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1. Fabrication of nanobiosensors and bioMEMS applied to biomedicine

E-mail: bioMEMS2014@gmail.com
Speaker: Dr. Adrián Martínez Rivas (CIC-IPN)
Date: September 29th
Schedule: 9:00 -13:00 h
Room: Auditorio Principal of Biblioteca Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología-IPN
a) Nanobiotechnology and BioMEMS
b) Materials and biomaterials
c) Engineering of bioactive surfaces
d) Molecular interaction studies and characterization
e) Micro and nanofabrication of nanobionseor and BioMEMS
f) Concepts of microfluidics
g) Nanobiodevices for diagnosis and therapy and biologically inspired
h) Our devices and recent innovatio

2. Scanning Tunneling Microscope applied to molecular Electronics

E-mail: Tunneling.Microscope@gmail
Speaker: Dr- Carlos Javier Villagómez Ojeda (Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM)
Date: September 29th
Schedule : 9:00-13:00 h
Room: Lola Bravo of Auditorio Jaime Torres Bodet-IPN
a) Scanning probe microscopy
b) Nanoscience and nanophysics
c) Concepts of quantum physics for molecular electronics
d) Implementation of own Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (STM)
e) Synthetic molecules employed in molecular electronics
f) Recent innovations
3. Electronic Microscopy Characterization

E-mail: Microscopia.Nanoestructuras@gmail.com
Speakers: Dr. Héctor Dorantes (ESIQIE-IPN); Nicolas Cayetano (CNMN-IPN)
Date: September 29th
Schedule : 9:00-13:00 h
Room: Jaime Sabines of Auditorio Jaime Torres Bodet-IPN
a) Electronic Microscopy Fundaments
b) Samples Microstructure
c) Sample Preparation
d) Electron-Material Interaction
e) High Resolution Electronic Microscopy
f) Transmission and Scanning Electronic Microscopy (STEM-Z Contrast)

4. New microscopy tools for the study of biological nanostructures

E-mail: bionanostructures.icanano@gmail.com
Dra. Ana Cecilia Rivas. Application and Support, Alta Tecnología en Laboratorios S.A de
Dra. María de Jesús Perea Flores. Confocal microscopy specialist. (CNMN-IPN)
Dr. Juan Vicente Méndez Méndez. AFM specialist. (CNMN-IPN)
Dra. Georgina Calderón Domínguez. Professor and Food structure researcher. ENCB-IPN.

Date: September 29th

Schedule: 9:00-13:00 h
Room: Sala I of Biblioteca Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología-IPN
a) Fundamentals of Light Microscopy
b) Fluorescence and confocal microscopy
b) High resolution optical microscopy methods
c) Atomic force microscopy
d) Biological applications
i) Fluorescence staining and AFM combine microscopy on wheat kernels
ii) Confocal and AFM combine microscopy on apple
5. Synthesis of nanomaterials using organometallic and coordination compounds

E-mail: organometallic.compound@gmail.com
Speaker: Dr. Armando Ramírez Monroy
Date: September 29th
Schedule: 9:00-13:00 h
Room: Auditorio Alterno of Biblioteca Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología-IPN

a) From Werner classic complexes to organometallic compounds

b) Chemical bonding: Fundamental concepts
c) Introduction to organometallic chemistry
d) Structure and bonding in organometallic compounds
e) 18 electron rule
f) Industrial applications of organometallic chemistry
g) Synthesis of nanomaterials using organometallic precursors and their applications

6. Colloids, mechanochemical activation and combustion reaction for the

synthesis of nanomaterials

E-mail: colloid2014@gmail.com
Speaker Dr. David Díaz
Date: September 29th
Schedule: 9:00-13:00 h
Room: Sala III of Biblioteca Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología-IPN
a) Synthesis of nanomaterials using colloidal techniques
b) Synthesis of nanomaterials using mechanochemical activation techniques
c) Synthesis of nanomaterials using combustion reactions techniques
7. Patentes y propiedad intelectual

E-mail: patents2014@gmail.com
Speaker: Ing. Daniela Pacheco
Date: September 29th
Schedule: 9:00-13:00 h
Room: Sala II of Biblioteca Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología-IPN
a) *Intellectual property in daily life
b) *Different ways to protect an invention
c) *Copyright
d) *Patent and Utility Model
e) *Industrial Design
f) *Intellectual property in Nanotechnology
g) *Patent Search Databases
h) *Patent Prosecution at National Polytechnic Institute

8. Use of Nanomaterials in Coatings

E-mail: Coatingnano14@gmail.com
Speakers: Dr. Julian M. Galván and Dr. Fabio Pezzoti R.(COMEX, México )
Date: September 29th
Schedule: 9:00-13:00 h
Room: Sala B of Auditorio Jaime Torres Bodet-IPN
a) Nanotechnology in nature
b) Bio-inspired coatings
c) Creating water repellent coatings
d) Emulsion stabilization with nanomaterials
e) Carbon nanostructures and coatings

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