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Agrigoroaei, S., & Lachman, M.E. (2011).

Cognitive functioning in midlife and old age: combined effects of psychosocial and behavioral factors. The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological
Sciences and Social Sciences, 66B(S1), i130–i140, doi:10.1093/geronb/gbr017

Cognitive Functioning in Midlife and Old Age: Combined

Effects of Psychosocial and Behavioral Factors
Stefan Agrigoroaei and Margie E. Lachman

Department of Psychology, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts.

Objectives.  This study examined the joint protective contribution of psychosocial and behavioral factors to cognitive
functioning and 10-year change, beyond the influence of sociodemographic factors, physical risk factors, health status,
and engagement in cognitive activities.

Methods.  Participants were from the National Study of Midlife in the United States (MIDUS), ages 32–84 at Time 2,
and a subsample, the Boston Longitudinal Study (BOLOS), ages 34–84 at Time 2. We computed a composite protective

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measure including control beliefs, quality of social support, and physical exercise variables at two occasions, 9–10 years
apart. Cognition was assessed at Time 2 in MIDUS and at both occasions in BOLOS. Multiple regressions were used for

Results.  In MIDUS, the more of the protective factors, the better the cognitive performance, and the protective com-
posite moderated education differences in memory. In BOLOS, the Time 1 composite predicted change in reasoning
abilities, with a greater protective effect for those with lower education.

Discussion.  A combination of modifiable psychosocial and behavioral factors has both concurrent and long-term
protective effects on cognition in adulthood. The results are promising in that educational disparities in memory and
reasoning were reduced, suggesting possible interventions to protect against cognitive declines.

Key Words:  Aging—Cognition—Control beliefs—Health—Physical exercise—Social support.

A LTHOUGH there is evidence for average declines in

cognition with aging, there is wide variability in the
nature and extent of these changes (Hofer & Alwin, 2008).
beyond the role of sociodemographic variables, the well-
established risk factors, and cognitive activities.

A large number of theoretical models and empirical evi- Between-person Heterogeneity in Cognition
dence from cross-sectional, longitudinal, and intervention There is widespread evidence for age differences in cogni-
studies suggest the potential of behaviors and beliefs to tive abilities (Salthouse, 2009). Within age groups, interindi-
enhance cognitive functioning (for a review, see Hertzog, vidual differences have traditionally been explained by
Kramer, Wilson, & Lindenberger, 2008). The consensus is sociodemographic inequalities such as level of educational
that cognitive performance can be optimized and main- attainment (Alley, Suthers, & Crimmins, 2007). Another
tained by modifiable lifestyle factors and engagement in explanatory factor, that is becoming more and more visible in
health-promoting or protective behaviors (Yaffe et al., the theoretical and empirical models of cognitive decline, is
2009). Previous studies (e.g., Lachman, Agrigoroaei, physical health. The conjoint trajectories of health and cogni-
Murphy, & Tun, 2010; Small & McEvoy, 2008) have shown tion are complex (Spiro & Brady, 2008). There is evidence
that engaging in frequent cognitive activities is associated that physical health and cognitive functioning are interdepen-
with superior cognitive performance. Three other modifi- dent, in the sense that they share common variance and un-
able psychosocial and behavioral factors are consistently derlying etiologies. Beside the role of physical health level,
found to show positive associations with cognition: control those adults with health risk factors such as being overweight
beliefs, quality of social support, and physical exercise. (Nilsson & Nilsson, 2009), smoking (Anstey, von Sanden,
Although their individual benefits have been shown in past Salim, & O’Kearney, 2007), and having alcohol problems
work, they have not been studied together, in an additive (Lopes, Furtado, Ferrioli, Litvoc, & de Campos Bottino,
approach, or considered in the context of physical health or 2010) are more likely to have poor cognitive performance. In
physical risk factors such as being overweight, smoking, addition, there is increasing evidence that modifiable psycho-
having alcohol, or drug problems, in a national sample of logical, social, and physical behavioral factors including a
adults with a wide age range. Thus, the goal of the present sense of control, quality of social support, and physical exer-
study was to examine the combined contribution of psycho- cise are associated with improved cognitive performance
logical, social, and physical factors to cognitive functioning (Colcombe & Kramer, 2003; Miller & Lachman, 2000;
and change and to consider their possible protective effects Seeman, Lusignolo, Albert, & Berkman, 2001).
i130 © The Author 2011. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com.
Received March 17, 2010; Accepted February 16, 2011
Decision Editor: Sherry Willis, PhD

The contribution of control beliefs 2003). Possible mechanisms linking exercise and cognitive
According to a variety of studies, one central ingredient health include increased levels of oxygenation (Hertzog
for good cognitive performance is control beliefs (Bielak et al., 2008). Also, work on brain changes has revealed an
et al., 2007; Caplan & Schooler, 2003; Lachman, 2006; increase in neuromuscular activity and cerebral blood flow
Miller & Lachman, 2000). Control beliefs involve the per- (Rogers, Meyer, & Mortel, 1990) and the release of neuro-
ception that one can influence what happens in one’s life trophins and catecholamines (McMorris, Collard, Corbett,
and to what extent one’s actions can bring about desired Dicks, & Swain, 2008) as processes associated with physi-
outcomes, such as good cognitive functioning. It includes cal activity that are also beneficial for cognition.
beliefs or expectations about one’s abilities and perceptions
about external constraints (Lachman, 2006). A lowered
sense of control may have affective, behavioral, motiva- The combined effects of psychosocial and behavioral
tional, and physiological effects, including greater levels of factors
stress and anxiety (Kirschbaum et al., 1995), lower levels of Previous studies on predictors of cognitive functioning
effort, persistence, and strategy use (Hertzog, McGuire, & focus on the independent contributions of key factors. More
recently, there has been an emphasis on the cumulative ef-

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Lineweaver, 1998; Lachman & Andreoletti, 2006), as well
as less frequent engagement in memory tasks (West & fects of multiple sources. For example, Sabia et al. (2009)
Yassuda, 2004), which can impact cognitive performance. showed that the total number of unhealthy risk behaviors in
Although much of the work has been cross-sectional and which one person engages, such as smoking, heavy drink-
correlational, there is longitudinal evidence that those who ing, unhealthy nutrition, and lack of physical activity, was
have higher control beliefs improve more on cognitive tests associated with low cognitive performance in later life. The
with practice and also are less likely to show aging-related procedure of aggregating different sources of influence is
declines in cognitive functioning over time (Caplan & consistent with studies from the medical literature suggest-
Schooler, 2003). ing that health-related lifestyle factors are not randomly dis-
tributed in the general population, but that they tend to
occur in combination with each other within individuals
The contribution of social support (Poortiga, 2007). By analogy, one can think about the per-
Social interactions involve a combination of supportive sonal cardiovascular risk index or about allostatic load
and stressful experiences. There is ample evidence that so- (Seeman et al., 2004) that comprise several health indica-
cial exchanges, broadly defined, are related to cognitive tors and predict disease better than individual markers. We
functioning (Béland, Zunzunegui, Alvarado, Otero, & believe that developing a meaningful summary score of
del Ser, 2005; Seeman et al., 2001). With respect to support psychosocial and behavioral domains on which respondents
from others, some have shown that emotional support, but had an adaptive level is theoretically and empirically inter-
not instrumental support, is positively related to better over- esting. Of interest is whether there is additive value for en-
all cognitive performance (Seeman et al., 2001). Among the gaging in multiple adaptive behaviors by considering an
explanatory mechanisms that have been considered, physi- index of protective factors. Only a modest literature has ad-
ological factors such as stress hormones, immune function- dressed the relationship between multiple protective psy-
ing, and inflammatory processes affect the central nervous chosocial and behavioral factors and cognition (e.g., Albert
system and may be exacerbated for those with lower social et al., 1995; Newson & Kemps, 2006; Sturman et al., 2005),
support (Berkman, Glass, Brissette, & Seeman, 2000). and we know of no studies showing their combined effects.
One related study (Karp et al., 2006) considered the com-
The contribution of physical exercise bined mental, physical, and social components embodied
The benefits of physical exercise for cognitive outcomes simultaneously in leisure activities and linked them to the
are widely documented (Colcombe & Kramer, 2003; Jedrz- risk for dementia. The most beneficial effects were obtained
iewski, Lee, & Trojanowski, 2007). As shown by interven- for those with higher scores in all three or in two of the
tions and epidemiologic studies, those who engage in components. Our study represents a similar approach with a
regular exercise are more likely to perform better on cogni- focus on individual differences in normal cognitive func-
tive tasks such as memory (Lachman, Neupert, Bertrand, & tioning for a middle-aged and older sample. Compared with
Jette, 2006), executive functioning (Kramer et al., 1999), the previous work, largely focused on the positive associa-
and speed of processing (Dik, Deeg, Visser, & Jonker, tion between engagement in mentally stimulating activities
2003). Studies have suggested that the effects of exercise and cognition (e.g., Hertzog, 2009; Lachman et al., 2010),
are most pronounced for executive functioning (Colcombe the current study considered the role of “noncognitive”
& Kramer, 2003; Hall, Smith, & Keele, 2001). With respect behaviors and psychosocial factors. We analyzed frequent
to long-term effects of physical activities, some results engagement in vigorous physical activities in combination
showed that engaging in exercise between the ages of with high control beliefs and quality of social support as
15 and 25 can lead to better cognition in old age (Dik et al., protective factors for cognitive performance and change.

Table 1.  Comparison Between the Longitudinal Participants and the Dropouts in Midlife in the United States Study
Variable (Time 1) Longitudinal (N = 4,955) Dropouts (N = 2,145) p Value
Age, mean (SD) in years 46.48 (12.50) 46.21 (14.10) .457
Women, % 53.3 47.8 <.001
Education, mean (SD) in years 14.02 (2.60) 13.13 (2.60) <.001
Non-Hispanic White, % 93.0 84.0 <.001
Waist circumference, mean (SD) in inches 35.33 (5.75) 35.63 (5.79) .082
Do smoke, % 19.6 30.6 <.001
Do have alcohol or drug problems, % 2.2 3.6 .002
Health status, mean (SD) 0.26 (0.53) 0.33 (0.64) <.001
Control beliefs, mean (SD) 5.54 (1.00) 5.38 (1.09) <.001
Quality of social support, mean (SD) 3.18 (0.37) 3.13 (0.43) <.001
Physical exercise, mean (SD) 3.20 (1.69) 2.96 (1.81) <.001
Note: p values for means are derived from independent samples t-tests; p values for percentages are derived from c2 tests.

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The current study composite led to better levels of cognitive maintenance in
The present study used data from the Midlife in older people and respondents with lower education, those
the United States (MIDUS; Brim, Ryff, & Kessler, 2004) considered most vulnerable to declines.
national longitudinal survey conducted in 1995–1996 and
2004–2005 and a subsample, the Boston Longitudinal
Study (BOLOS). The BOLOS measurements were taken
approximately one year after each of the MIDUS measure- Participants
ments. MIDUS was designed to investigate the role of A national probability sample (N = 4,238) of noninstitu-
behavioral, social, psychological, biological, and neurologi- tionalized adults from the 48 contiguous states was selected
cal factors in understanding physical and mental health as using random-digit dialing (RDD) of telephone numbers
people age. Thus, it has the benefit of data on a diverse pop- with age and gender information about the household com-
ulation in terms of sociodemographic profiles and levels of position, with an overall response rate of 70% for the tele-
physical health and cognitive functioning. The general goal phone interview (Brim et al., 2004). The study also included
of the present study was to analyze whether a protective siblings (N = 949) of the main respondents, randomly
composite comprising a strong sense of control over life selected from the RDD sample, as well as a subpopulation of
outcomes, high quality of social relationships with partners, twins (N = 1,913) obtained after screening a representative
friends and family, and frequent vigorous physical exercise national sample of approximately 50,000 households. At
is associated with better cognitive performance in MIDUS Time 1 (N = 7,100), participants ranged in age from 24 to 75
and maintaining better cognitive functioning over a 10-year years (M = 46.40, SD = 13.00). At Time 2, the longitudinal
period in BOLOS. We expected a main effect of this retention rate, adjusted for mortality, was 75% (N = 4,955),
aggregate over and above the role of sociodemographic with age ranging from 32 to 84 years (M = 55.45, SD =
variables, physical risk factors, health status, and frequency 12.44). As is typically found, those who participated at the
of engagement in cognitive activities. second wave showed positive selection on most variables
At MIDUS Time 2, when our variables of interest were (Table 1), compared with those who dropped out of the study.
measured cross-sectionally, we hypothesized that the more Approximately 12 months after MIDUS Time 1, 302
of the psychosocial and behavioral factors present, the bet- MIDUS participants, ranging in age from 24 to 74 years
ter the cognitive performance. Also, we analyzed if the (M = 47.89, SD = 13.74), who were from an oversample
magnitude of the combined effect of the factors on cogni- drawn in the Boston area, were successfully recruited to
tive functioning would vary for the older adults and those participate in BOLOS. Within one year of completion of
with lower education (i.e., those considered at higher risk the MIDUS Time 2, 222 people from BOLOS were located;
for poor cognitive performance). We then examined to what 180 of them were recontacted (81% contact rate) and 151
extent changes in the number of protective factors from (68%) participated. Their ages at Time 2 ranged from 34 to
Time 1 to Time 2 were associated with better cognition at 84 years (M = 59.99, SD = 12.81). Compared with those
Time 2. who did not participate in BOLOS Time 2, longitudinal
The BOLOS study allowed us to take a first look at indi- participants from the Boston area were more educated—
vidual differences in cognitive decline. We predicted that M = 15.13 vs. M = 14.24, t(300) = –2.77, p = .006. However,
the protective composite at Time 1 would account for varia- they did not differ in terms of age, M = 49.21 vs. M = 46.57,
tions in change between the two waves of the BOLOS study. t(300) = –1.68, p = .095, self-rated physical health, M =
We also tested if change in the number of factors over time 7.50 vs. M = 7.24, t(300) = –1.32, p = .188, or sex distribu-
predicted change in cognition and whether the protective tion, women: 43.7% vs. 38.4%, c2(1) = .88, p = .349.

Measures relations (Raven, Raven, & Court, 1991). Vocabulary was

measured using the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale vo-
Cognition.—Cognitive measures were collected by tele- cabulary task (participants were given a word to define and
phone at Time 2 in MIDUS and at Time 1 and Time 2 in received points based on the completeness and accuracy of
person for BOLOS. their response; Wechsler, 1997). To compute each factor,
first, a z-score of each measure was taken, and then the
MIDUS cognitive battery. In MIDUS, seven cognitive di- mean of these z-scores was standardized. The Time 2 cogni-
mensions were tested using the Brief Test of Adult Cogni- tive factors and measures were standardized using the
tion by Telephone (Lachman & Tun, 2008; Tun & Lachman, means and SDs from Time 1.
2008). This included two measures of episodic memory
(immediate and delayed free recall of 15 words), working Frequency of engaging in cognitive activities.—The cogni-
memory span (backward digit span—the highest span tive activity variable (see Lachman et al., 2010) was created
achieved in repeating strings of digits in reverse order), ver- by averaging the self-reported frequencies on a 6-point scale
bal fluency (the number of words produced from the catego- (1 = never to 6 = daily) of engaging in four cognitive activities:

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ry of animals in 60 s), inductive reasoning (completing a reading books, magazines, or newspapers; doing word games
pattern in a series of 5 numbers), processing speed (the such as crossword, puzzles, or scrabble; attending educational
number of digits produced by counting backward from 100 lectures or courses; and writing (e.g., letters, journal entries).
in 30 s), and attention switching and inhibitory control (the
Stop and Go Switch Task; Tun & Lachman, 2008). For the Psychosocial and behavioral factors.—Control beliefs.
latter task, reaction times were calculated with the mean of Perceived control over outcomes in life was assessed with a
switch and nonswitch trial latencies on a task requiring al- 12-item composite (Cronbach’s a Time 1 = .85; Time 2 =
ternating between the “normal” condition (i.e., respond .87), computed by averaging scores on two subscales from
“Go” to the stimulus “Green” and “Stop” to the stimulus the MIDUS sense of control scale (Lachman & Weaver,
“Red”) and the “reverse” condition (i.e., respond “Stop” to 1998), namely personal mastery (e.g., I can do just about
the stimulus “Green” and “Go” to the stimulus “Red”). La- anything I really set my mind to) and perceived constraints
tencies were multiplied by (–1), so higher scores would cor- (e.g., What happens in my life is often beyond my control).
respond to faster reaction times. Following exploratory and The scores range from 1 (strongly agree) to 7 (strongly dis-
confirmatory factor analysis (Lachman et al., 2010), two in- agree) and were reverse coded for personal mastery. A high-
tercorrelated, r(4027) = .43, p < .001, cognitive factors were er value indicates higher sense of control.
computed—episodic memory (immediate and delayed
word recall) and executive functioning (all other measures). Quality of social support. We included items reflecting
The two cognitive factor scores were computed as standard- social support and reverse coded items reflecting social
ized means of the z-scored measures loading on the factors. strain for close relationships. This measure (Cronbach’s a
Time 1 = .87; Time 2 = .88) was the average of the ratings
BOLOS cognitive battery. As shown by the confirmatory on 12 items assessing socioemotional aspects of social sup-
factor analysis in Miller & Lachman (2000), tasks at BO- port (e.g., How much do members of your family really care
LOS Time 1 formed a four-factor model: short-term memo- about you?) and 12 items assessing social strain (e.g., How
ry, speed of processing, reasoning, and vocabulary. The often do members of your family make too many demands
memory factor was comprised of forward and backward on you?) the participants experienced in their relationships
digit span (participants were read a string of numbers and with family, friends, and spouse/partner (Lachman, Röcke,
were asked to recall them in a forward and backward order, Rosnick, & Ryff, 2008; Walen & Lachman, 2000). The
respectively) and Serial 7’s (participants were asked to scores range from 1 (never) to 4 (often), with a higher value
count backwards by sevens from a given starting number; indicating greater quality of social support.
Folstein, Folstein, & McHugh, 1975). The speed factor con-
tained letter comparison (participants judged two rows of Physical exercise. At Time 1, participants reported the fre-
letters to be the same or different; Salthouse, Kausler, & quency of engaging in vigorous physical activities (e.g.,
Saults, 1990) and digit symbol substitution (participants running or lifting heavy objects) to work up a sweat, during
were given a series of blank boxes with symbols above them the summer months and the winter months (Cotter &
and had to fill in numbers corresponding to the symbols as Lachman, 2010). The physical exercise score was the mean
indicated by a provided legend; Wechsler, 1997). The rea- of summer and winter ratings, which range from 1 (never)
soning factor, which captured visuospatial reasoning and to 6 (several times a week or more). At Time 2, six questions
fluid intelligence, combined letter series—inductive reason- assessing the participant’s frequency of vigorous physical
ing (participants detected patterns in series of letters by de- activities were used. These six questions referred to fre-
termining the letter that would logically follow; Schaie, quency of physical activities during the summer and the
1985) and Ravens Advanced Progressive Matrices—figural winter months, in three different settings (i.e., home, work,

and leisure), with ratings from 1 (never) to 6 (several times Health status.—This measure taken at Time 1 assessed
a week). We computed the mean of the summer and winter how many of the following conditions the participants report-
ratings for all three settings and used the highest of these ed ever having: diabetes; stroke; lupus; human immunodefi-
scores as the physical exercise score. At both occasions, a ciency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; multiple
higher score indicates more frequent physical exercise. sclerosis, epilepsy or other neurological disorders; cancer; or
heart trouble (e.g., heart attack). Participants were assigned a
Psychosocial and behavioral protective composite. We as- score of 1 for any of the chronic conditions. The final score
signed the participants a score of 0 (below the median) or 1 could range from 0 to 7.
(equal to or above the median) for each psychosocial and
behavioral factor: control beliefs (MIDUS Median Time 1 =
5.67; Time 2 = 5.67), quality of social support (MIDUS Me- Statistical Analysis
dian Time 1 = 3.21; Time 2 = 3.29), and physical exercise For the MIDUS analyses, we used all the available data.
(MIDUS Median Time 1 = 4.50; Time 2 = 4); in BOLOS, the However, we removed the 151 BOLOS participants from
medians were 5.83 (Time 1) and 5.75 (Time 2) for control the MIDUS analyses, to avoid redundancy. We used hier-

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beliefs, 3.19 (Time 1) and 3.25 (Time 2) for quality of social archical multiple regression models to examine the effects
support, 4.5 (Time 1) and 4 (Time 2) for physical exercise. of the protective composite on episodic memory and ex-
At each occasion of measurement, one behavioral composite ecutive functioning over and above the role of sociodemo-
was obtained by summing the assigned scores, for the par- graphic variables, physical risk factors, health status, and
ticipants with available data on all protective factors. The cognitive activities (Step 2), and whether the age and edu-
decision to create the composite using an unweighted sum is cation differences in cognition can be moderated by the
based on previous work on accumulated risk (e.g., allostatic number of behavioral factors (Step 3). In order to explore
load, Gruenewald, Seeman, Karlamangla, & Sarkisian, how change in the number of protective factors over time
2009). Also, it allows a parsimonious measure that is invari- affected cognitive performance, we used as concurrent
ant across all our dependent variables. The computed vari- predictors the Time 1 protective composite and the differ-
ables ranged from 0 to 3, with the higher values indicating a ence between the two occasions (Time 2 level – Time 1
greater number of factors at the higher level. The distributions level). All regression models adjusted for the effects of
for each time point as well as for change over time are pre- sociodemographic variables, the physical risk factors,
sented in Supplementary Tables 5–7 (in MIDUS, 20.9% of the health status, and engagement in cognitive activities
participants increased their protective composite by one factor, which were all measured at Time 2. As our sample also
5.1% by two, and .5% by three; in BOLOS, the corresponding included siblings of the main respondents and a subpopu-
percentages were 30.4%, 5.2%, and 1.5%, respectively. lation of twins, we also ran models using the cluster op-
tion in STATA (StataCorp, 2009). This model takes
Sociodemographic variables.—We examined age, sex dependencies into account using robust standard errors by
(–1 = men, 1 = women), level of education in years (ranging clustering at the family level (see Supplementary Tables 8
from 6 to 20 years), and self-assessed race (–1 = non- and 9).
Hispanic White, 1 = all others). For the BOLOS analyses, we used all available data
from the 151 longitudinal participants. The measures of
Physical Risk Factors the protective factors and all the covariates came from
MIDUS variables, and cognitive performance was as-
Waist circumference.—The circumference of the waist, a sessed in BOLOS within 12 months after the MIDUS
reliable indicator of obesity (Chen & Guo, 2008), was mea- Time 1 and Time 2 interviews. In order to look at predic-
sured in inches at the level of the navel and reported by the tors of change in cognition, we regressed the cognitive
participant at both times in MIDUS. For the data analysis, this factor from Time 2 on the same factor measured at Time
variable was standardized separately for men (Time 1: M = 1 and entered sociodemographic variables, physical risk
37.55, SD = 4.40; Time 2: M = 39.46, SD = 4.91) and women factors, health status, and the protective composite from
(Time 1: M = 33.17, SD = 5.53; Time 2: M = 35.45, SD = 6.06). Time 1 (Cohen, Cohen, West, & Aiken, 2003). At the last
step, we entered the interaction terms with education and
Smoking. At both occasions in MIDUS, participants were age, in order to explore if the association between the
asked if they currently smoke cigarettes regularly (–1 = no, protective composite and cognitive change varied by age
1 = yes). or educational attainment. Moreover, a separate regression
model tested whether change between Time 1 and Time 2
Alcohol or drug problems. Participants reported if they have in the protective composite accounted for cognitive change
experienced or have been treated for alcohol or drug prob- in BOLOS, following the same procedure as for MIDUS.
lems during the past 12 months, at MIDUS Time 1 and For correlations of all variables, see Supplementary Tables
Time 2 (–1 = no, 1 = yes). 10 and 11.

Table 2.  Hierarchical Multiple Regression With Episodic Memory as the Dependent Variable (Midlife in the
United States Study)
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Unstandardized Unstandardized Unstandardized
(standardized) (standardized) (standardized)
parameter estimate SE parameter estimate SE parameter estimate SE
Age –.03 (–.33)** .001 –.03 (–.33)** .001 –.03 (–.33)** .001
Sex .44 (.22)** .031 .44 (.22)** .031 .44 (.22)** .031
Education .05 (.13)** .006 .05 (.13)** .006 .05 (.13)** .006
Race –.12 (–.07)** .026 –.12 (–.07)** .026 –.12 (–.07)** .026
Waist circumference –.04 (–.04)* .016 –.04 (–.04)* .016 –.04 (–.04)* .016
Smoking .01 (.01) .021 .01 (.01) .021 .01 (.01) .021
Alcohol or drug problems –.05 (–.01) .073 –.04 (–.01) .073 –.04 (–.01) .073
Health status –.04 (–.03) .024 –.03 (–.02) .024 –.03 (–.02) .024
Cognitive activity .17 (.15)** .018 .16 (.14)** .019 .16 (.14)** .019
Protective composite .04 (.03)* .017 .04 (.04)* .017

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Protective composite × age .00 (–.01) .001
Protective composite × education –.02 (–.04)* .006
Notes: Step 1: R2 = .230, F(9, 3366) = 111.66, p < .001; Step 2: R2 change = .001, F change (1, 3365) = 4.63, p = .032; Step 3: R2 change = .001, F change (2,
3363) = 2.94, p = .053. The outcome and all the predictors were measured at Time 2. Age, education, and the protective composite score were centered to the mean.
*p < .05; **p < .001.

Results demographic variables along with physical risk factors,

health status, and engagement in cognitive activities ac-
MIDUS counted for a significant percent of variance in memory, R2 =
The results from the multiple regression models indicate .230, F(9, 3366) = 111.66, p < .001, and executive function-
sociodemographic differences in cognitive performance. In ing, R2 = .364, F(9, 3375) = 214.68, p < .001. However, in
the first step of the regression model, advanced age was neg- line with our predictions, over and above the role of these
atively associated with episodic memory—Table 2; b = –.33, covariates, the number of behavioral protective factors was
t(3366) = –19.90, p < .001—and executive functioning— positively associated with memory, b = .03, t(3365) = 2.15,
Table 3; b = .40, t(3375) = –26.61, p < .001. Also, a positive p = .032, and executive functioning, b = .06, t(3374) = 3.88,
association was obtained between the level of formal educa- p < .001, and added a significant percent of explained vari-
tion and cognition—memory: b = .13, t(3366) = 8.10, p < ance—R2 change = .001, F change (1, 3365) = 4.63, p = .032;
.001; executive functioning: b = .27, t(3375) = 18.23, R2 change = .003, F change (1, 3374) = 15.08, p < .001, re-
p < .001. Thus, our results are consistent with previous re- spectively. The more protective domains people are engaged
search defining older adults and those with low education as in, the better their cognitive performance (Figure 1), and the
groups most at risk for poor cognitive performance. Socio protective composite was equally beneficial across the board

Table 3.  Hierarchical Multiple Regression With Executive Functioning as the Dependent Variable (Midlife in the United States Study)
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Unstandardized Unstandardized Unstandardized
(standardized) (standardized) (standardized)
parameter estimate SE parameter estimate SE parameter estimate SE
Age –.03 (–.40)*** .001 –.03 (–.40)*** .001 –.03 (–.40)*** .001
Sex –.21 (–.10)*** .028 –.20 (–.10)*** .028 –.20 (–.10)*** .028
Education .10 (.27)*** .006 .10 (.27)*** .006 .10 (.27)*** .006
Race –.21 (–.12)*** .024 –.20 (–.12)*** .024 –.20 (–.12)*** .024
Waist circumference –.05 (–.05)** .014 –.04 (–.04)** .014 –.04 (–.04)** .014
Smoking –.05 (–.04)* .019 –.05 (–.03)* .019 –.05 (–.03)* .019
Alcohol or drug problems –.01 (.00) .066 –.01(.00) .066 .00 (.00) .066
Health status –.07 (–.05)** .021 –.07 (–.05)** .021 –.07 (–.05)** .021
Cognitive activity .19 (.17)*** .017 .18 (.16)*** .017 .18 (.16)*** .017
Protective composite .06 (.06)*** .015 .06 (.06)*** .015
Protective composite × age .00 (–.03) .001
Protective composite × education .00 (.00) .006
Notes: Step 1: R2 = .364, F(9, 3375) = 214.68, p < .001; Step 2: R2 change = .003, F change (1, 3374) = 15.08, p < .001; Step 3: R2 change = .001, F change (2,
3372) = 1.79, p = .167. The outcome and all the predictors were measured at Time 2. Age, education, and the protective composite score were centered to the mean.
* p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001.

Executive Functioning (z-scores)

0.15 0.15

Episodic Memory (z-scores)

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0

-0.05 -0.05

-0.1 -0.1
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
-0.15 -0.15

Number of Psychosocial and Behavioral Factors Number of Psychosocial and Behavioral Factors

Figure 1.  The estimated means of episodic memory (left panel) and executive functioning (right panel) as a function of the number of psychosocial and behavioral
factors, while adjusting for sociodemographics, physical risk factors, health status, and cognitive activities.

for people of all ages. The results revealed that the associa- time was related to higher Time 2 executive functioning

Downloaded from psychsocgerontology.oxfordjournals.org at University of Wisconsin-Madison General Library System on August 31, 2011
tion between education and cognition was significantly (in MIDUS, among all participants who increased by one,
reduced by the number of protective factors (Figure 2), but two, or three factors, 35.96% increased in social support,
only for episodic memory—b = –.04, t(3363) = –2.43, p = 40.16% increased in control beliefs, and 50.51% increased
.015. The memory scores of people with fewer years of for- in physical exercise; in BOLOS, the corresponding per-
mal education who engaged in three protective behaviors centages were 40%, 36%, and 48%, respectively). How-
were more comparable to those of respondents with higher ever, positive changes in the protective composite were
education. Finally, cognitive performance was significantly not significantly related to better episodic memory beyond
associated with increases in the number of protective factors the effects of the Time 1 composite—b = .01, t(3364) = .38,
between the two waves of MIDUS. While controlling for the p = .706.
Time 1 composite and all other covariates at Time 2, increas-
ing the number of protective factors was significantly related BOLOS
to better executive functioning—b = .03, t(3373) = 2.10, p = This subsample of MIDUS allowed us to look at change
.036. Over and above the psychosocial and behavioral pro- in cognitive functioning and analyze cognitive decline in
file at Time 1, engaging in more protective behaviors over relation to the number of protective factors. For the four
cognitive factors, there were significant mean differences
over time for short-term memory, speed of processing, and
reasoning—stability coefficients and mean differences be-
tween Time 1 and Time 2: short-term memory r(144) = .72,
p < .001; t(145) = 2.30, p = .023 (Time 1: M = 0, SD = 1;
Time 2: M = –0.12, SD = 1); speed r(139) = .78, p < .001;
t(140) = 2.90, p = .004 (Time 1: M = 0, SD = 1; Time 2: M
= –0.20, SD = 1.27); reasoning r(138) = .84, p < .001; t(139)
= 4.42, p < .001 (Time 1: M = 0; SD = 1; Time 2: M = –0.23;
SD = 1.05); and vocabulary r(142) = .84, p < .001; t(143) =
.51, p = .612 (Time 1: M = 0, SD = 1; Time 2: M = –0.03,
SD = .82); for each set of analysis, the maximum number of
longitudinal participants was used. There was considerable
cross-occasion stability in all factors. Individual differences
in change in short-term memory and reasoning were sig-
nificantly associated with age. However, the Time 1 protec-
tive composite was positively associated with change only
for reasoning (Table 4), beyond the role of sociodemo-
graphic variables, physical risk factors, and health status, b
= .10, t(126) = 2.02, p = .045. Moreover, when the interac-
Figure 2.  The predicted values for episodic memory by education and num- tion terms between the protective composite and age and
ber of psychosocial and behavioral factors, while adjusting for sociodemo- education were entered in the model, the number of factors
graphics, physical risk factors, health status, and cognitive activities; education: reduced the association between level of education and rea-
M years = 14.15 (approximately some college), SD = 2.64; M –1SD = approxi-
mately high school or less; M + 1SD = approximately a bachelor’s degree or soning abilities, b = –.09, t(124) = –2.03, p = .045. Regard-
higher. ing the effects of change in the protective composite

Table 4.  Hierarchical Multiple Regression With Reasoning at Time 2 as the Dependent Variable (Boston Longitudinal Study)
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Unstandardized Unstandardized Unstandardized
(standardized) (standardized) (standardized)
parameter estimate SE parameter estimate SE parameter estimate SE
Reasoning Time 1 .73 (.69)*** .059 .74 (.70)*** .058 .74 (.70)*** .058
Age –.02 (–.23)*** .004 –.02 (–.22)** .004 –.02 (–.22)** .004
Sex –.04 (–.02) .096 .00 (.00) .097 –.02 (–.01) .096
Education .03 (.08) .020 .03 (.06) .020 .02 (.04) .021
Race –.15 (–.06) .114 –.11 (–.05) .114 –.09 (–.04) .113
Waist circumference –.04 (–.03) .051 –.04 (–.04) .050 –.05 (–.04) .050
Smoking .01 (.01) .069 .01 (.01) .068 .01 (.01) .068
Alcohol or drug problems .05 (.02) .147 .06 (.02) .145 .05 (.01) .145
Health status .01 (.01) .083 .03 (.02) .082 .02 (.01) .082
Protective composite .10 (.10)* .051 .09 (.08) .051
Protective composite × age .00 (–.02) .004

Downloaded from psychsocgerontology.oxfordjournals.org at University of Wisconsin-Madison General Library System on August 31, 2011
Protective composite × education –.04 (–.09)* .018
Notes: Step 1: R2 = .752, F(9, 127) = 42.85, p < .001; Step 2: R2 change = .008, F change (1, 126) = 4.10, p = .045; Step 3: R2 change = .008, F change (2, 124)
= 2.15, p = .121. The outcome and all the predictors were measured at Time 2. Age, education, and the protective composite score were centered to the mean. The
model did not adjust for cognitive activities because this was measured at Time 2, only.
* p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001.

between Time 1 and Time 2, increasing the number of pro- of cognitive performance that depend on strategic behav-
tective factors did not lead to better maintenance of reason- iors are more likely to be attenuated with psychosocial and
ing abilities over and above the Time 1 factors, b = –.01, behavioral factors. In contrast, education differences in-
t(117) = –.23, p = .823. volving speed and attentional processes may be less ame-
nable to behavioral factors.
Engaging in a greater number of protective lifestyle fac-
tors was associated with better cognition both in the cross-
The present study revealed that a composite index of the
sectional and longitudinal analyses. The patterns obtained
number of adaptive psychosocial and behavioral factors
in MIDUS also showed that those who adopted additional
was positively related to cognitive performance (episodic
protective behaviors between the two occasions of measure-
memory and executive functioning) and change (reasoning
abilities), over and above the role of physical risk factors, ment showed improved executive functioning. However,
health status, and cognitive activities (MIDUS). Whereas increases in protective behaviors did not improve episodic
previous studies have examined these factors individually, memory or reasoning beyond the protective effects at Time
the present study demonstrates the cumulative association 1. Further work is needed to explore why only executive
and protective value for cognitive functioning. Interest- functioning was related to changes in protection.
ingly, the effects of the protective factors were equally ben- To our knowledge, this is the first time that the combined
eficial across adulthood and into old age. Another key contribution of psychosocial and behavioral factors to cog-
promising finding was that education differences in epi- nitive performance has been analyzed, and these results
sodic memory and declines in reasoning abilities were sig- have valuable public health relevance. Importantly, the
nificantly attenuated as a function of the number of protective factors we examined are modifiable. Several
protective factors. In previous work, we had a similar find- studies have shown and reviewed the efficacy of interven-
ing in that engaging in frequent cognitive activity compen- tions to change control beliefs (e.g., Lachman, Neupert, &
sated for education differences in episodic memory Agrigoroaei, 2011), physical activity (e.g., Yan, Wilber,
(Lachman et al., 2010). In the current study, this mitigating Aguirre, & Trejo, 2009), and social support (e.g., Berkman
role was extended to noncognitive protective factors. This et al., 2003; Rains & Young, 2009). Therefore, these factors
suggests that the cognitive risks traditionally associated could be considered in the design of future multiple-behavior
with low educational attainment can be attenuated by mod- interventions or lifestyle programs (Small et al., 2006).
ifying a large spectrum of lifestyle factors. However, for Also, knowing someone’s standing on the protective com-
executive functioning, the effects of education were not re- posite could allow the identification of the persons most at
duced by the protective factors as they were for episodic risk for cognitive decline. For example, those at retirement
memory. Perhaps, one clue comes from the BOLOS analy- age are a vulnerable group, given their potential for de-
ses. In that case, changes in reasoning were attenuated by creases in social exchanges, control beliefs, and frequency
the protective factor, especially for those with lower educa- of physical exercise. Thus, this group could be targeted and
tion. Thus, it may be that education effects for those aspects encouraged to engage in diverse activities providing a high

sense of control, quality social support, and opportunities Supplementary Material

for physical activity. Supplementary tables can be found at: http://psychsocgerontology.
We acknowledge that the obtained patterns must be con-
sidered in light of some inherent limitations. The generaliz- Acknowledgments
ability of our findings is limited to some extent by the The article was written while the second author was a fellow at the Center
positive selection of the longitudinal participants in MIDUS for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University and a
and BOLOS and the relatively small sample size of BO- member of the working group sponsored by the Stanford Center on Longevity.
LOS. Also, even though the data are from a large national Correspondence
probability-based sample, the median split approach used to Correspondence should be addressed to Stefan Agrigoroaei, PhD, De-
compute the protective composite is sample dependent and partment of Psychology, Brandeis University, MS 062, Waltham, MA
cannot provide universal guidelines. Although it is a reason- 02454. E-mail: stefana@brandeis.edu.
able method given the lack of clinically meaningful criteria
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