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1 c What the relation between age and gender ?

Cases of diarrhea is usually the most on children age 0 -5 years because in that age the
immune system is weak, so susceptible virus infected, usually in children 0-5 years diarrhea
most caused by virus , nothing relation between gender, man or women are same.

(marchdante, 2014)

Marcdante, dkk., 2014. Nelson Ilmu Kesehatan Anak Esensial Edisi Keenam.
Elsevier : Singapore.

1 j What is the normal frequency of defecation?

Normal frequency of defecating on child up to 5 years - Adult is 1 -2 times a day but

defecation frequency on baby under 6 month more often (more than 3 time a day) because
some anzyme and digestive system is not functioning optimally. (Guyton, 2014)

Guyton, A.C., dan Hall, J.E. 2014. Buku Ajar Fisiologi Kedokteran. Jakarta: EGC

1 e Level of dehidration

Without dehidration Wild – moderate heavy

Loss of body fluid Loss of body fluid Loss of body fluid 5 - Loss of body fluid
3% of weight 9% of weight more than 9% of
Puls rate Normal Decreassed Bradikardi, not
turgor Normal Slightly decreassed ( Decreassed ( not
back in 2 second) back in to second)
Urine production normal oliguria Anuria and heavy
tears + decreassed -

Marcdante, dkk., 2014. Nelson Ilmu Kesehatan Anak Esensial Edisi Keenam.
Elsevier : Singapore.
Differential diagnose

The differential diagnose is diare acute by

Rotavirus shigella cholera

Nausea, vomitting (+) Often (+) sudden (+) Often

Fever + + -
Defecation frequency More then 10 times a Often continous
Consistension of fluid soft fluid
Blood in feces - + -
Colour Yellowish - green Red - green White seems like rice

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