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c Asimov
!. I, Robot (some lists omit this, but this is re.lly the "origin" story of this
universe - The Complete Robot c.n be substituted here, since it cont.ins the
s.me stories .s I, Robot)
#. The Rest of the Robots (own p.p.erb.ck)
$. The Elij.h B.ley series (which obliquely tells the story of E.rth's first robotic
for.ys into sp.ce)
● The C&ves of Steel (1953)
● The N&ked Sun (1955)
● The Robots of D&wn (1983)
● Robots &nd Empire (1985) (own p.perb.ck) (B.ley only .ppe.rs vi.
fl.shb.cks .s he is dece.sed in the timeline of the m.in plot, .lthough he still
pl.ys .n import.nt p.rt in the story.)
$. The G.l.ctic Empire trilogy (since these 3 books .re unconnected to e.ch
other, besides t.king pl.ce in the s.me gener.l universe, this series c.n re.lly
be re.d in .ny order)
● The St&rs, Like Dust (1951)
● The Currents of Sp&ce (1952)
● Pebble in the Sky (1950), his first novel
● "Blind Alley" (1945), . short story .lso set between
the Robot .nd Found&tion series

%. The origin.l Found.tion Trilogy

&. Found.tion's Edge
'. Found.tion .nd E.rth (To me, th.t is re.lly m.rks the end of the best of the
work, .nd you c.n stop there. Or, you c.n proceed to the l.ter .dditions to
the series, which I find do not hold up .s well .s the others.)
(. Prelude to Found.tion
). Forw.rd the Found.tion

Altern.tive order
!. The Complete Robot (1982) Collection of 31 Short Stories .bout robots.
#. The C&ves of Steel (1954) His first Robot novel.
$. The N&ked Sun (1957) The second Robot novel.
%. The Robots of D&wn (1983) The third Robot novel.
&. Robots &nd Empire (1985) The fourth (fin.l) Robot novel.
'. The Currents of Sp&ce (1952) The first Empire novel.
(. The St&rs, Like Dust-- (1951) The second Empire novel.
). Pebble in the Sky (1950) The third .nd fin.l Empire novel.
*. Prelude to Found&tion (1988) The first Found.tion novel.
!+. Forw&rd the Found&tion (1992) The second Found.tion novel. (Not in
Asimov's list .s it h.d not been written yet.)
!!. Found&tion (1951) The third Found.tion novel, comprised of 5 stories
origin.lly published between 1942-1949.
!#. Found&tion &nd Empire (1952) The fourth Found.tion novel, comprised of 2
stories origin.lly published in 1945.
!$. Second Found&tion (1953) The fifth Found.tion novel, comprised of 2 stories
origin.lly published in 1948 .nd 1949.
!%. Found&tion's Edge (1982) The sixth Found.tion novel.
!&. Found&tion &nd E&rth (1983) The seventh Found.tion novel.

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