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To:The Hororable Bill Haslam

lst Floor, State Capitcl

Nashville, TN 37243

Published: March 21, 2018


From: Unas Sebkhet Amun Re Eil I Misnomer Darrin YounglFleming ]

732 Regent Place
Mernphis Tn 38106

Dear My Honorable Bill Haslam

I am Unas Sebkhet Amun Re Eil[Misnomer Darrin Young/Fleming]


I am asking you Honorable Governor Bill Haslam to seud Judge James M. Lammey,Jr. Division V a copy of
my Statutory Declaration.

TO: Honorable GovernorBill Haslam

I am Unas Sebkhet Amun Re Eilffisnomer Darin Young/Fleming], for the record:

httn://en.calameo.com/read/0051832808e52ffb92d5d htto://en.calameo.com/read/O05183280df8884a9b8cf -link
to my SFlSl). I Unas Sebl:het Amun Re Eil [Misnomer Darrin Young/Fleming] an Indigenous Autochthon
Aniyunwiya I MISNOMER: (Cherokee) ] Descent. I am sending you my Statutory Declaration irforming you
that my Indigenous rights have been violated by Judge Jarnes M. Lammey Jr. After Stating Uniform
Commercial Codes UCC 3-401,UCC 3-419 and askiag Judge James M. Lammey, Jr. for his Insurance Bond that
should be signed by you (the Governor of Tennessee) to authorize Judge James M. Lammey Jr. to adjudicate
this said case# C1800186 #1800052 . Then Judge James M. Lammey Jr. also stated that if I, Unas Sebkhet
Amuu Re Eil[Misnomer Darin YounglFlemingJ comes back in his courhoom asking for his " Iflsurance Bond,
Bid Bond, and Cusip & Autotis# or talking that UCC stuff'that he will give me, Unas Sebkhet Amun Re Eil
30 years and throw away the key. He also stated just for me asking for the Insumnce Official Boa4 Bid Bond,
and Cusip & Autotris# he is revoking the BAIL BOND of $30,000, aod he did it io front of others to make it
appear to them that if I said anything regarding Uniform Commerce Codes that I, Unas Sebkhet Amun Re Eil
will be affested for 30 yems in one of their Kidnapping holding facilities at20l Poplar Avsnue
Memphis,Tennessee 38103 Shelby County Criminal Courl When I, Unas Sebkhet Amun Re Eil was requesting
an oath of office, official bond in open court, He also stated that the UCCs don't appLy in his courffoom and
they don't work and that the Governor of Tennessee has no authority over his courhoom. The next court
appointuent will be April 12, 2018 at 201 Poplar Avenue Memphis, Tennessee at approximately 9am. So I am
asking for you to communicate with yow corporate employees, staf[and agents of the State Of Tennessee
Criminal Courts that I am a flesh and blood man with Humm Rights that needs to be respected with
honor.http:/hwvw.un.org./esa/so DRIPSsen.pdf Also about these issues that's going on in
your workplace that needs Urgent Action or Freedom under international Laws, when exercising my alienable
and inalienable rights and to uphold human rights in a manns of irupartiality and independence from any
government, political faction, ideology, economics, interest and religious beliefs. Crimes are being committed
on me, Unas Sebkhet Amun Re Eil in Shelby County Criminal Courts. So I will not stand by aad rot say
anything about why the Shelby Courty Criminal Courts commit Crimes Against Humanity,(GENOCIDE).
With this knnwledse siven tn the wodd this will shnrv that f nm TInns Sehkher Amrrn Re F.il nntnchthnnnrrs
and indigenous, both in and on the planet.- The Honorable Bill Haslam is asked to show who has the authority
in the State of Ternessee Corporation and to send Judge http://en.calameo.pom,/books/005259405463cOb8baf2a
James M. Lammey Jr. Criminal Court Division V, a copy of myf Unas Sebkhet Amun Re Eil [Misnomer Darrin
Youngff lemingl Statutory
https:/iwww.scribd.corn/document/332398555/Darrin-Young-Statutory-Delcaration-Update 2015-NEW-NEW- I
Declaration and my SF-181 I, Unas Sebkhet Amun Re Eil have a contract establishing my indigenous
standing, for the record. According to 'The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples', we have divine universal rights to
effective and suitable remedies, including prompt judicial remedies, for the reparation of any violation of their
collective and individual rights.I need for you, Your Honorable Governor Bill Haslam and the STAIE OF
TENNESSEE , with the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples rights, to provide the necessary
mechanisms for the exercise of these righls.

United Nations Declaration on the Righs of Indigenous People-
http:1/www.un.orgiesa/soqdey/unpfi1/documentsiDRlPS:en.pdf American Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples(http://cdnLitc.orgiwp-content/uploads/AG07150E0 IlN Convention on
Economic, Social &; Cultural Rights, United Nations Charter: Article 55 &; 56: Presidential Proclarnation
7500, H.J.R. 194, S. Con. Res 26. S. 1200, HJR-3(HJ 3 III).

Affirrned to and subscribed before me this ? [ ary 2018.

Prrsonallv Known
i/ Produced Identifi cafi on Affiant TN CODE 47-1-308 ALL HTS RESERVED

Type and ID#:

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