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B.E., A.M.I.E.Aust., Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Western Australia.


This paper deals with kneading compaction and its significance in

relation to the strength of compacted soil specimens and the reproduction
of more realistic test specimens in the laboratory. I,t describes the main
features of various kneading compaction machines and presents results of
some tests on Perth soils. The method is discussed in relation to ,the
physical characteristics of compacted specimens and soil compaction theor-
ies. The main conclusions are that kneading compactors are satisfactory
devices for preparing test specimens, and that research has shown the use-
fulness of kneading compaction as a basis for comparing compaction
methods and in the development of an effective stress soil compaction theory.

INTRODUCTION originally proposed by PROCTOR (Ref. 1),

1. i.e., using a falling weight to provide com-
The preparation in the laboratory of
pactive effort. This essentially dynamic pro-
re-moulded soil test specimens adequately
cedure can be so adjusted in energy input
reproducing the subsequent in-place condi-
that it produces the same order of optimum
tions is an essential first step in the design
density and moisture content as that obtained
of embankments and pavements. The test
in the field by rolling equipment. However,
specimens should exhibit, to a sufficient
experience has shown that different com-
degree of accuracy, the strength characteris-
paction curves are likely to result, depending
tics the material is likely to have after hav-
on the type of soil and the roller used (Ref.
ing been compacted in the field. Field com-
2). On large earthworks it is therefore not
paction is generally performed with rollers
that have intensities of contact pressures uncommon to establish roller compaction
varying from a few to several hundred curves for the particular job.
pounds per sq. in. In most cases the action is Proctor type dynamic compaction is
that of a gradual build-up of pressure, the also commonly used in the preparation of
holding of this pressure for a short time and test specimens for tri-axial or direct shear
its gradual release. At the same time there testing. The specimens are either compacted
is a reversal of the direction of the shearing with the same effort, in a similar mould as
action due to the forward movement. The for the Proctor compaction or rammed to
resulting effect on the soil may be described a specified density in thinner layers. Some-
as 'kneading action'. times a so-called static compaction is em-
2. The standard laboratory compaction ployed, whereby the material is compressed
tests are used mainly to provide a basis for in a confined condition in a mould under a
specifying the degree of compaction to be press. It is not too difficult to appreciate that
obtained in the field, and to give some indi- some soils will behave quite differently and
cation of the most suitable moisture content have quite different strength characteristics
at which the compaction should be carried depending on the compaction method em-
out. With minor exceptions these tests are ployed. Coherent soils which form aggre-
still performed in the same manner as gates and clods are likely to be particularly


035 036 015
susceptible to the various wetting and shear- DIRECTION
OF sec sec sec

ing actions of the different compaction TRACE - --

processes. 7 1500 lb


32 sq. in.
4. A great deal of research has been CALIFORNIA COMPACTOR
carried out in order to compare the results
of the different types of compaction com- DWELL I
.10.4 sec I- DIRECTION
monly employed in the laboratory, i.e., TRAVEL 350

static, dynamic, vibratory, kneading. The / LOAD

Harvard Miniature Compactor (Ref. 2) 1 SECOND I FOOT AREA
— ONE CYCLE 2 SECONDS 3-2 sq. in.
and the Tri-Axial Institute or California
Highways Kneading Compactor (Ref. 3)
are said to reproduce field conditions and Fig. 1—Typical foot-pressure time diagrams for kneading
are now in common use in the U.S.A. In
view of the apparent relationship between 6. The so-called kneading action can
compactors of this type and the field com- also be reproduced with completely hydrau-
paction under rollers, the University of Wes- lic or pneumatic devices such as the Idaho
tern Australia purchased a `Soiltest' electro- (Ref. 5) and North-Western (Ref. 6) com-
hydraulic compactor in 1959, and has used pactors. These machines, while the least
this machine on a number of research pro- expensive to construct, have certain disad-
jects. Some experiences with this compactor, vantages such as high air consumption (up
together with discussions on compaction to 40 cu. ft/min) when high foot pressures
theories, and the relationship between the are required, and they are inclined to be
strength characteristics and the compaction excessively noisy.
method emloyed, comprise the remainder of
this paper. 7. With the machine used at the Uni-
versity of Western Australia economy of air
consumption is achieved together with the
convenience of easy adjustment to a wide
5. Mechanical devices for compacting range of foot pressures and duration of foot
soils with a kneading action have been in application. High foot pressures are obtained
use for some years. One of the earliest and by a booster action which consists of forcing
simplest devices is the Harvard Miniature a small piston into the hydraulic system. A
Compactor previously referred to. This typical pressure cycle obtained from this
device employs a spring-loaded plunger to machine is shown in Fig. 1. Foot pressures
apply a predetermined pressure, but a recent can be adjusted while the machine is in oper-
improvement seen by the author at the ation to give values from 30 to 700 p.s.i. with
University of California at Berkeley is the dwell times from 0.1 to 6 sec. It can be set
incorporation of an air bellows system in to give automatically any number of
place of the coil spring. For the larger more tamps from 1 to 99,999, while some adjust-
usual 4-in. diameter specimens the Califor- ment to the speed of pressure application is
nia Compactor (Ref. 4) is widely used, par- also possible. Its air consumption can be
supplied with a 9 cu.ft/min service station
ticularly for paving materials. This machine
type compressor. The compacting foot is a
is basically a mechanical system with segment of a circle and covers about 40 per
hydraulic damping to produce time pres- cent of the cross-sectional area of the mould
sure curves such as those illustrated in Fig. while the mould is rotated through 45
1 degrees at each tamp. Fig. 2 shows the

March, 1964 35

tion, and that particle interference is signifi-

cant with the coarser grained soils.


10. The relationship between strength
and the compaction method attracts more
and more attention (Ref. 7). While it is
difficult to generalize when so many vari-
ables contribute to the relationship, it does
appear that static compaction produces
widely different results and dynamic com-
paction slightly different results from
kneading compaction.
11. The development of kneading com-
pactors arose out of the need to reproduce
field compaction conditions, particularly with
bituminous mixes for road pavements. The
continual kneading action of trafl•'ic is known
to increase gradually the degree of satur-
ation by adjusting the particle arrangement,
which is particularly noticeable when a high
Fig. 2—Electro-hydraulic kneading compactor showing an
automatic feed and a mould for compacting beams.

compactor with an attachment for continu-

ously feeding in the material and a mould
for compacting beams replacing the usual
cylindrical moulds. Fig. 3 shows the com-
pactor viewed from the rear with the cover
removed. The attachments were made in the
Department's workshop.


8. There does not appear to be any

clearly defined relationship between com-
paction curves obtained by kneading and
those obtained by other methods. The
results of some comparative tests on typical
soils from the Perth area are shown in Fig.
4. The effect of varying the foot pressures on
gravel is also shown in this Figure.
9. Other investigators have made simi-
lar comparisons and it is generally agreed
that higher degrees of saturation at optimum Fig. 3—Electro-hydraulic kneading compactor, rear view,
density are obtained by kneading compac- cover removed.



DRY 140 \\- \-1
0 4
N •
7 - ,N - N.0
(p.c.f.) _..- ..,-•., -... STATIC COMPACTION
-- -1---- :-400p.s.i. AT
- - - -, _ _,,HEA‘;Y
'`- .9 2 3
-100 p.s.i. -...,
------- 1-----

80 0
4 8 12 16 20 24 28
1 Clay.
2 Uniform Fine Sand.
3 Silty Sand. 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Fig. 4—Typical compaction curves for Perth soils. Fig. 5—The effect of compaction method on strength of
a silty clay at low strain.
percentage of flat and elongated particles
are present. The resulting reduction in degree influenced by the shear strains pro-
stability is known to be quite significant and duced in the soil by the compaction process.
has led to the incorporation of some form The effect of these strains is to disperse
of kneading as the basis for design proce- mechanically the soil, and this needs to be
dures. The Texas Wobbly Mould Compac- further considered in relation to the original
tor and the California Compactor are soil structure. When the soil is weakly
examples of attempts to produce more bound it will disperse readily under the
realistic test procedures. induced shear strains, while other soils may
12. SEED and CHAN of the University of have such strong interparticle forces that the
California at Berkeley have undertaken a compaction strains are relatively ineffective.
comprehensive investigation into the prob- The greater the shear strain induced by the
lem of strength in relation to compaction method of compaction the greater the degree
method (Refs. 8 and 9). Fig. 5 illustrates of particle orientation with consequent lower
some of their findings for silty clay. In this strengths at low strains, greater shrinkage
case the tests were performed on soil and less swelling. However, moulding moi-
re-moulded without saturation prior to the sture content does not produce any great
test. The process of saturation before test-
variations in samples compacted dry of the
ing adds further complexity to the problem,
involving the swelling characteristics of the
soil and the external restraint, such as the 10
surcharge in the CBR tests. A typical effect
of compaction method on swell pressure
is shown in Fig. 6. 6
13. The work of Seed and Chan demon-
strates that soil structure is one of the most 2 COMPACTION
important factors contributing to such soil N\
properties as shrinkage, swell pressures, 105 109 113 117 121
DRY DENSITY (p c f )
permeability, induced pore pressures and
undrained strength. The resulting structure
Fig.6—The effect of method of campaction on the swell
in the compacted soil specimens is to a high pressure for a silty clay at a high degree of saturation.

March, 1964

optimum, while the major differences TYPE 'B'

become evident in the wet of optimum con- "NON-REACTIVE"

dition. The particle orientation is found to STRESS

decrease for compaction in the following
order: kneading, impact, vibratory, static. TYPE 'A'
14. It has been found that the soil struc- REACTIVE"

ture has little effect on soil strength charac-

teristics (expressed in terms of effective
stresses) but applies its effect on pore pres-
sures during the test. Some soils, when
compacted, have a flocculated type structure Fig. 7—Types of stress strain curves indicating reaction
and develop characteristically low pore of soils to compaction method.
pressures at low strains (in undrained tests)
compared with the more usual dispersed by OLSON at the University of Illinois (Ref.
10). The purpose of this compaction theory
structure at the same density and moisture
content. However, at high strains the shear- is to explain the effect of moulding moisture
ing during the test becomes sufficient to content on dry density with a certain weight
produce very similar characteristics. As and type of compactive effort. As sum-
mentioned previously, saturating the com- marized by Olson the existing theories are
pacted specimens introduces complications Proctor's capillarity and lubrication theory,
because of swelling effects, which can be Hogentogler's viscous water theory and
attributed to internal physical phenomena Lambe's physio-chemical theory.
and external restraints placed on the speci- 17. PROCTOR considers that moisture has
men. The introduction of these additional the effect of providing both capillary tension
variables leads to a wide variety of relation- and lubrication (Ref. 1). The reduction in
ships. shear strength due to lubrication causes the
15. An important result of the work of dry density to increase with increasing moi-
Seed and Chan is that it illustrates the sig- sture content. This lubrication is, in effect,
nificance of the stress-strain relationships for a reduction in the capillary tension. More
soil samples prepared wetter than optimum recent work has suggested that mineral sur-
by kneading compaction, as a possible indi- faces are likely to be fully lubricated in the
cation of the significance of the method of range of moisture contents used for com-
compaction. Two basic forms of the stress- paction.
strain diagram are recognized (Fig. 7). Soils
18. HOGENTOGLER in his ViSCOUS water
having these forms have clearly different
properties with respect to such factors as theory takes into account the highly cohesive
compaction method, strength at different nature of the water absorbed onto the par-
strains, the relation between density and ticle surface (Ref. 11). When the particles
moisture content, and swelling. Soils with are in contact they are assumed to be separ-
type b stress-strain curves will be least ated by this viscous water film, and the
susceptible to the effects of the compaction thickness of this film, which depends on the
method. moisture content, determines the shear resis-
tance between the grains and hence the com-
SOIL COMPACTION THEORIES paction characteristics. More recent studies
16. A proposed effective stress theory have suggested that the moisture content at
for soil compaction was recently presented which most soils are compacted greatly



exceeds that at which these viscosity effects take place in the effective stress during the
may be significant. compaction can be described in terms of the
pore pressure coefficients, and it is the inter-
19. More recently LAMBE introduced play of these various parameters as func-
surface chemical theories (Ref. 12). These tions of foot pressure, moisture content and
theories are based on the effects of changes deformation conditions that controls the dry
in the electrolyte concentration of the pore density.
water, which are considered to be sufficiently
strong to change the soil structure from 22. The extension of the theory to
flocculated to dispersed, thus providing lubri- dynamic, Proctor type compaction is pos-
cation effect. OLSON objects to this theory on sible and may be helpful in assessing any
the basis that, while these phenomena are differences in the strength characteristics of
undoubtedly significant in certain soils, the soils prepared by the two methods. The
theory is not applicable to soils in general. process in the case of the dynamic compac-
Olson's effective stress concept attempts to tion requires enough viscosity in the soils to
make use of Skempton's pore pressure coef- stop the hammer and enough shearing resis-
ficients A and B and Bishop's x coefficient tance to support its weight. In this method
for partly saturated soils. The theory is a relatively deep penetration into the soil
presented in a qualitative manner for the takes place and the soil is compacted rather
particular case of kneading compaction. It more by being trapped under the foot than
is designed to provide an insight into the squeezed into place.
kneading compaction process, and, what is
perhaps more important, to lead to a more 23. The important implications of the
basic understanding of shear strength, com- effective stress theory for compaction are
pressibility and permeability of compacted that the strength of the resulting compacted
soils. material is governed by dry density which
is preserved by the development of negative
21. Briefly stated, the concept is that pore water pressures and by residual lateral
by applying pressure to a loose soil, the pressures, and that increasing dry density
developed shearing stresses cause the par- has the same general effect as over-consoli-
ticle contacts to yield and create a tendency dation. The strength of compacted speci-
towards densification of the mass. At the mens will be governed, to some extent, by
same time total stresses and pore pressures effective stresses produced during the com-
increase. The pore pressures increase paction process and by the restraint placed
less than the total stresses, thus producing on lateral movement. This restraint is
an increase in the effective stress between determined by such factors as the ratio of
particles which eventually becomes sufficient foot area to mould cross-sectional area and
to support the pressure. On release of the the thickness of layer being compacted.
pressure the vertical total stress becomes
zero, the soil expands vertically and, at the 24. Considering this theory together with
same time, the lateral stresses are reduced. the work on soil structure and its effect on
The tendency for the soil to expand is resis- the strength of the compacted specimen as
ted by the development of negative pore presented in the previous section, it follows
water pressures. These pressures together that soil structure is a further factor to be
with residual lateral total stresses are con- taken into account. The soil structure con-
sidered to be sufficient to provide enough tributes to the variations in the induced pore
compressive effective stresses to hold the pressures, and is in turn governed by a dis-
soil in its compacted state. The changes that persion caused by shear strains which are

March, 1964 39

produced by the compaction process. The considerable attention by research workers

initial 'structural condition' in the soil prior particularly in the U.S.A.
to wetting and compaction is also significant,
27. Kneading compaction has been
as well as the swelling reaction of the soil
proposed as a basis for evaluating the effects
aggregates to water.
of the compaction method, and it is also the
basis for the effective stress theory of com-
25. Kneading compactors appear to be 28. The significance of kneading com-
suitable devices for reproducing field con- paction, as a basic test method designed to
ditions in the laboratory. produce realistic laboratory specimens
exhibiting the same structure as soils com-
26. The problem of soil strength in rela- pacted in the field and retaining similar
tion to compaction methods is being given residual interparticle stresses, is apparent.


1. PROCTOR, R. R. Fundamental principles of soil compaction, Eng. News Record, 111

2. D.S.I.R. The compaction of soil: a study of the performance of plant, R.R.L., Tech.
Paper No. 17.

3. WILSON, S. D. A small soil compaction apparatus duplicates field results closely, Eng.
News Record, 145 : 18 (1950).

4. HVEEM, F. N. and DAVIS, H. E. Some concepts concerning fri-axial compression test-

ing of asphaltic paving mixtures and subgrade materials, A.S.T.M. Special Pub. 106

5. ERICKSON, L. F. Flexible pavement design in Idaho, H.R.B. Bull. No. 210 (1959).
6. McRAE, J. L. and RUTLEDGE, P. C. Laboratory kneading of soils to simulate field
compaction, Proc. H.R.B., 50 (December, 1951).

7. JOHNSON, A. W. and SALLBERG, J. R. Factors influencing compaction test results,

H.R.B. Bull. No. 319 (1962).

8. SEED, H. B. and CHAN, C. K. Structure and strength characteristics of compacted clays,

Proc. A.S.C.E. 85 : S.M.5 (October, 1959).

9. SEED, H. B. and CHAN, C. K. Undrained strength of compacted clays after soaking,

Proc. A.S.C.E., 85 : S.M.6 (December, 1959).

10. OLSON, R. E. Effective stress theory of soil compaction, Proc. A.S.C.E., 89 : S.M.2
(March, 1963).

11. HOGENTOGLER, C. A. Essentials of soil compaction, Proc. H.R.B., 15 (1936).

12. LAMBE, T. W. Structure of compacted clay, A.S.C.E. Transactions, 125 (1960).


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