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Agricultural Water Management 199 (2018) 157–174

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Agricultural Water Management

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Advances in designing drip irrigation laterals

Giorgio Baiamonte ∗
Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Forestali, Università degli Studi di Palermo, viale delle Scienze edificio 4, 90128, Palermo, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: It is known that using paired laterals, in which two distribution pipes extend in opposite directions
Received 20 June 2017 from a common manifold, contribute to increasing water use efficiency (WUE). Recently, an analytical
Received in revised form procedure to optimally design paired drip laterals on uniform slopes was proposed. More recently, this
23 November 2017
design procedure was simplified by deriving simple explicit relationships, as a function of 16 calibration
Accepted 18 December 2017
constants, with relative errors that were less than 2%. In this paper, further simple design relationships
are derived that require only 3 calibration constants, thus more readily obtainable results are produced
and the influence of the flow rate and diameter exponents of resistance equation are made more evident.
Sloped/horizontal drip laterals Simple monomial relationships were also extended for the cases in which the lateral is laid on flat fields,
Design relationships on upward fields, and also considering layouts in which the manifold is located at the boundary, instead of
Optimal lateral length inside, of the irrigation unit. For the five considered layouts, evaluations of the effects of design choices in
terms of energy saving and comparisons between optimal lateral lengths, are carried out. Finally, simple
linear relationships linking lateral pressure head tolerance (␦), coefficient of variation of pressure heads
(CV) and emission uniformity coefficient of Keller and Karmeli (EU) are presented. Results showed that
for any design solutions associated with the considered layouts and for ␦ < 0.1, the proposed procedure
allows optimal design of the lateral, optimizing WUE, assuring low values of pressure head variability
(CV < 6.1%) and high values of emission uniformity coefficient (EU > 95%).
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction The initial investment equipment cost, which may be higher

than that of traditional methods, can make farmers unwilling to
Microirrigation systems saves water by allowing water to drip choose the microirrigation system. However, in the long term, costs
slowly to the roots plants, either onto the soil surface or directly can be reduced through a substantial reduction in labor cost; water
near the root zone, through a network of valves, pipes, tubing, only needs to be regulated, which usually can be done via automat-
and emitters. It is done through narrow tubes that deliver water ically timed devices. Costs can also be reduced by optimizing water
directly to the base of the plant. Thus, they are considered conve- use efficiency (WUE) and energy saving, which can be attained
nient and effective means to supply water directly along individual when the submain and lateral units are well designed so as to
crop rows and maintain the current levels of crop production; as a maximize the emitter uniformity.
consequence, microirrigation can reduce water requirements and Wu et al. (2010) developed a simple gravity-fed drip irrigation
operation costs, in respect to other irrigation systems (Keller and system design procedure for low-cost, single-manifold subunits
Bliesner, 1990). A lot of factors influence the diffusion of microir- with multiple pressure sections, by assuming that the laterals are
rigation, such as the water price, the cost of the equipment, and laid along elevation contours so that the ground slope along the
the crop price. Some factors are related to the characteristics of the lateral is equal to zero. Moreover, it required iterative calculation
environment, as the precipitation regime (Agnese et al., 2014) and process for determining the number of emitters per lateral and
the soil hydrological characteristics, which may present high spa- the lateral length. Keshtgar et al. (2013) took emitter uniformity to
tial variability even though the same land management is assumed extremes for a drip irrigation system, presenting a design procedure
(Genius et al., 2012; Baiamonte et al., 2017). based on variable length microtubes as emitters along the laterals,
thus attaining total emission uniformity. However, the suggested
criterion might be difficult to use in practice.
In designing drip irrigation laterals with traditional emit-
ters, a well-accepted practice consists in limiting the variation of
∗ Corresponding author. the pressure head to about ± ␦ of its nominal value along the lateral,
E-mail address: giorgio.baiamonte@unipa.it

0378-3774/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
158 G. Baiamonte / Agricultural Water Management 199 (2018) 157–174

Nomenclature ␤ [−] Curvature parameter

␥n Stieltjes constants
A(i) Function of the emitter i ␦ [−] Pressure head tolerance
B01 Numerical constant  [m2 s−1 ] Kinematic water viscosity
B02 Numerical constant ␨ Riemann zeta function
B0 Numerical constant
B1 Numerical calibration constant
B2 Numerical calibration constant where the pressure head tolerance, ␦, can be assumed to be
Cv Manufacturing coefficient of variation around 10%, depending on each design and, in particular, on the
CVmin Minimum value of the coefficient of variation accepted flow rate variability of the emitters installed along the
D [m] Internal pipe diameter laterals.
EU Emission uniformity coefficient This design criterion is also considered in the manufacturers’
F0 Numerical calibration constant catalogues, which usually provide the maximum lateral lengths, for
g [m/s2 ] Acceleration of gravity fixed nominal emitter pressure heads, flow rates, emitter spacing
hi [m] Pressure head of the generic emitter i and pipe diameters for a manifold that is located at the boundary
hi (u) [m] Pressure head of the i-th emitter in the uphill lateral of the irrigation sector and for flat fields, so that the pressure head
hi (d) [m] Pressure head of the i-th emitter in the downhill stays in a certain admitted range of variability.
lateral However, in natural fields, differences in elevation are usual
h*min (d) [m] Minimum normalized pressure head at the in laterals of significant length, so that the values suggested in
downhill end of the lateral the catalogues that manufacturers provide cannot be used with-
h*max (d) [m] Maximum normalized pressure head at the out compromising the water distribution uniformity. Sometimes
downhill end of the lateral in the catalogues, a note warns that “the suggested lengths are sub-
h*min (u) [m] Minimum normalized pressure head at the ject to change due to changes in the conditions in which the tests were
uphill end of the lateral performed” and that “the lengths are valid for drip laterals laid in
h*max (u) [m] Maximum normalized pressure head at the flat fields”. Some companies suggest using pressure-compensating
uphill end of the lateral emitters (PCE), in order to overcome the effect of the slope on
hn [m] Nominal emitter’s pressure head the lateral length “of sloping fields and for very long drip later-
h*n [m] Normalized nominal emitter’s pressure head als where the pressure at the beginning and at the end of the drip
H(.,.) Generalized harmonic number line presents considerable differences that would considerably affect
i [−] Generic emitter of the lateral counted from the man- the scope of the individual emitters”. However, compared to non
ifold connection pressure-compensating emitters, such emitters are more expan-
imin [−] Number of emitters in downhill lateral, from the sive, more complicated structurally and the working mechanism,
manifold connection to the section with minimum which causes difficulty in their research and development, is not
pressure head clear (Chu et al., 2015). Moreover, although in the last decades PCE
K (−) Friction head loss gradient parameter technology was improved, in the past showed contraindications
L [m] Maximum length of the lateral suggested by a man- (Madramootoo et al., 1987; Madramootoo, 1988) and are not sug-
ufacturer (Table 3) gested for low pressure heads (Perea et al., 2013). Generally, it is
Ld [m] Optimal length of the downhill lateral agreed that they will not last as long as non-pressure compensating
Lopt [m] Optimal length of the paired lateral emitters because of the life span of the elastomer.
Lu [m] Optimal length of the uphill lateral The design criterion to control pressure heads of traditional non
mCV [−] Angular coefficient of ␦ − CV relationships pressure-compensating emitters has been widely applied in litera-
mEU [−] Angular coefficient of ␦ − EU relationships ture also for sloping laterals, it has been considered in many papers
n [−] Total number of emitters in the entire lateral describing the basic hydraulics of drip irrigation design (Karmeli
nd [−] Number of emitters in the downhill lateral and Keller, 1975; Wu and Gitlin, 1975; Wu et al., 1983; Baiamonte
nopt [−] Optimal number of emitters in the entire lateral et al., 2015; Baiamonte, 2016a). Moreover, disposing paired laterals
np [−] Number of emitters per plant so that two distribution pipes extend in opposite directions from
nu [−] Number of emitters in the uphill lateral a common manifold contributes to provide more uniform pres-
nx [−] Generic emitter of the lateral counted from the sure to all laterals in the system, increasing water use and energy
uphill end of the lateral efficiency of microirrigation, and maximizing the lateral length (Al-
qav [m3 s−1 ] Average emitter flow rate in the lateral Samarmad, 2002).
qmax [m3 s−1 ] Maximum flow rate in the lateral Keller and Bliesner (1990) stated that the best position of the
qmin [m3 s−1 ] Minimum flow rate in the lateral manifold (BMP) is achieved, when the same minimum pressure
qn [m3 s−1 ] Nominal emitter flow rate head in the uphill and in the downhill lateral occurs and developed
RE [%] Relative error graphical and numerical solution methods, while previously Wu
S [m] Emitter spacing et al. (1983) had developed design charts allowing to determine
S0 [−] Slope of the lateral it. For horizontal paired laterals, the uphill lateral length equals
S0 max [−] Maximum slope value of the lateral, designed as the downhill lateral length (BMP = 0.5). Whereas, for any other field
the field is consider flat slope, the manifold has to be shifted uphill, so to balance the dif-
S0 CVmin [−] Slope of the lateral designed as the field is con- ferences in elevation and pressure losses on both laterals’ side.
sider flat, for which the minimum coefficient of Kang and Nishiyama (1996) used the finite element method to
variation CVmin occurs analyze the pressure head and discharge distribution along lat-
x [−] Exponent of the flow rate-pressure head relation- eral and submain pipe. The golden section search (Gill et al., 1989;
ship Pinthong et al., 2013) was applied to find the operating pressure
heads of lateral and the BMP corresponding to the required unifor-
mity of water application.
G. Baiamonte / Agricultural Water Management 199 (2018) 157–174 159

More recently, according to the aforementioned definition of sloped laterals) and BMP = 0.5 (for horizontal laterals) match with
BMP provided by Keller and Bliesner (1990); Jiang and Kang (2010) those derived by the extended design procedure for complex field
used the energy gradient line approach (Wu 1975; Wu and Gitlin topography. In particular, both BMP values are attained, for partic-
1975, Wu et al., 1986) to derive analytical solutions to deter- ular values of the curvature parameter of the field where the lateral
mine BMP. Pinthong et al. (2013) developed a model to analyze lays, ␤ = 1 and ␤ ∼ ∞, respectively (see Fig. 8 of Baiamonte, 2017a).
the steady-state hydraulics of branching pipe networks as found For very irregular slopes, only the SBS procedure should be used, by
in on-farm pressurized irrigation systems with multiple outlets locating the manifold at a position that results in same minimum
at sprinklers or emitters. The model used a new methodology to pressure at uphill and downhill laterals.
identify all flow paths based on a shortest path algorithm. It also In this paper, for uniformly sloped paired drip laterals, even sim-
uses elevation, obtained by high-resolution topographical data, and pler design relationships will be derived that only require a few
hydraulic parameters to determine which outlets are flowing and constants (3), and that show the influence of the flow rate and
which are not. An iterative solution approach resulted in the cal- pipe diameter exponents of the resistance equation on the design
culated flow rates and pressures at all nodes in the network with a variables. As the procedures previously introduced (Baiamonte
single source node, which can have a fixed head. The model is based et al., 2015; Baiamonte, 2016a), this proposed procedure is a par-
on a methodology that starts at the downstream end of a branching tial approach since it is valid only for one-lateral units and cannot
pipe system and works in the upstream direction to determine flow be used to irrigation units of branching pipe networks, with many
rates and pressures at each node. laterals and one manifold. On the other hand, because of its sim-
The forward Step-by-Step (SBS) procedure, as well-known, rep- plicity it is also usable by the general public, and addresses the
resents the most affordable method to evaluate the pressure heads main interest of the farmer, i.e. the uniformity of water distribution,
and the actual flow rates that correspond to all of the emitters in without requiring the classic SBS hydraulic design of the irrigation
the lateral. However, when it is applied from the uphill end to the system and the use of a personal computer. It reproduces the results
downhill end of the lateral, time consuming iterations and trials of the analytical approach introduced by Baiamonte et al. (2015)
are needed to find optimal solutions (Al-Amoud, 1995; Kang et al., well, with relative errors that are a bit greater than 2%, and extends
1996; Kang, 2000). design relationships to i) any imposed pressure head tolerance and
The design process of the drip lateral can be simplified with the ii) to the Hazen-Williams resistance equation, which is also widely
assumption that local losses can be neglected, i.e. in all of the cases accepted for smooth-wall Polyethylene Pipe, especially when the
for which variations of flow velocity due to the emitters is limited Reynolds number exceeds 105 .
and the morphology of emitter connections does not produce sig- Relationships will be provided for downward paired laterals
nificant reductions of the lateral cross section. This could be the (BMP = 0.24), for the most common case in which the paired later-
case of flat in-line coextruded drippers that are installed parallel als are laid on flat fields (BMP = 0.5), for both corresponding layouts
to the pipe within the manufacturing process with relatively small (downward and flat), in which the manifold is located at the bound-
profile to minimize flow disorders in the drip lateral. For in-line ary of the irrigation unit (BMP = 0) and finally, for upward laterals,
emitters characterized by an ␣ fraction of kinetic head flow ≤ 0.3 for which only BMP = 0 can be. Thus, there are five considered
and emitter spacing equal to 1 m, local losses less than 10% of the layouts all together that are summarized in Table 1. Evaluations
total losses were found by Provenzano and Pumo (2004). highlighting the effects of design choices in terms of energy sav-
Under the Blasius resistance equation, Baiamonte et al. (2015) ing, which could have a certain impact by an economic point of
presented an analytical approach to evaluate the optimal length of view are discussed. For the considered five layouts, by neglecting
paired drip laterals placed on uniformly sloped grounds by assum- manufacturing coefficient of variation, comparisons between opti-
ing that: i) the variations of emitters’ flow rate along the lateral, mal lateral lengths and analyses of lateral pressure head variability
as well as ii) the local losses due to emitters’ insertions could be and emission uniformity coefficient, are carried out. Then, for the
neglected. Although the latter assumption can be accepted only in five layouts we present and discuss applications of the proposed
some cases, and can be fully relaxed in the exact SBS procedure relationships, considering different design parameters.
which already provide complete and exact solutions, the useful-
ness of analytical solutions is also important to consider. They don’t 2. The optimal paired drip lateral in a downward sloping
need iterations to be coded in computer programs, give easy cog- field (Layout # 1) and the best manifold position (BMP)
nition of how the factors affecting the studied feature influence the
output variables and serve a useful pedagogical purpose (Anderson In Fig. 1, for each of the considered five layouts, a lateral pressure
and Woessner, 1992; Giraldez and Woolhiser, 1996; Baiamonte and head distribution line is qualitatively illustrated. Table 1 reports the
Singh, 2016a, 2016b; Baiamonte, 2016c). slope’s sign (negative downward), the number of emitters depend-
The analytical solution of Baiamonte et al. (2015) provided the ing on the best manifold position, BMP, the corresponding design
maximum number of emitters in the uphill and downhill sides of equations and the average coefficient of variation of pressure head,
the lateral and, therefore, to the optimal lateral length by impos- CV, as illustrated in the following.
ing constant emitter flow rates and a pressure head tolerance, The optimal design of paired drip laterals on uniform slopes
␦ = 10%, of its nominal value along the entire lateral. More recently, (Baiamonte et al., 2015; Baiamonte, 2016a) is moved up by the
Baiamonte (2016a, 2016b, 2018) simplified the analytical design motion equations, expressing pressure head variations of the i-th
procedure introduced by Baiamonte et al. (2015), which required emitter, hi , along the uphill side of the lateral, hi (u) , as well as along
solving a system of four implicit equations, by deriving simple the downhill side of the lateral, hi (d) . The motion equations are valid
explicit relationships as a function of 16 calibration constants. This under the assumption that we can neglect: i) the variations of emit-
simplified procedure derived the design variables required for the ters’ flow rate along the lateral (Christiansen, 1942; Zayani et al.,
optimal paired lateral, with a relative error less than 2%. More- 2001), as well as ii) the local losses due to emitters’ insertions, so
over, the author identified exactly the best position of the manifold that the morphology of emitter connections does not produce sig-
(BMP) associated with the optimal paired lateral design in a sloping nificant reductions of the lateral cross section. Accordingly, these
field, which resulted for flat fields equal to 0.24, whereas for com- equations are rewritten here:
plex field topography, this value differs from 0.24 depending on the (u)  
hi (u)
concavity or the convexity shape of the paired lateral (Baiamonte, hmax (−r) (−r)
= −K Hnu − Hn + i S0 (1a)
S S u −i
2017a). It is interesting to observe that BMP = 0.24 (for uniform
160 G. Baiamonte / Agricultural Water Management 199 (2018) 157–174

Table 1
The table illustrates the considered five lateral layouts, characterized by different values of BMP, slope and number of emitters. For each layout, the design relationship
equations, a layout sketch and the coefficient of variation of pressure heads, CV, associated with three values of pressure head tolerance, ␦, are also indicated. Two design
relationships are required for sloping laterals, whereas only one is needed for flat laterals. For sloping laterals (Layout #1, #2, #5), depending on the unknown variable, D or
qn , Eq. (20a) can be conveniently substituted with Eq. (21a) or Eq. (21b), respectively. For any layout a pressure head at the inlet equal to (1 + ␦) hn is required.

# Layout Slope, S0 Symbol of # emitters† BMP Design relationships Lateral’s sketch‡‡ CV

␦ = 0.1 ␦ = 0.07 ␦ = 0.3

1 <0 nu + nd 0.24 Eqs. (19a) and (20a) or Eqs. (19b) and (20b) 6.1% 4.3% 1.8%

2 <0 nd 0 Eqs. (22a) and (20a) or Eqs. (22b) and (20b) 6.1% 4.3% 1.8%

3 0 2 nd (=2 nu ) 0.5 Eq. (26b)‡ 5.9% 4.1% 1.7%

4 0 nd 0 Eq. (24b) or Eq. (27b) 5.9% 4.1% 1.7%

5 >0 nu 0 Eqs. (25a) and (20a) or Eqs. (25b) and (20b) 5.7% 4.0% 1.7%

The subscript u or d refers to the flow direction, ‡ Lateral length can also be obtained by doubling lengths obtained for layout #4, ‡‡ Dot indicates the best manifold position,
BMP = 0, 0.24 or 0.5. For layout # 1, BMP = 0.24 is replaced by BMP = 0.25, when applying Hazen-Williams resistance equation (see Fig. 3).

Fig. 1. Sketch of the submain units for the five considered lateral layouts (Table 1), for a manifold located inside the unit (a, c), or at the edge of the unit (b, d, e), for different
slopes (S0 < 0, downward lateral, S0 = 0, S0 > 0). In each case, for one lateral, the pressure head distribution line, in between hmin = (1 − ␦) hn and h max (1 + ␦), with ␦ pressure
head tolerance, is also indicated.

(d) (u)
(−r) (−r) (−r)
= −K Hnd − Hn − i S0 (1b) -r, truncated at n corresponding to Hn = 1/kr /; n ∈ N, S0
S S d −i
[−] is the field slope (negative downhill), i [−] is the generic emitter
in which r denotes the flow rate exponent of the flow resistance installed along the lateral, nu and nd are the number of emitters
equation, Hn denotes the generalized harmonic number of order
G. Baiamonte / Agricultural Water Management 199 (2018) 157–174 161

along the uphill and the downhill sides of the lateral, hmax (u) /S is the very well. This solution is based on 4 calibration parameters for
maximum pressure head at the manifold connection normalized each unknown variable, nu , nd , imin , S0 (16 calibration parameters
with respect to the emitter spacing, S [m]: in total).
To test the capability of Eq. (4–7) to estimate (nu , nd , imin , S0 )
K =k (2) and the associated nopt , necessary for the optimal design of drip
paired laterals, Baiamonte (2016a) calculated the relative errors RE
in which qn [m3 s−1 ] is the average (nominal) emitter discharge, D (%) as a function of K, for h∗n = 5, 10, 20 and 40. RE were calculated
[m] is the inside pipe diameter, and k, r and s are assumed values by assuming that the corresponding analytical values, obtained by
depending on the adopted formula. According to the well-accepted solving the system of Eqs. (4–7), were true. The Author showed
resistance equations for smooth walled Polyethylene Pipe, Blasius’s that RE was less than ± 2%, demonstrating the applicability of the
and Hazen-Williams’s equations (Keller and Bliesner 1990), follow: proposed procedure.
√ In order to show the effect of h∗n on the approximated proce-
0.316 · 4 2 0.25
k=  r = 1.75, s = 4.75 Blasius (3a) dure, Fig. 2a, for five values of K (K = 10−7 , 10−6 , 10−5 , 10−4 and
g r
10−3 ), and under the assumption of Blasius resistance equation,
10.675 reports the relative errors RE (%) on the estimate of nopt as a func-
k= r = 1.852, s = 4.871 Hazen − Williams (3b)
Cr tion of h∗n by the procedure suggested by Baiamonte (2016a). The
8 results show that relative errors rapidly diminish as h∗n increases,
k= r = 2, s = 5 Darcy − Weisbach (3c) for h∗n > 3 and in any case endure within a very narrow range. In
r g
the same figure, the only slightly higher relative errors RE (%) for
where g [m s−2 ] is the acceleration of gravity,  = 1.008 10−6 m2 s−1 the estimate of nopt (solid lines) for another simpler and much
is water’s kinematic viscosity which, according to Blasius’s equa- more manageable design relationship (presented below) are also
tion, for a standard water temperature at 20 ◦ C, gives k = 0.000779, reported.
whereas according to Hazen-Williams’s equation, C is a friction The optimal paired drip lateral, designed according to
coefficient, which is a function of the pipe material’s characteristics. Baiamonte (2016a) associated with Eqs. (4–7), requires a particular
Baiamonte et al. (2015) analytically solved the design problem of position of the manifold denoted as the “best” manifold position,
paired drip laterals in a uniformly sloping field by fixing r = 1.75 and BMP, defined as the ratio between the number of the emitters in
a pressure head tolerance ␦ = 0.1. The hypothesis i) to neglect the the uphill lateral, nu , and the optimal number of the emitters in the
variation of emitters’ flow rates agrees with the latter assumption of entire lateral, nopt .
fixing pressure head tolerance ␦. In fact along the lateral, it is under By introducing approximated and explicit design relationships
limited pressure head variations that the ratio between the emit- to derive the optimal nu and nd , Baiamonte (2016a) showed that
ters’ flow rate variation (q max − qmin ) and its average, qn , is small the BMP is slightly affected by h∗n and K, in their usual range of
(it should be less than 10%), providing a good approximation of this variability, approaching a value very close to 0.24, for r = 1.75. Under
hypothesis (Wu, 1997; Vallesquino and Luque-Escamilla, 2002). the Blasius resistance equation (Eq. (3a)), the Author emphasized
The system of 4 equations leading to the optimal paired drip lat- that BMP = 0.24 is valid if the number of the uphill and downhill
eral design is rewritten here by generalizing for any ␦, and for any emitters are the optimal values, so that h∗min (u) = h∗min (d) = (1- ␦)
r, i.e. for any exponent of the resistance equation (Eq. (2)), and by h∗n and h∗max (u) = h∗max (d) = (1+ ␦) h∗n .
highlighting the scale role of the emitter spacing in lateral design- In this paper, BMP will denote any other manifold position
ing, by mean of the normalized pressure head in respect to the satisfying the latter condition, such as the well-known BMP = 0.5
emitter spacing S [m], denoted here as h∗ (dimensionless): (Fig. 1c), for a flat lateral, as well as BMP = 0, if the laterals are not
nu S0 = K Hnu
− 2ı h∗n (4) paired (Fig. 1b,d and e).
Much simpler design relationships providing errors only a bit
(1−r) S0 larger than those derived by Baiamonte (2016a), and that also
Hn =  (1 − r) − (5)
d −imin rK require an imposed BMP, can be derived by solving by substitu-
  tion the Eqs. system (4–7) and by forcing the relationships between
(−r) (−r)
2 ı h∗n = K Hnd − Hn + imin S0 (6)
d −imin the design variables to follow a linear or power function, described
below. After a little algebra, for a fixed “distance” between the min-
nd S0 + K Hnd =0 (7) imum pressure at the downhill lateral and its top end, (nd − imin ),
in which i min is the emitter at the downhill lateral for which the and for a fixed r, the system of Eqs. (4–7) can be reduced to only
minimum value of the pressure head occurs, ␨ (1-r) is the Rie- two dimensionless equations for the two unknowns, nu and nd :

(−r) (−r)
mann Zeta function  (1 − r) = − 1r + (−1)n
n (−r)n
(Agnese et al., Hn + Hnu
d −imin
n! = r (nd − imin − nu ) (8a)
n=0 Hn −  (1 − r)
2014), where ␥n are the Stieltjes constants. It is noteworthy that for d −imin

a fixed K, only the discharge exponent of the resistance equation (−r)

affects the system solution. For r = 1.75 and r = 1.852, ␨ (1- r) is equal Hn =  (1 − r) + (8b)
d −imin r nd
to −0.1336 and −0.1108, respectively.
For a fixed r, ␦, K (i.e. qn and D), h∗n and S, the system of the The analytical BMP = nu /(nu + nd ) cannot be expressed by Eqs. (8a
four Eqs. (4–7) can be solved obtaining the analytical solution (nu , and 8b) in an explicit form, however for any optimal (nd − imin ) sat-
nd , imin , S0 ) for which operating pressure heads along the entire isfying Eqs. (8a and 8b), it can usefully be represented as a function
lateral are in the desired range ((1- ı) h∗n ≤ h∗i ≤ (1 + ␦) h∗n ). Thus, of the number of emitters in the uphill lateral, nu , with the dis-
the knowledge of nu and nd and the related optimal number of the charge exponent r of the resistance equation as a parameter, as
emitters installed in the entire lateral, nopt = nu + nd , yielding the illustrated in Fig. 3. The considered r values in Fig. 3 are those of Eqs.
optimal length, Lopt = S nopt , requires the solution of the four Eqs. (8a and 8b), r = 1.75 and r = 1.852, and, just for r = 2 that corresponds
(4–7). Baiamonte (2016a, 2016b, 2018) simplified the solution to to the exponent of the well-known Darcy-Weisbach formula. The
design paired drip laterals in sloping fields, by using exponential figure shows that for an nu greater than around 10, BMP becomes
laws and power functions that approximate the analytical solution constant assuming values 0.2396, 0.2478, 0.2560, for r = 1.75, 1.871
162 G. Baiamonte / Agricultural Water Management 199 (2018) 157–174

Fig. 2. Relative errors RE (%) on the estimate of nopt as a function of h∗n (dashed lines) for different values of K (K = 10−7 , 10−6 , 10−5 , 10−4 and 10−3 ), obtained by using the
design relationships of Baiamonte (2016a) (Fig. 2a) and by using Eqs. (19) and Eqs. (20) (Fig. 2b). In both cases, the RE were calculated by assuming the analytical values of
nopt obtained by solving the system of Eqs. (4–7) as true.

two decimal places, which is advisable in practice. Thus, by fixing

BMP = 24, 25 and 26% of the entire paired drip lateral, for r = 1.75,
1.871 and 2, the corresponding B0 constant can be evaluated, yield-
ing B0 = 0.316, 0.333 and 0.351, respectively. Therefore, B0 cannot be
considered a calibration parameter of the actual design procedure,
but simply a consequence of the choice to fix BMP.
The optimal number of the emitters of the paired lateral, nopt ,
can be linked to the normalized emitter pressure head, h∗n , and to
the lateral slope S0 , by considering the system of Eq. (4), (7) and
ı h∗n
nopt = nu + nd = B1 (12)
|S0 |
in which B1 is a numerical constant that only depends on r, and that
will be determined by calibration. Therefore, under the hypothe-
sis, nu > 10, which is widely accepted in practice, the number of
the emitters of the uphill and downhill lateral, nu and nd , can
be obtained by simply considering the imposed BMP, which only
Fig. 3. Analytical BMP = nu /(nu + nd ) is represented as a function of the number of
slightly depends on the selected flow rate exponent of the resis-
emitters in the uphill lateral, nu , with the discharge exponent, r, of the resistance
equation (Eq. (2)) as a parameter. The corresponding constant and round BMP values, tance equation (Fig. 3):
assignable in practice, are also indicated.
ı h∗n
nu = B1 BMP (13a)
|S0 |
and 2, respectively and, confirms the BMP value close to 0.24 that
Baiamonte (2016a), for r = 1.75, obtained by the approximated rela- ı h∗n
nd = B1 (1 − BMP) (13b)
tionships. |S0 |
An application of Eqs. (8a and 8b), for fixed exponent r, showed Once the optimal number of emitters has been derived, the
that an almost linear and simpler relationship occurs between nu , hydraulic and geometric characteristics of the emitters of the drip
nd and (nd − imin ): lateral have to be determined. In other words, for the optimal design
nu = B0,1 (nd − imin ) (9a) of the lateral, the relationship between the K constant, expressed
by Eq. (2), and the optimal number of the emitters of Eq. (13) is
nd = B0,2 (nd − imin ) (9b) necessary. Analogously to the derivation of Eq. (12), an application
in which B0,1 in B0,1 are numerical coefficients, which only depend of Eqs. (4–7) fit a power-function:
on r. By combining Eqs. (9a) and (9b), the relationship between  |S | 1/r
nd and nu , under the condition of the optimal (maximum length) nopt = nu + nd = B2 (14)
lateral design, we can derived:
in which, like B0 and B1 , B2 only depends on the exponent r and,
nu = n (10) together with B1 , will be determined by calibration. Thus, analo-
B0,2 d
gously to Eq. (13), the number of the emitters of the uphill and
which shows that the ratio B0 = B0,1 /B0,2 can be expressed as a downhill lateral can be obtained as a function of K:
function of the BMP according to the following relationship:  |S | 1/r
BMP nu = B2 BMP (15a)
B0 = (11) K
1 − BMP  |S | 1/r
Interestingly, B0 (and BMP) does not depend on the pressure nd = B2 (1 − BMP) (15b)
tolerance, ␦, and only depends on the discharge exponent, r, of the
pipe resistance formula. According to the results illustrated in Fig. 3, Finally, by combing Eqs. (12) and (14), the relationships between
BMP in Eq. (11) can reasonably be fixed as a constant rounded to the main dimensionless parameters, h∗n and K, for the verification
G. Baiamonte / Agricultural Water Management 199 (2018) 157–174 163

Table 2
Maximum length of drip lateral, L (m), laid on flat fields, suggested by manufacturer A), for BMP = 0, for inside pipe diameter, D = 14.2 mm, for 3 bar inlet pressure head, for
different values of emitters’ spacing, S, and flow rates, qn .

Emitter spacing, S (cm)

0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

qn (l/h) L (m)

1.25 95 137 176 213 248 281 313 344 373

2 70 101 130 157 182 207 230 253 275
2.9 55 79 102 123 143 162 182 199 216
4.4 41 60 77 94 109 124 138 152 165

Table 3
Maximum length of drip lateral, L (m), laid on flat fields, suggested by manufacturer B), for BMP = 0, for different values of inside pipe diameter, D, nominal emitter pressure
head, hn , emitters’ spacing, S, and flow rates, qn .

D (mm) hn (m) Emitter spacing, S (m)

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1

16 15 89 70 53 115 91 68 140 110 84 162 128 97 205 162 123 245 194 148
25 113 89 68 147 115 87 177 140 106 206 163 124 262 207 158 312 247 188
35 131 103 78 168 133 101 204 161 122 238 187 143 302 239 181 360 284 216
20 15 156 122 94 196 155 118 233 184 140 267 212 160 336 266 203 388 307 234
25 198 157 119 250 197 150 297 235 179 341 270 205 430 340 260 496 392 300
35 229 180 137 288 228 173 343 271 206 294 311 238 497 393 301 573 454 347
qn (l/h) 1.6 2.3 3.5 1.6 2.3 3.5 1.6 2.3 3.5 1.6 2.3 3.5 1.6 2.3 3.5 1.6 2.3 3.5

problem (K is known, Eq. (16b) as well as for the design problem irrigation system manufacturer catalogues were shown. Tables 2–4
(h∗n are known, Eq. (16a), we can derive: report the value of the maximum lengths for drip laterals laid on
 B r |S |1+r flat fields, suggested by three manufacturers, denoted A), B) and
 0 r (16a) C), for different flow rates, qn , inside pipe diameters, D, emitter’s
1 ı h∗n spacing, S, and nominal pressure heads, hn , values, according to
the corresponding catalogues, which are available on the manufac-
B2 |S0 |1+1/r turer’s website. For these design parameters, K values are in the
h∗n = (16b)
B1 ı K 1/r range 7.00·10−7 –2.09·10−5 .
It is noteworthy that because of Eq. (16b), the pressure head To extend the calibration to other design parameters, which can
distribution line of the optimal paired drip lateral, expressed by Eq. usually be selected for sprinkler irrigation systems (where higher
(1), only depends on the K value, on the lateral slope S0 , and on B1 flow rates are used), the K range was extended to higher K values
and B2 . (10−3 –10−7 ). For a very high number of K values (>10000) in such
By considering Eq. (2), Eq. (16b) can be rewritten, depending on range, the optimal slope and the B1 and B2 constants were deter-
mined by satisfying the optimization procedure according to the
objective functions expressed by the system:

⎪ h∗n = B2 /B1 |S0 |1+1/r / K 1/r ı

⎨      r   r (−r)
B1 ı h∗n / |S0 | BMP − 2 ı h∗n / |S0 | + B2 / B1 |S0 |/ ı h∗n H =0 (18)
B1 BMP (ı h∗n /|S0 |)

⎩ B ı h / |S | (1 − BMP ) − B / B r  |S |/ ı h r H (−r)

1 ∗n 0 2 1 0 ∗n B (1−BMP) (ı h / |S |)1 ∗n 0

For a selected pressure head tolerance, ␦, Eq. (18) satisfies the

the design problem of the lateral, by defining i) the internal pipe
occurrence i) of the maximum admitted pressure head, (1 + ␦)h∗n ,
diameter, D, (if qn is fixed) and ii) the average emitter discharge, qn
at the inlet (e.g. at the connection laterals-manifold) and at the top-
(if D is fixed):
end downward lateral, and ii) of the minimum admitted, (1- ı)h∗n ,
 B r/s qn ı h∗n r/s at the top-end upward lateral and for a certain emitter (i = imin ) in
1/s 1
D=k (17a) the downhill lateral.
B2 |S0 |(1+r)/s The optimization procedure was carried out for Blasius, Hazen-
Williams and Darcy-Weisbach resistance equation (BMP = 0.24,
B2 Ds/r |S0 |(1+r)/r
qn = (17b) 0.25, and 0.26 corresponding to B0 = 0.316, 0.333 and 0.351). In each
B1 k1/r ı h∗n
case, the calibration gave values of the B1 and B2 variables in a very
Eqs. (17a and 17b) appear much simpler in respect to those pre- narrow range, verifying the functional links expressed by Eqs. (12)
viously derived (Baiamonte, 2016a), and better show the influence and (14), with the variation coefficients equal to about 0.07% and
of the exponents r and s on the optimal lateral design, further- 0.16%, respectively.
more, they are monomial and their use requires only 2 calibration The calibration provided the values B1 and B2 , reported in
constants, in respect to the previous 16. Table 5, which can be used for practical applications, for the Bla-
B1 and B2 constants were determined for a set of common values sius, Hazen-Williams and Darcy-Weisbach resistance equation. In
of pipe diameters, flow rates, pressure heads and emitter’s spacing. the following, the optimal number of the emitters for the optimal
To refer to usual values of these parameters, some examples of drip paired drip lateral design, according to the Blasius equation (r = 1.75
164 G. Baiamonte / Agricultural Water Management 199 (2018) 157–174

Table 5

Maximum length of drip lateral, L (m), laid on flat fields, suggested by manufacturer C), for BMP = 0, for inside pipe diameter, D = 14 mm, for different values of nominal emitter pressure head, hn , emitters’ spacing, S, and flow

Exponents of Blasius, Hazen-Williams and Darcy-Weisbach resistance equation,

constant B0 associated with the best manifold position. BMP, and values of the
corresponding calibration constants B1 , B2 and F0 .


Resistance equation r s BMP B0 B1 B2 F0


Blasius 1.750 4.750 0.24 0.316 7.35 2.34 1.85
Hazen-Williams 1.852 4.871 0.25 0.333 7.07 2.34 1.83
Darcy-Weisbach 2 5 0.26 0.351 6.84 2.33 1.81




and k = 0.000779) obtained by substituting of B0 = 0.316, B1 = 7.35
and B2 = 2.34 into Eqs. (12) and (14), are reported:

nopt = 7.35 ı (19a)
|S0 |
366  |S | 0.571
3 0
nopt = 2.34 (19b)



rates, qn . The manufacturer catalogue reports that drip lateral lengths are calculated by imposing a minimum value of pressure head at the end of the lateral equal to 0.7 bar.

Whereas Eq. (16), which links the main dimensionless parameters,


h∗n and K, for the verification problem as well as for the design

problem, becomes:


|S0 |2.75
K = 0.135  1.75 (20a)



ı h∗n

|S0 |1.571



h∗ = 0.319 (20b)

ı K 0.571

For the Blasius resistance equation, in the following the design

relationships (Eq. (17)) for the internal pipe diameter, D, and for

the average emitter flow rate, qn , are also reported:


qn ı h∗n


D = 0.338 (21a)
|S0 |0.579

D2.714 |S0 |1.571


qn = 19.03 (21b)
ı h∗n

As the following will show later, each of the calibrated Eqs. (19),

(20) and (21) can be applied to find the design variables required to

design optimal paired drip laterals or to produce very simple design



For r = 1.75, relative errors, RE, for nopt estimates associated with
Eqs. (19), (20) and (21) are graphed in Fig. 2b, by assuming as true



the corresponding analytical values obtained by solving the sys-

tem of Eqs. (4–7) as a function of h∗n (solid lines), for different

K values in between the range already considered for calibration

(K = 10−7 , 10−6 , 10−5 , 10−4 and 10−3 ). RE for nopt can be compared


with the corresponding ones obtained in Fig. 2a, by using the sim-
plified equations previously introduced (Baiamonte, 2016a). The




figure shows that, in respect to the latter, Eqs. (19), (20) and (21)
provide errors that are only slightly larger. RE becomes less than

2.5%, for h∗n > 10, and decreases more and more as the normalized

pressure head increases. For a fixed h∗n , RE increases with K, prob-


ably because of the fixed B0 (BMP) values. As a matter of fact, the

increasing of RE with K, shown in Fig. 2b, agrees with the differ-

ences between BMP and the fixed BMP that also increase with K, as

previously observed, for r = 1.75 (Baiamonte, 2016a).



However, the simplicity of the newer procedure definitely

Emitter spacing, S (cm)

rewards the associated, slightly greater, RE for the nopt estimate,


with respect to those associated with the analytical (Baiamonte


et al., 2015) or the better approximated procedure (Baiamonte,




This described procedure can be applied to both drip lateral irri-



gation systems as well as to sprinkler irrigation systems without


diminishing its usefulness. Furthermore, the method can be used

hn (bar)

to extend the application of the drip lateral lengths suggested by

qn (l/h)
Table 4

the manufacturers, which generally are only valid for drip laterals


laid on flat fields, to drip laterals laid on sloping fields.

G. Baiamonte / Agricultural Water Management 199 (2018) 157–174 165

3. Application examples Thus, Fig. 4b allows the proposed design procedure to be verified
once the drip lateral length extreme pressure heads are satisfied
The choice of Eqs. (19), (20) and (21) to use for practical appli- (h∗min (u) = h∗min (d) = (1- ı) h∗n and h∗max (u) = h∗max (d) = (1 + ı) h∗n , with
cation depends on the verification or design problem that has to be ␦ = 0.1), providing the maximum energy and hydraulic efficiency
solved, if it is a new or an already implemented irrigation system, in the paired drip lateral design, for both assumptions (x = 0 and
and on the knowledge of the involved parameters. In the following, x = 0.5) and thus including not pressure compensating emitter.
the verification and design problems are described by assuming, as In order to extend the proposed procedure to any values of the
is usually the case, that the length of the irrigation unit (i.e. the num- involved parameters of the optimal paired drip lateral, Fig. 5a charts
ber of the emitters to be installed along the paired lateral, nopt , and the design problem, and Fig. 5b charts the verification problem,
the emitter spacing, S) are already assigned. Moreover, because a graphing Eqs. (19a) and (20a) with h∗n as a parameter, and Eqs.
trickle irrigations design is strongly influenced by the internal pipe (19b) and (20b) with K as a parameter, respectively. In both figures,
diameter, and there are only a few values of available internal pipe the previous numerical example is also represented. For the design
diameters, the latter will be considered as assigned. Since nopt , S problem, the chart application gives K = 1·10−4 (close to the solu-
and D are known, in this context the “verification problem” con- tion that was obtained analytically), whereas the verification chart
ventionally denotes the case in which the emitters’ pressure head application provides h∗n = 26.7. Of course, for these K and h∗n , any
has to be determined. Whereas for the “design problem”, the emit- congruent optimal pairs for qn and D and, as mentioned for hn and
ter pressure head is known, and the flow rate has to be established. S, can be selected to provide an optimal paired lateral in a sloping
In the following, we apply the procedure to solve a design problem field.
in such terms. Furthermore, both graphs can be used by reversing the sec-
In Fig. 4a, by assuming the Blasius equation, for a pressure tol- ondary vertical axis to the main axis. For example, this would be
erance ␦ = 0.1 and for a fixed diameter D = 11.6 mm, the optimal useful if the maximum length of the lateral is not fixed but is instead
lateral length, nopt , expressed by Eq. (19a) is graphed as a func- to be determined.
tion of |S0 |, with h∗n as a parameter. As expected, the figure shows In the next section, by introducing a third last calibration con-
that as the lateral slope increases, the optimal emitter number stant, the optimal lateral lengths are derived for the case in which
decreases. Furthermore, for a fixed slope, the higher the normal- the manifold is located at the top-end of the drip laterals (BMP = 0)
ized pressure head is, the “longer” the lateral lengths are. In the in a flat field (S0 = 0), for which manufacturer catalogues already
same figure for the same normalized pressure head values as the provide values, and for sloping on uphill and downhill fields, which
parameter, the secondary axis shows the flow rate vs. the lateral are particular cases of the previous paired lateral systems.
slope, expressed by Eq. (21b). Interestingly, the latter shows that,
for a fixed h∗n and as expected, an increase in slope determines
on the one hand, as already observed, a decrease in nopt , and on
4. Manifold at the top-beginning of the laterals (BMP = 0,
the other hand an increase in flow rate. The same figure also illus-
layout # 2, # 4 and # 5)
trates how a numerical application showing how the combined
use of Eqs. (19a) and (21b) leads to the solution. As example, for
The procedure previously described allows the optimal design
a fixed optimal number of emitters, nopt = 145, and a mean lat-
of a paired drip lateral in sloping fields to be elaborated by locating
eral slope |S0 | = 13.5%, corresponds a normalized pressure head
the manifold, according to the Blasius equation, at 24% of the entire
h∗n = 26.7, which can be associated to different possible pairs (hn ,
optimal length of the lateral (BMP = 0.24, Fig. 1a). For a fixed inlet
S) (40, 1.5; 33, 1.24; 20, 0.75 or 10, 0.375). The corresponding opti-
pressure head at the manifold, e.g. 1.1 hn , it is evident that the solu-
mal length of the lateral, Lopt = S nopt , will be 217.5, 181.3, 108.8
tion BMP = 0.24 provides lateral lengths greater than 24% in respect
or 54.4 m, depending on the selected pressure head value. Choos-
to those obtained by locating the manifold at the top-end of the lat-
ing an emitter spacing S = 1.5 m and hn = 40 m, the optimal design
eral, i.e. by considering only the downhill lateral (nu = 0). Also, for
of the paired drip lateral results in the flow rate qn = 6.2 l/h (cor-
flat terrain (S0 = 0), for which the lengths L suggested by the manu-
responding to K = 9.96·10−5 ), Lopt = 217.5 m, the length of the uphill
facturer catalogue can be considered, the manifold connection can
lateral Lu = (BMP nopt ) S = (35)*1.5 = 52.5 m (and the downhill lateral
be conveniently located in the center of the laterals (BMP = 0.5) so
Ld = (1-BMP) Lopt = 165 m).
that, for a fixed inlet pressure heads at the manifold, ␦ hn , provides
In Fig. 4b, for the above-mentioned parameters (Layout #1),
doubled lengths 2 L.
by applying Eq. (1), i.e. by considering the exponent of the flow
Notwithstanding the fact that the following solutions (BMP = 0),
rate-pressure head relationships (q = k hx ), x = 0, the pressure head
for flat fields as well as for sloping uphill and downhill fields (layout
distribution line and the hydraulic grade line were graphed (white
# 2, # 4 and # 5 of Table 1), are not convenient from an irrigation
dots and black dots, respectively). By using the iterative forward
efficiency point of view, they are described in the following because
step-by-step (SBS) procedure, starting from the manifold connec-
sometimes these solutions are preferred by the farmers. They facil-
tion to the end of both the downhill and the uphill sides of the
itate the underground manifold pipe’s repair by making it easier to
lateral, the pressure head distribution line was also graphed by
excavate since it is not located in between crop rows (Fig. 1b, d and
setting the exponent of the flow rate-pressure head relationships,
e). Furthermore, depending on the chosen manifold material, the
x = 0.5 (dashed line).
BMP = 0.24 or BMP = 0.5, requires a double number of connections
According to previous results (see Baiamonte et al., 2015, Fig. 7,
of the paired drip laterals, which can have an important role on the
and Baiamonte 2016a, Fig. 11), the figure shows that differences
amount of costs that the farmers have to sustain.
in pressure head distributions, under the two assumptions x = 0
and x = 0.5 are very moderate. By neglecting the manufacturing
coefficient of variation, Cv , and following SBS procedure, the pres-
sure head coefficient of variation, CV, and the emission uniformity 4.1. Lateral laid on downward sloping fields (BMP = 0, nu = 0,
coefficient, EU (Keller and Karmeli, 1975), associated with the two S0 < 0, Layout #2)
assumptions, were also calculated. They resulted CV = 6.25% and
the obvious EU = 100%, for x = 0, and CV = 6.04% and EU = 95.8%, for Drip lateral design equations for downward sloping fields, when
x = 0.5. the manifold is located at the boundary of the irrigation sector
(BMP = 0, Fig. 1b), is a particular case of the previously illustrated
166 G. Baiamonte / Agricultural Water Management 199 (2018) 157–174

Fig. 4. For Layout # 1, optimal number of emitters, nopt , as a function of the mean slope |S0 |, with h∗n as a parameter (Eq. (19)a) and, for the same parameter, h∗n , flow rate,
qn , as function the mean slope |S0 | (Eq. (21)b), are reported. Black dots (Fig. 4a) indicate the design variables, |S0 |, nopt , h∗n , and qn , corresponding to the application illustrated
in Fig. 4b, where the pressure head distributions, for x = 0 (Eqs. 1) and for x = 0.5 (SBS), both satisfying the condition (1- ı) hn ≤ hi ≤ (1- ı) hn , with ␦ = 0.1, are illustrated.

Fig. 5. The optimal number of emitters, nopt , vs. the mean slope of the optimal lateral length, |S0 |, expressed by Eq. (19a), with h∗n , as a parameter. For the same h∗n parameter,
in the secondary axis, K vs. |S0 | is also reported (Eq. (20a) (Fig. 5a). The optimal number of emitters, nopt , vs. the mean slope of the optimal lateral length, |S0 |, expressed by
Eq. (19b), with K as a parameter. For the same K parameter, in the secondary axis, h∗n vs. |S0 | is also reported (Eq. (20b)) (Fig. 5b). For both figures, black dots, for nopt = 145,
indicate the mean slope, |S0 | = 18.5%, and the associated, h∗n = 26.7 and K = 9.83 10−5 , corresponding to the application illustrated in Fig. 4b.

equations. For the case nu = 0, S0 < 0 only Eqs. (13b) and (15b) need obtained for the case (BMP = 0, Fig. 1d), the latter needs to be for-
considering, giving: mulated. As it is well known, in the simplest case in which the
lateral laid on a level field (S0 = 0), the minimum pressure head is
ı h∗n
nopt = 5.58 (22a) located at the downstream end of the lateral (i min ∼ = nd = nopt ), for
|S0 |
any K value. Thus, in this case the admitted minimum of the pres-
 |S | 0.571 sure head ((1- ␦) hn ) needs to be imposed at the downhill end of
nopt = 1.778 (22b) (−r) ∼
K the laterals (i = nd ) into Eq. (6), which considering Hn −i = 0 and
d min

As for layout #1, for Eq. (22a) or Eq. (22b) to be applied, it needs S0 = 0, yields:
to be coupled to Eqs. (20) or Eq. (21). Fig. 6a, for r = 1.75, for ␦ = 0.1, 2 ı h∗n (−r)
for qn = 5 l/h and D = 32 mm (K = 5.52 10−7 ), and for hn = 22.5 m and = Hnd (23)
S = 1.5 m (h∗n = 15), illustrates the pressure head distribution for an
To facilitate the designing of laterals laid on flat fields, a power-
optimal lateral designed according to Eqs. (22a) and (21b) giving
law can be used in place of Eq. (23), obtaining a relationship
nd = 590 and S0 = − 1.42%.
between the main dimensionless parameters for the verification
By comparing Eqs. (19a) and (22a) and by considering Eq. (21a),
problem (h∗n vs. nopt , if K is known), and for the design problem
it is interesting to observe for sloping laterals how much less conve-
(h∗n is known and K or nopt have to be determined):
nient the choice BMP = 0 is in respect to BMP = 0.24. In particular, for
a fixed lateral length, the emitters’ flow rate and slope, and for any n1+r
opt K
pressure head tolerance, the corresponding optimal design requires h∗n = (24a)
the emitters’ pressure head and pipe diameter to be greater than F01+r ı
32% and 11%, respectively (hn #2/hn #1, D #2/D #1 in Table 6). ı h∗n
K = F01+r (24b)
4.2. Lateral laid on flat fields (BMP = 0, S0 = 0, Layout #4)
ı h∗n
To detect the effect of the field slope on the optimal (maximum) nopt = F0 (24c)
lateral lengths for the case BMP = 0.24 or 0.5 (Fig. 1a) with those
G. Baiamonte / Agricultural Water Management 199 (2018) 157–174 167

Fig. 6. For qn , = 5 l/h, D = 32 mm (K = 5.52 10−7 ), hn = 22.5 m, S = 1.5 m (h∗n = 15), Fig. 6a shows the optimal pressure head distribution ((1 − ı) hn < hi < (1 − ı) hn , with pressure
tolerance ␦ = 0.1) obtained by designing the drip lateral according to different slopes, S0 , and lengths, S nd , as indicated in the box. For a set of design variables (S0 , qn , D, S,
h∗n ), Fig. 6b illustrates the relative error RE (%) on the estimate of nopt by Eq. (24c), associated to the optimal design of a drip lateral laid on a level field (S0 = 0), as a function
of the optimal number of the emitters (dashed line). Fig. 6b also illustrates relative errors associated to the pair drip lateral on uniform slope and BMP = 0.24 (Eqs. 19a and
20a, solid line).

Table 6
Matrix of the 25 combinations of the hn ratios for the five considered layouts. Values in round brackets indicate the corresponding inside diameter ratio. For example, the
bold ratio m21 = hn #2/hn #1 = 1.32, under the main diagonal of the matrix, indicates that for the same design variables (nopt , qn , D, ␦, S) layout #2 requires a nominal pressure
head and a lateral diameter 32% and 11% greater than those corresponding to layout #1, respectively.

Layouts #1 #2 #3 #4 #5

#1 1 0.76 (0.90) 1.12† 0.17 0.24 (0.59)

#2 1.32 (1.11) 1 2.40 0.36 0.32 (0.65)
#3 0.89 0.42 1 0.15 0.02
#4 5.98 2.80 6.73 1 0.12
#5 4.17 (1.69) 3.17 (1.53) 57.01 8.47 1

If the value in round brackets is not indicated, the inside diameter ratio is the unity, i.e. the comparing laterals have the same inside diameters.

where F0 is the third calibration constant for designing the five con- By considering Eq. (24c), it is interesting to observe that in
sidered layouts (Table 1), in addition to B1 and B2 , valid for sloped respect to BMP = 0.5, the choice BMP = 0 is much less convenient
laterals (Eq. (18)). For horizontal laterals, F0 was evaluated for the because, for fixed lateral length, the emitters’ flow rate and pipe
Blasius, Hazen-Williams and Darcy-Weisbach resistance equation, diameter, and for any pressure head tolerance, the corresponding
giving 1.85, 1.83, and 1.81, respectively. optimal design requires the emitters’ pressure head to be 6.7 times
For a set of design variables (S0 , qn , D, S, h∗n ), Fig. 6b illustrates greater (hn #3/hn #4 in Table 6).
the relative error RE (%) for the estimate of the optimal number of
the emitters, nopt , by Eq. (24c), associated to the optimal design of 4.3. Lateral laid on upward sloping fields (BMP = 0, nd = 0, S0 > 0,
a drip lateral laid on a level field (S0 = 0) and to the Blasius resis- Layout #5)
tance equation, as a function of nopt (dashed line), by assuming
the analytical values obtained by Eq. (23), as the true. RE markedly Here, we consider the design of drip lateral relationships for
diminishes with increasing nopt , and becomes negligible, less than upward sloping fields, when the manifold is located at the boundary
1%, for nopt > 30, suggesting that Eq. (24) is suitable for optimally of the irrigation sector (BMP = 0, Fig. 1e). Even though we know
designing drip laterals on flat fields. The standard error estimate SEE that this condition is not to be preferred, we will consider it in
associated to Eq. (24c) is very small, equal to 2.89. As Fig. 6b shows, the following because this position may be necessary if the overall
the relative errors RE (%) associated to Eq. (24c) are lower than structure of the irrigation system necessitates this design. Thus, for
those associated to Eq. (19), valid for sloped laterals and BMP = 0.24. this case, nd = 0, S0 > 0 only Eqs. (13a) and (15a) yielding:
Very similar errors were obtained by assuming the Hazen-William
resistance equation. ı h∗n
nopt = 1.763 (25a)
Fig. 6a illustrates an example application for the same design |S0 |
variables considered for layout #2, the pressure head distri-  |S | 0.571
bution obtained by designing the drip lateral with Eq. (24) nopt = 0.562 (25b)
that, for nopt = 590, results in between the admitted range
(0.9 hn < hi < 1.1 hn). Of course, for flat fields, the results can be easily Analogously to the previous cases, as an application example, by
extended to the case in which the manifold is located in the middle using the same design variables of layout #2 and #4 again, Fig. 6a
of the lateral (BMP = 0.5) by simply doubling the obtained optimal illustrates the pressure head distribution obtained by designing
lengths. the drip lateral with Eq. (25a), which with the expected smallest
value (nopt = 186), is the best choice since it is between the admit-
ted range (0.9 hn < hi < 1.1 hn). The typical almost linear behavior of
168 G. Baiamonte / Agricultural Water Management 199 (2018) 157–174

to the inside diameter. Thus, from an energetic point of view, the

hn ratios lets us predict the economic advantages or disadvantages
of each layout. For example, the value 1.32 (1.11), under the main
diagonal of the matrix, as already observed, indicates that for the
same design variables (nopt , qn , ␦, S) layout #2 requires a nominal
pressure head and lateral diameter 32% and 11% greater than that
corresponding to layout #1. The hn ratios over the main diagonal
of the matrix are, of course, the reciprocals of those reported under
it. The hn #3/hn #1 and hn #3/hn #2 ratios are noteworthy, 0.89
and 0.42 respectively, because they back up what it is well-known
in irrigation design, i.e. BMP = 0.5 in flat fields is the best efficiency
choice for the manifold.
It is interesting to observe that by excluding the cases hn #2/hn
#1, hn #5/hn #1 and hn #5/hn #2 #2, for which the pipe diameters
for the comparing layouts are not the same (values in brackets in
Table 6), the remaining pressure head ratios are valid for any lateral
length, emitter spacing, flow rate, pressure head tolerance, pipe
material and diameter too. Thus, it is expected that the same h
ratios can be extended to the corresponding energy ratios (since
the latter two are linearly related), with similar implications by an
economic point of view.
Finally, the value hn #4/hn #3 = 6.7 is close to 8 that Baiamonte
Fig. 7. Comparison between the number of the emitters obtained by the catalogue, (2017b) found for the horizontal layouts, for BMP = 0 and for
as the ratio length L – spacing, S, provided by 3 manufacturers (Table 2–4), for drip
BMP = 0.5, by using close-form solutions of the required pressure
laterals laid on flat fields (S0 = 0), and the optimal number of the emitters derived
by the proposed procedure (Eq. (24c) or Eq. (27b). The line of perfect agreements is heads derived under the Darcy-Weisbach resistance formula.
also indicated.

6. Comparing optimal lateral lengths for sloping fields and

the pressure heads along the upward lateral is also qualitatively for flat fields
indicated in layout #5 of Fig. 1e, which strongly differs from that of
the corresponding downward lateral (layout #2, Fig. 1b). Under the assumption of the Blasius resistance equation, in
A comparison in respect to layout #2 can be carried out for lay- order to compare optimal lateral lengths for flat fields and for slop-
out #5. The choice of an upward lateral, for a fixed lateral length, ing fields, as well as the two different manifold positions, i.e. inside
emitters’ flow rate and pipe diameter, and for any pressure head the irrigation sector, layout #3 (BMP = 0.5, for flat fields, Fig. 1c) and
tolerance, as expected, is much less convenient because the cor- layout #1 (BMP = 0.24 for sloping fields, Fig. 1a) and at the boundary
responding optimal design requires the emitters’ pressure head of the irrigation sector, layout #2, #4 and #5 (BMP = 0, for both slop-
and pipe diameter to be 3.2 times and 1.5 greater, respectively, ing fields, Fig. 1b,e and flat fields, Fig. 1d), the associated optimal
in respect to the downward lateral (see Table 6, 5.58/1.763 and lateral length relationships are derived below.
(5.58/1.763)r /4.75 , with r = 1.75). For sloping fields and BMP = 0.24, by combining Eqs. (19a) and
(21), the following relationship of the optimal length, Lopt |S0 |<0 , was

5. Energetic evaluations for the considered five layouts
S <0 h∗n ı Ds/(1+r)
Considering the increasing demand and price for energy are
Lopt = 207.4 S for BMP = 0.24 (Layout # 1) (26a)
affecting all economic sectors including irrigated agriculture
(Fernández García et al., 2015), an inspection on the energetic per- Eq. (26a) could misrepresent the influence of the slopes on the
formance of each considering layouts was in the following carried optimal lateral length, which explicitly does not figure into it. In
out. fact, it must be noted that Eq. (26a) is only valid if the lateral slopes
To show and compare the energetic advantages of each of the satisfy Eqs. (21), which in turn must also satisfy the optimal number
considered layouts, Eqs. (19), (20) and (21) for layout #1 and Eqs. of the emitters expressed by Eq. (19b) and (26a).
(22), (24) and (25) for those corresponding to the other layouts, Optimal lengths for a paired drip lateral laid on a flat field can be
were reformulated to derive the hn ratios for the 20 combina- expressed by combining Eq. (24c) and Eq. (2) with the k constant, for
tions of the five considered layouts. 3 main hn ratio relationships r = 1.75, equal to 0.000779 and by considering BMP = 0.5, yielding:
were derived. One for comparing both sloped lateral layouts (e.g. hn
#2/hn #1 = 7.35/5.58), one for a mixed comparison of sloped and S =0 ı1/(1+r) h∗n Ds/(1+r)
Lopt = 50 S for BMP = 0.5 (Layout # 3)
horizontal laterals (e.g. hn #4/hn #1 = 19.03r (7.35/25) ) and the r/(1+r)
last one for comparing both horizontal laterals (e.g. hn #4/hn (26b)
#3 = (50/25) ). The remaining 7 hn ratios can be determined
by the three mentioned relationships, by substituting the design
relationship coefficients of the corresponding layout, with the By assuming as usual ␦ = 0.1, a comparison between Eq. (26a)
exception of the 19.03 coefficient (Eq. (21)b), which is constant for and Eq. (26b) states that for optimal lateral laid in flat fields, for
any sloped layout (#1, #2 or #5). which BMP = 0.5, and for optimal lateral for which BMP = 0.24, the
Table 6 reports the hn ratios for the 20 possible combinations. associated optimal lateral lengths are very close, nevertheless dif-
In the table, the hn ratios corresponding to the mentioned compar- ferences in term of hn were higher.
isons already carried out in the previous section, for BMP = 0 can be Analogously to Eqs. (26), for the manifold located at the bound-
observed (hn #2/hn #1 = 1.32, hn #4/hn #3 = 6.7, hn #5/hn #2 = 3.17). ary of the irrigation sector (BMP = 0, Fig. 1b), similar equations can
Values in round brackets indicate the corresponding ratio referring be derived. For sloping uphill and downhill fields, to determine
G. Baiamonte / Agricultural Water Management 199 (2018) 157–174 169

the optimal lengths of drip laterals, Eqs. (22a) and (21) have to be However, this discrepancy must be due to the fact that, as reported
combined, yielding: in the catalogue, the lateral length suggested by the manufacturer
does not agree with the optimal design criteria assumed in all of the
S <0 h∗n ı Ds/(1+r) proposed design relationships, which should be preferred, to fix at
Lopt = 157.6 S for BMP = 0 (Layout # 2) (27a)
qn the last emitter (the most disadvantaged in flat fields) to assure a
pressure head equal to ␦ hn . As a matter of fact, (see Table 4, foot-
For laterals laid on flat fields with BMP = 0, the optimal drip lat-
note) a pressure head equal to 0.7 bar is assumed, independently of
eral length can be simply obtained by halving the optimal length
the nominal pressure head of the emitter. In other words, the last
expressed by Eq. (26b):
emitter for the suggested length operates as an example for a nomi-
1/(1+r) nal pressure head pn = 4 bar; according to Eq. (27b), it could operate
S =0 ı1/(1+r) h∗n Ds/(1+r)
Lopt = 25 S for BMP = 0 (Layout #4) (27b) with a pressure near to the nominal one pe = 0.9 hn = 0.9 * 4 = 3.6 bar,
whereas according to the catalogue, it should operate with a pres-
Whereas for upward sloping laterals, by combining Eqs. (25a) sure head much lower than the nominal one (pe = 0.7 bar). Thus,
S0 >0 , can be obtained:
and (21), the corresponding optimal length, Lopt drip lateral lengths suggested in the catalogue are greater than
those corresponding to the suggested design relationships to the
S >0 h∗n ı Ds/(1+r) detriment of flow rate uniformity.
Lopt = 4.97 S for BMP = 0 (Layout # 5) (27c)
8. Analysis of lateral pressure head variability (CV) and
It is apparent that the coefficients appearing into Eqs. (26) and emission uniformity coefficient (EU) for the considered five
(27) only depend on the BMP value (B0 ), on the calibration coeffi- layouts
cients B1 , B2 , F0 , and on k.
A comparison between Eqs. (27a, and 27b) states that, for Interesting analysis and discussion about the coefficient of vari-
BMP = 0, the optimal design on a downward sloping fields provides ation of water distribution and emission uniformity, were carried
lateral lengths that are significantly higher than those for flat fields, out by Royuela-Tomás et al. (2005) and Juana et al. (2004), who pro-
S0 <0 = 1.46 LS0 =0 . Thus, manufacturer catalogues can significantly
Lopt opt vided analytical solutions. In this section, under the assumption of
underestimate the lateral length if the slope is ignored. On the con- the mentioned hypothesis, and for the selected five layouts, rela-
trary, for uphill fields, a comparison between Eqs. (27a, and 27c) tionships to determine the pressure head coefficient of variation
yields LoptS0 >0 = 0.05 LS0 =0 , indicating the well-known great incor-
opt (CV) and emission uniformity coefficient according to Keller and
rectness of locating the manifold at the boundary of the irrigation Karmeli (1975), are derived.
unit, when the fields are upwards. As observed, because of Eq. (20b), for sloping laterals, and Eq.
It is noteworthy, that the compared coefficients in Eqs. (26), 0.96, (24a), for horizontal laterals, the pressure head distribution of the
and Eqs. (27), 1.46 and 0.05, are influenced by the pressure head optimal lateral only depends on the K parameter and on the slope
tolerance ␦· As an example, they increase to 1.24 and, 1.88 and value, S0 .
0.06, as the pressure head tolerance, ␦, increases from 0.1 to 0.15. By neglecting manufacturing coefficient of variation, for the K
values ranging between 10−3 –10−7 , pressure head uniformity has
7. Validating optimal lateral lengths for flat fields been investigated by considering the drip laterals of the five lay-
outs reported in Table 1. By considering Eq. (1), the coefficient of
variation, CV, was calculated for each layout and for each K value,
according to the derived relationship:
 u    2  nd    2
 (nu + nd ) 1 + ı h∗n − K
Hnu − Hn −i
+ i S0 + 1 + ı h∗n − K
(−r) (−r)
Hnd − Hn −i − i S0

 u d

CV = 
i=1 i=1
n  − 1 (28a)
 u      nd     2
 1 + ı h∗n − K
Hnu − Hn −i
+ i S0 + 1 + ı h∗n − K
Hnd − Hn −i
− i S0
u d
i=1 i=1

in which h∗n is expressed according to Eq. (20b), for sloped later-

Design relationships obtained for flat fields (Eqs. (24c) or (27b) als, or to Eq. (24a) for horizontal laterals. For layout #3, for which
even if already tested by the application illustrated in Fig. 6a (solid BMP = 0.5 (nu = nd ) and S0 = 0, and for layouts #2, #4 and #5 for
line), can be used as a verification via a comparison with the lat- which BMP = 0 (nu = 0 or nd = 0), Eq. (28a) reduces to:
eral lengths, L, suggested by the manufacturers (Table 2–4), since
 n    2
the same hypotheses are valid (S0 = 0 and BMP = 0). Fig. 7 reports    
n 1 + ı h∗n − K
(−r) (−r)
Hn − Hn−i ∓ i S0
the number of emitters suggested by the catalogues in abscissa 
(computed as L/S), for three different manufacturers A), B) and C)  i=1
CV =   2 − 1
and the corresponding number of the optimal emitters in ordinate    
calculated by Eq. (27b), by assuming ␦ = 0.1 and nopt = LoptS0 =0 /S.
 1 + ı h∗n − K
(−r) (−r)
Hn − Hn−i ∓ i S0
It can be observed that, for the manufacturers A) and B), only a
few pairs are far from the line of perfect agreement. This is probably
due to the fact that, as the catalogue says, “the suggested lengths are
subject to change due to changes in the conditions in which the tests where n = nu or nd depending on the layout and whether the sign
were performed”, or because the considered resistance equation in of S0 is “-” or “ + ”, depending on whether the field is downhill or
the catalogue is different from the well-accepted Blasius equation uphill, respectively.
considered here. Thus, for manufacturers A) and B), the pairs are For layout #1 (downward sloping laterals), for a fixed K value
almost next to the line of perfect agreement, whereas for the man- (K = 10−3 , 10−4 and 10−5 ) and for different pressure head tolerances
ufacturer C) Eq. (27b) underestimates the number of the emitters. (␦ = 0.1, 0.07, 0.05 and 0.03), Fig. 8 illustrates CV as a function of |S0 |.
170 G. Baiamonte / Agricultural Water Management 199 (2018) 157–174

Fig. 8. Coefficient of variation of the lateral pressure head, CV, evaluated for layout #1 by Eq. (28), as a function of the lateral slope, |S0 |, for 3 values of K parameter (K = 10−3 ,
10−4 , 10−6 ) and for 4 values of pressure head tolerance, ␦ (␦ = 0.1, 0.07, 0.05 and 0.03).
For the highest K value (Fig. 8a), CV seems to vary with |S0 |. Vari- that, as expected, with increasing of ␦, CV increases whereas EU
ability over a constant CV value tends to vanish with a decreasing K, decreases. Moreover, (Layout #1 and #2, downward sloped fields)
until it completely disappears for the lowest K value (long laterals, and (Layout #3 and #4, horizontal fields) have the same behavior in
Fig. 8c). terms of CV and EU. For any layout, it is also interesting to observe
This CV behavior can be justified for the low K values for which, that the design procedure allows a lateral to be designed with the
for any ␦, the number of the emitters, especially in the uphill side, maximum length, optimizing water use efficiency (WUE), assur-
can be low (e.g. <10–15), as can be observed by Eq. (14) and Eqs. ing low values of pressure head variability (CV < 6.1%, for ␦ = 0.1)
(15). In fact, for a low number of emitters, the calibrated parameters and high values of emission uniformity (EU > 95%, for ␦ = 0.1). Inter-
may not result in the working range (see Fig. 3), pushing the lat- estingly, CV and EU values, corresponding to Layout #1, inversely
eral farther from the optimal operating pressure head range. Some derived by the relationships indicated in Fig. 9ab, for ␦ = 0.1, match
dispersion over the constant CV value can also be justified by the with those calculated for the example of the application illustrated
necessary rounding to the integer in applying Eq. (28). in Fig. 4b, where the exact SBS procedure was applied: CV = 6.2%
Table 1 reports the mean value, CV, for 3 values of the pressure and EU = 96.0%. The latter showed that the considered assumption
head tolerance (␦ = 0.1, 0.07 and 0.03) which, as expected, increases x = 0, also in computing the average (for CV, Eq. (28), and for EU,
with ␦ and varies in a very narrow range. As illustrated in Fig. 9a, Eq. (29)) and the standard deviation (for CV, Eq. (28)) of emitters’
CV and ␦ are linearly correlated. The angular coefficients, mCV , also pressure heads provide satisfactory results.
reported in the figure, can be used to set the desired CV value, in Further investigations are carried out below, which aim to detect
designing optimal laterals, once the corresponding pressure head variations of CV as a function of the slope, for laterals designed
tolerance, ␦, is calculated by the equation indicated in the figure. according to the proposed procedure, under the assumption that
Analogously to CV, also the familiar design emission uniformity the lateral is laid on a flat field, for BMP = 0.5 and for BMP = 0. In
coefficient, EU, of Keller and Karmeli (1975), commonly used for the respect to Fig. 8, the role of the slope is different; in Fig. 8, the slope
evaluation of the performance of drip irrigation systems, associated corresponds to the optimal design, whereas it varies in the actual
with the proposed procedure, was derived (Baiamonte, 2016b): context.
⎛ ⎞x

 ⎜   ⎟
⎜ (nu + nd ) 1 − ı h∗n ⎟
EU = 100 1 − 1.27 √
Cv ⎜ ⎟ (29a)
np ⎜nu
⎝ 1+ı h −K
Hnu − Hn
+ i S0 + 1 + ı h∗n − K
− Hn − i S0

u −i d d −i

i=1 i=1

where x is the exponent of the flow rate-pressure head rela-

tionships, np are the number of emitters per plant, Cv is the
manufacturing coefficient of variation, q min and qav are the mini-
mum and the average emitter flow rates in the lateral. For layouts
#2, #3, #4 and #5 Eq. (29a) reduces to:
⎛ ⎞x
⎜   ⎟
Cv ⎜ n 1 − ı h∗n ⎟
EU = 100 1 − 1.27 √ ⎜ ⎟ (29b)
np ⎜n 
⎝ (−r) (−r) ⎠
1 + ı h∗n − K Hn − Hn−i ∓ i S0

where n refers to the total number of the emitters of the lateral,

and the sign of S0 is ‘-’ or “ + ”, depending on whether the field is For r = 1.75, ␦ = 0.1 and for two values of K (7·10−7 and 8·10−6 )
downhill or uphill, respectively. and h∗n (10 and 120), Fig. 10 illustrates the coefficient of variation,
By neglecting the manufacturing coefficient of variation, Cv , Eq. CV, as a function of the field slope, for BMP = 0.5 (Fig. 10a) and for
(29a) and Eq. (29b) are illustrated in Fig. 9b, which shows a linear BMP = 0 (Fig. 10b). In both cases, the number of the emitters is the
relationship between EU and ␦, also indicated in the figure, together optimal, 2 nd and nd , calculated by Eq. (24c), for S0 = 0, for both BMP
with the corresponding angular coefficient, mEU . As for CV (Fig. 9b), values (layout #3 and #4), as reported in Table 1. Fig. 10 shows that
the latter can be used to determine the laterals pressure head toler- for S0 ∼ 0, CV ∼
= 5.9%. Moreover, depending on the BMP value, it is
ance of the, ␦, corresponding to a desired EU value. The figure shows interesting to observe a different effect of the lateral slope on CV.
G. Baiamonte / Agricultural Water Management 199 (2018) 157–174 171

Fig. 9. Pressure head tolerance, ␦, as a function of the average coefficient of variation of pressure head CV (Fig. 9a), and as a function of the emission uniformity coefficient of
Keller and Karmeli, EU, (Fig. 9b), for the five considered layouts reported in Table 1. The angular coefficient, mCV and mEU , obtained by the corresponding linear regression,
are also indicated.

Fig. 10. For two different values of h∗n (10 and 120) and K (7·10−7 and 8·10−6 ), corresponding to different set of the design variables, qn , D, hn , S, the coefficient of variation
CV is graphed as function of the field slope, |S0 |, for BMP = 0.5 (Fig. 10a) and for BMP = 0 (Fig. 10b). In both cases, the optimal number of emitters is used, by assuming that the
paired lateral (BMP = 0.5, Eq. (26b) and not paired (BMP = 0, Eq. (27b), lays on a flat field. In Fig. 10b, white circles indicate CVmin , for S0CVmin values, calculated by Eq. (30b).

For BMP = 0.5, for any h∗n and K values, because of the mini- ing from 0.9 hn (also imposed for S0 = 0) because of the imposed
mum admitted pressure head at the two extreme-ends of the lateral maximum pressure head at the manifold.
(0.9 hn ), CV monotonically increases with the lateral slope. In fact, Towards the aim of formalizing the S0 values corresponding to
any |S0 | > 0 values shows a decrease at the top-end pressure head CVmin , S CV
min , i.e. the maximum values of |S | in order to increase
of the lateral (hi (u) < 0.9 hn ) and an increasing pressure head at the water distribution uniformity, the derivative of Eq. (28b) in respect
to S0 , was carried out:



2 A(i) i A(i)
∂CV i=1 i=1 h∗n. max S0 (−r) (−r)
= nd (1 + nd ) − with A(i) = − i − (Hnd − Hn −i ) (30a)
K K d


Once Eq. (30a) was imposed equal to zero, by using a power-law

(R2 = 1, standard error of the estimate, SEE = 22.1), a good fit of Eq.
(30a) was obtained
bottom-end of the lateral (hi (d) > 1.1 hn ). CVmin
|S0 |
 h 0.6364
Contrarily, for BMP = 0, in a certain low range of |S0 |, CV decreases = 0.2308 (30b)
with increasing |S0 |, showing a minimum CV value, CVmin , equal
to 2%, over which CV, as for BMP = 0.5, increases with |S0 |. This Eq. (30b), much simpler than Eq. (30a), for any h∗n /K, easily
CV behavior appears reasonable, if one considers that as the provides S0CVmin values.
slope increases (from S0 = 0), CV reductions are determined by the In Fig. 11, for ␦ = 0.1 and for the same values of K (7·10−7 and
increasing of the pressure head at the top-end of the lateral start- 8·10−6 ) and h∗n (10 and 120) considered in Fig. 10, the normal-
172 G. Baiamonte / Agricultural Water Management 199 (2018) 157–174

Fig. 11. For two different values of h∗n (10 and 120) and K (7·10−7 and 8·10−6 ), and for an imposed pressure head tolerance, ␦ = 0.1, the normalized pressure head, h∗n , at
the uphill-end of the lateral, i = nu , (for BMP = 0.5), at the downhill-end of the lateral, i = nd , and at the emitter where |S0max | the minimum of pressure head occurs, i = imin , is
graphed as a function of |S0 |, for BMP = 0.5 (Fig. 11a) and for BMP = 0 (Fig. 11b). In both cases, the number of the emitters is the optimal calculated by Eqs. (26b) and (27b)),
by assuming that the field is flat. The value of the minimum (dot lines) and maximum (dash-dot lines) admitted normalized pressure head, and values (Eq. (31b), over which
pressure heads are not in the admitted range, are also indicated.

ized pressure head, h∗n , i) at the uphill-end of the lateral, i = nu , (for and (31b). As expected, the results show that i) for slope values
BMP = 0.5), ii) at the downhill-end of the lateral, i = nd , and iii) for corresponding to the optimal S0 , the maximum length of the lat-
the emitter where the minimum of pressure head occurs, i = i min eral under the admitted pressure heads occurs, ii) for S 0 = |S0CVmin |,
(for both BMP = 0.5 and 0), are graphed as function of the field slope. CV = CVmin = 2%, whereas forS0 = |S0max |, the pressure heads at the
As for the CV analysis, in order to show the effects of the slope on top-end of the lateral agrees with the maximum admitted value,
operating pressure heads for paired drip laterals, we can consider 1.1 hn .
the optimal number of emitters obtained by Eq. (26b) and Eq. (27b),
in order to refer the effect of the slope on a lateral designed for flat 9. Conclusions
fields. The value of the minimum (dot lines) and maximum (dash-
dot lines) admitted normalized pressure heads, which let us detect The importance of an adequate design of drip lateral hydraulics
the associated admitted slope values, are also indicated. aimed to find the optimal length or diameter of laterals laid on slop-
The figure shows that for BMP = 0.5, h∗n (imin ) is in the admitted ing fields has been emphasized. When designing paired laterals, it
range of normalized pressure head in the downhill lateral, and h∗n is fundamental to evaluate the best manifold position (BMP), which
(nd ) is in the admitted range until a maximum slope value |S0max |, usually is defined as the location of the manifold determining the
whereas, as expected, any lateral slopes greater than zero provide a same minimum pressure in uphill and downhill laterals.
normalized pressure head h∗n (nu ) lower than the admitted 0.9 h∗n . Recently, by deriving simple explicit relationships as a func-
Thus, for paired drip laterals with BMP = 0.5, on sloping fields the tion of 16 calibration constants, Baiamonte (2016a) identified equal
optimal length has to be established according to the procedure to 0.24, the best position of the manifold (BMP) associated with
previously presented. the optimal paired lateral design in sloping fields. Moreover, the
Contrarily, for BMP = 0 for which no upstream lateral occurs, Author simplified the analytical design procedure introduced by
Fig. 11b shows that laterals designed with the field assumed as flat Baiamonte et al. (2015), to optimally design a paired drip lateral,
can also be applied to sloping fields, for slopes which do not over- which required solving a system of four implicit equations.
come an |S0max | value over which pressure heads are not admitted. Following these main finding, the most important advances in
(d) (u)
|S0max | can be easily evaluated by putting h∗i = h∗max and i = nd , into the optimal design of irrigation laterals laid on uniform slopes cov-
Eq. (1b), obtaining: ered in this paper can be summarized as follows:
K Hnd • Simple and monomial design relationships are derived to design
|S0max | = (31a) laterals on uniform sloping fields that satisfies limited pressure
head variations along the entire lateral (± ␦ of the emitters’ nom-
By imposing into Eq. (31a) the optimal number of emitters corre- inal value, with ␦ pressure head tolerance), for five considered
sponding to a flat field, provided by Eq. (24c), a good fit of Eq. (31a) layouts (#1. Manifold inside the irrigation unit, for downward-
can be obtained, by once again fitting a power-law relationship paired laterals, #2. Manifold at the edge of the irrigation unit for
(R2 = 1, standard error of the estimate, SEE = 25.9): downward laterals, #3. Manifold inside the irrigation unit for flat
|S0max |
 h 0.6353 laterals, #4. Manifold at the edge of the irrigation unit for flat lat-
= 0.2514 (31b) erals, #5. Manifold at the edge of the irrigation unit for upward
The values for CV min and |S0max | for the two extreme values • These relationships are valid for uniform laterals’ slope, under the
of K (7·10−7 and 8·10−6 ) and h∗n (10 and 120) obtained by using assumptions of neglecting i) manufacturing coefficient of varia-
Eq. (30b) and Eq. (31b) are indicated as white and black dots in tion, ii) the variations of emitters’ flow rate along the lateral, iii)
Fig. 10b and in Fig. 11a–b, respectively, testing the reliability of the local losses due to emitters’ insertions. Thus, the procedure
both equations. As an example, for BMP = 0, qn , = 5 l/h, D = 32 mm can be applied when the morphology of emitter connections does
(K = 5.52·10−7 ), hn = 22.5 m, S = 1.5 m (h∗n = 15), Fig. 6a illustrates the not produce significant reductions of the lateral cross section.
pressure head distribution of the lateral designed according to the Moreover, the procedure here presented is a partial approach
proposed procedure, Eqs. (21 and 22a), and according to Eqs, (30b) since it is valid only for one-lateral units and cannot be used to
G. Baiamonte / Agricultural Water Management 199 (2018) 157–174 173

irrigation units of branching pipe networks, with many laterals Baiamonte, G., 2016a. Simple relationships for the optimal design of paired drip
and one manifold. laterals on uniform slopes. J. Irrig. Drain. E-ASCE. 142 (2), 04015054, http://dx.
• The proposed procedure reduces calibration constants of the sim- Baiamonte, G., 2016b. Closure to Simple relationships for the optimal design of
plified procedure of Baiamonte (2016a), from 16 to 3, provides paired drip laterals on uniform slopes by giorgio baiamonte. J. Irrig. Drain.
much simpler relationships, making evident the influence of flow E-ASCE 142 (12), 07016019, http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.
rate and pipe diameter exponents in the design variables. Baiamonte, G., 2016c. Discussion of Analysis of geometrical relationships and
• The proposed procedure extends previous design relationships friction losses in small-diameter lay-flat polyethylene pipes by giuseppe
to i) any imposed pressure head tolerance and ii) to the Hazen- provenzano, vincenzo alagna, dario autovino, juan manzano juarez, and
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