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San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur

Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 7

Division of Integer

During and after the 30-minute discussion at least 75% of the students are expected to:
A. State the rules for Division of Integers;
B. Illustrate the rules for Division of Integers;
C. Solve problems involving Division of Integers; and
D. Relate the concept of Division of Integer into real life situation.


A. Topic: Division of Integers
B. Time Frame: 30 minutes
C. References: Fernando B. Orines, et. al. Next Century Mathematics 7. Phoenix
Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. 2012
D. Instructional Materials: Laptop, LCD TV or VGA-LCD Projector, Manila paper,
E. Concept: Rules for Division of Integer
F. Activities: “Rules of Signs 1&2” “Integer Fighter” and
“The Adventure of Diego da Integers”
G. Skills to be developed: Observing, Analysing, Computing, Critical Thinking,
H. Values to be integrated: Teamwork and Cooperation, Responsibility, Decision-
I. Strategy to be applied: 4A’s Approach (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction,
and Application)
J. Pre-requisite: Division of Real Number, Multiplication of Integers


Time Teaching Hints Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity IMS/LAS

1. Greetings Good Morning, class!

Good Morning, Sir!
2. Prayer Please all stand.
Albert, please lead the
Classmates, let us pray. In
the name of the Father...
Lord, we ask for your
guidance, please give us
the enthusiasm to make
the teaching-learning
process alive and to keep
us, your children, learn
more. In the name of
Jesus our God. Amen.
3. Securing the Before taking your seats,
cleanliness kindly pick-up the pieces of
dirt on the floor and arrange
your chairs properly.
(The students will do the
4. Checking of Class Beadle, please list
attendance down the absentee/s today.
Yes, Sir!
5. Checking of Do we have an assignment?
assignment Yes, Sir! You’ve asked us
to study about the lesson
for today.
So, have you studied your
Yes, Sir!
That’s very good.
6. Recall Okay, what was our topic
last meeting?
Our topic last meeting is
about the Multiplication
of Integer which we have
learned about multiplying
integers either negative of
Very good! It seems that you
really learned the topic that
we discussed yesterday.
7. Motivation Before we proceed to our
next topic, we have a song to Aid
be sung by everyone.
Are you ready, Class?

Yes, Sir!
It’s entitled “Rule of Signs
Song 1 & 2.”

(Use Watermelon Hymn)
In dividing 2x
Use same sign 2x
You will get positive 2x
Now you know 2x

(Students will sing the

In dividing 2x
Use different sign 2x
You will get negative 2x
Now you know 2x
(Use Rock N’ Roll Hymn)
Same sign positive
Different sign is negative

Okay class, settle down.

5 sec B. PRESENTATION OF Our lesson for today is about Ppt

THE LESSON Division of Integers.

1 min C. PRESENTATION OF For you to really learn the Ppt,

OBJECTIVES topic that we are going to Visual
discuss this afternoon, we Aid
have to attain the following
Everyone, kindly read the
objectives flashed on the
(the students will read)
During and after the 30-
minute discussion at least
75% of the students are
expected to:
A. State the rules for
Division of Integers;
B. Illustrate the rules for
Division of Integer;
C. Solve problems
involving Division of
Integers; and
D. Relate the concept of
Division of Integers into
real life situation.

55 sec D. UNLOCKING For you to fully understand Ppt,

DIFFICULTY the lesson. We need to define Visual
first the important terms. Aid

Richard, kindly read the

words flashed on the screen.
Expression – symbols
that represent numbers or
operations. A way of
writing something that
uses numbers and

a ÷ b = c, where a, b, and c
are elements of integers.

a is the dividend, b is the

divisor, and c is the quotient.

Did you understand?

Yes, Sir!
15 E. LESSON PROPER I think you are now ready for
mins the lesson.
1. Activity
Ppt, flash
Let’s have now an activity,
entitled “Integer Fighter”
1. There will be two (2)
groups, Team Positive and
Team Negative.
2. Each member of the
group has their
corresponding two (2)
number cards which contain
same number with different
sign (positive and negative).
Examples (+2 and -2, +3
and -3, etc)
3. The group will choose
whether ‘’head’’ or ‘’tail’’
and the teacher will toss a
coin. The group who guess
it correctly will have the
power to start the game. The
winner will choose their
first player for the battle.
4. First player will choose
his/her partner from the
5. Before going on the
battlefield, the players must
pick only one (1) number
card to be use on the battle.
6. After choosing his/her
partner, at the count of 3,
they will show the number
card they have chosen and
the one who have chosen
first as a player will answer
the quotient of the two
numbers. (Note: The one
who have chosen his/her
partner will holds the
numerator or the dividend
and the chosen partner will
be the denominator or the
7. If he/she answers the
problem correctly the group
where he/she belongs will
gain 1 point. If the answer is
positive the Team Positive
will gain 1 point and if the
answer is negative the Team
Negative will gain 1 point.
(Note: There are at most 2
points in one round. Tips:
Choose wisely in choosing
your partner from the
opponent for you to guess
the right answer.)
8. After the first round, next
player would be the
opponent’s chosen player.
Do the same as the previous
round until the fourth round.
9. The group with higher
points will be the winner of
the game.

±2, ±4, ±6, ±8, ±10
±2, ±4, ±6, ±8, ±10
(Students will play the

2. Analysis What can you say about the

It was exciting and I
really enjoy while
Have you performed an
Yes, Sir!
And what it could be?
It’s the operation of
That’s right!
Have you did something to
solve the integers easily?
Yes, Sir!
Then, what have you done?
I divided the two
numbers and apply the
law of signs like what we
did last meeting on
Multiplication of
Very Good!
3. Abstraction So now, we will discover Ppt
more about our topic for
today. Here are the forms of
Division of Integers.

1.) Box Form


2.) Expression Form


3.) Fraction Form


Where a, b, and c is an
element of integers.

Did you get it?

Yes, Sir!
We already know the forms
of dividing integers, then we
are going to know about
their parts.
a – Dividend
b – Divisor
c – Quotient

a – Dividend
b – Divisor
c – Quotient

Did you understand class?

Yes, Sir!
Very good!
And here is an image that
will help you to fully master
the sign for dividing
integers. (Mickey Mouse

× ÷

̶ ̶
How to divide integers?
1. Perform the operation
which is division.
2. Look at the signs of the
dividend and divisor and
then apply the rules you have
learn from “Mickey Mouse
Secret or from the song we
have sung a while ago.”

Example #1:
25 ÷ (-5) =?
1st: Perform the operation.
25 ÷ 5 = 5
2nd: Apply the rules for
division of signs.
Positive ÷ Negative is
Negative, because they have
different signs.

Example #2:
(-25) ÷ (-5) =?
1st: Perform the operation.
25 ÷ 5 = 5
2nd: Apply the rules for
division of signs.
Negative ÷ Negative is
Positive, because they have
same signs.

So now, are you ready for the

next activity?
Yes Sir! Sure!
The quotient of two nonzero
integers is not necessarily an
integer. The quotient be a
terminating or repeating
decimal. This implies that
the integers are not closed
under division.
Division by zero is never

4. Application Let’s have an activity Activity

entitled “The Adventure of Sheet
Diego da Integer.” Group
yourselves as same as the
group you had a while ago.

Did you know Diego and

Yes, Sir!
Dora was exploring the
world but she have left
Diego from their last stop.
You need to help Diego to
find the way to Dora’s place.
Solve the Following
problems to help Diego in
finding Dora da Explorer.
1. Find the quotient of the
15 given expressions.
2. Once you have the
answer, consider the sign
it bears, if positive – go
up/right and if negative –
go down/left. (Note: 1
square = 1 unit. Start
counting on the next
square next on you place.)
3. Help Diego to find Dora.

1. 28 ÷ 2 =?
2. (-9) ÷ 3 =?
3. 33 ÷ (-3) =?
4. 16 ÷ (-4) =?
5. (-14) ÷ (-2) =?
6. (-10) ÷ 5 =?
7. (-20) ÷ 5 =?
8. 8 ÷ (-2) =?
9. 21 ÷ 3 =?
10. (-25) ÷ (-5) =?
11. 40 ÷ 10 =?
12. (-36) ÷ (-6) =?
13. 16 ÷ 2 =?
14. (-20) ÷ 2 =?
15. (-6) ÷ (-2) =?

(Activity 1.3 is attached

together with this LP.)

Did you understand class?

Yes, Sir!
1 mins F. GENERALIZATION Mr Auste, may you
generalize our lesson for
Division of Integers is
like Multiplication of
Integers which in terms
of the rules of signs.
Dividing the integers,
first thing to do is to
perform the operation and
then apply the rules for
dividing/multiplying the
signs of integers.
Thank you!

1 mins G. VALUES How can we relate the

INTEGRATION concept of Dividing Integers
into real life situation?
In our life, we can
encounter every day
those different tasks that
we should finish on time.
In order for us to
accomplish our task on
time, we have to divide
our time for each of it.
Then the dividend serves
as our time, the divisor
must be our different
tasks. So, if we distribute
correctly our time into
our designated tasks then
we could get the quotient
of accomplishment.


MULTIPLE CHOICE: Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

____ 1. 5 divides 15, is equal to?

a. -2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
____ 2. What will be the quotient if the dividend is 72 and the divisor is 8?
a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. -8
____ 3. – 36 divided by 3 will be equal to?
a. 9 b. -12 c. -16 d. 18
____ 4. What is the quotient of 10 divides 1,000,000?
a. -1000 b. 100,000 c. 600,000 d. 700,000
____ 5. – 4 divides – 44 equals?
a. -3 b. 6 c. -7 d. 11

1. The basketball team lost their last 5 games. They lost by a total of 4o points. What is the
average number of points lost per game?
2. The product of two numbers is -39,483. If one number is 123, what is the other number?
3. In math contest, every correct answer is worth 3 points and every wrong answer is worth -2
points. If ralph answered 30 questions correctly and got 10 wrong answers what was his total

Prepared by:

(Group 8)

Ramos, John Marq E.

Regala, Julie Ann E.
Sabinorio, Christian A.
Valera, Ramon Bong A.
Villarba, Kurt Rencel
Villasenor, Jake Ryan
Yago, Sharmen B.
Checked by:



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