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Well I went about doing my own (as one does) with a minimal jaunty install using

pretty much all I could get my hands on (wiki/forums/google) since though it has
relevant info its just not enough to get that its yours feeling and a ton of RTFM
yes I have to stress how important research is as well backing up and trying it for
yourself as well.

I run as root (no sudo req) Compare your Hardware to the ION HT

This is not a comprehensive HOW TO. Please share own tips!

Below you will find CPU/GPU/HDD temps working & most displaying in XBMC info pane.
I hope you guys find this helpful.

For the initial setup use XBMCLive or XBMScript. I have used it to test different
types of setup's. Best results found under minimal ubuntu install and manual xbmc

It is quite important you get none of NO PUB KEY XXXXXXXXX Installs wont work right
& where using scripts its easy to miss, blame it on the moonshine but PEBKAC.

FACT Keyservers like any other web service can just go down with no warning!
For this I did some research and there are fixes like adding alternative keyservers
Click link to go to post made regarding this.

Tweak: Enter text before prompt showing in ( ) to get a prompt like XBMCLive

[CODE]sudo echo yourtext >> /etc/debian_chroot[/CODE]Similarly just delete complete
contents of debian_chroot including spaces to clear text.

Tip: Ascii art OK e.g.

[code]nano /etc/motd.tail
�� my banner 2009 ��
[/code]You must reboot to see results.
Sometimes cause of formatting you may need to do some adjustments so that the lot

Tip: Change/add your machine hostname to whatever you like.

[code]nano /etc/hostname
ION-Smash[/code]Tip: Upgrade your Alsa sound using working repositories
If you don't know the advantages of having a PPA instead of doing manual package
installs you should!
though there are times if you cant find the repositories you have no choice but to
compile from source though this imo is fairly rare.

Alsa v1.0.20 Repos

echo ## [ Alsa v1.0.20 Repositories ]## >> /etc/apt/sources.list
echo deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mark-catley/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main >>
echo deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/mark-catley/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main >>
apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys EFF0FF8D
[/CODE]Fix: Enable your HDMI sound un-muted alsa required as per your use.
Create/edit etc/asound.conf <- in this case I'm creating since file does not exist.
[CODE]nano etc/asound.conf
#Tweak for HDMI sound ON
pcm.!default {
type plug
slave {
pcm "hdmi"
}[/CODE]Tweak: Set boot/reboot uSplash resolutions to 1920x1080 or pic your
override values with your own resolution!
echo xres=1920 >> /etc/usplash.conf
echo yres=1080 >> /etc/usplash.conf
echo xres=1920 >> /etc/initramfs-tools/usplash.conf #not in karmic
echo yres=1080 >> /etc/initramfs-tools/usplash.conf #not in karmic
update-initramfs -u[/CODE]
Sensors Working:

lm-sensors v3.1.1 Repositories INSTALL THIS BOTH Jaunty/karmic available.

echo ## [ lm-sensors v3.1.1 Repositories ] ## >> /etc/apt/sources.list
echo deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ari-tczew/ppa/ubuntu yourdistro main >>
echo deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ari-tczew/ppa/ubuntu yourdistro main >>
apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys AA700EA2
[/CODE]For the Asrock ION unfortunately there's more to it then this I'm not using
and I will try to make it a no brainer.
You will need two files download them and place sftp into your box as user
root:your port (default is 22) Password well whatever you have set it as. If you
fail login as sFTP type on terminal:
[code]passwd root[/code] erm do what it says use that pass for sFTP login.
Im using FlashFXP 4.0 private beta build 1416 however any sftp client will do,
specially if your only after freebies; You cheapskate!

Fix: EXPERIMENTAL USE AT OWN RISK Accurate CPU temperatures under XBMC &
/etc/sensor3.conf kudos to me monty0815 & andyblac more reading

Legacy CPU temps FIX:

1) Don't forget to rename your original files if replacing them at any time!!!

2) Patch coretemp.ko Pay attention to how-to.

3) Get updated sensors-detect and put it under /usr/sbin/ and do:[CODE]chmod 755
/usr/sbin/sensors-detect[/CODE]4) run sensors-detect answer Y to all Prompts and at
the end press ENTER this will create a lm_sensors file.

5) [code]echo coretemp >> /etc/modules[/code]6) [code]modprobe coretemp[/code]7)

Start lm-sensors service[code]/etc/init.d/lm-sensors start[/code] or [code]service
lm-sensors start[/code]Load sensor modules

[code]sensors -s[/code]Test sensors

[code]sensors[/code]You should get an output like:

Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 0: +35.0�C (crit = +95.0�C)
Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 1: +40.0�C (crit = +95.0�C)

Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 2: +35.0�C (crit = +95.0�C)

Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 3: +40.0�C (crit = +95.0�C)
[/code]If you want to do other switches do
[code]sensors --help[/code]That takes care of the CPU sensors but there's GPU
sensors indeed and don't forget that the HDD supports S.M.A.R.T.
To achieve GPU readings you will need to nvidia-smi -lsa or install the latest CVS
version of nvclock or use and some other stuff since well its not been released,
there's no repos or backports that I'm aware for Jaunty, However the CVS version
works with XBMC-Alpha1
If you have nvclock v0.8b4-1ubuntu2 remove it since it does not support the asrock
ion GPU. Type apt-get purge nvclock till the uninstall completes
After we start CVS install I chose a manual version and have corrected some errors
that the install scripts still carry which incidentally are for a full gnome
desktop and this is not the case here nor am I going to go into that.

aptitude install cvs automake
cd /usr/local/src
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@nvclock.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/nvclock co -P
cd nvclock
sh autogen.sh
./configure --disable-nvcontrol
make install
[/code]Try the GPU sensors

[code]nvclock -i[/code]Rarely the installation fails. In this case just do:

cp /usr/local/src/nvclock/src/nvclock /usr/bin/nvclock[/code]you will get something
like this:

Unhandled init script entry with id '?' at e1b3
Unhandled init script entry with id '?' at e1d6
Unhandled init script entry with id '?' at e1f9
Unhandled init script entry with id '?' at e21c
-- General info --
Architecture: GAC B1
PCI id: 0x87d
GPU clock: 324.000 MHz
Bustype: PCI

-- Shader info --
Clock: 1728.000 MHz
Stream units: 16 (1b)
ROP units: 4 (1b)
-- Memory info --
Amount: 512 MB
Type: 128 bit DDR2
Clock: -

-- Smartdimmer info --
Backlight level: 100%

-- Sensor info --
Sensor: GPU Internal Sensor
GPU temperature: 58C

-- VideoBios information --
Version: 62.79.5f.00.05
Performance level 0: gpu 300MHz/shader 600MHz/memory 0MHz/1.01V/100%
Performance level 1: gpu 350MHz/shader 800MHz/memory 0MHz/1.01V/100%
Performance level 2: gpu 450MHz/shader 1100MHz/memory 0MHz/1.01V/100%
VID mask: 7
Voltage level 0: 0.85V, VID: 4
Voltage level 1: 0.90V, VID: 3
Voltage level 2: 0.95V, VID: 2
Voltage level 3: 1.01V, VID: 1
[/code]You can ignore the unhandled init script entry with id stuff it just
apparently harmless, if you can fix it pls share.

Add the temp readouts to XBMC info pane

Copy & Paste the code below and save it as advancedsettings.xml and put it on your
userdata folder with all other .xml's

<cputempcommand>echo "$(sensors -u | tail -n4 | grep temp1_input | awk '{print
$2 }' |awk '{printf("%d\n",$1 + 0.5);}') C"</cputempcommand>
<gputempcommand>echo "$(nvclock -T | sed -ne "s/=> GPU temp.*: \([0-9]\
+\).*/\1/p") C"</gputempcommand>
[/code]Big Thanks go out to einhaender & kitlaan for the .xml

1) hddtemp S.M.A.R.T.
[code]apt-get install hddtemp[/code]If you want to start the daemon on boot select
YES if not select NO press ENTER
2) Read the hdd temps
[code]hddtemp /dev/sd*[/code]For switches type
[code]hddtemp -h[/code]

Karmic Koala minimal installs & XBMCLive release 9.11

Fix: CPU Sensors

This is the correct way to install or patch your own coretemp.ko in karmic or
Credits me for whacking it properly together in a complete and simplified solution
but originally Thanks go to falstaff mostly for initial findings and great post and
to Novin who made the point to post his "version" The below updated code works as
copy&paste. *edit 7/02/2010

Very important to install and do the following: (Novin forgot about this bit)
[CODE]aptitude install linux-source build-essential[/CODE][CODE]cd /usr/src
wget http://mabene.icomedias.com/coretemp.patch
aptitude install linux-source-$(uname -r | awk -F'-' '{print $1}')
tar jxvf linux-source-$(uname -r | awk -F'-' '{print $1}').tar.bz2
cd linux-source-$(uname -r | awk -F'-' '{print $1}')
patch -p1 < ../coretemp.patch
make -j 4 -C /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build M=/usr/src/linux-source-$(uname -r |
awk -F'-' '{print $1}')/drivers/hwmon/
cp /usr/src/linux-source-$(uname -r | awk -F'-' '{print
$1}')/drivers/hwmon/coretemp.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/hwmon/
echo coretemp >> /etc/modules[/CODE][code]modprobe coretemp[/code]7) Start lm-
sensors service[code]/etc/init.d/lm-sensors start
service lm-sensors start[/code]Load sensor modules[code]sensors -s[/code]Test
sensors[code]sensors[/code]The current xbmclive install disk fails to install on my
machine even the repack, I solved it by using latest Unetbootin and a USB key.
Previous Jaunty XBMCLive install CD works unlike this one though there are many
advantages with the new installer.

Karmic Kernels default is and available as update are

incredibly buggy with the Asrock ION, the most noticeable errors on boot after
install completes of the minimal flavour is a problem with smbus this is present in
all Karmic kernels available via repositories from ubuntu folks. Other PPA's
offering 2.6.32 kernels will break your system!

[CODE]dmesg | grep SMB[/CODE][CODE][ 0.472195] ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LSMB]

(IRQs 20 21 22 23) *11
[ 6.712739] i2c-adapter i2c-0: nForce2 SMBus adapter at 0x4d00
[ 6.712773] nForce2_smbus 0000:00:03.2: Error probing SMB2.[/CODE][CODE]sensors-
detect[/CODE][CODE]Driver `to-be-written':
* ISA bus, address 0x290
Chip `Nuvoton W83677HG-I Super IO Sensors' (confidence: 9)[/CODE]
The other issues are related to the kernel being badly patched missing drivers and
is unable to load the necessary modules for the CPU temperatures to work.
Also here is a post which refers to the ION 330 issues with karmic smbus issues the
errors can be fixed by laxing kernel returning it to old way where acpi/hwmon may
use in some cases the same IO ports (bad)

W83677HG-I is identified when running sensors-detect is & there are no Linux

drivers for that either. I think similar chip (if not the very same) is present on
the regular 330 just not correctly handled similar error is present with a regular
330 I tested.

Bugs related to this are being addressed on Karmic & future versions I hope.

Well here is a easy try to get your MCE remote buttons work, presuming you have a
full working install and this is your only issue. Also useful if your using Custom
Keymaps... Otherwise stick to the default.

In the spirit of things here is a possible solution which is to include or recreate

a specific config file though if you have a USB IR adaptor it should work
reasonably as is make sure you have installed the proper drivers for your USB IR
receiver, Especially if your using the XBOX DVD REMOTE USB DONGLE

Do this ONLY if you need to reconfigure lirc to use the correct driver should yours
be wrong! Simply copy & paste this in your terminal. You can always revert back
since a backup is automagically created.

FIX: HT CIR Drivers 32/64bit

Please follow the links:


You may need Lirc 0.8.6 if your on Jaunty its been reported working on 0.8.4

[CODE]echo ## [ Nvidia Repositories ] ## >> /etc/apt/sources.list

echo deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/jyoder/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main>>
echo deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/jyoder/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main >>
apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 73F08E40[/CODE]
How To set Up your HT CIR Device (OK Jaunty and Karmic)

The file below is not necessary and will break some remote setup's. I used it along
with custom keymap.xml's - rename your original file found at the directories you
are modifying.
We need to create a new lircd.conf.wb677 or lircd.conf.mceusb for you just in

[CODE]mv /usr/share/lirc/remotes/lirc_wb677/lircd.conf.wb677
/home/xbmc/lirc/remotes/mceusb/lircd.conf.mceusb[/CODE]Paste the following in that
nano session and to save press crtl + o confirm with enter and walla.[CODE]
# RC-6 config file
# source: http://home.hccnet.nl/m.majoor/projects__remote_control.htm
# http://home.hccnet.nl/m.majoor/pronto.pdf
# used by: Philips
# Philips Media Center Edition remote control
# For use with the USB compatible MCE ir receiver
# Dan Conti dconti|acm.wwu.edu
# Updated with codes for MCE 2005 Remote additional buttons
# *, #, Teletext, Red, Green, Yellow & Blue Buttons
# Note: TV power button transmits no code until programmed.
# Updated 12th September 2005
# Graham Auld - mce|graham.auld.me.uk
# Radio, Print, RecTV are only available on the HP Media Center remote control
#Asrock ION 330 HT MCE Remote is a MCE compliant and fully compatible device.
#Linux drivers exist for the internal controlling chip please use a usb ir receiver
with your device if it does not have a internal CIR & install lirc
#Some buttons may not operate if no function is defined for them this can
#be done in xbmc by .xml please consult the xbmc wiki for more information.
#Regards X3

begin remote

name mceusb
bits 16
eps 30
aeps 100

header 2667 889

one 444 444
zero 444 444
pre_data_bits 21
pre_data 0x37FF0
gap 105000
toggle_bit 22
rc6_mask 0x100000000

begin codes

Blue 0x00007ba1
Yellow 0x00007ba2
Green 0x00007ba3
Red 0x00007ba4
Teletext 0x00007ba5

# starts at af
Radio 0x00007baf
Print 0x00007bb1
Videos 0x00007bb5
Pictures 0x00007bb6
RecTV 0x00007bb7
Music 0x00007bb8
TV 0x00007bb9
# no ba - d8

Guide 0x00007bd9
LiveTV 0x00007bda
DVD 0x00007bdb
Back 0x00007bdc
OK 0x00007bdd
Right 0x00007bde
Left 0x00007bdf
Down 0x00007be0
Up 0x00007be1

Star 0x00007be2
Hash 0x00007be3

Replay 0x00007be4
Skip 0x00007be5
Stop 0x00007be6
Pause 0x00007be7
Record 0x00007be8
Play 0x00007be9
Rewind 0x00007bea
Forward 0x00007beb
ChanDown 0x00007bec
ChanUp 0x00007bed
VolDown 0x00007bee
VolUp 0x00007bef
More 0x00007bf0
Mute 0x00007bf1
Home 0x00007bf2
Power 0x00007bf3
Enter 0x00007bf4
Clear 0x00007bf5
Nine 0x00007bf6
Eight 0x00007bf7
Seven 0x00007bf8
Six 0x00007bf9
Five 0x00007bfa
Four 0x00007bfb
Three 0x00007bfc
Two 0x00007bfd
One 0x00007bfe
Zero 0x00007bff
end codes

end remote

[/CODE]Works with a regular IR MCE usb COMPATIBLE receiver or Now with the Asrock
Ion 330 HT Internal CIR chip, besides make sure to use LATEST Stable 9.11 of xbmc
at time of writing/editing this.

To make your own specific your button codes have to be turned into hex for instance
one of mine IRW (yes pressed every button for mine) output is 000000037ff07bd9 00
Guide mceusb the hex value of that is 0x00007bd9 just use the four last chars of
000000037ff07bd9 to 0x0000 and for this one the entry is Guide 0x00007bd9... walla

FIX: Wake on device (CIR) (also works for usb dependant on your set up the 330
without a remote would in this case be using a usb receiver).

This topic has some info on this.


Related interesting info I also read on must use if having problems with Lirc on

Lirc Startup script - XBMC wiki or andyblac lirc resume script

Works here must select on xbmc settings what action shutdown does select shutdown
or suspend.
Shutdown is selected by default so if your looking to suspend or resume from you
must select suspend here otherwise your remote is shutting device down not
suspending it.

FIX: VDPAU issues Add Repos instead of using pkg.run. Change the red part to jaunty
or karmic
[CODE]echo ## [ Nvidia Repositories ] ## >> /etc/apt/sources.list
echo deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/nvidia-vdpau/ppa/ubuntu yourlinuxrelease main
>> /etc/apt/sources.list
echo deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/nvidia-vdpau/ppa/ubuntu yourlinusrelease main
>> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys CEC06767[/CODE]

select none and then none for either.
[CODE]cd /usr/src[/CODE][CODE]wget http://bit.ly/6lmfJb[/CODE][CODE]unzip
*.zip[/CODE]before you proceed to next step to ensure what has been extracted and
to where you can type on terminal [CODE]ls-all[/CODE]This will list all
files/folders in the directory.
I have noticed thx to one user with install issues that the extract cmd did not
create a folder with files inside so the next command would be superfluous, hence
why the ls -all will tell the user what is on that directory[CODE]cd
Ubuntu9.10[/CODE][CODE]dpkg -i lirc-nct677x-1.0.4-ubuntu9.10.deb[/CODE]Lirc config
will come up select none/none on first run then the process will continue, when the
menu comes up again select Nuvoton Transceivers/Remotes from the Menu and None for
the Transmitter.

[CODE]reboot[/CODE]When all comes back you can use your internal CIR driver instead
of the USB CIR dongle, which you can now sell cheap to anyone who has a plain 330
without CIR or keep it for posterity.

This is how it should display on your terminal for correct installation.


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