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Unit 1 Gramática

Present simple: be there is / there are + a, an, some

Afirmativa Negativa and any
Forma Forma Forma Forma Afirmativa
completa contracta completa contracta
Forma completa Forma contracta
I am I’m I am not I’m not
Singular There is a / an … There’s a / an …
You are You’re You are not You aren’t
Plural There are some … —
He is / He’s / He is not / He isn’t /
She is / It is She’s / It’s She is not / She isn’t / Negativa
It is not It isn’t
Forma completa Forma contracta
We are We’re We are not We aren’t
Singular There is not a / There isn’t a /
You are You’re You are not You aren’t an … an …
They are They’re They are not They aren’t Plural There are not There aren’t
Uso any … any …
El verbo be se utiliza para dar información sobre Uso
una persona, un lugar o un objeto. La estructura there + be se utiliza para indicar si
 I am English.  algo existe o no.
 Vigo is in Spain.    There is a lift at school.
  The books are on the desk.   There isn’t a swimming pool.
La forma contracta se utiliza en el registro informal Cuando el sustantivo está en plural, se utiliza la
de la lengua oral y escrita. forma de plural del verbo be.
 It’s Monday today.   There are some chairs.
 You’re late.   There aren’t any windows.
Interrogativa Respuestas breves En el registro informal de la lengua oral y escrita, se
Am I … ? Yes, I am. No, I’m not. utilizan las formas contractas.
Are you … ? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Nota: no existe una forma contracta para There are.
 There’s a big desk in my bedroom.
Is he … ? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
  There isn’t a sofa and there aren’t any chairs.
Is she … ? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.
  There are four posters on the wall.
Is it … ? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
Los artículos a y an se utilizan con los sustantivos
Are we … ? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.
en singular.
Are you … ? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.  There’s a big TV.
Are they … ? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.  There’s an orange door.
Uso Some y any se utilizan con los sustantivos en plural;
La interrogativa con be se utiliza para formular some en oraciones afirmativas, y any en frases
preguntas sobre una persona, un lugar o un objeto. negativas.
Nota: en las respuestas breves afirmativas, no se   There are some books in my bag.
utiliza la forma contracta del verbo (Yes, I am. NO   There aren’t any pens.
Yes, I’m.)
 ‘Is Harry in your class?’ ‘Yes, he is.’
 ‘Are those pens blue?’ ‘No, they aren’t.’

Mosaic 1 Language Trainer  Unit 1  Gramática

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