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Chapter 1


1.1 General Concept of street Corruption

In general sense, street corruption means to corrupt in the street. In the

street if anybody or any person to do many activities in the street without
maintaining the rules made by the authority is called street corruption.

We see many corruptions in the street. For example: Many illegal

shop, toll in the street, illegal shops or activities on the footpath, illegal
transports, extortion etc. In the street some local leaders toke money by
creating pressure illegally. We also see many vehicles running in the street
illegally in exchanges on a bribe that the police accept. We also notice
corruption in the measurement of the street. It creates many problems day by
day life. Such as it creates traffic jam and so on. So, we look for our
Government so that the Government take necessary step to control the street
corruption and it is believable that if the Anti-Corruption Commission takes
it seriously then it is possible to control.

1.2 Definition of street Corruption

In general sense the street corruption define that the corruption which
are occurred by street for unlawful or illegal purpose. Mainly it is not
maintained the rules of street the so it is called the street corruption. Street
corruption is not a new Phenomenon. What is new and worrying is agnitude
and size of corruption. It has spread its tentacles to every sphere of our
national life. It is one of the biggest threats to development. It can tear the
very fabric of so wetly and infact it is doing so. Street corruption benefits the
rich and well to do.

Chapter 2

2.1 Vegetables shop on the van

Nowadays we notice various vegetables shop in the street. Sometimes

we also observe that many illegal businessman use the street illegally.
Immorally they create many problems to run the vehicles by using the van to
sell vegetables. The person who sell vegetables in street or footbath illegally
and earn money that is related to street corruption.

2.2 Illegal transports

Generally we walk on the street. In this street a lot of vehicles run,

they are many vehicles who have no license in the car without driving
license such as leguna, CNG, busses etc. Nowadays briefly discuss about
these vehicles which are running street every day.

1. Leguna

When we ride in Leguna we see that many passengers ride in that

vehicles without stop. At the same time there are many leguna’s who have
no license tat manys they are call unfit or illegal address. This leguna creates
many problems in parking here and there. They stop the car without
busstand. They are able to do this work in exchange of bribe that the police

take. Tat means the leguna driver or owner of the leguna and the police are
related in the street corruption.

2. CNG

There are many CNG in the street. If we see clearly we will notice
that the CNG’s use the same number at the same time to give bribe. They
can create traffic jam. There are many CNG driver of CNG have no license.
No address or nameplate. As a result they ride CNG without control and they
create accident. Simultaneously, we notice that by giving bride to police.
CNG parking has been parked here and there. So CNG is related to the street

3. Busses

We also notice corruption in the bus on street. There are many busses
who have no license that means unfit or damage. If this bus runs in the street
it creates many problems or accident. Besides the driver and owner of the
buses earns a lot by using the bus which is unfit, no address or without
license. For this illegal activates many person or passengers die day by day.
There are many busses are parking on street here and there. As a result,
regularly it creates traffic jam and wastes our valuable time or many
problems. So it can be say that buss is a part of street corruption.

Under above of circumstances, we said that the three illegal transports
which are leguna, CNG, busses are corrupt for street corruption. Besides the
three illegal transports in our country there are many illegal transport or
vehicles are running in the street illegally. So that’s why we can say that all
are related in street corruption.

2.3 Illegal shop on the footpath

Generally we use the street for walking but it can be noted that many
shops use footbath illegally to trade different items. They are engaged in
corruption by creating problems for public. There are many illegal shop on
the footbath in our country. For such as example, Tea stall, The stall of
cigarette, shoe market, the stall of fruits, garment trade various stall of fast-
food. They are using the footpath illegally and earn money illegal or corrupt
way. So that’s why public are face to many problems as walking on street for
that corruption.

2.4 Traffic police

Traffic polices an important role to control the vehicles on street. But

it is seen that some dishonest police officers take bride form the driver or
owner of the vehicles who have no license and which car are unfit. The
police also take huge amount money from the driver who has no license and
allows the vehicles to run in the street. It is also notice that the traffic police
take money from the driver for parking in the street illegally.

Simultaneously, when we see that the vehicles are running in the street
the corruption may be noted as a example when the traffic police or duty of
street security seen ridding the car without license. At that time he allows the
driver to drive the car by taking bride. So it is said that the traffic police is
responsible for street corruption.

2.5 Local politicians

In our country local area we notice that many politicians take money
illegally for the illegal or legal shops on street. Generally it is observed that
the shops sit in the streets which are permitted on the local politicians.

Besides this many shops sit in the street which made illegally or illegal
purpose. Local politicians also take money from the owner of the shops,
owner of transports etc that is marked the street corruption.

2.6 Broker in the hospitals

Hospital is a service center for the people. It is a social service

institutions. But it is seen that many brokers take money from the guardian
of the patient in front of the private or government hospitals illegally.

In generally brokers engaged in corruption in front of the hospitals atreet.

For this corruption the authority of hospital are also responsible, because
they also involved in corruption to take some commission from the brokers.
In this care it is said that the brokers or the hospital and the authority is also
responsible for such corruption.

2.7 Extortion on street

Extortion means to relies on coercion. Such as the use or threat of

violence or the exposure of damaging information to induce co-operation.
Extortion can be committed by government officers but they can also be use
time of it. An example of extortion is when police officers threaten to arrest
people in the street to extract money form them. So, Extortion is also
meaning that to take money from the person by creating pressure on him. We
see some leaders or some local politicians or police officers or aristocratic
men are extorted. Besides this they take money from the public illegally for
damaging or development information in the street but there is no
development or work in the street and such money are used by illegal
purpose. So it is said that if any body takes money illegally by creating
pressure for any of causes or reason on street is called extortion. So,
Extortion is a part of street corruption.

2.8 Tolling on the river ghat

In our country, we can see there are many river ghat; we also observe
that the river ghat is always a busy place in all time for the lunch, steamers,
boat, ship, or passengers etc. It is a public place and that’s it is noted there
are some corruption are occurred in illegal purpose. For such as examples,
Toll or tolling. Toll is a one kind corruption which is taken as legal way from
the people. There are many people give toll on the river ghat. Many
politicians taken money form the people in the name of repairing ghat,
bridge etc. It is legal process but the government or non-government person
on the river ghat take a lot which toll are foned by the government. They

also take money for helping of people or passengers. it is a one kind of
corruption on river ghat.

Such as example, when we enter the shaderghat launch terminal, we

give 5 or 10 taka one person as a toll. Many workeeron river ghat takes this
toll. So it is said that the people who take money a lot as toll on the river
ghat are involved in corruption.

2.9 Development or construction of street

In the development or construction of street, when chairman, member

or local politicians gets, they are engaged in corruption. It can be
exemplified that if they get 2 Core taka for the construction of street they
expend only one core taka, so it is another corruption in street.

2.10 The security of street

There are many security is relate in street corruption. The security

duties their duty on street at night. At the same time the street security takes
bride from the vehicles illegally. So they are also corrupt person in the street.

2.11 Lamppost or lighting corruption in the street

We also see that see that when we are waling on the street at night
then we observe many lamppost are damages or stolen. Such as a result we
face to many problems on street. In this case there are many illegal activities

are going in the street regularly. The electricity on the street or any lamppost
are not lighting in a proper time then it crates darkness in the street. We are
suffering a serious problem for that corruption. In the street, lampposts we
can take notice the corruption in another hand.

2.12 Scaling of the street

In another corruption on street in scaling. Generally when we walk on

street we see that the length or wide is not a proper map for such of
corruption. It is our of the fact of street corruption. In the scaling of the street
the aristocratic men or local politicians or members are engaged in that

Chapter 3


3.1Some harmful effects of street corruption

From the social and national point of view it can be said that street
corruption effects in our day to day life very seriously.

It harms our life in many ways the effects of these street corruption as

1. Using the street illegally by the local or mobile business barm our

national or daily life. The businessman which are mainly footbath related
create many problems for the passers by it is one vied of the most
common effect of street corruption.

2. Illegal transports such as leguna, CNG, Buses etc many harm are day to

day life. For traffic jam we lost our valuable time. For the illegal running
of these transports every moment we have to face intolerable jam in the

3. Among many street corruptions using the footpath, illegal shops and for

many mobile shops is the most common. For this reason the general
people can not use footpath and use the street as alternative way. This
how it affects our life.

4. Most often we notice that the traffic police are mixing with the street

corruption. Nowadays most of the time the drives have to face can want
suffering for the traffic police claim bribe from the local drivers. Its a
very harmful effect of street corruption.

5. In the street they don’t use the over or zebra crossing. It’s a one kind of

street corruption. For this corruption various accidents may cause at any

6. Corruption in the street is making manhole. We can notice that there are

many manholes in the street of our country. When the construction of the
street the manhole is not making a proper map of system. For that reason
people are died in the manhole for the street corruption. So it is a harmful
effect of street corruption.

Chapter 4


4.1 Concept of Corruption1

The word “Corruption” comes form the Latin verb “corrupts” which
literally means a broken object. Conceptually, Corruption is a form of
behavior, which departs form ethics, morality, tradition, laws and civil

Corruption has recently been the subject of substantial theorizing and

empirical research, and this has produced a bewildering array of alternative
approaches, explanations, typologies and remedies. Corruption is understood
as everything from the paying of bribes to civil servants and the simple theft
of public purses, to a wide range of dubious economic and political practices
in which businesspeople, politicians and bureaucrats enrich themselves. The
issue of corruption is an old one that has re-entered the current political and
economic debate from the new interest in the role of the state in the
developing world, and from the assumption that the state is an indispensable
instrument for economic development, redistribution and welfare.

www.assignmentpoint.com /arts/social-science/corruption.html

4.2 Meaning of Corruption

The meaning of corruption is important in the context of global efforts

to reduce its influence in public life. But is not an easy task to define
corruption. Webster Dictionary describes corruption as morality, state of
being corrupted and according to the dictionary corruption means a state of
decomposition, dishonest, rotten, pollute, immoral and bad. A definition has
been found in a publication of the World Bank headed "VIETNAM-
Combating Corruption" as "Corruption practice refers to the act of offering,
giving, receiving or soliciting anything of value with the aim of influencing
the action of a public official in the procurement process or the contract
execution. The easy and artistic meaning of corruption may be an act s
sanctity. In the administrative view, corruption has a specific meaning. If a
public servant abuses power or designation or does a wrong or refrains from
doing justified act with a view to fulfilling his desires or giving undue
privileges to his relatives, friends or any person, such act will be considered
as corruption. Professor Robert Cligaurd of South Africa gave the following
equation regarding corruption:

Corruption = monopoly + Discretion -Accountability - Salary.

From the above quotation it is said that if monopoly and discretionary

power of government is increased and on the other hand if there is no
accountability and salary is lower standard, the ultimate effect is the
promotion of corruption. But in the opposite manner, if the authority of the
first two elements is decreased and the authority of the last two elements is
increased, corruption will be alleviated.

Corruption is a social, legal, economic and political concept enmeshed
in ambiguity and consequently encouraging controversy. The ambiguity and
controversy result from the fact that a number of competing approaches to
understanding corruption is available. Naturally, definitions of corruption
focus on one of several aspects of the phenomenon; various approaches to c
corruption can be placed into five groups. These are public-interest centered,
market centered, public-office-entered, public-opinion-entered and legalistic.
Proponents of the public interest centered approach believe that corruption is
in some way injurious to or destructive of public interest. Market centered
enthusiasts suggests that norms governing public office have shifted from a
mandatory pricing model to a free market model, thereby considerably
changing the nature of corruption. Public centered protagonists stress the
fact that misuse by incumbents of public office for private gain is corruption.
Those who believe in public opinion centered definitions of corruption
emphasize the perspectives of public opinion about the conduct of
politicians, government and probity of public servants. Corruption includes
moral perversion; imprisonment of virtue and moral principals ;the luxury
and corruption among the upper classes; moral degeneracy followed
intellectual degeneration; its brothers, its opium parlors, its depravity ;Rome
had fallen into moral putrefaction .Corruption includes destroying someone's
honesty and loyalty ;undermining moral integrity; “Corruption is a minor”;
“the big city's subversion of rural innocence . Corruption includes
inducement by improper means to violates duty,” he was held on charge of
corruption and racketeering. Corruption is defined, for instants, as a
preservation of power.

4.3 The History of Anti Corruption Commission in Bangladesh2

Anti Corruption Commission in Bangladesh was formed through an

act promulgated on 23 February 2004 that into force on 9 May 2004.
Although initially, it could not make the desired impact, but immediately
following its reconstitution in February 2007, the ACC began working with
renewed vigor and impetus duly acceding to the United Nations' convention
against corruption that was adopted by the General Assembly away back on
31 October 2003.Its framework and function is governed by Anti-Corruption
Commission Act, 2004.

4.4 Organization

 The Commission has formulated some forms of corruption in

Bangladesh, for everyone to know, understand and prepare to completely
erase corruption, if not reduce it.

 Bribery: It is the offering of money, services or other valuables to

persuade someone to do something in return. Synonyms: kickbacks,
baksheesh (tips), payola, hush money, sweetener, protection money,
boodle, and gratuity.

 Embezzlement: Taking of money, property or other valuables by the

person to whom it has been entrusted for personal benefit.

 Extortion: Demanding or taking of money, property or other valuables

through use of coercion and/or force. A typical example of extortion
would be when armed police or military men exact money for passage

Info. “Office Location”.acc.org.bd Anti Corruption Commission Retrieved 3 June 2015

through a roadblock. Synonyms include blackmail, bloodsucking and

 Abuse of discretion: The abuse of office for private gain, but without
external inducement or extortion. Patterns of such abuses are usually
associated with bureaucracies in which broad individual discretion is
created, few oversights or accountability structures are present, as well as
those in which decision-making rules are so complex as to neutralize the
effectiveness of such structures even if they exist.

 Improper political contributions: Payments made in an attempt to unduly

influence present or future activities by a party or its members when they
are in office.

 Anti Corruption Commission established district committees all over

Bangladesh with each having 10 members.

4.5 Chairman and commissioners

The commission is mandated as independent, self-governed and

neutral entity. It consists of three Commissioners; of them one as the
chairman and all appointed by the President on the recommendation of the
Selection Committee fora period of four years from the date of their
appointment. While the commissioners function on full-time basis loses
eligibility for reappointment on expiry of the term in their office.

4.6 Functions of the commission

 To enquire into and conduct investigation of offences mentioned in

the schedule

 To file cases on the basis of enquiry or investigation and conduct


 To hold enquiry into allegations of corruption on its own motion or on

the application of aggrieved person or any person on his behalf

 To perform any function assigned to Commission by any Act in

respect of corruption

 To review any recognized provisions of any law for prevention of

corruption and submit recommendation to the President for their
effective implementation

 To undertake research, prepare plan for prevention of corruption and

submit to the President, recommendation for action based on the result
of such research

 To raise awareness and create feeling of honesty and integrity among

people with a view to preventing corruption

 To organize seminar, symposium, workshop etc. on the subjects

falling within the functions and duties of the Commission

 To identify various causes of corruption in the context of socio-

economic conditions of Bangladesh and make recommendation to the
President for taking necessary steps

 To determine the procedure of enquiry, investigation, filing of cases
and also the procedure of according sanction of the Commission for
filing case against corruption and

 To perform any other duty as may be considered necessary for

prevention of corruption.

4.7 Power to make rules

The Commission for carrying out the purpose of Anti Corruption Act,
2004 has been vested with the power to make rules by notification published
in the official Gazette with the prior approval of the President.

4.8 Schedule

 Offences under Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2004 (Possession of

property disproportionate to known source of income)

 Offences punishable under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947

(Act 11 of 1947)

 Offences punishable under Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2002 (Act 7

of 2002)

 Offences punishable under sections 161-169,217,218, 408, 409 and

477A of the Penal Code, 160 (Act XLV of 1960)

 Offences of abetment, conspiracy and attempts as defined respectively

in section 109, 120B and 511 of the Penal Code, 1860 (Act XLV of
1860) in relation to clauses

Chapter 5



For controlling the street corruptions Anti corruption commission can tone
the following steps-

1) If the Anti corruption commission finds any person street corruption.

It can take necessary punishments steps.

2) Some time corruption commission build mobile count for controlling

the street corruption.

3) At Anti corruption commission properly investigation of street then

they observe or find out the street corruption.

4) For controlling street corruption Anti corruption commission basically

follows the rules or laws made by the Government.

5) For controlling the street corruption the Anti corruption Commission

can more awareness among the general people.

6) Anti corruption Commission Street apply the law in take necessary

strep as punishment for controlling for street corruption.

We see many corruptions in our country illegally which threatens the
state or nations. When we go out of our house we see or observe the
corruption. It is occurred not only in the street but also all the sectors. Such
as many shops are set up in the street illegally. The car in the street
unlawfully or illegally. The corruption of traffic police, the corruption of
using the footpath, many local leaders and the security in the street also
engages in corruption.

In this corruption we notice everyday. The first steps of Anti

corruption commission is to mark sure type of corruption and should take
proper step to control it. Anti corruption commission give solution by
applying law.

Under above the circumstance we can say that in our country there are
many different types of street corruption are occurred day by day. For that
reason all observe or face to many problems in the street. At last it is said
that Anti corruption should take proper step for controlling the street

Chapter 6

Corruption is a curse for our nation. It’s effect very harmful. Street
corruption is kike a disease that thus become so wide spread in our society
that it pervades all areas of public life. It not only threatens our economic
society; it also poses a threat to our national security. Any of corruption has
wide effect on economics, politics, administration, culture, social life, daily
life and over development of a country. Any nation can be destroyed only for
corruption. The medium of our transport is streets. If this corruption is
occurred every day we will suffer a lot. The country or nation will not able
to go ahead. The civil societies of the country should come forward to
establish the right of the peoples and to ensure the rules of law in
Bangladesh. The professional symposium and writing and contributing to
the media can raise a general awareness to build up a corruption free
prosperous Bangladesh in future. So for controlling the street corruption
Anti-Corruption Commission should marked the corrupted person and
punish them then it’s possible to keep free from street corruption.


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