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10 ways drinking warm water with lemon

and honey can do wonders for your

Pavitra Sampath Feb 06, 2014 at 03:03 pm

Drinking honey and lemon mixed with warm water, every morning, on an
empty stomach is often touted as the best way to lose weight. But this
mixture, if had at the right time in the day, can do much more than help
you reach your weight loss goal. Here are 9 ways a mixture of honey,
lemon juice and warm water can help you stay fit and healthy.
First things first — how to make the mixture.
Fill a tall glass with warm water (as hot as you can tolerate), add the juice
of half a lemon and one teaspoon of honey to it. Now stir the mixture well
and drink it. If you are a diabetic, there is no need to shy away from this
drink, here is why it is safe for you to add honey to this elixer. Also,
remember to avoid drinking tea or coffee for at least half an hour after you
have had the honey and lemon mixture. Read about 5 combinations of
honey that work wonders for your health and beauty!
Here’s how this drink can help you:
Helps keep constipation at bay: Warm water with lemon and honey,
when had in the morning, stimulates the digestive system, helps produce
intestinal mucus, hydrates the colon and infuses water into dried stool — a
common reason for constipation. Apart from that the warm water helps
kick start bowel movements, aiding in regular and constipation free
motions. But if you suffer from long-standing constipation woes you could
try some of these home remedies to treat constipation.
Hastens the process of weight loss: Apart from cleansing your
stomach, the lemon juice present in the mixture, goes a long way in
helping you lose weight. Packed with a type of fiber called pectin, lemon
helps make you feel full and keeps cravings at bay. The warm water,
honey and lemon also creates a more alkaline atmosphere in your
stomach helping you lose weight faster. Apart from this, you could also
supplement your weight loss efforts with these tips to lose weight in 20
Aids in better digestion: Better digestion is essential for the proper
functioning of your body, and this mixture is exactly what you need to keep
your digestive tract in great condition. Each of the components of this
drink aid in better digestion. Lemon helps your liver produce more bile
which helps your digestive system breakdown complex foods better and
utilise the essential components. Honey on the other hand has
antibacterial properties that help thwart any infections you might have.
Apart from that it also helps increase the production of mucous in your
stomach which indirectly helps in flushing out toxins from your body. Apart
from drinking this healthy drink every day, make sure you avoid these
foods that are difficult to digest.
Can improve the functioning of the colon: In Ayurveda it is believed
that we tend to have a build up of toxins or ‘ama’ on the inner lining of our
stomach, that is the treason for a number of ailments including cancer.
This product of undigested food, intestinal cells and dead bacteria often
coats the inner lining of our stomach and is thought to lead to diseases. By
drinking lemon and honey mixed with warm water the walls of the intestine
– especially the colon – get stimulated; leading to the expulsion of
this ama. If understanding Ayurveda is not your thing, allopathy describes
this mixture as a potent natural way to cleanse the colon, allowing it to
function better by helping your body absorb nutrients, get rid of toxins,
stay adequately hydrated and keep bloating at bay. Also, do try
the Ayurvedic detox diet on a regular basis to keep your insides clean and
functioning well.
Helps cleanse the lymphatic system: According to experts, a
dehydrated lymphatic system is one of the leading causes of illness. Lack
of water and essential fluids in the lymphatic system can make you feel
sluggish, fatigued, lead to constipation, disturbed sleep, high or low blood
pressure, stress and an all-round lack in mental function. The benefit of
drinking this mixture early in the morning is that it gives your lymphatic
system a boost and helps hydrate the entire system.
Can give your energy levels a boost and improve your mood: Not a
morning person? Well, this mixture can help beat that lethargy and fatigue
you often feel every morning. How? Well, honey is an instant energy
booster – minus the calories. Water helps clear your mind by providing
fresh blood to your brain, and lemon activates your digestive system,
getting to work properly and eliminating toxins that are often the reason for
lethargy. Moreover the scent of lemon is known to be a natural relaxan t
and can help uplift your mood. If you continue to feel fatigued, even after
trying this remedy, there may be other causes for your symptoms. Do not
neglect it and visit a doctor.
Aids in cleansing your urinary tract and acts as a diuretic: Honey is a
very potent antibacterial agent, that has the capability to beat a number of
common infections. When mixed with lemon and water – two agents that
act as excellent diuretics (agents that flush out water from your body) –
this concoction is the best way to cleanse your urinary tract. For women
who suffer from frequent UTI (urinary tract infection) this is a boon and is
known to keep recurrent infections at bay.
Helps beat bad breath and improves oral health: The acidic nature of
lemon combined with the innate properties of honey and water can help
beat bad breath almost instantly. The lemon cleanses your mouth,
activating your salivary glands and killing offensive bacteria. When added
to honey and water, it helps wash down bacteria and degraded food that is
usually present in your mouth and throat early in the morning. Another
reason for bad breath is the formation of a white film on your tongue
(mainly consisting of decaying food and bacteria), this effectively gets rid
of that film making your breath fresh – naturally. If this doesn’t freshen
your breath, you can try these expert tips.
Can help give you a natural glow and clear skin: The benefits of lemon
on your skin are aplenty, but apart from that, its cleansing action also
helps in purifying your blood, also aiding in the production of new blood
cells that acts as potent cleaning agents. The water and honey lend a
unique restorative, antibacterial and collagen boosting properties to your
skin as well.

9 Benefits of Honey Water

You Never Knew

Maybe you only know the benefits of a warm glass of water in the
morning or maybe you have only heard about how honey is great for
your skin, but have you heard what wonders combining warm water
and honey can do for you overall? Read on and let me tell you the
wonders of honey and warm water. I promise you, this is no old
wives’ tale.

1. Watch Your Weight Melt Away

Yes, drinking water and honey can help you lose weight. Get the
plaguing thoughts about the sugar aspect of honey out of your head,
as that is one of its benefits. I know, I know, it sounds crazy and too
good to be true, but it isn’t. The sugar in honey is a natural sugar (or
read: good for you), which provides a healthy source of calories. Not
only that, it can help to ward off any sugary sweet beverage cravings
you may have. Soda pop is full of empty calories, and though
everyone knows this they still reach for the bubbly refreshment. By
cutting back on the amount of pop you drink, your calorie intake
drops and with that so do the pounds. It may not be an overnight
success story, but it is better for you all around in the long run.

2. Stay Regular
OK, I know talking about being ‘regular’ can sometimes be taboo,
but if Jamie Lee Curtis can do it, so can I. Drinking a warm glass of
water with honey first thing in the morning helps to improve your
digestive system. The antiseptic benefits of honey help relieve the
acidity in your stomach while increasing the production of intestinal
mucus. It also helps to hydrate the colon and infuse water into your,
excuse me for this, stool. All of this combines you passing much
more easily and regularly. Which brings us back to watching your
weight melt away, because… well, I think you can figure the rest of
this one out without my help.

3. Gives Your Immune System A Helping

Have I stressed just how good honey is for you yet? Honey has
amazing bacteria-killing properties. If you go for raw, organic honey
(you should) it is full of enzymes (hello again digestion), vitamins
and minerals that lead the front line against protecting against
bacteria. One study presented at the Society for General
Microbiology’s Spring Conference in Harrogate, UK found that
Manuka honey may even help reverse bacterial resistance to
antibiotics. Honey is also an antioxidant, which helps fight those
bad free radicals that reek havoc in our body and on our skin.

4. Reduce Your Allergies

And no, I’m not suggesting to take a Claritin or something like that
with the glass of honey water. By using raw, local honey you help to
acclimate your body to the pollens of your area. In turn, this helps to
reduce your susceptibility to environmental allergies. If you really
think about what bees do in the grand scheme of things, this makes
perfect sense. Now I know the warm water isn’t necessarily crucial
to helping with allergies, but being hydrated is never a bad thing.

5. Hello Energy, My Old Friend

Move over coffee – honey and warm water are the new dream team
for boosting energy. The benefit to your energy levels by staying
hydrated has all but been shouted from a rooftop. Think of your
body as a houseplant. You know how droopy and sad it gets when
you’ve forgotten to water it? Your body essentially does the same
thing. Studies have shown that even mild dehydration can leave you
feeling lethargic, drowsy and sluggish. So let’s add honey into this
equation. Now you have a natural source of simple sugars and
carbohydrates (energy-givers) to an all ready proven energy booster.
The total? A refreshed outlook on life and energy that you didn’t
know could come without a cup of coffee. Now, I’m not telling you to
cut coffee out – I know I couldn’t function with out it – but next
time you feel an afternoon crash, try reaching for some honey and
warm water first and see if that does the trick.

6. Soothe That Sore Throat And Cut That

According to the Mayo Clinic, hot water with honey can help reduce
the soreness and irritation of a sore throat. Honey helps to coat the
throat while the warm water soothes. This soothing and coating
action also helps to reduce your cough, as coughing is sometimes
caused by irritation from a sore throat.

7. Detox, Detox, Detox!

Honey and warm water helps to flush out the toxins from your body.
By helping you to get regular, it helps you to regularly rid your body
of toxins that can build up and cause disease. Adding lemon to the
mix increases the benefits, as lemons help to increase urination,
dispelling toxins more frequently and keeping your urinary tract
healthy. Lemon contains citric acid, which helps to maximize
enzyme function and in turn stimulate the liver and help with

8. Gassy? It Helps With That.

Feeling a little uncomfortable and gassy? Drinking a glass of warm
water and honey will help! Honey helps to neutralize gas.

9. Increase Your Health

Not only will drinking warm water and honey increase your
hydration (plus everything else I’ve listed), it also helps to increase
the levels of “good” cholesterol in your body and reduce
cardiovascular strain. I call that a win, win.

What are you waiting for?! Go get yourself a glass of warm water
and honey while you check out these other great articles!
The Miraculous Manuka Honey
Manuka Honey was first introduced to
me many years ago when my sister brought back a few bottles of if from her New
Zealand honeymoon trip. And frankly, when she told me that it was "medicine", I
wasn't at all thrilled to eat it. (I guess many of us tend to associate the word with the
synthetic medicine prescribed by doctors in the clinics.) Many years later, I came to
know the honey as the most treasured honey in New Zealand and Australia that has
miraculous healing effects.

Unique Manuka Factor or commonly known as UMF is the only worldwide standard in
identifying and measuring the antibacterial strength or quality of some strains of
Manuka. It is a guarantee that the honey being sold has the special UMF antibacterial
property and a UMF rating of 10 is the minimum recognised. Ordinary manuka has only the
hydrogen peroxide antibacterial property which is common to most types of honey, whereas
UMF Manuka has both the natural hydrogen peroxide antibacterial property and its own
natural UMF antibacterial property, giving it increased antibacterial potency. The UMF
property is very stable, unlike the hydrogen peroxide antibacterial property common in most
honey which is easily destroyed by heat, light as well as certain enzymes in body serum.

Most Common Uses of Manuka Honey

1. Gastritis
2. Stomach Ulcers
3. Tonsillitis
4. Sinusitis
5. Skin ailments eg eczema, hives, rosacea, rashes
6. Building Body Immunity
7. Facial masks
8. Common Flus, Coughs and Colds
9. Cuts and Burns

UMF Manuka, also known as "Medihoney" in some pharmacies, is the preferred honey for
wound dressing and other special therapeutic uses and studies are showing Manuka with
high levels of UMF could be very effective in helping relieve stomach ulcer symptoms and
gastritis, and sore throats, and when applied topically, in assisting the natural cure of skin
ulcers, wounds, burns, boils, cracked skin. That is also why many skincare products also
contain UMF manuka as a special ingredient and promise positive benefits from their
regular application on the skin. Another reason why Manuka honey, which is available in
most Kiwi homes, is favoured by so many honey fans is that it has a higher than normal
conductivity, which is an indirect measurement of mineral content of a honey - about 4 times
that of normal flower honeys. UMF is not found in the nectar of all Manuka flowers, which
are known as Leptospermum scoparium and belong to the the Tea Tree bushes found in
New Zealand's coastal areas. (To be more accurate here, Manuka is also found in
Tasmania, but it has been so successfully marketed and branded by New Zealand
producers that most people see it an exclusively Kiwi product.) Some Manuka bushes do
not produce honey with the UMF property every year, and the concentrations of UMF can
vary from batch to batch and year to year. The reason why only some Manuka honeys have
the unique UMF antibacterial property is not yet known. Researchers believe that it could be
from a subspecies of Manuka or due to some environmental factor such as soil type.

UMF, NPA, MGO Ratings and Trademarks

There are varying UMF strengths - UMF 10, UMF

15, UMF 20, UMF 25, and the higher the UMF, the
more expensive is the honey. Manuka honey
labelled with a registered trademark UMF® by
licensed companies are packed into jars with
ratings of UMF 10 or more. In the market, you can
now find other established certified measurements
and trademarks of this extraordinary antibacterial
property with the same medicinal benefits as
UMF. They are the NPA Label, Non Peroxide Activity and MGO, the Methylglyoxal rating. A
bottle of Manuka with an NPA 15+ is comparable to UMF 15+, NPA 20+ is comparable to
UMF 20+, and so on, whereas Manuka MGO 200+ is the equivalent of UMF 10+ and MGO
400+ is the equivalent of UMF 20+.

The taste of Manuka is probably an acquired one; the more you eat it, the more you would
be able to appreciate its remarkable depth and the unique unforgetable foresty aroma that
stands out amongst the honey varieties.Many find mixing a tablespoon of the honey with
warm water or tea helpful in treating a sore throat, cough, cold or flu symptoms, and for
countering "heatiness" in the body. I love everything about this honey except its price. I am
not sure how easy it is for you to find this honey, but a bottle of Manuka honey with
UMF here in Singapore is really expensive - about 10 times or more the price of regular
honey! And a pack of 20 Manuka honey and propolis drops/lozenges from New Zealand for
soothing the throat costs about 9 Sing dollars (about 6 US dollars).

Warning: According to Dr. Ron Fessenden of The Honey Revolution, daily consumption of
Manuka honey is not recommended for those who are diabetic or prediabetic due to its high
level of methylglyoxal which could induce complications of diabetes.

Related Pages

1. What is the real deal about UMF Manuka honey? My thoughts and take on the subject
in UMF Manuka Honey And Its Big Price Tag

2. If you are residing in Singapore, visit e-store Bee Healthy and check out the sale of
Manuka honey there. Bulk orders prices available too.
Benefits Of Honey For Digestion And Gastritis Treatment
Thursday, February 14th 2013. | Diseases


Benefits of honey for digestion and gastritis treatment. Honey therapy

is usually done by people with gastritis as a treatment. This therapy an
assortment of the way, can also use the traditional way. Gastric is a
empty pouch-shaped organ located in the upper left abdomen, just
below the rib cage. He can expand to accommodate food and
In the stomach there is a ring that regulates the entry of food. This ring
will close when the food is finished entry in the gastric. On the gastric
wall there is a muscle layer are powerful to destroy food, working with
enzymes that break down chemically.
One of the fluid in the gastric is hydrochloric acid (HCL) which could
even be crush iron. Can imagine if this acid increased can damage the
stomach itself, That is why gastric mucosal releasing the bicarbonate
ion to protect the wall gastric mucosa of the damage.
Actually PH in gastric can prevent his life the microorganisms, except
for microorganisms that are resistant to acid PH. It’s just that in certain
circumstances, a person with an unhealthy lifestyle and inability to
manage emotions, so that there arose gastritis. Delaying meals, eat too
spicy and sour, heavy meal, medicine and certain vitamins, can lead to
Symptoms Of Gastritis
Gastritis disease is common, this happens because of the tendency to
diet and meal times are irregular and unhealthy has become part of
one’s lifestyle. Type of food and meal times (late meal) and even stress
can affect rising levels of stomach acid. If this happens it will be very
easy to recognize, symptoms as follows:
 Often experience pain and tenderness in the stomach and gut.
 Abdominal bloating if late to eat and feel sick to your stomach after
 Often accompanied by nausea and sometimes vomiting
 Frequent belching, especially if in a state of hunger

 Decreased appetite, pale face, cold sweat and dizziness.

The Cause Of Gastritis
Ulcer disease is a symptom of disease due to factors that damage the
gastric mucosal defense outweigh the factors that protect the gastric
mucosal defense. Here are some of the causes of gastritis:
 Unhealthy lifestyle
 Irregular eating patterns
 Eating foods that contain lots of fat so that will stimulate the
production of stomach acid
 Stress, fatigue, and emotional distress were excessive.
 Often stayed up late, lack of sleep or insomnia
 Smoking.
 Excessive coffee addiction
 Eating certain drugs in the long term
 Bacteria cause gastritis, harmful microorganisms (helycobacter
pylori), by releasing a substance that stimulates the production of
stomach acid.
Benefits Of Honey For Digestion, Especially Gastritis Therapy:
 Lowering stomach acid
 Healthy stomach (treatment of cancer and inflammation of the
 Preventing the occurrence of deposition because the content of the

bees acid that affect the intestinal bacteria

 Preventing constipation (difficult bowel movements)
 Sources of nutrients required liver tissue

Honey is liquid-like syrup, honey is more viscous and sweet taste,

produced by bees and other insects from the nectar of flowers. If wasp
honey already in the hive, the nectar removed from in the bag the
abdomen of honey and other bee chewed work together, if the nectar
is finely placed on the cell, if the cell is full will be closed and it
In addition, the results of the study proved that the bacteria that cause
disease in humans can not live in honey because there repellent
substances such as formic acid (to prevent not stale), sugar content,
anti-bacterial substance called inhibitory antibacterial, and contains
hydrogen peroxide H202 famous to kill the bacteria. So honey is
suitable for gastritis therapy.
tags: Gastritis

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