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@bliss_naturae @BlissNaturaeIntegratedHealthcare Bliss Naturae

@bliss_naturae @BlissNaturaeIntegratedHealthcare Bliss Naturae


@bliss_naturae @BlissNaturaeIntegratedHealthcare Bliss Naturae

According to W.H.O. Homeopathy is second most used
system of Medicine in the world. Homeopathy emerged
from Germany, where Father of Homeopathy Dr. Samuel
Hahnemann discovered and explained this method of
treatment, which is based on principle of “Similia
Similibus Curantur”, i.e, Likes cure likes. Homeopathy is
a recognized system of Medicine in India, and is
governed by Ministry of AYUSH.

@bliss_naturae @BlissNaturaeIntegratedHealthcare Bliss Naturae

Naturopathy is effective and popular mode of treatment
in India. On the basis of experiences and ancient texts,
Naturopaths uses nearly every substance occurring in
Nature, like herbs, minerals, animal products, etc.
which proved to be Effective in various diseases. The
knowledge of Ayurveda Medicine is based on Ancient
texts and wisdom of Healers belonging predominantly
to Indian subcontinent.

@bliss_naturae @BlissNaturaeIntegratedHealthcare Bliss Naturae

Bio Oxy-Ozone therapy is recent emerged
complementary therapy in which regulated dose of
medical grade Ozone is administered in Human body
through various methods. It is seen that the super
charged oxygen molecule combined with O2 i.e, Ozone
(O3), when administered inside body, helps in
balancing its energy requirements, resulting in fast

@bliss_naturae @BlissNaturaeIntegratedHealthcare Bliss Naturae

Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936) of London developed and
explained Bach Flower therapy treatment in 1930s.
Initially an Allopath, he studied and practiced
Homoeopathy and later evolved this simple method of
treatment for mind and life related troubles. He found
38 wild Flowers to be effective for nearly all kinds of
mental troubles and Life Situations of Human beings.

@bliss_naturae @BlissNaturaeIntegratedHealthcare Bliss Naturae

Dietetics and Nutrition plays important role in recovery
as well as prevention of various diseases. In today’s
world, Lifestyle diseases are spreading like an
epidemic due to faulty eating habits and defective
mode of living. With specialized individualized eating
plan, one can get astonishing results during recovery
from illnesses, and to get strengthened body.

@bliss_naturae @BlissNaturaeIntegratedHealthcare Bliss Naturae

In today’s polluted world, our bodies are filled up with
various toxins, whether pollution from Air, Water, or
faulty eating habits. These toxins are lodged in our body
and cannot be expelled by our body on its own. These
toxins provide potent soil for various diseases to occur.
Through various Detoxification procedures, our body
can be made free from toxins and can be rejuvenated.

@bliss_naturae @BlissNaturaeIntegratedHealthcare Bliss Naturae

From Ancient times, it is well known that the place
where a human being stays for longer duration, eg. in
House or in Office, etc. the environment and its energy
affects their Health in many ways. Modern techniques
helped in explaining the energy of place with respect to
electromagnetic fields of Earth, various forces which are
acting at the place, pressure, Natural Sunlight, etc.

@bliss_naturae @BlissNaturaeIntegratedHealthcare Bliss Naturae

E.F.T. therapy or Emotional Freedom Technique is kind
of Energy balancing therapy with the use of Tapping at
various specialized points and speaking affirmations
(positive thoughts) to remove dynamic blocks from
energy channels present in the body. The basis of the
energy fields or channels is similar to the Acupressure
and Acupuncture techniques, which are well known
healing methods today.

@bliss_naturae @BlissNaturaeIntegratedHealthcare Bliss Naturae

De- Addiction therapy includes various therapies
through which a patient can be encouraged to
discontinue and avoid various addictions and substance
abuse. Patients are given support, therapies as well as
Counseling to avoid Addictive materials. Detoxification,
Naturopathy, Homoeopathy and other procedures are
done to remove toxins and to regain Health and Peace.

@bliss_naturae @BlissNaturaeIntegratedHealthcare Bliss Naturae

BD-2, Lower contact@blissnaturae.com
Ground Floor, www. blissnaturae.com
Near Power 011-49876402
Pitampura, Delhi-

@bliss_naturae @BlissNaturaeIntegratedHealthcare Bliss Naturae


@bliss_naturae @BlissNaturaeIntegratedHealthcare Bliss Naturae

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