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Morfologi pankreas

The pancreas comprises two fu nctionally distinct organs: rhe

exocrine pancreas, the major digestive gland of the body; and

rhe endocrine pancreas, the source of insulin, glucagon, soma-

tosta tin, pancreatic polypeptide (PP) , and ghrel in. Whereas rhe

major role of the products of rhe exocrine pancreas (the digestive

enzymes) is rhe processing of ingested foodstuf fs so rhar rhey

become available fo r absorption, rhe hormones of rhe endocrine

pancreas modulate every other aspect of cellular nutrition from

rare of adsorption of fo odstuf fs to cellular sto rage or metabolism

of nutrients. Dysf unction of the endocrine pancreas or abnormal

responses to its hormones by target tissues cause serious distur-

bances in nutrient homeostasis, includin g rhe imporranr clinical

syndromes grouped under the name diabetes mellitus

pankreas terdiri dari 2 fungsi organ yang berbeda : eksokrin da

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