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Article Critique

No Criteria
1 Bibliography Information
i. Authors:
Sharon Ruvimbo Terera1 and Hlanganipai Ngirande
There are two researchers involved in this research and they are from University of Fort Hare
and University of Limpopo in South Africa.

ii. Title:
The title for this journal article is “The Impact of Training on Employee Job Satisfaction and
Retention among Administrative Staff Members: A Case of a Selected Tertiary Institution.”

iii. Source:
Yes. This journal article is from peer review publication. This journal article has been published
in few peer review publications. And in this article critique, the source being inferred is from
online website of Researchgate.net. Other than that, the journal article being published in peer
review publication in the year of 2014 and it is still in current year.
2 Problem Statement / Research Problem

According to the article, the statement of problem was not written clearly as they only stated the symptom
of the problem. They only touched the surface of the problem and not explained it thoroughly. The
researcher should explain further about what the symptom happened that eventually lead into a bigger
problem. Problem statement should be explained clearly as it can help the reader to understand what
exactly the reasons the researcher choose to investigate over this issue.

The problem statement was significant however the researcher does not provide a good argument. They
only state about what the problem was all about without provide a good argument and justification to
justify their idea in this issue and problem.
The topic itself are relevant to the current market situation, the business and management. Reader can
use their findings and implement their idea to solve the relevant issues happened in the business and
3 Objectives of Study

The objective of study had been stated in the article under the statement of problem. The researcher only
state this: ‘to seek to investigate the impact of training on employee retention’. They did not explain
further about their objectives in doing this research. The objectives should be explain in details about
what they purpose of doing the research. The objectives of study should be stated clearly and well defined
to ensure they are on the right track in doing the research.
4 Literature Review

Based on the journal article, the brief theory of independent and dependent variables does not being
explained. Other than that, the division of each variables does not being included in the journal article.
The literature review section does not have a specific definition for each variable. In this journal article,
the review is very general and not being critically review by the researchers. There are only a simple
justification about the concept of employee’s retention and development of human capital without further
explanation about other variables. Other than that, references from the literature review section is quite
current and reliable sources. The latest reference is from the year of 2013 and the author are Coetzee and
Schreuder. The range years of references for the literature review are between years 2000 until year 2013.
Next, all the references have been appropriately being cited by the authors of this journal article.

5 Theoretical framework (TF)

As referred to the article, the researcher do provide a section for theoretical framework but does not
specified their theoretical framework specifically. The researcher only focused on the Herzberg theory
to illustrate their main concern in the study but not the variables. They did not provide a diagram to make
it easier to spot their variables; independent and dependant variables. The researcher does not include the
relevant variables. The concept of this research study were not clearly defined as it is one of the crucial
part to assist the reader to understand what was the variables

Theoretical framework need to be included in the article as it play important role in guiding the entire
process of the research study. Without a theoretical framework, the research study would not be properly
explained. The relationship between the independent and dependant variables will be difficult to be
understand without a clear stated theoretical framework. Theoretical framework helps the tie all the
variables together in forming a proper research study. The result as well does not be interpreted in the
theoretical framework.
6 Measurement of variables

The researcher does not clearly identified their variables. They do have variables, as they state in their
research, but somehow the reader would be confused in identifying the variables when they read this
journal article.

The variables in the study that been stated by they were; independent variables; the training, job
satisfaction and dependant variables: the employee’s retention. The variable they been used were
appropriate as it can resembles of the employee’s retention based on the impact of training and job
satisfaction of the employees. The variables used as well were relevant to the management and business
as it can help the manager in handling the employee’s retention in the organizations.
The means used to measure the variables were appropriate as it can see the result of how the
independent variables gives impact on the dependant variables
7 Hypotheses

The researcher shows a specific hypotheses in their research study. Reader can understand it clearly as
it was stated directly. However, the researcher only provides a simple insight and it does not sufficient
in giving information to the reader in determining what exactly the research hypotheses were all about.
The hypotheses were clear, exactly specified and testable.
8 Research Design

The purpose design had been clearly addressed and explained. The researcher provides a good details in
this area and it was really helping the reader to understand to what the research was all about. This
research used a researching type of investigation. The researcher been using a step by step guideline in
monitoring and handling this study in order to come out with a good result. They used the quantitative
design method in this research.
9 Sample

The sample of the population has been appropriately identified and explained. The researcher choose the
administration staff, male and female. The total size of population was 120. They have been using the
RaoSoft sample size calculator. Then, a minimum recommended sample size of 190 was obtained. The
researcher chose the respondent by selecting them randomly using simple random sampling method.
10 Data Collection

The data collection methods were appropriate and described clearly. A self-administered questionnaire
was use to collect data for this research. The researcher used both and applied the descriptive and
inferential analysis. They only use few from the 5W 1H questions, and it does not addressed quiet clearly.

11 Instrument

The instrument that had been used in this research were questionnaire and it was described clearly in the
research. They left the questionnaire with the HR officials to distribute it to their respondent. They did
mentioned about the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, where the anonymity and confidentiality
of the information they about to receive were remain private and confidential data. It was mentioned in
the letter that been distributed along together with the questionnaire. The reliability and validity of the
questionnaire were adequate.
12 Data Analysis

The authors of the journal article is clearly being explained by them. The researchers stated that they are
using Statistical Package Social Science (SPSS) version 20 to analyse the data that have been collected
by them. The researcher used both and applied the descriptive and inferential analysis. Few tests have
been used by them such as frequencies analysis, Chi-Square test, Pearson Moment Correlation analysis
and ANOVA test. Only first research question being answered by the researchers that is training will lead
to employee retention. But the second research question is incomplete. The first research question being
answered by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis because the test being carried out to
determine the direction and strength of the relationship between training and employee retention. Based
on the journal article, the researchers has an appropriate assumptions for the respective statistical tools
because the authors stated that demographic data will be reported using frequencies and percentage
method. While, the level of significance will be measured by Chi-Square test and Pearson Product
Moment Correlation analysis will be carried out to analyse the strength of relationship between training
and employee retention. And, lastly, ANOVA test will test the significance level of relationship between
variables. Unfortunately, the researchers of this study does not run the Cronbach’s Alpha reliability test
for their variables because it is very important to test either the variables are reliable and trustworthy in
this study

13 Conclusion

Based on the reading of this journal article, the conclusion have been made clearly based on the findings
of the study. The authors also proved that the research hypothesis has been proved false. The hypothesis
which states that training does not improve employee retention in the organization is accepted because
many respondents indicated that they were not willing to stay because of the training and development
opportunities afforded to them. Other than that, based on approve of the false hypothesis in this study,
the researchers has contribute the new factors that will lead to employee retention that are monetary
rewards and the need for global exposure and experience. There are also few recommendations that being
made by the authors for management that they should consider that training alone does not decrease the
employee retention to leave the workplace. But with few addition benefits like monetary rewards and
health benefits that must being added in the benefit for the employees that work in the company. Other
than that, the researchers also suggested to make an exit interviews for the employee that will be leaving
the company to ensure that the management will know the reason of employees leaving the company.
The researchers also being suggested the new area of this study that is in terms of monetary rewards

14 Discussion and Interpretation of Findings

All the discussion that being written by the authors have been made based on the data and results that
being presented from the inferential analysis. Other than that, the authors have divided the section of the
discussion part based on the research questions and hypothesis that are “Training and Employee
Retention” section and “Job Satisfaction and Employee Retention” section. Next the authors also include
the previous research to be compared with their studies. For example, in first section of the discussion,
the authors stated that their study was conducted based on a sample of 750 administrators in higher
learning institutions which revealed that there is no a statistically significant relationship between training
and employee retention (Coetzee and Schreuder 2013). And for the second section of the discussion
section, the authors stated that their study are similar with Kabungaidze et al. (2013) in terms of
significant relationship between job satisfactions based on training in his study of 150 administrators on
employee retention. Next, the discussion of this research was being made by using the theoretical
framework even though framework for this study is not clearly being defined by the authors but all the
variables have clearly being discussed in the discussion. The authors also have discussed the implications
of this study for the real practices in second section of the discussion section that is the more satisfied the
administrators are, the more they are likely to remain in the organizations. Lastly, the researchers also
has found that training does not improve employee retention (administrators) in an organization. The
results shows there is no association between training and employee retention (r= -0.206 and p=0.6). The
result also being supported by past study that being made by Coetzee and Schreuder (2013) that reported
there is no statistically significant relationship between training and employee retention of 750
administrators in higher learning institutions.

15 Ethical Considerations

The researcher did applied the ethical consideration when they were doing this research. They were
able to distinguish between what was acceptable and what was not. The researcher also indicates that
the approval was obtained from appropriate review boards.
16 Application to the field of business and management

The findings from this research indicates that there are a positive relationship between job satisfaction
and job retention. Meaning that, an employee with higher job satisfaction will prone to stay longer in te
organizations and becoming a loyal employee towards the organizations. The respondent in the research
also indicates that, a higher job satisfaction will help the employee to be more relax in managing their
future planning with the organizations. The findings can be implemented in Malaysian company from
any industry. They can apply the concept of employee with higher degree of job satisfaction will have a
higher chances in staying at the same company at a longer period of time. The findings gives benefits to
society where employers and the company will appreciate the employees and ensuring their satisfaction
as one of priority in ensuring their loyalty lies with their organizations.

Title: The title for this journal article is “The Impact of Training on Employee Job Satisfaction
and Retention among Administrative Staff Members: A Case of a Selected Tertiary Institution.”

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