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Data Structure Lab

Index List

Sr. No. Description Date

1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15(a), 16
1 Program to implement push, pop, peep, display functions in a stack using
A. Arrays
B. Linked list

2 Program to implement Enqueue, Dequeue, QueueFront, QueueRear,

display functions in a linear queue using
A. Arrays
B. Linked list

3 Program to implement evaluation of postfix expression

4 Program to implement parenthesis matching

5 Program to implement insert,delete and display in a circular queue.

6 Program to implement insert,delete and display jobs in a priority queue.

7 Program to implement the following searching techniques :

A. Linear Search
B. Binary Search
C. Interpolation Search

8 Program to implement singly linked list for the following operations :

A. Create
B. Display
C. Insert node at beginning
D. Insert node at the end
E. Insert node at the desired location
F. Delete node at beginning
G. Delete node at the end
H. Delete node at the desired location

9 Program to implement doubly linked list for the following operations :

A. Create
B. Display
C. Insert node at beginning
D. Insert node at the end
E. Insert node at the desired location
F. Delete node at beginning
G. Delete node at the end
H. Delete node at the desired location
Sr. No. Description Date
10 Program to implement circular linked list for the following operations:
A. Create
B. Display
E. Insert node at the desired location
D. Delete node at the desired location

Program to implement singly linked list , doubly linked list and circular linked list for the
11 following operations :
A. Create
B. Search for a node
C. Count
D. Reverse the list
E. Sort the data
F. Display

12 Program to implement binary search tree for the following operations;

A. Insert into BST
B.Delete from BST
C.Search the data in the BST
D.Find the smallest node in the BST
E. Find the largest node in the BST
F. Preorder Traversal
G. Inorder Traversal
H. Postorder Traversal

13 Program to implement the following insertion sorting techniques:

A.Straight Insertion Sort
B.Shell Sort

14 Program to implement the following selection sorting technique using

A. Straight Selection Sort

Program to implement the following selection sorting technique - Heap Sort with the
15 following operations:
A. Create
B. Display
C. Delete
D. Sort

16 Program to implement the following Exchange sorting techniques:

A.Bubble Sort
B. Quick Sort

17 Program to implement the following sorting technique using

A. Radix Sort

Use direct method to insert the keys 99, 33, 23, 44, 56, 43, 19 into an array of size
18 100.Use linear probe method to resolve any collisions.

Use subtraction method to insert the keys 99, 33, 23, 44, 56, 43, 19 into an array of size
19 100 .Use linear probe method to resolve any collisions.

Use modulo division hashing method to store the keys 55, 65, 20, 12, 66, 26, 90 in an
20 array of size 13. Use linear probe method to resolve any collisions.

Use digit extraction method to store the keys 155,165,120,121,166,126,190 in an array

sizeof 100. Extract the Ist and the 3rd digit. Use linear probe method to resolve any
21 collisions.

Use fold shift method to store the keys 1515,1615,1210,1211,1616,1216,1910 in an

array sizeof 100. Extract the Ist and the 3rd digit. Use linear probe method to resolve any
22 collisions.

Use fold boundary method to store the key 123456789 and 789456123 in an array sizeof
23 100. Use linear probe method to resolve any collisions.

24 Program to represent a graph using an adjacency matrix.

25 Program to implement the traversal of graphs:

A. Depth First Search using linked list version of stacks.
B.Breadth First Search using linked list version of queues.

26 Program to implement Warshall's algorithm to find the shortest path using graph.

27 Program to implement minimum spanning tree using kruskal's or prim's algorithm.

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