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Screening for Depression in Cardiac


Megan C. Cahill, MSc; Ana Bilanovic, MA; Shannon Kelly, MSc; Simon Bacon, PhD;
Sherry L. Grace, PhD

■ PURPOSE: Practice guidelines promote depression screening in cardiac K E Y W O R D S

rehabilitation (CR). The objective of this study was to review (1) CR
program compliance with depression screening recommendations, cardiac rehabilitation
and (2) the evidence evaluating whether screening for depression is
related to improved outcomes in patients eligible for CR.
■ METHODS: A limited literature search was conducted on key resource screening
databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Evidence-
Based Medicine Reviews, SCOPUS, and the University of York Centre
for Reviews and Dissemination). A focused Internet search was also
conducted with a concentrated gray literature search for evidence
reports. Inclusion criteria included English language documents pub- Author Affiliations: York University,
lished between January 1, 2002, and August 1, 2013. Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Ms Cahill,
Ms Bilanovic, and Dr Grace); University [AQ01]
■ RESULTS: Five studies were included in this review. Three studies were Health Network, Toronto, Ontario,
found in regard to the first objective and reported varying program Canada (Ms Cahill and Dr Grace);
compliance rates with depression screening recommendations, rang- University of Ottawa Heart Institute,
ing from 29.0% to 68.4%. Two studies examined whether depression Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Ms Kelly); and
screening led to improved outcomes in CR-eligible patients. Both stud- Concordia University, Montréal, Quebec,
ies found that, among patients who recalled being screened, there was Canada (Dr Bacon).
no significant difference in depressive symptom scores at followup as The authors declare no conflicts of
compared with patients who were not screened (P > .05). interest.
■ CONCLUSIONS: Approximately one-third to two-thirds of CR programs Correspondence: Sherry L. Grace, PhD,
routinely screen for depression. There are no randomized controlled School of Kinesiology and Health
trials testing the effects of screening on any outcomes. Although some Science, York University, 368 Bethune
observational studies suggest that screening alone may not improve College, 4700 Keele St Toronto, ON M3J
patient outcomes, more randomized controlled research is needed to 1P3 (sgrace@yorku.ca).
address this issue. DOI: 10.1097/HCR.0000000000000101

Globally, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading patients who have been hospitalized for a myocardial
cause of mortality. In 2008, an estimated 17.3 million infarction display depressive symptoms, in which 15%
people died as a result of CVD, representing 30% of to 20% suffer from major depression.5
all global mortality.1 Depression is one of the most Research suggests that comorbid depressive symp-
frequent comorbidities of CVD2 and is the leading toms are associated with greater mortality rate,6,7
cause of disability worldwide.3 Depression is a mood increased hospital admissions following a myocardial
disorder, characterized by low mood and anhedonia.4 infarction, and a lower likelihood of adopting second-
It has been estimated that approximately 30% of ary prevention measures, such as smoking cessation

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and participation in cardiac rehabilitation (CR).5 It has screening in CR,22 and assessment of depression is
been established that there are safe and effective included as a performance measure.31 Furthermore,
approaches for treatment of depression in this popula- screening and assessment of psychological distress,
tion, including particularly cognitive-behavioral ther- especially depression, is considered a core competency
apy8 and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.9 for CR professionals.32 Finally, the Canadian
Research suggests that such treatments are helpful in Cardiovascular Society, with representation from the
improving mood,10 reducing rehospitalization rates,11 Canadian Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and
improving engagement in secondary prevention Rehabilitation, has recently developed quality indica-
behaviors,12 and perhaps reducing mortality rates,13 tors33 in the area of CR.34 Process indicators regarding
although the evidence for the latter remains mixed.14 depression assessment and treatment were included.
Accordingly, the American Heart Association15 and The objectives of this paper were to review (1) CR pro-
recently the National Heart Foundation of Australia16 gram compliance with depression screening recommen-
have published recommendations to routinely screen dations and the tools administered to assess depression,
cardiac patients for depression. Although programs and (2) the evidence related to whether screening for
have adopted these recommendations,17,18 observa- depression is related to improved outcomes.
tional studies suggest that the practice may lead to
substantial increases in workload with low detection
rates.18,19 Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) under- METHODS
taken in primary care settings have failed to find ben-
efit in screening for depressive symptoms.20 Reviews
involving cardiac populations have identified no RCTs Search Strategy
testing the effects of screening on depression out- For this narrative review, a limited literature search
comes,10 leading to the suggestion that the American was conducted on key resource databases, for articles
Heart Association should reconsider its recommenda- published between January 1, 2002, and August 1,
tion to screen at this time.21 2013. A date limit of 2007 was used for RCTs as it was
assumed that any older trials would be summarized in
review papers. Databases searched were MEDLINE,
DEPRESSION AND CR EMBASE, CINAHL, the Cochrane Library, Evidence-
Based Medicine Reviews, SCOPUS, and the University
Cardiac rehabilitation programs, where a comprehensive of York Centre for Reviews and Dissemination data-
approach to secondary prevention is delivered by an bases. A focused Internet search was also conducted
interprofessional team, may serve as a more appropriate with a concentrated gray literature search for evidence
setting for the assessment and treatment of depression.22 reports available on Web sites for the Canadian
A recent meta-analysis of coronary heart disease Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health and the
patients, not all of whom were necessarily depressed, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Reference
demonstrated moderate reductions of depression with lists of identified reviews were also scanned, and the
CR participation.11 This could be due to screening and authors consulted with key researchers in the field to
detection, social support, psychosocial education (eg, identify any further articles.
stress management), the mood-enhancing effects of
exercise,23 or more likely a combination of these factors. Inclusion Criteria
It has also been shown that participation in CR is Methodological filters were applied to limit retrieval
associated with reduced depression-related mortality,24 by study type—RCTs, systematic reviews, and studies,
including patients with heart failure.25,26 which were nonrandomized in design, were consid-
Indeed, depression screening is considered a core ered. Only case studies were excluded. The search
component of CR by the British Association for was also limited to English language documents.
Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation,27 the CR Studies, which enrolled adult cardiac patients who
section of the European Association for Cardiovascular were eligible to participate in a CR program, on the basis
Prevention and Rehabilitation,28 and the Canadian of CR guidelines,29 were considered for this review. The
Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and indicated diagnoses and procedures for eligibility were
Rehabilitation.29 The American Association of coronary artery disease, post-myocardial infarction, post-
Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation core com- coronary artery bypass graft, post-percutaneous coronary
ponents document emphasizes identifying clinically intervention patients, acute coronary syndrome, valvular
significant depression as important to the evaluation disease, heart failure, and heart transplant.
process for psychosocial management.30 They have also For the first objective, the outcome was the propor-
published a position statement advocating depression tion of CR programs, which screened for depressive

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JCRP-D-14-00013_LR 2 27/11/14 2:08 PM

symptoms. Screening tools used were described. For
T a b l e 1 •• Summary of Studies Examining
the second objective, outcomes included depressive
Depression Screening in CR
symptoms, depression remission, health-related qual-
Programs (n = 3)
ity of life, secondary prevention behaviors, physical
health and function, and morbidity or mortality. Proportion
Author, Country Sample and Design Screening
Data Collection and Analysis Zullo et al,33 CR programs in Ohio 37.2%
Four reviewers screened references, which were iden- United States (n = 94)
tified by the search strategy by reviewing the titles and 66% of 142 CR programs
abstracts. If the abstract identified the appropriate in Ohio participated in the
patient group, and addressed depression screening, survey
the full article was obtained for inclusion considera- Cross-sectional
tion. Data were extracted from the included articles
Polyzotis et al,34 CR Programs in Ontario 68.4%
and were summarized in either text or table format.
Canada (n = 38)
84.4% of all 45 CR programs
RESULTS in Ontario responded to
the survey

Five studies were included in this narrative review. Cross-sectional

The literature search identified 3 studies pertaining to Cortes-Bergoderi CR programs in South 29.0%
CR program screening compliance35–37 and 2 studies et al,35 United America (n = 116)
testing the effects of depression screening on out- States 72.5% of all 160 CR pro-
comes in CR-eligible patients.38,39 Study designs are grams in South America
summarized in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. responded to the survey
South American Countries
Objective 1: CR Program Depression Screening participating in survey:
Compliance Argentina, Brazil,
Characteristics of included studies and screening rates Colombia, Chile, Ecuador,
are shown in Table 1. Screening varied from 29% to Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay,
68% of surveyed programs. Venezuela
Two studies reported the tools used to screen for Cross-sectional
depression. Tools reported by Polyzotis et al36 included Abbreviation: CR, cardiac rehabilitation.
the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale,40 the Beck
Depression Inventory (BDI),41 and the Screening Tool
for Psychological Distress.42 The Hospital Anxiety and
Depression Scale was the most commonly used tool, that the patients who received treatment were signifi-
with 60% of programs that screened reporting its use. cantly more likely to recall being screened and more
Zullo et al35 reported the use of the Center for depressed than those who were not treated. The latter
Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale43 primarily, would suggest that the appropriate patients were
and “other depression scales.” being treated, but the treatment itself was insufficient.
Indeed, the degree and nature of treatment followup
Objective 2: Effect of Depression Screening on was not assessed in the study. Finally, no studies were
Patient Outcomes identified that examined the effect of screening on any
Table 2 summarizes the characteristics and findings of other outcomes under study. Clearly, more rigorously
the 2 studies (neither were RCTs) that addressed the designed research is needed in this area.
effect of screening on patient outcomes.38,39 Both stud-
ies examined the effect of screening on self-reported
depressive symptoms. The incidence of depression DISCUSSION
screening was patient-reported, and therefore caution
is warranted when interpreting these findings. One Despite numerous recommendations to screen for
study found null effects of depression screening on depression in CR settings by professional societies,
patient outcomes,39 and the other reported mixed this review identified broad variability in program
effects.38 The latter study by Cahill et al38 reported that implementation of these recommendations, but over-
those who recalled screening had greater depressive all relatively low adoption. This review also failed to
symptoms at followup. Moreover, it is highly possible identify an RCT evaluating the effects of depression

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screening in cardiac patients, and the 2 observational

There was no significant difference in depressive symptoms on the

HADS-D & 40.3% of all the participants recalled being formally screened for

28.7% of all participants recalled having been screened since cardi-

No significant difference in depressive symptoms was found between

studies identified null effects or increases in depres-

screened and those who did not, but there was on the PHQ-2

ac hospitalization. Among those enrolled in CR, 32.5% recalled

participants who recalled being screened and those who did not.
HADS-D at posttest between participants who recalled being
sive symptoms suggesting inadequate treatment in the
“real-world” CR setting.

Depression Screening Recommendations for CR

HADS-D: 3.83 ± 4.00 vs 3.13 ± 3.09; P > .05

The lack of reduced depressive symptoms found in

PHQ-2: 1.21 ± 1.80 vs 0.57 ± 1.00; P < .05

(BDI-II: 10.12 ± 8.78 vs 9.80 ± 8.17; P > .05)

the 2 studies would initially appear to support the
psychosocial distress since CR referral.

Abbreviations: BDI-II, Beck depression inventory; CR, cardiac rehabilitation; HADS-D, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-Depression subscale; PHQ-2, Patient Health Questionnaire-2.
recent calls to reconsider screening recommendations.

However, on closer consideration of the 10 World

Health Organization screening principles,44 there is no
principle purporting that screening must be related to
T a b l e 2 •• Summary of Studies Examining Effects of Depression Screening on Cardiac Patient Outcomes (n = 2)

outcomes, only that there is an effective treatment for

the condition. As outlined in the introduction, this lat-
ter condition is well met.12,45
being screened

Arguably, the only screening principle for which

we currently have insufficient evidence is that the total
cost of finding a case should be economically bal-
anced in relation to medical expenditure as a whole.
Rather than reconsidering our screening recommenda-
tions, given that 9 of the 10 screening principles are


met for depression and CR, the CR community should


undertake research to establish the economic impact

of screening and identify which, if any, interventions
referral, and the effect of

to treat depression identified by a CR program are

on depressive symptoms
were screened, effect of
screening on depressive

screening on treatment,
and effect of screening
Number of patients who

most effective. Further research in this area should be

symptoms at posttest
screened since CR

contemplated and the Canadian and American CR

Number of women

registries might facilitate such research. In the mean-

time, the overall state of the science would suggest
that CR programs should screen for depression.

Depression Screening Tools in CR

With respect to depression tools administered by CR
no screening

no screening

programs, both the Hospital Anxiety and Depression

Screening vs

Screening vs

Scale and the BDI have high internal consistency and

good sensitivity.46 Moreover, the Screening Tool for
Psychological Distress has been found to compare
well with other longer and validated measures,
Cardiac inpatients

including the BDI,42 and has the advantage of con-


Women cardiac

sideration of other psychosocial hazards known to


n = 1 809

affect outcome.6 Contrary to the above scales, the

n = 128

Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale43

has not, to our knowledge, been validated in a car-
diac population. Finally, this scale and the BDI are

Study Design

6-mo followup

not screening tools, but measure severity of depres-

1-yr followup


sive symptomatology and were developed for

research purposes.
A validated screening tool applicable in cardiac
samples should be applied in the CR setting. Programs
Author, Country


should consider the American Heart Association’s rec-

et al,37, Canada

ommendations15 to initially screen with the Patient

Cahill et al,

Health Questionnaire-2,47 followed by the Patient


Health Questionnaire-948 if depressive symptomatol-

ogy is reported by the patient. Both have good sensi-
tivity and specificity for major depression.

4 / Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention 2014;34:1-7 www.jcrpjournal.com

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TITLE: Screening for Depression in Cardiac Rehabilitation: A REVIEW
AUTHORS: Megan C. Cahill, Ana Bilanovic, Shannon Kelly, Simon Bacon, and Sherry L. Grace

[AQ01]: Please provide department of all the affiliations.

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