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“Student Fashion Documentary”

A Courier New Film

Written by Matt Sear
For BBC 3 Short Commissioning
Deadline: 21/05/18

BBC 3 is an online only video streaming service that are looking

for independent filmmakers to create fictional/non-fictional
content for the channel. BBC 3 air much more varied content in
comparison to the 2 mainstream TV channels. The BBC 3 productions
differ in duration and genre
because they are published on a
non-linear platform; this means
the shows are not constrained by
a television running schedule and
don’t have to fit into a specific
time slot. For this reason, short
form content from about 2 minutes
to long 2 hour documentaries will
go up on the channel without the
limitations of adverts,
watersheds or time slots.

My Idea
I intend to create a short documentary that revolves around
Student fashion culture in English colleges. Student style has
a massive influence on the fashion industry because they have
the spare money to spend on clothing and image is very important
to teens. A big part of my documentary will involve delving into
why clothing is so important to young people.

The documentary will be presented by myself allowing me to

narrate what is happening. Being in the documentary will allow
me to make the interviews more light hearted with back and forth
joking between me and the interviewees. The interview falls into
the category of expository; meaning a presenter gives the
audience an insight into the subject. In this case, the subject
of the movie is the importance of fashion to students and why
they wear what they wear.
I will set up a number of interviews with young people and ask
them questions about their personal style. These questions will
revolve around their taste and where their inspiration comes
from. The people I interview will be good friends meaning they
will be comfortable with me speaking to them and they will be
used to being on camera. The purpose of these interviews is to
get a more in depth insight into what drives somebodies fashion

Rules and Regulations

Delivery must be by file in accordance with the DPP Standards.
AVC-I class 100 1920x1080 4:2:2.
R128 compliant Stereo with M&E Audio layout EBU R123:4b

All productions must be sent to the BBC Short Form

commissioning team via a link on their website. Once I make
contact with the team will set up an account for me to send
them content in the future.
A compliance form/contract must be signed before the work is
considered for publishing.
As well as signing the form I need to make sure that I credit
everybody involved properly. There is a document outlining how
to credit people correctly under the BBC’s guidelines.
If my film gets selected I need to create some short pieces of
media to promote my film. I will need to create a square
1080x1080 30-60 second advert, a square 15 second square
advert and take 10 stills.

Target Audience
I plan to create a film that does not use too much jargon
meaning people without knowledge of fashion will still be able
to watch my film. The film will be an interesting watch for
parents with teenage kids because it will allow them an
insight into our culture and explain why their son or daughter
dress in a particular way.
Most of the people I plan to interview are teens between the
ages of 16 and 19. I have decided to interview these people
because my film focuses on student fashion culture so getting
the views of college attendees will be a massive part of the
film. Interviewing teens will allow me to get a consumer point
of view rather than speaking to experts that might use
terminology that a casual viewer may not understand. My
interviewees will be basing their comments on knowledge they
have acquired through being passionate about clothing rather
than knowing about it via study. Most of the people watching
the film will be consumers rather than curators meaning the
point of view of teens is more relatable/easier to understand.
For this reason, my target audience is wide mainly focusing on
teens and parents.

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