharp A
Ib-rkrlcy sweet, Cambridge, Mass., Feb 5, Is00 iplanatory notes, by Geo. Bale, ■ sth, Night Express-------- -------------- Jtt:16 p. m. f4:16 a. tm Price, 81.26;'Poetage, 10 cento. * Oo., General Ag.-hts, 101 Waahlugton street,, who will oar*-
•>av« Ma. Ui s f is t u —Will yon plessa ctuso to be scut by 070 pages, beat edition yst published-.— . J.00 40 a. d i . <uns, uru < m a t fully select premium machine*, and forward by exprvw* M
wgprwra »*• th - addrwM given below three botllei of jo u r Lite Lino of Lon* One, by Warren Chase—....... ....... 100 P. A- XUu, Asr’t Gen’l 8u|iurlntendeet. directed, warranting them in every Instance as reproveoted.
V w tc lu b 'C -S y ru p , end one bottle of the B r o n r k l w l Low* and Mock Love. Cloth, plain, 86 ot#., postage, WsoTXkH Nxwu Co., one hnndras] and tw enty-thne fltotert.
0 e u . Gilt......... - .................. ........... ...... ...............H 8 Michigan Southern BailroeuL J^ Y C E U M M A N U A L S . ^
I S y r u p T)o<) lievu b.<lh been used by a refatlv* oi iu Im Chicago, Lll^General Agents for the United dtale*end British
lu a of oruiichUI tb-rungemeut and of tipi alnird pul- Lectures on Geology by Prof Wm. Dsn too--------- I M 30 Provinces, and the American News Company, U9 and I E
life’s Unfolding* 60 4 bixlh E lltion now ready. Price $0 cents; Postage, 8 oenta. Nassau street, New Yurk. v
Life of Thomas Pains,with critical aad explanatory 663 per bandied.
I glad to bear that (besale of these medicines is extended ....*7:10 a. m. 8:46 p m. Fourth Abidged Edition of Lyceum Manual. Price, 46
" both bocauee i t the aood they hsve alioWn Uieoiseltescape- .observations of bis writings, by G. Val*...— ....... -1.40 16
Lift of Jesus, by Renan, postage free..,—...............— 1.76 •lluJO a. m. **.-00 p. in. cents-. Postage, 4 cents. 634 per hundred. MB- Publishers wA« fnseri the abase Proepsatus three Mmsa,
. bl« uf effect ing and because of the avldsuce they furbished Life’s Uses and Abuses, post paid..— ------- ------— , 60 Evening Ex pro ------------ 6:15 p. m. •W.DO fa m. Order* for Lyceum equipments promptly filled.
I that practical a d may como to «u fr< m the next world. -------. .J . *^-.00 p. m. *Ci30 fa nt. and oaii aWcrWvon to if editorially, sAaZi be entitled f* a CCppIt
Love and Ita hidden Connt De Hi. Leon, 1,26 14 Night Express.. f u Ekuoio-Faiioeomicat JotffafU. esse year. It a d b it* *
* . Yours truly. My L n v aan d l.b r Ahhv V i*flb> Pern-*_____ ..... 60, 2. Detroit line.
V U O B E tlT D A L U o iV b K . aarded to their address on receipt o f the paper» wtU Us WBW
Magic Staff, an Anto-Blography of A. J. Daria— .1.76 M Day Ixprsw via Adrian.------..... *7:40 a. m. 8:16 n. m.
_ Address the medicine, Mr* K. D. O sin, euro PhUHp Horn- ManouUn, by Myron Celonay— ....................... - ....... 1.28 10 r p i I E M ID N IG H T P R A Y E R ; A N I N 8 P I-
Night “ ** ** ............... nfcW p. m. *70:30 a. m.
|b r* o k , 1faq , Kvausvilld, Iud. Marriage and Parentage, by Henry 0. W right— . J. J6 30 t . E. Mosai,Gen’l Pas*. Agfa, 60 Clark sfa,Chicago. _L rational Poem, given through the Medio mstup of,
S t Lool*, Mo, Nov, IMS. MlnUtryof Angela Realised, by A. B. Newton— ..... 90 t
Morning Lectori*, (Twenty Dtoooorse*,) by A. J. POUtnirgh, Jbrt Wayne and Chicago-Dtp*, Corner of Modi- MRS. M. J. WILCOXSON. lA -rH K U V L I ) I 'i a A . N U i i iJ w iT K
Bao- 8. S Jow u—I see yon are advertising tbs medicine Daris.......................... 1.T6 64 tin and (tonal Strut*.
I of Dr Cbirk 'espiri. who, controlling, prewcrlbeef.r the sick Midnight Prayer. Prioa... T he oiatertati of « » « Iheen I’laucurU-n sro .ua'Jo ara
1 through the nrguni.m of Jeaole Waterman Danforth. Per- Mali.-..--------------------- — — ^* 4 ^0 fa a . 7»fr0 p. m. Price, 8 ot*.; ooetoga. 2 cts.
? m ltm eto tell you. with deep feeling, friend Joces, that I Day Express............. ..— —iV*thO0 a. m. 0:00 ------- pecuiioi ly to th: oa*gtu.tti currvuta m t o -.Hmaa
1 have u.e,l theeu nm ediot—the Syrups, Nervine* and Pow- Fast Lin*..........- ......... —— 4:30 p. tn. *11:30 p. m. *y»l,|Ul- l eljug ni uie ..I fclectrti tl and -l.!.iitaO0*fa
. small edition— ------------- .L00 : Night Express................. .............•{ 9:40 p. m. *6:20 p.m. corn;. «> J rod | f ...irol expr.-vil> foi ii„. ^urjs*,, xhs
V d -rs—with the highest svtlsfaetlon. 1 know them to be ox- Manual for C tlldrsn, (far Lyoeoms,) by A .J . " IfE M O R A N D A O F PE R SO N S, PL A C E S Uimtun. tAaJt perforqu iu tin- Inin.U al pr. j,. i l uiinnels.ar*
I o llenl.a, hundreds of other* will tn lify. Dr. Clark la a no- Valparaiso Accommodation...............8:10 p. tn. IkiO a. m. i l l urn xvxxn,
’ hie and brilliant spirit, Davit. Cloth, SO eta.—pottage 8 ceats. Moroooo, W. 0. OutaKU, Gen. West’s Pas*. Agfa, 06 Clark it. Wonu -rl .1 Xll"( II Imniuee charged Wlib m ..m-ti.ni,aiwo*t
“ 1, 61.00; pokfage 8 oenta. Abridged Bdltioa----- 46 Embracing authentic Facto, Visions, Impressions, Dfsoov- Ul> q*m .l|o n \lll be abawerr.1 ulln aab.nii.niug lanldity. •
Most truly thine. niinoi* Central—Hefei, foot o f Lake strut. Every ilototiguling wind slieubi liarr one il lor «u other
J .m . PEEBLES, eriea in Magnetism, ClalrroyaDcn, fiplritoalism. Also qusto- puik^f* C hm til aati-fy IIUn-el I uf tnr h'rr.M je .a .r yitig b*.
Natnre’* Divine Revelations, by Andrew Jackson Day Passenger.— *6:40 a^m. *0:40 p. m. tivns from tha opposition. By than
n . in iL L E S O N v New York City.writee: ’Was under MtiKt tlfcoo t>. m. *B:00 a. tm iWtoing your taneruioai t«.»,u*nu.
treatuient a t .dr*. Danforth’* reaidence thtre weeks last Keokuk Day Passenger.— — — .*M0 a. a . •8:10 p. m. . ANDREW JACKSON DAVIS,
winter f .r ulcerated iuOanutory so^a eyes. Returned hi mo Ke.kuk Night Pasivnger-------- - *8.20 p. m. ««i00 a. m. DIRECTIONS.
w ell; have used lbs remudiss in my family, and r~ ......... Night hid* Of Nutnre, by Cro* Kankakee Accommodation.......... *4:16 p. a . •9:14 a. a .
of lo«lr virtue*. Planch*tta—The despair of Boi»ncc.....„............. .......1-X6 Hyde Park Train..,........................ *0:30 a. m. •7:40 a. a . Lefcr nr wore prrwm* all about the l< J r .<b whwh th*
Parsons and Events, by A. J. Davis,..______ — .41.60 R “ ** ................... .........*12:10 p. m. •1:40 p. m. d ordinary aUto aod that of CLalrroyaoS. Irutrumetiria ulace.l, each placlpg a hand Itabtly j o the top
Pre-Adamf'e Man. by Randolph—---------------------- 1.26 “ .................... — . •a.’OO p. m. •6:14 p. M e * ,9 lio ; 20t eMU. board,siinpiv tiliicliliw Hie souv, hiking cafe u. haw the arm
Phjsiolotv of Wnman....^ " " « ................ *0:10 p. tn. •7-86 .... p. i Dot Colin-lu cm.tact with the table; remain qillvl for a few
Ocean’s Wav*. By Wm. M .H uanm , Gen’i Supt. momenta, then let euinounr of the party ask a qutxWiou,en4
Our Planet, Gaology, by I W. P. Joasao#; Gen’l Passenger Agent. if the person* nOaiponiug Ibv party a * of requirt-d uinguetia
power, or any «nt. of tbrtn u , the qnvstion wilLbv answered.

A B U Y IW. L A F L 1 N P E R R E E , Qsorgetown.
C.. writes: Vegetable Byrnp *eut to her milk wonmn’s Playing Soldier or U ttls Harry’s Wish
Chicago, Burlington and «Mwcy.
Day Express and Mali-------- •1040 a. a . *7.-00 p. a
THREE VOICES, A poaiuve and negative person operate the Plat* aetta beak
A. L I V E R O O K O B ’ P O E M S , P R I C E , ,31.50 E A C H .
husband, who was sufferiug wlthpsJna and Utarnal tumors \1 Philosophy IB Evening Express..— — ... — •4.-00 p. a . 7:26 p. a .
confining him to bis room: in tan days Was out and a t his %|
of Spiritual Intercourse, by A. J. Daris,
paper 60 eta., postoga 6 eta. Cloth------------- — L00 1
Aurora............— .........— ...... •6:30 p.m. *8:16 p.m . BY WARREN A BARLOW Sent by Erpreis securely picked iu neat kww.
work. Mcodec* Passenger,..— •7:46 p .m . *9:30 p.m-
Philosophy of Creation, from Thom*# Paine, by Night Rxpress------- ----- — . 111:30 p.m . 70:46 a. a . l a t e T h a V o l M o f S a p e r t i l l t t o B y give* th* bibli if <1retrod, or by mall, which U cheaper for tong distance*,
Horace WoodJIIedJum. Paper,30c; poctag* 4c. Cloth. 40 1 Hinsdale Accommodation— .„ ‘l%C0a a . *3.-00 p. aa. cal contest between the God of Moses and Eaton, with no- on rtoeipt of two Dollar*. Bend by P. 0. orders, or raglitor .
Plain Guide to Spirituetlam, by Uriah Glark...--------1J6 1 th* letter* containing mousy when P. 0. order* can not he
lady who** hair I sent you is perfectly aatlefactcry. She Poems from the Inner Life, by Uaxfa Dotern. ......ljf i I procured.
Informs uie that the diagtnwU is more accurate and complete Philosophy of Special Providences, (a Vleton.) by A. ^ 2 n d , T h a V o ic e o f N a tu r e , prove* Nature's God " A d d re s s ,
Ckioaga and BL Leuu—ZbyW, censer Uadinm and (tonai tit,
Physical Man, by Oadion Tati?*.....— .........». J1A0 I victorious,in over-fuling all for a great and gtoriona end. 8 . S. Jones,
Prioclpliw of Natnra. by Mrt. M. M. King...... ....... ».JL00 1 Bxpreas and Mail------------------- *10-00 a. tm 780 p. a . Its poetry t* bcantifol, while Ita PhUoeophy b meet sub
Present Age and .Inner UR, fatast Revload and Ba Way Express.— ...».................. *4-40 p. a . 0-46 a. as. lime, argumentative and logfcaL
Lightning Express.............................{8 60 p. m. *7:00 a. a . 189, South Clark Street,
lanced *d. by JL J. Dari. T. B. BLACXfcTona, Pres. A Oen’l finperintandanfa 3 r d , r h e V o ic e o f * P e b b l e , leeches, from S i t u s , Chicago, IUinolt,
IS R A E L H A L L * T o le d o , D . th* Individuality of mattaf and mind.
Relation of Slaverv to a Republican
R form *f Gcm rw A. NlwnAM, Gen'l Pass- Agt. Office 66 Dearborn ifa
C H A R L E S 8 . K IN N E Y , C in c in n a ti, O. meat, by Tbsodor* Parker.
Pal ..— I Obfuatimi, Oneetfo d Indiana. Central Uatlway.—tUUe Otieagt T h e W o r k Is sought for, and read by tiKinssada, and
RojjmrtN^f. _a
au extraordinary
sxtraordlna Church Trial, Oouoerva- and Ortat Kaetern OnctMoXt Air fAno ana Indiana Cm* la n promt of soperstltloos error, and eoatteriag trolk broad- D r . B . P . fflLIIer** B o o k * .
" PA U L D B S n O N D , H o n H on, T ex. (rw? fiafJuwv fWi.) cast
‘ ‘ on'll— ■*— *“
Its rains It t*
up la
beautiful tijls ,
Rervlval WhA?h » ^ “b7 » ^ d o f c | •if nearly 340 pages. Price f l, 36 I Vital Fores, How Wasted and How Preserved; Pap**, 64
•* A K""d rlalrveyant medium is a blessing to humanity. Columbus and Cincinnati Express '646 a m. *8:26 a. at. sals st th* oflfos of th# Rxuoie-Pnnni cent*, peat*i#. 4 cento; cloth. 31.00, postage, 8 cents.
Vfe Ch o w Mrs. Danlnrlh to be such. While prsrtlcieg in Starlings Progreoslv# Pap C. lumbua anilOir clnuati Exjirtss 17:46 p. a *220 p. m. Address B A Joisa, N*, *4 Daarhora *tr**t,Ckicago, How to Bathe, paper 40 oenta; pottage 4 cento; d o th ,T M h
till* city *jho esUbllshrd a goon reputation. She Is now lo- Reichsohoch ■ Dynamics.. Ususing .IccutnaudaUbn........ .. 3;t5 p. m, P.16 a. a .- peerage 8 ceats .
, oated at ;i*3 Kast ?3rdsfrtet. N-w Turk. Or* of her eon. — ______________ tha True King and Queen, vj. 8. ficort, Gen’l Peas. Agt-, C»ck*t Office Corner Ran . The cams* of ekhanstvd vitality; Muslin, f l postaga 16
\ trolliug apitit yi'ifb a (Dr. Wm Clark, well known In this 0 . Wright. Paper, 60 osnta, po*tags, le sn tfa ^ ^ dolph and Dearborn strweta.
L city .a a ino»t ,xc* lln it phyalrfan.) h«s preaertbed through C Important Truths, Mrs. H. F. MLIer; 30 eenta, postage I
' her a«t rral ip w tr.n i.die, for lh. se afflicted.1’—B A N N E R Qepot, fooi of Lake tor-t, H OW TO B A TH S
B plvU neirs^ DfrectioaVin Developmeat, by A- M. o*bu. j
€ ¥ L l f . KIT, B o s t o n , lla M s ’ Lefiln Ferrs*...— ............ — . . ■ .............. - H * •6JXI fa a . *7:44 p. A V a m t ly O u td o F o r th * D s s e f W a t o r t k • The above books all treat of the sexual ergar send the laws
The above valuable modioloN *r* far **1* a t this offloa. BelfOontradletioM of-tin Blbl*-^....— — f-— .— ■ J Day Express. ™ -------- ---------- fa m. *8.oo p. tm t*raaerw1nK H e a l t h ajad T i H i— | of health. They should be placed In th* hands of every m as.
AihlrMs, B. B. Jon**, No . s9» Booth OUrk Bk, Chicago, f veulng Express...................... - f . • l*«H»fa afa
-J O t*aoaa» .worn** and child.
Illinois Night Express.............- .......... t*fo00 t&toO a. m. For sal* a t this offlea. Address B. B-
Kaiamaaoo Accommodation... •11:00 m n BT E P. M ILLER. U , Ik Clark stooat, Chicago, *u
*lx^*Lectiire* bn Thioioo end N atnxi, by Em an, __
Hardings. Paper, T6 cis Wats*, wfesn properiv used, $ou* a t the a o f d M u l
X T ■EIWINF, TABLET8-A n ew r eme . l e a l of Things. B y WHlfaa Health Prv**rrtng and Remrdtol agents know* to caaa
Lx N Y W * a l l KHBVOUk DIBBAIK*. P lM an t v, Spirit Manifestations, bv Ac f o i work dltraoeo* the propertie*. ease and eBheta a f w o
fiptrit Mla*tr*l,-bj Pacxaxl
a 4th* Uata, «»d aafa and c a r f ia tffset. Band SO Mat* for a
I package to Dfa Ph t t x b , Hallsport, Allegany Oo^N. Y^ nr
I t e*nt stamp for CHreular. Mart,
■ V l.fi.N b .lfi.tC
RELIQIO-PHILOSOPH1CAL JOURNAL. D e c e m b e r 25, 1869

cation w ith I m m o rta ls ; you s r e not. Wt> have it. I t Is tb e s p irit o f a blsck m a n .” W e th e n e n ». a eaaaaji . j. w. u u . ». u r s o s i Notary PobUe.
S'vottliev UtjjwfauitL seen, b e a rd , fe ll an d conversed w ith I m m o rta ls ; te re d (u to a full a c c o u n t of th e m an’s n a tu r e and T
you believe iron heard and saw th e se th in g s b sb lta . GRAHAM; PERRY & CO. '
in tb e p a s t. You a c c e p t u n c e rta in te s tim o n y ;
n c e rta in a n d living te s tim o n y . Our* are
V. W1L60H. u n ite d preach ers, con ced ed to ba tru e by o u r
2nd. Win. Je n n e r, 0 . W ilder, Mr. L ittle jo h n
and d a u g h te r an d other*, cam e from S p irit Life R E A L ESTA TE and L O A N A G E # J S . SPIRIT TRIUMPHANTI
a n d w ere fully identified. A m an, an e n tire s tra n g B o o n 8 , VIA J O B B L O C K , T b e follow la g e x tin c t ta k e n from a le tte r
e n em ies; yoa^Aw It nesses are co n tra d ic to ry end er, c i n e to us, a n d -d em an d ed a te s t. W e a t first
u n c e rta in , hence we a re In ad v a n c e ol th c JY iu - w ere disposed to resen t th e d e m an d , th e n cam e Oor. La Suite and Maditon SU, Chicago, IU. w ritte n by M r s . M a s t A. S t o d o a m o , o f K o a la
N o tic e t o C o r r « p o B 4 * n U > n 4 O t h e r * . cntsU -r confession of fa ith . W« have all o f y o u r tb e s p irit, an d tu rn in g t o him , g av e h im th re e •uS
, ,ta tio n , P o rter C o., IndA —
AM le tte r* , p a p e r o a n d m a tte r fo r os o r th e F ron- b e lief a d d ed to k n o w le d g e ; y o a la c k th e k n o w l sh a rp an d p o in te d tests, all o f w hich w ere fully I h av e la te ly been c alled to ta k e an d tr e a t *ev-
edge. Y our f a ith rest* u p o n h u m a n a u th o rity identified.
t t * r D e p a rtm e n t. n n u N i t ad d ressed to E . V . W ill th ro u g h h earsay , y o n r w itnesses are all in th e e r i l p a tie n ts w hom tb e X . D a b ad failed to cure.
a o o , L o m b a rd , D u p ag e c o o lly , Illin o is. S aturday. 3 0 tb —L eft for D e tro it, arrived a t 8 1 9 0 0 L o s* a n d A c r e P r o p e r t y I n J s f f a
grave. Yon can n o t pro d u c e one o f th e m tu tb e o 'c lo c k , f . u ., a lo n g rid e by ra il, th e g ro u n d co v I w ill here m ention o n e, tb e c*ae o f a y o u n g wo
c o i n o f h n m in re ie o n . O u r w ltu e w # , w ho have ered w ith n o w a n d tb e fru it frosen. -Tor S a t e ,
volt BOfltf. m an w ho w u Ter? tic k . H er friend* called 000
S p iritu a lis m * U A 4 v u c e a t D i l t t r u l l i B . h eard an d seen for them selves, are living, and Sunday, O ct. S ls t.—L ectu red m o rn in g and eve o f o o r D octor* firet, a n d th e n th e o th e r. T b e y
tru th fu l, a n d w e can produce th e m In co u rt. nin g —th e ev en in g a line and to te re ste d audience,
D a a n J o c u x a L :— A* yo u a re on* o f tb e p rin c i We a re w illing to ta k e o u r o a th t h a t th ese an d m any fine te a ts given T b e S p iritu a lists o f A W O N D E R F U L T E S T IM O N Y ! b o th called h er disease L a n g F ev er, tre a te d h e r
p a l o r r \ n i o f ^ M a a l h u a In t b i t o o n n try , w ill yo a th in g s a re tru e in an d o f o u r ow n k n o w led g e,—are D e tro it are goo d s a d tru e people, an d a re seek in g th re e week*, and left h e r w orae th a n th e y found
yon? lig h t. T hey need energy an d co n c e rt o f ac tio n . A revelation of the extraordinary visitation of departed
ple*»c e x p la in th e au th o rity bv w hich ee ry m a n y h e r. H e r friends th e n c alled .m e. I e x am in ed h e r
(Spiritualt»U lay claim to tb e ab o v e c a p tio n , aa th e C e rta in kno w led g e la in ad v ance o f fa ith . F a ith Wo llko ttiem a n d th e ir s u rro u n d in g s , an d w ere ■pi rite #f dletlngalshed u w and women of all naMooj.ae
is good, n a t kno w led g e is b e tte r. well treated , w hile w ith them . B le u th e m . We menifeeltd Ikroegh ihe living bodlee of the “ Shakw*.* The case, a n d found h e r In th e l a t t sta g e o f Q U IC K CON-
re p re se n ta tiv e of th e ir th e o r y ? spirit* of Washtniiton, FratikJlD, Pean, Stephan Qlrard, Ty
F o r InM ancf : In w h a t re a p e d la S p iritual I* in In IT th ro u g h o n e L ord Je su s C h rist, th ro u g h one lectu red in D etro it fo urteen tid e s , ia N un lea four, rone Po war. Mev. Ucorse Cook mao, Oenaral Hantaon, I t. SUM PT I ON- A fter I h a d had h e r u n d e r iny ca re
a d v an ce ol tb e a a n ilm e n t etn b raeed , ir * t. In a r t i H o ly S pirit o f G race yon a re to be s«ved, w e ask, L yons five, A lm u o l five, A lligan tw o , S ta g a lu c k , Patrick. Napoleon, hhaksepeore, John Weetay, Robert Am
w hat o f Jn d aa, w ho waa necessary to th e p lan , for tw o, G anges . tw o tim es, In all thirty -fo u r, lectu res for one w eek, h e r friem la m e t th e M. IX* w h o
cle Ural, o f th e W ln cb eater Ct>ntr*alon, v lr.: " W o malt, Byron, Oaorc* fox, and boat* of dieUngnJehed a e e
believe th a t t be Holy S crip t tin s o f th e Old and th e holy s p in t o f Jea n s was d e p e n d e n t on tb e evil aud seances, add .o n e funeral serm on a t S t. Jo h n s, and » r* * c of the Poet, who take poeeeevioa of, and die sa id th e y knew t h a t th e h a d th o c o n su m p tio n , a n d
Mew T e sta m e n t* c o n tain a revelation of th e C h a r s p irit o f. J u d a s for its u ltim a te su ccess, fo r c n e an d trav eled seventeen h u n d re d m iles m all, au d retiree thro u*h, tbn living bodies Of the " Hhakere ” of Mew could never be «ared. Som e tw o weeks a f t e r w a r d ,
a c te r o f (it'd , a n d 'o f th e 'I n te r e s t, d u ty and final L ord Jesu s CUrial say s uf one evil J u d a s Is c a rio t, th u s co n clu d ed o u r M ichigan t o u r . York, giving wonderful lutormatlos respecting the event* Of
" F o r th is p u rp o se w *st tb n u areuled,." their llfrtlnis,and tbolr opinion, of prevent oriUctun oon- tb e learned D u. U x o n u n tu ., o f C hicago, w agm eco
d e stin a tio n o l m an k lu d ." cernlnilboae evrols se well os t f - ‘“ ------------------- ■"**“
A rt. Bad. " W e bellava th e re I* one G od, w h o io W hy h o t b ase y o u r W in ch ester c o n fu s io n of a t m y house on a visit. He ex am ined h er, and
(Cafamnotrated.] *■ In the world or Bplrits.
n a tu r e i* lo v e, reveab-d in o n e Lord J e su s C hrist, faith on th e m erits ol tb e m an o f m u rd er, as w ell Tide aiarveloue record, In book ions, w pnousnea oao rwi h e , to o , said t h a t t>bc w as In th e la st s ta g e of
by o n e H o ly S p ir t ot G race, w ho *111 finally r e as u pon th e m t r l t s o t t h e man m u rd e re d , for w ith sale by L. Q.Thume*. No. 112? Bausum st. Pbllodffphfa, and
o u t tb e b e tra y e r yon w o u ld , h a re uo Savior. T ne PETER \fE 8T. may be obtained of booksellers and newsdealer* gensrslty.
Q u ick C o n su m p tio n , could n o t be cu re d , an d
sto re tb e w hole fam ily ol m an k in d to h o liness and h e w ould n o t be s u rp rised if che did n o t liv e b u t
h a p p lm -w .” *- people e le v a te tb e ge n e ra l w ho w h ipped J e ff Davis S om e o f th e P ra c tic a l uses c f S p irit C on Price, 26 cent* per copy, or a t the rate of flU par hundred
and n o t J e ff D a v it w h o w as w h ip p ed . copies. a few day*. ‘ Mr*, d to d a r d ,’ sa id h e t o m o, ‘ sh e
A rt. 3rd . " W e believe th a t b o lin e M .a n d tru e tro l. addreee S. ft. JON* 8 ,1W Sooth Clark SU Chicago
b applnesv are in sep arab ly co n n e c te d , an d th a t b e U niversal Isle o u g h t to rest th eir la kill on Ju d a s, vo) 6 no 2d Ow c a n n o t liv e; h av e yo u au y ho p e o f cu rlu g her?*
lievers o u g h t to m a in ta in o rd e r an d p ra c tic e good n ot Je su s, for J u d a s Is really th e p rin cip al tu to r W e o ften h tn r It asked, o f w h a t use o r o f w h a t
in t h e tra g e d y o f sa lv a tio n . b e d lit Is s p irit c o n tro l? T h e follow ing w ell a t I answ ered, * T h e sp irit# ta y t h a t th e y w ill cu re
w o rk s, for th e se th in g s are g o o d a n d p ro fitab le u n
te ste d fact* go fa r to show tb e u tility o f s p irit d i h e r If w e o b e y th e ir o rd e r* .' Iu th e first th r e e
t o m e n .”
F o r m y p a r t I h av e n ev er aeen a n y th in g w o rth y O u r T o u r In f f lt o lilg a n —N o . 8,
re c tio n . I t w as given th ro u g h tb e m e d iu m tb lp o f THE CAREER w eek* afte r I com m enced tr e a tin g h e r, sh e h a d
tb e nam e o f S p iritu a lism , a* I th o u g h t, th a t In any U r. P e te r W est, o f C h icsgo, iu J u ly last. Mr
K n o w lto n au d Josep h T a llm a n . o f th is c ity , h e a r OP TBE th re e la rg e u lc e re In h e r lu n g s b re a k a n d d isc h a rg e
w ay conflicts w ith o r an p erccd ia th e ivD tlraeet* S u n d ay , O ct. -4 . T h e m orning discourse c re s te d
em b ra c e d in tb e above coufesrion, an d It w ould ba a g re a t f e v lln g f ud m u ch c o n s te rn a tio n , r e ta ilin g ing o f M r. W e s t's w onderful cla irv o y a n c e c a lle d an a lm o s t in cred ib le a m o u n t. B n t a t th e ex p ira
b o th In te re stin g an d p ro fitab le to m e an d u n d o u b t a t h is olli’-e, th e n a t l*J9 .South C lark s tre e t, b a t G O D ID E A IN H IS T O R Y , tio n o f e ig h t w eek* th e call* hcraell w ell. She
lit a large audience Iw th e ev en in g . O u r su b ject,
ed ly so to o th e rs, to aee an effort m ade to • n b .U u - •‘T h e C o n tra s t,—SplritnullMU Progressive, T b c o tv now a t lsfii. sam e stre e t,a n (L g £ fr ask in g him som e
q u estio n s In re la tio n to hih jro w e?< i look In to th e ur will w o rk *11 d ay , go to a p a rty a t n ig h t, d an ce
u n te th is fre q u e n t c la im . ' Cj Ite tro g re s -iv c ." A t th e co ticlurion w e gav e th e n n lil tb e sm all hour* tu th e m o rn in g , la k e a s h o rt
W ---------. t a r i b , he t o M lb c tn th a t I f h L spirit g u ides chose
billo w in g t e s t a : H UDSO N T U TTLE.
By h a i m n 'e r , n sp irit, w h ic h wc described, a n d I, to show him aftaunffo ol an y k in d , h a th o u g h t It n a p an d th en g e t u j j nod be a a g ay as * b ird a ll
W c call th e a tte n tio n o f o u r re ad ers to l h a a W i ga v e tim e o f d e a th am t age. Id e ntified a s C o l. Hrr co u ld h e do ou euccrsefufiy. Mr. W est was tm - d a y . A llow ing herself t o be th e ju d g e, she is
co m m n n le a tIo n from th e p en o f an a b le advocate [■loved by th e above canu-d g*ntlem>-n. and bu
Sdw th e s p ir it o! a y o u n g lad y , w h ich w as fully CO N TEN TS. w ell, h as r o t i n u n p le a sa n t sy m p to m in h er s y s
w ent in com pany w ith Mr. T a llm a n , aud m ade a
o f bia pec nil tr ch u rch . in bla note to na he e*ya: iden tified . location ol lead ore four m iles from a sm all tow n Intri -torn- n.
M ouday, O cL 'JS th .— Wc left for A lligan, a t 7 W tem , an d La« ta k e n o n ly jlx boxes o f Mr*. S pcnc’e
"1 w ilte tb e w ith in t o yo n fo r tb e p u rp o se o f e n in W isconsin, c a lle d $ iu le sb u rg a ; te llin g Mr. T ail- Tbe G<fe Idun ol the Hladm-t.
A. M. I t 1* s very c le a r cold w inu-r m o rn in g , th e P o sitiv e P ow ders. I gave her no o th e r m edicine.
q u iry , b m sh o u ld th e r e be a n a n sw e r n o t eat iefec- ground* w as covered to ihv d e p th ol fo u r Inches with m an th e d ista n c e dow n to th e m ineral, an d say in g " " Egyptians, Cb.i-U-ane and I'erelaM,
t h a t th ey w ould find i t iu a crevice r u n n in g e ast T o th e P ositiv e P o w d ers, God an d ang els w c g ive
to r y , I w ill cla im th e p riv ile g e o f m ak in g a re- m . o w , and as we tty o n a t tb e ra te o f miii-s an * *• '* ** Jew*.
an d WeM, b u t lucliuiug to th e s o u th , aud lu ll o f " .................... Arabians, t b e p ria se ol sa v in g her life a n d r e s to rin g Lb;
h o u r; we no ticed tb v t th e trees are Ih full foliage,
p*y-M m ineral—th e crevice g row ing w ider as th e y wjeui " “ *• “ • Greeks and fU’trahv,
and th e a n pi-, trees full o f lim it. Wo reached Ai-
We a r e g U d to m eet o u r U nlv crsalist b ro th e r. lig an a t 4% P . M., an d called a t Dr. W eeks, and dow n. ATter lollowir.g M r. W e it'g jiirs c lio q s im ' • • “ •- Alriandriaa and Early CbrlaUaofty,
plicitly , th e y found th e crevice and m ineral a t th e “ " “ " latter Pfiilcaopbers.
W c th o u g h t, an d d o a illrm , th a t " S p irltu a lU m is su pped w im him . W e lectu red a t 7 ;^ o ’clock, to “ “ " •• MordereKeUftan*—Chinreo, Braids,
six ty souls iu th e form , and m any o u t o f th e form . d istance he hud to ld th e m , and all he had M id
in a d v a n c e u f U ulvera-riU m ," a n d below we give a b o u t it proved s tric tly tru e , -jn f.ict, i t w ould EcaodeitavtaiA and Artec*.
Oi th e la tte r cam e A. L . Eleg, w ho w as fully Iden- have been im possible lo r Mr. W est o r an y p e rso n Conclu.ion—Ultimate of the God Idea.
o a r re a so n # . tltle d ; gave his age and tim e o f d e a th . Head th e
no m a tte r how w ell versed in geology, to have fries 1,40; poeta^s id rente-
1at. Y our relig io n l* a belief. B ro th e r W . ; ours,
p o s itiv e k n o w led g e. Y ours is founded on h e a rsay
life-an d c h a ra c te r o f Dr. G alkins, M r. P ra tt aud
J ndge R e ynolds. All a c cepted.
given a b e tte r description ol* it, Uud it been laid For tale at lUtiaiO-PnitosorRICSt J o r n u t Otiloe. W H E R E IS
bare to th e eye.
from th e p a i l ; o u rs on th e te s tim o n y o f unlin,
le a c h e d liv in g w itn esses o f ftie p resen t tim e. Vide
Saw by th e side o f Dr. (!. th e s p irit o f n w o m a n s
w ho, from th e description given, was h k u llfleil as
th e d o c to r's sit-ter. W ent hom e w ith Dr. H a lto u .
s . 9. JO N E S, TH EIR EQUAL?
I h av e read th e above s ta te m e n t and u n h e s ita
th e te s tim o n y o f Ju d g e E dm onds, Mr. L iverm ore, A liigan is s itu a te d ou tn e Kalamnz.no rlvcr.furty- tin g ly »«y tn a l th e sam e is s tr ic tly tru e , HW S o. Clark Street, K. F. H k-rcn, of I lu n tln g to g , M ass., nundu tc-
P ro f. V arley, a n d E d m u n d K irk , (M r. G ilm ore), in tivc m iles ab ove its m o u th , it th e h -s d o f ste sm J , H . K n o w l t o n .’ Chicago, DL P h o k . Si-KN’CK, tb e fo llo w ln ^fru m ark ab le r e p o r t : -
n a v ig atio n , an d iu th o m idst o f a line farm ing T|.L : No. « - lf .
t b e la te M u in le r tria l in N ew Y ork c ity . U nlvera- N . B. M r. W est is being called u p o n d aily by ‘• I feet It m y d u ty to re p o lt to you w lm t M rs.
co u n try . F ru it abounds. I t G aL o a ImulH-V s ta different p ersons, and he expect# to be p re tty g e n
a! ism failed to effect th e co nversion o f sttcb great tio n . I: is connected w ith Ihe wide world by ntc itn D R . E . P . M ILLER S . W O R K S . S p en ce's Positiv e and N eg ativ e P o w d ers b * v q v
erally em ployed d u rin g th e com ing year lu lo c a t
m eo a s E d m o n d s, O w en, Ila re a n d o th e rs, to a ou r.ver, and ra ilro a d . T h e re L a society o! S p ir in g m lhcruU,- as his p o w ers m autie.-t theuiselves done for m e. I bad suffered w ith a h e re d ltn rj j
b e lie f In im m o rta lity . S p iritu a lism accom plished itualist!- here, w ho have a line L yceum , un d er th e stro n g ly in th is d irectio n . The Cause o f E x h au sted V ita lity , H eadache for 3,1 years. D uring no w eek had I j
m an ag em en t o f B ro th er ■— an d hi* good little -His address is l$ f S outh C lark s t., C hicago, 111. or A buses of th e Sexual F unction. been free from th e H ead ach e in a ll'lb a C tlm e . T w
it . la n o t th is evidence t h a t S piritu alism is in a d wife. T h e y bavo occasional s p e a k in g . T h e re in
v a n c e o f U nlveraullam ? no question w-hatever a b o u t th e e d ic t o f o rg an isa Cloth $1,00, P o stag e, 12cts. y ears ag o la s t A u g u st, I «
2 n d . Yon a c c e p t J c ? a s C h ris t a* y o u r S av io r by tio n o f s ta le an d c o u n ty circles In Mlelilgatf—th a t L e tte r fr o m B n . J . U . C o w l e * . Every Young Man and every Young Wo b oxes o f y o u r P o w d ers, 1
i t h a s h u rt th e cause.D p a te n t. A t N uulca, Lyons,
o a r H o ly S p irit o f G race. V ide a rticle sccocd o f th e St. J o h n s , A lm out, D e tro it, A lligan, S a iig alu ck S. S. J o .v e s —Dn x k 8 i k ':—Circu m stan ces In m y man, every Married Man and every M ar. tb ^iu acco rd in g to tb e d l
W in ch ester confession o f faith . T his m ak es you a aiid G an g es; th e sd in ls-io n L e 'e a r and u nm is p a st life w hich I cau a o t now e n te r in to , Intensify sa I h a v e imd 00 H ead ach e t ___ _ ^
ried Woman, Should read it.
believ er in J e su s C h rist, th ro u g h w hom yo u are to ta k a b le th a t th e p re se n t orgaui/.stloti is u o l c a lc u m y In terest In,sod ten Jern«-s tow ards, th o se little P ow der, f had also been tro u b le d w ith a t7*
la te d to ad v ance ilie cause of s p i.itu a lis m lu*Mich- chlldrcu w ho from any cuure are obliged to. b e A vast am«nut «-f«-i(bring, a, well physical, mental and
be saved, a n d be h as said : separated from th e ir p a re n ts ; th ose sensitive l i t ease in .m y bo w els tro m c h ild h o o d . T h e re vr .
Ig aa. moral ruin would bu pretrntnd, if all w. re aci,iuiialrd with
" V e rily , v e rily , I say u n l o y a u .b e th a t b d iev . T uesday, OH.-i*< h .—Cold an d cloudy. We left tle ouc* dep riv ed o f 4 m o tu e r’a te n d e r ear*. I the Cut-octiUiund tu this work and lolinwcd iu excellent scarce * d*y t h a t I did n o t su ffer p a in In m y bow-
c th o o m e, th e "works t h a t I d o , shall b e do a l s o " for Svuga'iuck iu an o p en b a g g y , u n d e r th e care o f h av e a t p re se n t w ith m e, one little girl w hose advice. elo, n p to tbe lim e I g o t y o u r Pow der*. T h e y h av e
Jo h n H t h : l ’th . B ro th er A. 8 . W eeks, aud ro d e th ro u g h pine m o th er, (a m edium ) iu a d ista n t city , Is necraeitac- cured m e of t h a t , to n . I b a d e m p lo y e d m a n y o!
H ere, th e n , by y o u r fa ith and -b elie f in Jrcu »
w oods, tw enty-five iqllc*. T h e pine wood Is s o l rd to p a rt w ith th e child to en ab le h er to dev o te Vital Force, How wasted and How P re tb e 'b e a t phvsicians o f th e O ld U cbool, a n d no n e o f
e m n alw ays, b u t g ra n d ly soletnn w hen th e d a rk her Uu j c to th e avo catio n w hich is to yield s u p p o r t
C h rist, you arc requ ired to do tb e th in g s th a t he green lituba are f r ig h te d w ith snow . O u r road fo r b o th . served. Cloth $1,00, Postage 12cta; Pa th e m could te ll w b at ailed m e, an d co u ld tto m e
did. A re you d oing th em t We tro w n o t. S p ir w as ro u g h , th e d ay waa cold an d s to rm y . Seen D o u b tless th e re s re o th e r p a re n ts, w ho fo r suffi per Cover, 50cts, Postage, 4cts. no g o o d ."
itu a lism to d a y h eals th e sick, causes tb e blind to o u tw ard ly , tb e day wu* u n p le a s a n t; Im t w ith lu us. cient reaMiDH, w ould be glad 10 find for th e ir U tile
see, th e lim e to w alk an d th e d e a f to h ear, as did Mrv Eranet* (tana G«r * my*: **I rerm «ay wish that it
th e .-p>rll was calm , c o n ten ted and lu ll o f love, and one# a pleasuut hom e, a here affectionate tr e a t rniild l«- read by every mother la the country.”
o u r Lord Je su s C h rist, o f o ld. T his L in ad v a n c e w e «njovi d th e ride. C alled on Mr. nod .Mrs. M or m e n t w ith such in struction a* Is su ited fo r th e ir
o f UulvcrsttUsin, m ost assuredly. rison. T h e first a confirm ed sc ep tic o n Spiritual age and cap acity , would be received by th em . It Is an invaluable work and .bt-ulti bate a place iu every
3rd . Y our religion is a parad o x on th e te a c h in g s testim ony, n o tw ith sta n d in g Ik - Is a goo d Ulan, and I have th o u g h t ft m ight be well to affyUc y our family librury.
o f Je an s, for yo n fence o u t th e evil,- e x p el th e u n has th e confidence ot bis fellow citixens. M rs. M or renders, t h a t, h-r a rcntonuble com pensation, such
ru ly m em bers o f y o u r c h u rc h —yea, m o re ; you
tra m m e l th e m ind an d f e tte r the u n d e rstan d in g .
rison L an out->poket» and firm S p iritu a list, and
trg e as steel. Iu th is to w n B ro th ers P eebles au d
as w ould enable tne to provide th e m w ith good
h e a lth y food, au d o th e r com forts, i w o u m receiv e
How to Bathe, a Family Guide for the Use
of W ater in Preserving Health and Treat
illUST ONE Ris e
T he freedom o f speech Is n o t to le ra te d , th e rig h t
o f conscience n o t recognized, and you expel tuun
an d w o in tu lor o p in io n 's s ak e. W itness tb e expui-
D unn w ere m obbed a few y ears ag o , an d n u t p e r
m itte d to hold th e ir m eetin g s. T h e cuusc ot th e
tro u b le was, as we heard th e s to ry , as follow s :
un d er ray care, aud en deavor to do by itfetiKa* [
w ould have a n o th e r do by m ine,—a lim ited unto-
her o f ch ildren o f either sex, from lo u r to eigfil,
ing Disease
Paper Cover, Price 40cts, Postage, 4cts
lio n o f 'B r o th e r J. O. B a r r e tt, of S y cam ore, III.— P lnnebog, M ich ., A ng. 4 th ,
C ue o f th e b ro th ers m anifested a stro n g desire.for y ears u f age. M y tw o d a u g h te rs, y o u n g ladles,
n o t because be h ad lied, sto len , p ru fsn e d o r eotu- a em ail finger bone, o u t ol an rm iinn g ra v e , th e re are w ith m e, b o th fond o f c h ild re n . Im portant Truths; By Air#. E, P. Miil«;r, Ji. D, P k o v . S t'cn iu t—D ear b lr : I feel t h a t I o u g h t to
m lte d a d u lte ry , b u t because he a c k n o w led g ed a being p len ty of In d ian grav es in th e place. ‘So mie I have a plenty o f house and garden room . T h ey acknow ledge som e o f tho benefit* o f th e P w dtlve
belief in S p iritu alism a n d Millrnicd it. Price, 20cts, Postage, 2ct*.
a fieruoou tb e y to o k a stroll o u t a m ong th e grave* w ould bu sure o f ten d er care iu sickness aud iu and N eg ativ e P o w d ers lu th is place. W ell, t h e n , '
•„ We do no su ch th in g . T h e re Is no p o w er vested ot th e deud braves, a lte r w hich, in th e even in g , health . Tina little wirtli 1- written in a etjdn adaptwbto rhililreu'*
in S p iritu alism to ex p el fruhi Its tr u th s so d facta a B ro th e r D unn, -under an Indian influence, Iu th e L etter* ad d ressed to me, box 1374, O tta w a , 111., Minds, and no pueut novd fear lu place it iu th y r cM'dren'n tw o y ears ago o n e box cu red m y c h ild , o n e y e a r
sin g le soul. We need in ijje tlc r,-. trn m m cls o r hom e o f Mr. an d Mrs. M orrison to ld M r. Peebles wilt he im m ediately answ ered. baud* a* *li opi-blUK I-»tunvere.it mu end advice on poInU up old , a f te r given u p to die. “ H al f a bo x o f tb e . P o ri- -
K hsckles to m ak e us do rig h t. O ur m o tto , th e th a t he, th e In d ia n s p irit, um l-isU iod his desire
m o n o of Je su s and o th e r good m en, " F o rg iv e t h r on which llit-kr future health? Iiapptrieaa, and even lire, large tlv c Powderfc e a re d n . G . K ilb u ra o f R ry a lp u lt* ,
a n d had com plied w ith bis w h h ,* n d th a t he w ould ly donetid. from w hich h e had b een u n ab le to w o rk fo ra e v -
b ro th e r seven ty an d seven tim es y o u rs according Uud a little bone up stairs in his room , dcsigm illug A N E W P R O P O S IT IO N *
to th e a ctio n o t th e c h u rc h an d th e te a ch in g s ot th e place w here it co u ld be found. M r. Peebles TUE TKAUE SIPPLIEU. oral year*. H e to o k u p th e h a lf b o x , w e n t to
th e W in ch ester confession o f fa ith , " E x p e l th e T o an y o n e w ho h a s nev er ta k e n th e Jo C k N aL ,
hud his do u b ts ; Indian b rave was s u re . Mr. Pee we w ill s tu d it lo r th re e m o u th s on tr ia l, on th e w o rk , an d says hff i* now c u re d . A g a in , a y o u n g
o ffe n d e r," th e re b y th ro w in g him o r h e r o u t o f vir bles w en t to nis room a u d looked for th e bone and AtLlrvjts S. S. Jont-*, IB? & 1^5*, Soul It f'lurk
tu e in to v ic e ; o u t o f tr u t h in to t r r o r ; o u t o f th e g irl, tw elve years old, w ho had becom e blind
found D not. H e accused Indian o t not te llin g th e re c e ip t o i f i f t y a n t* . Clark s tr t i t, Chitrigt*, III.
told ot o u r Lord Je su a C h rist, In to th e fold o r o u r t r u th . Ind ian brevC g o t e x cited and affirm ed th a t from pain in h e r head , h a s used u p o n e a n d o n e
L o rd S e rp e n t, S * ta n , L ucifer, Beelr.ebnb. H ere he had b ro u g h t th e bone to th e w indow , b u t co u ld h a lf box o f P o sitiv e P o w d ers ; she U now a ro u n d
a g a in . S p iritu a l is ill Is in ad v ance o f C ulversalisiu,
inasm uch as it does u n to o th e rs ns %»e w ould th a t
n o t g e t i t in to th e room , b u t t h a t It WBs now on LOVE AND IT S HIDDEN HISTORY. a t w o rk , can r e td , w rite and *ew. I m ig h t g ive
th e o u tsid e ol th e w indow o f th e room o n th e w in N E W A D V E R T I S E M E N T S .
o th e rs sh o u ld do u n to us—to w i t : T o k eep a il ot dow sill. A g ain Mr. P eebles w cu t to ids room , we xsY T H E C O U N T d e S T L E O N m ore such ca«e*; b u t a fte r seeing su ch ev id e n c e if
o u r b la c k aticcp In o u r ow n foid, all o f o a r evil
doer* a m o n g our*eive*—n e v e r see d in g llu-m to o u r
believe o th e rs w e n t w ith him , an d w h e n th e y A HOOK Foie WOMEN, Y o r s tt O/t OU) ; people u an't.belluve, th e y w ill n o t believe •* th o u g h
raised Ihe window* sill—to ! th e bone was th e re ! a M I L L l A . f f W H I T E A C O . h a v e in P ress, o ne sHbuld rise from th o d e a d ." I s h o u ld h av e
n e ig h b o r's to ld to p oison Ilia flock. You expel
bone th a t once belonged to th e little hu g er o f u Ft tit r u n LOVING, TIIE MARRIED, SIS -
y oura an d we iu o u r c h a rity g iv e th e m sh e lte r and
btimr.n bund. T ula w.is m ure th a n llic & iu g a tu e k auU w il l Iw a c S a tu r d a y , D ec. l l t b , UI.L\ ISLV VEU, UEAUT r S f T, <P IS ISO s ta te d above t h a t th e girl wa* p ro n o u n ced in c u r
k in d ly let Hiem in w itu tb e lam bs of o u r fold, for ab le by our sk illed d o cto rs o f th is p lace.
peopiti w ere w illing to sw a llo w , and th e y rose up OSES.
A be tin or U iilveraallsm Is n u t c a tc h in g in o u r fam A N E W B O O K Yonr*, A c.,
in th e ir a n g e r end d em a n d e d th a t llit-sc th in g s
ily , v ^ should be done in th e ir sig h t, o r o u r b ro th e rs IN PROSff, ITS ADVICE TO W<TSe .\,
4 b. You a c c e p t th e c h aracter o f G od as d e W. D. K E L L Y .
fin e ! by Moses iu th e O .d T estam en t. L u l us look
should n o t hold fo rth , -hcnco th s m eetings w ere is y m i s s L i z z i e d o t e n , 10 uRi-n the victim of mltplurcil eonRilencc and affection, le
closed and S p iritualism considered u dead ic tta r In A:.tn«r iff the popular Book of very taliuiMn*. and nil It, counrel* are direct und explicit.
a t it a m om ent. S a u g atn ek . B u t o u r b ro th e r can now h av e a h e a r
••Jle n u d e Hie w oild an d all th a t th ere U 111 it, ing in tja u g a lu c k , th e w ay h aving been p rep ared “ F O E .n s F R O Ifl T H E I N N E R L I F E , ”
a n d God saw e v e ry th in g th .it he had uiauu, und T h is is is th e M o st E e m a r k a b le B o o k o n
by th e " G e n tle vyUson." a n d believing in th e dl- IXVitklS
ljcholil, it w as Very g o o d .—G en. 1 ; ill. "A n d it v ine r ig h t and v irtue ol laying on o f h ands, wo e x H u m an L ove e v e r Issu ed . | /
r e p e n te d th e L >rd ih u t he b . d n u d e rnun on th e
e a r th , aud it grieved him a t his Ueurt.—Gun. *1; 0.
p ect, ouc ot th ese daya to g re e t ou r b ro th e r w ith MY "AFFINITY, P r i c e $1,2 5 , P o s t a g e , l d c l s . T
a b ro th o r's love.
A g a in ; " l sin ih e L o rd , 1 chat-gu n o t, I w ill n o t W hile s illin g m M r. M o rriso n ’s bou se, lie being For Kitlc ul the Olllcc of.tlio R u i .ic io -P b i i .o j M B S . S P E N C E ’S *
g o b ack, n eith e r w ill t re p e n t " " A n d God re p re se n t, w c ta w by him ih e sp irit of uo old w om an, OTHER STORIES. tiOflllCAL J o t ’UN AT..
p en ted o f th e evil H urt he said he w ould do u n to
ict-m aud he did it h o t.”
describing her, and ga v e th e mime o t M cGrnw. We
to ld M rs. M. and iier d a u g h te r o f w h at wc saw , P O S I T I V E .& ! N E G A T I V E ^
Now , B ro th e r ML, L th U th e c h a ra c te r rev*-aled a n d M rs. M . said fin a lly ; TA BLE OF VONTJCNTS. P r o f , W m , D e n t o n ’s W o r k s .
lu tb e b e rip lu rta ol* th o Old aud Now T e stam en ts, " 1 knew such a w om an, au d Was it frieud an d
MY A F F IN IT Y . T H E SOUL OK T H IN G S ; OR PSYCH O M ET p o w d e r s . ^ ;
and endorsed by th o W in c u c ste rc o u h su to n ot liiith ? fiv o rltc of h e rs."
i f s o : S p tritu u J lm U fur In Advance o f U n lv risal. We le d u > id a t n ig h t to a full h o u -e, gave m any RIC RESEARCH ES A N D DISCO VERIES. t T h.M agic control of tbs P o s i t i v e a n d N c ; n ! l v * }
ism . W e ntcognlxo n o su c h G o d ? O ur "G o d la a MADAM B O X NTFI.EU R A N D H ER HOSES lly W illiam a u iftllirab v tlt M. V. D m to 11. P o w d e r * cv#rdli#a»* of all kluda, 1* woDdsrfal t*yoo4 P
fine testa, of w hich th e lot low ing are m arked :
S p irit, iu w hom we live an d move and h a v e o u r b e W in. B u tler, an old eitiz.eu, cam e au d w as fully W O M EN A N D W ISDOM . Thl« vafintldu and highly liiten .[in< work h*it become a all pr*o«deat, Th*/ do d o vtolvnc# to tk* »yiU ai,«*o*tog,^
in g —never re p cu lu d , nev er tu rn e d hack , goes for* Identified, h b bro th er-in -law being p re s e n t and p.«rl of the -tnudard literature of tliu cunntrj .
T H E FA IT H O F IIA S U F U A . no purging, bo naoiM tleg, d o vomiting, ou Darooflilng. 1*
w a rd , is w ith o u t b e g in n in g o f day?, o r e n d in g o f fully rccogaiM og th e m an before w c nam ed him . Prior, Sl.uOcU, Postage, 20rt*. fe i!.o . Women aad ChUJr*n find th*m a ilU ut bai a tar* t>
lim e ; we th e phen o m en a ; H e tb e law . T h en cam e a s p irit wnu gave bia nam e a* F ren ch . T H E BACHELOR'S D E FE A T .
U nlv crsslisin needs hooping in o rd e r t o hold (Ve fully d u se rtu td him , saying, “ T h is m an was T H E GREAT C A R B U N C L E . LEC TU RES O N GEOLOGY, T U E PA Sfr
i t to g e th e r. You m ak e law s to bind j o u r souls us A N D FU T U R E O F OUR PL A N E T . A sTll- Th# P o a t l l v e * car* Nturalgla. Ueotache, Hh»umv
d ro w s e d , th o c a u r e bein g w u isk ey ." M A R U Y tN G T O R MONEY".
w ell as m ind s. W e have no le tte rs o r law s to A g e n tle m a n preaeut lueQlitled uim , a n d th e co r UaLdo tcientlflc Work. . y tls s . Palo* of all k indt; Dlarvhr**, D y u o u ry , Voufftla^
c o m p el c o n v e rs io n ; y o u d o . T h eieiu re, he th a t o n et w ho Held th e i&qUost on b is body, Wiu p re s T H E P R O PH E T A N D T H E PILGRIM S. Price, Sl.jO rts. Postage, JOcts. • Dy»p*t>«ta, fl*tol*Dce, Worm*; all 7*ta*t. Weakatats* and
can be good an d tr u e w ith o u t tb e law , is b e tte r d#raaff»(D»Dti; fta. Cramp*, S l Vita#' Daocs, fipatma; all
• b a n w b'-n c o m p elled by th e law to d o g o o d . You
3 rd .. -T h ere cam e a *plrit, w hich we described. COMMON S E N SE THOUGHTS ON T H E blgb gradw of Fiver, BaiaU Pox, U i u l n , dear tat Id s , E rj-
need a rtic le s o f lai’ b to enfo rce b e lie f ; wc dem and tV e g a y e th e n a m e d J . Briggs. F u lly Identified. G ER AL DINE . BIBLE. For Common Scfisc people. Twelfth
fa c ts th a t wo m ay h av e know led g e. Y o ur salva .V.'OMtud, revteod a nd enlarged. ripeta#; Ul l3*»mm*tJoD«, acute or ek rock.of Ih* Kldoey*,
W e ga v e several fine readings o f c h a ra c te r. •N DR. PC R D IE ’3 P A T IE N T . Lltef, Lung*,Womb,BJaddsr,or any other organ of lb* body,
tio n d e p e n d s u p o n a n o th e r ; o u ts dep ends upon From Ibu H ail, wo w en t tu tb u e x c e lle n t hom o
o u rselves. You g o b sc k to th e dead p a st fu r y o u r T H E S U N S H IN E O F LOVE. Price, lflfls.. Postage, 2cts. < Catarrh,OopaqmptloD, Brooch!lia, Coagh*, Cold*; BcrofQta
o f J a y C ook, E sq., an d w a rn wc en tered tb e bouse,
belief, " T h ro u g h la lth in o a r L ord Je su s-C h rL t, by w u saw btandli g ov er a cradle, th e form o t a benu- T H E E L F IN SPR IN G . T H E DEL U G E, IN T H E LIGHT O F M O D M*rroa*new,Sl*«fl(**n«wl Ac.
o a r H o ly S p irit ol G race, w ho will b u s ily resto re td u l s p irit w om an, a n d in th e little b u n k o r c r ilv ERN SCIENCE. Th# R e g * llV * » c w * Faralytl*, or ?*!»/, whethtqof tb»
tb e w h o le fam ily ol tuuuklud to hollucss and Lap- lay a d e e p in g ch ild , i t w as a bcaulU ul s ig h t, a n d , TH IRTEEN CHOICE STORIES, mu*cl«# or of th* ■•d m #, a# lo BUadDM#, Deafer**, lo a ol
pm esa ’’ lie n e e , fro m th e f a c t th a t th is is only bo- d i e d o u r soul w ith Joy, to sec th e sp irit m o th e r Price, lOd*., Posiase, leu . t«#t#, raell, fMffDg or motion; *11 low l i n n , tool} a* th*
liu f th ro u g h fa ith an d t h r fa c t th a t y o u r (tod Is a ■ iitx a s
lo v in g ly , w u tch fu lly g u ard in g bur little o n e , and w n AT is* KIUUT. Price, lGets., Postage, Set*. Typhoid and th# Typhus; #xtrem* a#rvoa* or mtmcular
c h a n g e a b le b ein g , y o iir b elief m ay o r m a y n o t bb wu th o u g h t o f th e old cradle by tun : S P L E N D ID B O O K F O R T I I E H O L ID A Y S .
t r u e . If y o u r U od ac c o rd in g to th o tic rip tu rc s KB TUYSEi.r. Prior. iOcts., Postage, 2«s. Prn*lr*Uon or JtetaiatloD.
" llu .-li m y d e a r, Me s llll and sln m b er, A i: who h a re r*»d t h t o h a x a ilc g 41 Po*m* from tho l e n t r
sh o u ld c hang e bis m ind aud g r a n t no u n co nditional H«dy angels g u a rd th y hed. U f ./' will d w k . to r i .d a * a m . antlior In pro#«. Both th# p o f f f i v * a n d N e g e t l v * o r. UMdad la
p a rd o n u ltim a te ly —th e n , w here Is y u u r lallli*
For «sulc a t Ttin Itbiaoio-Pitu-uburntCAJa
H e a v e n ly bfesaings w ith o u t n u m b e r, 1'iUCk f 1.40, POSTAGE 20 CENTS. Jot'RNAI, OlBce. Chilli aod F#v#r.
You a re l o s t ! a s m u s t be ev ery fuiih o r b elief G e n tly show ered a ro u n d th y h e a d .” For sals at tb i BiNNBIt OT Iff 01IT nOOKSTORff, l&S Phyrid*n» »r# delighted with tb*m. Agent* and Brag*
re ste d upon c h a n g e a b le U » s,o r on th e w ill o f a re Arid re.>h S. e . Jones, 187 tfc 189, South Clark
Wo b u rn e d to th e fam ily an d to ld th e m w h a t we tVaablaition Bo*loot *l>o b r onr Haw T o rt Ag*ato, street, Chicago, III gist# flail ready **1# for them. Printed term* lo Af*ut%
p e n tin g God. saw , m in u tely d» scribing tb u w om an, w ho wan a t \b a AllJuKlCAN MEW 6 COHCAN X, liu . W u i t r u l . Droggtata dad Phyffctsn*, lent fre*.
O u rs Is u n c h a o g a b tc , save from evil to g o o d ;
fro m m o rta lity to Im m o rta lity ; from lin ltls m to once identified as th e m o th e w o f th e c h ild , a n d la te > D r . W m . C la rk * * V e g e ta b le S y r u p . Foliar UU* or^****#a sad Direction* accompany *#oh
inU nltlsm , beg in nin g la evil, (ignorance), e n te rin g e a rth co m p an io n o f J a y (Jook, E*q. Kdit o * J o c e n a i,:—Having by me a, botUa of Dr. Wm. Box and also »*Bt fr## to say addraa*. fiend a brief drectip.
W ednesday, O ct. im p .— Cold au d cloufly, w ltk S M A L L F B I J I T B E O O R D E R
in to goo d (rig h teo u sn ess), • c o n tin u in g to in crease Ctarkv'i, Vi'gvtablnSjnip, prepared by Mr*. Jeanto W. Dun- tloo or your dl*****, U yoa pr*X*r Special Writteo Dir*#,
in g o o d n ess an d w isdom fo rever, in flu lte law s heavy M. E . w iud. L eavo In buggy for G a n g c ^ AND
10 a n tes. L e c tu re a t n ig h t to a luff bouse, giv in g forth, aud hrariutf tn*t the bavtmnd of onr mllk-womun, tloaa.

n e v e r c h a n g e, h e n ce th e G od o f S p iritu a lism b eing
a S p irit o r L a w , can n o t " g o b a c k " o n g o o d ,o r re- m a n y line te sts, m u st u i w hich w ere identified . COTTAGE GARDENEIL had I*** Iota ru j/lned tr- hi* room from the rffvc'ta of a 1 B o x . 44 P o * . P o w d e r s . *1.00
1 *• 4 4 Neg. « * 1 .0 0
p e n t o f w h a t h a s b een a ccom plished u n d e r th e law . L ec tu re d ag ain on T h u rsd a y a fte rn o u u to a g<»od from a hulldln-, which Injured hi* et'e, eomoyaar and 1
L a w univ ersal Is th e a u th o r o f th e seaso n s. W h a t h o m e , re a d in g c h a ra c te rs and g iv in g ten ts as u su Wo are In receipt of th h ratiuble little monthly paper, rince Sua- rltii: with pains from interim! turnon, I «#nt him
a p itifu l e x h ib itio n o f D ivine ju stic e o r la w , tk> al, m a n y o f th e m very d u e Indeed ; am o n g w h ich , edited by A. H . Purdy, (TOcoe«>r to Punljr A Johnston) of the bottle «f the u ld *yrnp, with direction* to have iff*aide
w e e p b ecause th e v e g e ta b le s die in th e fa ll, o r fro st we m ay m e n tio n tb e case of M r. N ichols, J js . H. Palmyra, N. V. I t couUias the most practical articles In 2 3 P o*. A 2 3 ITc*. 1 .0 0
M cCormHik, M r. F e p n , all o f w hich w ere ap p ro v ed . balbed althh^t fait and vriter,hy a healthy colored worn- 6 U o iti, - - - - 6 .0 0
c o m e s k iltin g m illio n s o f in sects au d llow era, o r relation to this subject we ever eaw, and aboald be In the
th o w h ite m a n tle o f anow fo r a se a so n h id es th e F r o m n b r m eetin g In G anges w o rode h a c k to band* of n ii)r p*r»ou who baJ Agardea oforaG * roa iqiiAr«f ai). nndttHi Vc t*ie»yrup u»t*rn-lly. The m ifft of which 11 “ - - - - 0.00
S a u g atu ck . ‘ W a le o tn re d ag ain a t n ig h t tu » full The price le vuly 3 0c«nU a year. Pend stamp tor a vpeci- era*, th a t In tm day#, he vraa out x a l a- ffi* work, [that of* Band money a t oar risk. Pom* #f 88 or more, If tent hj
g re e n c a r p e t o f s a m m e r from o u r view . K n o w in g B>*B copv and ilrcalsr coctainlnx Offer to tbOie xettlog np
th o la w to be Infinite an d efctrnrt, u n c h a n g e a b le h o u s e ,g iv in g teats, read in g s and 'd escrib in g s p ir its . oonuuou laborer.) mail,* ho aid ba to th# form of Money Order*, or Draft*, «*
T h e follo w in g p e rso n s received read in g s a n d te s ts club*. We notice any pwton geula* up a club of sU ha* . Ut* wtiv, >, devuted C * t f i u l ^ c . S b e had ip est qaite
a n d e v e rla stin g , w e w eep n o t. fo r w e k n o w t h s t •It# laB sg b u red Letter. ( .
t h e g re e n c a r p e t w ill su cceed th e w h ite m an tip , In iJ iu g s tu c k : M r. Louis, (sceptic), M r. G illem . *IP o s b 7 dU xstci, of Bonth Bend, Ind., also send out a ral- ' DbS, upon h is tut duc&n, with no good result; but bavin,
J a y C ook w od-Esq. C o o k . Wu saw th e children o f noble ItUI# work called tbs O F F I C E ,S T jiS t , M*u V P u o , S iw Tom*.
t h a t s a m m e r w ill follow w in te r, th a t God Is go o d , taltU In good Spirit#, the would try thu."
a n d his g a rd e n s a re ch an g e a b le , th e re fo re b e Is th e la tte r a n d folly id entified thorn. S H A L L F R U IT IN STR U C T O R , • UtaHome i* tioCortby and he Uvea tn this place, 5o. US A d & re e a , P R O F . P A T T O N S P B N C B , n t . B .
d o t th e G od o n frh lc h th e W in ch ester co nfession o f F rid a y , O ct. 2 y th .—R e tu rn e d lu a n o p e d b o g g y B o x S817, N e w Y o r k C i t y .
tliro u g fi th e Pino W oods to AJilgau. L e c tu re d a t ftw p w i fit four* T raum a!ij.
re s ts I ts h o p e , l ie n e e In a d v an ce o f a ch an g e- Which ha* received the h l(b rtt tesUtaOnI.lt fron the a o tl V your Druggist h a n 't tho P o w d ex w , rand your a
n ig b t to a a Increased au d ien ce. G ave th e fo llo w in g prominent horUcnltnrieu and pomologl.t* In the Dftitad A m E tim n lm u
v rjtalcs. I t tells how to plant ood grow oil kind* of am*U; • y » f« D w to P ^ F .B P B N O B ,a * # b o t# d lr# c r# d . f *
* 6 8 O a r e v id e n t* U fro m th e In h a b ita n ts o! etejr- I -festal ■ *
Irniu. Price ooly 10 cent*. t Mo. 18, k o h l—U
- Oaorptown, D.O, JaaaaryTtk, IMS.
1' ' .1 . ##l*al#6*t th#OB##ofth#Beua*6-Patt»aM*iau
p i t y ; y o u r s o f tim e . *We a re in d ire c t e o m m u cl- | T o A . 8. W eeks w e said , “ T h e re a s p ir
117 *ad I N B#b Ui Clark *towL) _ •
V o»7M #D

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