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Measuring and Using Shale Density to Aid in Drilling

Wells in High-Pressure Areas


Abstract This article not only confirms Myers and van Siclen's
anomalies in shale compaction by bulk density measure-
Continuous bulk density tests on shale cuttings while
drilling have shown reverse anomalies in normal increase ments, but also presents a field application for indicating the
in shale compaction. These reversals from normal density o presence of low-density, over-pressured shales while drilling
f shale indicate the entrance into abnormally high pore and predicting the approach to these dangerous zones. By
pressure shale. Deviation numbers from the normal den- reducing the analysis time from approximatlly 15 hours to less
sity can be used to calculate both accurate mud weights as than 10 minutes, a continuous plot of den-sity trends may be
drilling proceeds and a more advantageous casing point in kept as close to the bit as the lag time of the mud column.
deeper drilling.
The main objective of this type of logging is safety, but
three functions emerge as being particularly important to a
Introduction cost-conscious industry.
Myers and van Siclen were the first to publish work' to 1 . By setting casing into the over-pressured shale so that,
demonstrate from actual shale density tests on drilling cut- as mud weight requirements increase with depth, no open
tings the anomalies in shale compaction with depth in the Trull hole having normal pressure will be exposed to the pos-
sibility of breaking down the formation. Proper use of shale-
field, Matagorda County, Tex. They said that shale compaction
density plots with other tools may often save a t least one
does not increase regularly with depth as pre-viously thought string of pipe.
by Athy2 and Hedberg.3 Also, sands associ-ated with reversals
2. As long as a normal trend of compaction is being plot-
in density possessed pressures consider-ably higher than ted, drilling should proceed with as light a mud as other
normal hydrostatic pressure. Dickinson' recognized this and drilling indications deem prudent - the lighter the mud, the
also stated that elevated interstitial fluid pressures were faster the hole can be made.
principally caused by compaction where low shale 3. When a low-density shale is penetrated, mud weight
permeability prevented water from completely escaping. requirements can be calculated from density plots. These mud
Several paperss1' have recently been written on identi-fying weights are based on interstitial fluid pressures and must be
high-pressure shale zones from electrical surveys by using increased according to hole size and swabbing effect of pipe
resistivity, conductivity, sonic and density log data. Points trips.
chosen from these logs for calculations must be from clean Although the presence of shale with abnormally low
shales without the masking influence of a cal-careous, silty or densities has been noted throughout the Texas-Louisiana Gulf
sandy shale. Close proximity to sand bo-dies from which these Coast, wells selected for study were logged from Ca-meron to
values are taken also affects the cal-culated points. These
LaFourche Parishes, La., and particularly off-shore.
lithological characteristics also affect the general trend line of
physical bulk-density analyses, although the fluctuations are
offset by the larger number of analyses consistently taken as Shale Density Analysis Procedure
drilling progresses. Several approaches of analysis and instrumentation used at
According to Rogers,' Shell Oil Co. uses a drilling rate the start of this work were subsequently discarded due to
system of anticipating high-pressure shale zones by noting weaknesses in methods or in poor field operations. Such
trends toward increased penetration rates. This is confirmed systems as liquid displacements, liquids graduated in spe-cific
by resistivity and sonic logging. gravity and even a scale based on Archimedes' prin-ciple gave
varying data depending on interfacial tension, gas trapped in
Original manuscript received in Society of Petroleum Engineers shale particles, temperature and irregular sample surfaces.
office Also, the field use of many of these techniques was
Narch 31, 1967. Manuscript approved f o r publication J u n e 8, 1967. P a - undependable. The bulk volume measure-ment was finally
rser was presented a t Spring Meeting of t h e Southern District, Division
of Production, American Petroleum Institute, held in New Orleans, L a accepted and proved reproducible to within less than 1 percent
Feb. 27-March 1, 1967. 0 Copyright 1967 American Institute of ini in$: accuracy.
Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc .
'References given a t end of paper.

N O V E M B E R , 1967
30-lb pressure gauge is attached. Although mercury is used as
a displacement fluid to compress the air around the shale
cuttings, it never touches the sample.
With the scale marker on the pump backed off to the starting
reference point, an empty plastic sample cup is placed in the
chamber, which is then closed. The pump is screwed forward
until an exact reading of 24 Ib is reached on the pressure
gauge. A compression reading in cubic centimeters is taken
from the linear and vernier scales and captioned P,. Air
pressure is released and the pump is backed off to the starting
reference point. The cup is filled with prepared shale cuttings
and weighted in grams. Again the cup is placed in the top
chamber, which is then closed. The pump is screwed forward
Fig. 1-Mercury pump used in determining bulk volume of s l d e again, compressing air in the chamber until 24 lb is reached on
cuttings. the pressure gauge. A second compression reading in cubic
centimeters is taken from the vernier and linear scales and
Regardless of analysis consideration, it was found that captioned P,. The difference between P, and P, in cubic
preparing cuttings samples taken from the shale shaker proved centimeters gives the volumc of shale cuttings. A known weight
to be extremely important. For the analysis proce-dure, in grams divided by the volume in cubic centimeters gives
density. The usual shale sample weight is approximately 25 gm,
approximately 1 qt of cuttings is taken from a spe-cified
or about 2,000 individual shale chips. Total analysis time is 10
interval every 10 to 30 ft, depending on drilling rate. Mud is minutes.
washed from the cuttings with a series of screens which
remove longer pieces and slivers of shale. The larger cuttings
may be sloughing or caving; compara-tive density data Description
showed the finer sizes to be much more consistent. Samples For the problem of defining high-pressure shales from
caught on a No. 20 screen are dried on paper towels and then density measurements, it must be understood that data obtained
blown with warm air until the sur-face water sheen reduces to from shale cuttings are believed to be altered from the original
a dark, dull appearance. A sample weighing 25 gm is placed in state. Consistent relative data are poss~ble only if alterations
a small cup for a bulk volume measurement. The bulk of the caused by mud effects arc kept to a mini-mum. Intervals where
cuttings is measured in a high-pressure mercury pump (Fig. 1) cuttings are retained in the mud sys-tem longer than a normal
by the Kobe system on a Boyle's law principle. The pump is lag-time period usually show some swelling, and become less
machine calibrated to 0.01-cc increment displacement. A dense. These samples us-

DENSITY ( g m l c c ) CONDUCTIVITY (Millimhos)

i f 11

Fig. 2-Typical density reversal into high-pressure shale zone.

ually drop below the normal trend line and, if not noted, may these points would not give a true conductivity of the shale at
indicate that a high-pressure shale has been penetrat-ed. that depth.
These differences in density measurements in a normally
Shales that tend to swell and disintegrate are normally compacting shale section make it diffcult to establish a normal
logged as gumbo and are unreliable indicators because they line through the points if too thin a section has been measured.
have very low density. These shales will virtually wash away Usually, by averaging densities a t 100-ft intervals, a
in preparation, and the sample will have abnormally low compaction trend becomes obvious and is trans-ferred to the
density. detail plot. Due to the normal density varia-tions found in a
The extreme fluctuation in most data through a normal trend section having multiple sand and shaly sand bodies, a
line, particularly higher density, is caused by lime or sand in minimum of 1,000 ft is usually required for a thorough study.
the shale or by the shale's proximity to sand bo-dies. These Enough density points were plotted through this interval
dense, limy shales are reflected to some extent in electric log
length to establish definitely a re-liable compaction trend that
resistivity curves. Sandy samples give some-what less dense
data than limy. Great care was taken to wash and screen all allowed an obvious identi-fication of low-density reversals.
sand grains from the shale cuttings; even then, shales Even when density rever-sals from the trend are not abrupt,
associated with sands abruptly increased in density. I t is the the lack of data fluc-tuation indicates a transition zone as
author's opinion that shales are more dense when close to sand evidenced by the cleaner or purer shales usually found in these
bodies because more water has been squeezed out into the sections. Sometimes due to poor timing, a much shorter zone
sand bodies. Wallace," in his work on selecting electric log must be logged to set casing properly down through the top of
points for calculating for-mation pressure, stated that silty or a high-pressure shale zone. From experience in South Lou-
limy shales or shales within 10 ft of a sand body should be isiana and its offshore areas, a brief logging interval that
avoided. Obviously produced a bulk density of 2.35 at 14,000 ft immediately


2 20 2 30 240 2 50 2 60 3 4 5 6 78910

-- I 0 8 €LOG CSG

N I T S --

- 1
18 4 - I
g 1 -----
---- 17,000'

- c--- - ---

+- - --
1 .
3 4 5 6 78910

Fig. 3-Mud weight calculations vs mud used and trip gas-shortnormal trcnd below low-density zone.

N O V E M B E R , 1967
caused concern and necessitated a review of the casing and mud weight required in pounds per gallon. As the well deepens
mud program. Without a comparative line of data, this 2.35 at 13,800 ft, the difference in the low density and the normal
shale density figure must be free of gumbo char-acteristics and line intersections is 0.17 gm/cc, which is 16.0 lb/gal. Note that
ash. In logging short zones, the benefit of seeing what the calculated mud weights are from 0.3 to 1.3 lb below those
alteration the particular type of mud and lag time have on the being used. As casing becomes smaller with sands present in
shale is lost, even though at this depth a range of normal the open hole, the overbal-ance in mud weight is necessary.
density would be from 2.45 to 2.55 gm/cc in the area under
study. The trip gas shows some high readings although these were
dissipated quickly after the swabbing effect of making a trip
was finished. At 17,180 h, a deviation of 0.37 gm/cc indicated a
Interpretation of Results mud weight of 18.6 lb/gal. It is felt that some overbalance was
Typical Low-Density Reversal present here as the trip gas indicated less than 10 units. However,
In selecting wells logged for shale density, an attempt was lack of sand development may be the reason for so little gas
made to use as wide a variation of situations as possible evidence. The trend line is proceeding to a 2.80 den-sity, which is
without reiteration. The well in Fig. 2 is typical of the deeper not realist~c.In fact, the trend of shale com-paction at these depths
density reversals. The fluctuation of density points from should theoretically be a slight curve diminishing in density with
11,000 to 13,500 ft is the result of shale character above the
base of the main sand development as discussed. The three In Fig. 2 at 14,050 ft the deviation from the normal line was
high readings at 13,300 ft were from a limy shale; this reading 0.14 gm/cc, indicating a 15.4 lb/gal mud weight. Thls seemed
is found at the top of a majority of high-pressure zones. This closely balanced, at least from the back-ground gas and trip
vertical cap may be used as a marker when the entrance to the gas as well as the pressure calculated later from the electric
low-density zone is trou-blesome. log by the oil company engineer. However, as the differential
increased between the mud used and that calculated from the
An excellent correlation between bulk density and elec-tric
density chart, less back-ground gas and trip gas was in
log conductivity is noted on the well in Fig. 2. The drop in
evidence. The chart in Fig. 4 is an empirical calculation, based
density was noted at the wellsite within 3 hours after drilling. on experience in South Louisiana, which seems to indicate near-
As the zone was penetrated, density points became more balance mud weights. It is important to establish a good, normal
constant as they proceeded below the trend line; the greater the com-paction trend from which the deviations are taken. It is
departure from the normal trend line, the higher mud weight significant that the calculated mud weights are consistent from
requirements. Gas from the mud seemed well within normal within 0.3- to 1.2 lb/gal mud weight - the range is necessary to
limits, although an in-creased mud weight from 15.5 to 16.8 lb establish some equilibrium in the varying hole conditions shown.
was thought necessxy by the operator after monitoring 650
units of gas following the trip at 14,150 ft. With the casing set
into the shale section at 13,700 ft, no break down of the for- Short Logging Intervals
mation was noted as the mud weight was ultimately raised to From the varying normal compaction slopes, calculating
17.3 Ib/gal. mud weights is marginal in very short intervals where no

Kormal Shale Between

Two Abnormal Zones
The density plot in Fig. 3 was the only well logged that
seemingly had a normal zone between two higher-than-normal
pressure shales. Before a trend line could be established for
shale density logging only, persistent low readings caused
alarm in the first 700 ft. Mud weights were raised slightly, but
mud cutting and lower-than-nor-ma1 densities persisted.
Finally, the well was put on choke and 10.8 Ib/gal mud was
needed to quiet the kick. An electric log was run and the
accompanying shde resistivity plot confirmed the low shale-
density zone. Casing was set at 11,700 ft and mud weight was
raised substantially above minimum requirements.
Below casing, shale density showed a normal magnitude
and fell in a trend line increasing slightly with depth for 900
ft. The abrupt decrease in density at 12,500 ft, falling well
below the new trend line, pinpointed the major high-pressure
shale section. This was confirmed by the electric log's
showing an abrupt drop in resistivity as the density readings
had indicated. After casing was set, a full mud logging
laboratory was attached with gas detecting equip-ment.

Mud Weight Requirements

The mud weights calculated here are taken from the chart in
Fig. 4. The lowest density in the 12,500-ft inter-val of 2.38
gm/cc is 0.11 gm/cc less than the normal trend intersecting at
2.49 gm/cc. The 0.1 1 gm/ cc devia-tion is followed across the MUD WEIGHT REQUIREMENT (LBS/GAL)
chart until it intersects the mud weight curve. The reading Fig. 4-Density deviation chart for mud weight
taken below is the minimum requirement calculations.


established density trend has been found. The density log from Abrupt Changes in
the well in Fig. 5 shows that no sooner did the den-sity Depositional Environment
analys~sbegin than an abrupt drop was noted just below F I ~6. shows an unusual dens~typlot. After a normal trend
11,800 ft. The shale was fairly clean and free of gumbo and line was established down through 9,900 ft, an abrupt density
ash, and had not been in the hole longer than cuttings reversal was logged. Although it was an abnormally h ~ g
hpressure, it was ev~dentthat our calcu-lation of mud weight
previously tested. It is obvious that a reading of 2.31 gm/cc a t
was too heavy in view of the arresting 12.0-lb mud. This
11,800 ft was well below any normal trend line. The reversal
caused concern, and an electric log was run at 11,000 ft where
was called to the operator's atten-tion and several immediate an obvious lower shale-resistive zone was noted. Also, from
extra analyses confirmed the density drop. As hole was made, paleontology, an abrupt change from Pleistocene to
the reversal was estab-lished and an electric log was run; the Pl~oceneage formation was described at this density transition
accompanying resistivity plot was made to 11,800 ft showing zone. This well is unique in our logging experience, if
the low-resistive shale. circumstances are correctly de-scribed, because the older
Three different trend lines from the closest wells in the formation should be denser hut it showed a much higher
general area were plotted over these data for mud weight density deviation than was re-flected in mud welght
calculations. These calculations varied from 14.6 to 15.8 lb/gal requirements. Also, a new trend line could be found, and
at 11,800 ft where the 13.1-lb mud was holding a good hydrostatic pressure seemed to be at equilibrium until another
balance. Although high to normal gas readings In the mud abrupt decrease in density was lound at 11,950 ft. This second
were present, at 12,290 ft the calculated mud weights were reversal was preceded by 150 ft of limy, dense shalc, which
much higher than weights actually used. Lack of sand in the usually precedes these zones. This second reversal conformed
lowcr 150 ft surely prevented some mud cuttings and a to the mud weight chart as to density deviation from the
dangerous situation. Although our cal-culated mud second trend line. As can be seen at 13,500 ft, the chart called
we~ghtsfrom a borrowed trend line seemed much higher than for a 14.6-lb mud and the mud used was 14.9 to 15.2 Ib/gal.
those used, it is interesting to note that no electric log could be The ac-companying shale resistivity plot follows these density
run past 12,290 ft due to hole caving. Usually, low-density changes reasonably well.
shale zones can be recognized without good trend hnes, but Drilling Rate and Densities
mud weights calculated from these are questionable. The presence of dense, l ~ m yshale precedmg a great


Fig. 5-Tdentifica~ion of high-pressure sl~alewith nu true trend line and varying mud weight qlculations.

NOVEMBER, 1967 1I%i

majority of abnormal shale zones can be used in conjunc-tion a 14.0-lb mud that was close to balance. As Maurer' showed
with drilling rate to prevent too deep a penetration in a on penetration rate, the less differential pressure on the
dangerous zone, which immediately demands an abrupt mud formation, the larger the crater made by the bit tooth. As pore
weight increase. The copious use of lithological de-scriptions pressure of the shale increases, using the same mud weight,
of the cuttings helps negate altered samples such as gumbo larger craters are made, increasing drilling rate. However,
and those retained in the mud stream during a trip. These drilling break3 can be masked by constant mud weight
descrlptionr are important in defining the ver-tical cap above a
troublesome shale. An excellent example of picking this limy increases while looking for this type of indication.
shale cap and, as densities go up, con-firming our position at
about 12,600 ft is shown in Fig. 7. The first sustained drilling Conclusions
break noted in this section was circulated out a t 1. Density reversals of normal shale cornpaction deti-nitely
approximately 12,800 ft, and penetration was stopped until indicate abnormally high interstitial fluid-pressure shales.
these samples could be tested. As noted, the densities started
back abruptly with a slight increase in gas off bottom. At 2. Reversals in density of shale cuttings can be corre-lated
12,830 ft with low density persisting, an electric log was run to electric log low-resistive shale interpretations.
confirming a low-resistive shale. Casing was set at this depth
3. Lithological descriptions of the shale cuttings help
using a 15.8-lb mud. The mud weight calculated was I . 1
Ib/gal less than seemed prudent to use since there was little evaluate natural density fluctuations when seeking a ner-ma1
fear of breaking down the formation. As densities departed compaction trend.
from the trend line, more mud weight was used until it was 1.7 4. Density of shale cuttings is decreased by excessive
Ib/gal over that calculated at 13,230 ft. The drilling break exposure to water-base mud during trips.
found under the limy cap was not an abrupt, spectacular break, 5. A more accurate and desirable casing point can be found
but it was discernible and increased slightly as it further with continuing shale-density plots.
entered the high-pressure zone. The drilling break was found 6. When normal shale compaction trcnds persist, high mud
using weights need not be used in areas of k n o ~ nhigh-
MUD W T S 2 2 02 3 02 4 C2 5 0 50 30 10

I TRIP GAS 10.500'
10 8

b4 B- -50--UNITS -- ---

1 SAND)' I 12.500'
1 I d""5 1 I L


I I 1

Fig. 7-Identification of a p p r o a c h to high - pressure shale by drilling time

and density increase.
eszure shale. Some over-balance seems prudent as corre-on Pressures in Gulf Coast Louisiana", Bull., AAPG (1953) 37, No.
indicates close proximity to a transition shale. '.Use of shale 2, 410-432.
density deviations from the normal com-tion line can give a 5.Rogers, L.: "How Shell Detects High-Pressure E'o~mationson the
close mud weight requirement file after high-pressure shales Gulf Coast", Oil and Gas J. (May 16, 1966) 264-266.
have been penetrated. s empirically derived mud weight graph 6.Wallace, W. E.: "Abnormal Subsurface Pressures Measured From
is based on ~sityanalysis procedures described. Conductivity or Resistivity Ilogs", Log Analyst, SPWLA (1965) I,
No. 4, 26-38.
1. Although high-pressure shales may be recognized after 7. Well Log Analysis Handbook, PGAC (1966) 18.
logging very short intervals, substituting trend lines borrowed
8. Maurer, W. C.: "How Bottomhole I'ressu~e Affects Penrtratiorr
from the general area can give erroneous mud weight Rate", Oil and Gas J. (Jan. 10, 1966) 61-65.
9.Foster, J. B. and Whalen, H. E.: "Estimation of Formation
Pressures From Electrical Surveys-Offshore Louisiana", J. Pet.
Acknowledgments Tech. (Feb., 1966) 165-171.
10.MacGregor, J. R.: "Quantitative Determination of Reservoir
Pressures from Conductivity Log", Bull., AAPG (1965) 49, No. 9,
3. Hedberg, H. D.: "The Effect of Gravitational Compaction 011 the
The author wishes to express his gratitude to the sev-eral oil Structure of Sedimentary Rocks", Bull., AAPG (1926) 1 0 , No.
companies who in the beginning employed a theoretical and 11, 1035-1072.
untried wellsite service and whose co-operation helped 4. l)ivliinion, C.: "Geological A s p ~ ; t s of Abnonnal Reservoir
establish a practical drilling well aid. Also, thanks are
extended to those oil companies whose release of data, even
on a nonattributable basis, made this article possible.

1. Myers, H. L. and van Siclen, I). C.: "Dynamic Phenomena
of Scdiment Compaction in Matogorda County, Texas", Trans.,
Gulf Coast Assn. Geol. Soc. (1964) XIV, 241-252.
LAthy, L. F.: "Density, Porosity and Compaction of Sedimcn-tary
Rocks", Bull., AAPG (1930) 14, 1-24.
11. Timko, D. J.: "Practical Application of Log Calculated Pres-sures
as an Aid to Solving Drilling Problems", Log Analyst, SPWLA
(1965) VI, No. 3, 37-54.
12. Murray, A. S. and Cunningham, R. A.: "Effect of Mud
Column Pressure on Drilling Rates", Trans., AIME (1955) 204,

13. Eckel, J. R.: "Effect of Prrswre on Rock Drillability",

Trans., AIRfE (1958) 213, 1-6.
14. Cunningham, R. A. and Eenink, J. G.: "Laboratory Study
of Effect of Overburden, Formation and Mud Column Pressurei
on Drilling Rate of Pelmeable Formations", Tran~., AIMF:
(1959) 216, 9-17.
15. Garnier, A. J. and van Lingen, N. H.: "Phenomena
Aficct~rig Drilling Rates at Depth", Trclns., AIME (1959) 216,
232 239
16. van Lingen, N. H.: "Bottom S~aveng~ng-A Ma~of I'ac to!
crning Penetration Rates", 3. Pet. Tcr h (Frb., 1962) 187***196

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