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Complete Report of Basic Biology with the tittle “Introduction and Using
Microscope” that made by :
name : Nur Ummu Pratiwi Arifuddin
ID : 1414442007
class :A
group : III
after checked and approved by Assistant and Assistant Coordinator.

Makassar, December 17𝑡ℎ 2014

Assistant Coordinator, Assistant,

Djumarirmanto S.Pd Makmum Ashari


Known by,
Responsibility Lecture

Drs.H.Hamka L,MS
ID.1921231 198702 1 005

A. Background

Everything that exists on this earth must have the parts, as well as an
element or particle. Nothing could be seen with the naked eye, some are not
visible to the naked eye, because the lens in the human eye is very limited in
its scope, so it can only see things in a certain size.
To examine several sciences such as biology and its branches, not
enough if only rely on normal human eyesight. Because science is strongly
associated with the micro molecules or structures that are very small, such as
body structure of animals and plants. Therefore, needed a tool with many
times magnification of the normal human eye.
We must to know that microscope is a optical tool that is used to see
the smallest structures of living things both located within and outside the
body. And then, microscope is an instrument that is most widely used and
most useful in the laboratory microscopy and biology, because almost all the
subjects of Biology requires a microscope in laboratory activities. Therefore,
the microscope must be introduced to the students early on, especially
students who majored in biology. Because by using a microscope, we can
easily observe the structure of the body of an organism that can not be seen
by our eyes.
Microscope will enable us to observe objects that are very small. It
helps to solve human problems of small organisms. Study about microscope
means knowing the parts, know the function of the parts, as well as knowing
how to care for and secured. There are two types of microscopes based on the
appearance of the observed object, that is two-dimensional microscopy (light
microscopy) and three-dimensional microscope (stereo microscope). While
based on the light source, the microscope can be divided into light
microscopy and electron microscope.
B. Purpose

The Students capable to use the biology microscope with quickly and
safely for looke the simple stock.

C. Benefit

The Students in University can to know a part of biology microscope with

the function, and The students in University capable use the microscope with
the carefully and then can to pacify it.

Microscope (Greek language: micron = small and scopos = destination) is a

tool to see objects that are too small to be seen with the naked eye. The science
that studies of small objects with megngunakan this tool called microscopic and
microscopic word means that very small, not easily visible to the eye. The most
common type of microscope, and was first created an optical microscope. This
microscope is an optical instrument consisting of one or more lenses that produce
full grown image of an object placed in the focal plane of the lens
(Spencer, 1982).
Two important value is the magnification of a microscope and decay, or
resolution. Enlargement reflects the number of times larger than the size of the
object look real. Just as the power of the human eye is limited explained, power is
also limited explained microscope. The microscope can magnify objects in the
design for the desired amount, but never decipher light microscope finer details of
approximately 0.2 mm, the size of a small bacterium (Mitchell, 2002).
The microscope was first used by scientists in the laboratory, is a light
microscope. Visible light is passed through a specimen magnified when the
shadow was projected into our eyes (Mitchell, 2002).

Antony van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) actually does not the professional

scientist. Real profession is as a "wine terster" in town Delf, Belanda.Ia used to
use a magnifying glass to observe the fibers pain. In a fact, he was not the first in
the use of the microscope, but the great curiosity of the universe makes it one of
the inventors of microbiology. He uses a very simple microscope to observe the
river water, rain, feces, and the other one. He also increase microscope with more
lenses mashing and put it on a slab of plate. Eventually he made 250 microscope
that can enlarge 200-300 times (Spencer, 1982).
Microscope is a tool that allows us to observe objects that are very small.
There are two types of microscopes based on the appearance of the observed
object, ie two-dimensional microscopy (light microscopy) and three-dimensional
microscope (stereo microscope). While based on the light source, the microscope
can be divided into light microscopy and electron microscope (Ristiati, 2002):
1. Light Microscope
Light microscope has a maximum magnification of 1000 times. The
microscope has a heavy and sturdy legs in order to stand stably. Light
microscope has three lens system, namely the objective lens, ocular lens,
and condenser. Objective lens and eyepiece located at both ends of the tube
microscope. There are two kinds of light microscopy (Ristiati, 2000).
a. bright field microscope
Bright field microscope is used to enlarge the picture of the object on the
test, to determine the size, composition and characteristics of the motility
of bacteria and the other of microbes. From this microscope, microscope
field or area being tell about with bright observed that the object being
observed looks darker than the background tow. Objective lens magnify
the object description typically 4-100 times and eyepiece generally 10-15
times the picture to enlarge (Ristiati, 2000).
b. Dark field microscope
Objects that are observed in this microscope bright and very real to the
dark field (dark background). This microscope is often used to look like
Treponema spirochaeta (causes syphilis), Leptospira (leptospirosis)
(Ristiati, 2000).

2. Stereo Microscope
Stereo microscope is a type of microscope that can only be used for objects that
are relatively large. Stereo microscope has a magnification of 7 to 30 times.
The thing of observed with this microscope can be seen in three dimensions.
The main components of a stereo microscope is similar to a light microscope.
The lens consists of eyepiece and objective lens. Some differences with the
light microscope are: (1) space stereo microscope lens sharpness is much
higher than the light microscope so that we can see the three-dimensional shape
of the observed objects, (2) the source of light comes from above so thick
objects can be observed. (Michael, 1982)

3.Electron Microscope
The electron microscope has a magnification of up to 100 thousand times, the
electron is used instead of light. Electron microscopy has two types, namely a
scanning electron microscope (SEM) were used to study cell surface
architectural detail and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to
observe the detailed structure of the internal cells (Michael, 1982).

Another type of microscope that also exist, such as:

1. Flouresensi Microscope
Flouresensis microscope used to observe the presence of microbes in tissue
culture or a mixture of plants and animals with special staining can produce
shadows that glow that can be easily observed. This microscope uses
ultraviolet light that is not visible (Ristiati, 2000).
2. The phase of contrast microscope
Phase contrast microscopy is used to increase the contrast between cells with
the background between the structures in the cytoplasm of cells. This
microscope digunakanuntuk view objects with an index of refraction of
different light. With this technique can be found in the cell layout structure
that is not colored unobserved by bright field microscopy (Ristiati, 2000).

The eye receptors of the retina for sensing color are the cone cells; the cells
for distinguishing levels of brightness, not in color, are the rod cells. These cells
are located on the retina at the back of the inside of the eye. The front of the eye,
including the iris, the curved cornea, and the lens are respectively the mechanisms
for admitting light and focusing it on the retina. From there, the “message” is sent
to the brain via the optic nerve (Abramowitz, 2003).

A. Time and Place

Day / Date : Wednesday, December 10𝑡ℎ 2014

Time : 4.30 pm until 5.30 pm
Place : Green House Biology & Experimental Farm,
Mathematic & Science Faculty State University of
B. Equipment and Materials

1. Tools
a. Biology Microscope
b. Tool Box :
1) Thing of glass
2) Close of glass
3) Petri dish
4) Tweezers
5) Hand Pipette
c. New silette
d. White cotton
e. The new flannel fabrics
f. Pencil and drawing book
g. Toothpicks
2. Materials
a. Disstilled water
b. The filter paper or blotting paper
c. Hibiscus leaves (Hibiscus tiliaceus)
d. Pumpkin leaves ( Cucurbita sp )
e. Onion (Allium cepa)
f. Adam-hawa leaves (Rheo discolor)
C. Work Procedures

1. Prepare the microscope

a. Put the microscope on the desk
b. Cleaning the microscope body with a flannel cloth
c. Open the toolbox, issued a petri dish containing glass objects and glass
cover, then clean cloth or cotton cloth object with filter paper.
Getting rid of all the tools that are not used during the practicum.
2. Set the the entry of light into the tubus
a. Observing state of the practice room, to looking for direction of the light.
Then the mirror directs the light source to the microscope.
b. Set the the position of the revolver
c. Lowering tubus to end distance objective with preparation table or tubus
down 5-10 mm maximum.
d. telescoped through the eyepiece with eyes squinted kiritanpa right.
e. Observing preparations with a microscope.

3. Set the distance of the lens with the preparation

1. Rotate coarse regulator or makrometer finger toward masters, tubus
down, distance objective with smaller dosage table, then do the opposite
2. Installing seediaan glass objects on a table containing preparations such
that the material is in the middle of the hole table, then pinned with
3. Observing objective distance with glass objects should not be more than
4. Telescoped through the ocular twirling tubus makrometer raise slowly.
5. Checking magnification eyepiece and objective.
6. Removing preparations.

4. Make a simple preparations

a. Taking the glass objects that have been in the clear.
b. Splitting material (alliumcepa, rossa sinensis hibiscus, hibiscus
tiliaceus, Cucurbita sp) as thin as possible, and then put it on the glass
c. Drops of water, then cover with a cover slip slowly.
d. Observing simple preparations with a microscope.

5. Change the magnification

a. If observers 4.4 have succeeded, 3.4 and 3.5 shadow appears to be raised
b. Rotate such a way that the longer the objective lens (strong)
perpendicular to the table preparation and a click.
c. Telescoped while turning the micrometer to appear larger shadow.
d. If you fail to find a shade that is more besar.Menaikkan tubus to rotate in
opposite directions masters finger makrometer.
e. Observing other objects by raising tubus, issued slides were observed
and clean the body and cover glass.
f. Make a new dosage.
g. At the end of the activity that uses a microscope, should pay attention to
the following points:
1) preparations should not be stored above the counter preparations,
should be excluded.
2) preparations should be cleaned with a wet filter paper or cotton cloth
(glass objects + glass cover) .Simpan in a petri dish and put in the
gear box.
3) Cleaning the microscope body with a flannel cloth. Lowering tubus
as low as possible.
4) Save the microscope in the microscope box.
5) Clean all equipment that has been used with cotton cloth and stored
in a box.
6) Saves your own equipment to be used in the next activity.
7) Throwing rest of the ingredients that does not used anymore in the
bins provided.
A. Discussion

Have been finished the experiment of "how to use the a microscope". Can
we know it the optical a microscope consisted of 2 are biological a microscope
and stereo a microscope. Where is the sense of a stereo a microscope is a tool
which is used for observing objects that are not too large, transparent or not.
While the biological a microscope are a tool used for view or examine the objects
that are not visible by human eyes. In this practicum we used a microscope is a
microscope biological.
In this experiment, we use the 4 plants that will become the object the
study. The plants are used in the form of leaves of Hibiscus (Hibiscus tiliaceus),
Pumpkin leaves (Curcubita Muscota), Onion (Allium cepa), and leaves Adam-Eve
(Rheo-discolor). Only two plants that used for become the object our study, are
leaves Pumpkin (Cucurbita Muscota) and Onion (Allium cepa). Where, we
observing two of these plants by using 2 times of magnification are 10x10 and
In the first experiment for the plant of leaves pumpkin (Cucurbita muscuta)
by using a thin new silette to slice of the pumpkin leaves. With 10x10
magnification on a microscope biological which is used, we can to know where is
the location of of the trichomes of leaves pumpkin that is shaped like a small yarn
that is transparent. With 40x10 magnification on a microscope biological which is
used, is very obviously visible trichomes of sliced green pumpkin because on this
magnification can be known that of the pumpkin leaf trichomes was enlarged /
made clear.
In a second experiment to plant onion (Allium cepa), using a razor blade to
slice the onions thinly. In a 10x10 magnification in a common of biological
microscope, we can know the result of enlargement that we can see the cell and
the wall of cells from the onion. And at the moment the last enlargement of 40x10
onions on biological microscope, we know the cell wall and its nucleus.


A. Conclussion

From the microscope, there are two kinds of lenses which the objective lens
and the ocular lens. The objective lens is a lens that is near to the object, while the
the ocular lens is a lens that is adjacent to the eyes.
Biological microscopes used for thin transparent objects experiments.
Biological microscope magnification strength is objective 4x and 10x eyepiece,
objective 10x and 10x eyepiece, objective 40x and 10x eyepiece, and 100x
objective and eyepiece. by using a microscope, we can easily observe the structure
of the body of an organism that can not be seen by our eyes.

B. Suggestion

1. To Apprentice: for don’t be noisy when the practicum have take place,
and could be focused and discipline in doing practical
2. To Assistant: better if given the correct information with the agreement of
the assistant about the content of the report, etc. Because
when the assistance, for making a ratification page on the
whiteboard, written for the signature the location of the
assistant was in the left and the location of the assistant
coordinator for the signature located on the right. But that
does not conform with the willingness assistant.
3. To Laboran: to be able to provide more an adequate equipment and
pay attention to the microscope will be used by the

Abramowitz, Mortimer. 2003. MICROSCOPE Basics and Beyond. Olympus

America: America.
Reece, Mitchell. 2002. Biologi Campbell Biologi Edisi Kelima Jilid I.
Erlangga: Jakarta.
Ristiati. 2000. Classiffy Insect Zoom In On True Bugs. e-book:Jakarta.
Spencer, Michael. 1982. Fundamentals of Light Microscopy. The Press Syndicate
of the University of the Cambridge: New York.
Tim Penyusun. 2014. Penuntun Praktikum Biologi Dasar. Laboratorium Biologi
FMIPA UNM:Makassar.
 Answer of Question :
1. names of the optical part of the microscope is:
a. objective lens
b. ocular lens
c. condenser
d. mirror
e. diaphragm
2. names of the mechanical part of the microscope is:
a. legs
b. pole
c. arm
d. regulator of condenser
e. preparation table
f. Sengkeling
g. mechanical drive
h. The hole of preparation table
i. Makrometer
j. micrometer
k. Tubus
l. Revolver
3. When shadow in the field shifted left-front, the glass objects / of
preparation is shifted to the right-rear. Because the shadow that
appears or viewed on a microscope real nature, inverted, enlarged, so
that should be shifted in the opposite direction.
4. The negative effect of the microscope when the lens is rubbed with a
cloth or plain paper / rough is going to cause the lens to be scratched
even broken, the lens will be blurry and vague that observed
bayanagan will appear blurred. In addition, the observation could be
wrong because of the scratches can be regarded as the result of
1. Picture of observation
Observation Picture Comparison Picture Note

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