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Shapes are all around

(Triangle, rectangle, circle and heart. We are diamonds, tralalala.

Diamond, square, oval and star.) X2 (Triangle, rectangle, circle and heart.

Full moon, soccer ball, rolling wheels. Diamond, square, oval and star.) X2

Vroom, vroom, vroom. Star fish, and stars in the sky, twinkle,
We are circles, tralalala.
We are stars, tralalala.
Pizza box, waffles and toast.
Heart cookies, heart leaves, this heart
Yum, yum, yum. says “I love you.”
We are squares, tralalala. We are hearts, tralalala.
(Triangle, rectangle, circle and heart. Triangle, rectangle, circle and heart.
Diamond, square, oval and star.) X2 Diamond, square, oval and star.
Party hat, sandwiches, sailing boat.


We are triangles, tralalala.

Storybook, puzzles, locked door.

Knock, knock, knock.

We are rectangles, tralalala.

(Triangle, rectangle, circle and heart.

Diamond, square, oval and star.) X2

Green grapes, balloons, Humpty Dumpty

sat on a wall.

We are oval, tralalala.

Traffic sign, flying kite, jewel necklace.

So beautiful!

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