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ISSN: 2394 5303

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4.002(IIJIF) International Research journal Issue-37, Vol-05
house; the relationship between a daughter-in-
law and mother-in-law and other family 09
members. These songs convey feelings of love,
friendliness but at times rage and abhorrence. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN
The relevance of these folk songs lies in bringing
out the quintessential nature of every occassion SPIRITUALITY AND RESILIENCE
or subject they deal with and in revealing the
deep feelings and emotions of the people related Aisha Siddiqa,
to these events. Thus, a variety of traditional Research Scholar, Department of Education,
and cultural songs sung on different occasions Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.
present the folk songs of the region as an
assortment of multi-faceted folklore of Jammu Dr. Anis Jahan,
region. Associate Professor,
Department of Education, Aligarh Muslim
Works Cited and Consulted University, Aligarh, UP, India
1. Deep, Shiv Ram, editor. Dogri Lok Geet
(Part 16). Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Arts, ==============***********===============
Culture and Languages, 1989. ABSTRACT
2. Dhar, Somnath. Jammu and Kashmir Spirituality refers to an inner path which
Folklore. Marwah Publications, 1986. enables a person to discover the essence of his/
3. Gupt, Om Prakash. Dogri Folksongs – her being. It is the personal search which
Collections and Analysis. Seemant Prakashan, connects the human being to a powerful divine
1979. force existing in the Universe. Likewise, it has a
4. Literature,VIII. http://www.ciil- major role to play in helping people maintain
lisindia.net/Dogri/Dogri_lite.html. good mental health and also helps them to cope
5. Shivanath. History of Dogri Literature. with their life’s stressors. Psychological
Sahitya Academy, 1976. resilience is an individual’s tendency to cope
with stress and adversity. This coping may result
 in the individual’s “bouncing back” to a previous
state of normal functioning, or simply not a
showing any negative effects. Those who lack
this ability are slower to recover from setbacks
and may experience more psychological distress
as a result. The objective of the study is to
identify the relationship between the aspects
of spirituality and the resilience ability among
students, whether a change in the level of
spirituality has any influence on the level of
resilience possessed by them. Purposive
sampling is used and 146 adolescents between
15-18 years are taken from different schools of
Aligarh district of UP, India. The tools for
measuring resilience and spirituality are
Wagnild and Young’s Resilience Scale (1993)
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ISSN: 2394 5303
Printing AreaTM January 2018 040
4.002(IIJIF) International Research journal Issue-37, Vol-05
and Spirituality Attitude Scale (SAS) by Akbar sense of purpose, and allows people to connect
Hussain et al (2011). The results reveal that to something greater than themselves, and
students who have scored high on spirituality enable us to release control. These abstract
are better able to cope with their life stressors, gains then result into concrete ones through an
are better able to adapt and have a positive expansion of social networks and improved
outlook towards their problem situations. health which eventually lead to stress reduction.
Key words: Spirituality, resilience, Relation between Spirituality and Resilience
mental health, stress, stressors Although earlier in the field of
Introduction psychology, spirituality was largely ignored but
The meaning of the term spirituality from resilience research has identiûed religion and
apsychological perspective hase volved throught spirituality as factors of resilience (Werner,
heyears. Earlier notion was that it is an acquired 1984, 1996). Researchers have described that
and secondary aspect of human endeavor the protective aspects of religion and spirituality
(mostly embedded in religion) but now the are similar to protective processes that are found
contemporary view is that it is an inherent, in studies of resilience at individual, family, and
distinct, and integral part of human experience community levels (Crawford et al., 2006).
.Emerging the oriesrecognize the distinctiveand Conceptually, it has beensuggested that spirit
complexnature of spirituality, as well as uality may facilitatere siliencein four majorways:
emphasize its interconnectedness with byhelping build attachment relationships, by
religiosity and other human experiences. opening access to sources of social support, by
Moreover, spirituality is viewed as something guiding conduct and moral values, and by
which has a signiûcant impact on human offering opportunities for personal growth and
behavior and as a critically important subject of development (Crawford et al., 2006).
scientiûc study and professional practice in Another perspective on religion as a
psychology (Roehlkepartain, Benson, King, & source of resilience is that it serves as a coping
Wagener, 2006). mechanism for dealing with adversity (Van Dyke
Psychologists view spirituality as a &Elias,2007).In The Psychology of Religion and
universal phenomenon and an inherent aspect Coping, Pargament (1997) argues that although
of human nature that may have a biological some religious beliefs may lead to negative
basis. They believe that it is developed coping (e.g., feeling punished by God), there are
throughout one’s life;it emerges during early other aspects of religious faith (e.g., hope) that
childhood in the form of natural awareness and serve to develop adaptive coping, especially in
gradually becomes a search for purpose and a times of hardships. Psychologists also believe
longing for transcendental meaning (Sperry, 2001). that religion and spirituality operate in several
Spirituality is much more than just a ways in protecting individuals from harmful
comforting ritual to religious individuals. It has behaviors and cultivating positive behaviors.
the ability to have a positive impact on mood Religion serves as a meaningful system that
and mental health. It generates optimism, provides an understanding of life’s purpose in
improves interpersonal relationships, creates the face of highly stressful situations (Park,
support systems and enhances the quality of life. 2007). Some authors have suggested that
Scientific research is also emerging which spirituality and religion areuniversal impulses
demonstrates modest, yet promising in people. Wong (1998) stated:
connections between religiousness and Religion has been and remains one of
improved mental health.Spirituality provides a the most potent forces in human existence
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sPrinting Area : Interdisciplinary Multilingual Refereed Journalr Sr.No.43053
ISSN: 2394 5303
Printing AreaTM January 2018 041
4.002(IIJIF) International Research journal Issue-37, Vol-05
because it is rooted in human nature. Deep Objectives
within all people, there is a yearningfor To study the difference in the level of
connection with the sacred and the spirituality between boys and girls of secondary
transcendent. Like an orphan, there is avoid, a school students.
restlessness compelling individuals to search for To study the difference in the level of
their parent, their destiny,and their home. Even resilience between boys and girls of secondary
without being aware of it, people desperately school students.
and secretlywant to believe in God, so that they To find out the relationship between
can have the faith and courage to face spirituality and resilience among the senior
theunknown, (p. 361) secondary school students.
Some individuals, particularly those who To find out the effect of spirituality on
identify themselves as agnostic or atheist, the resilience of senior secondary school
wouldcertainly disagree with the universality of students.
those statements.At times individualstend to Hypotheses
develop a sense of purpose which is outside of There is a significant difference in the
religion, butthen there are many individuals who level of spirituality between boys and girls of
ûnd meaning through religious faith in a way senior secondary school students.
that helps them get through difficult life There is a significant difference in the level of
situations. Similarly, the resilience literature resilience between boys and girls of senior
identiûes spirituality as one of the major secondary school students.
characteristics of resilience in adolescents, There is a significant relationship
because spiritual values help to maintain an between spirituality and resilience among the
optimistic outlook on life and even alleviate one senior secondary school students.
to ûnd meaning in adverse situations There is no effect of spirituality on the
(Werner,1984,1996). Frankl (1963)asserted that resilience of senior secondary school students.
the search for meaning in life is essential for Methodology
psychological well-being and that a lack of Design: For the present study descriptive
purpose in life may cause psychological survey method was used by the researcher with
maladjustment. It is possible that the purpose a quantitative approach.
of life and meaning mediates the relation Sample: The sample for this study was
between spirituality and various positive collected from two Senior Secondary Schools of
outcomes (Van Dyke & Elias, 2007). Aligarh district. A total number of 146 students
To sum up, the theoretical assumptions (60 boys and 86 girls) were selected from the
of how spirituality acts as a source of resilience following schools.
have mostly focused on the inûuence of Number of Students
spirituality on close relationships, social S.no. Name of the School
Boys Girls
support, moral conduct, personal growth,
adaptive coping, and the development of 1 Al-Barkaat Public School 30 40

meaning and purpose in life. It is further 2 Aligarh Public School 30 46

suggested that these sources of support act as
protective factors in moderating the negative Procedure: The participants were asked
effects of any hardship and as promoting factors to fill in a set of questionnaires, which consisted
in improving the mental health, psychological of spirituality as well as resilience scales.
well-being, and academic learning. Tools used for measurement:
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sPrinting Area : Interdisciplinary Multilingual Refereed Journalr Sr.No.43053
ISSN: 2394 5303
Printing AreaTM January 2018 042
4.002(IIJIF) International Research journal Issue-37, Vol-05
1. Spirituality Attitude Scale (SAS) was contribution of a single independent variable in
developed by Akbar Hussain et al (2011). This relation the dependent variable. Here the
scale has two sub-dimensions (sense of purpose, contribution of spirituality to resilience was
maintenance of discipline) with 31 item calculated.
statements. The options to answer the Results
statements ranges between (1-5) i.e. from Obj no.1: To study the difference in the
strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5). Some level of spirituality between boys and girls of
statements were negatively worded and some secondary school students.
were positively worded. Positive statements Table 1 Mean difference of boys and
were scored in the same direction, while girls with respect to their level of spirituality
negative statements were scored in the reverse Level of Spirituality N Mean SD df t-value

direction. The reliability of the scale was Boys 60 108.05 16.56

calculated by Cronbach’s Alpha which was found Girls 86 121.41 13.99
144 -5.27

to 0.84 and 0.82 for both factors respectively.

2. Resilience Scale (RS) was developed Table 1 shows the difference between
by Wagnild and Young (1993) which consists of boys and girls in relation to their level of
25 statements. The responses to all are ranged spirituality. The mean value of level of
on a seven point likert scale ranging from spirituality among males is 108.05 with a
Strongly Disagree (1) to Strongly Agree (7) and standard deviation of 16.56 whereas the mean
all statements are positively worded. While value of spirituality among females is found to
developing the instrument, Wagnild and Young be 121.41 with standard deviation of 13.99. The
had recognized five inter-related components t-ratio obtained is -5.27 which statistically
that were a part of resilience. Even though the significant and the p-value is less than 0.05. This
statements were identified with these means that there is a significant difference
components, the total score was used in the between males and females with respect to their
study. The internal consistency reliability level of spirituality.
coefficient of this scale in a number of studies Obj no.2: To study the difference in the
ranged from 76 to 91. level of resilience between boys and girls of
Analysis techniques: secondary school students.
Correlation and multiple regression Table 2 Mean difference boys and girls
analysis was used the present study. with respect to their level of resilience
Correlation is a statistical technique that Level of Resilience N Mean SD df t-value

shows whether pairs of variables are related or Boys 60 126.41 16.12

144 -4.00
independent of each other. The coefficient of Girls 86 136.37 13.89
correlation (r) shows the degree of relationship
between the two variables used.It ranges from Table 2 shows the difference between
-1.0 to +1.0. The closer r is to +1 or -1, the more males and females in relation to their level of
closely the two variables are related. And if r is resilience. The mean value of level of resilience
close to 0 it means there is zero relation between among males is 126.41 with a standard
the variables. Pearson product moment deviation of 16.12 whereas the mean value of
correlation was used to find out the relationship resilience among females is found to be 136.37
between spirituality and resilience. with standard deviation of 13.89. The t-ratio
Linear regression analysis is a technique obtained is -4.00 which statistically significant
which allows the researcher to find out the and the p-value is less than 0.05. This means
UGC Approved
sPrinting Area : Interdisciplinary Multilingual Refereed Journalr Sr.No.43053
ISSN: 2394 5303
Printing AreaTM January 2018 043
4.002(IIJIF) International Research journal Issue-37, Vol-05
that there is a significant difference between spirituality contributed 50 percent of the
males and females with respect to their level of variance in resilience. Since the significance
resilience. value of .000 indicates that the probability is very
Obj no.3: To find out the relationship low that the variation explained by the model is
between spirituality and resilience among the due to chance. As a result we can conclude that
senior secondary school students. the changes in resilience resulted from significant
Table 3 Product moment coefficient of changes in spirituality. Thus, we can say that
Correlation between spirituality and resilience spirituality had a positive effect on resilience.
Variables df Calculated r P Discussions
The statistical tests above showed the
144 .712 0.000
verification of hypothesis in the study. All the
Resilience null hypotheses were rejected as there existed
a strong relationship between spirituality and
Table 3 shows the relationship between resilience among senior secondary school
the level of spirituality and the level of resilience students. There also existed a significant
among the senior secondary school students. difference between male and female level of
The coefficient of correlation is found to be .712 spirituality. Females were found to have higher
significant 0.01 level, which is considered to be level of spirituality as compared to males.
a strong correlation between the two variables. Similarly, significant difference was found
This means that there is a significant among male and female level of resilience. Here
relationship between spirituality and resilience. also, females were found to possess higher level
Obj no.4: To find out the effect of of resilience as compared to males. And finally
spirituality on the resilience of senior secondary it was observed that there was a strong effect
school students. of spirituality on resilience. It means that the
Table 4 Model summary of “Resilience” stronger the spiritual experience possessed by
(Dependent Variable) the students the more influence it will have on
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate the level of resilience possessed.
The findings of this study are in line with
Spirituality .712a .507 .503 10.98212
the research results that have been done before,
a. Predictors: (Constant), Spirituality which stated thatdimensions of religiousness/
b. Dependent Variable: Resilience spirituality were significantly related to
Table 5 ANOVA Table indicating a resilience. (Long, 2011). Another study also
significant relationship between the variables illustrated a clear association between spiritual
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. well-being and adolescent resilience but the
Regression 17975.585 1 17975.585 149.043 .000
data was collected through different sources
Residual 17488.020 145 120.607
both qualitative as well as quantitative.(Smith,
Total 35463.605 146
Webber &Defrain2013).
Similar study was conducted by Peres et
a. Dependent Variable: Resilience al (2007) in which they tried to find out the role
b. Predictors: (Constant), Spirituality of spirituality in fostering resilience among
Table 4 shows the simple regression trauma survivors. Gnanaprakash (2013)
analysis between spirituality and resilience of examined the existing relationship between
secondary school students. The square of R was spirituality and the ability to cope with stress
observed to be .507 which indicates that among university post-graduate students.The
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sPrinting Area : Interdisciplinary Multilingual Refereed Journalr Sr.No.43053
ISSN: 2394 5303
Printing AreaTM January 2018 044
4.002(IIJIF) International Research journal Issue-37, Vol-05
results of this study showed that students who become an important goal to achieve in the
had scored on spirituality were better able to healthy and wholesome personality
cope with their stressors, were better able to development of an individual.
adapt and have a positive outlook towards their References
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UGC Approved
sPrinting Area : Interdisciplinary Multilingual Refereed Journalr Sr.No.43053
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Printing AreaTM January 2018 045
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15. Smith, L., Weber, R., &Defrain, ABSTRACT
J.(2013). Spiritual Well-Being and Its Water is a vital resource to the mankind
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not adequate to fulfil the demands in that area.
 So to meet these demands a particular model
should be developed with the help of Geographic
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in that particular area. For this purpose Anwi &
Hiwra village of Jalna District, Maharashtra has
been chosen as a study area. The average
rainfall in the study area is 700 mm. This is the
seasonal rain fed area, hence needs better
management. Sustainable developments and
management of the basin is influenced by
topography of the area and geomorphologic
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