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Good Planets:

1) Venus

2) Saturn

Bad Planets:


Aquarius ascendant:

Lordship of planets:

Saturn- 1st, 12th

Jupiter- 2nd, 11th
Mars- 3rd, 10th
Venus- 4th, 9th
Mercury- 5th, 8th
Moon- 6th
Sun- 7th

Jupiter Retrogression

Posted by: Madhusudan on: January 19, 2013

In: Uncategorized
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Jupiter (Guru) i.e. the universal and omnipresent Teacher. Jupiter retrograde
usually never knows when to stop giving advice.
They can be very knowledgeable yet they do not know how to use this knowledge in
the right way. They can also mistrust their own wisdom.
On a positive level they can look at issues with a very different viewpoint. They
will also give advice that is unconventional and different.
Jupiter’s Karakatvas i.e knowledge, children, spiritualism, law & order etc get
affected during Jupiter retrogression and more so for a person with the Jupiter
being retrograde in natal chart.
All other combinations in the chart have a very important role. The classics say
that if Jupiter is retrograde, it will definitely give children despite what else
is promised otherwise in the chart.
This aspect needs to be researched further. Jupiter as a Karaka of husbands in a
female chart will give a husband who is different. On an extreme negative level,
they can bring twisted thinking into the relationship.
Jupiter rules the Aakash element. Aakash deals with the knowledge, wisdom, our
ability to purify, to repel the negative forces. Jupiter being retrograde weakens
the ability to use this tatva.
Vishuddhi chakra (The innate ability to remove negatives) will become blocked and
this make us feel unprotected and make some wrong choices. So we do not know how to
stop the negatives from polluting our life.
When this planet of growth and expansion is in retrogression, a lot many projects
that were due for expansion and launch may get delayed, or stop altogether. This is
the time when a person needs to think about
his / her own inner resources, and use that knowledge to get the work done. Most
probably, the person might come up with the conclusion that the stopped work was
actually not necessary or could have done in a different way,
and there are other better resources available. This is the ideal time for us to
`expand` within ourselves.

Such persons often get success in other people’s failures. They have the unique
ability to succeed in projects that were abandoned by others. Such people revive
sick companies and uncover hidden assets. In order to achieve their mental goal
they prefer to bargain.

When Jupiter is retrograde in the natal chart, either it makes the person too
fickle or vain (if badly placed), or it gives unusual heights of knowledge and
wisdom to the native.

A person with retrograde Jupiter in his/her natal chart might have any or all of
the attributes depending on the other combinations of the chart

1)Has doubts about what one deserves or is worth.

2)Finds it easy to settle for less.
3)Feels superior in some way from within.
4)Abundance is felt from within.
5)Looks inside for answers to religious questions.
6)Would be God Fearing and have a spiritual bent of mind and thinking.

Jupiter represents the principles of expansion with respect to knowledge,

spiritualism, wisdom, opportunities, optimism, abundance, travel, higher education,
teaching, religion and philosophy. Approximately four months a year, this planet
slips into retrograde. When it does, one is likely to see its influence roll
through one’s life and society. Plans have a tendency to implode. Jupiter
retrograde influences us internally to look within to seek new meanings. One may
find one can best use these opportunities to re-evaluate their life and reach new
levels of awareness and understanding.
If Jupiter is retrograde in your natal chart, you have a very rich internal life.
You actually make your own luck. Abundance is felt within as you search the world
looking to discover truth and develop a broader philosophy of life and living.
Speculations may not bring you all the external rewards you seek, but each time you
take a chance, your adventures allow you to gain from a wide variety of
experiences. You must remain open and honest with yourself in order to expand your
spirituality and allow your inner voice to guide you.

PS: These virtues cannot and should not be applied verbatim to a chart and they
should be taken as an additional input for the overall assessment, the same
principle applies to all other posts as well.

Mars Retrogression

Posted by: Madhusudan on: January 19, 2013

In: Uncategorized
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First of all my Sincere Apologies to the ardent readers and followers of this
sacred science for keeping everyone waiting for the posts. It is basically due to
the extremely busy schedule compounded with some research studies. I also tender my
apologies for not being able to reply to some comments and queries due to the same
Mars retrogrades once in two years. Retrograde Mars in natal chart can bring out
power issues, anger-related, anxiety-related, how to deal with conflict and
aggression and anger. As Mars has masculine energy, its retrogression can create
problems with how you deal with maleness within(Here “Maleness” means masculine-
aggression within both males and females).
It is often seen in charts of people who have problems with their sexuality- they
can be overtly aggressive or completely suppress their masculine side whereby
creating imbalance in personality. Men have to watch that, they do not become too
aggressive and angry. As Mars is about power, its retrogression gives a lot of
power, as the planet is supposed to be relatively more oriented and “apparently
stationary” at least for some time, yet the individual does not understand their
own power and how to use it properly.
This can lead to its misuse. Mars rules Agni (fire) element so its retrogression
can create too much fire or complete exhaustion. They have to watch their
metabolism. It can get speeded up or be totally dull. The cycle is vicious, which
deal with balance, vision and energy. Retrograde Mars will block the way this cycle
works and create problems on a subtle level.
Mars also deals with logic and here the logic can get skewered or twisted. It can
also make a person whose logic is unconventional, but at the same time very
powerful and they can reach places where others cannot as they have the ability to
see things from backward to forward.
Mars retrograde in a persons birth chart causes the person to be very frigid or to
go to the extremes. Some have sex aversions. During its apparently slow moving
period of retrogression, two weeks before and after retrogression it indicates its
effects mainly in females.
Retrogression of Mars is a high time to control and channelise our energy and
drive, and prevent it from getting out of hand. We have to be thoughtful about our
actions and cautious about getting rash and scattered.
It`s the right time to reconsider the agenda on hand, and to be firmly rooted in
ground reality. It is also the time to re energize ourselves, rather than burning
our energies in fruitless pursuits.

If Mars is Retrograde in the horoscope, the person can be accident prone, or

inclined to illness, in case of a wrongly placed Mars.
If the Mars is well placed, the native has an unusually beautiful, logical and
successful way of handling his/her affairs and actions.
Whatever the case, effects are far from Normal. Again it is dependent on an
individual`s own free will to control the final outcome.

The Mars Retrogression mainly affects

1) A person’s ability to control and reconsider his/her actions before expressing

2) It leads the native to find competitive situations hard to handle.
3) It tends to repress and thus an individual can become can become depressed also.
Mars represents direct energy, physical expression, individual action and
assertiveness, as well as anger, desire, sexuality, competitiveness and motivation
for self interest. Mars energies tend to burst forward exerted in short duration.
Every two years Mars goes retrograde for two to two-and-a-half months. What often
results, are upsets and frustrations in daily life, as emotions which should be
externalized becoming internalized, a kind of chewing up one’s self. When the time
to analyse the situation comes one explodes, causing the individual to act
aggressively against his/her own self interest.

If one has Mars in retrograde in his/her natal chart, one may find that he/she is
waging an internal battle causing difficulty in asserting oneself because of their
ignorance and are afraid of the consequences of releasing their anger. One may tend
to over think before one acts, may also find that one has a tendency to hold back.
In karmic terms, you are likely to be attempting to make up for some vaguely
recollected or even sub-consciously remembered, but deeply influential past
misdeeds you now regret. Whatever the cause, you are holding yourself back instead
of standing up directly for your own interests. This works directly against the
life lesson that you are here to accomplish. Your are learning about yourself,
defining who you are by what actions you take.
You will need to let go of timidity or a lack of direction in order work out how
you can initiate actions without creating a chaos of needless destruction.
Mars retrogression period is an excellent time to channelise our energies to the
external world in a delicate and controlled way.

Saturn Retrogression

A humble submission is not to apply any article on “Jyotish” to any chart in a

verbatim-manner instead the chart should be read in totality.
Saturn retrogrades usually do not know when to stop working. Or they may not like
work at all. As Saturn is the karaka of misery, it is important that one must not
give into a negative attitude to life and embrace depression as a habit.
Saturn is usually depicted as the poor man. The poor(This is a relative term) are
usually hungry – for food, for material goods, for good things in life.
Saturn retrogression can make individuals hungry with desire, wanting more and more
even when the hunger has been appeased and they may be materially very well off.
They need to watch for greed. Saturn rules Vayu element. Vayu is air and Vayu needs
to be used constructively otherwise it can become unnecessarily be destructive.
Retrogrades do not know how to use their energy so if they do not take care, Saturn
can become destructive force for them.
This retrogression period can cause unexpected delays and interruptions. Obstacles
unthought can spring up taking your priority.
The period usually lasts for 4 and half months, during which many feel frustrated
and unable to handle hurdles.
This is the right time to sit back and reconsider all that one is doing. Its not a
proper time to make new starts, but rather learn from the failures in the past and
the ones in hand.
In individual horoscope, the house that occupied by Saturn will see the effect of
retrogression, i.e. that aspect of the life will get affected, along with the
general benefic/malefic effect.

Persons with Saturn Retrograde in their birth charts do not like to be known in
public, they find security in intellectuals or spirituals. They easily yield to
external influences.
They appear shy, uneasy, introvert, lacking in self assertion or attempt to cover
their lapse with the pretext of arrogance.
They feel alone, isolated, separated from their friends and are seldom understood
and very reserved.

Some salient aspects of Saturn retrogression are

1) Individual feels they’re never good enough inside( It could be a false alarm)
2) Indulgent outward behavior may mask inner feelings of inadequacy
3) Hides fears

Saturn deals with karma, limits, responsibility, tradition, conservativeness,

authorities, long term goals and accomplishments patiently created, taking
responsibility, creating structure, and setting boundaries. Once a year the planet
Saturn goes into retrograde for about four-and-a-half months. During this
influence, one will probably find it unwise to attempt sudden changes or to rush
through things. We must take practical steps and accept limitations while we take
serious steps toward our long term goals. Saturn retrograde can cause oneself to
become our own hardest taskmaster, limiting our actions or leave oneself feeling
blocked and pessimistic. .

Saturn retrograde in one’s natal chart, indicates that one is likely to have been
abused by those with power over oneself, perhaps having faced unfair situations at
home. One may need to declare personal boundaries, to work out conflicts with
authority on a karmic scale. One could feel that fate conspires against one’s
desires but it’s really oneself putting the brakes on, through feelings of
persecution or inhibition in the house where it is placed until we work out how to
face doing or confronting whoever or whatever it is that threatens us. Our lesson
is one of patience and steady application of hard work as we overcome the impatient
urge to cut corners. Everything we gain will be hard won but we will eventually
succeed, win the respect of others and actually can shine where we faced
difficulties before.
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Moon in Virchika Rasi:

A: Moon is the seat of emotion (in the grand sense of emotion that includes all
feelings, reactions, hopes, dreams, expectations, aspirations, etc.)and thus Moon
hugely influences our perceptions. Our reality is created by our perceptions.

So, when this HUGE astrological influence, the Moon, occupies Scorpio, Moon is
dominated and controlled by the lord of Scorpio, who is Mars. Mars regulates the
reptile brain - our fight or flight response. They say the reptile brain doesn't
solve problems, it attacks them. :)

Imagine the constraint imposed by Kuja, upon our poor perceptive Moon. The person
has limited permission to just "be"and has to "do" almost constantly. Of course,
Moon in Scorpio helps a productive, materially-oriented career tremendously. And,
it can be a useful placement for a surgeon, investigative journalist, or anyone who
professionally digs into hidden causes, into motivesand secret roots of things...
but these folks, while often serving society usefully in distinguished careers, may
not have much inner peace at all.

That's why, from an astrological-philosophical value system that puts peace,

balance, meditative awareness, consciousness, relaxed enjoyment etc. at the top of
the scale, Moon in Scorpio is somewhat problematic - basically, it predisposes the
person to a reactive style, tends toward unconscious selfishness/ego attachment,
making others conform to one's expectations, etc.

Of course these are very broad generalizations but it's possible to see why the
Jyotisha value system would evaluate a very creative, productive, competitive,
reactive, alpha type of emotional disposition as being counterproductive to the
meditative quest for peace and satisfaction that the opposite "exalted" Moon in
Taurus is likely to provide.

But here in the west where career is very important and we are not generally raised
to consider a balanced peace to be very important, Moon in Scorpio contributes to
some remarkable public success!

Moon being in the 3rd house heightens the emotional power of your mental processes.
It gives excellent business intuition, great sensitivity to the thoughts and needs
of others in small group undertakings. Basically all of modern business is
conducted in meetings, and you are very "on" in most
meetings/conferences/seminars/phone calls/video conferences etc. because your
psycho-emotional perception machine turns on "high" in the region of third-house
matters. Third Domain rules younger siblings and/or the sibling group as a whole.
In your case it is the sibling group as a whole because your Moon happens to be the
11th lord that rules older siblings too.

From early sibling communication/ego-definition patterns we learn to define

ourselves in a group. As adults we use those sibling-group strategies over and over
again. You'll find that in work teams of 3-7 people, the team members you work with
most closely will always assume a role formerly held by your siblings. We just
recreate those sibling patterns over and over indefinitely!

Having been born with the Vrischika Chandra, you have the advantage of a powerful
early, deep, intense psycho-emotional relationship with a sibling that allowed you
to hone your perceptual skills very finely.

This is later a huge advantage in business team-work, any form of communication

intuitive especially but also all the external forms like corporate communications,
conducting meetings, organizing people into productive teams etc. You quickly get a
strong "hit" on what the individual members really want and can always turn a
profit (11th house power) from your group communications.

Now, that all sounds good and it *is*! The traditional Scorpio-Moon-3rd-house
problems emerge ONLY with the lower consciousness type of person (who are
unfortunately form the majority).

Problems can arise for Scorpio Moon in third house when, lacking awareness of the
effect of their actions on others, the person inadvertently understands that their
natural gift for profiting from their shrewd, sensitive judgment of others' true
motives = a mandate to control others.

There can be a default tendency to prefer materially gainful relationships to

spiritually nourishing relationships; all of which works great for career
development but tends to make the person sad and regretful after retirement. It is
particularly a poor prognosis for deathbed regret.

The reason I so casually mentioned on your tape "oh, and usually that's a problem"
without developing my description of the dire problems of a Scorpio Moon is that
your rashi chart has a very effective correction of the default condition.

This correction is your very auspicious Jupiter in Cancer in the 11th Domain - a
magnificent planet that brings wealth, wisdom, grace, good public relations,
generosity, humor, and beautiful children.

Jupiter in Cancer in the 11th house has an excellent, improving effect on the
otherwise tending-toward-exploitive/manipulative/greedy Moon.

This marvelous Jupiter indicates you have been active in charitable giving for many
lifetimes, motivated by generosity and compassion not just "do-gooding".

Also in the current life, the more involvement you are able to have with the
worldwide undertaking of feeding the poor, the more benefits, spiritual and
material, will continue to come your way.

Rather a long answer ... but one you have been patiently waiting for. Moon in
Scorpio is normally a bad thing emotionally because it disturbs inner peace. In
Sahaja-bhava-3 Vrischika-Chandra can pollute communications when natural instinct
to plumb human motivation can be misused to generate a commercial advantage. But in
your case, these errors are largely eliminated by a warm and generous Jupiter.
Overall you are left with the sensitivity, profitability, and group communications
skill that the third house connotes, and due to your authentic concern for the
welfare of others you leave the traditional troubles behind.

Moon in Virchika: For Males:

"These people are not on the surface. Their real character is hidden deep within
them, by no means apparent to superficial observation.

They are strong and selfish, jealous and vindictive, bold and aggressive, hard-
hearted and ruthless. They never forget a fancied wrong and must have vengeance,
the thought and design of which they will muse on and develop over a period of
years, if necessary.

They have the set purpose and determination of the opposite sign Taurus, but not
the same frankness and openness of motive. They make powerful and ruthless
adversaries, but are too secretive to make good friends, since even a friend of
long standing will not know the true nature of a Moon in Scorpio individual.

In business they rise to positions of authority through their determination and

their will-power, which is strong. They have the aggressiveness of Moon in Aries
persons, but their forces are more sustained and they have more endurance.

They are very passionate and possessive and are capable of making plans years in
advance, to accomplish their desires. Their passionate natures lead them into many
difficulties and where women are concerned they are quite without any sense of

They expect a struggle and glory in it, but ruthlessly push aside all obstacles to
the fulfillment of their desires. This passionate powerful nature, however, can be
used to great advantage in other directions, but it must be remembered that these
people are never altruistic in their motives, and although they may appear to be
using their inherent forces for the good of humanity. their own ambitions are the
main issue.

They are secret sinners and there may be dark chapters in their lives, which the
world knows nothing about. They are extremely interested in the occult sciences and
the devotees of black magic are quite often found with Moon in Scorpio.

They make excellent surgeons and research chemists.

They are usually dark in complexion, with large aquiline features, and may have a
birthmark or scar on the face or head. They have small hands and feet, short necks
and hairy bodies.

They must be careful of infection and should never drink intoxicating liquors. They
should live close to the water.

Their gem is Coral and their favorable day is Tuesday. "

Guru Peyarchi June 19th 2014:

Vrischikam/Scorpio: Guru enters the Ninth house, the Bhagyasthanam, in your rasi on
the 19th of June 2014. “The man who flees has Guru in the Ninth house,” some say,
mistakenly. Actually, Guru is in the Ninth house, not for the man who runs away,
but for the person who has stuck it out through thick and thin. In other words,
Guru is in the Ninth house for the person who has successfully driven away various
problems. True to this adage, in this Guru Peyarchi you will drive away many
problems and emerge victorious. The lord of the Second house, the domain of Dhana
(wealth) and the Fifth house, Panchamadhipathi, is moving into the Ninth house.
This indicates tremendous prosperity, yogam. An exalted Guru aspects the Janma. He
also aspects the Third house, the Keerthi sthanam, and the Fifth house, the Poorva
punya sthanam. In general, certain houses in the horoscope chart bestow good yogam,
prosperity. As the Fifth house receives Guru’s aspect, obstacles on your path will
be removed. Your basic needs will be fulfilled. The running about, exertion,
needless expenditure and bad reputation will be a thing of the past. Your income
will surpass your expectations/efforts. The family’s needs will be completely met.
Your divided family will come together again. A delayed marriage will take place.
Those living in rented houses will get an opportunity to move into a house of their
own. Even your enemies will submit before you. In general, your economic status
will go up to an unimaginable extent. You, who were speechless in front of your
creditors for days, nay months, will now be able to throw away all your loans. You
will buy a vehicle. You will get some benefits from your father’s side. Businessmen
will get an opportunity to make large-scale changes in their business. There is a
chance that you will get a new partner. You will continue your educational career.
Employment opportunities will come in search of you. So far so good, but is there
anything that Guru would warn you about. Yes, save as much as possible. Don’t spend
money like water. This is the advice that the Ninth house Guru wishes to give you.
Kindly worship Lord Vinayaka, Lord Dakshinamurthi and Sri Guru. You have full
(paripoorna) grace of Sri Iswarya Lakshmi. My best wishes for Guru Peyarchi.

Read More at: bhakthiplanet.com/2014/03/jupiter-transit-predictions-2014-2015-guru-


########################################################The astrological importance

of Jupiter or

Jupiter, also known as Guru is considered to be one of the most benefic planets in
astrology. It is the largest planet in the solar system, and is nearest in
comparison with the Sun in regard to its size. It takes around 12 years to revolve
around the Sun, which in other words also means that it remains in each zodiac sign
for one year approximately, according to transit or Gochar. It is considered to be
a teacher or a ‘Guru’ as the name suggests. Jupiter in any Birth Chart-Horoscope,
if placed strong by sign placement and House, and if well aspected, makes the
native truthful and honest, and provides him ‘Divine Grace’.


Jupiter is also known as ‘Brihaspati’. It rules over the two signs of the zodiac –
Sagittarius and Pisces. It achieves Exaltation in the sign of the Moon, which is
Cancer and its deep Exaltation point is at five degrees of Cancer. It gets
debilitation in the sign of Saturn – Capricorn. Jupiter achieves directional
strength in the Lagna or the 1st House. An Archer symbolizes Sagittarius, and
therefore those natives who are ruled by an Elevated Jupiter in their charts will
hit or achieve their targets more easily than other natives. Similarly, the Pisces
being a Watery sign and the symbol being Fishes, Jupiter also represents expression
or speech.

Jupiter is the reason or cause for famous Yogas like ‘Gajakesari Yoga’ or a Pancha
Maha Purusha Yoga like ‘Hamsa Yoga’ among many others.

It is a Male planet and is of ‘Sattva Guna’. Thus, those with a well placed Jupiter
would be good, honest, religious, God fearing, and wise advisers having peaceful

Jupiter denotes the North-East direction. Those who are acquainted with Vaastu, are
aware that this is the most auspicious part of the Plot, which is known as ‘Eeshan’
where an image of the Lord one worships, is kept for daily worship.

Special Aspects of Jupiter

All the planets have been allotted a common ‘drishti’, which is known as aspect.
Aspect means to influence another planet, House or zodiac sign. Normally, every
planet has been given the 7th House power of aspect, which means that it can aspect
the planet seated in the 7th House and sign from its own placement. But Jupiter has
been given special powers of the 5th and 9th House aspect apart from the 7th House.
Therefore, if Jupiter is well placed, suppose in the 5th House, then it will aspect
the 9th House as well as the Lagna or 1st House, making a complete Trikona aspect,
plus its aspect to the 11th House of gains. This can be considered as a very
fortunate Horoscope indeed from all counts, material as well as spiritual.

Nakshatras or Constellations owned by Jupiter

The Constellations owned by Jupiter are, Punarvasu, Visakha and Purva Bhadra. If
Jupiter is the Lord of a Benefic House in a Horoscope, and if three or more planets
are placed in the constellations owned by Jupiter, it would then create a very good
impact on the positivity of the Horoscope and the destiny of the native.

Astrological and mythological associations

In mythology, Brihaspati is the son of Angirasa (Anga- physical body; rasa – the
fluid in the body). There is a continuous secretion and flow of fluid in the body,
in sorrow or joy, fear or anger, hope or disappointments. The food intake is the
source of the fluid (Rasa), and this exercises influence over the body and mind
(Chittavriiti), which is why Brihaspati also concerns our food, life and living. It
gives power to sustain, thus connecting to the liver in the body that sustains

Brihaspati is also addressed as Bachaspati or master of speech, or Lord of

language, eloquence and wisdom. Here ‘Bach’ represents ‘Bak’ or commonly known as
‘Vak’ or speech, and ‘Pati’ means Master. Like water travels freely in the sign of
Pisces owned by Jupiter, Birhaspati represents expressions.

It is characterized as ‘Dev Guru’ or the one who gives guidance to the Devtas –
Gods. Hence, those with positive influence of Jupiter are also religious in their

Jupiter signifies

Being the Lord of the Natural ‘Bhagyasthana’ in the Kala Purusha Kundli, Jupiter is
a significator of good fortune.
The 9th House represents long journeys, and so does Jupiter.
The 9th House represents ‘Dharma’ and Jupiter represents righteousness or justice.
It represents higher consciousness.
Jupiter is the karaka for gold, wealth or finance.
In a Horoscope of a female, it is additionally the karaka for the husband.
Jupiter is karaka for child.
When we make Prashna or Horary charts the above karakas help in determining a
positive answer easily if they appear in the ruling planets.

Body and Health related Significations

Growth and accumulation is the forte of Jupiter. It rules over different body parts
like the liver, tumours, malignancy, organs of hearing, lower abdomen, hips,
circulation of blood, blood pressure, arteries, and fat in the body. This is the
reason why those natives having influence of Jupiter on their Lagnas tend to
develop fat or become bulky in their middle ages. The 9th House in the natural
Horoscope of Kala Purusha Kundli appears in Sagittarius, which is ruled by Jupiter.
It represents the portion of legs above the knees. Hence, this part of the legs too
is covered as territory of Jupiter along with the lower portion of the feet, which
represents the last part of the body downwards, just as Pisces, ruled by Jupiter is
the last sign of the zodiac. Elephantitis in legs is governed by Jupiter. Jaundice
too is ruled by it as Jupiter rules over the liver as mentioned above.

Other matters represented by Jupiter

Jupiter represents temples, courts, colleges and schools, big palatial buildings,
and all places where religious discourses are held. Construction of schools,
colleges, universities, charitable institutions, hospitals, sanatoriums, banks,
temples, church, mosque will all come in the domain of Jupiter.
Logic is perfectly represented in astrological inferences. The 9th House
Sagittarius also signifies higher education. Therefore, Jupiter represents college
and education.
The 9th House denotes long travel and all matters related to travelling to a
distant place.
The 9th House represents father in Hindu Astrology, and father is also known as the
first Guru; hence, ones ‘Guru’ or ‘Preceptor’ are represented by Jupiter.
The 9th House represents religion and the 12th House Pisces represents discourse
and philanthropic work. Jupiter is thus connected to discourses or Sermons as well.
The 12th House also represents investments on long term basis, so one has to
connect this logic with Jupiter. The 12th House deals with expenditures, capital
investments, outflow of finances, foreign exchange, the Reserve Bank, Forex, rise
in Shares and Stocks, are all governed by Jupiter.
Since the 12th zodiac sign, Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, all aspects of the 12th
House, like foreign travels, hospitalizations, the other world, Moksha or Salvation
is also ruled by Jupiter.
Jupiter is the largest planet and has traits of expansion, therefore whatever it
connects with, would be big, vast or enormous.
Since Jupiter is large or expressive – becoming famous, gaining respect in society,
promotions, progress is all governed by Jupiter.

Professions connected with Jupiter

Any profession connected to religion, preaching, priestly professions come under

domain of Jupiter. Since the zone of knowledge is also symbolized by Jupiter, any
profession connected to educational institutions too come under the sphere of
Jupiter. Since Jupiter is connected to ‘Dharma’ or righteousness being a ‘Dev Guru’
or teacher, all professions connected to law, courts of law, comes under its
province. Since Jupiter is karaka of children, all professions connected to child
rearing and nurturing like mother-toddler play schools etc, come under the realm of
Jupiter. So does Navy, foreign travel related business, since the 9th House of
travels is ruled by Jupiter as owner of Sagittarius the 9th zodiac sign. Since
Jupiter rules over fat, all professions connected to products which increase fat in
the body, like trade in milk, ghee, sweetmeats, almonds, cashew nuts, and peanuts,
etc. Jupiter being Lord of the 12th House and Pisces sign in natural Horoscope, all
professions connected to hospitals, prisons, publicity, foreign trade, ship
building, offshore drilling, development, etc. come under Jupiter’s domain.
To summarize, all professions connected to legal affairs, Brahmins, teaching,
scriptures, lawyers, advocates, interest, rent, banking and finance, ministers,
administrators, bankers, revenue department, treasury, economics, gold, turmeric,
rubber, metals, springs, jewelry, shipping business, and foreign affairs are under
Jupiter’s domain.

To Conclude
There are other technical matters which may transform the effects of Jupiter that
may undergo a change due to aspects and conjunctions from other planets. Jupiter in
mundane astrology too is a subject matter of importance. But these are issues of
study, to be dealt separately.
In individual horoscopes, a strong Jupiter is synonymous to a strong promise and
assurance of divine interventions and providential help available to a native in
times of stress and strife in his life, provided all other planetary positions are
congenial. It is also an indicator of your past ‘Purva Poonya’ or results of past
good actions now bearing fruit in this birth.
Jupiter is considered as one of the most benefic planets in astrology. It is the
largest planet in the solar system, and comes nearest in comparison with the Sun in
regard to its size. Ganesha throws light on how Jupiter plays a significant role in
matters like body and health, choosing a profession and religious inclination.

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Jupiter (Brihaspati)

Spiritual / Mythological shades of Jupiter | Effects of contented and discontented

Brihaspati | Exaltation, debilitation, friends, enemies of Jupiter | Astrology
Remedies for Brihaspati | Professional, medical shades of Jupiter | Favorites of
Brihaspati | Expressions and blessings of Brihaspati in astrology

“The supreme teacher of paradise….. raining wisdom upon lives…..”

Planet Jupiter is considered most benefic planet in Vedic astrology. It represents

wisdom, luck, respect, authority, benevolence, justice, intellectuality,
philosophy, religion, wealth, prosperity, peace of mind, education, diplomacy,
gains and spirituality. Jupiter's strength and it's good placement in a chart is
very much required to have many beneficial aspects of Life.

Jupiter (Brihaspati) : Astronomy

Brihaspati or Jupiter is the largest planet of the our solar system. In the solar
system, It is 5th planet from the Sun. The distance of Jupiter from Sun is around
501 million miles. Jupiter consist hydrogen and helium and because of it is called
a gas giant. Jupiter is not a terrestrial planet and it is mainly a gaseous planet.
It’s diameter is 142986 km and it is . It takes almost 10 hours to rotate on its
axis. Jupiter takes around 12 years to revolve around the Sun. Jupiter’s mass is
317.7 times more than the mass of earth. The density of Jupiter is 1.3 g/cm3 and it
is 2nd highest in gas planets but it is around 23% of the density of earth .
Because of this , it’s gravitational force is strongest among all planets in the
solar system. There is a faint planetary ring around the Jupiter.

Astrology of Jupiter or Brihaspati : Importance of Jupiter in horoscope

In the words of astrology, Jupiter who is also called as Brahaspati and Devaguru in
Sanskrit, is the planet of wisdom, the Lord of light and the teacher of gods. He is
the paradisiacal giver of divine knowledge upon the mortal land.

In the studies of astrology, it has been the first and most benefic planet and for
the same, it is believed to be the most auspicious. There is a reason for this. In
Vedic astrology, Brihaspati is the natural karaka of 4 very important house. So
irrespective of the ascendant and lordship ,it is beneficial for the natives of all
the ascendant. Jupiter is the natural karaka of 2nd house (house of wealth,
speech), 5th house (House education, diplomacy and children), 9th house( House of
Luck and religion) and 11th house (House of gains). In the world of astrology it
has been given many names comprising Lord of power, Lord of wisdom, Lord of sacred
speech, Guru of Gods, God of Gods, etc.

In the intricate structure of horoscope chart, presence of Jupiter explores many

significant direction in the lives comprising fortune, growth, affluence, respect,
journeys, ambitions, success, and spirituality. The good placement of Jupiter in
the chart expresses the level of wisdom, attitude of benevolence, sense of justice,
color of thoughts, independent outlook, dreams of life and philosophical aspects in
the lives of an individual.

The most potent and highest positive position of Jupiter in the horoscope chart is
the first house besides which it is perceived to impact good both in kendra’s (4th
house, 7th house and 10th house) as well as in auspicious trikona houses( 5th house
and 9th house). The placement of Jupiter in trika house (6th house, 8th house and
12th house) are not auspicious while it's placement in 2nd and 11th house is also
considered good. Apart from the placement, Jupiter aspect 3 houses from where it is
placed and the aspects of Jupiter is considered most auspicious. Brihaspati has
5th, 7th and 9th aspects. The houses which got aspects of Jupiter got enhanced in
the auspicious matters and the ill impacts caused by other malefic planets are

The planet Jupiter governs over the Zodiac Sagittarius and Pisces. So for the
natives having Sagittarius and Pisces ascendants, Brihaspati becomes increasingly
benefic. Apart from it , for the Aquarius ascendant natives, it is the lord of 2nd
and 11th house (both of the houses are related to wealth and gains) so it solely
represent the wealth, money and gains and in case of this ascendant , it is also a
very beneficial planet in terms of gains and affluence.

The people having strong and well placed Jupiter excel in their life. These
natives are generally have prosperity, peace of mind, benevolence, helpful nature,
wisdom and happiness in life. Strong Jupiter makes people inclined towards
administration, management, education, religion, intellectuality, entrepreneurship,
consultancy, astronomy, astrology, Law, consultancy and politics.

A weak Jupiter in the horoscope may cause many problems like lack of wisdom, poor
grasping, lack of wealth, unnecessary expenditures, struggle, problems in marriage
and peace of mind, average support of luck, problems in education and child birth,
problems in speech and harmony in family. However, these are general results and
could only be perfectly predicted after the study of all other planets and houses
as well.

One more significant aspect associated with the planet Jupiter says that the
positive impacts of the planet upon the individual are believed to be the
reflection of his positive deeds in his or her previous life as the natives get
endowed with different shades of life on account of what they left around when they
lived earlier. In the lives of women, it has a different significance as it
determines the path of marital life and enclosure of relationships in her journey
of life upon this land.

In the words of science of astrology, Jupiter has been perceived as the teacher of
science of light, astrology and astronomy. On account of this, natives of the
planet with his strong placements are highly inclined towards the these sectors and
are generally found involved in them. These people are the strong possessor of
moral values and ethics and respect the prevailing conventions and are well

Altogether, planet Jupiter is the most benefic celestial body bestowing success,
growth, affluence and recognition to the natives.
Body Parts and Diseases controlled by Brihaspati

The zodiac in which Jupiter is placed in a horoscope is the Jupiter sign of the
person. Jupiter sign decides the dignity of this planet in the horoscope. In Human
Body, it rules the liver, tumors, malignancy, organs of hearing, lower abdomen,
hips, circulation of blood, blood pressure and arteries The ill-placed Brihaspati
may cause jaundice, gastric, chronic constipation, cough, colds, asthma, nose
bleeding, apoplexy, tumor, liver weakness, ear trouble & high blood pressure

################################################ Moon in 10th House


A tenth house Moon is extremely important with respect to the career of a person.
If Moon is in the tenth house or is the Lord of the tenth house, it makes leaders.
Such leaders are always are always popular as they cater to people’s needs and are
sensitive. Since, Moon is related to fortune, a tenth house Moon provides a person
immense wealth. This happens if Moon is in a eminent position in the tenth house.
In the case where tenth house Moon is less eminent, such a person changes jobs very
It can also mean that the boss is not satisfied with your stratified attitude at
work.In every case, a tenth house Moon represents a fair amount of popularity.If it
is debilitated, the person is usually not able to hold on to a single job.
In a case where such a person has a long lasting job, he would usually be
sacrificing his personal time for work. The tenth house Moon also makes sure that
there is a difficulty in maintaining a popular image in the public along with
keeping your private life settled. Such a person always feels very exposed and
remain conscious most of the time.

The tenth house is ruled by planet Saturn. The tenth house is directly opposite the
fourth house which is ruled by the Moon in a similar way. Thus, a tenth house Moon
provides longevity to a person. Such people usually live for more than 90 years.
The tenth house also makes a person very sensitive towards liquid medicines. Such
medicines harm a person who has Moon in his tenth house. In the same way, a person
with tenth house Moon should not consume milk at night.

The tenth house Moon also makes sure that if such a person is a doctor, dry
medicines offered by him will surely cure his patients. In a similar way, surgeons
would earn a lot of wealth and fame for their surgeries. A person with the tenth
house Moon will also earn a lot of money if the second and fourth houses are empty.
A person’s life with the tenth house Moon can be destroyed by a person from the
opposite sex if Saturn is present in the first house. There are various remedies
present for the ill-effects of the tenth house Moon.

Visits to religious places of worship will enhance the fortune of the native.
Store the natural water of rain or the river in a container and keep it within
your house for 15 years. It will wash off the poisons and evil effects generated by
the Moon in the 10th house.
Avoid taking milk during night.
Milch animals can neither live long in your house nor will they prove to be
beneficial or auspicious.
Abstain from wine, meat and adultery.

People with a tenth house Moon that is exalted are usually sensitive and are able
to attract women and the public towards them. Such people use their charisma to
attract people and do not reveal their inner self. People with a tenth house Moon
are likely to flourish in politics, advertising and almost any other thing that
includes the public. Such people are widely loved as they are sympathetic and
sensitive towards everyone.

A tenth house Moon also generates the need for change and variety in the career, so
even if the individual becomes famous, they will have a variety of accomplishments.
An instinctive ability for choosing the best time to make changes will be an asset
and a good sense of timing is usually present. Such a person uses his emotions and
intuitions to take care of other people mostly from the general public.

################################################ Mars in 8th house


Mars in the most intriguing house of the chart, we will often see a feeling of fear
and rejection as
traditionally this position has been much criticized. Every placement has got its
pros and cons and in context of Mars in 8th house, its good to begin by stating
that its not a bad placement, rather it is a sensitive position which should be
carefully analyzed and final words should be uttered only after getting a feel of
overall fabric of the chart. Still lets see the most generic and probable
tendencies due to this placement of Mars.

Mars in 8th house is a strong feature of the chart, which can become focal point
if it is strong in its position. Individuals having such placement have strong
desire in them. They literally burn with something inside them ,it can be either
desire to achieve high status ,gain authority or amass huge wealth .This placement
of Mars can manifest in so many ways and can have diametrically opposite meanings,
and to decide its most probable direction we need to see the sign in which it is
placed ,its ownership in the chart and its relationship with other planets. If this
Mars is healthy and not afflicted, then such personalities can soar high ,they
achieve great status and dignity in their lives and second half of their lives is
something to look forward to. This statement deserves more elaboration. The fire
and tremendous desire in them is so enormous that it becomes difficult for them to
recognize and pinpoint what they actually want in life in their early stages .In
Physics we all have studied how difficult it is to control energy ,and when we are
dealing with Mars in 8th house, this energy actually becomes like a wild fire. So
as they progress in their lives ,with accumulation of experience they begin to
channelize this energy and thus second half of life is when Mars’s desires can be
expected to manifest in real world.

In cases where this Mars is afflicted, its placement might mean that one has to
learn a lot in terms of dealing with lower human qualities. Such people might be
vulnerable to feel jealous of others ,and depending on degree of affliction the
list of negative qualities can get really long. On deeper levels this placement can
also indicate serious level of Karmic debts which can manifest in so many ways. But
in dealing with the difficult placement of planet, we should never lose sight of
their ultimate aim, the motive of planets behind the events is the main essence of
Jyotisha. This Mars can mean that one needs to learn to act Selflessly and present
life is actually the starting point for the long journey ahead. These people ride
on impulse, they give great value to their basic instincts, and being natural is
their favorite tag line. I am just being myself, don’t try to curtail my freedom,
you will often hear such statements from them. Defying tradition and having their
own rule book is trade mark of this position. These people can have rigid and well
built ego, which often obstruct blossoming of peaceful relationships in their
lives. They are driven by passion, anger, strong and unsurpassable desires. How to
articulate their words remain a challenge for them and they can literally burn
others through their words.

This placement also contains the seeds for Transformation .If one is living
Consciously, then such Mars gives ample experiences to move ahead rapidly in
process of Evolution .In many cases such placement can give intuitive powers and if
other supporting features are present in chart, Spiritual growth is promised. The
methods adopted by these individuals however can be extremely raw and daring
.Interest in Occult sciences like that of Tantra, Mantra and Astrology can take
birth during period of Mars ,in more generic sense such people can do very well in
areas of research, as psychologists, in careers related to counseling and interest
in alternative healing can also be present in them. This position of Mars will
require careful handling and if inner ears remain open to planetary messages, one
need not actually fear this placement, if willingness to learn from experiences in
present then this position can become the lighthouse for the individual. The quote
from Napoleon Bonaparte might gather the essence of this placement : Great ambition
is the passion of a great character. Those endowed with it may perform very good or
very bad acts. All depends on the principles which direct them.

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