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Thermogravimetric analysis


Thermogravimetric analysis is an important tool in the environmental management particularly in

case of waste management. Waste management of organic based waste like polymer waste, biomass
are characterized by thermogravimetric analsyis. Apart from this, thermogravimetric analysis is quiet
important for the energy, polymers, mineral analysis etc.

Thermogravimetric analysis can be classified as follow based on the property which is measured

a. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) : The change in weight as a function of temperature of the

sample is measured.
b. Derivative thermogravimetric analysis (DTG): The rate of change of weight as a function of
temrature of the sample is measured.
c. Differential Thermal analysis (DTA): The heat evolved or absorbed as a function of
temperature of the sample is measured. This analysis in particular provides the endothermic
or exothermic nature of the process.

Apart from this thermometric titrations are also involved which would be covered with calorimetry
i.e., differential calorimetry and isothermal calorimetry.

The most important part of the thermogravimetric analysis is the balance which is called
thermobalance. The first thermobalance is attributed to the work of P. Chevenard in 1944. However,
this balance was extensively used by Duval et al. (1953).

s. property technique notes

1 heat Calorimetry
2 temperature Thermometry May also be described as heating or
cooling curves
3. Temperatur Differential Thermal Analysis Temperature difference between the
e difference (DTA) sample and reference material
4 Heat flow Differential Scanning Heat flow rate difference between a
Rate Calorimetry (DSC) sample and reference material
5 Mass Thermogravimetry (TG)
thermogravimetric analysis

6. Dimensiona Dynamic Mechanical Analysis Modulies are determined

l and (DMA) Deformation of the substance under
Mechnaical compression, tension, Flexure, Torsion or
Thermomechanical Analysis
Dimensions are measured
Thermodialometry (TD)
 Linear
 Volumetric

7. Electrical Dielectric Thermal analysis Dielectric constant/ Dielectric loss

(DEA) measured
Thermally Stimulated Current Current
8. Magnetic Themomagnetometry (TM) Magnetic Susceptibility
9. Gas Flow The nature and/or amount of gas/vapour
Evolved gas analysis (EGA) is determined
 Gasvolumetry Volume
 Thermogastititrimetry Heat-conductivity
(TGT) Nature and amount by titration
 Mass spectrometry Nature and amount by Mass spectrometry
(MS) Nature and amount by IR spectrometry
 High temperature IR
Spectrometry (HTIR) Trapped Radioactive gas within the
Emanation Thermal Analysis sample released and measured
10. Pressure Thermomanometry (TM) Evolution of gas is detected by pressure
Thermobarometry Pressure exerted by a dense sample on the
walls of a constant volume cell is studied

11. Optical Thermooptometry (DRS) (Thermomicrosocpy)

ics Measurement of total light
Determination of refractive index
Dynamic reflection
spectrometry (DRS) Determination of relfection
Thermoluminescence (TL)
Emission of light

12. Acoustic Thermosonimetry Sound emitted by the substance

Imposed acoustic waves after passing
Thermoacoustometry through the substance
13. Structure Thermodiffractometry (IITRA) Compositional or chemical nature of the
Thermospectrometry sample is studied
High temorature X-Ray analysis
measured of light of specific
14. Reactions Thermometric titrimetry
in Solution

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